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ITT: Games that are overrated, overhyped, or just not as good

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Start us off, OP.
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Don't worry, I'll start.
Not saying that Bloodborne is a bad game, but it isn't the greatest game of all time.
Then again, maybe I was just burnt out by soul games by the time I got around to BB.
why do you need this thread, everything /v/ says is good is absolutely shit
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A solid 6.5/10 desu
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Its the combat that sucks from what I heard right?
I finally got around to playing TLOU a month or so ago, and while I enjoyed it it was hilarious how overhyped it was. "The Citizen Kane of gaming" moniker is fucking hilarious and it was so obvious why so many """journalists""" jizzed themselves about it. It does a lot of things well but suffers from the usual Naughty Dog struggles.

all of the souls games are vastly overrated
The mission structure for 60% of it is also pants-on-head retarded. You literally use your witcher senses and follow enormous glowing red paths straight to objectives ad nauseam.
This and I say this as someone who enjoys the series.
I like the series a lot as well, and I think it's so overrated because of the DEEPEST LORE and perception of difficulty. The latter is only because modern games are fucking piss easy.
>The latter is only because modern games are fucking piss easy.
This is so fucking true that it actually hurts.
I mean, is there any other games now a days where fail states actually exist?
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why'd you post bloodborne, OP?
See >>382781853
And I don't even consider the lore to be that interesting in Bloodborne anyways.
I have never heard of this game before.
Honestly how did the whole Souls games are brutally difficulty mindset ever start? Was it just Namco's marketing? I don't think DeS was marketed as such and I think I remember it having that perception.
>Was it just Namco's marketing?
That was a large part of it. But in all fairness, Souls games are rather challenging when you compare it to other contemporary games.
It's an alright game but not as great as cute fags make it out to be.
zelda botw
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On one hand, the later games never really manage to capture the atmosphere of Demon Souls.
On the other hand, some of the game mechanics are rather dated.
It's a mix of marketing and platform elitism. Ever notice that the two most-praised Souls games on /v/ (DeS and BB) are the two console-exclusive ones?
Marketing was a big part of it, yeah. Prepare to Die Edition and the like helped. Most of it is from autistic players who think losing souls is a huge punishment.
>capture the atmosphere of Latria and Boletaria
People praise the atmosphere in this game but it's totally bland & unremarkable in most places.
>Ever notice that the two most-praised Souls games on /v/ (DeS and BB) are the two console-exclusive ones?
Bloodborne is praised because it mixed up the gameplay formula of the Souls series. As much as people do harp on about it, it is the high point of the Souls series.
Demon Souls hasn't age as well.
Any game on a Sony platform. Whatever it is, homos overrate it.
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
Fuck you, I liked it.
In terms of Souls games - meaning Bloodborne excluded - I feel DeS has some of the best combat. Chaining R1's into R2's feels very fluid and smooth, especially with longswords. Latria had fantastic eerie atmosphere and the second area was pretty fucking spooky, and Boletaria was interesting to traverse.
That's about all the good things I have to say about the game. calle
This game rules. Get fucked.
Right? I don't fucking get it either. It's the definition of mediocre.
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This is a fucking 6/10 and no one can change my mind about that.

It's not "a fucking 10/10 materpiece best game ever", fuck.
Seriously, I used to get migraines playing this game even when it first came out. You couldn't fight a Colossus without the framerate hanging out in the teens.
Visually, the game and the Colossi are great.
Gameplaywise, less so.
Got memed into buying this and the game sucked
Is it just a GTA clone or something?
A friend of mine recommended it to me on steam.
>it is the high point of the Souls series

I really can't agree at all. It's mostly shorter and more mechanically simplistic than the main series and has less interesting stuff to find. The combat itself is just more of a clusterfuck despite the increase in speed being well-intentioned and the difficulty curve is horrible given that it basically peaks near the start of the game and then gets easier.
I bought this game 3 days ago it's amazing.
I wish it wasn't exclusive so more people could play it
It's probably one of my favourite games of all time.
My problems are that some things like entire areas are cryptic and you may be lost and miss it on content. But other than that it's masterpiece.
I think it's fairly decent, but I feel that the game could have been longer and more fleshed out (Such as the girls the main character goes along with, more places and stuff to do). It's a decent open-world game though.
I really wish I liked Bloodborne more, but I can't with how the background lore to the game is basically ancient aliens.
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How is this game in all honesty?
It used to get shilled a lot around here by having the same webm being posted all the time.
It was memorable mostly because someone managed to pull it off on a fucking PS2. It's kinda like mario 64, half life games and such. It did the right thing at its time, so by nowdays standards and polishment is obviously shit.
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Great combat, horrible enemy and level variety. Also diablo loot, so that can either be a plus or minus for you.
It's a good game. But understand that I'm telling you that it's a "good game". No goty or piece of shit. It has an idea and accomplishes it fairly well, with it's ups and downs, but overall an enjoyable experience.

People has forgotten what it means to be a 7/10 and a 8/10 game.
Like Majin and the forgotten kingdom. I've never seen anyone say it's a great game, but I haven't seen anyone complain about it either. It's enjoyable and doesn't feel like a waste or time, which is the main concern when buying any product

This game is overrated. Daggerfall did it better,
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Between awful clunky control scheme, completely unstructured boss encounters, ugly and boring level design for the most part, and "ironically" retarded story, I cannot understand why this game gets such a huge praise. I'm guessing most of it is nostalgia.
>Great combat, horrible enemy and level variety. Also diablo loot

That pretty much sums it up. If they made a sequel to it I'm sure it would be excellent, but right now its basically a proof of concept for a bunch of excellent gameplay systems without content that is really super compelling.
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>awful clunky control scheme
have you even played a single RE game? 4 is miles ahead of the previous shit shows
Tank controls worked perfectly fine for the fixed camera, but it's shit when combined with third person.
nintenbro detected.
sonybro detected.
I feel you my nigga. I predicted all the shitty twists in that stupid game
>nintenbro detected.
Don't even own anything by them.
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