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Melee and Sm4sh brackets going all day.

schedule: http://ceogaming.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/CEO2017schedulefinal.png

streams @ VGBootcamp and PolarityGG

also dreamhack for the armada fans
nobody's there, who cares
I'm there, but I went 1-2...
sm4sh is p-stacked still
Holy shit CEO attendance is bad for Melee.
What the fuck happened?

Why would anyone watch this knowing hbox is going to easily win out?
CEO Dreamland I guess, plus there's been a shit-ton of tourneys lately.

Plup could def beat him but that's about it.
i wonder where tf mew2king is this weekend
ChuDat made him quit melee
Yeah except he just destroyed Fatbox last week

Fuck Chu for ruining 2017 melee
Colin is crazy!
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*tries to edgeguard you*
no pot bonus, saturday spot, and dreamhack
This is the sloppiest set I've ever seen
>CEO, Apex and MLG were all goat and are basically dead now
feels bad man
p-sure the saturday spot was chosen because of the attendance. jebailey always goes by the registrants to decide showtimes
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Thoughts on Fag2King timing out Westballz in a 60-40 matchup?

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Who as in the wrong here?
You laugh but I just asked PP on Twitter yesterday if he's still practicing melee and he said 'almost every day'. He's still keeping his falco/marth warm, and as soon as his mood improves, it's gonna be a quicker return to form than people think. PP is love, PP is life.
I wonder what smuckers said to him
I'd rather be on saturday than have a 10am slot for top 8.
good for him. taking the easy win
You wouldn't be saying that about EVO
not so much you, as this
Are you guys being defensive?
>pssh whatever who needs that no good morning spot, we'll rock saturday cause thats how cool melee is!!!!!!!!!
im just saying why theres low attendance
>He's not watching Pokken

They should give out like golden controllers or bismuth gamecubes as awards. I know nintendo basically said they don't want to back up smash tourneys and want to keep they grass root only but this would be all they have to do.
How is sm4sh viewership these days? I feel like there hasn't been a hype tourney since civil war
>Axe getting rekt by a medicore Fox

the reign is over for this guy. he needs to go falco full-time
Zack a cute

literally who
Name a more boring player than Dajuan "Energy" McDaniels.

Sheik is less entertaining than floaties.
when is guilty gear
also did hbox get btfo yet
i hope shroomed wins, if he can almost beat armada he can beat that nerd hbox
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>no Ally
Are there any Ryus on Sm4sh here? I only watch Sm4sh if it's Ryu.
>no pot bonus
>no doubles
>they got Saturday top 8 slot.

Melee doesn't need CEO.
yo shroomed is so good right now
Sheik Puff is even worse for Sheik than Sheik Peach.
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Why can't he just come out and say that he has an anxiety disorder? I don't buy this Low-T shit.
Locus is in the tourney
>puff dittos
>Puff dittos

low t doesn't stop you going to a local he's fulla shit
Well that ties into his depression, doesn't it? So in a way he already said it and doesn't want to talk about it further. Idiots keep bothering him about the same stuff over and over and that's only making the pressure worse for him.
What just happeed I had it muted?

Why'd they just stop the set midway?
>Well that ties into his depression, doesn't it?
They're different. Low T is very common.
No, I'm saying anxiety ties into his depression. Not Low T.
Why is it so weird and not-chill to have a female commentator? I can't justify why in my own head. It's like distracting and I don't like it, even though her commentary is fine and she's not really saying anything wrong or acting cringeworthy.

Not even memeing here, I want to know why this bothers me and I can't figure it out. Anyone else know what I mean? Maybe I just feel like its forced pandering, even if it actually isn't. I've never talked to a girl who actually knows how to even play smash or cares about it. There's like, one competitive female smash player I can even name. I don't play smash with women, I don't watch or discuss smash with women, and women don't play smash 99.5% of the time, so a female commentator is just fucking weird to me.

I can't figure this out.
There aren't any notable females in the community, so none of them are going to really have much of a clue what's going on.
There aren't very many females in the community so when you hear one your brain finds it kind of strange. If it helps you you can pretend she's just a 12 year old boy commentating.
>Feat. Hungrybox, Plup, Axe, Shroomed, Swedish Delight, S2J, Wizzrobe

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You have issue, my dude.
Anytime Autist Delight is a featured player, you know your tourney sucks
>3 sheiks

>Having a feeling that I can't control means I have issues.

I said she wasn't really doing or saying anything wrong, I didn't insult her. It just weirds me out and I'm actively trying to explore my own thoughts to figure out why. What's wrong with that?
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>Smash 4 players complain about burnout
>They go literally every event that they can.

