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>play online shooters since early 2000's starting with

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>play online shooters since early 2000's starting with Unreal Tournament 99
>buy pic related and play for 100 hours
>unironically think it's literally the best FPS of all time

>but it's extremely popular and it's made by Blizzard so it's shit
>but muuuuuuuh TF2 is much better
>but muuuuuuuh CS:GO is much better
>but muuuuuuuh Battlefield is much better
>but muuuuuuuh some indie trash is better
>but muuuuuuuh...

Overwatch is an evolutionary game and it won't die for at least 20 years. It had the same amount of impact on FPS genre as Quake or Counter Strike because it brought new gameplay mechanics to it that set a new standard. It most certainly is the next huge step for first person shooters no matter how hard you refuse to believe.
bait is so shiny that its fucking glowing.
Wow I have the same background except I think it's a festering, underwhelming turd. I guess opinion can divide no matter how many times you got fragged in quake, faggot
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i think overwatch is fun to play
i don't play it often but i think it's great to get in a match with friends and kill randoms
I played it. I WANTED to like it.
It looks good on the SURFACE.
but you don't know how GAY the actual fucking game is dude. you don't understand. you don't understand blizzard like I do or the mechanics like I do.
t. Jeffrey Kaplan
Come on, tell me what you play so I can laugh at you
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I like building brown bricks in Minecrap.
with absolute shit grammar like this, ok, thanks for giving me confidence boost
>Overwatch is an evolutionary game and it won't die for at least 20 years. It had the same amount of impact on FPS genre as Quake or Counter Strike because it brought new gameplay mechanics to it that set a new standard. It most certainly is the next huge step for first person shooters no matter how hard you refuse to believe.
None of what you said disputes any of your greentext claims, retard. It definitely is "evolutionary" and many other games will try to emulate its success and gameplay but that doesn't discredit any opinion or claims that the game is shit or worse than other games.
Objectively Overwatch is a pretty bad game.
But hey, To each their own.
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A game that you don't like.
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Here's an evolutionary game we can play!
Objectively you're pretty fucking retarded
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You seem to be missing something.
Been playing fps online since quake. Dont play Overwatch anymore because i like games where you can solo carry hard and thats too difficult in OW. I too think that its one of the best fps games ever made, top 5 for sure.
Go for it then anon
Why do you feel that Overwatch is the best fps ever?
You don't need to go in depth just very light reasons.
oh yes blizzard please shit on my plate so delicious mmm
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All comparisons to other FPSs are apples to oranges. It's a team based skillshot objective driven shooter. Hell, it doesn't even have a dedicated Deathmatch mode outside of Elimination. That being said it's a good game but it has severe balancing issues much like any game with an assload of heroes. Only a handful of heroes are viable at high levels inb4 lel comp and some heroes, while perfectly decent, attract absolute shitters.
Good fun game that breaks from the norm but isn't the second coming of Christ by any means.
>it brought new gameplay mechanics to it that set a new standard
Personally, I hope new games stray away from hard CC everywhere all the time.
dude I honestly don't have an online multiplayer shooter anymore because all the good ones died awhile ago.
I used to play empires, quake fortress, fortress forever, the specialists, rocket crowbar, unreal tournament, tribes. all kinds of shit.

now I pretty much play warband, starsector and some other single player games because single player games are the only ones left with good gameplay.

if anyone knows of a good online game I'd be happy to try it, but I'm done playing retard simulators made for retards and meta fiends.
the complain towards overwatch is mostly invalid
>press Q to win
except it's not
>muh chokepoint
which exists in other fps too
>muh map design
mostly personal opinions because they have their favorite map from other game and compare them while being bias
>tracer is lesbian
nobody give a fuck because they mentioned it once and never continue to shove it into people face when nobody cares anymore
>muh blizzard is bad company
judging a game by the company? not the actual game?
no wonder nintendo can shit in people mouth and they would still enjoy eating those shit
>muh skill ceiling
people that said it have to go into pro scene and prove me wrong instead of spewing bullshits

>muh balancing
k, i will give u that, blizzard is fucking horrendous at balancing, we all knew that.

overall, overwatch still have plenty of potential to be improve and become better.
but it's still one of the best fps there is right now in the market with playerbase that's alive
Same background, but I think this is the better recent similar shooter.
>No campaign
>No PvE
>Its all there in the manual story telling
>few updates
>Game punishes you for making use its a core system (hero swapping)
>Too many auto aim heros
>nerfs to high skill heros buff to low skill heros
>Inconstant TTK
>Until very recently half your team needed to be mandatory picks

This is off the top of my head, I would like to hear your responses to those few for starters.
Agreed i like Dirty Bomb not that anon you responded to btw
I can't even play that shit, blocked in my region
>No campaign
>No PvE
>Its all there in the manual story telling
these are good things, since adding these with any significance would probably make the multiplayer, which is the core of the game, worse. Also, the game isn't full AAA price, so why would you expect a full campaign and full-fledged multiplayer modes?

