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What is killing it for you? I leave /v/ for like a month and

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What is killing it for you? I leave /v/ for like a month and come back and it's dying hard. Seems like the general consesus is that it's trash. Personally, I dislike the game but why do you hate it now?
I hate it because /v/ told me to.
From what i've seen it looks like they hate most of added stuff, that and the lack of maps is killing it for some people. Inversely, for some strange, unknown reason, TF2 of all things has somehow become somewhat popular again.
Shit's weird man.
they nerfed my main man roadhog into oblivion

no point in even playing anymore
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I just haven't had the urge to go back and play.
Why do you assume I liked it in the first place
we're in a weird ass timeline.

I saw a "TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT" thread the other week and I was immediately warped back to the good ol' days when the devs actually updated TF2 with new content.
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Uninteresting and slow ass updates leading to a boring ass shitty meta. Jeffy's game has had 3 shitty released characters for an entire year, how fucking lazy are these people?

Doomfist did instill some faith for me, but goddamn where Ana, Sombra and especially Orisa the worst hero releases I've seen for a game. Even the worst ASSFAGGOTS release is better than this shit.
I'd welcome TF2's glorious return, desu
the shitty ass fov and the flying 1 shotting ninja
>play the highly anticipated "doomfist"
>finish match
Because Winston exists. No character with auto aim should be tanky and have this many escape tools at their disposal. Not with the low skill ceiling he requires. It's ridiculous, people whine about D.va's defense matrix and call it a no skill ability but will give Winston a free pass.
i love overwatch
winston was annoying enough when his shield didn't have 1k health. honestly most of the decisions that Blizzard makes with regard to balancing this game are astoundingly inept

I honestly think they buff/nerf characters at random just to keep people talking about it
The player base is incredibly toxic, and all it does is make me miss TF2.

I really think everyone who isnt a normie piece of shit only plays OW as a TF2 substitute

>new defensive buff coming to PTR which lets Roadhog move at full speed while using his heal as well as taking 50% less damage
Im fucking excited
It's not the hot new thing anymore.

Both Splatoon games were better.
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>What is killing it for you?

The stupid dive meta and how people gets upset if you don't pick "meta heroes" otherwise they flag you of throwing

Fuck you, I play whatever the fuck i want
The balancing is all fucked up. To many of the characters no longer perform like they did at launch or are indended to. Everything is balanced around the meta game which is a terrible idea because its a casually designed hero shooter.
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>>new defensive buff coming to PTR which lets Roadhog move at full speed while using his heal as well as taking 50% less damage

As long this also means the enemy will get less ult charge for shooting a healing hog, otherwise i don't give a crap
When your game is popular because of it's pixar art style with lewd fan art, it's bound to die real soon. Adding nothing but shitty cosmetics over more maps and dedicated servers is poop.
sauce before deletion pls
the rate of new content to fuck with the meta game is too slow, the last 2 characters completely bombed in terms of changing the game and they werent even all that fun. doomfist is looking good though

ironically league's approach to constantly fuck up their own game to keep it fresh actually works to some degree and overwatch is really lacking something refreshing since the base game is far too simple to allow players to explore the game and find fun things to do, not to mention the community's perception of the meta that makes them triggered as fuck when people pick fun and unconventional characters
What if hog specifically generated less charges?
I play OW because it's really gay.
I want to play a new mainline fortress game that mimics the original team fortress, like fortress forever, but those games are REALLY dead.

The funny thing about overwatch is though that the players are usually dumb enough that I can just kill everyone with bastion. But playing the actual game at GM rank would be awful holy shit.

Honestly, I want source 2 to come out so I can just make my own game.
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I can never play this for over an hour, I'll just get completely bored of it and just completely ditch this game for months.
Every damn match I have to contest a choke point or objective for 5-10 minutes straight because it's a fucking stalemate every team fight or that they come back from respawning.
Also the fact that only a select few characters are effective does not help the game being engaging.
I'm surprised as to how my friend manages to play this game regularly for one year straight.
seeing how /v/ is the worst board I hardly stop by. Everytime I do though, there are countless OW threads, with half of them being about the game dying

What's with the obsession
I liked it during beta and after launch but I have no urge to play it. It's pretty much as shallow as call of duty, every game feels the same and I get very little enjoyment out of it.
I have 2.5k hours in tf2 because I could fuck around when I wanted to. OVerwatch won't last without community content like maps and gamemodes.
>20 tick
Lol git gud
Dive meta isnt a thing anymore
Bad maps, annual events instead of substantial content, poor balance. It's just in a bad place. I used to play in anticipation for the TF2 update, but even Titanfall 2 and Dirty Bomb had better recent updates than anything Blizzard has mustered up.
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>the drawfag focus on traps
Das it mang thanks
I pretty much only play it as an excuse to act like a shitter and throw matches.
If you think the zarya buff and doomfist release stopped dive, you'd be very wrong. The reinhardt change just made him even more broken. Dive isn't going anywhere.
The updates are coming way too slowly. Barely anything has been added in over a year.
>falling for the lootbox meme
Doesn't effect the game in any way. Ult based is a potential issue but it's gone down a lot since launch. Nowadays unless your ulting straight into a graviton surge most will only pick up one maybe two kills.
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Ow is turning to shit really fast because blizzards letting it, retarded buffs and nerfs to characters that dont need to be touched, giving us characters that we dont even need, and trying to balance the game for casual and pro play is fucking it. I cant stand to play this game for more than a few minutes without friends and now i only ever play this shit if i have a friend that wants to. Blizzard is shit
Presented with no comment.
Is that true for cosmetics as well? Because most of blizzard's income is from cosmetics.
Man I love that magical time shortly after any multiplayer's launch when a lot of the toxic people get tired of it and everyone else is still getting comfortable with the game so people don't think their some godly players and everyone is willing to work together.
are you me?
bought OW on release and lost interest after a month. A couple of months later I came back and play3 matches and thats it.
This shit doesnt happen with TF2, I always come back and have some fun in 2fort, badlands, goldrush and thunder mountain. The 16vs16 players in those maps is fun as hell.
Meanwhile, 6v6 OW is boring and I feel Blizz is trying too hard to make OW a competitive FPS like CS:GO.
Me and my friends just got bored with it. After a few months we were only doing 3v3 and then we got bored with that too and just stopped.
Every 2 months they have seasonal events with new skins. That seems to be an intentional way of keeping the money rolling in consistently.
Fat as fuck Tumblrina detected.
They're trying to pursue the e-sport dollar but even normies don't consider it a competitive game. This brings about questionable balance changes and focus away from content.
>I feel Blizz is trying too hard to make OW a competitive FPS like CS:GO.

Isn't that the point?
OW is miles superior than TF2 and the later is now a shadow of it's glorius days, played by 3rd world countries poofags and people in his late 20s.
>TF2 popular again
Moon map update killed it for me completely. The retarded map design just showed me blizzard have no idea what they are doing. The community are spoiled pieces of shit that scream reported even if you say one curse word or pick the wrong char (in their mind). Too many shit to mention.This game is doomed and I'm not staying around to watch its end.
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It was ALWAYS trash. A seriously overhyped TF2-clone, with boring gameplay (seriously one mode, payload?), annoying characters, generic weapons, etc.

Anyone who even liked it had their head up their ass, or were Blizzard fanboys. The sensible among us saw it for what it was from day 1.

I personally, waited for a big sale (got it for $20), and even then I felt cheated for the amount of content I got. This should have been a F2P game at best.
>The player base is incredibly toxic, and all it does is make me miss TF2.
That tends to happen when you make a game with little to no skill ceiling. It makes bad players think they're good. Everyone tends to lash out in OW because it's a simple game.

>everyone is bad except for me
Both OW and TF2 are better games when tourneyfags don't have fun.
Toxic is the word oversensitive Tumblr landwhales use for trashtalking.
I encourage this behaviour to push all of you out of the game.

Blizz is trying to make OW a competitive FPS but going the wrong way to do so. Instead of listening to the pros, balancing the game to make it competitive and letting the scene grow out naturally with events such as Dreamhack and ESL, they completely bypassed all that and pumped money into marketing/tournaments. Thus, third-party OW tournament licenses aren't given out, and we have OWL league.
Yeah but I'd bet those skins appear on temporary boxes right?
Should have copied a decent game instead.
t. Cunt who screams into his mic whenever he dies
Good thing the competitive scene is dying.
eSports is a cancer that has to die already.
litteraly me, I fucking wish i could get my friends into tf2, that's the only game i play solo that's multiplayer anymore.
same reason league dead

4 other idiots on ur team, 2 of them are going to suck or have no idea how to play. your rating is based off of this.
t. blue haired landwhale who falls deeper into depression everytime someone tells you you suck
Dive meta is literally killing the game.

Blizzard better fix this shit quickly or it's dead.
I'm wondering this as well. I'd be happy to see TF2 alive again.
DESU, I have more fun playing TF2 that OW, and I have been playing TF2 since beta with near 2,8k hours.

OW is not a bad game, but at least for me, can't play it more than 3-4 matches without getting bored. Meanwhile, I have fun playing TF2 for hours in those servers with 24-32 players
t. a person who can't accept their own failures when playing a video game
They sure do, so you can't hoard regular boxes. But the first hit is free! And wouldn't you know it, you can buy them!
It is alive. It has a steady average 50k playerbase for some time now. Check steam stats once in a blue moon.
t. Oversensitive landwhale
It's the opposite for me. I burned myself out on TF2 over the years and all of Valve's retarded decisions and neglect really hurt the game. The kneejerk reaction to Overwatch with the awful competitive update was also shit.

That said I dropped OW last month. Way too stale to be a game I play daily. Even LoL has more updates.
>anniversary event
>look over the skins/emotes
>buy jazzio
>nothing else I want
>don't play as much
>ooh double XP weekend! Think of all the boxes...

>realize I was about to start playing a game I didn't want to play to unlock cosmetics I didn't want
The Double XP Anniversary weekend is what finally broke the spell on me.
They're taking out anything fun that promotes competitiveness because competition is toxic and misogynistic and evil for racist white people.

