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So this is the end... People don't want to see rhythm a

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So this is the end...
People don't want to see rhythm action return...
People would rather have shitty FPS games along with Jewish business practices...

Thanks for not funding this /v/

Your welcome
It's a pretty niche game. I'm not surprised it didn't get funded with such a big goal.
No problem!
You can always count on me to ignore shitty kikestarter garbage!
>Less Furshit in the world

But that's good anon.
You're welcome.
Looked like spurdo from the catalogue.
I don't want rap songs written by Japanese people. I'd play the western incarnation of this.
>kickstarter scam

You are welcome.
Nobody gives a shit about a dead genre.
>falling for kickscammer
A million is a lot to ask for, for a rhythm game.
Your welcome. Next time, make a game people want to play.
You are welcome :)
>rhythm game with literally 6 levels.

Why was Parappa even popular in the first place.
>le kickstarter is bad xD

Shovel Knight
Freedom Planet
Rivals of Aether
Yooka Laylee (The final product turned out fine imo)
I'd probably play it, but I've been burnt too many times from kickstarter. I'm not falling for that shit ever again.
>Furfags playing the victim

Wow never seen this before
all shit
your point?
>ancient Japan setting
>kickstarter is defaulted to Great British Pounds
>trying to get mainstream American dollars

It was doomed to failure from day one.
You forgot Hollow Knight, I think it's the msot recent.
>the amount they wanted
>the preview was horrible

For once, something didn't get funded that was being shilled on /v/. Maybe we are finally learning.
It's just going to get a 2nd kickstarter or they will find a publisher.
Good it's not funded. Why you may ask ? We won't get hype over this scam. I hope less and less games are funded like this because they all suck (Yooka Laylee, Mighty n9, Bloodstained looks pretty awful too)
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fuck off beggar
All shit.
>I don't like them therefore they're shit xD

You and several other underages are killing /v/ day by day
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Stopped reading at Undertale
>What is Yooka Laylee?
>What is Mighty NÂș9?
>What is Broken Age?
>What will soon be Bloodstained and Blackroom?
It's just creators of noticeable or popular series using Kickstarter to get money for projects that won't deliver, because it's all based on nostalgia, desperation and attention.
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I loved Parappa and Lammy, but this Rabbit game just lacked that 2D charm for me.
Rythm games are boring and not fun
plus they are short
they suck and this game suck
plus high kickstarter asked price
plus no gameplay video or anything
nothing only promises and the whole kikestarter for it is based around the fact that Parappa existed when people were still children in a old console and people liked it so it means that this one too will because it has the same producer at helm.

TLDR: Fuck nostalgia based kickstarter.
Rhythm games are for the super autistic. DDR and Guitar Hero were a passing fad because DUDE DANCING LMAO and DUDE PLASTIC GUITARS LMAO
>The only way to get decent games is Kickstarter
This timeline is shite.
If anybody actually wanted this it would have happened regardless of this shithole
>along with Jewish business practices

>Making a game to profit off of nostalgiafags
>Not a jewish business practice
Only Shovel Knigh are decent.
Everyone keeps forgetting Pinball Arcade, which used Kickstarter to fund tables that had much more costly liscence fees like Addams Family, Star Trek the Next Generation, Terminator 2, and Dr Who.

Wow, 855k for such a stupid looking game?
Did anyone really expect it to get funded?
The only way this game could be made is if Sony help fund this. Pcube can barely do jack shit. All Pcube does is release Japanese games in England.
>I like them therefore they are not shit xD

You and several other underages are killing /v/ day by day
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>all shit

This game was about introducing diversity for starters.
Glad to do my part.
This is the worst counter I've ever seen. Just shut down your pc.
All would have been made without Kickstarter, probably.

>we can't get any investors to believe that we can make anything good, even though videogames is a very profitable industry right now. What should we do?
>I know, let's goad the gullible public for money that we can use as irresponsibly as we want because we have no publisher oversight.

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This coming from an Undertale furry fucker really means a lot.
>Niche genre
>Really crappy main character pose isn't even looking at the camera
>Bad colors
>Main character is basically a black dude
>First words of the kickstarter are a Trump meme
>Niche genre relegated to an even smaller niche with super feudal Japanese setting
>No gameplay video
>No fucking music
>Pie in the sky stretch goals
>Hot on the heels of other kickstarter garbage

The fuck did you think would happen?
So because a minority of games are decent that means all of KS is good?
Fuck off, KS is a scam and you should never back anything.
>Ask for a lot of money for a kickstarter game
>Have nothing but a concept to push with
>Scrabble together a HORRID concept animation
It would've made it if they hadn't been so greedy with that first goal.
>implying I'm an SJW just because I like a certain game

I can still enjoy the game every so often whilst knowing it's flaws. You must have a sad life getting mad at video games other people like.
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Hyper Light Drifter was great, as was Pillars of Eternity (and the sequel no doubt too.)
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PaRappa the Rapper sucks. Make a rhythm game based off Gitaroo Man.
Glorified QTEs
> 1 million+ for a fucking rhythm game

This. I was disappointed as fuck when every update and new piece of info of this "from the makers of Parappa and Gitaroo Man" was just Parappa shit.
Pretty much this.


Create a fun demo and you will have a higher chance. Selling ideas is not enough anymore.

Fucking furfaggot dance dance revolution players
>$1,088,526 for a VN with some gameplay
So are railshooters
I was already lied to once.

>million dollars for a slide show with qte's
wew lad
what a shame

This was an absolutely unreasonable goal for a sequel to a cult classic game that nobody fucking knows about.
you obviously weren't alive back then, BUT......

it was a new fucking thing, we didn't have something like parappa when it was out and people really liked it.
Kek I notice they removed the long list of stretch goals, of which included extra levels EXCLUSIVE to backers only. Fuck them.

