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lowercase arms thread

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Thread replies: 320
Thread images: 55

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Have anyone here won with a +4 handicap yet?
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What do you rate ARMS, /v/?

Also old poll:
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Helix is a scary boy
So how do you guys feel about the number 77?
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these are what I think of when I see Helix's alternate colors
Where the content is right now, a 7 or 8 sounds about right.

When the content updates start rolling in and add new maps, fighters, and gamemodes, it'll be a solid 9.
DSP can't beat a kids game.
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Stop shilling this trash game
>his fan base is almost entirely composed of people who hate him and like seeing him get pissy
what a weird life
Hey, it's the life he chose.
Is there an advante to holding dash to charge instead of just shielding?
I know that it's useful for Minmin and Twintelle for their special abilites, but for other characters it seems strictly worse since it leaves you more open than the guard.
the charge lasts longer with holding dash
I have won with a +4 handicap, but it was against some girl who had no idea what the fuck she was doing
For Mr snek, the jump and sheild charge only gives him 2 quick dashes. A full dash charge gives him 4 quick dashes, so it's pretty important to try and charge your arms up as much as possible.
for spring man, you use the charge to do his reflect thing
Why is this game so hard

I love it but it's hard AF
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The boss getting perma-charged at 25% or less health works from a single player perspective, but I hope they remove it from the player-controlled version so Springman can keep some of his uniqueness.
AI read inputs the game. You can exploit it, but only depending on your arms and who you're facing.
Mechanica continues moving with her jets if you dash charge.
There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with maining Kid Cobra.
It's because it's on Max's body. It'd do the same on Spring man. Just less armor.
double ice dragons is fucking gay, if your not playing someone liek kid cobra who is agile you get fucked
how do i git gud? ive been ramming my head int oa wall trying to beat hedlok on difficulty 4 at the end of spring mans campaign, any tips?
that's what I meant, I think Max Brass will more or less just be a better Springman if they keep that comeback mechanic
What are the throws in the game?
I noticed there are some gloves that don't have any element to them.
Is there an advantage to using those over the ones which are the same but with an element?
Yeah, but I mean that the game is hard to master as well.
you mean like Mummy's megaton vs Minmin's? I have no idea but I'd hazard a guess that their damage is different
I think the big orb one grows bigger when charged and throws quicker compared to it's elemental counter part and the other ones curve much better. Sorry I can't remember the names.
Mummy's = 200
Everyone else = 150-170
I just can't hit Ribbon Girl in the lvl3 punch training mode. Any tips? She just keeps jumping backwards and I whiff or hit her gloves.
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Byte and Barq are so unfair in volleyball.

I just played against some poor Springman and he never stood a fucking chance. I jumped on Barq the whole time and could literally hit the ball the whole time it was on Springman's side.
Buff travels quick when charged
Bubb goes trough medium and small sized punches when charged, and gets cancelled along big fists.
Megaton becomes the biggest and therefore uncancellable fist when charged.
Does anyone else feel like DSP's going to take his own life? His YouTube career has gone down the gutter, he can barely pay his bills, he's a laughingstock in the YouTube community, and now his girlfriend has left him. Not looking good for the poor bastard

Does disconnecting count as a loss?
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But aren't there throws like Mechanica and Kid Cobra's where they make multiple hits and end up with a 160 hit? Won't they be making more than 200 damage?
I thought that as well but the number at the end is just the total damage, otherwise Mechanica's would do like 3 or 4 hundred.
>can't afford ARMS until next month
H-have fun guys
If it's 1 v 1 v 1and my health is super low and you cold clock me to one hit from death while I'm fighting the guy with by far the most health I will turn my super on you and make sure you can't win.
How do I get good at the target game? I lose almost every time no matter what I try.
the absolute most important thing is to make your fist pass through some targets and then hit your enemy for a multiplier, targets alone make it hard to win
>though online ninjaras were too grab-happy
>fight a ninjara in grand prix
All this fucker does is teleport and grab.
it felt like a massive achievement to cheese the AI with honest springman

my arms hurt now though
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He's also the chosen character to grab spam in training mode
the target game is the sole reason I refuse to play GP anymore after beating level 4

it's so bullshit and is not fun in any way

I'd rather play volleyball or hoops every time than that piece of shit
Is Mechanica is really this bad? I struggle with these faster characters that spam Hydra because that's the FOTM weapon now. Her hitbox is so big.
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How did you know that person was a girl?
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>want to keep playing
>work tomorrow
Also Byte and Barq are now my secondary
I feel the same way. I love playing as her, and she's the only character I can consistently hit people with, but I always get outplayed by actual mobile players as they're far smaller and more mobile than Mechanica is.
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That's perfect.

