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ITT: vidya techniques you've attempted in real life

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ITT: vidya techniques you've attempted in real life
It worked.
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I had a phase in high school where I would walk like a khajiit. I started asking my bullies if they were on moon sugar whenever they tries giving me shit. "Are you crazy? What are you on, moon sugar?"
They started staying away from me after that.
Kirby's rapid punches
double jump
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Anon, I...
They guessed you were gay from that walking style and thought you said "Are you on the moon, sugar?~~".
cqc from metal gear solid

it kind of works, but I assume you actually have to be trained to actually get something done

This dude breaks the martial arts down well. He does other games too
Flutter jump
Walking in only 4 directions
Walking in only 8 directions
Walking diagonally while facing forward
Walking on a grid
That's autistic as fuck... [Spoiler] but I've done it too [/spoiler]
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When I was 8, I would always ask friends if we could play sword-fights with pool noodles.

I did this just so I could do Link's Spin-Attack and impress them.

Gif related.
I wish I had been one of your bullies. I wouldn't have let up so easily, you flaming fucking faggot autist
When I first started my self defense class (when I was like 13), on weapon days I'd hold the bats in a reverse grip and try desperately to convince people it had a use.
Luckily getting the shit kicked out of me for trying that made me learn quickly that reverse grip is only good for knives, and even then only in specific situations.

I still cringe when I remember trying to swing a the training sticks with any power in a reverse grip. What the fuck popularized it?
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Trying to have an rpg fight when I was like 8
(Taking turns punching each other while doing a stupid idle animation)
Tried to get married like in Fire Emblem.
I hope you aren't thinking about the 1000 dragon godess in a 8 year old girl body
how many people did you have to help her kill before she said yes?
Wall Jumps WILL Work
I tried double jumping and wall running on multiple occasions.
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Tried doing this during a swimming lesson as a kid, we were practising diving and though it would be funny. It was definitely an explosive splash despite being a skinny kid but the instructor got mad.
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I was that kid
only valid thing thatll work here
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Around when DK64 came out for the first time, I would start walking around school like Chunky Kong walks.
Were they impressed?
One time in school, everyone was silently taking a test. I struggled a bit with it because I didn't study any, but a miracle happened where the last five questions I was able to recall from memory the answers that the teacher had said to them yesterday. I was so happy from finishing the test knowing I got all the answers right, that when I put the test on the desk, I turned around facing the class, and did the Crash Dance:


Some of the class didn't get it, but nearly half the class had just gotten and been playing through Warped, so they burst out laughing, and the teacher told me to sit down and never do that again.
this is probably the most autistic thread i have ever seen on /v/
Talking to women
>What can you tell me about the Reapers?
During recess, I would jump up ladders on the jungle gym with my arm extended upwards like Super Mario. Most of the time nobody noticed or cared, but one time a cute girl saw me doing it and said "did you get coins or a mushroom hehe" I was so stunned by being noticed that I just nervously responded by saying "s-sorry" She said it was ok and left.
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I used to do idle poses, mostly the ones disgaea
This thread is fucking hilarious. I used to try the kamehameha all the time when I was a kid.
I hope you made the face too.

Did you really spin around 6 times in one jump
They never said anything. Maybe they were left speechless.

One thing I found out was the severe autistic symptoms I had growing up.
like 2 or 3 times. I would spin like a ballerina.
>I used to do idle poses
Yeah, me too. But I actually have a hard time standing completely still for a long time anyway.
Was going to say that.
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>tfw I saw that there wasn't much of a shell to kick
damn, watch out, this anon sounds really tough!
please don't hurt me, lmao
Not vidya, but shortly after seeing the It movie when it was on tv, as a joke, I pretended to laugh like he does in that movie, and the impression impressed my mom, and as a joke she said I should do that at school.

So the next did, I decided to do just that. We were all in class, and I waited till someone said something funny. Little did I know, this was going to go horrible wrong in the strangest way. I did the It laugh at someone's joke, and all of the kids laughed at it. Like, really strong laughter as well. Class started, and one of the kids started laughing really hard, point at me for my joke It laugh. He looked so fucking funny, that I started laughing, and started accidentally doing the It laugh instead of my own laugh. The entire class started laughing with me. The teacher made everyone be quiet, but from class to class the same thing happened, until it got so bad that I would be laughing more then even talking. Recess was hell. Some of the kids toppled over due to the pain of laughing so much, and it had to be canceled early and some of them were sent home. Half way through the day, I was sent to the principals office, and my parents met me there. They said what happened, and my mom burst out into laughter, which started me laughing as well, in the It laugh still unable to break out of it. Anytime one of us would stop, the other would start laughing again, and this continued for 15 minutes straight. I could barely speak, and was able to explain what was happening, and the principal sent me home with my mom. My mom laughed a little at what happened we left, which started me laughing, and a bunch of kids in the hall heard me and started laughing as well, causing some of them to topple over in pain again. One of them even laughed so hard that they started vomiting everywhere. I feel like if I were ever to laugh like that again, it would destroy the world or something.
>Do you know where I can find any Sailors?
Friends and I did Monkey Island sword fights with tree branches. You come up with a silly insult, and if he couldn't come up with a logician and equally silly comeback, you got a point while a comeback gave them a point and a turn to insult. Whoever lead by 3 points wins.
>no one in this thread ran like modern Sonic
I am disappointed. My age was about 12 or something when I did it.
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I tried to double jump.
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Friendly reminder that everything in this image is possible.


when i was a kid i loved reading the super mario 64 guide over and over
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Laughed quietly to myself
I did the side somersault off the diving board, but I landed on my back in the water causing me to have a belly flop rash on my back.

