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Say something nice about him Also apparently he threw a hissy

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Say something nice about him
Also apparently he threw a hissy fit because he lost the Sm4sh tournament or something? Could anyond fill me in on that?
Deleted twitter cause of bayo
he throws a hissy fit, but i'll throw him into a trashcan where he belongs
>looks like a faggot
>dresses like a faggot
>acts like a faggot
oh, but he's good at smash bruddas, let's fawn over him
fuck this nigga
Chileans are fuckin pieces of shit
>>looks like a faggot
>>dresses like a faggot
>>acts like a faggot
>oh, but he's good at smash bruddas, let's fawn over him

That's a 100% summation of tourneyfags.
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This. He's a whiny bitch boy faggot that for some reason thinks being able to play a shitty brawler somehow has any merit outside of the cancerous FGC, and, heaven forbid when he fucking loses, he throws a shit fit and cries to his bent over, cum-slurping fanboys on Twitter and Reddit for sympathy points.

The Smash community is full of unlikable, pretentious cuntrags, but he's definitely at the number one spot in my book just for his attitude on twitter alone. Good fucking riddance.

10/10, would rant about his fat, greasy Chilean ass again.
>beatles cut
>no chin
>red framed glasses with piss filter gamer lens
I've nothing nice to say,
Is this scarflard or is that some other unlikeable smash tourneyfag?
He's wearing a scarf. What do you think?
His best years are behind him
i'm so mad that i don't live on that side of the us anymore, but it's too expensive

but i did i would frequently be around events he's at to make sure he and his cronies behave because i'd dropkick him and headbutt his funbuddies, it'll just be like my old army days
For all I know there are multiple fat scarf wearing fucks in the smash tourneyfag community.
Just for transparency's sake: Can I assume that you play League?
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>the fathomless delusion he must of entered to think that scarf is not only socially acceptable, but "cool" to those nerds he chose to present himself in front of.
>posting 3DPD
dang he actually did LOL
what is 3DPD? I've seen it referenced other places but never found a source for the term or a definition.
IIRC, the scarf was a gift from his mom, and I understand the sentiment for wanting to keep it on, but it makes him look like a massive faggot nonetheless. Hope his mom is proud of that fact.
I swear for a moment I thought this was going to be that copy pasta of goofballs. Damn Zero has become a joke
Lurk more
three dogs police department
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Why am I not surprised?
I'm not well versed in the new smash but from what i saw, Bayo looked really really cheap.
Why can't that villager guy ever make it far enough
that story just pisses me off, and further cements my hatred for such a faghat

i don't know who this shunao guy is but you don't touch art like that, and i've literally just snapped really quickly if someone did that where i work, but if someone rude as shit like zero does it i'm not gonna just snap at him, i'm gonna bodyslam his ass, and believe me, i can lift him
because villager is boring to watch.
I'd rather have ryu or rob over him
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It was true that the fucker broke his controller in the bathrooms?
I'd like to see you try.
No really, I would.

I haven't watched any of his latest fights but the last I watched he kept running until he found a cheap openning, he played like a huge faggot, and I doubt he has changed his style.
Yeah this is a cunt move if true.

But from his perspective at this tournament that was a heartbreaking way to lose EVO, give him his time alone to sulk.
He's the very definition of a cancerous Smashbabby with attitude issues, so I wouldn't be surprised.
bet the artist friend would've done that but speaking as an artist that goes to conventions and spends all day at the table, is very tiring and all you want is to leave as soon as it ends. Not really in the mood to stress over something
why does he hate bayo so much
If he loses to a character he doesn't main, then they're cheap and broken by default. See: Meta Knight, Diddy Kong, Sheik, Bayonetta, etc.
Who is this guy and why does he look like such a whiny entitled faggot?
Larry Lurr should have won. Isn't an egotistical baby and doesn't play fucking Bayonetta.
Because he can't quite get the hang of fighting her and doesn't want to put in the effort to try using her either.
So what the fuck actually happened
He seemed pretty collected and calm after losing
When did he lose his shit? Is it documented anywhere yet?
Jesus fucking christ even salty ass Hungrybox takes his losses better
Because he is SJW who cries over woman being misrepresented in video games.
Nah, he really is just a faggot who cries nerf when he loses to a character he doesn't main.
He had no preemptive excuse for losing this time
Fatality is the only smash player I've seen comment on politics.
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He was a part of the only good Brawl competitive match
He was about to burst into tears when they were handing the prize, then his twitter disappeared
>why does he look like such a whiny entitled faggot?

Because he is. I used to have a screenshot of this long winded post he made on Reddit complaining about the stresses of Sm4sh and how he needed to go to therapy to cope. It was as pathetic as it sounds.
He was not calm and collected at all during the Medal Ceremony.

He didn't even shake his hand to congratulate him afterwards. Just took his controller and ran off.
First time I saw him was against hungrybox at some nintendo hosted event and he beat a guy by running away and letting the time run out. Hated him ever since
Never trust a sudaca
How can he be such a faggot for getting second place? Its not first but its still pretty good.
ah yes, i remember a thread here in /v/ defending this act because even it wasn't morally right, is still a fair game
"huh? huh?"
M2K is at least a lovable autist, until he jerks off under your sheets in your house on your wifi. Unlike Zero, who you wanna punch in the face immediately for wearing that stupid scarf.
Losing always sucks.

Thing here is that he's the *********best player in the world******** so losing is twice as sucky for him, even if it's second place, furthermore, he got rekt by Bayonetta which is his most hated character to fight against.
star wars character
>For playing a video-game

inb4 Zero becomes Cera, or some shit.
>getting mad at people playing to win
how fucking new
>"do you know who i am"

this cant be real. you play a fucking kids game for a living
Maybe if /v/ ever competed such a prestigious video game tournament (hint: you faggots never had and never will), then you too, would understand the bitterness of defeat, especially on the grand stage.

Yes, Zero lost against a cheap and OP character like Bayonetta, but the fact that he decided to stick to his guns by using Diddy, instead of tier whoring like everyone else, says a lot about the guy.

I know he's taking it pretty hard right now, but eventually he'll come to the realization that he still has two EVO championship titles under his belt, and thus, that still makes him the greatest player to ever player Sm4sh.

Stay salty, haters.
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Didn't read lmao
No, people are just circulating rumors.

Twitter deletion seems to be the only evident thing.
The nintendo demo tournament, he was that much of a fucking faggot to tryhard a demo that they let all the attendees play for 2 hours before the "tournament"
Noone took the game seriously, even that rosalina player ran directly into megaman's smash just so we could see the megaman collab, then there was zero being a fucking faggot tryharding an event made for fun

>prestigious video game tournament

This better be bait, if not, go away scarflard.
see what i mean? is a big debate because people don't agree with Zrero "strategies" but there is no rule mentioning is not allowed so he can get away with it unless it becomes forbidden to do that
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>>stay salty haters
>fag deletes his twitter
t. Filthy sudaca defending Zero
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Calm down Scarflard
>Maybe if /v/ ever competed such a prestigious video game tournament (hint: you faggots never had and never will), then you too, would understand the bitterness of defeat, especially on the grand stage.
I can agree with this.

The rest of your post makes you a massive fag though.