I don't even know what I'm doing wrong when I lose horribly and I get zoned. It's so frustrating.
Which ARMS would you recommend?
just posting to say that Hoops mode is fun as fuck
t. grabjara
name was Rachel, was awful at the game, I dunno
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>everyone on ranked are *teleport* *grab* man and cobra shitters
getting real tired of this
That makes sense, but it sure was confusing.
I'm going through each character to find my main and Cobrakid is the only one that seems kind of fun. Maybe once I unlock Slamamanders on someone like Ribbon Girl or Min Min.
>designating yourself as a shitter

I implore you to reconsider
I haven't seen a Master Mummy or Mechanica on ranked yet
out of 30+ ranked matches, I have LITERALLY only seen cobra, grabjara, ribbon girl and twintelle

Not him, but I've seen a Mummy and Mechanica; they were both pretty good.
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I want arms but I can't see it as a $60 game.
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>tfw beat GP with my main
>tfw have literally no desire to play any other character
>haven't even played GP with them
Does this make me a bad player? I'm doing fine with my main.
It's ok, I'm only playing as 2 characters.
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>his belt
Nobody does until they play it. If you get a chance to play it do so, almost everyone agrees it is worth buying after they test it out.
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What's the best way to grind for money? I want to unlock more Arms before trying to take the game """seriously""", but it's such a chore
I would stand under that hoop purposefully
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I saw a Master Mummy online once who tried to sit in his shield when I had far more health than him. I just waited. Didn't even shield. I just let him get his health back.

I timed his ass out twice. No shame.
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What the fuck is Biff?
Is he organic?
A mutation?
An experiment like Helix?
A robot?
Or a kind of ARMS chosen one which only gets born each 100 years?
I really do think traditional controls work best for this game. Motion controls are nice, but I've gained a lot more precision with my punches since I made the switch.

Movement is also WAY smoother with analogue.
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how can his calves be this delicious-looking?

yes, stupid fucking nip player disconnected as soon as he lost

he came back later and was furiously shaking his Avatar, got paired with him and he DC'd

fucking buttmad babies that can't learn to analyse the opponents weakness or choose the right arms

if someone has a seekie + dragon arm combo, it means run close to them and use fast arms.

If you are a dumb shitter you'll just try to run away in the distance which only gives long range arms more power to kill you
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he's a biff

It's honestly disgusting how people get so angry if they lose in this game. Sometimes I think Sonyfags are right when they say that Nintendo fans are manchildren and literal children.
Just beat Grand Prix on Lv. 7 with Helix and the Blorbs.

fuck master mummy
That's how it is in every pvp online game ever.
Japanese players have 0 tolerance for lag.
Any consensuses on what arm types are good yet, aside from electric and cold elemental arms?
Are the homing arms any good?
I've only tried them against A.I. and I'm not the biggest fan of them, but maybe I'm using them wrong or they are more useful against real people.
I also feel like I might be putting too much stock in the revolver type arms. I like to use them but I'm not sure how viable they actually are.
Popper type arms seem really good even though I writ them off at first, I find I can really rush people down with them if I can get up in their face.
There is no good way.

seekie + dragon laser

Maybe I haven't played a game like this in a while, but it's outrageous how you'll get people who will do nothing but focus you in 3-way or 4-way. You lost one match, get the fuck over it you giant baby. I wish there was a message system to tell them to go fuck themselves.
fire is pretty good, blind would probably be better if more arms had it
homing arms are pretty shit from my experience

why is it only fucking ninjara faggets that use GRAB nobody else does this NOBODY but ninjara fags
I did once while playing master mummy in a 4-player free-for-alli shielded like a faggot till the clock ran out to win by most health
You're lucky this isn't team based. Go play any moba and you'll see actual adults throwing temper tantrums in chat.
League has surprisingly gotten better at this
>rush attack with Blorbs
>450+ damage

literally the best thing about helix
why do people hate kid cobra? ive been playing since launch snd from ive experienced the nigress is the only insufferable character to fight. so boring to wait for the time slow to wear off. if i didnt punch it the first 3 times maybe you should try something else, brainlet.
>Ninjaras - Grab spamming faggots
>Kid Cobras - Slap spamming faggots

If you pick these two, neck yourself instantly.
thought i should point out that that ive been maining /ourspringguy/ in case i get called biased or something

Because most KC players are garbage and do nothing spam slaps and dash, then ragequit if that doesn't work. It gets tiring fighting so many of them.
This game is garbage. It's completely random if it decides your punches will connect or not. Some matches 100% of my shots connect, others they completely clip through people for no reason. It can't even follow its own rules: I have been knocked out of use attacks by standard attacks more times than I can count. It's sad people think they're good at this.

