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>no visual indication that you're missing your attack

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>no visual indication that you're missing your attack
>attack animation never changes whether you're full of stamina or not
>enemy never flinches or indicate dodging

why do people like "miss miss miss" simulator so much? it's such an awful game.
You only have yourself to blame for not reading on how to play. Sage
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cinnamon rolls.jpg
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>needing instructions for a game released in 2002
You're right. In 2002 when I was a preteen I still managed to beat morrowind fine without reading the manual. So I guess the real question is , what the hell is your problem that you are unable to do what I was able to at the age of 10?
i dunno bro
u smart kid
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miss miss miss meme.webm
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>0 stamina
Woooooooow this game sux.
Missing is a casual filter.
disabled players opinions are instantly discarded
there was an indicator, it was aural
People didn't know any better back then and just dealt with the hand they were dealt.

We should thank them for beta testing TES for us.
They suffered so we did not have to.

Post the one where Vivec shows up and oneshots the PC.
>reddit grammar
>reddit spacing
>reddit spelling

aaand out you go
How do you know what Reddit spacing, grammar, and spelling look like?
The funny thing is that I just started a mage playthrough, and I'm still hitting most of the time. The only times I'm missing is when I'm stupid and try to fight with 0 stamina. What's more annoying is that the spells rng is shit, I've failed spells with ~90% chance FOUR times in a row several times now.
I swear with gifs like these I think this game is a few good mods away from being a masterpiece.
the main thing with this game is the character creation and class selection in the beginning.


make sure you make a character who is consistent for your combat style.
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Calling this game a miss simulator just breathes the fact that you haven't played the game longer than 20 minutes. Actually invest some time into it and you'll find you're hitting most things in no time. Stop perpetuating some kind agenda that morrowind sucks.
You should take heart then. Those stats and results are achievable by knowing what you're doing at character creation. Mod free!
I don't have webms of gameplay affecting mods sorry.
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Gothic 2 vs Morrowind combat.webm
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>morrowshits will defend this



then explain


pls explain this
Why would we? Morrowind isn't perfect. The real shame here is Gothic 2 plays better than fucking Skyrim. You'd think a decade would be enough for Bethesda to get their shit together.
Reddit is bad
People who disagree with me are bad
People who disagree with me are reddit.

Simple minds hold simple ideas.
Just ignore the lesser lights that /v/ attracts.
Its a meme you dip. Stop engaging the shit posters. This has been going on for years
Clearly for something else than the combat.
lvl 5
no enchants
no rings
didn't pop adrenaline rush
no potions
also shit isn't leveled to you, you can go out and find shit right next to a town that shouldn't be attacked till late game.
but shit here's your (you)
People who play RPGs for the combat mechanics alone are brainlets.
Used the console to buff her luck stat which also explains how she manages to hit him every time.
>People didn't know any better back then
don't talk out your ass
Gothic is an action RPG, Morrowind is a diceroll RPG.

Good luck comparing apples to oranges faggot
>I'm such a retard that I need X and Y feature
>therefore the game is bad
Not sure I'm following your logic. It's not a problem unless you're retarded. Every retard can complain about every feature in every game not being clear enough for them. It doesn't mean it's an issue
There's nothing to explain. The recent meme shifting the modding accusation from the absurd webms with the high miss rate to the unmodded one where the redguard hits his target is plain for anyone who has actually played the game to see.
>>reddit spacing
You just did the same shit you fucking retarded. Avoiding walls of text isn't a reddit thing anyway and it has been used since always.

This meme of the month is by far, the worst of the year so far.
That webm (>>383197858) is from a series of bait webms, there's also one that start the same but with Vivec killing the MC (Like >>383196640 said) and other ones where guards show up, if i remember right.
what if you buffed every npc luck to 10 and yours as well?

topkek thanks for explain
They were both marketed as Action RPGs. Morrowind was just using a more primitive combat system that was perfectly standard at the time. There was nothing wrong with it. But theres no point of defending it against modern Oblivion or Skyrim combat which suits the genre much better. Though obviously the utility and creation of magic needs a huge improvement instead of getting continually stripped down.
it would be very painful
Morrowind has many other redeeming aspects but the gameplay sucks ass. Maybe it just isn't for you.
based on my understanding of the system the luck component of the combat calculation that decides if you hit or miss would even out and combat would remain largely the same as an unaltered game.
the dumb thing is that they were close in skyrim
the combination system they showed off in game jam has no reason to not be in the game, if they'd had that and spell crafting then magic could've been the best in the series
are there any instances of npcs with unusually high luck in an unaltered game who just miraculously dodge all of your hits if you try to kill them?
>>the combination system they showed off in game jam

explain are you talking about skyrim here? is there video of this combination system and did the replace it with something worse in the release version?
Yes in fact there is an entire character based around it. A wood elf beggar you meet early on in the game. You can abuse him in some way and he'll vow to get his revenge against you. Quite a bit later he shows up in full ebony armor and an insane luck stat even though his stats are otherwise very lack luster. It makes for a funny fight.
3 minutes in
>early 3D game has poor animation
Stop the presses
>enemies don't flinch
>skills incorrectly
>doesn't use required weapon class
>has no stamina

