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Blazblue Cross TagBattle

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Thread replies: 523
Thread images: 189

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How many character do you think they'll be able to fit in this game since it's a sprite dump game like mvc2?
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A lot
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play Ruby
The starting roster will be 20 characters with a bunch of character DLC because fuck consumers
Reminder that RWBY is garbage and you deserve to die if you watch it.
RWBY looks garbage
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Will best snek get in?
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What do their farts taste like?
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60 Characters total, screencap this
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Post your mains! Do you think they'll be in the game?
Updated, as upon consideration, Jaune has the same likelihood of getting in as the rest of his team, due to this being a 2v2 game.

How safe is your main?
take is to /blaz/ you cucks you keep spamming MULTIPLE THREADS EVERY SINGLE DAY
no mitsuru no buy

I don't know much about RWBY only that I did watch the character trailers and maybe around 5 episodes about season 1.

I liked the design of the Phyrra girl and I just learned that she's actually dead.

FUCKING WHAT. Why waste that fucking design?
Arcsys is not Capcom, they know exactly what's going on with them and they're going to want to put in a truck ton of characters to appease everyone
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Erika isn't the most sympathetic character but she's still great.
For 2v2. You need alot 35+
not impossible
I'd guess just the one rwby character whatever her name is. This is obviously just a sprite dump game so they're not going to go out of their way to make too much new stuff.

Also it seemed to just be listed as Persona 4 Arena, not Ultimax, so unless they forgot the branding it'll probably just be characters from the first one.
Stop spamming your bullshit list
>"somewhat unlikely"
yeah fucking right
RWBY general?
>Discuss UNIEL, Persona, and RWBY in the Blazblue general!
I don't think so Tim
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I've wondered the same. Interesting fighting style and design all wasted. Unless she comes back.
I'd bump Jaune and Pyhrra to somewhat unlikely, since they had a lot more screentime than Ren and Nora.
>Akihiko, Labrys, and Adachi are in the somewhat unlikely tier

I hope at least Akihiko gets in, so you can team him with Yang
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>tfw I thought it looked like the gayest dumb shit for years but started it 2 days ago just to see what htis ruby bitch was about for this game
>im now nearing the end of vol 3
I was shaking my head almost all the way through the first season from how obnoxious it was but now im fucking hooked WHAT HAPPENED

Pyrrha is one of the bst fucking girls in anything i ve seen in a long time
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>no Eltnum or Susanoo.
Hoping for Nu, and Labrys.
>Labrys + Carl

This game is gonna be amazing.
Don't pair my favourite character up with scum from a shit and garbage series
I just want a six pack team with either Akihiko, Azrael or Gordeau
I choose to accept the older one as more cannon, thanks.
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Don't have to tell me twice.
It depends how full-hog this is.

Probably not but we can dream.

Hakumen and Jaune if he gets in. The Red Head Revenge Squad would be too good to pass up.
If not, Hakumen and Yosuke for the Woman You Love Is Dead Duo.

As a sub I'll probably use Hyde and Ragna for the sake of Belt Buddies.
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>Not BB vs GG
Regular Labrys or Shadow Labrys?
>>384497539 here

I guess thats that, just got btfo big time by this thread, now to find something else to do
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Hey man, Persona is one of the best JRPG series out there right now.
This looks pretty close to my expectations as well. Celica player, rip my main
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will the roster be like this?
>only added in CS
>not majorly involved in the story
>competing directly with Yang and Akihiko for game's fast puncher

Please don't let your personal feelings about Makoto sway your views of her likelihood to get in
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I'm just finished watching the entire series. Wanted to see what was all the uproar about.
It's pretty decent.
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>had a dream that susanoo was confirmed for the roster
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>this autist again
I get off on your tears, m8
Keep those shitposts coming
Shadow Labrys of course.

2 fucking puppet characters in a 2v2 game. Shit's hilarious.
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Everybody got new designs post V3, Pyrrha's became part of her partners.

No, God no.
You forgot
>massively popular and recognizable
>implying there can only be one "fast puncher"
Stop these dumb assumptions
dont know why /co/ banished these fools but I'm starting to figure out why now
In hindsight, is RWBY being in that surprising?
They have to edit the UNIEL sprites to fit BB and P4A's so it's not fully cheap
ASW said they want to end both games before a crossover. Also GG sprites is from a decades ago

If BB vs GG happens BB will probably get upgraded to models
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>tfw seeing this thread and seeing the fags getting converted

>yfw his shitposting was also advertising

The irony is delicious.
jesus it happens in the next fucking episode, guess it wasnt that much of a spoiler, i just stopped to browse /v/ while making some food...
BlazBlue - Izayoi
Persona - Yosuke
UNIEL - Orie

Of all RWBY characters I only like Yang.
At least two of these will probably be in.
Not as big as that. At first.

What fresh hell is this?
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Should I practice with Guilty Gear or Blazblue? I know this is a Blaz game, but I really like the look of GG and heard good things about its tutorials
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>BB and GG sale on Steam
Man I'd love to give GG a shot but I don't know if my 550 Ti could run it.

I still don't really know what RWBY is or why it's evidently popular enough for this cameo so it's confusing to me at least.
I tend to main characters that I want to fuck, so I hope Rachel and Vatista make it in.
Fuck if I know. I only remember her from years ago when I checked that show out and I honestly thought she had a great design. Just checked a wiki a few moments ago and learned she's dead.

Truly waste of a design.

Most of the BB cast, all P4 party members and maybe Adachi, and whoever the fuck is popular from UNIB

Besides RWBY, maybe Sol might get in.
It definitely doesn't warrant any fighting game given that the source material is shit from the design to the writing
Yes and their introduction in fighting games is a crossover means that this will be the only game that they will be in
Cant I just get Persona 5 Arena? I want Yusuke to be useful just one more time.

I need to be able to play as best boy again.
they should, but they probably won't

in the trailer hyde's sprite still looks the me
Not really, came out of left-field to a great many people though.
Generally speaking though the cast of BB destroy everybody else, it's not even a real fight.
Mori is retarded if they don't put Hazama and Adachi.