Wonder what button lets me turn 90 degrees and instantly grab someone? Oh wait, that isn't a tech in the game; it's literally random happenstance.
Ideas for DLC characters? We're definitely getting a LEGS right?

Also, this game feels unfinished, and not in the Splatoon way where DLC fixed it. There's not enough good single player content to teach players how to play, and it feels like it's missing a lot of the moveset it needs. Like, why is there only one throw (should be different based on direction tilted or something). There's like infinite content to grind and only the most tedious way to do it (can't pick which character or weapon to unlock/level up). The timer seems like a last minute idea to keep party mode flowing, it doesn't fit the rest of the design.

ARMS is fun but feels like something Nintendo threw together in a rush to guarantee no launch droughts.

i only main twintelle
probably because everyone's playing kid cobra
I've had 3 cobras in a row in ranked
It's not a bad thing, though. I was afraid that no one was going to play him because he seemed to be the least popular character before launch, so I'm glad that more people are playing him
>picked kid cobra purely because he looks cool
>he's actually one of the good ones
Feels pretty good

It is a bad thing because it gets boring fighting the same cahracter all day.
This game is garbage. It's completely random if it decides your punches will connect or not. Some matches 100% of my shots connect, others they completely clip through people for no reason. It can't even follow its own rules: I have been knocked out of use attacks by standard attacks more times than I can count. It's sad people think they're good at this.

Wonder what button lets me turn 90 degrees and instantly grab someone? Oh wait, that isn't a tech in the game; it's literally random happenstance. Also what's the exploit that lets me instantly retract my arms the second I throw them out for a grab? Been wondering about that one.
>not extensible knuckle

Hurts a little bit
Gave it a 7 because
>single player kind of shitty, AI literally just input reading cancer at higher levels too
>RNG ARM drops for characters
>a fighting game with no way to quickly unlock anything for tournament play
>doesn't have key features on launch like tournament mode
>current custom lobby matches are very limited, like can'tchange number of rounds per fight or stop losers from getting participation points
oddly enough he's a rare opponent in ranked, at least he is for me. i'm only rank 7 but i've seen more mummy players. they're surprisingly good.
(you) + Git gud
oops, didn't meant to quote you >>381053841
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Who /Mechanica/ here? It always feels like you earn your victories.
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If I do the level 7 Grand Prix on a character, would it mark 1-6 as completed or do I need to do those too? Asking for completionist sake.
All elements have their uses. I genuinely think they are all solidly balanced. Electric is the weakest damage-wise.
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What buttons are they, pro? How can I get good if the game literally makes it up as it goes? You can't. Nobody is, "good" at arms, they're just getting less bullshit than everyone else.
Yep, but its hard as fuck.
>only 600 on twitch

Dead.... dead game....
Wonder why you're not a game dev ? Because you're whinning about the lack of a button that would turn the game into a grabfest
probably because it's boring as fuck to watch because everyone's shit right now
welcome to fighting games
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Shota wearing a sweater with extremely long sleeves (has the ARMS ability, but it's not clear about what materials are the arms are made out of)
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>Ideas for DLC characters?
what would his abilities/starting arms be?
Gotta say that I love Mechanica in Skillshot. Her Revolver builds combos like a motherfucker.
Trombone arm
I feel like I might be able to agree with that. But right now electric seems like the most prominent of the elements right now because they almost guarantee a grab.
That might change later as knowledge of the game increases.
I think for example that electricity only disables your arms when your on the ground, so maybe people will learn to jump as they are about to get hit by electricity, therefore making fire's increased damage on hit superior.
I guess one of his arms could be one of the extra life balloons
It'd function like the megaton arm, getting bigger on charge, but it'd also have the wind element

So then why is that a thing that happens in 100% of matches if there isn't a button for it? The games lock on is random with how fast it snaps to targets.

Skill shot is literally nothing but grabbing, as it's impossible to miss combos doing it and if you land the grab it gives you an unbeatable lead, if it it's interrupted you automatically retract your arms and can go again meaning there's no punishment. You can't even punish knocking arms down with heavies because the game instantly gives you them back, in fact it actually gives you a free counter on the enemy.

