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>play a game for a couple of hours >"Hey guys, I don't

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>play a game for a couple of hours
>"Hey guys, I don't really like this gam-"
>"You've only played it for a couple of hours, it gets really good later on!"
>play the game for 31 hours and finish it
>"It still isn't fun..."
>"You spent 31 hours on the game and didn't enjoy it?!"

/v/ logic
You know you're not the first person to point this out, so don't go thinking your clever or anything. Just saying.
Huh. Never thought about this before and I haven't seen any posts like this. I think you might be on to something about this /v/ fella.
What's the optimum cutoff point for giving a game a chance when you're not enjoying it but others claim it "gets good later"?
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>play game for 10 hours straight
>boy this is pretty fuckin good
>never touch it again
Somewhere in between 2 and 80 hours.
Are you me?
you made the same thread with the same image worded slightly differently like 4 hours ago. how lonely are you?
Almost like /v/ isn't a single person.
Not as lonely as your mom is when she's waiting for this dick.
>Love fanservice
>Played Star Ocean 5
>Loved the fanservice
>Game was really progressing
>Get cucked out of space travel due to the repeating plot
For me it's 2-3 hours.
I have enough games in my backlog, if I still don't enjoy it by that time, I'll just play something else. Not like I have a shortage of games
Every time.
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>someone plays game for 0 hours and declares it shit
>"well how do you know if you didn't even-"
fail get
Wow, would you stop watching a movie if it didn't get good 2-3 hours in too? Sounds a bit shallow.
inb4 shitstorm
Kill yourself getfag.
Drones will be drones. The best thing you can do is explain why you don't like the game in a coherent manner. Now, once you do that there'll be 1-2 autists who reply to you line by line with variations of "nuh uh" or "it was good for me", and you should probably ignore them to maintain your own sanity.
What about paste-like shit? I sometimes get texture like natural peanut butter
That means you have ass cancer. Go see a doctor.
The point is it's actually cake
probablt type 5

Shit, and here I thought this was one of the millennium prize problems. Back to the drawing board, I guess.
Bonus points if you write a review, recommend it for a friend, they beat it and then try talking to you about the ending and you get spoilered.

It depends on what they mean by 'it gets better.' Sometimes I'll straight-up ask at what point in the story the game gets good.
Why even ask? It's obvious when the game gets good when it's the least shit.
Why are you writing game reviews, especially after only partially beating a game in one play session? Are you IGN?
You don't need to complete something to review it in its entirety.
I disagree, some games need a lot of time before being enjoyable, look at 7th saga, you'll need at least 10hours in the game before starting enjoying the game and you'll don't regret it
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>/v/ recommends game
>play it and it's shit

>browse /v/ a few days later
>now there are threads shitting on the game instead and everyone is saying it's overrated
I'm going to go play 7th saga for 10 hours and I'll do everything in my power to hate it just to spite you.
>Dumb frogposter takes ironic posts saying a shit game is good seriously
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>/v/ says game is hated by /v/ hivemind
>in thread where there are hundreds of replies defending that game
Some people really need to get over their victim complex
who the fuck draws this shit
Why do you expect that other people would know if you like something or not?
Anybody who defends any video game on this board is a shill.
Usually if a game hasn't pulled you in within a few hours (give it, say, five hours if it's a long game and you're being really generous) it's pretty safe to assume that it isn't about to transform itself into a game that you actually enjoy.
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akko butte
Wow, you are IGN. Can I get a job? Your website desperately needs some editors to reject shit articles and to proofread articles.
>Listening to /v/
>At all, no matter which way the not-one-persons swing their opinion

We've been telling you to come up with your own opinions in the bluntest and dumbest of ways, and yet, here you are complaining about ours.
Deleted my post because you faggots are fucking cancer.
>get what seems to be a bag of shit and be told to eat all of it
>reluctantly get halfway through it but you can't stomach any more and say that it is fucking awful
some retrogames are awfully hard to the point that at the end you'll puke blood, but once you get used to their diffculty you'll learn to enjoy them
you do if you want to review it in its "ENTIRETY"
So you're saying you would rather eat an entire bag of shit than half of a bag of shit?
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10 minutes. If the game still hasn't started yet, turn it off.
>bag of shit analogy
Almost as bad as food analogies.

