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CEO 2017 - melee finals

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Plup vs. Axe in loser's finals, Hfat waiting in Grands

stream @CEOGaming
it's called losers final because the winner gets to lose against hbox
Let fucking Axe win Plup.
You are fucking shit against Hbox.
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Sure love watching a sheik chaingrab a mid tier just to get 3-0'd by hbox
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Why am I fucking watching this
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>Implying Hbox will win
It's over boys.
oh shit he posted it again
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the post so funny it had to be posted twice to make sure the world would see! :^)
Did Plup take his meds? He doesn't seem as crazy as usual.
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I just want Axe to win. Why won't they let him win?
Sheik's back-air makes me physically angry
its called losers final because whoever wins we still lose.
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Would you slip a finger in while she was passed out?
What 'edgy' stance will Hbox take in his post-game interview this time, bros?
I saw her at Nairo Saga and she is indeed very small. You can't lewd her though.
he wears a fucking cape
a cape
Congrats Hbox
Thanks Plup for fucking ruining everything
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>Gets him locked in the pit
>SDIs out and dsmashes
Plup is nutty, but goddamnit that could have been the comeback.
>she forgave Hyuga and doesn't want him to be banned from tournaments
What can we infer from this?
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you sound like more of a normie than most smashers
have you never slept in your car? asked random people for housing until someone said yes?
i went to a tourney 5 hours away by hitchhiking and subsisted on nothing but instant noodles with hot water from starbucks and raw broccoli for 3 days, and slept in a park. at the tourney, i snuck into the venue and waited until someone was a noshow, and then said i was him and made it out of pools. no one questioned me because i had a broken kodiac camera slung around my neck and pretended to take pictures.
it just takes a little work to get to every regional within 500 miles.
>fuck sundays we don't even need em can't wait to see the tiny views tomorrow for shit fighter and tr4ah LOL
That she is probably exaggerating the whole thing and feels guilty about ruining a guy's career for a lie.
What a tourney this is where Axe had a better chance against Hbox than Plup.
What happened? Did she get raped?
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lol m2k
Molested by a Toon Link main
has plup completely given up on sheik vs the box?

fucking dumbass
What the hell are you talking about?

More like she was finally getting sick of people knowing her as the fingerblasted girl and it got to the point where the initial boost in sympathy social status had passed and it became detrimental to her social standing so she tried to make it downplay
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>playing a mid tier
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>So sick of you niggers trying to change the game just because I've evolved and you can't handle choking on my cock any longer.
>>380938916 >>380939154 >>380939174 >>380939285
so these are the people on /v/ who dont consider themselves to be normies... very interesting
he always goes on a soapbox rant every time he wins a tourney
She cheated on her boyfriend while he slept next to her then pulled the rape card.
Any chance we'll see Samus?
>Later, he announced that he and Vikki had worked things out
So they fucked. Good for him she's kinda cute
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>It's a ''Woman accuses man of molestation and everyone believes her despite there being no witnesses or other evidence to support her claim, so the accused gets shunned from whatever community he was in and has his life fucked up'' episode
worst matchup among viable characters probably.
Everyone drinks at CEO cunt. There's usually a pool party too. Having any semblance of a social life doesn't make you a normie.
>guy admits it
>women are evil
salty virgin
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Read that in his voice too
There were witnesses, it was in a hotel room with like 4 other Smashers and he admitted to it. Calm down
nice rest
There were other people other than the Mexican trash4 player, her, and her bf in the room dumbass.
Reminder that wobbling should banned from all events and a ledge grab limit should be added.
Not... really. She actually insisted in not making a big deal of it, because if word went out about the issue her parents wouldn't let her out the house anymore
>pool parties
what the fuck isnt normie about this? What mental gymnastics are you doing that makes you think you arent a normie?
That's the Arizona flag you uneducated dummy
>says he has no memory of the event
>admitting it
He just accepted the blame because otherwise he would've been arrested
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cool rest
LGL no
ban wobbling yes
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>tr4shfags are literally rapists

No wonder all the girls play Melee instead.
Fuck off to r9k.
hes a spic it probably happened
doesnt make it not a cunt move to immediately report it to twitter instead of dealing with it like an adult
And at least 3 of them changed the story because all of them, including Vikky were black out drunk, shut the fuck up.
That's literally what a normalfag is, you fuck. Stop trying to redefine established words so it doesn't fit you.
If you have friends, you're a normalfag.
If you had sex, you're a normalfag.
If you shower at least ever other day, you're a normalfag.
If you go out drinking, you're a normalfag.
>Melee finals are tonight
>Sm4sh finals are tomorrow