But lucky for you Shawn Layden of Playstation loves these guys so he will probably fund a PSN version out of his own pocket.
I don't think anyone was really excited for a reboot kind of game after Mighty Number 9 and Yooka Laylee.
rhythm heaven is the only rhythm game series that matters anyways.
i never saw something so retarded in my whole life.. those tumblr degenerate really know how to tingle my ningle.
>last comment on the page from the creator was telling people to keep an eye on their tumblr for a relaunch announcement in March or April
>four years have gone by and nothing was ever posted
I just wanna be a bear looking for treasure.

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>rap rhythm game
>imperial japanese setting
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>thank you for forcing me to actually go to an investor
suck a dick fucking idiot
It needed waifubait characters and unreasonable stretch goals that will never even be implemented
My nigga, also Patapon is my jam too
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You're welcome, faggot.
You forgot rimworld
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In this day and age a game like it is too niche. You tell the average player about a game with six levels and they probably lose interest immediately.

Even if the creator was working on it nothing will ever beat the king.
game looks like shit. bunch of japs want kickstarter money to make a stupid jap console game. no, fuck you.


fuck off
>1.1mil to get the game going at all

yeah that was doomed from the get-go
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The more failed kickstarters the better
Such a cancer will only disappear when people stop throwing money at it
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how on earth could you ask for $1 million for am incredibly niche product like this and expect it to reach it

it's an intentionally corny rap-based mascot rhythm game, I don't think 1 million people on earth care about this
It isn't and never really was. It's just been memed into internet cult classic status over the last fifteen years or so, by people that never actually played it or at least never had to on their original PS1. Can you imagine the disappointment of of saving up as a kid and then you get a game that you can beat in 30 minutes?
This whole thing is a textbook meme-classic. People can't shut up about how they love this game so much, yet barely any of them played it and even fewer are actually ready to fund a new one by the same people.
>They could just ask Sony for the real dev cost and get it right now
They just wanted those nostalgia kike bux out of greed.
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Spark the Electric Jester deserves a mention too.
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Kickstarter isn't always bad.
>tfw we avoided another mn9
I dont see the problem
It was annotated by 4chan just to provoke a response from you
t. casual pleb.
Parappa the Rapper isn't even a good game. It's a fun novelty with some catchy lame songs but it's not a good game. It fails as a rhythm game because timing doesn't matter, there's visible input lag and you're supposed to mash to get the highest rank with no real indication of what the game is looking for.
Look, its another developer that thought their niche games were ever actually popular enough to warrant this kind of funding.
All of those are bad except shovel knight
Freedom Planet's pretty good if you just go arcade mode.
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>doing kickstarter ever again
people should know better now
If you like that shit then you're the underaged one kiddo.
it was my pleasure
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>855,000 freaking british pounds
Not even Romero asked that much
>almost 1 million of good boy points for this
what a bunch of jews, be more humble next time
Fuck you Rap Rabbit give me Parappa 3 or Lammy 2.

It is very charming and the music is fucking great. It also pretty much invented the rhythm game genre. It does lack content but they made up for it in Um Jammer Lammy.
Really, it's just a horrid idea to go to kickstarter EVER without some form of a working product.
>I'm a mature adult with a mature taste in games

No you're not, fuck off. The examples I listed were good, if not excellent. Stop falling for memes.
iNiS games are fucking perfect though for casual rhythm games.
Kickstarter was a mistake.
A couple successes don't make up for the 1000s of shit games and scams that go up every day.
I would play rhythm action
But it must cost less than 1,000,000€
And the protagonist should be a cute sexualized girl
nince screenshot of things that weren't in the actual game, fag
>So many shitstarter blunders recently

Stop making these threads, it's not going to get miraculously funded.
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Hello, I'm the greatest song in any rhythm game ever.

>All would have been made without Kickstarter, probably.
Source: your ass
I'm not seeing any good games there.
I love Parappa and Gitaroo Man but it was doomed since Day 1. They had no gameplay footage, were asking for a million and where years late to the kickstarter fad when people unwillingly funded everything.
Don't know why the quote fucked up.

Can you prove they wouldn't have?

No, you can't, because Kickstarter is a hive of con men
I wanted this game but didn't back it because there's no way it would make that goal. 1 million is way too crazy for a game like that. Parappa isn't THAT popular like how Playtonic was able to use Banjo nostalgia fags.
Or how Inafune used Megaman fans.

It will probably get picked up by some company anyways.
Sorry, too busy playing Rhythm Heaven and Elite Beat Agents.
No it wasnt
But Parappa has always been a cult classic. I don't think you remember how much Sony advertised it. The game wasn't even full price.
Because that's never happened in a non-Kickstarted game... And in contrast to those examples, the game actually looked like it was advertised and was great.
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Whenever I see that rabbit I somehow imagine a fucking Brazilian kid wearing flip flops
>$1mil for 6 levels
What the absolute fuck
Greenblatt really made the franchise honestly.
There's no con men, just dumb people.
what a fucking blessing
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I was too busy playing games that actually exist, and didn't require handouts.
I love rhythm games but parapa is shit.
>the third one probably won't come out until 2019
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>$1 million goal
Jee, I wonder why it didn't get funded.
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At least they won't rush it. Hopefully.

>A million extra dollaroos for a Switch Version

I don't even want a switch version and this is still Jewish.
These guys haven't made a fucking good game since Vib Ribbon/Gitaroo Man, 15 fucking years ago. No one in their right mind would give them money.
>buying the game
>Lesbian transwoman
Kek, I'm a straight male too.
I'm pretty sure a modern Bemani game doesn't even cost $1 million USD through the course of an installment's lifespan. The rhythm game genre has evolved so much that a spiritual successor to Parappa is of no interest except for the most diehard nostalgiafags.
Great to see things like this fail. With how terrible Yooka Laylee was an the inevitable mediocrity of FFVII maybe we can finally accept that nostalgia is a garbage concept for manchildren that never produces anything good.
Shovel knight is good
That's about it
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I never funded anything and this game won't make me start doing it.
Dont forget, the best kickstarter game. FTL.
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>giving handouts before the games even finished
>have to buy the game if you didn't donate enough

theres nothing worse than anthropomorphic furry bullshit.
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Don't mind me, just posting the best rhythm action game of all time
1m is almost nothing for game development

It terms of the games industry 1m will only pay for the salaries of 10-20 people for one year not including anything else. Average programmer salary is 65k annual. That said for a game this niche there is no way you're going to get 1m just like that after all the recent failures and disappointments, people have become far more weary about "revival" projects from teams who haven't made anything yet regardless of what big names or talent are attached to them. It seems this whole idea just wasn't good enough to exist.