A kid in my school actually went super saiyan one time. Some jocks annoying him so he went into the bathroom, spiked his hair up, and came out and REEEEEd the likes of which you have to see to believe.
It was funny at first when I did it as a joke, but that was the LAST time I ever tried impersonating someone else's style of laughing.
I used to spin around in sword fights too, but my reason for doing so was to be like general grievous from the old 2003 clone wars mini show.
how does the laugh sound?
i tried skitching a car with my skateboard. i held onto it for like 5 seconds and then i pulled out because i was going too fast
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Pretty sure he means this one.
I used to try to double jump and I thought it was actually possible.
I cant dance so I just do JoJo poses

Idle animationes are kind of different because idle's in vidya were designed to make the character feel more real, particularly with animations like yawning or stretching. Vidya animations are normally a lot more animated and dynamic than actual people standing around though, but if you're impatient or have a hard time holding still it's still pretty normal.
One time, I went roller blading and had to make the Sonic pose to do it right without falling on my ass a bunch. One of the guys pointed and laughed at me, saying "there ain't no rings to collect here idiot!"
No, Anon. After being smashed to pieces it was perfectly fine and we had some lemonade.

It fucking died.
That's adorable. What grade was this?
The same thing happened in my school, but it was not the It laugh, I don't remember the details, but whenever I said "pudding" the entire class would laugh and start repeating it to keep the laughter going, I don't remember why pudding though, I guess we just thought it was a funny word, I was sent to the principal once when a kid actually fainted because he couldn't stop laughing, and I was the one who had started the pudding thing, and I was always the one to first say it.
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>he didn't try to run like Classic Sonic
I managed to wreck my hip
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Lol'd a bit louder
Yep, that's the one. I thought some of them would snicker a little about it, but they all roared with laughter instead, and it turned into some vicious cycle the likes of which I never thought possible. To this day I don't understand how the kids saw it as that funny. Might have just been the times I was laughing so hard my face was hurting, because another kid was laughing that hard, causing other kids to see me in pain and laugh at me too.
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Tripping and shoving people in Soccer.
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well since everyone is fucking autistic tonight might as well share something I tried to do
I put a towel around my neck or a piece of cloth, ran very fast and tried to jump really high because I wanted to fly like Mario did in SMW
>some kid going WAHAAA WAHAA in the middle of class
My fucking sides.
I think around 2nd grade.
>pretending to fly with a makeshift cape
Dude, every child does that.

god damn you must have been traumatized but that's fucking hilarious
Wow really? I never thought something this weird could happen in the first place.
I think every one did this. I used a plastic yellow tarp. The santa ana winds in southern California are pretty strong, I got at least a whole additional second and a half of air time.
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FUCK. Legitimately laughed out loud after reading this... It's a curse
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I was convinced it powered up my punches.
Not a technique but I always ate a lot of mushroom thinking I would grow up like Mario. Of course I didn't eat mushroom that were outside but whenever my mother made food and had something mushroom in it, I always picked as much as I could or when pizza was ordered I always asked for mushrooms or even at buffet I always serve some mushroom on the sides. I mean they are delicious but I couldn't grow as much as I wanted
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I've practiced his dead-inside smugness in front of a mirror.
why didn't you marry that girl anon
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>Going swimming in the lake
>Speed off the floating bridge and try running on water
>Get into argument with friend whether a few steps count or not
I wish I was your killer desu but we can't all have what we want bully scum
He let his 1-UP girl get away.
They look like fucking minifridges.

that's cute as fuck, anon.
To be fair I always thought everyone had a moment like this, where the entire class would laugh together at something retarded on a daily basis for a while, but getting sent to the principal because you started it is probably not as common.
you are not alone...
lol this is the most autistic thing in the thread
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Can confirm I did that as a child.

Yes, see!
Not vidya, but this happened to me in fucking High School computer class. We were suppose to make slideshows dealing with problems in certain countries. The teacher picked Africa for me, so I did mine on their lack of food and stuff. The teacher also said that ALL OF IT had to be decorated with sound effects of your choice, and it had to be around 20 minutes long. Well, I didn't think the sound effects and the message were suppose to be related, so...I just chose music and sound effects that I liked, but I did not pay attention to adjusting the slideshow's speed.

Our slideshows of course were shown to the class one by one, and well....mine...kinda went like this....