That team will be the best.
Considering BB and GG play very differently despite the "it's a worse GG" shitpost, get BB if you want to practice for this game

Or if no, choose the one that interest you more
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It's really just because /co/ moderation is horrible. This kind of shitposting is really only around when it appears on /a/ or /v/ for good reason but people still bitch and moan so people take advantage of that
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Reminder that rwby is popular as fuck in japan and has a jp dub full to the brim with A-list Voice actors.

Blazblue if you want to transfer your skills to the crossover game since it's going to be the same mechanics and mostly same characters.
Guilty Gear has a much better tutorial and teaching tools however for getting into (anime) fighters.
if it's in preparation for the crossover, BB of course

if not, pick whatever you prefer
I feel like Adachi and the P4A(U) exclusive characters have a higher chance of making the cut compared to Elizabeth and Rise. Especially since Rise can probably get into the game without being playable.
mori is retarded if they dont release a PC version
desu it fits right in with blazblue from the writing to the designs
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>implying the first P5 spin off won't be Q or DAN
Probably BB just to familiarise yourself with the characters a little.
GG currently is on sale but you need Rev2 to even play it and that isn't on sale.
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I can't wait to see how fucking nuts or completely homogenized the systems will be for this game.

>P4 characters have Persona breaks and shadow versions
>Having a UNIEL character on screen brings the GRD system, as well as VEIL OFF
>BlazBlue character all have their entire systems as well as the ABCD burst (can't remember what it's called, don't play blazblue)
>Everyone has their instant kill
>The instant kill theme changes depending on character
It's gonna have an arcade version. BBX not having an arcade version when most of the players for all those games except of course RWBY are arcade goers will automatically kill that game.
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>those backgrounds
>that SFM tier animation
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Would you guys gift me BlazBlue?
I just hope Celica A. Shitty isn't in. Don't need her mucking up more franchises with her pressence.
>Has a jp dub full to the brim with A-list Voice actors.
>Still use the awful English VA in the reveal
I like to think they did it on purpose so they can announce the Jap dub later to much applause.
It's only popular because of the voice actors though.
Is RWBY sponsored by ArcSys or something or is RoosterTeeth just that popular?
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>Jubei will be DLC and the balance patch/update will be free
Good enough
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>ragna vs hyde
>they have their own versus theme
I know, I would've liked to see her V4 design too.
Unfortunately, she was literally made to die.
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I love all the UNIEL characters so it will be sad to not be able to play them all.
Still better than Berserk.
It has a light novel, manga, and show in Japan right now.

It is popular.
i just wish guilty gear was actually in, or at least some last second suprrise reveal a week before release of sol being in

i need to have RIDE THE FIRE and BANG A NAIL WITH YOUR HAMMER happen in the same match
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Gee boss, maybe it's because shows are always relegated to /trash/, with the occasional non-general thread allowed, when they're not airing.
and the rev1 dlc characters, so basically the sale is BS, and you need to get the $45 package anyways
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>P4A(U) characters
>he doesn't know
Who do you want to play in Blazblue? There are wrong answers to this question
On a scale of 1 to 5, how fucked up will the storyline be?
Mori likes RWBY. That's really about it.


>MC's get their own vs themes.
Do certain tag match-ups get themes?
>hurr using the series name means P4AU isn't included because lol it's not the same name even though it's in the same series
Stop being retarded
Best part is all the new songs. Can't wait for that shit.
Perhaps this is a jojo reference?
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I hope her sis get in. She would be less disgusting with UNIEL chars around
/blaz/ is too slow
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it also has a manga and light novel but keep deluding yourself.

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>Holding Baeken behind a paywall.
My wallet aches but I can't resist her.
Expect even more meta humor and memes than previously thought possible from a BB game.
>Persona logo uses Persona 4 Arena logo
>Under Night logo uses Unist logo, which is the newest entry in the series
GG sprites are still pretty high quality. A simple upscale and cleanup would be on par with BB sprites.
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Pick one.
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gonna sudoku myself
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>trying not to fap until later tonight
>motherfuckers posting visible abs and underboob

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does RWBY have a cute loli or token flat girl I can fawn over
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Ragna, Noel, Rachel, Jin, Terumi
Hyde, Linne, Orie, Hilda, Chaos
Yu, Yosuke, Labrys, Adachi, Sho
Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Neo
Sol, Ky, Dizzy, Raven, Jack-O'
Shiki, Arcuied, Ciel, Nanaya, Roa
>Special slot
Sion, Urs, Heart
Goku, Kenshiro, Susano

This is your roster for next year. Say something nice about it.
Since this is taking place in BB she'd be horrifyingly OP.
Predictions for final boss?

>donut steel
>Terumi/Adachi (Salem/Hilda?) tag
>Unlimited Ragna
>Takemikazuchi or whatever the giant mahvel boss from CP was
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>Mr Microdash
Good luck with that.
Already picked.
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Dude just wait for the english releases, they will both be on PC in at max 3 months after the english release.

watch go1 play uniel[st]
yuzu of course
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It's probably going to be either some "THE CRYSTALS" bullshit or they are going to Eyes of Heaven the plot.

Either that, or they'll pull a Tekken and make it so that these series have always been in the same place.
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As far as the gameplay and visuals go Im interested in Hakumen, Mai and Litchi but Valken seems cool but not that good ala Slayer

Waifu wise Female Ky doesnt look bad

no akihiko no buy
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>not being an idort
>Ragna uses Central Fiction
>Hyde uses UNIST
>Yu DOESN'T use Ultimax

Face it, anon. This was a conscious decision.
>Ragna and Rachel team gets another mix of White Requiem
I need this in my life
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>Tfw the game has to have both english and japanese dubs because RWBY is in it.
You're welcome dubfags.
>Every story is actually one giant gagreel.
>Terumi's band posters can be found everywhere on the stages.
>Yu equips the Spectacles of Eros for a super.
>Hyde gets bossed around by all the lolis.
Yes. This pleases me greatly.
Honestly, who showed the Master Unit fanfiction?
I buy consoles when they aren't 500$ + 60$ games anon

I bought a ps3 and all the games I wanted to play on it in january this year
>try not to fap
>all these fucking fighting game threads with lewd girls in the op
>implying Ruby won't be english only and rest of the cast is in japanese
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What I want to know is will P4 characters keep their awaken mechanic and UNIEL still have the GRD gauge
>expecting Akihiko
Anon I'm sorry but /ourguy/ isn't popular enough
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>Not Marco
Honestly though i'd be elated over any Battle Fantasia rep, instant buy for me.
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>tag astral finishes

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A man of refined taste right here.