It's the most poorly designed, "game" I've ever seen. 3/10 almost unplayable.
Coconut Gun
Byte and Barq are my mains, but I am absolute garbage at this game

>irrefutable facts, guess I better say gitgud again

I'm glad this game bombed.
I make it a habit to play whoever is not being used in a lobby I'm in.
My best char is Helix now.
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what are the best arms for Min Min and why?

also say something nice about her.
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>see someone with a winning streak
>purposely target them in a 3/4 way risking my chance at victory to make sure their winning streak dies
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Same, 90% of the time the one I pick is shit tier, feels good to land on someone decent for once
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I want to eat ramen with her.
Haven't tried many; I love the Megawatt and may swap out my Ramram for a Slapamander.
I have an unhealthy love for ramen, so I think she's cute.
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>when you beat someone's ass so badly with best girl that they ragequit
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O-okay... ;_;
>So then why is that a thing that happens in 100% of matches if there isn't a button for it? The games lock on is random with how fast it snaps to targets.
Except id doesn't ? The game lock on is slower if you throwed your arms in a direction the camera will still face a bit in the direction of your throw until it's retracted
>Skill shot is literally nothing but grabbing, as it's impossible to miss combos doing it
What ? how grabbing is a combo ?
>and if you land the grab it gives you an unbeatable lead, if it it's interrupted you automatically retract your arms and can go again meaning there's no punishment. You can't even punish knocking arms down with heavies because the game instantly gives you them back, in fact it actually gives you a free counter on the enemy.
No, they "auto retract" only if their trajectory is blocked near them, and even so they still have a second of lag allowing you to punish it if you only use one punch to block it
>It's the most poorly designed, "game" I've ever seen. 3/10 almost unplayable.
You're just too stupid to understand how the game works, at least try to complete the training mode
>comes into thread just to shit on the subject matter
it's like going to comic-con JUST to tell everyone how comics are shit
>You'll never own MinMin's hat or the visor Helix wears
I love putting Megawatt on the dragon arm for that prema-charge, not a fan of her other defaults though, kinda want to unlock a slap/slamamander or toaster to go with it.
I spammed boomerang and tried to have a fist or a grab inside him by the time he starts flexing to buff up. Also don't jump when he has super, and super him (with Toaster) the second he jumps onto the center platform.
unless they release them
In a "or" question with a possible event and it's opposite the answer is always yes
But to be more precise : if you win level 7 level 1-6 will be shown as completed
>paying actual real life currency for constant disconnects
Not that anon, but how do you guys consider "beating" the training mode? Getting a perfect each time, never missing a hit on the punch training modes? I can easily get a Win in them but it doesn't count if I cheese it.
I would marry Min Min and gladly let her parents move in with us when they turn into old Chinese people and take care of them since I respect my elders.
Some of them seem like they need to be cheesed. Haven't tried them since day 1 but I remember the Ribbon Girl being a pain in the ass.
You go to the training mode and you try to understand how to react and you tests new things in each given situation

>doesn't know what a combo is in skill shot
>tries to insult other people's intelligence

Either you've never played the game or you have a below third grade reading comprehension. Either way, on par for Nintendos demographic.

You cannot lose skill shot by spamming grab. If both of you are doing it, its RNG who wins.
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thanks lao wais.
I remember Wii sports, I remember the boxing. This will be over in 3 weeks, right? I mean the gimmick gets old.
>+4 handicap
>playing as mummy
>somehow the other two ignore me and do their own shit at the bottom of the stairs while i sit in the corner and heal like a bitch
>take out the survivor
>Google search skillshot
>League of legends shit
Sorry if I am more familiar with the fighting game's meaning of combo and the fighting game's vocabulary for my fucking fighting game.
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Still want to wait till splatoon 2 is out to get the switch...
Any drawing suggestions in the meantime bros?
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it's not motion control dependent, so it'll probably have a bit longer life than wii boxing. it's a much easier game to pick up and play without exerting as much effort in having to waggle.

The gimmick doesn't even work. The game is a mess of mechanics that don't work.
Dude he's talking about the gamemode, I agree that he's a retard but have you even played the game?
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Thanks anon.
Kid Cobra and Master Mummy playing video games

It's a basic game mode in ARMS...seriously, kill yourself shitposter.
min min inhaling twintelle's farts
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>bitches and whines about how ARMS is terrible
>clearly hasn't played the game
He's the one trying to defend arms you silly-billy
Tbh I didn't know that it was called "skill shot" in english, but again I still don't understand how grab can be considered too powerful in this mode and why it makes him hate the game that much

So he's defending a game he's never played.
is there a faster way to get coins? I swear getting new arms is a pain in the ass

For the exact reasons I explained...Jesus fucking Christ you're retarded.
You know what it is, the characters lack character. They're just there, barely voiced. The whole game feels hollow personality wise.
Ninjara's stage is terrible for Barq and Byte. I kept doing things that typically let me jump on Barq but the constant elevation differences messed it up every time.
Now that's a first
In 2v2 all the win animations are generic. The in-game narrator is never one consistent person which makes it really hard to establish a tone. The yellow guy is not voiced like the trailers which is such a letdown.