Can't see people's ranks easily because it promotes toxicity.
Can't have a public scoreboard because it promotes toxicity.
Can't have good aim be rewarded because it promotes toxicity.
Seems to them toxicity means anything that makes their fat shitter moo-cow SJWs mad that they're moronic casuals.
Can't you hoard the gold to buy the skins you want though?
I'm struggling to keep pace with the game to be honest. Still enjoy playing, but they buff/nerf so often that the game feels completely different if you take a short break.
I mean are they updating it again? Last time I played they added a really bad matchmaking feature. A lot of people were turned off by hats but what killed it for me was when they added all those different weapons and items. I liked it better when we were getting class based and themed updates instead of fifty million steam workshop items.
Frustration, i'll probably go back to it for a week to play Doomfist and we'll see if it clicks again. Lack of consistently added maps. They should have had five or six new ones ready to be released during slow periods before the game even launched. Now we have to wait half a year per new map and then get to play the new map once out of 15 games.
lol Triggered KEK? i LOVE playing Overwatch and triggering hillary voters LMAO
Really nice excuse for being lazy cunts and not implementing even the most basic stuff.
it all makes sense now, it's the ultimate team for any situation.
Well, forgot to say I dont play TF2 daily, but everytime I go back and play, I keep playing for hours. That doesnt happen when I go back to OW
What i hate is that Blizz seems to think that OW needs some edgy and dark story and though people wanted serious Doomfist and not Terry Crews. They are out of touch with reality and think they are doing the best game ever.
Like, when Reaper was introduced it was obvious parody of all edgelord characters but now that i look at him i think they seriously believe he's cool and all.
it was trash from the start
and kill yourself for buying blizzard trash
A lot of their coding is Bethesda-tier "we couldn't figure out how ladders work so we didn't add them" laziness. Arcade can't have more than 5 modes available at one time so they have to cycle one or two out whenever they add a new unfun mode nobody wants to play. Their excuse is because that way people will be forced to play modes they don't want to play for crates and that makes sense to do because ???
The golden days of TF2 are over. Updates are at much slower pace because there isn't much to fix or add anymore. But that doesn't mean the game is dead. (It's dead for me)
something about the game being cartoony and made to appeal to normies while also being the most tryhard rage inducing shit is very offputting
To sum up everything wrong with the game
>50/50 matchmaking is bullshit and matching my team with another thats out of its league is bullshit, forceing losses
>even if you do everything to help your team win, you still will lose AND not even be rewarded with anything
>even if you do somehow manage to carry your shit team to victory you get the same thing they do, which is complete bullshit, to sum it up, skilled players get rewarded the same as shit players
>shit placements mean shit season for the player
>boring maps that have the same playstyle
>king of the hill takes can take 30 min yet gives the same sr as a 10 min match
>new characters are either useless, obsolete to others
>blizzard breaks characters for no reason[they broke rein for no reason]
>dive comp makes the 20+ roster a 6 character roster
>"we wont change anything to combat dive comp, it will go away by itself"
>"the game is balanced" yet they still are nerfing and buffing characters
the straw that broke the game for me was when i went from 3300 sr to 2900 JUST FROM PLACEMENT MATCHES, it took me a fuckton of time to get to 3300, but because of shitty placements, ive still not gotten back, and infact am stuck in "platinum hell" and i wont be getting back because of the shitty 50/50
The lore is retarded since OW and Talon members can team up and murder their "canon" team mates.
Almost nobody use the matchmaking. People just search for servers or play Man vs Machine maps.
The game is not popular, but its not dead and still have a good community.
It's dead, they won't ever fix TF2 and if they do it'll be way too late. 90% of the populated servers are either achievement_idle or stupid crap. If you want a normal match without a bunch of fucking plugins up your ass and special preference to certain players you have to play a 24/7 server which are almost all either completely full throughout the day or completely empty throughout the day.
Not having scoreboards just makes it harder to tell what you did wrong.
Oh good this thread again today.
Itt overwatch is dying, said the increasingly nervoua man.
>tfw stuck in silver hell
>tfw people kept leaving during placements resulting in an 8-2 placement
>tfw clawed my way from 1200 to 1991
>suddenly the 50/50
>1785 now
I have no desire, doubly so since on console.
why would someone use matchmaking on TF2? Do they hate fun?
Low individual skill reward, same competitive rewards from season 1,stressfull competitive matches, non existant punishment for kids who screw your games, hanzos and widows in every quickplay game.
>50k concurrent
>not popular
As a fighting game player you don't know how bad I wish we had those online numbers.
Is symmetra the only one who ignores the shield?
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Usually what you did wrong was be unlucky enough to be put on a team with shitters.

Their excuse for not adding a scoreboard is because it'd become all too obvious which players weren't doing jackshit thus making targeting shitty do-nothing jackasses even easier.
The game lacks depth and doesn't even make up for it in content and Blizzard doesn't seem to care that much .
It is monotonous and every attempt to change that(new heroes/gamemodes) failed so far.
Feels too slow.
6v6 makes it feel really empty
no maps
Tf2 is better
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>devs post that they're gonna try some kooky experimental shit on the PTR and that we shouldn't expect it all to make it to live servers
>figure they'll fiddle around with the heroes in funky ways or hand out inconsequential buffs like candy or some shit like dota 2.
>instead its the same old "we'll gently nerf the fotm """OP""" character everybody whines about up to two times before bringing out the sledgehammer just to shut you up"
>and maybe a buff or rework for the current fotm """useless""" character that may or may not be the OP one we just butchered
>meanwhile everyone inbetween is fine and should wait for their turn while we work the top and bottom of the roster at an absolutely glacial pace

what game should I play to be excited about patch notes again?
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>blizzard nerfed every character that required high accuracy to be good
>buffed every character that required low skill to be overpowered
>nerfed Orisa and Bastion, made Bastion less skill-orientated, buffed 76 but made him less skill-orientated
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>Overfags will NEVER EVER know this feel
Time to stop playing
>even if you do somehow manage to carry your shit team to victory you get the same thing they do
Not true actually. You get rewarded based on how the system thinks you did. This is why carrying doesn't guarantee high sr and this is why sub 30% winrate mercys in GM. Plenty of people get twentysomething sr for a win and lose thirtysomething for a loss because the system thinks they didn't do what they supposed to do even if it carried the team to victory. For example You are not supposed to flank with soldier. Did you win the last point in the last minute on kings row attack because you ran upfrom the left and moved down the entire backline? Too bad you are not supposed to do that!
Is the 50/50 matchmaking thing real?
The playerbase is "L4D2 with randoms"-tier bad.
League of Legends really ruined online gaming on PC.
1200 is really shit on console, like braindead tier. I'm stuck at 3k and I consider myself bad.
it's a very basic and unsatisfying shooter with a nauseating geek culture personality
>jump in

I'm sure most of us do
>everyone claimed Symmetra wasn't a buff and people weren't use to her yet
>still easily kill 2-4 dedicated damage classes solo by hopping around and pressing M1
>kill a tank and all the DPS around them if they don't all drop everything and focus on me alone
>instant death sentence for anything under Reinhardt health when one or more team mates are near Symmetra
>Almost nobody use the matchmaking. People just search for servers or play Man vs Machine maps.

This is simply not true. You can probably find less than 200 players on community servers, the rest are doing matchmaking.

I hate this system, I really do. I wish it would go back to the way it was.
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I'm not a hardcore competitive player but really this game is just boring and unfun to play
Winning or losing, doesn't matter, because you don't feel anything and any kind of 'exciting' gameplay is based on the ultimate abilities you charge up
I've always thought the game was flawed at a core level, something about its design just does not translate to a fun or rewarding gameplay experience.
This is just my opinion but I have fun playing Quake 3 and TF2, and I don't have fun playing Overwatch, so i don't play it
Genji is literally incapable of one shotting anyone.
Yeah, Blizzard's way of trying to make OW a popular esports game fucking disgusts me. Instead of making a game that is actually good for competitive play and letting the community grow organically, they just pump a shitton of money into it. What a bunch of shit, I hope they fail with that.
Why Blizzcant make 12vs12 matches happen?
Why those fags doesnt add new and better maps?
Why TF2 Scout run faster (or at least feel he runs faster) than LesbianTracer
People kept leaving my team on placements making it a 5v6. Then someone else. I don't care if you go full gregor, you ain't winning shit on that game. Now have it happen 8 games in a row and you'll be at 1200 too.
IIRC, they changed it so there's less chance for duplicates. Guess what that means?
Should've stopped updating just after MvM. It was already on a slope around then but it dropped like a fucking rock in an infinitely deep ocean when they added those shitty weapon skins.
1: Game shipped with little in the way of content. A year later all we got is two new maps and three new heroes?

2: Only two game modes in core play

3: Game's balanced around hard counters instead of soft counters. Which means hot swapping is encouraged, but then the game specifically punishes the act of hot swapping.

4: Game went out of its way to give characters back story and personality as a marketing tool, making players feel strongly in favor of or against certain characters, which just makes the point in 3 even worse. You've probably had at least one game where someone screeched about how you need to play a character you flatly do not like.

5: Hard counters coupled with game balancing enforces meta game. Don't like the meta? Tough shit. Half your games will feature someone shitting their pants because you don't want to play the same boring ass shit every match.

6: Can't pick duplicate characters because balancing the game for duplicate characters was too much work.

7: The point raised in 6 leads to people making hostile character picks.

8: Roughly 1/4th of the roster is just bad. Another 1/4th isn't bad per say, but so completely niche that you may only play them on one map, in one game mode. The game should not have shipped with characters like Widowmaker, Torbjorn, Hanzo, Mei or Symmetra in their current state.

9: Game's tooled around team play, but keeps characters in the game that are designed to have no approachable flaws. Some of these characters are good enough that you can legitimately carry a team with them. Some mouth breathing retard on your team will always pick them.

10: Characters with severe flaws baked into them that require tight teamwork have to compete with characters that are completely self sufficient, which leads to some characters having a perception as being 'bad'.

11: 3, 4, 5, and 10 all lead to a situation where your team can completely fuck you over without even trying. This also affects rating.
b-but as winston I can leap!...once every 6 seconds... and it only goes as far as one rocket jump...
nanoblade or reflecting your teammates bullshit to you, everything outside your control fuck that
Even the fucking engineer runs faster than tracer.
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I don't think it's quite right to equate playerbase size with popularity. For example WoW is like one of the most played games in the world, but I wouldn't say it's "popular" because it has fallen out of the eyes of most people.

I don't think TF2 would have that many players if it wasn't F2P, which leads me to believe a large majority are kids, poorfags, and third worlders. The only people I know left who play TF2 is an autist and my friend's newphew who can only run TF2 and Minecraft on his laptop.
I hate it because they nerfed Roadhog. I'm not a Roadhog player, but those who are have told me that the nerfs were too hard and that they brought back the dive meta by doing so. Roadhogs whole thing was punishing offensive tanks that were out of position/not with their team such as Winston or D.VA. His nerfs made it so you cannot punish tanks that dive into your team, kill someone and leave.
please we are having a serious discussion here. Stop trolling.
Their excuse for not going at least 8v8 is "because the game was balanced around 6v6" even though it's clear the maps are fucking atrocious and not balanced for ANYTHING and the gameplay really doesn't give a shit however many is versus however many. I'm guessing it's just because they either
A) Couldn't figure out how to have more playing in one match without something breaking
B) Have a shitty server setup that would break down if more than 6v6 were in a match

They also rarely add new and better maps because they're focusing on events. Limited time events are to Overwatch what hats were to TF2. People will stop liking it after a few years because the same events will keep coming back forever and their precious rare skins will no longer feel exclusive to them, making them worthless.
>he didnt watch the video

Search it on youtube my anon
So I guess I'm the only one that still likes the game, huh?
Now I'm depressed.
You can do the math yourself, speed conversion between the two games is easy. Engineer is faster than tracer when walking.
>punishes the act of hot swapping

What if they changed the game so that Ultimate charge carried over between heroes? That would be really interesting. You could have situations where people play a fast ult charge characters for a while like Sombra, and then switching to somebody with a more situationally useful ult like Mercy or Junkrat.

I actually dont see why they don't do this, it would be cool and people would change class a lot more.
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The community.

Typical blizzard based fanbase with sprinkles of FPS MLG faggotry on top.

Where everyone thinks they're amazing; dont take any accountability for doing poorly and generally have a "fuck my team, I'm a Hanzo main." attitude.