You don't know that it's an entire bag of shit though. It could literally turn into the best game/meal you've ever experienced right after you stop.
Says the guy monitoring v threads for 4 hours
No. But I have enough integrity to not review a game I didn't complete. If I never finished a game, then I would not release a review for it.
Putting aside the "entirety" thing he posted for the (You), it's mostly a matter if the review is your own subjective opinion piece or more of a consumer product review.
>I couldn't fucking stomach this game and quit after forcing myself to play for ten hours
Is a fine opinion to have, but if you're trying to do the more cut and dry "professional" review then people are going to expect you to at least tough it out to the end credits.
>it's impossible to be on /v/ while doing other things
>it's impossible to be on /v/, leave for 4 hours, then come back
Okay, explain how you're going to get the first review up for a game when you're expected to play through the whole thing?
Fibal Fantasy 13 gets "good" after about 20 hours, but who the fuck has time for that. And even then it's still shit.
So you played a game for 3 hours, someone told you it gets better later, you then played it for 28 more hours and at no point during those 28 hours you said to yourself "This game sucks, I'm moving on"?

I hope this is bait because if not you've only got yourself to blame.
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Delete this image.
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Oh okay then.
By getting actually good at videogames so you can finish it in a timely manner. If you can't, get a new job.
Unreasonable expectations always lead to disappointment. Don't expect too much out of the people who review games, they're human too and have things to do in their life outside of video games.
Depends on how bad it is before the cut off point, how much better it gets after it and how long the game is overall.
If it's a long RPG I'm willing to put up with ten or so hours of below average or bad gameplay.
>review deadlines
That doesn't really have to do much with the fact that if you're trying to be objective (for whatever the fuck that's worth in any kind of entertainment medium) and assign a number out of ten with some neat little bullet points to sum it up and generally have more of a "is this worth your money?" kind of review, then people are going to expect you to have played through it all, or at least the "main" content.
>they're human too
Let's not get carried away here.
>and have things to do in their life outside of video games.
Like SJW shit where they complain why the main character of the game they're reviewing isn't a genderfluid, half-queer rastafarian
Because there nothing in between 2 hours and 31 hours.
You have 3 game hours to prove to me it's a good game.
It depends. Different games can be good for different reasons. Some legit good games have some bullshit segments early on.
Instead of the conversation being "in not having fun yet" "oh it gets good later", mention specifically why you're not having fun. Maybe it's something about the gameplay, maybe its something about the story, maybe it's just not drawing you in, but mention it and ask if that changes, talk about it, maybe its just not really your type of game, who knows.

Basically what I'm saying is fucking talk to people and have real conversations instead of being an aspie and then complaining about it on /v/, you autistic fuck.
10% of its average playthrough time
Normally people have jobs and then play videogames on the side, but if playing videogames is part of your job and you can't even finish them, you should get a different job because this one is not for you.
Never listen to someone who says "it gets better". There was never been a game where the "it gets better" point justifies all the things you didn't like about it. If you don't like a game for the first few hours including the gameplay, you won't like the rest and you will never be convinced that you're having fun.
It's better to stop and play something else.

This is coming from someone who finishes every game he picks up, though. Not everyone can have fun with every game like I can.
It's too varied to put a defined number on.

I could say 4 hours, but it took me getting through the Spira Highway before I started liking FFX and that's like 6-7 hours into that game
why don't you tell us why knowing the ending should completely change your judgement?
the writing is either good or bad, just because the story may have unexpected turns(that you like or dislike) you shouldn't change your final judgement just based on that.

But that's wrong

Deus Ex is a stunning game with a notoriously mediocre opening level. If you think a game is fucking awful than I might agree, but there's plenty of games that someone could think are just average that do get better as it goes on.
Most RPGs require you to play about 20% of the game before you can really decide on whether or not it's worth sticking with.
>why don't you tell us why knowing the ending should completely change your judgement?
It's not like people give a fuck about endings, right? They're hardly even necessary. Who cares about that part of the story where you wrap shit up, resolve any twists, and give a general sense of closure? There's no way that a bad ending to, say, a beloved trilogy could create backlash that still has people mad about it to this day.
Your choices mattered :^)
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>deleting sextuples get
this is the state of /v/ right now
Every fucking time.
I got my time enjoying the game.
Time to move on.
If a game fails to capture your interest in the first 5 hours, it is a fail by the devs to entertain you. Anything more is ludicrous and asking someone to play more than 5 hours before it "gets good" is stupid af
Depends on the genre
I agree that a lot of mechanics don't begin shining until you advance far enough that they start to synergize but chances that most people who go into RPGs and get bothered it's not incredible after a few hours won't have the patience to wait for that, or won't feel fulfilled after it finally does "get good".
Not necessarily.
I hate this, mostly because it's used against you by literal retards

>play game
>don't like it
>"You didnt even get to the good parts"

>play through, beat the game
>don't like it
>"Why'd you beat it if you didn't like it? You must've enjoyed it to keep playing through, it's 40 hours long!"