Hopefully that means tomorrow's threads won't be full of Melee vs Sm4sh shitflingling.
the only thing they play with men's balls.
18+ site
Anon, people that are actually molested don't forgive and commentate the next day like nothing happened, don't be retarded.
>normie challenged on /v/
>instantly gets full defensive and pissed off
nah thats pretty normie. going to social events even if it's for a dumbass nintendo game is already bordering on normie. I guess it's pretty typical for you normies to want to fit in everywhere though, even on /v/
Oh my god who the fuck cares.
I bet you care if people call you a gamer or some shit.
>stop trying to redefine established words
>redefines an established word
uhhhh smashbabs?
>If you shower at least ever other day
I am a literal 350lbs autist that hasn't gone outside in a year and have to shower every day because of my OCD. I guess I am a normie
Why did he switch to Sheik
isnt that just /soc/ 2.0 now? last i went it was just full of people complaining about their girlfriends and comparing their dick sizes
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hol up
u sayin
you wouldnt shower if you werent mentally ill
you've gone full circle
>If you shower at least ever other day, you're a normalfag.
I'll agree with the other stuff but not this. Tired of this shit about how if you're a shut-in you cant have hygiene or be focused on self improvement. You can work out, take showers, drink (as long as its not social drinking), etc. all by yourself.
Yes, I am dead serious, I used to shower only once a week when I was slimmer, went outside and didn't have OCD.
Octorok face. 2/10 only good for her tits.
>If you shower at least every other day, you're a normalfag.
That's basic hygiene you mong. Sorry your white trash mother couldn't teach you basic fucking hygiene. Don't tell me, pissing and shitting in a toilet and wiping my ass makes me a normal fag too right?
coach crunch to the rescue!
a bidet should be good enough, normie.
Why are the new team liquid jerseys so shit
>coach what do i do
>idk bair?
midset coaching meme
Are you some loser faggot who finds comradery and belonging in identifying as "not a normalfag"?
>Tech uair
>Gets the kill

Plup is amazing. Fuck you.
Im so fucking happy all you faggots are getting rustled over hbox winning. Shows the massive ignorance of /v/.

Jigglypuff is a shit character, so shit that there is literally L I T E R A L L Y only one guy who can get to top 8.

Hbox SINGLE HANDEDLY flipped the fox puff matchup on his own, its still widely regarded by top pros to be 70%-30% in favor of fox. Seeing Hbox weave in and out instant death combos at 30% is a skill only few can even fathom. His character can die from one upthrow upair while he has to combo the spacies into fucking oblivion with 50 bairs or a risky rest combo that if he misses he INSTANT LOSES A STOCK.

Hbox is the hero we need, the one who consistently got out-tier'd for his entire life, but he refused to switch to 20XX he fucking pioneered his own character so much to a point that NONE OF THE GODS can replicate it and they all play top tiers pretty consistent except puff.

He fucking won it all, He beat his demons in life when the odds AND fans were always stacked against him. /v/ hates him because they will never craft their own negatives lives into success like him
hes like my third favorite player anon
>Calling someone a loser on 4chan
You're kind of proving his point.
You guys are clearly normalfags. You don't shower if you have nowhere to go. The only real time to shower is when you took a shit and came on yourself so much that you literally smell like garbage.
holy fuck plup is moving like a madman
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>hbox is a cuck

you couldn't make this shit up.
Wait why is Plup winning. I just zoned out because I thought Hbox had this.
i'd cheese all over those big boobles
>my ears hurt
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>Make it close
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>Those titties
Now I see why people really hate Hbox.
Why does everybody suddenly hate hbox?
Haven't really watched since 2015 but I thought he was fairly popular cause he played jigglypuff?
oh boy time for plup to lose 3 matches in a row
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And to think years ago you'd get shit on for making a Melee thread.
Not against the rules, faggot.
it happens every time
hbox intentionally drags out set 1 as long as fucking possible, then crushes the opponent's fucking soul in the first game of set 2 so hard that it becomes a quick 3-0
tell me he isn't doing it on purpose. i fucking dare you.
those jigglypuffs O_O
Normie is kind of subjective, and I'd say less of just a black and white thing than it is a scale. Pic related is probably the closest thing to a real definition of it.
If you goto tournies that is a social event, but it's with a bunch of other autists to play fucking super smash bros. Not that normie.
Or if you have other friends but they're almost as fucked up as you and still into anime/games in their 20s, its a pretty normie trait but again not really on the same level as someone who goes out drinking with others, goes to pool parties, and goes out of their way to socialize with others which is literally the definition of a fucking normie.