The game just feels kind of dead. There's less voicework than mario party 1.
So you only have a problem with this specific game mode ?
If so how the fuck do you need a 90° degree rotating button ?
If the problem is on the core gamemode, then I explained how it works and what you should do when I didn't understood that you were talking about a specific game mode.
Maybe I have a lack of english skills today but you seems to be unclear to me anon
How do '+' arms work? Do they just do more damage? How is that allowed?
some are also faster to throw/retract and do more grab damage
At some point everyone would have every +arms so it isn't that bad
Is this games community actually dying already or was everybody memeing? I'm thinking about getting it, but I'm just hoping that there will be a community
how good is master mummy?
Fucking this.
I really hate how ribbon girl can make like 3 throw attempts in the air before having to land, and they're nearly impossible to break or dodge due to how shit vertical aiming is
time to try and get the vertical rocket arms I guess
He's a one-trick pony
Honestly we don't know
The game won't die until Splatoon2, there's no doubt for that.After, I think that it will at least stay a year or two with a solid community until there's no update + e-sport support from nintendo
>in the middle of hitting someone with a rush
>they hit me and I die

great game nintendo
he's nice but I think his quirks are really underpowered compared to the rest of the cast
healing on guard is cool on paper but they should make it like a flat amount per hit absorbed or increase the healing rate because +10 every second is incredibly low and just makes the enemy grab happy
the super armor is nice but basically everyone always has their arms charged so it doesn't do anything against that
it would be really nice if it prevented charged arms from knocking you down or also offered damage reduction or something
his grabs are the strongest in the game though, which is nice
Minmins swarm every lobby I get into
He's not that great a player, but I actually don't blame him for raging at hedlok. It took me nearly an hour to beat him the first time.
You don't. Playing as mummy is a self imposed handicap
>the super armor is nice but basically everyone always has their arms charged so it doesn't do anything against that

The super armor is basically fucking worthless in this game when you have weapons that'll knock you down regardless and doesn't compensate for the large hitboxes. They really need to improve it.
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isn't the grab happy point countered by throwing out a punch every now and then?
was thinking that you could bait out a grab by shielding for a second then throwing a punch when the inevitably grab, seems like basic mindgames

the curse of fuckhuge characters in fighting games, either they're weaker than most or stupidly overpowered
it's a safe bet when you're at a distance but closer up and you're likely to not be able to react to their grab attempt
I need a gif or webm of that dancing salt.
>mfw I'm halfway through rank8 and only been playing as mummy
imagine how much higher I'd be if I played a normal character
how high does rank even go?
i was more talking about predicting a grab, like
>block for about 1/4 of a second, let guard down and throw punch
>enemy reacts to block and goes for grab
>gets hit
though it's nice that it's a good ranged option at least

that reminds me, does this game lean more towards reaction-based play or predictions? the system seems like your standard rock paper scissors fair
Why even fucking play as a heavy in this game? They're at such a huge disadvantage because their super armor does nothing and the hitboxes are massive. Nintendo should just delete Mechanica and Master Mummy at this point.
depending on the arms you have you can be more offense or defense oriented, reactionary or predictive
stuff like megaton arms are for locking down approaches/countering enemy attacks, same with the shield arm and things like that
now that you mention it, I feel the same way. There are personalities for these characters, but they all have less than 10 voice lines and 1 animation for victory/loss
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If I am fighting Hedlok, what the fuck is the reason the ARMS commission or what the fuck ever is dropping bombs on top of me and dropping HP on top of him? Are they fucking retarded?
I am so bad at arms
You mean buff them, I see
This. Just do something to make them better.
I think the game in general rewards waiting for you opponent to move first, punches are easily doged or blocked. Grabs are meant to counter blocking, but you can instantly punch out of block to stop them, so they're very situational at best. I hope they do some rebalancing in the future
Do all the training modes in Versus. If you're using motion controls switch to a controller.
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Eyo, tried out flubber and I love him.
I never thought I'd be taken back to my preschool days of fucking cheating fighting game AI. <3

Fuck you, Nintendo. Let me play fucking ranked mode.
I like how he's got the fever.