It's replies like that which reinforce the stereotype of the typical /v/ user. Don't forget to chlorinate your swampy gene pool, kiddo.
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>zero gets cosmo'd and chops his dick off because he lost at a tournament

bros im scared
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>/v/ not playing Vidya
>Forgets about Viscant
Hey, I think is nice that you go to sleep before your parents gives you the red bottom for staying too late
naw M2K gets moody at events and if you're not super popular in the community he will treat you like you're nothing. take it from a guy who got to play him in a few sets. he's always been rude to me even though I've been nothing but nice to the guy. I can respect his gameplay but I cannot respect him as a person after those experiences so believe what you want to believe.
I can see why the fat fuck would delete this twitter. I'd rather just delete it temporarily when I know there's gonna be a gorillion people going to shit on me and stuff. Though to be fair, he's asking for it considering his very long history of getting super salty.
if you get bitter then you should probably stop playing or analyze what went wrong instead of throwing a hissy fit, he lost, but what matters is how he takes it. People lost on tounraments but some are likeable because they keep their cool even if they win. Zero is not a very likeable person
Wont nobody post the video in question?
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lol stay salty over a kid's game faggot
i would love to honestly, but nothing ever happens out here in dmv except random unrelated crimes
sitting all day would cause thrombosis so walking around every now and then helps
>defending a grown man coming to tears over a video game
Go cry yourself to sleep zero
maybe if he wasn't so smug about his hobby, people would've leave him alone after his defeat
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>he decided to stick to his guns by using Diddy

diddy is the 2nd best character in the game. Zero has literally always tier whored. He went from Fox(At launch when everyone thought he was the best) to Shiek to Diddy
Go here
>if you get bitter then you should probably stop playing or analyze what went wrong
You can do both, you know? No one who ever loses automatically goes into "Why did I lose? mode like if they were Buddha. I can be pretty upset about losing and then spend my whole day getting upset at losing and after calming down start checking out to see where I failed and how I can fix it. I'm not talking about just Zero here but in a more general sense.

>instead of throwing a hissy fit, he lost, but what matters is how he takes it. People lost on tounraments but some are likeable because they keep their cool even if they win. Zero is not a very likeable person
And that's where Zero is a faggot, same reason why I didn't agree with the rest of the post of that anon.
I was in line at a tournament once and he just showed up and cut the entire line to check-in. Everyone was pissed but the tournament organizers literally didn't give a shit because he's a top player. They just let him and his gang of cronies in to some backstage area.

this story is fake btw but I hope you guys believed it and hate him more now
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here you go
Isn't this the guy who whined about Diddy Kong being broken before maining him and claiming he loves him
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>smashtard deletes his twitter after getting thrashed in a childrens party game
>/ourguy/ has fun in pools and is a great sport about the loss

Time to apologize /v/
Nah he went
Fox (everyone thought was best)
Diddy (the actual best)
Sheik (Diddy nerfed, Sheik now best)
Diddy (Sheik nerfed, Diddy best established character)
>Expecting a serious reply to a shitpost
Fuck off you autist
Because Bayo is low skill cancer but he can go fuck himself because he will scum people out like time out people in Brawl. Everyone who whines that Salem camps ignores that Zero does as well. And every Jap player does nothing but camp. I don't get how anyone likes Abadango, that nigger will straight up go to the other end of the stage.
>He got combo'ed off-stage
>When Bayo was one good hit from dying
Damn son, I'd be super butthurt at losing like that too.
>sitting all day would cause thrombosis so walking around every now and then helps
that's true, that's why I ask the person next to me to keep an eye so i can talk a walk before going back, these events are tiring and is always best to go with someone you trust to keep an eye when you go for a walk, to eat or to the restroom

Zero got BLACKED
Chileans are faggots


In M2K's defense, the dude has something seriously wrong with him and the Smash community has done nothing but encourage it.
I forgot Roy made it back in. From the looks of that chart though, maybe he shouldn't have.
>I don't get how anyone likes Abadango, that nigger will straight up go to the other end of the stage.
He's a jap so it not only okay when he does it, but it makes him a crowd favorite too.
>Jumping above Bayo, who has ridiculously low kills off the top
I haven't played Sm4sh in at least a year and a half. What the fuck was his thought process here?
I agree 100% with you (most "pros" act like this, actually) but while I don't want you to give M2K an inch, I just want you to remember he is socially retarded. Holy fuck some of the stuff he does because he only thinks about himself is just baffling.
El chileANO
He kept monkey flipping for some reason and Salem punished him accordingly. Fucker deserved to win.
I can't believe how far this fucking thing has fallen. Everyone used to agree that it was top five and now fucking Sonic is doing better.
>most "pros" act like this, actually
depends on the game
kof "pros" are the chillest shit
sf "pros" kinda vary
anime players are just eccentric as fuck or give off a creepy vibe that i'm not sure what to think but i'm sure they're generally very nice
He earned that lose when he kept spamming that damn monkey flip over and over again. He seriously doesn't get that if you keep using the same shit over and over again that people will eventually learn to look out for and take advantage of it.
He's used to fighting people who don't actually give a shit about Sm4sh, so someone punished his bad habits for once.
can you get out of that?
Pika only had one player who didn't adapt with everyone else
m2k literally has aspergers and autism so his social skills are shit by default. Top players have their own little circlejerk though. If you're not good at the game don't even bother trying to be friends with them unless you pay them 5$ a month on Twitch.
M2k is autism incarnate. I supremely doubt he was trying to be rude to you, he just doesn't know how to act. It comes through every time he's on camera, regardless of the situation.
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>it's true
>Mega Man managed to avoid shit tier

He's probably still not particularly viable, but I'll take it. I wish Bayonetta wasn't quite so good so I could play as her without feeling lame, but I'll accept watching her fuck up the sm4sh competitive scene from afar as a consolation prize.
If Bayonetta is so highly rated, why does she rarely win tournaments? I just checked the list of smash 4 national tournaments this year (used this list: https://www.ssbwiki.com/List_of_national_tournaments#Super_Smash_Bros._for_Wii_U), and this was only the second big tourny a bayo has won this year. I don't play the game, so just genuinely curious
Yeah, I won't deny that. Salem played excellently and punished Zero accordingly.
If you SDI (mash the analog stick like crazy in one direction) yes
mind if i save this satania?
He's a jank gimmick character that loses to all of the top tier jank and he doesn't have a for sure kill jank. I mean look at Bowser and DK. They are legit dogshit characters that exist on the tier list where they are because grab spam is actually threatening with them. The game is stupid as hell since you have to just respect so many retarded things and more or less camp. It's retarded when you can know a full second ahead of time what the other person is going to do but many characters just have zero options to actually punish it.

Smash 4 is just terrible for how jank it is.
Bayo is not pick up and win. That's it.
>keeping snacks inside of his fight pad
Jesus christ this dude's my spirit animal.
Fox is number 1 in melee and he rarely wins shit. So, I guess some similar logic is applied to Bayonetta.
I really don't believe this desu
Good frame data, witch twist has a retarded hitbox, can plank at the stage with witch twist and the oppenent cant do anything about it, amazing combo game etc etc. You shouldve seen her before the patch. She had easiest Zero to deaths ever
I saw Zero at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
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>scarflard is autistic
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pls no bully
>>Smash 4 is just terrible for how jank it is.
What the heck does this mean?
that is actually smart and never thought it was possible
I am talking about Smash specifically. I haven't met enough of FGC top players within tournaments to tell. Honestly I blame TOs more than anyone for putting up with them and enabling the whole special treatment thing.

