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Nintendo's new online service, as bad as you feared

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Thread replies: 481
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>First, you'll need to head to the Online Lounge in Splatoon 2's multiplayer area. From there, you'll be prompted to create a room, and you can push a notification out to your phone. It's on your phone - and only on your phone, it would seem - that you can then invite friends into a room.
>if you flick aside to another app on your phone, you'll lose the ability to talk to your friend.
>You'll also need your phone screen on for that voice chat to remain connected - meaning it guzzles battery in the process. It's an almost aggressively limited service, and this is before we get into the mess of cables you'll need if you're going to want to play online with headphones in the Switch's handheld mode - something which it would seem is only possible with a separate splitter available elsewhere.
>It's worse than I'd feared

good thing I literally never use voice chat
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>linking to clickbait
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>Nintendo screws up a simple feature the competition has had down pat for years.
>"professional" game review site describing nintendo's online service is clickbait
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>when they write clickbait regularly
>morons like you make them thrive by linking them all over the place
Well done
Archive, you octo-nigger.
I can't wait for the drones in this thread defending this garbage

>It's ok when Nintendo does it!

S-stop bullying Nintendo
>bought a switch solely for botw and splatoon 2
>going to sell it before splatoon 2 even releases because I own a windows phone and will never be able to use the voice chat

I was so excited for monster hunter too. Fuck Nintendo and fuck me for liking windows phones.
Shitch is the greatest blunder this century. Holy shit it's TORtanic bad
kys for not posting an archive link
Makes me wonder why Nintendo even bothered with this garbage service

If they didn't want people to use voice chat, they shouldn't include it in the first place
>buying a console based on expectations

A lot of people bought a Vita thinking MonHun would appear on that but it didn't.

No doubt will the Switch eventually be worth it (especially when piracy is a thing) but for now, you will have to wait a couple of years for it to get a worthwhile library.
Nintendo cannot into online. This is an unfortunate fact.

I'm a fan of Nintendo in general, but they're absolutely retarded when it comes to most online shit.
There is also no reason to buy one now since an improved iteration of the console is going to be a thing for sure, unless you REALLY want to play BOTW.
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>laughing about 84
>when the first got 81
guess that means bandicoot is shit too
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No it's worse. It's a Wii U-level blunder.

Its becoming exceedingly obvious that the Switch is yet another flop and watching the fanboys trying salvage this sinking ship from a company that hopefully just doesn't give a shit instead of being THIS incompetent is literally the most entertaining thing yet.
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>A lot of people bought a Vita thinking games would appear on that but it didn't.
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They got this right before with the nintendo DS headset

What were they thinking?
it's been how many years since the Wii and Nintendo still cannot understand how to properly implement online shit. what the fuck?
If you really want to play Breath of the Wild, you can play it on a U, which are at bargain bin prices now.
>Wii U
>bargain bin prices
Vita is getting more games than Wii U

Really makes you think
Please delete this.
Fuck, this shit is literally going to bankrupt the company and the very thought of it makes me giddy as shit. Can't wait for the toddlertears.
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Why Nintendo? This shit is archaic as fuck. Just give us a easier way to connect like every normal person does on PS4!
I don't even get why Nintendo keeps making these bone headed moves.

I mean, who looks at this convoluted bullshit and thinks "Oh gee, yeah! The fans will love it!"
>Dying within the next 50 years
It's not happening no matter what anyone wants.
>TFW Nintendo will never release their games on good platforms
They'll announce a revision in Spring 2018 due out the same time as Pokemon that has a mic and an updated OS capable of providing proper voice chat/party functionality and Nintendo fanboys will eat that shit up like it's some sort of grand innovation.

Screencap this post.
If the Wii U didn't bankrupt the company what makes you think anything can
Too early. It would be close to the end of 2018. Besides it could also take the form of a firmware update
Just don't use it then? Like, don't get me wrong, this is the worst thing I've ever heard of in my life. It sounds like something you'd have to juryrig back in the early 2000's to play Need for Speed online on the PS2. It's honestly shameful that they would even release something like this... But at the same time, I know I'll be playing with Discord groups anyway, so not being able to VC with the 12 year olds on Splatoon won't bother me.
It would be decades before they ever go bankrupt. You would be dead before that happens.
>people literally pay nintendo for this and roms
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>First you have to basically not be able to hear game audio
>Then they offer that option but only if you buy a headset with a short ass splitter cable
>Then it turns out the app can't even run in the fucking background right
Don't get me wrong I love my Switch but holy shit they are handling this voice chat thing in the worst possible way
Is shit because is a sony game btw.
>Besides it could also take the form of a firmware update

Nah, if it's that late we'll be looking at a N3DSXL situation. Improved specs that allow for multitasking just like the jump from OG 3DS to N3DS
Just use discord then?

I hate toddlers as much as you do bro but Nintendo isnt going anywhere

Dear lord kys
It's not that they want to make things so complicated, at this point. It's that their infrastructure is so convoluted by design that everything else turns out to be a much bigger affair to try to make things even remotely comparable to modern systems.
If the vita can multitask the switch can too. I think it's a software, not a hardware issue.
I'm not going to defend a shit idea, because fuck is it a shit idea, but I'm surprised people even care. I thought pretty much everyone just used Discord for friend chat lobbies? Even with games that have dedicated ones I always just use Discord, wouldn't be any different here

As long you can get into online games via just the game itself then it's honestly whatever

>roms meme
What year is it?

Also who the fuck actually expected this to be good. I think the worst part of this is that online for the thing has been free and then is going to be forced to be paid

At least with cancerous online paywalls Sony did it with PS4 from the start and kept PS3 free

I think what's baffling is how ass backwards this is.
I fucking hate marketing.
none of you really care about this
I don't think he's being serious. No one is actually that retarded. Same for the tortanic guy. Bunch of falseflaggers looking for (You)s
I won't be surprised if people don't use this app anymore, it's even more likely it will be discontinued by Nintendo

What a clusterfuck

>What year is it?