FTL is great

From the description:
>Our grand hip hop saga takes place in an alternate history, circa 16th Century Japan. All is not well. The world is becoming a hostile place as people object to the growing diversification of their homelands. Citizens and neighbours are becoming increasingly suspicious of, and isolated from, one another.

LMAO, get fucked pro-immigration globalist furfags
A Tetris game could last you 30 minutes. It must be bad as well.
They were asking too much for too little.
No problem, you stupid furfag.
>the original stretch goals
They deserve it.
A rhythm game is really difficult to fuck up. The only way that it's possible to fuck up a rhythm game is if it's very broken, too short (which I'd call 6 levels very short), or the graphics are ugly.

Even Yakuza has a rhythm mini-game in it, and people go crazy for it. Just have nice inputs, and beautiful scenes to watch. Then your golden.
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pick both
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Silly me. Forgot my image.

Ok, I want to say is

1. I didn't even know this game was on kickstarter. I heard it was announced but I assumed it wasn't going to go through kickstarter(This seriously can't find investors?).

2. People are jaded as fuck from Kickstarter games since Mighty No. 9. You really should not be surprised it has happened. Yeah, some kickstarter games turned out great but most of them did not have a large amount of money asked. Speaking of...

3. One Million dollars. Seriously? Thats a lofty goal. And it didn't seem like they spread the word enough that the kickstarter was going on. Goodness knows that they didn't seem to made a announcement video or something. You gotta sell your shit to people through words to get them to pay man.
>Diversity shilling fur game
>On kickscammer
>But muh old time developers :(

Yeah no thanks I'm good
If the goal wasn't a million, it would have been fine.
>Implying he doesn't like them
Stay Mad
Fucking Furfag
Yeah, I wanted a new Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents, not this. Asking a million for it is fucking ridiculous. iNiS's last decent game was Ouendan 2 over a DECADE ago, and NanaOn-Sha's last decent game was fucking PaRappa the Rapper 2, if you don't count PaRappa on PSP, which ALSO came out over ten years ago.

You and I both know you wouldn't pay a cent for just 30 minutes of Tetris.
Next time, try not to sexualize animals
>Wanted 5 million for a Switch version
>Now only want 1.5 million
Sounds totally legit.
Yooka laylee is a solid 6/10.

I pirated it because fuck the devs, though.
yiff in hell!
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> you can clear it within 2 hrs
> no replayability whatsoever
Thank god ppl are smart and haven't fund this crap.
You have way too much faith in people
Holy shit that's insane. Fuck these assholes. Why are they asking so much for a game that has less content than their own previous games?
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>falling for the /v/ hate bandwagon meme
>muh fanbase that has nothing to do with the actual gameplay
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>1.1 million dollars

What the fuck were they thinking?
>backer-exclusive level before new level
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>all that "backer only" game content


>Anon tries to defend Kickstarter by citing a score so low that only someone with literally no life, job, or hobbies would consider it worth spending time on the game.
I liked undertale and I can't stand what I'm seeing here. Judge the game, not it's following.
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2nd didn't sell well anything can happen now.
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>a million dollars for that ugly thing

Yeah no.
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>weeb furfag kickstarter rhythm action rapping game

Wow. Did they they spin the wheel of cancer to come up with this game or something?

>all the furshit posting

How dumb. That's honestly the least of its problems. Past the ugly MC I think it looks charming visually/the designs and art are nice but.

>1 million dollars
>rhythm game

This is where it fails. Niche genre that ultimately has little variety, and really only succeeds if the music is good. No one wants a fucking rhythm game. I'm surprised it even make a fifth of its amount.
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>backer-only level
>hey we made Parappa with this amount so we can ask for a similar amount with this new ugly idea for a game
>Suddenly /v/ hates rap music,

This board is so fucking dead. What went wrong?
>donating so little that you don't even get the game
You did this to yourself
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And nothing of value was lost.
i gave the $26 cause i love rhythm games so this sucks but eh, that's just how it goes i guess
>This board is so fucking dead.
Like this Kickstarter, hahahahaha

"Rap" music written by asians!? Riiiiight...
>$1,092,401 for a rhythm game
For comparison.
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>/v/ hating on the entire rhymn game genre

Thanks for reminding me why this board is cancer
Greenblatt worked on Parappa? Shit, I didn't now that. You could see a bit of that in his other works now that I think about it.
Is that some doom mod
I remember playing something like that online doom
What ever happend with this? I remember the BrawlInTheFamily dude shilling it a bunch and thinking it looked kinda shit but at least hoping he'd manage his dream of getting a game on a nintendo console
>Already have a publisher
>Still asking for people to fund their game
>4 levels
Good riddance
maybe if the guy wasn't such a sperglord who didn't want parappa to be in PSABR because it was "too violent" I would care more
as it stands there are tons of good rhythm games on my backlist and I've already learned to not trust kickstarter campaigns
so you are welcome, shithead
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>Yooka Laylee
Hey, this is great! Now we know this isn't a game people want, and isn't worth making! Glad we figured it out now instead of six years into a broken unworkable amateur dev cycle.
U serious? How the fuck couldn't you tell. And what other works besides parappa/lammy? That shit major minor game? Explain
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>One million USD
>For a shitty rhythm game
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Actually there's nothing better than furry, but that thing in the OP is hideous.
Wasn't it Greenblat who didn't want Parappa in kerfuffle?

are they insane
Goats and lesbians were annoying but the game was easily a strong 4/5.
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>mfw I'm playing Rhythm Heaven, Voez, and Thumper while you're reeeeing about your ugly rabbit
>liking rap music