Gee, if you're tired maybe you just uh..shouldn't go? Melee players could have gone to this event if they wanted, but they took a break. Look at how stacked the Smash 4 side is, though. They go to fucking everything. If you're tired then just don't go, it's not a difficult concept.
we'll make it one day anon
I wish Isabelle was playable
>>Smash 4 players complain about burnout
To be fair, that was mostly Zero and Dabuz, and Dabuz did skip some events. Zero still goes to everything because muh ranking
>Having a feeling that I can't control means I have issues.
Yeah, it does.

>I said she wasn't really doing or saying anything wrong.
And you're still bothered by her somehow, therefor you have issues.

It's like thinking about stealing from your grandma, but saying you're fine because you didn't act upon those feelings.
You're still messed up.
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>two big tournaments going on at the same time
>one is free for armada
>the other is free for hbox
When will the nu-/demi gods finally step it the fuck up?
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>Meleefag salty because his bracket are boring compared to Smash 4's
How does it feel to know the outcome of your event is just going to be Hungrybitch winning?
shiek falco is in no way 60-40
braindead falco mains LUL
ZeRo has the weirdest opinions. Who does he seriously think will be number one if not him? Leo?

It's funny because Locus attended the last two big events, this and Nairo saga and his results have potentially hurt his ranking more than helped it.
I'm a Smash 4 player. I just don't get why the top players of Smash 4 complain about burnout when they can just decide to not go. Melee doesn't have Tier 1 tournaments every single weekend because the Melee players are smart enough to pace themselves better.
Marth-Falco you idiot

Kill me.
>I'm a Smash 4 player.
Quit falseflagging, shouldn't you be watching Hungrybox time somebody out?
>Your 2017 EVO champ

He figured armada out at smash n splash, figured hbox out on stream, and always owns mang0 when he's not tired. No one can stop this fucker from his first EVO
>DJNintendo going Bowser vs Icies

New counter?
No excuse for Falco. PPMD had been properly dealing with that stuff for years.
Where's M2K? He wasn't in Nairosaga either right?
Do you literally just have to pledge to be a faggot if you main Sonic? Holy shit I've never seen this character played in a way that isn't shitty.
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>going for the timeout when you're both over 100% at two fucking minutes left in the match
>get the timeout

Holy fuck you cock-inhaling fuckshits.
SuperGirlKels is a pretty interesting Sonic. She doesn't make it that far in bracket too often. Her having an interesting Sonic is probably why, to be honest.
PP hasn't been doing anything for years except taking estrogen injections and giving everyone false hope. He'd get destroyed by any marth today
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ITT: Spectating faggots who want to see the most HYPE Captain Falcon dittos xD

People like you are the reason Street Fighter V is the way it is.
>want the game to be based around skill instead of avoiding the other player

This is what Smashbabbies actually think
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>Wrath got timed out
Serves him right.
Rest in peace, Zack
that was sick
Based ICs!
>no streams found on this url
and ZSS cancer is allowed to spread another day. Fuck this game
I'm beginning to think that Zack is getting predictable for some top players.
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>want the game to be based around skill
No, you don't.
You want games where people die in one hit and the players are risking their tournament placements on hard reads.

Also yeah, SFV, the idiotproof game built completely around entertaining idiots and by excluding defensive options and making it some EPIC HYPE COMEBACK GAME where the roster is shifted every time for the sake of character diversity and your entertainment over the consistency of players.

But that all probably sounds pretty good to you, doesn't it?
>No, you don't.
Yes, I do.

>You want games where people die in one hit and the players are risking their tournament placements on hard reads.
Nope, try reading for once.

Go attack strawmen elsewhere.
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>Goes Lucina
>Stream starts lagging

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>Yes, I do.
Understandable, have a nice day.
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>Moon eliminated again by a literally who
Retirement when?
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>video games
What happened to the stream??
He just double eliminated Hbox at Saints Gaming in Canada last week and is taking a break.

>doesn't use shit
>Tfw Moon is losing to IBDW while Hax playing on the box is already good enough to fuck up IBDW at Nebs
Soon Hax will be the best in NY again.
Too bad the box is bullshit and Hax will soon be barred from all relevant tournaments
>You will never be able to delete Mr. R from the scene

What a boring fucking player. 0 personality and has literally never been hype or done anything cool or interesting, he's just another Shiek. Void does that but in a much more entertaining way, and I don't care about Void either.
Why do you all smell so fucking bad? Whenever I attend tourneys the smash section smells like putrid rancid fucking shit. It's fucking gag inducing and you fucking goblins don't care for some reason. Smashbabbies are the worst community in '''''''''''''''e-sports'''''''''''''''''' and one of the worst gaming communities ever. Fuck all of you.

Literally gitgud you fucking niggerpleb.
Hehee, i poop all over your floors. I peepee on the TV. I haven't taken a shower in years and i make sure to shove my armpits all over your face lolloolllol
At least he's good looking

Why would anyone care about that? Void is better looking than he is too by the way.
>By the way

Acting like you don't want to pound his scrawny ass lmao. Gayboy spotted

I just wanted to talk about smash why you gotta be like this nigga?