Lady Bouquet
>Mature-looking woman.
>Vine arms.
>Creates a seed turret after a dodge, which fires off 3 bullets and disappears.
>Only one seed turret at a time.
>Can get hit by own seeds.
>Rose Blossom arm fires a slow-moving cloud of pollen that will disable enemy arms.

Captain Calamari
>Octopus in shape of a man.
>Tentacle arms.
>Arms drip ink on the field that can slow opponent's movement.
>A successful charged hit causes a "snap-back" effect where the arm used is ready again immediately.
>Mini Blot arm is quick and has a small blind effect.

Lasso Lass
>Rope arms.
>Chains an opponent to her on a successful grab or hit sometimes, so they can't get too far away.
>Six-Shooter unleashes 6 tiny, quick projectiles whose splay of trajectories can be adjusted.

>Slime arms.
>Uses his tongue to grab instead of arms, letting him grab and punch at almost the same time.
>Jumps high and has a long air dash. Ground movement is slower.
>Slimeballer arm is similar to Helix's signature arm, but leaves a greasy gel on the screen instead of ink.
No you're too shit
All you have to do is hit your opponent before the targets pop up with Wind/fire/electric. They get knocked down or shocked and then you can hit all the targets you want.
Min min offering the viewer a bowl of ramen.
There isn't really a community yet, just a bunch of people with Switches who bought it.
Ribbon Girl beaten up after losing a fight
Go into VS mode, set the rules to unlimited time, no items, unlimited HP, level 5 COM, and then play against a ribbon girl until you git gud. Round will last until you quit.

Should take a few hours.
What arms work best on Kid Cobra? I pulled a parasol and a retorcher for him. Not sure what the former is used for, and haven't tested the latter.
>get beat by another player
>"I am not mad, because that definitely required some form of skill and execution, and clearly it was that display of skill which bested me. Good game, friend!"
>get beat by an AI
>Get furiously fucking angry, literally break and punch shit because it's a fucking AI. It can read inputs and cheat at the game. There are no patterns to identify, no human thought went into the execution that beat me.

Fighting against AI in any multiplayer game is a fucking waste of time and teaches you bad habits, but Nintendo was like, "FUCK YEAH, LET'S MAKE THEM FIGHT AI TO PLAY RANKED MODE. HYUK HYUK, GOTTA PAD THAT FUCKING CONTENT!"

Kill me.
>Want to main Barq and Byte
>But that Snek Game tho
Also, Min Min's kicks are fucking worthless. They don't come out in time to work like a parry, they're fucking stupid.
I don't know but I really want to put my hand up his shorts
>Get furiously fucking angry, literally break and punch shit
>because you lost to a fucking AI
They only make you beat level 4 to prove you aren't incompetent.
>mained minmin in all the test punches
>main her now
I don't think I remember EVER having a kick work. Maybe once, out of totally random chance.
>so bad he can't beat rank 4
Come on man, I would understand if it was 5 or above but 4 isn't that bad.
Again, playing against AI is fucking retarded. When it's an AI the "mind game" is completely different. Not only is there lack of ANY but you just end up saying shit like:
>"Why did the AI just DECIDE to do that?!"
Such as, "Why did the AI just DECIDE to not avoid this grab, but then PERFECTLY avoided this one?" if it was a player, it would make fucking sense. I could make sense of the situation, but not when it's a fucking AI.
And that's why there isn't a message system.
Do you just cheese the AI with some kind of tactic that it can't beat? If I wanted to cheese and manipulate AI, I would fucking play Civ5, not this shit. I just want to play Ranked mode.
I thought it would be such a cool ability, like being able to parry away attacks, but it takes 999999 frames to start up, lasts a decent bit of time and then does nothing.
Does Biff audibly speak words anywhere like he did in every promotional video? I feel a bit let down cause he had a cool voice.
She's been all I've playing and its pretty useless. A jump dash is more than enough to dodge any attack. The kick should reflect the punch back at the person so you end up actually trying to land them.
How do you unlock this guy?
dude they're sadistic fucks that take innocent people who woke up with spaghetti arms and fight them against each other for entertainment. they'd rather watch Hedlok pound your boipussy to the ground and you explode than help you.
Coming as a 12.99 dlc character next month. Comes with 3 arms and his map too.
How do I defeat dual cracker fagbots
Don't go for grabs. Wait for the AI to jump in the air to use your rush. Don't just throw random punches. Wait for the AI to throw one, dodge it and throw one yourself. Find a pair of arms that work well together not just random shit. Something like a quick freeze arm to slow them then fuck them up with a megaton.
free dlc next month
Except there was no strategy in Wii Boxing, just flail your hands around and watch your Mii go. It's not like ARMS will be Tekken or anything, but its mechanics go deeper than just throwing your fists out there and winning
Pretty sure those are light arms, Ive had success using medium arms to deflect them. Chilla and Toaster as Spring Man to be precise.
>cheese the ai
I just rushed them with springman and red boxing gloves. Constantly did his dash reflect thing for charge and just raped them. Not much to it. Hedlok was a bit annoying but boomerangs eventually killed him.
>The timer seems like a last minute idea to keep party mode flowing, it doesn't fit the rest of the design.