I bet you like country too.
>any year
AHAHAHAHHA you're welcome OP :^)
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>nothing substantial to show besides some shitty concept art
>fails to reach funding
Dance thread? Dance thread.
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Why exactly are we paying for games twice? Once you fund a game, they've already got the money and have no obligation to actually try to make a good game.
I like rhythm action games, adventure rhythm games, rhythm games with a story, etc. The problem with Rap Rabbit was that the rhythm game part of the game was taking a back seat to the free style rap battle puzzle gameplay and I don't give a shit about that. The team up was the creators behind Parappa and Gitaroo Man, but I was hoping it would have leaned more towards Gitaroo than Parappa. Instead you get the big gimmick of Parappa expanded upon until basically the gimmick is the entire game. I was never the biggest fan of the Parappa freestyle stuff. It was okay because you basically had to maintain the rhythm manually rather than playing a song, but I never thought it was that cool of an idea. It was a neat novelty. Having to string together phrases on top of that however, no go. I don't want anything to do with that. I want a good strong core rhythm game experience with good music.
seems you are right, my bad
the bit in my post about kickstarters being shit still stands though
>furry protag
>sonic font
>autistic thread
There is a world of difference between a few amateur dudes working out of their garage and an actual company hiring professionals with industry experience. One will take whatever they can get, the other has to offer competitive salaries if they want anyone with talent. You can't make a real game for 300k.
The real question is: is it better than the pinball game that used to come with Windows? Never seen anything top it.
get fucked shill
The stretch goals for this were really shitty and didn't do much to instill confidence. It looked good, but those stretch goals were just too much.
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>a million for the barebones game
>they backpedaled hard and redid the stretch goals after one day
>stretch goals are still shit
>most of their updates are fucking art
>show off CONCEPT gameplay a month later
Did The Mighty No. 9 kill crowd funding games?
Did Yooka Laylee put the final nail in the coffin for cried funding games?
One million dollars is a little high for a first kickstarter game. No wonder they failed.
> story-led, rhythm-action adventure.
Yeah I'll stick with my FPS titles, thanks anyway.
Probably got the idea from Samurai Champloo
You are aware that Yacht Club consists of ex-Wayforward devs, right?
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Abysmal art direction aside, it didn't really play like anything anyone wanted from it's proof of concept video. I wanted parappa, I got some bizarre ass guessing game instead. what did you think was gonna happen idiot.
>I like everything except rap and country xD

Casual taste detected
It came out and even has a level editor and everything.

I think it was just a small game so there hasn't been any talking about it outside small forums or something, but apparently everything went relatively well for it.
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>furries rapping: the video game

Deserved to fail and I'm glad it did.
Depends on what you want. Pinball Arcade is about being a simulation of actual tables, so it plays different than most pinball video games. There's a demo on steam, if you want to try it out.
>Complains about furries
>Post a reaction image of characters from a furry game.
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>Last update: June 9th
Yooka Laylee is not the trainwreck /v/ wants it to be. It's just a very average 3D platformer with some obvious flaws that are getting patched. Mediocre game at worst, passable but nothing special. People are just tired of Kickstarter in general, the early hype was there but people have gotten turned off to the idea of paying for a game and then waiting for it for 2-4 years to the point where you basically forget you backed it. The failures are usually pretty overrated and don't alter people's perception of the platform that much, it's everything else surrounding it that people aren't interested in anymore.
>more horse shit snake oil salesman meme games getting funded on nostalgia alone didn't reach their goal of 200 million dollery doos

thank God.
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Hi there, I'm pretty good myself. https://youtu.be/sjJyIdObjkE
>ugly nigger rabbit

the fuck were they thinking?
you're welcome
this looked fucking garbage btw famalam.
Parappa wasn't even liked. It's that PS1 game your aunt bought you for your N64.
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This isn't fair. Out of all the games funded via kickstarter, this game should have been the one. If only they had that example video of what they wanted the gameplay to be like from the very start, and e celebs shilling just like they did with Mighty No 9 and Yooka Laylee.

This sucks man.
rabbit wasn't too sexy
>Crypt of the Necrodancer

Nah boi, dey just dun want shity gayums lik rabbi teh rappor
More like Parappa is that other thing on the demo disc you checked out of curiosity after hours of playing one level of Crash.
Any sensible person wouldn't fund furfag shit in general, but a game about being a rapping furfag wigger looked especially godawful.
>People would rather have shitty FPS games along with Jewish business practices...
No I wouldn't, that's why I funded Indivisible.

And are you fucking kidding me, calling other shit "Jewish" compared to this Kickstarter? Did you see what they were asking for and what they said they'd deliver? It was a fucking joke.
Rap is for niggers, not video games.
>hyper meme drifter: 3.33 You can [NOT] make a good game
T H I S there are plenty of non-sjws that enjoyed Undertale
>if only they didn't do everything wrong
Kickstarter has been around YEARS at this point, there is no excuse for making rookie mistake on top of mistake the way these furfags did. They have themselves to blame.
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>ÂŁ855k for a shitty rhythm game
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>a million dollars for an indie game
>undertale was popular on /v/ before tumblr latched onto it
Toby was right :^)
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fuck off nigg
>An explosive mix of Japanese folklore and traditional artwork, hip hop and humorous battle rap face-offs inspired by the Epic Rap Battles Of History YouTube series
>inspired by the Epic Rap Battles Of History YouTube series

Of ALL the things to be inspired by. No, it can't even be inspired by the rhythm games these guys previously worked on, no, it has to be inspired by a fad on youtube that stopped being chuckle-worthy about 5 years ago.

Now this anon knows where its at, Crypt of the NecroDancer is my jam.
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>1 million for a game absolutely no one was asking for
why would I fund a game with such a retarded looking furfag character as protag?
Stop reading so many shitty shilling gaming magazines. 6 is above average, tard.

And I hate kikestarter.
>Rivals of Aether
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>Ugly-ass furshit devs upset because the internet doesn't gib mone in return for a promise of a possible future game
>People don't want to see rhythm action return...
>People would rather have shitty FPS games along with Jewish business practices...
You know what I want to see? Gameplay.
You know what I'd rather have? A development team knowing what they're doing instead of throwing ideas for the main gameplay to judge a handful of reactions after setting their funding goal.