Probably a donut steel on account of this basically being one massive bit of fanfiction.
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Lucky you anon, there is no chance she isn't in.
What are they doing?
Like Marvel 3. I love it.
Naoto, Yu, and Yukiko were who I played in P4A. I haven't had any interest in BB at all.
Persona 4: Main: Mitsuru, but I also like playing Yukari and Chie. And sometimes Akihiko.

BlazBlue: Usually play Litche because tits, but I don't play this at all really

UNIB: never played this but Merkava looks really cool, otherwise, Linne, Orie, Hilsa, Yuzuriha, and Nanase look decent

Although I'll probably change my mains slightly when someone makes a tier chart and trend towards more honest characters than bullshit ones.
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couldn't see shit
>It's called Wedding Bells.
Honestly that'd be dope, White Requiem Revised?
Do all the games have Merkava cuz he's the only character I like.
It's gonna be Terumi, dragging everyone to his opening gig
I know /blaz/ was about to die but it got a lot fater since the announcements
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Linne is a pure hag, but the same can't be said for the bot.
Yeah, he was one of the first characters introduced in the game. Back when it was just UNIB, almost everyone had an infinite, and Gordeau was mid-tier.
why bother with this cheap cashgrab when dragon ball fighter Z is being made?
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>Final boss is Adachi/Terumi singing their duet.
>Despair and Succumb is their opener.
>Bitches, Whores and The Azure is the final act.
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>Not getting both games.
How sad anon.
If you play Merkava or Sho you don't reserve any respect
Team Blue has to do something in the meantime, Team Red is working on DBF
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>Implying I won't play Hakumen and Sho for max counter bullshit.
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please anon, hook me up
I can play more than one game because I'm not a poorshit.
>Not playing Yosuke and Yu for maximum annoyance
Why is she so perfect?
Best girl is in right?
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>Adachi summons his Izanagi and Terumi casually grabs Hakumen to become Susan for the last guitar solo into WHEN YOU DIEEEEE
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There's only one character that you cannot respect people for picking, and it's Byakuya. Even I have more respect for Vatista players than Byakuya.
fuggg, sorry anon but im poor
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It's all on sale on steam right now, and I think there's also a PS4 sale.
Just go suck some dick or something anon.
Max annoyance would be Jin and Yu though.
>Ice car, Rolling Thunder.
Shit would be a nightmare.
>tfw no GG
>no Terumi vs Raven edge battle
Youre good mang, it runs 60fps in my old gt440.
it's on 720p tough.

But if they always took place in the same place, why does the BB and P4 universes have two Izanamis?
Jesus Christ you're right
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I was trying to suck your ;9
>Goes all in, sick energy, badass riffs and red mist flood everywhere.
>The light show is fucking incredible. Pink Floyd would be jealous of this shit.
>Final boss is actually a Mosh Pitt for the sake of even getting close to them.
This just gets better and better.
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I think you mean a wild ride
So how do you guys think assists will work? Each character has one? Pick from 3? Custom assists like skullgirls?
>Raven loves pain
>Terumi loves inflicting pain

Literally perfect couple
from looking at the trailer, it'll have a tag and an assist system if you look closely enough.

>yfw that fucking clash between yu and hyde synced up to the music

Izanami lost in P4, went "Huh, maybe I should rethink my actions", thought about it for like 3 seconds, and then went "nah fuck that shit" and tried again with BB.
Yuzu still looks more exciting to play than her though.
>not playing Teddie and Platinum throwing shit around the screens
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Aigis is the most popular Persona girl and arguably the most popular girl in this entire franchise.

She's not my personal favorite girl, but she is my main, so I'm feeling pretty happy.
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Try 191 years and you got it down
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plz anon
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>Raven loves pain
>Terumi loves inflicting pain
Raven:HIT ME!
Terumi: ...no.
Oh my fucking god NOOOOO
No, a wild ride would be Taokaka and Aigis.
That Jin and Yu would be a living hell.

I ache for the touch of your lips dear, but much more for the touch of your whips dear.
I kinda like her design, whats her personality? and is she like a ice sword user or something
Switch hakumen and Rachel then put Tager in highly improbable and this would be about right
>He's stupid
The series is called Ultimax in Japan. If it's "Arena", it means it's made by someone who doesn't know what they're talking about.
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Aigis is just that unstoppable.
lol you're a moron, the upgrade to rev2 gives you the dlc characters from rev1.
Orie will probably get in since she's one of the more popular females in the series. Hyde is already confirmed so that's that.
I'd really like Labrys in. Yukiko will probably get in though.
Jin is confirmed. Taokaka maybe not. Es never had a chance to begin with 2bh. I pray that Noel will not be utter trash this time.
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>Arakune with Gordeau assist
Vatista's is the the biggest.
She might actually be the best RWBY character for the game. She uses a rapier, and those coloured things in it are "dust", that charges her attacks with either fire, ice, wind, lightning or gravity. Gravity allows her to propel herself to the air and perform air dashes.

Personality wise, she started full rich bitch, turned tsundere, and is now more calm.
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>not Ruby Rose X Gordeau tag team
So on the off chance that Labrys doesn't get in, do any of the other franchises have toasters I can pair with Aigis?