Basically, it's just a way for people to handwave away your criticisms. I generally err on the "if you only played a few hours, it's more first impressions vs. a review"

But to give a good review and critique, you need -at least- a full a playthrough, and preferably multiple playthroughs, or at least exploring optional content or some replayed levels or something.

But anyone who does the OP's stuff needs to remove themselves from the gene pool, David Carradine style.
>If a game fails to capture your interest in the first 5 hours, it is a fail by the devs to entertain you.
You're aware everyone has different taste right? Does that mean Grand Theft Auto, Saint's Row, and literally all FPS devs have failed to entertain me because I think they all suck and are boring?
No it just means I have a different set of standards than most people, not necessarily good or bad.
It could just be you not enjoying whatever type of game you're playing, but "it gets better later" is not a good quality of a game. At best it's a gussied up way of saying "the beginning of this game fucking drags".
5 hours. That's it. If the game isn't at least showing potential at 5 hours, it has failed.
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It's fine when anime does it.
A lot of games literally do get better though.
Many games have an in-story tutorial segment alongside several easy tutorial style quests or missions as you familiarize yourself with the mechanics and the game world.
A lot of games go through major changes in plot or setting or even mechanics, sometimes subverting your expectations really early on. It is totally possible to get the wrong idea of what a game is about and drop it before it really picks up

Some games ARE better 10 hours in, in the same way that some games are better 10 minutes in once you finish the tutorial and actually get started.
>A lot of games literally do get better though.
Of course but I'm arguing in favour of the people with no patience. The more you try to convince these people, the more likely they evolve into shitposters because they feel they wasted too much time. It's better to just shoo them away.

Of course they are, but if your intro, or tutorial, or whatever is really fucking boring its bad.

There is room for a slower pace and downtime, but you have to earn it. A game like Wolfenstein The New Order gets it right.

>Start strong, intense action sequence
>Then some downtime, a little bit of characterization and world building
>Then another intense action sequence
>Then a little more downtime and character building.

Same thing with a game like FF7, it starts strong, then takes a step back and gives you the characterization and exposition.

If you're throwing 2 hours of boring gameplay and exposition out the gate then you're setting yourself for failure, and Steam refunds.
>Some games ARE better 10 hours in
If you like the game enough to sit through ten hours of it until it gets better, then that's fine, but if I'm sitting here three hours in getting a low return on investment already and someone says "just play for seven more hours and then you'll like it faggot" I'll probably tell them to fuck off.
You have to judge on a game by game basis. What if like two story missions after you quit an hour and a half into the game you're plucked out of the quaint little starting village and shit gets wild and interesting as the story unfolds? You would never know because so far the game has just been acquainting you with a few characters and getting ready to get the ball rolling, and that's not game enough for you.
If anything you should base it off average playthrough completion time, if this is a 60 hour game and you can't even be attentive two hours in, maybe you shouldn't be paying games that take 60 hours to complete.

Longer games can take longer to get into and that's not necessarily a problem nor is it necessarily the fault of the game.
>Play game
>It's boring and disappointing
>Give it a second chance because of /v/
>Game becomes one of my favourites ever
What's her name? For me it was devil survivor

In principle it does. If I have to play your game for 5 hours before It gets good, then you failed as a developer

What an original thread

We're not even talking taste anon, we are talking about how if a game takes a long time before it gets fun then it has failed as a game. I'm not talking 30 mins im talking 5 hours. I should be able to know what im getting into within the first few hours
You know you're not the first person to point out pointing him out, so don't go thinking your clever or anything. Just saying.

You know, I'm not the first person to point myself out, and that makes me clever. Just saying.
>I need others to agree with me that a game sucks or I will be forced to play it in it's entirely

Sounds like a pretty much entirely your fault for being a weakwilles automaton desu.
Just kill yourself and save time.
I hated it when I played Red and Blue but the shitposting about HGSS made me try it again and I liked it a lot
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>optimum cutoff point
It really depends on your personal tastes, preferences, and patience.

Personally, I give a game two play sessions before deciding to whether or not to drop it. I have honestly yet to encounter a "gets good 40 hours in" game.
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