>*opening music to 12 oz mouse starts playing, the starting lyrics of said song being OUTTA MY WAY IM DRUNK AS HELLL* This song plays through the whole thing on repeat
>First slide opens with a very loud explosion sound
>Text appears with a very loud dinosaur t rex roar
>"Every day, so and so many children in Africa die of starvation, and that's bad."
>Next text appears in a very loud dinosaur t rex roar
>"But, if we just try to give more to them, like giving them more food and shelter, then more of them won't have to die."
>First slide closes with a very loud explosion sound
>Next slide opens with a very loud explosion sound

And it just kept going like that, at turbo speed, so the sound effects kinda bombarded the class. It was over in around 10 minutes, and the whole class was laughing their asses off the whole time, from the end of the first slide on. Still got a C out of it.
I think I once tried to reach the bottom of a pool standing still like I had the metal cap from Mario 64. I couldn't walk because I immediately started to float but able to stand or sit at the bottom of the pool was a cool trick for many
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>this comes out
>can never say "HEYYYY" or "COOL" the same way ever again
I remember being in tee ball and every time I went up to bat I would try to hit the ball like link swung his sword and even giving the moves their own names
I still do that, not because of me beeing autistic but because my shoulder gets all fucked sometimes. Moving it around like that helps and the sounds of realy loud knuckle bursting from my shoulder makes people go wtf.
>"But, if we just try to give more to them, like giving them more food and shelter, then more of them won't have to die."
yeah, we all believed that would be helpful as children
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When me and my friends were playing with sticks and imagined large trees to be giant monsters that we'd kill, I'd suggest us lining up in a row and taking turns swinging our swords in the air. Super Mario RPG was my favourite game growing up and I thought it looked really cool when they performed their various attacks in turns like that.
They didn't really understand what the fuck I was talking about and I never brought it up again. In hindsight, it was obviously not that big of a deal since we were only 7-8 years old, but I still feel embarrassed thinking about it.
The only really autistic thing I did was when I got REALLY into an old PC DBZ mod with my friends (around the time of Warcraft 3, can't remember the name) and yelled a "Kamehameha" along with Goku.

In a crowded internet cafe.
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>We were suppose to make slideshows dealing with problems in certain countries. The teacher picked Africa for me
I thought a gentle push from AC1 looked cool as fuck. So whenever I was in crowded places I would walk like Altair and use his animations to push people.
I also ran like Prince from PoP:SoT sometimes.
DUDE, I would play Super Mario RPG, my mom would make me go outside to get exercise, and I would get a stick, stick it through a metal can with a hole in it, and walk around pretending to do the hammer attack. Me too dude, me too.
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Read this in master shakes voice due to all the explosions
Aw, man. I totally would have played along since me and a friend played Super Mario RPG outside. We even made up our own victory poses and sang the victory fanfare.
>bada dada da dadadada bada dada da dada da da
I did this but I got it from Asterix and Obelix
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Dude you fucking owned that cafe
Double jumping
Animation canceling
>nearly killing innocents
Fucking psychopath
In middle school I tried talking like characters in oblivion, so this one chick kept talking shit to me and I said something along the lines of "why don't you leave me alone, daughter of the daedra"
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I was more of a Bowser fan, so I would stand a couple of feet away from an ''enemy'' and do a vertical swipe with my fingers out, followed by a straight punch in the air.
Probably looked like a retard, but I felt really cool.
I even imagined how much HP the enemy had and how much damage my attack did to it. Then, when I got low on HP, I'd pretend to use a mushroom to heal myself by reaching my hand up above my head and after killing a bunch of enemies, I'd grant myself a level up and possibly a new spell. I wrote this shit down at home and had all kinds of autistic shit planned out for me and my friends, but they completely turned down the idea so I had to do it myself.
I genuinely feel like the biggest sperg ever thinking about this. Fuck.
The only internet cafe in my neighborhood always played some shitty music and I used to play Jedi Academy in rhythm of cafe music, like, jumping and slashing. Maybe that's why I like rhythm games now.
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It was her idea. Best night ever. I miss her.
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Im watching the trailer for the new one right now.
Its pretty brazy cuz It is just in the kids houses and likes fucking with them to scare them so they taste better and he can overpower them (since It is actually really weak unless they're afraid).

Like It just goes into their house and like into their bedrooms and trolls them all day. Like in that scene he has his brothers corpse and then he floods the basement and makes Will go into the basement and then he sock puppets the bros body and then jumps out like OOOGA BOOGA BOOGA STOOPID DOG and then Will runs away all scare and thats the whole point. sick sadistic childish shit to scare a child that the clown guy actually enjoys doing. hes like that tails gets trolled comic where bugs bunny acts all gay and retarded
>trying double jump
>while in midair I was trying to find a way on how to step on air to make the second jump
>never worked
Anon please find that PowerPoint, this has me in legit tears. I need to see it in person. Please tell me you can upload it
>high school
How did you not kill yourself?
Naw dude sorry, that was years and years ago, and I was so embarrassed the first thing I did was delete it.
Dammit that'd be a goldmine of comedy. At least you can remember the memory
10th grade we had to do a presentation dor black history month on a black person of our choosing. Everyone of course didn't give a shit and choose random rappers and basket ball players. I on the other hand, choose the coach from punch out. I did an entire 20 slide presentation with an entirely made of life story and nade up history. To make it even better I poorly photoshoped his 16bit face on to photos too.