They really have no idea what they're doing.
good, garbage games don't deserve to be funded
Is the creator creatively bankrupt or something?
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I funded this Mexican game, looks better and more fun than that thing

Game gets funded last minute if I get a 7
>Fund my game instead, guys!
Fuck you for taking my 7
>13% chance to get it
Does not get it

Oh well, no furfaggotry here.

what game is this

I want to laugh at his claim of "millions of lines of code" and "thousands of lines of netcode"
the same usual story, game gets funded, it's nowhere as cool, after a lot of time it gets cancelled/released in a shitty state.
The twist in this overused plot is that the dev claims he delivered a good and finished product, so good that he removed his game from steam.
Fuck I want this to come out for Switch.

I wouldn't mind getting it on PS4, but it's nice just picking up and playing.
Looks like a game you'd play for free on Newgrounds but at least they showed something
I love Parappa and Guitaroo Man. But the actual games don't have the depth or replay-ability value to actually fund a Kickstarter for.
Couldn't care less
there you are senpai, it was in the filename.
It seems people finally understand.
I'm proud of you all.
Click on that video and be surprised how it got any money at all. Looks like trash.
You still have two hours left. Maybe you should go ask your furry friends elsewhere to fund it for you. I'm sure they're sitting on enough autism bucks that they can spare for you, but hell, that alone could mean that they don't even want it either.

My welcome?
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>5 "good" games
>then kickstarter isn't bad
>when 99% of games coming out of Kickstarter are either shit or canceled
the game is trash

your welcome and fuck you
>Draw picture calling people faggots for not spending money and uploading it onto the internet where it can be easily traced back and is now permanently tied to his name
>Get surprised when your second, third, and fourth kickstarter ideas all fail
Calling it now.
Holy shit, you're right. It's even worse in motion.

That fucking rapping too.
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Pls link this autism. I must see it for myself.
Hey remember that time a game dev made a spiritual successor to their series on kickstarter and it wasn't a fucking dumpster fire?

Me either.
kickstarter is great for board games

xenoshift dreadmire is one of the best 75$ i've ever spent
This looks like complete shit. So glad they didn't scam nerds
They should've done what indivisible did and viral market hardcore on 4chan reddit and neogaf.
did i missed some ep
Personally, I donated $60 to the Devs, but I'm glad it failed because it actually looked pretty shitty.
>it looks shitty
>hey have 60$
I'm ugly too, can you gib me money?
>And in contrast to those examples, the game actually looked like it was advertised
>and was great.
it was okay
>reading comprehension
I only kickstarted it to support the creator of Parappa in hopes this shit would be picked up, and a future GOOD project could be greenlit.

>Furfags THIS mad
Is it an American thing, to give money away pointlessly? You gave $60 to a shitty game just because? I'm always surprised to see how much Americans willingly donate to their politicians even as they shaft them.

>lol poorfag can't even afford burn money
Because wealthy people are known for throwing their money away at every opportunity.

I have a bridge to sell you.
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>I donated
>but I'm glad it failed
>Calling it now
>pointing out that you're an idiot for thinking a possible scenario already happened means I'm defending the game
No, really, nice fucking reading comprehension
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>donating to Kickstart campaigns ever
>donating to VIDEO GAME Kickstarters of all things
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>Pls link this autism
It didn't happen yet, you stooge.
This is probably the worst image I've ever seen.
see my reasoning here
i love rhythm games, it's just that parappa is just good as a precursor to proper music games, but it's a shit game if looked in retrospective.
too few songs and theyre just aiming to do the same game again. How long would you play a rhythm game with 20 songs, and **maybe** just as much as DLC.
Besides, theres plenty of good rhythm games for android and 3ds/vita
I also donated to this Mexican game, i just hope they release it soon goddamit

>electronic old men devs with no grasp of kickstarter having the typical kickstarter fit
>another anon thinks it actually happened
>thinking I'm defending this piece of shit for pointing out how retarded these posts are
What does this have to do with the actual game?
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Muh nigga
Whatever happened to romeros kickstarter thing
I remember talk of a demo but I don't fucking know
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>a Metroidvania RPG

Megaman 8-bit Deathmatch
This board isn't for niggers
Rhythm games aren't real games
>The world is becoming a hostile place as people object to the growing diversification of their homelands
So not only is it furshit but it's also SJW garbage. Good.
I wish these scam artists could be sued
What kind of third world countries are you people from where $1mil is a lot? Just because some coffee-addict living with his parents can make a game on $50k doesn't mean that's how games tend to get made.
>assume 0 sales because we already know any kick starters a flop
Hey he's honest
I refuse to believe this image is nothing more than satire.
Who ever asked for MORE rhythm games. There's enough weeb shit already out there.
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Yeah, the difference is one succeeded and the other didnt
The illia spinoff
Most of the posters on /v/ are now underage spics who praise nu FPS games and games with only story and no gameplay.
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I felt a great disturbance in my brain, as if thousands of cells suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

I wish anon, I wish.

>looks like a faggot on top of being furshit

what a shock
the labels were made by /v/ FYI
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> It's a "I'm mad that this kickstarter game wasn't founded episode"
> With another "Everything with an anthropomorphic character is furshit." subplot.
it looks like shit
>1 mirrion dollars
>for a rhythm game
if a game wants to be made it will be made. this is clearly a scam
>$1million asked

If they can't get Sony to do it, why should I?
Needs more than a concept at the start for me to get behind it. The game "demo" they released a few weeks ago didn't inspire much confidence either.
Why would I even care? Parapa and Lammy were fun aesthetically but they were far from legitimately good games. There are far better rhythm series now.
i love gitarooman and parappa but that doesnt mean these guys get a free pass. the game looked shitty so i didnt back it. simple as that.
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Glad to see people learned the lesson.
>ÂŁ855,000 goal
Yeah wonder why it was not pledged.
>Shovel Knight
>Hollow Knight
so only two good games. Maybe Rivals.
No wonder Shovel Knight is so good.
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>kikestarter spiritual successors
It also explains why Shantae dropped hard in quality.
You guys aren't being fair. This game is going to be good. Check my 5.
>giving money to Kickstarters
I hope no one here actually does this shit.