>Game punishes you for making use its a core system (hero swapping)
Every action has a cost and benefit, good sometimes and not other times, I think it's fine.

>Too many auto aim heros
I have to agree with this.

>nerfs to high skill heros buff to low skill heros
I think they should try to make every hero equally viable, but this happens sometimes, I think mcree's range got hit too hard.

>Inconstant TTK
What point are you trying to make with this?

>>Until very recently half your team needed to be mandatory picks
I think this is partly because the community is made up of judgmental followers, I don't know how to fix this but it's always going to be there in this kind of game to some degree.
wtf are these complaints.

these aren't the problems with overwatch.
the problems with overwatch are lot deeper and it has to do with the way blizzard designs games.

they aren't even bad at balancing (not good exactly), it's just that the bad balancing is a result of the way the game is designed and the fact that a .1% difference in power can actually make a character incredibly strong.

The game isn't "press Q to win". It's actually "farm special meter more efficiently to win".

It's about synchronizing special meter farm. That's what the games really about. If that sounds appealing to you, than I guess this is a great game.
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I wish it wasn't dead
this is a good criticism I think, I've often wished there were no ults in OW, and that the maps were just a little more open and sprawling. farming ults in order to bust through a choke makes for great moments but ultimately I'd prefer to have that potential every minute instead of twice a game. I'd like to see ults replaced by another short timer ability.
Why is Overwatch so popular and pic related isnt?
How many consoles is OW on? How many Consoles is Splatoon on?
Honestly the ults would be fine if you just lost your special meter when you died.
It's so stupid because sometimes you suicide in this game to synchronize spawns with other players and to minimize their special meter farm.
That would make the game snowbally as fuck. Just look at random heroes.
What about PUBG? Thats PC exclusive and is more popular than Splatoon...
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How does it feel to have genuine shit taste?

It's literally one of the most casualized and lowest skill-based FPS games of all time.
If you actually have played shooters so much you'd knew this.

Great bait, faggot.
This is bait. Which do you think there are more of, PC gamers or Wii U gamers? Splatoon is good, but it's on a dead system. In fact, Splatoon was viral for a while after it released. Wait til July.
Thats quite a subjective opinion but I do feel they are all valid criticism, The original Destiny was criticised for not having the story in the game, I don't feel its fair the Overwatch should get a pass for no reason other than you like the multiplayer.
Also Overwatch was a triple A release, It had a £40 version on PC but not on console and they made sure to hide that version from you.

I'm sorry but thats not really good enough, Hero swapping is meant to be a core feature and encouraged.
The cost is eternally reliant on your team, You could switch to counter that Genji that is plaguing your team but if they don't follow though with it you pay the cost not them.

Again, To each their own but why try and master a harder hero when you have no benefit to the one that you master in about 30 minuets or so? Making each hero viable works in smaller pools but in a massive game like Overwatch creates huge balancing issues.

That a dps needs 2 magazines to kill someone while a defence hero and tank can 2 shoot someone isn't consistent.

>Despite being a triple A game has F2P micro transaction
>Only way to buy items is luck based on credits
>Credits drop a ridiculously low amount
>Very limited timed skins with no confirmed way to get them outside of a small window
>Uncreative skins (Subjective)
>play online shooters since early 2000's starting with Unreal Tournament 99
>buy pic related and play for 100 hours
>unironically think it's literally the best FPS of all time
>Overwatch is an evolutionary game
>it won't die for at least 20 years
>It had the same amount of impact on FPS genre as Quake or Counter Strike
>it brought new gameplay mechanics
>It most certainly is the next huge step for first person shooters

The post that gets better the more you read. Masterful shitpost OP.

p.s. the only things it adds to the genre are assloads of marketing and pixar art design
>drop rates, microtransactions
If they can fund further development of the game by milking idiots with microtransactions that have no effect on the game, more power to them.
>console fps
found your problem.
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>6v6 limit
>small maps
>no server culture

Devolution of the genre maybe
Greentexting an opinion isn't an argument. TF2 and CS:GO are far better games. IMO that mainly comes from the fact that overwatch was specifically designed to make you or your dad or a literal baby feel like they're playing well no matter what at the expense of unrestricted competition. The only reason you think Overwatch is a good competitive game is because blizzard told you it was.
I really hope you're not the original guy I was talking to.
yep that's me the O G.
> I don't feel its fair the Overwatch should get a pass
who cares, if you want a singleplayer game go play a singleplayer game. overwatch is a multiplayer game. deal with it.
>they made sure to hide that version from you.