I know Penny is basically just an Aigis clone, but I doubt she's getting in, so what about BlazBlue and UNIST?
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>grim reaper plus curse shenanigans

holy fuck
Purseowner- I played Brotag if only because everyone else sucked, would've played Adachi but I didn't want to buy Ultimemes
UNiEL- Merkboy
BB - Michael Jackson
Labrys is P4A's OC so I honestly wouldn't discount her being part of it.
She was also my main in P4A and Ultimax, so I really hope she gets in.
Arakune with an assist is already scary no matter who it is.

I want him in just for the anger he might produce.
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Vatista is cute and honest!
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Blaz has Nu, Mu and Lambda
>*This upgrade pack does NOT include -REVELATOR- DLCs. (Dizzy, Kum Haehyun and Raven are not included in this upgrade.)
Sorry you cant read
Penny is a straight-up clone of Nu-13 from BlazBlue, who are robots with the ability to sword-summon.
I think the closest thing to a toaster in UNIEL is the big guy with tank arms.
The thing with Labrys is that as far as I'm aware there's no poll that we can use to gauge her popularity in order to extrapolate whether or not she's in, like we can with everyone else.

On the other hand, she's ArcSys's handmade waifu toaster, so she's probably in.
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>White hair, side pony tail, elemental powers, bitchy personality
Ragna finally put a baby in Rachel?
As well as that, I'm fairly sure Labrys was one of the more popular options from the original roster in arcades.
Even then, I just really like Labrys and hope she gets in for that reason alone.
I don't anything about UNIEL but checked some characters to see what's up.

I want that Yuzuriha chick to get in. Her gameplay looks suffocating and amazing.
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>Tfw best boy isn't a main character and thus can't be in the game.
It's not fair, he has the best weapon by far.

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No Akihiko NO BUY
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>Not Sol, Ky, Jack-O, Dizzy, Sin, Ram, and Elphelt
Do you even family?
You mean robots? Blazblue has Nu/Mu/Lambda, and UNIEL has Vatista.
Anon forgot racist too.
If it's V1 Weiss that get's in she'll likely not like characters like Tao or Makoto.

Also, no. That's for their reunion.
Why's my girl Eltnum so low?
You went over the five character limit nigga
wrong link but point still stands
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Akihiko probably won't get in. He's not very popular, like most of SEES. On the other hand, if they go full roster dump he's a shoo-in over say, DA MAN.

>Shotgun nunchucks

That's fucking cool
Sounds like best girl and her moveset is probably gonna be god tier
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>Sol, Ky, Dizzy, Raven, Jack-O'
You forgot best boy.
Why was Weiss's racism removed from her personality completely? It's not like she didn't have reasons for it or anything.
No weebs allowed
Who said anything about only 5 characters?
Just let me dream dammit.
Chipp is too pure for this roster.
As is Answer.
And May.
Baiken isn't but fuck, keep her away.
Chipp has no chance man
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He's the only weeb I know that has a decent reason for being one.
I bought the game anon, think you know more than me?

>blazblue toasters being cute with persona toasters also being cute

this is my fetish
Donno, the writing of RWBY isn't exactly the strongest point.
She's a guest character in UNIEL, so her only chance to get in is probably through DLC.
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>Akihiko and Azrael
damn, never even thought about this
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You got the Murakumos from BB and Vatista from UNIB.

RWBYs are the only actual sprite work they're doing for the game and its probably more than a year away from coming out, so I think they'll go for a decent amount of them, beyond Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang.
Chipp is just a good character all around, admittedly I sympathise with him massively because of his old drug habbit.
But Axl will always be my best GG boy.

Only Lambda would be cute by virtue of not being a crazy murder drone.
>Pyrrha and Tsubaki
I dub thee team wet for blone noodles
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The bigger question is if they'll do a visual novel story mode with voiceovers
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>Azrael and enkidu team
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He's not a robot. Just a huge guy who lives forever.
The loli is the robot.
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Probably not.
Given the size of the roster the game will probably feature an arcade mode but otherwise this is just gonna be a "we're here, let's go and see who wins" kind of deal.
Or it will and the Master Unit has been writing fanfiction.
Most of the budget is probably going to go towards making the RWBY characters who'll then be used in a standalone RWBY game
I'd be amazed if they find a way to make a story for this clusterfuck
Oh, she is a robot.
I haven't gottan around to playing UNIEL properly,
Just did a few fights online.
the blazblue story is already a cluster fuck. This games story should be childs play
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would monty be more of a lolcow if he were alive today
I remember him having a huge ego and /co/ constantly shit talking him before his death.
>RWBY gets a spot in an BB Crossover fighting game
>But Namco has yet to make a Project X Zone fighting game
> Reiji, Xaiomu, Mii nor Kogoro will appear in this game despite the later two having guns out the wazoo like RWBY and all of them being owned by Namco who has Arcsys working with them on DBFZ.
Isnt ragna/saya part of/the new master unit now?

Personally i can kinda see it posible that this mess is a 'dream' by ragna/saya or some shit like that.
I'm confident that Labrys is guaranteed
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You should want Jewpuncher instead. But he has no chance so RIP.
>I played Brotag if only because everyone else sucked

Teddie, Yosuke, Aigis, Minazuki, Ken and Koro, Margaret, and Shadow Labrys were all good too, idk about how they are in 2.0 though.
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Why can't my favourite lightning nazi not be in the game? Who even remembers that Blitzkampf is a real game? He might as well be an Under Night character.

I'll be satisfied if Orie gets in tho and hope to god P3 Characters will make it, the cast of P4 is the weakest of any Persona Game, really the only one I'm looking forward to is Kanji since Margaret is absolutely impossible.
Honestly, I'm just imagining what's happening in there right now.
Saya got what she wanted, Ragna got what he wanted and then they installed wifi because they are both technically N.E.E.T.s now.
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>Akihiko 'mirin Azrael's gains before battle
Doesn't he punch Nazis in his game? I didn't get Blitzkampf's story very well but it seemed like it was grorious nippon vs blue-skinned anime Nazis (and the Blitztank)
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We can only hope anon.
He's also a huge workaholic, but on the flip side those are needed to start a franchise like this and ultimately RWBY became RT's signature show, eclipsing RvB
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I've been here more than you f a m
I followed the general when it was a baby until season 2 where all the cancerous namefags took over
the man really loved his Poser
Azrael has absolutely no chance. He's a joke character that's just in there to shit on all the super powerful Mary Sues.