The entire class and even the teacher laughed their asses off and the teacher gave me a B "only because he's not real" Looking back it was pretty cringy since it,was filled with 2007 memes but at lest it got me popular and stopped people from picking on me. I became known as the kid with the funny projects. My high school teacher still shows it to his students.
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When I was like 10 or something, me and some friends were really into ninjas and kung-fu shit. We were talking about cool techniques and trying to come up with our own moves. I was going to act cool as fuck to impress them. So, I tried to copy Ryu and do a tatsumaki. What ended up happening was I spun maybe 180 degrees or something and landed with my foot sideways, sprained my ankle and started crying.
Made a complete fool out of myself.
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That's called ooooooooollllld schoooooooool.
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I used to walk like a dinosaur
This is technically possible to a lesser extent if you are well trained and the surface is right, though you won't be able to continue the Jump past first wall jump, like, hop on wall, bounce to other wall, climb.
getting a social link
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Still do it when on vacation off of seaside cliffs
But I dont land on my back for obvious reasons
I adopt and mimic characters speaking styles, not only from video games though.
Some examples are.
Benny from New Vegas
Captain Cold from Injustice 2
Jack Nicholson

I'm told I could be an actor, someone like Jim Carrey with all the voices and faces I do, but I'm to much of a beta anthropophobic faggot.
what do you know anon?
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I used to run sort of sideways, with my elbow out in from of me and my other arm behind. I don't know where I got this from, but it was probably video games.
They count anon
Again, not vidya, but when I was in high school, my parents forced me to take spanish to know a second language, even though I didn't want to. In the first year of taking it, I failed it hard, and had to take it again next year. In next year, there was this other student that had failed it, but was retaking it, only difference is that he had failed it multiple times. And well...he was a massive prankster who became infamous rather quickly. His list of stuff entails:

1. When the teacher wasn't looking, he took a piece of chalk and a ruler, and started gently chopping it up into a fine powder. He was pretending to sleep when the teacher called on him, he lifted his head up with a straw up his nose, and wiped the chalk dust off his desk. There was so much of it that it billowed into a white cloud that covered half the classroom, and kids started coughing loudly because of it. The teacher was mad and sent him to the principles office.

2. The teacher once caught him getting a twenty in exchange for giving a kid a plastic bag of "weed". The teacher sent him to the prinicples office, and when he got up to go, he turned around and said "JOKES ON YOU BITCH, THAT SHITS FUCKING OREGANO WOOOOO" and he ran out of the classroom like a animal.

3. One time, I came to class early, and his bag was there, but he wasn't and there was a tray of brownies. The teacher said there would be a surprise today, so I took and ate a brownie assuming that was the surprise. By the time the teacher had arrived, all the brownies were gone and everyone had ate them. The teacher then said the surprise was a pop quiz. I asked "what about the brownies you brought here?" and the teacher said "I didn't bring any brownies". Later on, half way through class, everyone raised their hands needing to go to the bathroom. They were laxative brownies. That guy got up and said really loud "TOUGH TITS, YOU BITCHES GOT THE SHITS!!"

That's all that he did. I did something by accident though. 1/2
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You invented the dab run.
Technically the momentum would give you some extra punch, though you would get punched before you finish that move.
Also it's obviously waker than force produced by strong muscles just punching forward with you using your body weight, like stepping forward during the punch.
F-Zero helped me to drift.
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that was one of the most beautiful things I've ever read
2/2 On the day of Halloween, all the classes were giving me candy, and my spanish class was near one of the last of them. I had eating a bunch of air heads, and had held the green watermelon ones in my hands for too long, making them all green and sticky, but I honestly hadn't notice. During class, the teacher asked me to pass out homework papers. I picked them up and ...I couldn't because all the papers had become stuck to my hands. The teacher tried to help pry them out of my hands. When she finally did, some of the green stuff actually peeled off some of my skin and made me hand red with a rash, and I said aloud "IT BURNS!" and the class laughed at me, as I ran to the bathroom to wash my hands.
the shinespark from metroid anon
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Wario would be proud.
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>be a kid
>get Friends boxset for christmas, like five seasons I think
>watch them all the time
>no real friends so did not know how normal people act
>At every social interaction try to force a witty oneliner then wait for the laughtrack
>Every. Single. Time.
>I was still more popular than after I stopped doing it
Okay, /b/. The first story was funny but now you're trying too hard.
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When I was a kid I used to play raptor motherfucking tag with my neighborhood friends.
The rules were simple:
There were two teams, the Raptors, and the herbivores. The Herbivores always outnumbered the raptors by approximately 2 to 1.
The goal of the herbivores, was to gather berries from my family's berry plants, and bring them to their nest, which was their safe zone while the goal of the raptors was to kill all the herbivores. If the herbivores got a small bucket filled with berries, they won. If the raptors killed all the herbivores, they won.
If killed by the raptors, the herbivores could respawn, by eating a bunch of berries from the bucket in their nest.