Don't forget NO region locking so you get stuck with a bunch of Smirnoffs or other subhuman high ping refugees. All whom admit they go to American servers because their own people are garbage.
It's not that far from the truth though. Going from TF2 to Overwatch makes it feel so slow.
The game revolves around who has the best hitscan or genji, in most maps if i want to be sure i just roll genji or tracer or soldier, doesn't matter if offense or offense.
Aside from that it has the same problem that every blizzard game has, which is insane swinging balance, every patch you already know who is getting fucked for the next 3 months and who's gonna fuck everyone, and then the tables turns.
I have to trade picking what i want for what my team needs because most people are russian tier and instalock soldier/widow/genji every round, not even agreeing on going 1 round dps 1 round tank or something.

tldr: nu blizzard and everyone must win attitude
You get a lot of hacking South Koreans too because they can use hacks on NA servers without legal consequence, where as it's illegal for them on SK servers because their country is literally only worth its esports autists.
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I decide to throw my next 100 matches?!


You randomly run into me and you're not in a 6man? You can't do a single fucking thing about it.

Fuck the OW team if they do anything BUT fix this cesspool.

>Fuck your main you whiny little faggot
>Fuck "more maps","More characters"!
>"WAAAAAH ______ IS BUSTED!!!"

If you complain about these things? You are bitch made and that's and objective truth.

You don't put on clean clothes after rolling around in shit all day. You don't wash your car to go mudding.

Clean this shitty squat house up.
it's hard to pinpoint why overwatch sucks since they tried some pretty new things and managed to pull it off in a sense. i'd say lack of content but that never stopped me from putting 1000+ hours into TF2 and csgo. game is just not that fun.
Why is hitscan still a thing in modern FPS? What happened to fast projectiles?
Most characters besides soldier and tracer feel castrated because avoid too many characters reward skill would make shitters unable to do anything in a fps.
This leads to having soldier/tracer/genji the only characters worth using if you really want to carry.
Throwers are put into low Elo ranked groups.

Yes, even quickplay had Elo. It's just not shown to the player. You have a hidden matchmaking rank for all game modes.

That's one of the main reason people complain about facing the same players over and over in quickplay. That person has nearly the same quickplay rank as you so the game prioritizes putting you in the same game.

If you are getting a lot of throwers, you must suck ass at the game and be in the shitter tiers
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holy shit same anon, they're fucking the game up when they could just sit back and not, it was really evident with the original Bastion changes that they had no clue what they were doing and it's more evident now
and with avoid i meant "having", sorry i am tired
Not everyone is as competent as the slavs who made STALKER. It may crash like a trainwreck constantly and have terrible mapping problems but nobody is going to replicate the feel of good gunplay without actual passion involved.
I wish the avoid feature was still a thing. Back then I could accidentally find a few good games.
to many shitters were spending 1000 hours to get into matches because nobody wanted to play with their retarded asses.
How about if they removed ultimates entirely? Or made it so ultimates are about half of their current power but charge faster?
There's alot of changes they would do the make it actually better game, but no.
>Aside from that it has the same problem that every blizzard game has, which is insane swinging balance, every patch you already know who is getting fucked for the next 3 months and who's gonna fuck everyone, and then the tables turns
That shit also limits the viable hero pool to such a narrow selection, that there's almost no room for experimentation in the metagame. The ultra-stale meta is really the worst killer for the game, there are only a handful of characters that are worth playing and the game has so shallow gameplay mechanics that playing one hero constantly gets boring fast, as there's really only one main thing to do with each one.

Having TF2 style loadout options would be great, would give a bit of variety in playing one hero.
Are you okay?
>join a comp game
>their team is a 5 stack with 1 solo
>our team is 2-1-1-1-1
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>Doomfist released
>Figure I can play a quick match game and take him for a spin
>Auto lockers everywhere because we're in a MOBA
>Brawls are filled with other Doomfists + all Symmetra teams trying to farm easy wins
>Even if I did get a game where I could play him I would probably have to do so at the expense of a healer or tank anyway

>Realize I'm not playing an arcade shooter, but a MOBA in disguise

That's what's killing it for me right now.

The inability to play how I want and when I want. Given all these options and only allowed to use a handful or else make my team or Blizzard mad.
Slim pickings. I don't think a lot of people are playing competitive.
For me it's easy. The way they failed with Overwatch is pilling on tons of limitations for no good reason.

Unless you go through several menus to get to the dead as fuck "custom server" stuff which is just full of meme garbage, you can't play a game mode with a specific map; you can't even queue up in quickplay for ONLY payload or ONLY CP or ONLY king of the hill. You need to queue up for everything. You can't play a game with more than 6 players, even in the custom servers where they let you completely assfuck all forms of balance. You can't have multiples of one character on your team (this one stings all the more because you USED to be able to but they took it away). You can't change characters during a game without getting fucked over as it takes away all of your ultimate charge.

That's the story of Overwatch. Tons of things you CANT do for no good reason.
After the Anniversary debacle, I just stopped caring. I tried Doomfist on the PTR, but I then realized I just wasn't having fun with the game.

I hadn't had fun since like, February.
That'd have it's own problems with certain ults. Someone hot swapping to Pharah would win games.

Plus, not all ults charge at the same rate anyways.
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I fucking hate Symmetra with a burning passion mostly because of how badly Blizzard keeps fucking up her gameplay. She's either unfun to play or unfun to play against because they stubbornly refuse to make her a defense character like she deserves and keep trying to hold her in the support category and they end up shooting themselves in the foot.
Alright /v/ since you're the arbiter of which games people should be playing, what FPS should I be playing right now?

No CS:GO please.
are there any good TF2 servers around anymore? i miss idort's re/v/enge.
Why does it take SO LONG to find a fucking match? It takes almost ten minutes for me to find a quick match without fail
Because people are abandoning the game in droves.

About time, too. Maybe Blizzard will actually do something about it.

I play Paladins and I like it better.
Your matchmaking Elo is either too high or too low.

If it's too high, most people switch to playing competitive instead of quickplay. Try doing some comp matches maybe
Rising Storm 2, Squad, Insurgency, TF2

Yeah if custom servers were more visible and let more than six people play, I think more people would be willing to give it a shot. As it stands it's really hard to play the way you want because Blizzard wants to keep every mode ranked-uniform.

>for some strange, unknown reason, TF2 of all things has somehow become somewhat popular again

It's hardly strange. TF2 gives you a lot of freedom to do whatever you damn well please and every class can be played in a way that's impactful and meaningful without running into a tank that blocks all your shots or a bitch medic that resurrects every player you killed.

Overwatch promised to scratch the class based itch, but all it did was remind people of how good they had it with TF2.
All those games are much more dead than Overwatch
If you're in yurop, Triggerhappygamers. Has actual teamwork.
get a fucking time machine and go back to when the orange box released
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Slow updates and the fact that a hero I enjoy playing might get the Blizzard balance treatment for months at a time. For fuck's sake it's not even intentional like how they randomly bugged Reinhardt and then left him like that for two months. Another huge thing to me is the small team sizes. With only six people on a team your weakest link has a much bigger impact on your match than if you had larger teams. Of course most of the maps would need to be reworked to account for larger teams but it's not like they can't get worse at map design.
Honestly, because it's Overwatch
It's a 6v6 nerf ball fight with superheroes. Everyone has "shit my pants and escape" abilities on 10s cooldown. There's no foundation for building personal skill off of. It's a big joke.
They could have 12 man teams and the maps wouldn't need to be changed. There are already multiple flank routes and tons of open space on every map.
So you want to only play casual shit games that have a lot of payers? I don't know what to tell you then, maybe Player Unknown's Battlegrounds™ would be more up your alley?
I want to play games with an actual playerbase, fat ass
>How about if they removed ultimates entirely?

Then the game would actually be playable and you wouldn't have to make characters like Sombra garbage just because they have powerful ultimates.

But then we wouldn't have MLG BIG PLAY WOMBO COMBO FUN STORIES TO TELL YOUR FRIENDS so Blizzard would never do it even if it's the right thing to do.
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Oh and my QP mmr somehow got way higher than my SR so I have to wait minutes for a match only to be thrown against grandmasters/top 500 players.
I wanted to buy it to play with my gf, but suddenly everyone here started saying it's dead. I'm scared anons, is it just typical /v/ or is it actually dying?
The amount of people playing videogames in general has increased. a "dead" game like Gigantic or Rising Storm 2 has as many players as an extremely popular game 15 years ago
because i'm fucking awful at it and i just don't have fun with it anymore. I don't understand because i'm genuinely decent at most games i play but then i turn on overwatch and every match might as well be a 5v6 since i'm such a liability to my team. I keep getting ranked platinum even though i play like a silver I just think their mmr system must be completely fucked.
i hate that you still loss points after someone leaves. they should make it so you loss less points so it wont hurt you so much.
a gigantic commerical success from the creators of WoW owned by one of the most jewish and rich publishers in video games.

still gets no updates and the only person working on the game is jeff.
Same thing I disliked about in it to begin with, overly long queus that just put me into a skirmish then back into a queue then finally into the game just to have an extremely short match and repeat.
>powerful ultimate

I don't get this meme. There are plenty of ultimates where, if you put them in the same location as EMP, would do much more damage to the enemy team. Particularly the damage dealing ones like Junkrat or Reaper
Dirty Bomb.
its not dying, but it will not last as long as most good games
Because this game is balanced around Reinhardt and his shield. Even the maps are designed solely around him.
It'd be good if the devs weren't being cheap chinks trying to extend grinding for as much as possible.
what is this, 2016? Reinhardt isn't relevant anymore.
we get it you are in gold you dont need to announce it
Sombras ult stops the two best heroes in the meta
d.va and winston
Im a skinny white male far-right racist

Shut the fuck up retard
See, I come into these threads and it's hard to trust any of you that say TF2 is dead when it takes an 30 minutes+ to get into some of the top TF2 servers.
yes, every game with mmr does this
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This shit right here. Every time my friend ends up convincing me to play this garbage it is always the same. I learned to accept at least 1 Genji every match because it is natural phenomenon and he sometimes draws enemy fire while he jumps around like an autist poking harambe's shield for 15 with each cardboard shuriken.

But for the love of god I cannot stand snipers in this game. It certainly doesn't help that in every match there's average of 3 snipers but why 97% of them must be drooling retards. Fucking Hanzo and Widow are worst case of feast or famine I've seen in any game yet. Their are virtually afk and virtual shot in the kneecaps for the team or if you are lucky and met 0.5% of their playerbase they are oneshotting 3 people in span of 5 seconds from the other side of the map. How can that not be fucking fun am I right?

I'd like to play this game but every time I get into a match and see instalocked widow/hanzo combo I just don't want to bother anymore. Just give me a option to not play with cod kids.

As a side note: only time I've seen someone switch from widow because they were getting dicked was to pick fucking hanzo.
You know what else stops them?

Killing them. Other ults can just kill them.
It's just fucking dull. Gameplay wise things are patched way too fucking slow. The characters barely get deeper than surface level memes. The maps just feel flat and lifeless. And boring metas.
The actual gunplay in this game is shallow and feels like shit, if you take the big shiny button away you remove the only sliver of complexity this game has.
That's the major problem overwatch has, it's a sluggish and boring fps with some bells and whistles attached to trick people into thinking it isn't.

There's not a hero I can really call my favorite yet.