sorry for not enjoying soupy balls?
What's cheesing? Is it when a lady gets turned on and her hoo hah gets sticky?
He has no point to begin with
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Shit. Forgot picture. I meant to post this.
/v/ is still clue less when it comes to competitive melee. Most probably never attended a local in this thread.
>Non-god always chokes in the grand finals against God despite destroying them in the first set.
Weird that this happens every single time in any major tournament. It's almost like Melee babies manufacture these pro players to make it seem like their baby game has any real credibility in the FGC.
its when leftover cum from the quickie in the bathroom 2 hours ago starts seeping out like melted cheddar in a grilled cheese sandwich
fucking delete this image right now wheredi you get tht
>Didn't watch any of this garbage tourney the moment I saw the terrible terrible attendance
>Tune in just now because I'm bored
>Hbox bodying Plup in grands
So when's the next tourney.
Nice of hbox to extend the series for more viewer time
Thanks dude
just stop using "normie" and use the proper term, "normalfag"
Attending a local has nothing to do with how much you know about the game. Fuck off, pot monster.
manufacture THIS
>unzips timeout
I go to my local pretty often and make bracket consistently, I've been playing melee for about 10+ years myself. A couple years ago I tried to start some melee threads and would always get the party game fags
This is a crazy ass thread to me but I seriously don't doubt everyone here is garbage at melee. Glad you're all enjoying a patrician fighting game tho
back from whence you came
Girl with a yeast infection gets horny. The thick mucus in her vagina forms small clots that get stuck in the folds between the labia.
Fox vs Puff for the 1000th time.

This is the power of Melee.
Tell me about Plankbox
>plup has to win twice on hbox counterpick now
kek, goodnight boys
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If you don't like it, don't watch it.
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If Melee top players were manufactured in any way, I can assure you that Hungrybox would not exist.
lotta lasers for a hired fox

You called it.

The best way to git gud at melee is to attend tons of locals and live and breathe this fucking game. You will hit a wall with Netplay and training partners. Nothing beats tourny experience. Doesn't matter if its a 10 man local or major.

hbox ruined melee
netplay is for subhumans
Im so fucking happy all you faggots are getting rustled over hbox winning. Shows the massive ignorance of /v/.

Jigglypuff is a shit character, so shit that there is literally L I T E R A L L Y only one guy who can get to top 8.

Hbox SINGLE HANDEDLY flipped the fox puff matchup on his own, its still widely regarded by top pros to be 70%-30% in favor of fox. Seeing Hbox weave in and out instant death combos at 30% is a skill only few can even fathom. His character can die from one upthrow upair while he has to combo the spacies into fucking oblivion with 50 bairs or a risky rest combo that if he misses he INSTANT LOSES A STOCK.

Hbox is the hero we need, the one who consistently got out-tier'd for his entire life, but he refused to switch to 20XX he fucking pioneered his own character so much to a point that NONE OF THE GODS can replicate it and they all play top tiers pretty consistent except puff.

He fucking won it all, He beat his demons in life when the odds AND fans were always stacked against him. /v/ hates him because they will never craft their own negatives lives into success like him
what happened to this fun childrens fighting game. these tournaments were fun in the past, this looks very boring
What you're saying is arguable. I attend my locals but still get a majority of practice from netplay. Syrox contradicts you as well.
who /FLORIDA/ here?
Nice game, nerds.

You already posted this, you idiot

20ZZ happened.
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>people stayed up for this
if someone was winning every SF4 tournament with Blanka, people would be saying the same shit, regardless of the fact that the character is bad.
Meta is shit right now. Needs new shit.
This is why you got Saturday, the TO's knew this would happen.
is this the end for meleefags?
A few days ago there was a pretty good thread on here with a bunch of people that went to tournaments and even some local/regional pr people.
These threads are definitely a lot more civilized than they used to be, you just have to make an inconspicuous OP about a tournament or something and not "ARE YOU STILL PLAYING THE BEST FIGHTING GAME EVER?"
And? I'm not talking about getting good at the game, I'm talking about knowing how the game works at high level play. You can not go to locals and still know a lot about the game.
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I dont get the logic of some of these guys

Spending YEARS on a game and never sniffing a tournament win

Whats the point
>Hbox camping ledge
>Plup camping lasers

Fuck this meta.
Is there anything to watch tomorrow? I might watch Pokken out of curiosity
Hbox looks good for a spic

>Meleefags shit talk Jebailey about no dubs
>Cry about no bo5s
>Top players boycott

Last EVO for Meleefags hopefully
Syrox hit a wall with Netplay and had to attend majors to finally get to the next level. Mayb,flipsy, and iBDW did as well. You can get good with netplay or just a good practice partner but sooner or later you have to have the crowd experience or something on the line to really level up.
street fighter v you fuck
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Ibdw has come to our locals for a long while now though. please.
Sfv is not good
I can't watch that game anymore. It's fucking garbage. I'd rather watch a Street Fighter EX plus Alpha tournament.
is that place actually still alive, didn't they ran out of money and fucked off
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>Literally nobody can beat Hungry Box
Wait what did Nintendo say?
>Starting up a bar tournament
>Thanks Nintendo for listening
>You guys have heard enough of me, peace

Honestly not bad at all
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>4 hour top 8
they said they will release melee hd as soon as someone other than hbox/armada wins a major (not on mothers day) this year
Go to bed Juan
They promised Melee HD if someone manages to dethrone Hbox/Armada
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>Tournaments were fun in the past
History revisionists, please leave.