The year to charge for a shit online and roms
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>There are people that try this hard to fit in on an anonymous Alaskan ice fishing forum
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Hello Billy. Let's play a game. 4 years ago in 2017 you said Nintendo was going to go bankrupt, you shitposted about this for years. In one post you said you would eat a bag of dicks if the Switch was successful. Well, Billy. You're going to have to eat that bag of dicks.
>can't switch apps while playing

...how is this a bad thing?
True. It's either Roms or Indies. Pick your poison

That's why I'm PC only this gen
>Have to leave phone screen on to chat

Yeah that's the bad thing.
PS2 was easier to use online, just plugged the headset into a usb port although you were limited to a specific headset for the console.
>defending this
being a fanboy is mental illness
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>He wants to use voice chat natively on the console

>A console that since the started has stated it wouldn't have native choice chat and would require a stupid workaround
>And would be friends only

Literally just use discord you mongoloid. Or don't get online at all and keep it piracy-friendly, like any nonretard would.
Is that even a question? roms >>>> indie shit
Both can be gotten for free on PC though
How exactly is nintendo so fucking terrible at online? Just copy literally any other service. They all do it at least decently.
The fact they expect yu to pay for online when it's a significant step down from various free services is mind boggling.

In the Switch hardware just too shit to do lobby and voice chat? It still seems like it could easily be built into the game.

They claimed it was for better portability, except having to carry around an extra device, use up your phone battery, and plug it all into a giant arrow the size of another phone, is the furthest removed from convenience I can imagine.
>For sale a anywhere

They never stocked up on those bricks around here.
Japanese software development, not even once.
Even Sony switched to Westerners for PS4, and it shows.
3 years and still no hacks, meanwhile Switch already had its kernelpussy fucked.
>The fact they expect yu to pay for online when it's a significant step down from various free services is mind boggling.
You pay far less compared to garbage like PS+ and Xbox Live.
Oh, yeah. I guess tapping it constantly mid game would be irritating. I was thinking some fucks wanted to tab out to look at /v/ mid game or something.
Nintendo: "Lol, faggots, just use an audio splitter/mixer and use our official discord server to play with friends"

This would actually be a better solution AND cost them nothing. They could still sell the stupid Splatoon cables as well.
Eh anon PS4 kernel can be accessed to. Kernel access means next to nothing unless you can find a way to edit code

Yes, it's cheaper, but it's still significantly worse. It's worse than PS3 by the sounds of it, and that was free.
Hell it sounds worse than fucking Discord and that is free and built into a web browser.

Anyways my point still stands. All the console kernels can be accessed right now
How comes the Switch can't do party voice chat in any game you're in on the device itself, while Vita can on DAY ONE FOR FREE?
Why not?
Switch games still have load time.
Also you might want to look up how to do a certain segment, or one of your friends might need to go afk for a few minutes.
>It's worse than PS3
Irrelevant since it's from the previous gen and no longer receiving any new online focused titles.
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>Ctrl+f "invite"
>1 result

Who gives a flying FUCK about voice chat, nobody uses that shit on any system anyway. Why are we not talking about the fact that you NEED A PHONE TO INVITE YOUR FRIENDS.


What the FUCK.
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>When you try to innovate so hard that you end up doing the complete opposite and make your product a chore to use
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It's almost like they try to make the worst voice chat as possible
I shouldn't be surprised for switchfags defending things that were a flaw in smartphones 10 years ago as they were a feature now, but holy shit.

No thanks.
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We're only comparing the online service, and the PS3s was and is significantly better. The fact it's from a previous gen just makes nintendos blundering even more embarrassing.
I thought the Switch and PS3 were from the same gen :^)
millions of people use PS4 voice chat every day
now that i think about it for a minute, i wonder if they've made it so convoluted specifically to keep small children off of voice. nintendo has always billed itself as a family company, and the idea of opening kids up to verbal abuse from teens and adults probably didn't fly with them, and this is what we get.
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>Irrelevant since it's from the previous gen

The Switch is such a piece of shit it's considered last gen as well. No fucking excuses.
It's almost as if the parental controls that Nintendo has and even advertises doesn't fucking exist.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLdWHOW9zqc
>tfw didn't buy a Switch
Feels good, lads.
I want an honest answer Nintendo fans. Why is it Nintendo STILL doesn't understand online gaming? Why can't they look at Xbox Live, or fucking PSN if they're desperate?
no one buys nintendo consoles for online multiplayer.
Now you wonder why third party devs hate Nintendo so much.
You're damn right I won't
That's not saying much considering the install base, and I would imagine a majority of them just use party chat instead of game chat because I've had a ps4 since launch and can count the number of times I've heard someone talking in-game on one hand. And me and everyone I know just uses Discord instead.
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Honestly I'm happy this is getting negative press and hope it continues. Bought my Switch day one and love it but it is just clear as day that this mobile app is nothing but a way to shove ads down our throat and push mobile shit. I'm going to deliberately avoid it and tell my friends to do so. Hopefully enough negative press and low download numbers will make them change their idiotic minds about this shit. If the Xbox could do this shit back and like 2004 there's no good reason they can't patch in sensible voice chat. All we need is the software.
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No one buys nintendo consoles since the Wii you mean

All the man children and trannies who can't read the writing on the wall in this thread lmao
>Wii U had bundles for Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon
>Splatoon and Mario Kart 8 was the reason why a handful of people had a Pii U
>when revealing the switch, they talked about multiplayer games
party chat is still voice chat. Nintendo doesn't even have the decency to offer you that on your $300 console plus soon online fee tip.
But its free*

It's more, answer a call, VOICE CHAT DISCONNECTED


want to play some music, VOICE CHAT DISCONNECTED

literally use your phone's many smart features for any reason at all, VOICE CHAT DISCONNECTED


So there's a nintendo switch voicechat/lobby making app? Sounds fucking awful. Why are they doing this through phones and not the system itself? Is it because of hardware limitations or is this some way to prevent kids from talking to pedos online?
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If Playstation Vita could do cross game voice chat on the system itself, why can't the Nintendo Switch do it too? Isn't the Switch a home console that's 5x more powerful?
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>Windows phone

I fucking love Windows phone but the complete lack of apps just kills it for me. The OS is so fucking smooth and a joy to use.