Also it only has 4 healer options despite healers basically being mandatory.
>killing people next to d.va
have you even played the game in the last 2 months?
Thats the whole reason the meta is garbage
D.va and winston are always in your face
wintons barrier blocks everything weak and d.va can delete half the ults in the game and any other form of damage thats not melee
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>join game
>team mates instalock widow and hanzo




and god forbid you say anything about it. If you even mention that team balance matters in this game they have an autistic meltdown
>Shit balancing.
>Bad maps.
>Self healing characters/annoying abilities.
>Shimada brothers existing.
>The community will NOT shut the fuck up about nerfs and buffs. Seriously, go to the forums and read the trash people come up with. It's also why we got Doomfist instead of another support which was needed.
>The community and the way they act and play on this game.
>Ults and abilities that make certain choices off the 'meta'.
>SR system based on wins and not what you contributed, so even if your team is a short bus and you're the chaperone you at least get something out of it. But nope.
>No one plays support and insta-locks leaving one person to be off their game.

Fuck it man.
hehe xd its just qp bro
>That moment when the Paladins devs can crank out a hero in about a month but Blizzard, a much larger company takes 4 months
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The Roadhog nerf. He was the only other tank I played besides Winston. He always the first choice for me in 3v3 and before they updated 3v3, he was all I played for that mode to get my weekly boxes done fast. Roadhog was probably one of the most fun characters I have played in the game. It was fun to hook mercies even if they are in the sky pocketing pharahs and then hear them bitch like babies after I kill them. That and Blizzard can't balance.
this post right here
qp mmr was a mistake I just wanted to play against shitters but no everything must be competitive
There's literally nothing wrong with dive meta. It works very well because the game is supposed to be played in a fast paced scenario.

Winston is bs tho and the pro scene doesnt have many actually good players like cs go for example. Even koreans arent that good.
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The game tanked as soon as they added competitive mode. Everyone started taking it way too seriously.

Was a fun romp for about 40 hours.

>switch characters!
>team comp!
>stop playing that character!
game is great.
community is fucking garbage.
I pick it up every few weeks just to lose a few matches due to being on a retarded team.
>pick Lucio instead of one of the fun characters
>everyone keeps trickling out one at a time after ever death even when I'm on mic telling people to wait and stick together
This game is painful to play. GAAAAAAAAAARBAAAAAAAGE community.
>1 nanosecond after game starts, my team is already instalocked into hanzo, widowmaker, and 3 defense heroes even though we're on attack

>enemy team is Winston, D.Va, two healers and two DPS
The cancerous community
The game is full of 12 year olds, autistic manchildren, and twitch whores
But what really pushed it over the top is now reports will actually get you banned, so when some random sperg gets angry at you for not picking Ana he has(which is in every game) the potential of fucking you over

TL;DR. The game is one giant Reddit circlejerk
Or use my new least favorite word: 'Toxic'.
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I didn't play Roadhog all the time but I stopped playing since this.

I still enjoy booping faggots into the abyss but its just not the same
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TF2 is getting hype from the pyro update that was meant to drop weeks ago. It'll drop at some point in august, dissapoint everyone again, then we'll go back to our regularly scheduled shitposting.

boring ass meta is what did it for me, blizz chose to buff all the boring heroes and nerf the interesting ones, so I just got bored of fighting the same 8-10 boring heroes. On top of this, doomfist was underwhelming as fuck, they could've made an interesting melee/defense hero, instead made him a boring offense hero with a dumb finger gun.
>Monkey and chink mech have no good counters
>Dive meta is good

Nice try jeffy
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Blizzard have fucked up with the heroes
>Playing support and tank is boring for the majority of the fanbase and as such they all wan to play the Offence/some defence heroes
>This results in half the team not even enjoying the game cause they constantly have to play heroes that they don't enjoy to stop players instalocking Hanzo and throwing the game

They desperately need more tanks and supports but what do we get, more offence characters and as such playing the same heroes every match gets more and more boring
For the record, the placement matches do that in general. I lost at least 300 and there was frequent reports of that amount happening, it feels like it was tacked on so people would keep playing competitive to get their ranks back up.
>dva just stands in your face completely still with matrix up saying hello
>this alone counters 75% of the heroes
This may sound dumb, but 6 heroes each team make the game always the same.
There should be a 8v8 mode or something, weekly brawls arent enough
Although Doomfist is really cool to play with
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Pretty much.

>Today, Mercer confirmed something that, in my sad state last night, I had insisted to my teammate: Our ratings are artificially lowered around 200 points between seasons. But during a player’s first 40 to 50 games that season, wins will bring in more SR than they normally would until you’re back up to your real, accurate ranking. “We do that to give you a sense that you are improving over time,” Mercer explained
>Mercer understands that it can feel bad to see a low rating after grinding out placement matches. He says it was a compromise: “A lot of game designers make trade-offs between varying goals that sometimes work at opposites. This is one where we made the decision to lower you initially so, as you play, you have a more positive experience.”
The game facilitates and even encourages bad matches and a shit community

>hear Rein got his shit fixed so give him a try for the first time in 8 goddamn months
>turns out the new DPS, Doomfist, can rocket punch me from halfway across the map
>this breaks my shield and stuns me, letting the enemy team kill me pretty much instantly
>also after he does it Doomfist can immediately uppercut + flying elbow drop to safety
>this completely negates every tank that isn't D.Va or Winston
>also if he's not busy fucking the tank in the ass, Doomfist can OHKO anyone with 250 hp or less without fear of reprisal unless he's stupid enough to dive directly into the enemy team and get focused down

But it's a good thing we don't have to worry about Roadhog's hook any more, am I right?
It's simply not fun. Every single match plays out the same you just stand around building ult charge then the ults go off and you will either lose the fight or win it. rinse and repeat for the rest of the match until you 50/50 win or lose then queue for 15 minutes to do it all over again. I get no enjoyment out of it.

I had fun when the game was new but not anymore.
Dive, the community, the fucking ridiculous leaver system (teammate leaves when you're winning the match, lol gg complete enemy comeback enjoy your free -30 SR loss), and the neutered Roadhog. When they nerfed Road it literally ushered this shit meta into every fucking game. All because Reddit babies couldn't handle it.
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>the hanzo and widowmaker spam "I NEED HEALING!" despite having little contribution to the game
The game was never fun for me and I never enjoyed it. I only got it because my friends played it and exclusively played it with them.

This game has no depth to it, all the guns shoot like a laser beam, every character save for like 3 presses 1 or two buttons. All of the maps except the space one are fucking trash and feel awful to play. Blizzard's notoriously horrible balancing is once again present with overwatch, and because of this it fails as a competitive esport. There is no content in the game outside the multiplayer and microtransaction RNG cosmetics.

Am I missing something? This game is awful
>neuter the hook into the team hero
>introduce a hero that can flying press you into a wall while in your team line and fly away using African magic
Really activates my almonds
I play nothing but Sombra, McCree, and Widow, and only with my friends.

Everyone else is unfun due to METAGAEM.
Team mates hate him !

Click here to learn this one weird trick that makes you lose every game
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People are tired of having no freedom, tired of no maps, and tired of just slow fucking content in general.

It's been over a year and I still can't opt out of picking which games modes I want to play or not, much less which fucking maps I'd like to play on.

If they released a fully fledged Man vs Machine mode people would come back, they made half an attempt with that one mode that they removed after two weeks and it was the best thing they added.
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Two things.

First, it's casual yet tries to play itself off as competitive. Every match is the same. You're forced to have a certain composition, keeping with the meta, which means you can't use the characters you may want to. For example Winston is the tank to use in serious matches at the moment. You like Roadhog? Well fuck you.

All matches play out the same. Now that you're playing the current meta heroes, all you do is stand around and wait until your ults are all charged. Then both teams press q, and one will gain an advantage based on the meta-team composition that I stated earlier. It's braindead.

And lastly, Blizzard cannot balance for shit. Instead of keeping all characters viable they constantly make some useful while simultaneously making others worthless. This ruins competitive play and even casual play at the lowest level, since your favorite character may now be either absolutely shit or just worthless.
Give tools to the community and we have good maps in a week
I forgot about Zenyatta, sorry. I play robo-man, too.
Not enough content being released, and whatever is new becomes old very quickly due to how shallow it is, doomfist hype is already gone.

No reason to keep playing, no discernable difference between gold level players and master level players, and because of the content drip, everyone already has what they want from lootboxes.

They need to get that awesome dev team from hots and swap them right now, they shouldve had at least 6 new heroes and maps by now, even if some heroes feel samey at least ot would mix up team comps a little.
I do pretty well as Sombra and McCree, tho.

I adamantly refuse to play Snoremettra and the boring monkey.
>They need to get that awesome dev team from hots and swap them right now
Fuck you.

t. HoTS player.
It's just a less shitty version of TF2 with balancing problems and a stale meta. There's no reason for me to go back to playing it
I dont understand. Im pretty sure Overwatch is getting them loads of emone, while HotS not that much. Maybe Im wrong.
>They're nowhere near the team. And about 4 walls and a corridor are between you and them.
The worst is when you're trying to get to them and they walk away from you. You call for healing then fuck off back to base making me peel from the team actually doing shit to save you and your 2 eliminations. and the worst part is That I'll die doing it and they don't even bother to support me when I'm dodging a genji to be a good guy.
>overfags will never experience fast-paced wallrunning in titanfall
>shitting on slows
>loading screens that say: go for executions for bragging rights
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The game is pretty good. Whats kills it, its the comunity.

You will match with people who doesn't know how to work as a team, try maining suport and then see how it goes.

Another proof that the comunity kills the game is the pandering for nerfs on interesting heroes, such as Ana, Symetra and Roadhog. And since Blizzard panders to its cancerous comunity, the game becomes shittier too.

The times i matches with masterful players really got my blood pumping, it would have such a intense match that it maks you feel small, but you dnt feel for losing. Its like you've grown a lot in a single match, you learn a shit ton of strats and playstyles. But matches like these will 1/100 literally.
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There are several maps I don't like
There are several characters I don't like playing (But must play in order to win)
There are players who will make the game difficult and unfun, even if I win

Goes like this, Roll a die to get a good map, Then roll a die to see if you play a fun hero, then roll a die to see if you have fun teammates. You cannot fuck around in overwatch. There are meta characters you MUST play. If you choose to play casual, you are stuck in more or less competitive rules with the same shitty maps and characters, but 0 chance of team work. There is no RJ+Market Gardner soldier to fuck around with. There is no Minisentry Engineer. There are no alternative playstyles requiring any degree of skill. Shallow, slow, stale, repetitive. I'll play tf2
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>everyone already has what they want from lootboxes.
you got that right
there's no reason to open lootboxes at this point, especially since they take so fucking long to open.
I wish they never removed it, it was the first time in this game I was getting along with people. I was actually excited when we got to the end of legendary difficulty, even if we lost every time. I actually felt genuine excitement thanks to that game mode. Playing against other people is fucking awful in comparison.
Just goes to show that blizzard's only good work is in pve.
>it takes 4 months for Blizzard to release a new hero
>they're still broken as shit and upset game balance for months
Sorry for the redditlike writing and some english errors, its a bit dark here and im not wearing my glasses.
>Not needing a nerf
Fuck you.

