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I always enjoy these threads, so describe your dream video game.

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I always enjoy these threads, so describe your dream video game.

Be as detailed as possible.
Jurassic Park game like PUBG. You drop on Isla Sorna and have to surive.
I mean isn't that basically just ARK but with the base building cut out?
I'd kill for a Metroid game that plays like Dead Space. Basically I want Metroid survival horror.Fusion doesn't count.
Super Metroid but with a bigger world.
That's literally it.
dunno never played ARK but it does not have the JP licence right?
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My dream videogame, huh? I'm a fan of experimental, creative, mind-blowing, and life-improving games, but I never really thought about what exactly I'd want to see in a game.

Well, I guess I'm gonna waste it on the most shallow thing possible, so..

My dream videogame is a virtual reality game where I can feel absolutely everything, and it's just me and my husbando. My husbando's lifelike in movement and dialogue, and his personality matches. He's incredibly dynamic and realistic, but most of all, he loves and cares about me. The objective of the game is to explore the world with eachother, doing whatever we like, and trying to keep him from dying, as he would try to keep me from dying. Oh, and the game's technological advancements allows me to simulate actual healthy life, so I my eyes don't get damaged from staring at a screen, I get all the exercise I need by exercising in the game, I get all the food I need by eating in the game, and I'm able to relieve myself and the like in the game, too. All I want to do is spend the rest of my life with him.
A new sidescrolling Metroid a-la Fusion and Zero mission on PC. I spent so much time playing those it's unbelievable, although I never managed to do that no diffusion missile playthrough trick
A battlefield-esque game with enormous maps that can host tens of thousands of people in one server, basically something like 5,000 vs 5,000 instead of 32 vs. 32. There would be different game modes that recreate the most famous battles in human history from ancient to modern.
-True open world super hero game with 1:1 perfect scale recreations of every major city in the world.
-Fully destructible and explorable environments (if a building has a door and two floors, you can go into that door and walk around both floors)
-Disgustingly detailed customization options for your guy with a wide range of abilities
-Dozens of voice options and dialogue choices
-Campaign mode where choices actually matter
-Free Mode where you can just fuck about
-Dynamic events such as a super villain showing up and destroying shit
-No two players will have the same experience :^)

And it'll never happen ever
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Anyone still make these? I remember saving the template ages ago
A game set in the North African Campaign in World War 2 in which you play as a Commander in a squad of British Soldiers. With an open world like Far Cry 3, where you have to go around a large map completing story quests, taking Nazi bases(note that bases are harder to take over than in FC3, requiring less stealth and more tactical power and good squad tactics). Also, you have multiple military vehicles you can use, like Tanks, Jeep's, etc. Basically, a mixture of Ghost Recon AW 2 where you command a squad, Far Cry 3 with a vast open world full of enemy bases and story missions, and I can't really think of any specific games that take place in the African Campaigns. I would like the story to involve a growing friendship between you and your squadmate's. having to investigate a secret Nazi weapon, assassinate a Nazi General, and other tasks.
Only game I remember having portions in WW2 North Africa was one of the early Call of Duties, and it was only for a bit.

Sounds neat though, not a common setting.
-Non linear Super Mario Galaxy game
-Final Fantasy XII but with a good pacing and story (without b8 characters like Penelo and Vaan)
-Castlevania with a good budget
I really like desert settings, I fucking loved Far Cry 2.
>North African Campaign
Literally most boring shit ever.
.hack game with real .hack environments like in the animes and mangas. you see everything in first person but play with a controller or kb+m.
I just really fucking love the open environment
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I want to play an over-the-top action game in the vein of Devil May Cry, but set in a world that looks kinda like some shitty 80s horror movie but with a massive budget.

Pic related is the player character, who is a recently dead guy who has just been assigned his first job in the afterlife, interning for the Grim Reaper. He gets sent out on what should be a simple run to usher a lost soul to the afterlife, but it turns out the soul belongs to a Lich who has "refused" to die and has summoned the beasts of hell to stop you from taking him to the afterlife. Your supervisor at the internship is a floating smoke cloud who only speaks in an ancient language of angels that you don't know since you only died recently. His tone makes it clear that he isn't pleased with your decision to pursue a lich as an intern.

