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EVO 2k17: Trannies are in the Building Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 592
Thread images: 141

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Welcome to Evo 2k17. n00bs and vets welcome!

Street Fighter V Pools (1st Stage)
Super Smash Bros. Melee Pools (1st Stage)
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Pools (1st Stage)
Guilty Gear Xrd - REV2 Pools
King of Fighters XIV Pools
Street Fighter V Pools (1st Stage) Second Stream
Tekken 7 Pools (1st Stage)
The Jump Off - Anaylysis, Interviews, Other
fighting games are dead
second for dragonball is better dubbed
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S-surely he'll make it in, right?
When's Mahvel?
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QUICK! Post your setup
>not posting the link in the op
More people watch fighting games than play them.
stop watching shit fighter v
Marn let's go Marn let's go
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Build the wall
Why the fuck did Alex19 even join this tournament? He isn't so great.
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>windows 10

We get it: You're a faggot.
What the fuck is Koihime enbu?
pedro kys
feel free to add it to the new one
Are you fucking blind?
what stream?
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>Unga bunga Sin getting BTFO by a high IQ Venom player

All is right in the world
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Nope. He has nothing over SS2 Gohan or Ultimate Gohan.
Chances of a DBZ Fighter demo dropping?
haha girls can't play street fighter
>Smug gets dunked by a chink Ryu

Guess life has its own surprises after all...
He read him like a book.
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Three Kingdoms but with cute girls.

Apparently. It's okay.
>SF5 got got 43k viewers combining both stream
>followed by Melee with 13k viewers

So whats going on here? I thought SF5 was shit?
never, you'll get an Abigail reveal on sunday and you'll like it
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>That gif
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>tfw 1 screen
You thought wrong
Do you really even want ssfv? Capcom is too lazy to fix the gameplay you'd just be buying the game again
I can't tell if the particles in DBFZ look like shit or if the bitrate just isn't high enough to make them look good.
Snap a stream at every corner

You mean Ricki? He/she's always been there. Or do you mean Kayo Police?

multitwitch tv
>Not watching Evo3 all day for GGRev2 play
>People watching Capcbro stream for SFV all day instead

Literally why
Who else here watching on saltybet?
>believing the bitter 09ers
Yes because I haven't bought regular SFV
he wasn't always a tranny tho
>what are tabs
Maybe for finals
>Stop liking what I don't like!
>Not watching all streams at once
who /r/kappa here
>09 was 18 years ago

He was always gay so really it's no different to me. Most people never cared as long as you can back up with good playing.
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>all these cuckolds ITT watching mainstage EVO
/v/ truly is the most casual
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>Tfw SFV is still the most viewed game on stream outnumber every other game
>Tfw DBZfighters only has more views than GG, talk about karma for anime cucks
>Tfw SFV will still have the highest viewed top 8 by a wide margin
Is darkanddark laggy for anyone else
Did they bring Catherine again? What stream?
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>all these fgc memes
fgc fighter when?
Who here at evo?
Yeah he was a well known homo. No one really cares he's a tranny outside of newer faggots.
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>That predicted Burst
>That fucking Perfect
>killing braincells with weebgarbage
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Fuck off reddit.
t, smashcuck
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I tried to get in but they said I wasn't smelly enough
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Catherine isn't until tomorrow anyway. If you wanna be a contrarian the only games on are Koihime Enbu and UNIEL casuals, as well as DBZF.
Then stop going to the smash area
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Weebs are just the other side to the cuck coin
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DBZ looks so amazing. I hope Cell has some hidden potential that nobody's figured out though, since he really hasn't impressed so far.
What stream is DBZ on?
hey thats pretty cool
>didn't even play kuma
What a fag.
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>missed out on probably the last time blaz will be a main game
Not me, I was going to enter blazblue and guilty gear but I some shit come up and knew I wouldn't be able to go this weekend
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First time watcher here, don't players shake hands or anything after a match? Everybody just waddles off the stage immediately.
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>mom hasn't come home from work and brought me chicken nuggets yet
They do before the match usually
These are Pools, they will see them again, maybe.
these are video game enthusiasts we're talking about anon
Which game are you watching? Most people shake hands before
>fist bump > shaking gross sweaty hands
Yeah. It's always been wierd to me that some people call the FGC a "toxic boys club". For one, this is a fanbase that genuinely doesn't care if you're gay or a woman or whatever, if you're actually a good player. Being good at the game and being able to back up your trash talk is literally all that's ever mattered.
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>UNIEL stream shitting itself constantly
I don't know why I expect anything different when it happens every year without fail. Might just watch the VODs later instead if they're recording.
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Why am I still watching this stupid bullshit. Is it that hard to put one of the hundreds of matches happening right now, on stream?