Even after Central Fiction his entire backstory is that he's insanely powerful for absolutely no reason and just really loves to punch shit.
Pretty sure he was a double agent fighting against Super Nazis. And the boss was some Japanese dude, they were like a collab of Nazis and Imperials.
Sounds perfect for this game, he gets a bunch of teens with super powers to punch now.
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>why is he named Pyt-
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Is it worth playing the old blazblue games for the story? because I have no fucking clue whats going on
So do you think they'll be instant kills/Astral Heats in the game?
Punch then absorb into his body via gay sex.
No but that's what happened

The general used to spend half of its time making fun of the show. It was a grand time.
You can just watch the story modes on Youtube if you want. Otherwise you go CSE > CPE > CF.
the story is really bad
My latest BB is Chronophantasma Extend. All I need to know is that I can pick up Centralfiction in good conscience and that Arcsys will not backstab me with another version.

I really want to be the little cat
I don't see why not. The only adjustment that would need to made would be UNIB's cast since they don't have instant kills. Probably turn their EXS Worths into them and give them similar conditions to the other game's.
The CS extended has a condensed version of the first games' story.
CP is where things get really confusing.
Otherwise you can start with CT.
this webm is slow as fuck, is gg really this slow?
Jubei is DLC for CF
The story gets pants on head retarded with a mix of time travel, alternate timelines, parallel worlds and causality fuckery. Long and short of it, worlds fucked because god keeps hitting the reset button, villains wanna stop that shit by killing all of existence, and Ragna is god's plaything throughout it all.
The upcoming balance patch is free at least and Jubei seems to be another DLC
Probably but I don't think they'll be full-insta kills they are in P4A where you can OHKO a character with full health because of them.
I think it'll be more along the lines of pure finishing moves like UNIEL.
overall yes GG is slower than BB

but it also depends on the character. Jam is basically dashing or flying all over the screen the entire time while doing weird chink voices
Slower paced than Blazblue, yeah
Put the rest of the RWBY girls in guaranted since they confirmed more characters from the show to come, Pyrrha in highly likely along with Roman/Neo and maybe Qrow since they're most popular characters aside from the main girls.
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I just want a Soul Eater game or a fucking remake
Yup, if you want to grossly over simplify things then Blazblue is constant non-stop rushdown where every hit leads into a 20 second combo while Guilty Gear is pokes and confirms.
>they confirmed more characters from the show to come
can you link a source?

I hope this is true but I haven't seen confirmation
Is there a recent popularity poll of the RWBY characters or are you just hazarding a guess?
most of the money will go towards touch ups and rwby sprites.
Pretty sure it was a tweet, along with Team Blue visiting RT.
Probably trying to get more info on fighters etc.

Not one I am aware of.
ora ora ora
Honestly I wouldn't expect more than the main 4 and perhaps a boss.
Other anons made a good point that 1 RWBY villain getting in, along with the main team, is way more likely than JNPR.
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I just want my man Akatsuki, from uniel that would make this an insta buy for me.

seeing these don't fill me with much confidence tho
But he was a guest fighter himself, there's no way he's gonna show up.
Ozpin ruins what otherwise looks like an interesting lineup.
he has no chance

on the bright side you can keep your money
>Akatsuki, from uniel
no Aoko no buy
one of the writters said that we stay tune to see which RWBY characters they add, also arcsys visited RT yesterday to discuss more about the game.


Roman/Neo are highly likely since they're popular as shit, and they have made it in other collabs along with team RWBY as the representative villains, like in Crusader Quest.

I've never played P4Arena but I always wanted to play Yosuke so I'm hoping he makes it in so I can play him in this.

Naoto and Kanji looked like a lot of fun too.
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>we will never see them trapped in the book animated
>we'll never see gender swapped soul
>we'll never see the fight on the moon
>instead, we are left with COURAGE PUNCH

i hate this planet
Personally I would say Jaune is about as likely as the villain because he's fairly prominent in the show.
More or less a secondary protag. Despite she show being called RWBY. Especially if they decide to go for his V4 look, they wouldn't but I'm just sayin'.
It's all still speculation in the end, no one here knows how much they plan on going in with the RWBY series. Some people are saying it's literally just Ruby, others think we'll get a whole bunch, no one fucking knows and at best we can only make informed assumptions.
100% chance of being in
>BB: Ragna, Jin, Noel, Rachel, Taokaka, Tager, Litchi, Arakune, Carl. Hakumen, Nu, Tsubaki, Hazama
>UNIB: Hyde, Linne, Orie, Carmine, Gordeau, Hilda, Merkava, Seth, Vatista, Waldstein, Yuzu
>Persona Arena: Yu, Yosuke, Chie, Yukiko, Kanji, Teddie, Naoto, Labrys, Aigis
>RWBY: Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Blake

>BB: Makoto, Valkenhayn, Platinum, Relius, Izayoi, Bullet, Azrael, Kokonoe, Mu, Lambda,
>UNIB: Byakuya, Chaos, Nanase
>Persona Arena: Akihiko, Mitsuru, Elizabeth, Shadow Labrys, Yukai, Junpei, Sho, Rise, Ken, Adachi, Marie, Margaret

50%+Just dumping in Sprites
>BB: Nine, Izanami, Mai, Jubei, Amane, Kagura, Terumi, Celica, Hibiki, Naoto, Susanoo, Es
>UNIB: Akatsuki, Eltnum, Enkidu, Mika, Phonon, Wagner
>Persona Arena: Shadows that aren't Shadow Lab
>RWBY: Jaune, Nora/Ren, Pyrrha, Penny, Neopolitan, Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, Qrow

>Guilty Gear characters
>Persona 5 characters
>Rest of the shitters from RWBY
>Good Eng voice acting
>DLC pricing that's not 8 dollars a character
was it on twitter? Miles or Kerry?