Which timer do you mean? The arms getter, or in fights? Because fighting games always have timers. There are a lot of fights in Arms that would go on for fucking ever without a timer to keep things (relatively) succinct.

I agree that it could use a more fleshed out training mode. There are a bunch of things in the help section that could have been detailed more fully in such a mode, and there's no pass/fail state on the training matches they have in there, so a player could not understand what they're supposed to be being taught and not know if they actually did what the game wanted.
You can be predictive on occasion (against humans, anyway), but the game is reactive on the whole. You can usually make safe pokes to try and get them to move a certain way or do a certain thing that you want to react to a specific way, but it's a fairly defensive game.

So basically draw boxing gloves on him

7, just like Splatoon at launch, except Arms has better multiplayer offerings at launch wheras Splatoon had a better single player offering

I like the game and want to play more, even better with the updates
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Here here!

Pic related just happened for me.

Even though it was only a level 4, it felt good smashing Hedlok with my fellow Nipponese Mechanic bros.

Im going to try another gamestop to buy a Switch with Arms

You guys played the game enough right? Can you properly explain to me Min Min's "Dragon arm" gimmick?
>police robot
>default arm called the "cracker"
I can't tell, it doesn't do any extra damage.
Normally when you charge an attack, you only keep the charge for a few seconds.
Min Min's left arm stays charged until she takes damage.
Do we know what difficulty level he's playing on during this?

>You can't hold on your charges

I never knew that's how things work

Im assuming Spring Man does the same when he's down %25 of his health left then?

>Max brass has BOTH of Spring Man's abilities and a bit of manual Master Mummy Super Armor

That is broken, and destroys the point of spring man, the only negative is that he's wider, and even easier to hit than Master Mummy when bulked up

He's vulnerable when jumping on Barq and takes longer to get up due to the increased height

All you have to do is knock it to the other side
People also forget that you can still hit your opponent in V-Ball
Arms only gain their attribute when charged. They automatically charge for half a second after you dash, when you land after you air dash, or after you shield for half a second.

If Min Min holds dash for a full second after her dash ends (unable to move) her left arm becomes permanently charged until she's knocked back. (Either by any elemental attack or a heavy weapon) She also gains the permacharge if she pulls off a grab.

So long as he's under 25%, Spring Man will NEVER lose charge on EITHER arm, even if he's knocked over. So, it's better, but if you're using it, you're not doing too great.
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Was it autism?
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Let me get this straight for Max Brass

>Gets Spring Man's %25 Health Full charge
>Also Gets Spring Man's blowback but specifically while he's dashing
>Has a move that bulks him up to take a full hit, but the bulk itself makes him a bigger target and doesnt last long
>Has a punch that gets thrown out really quickly

It's hard to say if he'll be a little OP or too predictable and easy to hit
No mobility = shit
Doesn't matter what his other abilities are
No, I just keep getting bodied by her and her overly peppy victory lines are now burned into my short term memory.
Deflect on dodges isn't specifically a mobility ability, but it does let you maneuver relatively unpunished. He'll at least be a straight upgrade over Spring Man, even if he isn't top tier. And Spring Man isn't exactly shit.
They're probably balancing him now. If he's really just a better Spring Man, he'll beat him all the time and they'll nerf him.
So hey has anyone ripped the soundtrack to FLAC or MP3 yet? I'm not interested in youtube rips, I want my own copies.
>He'll at least be a straight upgrade over Spring Man

More like a gay upgrade


>Better upgrade

His biggest flaw is being a bigger target, even moreso when he bulks up for the super armor

It's a fair trade off that makes him and Spring Man balanced without being better
I recently started to play Springman, am I right that he seems to be the character most suited for being hyper aggressive and constantly in your opponents face?
The deflect on dodging makes it really easy to get in their personal space and with two popper type weapons or other fast weapons he can apply a lot of pressure while still being relatively safe with his dashes.
I'm really digging this kind of playstyle, a lot of people I've faced can't really deal with it.
Just came in mail. Should i use MOTION controls or a regular controller? Which is better?