>800k BritishKiloBucks
I especially hope no one gives money to "big budget" Kickstarters that seem to believe that the creators should actually be paid for their work before release.
Bitter retard ahoy.
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They ask for a shit ton of money while providing nothing of quality or interesting in their presentation. The song was bad, characters looked shit it look bad and half-assed.

He looks familiar to me...
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>855 000 ÂŁ
Son is life in general
Show me a SINGLE (One [1]) crowdfunded japanese game that tried to bank on nostalgia and produced a good result
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I'm working on my own game (solo) and I have zero intention of using any crowd funding (if I even do it at all) until I have a working demo and I've basically done all the work that I can do solo.

I'd spend that crowdfunding money on hiring an artist to replace my placeholder art. I'd spend $100 to get my game on Steam. Maybe I'd pay my engine licensing fee (I'm making my own).
I'd probably handle marketing myself and fuck those Kickstarter "managers" who wanna take 10% of your campaign.

People who ask for this much money before they have anything are fucking nostalgia scammers who couldn't get a real publishing deal, even though they're industry vets.

Fuck this shit, ruining the platform for rando indie games that might want $10k to polish up their existing game for commercial release.
That's not Through Fire and Flames.
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good luck anon
overpriced Kickstarter and Parappa wasnt that good.
I can't
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>people in this thread don't think Parappa is the best thing since sliced bread
>" punch kick"
>instead of timing it you just need to spam punch and kick to get to cool
Parappa is overrated. There are tons of superior rhythm games. Even Lammy is better.
post screenshots of game please! I want to see this
Don't worry, Sony will back it and reveal the working game at PSX exclusively for PS4 where it belongs
impkying they still care after the shit sales of the remaster?
>Even Lammy is better.
Just because you want to fuck Lammy, that doesn't make her game better.
your welcome
>People didn't want to buy an age old port of an age old port of a PS1 game they could just pirate and play in a PSP emulator
Never saw that coming at all
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Please be nice. It's my first attempt at a game. Making a Sim/Tycoon management game about the cryptocurrency ICO bubble going on right now. Sort of Game Dev Tycoon-like. I want to simulate an economy and add Crusader King 2-like advisers that you can use to affect the market in different ways.

It's all C++ with libSDL2 for cross-platform compatibility to Windows/OSX/Linux/iOS and Android.

This cost me my time and $0 to make.
>Just because you want to fuck Lammy
Even if she was an actual girl instead of some paper lamb, her voice is a turn-off and she's annoying.
>all those kikestarter redflags right after all the recent scams
they deserved it

>1 hour left
You know that feeling you get when a baby bird that fell out of its nest is dying and you're just holding it in your arms until it passes? That's how this feels.
what the fuck is this shit
more importantly, why do retards think this is worth investing 850k dollars in?
this post was for you
I feel this is another word that has lost its actual meaning around here
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What was the name of that faggot that got 200 grand for a shitty dreamcast game that looked worse than the worst RPG maker game and spent it all on drugs but hasn't received any negative press?
>rhythm action return
Good fucking riddance. We already have Crypt of the Necrodancer. As far as I'm concerned this won't be topped in a decade or more.
Okay junior, whatever you say. Parappa was fucking huge when it came out and the only games spoken about more at the time were tomb raider and final fantasy 7
It just wasn't appealing enough. I can't even find porn.
The final hour.
It was going to be shit rhythm game tho. What we need is next Project Diva game (future tone song base + new rhythm mechanics introduced + more extra stuff back from the other Diva games)
>anyone liked parappa the rapper
It's legit, however, even tumblr got triggered by this picture.
did you see the original stretch goals? shit was scam no matter how you tried to convince me otherwise
>k-kickstarter are a donation!
>don't pay if you don't like it
guess what? I didn't.
>Freedom Planet
>Rivals of Aethe
>Yooka Laylee

Spotting bait used to be hard

Would have helped but they want to suck up to Sony fags, then they could go fuck themselves. They tried and trick Switch owners.
These look so gross. Like if they existed they would all smell pretty fucking bad.
Only Shovel Knight and Hollow Knight turned out good.
Two games out of hundreds of failures.
So impressive.
Why are furfags always so aggressive?
>Hollow knight
>People don't want to see rhythm action return...
This. I fucking hate when they lazily put Nintendo systems as stretch goals only to trick people into funding the original goal.
>aromantic demisexual

But "demisexual" people claim to not experience sexual attraction without romantic attraction, so how is this different than garden-variety forever alone
I want to marry every single girl out of Rythm Heaven.

Rhythm games are an inherently inferior genre to almost anything above walking simulator level. All you do in them is push buttons that flash on the screen. They deserve to go and stay go.
i never fund any kick starter

even if they guaranteed a blow job still wouldnt do it
>All you do in them is push buttons that flash on the screen.
this is most games tho
So is this not being made then if it doesnt get funded?
I thought they showed this off at E3?

Nintentodds are the most gullible people.
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leave kickstarter to me
>Giana Sisters
I think you're thinking about Shenmue
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>Skullgirls asked for $150k
>Got ~830k

>Japanese scam artists ask for $1.1m
>get nothing
>pledge of ÂŁ855k
no fucking wonder
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>tfw a kickstarter from 4chan devs has a bunny and more gameplay shown then you.
Not in 2017 I wouldn't.
Bokube hurts my eyes for some reason.
It's like what, 20 pounds for a game with 6 stages? You can buy a fucking miku song pack for that price and it has 120 songs.
lmao I guess the power of love and globalism isn't strong enough
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Quick /v/, post games that are much better to fund than OP's.
Your butthurt.
I have to agree with this faggot: >>381138451
Parappa pioneered the genre, but there are far better games today. Lammy's game is not much better. Parappa 2 is is fucking great though, and improves upon EVERYTHING in the series.
The only person I know who liked Parappa was a mentally ill tranny (redundant, I know) who thought Lammy was also a tranny
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Sorry anon but Bokube is more vidya game tier than two scopes and is asking for less money. Fund Bokube instead.
>two scoops
>Start a Kickstarter
>Ask for an absurd amount of money for what you're offering
>Make that worse by asking for an additional 5 million for all the rewards and put a fucking console port at the end
>Show the game with only concept art and no gameplay
>Wait until there are 10 fucking days left to show a hastily made "gameplay video" that looks like it was made in Flash and not an actual prototype
>Gameplay prototype looks like fucking shit
>Didn't shill their shit anywhere
>Wonder why it never got funded

Glad it's not getting funded. If they can't handle a fucking Kickstarter campaign they won't be able to handle the actual game well at all.
how is it that you still don't know how to subtly advertise your shit
I was convinced that was spurdo from the thumbnail.