I wanna take a look
Those 100% is a damned good like0up actually.
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>No Roman
Fuck you!
>we stay tune to see which RWBY characters they add
If that's exactly what it says than it strongly implies we'll be getting more than just the obvious four of team RWBY.
I just think he's got no chances vs those characters, unless he's a tag charcter with Neo.

Like Melty Maids
Well yeah, we wouldn't get his sprite from Akatsuki Blitzkampf
It wouldn't make any sense RWBY to be on the cover if it were just a single guest character. I'd be shocked if we got anything more than just the main RWBY team, though.
>Half of the UNIEL cast is 100% getting in
I just dont have as much confidence as you in Cinder, Mercury, Emerald, or Penny like you do than. He's a pretty prominent and popular antagonist.
I just want to tag Naoto Shirogane and Naoto Kurogane
I'm a Susanoo main; Ragna sub in BBCT

Man, fuck you.
>all these people not believing in Adachi and Terumi
You fools

I see Roman/Neo working as a pair is more than likely than just Neo alone actually, Roman always had a very tricky fighting style but he wasn't that big a fighter though, but having now a some sort of tag character seeing how strong in close combat she is coul be a very interesting way to handle him.

Of that whole group, I see only Penny happening just to have her interacting with the other robot girls from the other 3 franchises.

Maybe Cinder if they really want another villain, but Roman and Neo have more rivality with team RWBY already
not him but I think Cinder has higher chances than Roman

Mercury, Emerald and Penny have 0% chance imo
That was really confusing to me. I get that the rest have a Japanese origin and RWBY is American origin, but they could have either had the whole thing in English, or the whole thing in Japanese. Discounting the quality of the voice acting, the switch from all Japanese to suddenly English was jarring as hell.
Not him but Cinder is literally the main antagonist for the first three volumes. It's her keikaku that really kicks off the plot and Roman in the end was just one of her pawns.
No way they'd go for a glorified henchman, even if he was the best antagonist by a mile, over the actual villain.
>If BB vs GG happens BB will probably get upgraded to models
This is ASW. They'll take the cheaper option of rendering sprites from the GG models instead of bumping up the BB cast to Xrd standards.
Clearly she isn't perfect, or she wouldn't have lost an arm and an eye.
She was the big bad, not the main antagonist. Roman did all the work, had all the screen time.

He's also the guy being a fucking bad ass fighting off Blake and Sun in that webm that people post all the time because it was the sickest moment in the series.
we also have to live with SE Not existing and being the last new thing from the series
That just makes her better.
Yes I sound like a disturbed ervert but let me have this.
Do you think that ArcSys will choose Susanoo over Hazama, Terumi, or any of the other potential villains from the four franchises?
Answer honestly.

Makes me sad, getting in with akihiko is a blast.
its a clash video, they freeze the game every time they happen
Cinder is the main villain true, she doesn't do that much until V3 actually, that makes Roman more interesting is that he is more prominent, also has a bigger rivality with Ruby and the rest of the team and his style goes very well with other characters like Adachi and Terumi, he being added along with Neo probably one of the most popular characters aside from the main girls is more likely than her.
Yeah, but despite being the most fun character, Roman was just Cinder's henchman, in he end you know they're gonna go for the villain with a higher threat level.
sprites made off of Xrd do not match at all with the BB ones
I would but they aren't real and one is under age.
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RWBY Roster:




-Everyone else
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I want to fuck Ruby
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>and one is under age
Only in some countries.
Adachi is probably the most iconic villian in the Persona seriea, so id bump him up a tier or 2.
Maybe. In the end though Cinder isnt even the real big bad, she's subordinate to the medusa looking chic Salem so i could still see him making it in.
put Qrow on hopefully and I agree
Eltnum stays in Uniel until Nasu decides to make Tsukihime Remake within the next two decades. Please understand.
SHIT I completelly forgot about him. Sorry
You don't think Salem stands a chance? I guess she doesn't really have a known power set that they could build a move list from.
This really.
But as DLC.
Include Qrow in hopefully and this list is objectively accurate. Want Oscar cause he's cute but i know that's basically never ever.
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>Want Oscar cause he's cute but i know that's basically never ever.
I donno. If they use Jaune they might go for his V4 incarnation because otherwise he's basically useless. If that happens Oscar very much possibly. Stretching it as fuck but it exists.
oh god, i actually forgot that happened
Squish them horizontally a tad so they're not as wide.
Will main Penny.
Fuck RWBY for ruining what could have been a good game
Put in Roman/Neo in likely, they made it in another collabs even before Jaune and Cinder.
sure, do that and you fix Sol but ruins everyone else
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Yang + Bullet + Mika
punch team
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>More characters
>Can set language to Jap so don't have to listen to them speak.
>Arksys are the ones making the story.
game doesn't seem to use stuff from V4
Why did RWBY need to be included? you know how much money is going to be lost including a fucking shitty show for ironic weebs?
It could. They even say in the trailer that this is all timeline fuckery bullshit. Would also explain how we could end up with canonically dead characters on the roster.
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>Not the first post from this IP.
We don't know that yet, they probably would go with main designs of the girls just for recognition mostly, some people aren't still fond of the V4 designs.