The fuck is uniel?
Yeah super disappointing.
>This fucking purple elphelt

How is this character fair?

It's because the environment is built on competition so people can't just weasel their way in.
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>this elphelt beating the shit out of abagen
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Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late, fighting game made by the creators of Melty Blood.
who is this ed character? are his nipples approved by disney?
>mike ross not even on commentary this year
shit year desu
Give me the top 4 streams that I should have on right now, lads.
Evo, evo, evo, evo
Seriously, watch the ones you like, faggot
>not aka Mike Ross
Are there any gods that came for GG?
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I've had no problems with darkandark, but I'm using the livestreamer/VLC. Look into doing that instead of the shitty twitch player.
>Leo versus Sol

Brace for unga
I like when people shit on vlc, they never ever ever have an alternative to suggest.
I'm using that too. Speaking of which why didn't they just get Brett to stream it?

But I hate video games.
gg, dbz, tekken, nothing else worth watching
>no ARMS
someone better be compiling all of these
if they add another non fighting game there'd be riots
I prefer this to livestreamer, don't need to install or run anything.

Also why are they playing the JP version???
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Can the anime fighter posters go to their own thread so this one isn't clogged with their garbage?
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Brett's streaming Koihime, then HnK. Dark is the French Bread games.
>this sol getting beat by a kappa player
wew lad
I was using MPC-HC, not vlc, that anon is just retarded
The fuck, why is Apologyman in the SFV bracket?
What is unga?
t. smashbabby
Because most players for anime games get the JP version, UNIEL is particularly light on additional content so there's no reason to buy the western version if you already own the JP one except for some Arcade Mode stuff.
DBFZ looks so fucking hype, it's like MvC
>all this talk about trannies in EVO
>no one posts any pics of them

get on it retards
> Meanwhile on DBZ stream
> "Namekian lives matter"

>Destroy destroyed namek
This game
There is only like 2 and only 1 is playing this year, no one cares, this isn't GDQ.
>6 million namekians died
>namekian lives matter
How the fuck is this allowed?
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Did Tomo get to fuck ShinoBee last night?
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M2k will take the title this time
Is that cute asian girl going to be playing Tekken?
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What pizza chain should I order from?

Except more shit, for some reason. Game already looks generic and shallow. People are overhyping it because "muh arcsys anime fightan".
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I think this is the first year in a super long time I'm not watching any Evo.

SFV is boring as shit, Smash is completely played out, GGXrd and KoF are garbage, Injustice 2 is always the same 3 characters...

Fighting games are dying again. Thanks Capcom.
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>not watching DBZF
>watching a party game
Papa Johns
Have fun not enjoying it then.
You gotta be good to play Rashid because man, he does not have the damage to back up his moves.
its the fgc man you don't have to be PC if the majority of your community if full of minorities and trannys
Yes, she's on the brackets.
Guilty Gear is on and I don't care to watch an unreleased game I won't even be able to touch for at least a year
Oh shit a Jam player
Thanks m8. I guess I know what stream I'm watching.
Dominos has 50% off if you order online
evo is full of blacks who don't give a shit about political correctness, fgc just wants thuggery
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it's just the alpha
Did Woolie lose already?
Still fun as hell to play too at least.
>this fucking LC comeback
that's hilarious
No one "lose" until pools are done, learn2tournament matching
Oh he's fun, but he takes a million hits to kill anything.
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Come on Eagle!
it's kind of a shock and refreshing to hear this during big gaming events after the disastrous SJW-infested GDQ events.
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Sure it is.
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>there are people that want to scale back the thuggery
You are tryign too hard to make poeple mad with your shitty nonsensical "generic and shallow" excuse, even /vgg/ shitters use that same excuse without ever explaining further.
I will, once you lern2english
I can't really think of who else I would want in this DBZ game, I feel like a lot of the characters are just filler. I guess all the main villains would be cool
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give it a few years and evo will be the same, too many smashers and now capcom wants to go esports
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pls no bully
But the game is not made by bioware or ubisoft
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I used to use livestreamer but it appears to not be working anymore? Anyone else also use it?
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Finally Melee gets some cute trannies.
>guy sitting on the floor
comfy match
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>feel like streams are boring
>fucking sonic vs wario, nintendo was a mistake.
>load DBZ
this is clearly "the shit".
"When Ed player learns his online shenanigans don't work offline"
Livestreamer is dead, use streamlink
oh shit a Jam player that's actually good
Viscant looks like shit.
wizzrobe is a tranny?
>Playing smash makes you change your gender
What did they mean by this
it'll be different this time
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LTG is not on the bracket list....
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>tfw Bloody Roar is dead
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>the jam perfect
some hype shit
just use speedrunTV guys
Probably jetlagged
Gllty and Kayopolice are there. Is Ricki MIA this year?
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Happy to see a Jam main winning.
The fuck is Fantasy Strike
What the fuck is fantasy strike? some mobile shit?
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>/v/ still attacks people who are trying to defend games and gaming from malicious ideologues who are hellbent on destroying video games
Why would you fly from San Diego to Las Vegas?
gg is sick
I haven't played lately but man this is enjoyable
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No wizzrobe is a Chad.