I like to bust out my Lumia once in a while and enjoy it.

>tfw Microsoft doesn't give a shit about it's phones
Shareholders pressuring them into mobile games. Expect ads for garbage like FEH and SMR in it.
I never wanted this though. Hell I'd prefer if I didn't have to pay for it just to play online since I don't care for voice chat. Discord is a better AND free alternative too.
Vitashill pls, no one cares about a stillborn handheld.
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Why is everyone over complicating this? This isn't even bad.
Because Sony actually cares about its customer base and makes modern and future-proof technology while Nintendo knows it can shit out whatever antiquated shit it wants and the same 10 million autists, manchildren, and actual children will fork money over because it gives some false sense of security because NINTENDOO shat it out.
It's a legitimate question. Is the Switch not powerful enough for games+voice chat on the same device? Is it a RAM issue or a CPU issue? What's going on with Nintendo and why are they offering less features but charging more money for it?
Yeah fuck off with the vita. We are busy talking about a stillborn console. Now back to the switch
this is some pretty good bait.
mind if I take it?
>All those fucking wires
I didn't ask to be jacked into the matrix
The only recent TORtanic is the Friday the 13th game

This is just par for the course when it comes to Nintendo being fucking clueless as a company, since I refuse to accept that a company of thousands of "gamers" exists and not a single person spoke up and said "Sir, this is stupid, and this is what we really need to do"

I bet this was Iwata's idea, since this reeks of an Iwata designed idea

>Needing voice chat

Just use the fucking app for organizing everything else and use discord or twitch to chat

Don't act like this whole shit mandatory
It's underpowered as fuck

It's basically a handheld as powerful as a 360
ironically the Vita is still getting support from multiple shitty indie devs
the Switch can't even accomplish that
I'm surprised anyone could even half jokingly make such a stupid claim when it has sold millions already.
You need the app to invite friends too moron
Shit like this is why I stopped paying serious attention to nintendo's new consoles, even though I grew up with the NES. They must be doing it on purpose to make a statement or something, because they can't be this inept for real.
Nintendo doesn't want voice chat. If they added one, it was probably mostly due to obligations. Nintendo have always pushed the 'meet up with friends and family irl and play games with them' angle for a long time now. Look back at most of their commercials and marketing. They want their fanbase to go out and do something with other people. Voice chat is the opposite of what they want/expect from their fans.
>one shit is better than other because it got 3 more points
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Ignore Pokebarney fag
>using iphone7 and up
Storing shitloads of money in your coffers does not protect a company from failure. Look at what happened to Blackberry. The second investors lose interest in your company you are dead in the water.
Incompetence of course plays the main role

But it's mostly an outdated idea that Nintendo of America thinks they're a "Family" company, despite every fucking child in the world would rather play a phone game and their entire audience is made up of nostalgic adults.

They're so deluded that they value their outdated image over providing a good service that they're going to CHARGE FOR.
Even the original DS had voice chat in its online games like Pokemon Diamond.
>only one game anybody gives a damn about thats already old
>not dead on arrival

Pls, defend nintendo more. Im having a right laugh m8
I'm just gonna use discord on my phone anyway.
Question, is the app just for voice chat and stuff? Because I may just want to play Splatoon and other stuff online.
OR use mumble or >discord
do you know how many splitters I need to play with voice chat on pc

do you know how many splitters i need to play with voice chat on ps4
>b-b-but sony!
>Because Sony actually cares about its customer base
>makes modern and future-proof technology
>PS2 and PS3 failures
>Backwards compatibility removed
>Credit Card Fiasco
>Supported No Man's Sky and The Order
>Gimmickizes their titles twice as much as Nintendo by making them upright VR graphic demos.
>Was a port and Souls machine for 2 and a half years
Surely no one actually thinks this.
You also need it to deal with invites.
Every single console, even turds like the Wii U, sold millions within the first months of launch. That means jack shit if they can't keep the momentum going which is very obvious to anybody who's not a fanboy that they are beyond failing at.
>You are having badwrong fun; play games our way and pay us for the privilege.
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wait so you cant play with or invite friends unless you're using the app?

there goes the idea of just using discord to chat
What if I don't deal with that either? What if I just want to use the switch for random macltchmaking and stuff.
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>But Sony!
>Saying Crash is good but scored badly.
You've turned retarded through memes.
Please demand 4chan be blacklisted from your service for metal rehab.
You also forgot the part where they set up kickstarters for their games.
You're fine.
This is aggressively retarded. Why didn't they just put a headset jack on the controllers instead of the console itself, like every other video game console? Fully expect a hardware revision where they do exactly that.
God fucking dammit.
Then it would be exactly like the original Splatoon.