LMAO, n'wahs.
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Why does this same faggot keep posting the same thread daily?
Cause it keeps getting him (You)'s and it's essentially become the OP file image for Elder scrolls Generals.
The real problem is that all you fags decided it's a good idea to play a warrior in a game where the dopest shit has to do with magic and magic based factions. Never miss shit with magic instead it just fizzles and that's rare.
Spellcrafting as shown as game jam was cute but kinda pointless when the majority of those "combo spells" existed as their own spells in the base game.

All I want from Elder Scrolls is halfway descent melee. I'd accept anything that had the same quality as Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, minus the kicking cause that was a physics gimmick as much as anything. Being able to block at least other melee attacks when dual wielding would also be nice. When you have two swords there no need to have the ability to swing them independently so I didn't see the point of removing blocking for it.
>No one ever posts the Vivec one

Fuck, why didn't I save it when I first saw it?
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He's an autistic kraut who spams Gothic 2 threads, and whenever someone disagrees with him, he calls them a Morrowindbabby. Basically, he can't handle the fact that other people have different opinions than him, so he tries to force his on others.
I thought it was "Numalewind"
>being this delusional
He has a lot of insults, and goes as far as to make entire copypastas dedicated to his hate of morrowind.
Personally I would have gone with Morrowindbags.
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Thank you
I started playing Morrowind for the first time recently and I'm quite enjoying it. Its kind of scratching the old runescape itch in many ways
I mean, I play morrowind specifically for the dice roll system. I like that system.
less to do with what's available and more to do with the framework
if you have the framework for that kind of shit in already then modders can easily create custom unique spell combinations
>All I want from Elder Scrolls is halfway descent melee
i think FO4 actually took a step in the right direction when it comes to that
since blocking is timed now instead of holding, for a game like this it adds depth
not that timed blocking is always superior but in this context it's better
>When you have two swords there no need to have the ability to swing them independently so I didn't see the point of removing blocking for it.
probably because adding one more button is too complicated for bethesda
Distant land is good in Morrowind. Post pretty pictures
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>brainlets playing morrowind
>world building
I'm not gonna tell you what you can and cant like but in general dice rolls dominating a major aspect of game play tend to make things feel arbitrary and take away a degree of player agency. Particularly when the roll of the dice has very little affect on the visual outcome of the gameplay like it does in Morrowind. It means a miss can really take the wind out of your sails when it comes to immersion and excitement. I feel why a good deal of people turn their noses up at the combat in Morrowind and to RNG in games in general.
Yes, it did do that pretty well.
>reading encyclopedias is world building now
a lot of other terrible RPGs have that in common
>probably because adding one more button is too complicated for bethesda
See thats my point. They didn't NEED to add an extra button. Just make dual wielding give a faster basic attack involving both weapons by pressing one button at the expense of reduced armor from the lack of a shield and the inability to block magic or arrows like a shield can. Then block is still block and attack is still attack. Although I guess that suggestion doesn't account for spell swords.
>>no visual indication that you're missing your attack
Probably the enemy not dying is a good indication of that.
Good bait but no (You) sorry friend
Read a book
isn't RMB power attack with dual wield though

why are morrowhiners so easy to trigger
I played the game on a controller, which is more relevant to the ordeal of button distribution. For a keyboard the problem has even less of a reason to exist.
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>Doesn't even know how to link a post
>Says other people have autism

>not depriving shitposters of (You)s
N'wah is you serious
i swear RMB was power attack for dual wield but i haven't played skyrim in like 5 years
not like bethesda gives a shit about proper keybinds for PC anyway
>Editing every post you make so a shit poster doesn't get a meaningless indication that they're being referred to.

This is why we have to remove outlanders from Vvardenfell
>Not editing every post you make so a shit poster doesn't get a meaningless indication that they're being referred to.
I bet you're Hlaalu aren't you
back to your circlejerk on tesg
no one fucking cares about your shitty gothic games.
>This is why we have to remove outlanders from Vvardenfell
>I bet you're Hlaalu aren't you

With an intelligence score that low I'm guessing you're an orc.
Missing isn't even the biggest issue, though how they managed to take a step back from Daggerfall in that regard is a total mystery. Daggerfall's glancing blow SFX were good and would go a long way in providing the player with some feedback as to why shit isn't dying while you stab it. The biggest issue is having to move in certain directions to perform attacks. How the fuck did spazzing out side to side in order to slash make it past play testing? The alternative is to turn on use best attack which makes the combat even more dull. What a fucking abortion of a combat system.
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