>an autistic smash bros player is cumming inside his qt azn gf in an expensive las vegas hotel room right now
Really makes you tihnk.
>this UNIEL stream
as expected by poverty
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>trying to watch both SF5 and GG
>GG keeps getting all of my attention
Why is so much more fun, lads?
What do you mean "this time"? Tell me when was the last time ArcSys did this >>383919701, don't play along that r/kappa shitter.
Its works a hell of a lot better then speedruning does.
Is this actually a tranny? I'd suck her dick if you know what I mean.
And run by a fat guy.
"defending" it just makes things worse, just don't do anything to publicize it or welcome people in, going esports is going to kill the last remnants of the fgc
Livestreamer was abandoned, Streamlink replaced it.
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h-how hard is it to get into guilty gear? It looks fun as fuck but not if there aren't enough newcomers to scrub around with.
Because the I-15 is a bitch
>defending just makes things worse
>dude just ignore them they'll go away lol

shut up
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>Having sex before a competition

Do you even play sports?
she's the best female melee player lql
Wow a beatiful flat chested goddess thatcan actually play sheik, my fucking dick
>Trying to see everything at once.

This was probably a bad idea.
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On what fucking planet is that cute, you pathetic weeb.
Livestreamer still works for me :)

There's a first time for everything, snowflake :^)
buy it and play it you stuttering, semen drinking homo
it's fun
Losing, probably, also, not all matches are done on stream.
trannies only come in when there's attention to be gained, they would never get into gaming on their own if no one publicized it
How accurate is this pic?
playing tekken 7 on the worst platform , why is this allowed?
You have to fuck around and put some token thing (requires twitch account and is a botnet) though. Streamlink supports more sites too.
I'll play with you, I'm shitter Ky user.
is there not a player locator this year?
did you just assume xir's gender?
Cancer. Nice damage control by the way.
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What pool is best girl in?
Fuck comment meant for >>383920380

You guys are really easy, if that's cute and he is a chad, then what does this make me?
looks pretty accurate
Holy fuck Chipp calm the fuck down
A fag
The trash talking is a part of it too.

Not that that's a bad thing. Nigga, you best learn to take shit.
has the best tutorial of any fighting game, signs is slightly better than revelators but they're both good
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What the fuck happened to UNIEL stream? It was perfect during the casuals.
Watch this and tell me the guy isn't a Chad.
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Americans and their dubs.
>doesn't care if you're gay or a woman or whatever
That's because the fgc is full of closet faggots
>best tutorial of any fighting game
I think you meant to type Killer Instinct my man.
Tanukana just lost
waifufags btfo
Is uniel still the 3 years old console version ?
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Is using a punchbox legal?
Just like /v/
If that's a chad, then i'm a born pussy slayer with an elephant dick.
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They're messing with the bitrate right now.
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Any games I should be watching when I get the time?
I wish she was in my pool ;(
Sponsors money and it's a lot easier to transport 100 PS4 then 100 PC.
It's made for shitposting in fighting game threads.
yes, its source only. pretty high quality, even for when i didnt have shitty internet
hax is the only one using one and mr wizard gave him explicit permission
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i want to fuck sion
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guilty gear has some great matches this year
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vlc is actually good for command based streaming. It's a lot more stable than MPC in that regard. But that's it,
I want to drink May's piss.
>Mexican plays the only brown girl
>Picks her white skin alt