Mori has a huge hard on for RWBY, also it's popular in Japan from what I know.
>you know how much money is going to be lost including a fucking shitty show for ironic weebs?
>Implying said ironic weebs aren't going to buy the game just for the rwby characters, making more money.
It's a sprite dump game. They only have to make sprites for them. Seems like a good investment.
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They'll lose next to nothing from buthurt faggots like you , don't kid yourself. RWBY has a large ass fanbase, and while I may not be into it, the designs are fune and fitting enough.
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Why are you replying to the anti-rwby poster with daddy issues
Because ArcSys really likes RWBY. That's it.
It's a BlazBlue game, and the BlazBlue universe is built in a way that a huge AI system explores every possible course of action and observes what everybody does, so if the other universes are possibilities and there's some observer using their powers to mess with the possibilities, then you can build a story that gets every character into the same universe.
Believe me, I did my best to explain that shit as clear as possible.
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Dunno. Thought I was being clever with the "not a unique IP thing." Not like he'll ever change anything.
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Thanks for the Chipp anon. I had been looking for this one for a while
I think it's pretty good, but I love overcomplicated stories so I wouldn't trust me.
STUDIO TIAMAT doujin with Ragna plowing the RWBY girls when?
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Because Mori likes it.

Considering how it seems to be brought up the most when you whine about it, I'd prefer for you not to talk about it. I don't like it either, but chill the fuck out.
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>you know how much money is going to be lost including a fucking shitty show for ironic weebs?
Only from the five autists that can't stand the idea of it being in.
The average player will either not know what it is, or just not give a fuck.
Fuck, I see you guys saying that BB's story is shit, so now I'm hesitating. I know that 30 bucks for a game isn't much but still.
GG videos make my dick hard.
It's shit but it's got some good fun in there
it isn't shit, it's just fucking convoluted as hell so it's considered a cluster fuck
The character interactions are fun. The story itself is a tad confusing though. I think it's worth it.
I want this just because I want more Ragna faces damn it. The one with Nu and Mu is just too good.
Basically Ragna is too nice and ruins everything. It's all his fault. That's all there is to it.
Just watch it on jewtube first.

The game itself is kinda bleh but you will want to buy it anyways to start practicing for Cross Tag
Do it strictly for the hilarious shit, like the gag reels or any of Terumi's lines.
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Have another
This was a nice thread until the RWBY posters showed up.
Isn't this the artist that draws the weird Pokemon crossover? The one that Funhaus found porn drawn by?
She was one of the best characters imo and she made the rest look like shit. I figured they'd kill her off so their autist of an MC wasn't always upshown.
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I see. Thanks, anons, I guess I'll go with CS and CP first, I'll think about CF later. I guess CS and CF's multiplayer is empty?
They're 2 people I think. They draw both these sfw ones and the nsfw that Funhaus found.
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Watching this shit live after the hype blazblue grand finals is fucking magical.


the clash caused everybody to go fucking insane.
t.Assblasted RWBYfag
Also drew the best version of Ruby.
Pyrrha was cool and all but i found her to be rather plain. Was kind of a mary sue with how everyone made such a big ass deal about her. Honestly most interesting thing about her was her relationship with Jaune and how odd it was that she liked him so much and never tried to get with him because he liked Weiss.
Should I retake RWBY? I stopped watching it after a character that was literally a Morakumo Unit showed up, with wings and all the stuff. I think it was the season 2 finale?
Mai, Nine, Makoto
Ken, Rise, Adachi

I'm in for some dissappointment
Rise should be moved up to very likey imo
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found another one

what if they and a groove system like cvs2?
i just hope they have adachi on the p4 side
This will be the first fighting game I buy in years. Wish me luck, bros.
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I think I might be getting what Combofiend meant now with the whole functions thing.

I can't stand RWBY for more than 3 seconds and don't think any of the designs are particularly good, but ultimately as long as they are fun to play then it should be fine right?
So you didn't play Central Fiction?
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No Pyrrha no deala
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What systems would the RWBY characters add?
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remember when combofiend said shit about skullomania?

You fine, mate?
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How does it feel to be a pathetic loser forced to watch rwby and have his entire family hate him and forced to watch the very show you hate.

wrong guy m8

I actually like RWBY and im excited to play as my waifu I just happen to like the shit-posters fight with each other more
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Not cool.
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That can't be healthy either, anon. I hope you feel better soon.
At least I'm not THIS autistic over stupid shit.
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This has to be some sort of falseflagging, right?

And not even the traditional type of falseflagging, where you make a side that you're opposed to look bad by pretending to be them. This is Barneyfag style falseflagging, where you are simultaneously what you hate and something that hates what you enjoy.

You probably love RWBY. Or at the very least, it's done something to you far more drastic than appearing in a fighting game. Maybe Miles killed your family like his voice acting killed my ear drums.

All I know is that you need to shut the fuck up.
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Coco a best girl
That was V1, and yes the story while not being that great is still wild ride when you get to V2-V3, but wath it more for the characters thant the plot mostly, also V4 is bit weak but because they working in a new engine and being more of transition for the next big arc.
>Also it seemed to just be listed as Persona 4 Arena, not Ultimax, so unless they forgot the branding it'll probably just be characters from the first one.

You are a special kind of stupid.

Read >>384512270
So she had the sexiest voice actress, right?

RWBY is something you watch because you enjoy some part of it and you're willing to watch ten minutes of mediocrity once a week on the off chance you get something good.