It was fun.
I was a great raptor.
Not making it up. I don't have anymore now that I think about it. A vidya game one I do have, is that I memorized all of the Super Mario RPG sunken ship password hints, and would repeat them because for five YEARS I couldn't figure out that damn password bullshit. Finally, while at the community pool some guy I told it to said to me "pearls, the answer dude is pearls, now shut up". Never have I been so happy to be told to shut up.
This is what I would have guessed too, but neither Super Metroid nor Wario Land were out by that time.
I don't think there was any cartoon that did it either. No idea what the fuck was up with this shit.
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This thread is CUTE!
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One time I was at a friend's house with a couple of other buddies and we were all messing around in the back yard. We had been playing Mortal Kombat earlier and I can't remember why, but I remember my friend lying on his stomach on the ground and I thought this would be the perfect time to imitate a fatality move from the game. I actually jumped up into the air and stomped down on this kid's back, he writhed around in pain for a bit but after a couple of minutes he was okay enough to chase me around the house until I ran back inside. For the rest of the afternoon I was scared that he would die from internal bleeding or something and I would have killed my friend.
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posting a couple. I'll start with a recent one
Fucking dark dude.
Also tried to do the floating thing too
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without the gun. thought about charging sunlight.
I used to roleplay Metroid with other kids (weirdos who would tolerate me), like we wouldn't be able to climb up the play structure until I said we found the missiles or some shit like that. I definitely hugged someone like a metroid at one point.
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Tfw Anon will never have a cute life with his qt gf
Fucking kek
I tried to bhop once I discovered it in this Q3A fragmovie. I legitimately felt like I was going faster by jumping forward like a fucking idiot.
>tried long-jumping in reverse
>scrape back against asphalt
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more context
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My brother was playing Goldeneye back when I was too young for mature games, and he'd tell me that the karate chop can put people to sleep which amazed me. I hadn't watched any Bond movies, so I didn't really understand how it worked. I just figured you slap someone, and they fall asleep.
So, I'd tell my friends about it, but also to keep it a secret. Then, one day when we were pretend fighting, one of our friends tried to use the sleep chop on us. Just holding out his arm and chopping it up and down going ''Hah! Back off! I'll sleep you!'' or something. We got so fucking mad at him because everyone knew how dangerous it was to use. We actually had to ban him from our friendship for two days because of it.
Are you saying you inflated a girl or she inflated you.
everyone just thought you shat your pants
>tripple jump possible
>long jump possible
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Did this as well. I put a Pringles can on my arm and went around blasting imaginary aliens. I used different coloured cans for different beams and when there was a new Pringles flavour out, I got really excited because it meant I could use a new beam.
I also picked up various rocks and stuff that I pretended were items and power-ups.
Then, some older asshole made fun of me by saying the Pringles can wasn't an actual gun and that I looked stupid and it made me feel really bad, so I stopped.
Go watch the olympics some day
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Whenever i open push doors i put my right arm in a right angle like im blocking with a shield and push the door open in a slow shield bash sort of motion. i have no clue why i do this and it doesn't look as autistic as it sounds
This is how you can tell what year some kids grew up in. You either ran lie Sonic or ran like Naruto, depending.

That's why now I run like the guy in Terminator 2 instead
>the Olympics
This is highly problematic, your teacher should have put you on hormone blockers and adhd medicine to combat your toxic masculinity
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Kek'd heartily, especially at the vomiting kid. Thanks anon
>long jump
>not possible
Are you retarded?
he wodnt say that shit if next day you went to schol with sawed off pringles can and made some news anon
I now remember legitimately trying to special beam cannon in elementary school. Oh the shame.
Please link me the r/4chan post when you make it
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Trying to get a GF
Why can't all IRL girls be cripple?
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>Out in the woods
>Find a stick as large as my body
>Pick it up
>see this in animu and games
>think it's cool as shit
>pose like this one day
>apparently it's rude or some shit and get nagged
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>Trying to do Sonic's roll while running
>Disastrous results
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>I have two friends I used to play pretend with
>One of the guys I played with was a big sonic fan when he was younger, and he got me into the franchise
>Of course he always had to be Sonic, and I got to be side-characters like tails and Shadow
>But when 4th grade came to a close, he said to me during lunchtime;
>"Anon, I think I'm done playing Sonic with you"
>"I want you to be Sonic"
>It felt like I was going to be the next king or something
Shit felt fucking good.

And the other friend I used to play pretend with was a big Star Wars / Harry Potter fan , but we made our own characters instead of pretending to be others
Try harder mah man. someone like Emi ain't just gonna walk into your life like that.
>I want you to be Sonic

So who was he from then on? Amy? Or worse, Tails?
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>Press X to talk to girl
>no dialog options
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Reminds me of the time some friends in the neighborhood and I pretended we were in Smash 64. One kid went home to get a pair of these and said he was DK
He did a wind up punch and hit another kid so hard he did like a side flip and hit the pavement. All I remember is some of the other kids imitated the crowd by screaming "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhh" and then silence for a few minutes before the kid on the ground got up kind of dizzy
He wanted to fuck, anon
what swimming pool has crates of nitro laying around?
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You must be from a European country
No. He didn't want to play anymore, but he never let me be Sonic so he gave me his role if I wanted to continue playing by myself
I think the kid pretty much told him "I don't want to play this game with you anymore, but you're free to be the main guy and play alone."
I was that kid who ran with his arms behind his back.

I thought it was aerodynamic, senpai. At least I can't remember doing it for more than two weeks.
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>I want you to be Sonic
He was passing on the torch.
>The Sonic is dead. Long live The Sonic.