What did they mean by this?
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Dude playing smash with a stickless arcade controller. I thought those were banned?
Uniel looks pretty fun. Is it worth buying?
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almost everyone discounts that mpv and shit doesn't work on toasters. VLC is just the average "it will work in 2 minutes" player.
>commentators trying to hype up kusanagi vs zadi
>it's a blowout
mexico is free
I want to cum on redhead Ramlethal!
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Probably not unless you have PS3/PS4. ST comes out in less than a week in JP, later this year in NA. But probably never ever for PC
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Stream quality is so good this year. The GG stream is crispy clear.
twitch chat is saying Aris is out.
Anyone know if it's true?
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>better game than SFV
>not shown on Sunday

Why is there no justice?
His pool starts 4pm pst
it's allowed if you're a cool e-celeb and you destroy your hands to the point of getting arthritis and needing surgery to remove a bone in your hand by age 20.
Well shit I'm out. Later homos. Enjoy your sausage party.
Where are pools posted?
I guess i could just pirate it or something
Literally who?
>Guy playing with a keyboard
PC fags need to die really
Stoners get out
None, saying MvC has higher technical depth than gg or kof is completely stupid for example, it's just meant to be bait
KOF is just discount Street Fighter
yo somebody spam the EVO threads when Zhi starts commentating DBFZ. This Xenoverse, donutsteel superfags are awful
Say that to his face, weakling.

aris' pool
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>wizzy a chad
Surely the Smash community has some rando chads in pools, won't see one in top 8 though
where's the /melee/ thread....
Keyboards are perfectly fine for fighting games you nigger
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who else /uniel/
310 2 good
it's like a wheelchair
you're in it
It was $8 on Steam during the sale. Now you can either buy a JP copy of the new version in 6 days or wait until later this year for it to be localized on PS3/4/Vita. It's pretty fun but the community is small outside of Japan.

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Was infil's pool shown on stream? I missed the beginning
Yo my anime dude
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What's this i keep hearing about Disney Channel?
>chat in sub only mode

but why
Fuck chat. At least they let you watch source quality without subbing this year.
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Why aren't you playing Venom?
He was on earlier. Won using Nash against a Bison/Dictator.
>reading twitch chat at all
underages need to go
who won between Apologyman and Viscant? Doorbell rang and I missed the ending.

It was me, no he's not.

smash top 8 will be live on disney channel
Smash is gonna air on it.
>Going into twitch chat
>Not just using streamlink
he beat some bipson
>answering the door
yeah he won with nash forget who he went against though
even melee?
His design is too gay
Because I'm not good at fondling balls
spectator experience, man
Smash 4 and SFV

no its just 4
t. closeted faggot
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Too complicated. I like his VA though.
Because i'm a Ky ag for life
Oh boy I can't wait for the shitposters to hear this
He is gay
>childs game shown on disney channel
Makes sense
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>Want to hit the labs
>dont want to miss EVO

nice full house
but thats no way to talk about sfv
>MadKOF beaten by some random Chilefag in pools

no fucking way lol, not melee.......wii u smash maybe, but not melee.
Just grab my shit out
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Stop abusing your dogs you faggot
SF5 will be broadcasted as well.
Childs game.
Brett a shit.
Dragonbahl is back.

Dubsfag eternally mad their shit music and VAs aren't around
You're right I'm pretty sure not even kids like sfv
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Dude this Under Night shit is pretty hype. Doesn't look to even play like the standard anime trash. The punching guy is cool as fuck
How will SFags ever recover?
Anyone big draw on SFV pools?
I wish i could see something. Streams choppy as fuck
It seriously deserves a better stream.
sfv is going the smash route anyway with the devs outright hating their playerbase
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Akatsuki is so fucking cool
Under night's whole thing is that plays very different from the typical Anime fighter.