Sounds good to me.
Like every other console then?
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Nintendo can do no wrong
Irrelevant since PC gaming is dead and PS4 is shit.
>expecting Nintendo to do good online

I don't know why anybody was expecting better from them.
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>the current year
>require an phone app for voice chat
>such app cant even run in the background like any non retard VoIP apps

Fanboys will find a way to defend this.
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this is fucking dumb.

how does a company fuck up like this?
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oh yes i forgot about those objectively true facts thank you
is nintendo retarded ?

did they develop the Switch with zero online play in mind or what ?
>sitting on an ottoman as your seat
Well of course you'd lose your console.

Ignore this shitpost
>Someone thinks this is worth reposting
I fucking missed that bitch. She never gets posted these days.
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Maybe stop sucking Sony's dick for two seconds to maybe be open to the idea I may mean the CONSOLE.
Are you on crack?
Relatively tame.
The PS2 was the largest selling console of all time you absolute retard. This is literally an irrefutable fact.
Lolwut? You mean it having undeniably the best library of games from its gen if not all gens, low failure rate, online features, etc. etc.
It's not even bait aside from the sarcastic post with the picture. That is quite literally what you have to do to get voice chat with headphones on the Switch.
Is a fucking nintendo apologist what did you expect?
Oh no it's inconvenient took listen to a bunch of fat neck beards scream commands that no one wants to hear and or children scream IMA KID IMA SQUID LOL *racist profanity here *
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guess when i dont post her, nobody does.
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yawn buy xbox mech assault bundle, plug in mic, can talk to people in 2003 and also use voice masking zozzle
Not the PS2 library, not the sales, the actual HARDWARE you fucking ass retarded double niggers. I'm saying PS2 and PS3 CONSOLES are known to rot to hardware failures in comparison to Nintendo consoles.

Majorly emphasizing this.

I don't necessarily think voice chat is too important since:

A.) I usually play with friends only and
B.) I'll just use Discord to chat.

But are you telling me that if a friend and I wanted to play Splatoon friday, the only way I could make a party for me and him to go into Turf Wars is use this app?

Are you shitting me?

Are you actually fucking shitting me?
>*racist profanity here *

Holy shit you are one stupid ass nigger.
>ps2 and ps3

How far down the nintendo hole do you have to be to try to convinve yourself of this. Like seriously?
Clickbaits generally withhold info to entice the reader to click it.
In this case its basically a tl:dr of the article which is what this thread is about. It incentivices people to not read the article and just discuss the tl;dr.
It's not like the PS3 put Sony into the financial situation they're in now. Nope, it had nothing to do with it. Ignore all the R&D costs Sony spent on the PS3 and the unsold consoles in the first years of the system.
I love Nintendo but fuck... why aren't they capable of making something normal for once? They ruined it with that phone app bullshit. It's the kind of thing that makes me hate them sometimes
>im not talking about the console, im talking about the CONSOLE.

What did he mean by this?
Nintendo is backwards as fuck when it comes to Online.

Remember this is the same company that had friend codes and made Splatoon 1 peer to peer online but insist on putting NO REGION LOCK for multiplayer.
Also you won't be able to be invited if you're running Discord in the foreground.
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>mfw this game will still sell amazingly well despite being pants on head retarded in so many design choices
>mfw I still won't consider it good because console online multiplayer games need to die horribly for ruining the industry

Sony is in this situation because of the strong yen and competing electronic makers like Samsung pushing them out of the home electronics market. And also their failure to capture a significant share of the mobile phone market. And their retarded ass movie division that pump out flops after flops. They are overextended. But in recent years they're cutting out unprofitable divisions and they're slowly returning to profit.
Can third party devs still support in-game voice chat?
>put them in the predicament they are in now

Which is? Scea is doing great. The comapny as a whole is doing fine. This isnt 2006 anymore where they were tanking.

The worst oart of sony right now is the motion picture division and even then they are fine as a whole
Because they have to make everything proprietary. They're the new Sony when it comes to this shit. Proprietary dock, Proprietary voice chat app, Proprietary tablet controller, etc.
>Ignore all the R&D costs Sony spent on the PS3 and the unsold consoles in the first years of the system.

Holy shit you are on crack, or possibly missing several chromosomes. The sold the shit out of the ps3 and ended up runner up on the console race for that gen.

Seriously don't reply to me, you're probably a fat and disgusting virgin manlet lol
No. The system has no support for it. You MUST go through Nintendo's app.
>Implying anyone one on /v/ has friends to do this with

So why are you complaining?
Underage as FUCK.
PS3 was getting curbstomped by the 360 and Wii for the first couple years.

>The PS2 can't be referring to it as a era based on the console for Sony, or it as hardware itself depending on context, it's some mystery meaning in my head :^)
What did YOU mean by this?

This is a good system, retards. When your playing games, your phone is probably by you anyway. So why not use your phone for the messaging and voice chat?
Yeah and it makes it that much more of an accomplishment that it was able to get out of that hole and sell better than the 360. And I told to you not to reply to me fatso
Nintendo can't into technology and sky is blue
Main problem with it is that you need your phone constantly open for voice chat to work.
>You'll also need your phone screen on for that voice chat to remain connected
And what was the major subtractor from reviewers? The difficulty
Just what I needed. A thing that drains my phones battery even faster.
What if I want to play on the TV?
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>wait so you cant play with or invite friends unless you're using the app?