Mario is getting turtles killed #bantheredhatmenace
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I can't be the only one who used to do this.
The funny thing was, he used to be fat when we were young, so he ran really slow when we played, and I ran past him most of the time
>Sonic is too slow

I hate my countrymen
Dude, that sounds fun as fuck.
There is a hall in my house with walls close to each other, used to do this all the time
[Spoiler] like this big fella [/Spoiler]
>that one chick swinging her arms

that's not how it's done!
You're both fucking autistic
Mega64 is the embodiment of this thread but as grown ass men instead of kids
Dude you gotta watch this skit
how did you not put holes in your walls
In Europe it's the equivalent of "Up yours!" or "Shove it up your ass!"
It's a regular/returning one.
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fucking kek
Not everyone lives in America or a different 3 world country where you make walls out of wood and plaster.
Oh shit. I can't stop laughing. Send help.
>3 world country
>walls not made of bricks
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Never been to Europe, so I dunno what the fuckin' problem was. Oh well. Maybe they were tellin' me just in case.
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Unlike today, i swear i had some basic engineering skills as the very young age, or at least a curiosity in that field. Especially then my father had a little workshop at the time, that was free for me and my friends to mess around after 4pm.
First came a ton of crudely shaped wooden staves with hand-guards, daggers, failed attempts at nunchaks, and even a couple of glued, strapped shields (That were made from the leftover slats). The reverse grip is pretty retarded.
And yes, shield snowboarding works just as well as you might think - you look really cool for the firs 3-4 meters of a decent and then a tiny bump throws you off balance.
Then came bows, however they were severely under powered for childish strikeball, dominated with slingshots and BB guns. Something spicy was needed, and it indeed came - the firecrackers.
The tipped arrows with extended fuse (pulled from smoke bombs). And boy were they effective in scaring the shit out of kids(and exploding near people, after the failed shot) . It didnt matter that the best draw could launch an arrow no further then 20-25 meters, just the sight of someone lighting the fuse was enough to warrant a scream from the opposing team to run for their lives.
that show was fuckin rad. they new cg shows are alright but grevious will never be the same
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Wow that's rad as f u c k
that's super gay
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I was simply retarded.
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Me and my friends used to roll around like Gabe from Syphon Filter

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Not really vidya related but

>watch Pokémon when I was a little kid
>there was an episode where ash meets this magician guy or something
>the magician starts yelling "FIRE" and fire would shoot out of his arms
>little me thought this was cool as shit
>wore a shirt with flames on the sleeves to school the next day
>went into the bathroom
>started yelling FIRE FIRE while pointing my arms at things pretending to shoot fire everywhere
>teacher bursts in and asks "anon are you okay?"

Probably the first sign that I was retarded
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It's way harder than you would think.
>Zelda sword fight with branchs
>Went to stab the stomach
>kid quickly ducks
>Killed his left eye
Did he actually lose his eye?

Isn't there a term for this state though? It's a real thing that happens. Sometimes you're just having a fit of giggles that are so contagious none of you can stop.

The last time I had this was with a buddy at work when we were watching the trailer for the Initial D train doujin game and we just started trading laughter for almost 15 minutes.
Yes my parents had to pay for surgery
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>some of the other kids imitated the crowd by screaming "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhh"

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Me and some friends used to play Mario Kart. As in, get a whole bunch of sticks, lay them out in a track around a playground or something to form a track, Lay down some rocks, sticks, leaves and whatever we could find as items on specific locations.
Then, we'd line up at the start and run with our arms on the side like in this picture.
You had to have your arms out on the side to mimic the frame of the kart. Only time you were allowed to move your arms was when you ''drove'' over one of the items lying around, which you could use in a specific way we had agreed on early. Leaves acted like bananas and if you drove over them, you had to spin around for 3 seconds. If you were close to the edge, you fell off and had to wait for another 5 seconds. There was a lot of debate about what leaves were active items and which you could pick up and people started cheating, so we got rid of them after a while. I think rocks were shells, but you could only throw them underarm and only aim for the legs. Pretty sure there was a star as well, but don't remember what object it was.
Now, imagine a group of six kids all running around a playground like this while making engine noises and WAHOOs and shit. Must have looked ridiculous, but it was really fucking fun.
Really original, Nintendo

What's next, floating hands?
Taught myself to sidestroke by imitating Link in OOT. It's still probably my best swimming form
I wanted to post the comic but couldn't find it. Thank you.
it's damn funny what it is, total cringe if you do it as a "look im badass" moment ofc but maybe they are just having fun
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>The laughter epidemic began on January 30, 1962, at a mission-run boarding school for girls in Kashasha. The laughter started with three girls and spread haphazardly throughout the school, affecting 95 of the 159 pupils, aged 12–18.[2][3] Symptoms lasted from a few hours to 16 days in those affected. The teaching staff were not affected but reported that students were unable to concentrate on their lessons. The school was forced to close down on March 18, 1962.[4]

>In total 14 schools were shut down and 1000 people were affected.
Not even joking.
I could wall run
the anon that was manly on accident, humping air is the best dance move
How many steps we talking about?
2 or 3?
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Well I didn't think it was so funny!
I used to take empty 1 litre glass bottles of Coke and put fireworks in them, pretending it was a mortar.
Use to do this all the time also would stealth around like sam fisher got pretty good at scaring people and hide and seek