You only get one set of weapons, a machete and a sawn off shotgun, but the pool of moves and abilities for both is huge, and works off an upgrade system where you gain currency for being flashy and doing cool shit.

Also set it to a soundtrack by Dance With the Dead
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I just want a mercenary sandbox like TPP but without Kojima's bullshit plot, instead having the focus on developing your mercenary outfit, expanding contacts and business ventures across conflict zones around the globe. Having a leader that you're able to customize and deploy with along with his soliders, going into lots of different scenarios with your fellow comrades: from simple convoy escorts, mine-sweeping or aid work to full on military engagements and operations against enemy factions. Shit would be awesome.
This would be sick, the closest thing I have found is mount and blade warband or Planetside 2
That sounds rad. Real or fictional countries, like Ace Combat? What time period?
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Single player FPS wherein the player pilots a light mech that can ski/skate like in tribes across a variety of open spaces. Mission structure and progression similar to Ace Combat
Personally I think the Cold-War period is just perfect, it was just the perfect hotbed for conflict, what with the direct East-West subversion along with historical events like the de-colonization period and radicalization of religious movements in the Middle East. I've always liked how military games, especially Operation Flashpoint or Jagged Alliance tackle the settings. That is, they set it in the real world, but the focus settings of the game aren't real, like Arulco in JA2 and the Island nations in Flashpoint. Psuedo-nations are good as well because you're pretty much free to have whatever terrain/climates you want: tropical, desert, arctic or temperate and you can have all your gear customized for those specific zones.
posted it in another thread

>You play as a princess
>Your uncle invades your country, kills all your family and usurps the throne
>You manage to escape
>but you are still a weak cunt
>the only way to archive anything is to whore yourself to increasingly powerful men
>RPG with dating sim elements
>At first you can only sleep with one knight that saved you, but later there are bandits, warlords and leaders of other countries
>Your character will always be very weak, but you can influence and buff others by performing various sexual actions
>At the end of a game, right before the final battle it turns out that your younger brother also survived and therefore cucked you away from the throne
I'd honestly just like a remaster of Tenchu Wrath of Heaven. Probably my favorite game of all time, it's comfy as hell, and i loved the stealth in it. If anything, maybe add some more stealth mechanics or something.
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muh nigga

Damn. I'd buy your game anon
Cryptid hunting + wrestling
This is my idea do not steal
A game where you take care of happy doggies
Real life Earthland Realms from the Simpsons.
I got just the thing
A platformer that's like a cross between Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Sunshine. The character would have similar dimensions because I never thought about it, but Mario is like the perfect proportions for tight springy platforming. Short, and round like a ball, but with limbs to propel him in the right direction. And maybe have there be multiple characters with different playstyles, so a dash of Super Mario 3D World. To add variety in playthroughs. Lots of secrets and shit, but not lots of collectables. That becomes a chore.

I digress.I'd just like it to be bright and colorful and test your abilites to react quickly to incoming stimuli.
Right now my dream video game is one that I can play for an hour without getting bored and never playing it again.
Titanfall 2 singleplayer campaign is really good and close to this.
That's just your dream life, not video game
I feel for it though I'd be in the pokemon world
Big tits
Something like Honey Select but focused on mind-breaking people until they turn into slaves. Doubt it'd happen though.
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Do you hunt cryptids and then wrestle them into submission, or hunt cryptids and moonlight as a wrestler?
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Full VR Mech Sim, I'm surprised no one has done it yet actually.