Ratio v Mr.R
Shut the fuck up faggot.
>melee streams
>buttery smooth, expert overlays, and spans over multiple channels

>smash 4 streams
>looks retarded, 2 frames per second, stream down literally 50% of the time
Every CEO stream is down
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Subscribe, goy.
Im beginning to think that Zack is a gigantofaggot
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*blocks your path*
>vgcuckcamp and tr4sh ruining everyone's fun
go figure
Not the one I'm wactching.
cmon wizzy don't lose to a guy with downs syndrome
Not in a million years
lysozy is shit on commentary why does this who get on so often?
wizzy is a big idiot
>D1 in Pokken tourney as commentator
he just follows the money
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>'the money'
He's paid by nintendo.
I want Wizzrobe to win

>Directly sponsored by multi billion dollar company Nintendo

>Sponsored by a bunch of nobodies

There's some notable streamers in the league community who are friends with top melee players and they said they could literally fun the largest melee tournament in history using what they make off of league in a month if like 3 of them pitched in.
so you're saying its his job
WOW he's such a fucking jew for doing his job, what a fucking moneygrubber
>HBox is the only god there
>He's GOING to win
I wish they could have a major banning gods baka
I want to see the other really good players have a chance to shine
arcadians always have tiny viewerbase and no one accepts the winner as 'legit' because the best players werent there
it sounds good in theory but it always turns out that way
Stream is back up
anyone who works is just shilling for israel
we back boiz
pulp is beating weed falcon
How's it going, Mang0?
Dabuz is /ourguy/ right?
Yes, mango and coney said so.
You told me there was a Ryu here where is he you fuck
Yep, DaBuz is literally the biggest loser in Sm4sh (which is hard). Smelly weeb, always finishes 2nd, plays the objectively best waifu in all smash games, etc.
why don't you check a bracket you fuck

Timeouts yay
>watching dreamhack
>neither armada or leffen in doubles

literally why
dreamhack never has prize money for dubs
2 most likable negros in smash on @polaritygg
that's weird because Armada slobbers all over Dreamhack, you'd think they'd want him to get more money
honestly though, if shroomed plays as safe as he did against armada, i think he could cuck the Box
Do people think GIMR intentionally makes the internet in the venue shitty?
>implying it doesn't
This FUCKING stream
After this they need streaming privileges taken at every major
>Yfw ranai wins an american major with villager
>getting absolutely #rekt
Well it always seems to happen at events gimr is at.
iBDW has beaten slox,Smuckers, and dj before. He's not a literal who you pool fodder scrub.
This is actually a hype set
This stream is garbage. FGC niggers are garbage TOs.
Jebailey's done more for the Smash community than fucking Scar. Fuck you ungrateful smash autists.
Who's the monkey? :^)
cmon guys lets have some good vibes :3 i'm sure the stream will be fine for the rest of today, let's all enjoy it :D



Fuck i never knew a tag could piss me off this much
Only he because he's even more of a jew than "Gold is my reason". Same thing with Mr. Wizard.
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edit: nvm lol

What did mango say about dabuz?
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Yo momo is impressive tho, good looks
Zinito pls
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show of hands who else subs to mango?
smucked up
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I literally did not see that when I typed >>380891481

Falcon dittos with non-20gx faggots are p decent
chillin is the only smasher who deserves my sub
is that a PVM they're playing on? PogChamp
>Clean stock right meow
Does this nigga think he's a cat?
Why would you play Fox in Sm4sh?
becuase he's a top 5 char ?
if your good and you can carry then go for it, hes good and he wins, so he has the ability to do so.
I'm trying to learn how to play melee on an emulator
why is basic movement tech so hard
What crime would it be to cut of hbox thumb? Would it be more than a fine?
jigglyshit is god damn cancer.
t. ChuDat
I finally understand.
The best thing Nintendo can do for Melee is nothing.
I didn't know you liked Squids, Mang0.
>filthy bayofag gets absolutely #rekt
and all is right with the world.
Was DJ autistic?
>players having fun
Well that was weird. DJ must be high as balls
these sm4sh commentators are shit
where is guilty gear stream
So is Melee finally dead? Or is it still a smelly poo poo smelling corpse?
Is it safe to say that Shroomed is one of the best Marth players in the world?
austy is decent but the other guy is fucking obnoxious
It's been a rough day for sm4sh in general. A bunch of timeout-pace matches, stream lagging, commentators.
Last year every FGCuck cried about Melee, now Jebailey pays with his wallet, poor guy, but hey, if Melee doesn't need FGC events then I don't see why would anyone attend when supermajors are x1000 better and we have like 2 a month.
Go Andre 3000
Melee's basically being killed due to 3 things