No, that's only for the chat, you can create or join a group of friends in-game
Im just gonna emulate this app on my pc when i want to play splatoon. I bet that would make the voice chat easier too, but like everyones already said, discord exists so its pointless. Its necessary for multiplayer with friends only, so not getting it on my phone just for a basic feature thats already in other switch games, INVITING FRIENDS
Because it's stupid as fuck?
Why is Nintendo so unbelievably, mind boggingly retarded?
Why can't they do things right since after the Gamecube days?
Will they ever unretard themselves? Who has to go/eat shit and die at Nintendo for them to start making things right again?
Why are you describing yourself?
You can tell that Nintendo did this on purpose so they have a new feature to gloat about when they do the inevitable "NEW" Nintendo Switch or Nintendo Switch Plus.
Uh, why is it stupid to use your phone like a phone?
The Switch is a handheld, not a home console ,so stop expecting it to have home console specs, Sony Pony.
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what the fuck
even Discord manages to keep voice chat on in the background
you need to kill yourse, you might have Nintendownsyndrome
Or you can just play without it and people you're already friends with can talk through discord.
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>successful hardware
>says something poorly worded and vague
>dude how can you not know exactly what i meat what are you retarded
You and the retard who says Nintendo is gonna go bankrupt might be the dumbest human beings on the planet.
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>N-n-no y-you!

Ahh the typical retort from the typical autistic manchild kek
Calm down, retard. You are on a public forum
There is a person in this very thread calling the PS2 a failure, which immediately proves your post wrong.

Nature is cruel. Even if you put a bag over that for the banging body, you will still mentally picture that maw.
It must suck to be fat. You should kill yourself and remove yourself from the gene pool.
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reggie fils.gif
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>looking at guides

Filthy casual.
Honestly, nintendo fans are the epitome of delusional.
why can't they just add bluetooth headset support?
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>people will defend this
God is my witness that I loved Nintendo. I grew up with them since the NES days in the late 80s.
They used to make some questionable things in the 90s, but went absolutely insane with the Wii and it seems they are only dipping down on the retardation part ever since.
They are like a clinically retarded, mental institution patient that flings shit at walls like a chimp and claps enthusiastically when a mushy turd sticks to the wall once in a while
Honestly, why are you so assblasted?
Did you forget about dow3?
Not him, but my slim PS2 constantly suffered DREs because of the garbage lasers. Sales were great, but the tech got shittier and shittier.
Youre late, your shills started already without you.
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It reminds me of how Pokemon Go needed to remain on as well at least for Android phones. Shit made my phone get hot as hell. I do remember the devs saying something like that being required by Android for some reason though. No idea how other apps get around it.
>Having more convoluted online functions than a PS2.
I own a Switch and this is some retarded shit.
>poorly worded and vague
>PS2 and PS3 failures
>Didn't say were
>Thus present tense
>Thus meaning them as a product as common sense would mean I'm not referring them as console generations for Sony
No, I'm sure you and 50% of /v/ had a C- in English.
the system can only handle 1 bluetooth channel and that's reserved for the controller.
>I'm sure people will fall for my falseflag, because i am incredibly retarded
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>voice chat

And nothing of value was lost. If I wanted to listen to underage faggots scream obscenities about my mother's and sisters' sexual fidelity, I'd just come here.
It can handle several controllers.
Nintendo just doesn't want to cover VOIP bandwidth costs.
Don't cut yourself on that edge fatty :^)
Or maybe nintendo can stop being retarded when it comes to online services.
Not only will they, this thread has been bombarded with shill comments such as

>who cares
>who buys nintendo games for multiplayer?
>muh sony muh xbox

How much does nintendo pay per post?
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Uh huh, sure you do. This online system is good and simple.

That is retarded looking.
several controls share the same channel.
nintendo cheaped out on the bluetooth.
Just asking you to be not be such a screeching, seething manchild.

You know you can discuss thing on 4chan without looking like a screaming autist
>point out how toxic the fanbase are for defending backwards tech decisions
>you must just be mad

And you wonder why no one takes you guys seiously
This would be unacceptable even if it was free, and they expect you to pay money for this shit

Is this real?
I honestly haven't felt like any nintendo system in the last decade or so has been worth half of what they charge.
Or maybe you can stop looking for reasons to bitch and ignore the service like the rest of us.
Now you're projecting. How sad.
That not an answer

Why are you so assblasted?
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>Why Nintendo? This shit is archaic as fuck.
It's not even archaic.
Internet start-ups in the late 90s weren't as amateurish and stupendous as this multi-billion dollar corporation. I honestly question their collective intelligence.
This is beyond your-own-booger-eating.
Good thing I don't have friends.
Nintendo will add voice chat on the system itself when they finally release the new Switch model in 2019.

Are these even arguments? Is this what an argument or rebuttal is to an autistic manchild?

Please salvage yourself and tell us you're underage and that's why you don't know how to carry a conversation.
Reminder that all of this is necessary because the Switch is literally too weak to run a game and handle voice chat at the same time
But for real, why are you so assblasted?
>this isn't even my final form
Actually let's see what your dumb dumb brain thought through this.
The original is replying to someone who said
>Sony makes future proof technology and cares about their fans
>I counter with saying there's PS2 and PS3 failures (plural at that, so I'm referring to multiples of both, not them as a collective failure.)
Where the fuck does saying PS2 and PS3 were failures as generations come in given those context clues?
Fanboyism and /v/'s ambition to make "DAH EPIK SCREENCAP XD", that's what.
Just like Old 3DS was too weak to run certain games and had to reboot the entire system to enter "HIGH RAM MODE" which made you not allowed to open apps like the web browser or stuff.
So why would you care about voice chat? Especially when the only game that has any sort of use for it doesn't need it at all?
>Its ok when Nintendo does it

Trully the most autistic fanbase, simply cannot admit their company fucked up something so simple. I love my 3ds, but I am also not blinded by brand loyalty, thats why I'm not touching the abomination that is the Switch
>app needs to be running in the foreground at all times and you can't turn the screen off
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I bet you look uncanny to that guy.
It's the [current year]!
You need it to invite friends too you fucking retard. Why don't you actually try reading for once? Also your phone has to be on the entire time meaning it'll drain your battery
What if I want to play a third party game that uses voice chat.
>any criticism about nintendo whatsoever
>youre still mad

I hope they are paying you for this because thats quite the dedication
Nintendownies at it again I see
People keep quoting this post as if he's not being sarcastic. I thought the use of the iPhone headphone port made it fairly obviously sarcasm, but I guess some fan boys will defend anything.
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it uses 4.1, so it should support up to 7 devices

but it's kinda vague as to how many devices can be used simultaneously on the switch

it's still really only a matter of Nintendo not wanting to carry VOIP on their network
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>No one is actually that retarded
This would be ok, if this wasn't paid.
But online on the Switch is PAID. P A I D.
Paid yet somehow twice as worse as free PC services
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Nintendo Switch's ARM CPU isn't powerful enough to handle our games vision. We would have to downgrade how many enemies visible on screen, reduce draw distance for usable objects, and tone down how much spell effects that are displayed at once.