>saw Jurassic park
>at school chase a couple of girls as a raptor
>run tiptoed
>tuck hands in
>level the body
>even had my big toe up to imitate the claw
>the full shebang
>earn the nickname "The Raptor" which stuck only until the 4th grade thankfully
Welcome to /v/
>Implying The Raptor isn't a badass nickname
i learned to shimmy along the sides of a pool from my brother telling me i was like mega man
anon bein the raptor sounds kickass
I swim like Sonic
I call upon the mystical power of the drawfag, we need to see this in drawn form.
When I was a young little aspy, captain falcon was my icon so I would basically try anything he would do. I would basically recreate almost all of captain falcons moves from ssbm in real life to practice to fight bullies [Spoiler]I would even practice his arial moves on a trampoline[/Spoiler] I was actually really good at it and could even do some moves to a T. Impressively, I could do his neutral air basically as well as he could. It stopped me from being inactive and I really liked it. But one move I realized do much was his side-b (which was basically a sideways running lung forward that would end in a punch if you got your opponent off guard and you would fall over just look it up lol) When I realized this I got out of bed and tried it out. Bad idea because it was in the dark. So I did the sideways running lung thing and ; Pulled, a muscle, fell over, and hit my head on one of those wooden things underneath a window you put stuff on or balance your elbows on while opening it. I was writhing on the floor and couldn't get up because of the pulled leg muscle. Also none of my family members were there so I couldn't cry for help.
This sounds fun, not cringy at all
Theyyyy FLOAT
A lot of special needs kids do that shit, I hope for your sake you didn't snarl while doing it
Falconfags everybody

I bet you never bothered to play F-Zero either
>The goal of the herbivores, was to gather berries from my family's berry plants
>the herbivores could respawn, by eating a bunch of berries from the bucket in their nest.
how many berry plants did your parents have? it sounds like you would run out of pretty quickly
I remember one time I was running around with my brother with pillows and toy swords and I told my Dad "We're playing Dungeons and Dragons!" and he said "No you're not. Never say that again."
Holy shit, I never really thought about it until now.
I once tried to build up speed for 12 hours

I was convinced that if you walked backwards against a ceiling you could actually build up speed by walking in place so I tried it

suffice to say I wasn't ready for this task because I never exercise and I'm pretty overweight so once I got to the 3 hour mark my joints started hurting

I don't think I build up enough speed because it didn't seem like I went anywhere, but it's possible that I transversed a few PUs and landed in exactly the same spot
Wow, what a jackass.
Based /tg/ dad putting casuals in their place
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Used to play the shit out of the Megaman X games, mainly X4-X6 and always played as Zero because I loved how smooth his playstyle was.
Of course there was a time I used to imitate his slash combo. I remember blowing an inflatable sword that actually had the shape of the saber to do it better.
How old are you? If you were like 12 or older your dad was right if you were younger your dad is a fag
Around 8 or 9, but my brother was around 11
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When I was like 7 I remember playing Smash Bros and always wanting to do the PK Fire. I then went up to the school bully, did the motion Ness did and yelled "PK FIRE!", vainly hoping he would burst into flames.
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This isn't a technique, but one of my friends had a pretty large house and his parents would be away for some hours after school, so what we'd do is during fall and winter where it gets dark at around 4PM, we'd do our own version of Resident Evil. We were like 12-13 at the time, so not that young, but still young enough to play silly games.
Basically, we turn off all lights, cover all windows and split up into two groups. Two people got to be the special units and the others are zombies. Depending on how many we were, there would be more or less zombies, but if there were few of us, we'd play with a revival rule, meaning zombies only stay dead for about 2-3 minutes before they could move, granted no one was in the room.
We even went so far as hiding various objects and treasures in bedrooms and stuff. Nothing too obscure, but still tricky to find in the dark with only a shitty flashlight to guide you.
The good guys would wait outside the house while the zombies hid in closets, behind doors, under couches and such and when the others entered the house they had to find all items without dying. If you were bitten, you had some health taken away, and you could only restore it with certain items. If you waited long enough, the bitten person turned into a zombie as well. Each person had a gun, but only a few bullets and there were no ammo pick-ups.
This shit got really fucking intense at some points, where only one unit would remain with a bunch of zombies hiding about. There were definitely some spooky moments going down.
We had a whole garden of them.
Plenty enough for a half a dozen kids.
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>play a lot of FPS during my childhood
>so much that I "understood" how a body reacts when being shot
>pretend with friends that we were on a shootout
>we used random pieces of wood as weapons
>get shot
>scream, fall to the floor, drop my "weapon"
>friends are impressed at the way I die

>there was a time when I was obsessed with Doom
>play with little brother
>he was doom guy and I was the baron of hell
>I walked like the demon and throwed green t-shirts at him
>Mom says that I stop throwing clothes around
>I scream just like the demon
>Mom freaks out
>couldn't use the PC for a week or so
you should try to to comedy, maybe you are funnier than tim curry in the film
Whenever I'd play fight with my sibling I'd do this but instead of punches they were targeted tickle attacks. Try and go as fast as I could.
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Kek it reminds me when I was a kid and we were playing soccer at school, a friend fell and he insulted me, so I started kicking him in the stomach mimicking Claude Speed kicks because I wore green cargo pants
When I was in Elementary school, the only thing me and my friends did was Swing Jumping. We'd get as high as we physically could with the swings, and then jump off when we got to the highest point of the swinging arc, and then try to do tricks and stuff and then land without hurting ourselves too bad. It was a lot of fun and we seriously did that shit all the way to 5th grade.

But yeah, at one point I did the whole setup and jumped off, and then decided that trying to do a Mario style ground pound would be cool. Doctor was surprised I didn't break my tailbone, but I had a huge bruise for weeks and it hurt to sit down for a month.
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Shit nigga. Did the same fucking thing on the swings. Insane how we didn't break every bone considering how high we jumped.
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Not sure of this counts as a "technique" but
>be in middle school
>got my hands on this fancy new emulator called zsnes to play super nintendo games
>discover shin megami tensei
>"Wow, a game never released in America! How good is it?"
>fascinated by summoning demons through your computer
>get somewhat addicted
>search through every corner of Windows XP for my own demon summoning program
>ended up bricking the computer with viruses
Fuck, the thought of that made me flinch.
it's so damn shitty that kids are so afraid to be funny when they are kids
you dumb fuck
you do a ground pound right before you hit the ground not at the peak
Yeah, honestly some of the other stunts me and other kids pulled off are way more dangerous in hindsight and me doing the ground pound was the worst anyone ever got it.