The top players are too good
The people below them play lame as shit to try and catch up
Nobody in the Smash community cares about viewership

I guess the entry barrier also kinda counts too.
I don't care if it's Zack's Bayo at 170+%, killing with Utilt as Diddy looks really fucking gay
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Missed most of today, any interesting stuff happen? Is Raito still in?
He was eliminated by Dabuz 3-2.
fucking hell, dabuz is still in and raito is out?

worst timeline
Can you imagine being in your 30's and still playing this game since the start? Players like Kage who play shitty Ganon and live off of locals and alcohol. Hugo too, but at least he's got a stream with a fanbase. Better results also.
to be fair, Rosa has to be DHD's absolute worst MU
What about Chudat? He's been getting very good results recently.
I don't consider Chudat to be human. Educate yourself
I know, but it really sucks that they even had to meet. Pretty impressed at even taking 2 games off him.

I just hate watching Dabuz, really. Are Wrath and/or Salem still in, speaking of cancer?
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>Rosa mains argue that it's bad for Rosa
Jesus fucking christ.


fuck a zack
lmao fuck off

characters that work with projectiles are fucked against rosa, with the exception of megaman
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Give the little Mexican potatoman your energy to defeat the evil
Did you actually watch the match?
When raito was playing on point, luma couldn't do shit and just gets chipped out or knocked.
Not like dhd can just spam can and gunman and exploit gravitational pull.
I'm not agreeing, I think Falln is retarded.
Zack a shit

Leo is pure
>t. Rosalina & Luma main.
are you seriously trying to argue that a passive blocker and a crazily huge projectile absorber don't make this match super uneven? it's a testament to how good raito and ranai are that they beat dabuz at anything, those matchups are extremely ass
jew pawn
Dude you have problems

>I don't play smash with women, I don't watch or discuss smash with women, and women don't play smash 99.5% of the time, so a female commentator is just fucking weird to me.

you've literally never even gone to a local in your life it sounds like
Isn't Marth better against Rosa?
Rosa destroys Marth..
>/v/ would rather cheer for a dirty dlc player spic than someone that the american hero support
>dabuz will finally get his shit slapped, even if its by fuckass cloud.
fuck off dabuz
>doing well vs characters with disjoints
Nice meme
i'd rather cheer for good and interesting gameplay, of which rosa sets are usually exempt from
No bully. i'm getting bodied right now
Rosa is shit against swords.
maybe stop posting on /v/ at the same time as playing?

jeez you have to tell these top players everything
Stop using words you don't know the meaning of. Most of Rosa's aerials have massive disjoints
Can we ban coaching already? It feels fucking retarded, where's the player skill vs player skill rather than shit like ZeRo fucking calling Pierce in the middle of Frostbite GFs
How come DaBuz have no big name coach ?
no-one likes him
And the ditto is 50/50, which means she doesn't do good, proving my point.
Try again :^)
Where were you when the reverse 3-0 happened and Mexishits were eternally BTFO?
What's Dabuz' race?

those dick sucking lips seem black or jew
he's extremely white, just weird looking

I've been to about 6 locals in three different areas and only ever saw one female player.
the guy seems to have nappy hair

just look at that texture
that's actually pretty impressive, melee or sm4sh?
Coaching is the biggest cancer in smash. You'd never see this in a fighting game
Want to know how biased this community is?
When dabuz escaped falcon's footstool combo at civil war GFs, everyone bitched about her being the only character that could do it, making it bad design. Turns out she isn't the only one, which kills the point, but no one talks about how it isn't an argument anymore.
It's extra stupid because there's people with infinite money like ZeRo who just literally have people in their employ

One was Brawl, one I believe was smash 4 only, I'm not sure. The smash 4 only one was where the girl was. All the other ones I've been to featured both games.
Bye Bye Dabuz :)

top 8 will be good tomorrow
2-2 nigga, don't fucking jinx it
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>Don't have a sponsor
>huge disadvantage because no coach to win me games
Being Mr R is suffering
>Double Spike
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You have to go back.
itt: your experiences with female smashers

Met a white girl on FG who mains pac-man. She made music in her spare time.

She beat me fair and square in FG in the few matches I had with her, could not touch her much. Looked up her tag and saw her YT and Twitter- claims to be the best female pac-man smasher. I searched because the player was pretty exceptional, and most good players have some sort of presence online.

I wish I knew what her tag was again, forgot this whole time.