>Nintendos publishing policy for the Switch is more restrictive than Steam or PS4. The licensing fees are higher if you want to make a physical or digital release, there are certain quality assurance meddling that Nintendo does which delays our games, and they don't give us as much developer support or marketing support as other competitors.

>We would love to make games for the Switch, however we fear that they will not sell as well like on other platforms. Nintendo consumers tend to prefer first party games over third party games, this is especially true if any third party game launches near the same date as a Nintendo title. So we must delay our games to avoid that competition or hope that Nintendo has enough consumers that are interested in third party on their console than PS4 or Xbox One.

>We love the concept of the Nintendo Switch, but unfortunately we have no plans to develop our games on it. Our market research shows that most of our fanbase owns PC and PS4 so we will stick to the platforms that our fans have.

>Titanfall on the Switch? FUCK NO
What's it like being deepdicked by Jewtendo whilst playing the 10,000th Mario game?
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>voice chat
>Nin10downie Nintendicksucker manchild in his 30s: "And nothing of value was lost."
>voice chat
>Nin10downie Nintendicksucker manchild in his 50s: "And nothing of value was lost"
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Good thing Metacritic is a good way to measure how good games are. Like how Fallout 4 is rated higher than the measly new vegas with its low score of 84
>I guess some fan boys will defend anything.
Wait, is this sarcasm?
Look at all these assblasted people that couldn't find a Switch.
>im not talking about the ps2 im talking about the console

>not poorly worded.

You could have easily said which specific aspect you were talking about but you didnt because your autism made you rush to post and defend nintendo before you even had a chance to read over what you typed.

It was so unclear that mutiple anons called you out on it that you even had to have a follow up post explaing what you meant.

So talk like a retard then get upset when people call you a retard.
Are there ads?
i would refer you to >>384488974
We are between friends, why are you so assblasted?
what if they make a joycon with a headphone jack and pipe the audio through the controller channel?
Can anyone quote where it says you need the app to invite friends into your lobby? Because I'm not seeing it.
Can you say that again in English
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Make sure to buy that New Nintendo Switch in 2 years goy.
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Who wasn't expecting this by now?

Only retards thought Switch's Online and voice chat wouldn't be utter shit.
Don't have to. Busy ridin' bitches right now, but I'll be sure to think of you when I'm playing Splatoon 2 later today.
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That was in English. I'm sorry, I don't speak Potato.
But the Vita is a handheld too? And half a decade older than the Switch? Nani?
That's fine it's only good game is already on PC anyway
>if i keep repeating it, It will seem like i actually am keeping up in this discussion
The Vita doesn't count because it's dead.
Your toaster does not qualify.
C'mon, it's okay. We won't judge you, though that selfie didn't help your case.
>I bet this was Iwata's idea
Anon, he's been dead for a long time now.
So that means the Switch doesn't count either
>I'll be thinking about you when I'm playing My Little Pony: The Game

Please don't.
This is absolute garbage.
Good thing Ill exclusively chat via skype, but I seriously hope NInty arent stupid enough to restrict friend lobbies to this shite app
A real PCfat knows what a "toaster" is, toasterfag poser.
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>metioning MLPshit
kys, barneyfag
Yeah, a toaster can't run an open world game at 60 FPS, unlike the Switch, which can...

oh wait.
Yes and the Switch or any other console right now qualifies as that, also stop projecting
that is literally, figuratively and metaphorically correct
>he doesn't know
>good third party games
>any third party games
>open world
ok now i know you're from reddit
>ok now i know you're from reddit
It takes one redditor to know another I guess
Why are you so assblasted?
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Projecting what? That I'm a superior PCfag?
Correct. My twin 1080s will smoke your mother's mother.
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I wanna work at Nintendo so I can climb the corporate ladder and fight for decisions that actually make logical sense.

I'll get back to you guys with my timestamp if this actually ends up happening someday.
One more time for good luck bb. Give me that lucky nintendo fan defense.
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You guessed wrong.

Why are you so rectally ravaged?
>call me a toasterfag out of nowhere
>claims to have a good pc himself
>still deny the possibility of playing BOTW on PC
Isnt there something more sad than a nintendork falseflagging as a pc user?
>people can't own more than one device, ever
Good lord, Mauer, is your brain this destroyed?
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Well that filename doesnt help your argument
But why are you so assblasted, tho?
>Isn't Japanese and living in Japan
>Thinks he can impact Nintendo
Hilarious. Even Reggie can't stop them from doing shit like this.
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still assblasted, huh
and now you're mistaken me for someone else, are you really this upset someone blew your cover?
Holy shit are you actually retarded enough to keep the EXIF data on your photos.

You don't live too far away actually, might drive over to teach you a lesson.
>he/she doesn't know
Not as much as you if you cant come up with a better insult
Shitpost King is still better in every way, and I say that as a longtime Falseflag King supporter.
Jokes don't have to be insults.
Who touched your no-nos?
Know what? Im sorry i dont keep up with internet drama, i leave that to losers like you?