Same. I sat on some swings a few weeks ago and reminisced about those days. If I did the same thing now i'm 100% sure i'd have back problems for life. It hurt at the time, too, but I was back to swing jumping like 3 days afterwards.
I wasn't very good at Mario 64 ok.
it's actually decent way to push away people
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Another story - i got surprisingly good at hipfire with an air rifle... faster then i got a hold of the importance of the trigger discipline. Until a very significant incident.
At the workshop, then the metal roof starts resonating with a bunch of unsynchronized thuds. (to note, the workshop my father rented was a part of long ~250 meter 1story garage complex). So he, nonchalantly hands me mp 512, and a box of blink pellets. Tells me to just scare them off. So after walking out to the heat, i see 3 arrogant fucks "parkouring" all over the complex's roof. The shouting only makes them laugh and spit curses in my direction for a second. Untill one of them notices the barrel pointing in their general direction. "This is a warning shot", the sparks burst from the cap of the vent 2m near the guy. Two of them (after exchanging looks and realizing that im already starting to sight them after reloading) immediately flee. The last one hides behind a vent, while eyeing me. Tell him to fuck off, i wont shoot. I lower the gun to my hip, finger still on trigger. The moron peaks up, and to provoke flips a bird while shouting shit. About 5 seconds of insults later. "Click-chunk"... i didnt see a spark... and the dude fell silent for some reason, without twitching. Did i hit him? I dont see any blood from 20meters, his eyes are alright, maybe i just scared him... Exept the next thing he does is scratch, squese his nose just to get the hold of a small red plastic bit. Shocked both of us drop the act to seek medical help for him. Father applies some disenficant and a band aid, as aside from torn skin where was no bleeding, or even much pain from the Dudes account. He left on a promise of never going here again, for father to not report him trespassing. 6 years later i've met the dude and turns out he recently had surgery, as his nose was broken, but the funny thing is that the doctors found and removed the tiny steel pellet lodged in soft tissue back from that day.
>be in line for lunch at school
>kids standing in my way
>think it would be good to blast them away with my kamehameha
>assume the position and start mouthing "kaaaaa..."
>realize what I'm doing
>stop immediately and pray that no one say me
This was in high school.
First day on /v/ going well for you?
My condolences for your autism, anon
> I'm told I could be an actor, someone like Jim Carrey with all the voices and faces I do

Oh Christ
The rude way to do this is with your arms in front of yourself not sideways in a flexing biceps pose.
Isn't that basically the plot of one of the games? A teenage kid uses the program to end the world.
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>game of pretend
are you sure what that means HERE?
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I have tried flutter jumping both inside and out of the drivers seat.
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you must not have been here long
i saw tyler
this sounds like a bad trip
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I've always wanted to try this, but i would look like an autist flailing my arms around like that, plus i could easily fall face first
I just want to say that even though some people might say it's alright but we both know that you will never forgive yourself for letting her go.

I won't forgive you either
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You're supposed to jump on the big ones that can fuck you up. No wonder it didn't work
Swam sideways like Link does in TP. Started with just doing it when talking with others, but it's kinda neat. Stopped doing it though when somebody mentioned it.

Jesus fucking christ I'm gonna die for real
Fuck, that sounds spooky and fun as shit
Haha the le epic screen cap XDDDD, you gonna post it on reddit, haha
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>holding object in the bottom right of your field of vision
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I did max payne shoot dodge during bb gunfight and another time during paintball match.
It hurts.
I did that as a kid too. Except nobody called me out on it. I still run like a raptor subconsciously when chasing something.
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That gesture and the one that counts as rude are different.
For it to be offensive the hand needs to hit the crook of the arm with an audible smack and the lower arm must be raised simultaneously and violently; it is basically a more vehement middle finger.

Simply raising your arm like this and putting your hand anywhere along the upper arm will not be interpreted as anything other than someone accentuating their biceps or massaging their arm.

Also, it is not a european gesture at all.
I would've married that girl later
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>never worked

Why are you phrasing it like it might have.
There's always a possibility...
Anyone remember warriorofelectric and his super saiyan training videos? RIP classic youtube and the nuts that inhabited it. Shit was comedy gold and now it's lost forever.
That sounds cringey and hilarious.
Did you start blasting this from the school radio?
>tfw my and my friend would unironically climb on top of complete stranger's houses and break into them pretending we were shit like Mario, Cloud, Inu Yasha, Goku and so on going on epic adventures to save the world
>accidentally ruined this stranger's living room wall by throwing a tube of paint at it
>accidentally fell through a stranger's shed's roof and had to wait 3 hours to be saved, and pretended I was taken prisoner by bowser or sephiroth
>both of us got buck naked in the woods and started climbing trees pretending to be the Kong family
this works though
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Sonic Unleashed came out in my last year of middle school. For the rest of the year, I would quick step through the hallways dodging other students to get to my classes quicker. It actually kinda worked.
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