When I browsed her Twitter, she retweeted very few smash memes, most were towards normie stuff. Was very impressed how much depth she had playing Pac-Man. Though I remember she didn't post in months from the time I searched.
Mr. R is just really stupid about sponsors, he's being ridiculously picky and loses out on better training because of it

It sucks because I like the guy and want to see him win a major sometime
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Por que?
Cloud is balanced
MVD is gonna get 3-0'd
MVD has been good this year, right?
>Diddy vs. Bayo


salem is a super cool dude on M2K's streams but I fucking hate his playstyle
There's a girl on the Sm4sh UK PR, she beat me in pools.
Yeah, both MVD and ESAM have been doing pretty great, no-one can accuse the PGR of nepotism any more
Zack's infamous win over him happened less than two months ago
Let's be real here: the metagame would've been way healthier without cloud and bayo.
This is such a weird clip. He's obviously forfeiting by doing the freeze glitch for kicks, but he doesn't even smile about landing it or anything.

Why not just unplug your controller if you're going to quit like a bitch?
Cloud is fairly easily countered though not very interesting to watch, it's just in doubles that he's cancer

Bayonetta has yet to get actual results
>being able to attack while in grabs with luma
>being potected by luma
>getting 2 attacks with some moves if luma is with you
>running away like a faggot waiting for luma to return
Dabuz deserves it
yiiiikes s2j you're my favorite :(
We already had a metagame without Cloud and Bayo and it was shit.
>match is 3-1 or 3-2
Fucking triggered.
that and he could have just wobbled him and it would have been 1 stock each
The commentator that pulls off this


can fuck off

I hate this forced storyline bullshit, feeding the words that probably don't even fit the player.
To be fair that was before balance patches

I think what anon is trying to say is with the same patches but just without Bayo and Cloud, which is probably true
Bayo is Smash4 Falco desu
>tries to approach
>gets BTFO
>"gee, why isn't he appraching"
are diddy kong and bayonetta the two worst characters to watch? I dont watch smash 4 but this seems unbelievable slow
>Top 3 characters don't lose any matchups
Nice "game", tr4shfags.
Salem is camping
Uh what, this is pretty fast-paced relative to most sm4sh matches
Well, it wouldn't be very different I think. Tweek wouldn't have taken off, Leo would just stick with Marth, and Zack and Salem would be mostly irrelevant
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>monkey flips
>get punished
>monkey flips
>get punished
>monkey flips
>get punished
>monkey flips
>get punished

>2 bayos ontop 8
>2 ZSS
God, this is bad.
Players being or not being relevant is not what the meta is, characters being used and variety and tactics is
I feel like it's always either the top 24 OR the top 8 being good in Sm4sh, never both

Salem is one of the campiest players
Congratulations to TSM|ZeRo for taking Super Smash Bros. for WiiU Singles at CEO!
The icing on the cake
Larry Lurr is still in there and ZSS isn't a bad character to watch

There's a good chance Leo or ZeRo will whip out other characters too
Reminder that ZeRo ruined Frostbite by turning a very hype GFs into literally calling his human computer Pierce while Tsu, a nip without any of those resources, was steadily beating him
I wish these two didn't meet there at all, they should both be in
Coaching is fucking cancer. Checking notes and stuff like dabuz did already felt cheap.
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Give Fat Weird Al Yankovic your power to take out a Bayo
>What do you think of coaching in the game?
>I don't like it, players should be able to win with just their skill
Tsu actually said this in his interview after Frostbite
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Notes are fine, at least they're still dependent on the player. Coaching means you have a second opinion and someone spotting your opponent's habits, something that you should be doing yourself.
You can tell MVD trains with ESAM, they perfected the Bayo SDI
Fuck Salem, seriously
This stinks of timeout
inb4 timeout
This game never ceases to make me upset and hate it.
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that set actually fucking triggered me, fuck that shit
stay mad diddy cancer
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>the most boring characters are the top characters

I want off this wild ride Sakurai.
Says the bayonigga.
>m2k times out westballz
>salem almost times out MVD

wtf i love MVG now
t.waifufag cancer.
I don't even like Diddy, I just hate Salem
>implying anyone mains Bayo becuase of 'waifu' reasons

so that's it for smash 4 today?
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>people will still say he's /ourguy/

Guilty Gear > Melee tonight

Sm4sh first thing tomorrow morning
As a sm4sh fan, i enjoy all fighters and don't boo other people's games. Can't say the same about my melee friends :(
He's right.
Mr.R, Komo and Leo, every time. He'd much rather be BTFO 3-0 by nairo. He even destroyed the guy that 3-0 him before with MK, but cloud's always there to fuck him up, regardless of it being his fault or the characters'
ok, might keep Melee in the background then
When's Melee?
People at the bottom of the food chain really don't have any place to boo others or talk shit yeah
two more hours
right after Guilty Gear

fighters are usually p quick so probably 9pm EST
>waaaah somebody ban this character it's not fair
Anyone watching GG?
It's funny to think it's already been a year since last CEO and all the mew2king drama that happened. holy shit that was pure comedy gold
Probs will.