>the typical nintendo fans response to criticism
Not a RAM issue.
Vita has 512MB system ran and 128MB VRAM.
360 had 512MB RAM total and they got their OS to run on about 32MB and that included cross game chat too.
Switch has 4GB RAM total.

PS3 couldn't pull it off since they didn't bother to work it in until later in its life and there was too much overhead to get it to work right. Vita had it from day 1 since they planned for it, and it had more RAM than PS3. Switch not having it has everything to do with Nintendo not caring. It's a stronger handheld than Vita with better specs in every way so hardware isn't the issue.
The only joke here is you, no need to be assblasted bro
sure, one of us has to be employed
and cover your basement ass
>still projecting
so assblasted
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>Nintendogs were told this months ago
>They blindly defend the system and say he was wrong
Picked up the other anon's "joke" eh?
Lel, originality.
still assblasted huh?
Teach me a lesson for wanting to apply for a job? Why?
I've seen zero people I know defend this.
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Kept you assblasted, huh?
Video is outdated.

They have since changed the policy and you WILL grow a library of games similar to PS+ and XBL Gold.
You got ablasted like a goddamed fiddle!

>[citation needed]

Wouldnt help the fact you're forced to using a phone to fucking do shit online
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You are all dumb fucking niggers, Nintendo is literally saving your fucking lives!!!
I know you're in a hurry to shitpost, but come on you lazy faggot.
its all youres my friend
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Is modern fucking voice chat and online multiplayer an expectation still?

Because it seems to be a basic fucking necessity if you want your console to be taken seriously instead of a piece of plastic for little kids that protects you from meanies calling you a fag in multiplayer, or sending you random friend requests and messages.
no need to get assblasted over grammar
I've got a curious mind

And i am particularly curious as to why are you this assblasted ?

Thought it was common knowledge. They got blasted for it and had to change.
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one of the oldest pictures on the internet becomes relevant again
>still assblasted
You're sperging out so hard you can't even spell.
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>applefag need hand-holdsies
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>I dislike the Nintendo Switch online system
I love Nintendo as much as the next guy, but come the fuck on. PSN and Xbox Live make this online network look like dog shit.

That doesnt make the video outdated as you still have to use a retarded app on your phone to be able to even communicate with anyone, let alone do anything online.

Neither PC, PS4, or XBO has you go through such retarded hoops to do this. You either got a mic or headset and that was it.
Considering how voice chat for a handheld has never been done before, it'll take some time for Nintendo to handle out the kinks.

Otherwise this looks to be perfect for everyone who wishes to play Splatoon and voice chat on the go if they choose to.
because that wouldnt be modern mobile web 3.0 social media internet of things, duh
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Considering you're still replying i'd say you're the assblasted one here, also being so anal over spelling is a sign of grasping at straws
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>That doesnt make the video outdated
Yes it does. One of the first things he bitches about is how the free games are being handled.

But that's been changed. So it's a bad resource and now out of date.
>Considering how voice chat for a handheld has never been done before

DS, 3DS, and Vita all had voice chat.
he meant the retarded monthly game garbo
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>I like Nintendo's online system being as rudimentary and outdated as AOL 1995
This is bullshit, but I wasn't planning on using even if it was somehow good.
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>They want you to pay for this
Fucking hell Nintendo
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>you're still replying
The irony of the eternally assblasted.
>phone can't run the app on background
>also you need to keep it turned out, can't go to sleep or locked mode
Good lord, what a fucking shitshow.
Vita literally had cross game voice chat for free on DAY ONE. You can now also use that same program to chat with PS4 players, not just Vita players.
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>he's still doing it
is someone screencapping this? i've never seen someone so assblasted on this board's history
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Even the Wii handled voice chat better than this.
Because it sure is way hard too just have the console the option to conect your headset to it and have the games do the loobi and voice chat thing. Nintendo are retards when it comes to online services, deal woth it.
>voice chat is terrible
>online is still laggy and drops connections everywhere
>less features than Wii U
>$20 dollary-doos every year, gaijin

Nintendo can go fuck themselves.
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Murray Touchup.jpg
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Yeah, but he's always gonna be my president and he can fix anything like he did with Gold & Silver.

It's his fault since he can fix it somehow, even if it's just pointing out that he's turning in his grave at how poorly implemented the company took this, since he probably did have a hand in prototypes of this feature.
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No one is, assblasted camwhore.
God you're so full of yourself.
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>Online is a step down from the Wii U but now you have to pay for it
Who thought this was a good idea?
so remind me why you can just plug in a headset with mic and just chat right off the bat?
sony and microsoft and PC does this.

why is nintendo going for such a convoluted set up just for voice chat?
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Still assblasted huh? Pathetic
No need to get your mom involved in this
console has zero power left to support anything beside the game its running
So...what we knew from the beginning, gotcha.
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No. In the beginning each game was going to go away at the end of the month.

Ignorant wankstain.
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>so assblasted periods have vanished from my sentences
You're losing it again, retard.
Try posting from your phone, camwhore.
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sssssssh no need to get so buttmad from an insult, just step away from the monitor and get some fresh air
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>nin10yearolds will still defend this system
You're talking about the free samples. I'm talking about the whole system.
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And miss your camwhore show? Lol, no way!
Turn around.
so, why are you this assblasted?
Can you speak next time without the Nintendo cock in your mouth? I can't understand you.
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Hey bro come on i know you're angry but no need to get your mom involved in this, i bet she's a nice woman i should know she was with me last night
I said. Turn around. Slut.
they are using phones as a way of control.

i was talking to my room mates about this shit last week.

what would you rather have, little kids with their mics shouting nigger fuck you on a squid kid painting game,


no voice chat publicly and they give you the option through a phone. the last option would be to have 0 voice chat period, at least they giving you an option.

also this>>384480337

you don't need voice chat period desu, i never felt the need to talk to gooks on splatoon anyway.