Not really. In your typical action game, no matter how braindead, you have to react to the situation dynamically and there's never just one correct thing to do. In rhythm games you literally see a button prompt and have to press that exact button when it lights up and doing anything else is incorrect. That is 100% brainless.
I would have funded a spurdo game.
>two scoopes.
>fat girl doesn't have 2 massive cow tits so huge they are sagging under the logo.

What fucking retards missed this prime opportunity.
Its funny because I bought it for 10€ on the PSP years later and I went "thats it?"

Really weak even compared to other rhythm games at the time.
>people dont want rythm action return

actually you're right. theres a fucking reason it died you stupid nigger
>Kickstarter fails
>Time to give up!

You deserve failure!
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Not gona make it.

I rather back this to be honest, cute looks fun and is asking for less then a shitty western VA. Supporting a quality game from the 4chan lmao, is two scoopes the best tumblr devs can do?
>lame songs

Take that back.
I hope they can find a regular publisher instead of going the crowdfunded route, the game mechanics looked good but not only are people burnt out on KS but this one was horribly mismanaged
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>Combining Japanese art with rap 'culture'
>All that 'subtle' political commentary
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I was going to fund that kickstarter, but I used my money of a better game.
>I rather back this to be honest
>posts image of Two Scoops
Bokubefalseflagger, slow down.
you're supposed to shill your kickstarter when it starts, dummy, not when its basically over
5 more minutes, /v/, post yfw this fails
Dance thread?
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>good riddance
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It's ogre
Skullgirls was already a game before the crowdfunding for DLC
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Move over Rap Rabbit, there's a new kickstarter in /v/'s heart.
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Neither is this furry piece of shit, thanks God it's dead

Also /v/ don't know shit bout REAL RHYTHM GAMES
agents are....

not go ;_;
Parapa had what 6 levels? Is it realistic to expect another one of those to meet the kickstarter goal?
>There are good and not you

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>calls out "Jewish business practices"
>uses crowdfunding
After kikestarting yooka laylee, I will never do so ever again
This really should be shown to everyone wanting to do Kickstarter on how to NOT to do one. Asking for $1m isn't the worse part. It's that every tier is god damn bad that it's amazing anyone gave this any thought.
>6 Levels
Lets say that's normal. Giving them the better of doubt.
>Backer only level
Now we are getting into how dumb this really is. Not only having backer only level god fucking awful but we near double what they asked.
Funny it's just menus and cutscenes not actual gameplay. So to people that need the localization it's pretty much meaningless. And for a game that is meant to be build on wordplay that's laughably dumb.
>Xbox One
Clearly this is just made to get Xbox One owners to buy to help to get it on their system.
>An extra level
We are over 3 times what they are asking for only 8 levels (if you backed it 7 if not)
>Multiplayer VS
I never really understood vs in rhythm games. More enjoyable to play with someone than against.
>Extra difficulty: 4 in total
So there was only 3 difficulty? And how does one gauge a difficulty in a wordplay rhythm game?
The last one and maybe the most insidious one. The whole reason for this one is hoping Switch owners are so desperate for games they will fund it. And this is the one that people really bashed them for. But really this whole tier backer was so poorly thought up that I'm almost amazed they got $200,000
It looked bad.
Shovel Knight
Banner Saga
Wasteland 2
Darkest Dungeon
Pillars of Eternity
Torment: Tides of Numenera
Divinity: Original Sin
Hyper Light Drifter

And technically Skullgirls since they had funding from a studio before, but then the studio got reamed by legal issues regarding a different game, and couldn't help fund it anymore, so Skullgirls went to crowdfunding.
i still can't understand why people on /v/ actually shill this shit
>ironic weebs
ha ha get fucked
it's the fat bitch who's making this that's probably doing it "ironically"
Bro, /v/ loves this game, half of its funding comes from us.
there's a point at which ironic shitposting must stop and when it comes to that game, /v/ is way past this point
watch the collateral faggot
Every platform in existence is going to have shovelware, even the NES ran the gamut of the best and worst games of that generation.

So I'm not going to discount new projects just because MN9 or Yooka-Laylee exists, especially when some of my favorite games ended up being kickstarter games that I would've otherwise never heard about.
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After like 5 retro revivals that have ranged from disasters to mediocre productions people realized these suck
Sorry they got on the bandwagon too late to get some kickstarter sheckels
don't get me wrong it looks good. I just don't use kickstarter because I have a stigma against it. hope they find another way to make it I guess.
All I wanted was another Gitaroo Man. I would have given them $1000 for it. This rap. fur shit was not appealing at all.
What font is being used in this image?
Sup rebcart
Just looked into it, holy shit is it bad. There's better rhythm games out there although it is dying, I miss the days of four player Guitar Hero or Rockband with my mates.
There are two factors to why this didn't get funded.
The first being that it's another one of those "dream project" games coming from fan favorite creators in the industry who are no longer attached to their previous companies. So far, we've had MN9, and Yooka Laylee coming out of KS in very similar circumstances and both have been met with some relatively poor/lukewarm reception. Add to this, Bloodstained has been looking pretty meh and has been taking forever to move along and Shenmue 3 has been effectively a no-show since funding and you have a lot of people who are starting to feel really burned by these types of projects. It all sounds too good to be true and so far, each one of them seems to be proving to us that is the case. People are growing tired of getting their hopes up time and time again only to have them dashed when the game ends up not being anywhere close to what they dreamed of.