Monkey Flip is a 50/50 for a lot of characters (not Bayo) who do not have a hitbox to challenge it consistently. It's easy to rely on that shit. I agree with you, though.
never gets old
thank fuck. that guy was an annoying piece of shit
That guy looks like those mexican middle aged ladies
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>palutena was only two moves away from being worth using

why live
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Bayo main here,
To any faggots trying to say that Salem only won because of jank, you're fucking retards.
Please consider the following:
>Salem did not win any games based off a witch time. In fact I don't even think he got any witch time kills during both sets with zero.
>Salem only got one string that killed against zero and that was the 10th match which he won EVO with
>Most importantly Salem came from losers bracket, he had to take two consecutive sets from ZeRo to beat him
>It's not like he just slid through winners bracket and ended up in grands.
Yes Bayo is a dumb ass character with ridiculously overpowered punishes, but Salem won the tournament fairly.

He outplayed and adapted against ZeRo
>DK and Bowser moved all the way to top 25 because of retarded grabs

haha good game smashfags!
I can definitely see it being possible if you build it yourself and design it to have the extra space.
I'm torn. I hate scarflard, but I also hate bayo.
I think I'll call this a win.
>Why does she rarely win tournaments?
She came sort of late and is softbanned by a lot of players. It's like puff/ICs in Melee-- lots of players have this weird sense of honor if they think something is super fraudulent. There are good characters that you can fool yourself into thinking you're not just being lame (MK Brawl) because you have so many options, or you have a character like Bayo that feels mindless and it turns off players who have this weird sense of honor.
>even that rosalina player ran directly into megaman's smash just so we could see the megaman collab

This meme NEEDS to die

He later confirmed that he was going for a punish but didn't know the black hole went so far

Kill yourself
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I don't care about scrflard or the smash community, but I always like when I have a reason to post this:
Most people I've seen that aren't dumb shitposters agree that Salem earned this win.
prove it.
What the fuck happened? Does his back throw no longer kill at 30%?
I thought Wario was B?
>stick to his guns
>mains Diddy

I read a me stupid shit today but then there's this
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What a fucking sore loser. Like is this seriously happening right now? Taking 2nd at EVO is fucking amazing and what an amazing grand finals that was. For him to deactivate his twitter and go into hiding all because he didn't take first place is fucking sad. Can't even say anything nice towards Salem for winning, nah, he just deactivates his shit and goes ghost out of shame. All's that does is hurt his image in my opinion. And the prick already has an attitude problem in general because he clearly thinks himself above most people all because he wins so much at Smash 4. Like get over yourself man. What a disgraceful human being he is.
People figured out how to deal with him, plus DLC fucks him up
I can't get into fighting games because I'm mortified I'll end up like Zero
How do I practice not being a sore loser?

No results. The list uses, results, frame data etc. The best Ness player(FOW) was absent for a while
Is that DarkSkinPhil? I thought he was banned from evo
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I dont feel bad for either of them

They both played like pussies.

Enjoy wasting 40 minutes of your life
How much do you know about the inner workings of Smash 4? It's a retarded game on every level if you analyze it. Untechable situations (one of which is entirely RNG), inconsistent crossups (try to run past a character with jiggs), stupid setplay that is mindless, bad hitboxes, really dumb invincibility frames, how ledges work. Then you have moves like witch twist, sonic's spindash, Cloud's limit, Mac's KO punch (glitchy as fuck), etc. The game just doesn't often reward reads.
Hold up, sauce please? I wanna believe that's true because it's funny as fuck, and I don't want to be disappointed by finding out it's not
Salem earned his victory defeating scarflard in the neutral.
Still Bayo is broken but next in line is Diddy.
>I don't get how anyone likes Abadango
Weeb apologists and "its okay when Japan does it" mentaility because thye're so kawaii and polite.
You'll see an American showboat and popoff and people will get mad, but if a Jap showboats and popsoff its "so charming and based *JapPlayer X"
It happened in a thread a while back when some guy was basing Crackdown 3 for having "PS2" (as in Cel-Shaded graphics) and then when another due posted an interview where the Gravity Rush developer stated himself thathe chose the art style specfically because he was inspired by Crackdown's art style, he back peddled hard.
DLC + Bayo. He is a very MU heavy character who invalidates some characters due to his hitboxes but then just gets gimped for free and can't outspace others at all.
That video or any video relating to smash4 really highlights why melee is more fun to watch.
>tfw when Zero will never win another evo
Sorry, ROSA, not Bayo.
Zero got mad because the character he hates so fucking much didn't even use witch time against him. He knows it was his monkey flip spam that undid himself.
He wishes he had an excuse but he can't have it.
his lack of tact comes from his autism so its not like most of the time he deliberately means it, it's just that he doesn't know any better.
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He's the definitive flowchart combo character. His shit range and predictability make him extremely easy to punish, and gimping his recovery is simple. Not to mention his awful matchups versus most everybody in the top tiers.

Which is too bad, because I really wanted Ness to be top-tier for once. I miss his old dair.
Diddy wins the matchup 55-45. Scarflard fucked up spamming monkey flip.
He has ZeRo excuses on this one.
one time at a local i played against m2k and got a stock on him, dude pulled on the controller so hard it swung the gamecube into the air and got caught in the fanblade. Shit spun around the room breaking everything and smacking the shit out of people
Honestly Scarflard's one good characteristic is being good at this one video and he lost to someone who visibly takes care of his body. Embarrassing.
you do realize Diddy is #2 in the tier lists, right?
What exactly is the "funny joke" here? Why is the fat guy stuffing his fat face with candy? Is because of LTGs Boogie rant?
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tfw im too new here so i dont know if this is real,fake,or copypasta
The joke is that the guy somehow kept food inside of his Fight Stick
How does that even work
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I wish people wouldn't let M2K off for free even though this is true. A long time ago (like 2007, jesus christ 10 years ago) Mow, who used to be M2K's best friend, was telling a story about him.
>Jason I have to go for a few minutes
>I know you are hungry, Jason. There are two poptarts here. You can only have one.
>Say it back to me Jason. How many are you allowed to have?
He comes back, both are eaten. He asks why? M2K just says he didn't know.
Its pasta
its pasta
It's copypasta. Usually only used on /tv/ though, because there's not a lot of people this applies to.
But time outing people is fun. Why do stream monsters insist on playing the game in a certain way when they don't even play it themselves?
Aba can fuck off for switching to Bayo though, especially when he's not actually good at playing her like Salem is.
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>that spacing
>defending zero
weak bait
its pasta
B tier is viable, but you really gotta try hard with them or they're mostly used for counterpicks.
Ci is specifically for counterpicks and don't bother with anyone thats in D or below.
She's the hero we needed.
top laff anon
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>turned off the stream and watched the Lakers game instead because I thought fatty was gonna win the whole thing
>missed the most based live BTFO ever
I fucked up the read and now I feel dumb.
>M2K once manually counted the frames of every attack in Melee
What the fuck is wrong with this man
the lakers,mavs game? who won?
Timeouts are pretty scummy in Smash because of how much easier it is to run the clock than other games and matches already take so fucking long. Anyone who played Brawl would not think timeouts were fun. Nobody wants to pay money to have some faggot run away from them for 8 minutes.
>Liking Aba even before he switched
It's all good man, you're at least here to see the drama/shitshow unfold right?
he has autism. But honestly thats how any game gets frame data if its not officially released. Its not that hard you just slow the game down frame by frame and see how many a move has
It's sad to see Ike so low after he had been a viable anti-meta pick for some time a few years ago. And then Cloud was introduced and pretty much did whatever he did three times as good, so he plummeted.