Why are you this assblasted?
>assblasted and broke
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Vita dead, bruh
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Why are you repeating what i said to your mom last night? Were you there? Is this why are you so angry?

The DS had built in voice chat for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. And it worked flawlessly.
Or you can use discord.
Vita has weaker hardware yet it managed to do it.
>$20 a month
it's ok when Nintendo does it though
The Switch doesn't even have a basic fucking messaging system at all. You literally can not talk to people you have added on there through the service at all. Not just no voice chat, but no text chat or direct messaging either/
This is hilarious to imagine happening irl; a literal smug-off
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Nice tits. But I'm really going to need you to show me dat ass.

No ass == No cash
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I'm not entirely sure that's true. I was able to invite my brother to a party during the splatfest demo entirely from ingame menus.
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>No ass == No cash
Same thing i said to your mom, are you upset because i left without paying?
Dont need to ask your boyfriend to help you
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Thanks for the spank, slut.
I win.
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get back to work
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Ok if you're so desperate for something good in your life to happen i guess you win just tell your mom to wear some hot when i see her tonight and maybe ill pay then
nice samefag btw
>mfw might never know why this assblast

*whip crack*
I said get back to work, camwhore.
wtf is wrong with that smug
she looks special
Yeah its true that this is fucking garbage
But here come the sonybros trying to act like special snowflakes lmao
Good posts.

Butthurt shitposts.
>when the thread devolves into erotic anime roleplaying for no real reason whatsoever
My mom's a landwhale. You got shit taste, m8.
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God I love Nintendo!
PSP did too.
Phat required a special headset, 2000 and up all had built in mics.
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>using actions
Well guess i broke you just like you're mom's pussy oh well its not like it wasnt already
I won't defend this horrible, horrible online service, but I certainly was not planning to use it in the first place
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>sonykeks and xbutts eternally assblasted
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You know what's funnier? The fact that the Nintendo DS Had in hardware Support for voice chat and a dedicated headset made during the GEN 4 hype.
I love Nintendo and i will be getting Splatoon 2 but i cannot support this stupidity.
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To the normal parent, they don't. They can't be bothered to download the parental app or monitor little Timmy's game because it keeps him quiet.
I wish Nintendofags would lurk more or used more than one word to insult people, shit's embarrasing
Nintendo games are made for PC pirating anyway.
>Still says Pii U

First year on /v/ kid?
Everyone uses it. No one is original anymore.
Why are you assblasted?
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Only one company can save us now.
No one spoke up because it's a Japanese company. You follow your supervisor to hell and back or you work at 7/11 for your whole life.
>Speaking up or drawing attention to yourself from people who have been there longer than you

what do you do if you want to use voice chat in TV mode? isn't the voice chat jack on the switch console itself? this is so absurd why didn't they just put a single jack in the left joycon that you can attach a mic to? you can even have a fucking messages app or something on the phone like ps4 if that's really what you want but this is just absurd.
Why are you?
Your headset doesn't have a long cord? Cheap.
No. You can make a party in game. Shitposters are going crazy right now.
Everyone is use to Sony making shitty games though.
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>Nintendo releases the Switch with basically just Zelda
Didn't we do this just four months ago? Anyone remember how that ended up working out?
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Yep buttblasted indeed

Current splits at nodes not Voltage you fucking idiot
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>lol literally all you gotta do to trigger me is post smug
Yes keep those tears coming
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>keeps replying like an assblasted sperg
gimme them (you)s
Isn't part of the fun of native voice chat the opportunity to make new friends over the game you like?

Is /v/ that friend deprived that they think sitting and playing against randos that may as well be bots is completely acceptable?
Literally only autists care for the sake of argument and shitposting.
Not even Nintendo cares about VC really and only did this because of bitching.
They don't want another Swapnote situation. If they had made VC easily accessible something like that could possibly happen again, and well it obviously would not be good. They'd then have to go out of their way to get rid of VC.

The app working like shit isn't defendable though. The apps existence is however.
>no u are mad
the biggest sign of someone being shitter shattered, no more (you)s for poor bait
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>Anything other than Nintendo.
This is some irony right here, holy shit. It's hilarious how dumb you are.
you fucked up newfag lol

I'm just going to come out and say it, VOIP has been in all PC games of old and I've never, EVER heard anyone ever using it, not even in tf2, unless there were some idiotic kids.

I've always, ALWAYS used a third party program like teamspeak, xfire or heck even steam to talk with who I wanted to, never used public channels in garena either.

Honestly, people complaining about no open voice chat baffles me, especially because it has been the bane of online multiplayer games since the dawn of PSN, millions of kids shouting in your ear 24/7, absolutely dogshit.

Now I'm not saying that Nintendo is doing it right, but I can confidently say that this will never hinder fucking anyone but post 360 kids that enjoyed shit-talking out of their ass in online games since they could hold a controller.
Hear hear!
VOIP is for autists.
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are you saying it isn't
What? VOIP is for autists.
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It's true.

>hear hear!

that sounded like a sarcastic remark you retard
Honestly, I've been using the ps4's party chat function a lot recently to talk to my brother and the sound quality is fucking horrendous. I'd much rather just plug my headset into my laptop and use discord than have to deal with shitty console voice chat.
Anyone genuinely upset about the switch not having built-in voice chat has never experienced how shit it is on other consoles.
>sarcasm on the internet
Now I know you are new.
Not just on 4changles, but the whole internet.
>still begging for them
mmmm delicious tears
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It's a sign of agreement. Read a book, retard.
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