Decrease the range on her DUDE W+M1 LMAO rapebeam by like 2 smidgens. That shit's fucking retarded as is.
Because the hots team like their game and fanbase.
>you learn a shit ton of strats and playstyles
what, dive comp? so much to learn right?
Their balance is shit
What little updates and content that is released is shit
QP is shit
Arcade is RNG shit
Comp is shit
Community is shit
>Grief in OW since season 1 going to lowest rank possible every season then back to the top1%
>Blizzard finally release a working report system and I get banned for 2 days.
>No reason to play anymore

Pretty much explains Overwatch in a nutshell for me. Game is only good for fucking around in and trolling the shitters who try to force you to play meta.
Hello Mercy main. You happy with fucking roadhog to oblivion?
Sorry for late reply, fucked off the thread for a couple hours. I know it doesn:'t affect gameplay, I dislike it because you aren't paying for a specific skin but rather a chance to get a specific skin. I do admire the fact that you get coins from duplicates that allow you to buy whatchu want. I just wish I could buy specific skins and not lootboxes.
I don't play Mercy.
Go Pyro cosplay elsewhere.
Is 6 man stacking during unhuman hours of the night to boost players still a thing?
Hello bad genji main, why are you trying to 1v1 symmetra instead of dashing away?
blizzard took 40 smackaroos from me
fuck blizzard and my parents for me being stupid
I don't play Genji.
>Hey _____ main!
>Hello _____ main!
Grow a fucking brain you drone
i just dont have fun anymore, just feels like a big grind for lootboxes that 99% of the time drop the bare minimum i.e. 1 blu 3 whites
>full speed
thats a bit much, should be half speed at least
No draft. Allowing duplicates of characters.
Then what the fuck are you guys complaining about? You guys can't aim or what? Stand at a sizable distance and shoot her or switch to Winston. Winston fucks her shit up.
the community is a fucking joke and only wants to bitch and moan about everything instead of trying to adapt and learn
>Just play Winston to kill my w+m1 ass.
How about you fuck off?

Retarded Sym main.

i cant get past low 2ks because shitters keep leaving 2 minutes into the game.

surprise sur-FUCKING-prise they almost always instalock hanzo or widow
>cant get past low 2ks because shitters keep leaving 2 minutes into the game.
you are the shitter
>maps suck
>updates every 3 months
>no fixes to overpowered characters
>2 snipers in every match on both sides
>the latest character also has an instant kill ability on 3/4 of the cast
>competitive vs quickplay mindset means people are total faggots in competitive and total retards in competitive, making both gamemodes completely unfun
>no healing characters are fun except for lucio, who can't heal his way out of a paper bag now thanks to blizzard not understanding their own game
>played so many hours that it's just dropping off in fun in general
>awful matchmaking in any mode

I could think of more but those are the big ones

>comp team NEEDS a mercy
>junkrat rendered useless by feeding tank ults
>fem-cuck-bot 4000 still a rape machine

>people instalock snipers and leave in ranked games

>somehow its my fault

okay buddy
im not saying thats your fault, im saying you being stuck in 2k is your fault
Mostly I hate like 95% of the people playing the game, so no thanks.

He's talking about the personal performance metrics involved.
if you want to climb out of 2k all you have to do is put in some effort, same for all ranks except maybe gm to t500
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>awful at overwatch yet ranked platinum for some fucking reason
>every game i join people report me and accuse me of trolling
>i'm actually trying my hardest

guarantee blizz will end up banning me just for being bad
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>im so shitty i cant even play winston the post
I don't play Symmetra but I will give you that she is fun to troll and fuck around with in quick play. Seeing people throw a fit and bitch about dying to hold and click 1 button is so damn fun. Fun usually ends when they get a Zarya, Winston, or Pharah though.
People do this in fucking 3-4k you mong
>Playing Winston
It's because it's not fun. He's like Symmetra except holding M1 doesn't even give you a cool animation beam, and you have that retarded arm motion on the left side of your screen.

He's also fucking boring.
Apparently they also changed the duplicate coin return to compensate for that.
>People do this in fucking 3-4k you mong
ya, i never said that wasn't the case, i just said if you're stuck in 2k its you're own fault a
>pig nerf
>2cp maps
People whining that they can't get out of low ranks in Overwatch remind me of the good old days of Elo hell in League of Legends. I had a lot of fun going to 0 Elo and stomping everyone while only playing garbage shit like jungle AP Leona.

Basically if you're below 2.5k you're absolutely terrible.
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Every season I feel like this is gonna be the one where I'll grind and climb, I legitimately enjoy the game, but when it comes to it, every fucking time I find myself barely doing placements like 3 days away from the end of the season

It's okay, season 6 will be the one
>Basically if you're below 2.5k you're absolutely terrible.
2.5k is pretty much people just not being braindead
i'd say if you're below master you're terrible, but even master players are terrible. So probably like 3.7k is when you're not completely trash

t.3.7k player who thinks hes hot shit
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Just dont even bother playing
comp rules are fun, but the meta is so unfun and season 6 will probably be the same or worse
Because how much fun you get out of the game is a dice roll. Your own actions are irrelevant and it's all about whether or not anyone else fucks up.
Making SR and unlocks based on team victories rather than gameplay achievements was the worst idea ever.
i've seen people accidentally make it to 3.9k (getting carried / lucky streaks) and then immediately demote to plat. It's really hard to tell sometimes if someone is braindead based on elo
lack of content
103 degrees is shitty now?
>awful matchmaking in any mode
this, 8/10 games are always roflstomps by one team.

How's the meta right now? When I stopped Phara+Mercy was considered OP and Roadhog was considered broken. Now I know Roadhog is nerfed but how did the meta change overall
>I'm surprised as to how my friend manages to play this game regularly for one year straight.
They don't know any better.
Blizzard thrives on newfags and normies who are unaware of superior alternatives and thus have no basis of comparison.
>zero balance
>zero skill
>toxic community

the only good that came out of this game is the porn
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>What's killing it for you?
probably the non-stop onslaught of 'i need healing' maymays
pharmercy is still good on some maps, but mostly there are better picks. Roadhog nerf was needed but they did it in a horrible way and it accidentally unleashed the dive meta upon us.

it's like one of those animes where the evil guy was actually the good guy and you dont learn it until they kill him. Roadhog was the only thing preventing the dive meta we have now.

The meta right now is winston/dva/dps/zen/lucio

dps is the only thing that varies, but the game is still stale and relies a lot on dps players as long as your tanks are playing good which isn't exactly a hard thing to do
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>everyone says GG
>when the game was obviously a disastrous abomination
These condescending twats are the ones who should be banned. Not the ones who are actually trying to win in a game where winning is all that matters.
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>OverWatch League league
Not having a scoreboard makes things much much WORSE from a casual standpoint, see >>385563594
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Forced 50 stopped me from playing entirely. I could care less about any content put into such a game.
Hows doomfist?
>Pharmercy is still good on some of the maps.
yeah she still is.
until this cunt uppercuts his way to to top of the damn map and kills the Phara and Mercy in one go.
War maeks us stronge
cuntflick is good lol
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But think of the toxicity! Just ignore that nearly every online game has one, even fucking Splatoon.
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we wuz meta heroes and shit
Climbing != carrying
he's not in comp yet, but considering he's a dive hero i only see the meta becoming worse

hopefully, pharah's really annoying to play against as is, but doomfist will be just as annoying with his 3s oneshotting rightclick :)
Yeah i know.
Pharmercy was basically the go-to if you were getting your asses handed to you in a little pink box.

But as soon as Blackguy get released Pharmercy is gonna be useless for the first month or two.
since all the people who don't have PTR are dying to play Saviourpalm
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I don't hate it, I'm just bored and over it.

There isn't enough gameplay diversity. Which is strange given the amount of unique heroes and their intricacies.
I think a lot of the problem from me stems from the lack of maps/modes and the over-reliance on low tier strategy and team comp. You can't just load into a random map and have some mindless fun... I hate to make the comparison but think 2fort, koth. or orange maps in TF2.

Basically, the game isn't a very good shooter and the strategy elements lack depth.
Slowly killing off Roadhog with progressive updates
While progressively buffing Dva

>Guaranteed replies
>Play against Phara
>Rising uppercut
>Rocket punch
>1 pew from his smallfist
for one thing, 10 fucking placement matches is too much. i'm bored with the game halfway through and i don't evn have my rank yet.

and then the fact that the game overall is just a pile of shit. before launch i had high hopes that a fresh new game could recapture that vanilla tf2 feeling, but instead we got a dumbed down mann-co era tf2 with ASSFAGGOTS flavoring
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>S1 = 40
>S2 = 2500
>S3 = 3200
>S4 = 3700
>S5 = 2600
Cry with me anon
i mean its ten 20 minute games in 3 months
Unique heroes are just basic archetypes split among multiple characters. To get a complete character you have to play 2-4 characters
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>it would be very difficult to do something vital to the gameplay experience
>so let's not do it!
I'm sure having graphics was "very difficult" at one point too. Guess we should all just be happy with printer-generated text adventures.
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Blizzard's stupid obsession with the Trinity combined with the shitty meta they're too slow to change is what is killing OW.

Being FORCED to always have X, Y, and Z heroes, and the other three roles always being 1 of 2 competitive choices, just fucking kills the game.

But Blizzard does this in ALL of their games.

Because someone is always forced to tank when they don't want to, or dps when they don't want to, or heal when they don't want to, the game sucks.

And because the skills for tanks, dps, and healing are wildly different, people being forced to play other roles typically suck.
Like when you get into a game and see 5/6 of your team are Mercy mains, you know you lose because someone who plays Mercy at a Master's level cannot play D.Va or Rein or S76 or Genji or anything else at a Master's level.

Again: Blizzard's Trinity is the source. Because it specialized heroes to such an absurd degree that people with 1000 hours in the game cannot play half the roster well because their niches are different.

Then there's the meta. Nothing needs to be said there. Metas always suck.

The thing is the game's just not fun because you can only play the same handful of the roster at a time. Junkrat's never been meta. Hanzo neither. Bastion was meta for a day then got nerfed.
Its TF3 and its complete garbage but mea nwhile all my retarded friends are raving on about it and wont stop playing it

Basicly i hate it because its absolute garbage and takes time from my retard friends that we could spend playing good games
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I still love the game, but for the first time I need to take a break from it. Not because of the game, or the balance changes, but because of the way the community is acting on the current meta and balance.

I play the game because I like the take on FPS with a focus on unique abilities, combined with the tank/damage/heal trinity. But right now that's not how it feels like it plays.

Quick Play is essentially worthless if you want to play the game as its intended because it's a DPS playground.

But that's what Competitive mode is for, right? Except not with how people play the current meta. Dive has promoted a fast, "just dive and hope your team comes out with more kills" playstyle that makes any tank that isn't Winston or D.Va useless, and promotes high DPS team comps which often means teams are running at least 3 DPS. This is in turn promoting more and more DPS players, to the point the five Comp matches I've played today have never had less than 3 DPS on either team, and at times my teams have even gone 4 DPS (and it never fucking works).

To make matters worse, you do well as a tank and you bet someone on the enemy team will pull out new Reaper and you're just fucked because the best any tank can do against Reaper is D.Va DMing him and hoping her team kills him before it runs out. And even if Reaper didn't exist, this DPS heavy meta basically necessitates Winston and only Winston (maybe Zarya too if your tracking is good enough).

Even healing is less enjoyable now because the Roadhog changes have completely removed him from play, which means flankers like Tracer and Genji have nothing to fear and can dive on backlines to their hearts content.