That being said, all of the third-party DLC characters are too good in many ways (except Ryu here or there). I wonder if the inevitable Switch port will finally nerf them significantly?
Lakers, 10 point lead.
Thanks Anon-kun.
How he did it was even more crazy. He just paused over and over to figure out a bunch of it. When he did it was pre-debug or action replay. That is crazy as fuck. He figured out a TON of data from Melee before anyone else did.
Used about Incholesterol an other SC player forever, tho
>too new for the most overused pasta
Is it your first day here?
>Anyone who played Brawl would not think timeouts were fun. Nobody wants to pay money to have some faggot run away from them for 8 minutes.
Why are you so fucking wrong? If you want matches to be over in two minutes every time, play some other game series.
His friend should have punched him in the gut for that.
remember when Sakurai said regular Samus was the most OP character?
first 2 weeks
I think people are being a bit better in that regard these days, but M2K really does get away with a lot of shit that most people would get lambaste on hard especially in the older says because "he contributed to frame data a shit load tho!" which he did of course, but still.
Don't forget Lucario.
I met Zero in the food court at EVO earlier today actually. I was in line for pizza when he cut in front of me, already carrying a tray of food, which I thought was for his friends. The lady behind the counter asked if anyone wanted pepperoni because they were down to the last two pizzas. Zero just looked back at the line, especially at me, and said "I'll take both of them". A few people groaned because it would be like 20 minutes for more. I saw him sit down with a few guys but didn't see him give them any food. I didn't even see him eat the pizza. He was going to town on those chicken tenders on his tray though, and kept wiping his mouth on his scarf and laughing with his mouth full so some food would fall out on the table and his lap. A lot of people were staring at him.

Seemed like a cool guy all things considered.
stop posting
I've never wanted to punch someone in the face, like how people will say "that guy has a punchable face." This fucking faggot is it for me. I want to deck this fuck right in the nose as hard as I can. And I don't play Smash, I don't watch tourneys, I don't know anything about him besides his stupid fucking face and his queer as fuck scarf.
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holy fuck dude
Didn't he blow a gasket once because of Lucario?

>Conveniently wait until his twitter is disabled so he can't reply or defend himself

Kinda scummy, and I've heard other tales of convention artists pulling inane, over exaggerated stories out of their hats
Does she have any pics? Seems like a cutie
To be fair, deleting your twitter over something like this isn't something that should even occur, people should take full advantage of his poor decision making.
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Go be a creep somewhere else.
Why? Everyone was new here at one point, its not like im going to stay a newfag forever
I don't really like ZeRo as a player, but I don't want to take this as the truth either. Artistis are legitimately insane and mental so I wouldn't be surprised if this story was heavily exaggerated.
I understand it's "part of the job" but some people don't want to have literally 10,000+ notifications about how they just lost
What does reddit think of Zero?
Isn't Diddy one of the strongest characters? I only see him play characters that are OP and easy to use
If you can't take 10k people calling you out on your stupid plays, you don't deserve 10k fans praising you for your win either.
You're in the extreme minority dude. There are only a handful of players (almost all of them sonic) that outright try to run the timer. The rest are just so defensive they don't realize it. Brawl was cancer because in so many matchups they literally could do nothing about it. You're telling me to play a different game. Most people would argue that by trying to, you know, stall, you're avoiding playing the game. There's a big difference between defensive play and straight up trying to time someone out from the start of a match.
Is Salem the next John "FUCKING" Numbers? That's some next level BTFO.
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Yeah absolutely xD 100% totally
Can't you just disable notifications?
I don't use Twitter
>zerofags are claiming he only lost because he was up against "a cheap and overpowered character"
>this is literally the first major tournament Bayo has ever won
>Zero lost to Diddy's multiple times in the first few Smash 4 tournaments and rallied to get Diddy banned only to start exclusively playing Diddy
>now he'll probably rally to get Bayonetta banned
>then a week later start playing her

o i am laffin
I'd say Roy is actually less garbage than the tier list lets on, it's just that he's not all that *great* either, and he arrived late to the party as a DLC character which combined with his perceived mediocrity from the start leads to little representation in competitive play... which in turn leads to underperforming in a tier list. He's arguably better than fellow swordsman Ike; Ike just has had a couple more notably successful players, but in general Ike has not been on a positive trend on the tier list.
stop fucking posting until you do. The [phrase "lurk moar" has never rung more true than right fucking now. Newfag retards like you make stupid posts outing yourselves as reddit scum and suddenly the other 12 year olds think it's okay for them to start shitting up the board as well.
>I should only have positive praise said to me!!!
If he really doesn't want to get lambaste, he should just set his account to private for a week , not delete it like a child.
He's straight up better than Ike because he has options that are 100% safe and he has better movement speed. He also whoops Ike in that MU. He just loses to the top characters so he's middling feeling.
All he had to say was "Congrats to Salem, well played, great matches. I'm a bit disappointed so I'll be taking a break from social media for a bit."

No, instead he deactivates his twitter account. Poor sportsmanship and personality. Also lose weight already, it's not difficult.
me asking if that was copypasta isnt that serious tho
When is John Numbers going to come back for a tourney? I hope Nintendo does another World Championship at some point and invites him, possibly as a final boss like they did with the Arms producer.
He gets wrecked by current meta. WFT is also and always has been garbage, just people allowed him to get away with silly stuff. Low tier hero.
Really fucking easily? The inside of a fightstick is usually 70-80% empty space. There's just a small pcb inside with wires connecting it to the buttons. Most stock sticks are built to be easy to open up and change buttons etc so modding one for even easier access isn't uncommon or even difficult.
So its just a case of nobody uses him so they throw him to the shit tier then? Sounds like he should be at least C tier then.
stop responding to him he's a faggot
You don't "delete" twitter accounts you just deactivate it and it can be reactivated in two minutes
I feel the same as you do towards it. It really is a poor show of sportsmanship and he's doing nothing but hurting his own image.

Also stuff like this >>384214532 is aggravating and only further makes me dislike Zero as a person.
Lurk, then post
The current Nintendo meta?
yeah but smashfags are also insane
>plays a monkey
>got beat by a monkey

oh the ironing.
Zero deleted his twitter like he deleted fruit from his diet
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>Got hyped about Bayonetta getting in a fighting game
>Look up videos to compare
>Turns out it's NOTHING like playing her in Bayonetta 1 or 2
>No gunchucks, odetta, whip or chainsaw
>Not even the shotguns or the sword either
Did he break 4chan law or something? It's really not a big deal.
John Numbers is past his prime. He already sentenced one man to identity death, no more.
Wait what? You can actually get characters banned in Smash? What the fuck?
Stop posting and lurk moar faggot
>I'll ask this fucking retarded question on 4chans /v/ board in an Evo thread instead of just checking the score on google or something and getting the answer in a fraction of the time

I'll never understand why you retards do this.
When is /ourguy/ Nairo going to start winning?
Not unless that character is Metaknight... a whole game ago.
Results matter and he never got any. I think what hurt him a lot was upon release a lot of players thought he was good initially and then dropped him when people figured out how to harass him in neutral.
because I wanted to have a conversation anon kun

ball truly is /ourguy/
People take this game seriously?