I heard that the movement in regular is way easier but the motions have better punching...? Can you even be competitive with motion?
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Motion is more fun, but beware of pic related.
How do I go about setting up a /v/ lobby?
You only have to flick your wrists to punch. Far as I can tell the only advantage to motion is the ability to spread your grab out, you can curve in two different directions with the stick if you let go of it between punches. You also have to let go of the stick after moving if you don't want your punch to curve.

>Can you even be competitive with Motion

Did you not watch that Nigger get absolutely destroyed by the games producer?
Yea but that was motion vs motion and not motion vs controller ya know
I'm garbage with traditional controls but had a half hour long +4 penalty win-streak with motion last night.
I would advise practicing with motion controls. Conventional controls are easier to get started with, but you can't achieve as much. It's easier to aim punches, you can aim each arm separately, and you can grab wider with motion. It's hard to transition to motion after getting practice in with a regular controller, but if you want to get good at the game, it will eventually be a necessary step. So really it depends on how good you want to be at the game. If you're competitive by nature, motion controls will take you higher, but you aren't horribly gimped in casual play by an analog stick.
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I don't even know how Yabuki-san does it, it's just more comfortable to move with the stick because it feels faster to move your thumb left or right than twisting your wrists.
Manlets, when will they learn?
>that sparkle
Now I want to see Max Brass and Sidon in 5mash.
>those eyes
Maybe what we don't know about Max Brass is that he's actually blind. In exchange for his upgrades over Spring Man, he suffers from a permanent blorbed status effect.
Add me for a lobby!

I'll be adding people until the hour, then the lobby will go up. Give me a (You) when you've sent me a request.
Poppers are so fucking fast omg
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>tfw i spent nearly an hour trying to destroy hedlok.
>tfw i shudder to think what he's like on level 9
His mask obscures his eyes. Not even his eyebrows comically appear above it.
What, no one wants to play?
It's almost 4 AM here, not really feeling up to a few games. Writing an ARMS review for a literally who gaming site.
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Just punch his grab with your other arm when he does that, dummy.
why is hedlok allowed to have no openings
Because fuck you, it's the final boss
Oh fuck the motion controls are hard as fuck for me, since im a boxer irl and I instinctively always curve my wrist when punching REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
what about after he punches

Don't do an actual punch motion like those actors in the trailer

Just jerk your wrist
oh, thanks
He can move after punching and also he has six arms so he always has punches waiting to fire off to deflect attacks.
Why the fuck is the beyblade stage allowed in ranked
Why are items allowed in ranked
To force you to move around
>Lying online
i love 1v1v1 cuz nobody knows how to switch targets so i always win :)
>always played motion
>try button controls for one session
>holding jumping and trying to throw a left punch
>holding dash and trying to throw a right punch

It's doable, but holy shit that is not comfy at all.
The game doesn't tell you afaik but you can also use the trigger buttons to throw punches. It's a lot easier to press ZR/ZL and dash than to use ABYX exclusively.
Oh, neat. I'll give it a second chance. I'm probably gonna end up playing both controls alternatively if that's the case.
Why is mechanica so easy to beat in the campaign?
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Holy shit, I need this now.
+4 is 75% off? In which case, I won two, but couldn't inch out that third victory.
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is there art or like stories of people hurting the ARMS cast yet. when?
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Barq fir assist in Smash Bros
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>play ranked against Ninjara
>grabs me once and jumps around like an idiot to taunt, I'm guessing
>tries again, slap it away with my Hammer, and hit him as punishment
>tries again, repeat
>tries again, dodge, grab him and throw him to a corner
>start unleashing hammer after hammer, and watch him panic as he can't get out
>disconnects when he's about to lose

I don't know what is it about Hammer that works so well against Ninjaras. I'm guessing it's becaue they react to it early, and don't realize the hammer hits with a small delay, and will sometimes follow where they're moving to instead of where they were.
I can't understand your post
>can't beat normal mode in a fighting game
>blame Nintendo, but also go and claim the game is easy and has no skill involved
You're not going to do well in ranked if you can't even clear level 4 Grand Prix. You're going to end up just as angry at the players who are better than you as you are at the AI.
They aren't.
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