It's pretty fun if you want to try it someday.
>that elphelt turn around
wew lad
>That fucking Elphelt comeback

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn son
who are the top tier characters in kof? kula is winning a lot it looks like.
>ywn punch jews for a living
why fucking live?
tfw no FAB at evo.
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>Tanukana drowns in pools
Fucking hell
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I just wish it wasn't dead here/
Bonchan got sent to losers first match. Not sure if he's out yet though
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It unironically plays more like SF than, say, GG or BB. Footsies and proper defense is what wins you matches.

What stream is that on?
What the fuck happened?
Iori, Benimaru, Kula, Yuri and Kyo (only for Dakou)
>that patience and shooting
last round felt like watching an ISIS execution video
Pot on his knees against the wall and taking shots to his head
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twitch tv/darkandark
Quality is choppy but it's all we got.

Stream is fucking up like every other match though.
lmao I thought this was a joke
One of her losses was BeautifulDude, not sure who eliminated her.
No one cares about a literal who.
>Realizing all the tranny whores that are gonna get fucked tonight
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>puyo puyo tetris still not live
I hope they'll be ok
ESPN is gonna run SFV finals
Disney is gonna run Smash4 finals

What channel should air KoF, GG, BB, Tekken 7 and Injustice?
Eliminated by BeautifulDude
For fuck's sake, not Nash again.
>nobody cares about the only cute girl in the fgc
Disney gonna run both Games.
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Melty when?

he did, that match was in losers. she got sent to losers by doune2
>What channel should air KoF, GG, BB, Tekken 7 and Injustice?
History Channel
>New Arika game
>Not expecting it to be just Street Fighter EX 4 without SF characters

What the fuck were you two expecting?
Still hyped about the game.
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Las Vegas is Tranny Whore Central. So many conferences.

Bailey Jay and Natalie mars are all based out of there. Dudes are gonna be running a train on them.
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Univision for KoF
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Oh shit, is that getting streamed?

Tetris is purest fightan
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Final Fight stage posted by Capcom France. Abigail when
So SFV pools are done for today?
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>this fucking melee stream

Why are smash fags so autistic? Not talking about meme autistic, I'm talking genuine autism. Even the UNIEL stream has more charm to it with it's poverty levels. No wonder Nintendo doesn't want to acknowledge them, I'd try to bury these crusty freaks under the rug too if this was who was going to represent my game.
is SFV a babby game
hotel internet is ass according to the animeevo crew, I wish wizard wasn't so frugal
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>a guilty gear player eliminated a so called tekken pro
Well /fgg/ sucks right now.
it always sucks
Damn, that Merkava dude is pretty cool.
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fucking dying
Tomorrow night but they're only streaming top 8.
>Someone actually winning as Charizard
I keep telling people he's a decent character but nobody fucking believes me
Sensible chuckle/10
>fighting games
>these are my strong moves, and i need to be in this scrren position
>valuing technicality enough to categorize it
grow up

shit metrics, shit chart
Underrated post
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[Biscuits gets on the mic]
>There are only 23 players for DBFZ
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Because they're a bunch of faggots trying to turn a party game targeted at younger audiences into a competitive game, it takes some serious non meme autism to do that
>implying tekken isn't secured for korean robotics

I giggled every time koreans just spam the shit out of throws because stupid yankees don't know how to escape them against half the cast

don't lump in the meleefags with the rest, anon
This is what retarded goobers actually believe
Who? Dogura?
no they're running all day go to capcoms stream
>tfw just ordered a new nintendo originalcontroller for $100
looks like I'm a melee player again lads
>Having it at the same time as pools
Gee I wonder why no one showed up
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>it has been [0] posts since FGCucks cried about Melee
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will the arika game be streamed, I know the devs will make an appearance on the arcsys stream
Girls play tekken 7?
looks like a little boy. get some taste
The bandainamcous stream is really choppy. What gives?
You need to buy at least 10 controllers to get a good broken one for melee sorry anon
qt alert on Tekken stream
Tekken really does have the best lesbian system
>people aren't interested in playing a game in beta when there's an actual competition going on
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>looks like a little boy
why is this bad

girls love tekken man
quite a few
sauce plz
>animeposter calling anyone autistic
lel. I bet you can't even respond back without posting some form of a reaction pic of Japanese origin. Now thats ture autism.
So is SFV!
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Can't deny that.
Nah, Beautifuldude eliminated Tanukana.
Why do girls pretend to like fighting games?
>he doesn't know that Tekken has always been the bitch-magnet fighting game
Tanukana is already out