Is everything else for the night gonna be on the main CEO stream or something?
>tfw the catfishing was the literal start of m2k getting his shit together

Thank fuck
Yep, Don't play it but considering buying it on PS4. Stoked to see some pros
>Fgc players ever calling smashers disgusting

I'm tired of SFV and Marvel looks like shit so I'm looking to pick it up, hopefully the gameplay it's good enough I can get behind the stupid character designs.
It's a fun game
Damn I didn't know saturday games were also in the ring.

Can't wait for Plup's entrance
Injustice, Pokken and Tekken are still in qualifiers in their streams. After GG it's Melees's top 8, and Melee will be the only stream by then
Can someone tell me why Pokken is still being played at major tourneys?

I thought it was dead as a doornail
to be fair smash 4's pros look less attractive than other games, even melee's

Literally the only decent looking people would consist of
>any black person except Zinoto w/o a hat
>that one little mac player that beat Zack
>Asians except Kameme
If there's no Gorilla Grodd players in injustice i unno why I'd watch desu
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If I see a Guilty Gear fan in this thread, you will see my Fist.
Yeah you're actually right, i can't think of a single attractive white sm4sh player, whereas in melee there's Westballz, Ice, Abate, Qerb, etc
well, duh. most of 4's players are still in their "awkward stage"
So is DBZF gonna play basically like GG?

I might start watching some GG if it'll give me an idea of how the ArcSys games play.
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have you ever seen a sonic ditto?
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What happened?
Damn that nigga was big as hell

Also is Kazunoko the guy that loves GG but plays SFV because GG has no tournaments?
Long story short, Mew2king got catfished and 'fell in love' with a girl within 2 weeks, then on the day of CEO he cried on stream because 'she' had cancer or some shit. Eventually someone posted on /r/kappa about how the whole thing was probably a hoax, and they traced some youtube song to the person's facebook
he got catfished where the person acted as some asian chick who m2k talked to (like a gf). He started crying on stream saying to support research on Huntington's Disease (what the catfish supposedly died from). At that same moment, people were finding out it was a catfish, and probably m2k too, since he stopped crying and deleted everything on his Twitter related to the situation. After that he got 2nd place in Melee singles.
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Expect us.
this is free for dogura
>Someone bullying /ourautist/
Did that delete the last remnants of emotion in him, which is now why he's doing so much better at everything aside from ICies?
Wasn't hbox the only guy here?

Hopefully Wizzy and Plup can beat him, I know they can do it.
plup can and will, wizzy would get 3-0'd
Actually, yes, it was the birth of mad2king, which killed off sad2king and made him do better the rest of 2016 and then in 2017.

As for IC's, he'll probably start to time them out more bc of Chudat wobbling him too hard.
o yeah?
I don't think he can do it against Chu, even if he goes Puff Chu has a YLink to fuck him up.
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Can't we just hire an assassin to take out HBox,, and save melee?
>implying M2K isn't a Sheik main
Yeah, nah. After looking at the KI commentators and top 8 finalist no idea why fgc talks shit. Never seen so many top 8 fat/ugly people before. Melee has no top 20 fatties
M2K is the Holy Trinity. .
Ranai, Zack, Void and Tsu are pretty good looking

as was Hyuga
Pretty sure Wizzy has more wins over Hbox than Plup this year
Hbox used to be fatbox until he got fit with memevocados. Also, just you wait until mango becomes one.
Like when?
isn't his ban up by now, or is he some sort of pariah now?
where/when will melee be streamed bros?
Did all all the footage of him doing that crying speech about huntingtons disease get deleted?
1 set at Smash conference, 1 set at Rivalries.
Plup only has 1 at a local by my knowledge
After Guilty Gear

1 hour~
twitch / CEOGaming

when this weeb fighter is over
His ban is up and there's no real reason not to return, really, he's been playing a lot in Mexico again

I just have no idea how the US Smash community will even react, like he and Vikki worked things out ages ago now but I can imagine something like that being fuel for dumb idiots spouting shit
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ITT: melee players/personalities you miss the most

I'll start
>Scar/Toph never again
I thought this would be mostly japs but i guess the nips don't even play their own dead game anymore
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>mfw any time I want to see Scar I have to also deal with toph
>liking bobby scarnumale from numale it on me
What happened?
Thank you
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fell for the vaginal jew
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>Toph dropped Bemani games for Melee despite being one of the best IIDX players in the west
>He doesn't even fucking play Melee anymore
at least the kid will be raised properly unlike that alcoholic degenerate mang0's kid.
Fuck that SJW cuck
M2K can beat Chu, he just got in his own head.
>>He doesn't even fucking play Melee anymore

Once a week he plays netplay on crosscounter.