How come the smash 4 threads are so bad?
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>Thanks for the money again you cock-sucking twinks.

Alright Hbox, chill.
5 fucking years of this garbage
fuck this stupid game I'm done with it
usually because people bitch about it being smash 4 and not melee
>The money
You mean the 5 dollar pot
They're full fo Smash 4 players talking about Smash 4.
HBox called them out last tournament for not supporting the scene at all, they tweeted out top 8 for this tournament and I think Reggie might have mentioned the smash scene at E3.
Money matches
How come the smash 4 video game is so bad?
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sm4shfags BTFO
its still up
Hbox was bitching about a lack of official Nintendo support but he is one of the main causes of that problem.

You can't have it both ways; you can't make the game embarrassing for the company while asking them to throw you a bone.
Keep it going until they trash game and scene is no more.
Are you fagtarded?

Nintendo doesn't support Melee because they don't make money from Melee anymore, so why would they? It's not because of any of the autists like Hbox or else they wouldn't touch Sm4sh with a ten foot pole while Dabuz is out there existing.
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i only play against laser camping fox
>planks vs IC
>planks vs pika

>People complaining about ledge grabs in Melee
>They don't even know what true pain is like
>s a t u r d a y slot
Honestly, with how Hbox has been playing, I've been enjoying watching Smash 4 more than Melee recently.

As long as Sonic isn't on the screen at least and even then at least I only have to watch 6 minutes of a time out instead of 8.
I dunno, the /v/kend threads were alright in 2016
Wasn't Guilty Gear longer?
Actually, let's just post awful, awful sets.


>20 minutes of absolutely nothing happening
That's the length of a slow set of Melee. I just think people forget just how campy Smash Bros can be when played optimally. Melee has always been very offensive, but people have realised that it's much better to stay back and go for the defense. It's just how the meta evolves.
>party games
>Chu is forced to shill for Hbox now.
Not our guy.
>Yet another Melee top 8 in 2017 is fucking shit
>b-but Tr4sh!
What else should we do but compare with other Smash games? Even at its worst, Melee doesn't sink nearly as low as Brawl or Smash 4.
>Yet another Melee top 8 in 2017 is fucking shit

Which one?
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He's right you know
>still thinks Brawl and Sm4sh are comparable
at least try to keep up so your opinion can sound valid
Isn't that the Peruvian tourney where Boom decided to fuck around with them for having Hyrule legal, and they finally offered to ban it and he just insisted that they were going to still play on it like the tournament rules said?
Of course they are. Just like Melee and Smash 4 are comparable. They're all Smash games and operate with similar mechanics. It's just that Smash 4 is a less defensive and tech-skill heavy Brawl.
M2k double eliminated hbox last week.
Except Armada, Mango, M2K, Leffen and SFAT.
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>Wobbling broke M2K
>Punished Jason
>Hbox wins everything that Armada doesn't
>Mango is washed up
>Leffen is Leffen
>Non-gods are so far below their skill level that they don't stand a chance

How do we save Melee?
turn it into teken
Wait for PPMD to come back in 2024.
melee is old and busted, move on bitch

come play PM, we have limits on ledge invincibility and no wobbling
How does the ledge grab limit work in PM? Is it enforced via in-game mechanics, or is it done afterwards?
In-game mechanic that refuses ledge invincibility after two regrabs I believe
That's nice. Hopefully, we can mod Melee to include something like that.
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>the year is 20XX
>Kevin "Dr. Penispenis" Nanney has finally gotten illegal stallion semen testosterone injection directly into his rectum and it has increased his test levels to superhuman rates
>tournaments have ceased to exist due to his rampant need to mount everyone in sight before and after raping them in Melee
>he wanders the streets of Raleigh screaming "FFFFFFFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLL-CCCCCCCCCCCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! FFFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLL-CCCCOOOOOOOOO!" at the top of his lungs and police are too afraid to intervene because his neutral game leaves them unable to hit him with tasers or pepper spray
>Leffen is in a medically induced coma to help releive him from the pain of his impacted colon after PPMD JV4ed him on Battlefield with Marth at Apex 2018 while screaming "STACK IT UP BITCH BOI" in his ear for every stock
>Sakurai has announced 5mash Bros, a roulette spinner game in which players spin the wheel to decide which fighter wins, it is received with much rejoicing by the Sm4sh community who move on to the new game while telling the Melee players to adapt
Can someone explain to me why CEO felt shittier this year? It felt small. Don't know any better word to describe it.
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