Why even fucking live
It had a limited amount of entries, and all of them were filled in the first 15 minutes it opened.
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Has my boy shown up yet?
Should I get Tekken 7 now?
I've been through 3 previously already
>gg tutorial

Endless frustration with unrealistic """combos"""

I hate GG, it's always over in 1-2 neutral exchanges, how is that fun
its not nice to bully, smuggies are all they have
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overly detailed freezer.jpg
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how long until our lord and savoir's game kicks out Sakurai Bros off from EVO?
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>ESPN is gonna run SFV finals
I can't wait to see how pissed of sports fans are going to be again.
Why does adblock no longer block the shitty Twitch ads? What if one of them plays during a grand finals or something
There's still more qts playing tekken.
>inb4 waifufags complaining that these two get streamtime and Tanukana didn't
>These bitches taking like 20 minutes and not even playing yet
Women suck at working machines of any kind
Galileo on koihine enby stream right this moment.
>Smash getting replaced by DBZ
>Not Marvel
Sure buddy, "limited".
tekken girl gamer
same reason they pretend to like comics, star wars, and capeshit
why won't this dumbass just ask for another usb cable smdh


use ublock origin
Because infinites are "hype"
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>Alisa mirror match
This is disgusting.
There are many options to escape. Play Divekick if you only want neutral.
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>alisa mirror match
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>always tripping over the can
This Mika is garbage
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>doesn't recognize the art style
stop being new
>it's about to rain
RIP my fucking internet
Capcom won't have any money left to shill in JUSTvel due to how much of a flop it's going to be.
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alisa vs alisa
Is GG simpler than BlazBlue? It seems not as autistic on the combos or I have not played these games in a while.
>Alisa mirror
This matchup is cute. The players are cute.
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Ia dragon bol really showing up today? I saw the schedule and didnt see it on there
I believe turning off HTML5 player is a temporary fix
Where do you live that rain affects internet..
>two people who look like they are playing melee for the first time on the main evo stream
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what do you expect from le grill gaemerz
Would be the only match I watch for SFV today.
>main stream
>game audio loud as fuck
>quiet commentary
Beautiful dude just hop kicked over and over again.
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>SFV is so shitty it's making players branch out into other games
GG doesn't reward defensive play,
>plenty of option
Literally 1

Use Bakamplayer. (hit update streaming support and restart to get latest version)

No I mean you really think they'll replace Smash with DBZ and not replace Marvel with DBZ
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I don't know. All I can find is this schedule. But someone asked that on their twitter & if I make out the translation, I think the president is streaming some footage through his smartphone. Someone needs to help stream their game or something.
Is dbz getting a stream? Unofficial or periscope?
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Did mike ross actually enter for gg?
Seriously they arent even hitting L cancels... are they trying to make the game look bad
its already on on namcobandaius
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Luffy is back <3

namco is streaming it on twich
He did.

Mike is a broken man.

I can't explain why, but something about SFV is just off. It LOOKS okay. It seems to play okay. But it's just slightly off.
Evo is maylay now. What stream do I watch now?
twitch tv bandainamcous
Jack-o has a big butt!
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>this alisa mirror match
gotta get hem 10 seconds of fame. It doesn't matter anyway, only 3 people have a chance of winning this, like they do every tourney.
I saw him at a tournament and his girlfriend has the most massive natural tits I have ever seen on a girl her size.
Japan>USA confirmed.
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>a good jack-o
>Women players are bad
What a surprise.
Is the guy who was shitting on Guilty Gear having less views then DB still around to witness the 10000 people watching GG right now?

Oh, wait >>383917936
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Tits-I mean pics?
Found it myself. wasn't even worth it.
I wish there was a good picture of her titties. Most of the pictures are shit.
that's his wife i think and yeah she has some big breasts. Luffy always mains the tit monsters for a reason
Did Mr. Wizard lock 1080p60fps behind paywall again? I don't see the option for it.
Jacko is broken af
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>Luffy bodied Alex in less than 20 sec
>maybe i should give sfv a chance
>mika corner carry to mix up to stun
Oh, that's why i hate it
Pretty sure most top Catherine players like Smash. Toph (guy commentating Melee RIGHT NOW) was top 2 for a while.
Naah, she's just an annoying cunt, get close to her and beat her ass.
Everyone ready for the normies to blow a gasket again on Sunday?
Fucking madmen.
Unfortunately, >>383924681

Which is odd since they're so big, it's surreal. It's surprising nobody tried to take a subtle snap.
take my (You)
Has he already played? I don't see him in the pools list
Don't buy a ticket to a ship with a hole in the hull just because they're getting a new waterslide
>broken af
>Ky shits on her on following rounds
Hold on, did I just miss something? I though SFV was on EVO but Melee is on now.
Do you need to ask?
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This stream is super choppy. None of the others are. Is it just me?
What resolution/quality?
Streamlink player?