>Hero swapping is meant to be a core feature and encouraged.
so don't play like an idiot and swap heroes if you think it will help. it's an available mechanic, if you're winning you don't have to swap.

> if they don't follow though with it you pay the cost not them.
that's what makes it a team game. you help your team and hopefully they reward you by getting you closer to victory. it doesn't always work out that way.

>master a harder hero
this isn't a game about mastering heroes
>Making each hero viable works in smaller pools
it's 6v6, that's a small pool. pick a hero that works with the other heroes that are out there already. change heroes if you think it will help.
>but in a massive game like Overwatch creates huge balancing issues.
and they tackle them pretty effectively by having a PTR server and regular balance updates. you might not agree with them, but I say "effectively" because people are still buying the game an playing it and the community is thriving. it works.

>That a dps needs 2 magazines to kill someone while a defence hero and tank can 2 shoot someone isn't consistent.
get good

your greentext is just whining
The problem with OW is that it tries too hard to appeal to everybody and not upset anyone. So you end up with this lovey dovey vanilla experience, leaving a nice sweet flavor on your mouth, but going rather stale rather fast.

It works amazingly, or it wouldn't be as absurdly successful as it is. And is hard to hate it, but when you think about what it could become, if they only pushed it a bit further... if they really tried to perfect the game rather than deliver new skins for people to buy lootboxes... if only someone was really interested in breaking the mold and providing an engaging experience rather than a mellow trip to the shields+ chokepoints meta and the stupid game breaking ults, I know I'd be more excited to get better at the game and play it every chance I get. But as it is I only care about playing during events for skins, and even that is starting to feel unrewarding when they made event legendarys so hard to get if you don't pay or play like 80 hours a week.
Debatable, but TF2 has aged already and OW surpassed it
Requires much more skill but everything about is just old, not saying it's a bad thing but we've been playing the same thing for almost two decades. Community is more toxic than in any other game in existence.
>your greentext is just whining
Yours is just looking for excuses,
You said you had alot of experience with fps and thats the best reasoning you can up with for those complains?
We haven't even gotten into why you think it is
You've done a piss poor job of convincing me any of those issues arn't that big.
I'm not OP, but your last complaints are about things that have no effect on the game and it was irrelevant whining. that's why I didn't address it.
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>pro AVA player
>tried to get into OW esports
>got rekt by the gooks
>now relegates himself to pro streamer
>streams mostly Splatoon
gooks were a mistake
50 posts in and no one has provided a valid argument on why overwatch is a bad game.
Of course they effect the game, Its a complete package not just what you define as "counting"
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ok buddy
A shame this game was ruined by so many things and a step down from the first.
No one's given a valid argument about it being good either.
It's not a bad game, but it's not fucking Mario 64 either.

It's a fricking shooter with the moba treatment, and it's alright, but it's so shallow and repetitive, you can play 10 hours, or 100, or 1000 and you won't really experience much difference besides having better aim and knowing how to counter other picks.

And it has a lot of baby mode characters that girls and console players can use regardless of them being uselss at videogames, this lowers the skill ceiling a fuckton and makes the experience underwhelming for those who come from games like Tribes ascend or CS.
>F2P cash shop model for a paid game
>Dev time is spent making more content for the cash shop
keep buying those loot boxes goy
the game plays out almost the same way every match, you run into a choke point, spam until you have ult and shoot at a bunch of fucking barriers. reinhardt shield is one of the most boring ability in the game because it forces you to shoot at it for ages or else your team just gets murdered and cant figure out why they are getting out DPSed

healers are cancer, instead of being tools to passively sustain out of combat, they practically increase effective HP on the guy they are healing tremendously. doing damage doesnt feel satisfying or rewarding because kill potential is drastically lowered when you fight a guy being healed, and you are letting the enemy healers build ult. not even fucking league of legends has that many healers and the only healer in that game is consistently broken due to how insane being able to recovery HP mid fight is in a game with long time to kill

i can keep going but i want to go play a video game
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