To top it all off, all this DPS wankery only serves to make DPS players even more selfish and abrasive, making teams in general less cooperative across the board.

tl;dr, I love the game, I love the intention behind it, but current balance changes and the overpopulation of DPS players are utterly killing it for me
Why don't they just release a matchmaking option where you're only looking to play a specific role
It would be just like wow where retards picking dps will always wait hours and tanks/support will install queue
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I didn't get D.Va's Hanbok skin.

I haven't played it since. I actually like the game but until I can get that skin I am boycotting it.
At least the new guy looks fun. Though I think his character is the absolutely fucking worst, most banal character archetype ever.

Not enough for me to reinstall, though.
Psst, kid, ever heard of...
Dirty Bomb
I didn't have enough, nerd.
I actually like the moon map.
TF2 was 12v12, and you could get by with just 1 medic most of the time.

OW is 6v6, and you're best having two supports. The chances of that happening in QP is low but not so low the other team won't be the exception. Every time.

Fuck Overwatch and snowflake faggots who refuse to pick anything but DPS. "It's quick play xD". Bitch, where else do I practice for comp? There's arcade mode for not trying to win.
A proper game should build a player up, rewarding their success.
Overwatch pushes players down, punishing them for the failures of others.
It's a recipe for disaster.
The fact that the entire game is based on the Q button and that it's a completely overrated game.
It's fun for like an hour every 2 weeks, but that's the most I can play.
yeah but that's 3 hours just to get started, and even though each match itself is the same game you'll be playing once you qualify for the season proper, it feels like you aren't accomplishing anything for the actual season.
Shit community
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I think a big factor is that there's nothing to work for. I already have just about everything from the loot boxes, and whenever they put out limited time boxes I simply buy the one or two skins/emotes that I like and be done with it.
>people that have fun playing overwatch
>not dragging the human species down

Idk how people can excuse themselves to play this banal shit wtf is wrong with you all
"Competitive" video gaming was a mistake.

What makes TF2 a classic is it was not developed under the notion that it MUST be a competitive shooter first and foremost, second being something people will want to watch on Twitch. It was just a class-based shooter made to be, you know, fun. It had no other agendas.

I assume people are just now beginning to realize that while it's fun to be competitive, it isn't fun when it's shoved down your throat as a part of the core game. Which this game sort of does. Doesn't help that the maps are pretty much just long hallways with like 5 chokepoints in between the first and final points.
>game is not in a peak of popularity
>that somehow means it's dead

I know /v/ is mentally challenged at most but this is not how it works. How the fuck Overwatch is supposed to have the same amount of playerbase or increase it all time? Game is great but after 200hrs you can feel burned out.
>Not wasting hard earned money on lootboxes for more dupes to get enough to buy the skin
I noticed it a couple of weeks after I bought the game. It's absolutely real and it's Blizzard's way of making casual shitters not lose constantly to the detriment of everyone else.
No alternatives at least for me
and where do i, wanting to play a dps, practice for comp you dipshit?
>complaining about any given factor x in a blizzard game

It's almost as if you're willingly ignorant
Keeps the Summer and leddit at bay.
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>We didn’t really set out to make Overwatch an esport, but we set out to make it a great competitive experience – but it was very clear early on that it was going to be an esport.

Pretty much.
i honestly don't know. I went back to playing R6 Siege.

i don't know what makes Siege more fun than Overwatch, but it is.
>roadhog's completely unnecessary nerf, aka "waaaah I can't anticipate hooks because I'm absolute shit, so it's OP NERF IT"
>some heroes are still literally useless against half-decent players
>competitive is always one very stale meta
>even in diamond, there's always a couple of "HURR I TROLL PICK I THROW XDDD" faggots because of picks, poor team performance on a single round, or whatever trivial bullshit that triggers their autism
>maps and heroes are getting released at incredibly slow speeds
>still only allowed to play 6 vs 6 maximum, no communirt custom maps or mods to spice things up

It was fun for a while, and I thought I was done with TF2.
In the end, I'm back to TF2, and barely touched Overwatch these past 2 months.

Of all the things wrong with the game, just fix the slow updates at least. Playing with the same heroes gets old quick.
Dirty bum
Dota 2 is the most played game on Steam and it is HIGHLY competitive. Even at the lowest level. Your argument flies out the window. The problem with Overwatch is that every game is the same. There aren't enough heroes and there aren't even items which is what gives Dota its replayability.
only game mode that was somehow fun
and they fucking removed it for meme hero only mode
Literally even TF2 was more fun and I can barely think of anything more sterile

Fucking hell I would even rather install csgo or pubg or any mainstream competitive pile of crap then ever have to endure another minute of being aware of the existence of OW.

Literally anything else would be better, even assfaggots or mmorpgs
Custom games specifically designed for it, people make tons of them, and they give you experience against real players.

>But those aren't proper matches
And Quick Play as it is now counts as "proper matches"? No, it doesn't. Quick Play is a fucking playground for DPS players as far as the community is concerned.
>dive meta
>gain 10 points per win
>lose 30 per loss
>forced 50
It's such an unfun uphill battle.
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>makes a rational criticism of the game or current match
Blizztards are the most insufferable shit-eaters. So much so that even if I still liked the game I still couldn't stand to play it.
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>team-based game filled to the brim with normies and casuals
>abominable level design
>not to mention character design, if Dreamworks was in vidya business this is exactly what I'd be seeing
>games are determined by proper use of Q more than anything else and even then your team literally can't figure it out
Literal torture.
so let me get this straight, you are allowed to play dps in quickmatch to practice but everyone also who wants to do the literal same thing can fuck right off and pick support to please your ego?

get fucked idiot
>Literally anything else would be better, even assfaggots

whoa whoa whoa whoa

let's not be crazy here
>takes /v/ over a year to realise just how bad this game is

A new low truly

Assfaggots are a low point, Overwatch and TF2 however are rock bottom, nearly collapsing through the floor under the weight of how awful the genre is
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bored me fast, doing the same map over and over.
and the gay and "muh diversity" stuff killed it for good
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>new defensive buff coming to PTR which lets Roadhog move at full speed while using his heal as well as taking 50% less damage
Fucking useless. Any good hog already tries to get out of fire and turns to prevent headshots before drinking since staying in enemy fire while drinking is retarded - it's better to die instead of giving ult charge.
What they needed to do was slightly increase his damage so 200 HP heroes can be instagibbed again. Roadhog is not a tank and should try to avoid taking damage.
Blizzard uses complicated algorithms to match you up with just the right ratio of shit players that you resort to buying those loot boxes you just can't seem to win no matter how hard you try. It's a highly intricate money making scheme and the whole game is based around it.
>you are allowed to play DPS
What? I've barely even touched DPS in over 600 hours of game time. Less than 5% of my All Modes play time is Offense heroes, because I have the basic decency to actually try and form a decent team composition.

Playing DPS is fine. Playing DPS when at least three other people have already picked DPS is shitty and anti-fun for everyone besides the people who want the game to just be fucking Counter Strike.

It's not a matter of "pleasing my ego", it's a matter of me just wanting to play Overwatch as it was designed. If I wanted to play a TDM game or CSGO, I wouldn't have opened up Overwatch.
>online friends have fun doing stupid shit in tf2
>stupid shit like seeing me get launched up by the dustbowl spawn door while playing spy
>getting matched up on opposite teams and killing each other

>they play overwatch
>I play occasionally because I'm burnt out at level 101's worth of play time
>still mostly like tf2, great for casual fun
>always negative experience even with friends playing overwatch because we can't do stupid shit to win
>occasionally they play tf2 with me and have fun but they go back to OW
>would rather play serious sam if I wanted to go all-out on a game nowadays
>worst part is nothing interesting has ever happened in any of the overwatch matches I've had
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>A new player tries to get into OW
>Is looking to just play and gradually git gud
>Is deterred from Competitive, because they would need to be better at the game first
>Only choice are QP and any of the Arcade modes
>Finally tries out Competitive mode
>Everyone is incredibly sensitive and bitchy with one another because thanks to "Ranked points" supposedly being "an indicator of personal skill", everyone's precious little egos are offended by every little thing, and people think everyone else, even their team, is out to get them.

We should have never allowed the split into "Casual" and "Competitive" mode. Let that shit stay with MOBAs because it's in the nature of that genre. This alone just breeds some absolutely shit communities.

Thanks E-Sports.
>pick a character I play well that suits the situation
>"omfg retard pick switch"
>switch to another character with which I perform well
>"this character is shit, switch ffs"
>switch again
>"you fucking moron stop trolling with your shitty picks"
>ask them to directly tell me what to pick since they clearly know better
>"Iunno, pick something good"
and if they actually DO tell you what to pick and you say that you can't play that hero well, you get reported. For not being able to fulfill a role that a literal nobody is trying to force you into.
Metas were a mistake.
it's not dying but the current ranked season and meta is absolute shit, the game just isn't as fun as it was on release. for me, i'm the classic fuckwit who only plays genji, tracer, soldier and doomfist because they're the only damn heroes that are even fun for me anymore
Dude, you JUST got doomfist. Be fucking happy for once.
Yeah same anon, except I hated TF2 as well. I just wish my friends wouldnt indulge in this genre. I hate it so much
jeff please
>What makes TF2 a classic is it was not developed under the notion that it MUST be a competitive shooter first and foremost, second being something people will want to watch on Twitch. It was just a class-based shooter made to be, you know, fun. It had no other agendas.

That's exactly right. TF2 let you play 1v1 to 32 v. 32 and everything in between. It let you play whatever classes you wanted, when you wanted, and though there were counters and incentives to make better picks, you could always still get some kills and have a good time. You weren't concerned about matchmaking or points or whatever because it was literally irrelevant and you could play any server, any map rotation, etc.

TF2 had less characters, but also less restrictions. Restrictions would have made TF2 far less fun.
I stopped playing because they made hog unfun.
this is what i loved about tfw, and 100% what killed the game for me. i don't remember the name of the update, it was the one where allies didnt give ammo anymore and you had to pick up boxes instead of weapons for ammo. it ruined the game for me, then they added ranked and i knew i'd never return. the game wasn't meant to have a ranked mode. it was supposed to be fun.

same with overwatch. i knew when it got ranked it'd go to shit. and it did, although it took me a few more months to quit (quit after season 3)
I do play tf but after playing ow and not seeing some things that ow does better i feel weird i lose my will to play.Its mostly little things like more responsive dev and feeling of weapons like seeing that reload bug after 10 years i really makes me frustrated.

Csgo is too slow for me i feel like a turtle

And for pubg i don't like that whole survive in a circle,prone and never move to win genre.