And by plays netplay I mean he gets demolished, then curses repeatedly like a child who just learned what cursing is, then makes excuses about how he's really the better player but he just lost because the other player was so dumb he couldn't understand how dumb they were.
It's so funny to see them get fucked, though
It gets old pretty fast when they're just pure negativity.
when does this shit start
God fucking dammit GG is going to fast, that set was great
Does anyone here actually go to tournaments?

There's a tiny scene an hour away from me in a few different directions but they always have events on like thursday afternoon at 4 or something when I'm working or on saturdays where I work tues-sat wagecucking. Kinda sucks.
an hour. just watch le defensive weeb fighter for now
So what community reeks of rotting sewage more? Melee or Smash 4? Both are pretty bad desu.
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J wong is a handsome gentleman
>only 2 spacies in memelee top 8

20BC son
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You mean 20EZ?
Yo wtf dont put infiltration sama there he is a family man i respect that.
Armada is not a handsome man.

Should substitute Big House 4 mango instead.
where's the fucking stream
OP's are both dead
@CEOgaming but no smash on right now

guilty gear time
meleefags stop shitting up my guilty gear reeeee

hey bro dont worry the real smash community doesnt do that shit to any of the fgc the ones who do that are the newfags and the chat faggots like always just ignore them and you will be fine
What if I like both? Primarily Sm4sh fan here, just took a shower and i'm ready for a night of anime and melee!
Mfw smash faggots smell so disgustingly awful they need security and professionally trained personnel to remove all the vile degenerates before they emit mustard gas and kill everyone in the venue.
>Kaz out at 5th
washed up
>anime kusoge running over schedule time again
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Mfw nerds/videogamefags always smell fuck outta here go back to /pol/
>Melee was too hard for Infiltration
yeah bro infiltration is a good man you gotta respect that shit
I prefer bonchan
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Will wizzy's gf be in the audience for top 8?
>left and right is hard enough for me
she looks a little old for him
damn wizzy found a gf cuter than himself
I prefer the magic
Wait is top 8 today? Wat
Is Guilty Gear a good starting point if I want to get into traditional fighters?
Smash isn't a fighting game
Every single time I attend a tournament, the smash bros sections always smell awful. If you've never been to a tournament i'll help you out. Go run around for a couple of hours and get a big nice sweaty workout. Afterwards, i'd like you to drink a large bucket full of unpasteurized milk. Afterwards head to the bathroom and take a massive smelly shit. Place your hand in a gun position and stick it up your ass as far as physically possible as soon as the feces leave your anus. Even penetrating your anus with your fingers for the best results. Leave it in for 30-45 minutes depending on your workout regiment. Slowly remove your hand and inspect for nuggets and bring it up to your nostrils as quick as possible to get the closest experience possible, maybe taste it a bit. Keep smelling it until you eventually vomit and there you have it. The optimal smash bros venue stench experience.
Top 8 melee on soon, top 8 tr4sh tomorrow 10am.
As shit as SFV is, it's still probably the best starting point.
Yeah melee got absolutely shafted. Fuck Jefatty
its way more than a fighting game
Why can't they just put guilty gear on later so they can let melee run on time?
>smashfags think they are part of the fgc
top kek
Everything ran late, you're just going to have to wait more proof smash players don't care about the FGC
>No one there
>Smash already got CEO Dreamland
Why do you think Melee deserves a Sunday slot?
lol melee has the entire night to itself

with Hfat's ledge-camping back to the fray, we might be in for a long night
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t b h CEO dreamland was a disgrace in terms of entrants and viewership, i was so hyped for that tourney because I thought it'd be almost supermajor status but it was underwhelming and plup even sandbagged with luigi.

anyway, it doesn't deserve one this year - but next it'll be back to being a major again.
Nigga i've been to worse shit than that comic con smell like pure ass juice my boy you remember ceo 2010? mahvel room smelled so bad i needed to go outside to breathe because some niggaz with dreads didn't showered there is a video of it bro go check that shit out you are one of those niggas who always look for drama to feel better of yourself but you come to my local and act like this in real life i punch you in the face nigga we know some people smell like ass juice but we tell em in the face and they know no reason to say it out loud to make it even worse for us its just hurting every part of the community dog so go outside and take it like a man
>the players in the biggest game by both viewership and entrants at my event are "entitled" for wanting to have a say in how the event is conducted
enjoy your lost growth
>niggerfightan mad as fuck a 16 year old party game is better and more popular

melee is the brood war of fighting games, an absolutely beautiful mistake
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Is this achievable natty?
What is going on?
I agree but it's pretty disappointing that we're going to have to enforce more rules like ledge grab limits because of how the meta is progressing
>lol let's fuck these people over with a subpart event despite of them bringing the dosh
>wait wtf why didn't you show up this year :(((((