He wins 1 tournament a year. Too bad he wasted that win on a shit tier tournament already.
Dude, if there's any sort of skill involved, no matter how low it is, people will take something seriously. Look at fucking LoL, it's garbage and yet how many people play it competitively?
People take lots of games seriously. Look at all the fags that take Mobas seriously.
supposedly he was at AnimEVO's PuyoTetris tourny.
He only got 3rd cause a literal physical god decided to ascend down from the overworld and destroy everyone there.
Said player gave out such a beat down that he won the tourney without losing once,
fought 2rd, 3rd, and 4th in a 3v1 and STILL cleaned them, then did doubles round and singlehandedly double wiped the two players he played in the grand finals of Doubles PuyoTetris.
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Different Anon.
I used to.
And I still feel really fucking stupid about it too.
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There is nothing wrong with defensive play.
>there's a big difference between defensive play and trying to time someone out
That sounds hilarious. Are there any videos?
this, and although ike is kinda slow, his raw range and power means he can murder many characters with a few well placed hits, and hes useful in doubles due to being able to land lots of simultaneous hits.
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Sounds great. VODs?
I think I'm on /v/, not fucking Tumblr.
Don't know about "her" or this evo artist thing because I'm a frog under the well.
Just check her pic and wow she's a real cutie.
Yes, Ike is a character that can steal wins by lack of matchup knowledge. Too bad he loses to shield.
>Did he break 4chan law or something?

Well yeah, and nu-faggots like you being so flippant and lax about it is exactly why this place went to shit in the first place. When people used to make fucking retarded newfaggot posts, they would get called out for being a retarded newfag so much so that they would make an effort to improve their post quality after lurking some more and learning the rules.

Nowadays some faggot says some dumb shit like that and half of 4chan is like "what's the big deal lol we're all redditors here anyway XD". Nobody lurks anymore they just come here straight from whatever shithole they crawled out of and start parroting the first buzzwords and memes they see. Why do you retardw want 4chan to become even worse than it already has?
So give me some fucking pictures of her so I can decide whether or not shes worth my semen
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while i still believe bayo is bullshit because of shit like that being possible if you make even a single mistake at lower %s (but let's face it all the top tier characters are bullshit in their own way), he was a moron for trying to get over her like that to begin with.
everyone knows her anti-air abilities are insanely good yet he tried to challenge them anyway with that dinky little kick. he should be more mad at himself rather than bayo as a character for trying something so stupid
youre the only one proving the autistic stereotype
Like actually kill yourself, no one will miss you.
Characters getting banned is not something thats Smash exclusive. It's been happening since forever. Akuma back in Super Turbo was banned cause the game literally couldn't handle air fireballs weilded by a human player. Petshop in the Jojo Capcom fighting game was also banned cause he had a 9-1 matchup against every character in the game.

But serioulsy Metaknight should have been banned. He was in his own seperate tier, above a character that had its own seperate tier among the rest of the characters.
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You're a big boy.
>was hated in the smash community for years before the smash invitational
>would always start shit
>would attempt to cheat in tournaments
>was banned from several smaller ones for breaking the equipment in his raeg fits
>pissed off many prominent members in the smash community when he somehow got invited
>now that there's been a spot light on him people outside of the community have been seeing his bullshit finally

Good fucking riddance.
Check out Ghoul02's twitch channel who recorded the whole thing. I don't have specific times, but just watch the whole thing. It's a treat.
Yeah? Do you want me to revise my statement or something?
For you
Why are tr4shfags so immature?
how come only pro fighting game players are okay with timeouts, but it's somehow kind of some illegal maneuver in smash

like in kof, timeouts wins are legit

may not be hype like nicking someone into a maxmode combo and winning by super but it is not frowned upon generally, and sometimes that's the optimal strategy
Cheers, I'll check these out tomorrow.
There's an entire board for discussion of physical sports. If you really wanted a conversation you'd go there. Get your disingenuous bullshit out of here.
you know you can make your account protected so nobody can tag you or reply you unless you accept their follow request. He has 30 days to reactivate it without losing anything
>>would always start shit
>>would attempt to cheat in tournaments
>>was banned from several smaller ones for breaking the equipment in his raeg fits
>>pissed off many prominent members in the smash community when he somehow got invited
Source me up yo. Zero seems like a normal guy who plays to win and will resort to lame tactics to win(who wouldnt when theres thousands on the line though?). I need physical video evidence. Nairo was known to be a bitch and would constantly rage at tourneys but he was like 14-15 then. You can look it up and see video footage off it
The only reason he WASN'T banned was because all the top ranking Brawl players whined and mocked the decision, saying that it was stupid and Melee never had to ban Fox or some shit. They also employed logical fallacy arguments such as slippery slope ("if mk is banned then snake/diddy/ice climbers will be banned next") and whipped the community into a frenzy.

Of course, they all played Metaknight and didn't want to learn another character at all.
>was banned from several smaller ones for breaking the equipment in his raeg fits
He actually did that shit?
Still find it funny Tetra left the PG Stats team because of Bayonetta.
Because if you push someone into the corner in those games, you can then put their back to the wall. To timeout in Smash means 8 minutes of trying to stall. There are matches that go to time that nobody cares about because it's just nature of the MU and both players are defensive. But nobody wants to see a character outright try to push the limits of the ruleset for stalling.

This isn't "Oh I have life lead and there are 20 seconds left."
That's really the case for half of the E characters, the rest simply aren't great.
None of that happened and it's just shitpost bait
His long are matches in kof? Asking out of ignorance.
In melee at least matches have an 8 minute timer, and it very rarely comes close to running out unless it's a floaty vs floaty match up or if someone is deliberately trying to run out the clock.
I think most people acknowledge running the clock out as a strategy that can be effective, but it's really boring from a spectator's perspective to watch someone run away for almost 10 minutes.
She left for other reasons a while back. She /quit/ this week because of her.

Juddy contemplating quitting is a bigger bad sign
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Anyone that takes videogames that fucking seriously is immature.
who the fuck is Tetra
depends, you can have 5 rounds of 60 counts that are roughly 1.5 seconds in length (i think) each, so 5 * 60 * 1.5 = 7.5 minutes, but a round would usually last between 20-40 of these ticks, so instead it would be 5 * 30 * 1.5 = ~4 minutes per match on average assuming decently skilled players not always running the clock, being optimistic about the pace

i would say 4-5 minute matches are a typical situation
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>TSM in charge of choosing their players

It's really sad though when you throw more of a bitch fit than even leffen, who went out in 9th place.
i think it has to do with the fact that fighting games timeouts are specifically within a round of a match while Smash's timeouts are tied to the match itself, and that the time starts from an 8 minutes. People see smaller numbers and simply expect it, while when people said "player stalled out an 8 minute match" what comes to mind for them is that "this fucker actually stalled out EIGHT entire minutes?" (even though they may have actually fought for 7 and a half minutes and then stall out the last 30 seconds)

How is Lucario that high?
They could both leave for all I care. Did you see her google docs things with her best players for each char and stuff? She put literally who Japanese players who've never ever been out of their region above other players with clear results and stuff. Those guys are super bias towards Japan. If Juddy leaves it will be pretty bad but there has to be more statisticians then them right?
Zelda's alter ego.
Hi Zero, go to bed fatty.
Whoops, wrong match.