>Literally will never get another chance to challenge the final boss of MvC to a money match
game is badly animated, it's not the stream
The best comments were the ones confused about the game. The ones that got hyped were 2nd best
capcom channel, evo channel is shit
Holy shit, DBZ is hype as fuck
I don't know how people say Jack-O is good for beginners when her entire schtick is having to set up minion houses while also protecting them while also fighting the enemy.
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>Being good at the game and being able to back up your trash talk is literally all that's ever mattered.
that's highly problematic anon
first, women suck at trash talk
second, women suck at being good at the game
so your community is actually highly exclusionary towards girls. fucking bigots.
Hell yeah I did. Good shit from Max.
Explain please
No. All the top Catherine players just like to play vidya with Dacidbro, so they all play the same games. They also play Blazblue a shit ton.

Dumb Smashbabby
>reverse sweep
>even gets the ssj3
>all that jack-o hate
Git gud
1 button dp and amazing buttons
post clip
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>Normies tune into ESPN2 for sports
>get SFV instead
>Normies shitpost on Twitter
It's not, the commentary is shit nobody knows how to play and nobody has played it so you don't really know annything about the game +only 6 characters
maybe. theyll just remove his counter pokes, make his BINGO qcf and gut punch even better, making him another rushdown.

he pulls a pipe out of his asss for v-trigger, making him completely unfair
>Liking Max
No no, i mean the comments. Some link or screenshot?
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>Vegeta continues to be a jobbing faggot
Really makes you think
>1 button dp

I guess. Nobody older than 10 should have trouble doing a dp motion though.
Perfect timing
SFV finals are going to be on ESPN, last year a bunch of people completely lost their shit, some espn commentator even said he's rather eat a bullet than ever have to commentate on esports (which no one asked him to do)
Her inputs are all command normals and Smash-like.
Dacidbro was on the Scar and Toph show and plays Melee too, by the way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9vhOnxtLE4
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Holy shit.
>someone keeps making threads before bump limit
>page 9 and no new thread
what you doin niggas
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LTG confirmed at EvO around 2PM Pacific or 5pm Eastern
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This is Low
you act like 70 percent of gg players don't play like trash. 1 button dp is great as fuck even if her dp is easily baited and beaten.
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i was actually planning to get rev2 in order to play jack-O (because she looks cool) but i'm not sure anymore..
Yes check his twitter
>Keep comparing 1 year old game to alpha E3 demo
>Keep comparing Main EVO stream to side-tournament

Can you get anymore retarded?
A fucking wake up super .... that's supposed to be hype? fucking christ
That sucked.
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Is there a better site to look at brackets than smash?
Do it, she's fun. Prepare to get bodied if you play master-tier experts, but that's true for anyone really.
I'm sorry you can't enjoy it.
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Anakin's Jack is crazy good, jesus.
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Lazy fuckers
seeing karins cute hymen is always worth it
that was horrible and you should feel bad
I thought I followed him but I guess he changed his handle or blocked me
Yeah, I think the characters with the basic strategies are the best for beginners. Sol, Ky, Faust, Millia, Chipp, Leo, Jam, etc. Ones with specific meters, ones that get stronger late round, or ones that require objects to be set up are much more complex.
DBZ is going to btfo marvel so fucking hard
The clip doesn't show him taking out Cell and Frieza beforehand.

But yeah, coming back from 3vs1 and finishing with a sliver of health tends to be pretty hype.
It sucks there's nothing to enjoy, he did a wake up super and those mongoloids comentator start screaming like fucking monkey, that's not hype that's overreaction
Can barely hear the commentary on /evo this is awful
When does puyo puyo tetris start?
You got to watch the whole match.
>tfw like watching fighting games but hate playing them
forever a streampig
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