The second major factor here is that Parapa and Ouendan just weren't actually as popular and loved as your nostalgia might have you think. Couple that with how little publicity this project got and it's no surprise that not too many people supported it. Hell, the lack of coverage might even be attributed to the first factor in that nobody really wanted to give it publicity because of being burned by projects like MN9 and Yooka Laylee.

Had this project happened at the start of the KS boom, I'm sure it would have been funded in days but it was an already niche product that didn't even show up to the party until the next morning when all of the guests were hungover.
Make the game and i'll buy it.

Kickstart though? Fuck you.
>fan favorite creators in the industry
Something neither Masaya and Yano are
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ahahahahahahaha eat shit.
You welcome
Shovel Knight, Undertale, and Rivals of Aether have all been very successful, so you are painfully wrong.
I want that little frog dude in a game
Why couldn't the frog be the protagonist? The rabbit is fucking ugly. Do furfags even like that design?
Why do people use these terms?
>prefix: trans-
>1. across; beyond.
>on or to the other side of.
So a transwoman wouldn't be a woman at all then. If anything a transwoman would be a woman who have transitioned to a man.

Words actually mean things. But people keep using words that mean one thing but with the intention of conveying something completely unrelated or occasionally even opposite.
And Freedom Planet is getting a sequel too, without any crowdfunding
Is that spurdo with real eyes and chink theeth?
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About time Kickstartered games stopped being a thing.
Developers need to hear investors' whip cracking in the background to stay motivated. Too many crowdfunded games with no proper deadlines ended up delivering something only "better than nothing" or literally nothing.
>the amount of shilling for shovel knight
the game is overrated as fuck and not really that good. The only people who praise it are nostalgia fags who cant stand to play modern vidya because it's not 8 bit.
I mean honestly, do they really have any hope? A game with this little content wouldn't even work as a mobile game these days.
Shovel Knight devs didn't work on Shantae.
not seeing that this has non heterosexual just to trigger into the trash it goes.
>he says while crying over Rap Rabbit
Show me a successful platform where most of its library isn't shovelware that nobody should play.

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>Do furfags even like that design?

Not even a little.
I want a Rhythm action game, but this shit was terrible.
>implying I'm falling for the Kikestarter ruse ever again
Ok, well I'm not a 8 year old who finds hip hop culture 'cool' so I'm okay with this genre dying out.
Kickstarter games haven't stopped being a thing though. We got Hollow Knight released earlier this year and Divinity Original Sin 2 will be out in september.
On the flipside, Pillars of Eternity 2 got this year funded along with Banner Saga 3.
If you are going to make a kickstarter try to make it a different genre instead of one that didn't die off in the early 2000s
I cannot speak for others, but I think the design is absolutely atrocious and unappealing in every possible way.
Anime is not intrinsically ironic.
That gif is from years ago.
>trusting another furry dev
no thanks
Never knew about Pillars 2. You'd think the first one was enough of a success for the developers to not need crowdfunding anymore.
This is always a major red flag to me.
>Mighty No. 9
>Star Citizen

Have we finally learned to stop falling for the Kickstarter meme, /v/ros?
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I can speak for all furfags and you are correct. The design is shit and not good at all.
That company just had no idea what they were doing.
I want Bloodstained to at least be moderately good.
Didn't back it but I don't want it to turn out a failure either.
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I liked Yooka Laylee...
You come into every topic saying that.
Well then quit implying it was bad.
Just don't let gay furries insert their OC's in games.
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That's because you have no standards.
>Banjo-Kazooie had some of this shit already
>artists thinking they could make a spiritual successor to a collectathon with almost no one from the original development team
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>quit implying a bad game was bad
I said I liked it. I didn't say it was amazing.
It's nice how autistic people like garbage games.
>implying it wasn't
you are literally better off playing banjo kazooie and tooie
If you liked N64 collectathon games Yooka Laylee is fun. Its just like one of those games from the old Rare guys with a better camera and controls.

If your somebody who expected some great innovation on that type of game you would be a little disappointed in it. But they made that game for the fans of that genre and everybody i know that liked those old Banjo/Conker/DK games played it and had alot of fun.
It was better than Tooie at least. It just wasn't better than Kazooie.
DDR still has a dedicated scene.
Finally a good news today.
is 30 or 60 fps on console?
they should have at least made a sexy geisha or something so the furries have more incentive to give money, having a negro rabbit doesn't quite do it apparently.
>with a better camera and controls
Y-L has a worse camera than B-K and worse controls than any Rare collectathon.
30 on consoles, 60 on PC.
The flying controls and rolling controls were kinda bad, but the ground controls were just fine.
>developer of a shitty game comes to /v/ to throw a temper tantrum
looks like shit desu
>5 (arguable) successes out of THOUSANDS GUYS!

yeah fuck off

nah that game was bad. it was better as a MP only game
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>If you liked N64 collectathon games Yooka Laylee is fun
I liked Rare's games on the N64. Yooka Laylee really lacks the memorable level design, wide variety of characters, and tight controls of those. All the stuff they're patching in now proves that it was a rushed, unpolished mess.
>Don't call my bad game bad!
>I never said it was amazing...

Your pathetic
as someone who moved from consoles to pc, I fucking wish they would focus more on fps rather than 4k, I would rather have 1080p 60fps solid other than, 4k 20-30 fps. but good luck telling that to the stockholders they want what's new not what works
It doesn't have to be amazing to be not bad.
You either love it or hate it, cuck
>you'll like it if you liked the old games
more like you'll realize how much it's lacking compared to games from the fucking 90s
the problem is that these guys tried to make a weak tribute to the old games
all the issues with those games were due to limitations
yooka should have improved on those things not reintroduced them so nostalgia fags could use the weak ass excuses like "w-well banjo had a camera that got stuck sometimes so this is perfect!" or "the games had quizzes at the end so it's okay for this one to have a bunch to bloat game time"
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