Well whatever. They have another set where Zero never approaches after he gets the kill and spends his time platform camping and flying under the stage to burn time (where ADHD can't do anything).
a japanese player named TSU
Pretty sure his stupid gimmick is what makes him "good".
Rage and Aura means Lucario killing as early as 30% with a command grab, fire ball or back air
well anyway, i get your point, just curious why it's so frowned upon

i guess you guys won't have walls n shit because that prevents the knockouts that you look for and probably leads to some weird throw chain or whatever even if it's not doable in smash 4 due to grab invulnerability after a grab
Falcon is top 20 in my heart fuck this list
She was part of the PG crew who did a lot of stats and stuff for smash 4 (sorts together the PGR based on tournaments results and etc.) She quit the team because she was fed up of Bayonetta players being so dominate in the meta and said she couldn't enjoy doing it anymore so she quit. Also got called out by Nairo for being biased towards Japan or something like that and calling Choco "Japanese Nairo."
>quitting an easy as fuck job because some character is winning too much

what kind of retard is she
Because it's way easier to just dash past someone and zoom past. In Melee, it actually is impressive to time someone out because if they get a stray hit it probably converts into a techchase and you can punish dodges/rolls consistently. In Smash 4 you might get a stray hit if you are lucky, so if a player wants to burn time even if you are the better player they can just take several minutes to die since they don't want to even play the game at all. So imagine someone not approaching and running time in KoF so that every round times out. Now imagine they do this and lose because of it. That's what you see a lot in Smash 4 by low-mid and even some high level players. They will straight up run away from you, winning or losing, and just stretch out games for incredibly long periods of time just because the game doesn't allow you to punish it properly.
Lurk more or kill yourself.

Kill yourselves.
Yes, but it's hard as piss.
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Why wouldn't he be
If you didn't understand yet, anyone involved with the FGS in some fashion has a screw loose.
Actually at some %s and positioning you just can't. Smash 4 limits your SDI in some cases. I believe the second one in particular you can't really get out of.
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I should just fucking go to bed.
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>tfw your bf is a pathetic fatass
>lose a childrens game
>gf decides to sleep with the closest black man as revenge
so are we expecting a divorce or a breakup? There is no way Zero was planning to raise a family playing smash, right?
Zero losing is right up there with KBR taking Fchamps soul in that mvc tourney in terms of satisfaction.
That's his coach which adds insult to injury
>Zero gets cucked in EVO by a blackman
>Wife cucks Zero with a black man
Wasn't Zero the best player for years
Wasn't he undefeated?
Why the fuck does he need a coach
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>for a children's video game

This world is rotten.
Apparantly. It had to have been during the 3ds days since I only hear about it from other anons. There was another tourney where he beat a Lucario in Grands, but he seemed much calmer about it then.
Hey, at least they're both getting fucked.
Because he has a weak mentality as you can see by his reaction to getting 2nd.
They were literally "engaged" after like 3 months of dating and then broke up for a week. Then they got back together and there's no mention of the engagement lmao....
someone to keep an eye on you and give a second opinion, making calls is always harder in a vaccume

Lmao Salem does pretty fucking well without coaching.
He's a more confident player I guess.
so hes just a typical teenage retard then? figures.
pretty sure the girl's parents talked some sense into her. Maybe is a region or generation thing but someone living off playing videogames or lives from patreon doesn't sound like someone you'll offer your daughter to
The fact the Salem won at her last tournament just makes it even more funny.
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I can't imagine how salty Scarflard was. His opponent was a dude who actually takes care of his body and was an obvious kino lover going by his BvS hat. It's safe to say he was absolutely SEETHING.
for his wife to be taken care of, kinda like boogie
Shouldn't have played so aggressive in game 5 for no fucking reason at all.
Omfg this is gold.
>Mewtwo is top 10
About fucking time he's good
LMAO /tv/
Gee... I sure hope SFV Ryu is also on tier A
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Are Chilleans bigger faggots than Peruvians?
fucking lol
>running away and trying to beat the clock
Wow what a fucking dickhead
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> hitting the other team with a double perfect before your partner even has half a chain made
>tfw you actually called it
source for the pic. I wanna see the original comments
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i am tho come see me ft999999 in home alone for snes
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Dat look...
Why did he have razor blade on him?
Was Mewtwo always a good character pre-patch and people were just neglecting him or was he actually bad because I remember seeing him like bottom five in some tier lists.
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It is almost like Smash has always been and always will be no more than a party game that some people take far too seriously. Really gets the ole noodle going.
Hopefully he retires after this L. I don't want to see Diddy Throw Bros anymore.

This is all exaggeration. There isn't a single character banned in any of the four smash games and to my knowledge there's only one character who was temporarily banned in one game for a time in a series that has been going on for 18 years.
To fake injuries. It is a huge issue in football. Most of those assholes should take up acting instead, since that is all they want to do.

beat me to it
FUcking stupid but I laughed god damnit
Qué wea, cochino reculiao
https://twitter.com/FionnOnFire/status/886803075683434496here you go m8
Underrated post
From what I remember he was too slow to really do anything. All the patch did was increase move/air movement speed and weight slightly. So he was like ALMOST good before the patch
How much would you bet that Vanessa wants to fuck other men?
why does he look like a mennonite farmer

What more do you want? She's already more complicated than most of the characters in smash, she's the best character in the game (I'm not trying to start an argument about that, if you disagree then we can probably at least both agree she's in the top 3, the point is, she's fantastic), and literally all her moves and a lot of her animations were taken straight from her games. She has bullet arts on every attack, witch time and bat within, and no other character in this game has a different side special depending on whether they are grounded or not. This video demonstrates how 1-1 Bayonetta is in smash when compared to her games, if you can ignore all the cringy obnoxious skits and the ugly youtuber.

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fucking kek
Yes you can. That anon is retarded.
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Fucking salty cunt.
If Bayo is so broken, why is this the first tournament she has won?
dont bully zero
>he reacted his twitter
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>"Wah wah this is a bad pic and your making fun of a girl crying while calling this the best EVO photo

I knew i would be angry but goddamn
>never found... a definition
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Can we all agree Cloud is 2nd best behind Bayonetta?

>inb4 diddy
Well, that was deleted fast.
>he doesn't have his scarf
maybe that;s why he lost
Oh oops, I didn't see that "here" was accidentally tacked onto the address.
he fucked up his link. delete the "here" at the end
remove the "here" anon
zero reactivated the twitter, I wonder if he's going to respond to that artist
One of my favorite m2k stories is the one in the doc.
>In a car driving around 40 mphs
>Start telling jokes
>One of them jokingly tells m2k to "just get out of the car"
>M2K attempts to open the door and jump out of the car
>They had to physically pull him back into his seat to prevent him from severely injuring himself.
shes gonna fuck pierce real nice
pierce is married you dumb shit and hes the whitest nigger besides salem.
Honestly I wouldn't leave my twitter up either. Reading through threads like this is just a reminder that pretty much everyone hates ZeRo. For every fan he has there are 3 shitposters telling him he's a fat faggot and should kill himself.