Personally, I watch it because the action scenes used to be good, and I trek through because the memories I made shitposting about it.
Then how come Under Night got the [st] branding instead of just UNIEL?
Watch the Jap dub and you'll be fine.
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>RWBY thread
Great, now I can post this
>muh ruby
>muh weiss
We all know who's a guaranteed lock for the rwby reps
They'd probably give Ruby either Taokaka's drive or some kinda reload mechanic, Blake will just be Hibiki with more zoning options, Yang would be all about her meter since Monty specifically said that's her semblance, Weiss could have something similar to Platinum.
whats the best on sale game to get into blazblue or guilty gear
RWBY X LWA fighter when?
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>delicious brown mom
If you're a gay boy, maybe.
Central Fiction / Xrd Rev 2.
Second column bottom isn't Winter, it's Weiss' mother.
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I'll just pick the only one worth it.
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>go for flat is justice team
>combination of "jailbait" and "rumors" lands you as a registered sex offender almost immediately
>velvet is also under flat is justice
Either way, I pick Flat is Justice and then continue banging Ruby for the rest of my days.
RWBY posters must die
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I really want more entertaining Cross Tag Battle fanart/fancomics
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Probably around the time we got more characters confirmed we will get a lot of new art, we still need a lot of information regarding the game.
Im sure something will be shown in septembers TGS.
Never played Tekken?
Fuckers just talk in their own languages and everyone understands each other anyway.
They're gonna show of Sol Badguy and Ky, mark my fucking words. Then at EVO Japan they'll drop Shiki and Arcuied.
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Die RWBYfag
>Sol and Ky get in with their same sprites and sounds/voice clips from the XX games
Well, at least I was right that he was a falseflagger. You win some you lose some, I suppose.
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I'm loving everything about Wagner so far. Her charged shield bash not only forces you closer to the corner even when blocked but also makes you airborne.
So, she's a 100% cunt, right?
She killed Bob, of course she's a cunt. Bob didn't deserve it.
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She's crying at her Arcade ending. She's got some shit going on with Adelheit.
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>thinking of buying bbcf for ps4
>already bought gg just last week
fuck you evo
and also fuck sony for still charging for online its 2017 like what the fuck
If you are "tasting" farts, you're doing it wrong.
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I just want Plat to be there.
Go with Central Fiction. Xrd has a good tutorial and I prefer GG but the sale itself is a dirty lie.
The character designs and combat styles look like they were designed from the ground up to be in a fighting game. You're right about everything else though.
I will accept no less than every character from every game plus a couple new ones in this sprite dump.
I'm still fairly certain that this entire franchise was intended to be a fighting game or some other sort of vidya and Rooster Teeth simply lacked the resources for Monty to make it that.
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How do I stop sucking at fighting games.
I can't even beat the story modes and end up frustrated and stop.
These games are too fast for me and I can't keep up.
git gud at blocking
If you can't even beat easy ass story modes that can be beaten by just mashing buttons, then there's no hope for you
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Anon, please have a seat.
I want Ragna to get in a situation with all the loli characters so Rachel can bully him.
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Keep playing and practice
>all the loli characters

2 of them?
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Well not so much for the story but the characters. Story is dumb and I hate that I wasted my time with it. The character interactions, on the other hand, were sometimes compelling.

GG is much better all the way around though. It also doesn't waste your time. Xrd is how all fighting game stories should work- give the player enough to immerse themselves in the world and characters and send them on their way playing the game.
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Is something wrong?
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+Plat and whatever Persona has. I've never actually played it but I assume it has one.
>Ruby and Penny from RWBY
>Vatista, Linne and Mika from UNIEL
>Implying Ky would cheat on best girl
I waited for so many years for the scene where Ky and Sol realized their relation through Dizzy. Sooooo many years.
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Ruby is, toe to tip, not a loli.
Literally the first character I picked up in Melty
>implying he doesn't still want the dragonc cock
What's your cutoff for loli bodies, because Linne's is like 12-13. She even has tits.
They can fit as many as they want. Sprites don't take up nearly as much space as video and sound data.

I know it's unlikely but I hope Emerald makes it in- her moves make my dick hard.
I've seen katana chick quite a lot since the announcement. I like her design, how is she personality wise?
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good enough.
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I maintain that it's an illusion. She has basically 0 cleavage.
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Yuzu? She's a happy-go-lucky person who ignores her problems, unless someone needs her help. She's the protagonist's childhood friend.
Anon, I...
Oh good. Let me just pick my boyeau Gordeau and we can begin.
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Alright, I'm sold. If she has more pics that are even close to this lewd in-game, I'm throwing away 30 big ones right this second.
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See, you would rather have ACTUAL concept Linne. She was a loli then, not now.
muh lolihags
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nah man
She was just more loli back then. That said I hope they bring back the Kiritsugu + loli idea.
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the game itself doesn't have much lewd in it at all, pic is best you're going to get
I would absolutely love for her and Mercury to get in, but it probably won't happen.
Fake lolis aren't lolis
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This is as lewd as she gets, in UNIEL anyway. Maybe [st]'s story mode has her more lewd.
>the biggest sprites are the worst
Great, i'm used to katana wielders being all edgy and serious. Might main her then. Is she any good in-game?
imagine an Ishiwatari remix of Rushing Heart.
[GRIM REAPERs externally]
Never understood why a cock sucker like mercury has fans. I guess he earned points from me by making the blonde Gorilla look like an even bigger idiot.
Anyone that shits on Yang is good plus I like kicks. That's really all of it.
I don't follow rwby threads or have any part in the fandom, so I don't know who is popular and who isn't, but I like him just cause his kicks look cool as fuck and Yuri Lowenthal does a great job with his voice.

Even if he got Penny killed, he'd be awesome to fight with.
She's no jewpuncher, Waldo or Merk, but UNiEL isn't very tierheavy. In [st], everyone is more or less viable, and before it, everyone loses to Gordeau.
Depends on how patient you and your opponent are. She's a zoning/spacing character who hits you with full screen slashes for trying to approach her. She has a teleport too. She's generally regarded as somewhat weak among the cast, but that was in UNIEL and [st] balances the game in such a way that character matchups are more important that overall tier placement.
She's got an alt color that has pantyshots.
Ah, that's what I figured. Hard to get attached to a girl whose entire goal is to kill herself, from the sound of it. I can wait to get it on sale.
She's not all that lewd, you freak.
Shes about mid tier or higher but balance is good in the game so it won't be a problem to win with any character that isn't chaos.
Well, it's at least worth asking.
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This is the best one.

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We have to go lewder.
As much as I like Yang, she has that cocky arrogant attitude that just makes you want to kick her in the face. Mercury did just that.
He's also a smug motherfucker. People love smug motherfuckers.
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Linne is conservative
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We already have Hazama as the fucker who kicks the shit outta people though.
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Well, when you've been forcibly bodysnatching young girls for hundreds of years whether you want to or not, it starts to weigh on you morally.
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Found it.
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What a time to be alive.gif
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Bottomless little girls are the best.
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So that's what this pic is based on, huh.
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