I just can't play mobas.I prefer to go out and do something else instead.
It's still doing quite well, you must be retarded.
Blizzard wants to cater to casuals and literal pro-gamers at the same time. Because of this, heroes are balanced not around a compromise between skill, damage and defense, but purely around defense. That's why so many heroes can self-heal, have shields or generate armor for others, because what Kaplan calls "balance" is just adding more HP to the game and dropping the amount of damage heroes can do, in order to allow children, newfags and women to play characters like Winston or Symmetra without having to aim or have any sort of skill, where heroes that are very strong with tactical positioning and aim have their damage capability reduced.
After playing about ~20 hours of Gigantic over the past few days, I had a realization of sorts that highlighted how much Blizzard limited Overwatch from being a really fun game by conservative game design. For each "class", there isn't much creativity going into them and what they do, they're all fairly grounded into traditional gunplay and none of them are especially complex either. Some have higher skill ceilings to play effectively (Tracer, Widowmaker) over others (Winston, S76) but not one of them are especially intriguing on their own since what differentiates the characters the most are their weapons and health pools. You either get projectiles or hitscan, some shoot fast, others slow, some lock on, etc., but that's it. Gigantic has a Bastion-like character, for instance, but he has the ability to use a railgun or change it into a cannon, and then based on that choice, can buff it in different ways suited to the game. He also has a turret set-up like Bastion, but can spec into either more damage or to have a strong shield that can deflect projectiles or do more damage, combined with the fact that other abilities can have synergy accordingly. There's even stuff like fortifying and unfortifying knocks enemies away from you, or you can use the turret mode to weaken or slow enemies, depending on what you pick if you didn't go for the more damage option.

Overwatch has none of this. He has an okay self-heal but getting heals in the game is already easy enough with medkits and the fact that having two healers at any given time is a necessity, rendering it more of a back-up than anything. Bastion's turret form has nothing going for it other than being a stationary target where people can gib you in seconds if you're not getting the drop on them. Bastion, and by extension, many other heroes don't have any creativity put into what they can or cannot do, just surface-level abilities that don't add all that much to the game outside of a few neat abilities.
>thinking SR = skill
>>385564596, morons.
Yep, exactly.

>TF2 had less characters,

The more I play OW the more I realize this is how it should be done. 9 classes all made to directly counter one another in some fashion. 25 (AND MORE) characters cannot possibly be made as balanced against one another both in terms of competing for one another in doing the same job, and fighting against one another on the field. This is not good for a community built upon a game that is made from the ground up to be "Competitive".
Use the server browser
Splatoon 2 came out and people are realizing that it's faster and better.
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>Doomfist hyped up to be an exciting character with an explosive personality, Terry Crews hyped to being the VA without Blizzard giving any indication of whether or not it's true because free marketing
>It's just some random, boring black guy who's SRS and not campy at all despite having the name of DOOMFIST
>The actual character does little to solve the current meta issues and is taken out pretty easily due to his nature as a melee character

Also, pic related is all you need to know why Overwatch is tanking.
Idk anon try other things, personally ive sunk about a 1000 hours in meme competitive games like Rocket League without a single regret. Because it's a much better game in every single way
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I fucking wish Arcade was forced 50/50.
Too bad it's instead forced 5/95 until you unlock the loot box.
They should have it available when new heroes launch, like this week. That way we can have an opportunity to play Doomfist without someone else taking him.

All we have is Doomfist 6v6 which isn't fun because everyone is doomfist.

Even tank meta wasn't this bad.
>nearly 80% of the roster in bottom tier

What the fuck did Blizzard do? Even Reinhardt is bottom tier?
You guys sure like to talk about a popular game you don't play any more.
>What the fuck did Blizzard do?

Allow ridiculous amounts of mobility at the press of a button.
I stopped playing after 2 1/2 months and only came back for a few events. Didn't like arcade enough to keep playing but I'm not surprised at all.
People who buy/bought lootboxes need to be lobotomized and put in forced labor camps.
>tripfag has shit taste
Who would have thought?
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Still don't know how guys at Blizzard think the game will be massive e-"sport" worthy of a $20 million entrance fee when spectating is shit and you see mirror matchups with a small pool of heroes nearly all the time.
They buffed mobile heroes and nerfed their counters

Has Lucio ever been lower than S Tier or even Tier 1?
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>general consensus

/v/ does not have a general consensus. It's a lot of individuals on a chinese basket weaving forum. Were not Geth.
No never and unless they make his speed boost useless he wont be
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Not really, just look at this chart from a year ago. There were a couple spots where he wasn't the top support but he was still the second or third most picked hero for tournaments.
>Lucio still in S-tier

Does someone at Blizzard main Lucio or something? I'm pretty sure he's been S-tier since fucking August (open beta) of last year.
I pointed this out and you know what another player said?
"Good. It sucked."
I absolutely fucking refuse to play with this game's fanbase. They are the absolute worst.
Really? Seems like the same amount of contrarians since day 1.
I stopped playing OW because i started playing the superior Paladins.
Except TF2 still isn't a competitive game and restrictions have to be put into character selection for tournaments.

His speed boost is too good senpai. The only way to take Lucio out of S Tier is to nerf the speed boost to the point that it's useless.
AoE healing >>>>>>>>>>>>. everything else
by miles, barely even comparable.
That combined with speed boost which is a huge advantage in a game where all but a handful of characters move at a snail's pace
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Do you have any proof or are you just meming op?
Ancedotally, me and a handful of friends all got Overwatch in launch week and built up 150-300 hours each since then.

All of us have dropped it for PUBG.
Less salt, no fucking shitty balancing of spinning-plate hero types, simple, clean fun.
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If it takes /v/ that long imagine how long it'll take the rest of the video gaming community.
I just want to play UT with casuals again like I could back in the early 2000s.
t. hardstuck bronzie

/v/ has been taking about the flaws of Overwatch for a long time, my dude.
Dive comp doesn't equal instant win, sometimes your team wont dive the choke and you have to swap to a Rein and standard heroes because its not working out. Only in higher tiers can they consistently pull of dive comp.
I have a weird experience in QP. I usually play Hanzo and Widow and Torb exclusively in QP and get stuck with people anywhere from 1.8k to 3k.

In comp I'm usually placed around Masters level games. My SR decayed to 3k but I definitely get placed with people above 3k.
He also has low cooldowns, good offense options like his gun and knockback which can easily sneak a few kills in, and a good counterplay ult. Lucio's just good all around, offense, defense, mobility, fucker can do it all.
as someone who only played during free weekend the game felt to sterile. Like there is just no room to have fun. Everything is so straightforward and shallow.
>Blizz expects to waste your life in this game
>You become a god in this game
>You still lose because someone afking or picking meme classes

This game rewards people too much for being bad but doesn't rewards enough for being good
>fov 103
but its not really 103 its closer to 70
No its what happens when you try and force competitive metas and mindsets on a clone of a game that has a happy, free-wheeling community of silly hat wearing people.
Dota 2 isn't TF2 you spastic cunt. Can you read?
The real reason I dropped this game is because it does every FPS sin in the book and the balancing behind it is completely fucked:

>Did you have being slowed down or having your movement messed with like sandman, natasha, airblack?
Well they made characters who's entire movesets are to slow you down, re-position you at will or just flat out freeze you in place so you can stand there doing nothing

>Did you learn a movement system in the game and were hoping to take advantage of it?
Well they added characters who literally just have to hold down a button and the gun will automatically home in on you and kill you

>Were you hoping that your aiming skill at the game would be rewarded?
Too bad they keep adding shields to the game in order to minimize the amount of damage you're able to pull out.

Everything in this game in someway is made to stonewall an aspect of FPS fundamentals through cooldowns. You are constantly feeling your efforts diminished and yet if one person doesn't pull their weight its game over for the entire team. It's a game where more often you'll be outplayed through the numbers not adding up than your own lack of skill because the game's too slow to begin with so they have to balance around cooldowns in order to make it feasible.
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It's stagnant. After a year of play, you only have payload, control points and koth as your main game modes. We've gotten some fun modes like lucioball and the co-op modes, but those get delegated to one month delicacies that we'll never get to see again. They're like friendly reminders that there could be more fun stuff but fuck you.

Blizzard can't let the game settle for the life of them. Their system of buffs and nerfs is retarded, and that's discounting other egregious shit like nerfing lootboxes hard as events start.

The game only cares about whether you win or lose, it doesn't care how well you did and will punish you for thinking outside the box.

Comp is just shit. No reason to play it unless you're a masochist, especially since blizzard decided you'll always need to be knocked down from where you ended the last season.

On top of all that, the entire setting and tone is bland. You have characters steeped in racism that aren't allowed to be racist, and innocuous things like tracer's butt get censored for nothing. It's ridiculous.
holy fucking shit you guys are fucking trash babies, git fucking gud
its not fucking dead you guys just suck black dick at this game and are fucking butthurt 1/10 made me reply
it's just boring. There isn't enough variation or strategic elements to keep the game fresh, and there aren't enough heroes for the main gimmick to stay interesting. Also, map design is pretty shit and there simply aren't enough on them.

They're banking everything on the esports shit taking off, but Overwatch is not a fun game to spectate.
this, basically. i tried to pick up roadhog for the first time in a while today and was shocked that i wasn't getting picks. like, that's the entire point of his character. get a pick, rush the point. but if even squishies can handle a hook + point blank shot to the face, then what's the fucking point?

my problem with their "balancing" is that they don't seem very interested in actually fine-tuning the game. they like playing with the characters until it turns into a completely different game. just leave it the fuck alone so i don't have to come back in a month to a game that is broken in yet another way.
I fucking love drinking pure salty roadhog main tears.
holy shit, i cant kill anyone by hooking and shooting one time , i dont know how to shoot again or use my team to my advantage wtf this game is bad now wahhhhhhh
they killed my pig
>no thick cock bulging out from her suit, confined and constricted by the tight fabric(latex?) running down her inner thigh
shit image
the game was always bad, buddy. i'm saying they just keep making it a different type of bad. what i am telling you is that it is horseshit that 150hp heroes are surviving a hook+shot to their fucking dome. his fire rate is so low that it's pointless to try and pursue. he's just an ult sponge now that puts out mediocre dmg.
The only hero that requires mechanical skill and actual aiming (Widowmaker) got nerfed so you can't pick her in 70% of all matchups.
you just suck my boi, i can still rekt niggas with my nigg sharkhog, he's still my fav tank
I play this game because all my friends like playing it.
I wanna get back into TF2 solely because of how angry this game makes me.
Should I?
Honestly I'm just sick of people complaining about balance.

Not that the balance is good, of course. It's just that everyone is retarded, are heavily biased towards their own personal experience, and don't actually understand what it means to be "balanced".
>dead game
>no competitive scene
>tigule sitting there and pretending its competitive
yeah. i got back into csgo because of how mad overwatch makes me. i literally lol at myself playing other games when i fuck up, and i never feel cheated. it's nice being able to carry, too. overwatch feels like a social experiment that i just fail miserably at now.
I keep getting matchmade with terrible players. It's understandable if you misjudge a situation or you can't aim that well. But why in the hell am I seeing people:
>running away from their healer when they need healing
>completely scattering. no team formation whatsoever.
>trickling into choke points
>not looking behind themselves when they see Mercy (who boosting them a second ago) dead on the kill feed?
It's unforgivable.
blame game for making yourself mad, then admit your failing at it
if you were good i don't think you'd be getting mad, also you sound like your the type of guy that runs in alone and blames the team for not helping you when you die
>it's the "mad cuz bad" meme again
Might want to read pic related good, long and hard.
Isn't sombra shit, and ana was thought to be shit, but is the best? Orisa is just good.
Sombra is really good.
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you all whine about nerfs and shit b/c you suck
why am i not having problems getting kills?
it just got boring
Sombra is good she does okay job sometimes
ana is okay i guess
Orisa is just better rein but useless in this 'meta'
In games such as Rainbow Six Siege, when a player rages, its usually because the enemy player got the upperhand on them.