There's literally no good reason for him to subject himself to this bullshit. You know there's going to be literally thousands of random nobodies tweeting jabs at him so they can get le epic BTFO xP twitter screencaps and shit. Why would you have any interest in that?
>Chileans keep being the most hated of Latin America

I could beat him in sm4sh tbqh
He should just step up his game and be like Hbox. Hbox is so obnoxious, and he feeds from everyone's anger. people send him death threats, racial slurs, and insult him through PMs all the time. no one likes Hbox, and he accepts that.

ZeRo should be more smug.
>pierce is married you dumb shit
pics? I cant find any
He wore it during the match.
you can disable notifications on twitter. Deleting your twitter is just letting the shitposters win and makes you look like a pussy. He should be like Hbox/Leffen like >>384222126 said. Feed off the hate
No fucking way he was just flirting with girls on twitter like 2 weeks ago
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just don't open twitter lmao
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>ganon will never not be bottomtier
welp, it's not like I play this competitively anyway
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Kind of reminds me of this
Leffen can be kinda emo sometimes, but yeah, ZeRo should strive to be more like them (especially Hbox). Like, don't be so humble when you're dominate, just be smug and annoy everyone that hates you and feed off their anger. That way some autists might legit kill himself for someone "lame" winning/dominating the scene.
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>so butthurt he took it off
not that guy, but

KDJ also confirmed it on his stream after that event
I hate Hbox so much but seeing Armada look so miserable kinda made it worth it to see him lose.
Zero keeps getting fatter and fatter

Laziness has plagued him

Maybe he will be eventually, but you have to remember ZeRo is much younger than Hbox, has been in the public eye for a much shorter period of time, and while Hbox is a good looking engineer in decent shape Zero is obese and probably has no education post high school. There's a lot less for him to possibly be smug about and it's probably hard for him to feel good about himself. Maybe eventually he will be more smug though.


I mean, we could agree to disagree but I still don't see why he wouldn't close his twitter. If it's something that would stress him out a ton, it's better for him to just get rid of it. He's like a 19 year old kid who just lost like ten thousand dollars on stage in front of hundreds of thousands of people after years of practice. If you think feeling like shit for a night over that makes you a pussy then you guys are just fags desu. Literally no reason to give a shit what anons like YOU think about HIM deleting HIS twitter.
That shirt doe
Pretty sure the only reason Diddy even that high is because Zero keeps placing high with him. The guy stuck with the character since the beginning of the game even after several nerfs.
Do you hate Hbox as a player or person?
As a player, as a person his boring
>people send him death threats, racial slurs, and insult him through PMs all the time. no one likes Hbox, and he accepts that.
no he doesn't cause HBox bitches weekly about how he doesn't understand why some people don't like him. Probably comes from his daddy issues.
Doesn't matter as long as he's a dumb Captain Falcon clone.
A little bit of both, though I can at least see why he plays they way he does simply because it gets results. Its just so damn boring to watch though.
Deleting your twitter just because you don't wanna here any "negativity" is childish no matter how you look at it
>b-bt he can get it back within the week
That's not the point I'm trying to make.
I think he took it better than zero though.
He also took the royal flush loss really well.

My point is, why shouldn't he do that? Give me a good reason. I don't know why I wouldn't do the same thing in his position, if I knew Twitter would stress me out even more than I already am.

Is it going to make people who already dislike him suddenly respect him? No.

Is he losing something permanently? No.

Does he get paid to keep his twitter up? No.

Is there really any repercussions at all for deleting it? No.

It's literally a tool he, or anyone else for that matter, can use or not use however they like. Just because he is a public figure doesn't mean he doesn't have the right to delete his own social media accounts whenever he wants, for any reason he wants. People are saying it's pussified and I just don't understand that. There's literally no reason to bring that additional stress into your life. Like I said already, there's definitely 20,000 anonymous nobodies who he has never even done anything to who want to tweet smug insults at him to rub salt in the wound.
Lost all credibility. Not only did he wait until Zero's twitter was gone, he waited a year after this supposedly happened.
Nigga, just don't look at your mentions.
Isn't this the guy that said he'd quit the competitive scene if he won the next tournament because he had completely mastered Smash 4 and there was absolutely no way he'd lose? That was a while ago, of course.

Defend this Smash 4 fags
Because he could have simply just set his account to private, which accomplishes the same thing, but makes you look like a rational adult who makes rational decisions instead.

No I don't remember anything like that ever happening, and I've been watching the competitive scene for this game since it released.

Also worth mentioning not only did Bayonetta have the best results in the game BEFORE EVO. Not only did she win EVO, but in the top 20 of EVO there at 6 Bayonetta mains, more than any other character. Really makes you think.

To give some perspective, the 2nd most frequent was Sonic, there were four Sonics. No other character appeared more than twice in the top 20.


Is there really a difference between the two? As far as I can see his Twitter is back up right now. It didn't go anywhere. So he had it down for 30 minutes on an intensely dramatic night of his life. Who cares? He's still a kid.
Because he plays Smash for a fucking living.
Social media is like HALF of what he has to do to even keep up this lifestyle.
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>Every third-party character is mid-high tier or better
>Except pic related
Fuck you too, Sakurai.
Also why is your spacing so triggering me and making me mad?
Yes, back in 2015 he said he would quit Sm4sh and play Melee instead if he won EVO.

Years later, the paycheck for his hotpockets is too good to give up.

Says who? You?

I don't think social media is what makes him win tournaments. The two aren't related.
So what is the truth?
Why do people act like Bayonetta isn't bullshit? Those nerfs she got were obviously not enough. I recall Bayo winning tournaments literally days after she was released.

Hes also admitted he just flat out cant play other characters and get results. Hes the only top melee player to never switch as far as i know
Try living off Smash tournaments winnings and see how well that goes.
Without any way to advertise your team or any other shills that might be wanting to use you.
Back in 2015 he said he would quit Sm4sh and play Melee instead if he won EVO.

Years later, the paycheck for his hotpockets is too good to give up.
Yes, because people set their accounts to private for many many reasons (yes some of those reason are because people are thinskinned but i's not the only reason). deleting your twitter because you don't want random people you don't know saying mean words to you makes you look like a child, especially when that was probably the first thing he did after he lost. He's been very dominant over Sm4sh's entire history and running offstage to delete your twitter (even if its temporary) makes you look immature. Imagine if you were working at a job for three years, you were the best at your job, then suddently a new guy gets hired and he's better than you for just a moment, but how you react to that is simply quitting your job without a word to anyone, it's gonna make you look like an immature brat and you deserve to get ragged on for pulling off a childish stunt like that.

Leffen later retweeted it when he did not follow through

Autism. It's a new meme to call it reddit spacing but I've posted like this on 4chan since like 2010 and I've never browsed Reddit.


The other guy might be right, Zero did play a lot of melee back then and even Armada recently said Zero is a top 30 melee player.


Someone has to be the best character in the game. The thing is Bayonetta is a fantastic character obviously, I'd consider her the best, but as of now she absolutely isn't broken enough to consider banning. It's okay to be great. Great and broken are not the same thing.