Never seen a big nig like this at a Smash tourney. All of our darkies are skinny nerds like Shroomed and Anti
you're not serious, i hope?
no one should listen to tafo.
of course not
>going apeshit over a couple literally a few sets

people need to cool it down
fake tweets bringing up drama baka
Isn't it mostly reddit fags that do this sort of thing? I remember there being a similar case a while back, and a bunch of players were complaining about how reddit puts the smash community in a bad light with shit like that.
This is from last year and why no top players from outside the region are there.
yeah ignore all this its just reddit fags and chat fags its the equivalent of r/kappa
Can someone translate this from nigger speak to english please?
People are just tired of smashfags bullshit at every tournament. It gets exhausted catering to children with autism all the time. I've earned huge respect for caretakers after attending tourneys with smash involved.
this whole "lets put completely different games at the same event and make the sub fan groups wait it out" meme is getting real old. I know these games are all about logistics

but fucking hell, when do you see league of legend viewers wait for heroes of the storm to finish goddamn
The sad thing is that Jebailey actually likes melee and always praises Fatbox any chance he gets. But he's a very no bullshit kind of TO and that's why he's so successful
you aint fgc most of us are niggaz and mexicucks and nippons you are one of those dota fags i bet
yeah it's not as hard as people say, was my first fighter
also sfv is bad so you want to get into a good game even if it's hard
As someone who did this it isn't, but it isn't that hard either. It feels really good when you finally start beating ppl online. I'd recommend it, but don't expect it to be easy.
Back to your safe space, FGCuck.

>praises Fatbox any chance he gets

Confirmed to be a fucking faggot.
>comparing MOBAS with fighting games

literally kys

the whole point of fighters is that anyone can enjoy them. IN league and all that bullshit, you need hours and hours to be able to even have a surface level appreciation of what's happening
>supposed FGC member
>doesn't understand that post
How to spot the neckbeard stream monster who has never actually been to a tourney
>praises Fatbox any chance he gets
Damn and I was thinking he couldn't possibly be any bigger of a faggot. Incredible really.
>normies understand the intricate mechanics of even washdashing
Who is on commentary for top 8 melee?
>guilty gear is still on
>Jebailey actually likes melee

Don't fall for the meme, he was pretending to damage control the fact that he fucked over the Melee community last CEO, looks like it didn't work though.
you don't need to know what wavedashing in to see hits connect, damage go up, stocks being lost, etc.

Notes are fine, they're basically just research. Just so long as they don't actually interfere with timely tournament matches, and Dabuz was REALLY pushing it.

Coaching during the match should result in instant DQ.
guys can we stop fighting and all agree that new marvel vs capcom infinite is trash?
>the whole point of fighters is that anyone can enjoy them. IN league and all that bullshit, you need hours and hours to be able to even have a surface level appreciation of what's happening

what is DI, SDI, Tech chasing, L-cancle, Wave-dashing, ledge sliding. Melee is way way way harder to appreciate completely than a fucking moba

also this who the fuck enjoys an entire genre of game, i like csgo personally, but i dont like shit like rainbow siege
D1 and our guy Tafo
mvci isn't taking up melee's time.
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What are you talking about, it looks perfectly fine, i guess you just don't belong to the true FGC.
Unfortunately for you, you'll get left behind.
>our guy Tafo

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fucking kek i laughed
WHAT THE HELL DID I MISS. Just got home. Who won melee.
tab back in crunch
He knows what he's talking about, but he's not entertaining at all.
Melee is actually easier to understand than most fighters because it's all movement based. There is no meter or charge or anything so all the moves do the same thing at every percent, besides knockback but that's implied with the whole push-them-off-the-stage thing.
Is this r/kappa leaking?
top 8 hasnt started yet
Have you not been watching Melee Science Lately?

Tafo's gotten surprisingly pleasant lately.
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how does that rhyme go?
Guilty Gear is better than Melee~
>Melee is actually easier to understand than most fighters because it's all movement based
This is why people are bad at melee.
>no mang0

no watch from me. the GOAT would have slayed fatbox like he did at Royal Flush, but as it stands this will be a pretty predictable ending
They are too different to call a better game imo.

Definitively the best two fighters around though
Shitty bait.
>fighting on a plane ground with 2 health bars going from green to red

>a falco and a fox in suits with lazers jumping around blipping moonwalking and intentionally holding on to the sides while some percentage goes up and up

it's almost always the percentage system that throws new people off with melee because its so different from the conventional 100 to 0 hp logic
Percentage system is easier to understand than 100 to 0 HP. Stop being retarded.
>hp system
>not the easiest concept to grasp in the universe
Ever played a video game?
That was fun.
now to watch Hbox ledgecamp everyone.
>the GOAT
yeah it's too bad Armada is at dreamhack
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