- You stand in a Vive-room sized cockpit full of physical buttons, screens and joysticks that all control your mech (ala Steel Battalion), and even doing things like reloading and changing fire modes would require you to use the physical interface
- Each mech would have a totally different internal design, so each mech would feel like a new level in itself with a new set of mechanics that must be learned
- When your mech is damaged, you have to grab a welder and actually fix the damage yourself (this may have to be simplified to be an all-in-on "fixing tool")
- Would of course be multiplayer
- You and your enemies can be seen inside your mechs ala Hoverjunkers, and if your aim is good enough and you have a precise weapon, you can snipe someone right out of their mech
- Inside each mech is a small, one-handed gun of some kind, so when worse comes to worse and all your systems fail, you can still fight back through the cracks and the broken glass of your mech's cockpit window
- All guns are one handed so the other hand is always free to operate the mech AND you can hit buttons and switches with said gun as a physical object
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Recently I've been thinking about something similar to Breath of the wild but more as an expansion.
>Game features modern technology but also has elemental magic
>You can use medieval weapons like broadswords while wielding firearms like a shotgun
>Multiple elements include Fire,Ice,Thunder,Grass,Water, Light, Blood
>Weapons are permanent but you can only have 3 at a time and are determined by 3 types of slots
>Said slots are melee, projectile, and Magic
>You can enchant your weapons with elements that have their own effects
>You can also add on the effects of other elements like if you used water on someone and then thunder you do extreme damage to the target
>For each element there is a legendary weapon that you can find that you can upgrade into one of two forms depending on whether you want speed over power and vice versa
Shut the fuck up retard
Wrestle them into submission
Yeah I know it's fucking stupid and there's not a chance that any game in the future will be like what I just wrote I just wanted to get my thoughts out somehow so I could finally bury them.
Thank you so much for the feedback anon
I dunno if I want this or not, but I would be interested to see if it works or not.

I really like rocksmith but I wonder how it would go with some cheese added in the form of rpg elements a la rock band. As it is now it's super objective and I appreciate that, but it gets boring just playing through the songs. Wonder what it would be like to have a fictional career follow you around... Maybe some groupies that get hotter as you get better.
What's your problem, guy? Why is this one somehow worthy of ridicule than any other idea in the thread?
A tactics card game that doesn't suck ass.
> maps are large, detailed and has many environmental modifiers like terrain bonuses, line of sight, (breakable)walls, elevation, etc
> units have many different actions beyond move and attack, as well as many stats beyond health and damage, as well as being long-lived and not just fodder that dies the turn after it's dropped (unless it's supposed to be fodder)
> card types include things like equipment, global/area enchantments, structures and so on, beyond the units and instant spells
>complex resource/class system
> no (random) card draw, you rely on tactics and planning instead of praying to RNGesus
> possibly initiative-based instead of having giant swingy turns
> good graphics, cool art style and setting, no cheap korean digital art clichés
>campaign I guess in addition to the multiplayer
> map editor
You should check out PoxNora, friend. Has pretty much everything you said except the good graphics.
Is that the ouiaboo game?
If by that word you meant weeb/Japanese then no, it follows western style fantasy.
I would very much like to play this one.
MMOFPS except it's PvE.
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Fighting mystery monsters like Bigfoot mixed with grappling close combat.

You have to face your fears and engage them which leads to close up shots of spookums. Sort of how fatal frame makes you take clean visual photos of ghosters.
Not that guy but I'm pretty sure Ouiaboo means "French"
Ouiaboo is about the french, I was talking about that wakfu game or whatever it's called, I think they have a card game
A space sim like Freelancer but with a less janky core world design and with combat that isn't tedious and awful and forced in your face every three seconds.

So basically Star Citizen before they let the mmo dreamfags turn the project completely around.
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Freelancer, but MOAR.
A stealth game set in a cyberpunk style setting. You play some corporate agent sneaking around other corporate office buildings and punk infested slums. Soundtrack by Amon Tobin preferably.
I see. To the best of my knowledge PoxNora is now run by Desert Owl studios which is owned by Sony. Desert Owl is based in San Diego.

It's free to try on steam, also pretty accessible on youtube such. Would strongly recommend to any tactics fans. Player base isn't huge but is very loyal.
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remake pic related with a bit (but not much) cuhrayzee combat system, combos for the characters, magic integrated...

don't even need to change anything else (although it wouldn't work with those graphics, as great as they already are)
I just want a massively multiplayer warhammer40K game.
I wanted Eternal crusade to just be planetside 2 with 40k skins and they fucked it up...
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>nintendo starts porting their games to pc
>allows modding
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