In Overwatch, when a player rages, it is frequently directed towards players on their own team. This is the real difference between Overwatch and other team based games. Overwatch is more "team-centric" and it is a breeding ground for toxicity. I fail to see how a scoreboard will fix any of this as it will just encourage people to direct their toxic behaviour towards specific players. Overwatch by far, does, and most likely always will, have one of the most toxic communities out there.

This game goes to show that team based games don't work due to the antisocial nature of online gaming.
I'm not very good at games. But at the same time I get frustrated and quit when I don't easily win.

Who should I main?
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I like it, getting gold elims with Winston is still fun.
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that's dva hun
if your too late to pick a dps or tank dont get mad if people shit on you for not being a healer, just pick a char in each group and git gud so u can play whatever you want and not suck
You've completely missed my point. I never said anything about role-picking.
I don't even play overwatch, what the hell does everyone mean with the 50/50 thing?
take away just getting good with a character of every type so even if niggas try to shit on you you can ass blast them by getting more kills than them or getting potg
doing 1% damage counts as an elim though its meaningless
i love you
Boring and frustrating. The maps suck absolute dick and the game has a ridiculously low skill ceiling.
You win 50% of matches, you lose 50% of matches.

It's not always that accurate, its just venting because some people are stuck in gold, plat or silver and cannot get out understandibly.

It is possible to circumvent, but the amount of time you have to put into to actually get towards a decent rank is exhausting. It's not like the number you receive really reflects personal skill no matter those in Diamond and Masters want to think it does, hence why there is so many dismissive "you're just a plat-shitter, so what do you know" posts. The actual skill gap between gold and masters is no where near as wide as many people think it is, it is actually a whole lot lower.
hmmm this is very much how i feel
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I dunno why but it just really pisses me off now when i play.
I get really mad at it really quickly.
Like, i catch their healer with a charge, and mcree who was nowhere to be seen flashbangs me before i pin her.
The ana flukeshots me with a sleeping dart from across the map in midair and i get destroyed.
Break formation to finish off someone who is 10HP and they get a healing orb from nowhere, then i have to reload, then they ult.
Just little shit that goes wrong and i get super mad at it. I think its just the way the game works, the abilities the characters have. None of them are really any fun to play against, only fun to play as.
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Ladies and gentlemen, the Overwatch fanbase.
>The actual skill gap between gold and masters is no where near as wide as many people think it is, it is actually a whole lot lower.

might've agreed with you if you said between mid-plat and master, but there is quite a skill gap between gold players and master players. I've played in pretty much every rank except silver and bronze. Gold players are braindead, just as much as plat players are. The further up you go, the slightly less braindead you are.

Also if you actually get good you won't be stuck in this 50/50 shit people spout out. Sounds good in theory but if you actually want to climb you can just git gud and stop being hardstuck. It doesn't take much time to get to master-tier skill level from gold unless you got the bad form of autism
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you better!
and there's not enough diversity to actually justify continuous play with the low skill ceiling

majority of people wouldn't even notice if they pumped out maps and heroes or whatever, but they're treating the game like league and that shit does not work out for anyone but league
This shit is only for said by shitters
Sometimes you just get a shit hand
i don't know about now

>You've probably had at least one game where someone screeched about how you need to play a character you flatly do not like.

You've got to be some hidden level of retarded to not want to play a hero because you don't like their personality.
Didn't know it was a card game
Why is every game so fucking locked down now? No community maps, no mods, shit even sprays are pre-selected only.
As a pharah main I average 1-2 self kills per match. When are they just gonna remove pharah self damage and propulsion from normal attacks it is completely useless and just fucks pharah against players like genji who get up in your face.
you mean made him obey the laws of physics?
Overly restrictive and safe. No fun mechanics to use. Everything has to be monitored and curated.

Feels like your favourite playground with some extreme yet slightly dangerous rides got padded and cushioned to shit and now nothing is fun
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I unironically like Paladins more.
BTW, community maps are shit 100% across the board unless they're not publically available and rather just user-created, put through a bunch of internal tests, and then released to the public.
Mods are still extremely popular, so much so bethesda went through the effort of making them available on consoles.

In all 3 examples, you'll notice the community is the same reason why devs try to limit things a little bit. Porn sprays. Malicious map downloads. Copied mods. List goes on. So, blame the community for being faggots, thanks in part due to how popular gaming has gotten in general. You can't even release a sex mod anymore without a bunch of kids making youtube vids about it.
What really pisses me off about this is that Junkrat now receives no damage whatsoever from his own splash damage attacks meaning he can be as reckless as he wants without penalty whilst heroes like Pharah, Zayra, Soldier 76 and any other hero with splash damage still does. The ruleset for the game is getting more and more inconsistent with each and every buff/nerf
>Pick d.va
>Shield your lucio from turret
>Let lucio boop rein
>Dps does the rest of the job
Junkrat is more likely to has his projectiles rebound into his face than the rest due to the way his projectiles work.
Then lessen the damage it does to him, do not remove the penalty outright.
>Ana, Sombra and especially Orisa the worst hero releases I've seen for a game

wow you've got some shitty ass opinions kiddo
>only in quickplay
They shouldve just copy demoman as whole instead of 'lol we don't copy other games' changes
Junkrat is the Pyro of Overwatch in terms of competitive as of now.
Why was the Arcade Mode gametype axed? It was a fun way to fuck around and test things out. If you still wanted meme setups like all Winston or all Mei, then fine, you could have it and it was separate from QP and Ranked if you didn't want that.
damage is fucking garbage and offensive play is dead
I got bored 1 month in. The rest of /v/ is just so dumb they got entertained by this POS for a year.
2cp is the worst goddamn game mode in this game I cant even enjoy this game casually anymore because there is a slight chance that i'll roll a 2cp map.
It made me even angrier when I started up paladins and saw that I could pick and choose which game mode I can queue for
so why the absolute fuck can I not queue for only payload in overwatch but I can choose whether or not to in paladins?
Bastion will always be S-tier for the same reason Bastion never will be. His inherent design is too useful to ever not want to have. He is an aoe buffer and healer. Unless they completely destroy him in nerfs he will be a mandatory.

Bastion on the flip side will never be that good regardless of what they try because his core design of becoming a turret to do damage is so poor.

Like other people have said the game has too many characters and most are in too narrow a niche to really be effective compared to something more general purpose. TF2 may have far fewer characters but thanks to load outs you can replicate the function of almost every single OW character, often several at once.
Pyro at least can counter one of the strongest character in tf well at least on paper
Junkrat is just choke point spamming and sometimes getting a kill with a random pipe that came out of no where and still does full direct hit damage although it bounced on ground.If his pipe bounces on ground it shouldn't do direct hit like demo
To compensate this they should increase his projectile speed
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>Bastion will always be S-tier for the same reason Bastion never will be.
>make a FPS with a holy trinity meta
>pander to waifu and mainfags
>fill the game with DPS classes with no team utility outside of damage or useless skills like limited wallhacks for maps that are all chokepoints
>make snipers
>be surprised when it spawns an asocial and selfish community that tries to avoid everyone and only picks useless edgelords and waifus

Wow. How about the make alternate weapons and alts for each character so players can have a chance to adapt to a situation without having to change from their "mains. Balance is shit, so there is no excuse besides being greedy and lazy to not pour resources on expanding current heroes
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What was the thinking behind not allowing players to choose a game mode or a map?
>That was for matchmaking, player fatigue and path-of-least-resistance reasons. We’re already matchmaking based on ping, group size, skill rating, queue time, modes like Play vs A.I. with three different difficulties, Brawl, Competitive Play and Quick Play.
>If we had to start dividing those by, “I only want to play Control,” we’re really starting to divide the playerbase a lot, and that means match quality would go down. Do you favor a player’s ability to say, “I don’t want to play Payload maps,” over the ability to get a match quickly or play on a local server? There are a lot of decisions there.
>Players also tend to decide that one thing is correct. In games that have map selection, players tend to self-select down to just one map only – we feel like that increases the amount of player fatigue that can happen over time.

There's the answer directly from Jeff "my wife's son" Kaplan.
>It's a MOBA
Then where are the lanes, towers and jungles? Where's the shop\skill tree? Why can I switch mid match an unlimited amount of times?
TF2 is the exact same shit but instead of pressing a button to use an ability you have to switch weapons and then use the ability.
Don't fool yourself. If Overwatch was a MOBA it would be a shitty one because every single hero is awful at a hypotetical jungle or lane scenario and they're all built to stall or stop people that are stalling.
You clearly never played a MOBA so get a fucking clue before you make claims.
>You can now queue for any map you want specifically!
>Nobody plays 2CP anymore for obvious reasons
>When you want to play 2CP you have to wait 40 minutes like in CS:GO if you want to play on Vertigo or some shit
>"There are not enough maps" when probably only KOTH is being played
>game dies even more
>Custom servers gain great popularity
>Some faggot makes a specific mode
>Everyone just plays that mode
>DOTA PTSD strikes Blizzard and they take down custom servers
that's still horse shit because if they claim to have "30 million players" then it shoudn't be a problem
dividing the player base across all the different game modes unless they are lying but we already knew that
>spend 70 hours playing roadhog
>nerfed one year later into uselessness because bronzies get feelings hurt

well it was fun while it lasted

See ya overwatch
All those games are boring, look like shit, are pretty much dead and everybody played them for at least a couple hundred hours. Shit suggestion, shit taste. You're probably a 30 years old who can't get over the fact that nobody gives a shit anymore about the shooter they played when they were 1, not even the devs. Get the fuck on, nigger
when they were 19*
Glad overshit died. Companies shouldnt get away with so many bad decisions especially when they start off so strong. Theres only so much you can get away with.
They nerfed Mcree after the fan nerf, which was needed, into the ground because people we getting upset they were getting outskilled by people who could aim
Reinhardt most likely broke when they changed how boops are done. They used to only account for one direction of movement.
>all my favourite heroes were skill heroes
>requires playing like neo from the matrix because how nerfed you are, literally need to use sorcery level skill to win
>constantly flamed and blamed for losses, no one can see you effort because no a
>braindead teammates can't do shit even on easy mode heroes
I hate this fucking game
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>>What is killing it for you?

>No dedicated servers
>Characters have personalities as dry as paint
>Diversity for the sake of diversity
>Gross imbalance issues like being one-shot by Hanzo's elephant-sized hitbox arrows
>Glorified "Press Q to win" arena shoot-em-up
>Cosmetics you pay for is RNG. Imagine spending a dollar at the vending machine because you want some Cheetos, only to find out some offbrand potato chips come out instead. You feel like fucking shit as a result.

and it's boring as fuck.
Overwatch is a single route flowchart. Nearly every FPS is less boring unless you get your jollies from pressing Q and watching replays with your name on it
You are me. Used to be 2500, placed bad and fucked off and now I've managed to grasp at 1500. I have no will to play anymore. It's so much effort for something that offers so little reward. Like, seething anger after a half-hour of playing and having to stick to the game and getting all sweaty... All for something that they weren't able keep alive, and actively worked against maintaining new content. All bad vibes.
I don't think any game has frustrated and pissed me off as much as this game and im incredibly chill personality type.
tbqh you probably dont have many friends if u post with an anime image
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just look at this gold shitter
Because making content for modern AAA games is so time and resource-heavy there's almost no point in enabling it.
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You forgot to add D.Va's voice-acting onto that list.
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