He's also sponsored by one of the biggest names in esports and has a youtube channel with 200k subscribers. It's dishonest to say tournament winnings are his only form of income. Even if they were, he still brings in over 40k a year on winnings alone with no other supplements.
now I realized that he lost all his followers, dumb move, ZeRo.
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Shitskin here, avoid anybody from Chile or Peru
actually he just reopened his twitter, and i'm still following him.
>40k a year on winnings
Says who? You?
EVO first place is barely 10k, and that is the, if not, one of the biggest tournaments for Sm4sh.
oh, it updated again, nvm

it used to be like 115 followers
From everything I'm reading here, most people should dislike Zero yet that isn't the case, why? Even Etika likes him, I think, and that dude goes off at the first sign of someone being a piece of shit.


2015 $50,230.25

2016 $40,518.67

2017 $30,451.10, not sure if this has already been updated to include EVO winnings, and obviously this year still has many months to go.

Considering his sponsorship, his merchandise, his stream donations, people paying him for lessons, his youtube career, and the fact that he's what? 19? 20? I'd say he's doing pretty god damn fucking good. Not to mention traveling all over the USA and japan, making tons of friends and getting a free gf pretty much comes with the job.
>From everything I'm reading here
read again. I'm not going to count to you. everyone's happy Zero got BTFO.
>submit, Genesis, Apex, SmashCon, CEO...
Hum... idk about if it's the only one
>I mean, we could agree to disagree but I still don't see why he wouldn't close his twitter
Because he's not a bitch, which he is.
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>wastes his life on a video game and stupid shit he cant put on a resume to make less money annually than I do

And this is after medical insurance
A bit late to reply but an observation I've made. Slow characters don't make it too far, Smash's higher skill comes from punishing mistakes and if you have poor frames on your moves, that just gives your opponent that much more time to punish.

Not to say there characters are bad, Smash more than any game is the ultimate "tier are for queers" for casual play but anything serious, it's all about punishing.
God I miss Snake
Can confirm. He is really not a fun person to meet
I mean outside of 4chan, sorry. This is the only place where I see any animosity towards him.
I really miss PPMD. Easily my favorite player before his hormones fucked him up.

He's making much more money than most people. The average HOUSEHOLD income in the USA is 52 grand a year. He definitely topped that in 2015, probably topped that in 2016, and probably will top that in 2017. Just because you're either extremely lucky or happen to enjoy working hard much more than most people doesn't mean its cool for you to brag about it on 4chan Chad-kun.

If you think there's not a future in esports you're wrong. Off the top of my head you can easily become a caster, get an actual job in the game industry, etc. Also there's literally no reason he would have to quit Youtube or streaming as an easy, secondary form of income. He can play video games professionally as long as he likes and then go to college and get a normal life whenever he wants. If you think doing anything at a world class level for thousands of dollars in front of a million people, even playing a video game, is going to make you look stupid at a job interview than you're just being silly.
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>all this tl;dr over fucking smash

He's an assbag who strangles the "tournament scene" of a childrens game for basic income and then has nothing to show for it because he is an assbag and there is nothing of value to be gleamed from autistic video game knowledge

He cant even boast an understanding of game design because it is painfully obvious all he does is take advantage of a terrible clock mechanic, whereas at least other "pro gamers" learn a thing or two about hitboxes and physics and whatever, so dont call me a Chad for being a respectable human being you fucking weenus
theres no rule not allowing it which is why he is still competing and not disqualified.

just because there is no rule against it doesnt mean we have to like it
I dunno, I've personally been on the end of having someone with a fandom trying to do bullshit things to me and not been able to talk about it publicly because they can then sic their fandom on me for doing it. I could buy the waiting.

Lord knows the first chance I get I will rail that asshole who tried to rip me off cause "do you know who the fuck I am? I've got xxxxxxxx subscribers on youtube, I'd be the biggest thing to ever happen to your shitty little business!"

If you're shitting on a 22 year old kid making 50+ grand a year doing something he loves doing with a girlfriend above his league, an active social life, while traveling the world and having over 200k fans then you're definitely Chad. His life is literally better than almost anyone else's. His income literally isn't basic, it's above the average household income in the united states, and he's from a shitty garbage ass South American country. He, of his own merits went from being a nobody in fucking Chile to being a well known, comfortably middle class, independent man in the USA at an age where almost everyone else is living with their parents as either a student or a minimum wage wagecuck. Literally in what universe is he not winning?

>there is nothing of value to be gleamed from autistic video game knowledge


>dont call me a Chad for being a respectable human being you fucking weenus

What's not respectable about being an entertainer?
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All u fags arguing about zero lol, he went back to Twitter told Salem gg, said he wanted to "eat" in peace now everything is good for him.

>nb4 "stupid fag, the eating was a lie"

No shit, he was definitely depressed anyone would be coming 2cd at evo

All that waits is his response to that art fag from last year
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Somebody post that leddit post.

The one where he slept in the van while the police literally pulled everyone over
>the eating was a lie

obviously not
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> visibly takes care of his body
May I see this body in question? I was told that Sm4shfags are unhealthy
He's a fucking powergamer who will play whatever is the top tier character of the game. Except this time he didn't even bother to learn Bayonetta either due to laziness or the fact that everyone would give him even more shit for shifting to the more OP character in the game.
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I'm not a smash4 player.
Can somebody explain to me why people hate Bayonetta, but a banana spamming cheese-fest like Diddy is okay?
So happy that fat fuck finally lost.
>charizard gets buffed every patch
>still shit tier
He was using Diddy when HOO HAH was a thing,and he was uncontested #1
no one hates bayo
diddy is tier list abusing cancer
everyone is glad zero was exposed
He was in PPT doubles at EVO. He ended his last match by fucking up the placement of his piece and then deliberately killing himself.

Joan numbers soon.

Casuals sticking their uninformed opinions where they don't belong.

Do not get your smash bros information on /v/
Do not trust anything anyone says about the metagame for *any* competitive game on /v/
Do not trust anything anyone says about any e-celeb on /v/
Assume everything you read about Smash on /v/ is from a 17 year old who has never gone to an actual tournament and only plays online, because that's likely closer to the truth than anyone here knowing what they are talking about unless they source their information and give very specific examples.

Truthfully, if Bayonetta is a better character than Diddy Kong (I believe she is) it's by a margin so small that it doesn't make a difference. Both are fantastic characters in this game and Salem in no way beat Zero because Bayo is cheap, he genuinely outplayed him. Not to say both characters are not amazing, because they are. They are much better than most of the characters in the game.
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Based on the game mechanics, rage provides more knockback to give the losing player an advantage, which Bayo can use in a lot more ways than Diddy Kong can.
Don't get me wrong, Diddy Kong is "that kid" tier.
That being said, Bayonetta has multiple "infinites" or 0 to death combos like you see in MvC3 or whatever.
Long story short, Both characters got nerfed, but Bayo has a lot more traps and bullshit to deal with even at a normal play level.

Well at least he accepts that he is a nigger.
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>white knighting for a fat Chilean smash player on a korean basket weaving forum

It works both ways. Rage makes it much easier to 2 stock someone. If you kill someone while you're at 140% they have to take your stock very very soon because they will be able to kill you after 2-3 combos with the rage they have.


t. Colombian
que pasa hijo de la perra culia
because Sega does what Nintendon't
>/mlp/ vs /fit/
ah men brother,
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Extremely underrated
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They hugged though
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