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/v/, you're buying the $800 collector's edition of

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/v/, you're buying the $800 collector's edition of Assassin's Creed 4, right? You're not poor are you?


That's one of my car payments. What the fuck?
I think they took a page from Star Citizen's book in if you offer something with an absurd price tag, there will be someone who buys it.
Not paying your vehicle off in full


But Star Citizen is actually fun and the full game isn't even out yet
>my portfolio is returning 15% so far this year
>interest rate on my car loan is 1%

Sorry you're retarded, anon. Maybe you'll get lucky in the next life.
Thank fuck it comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.

Hundreds of years from now this masterpiece of art will be sought over from all across the world. Fakes will be rife.
this is the stupidest thing you could possibly do.
Only true KANGZ can afford it white boies
And which edition should I buy?

Time to book a week off work to analyse which editions have what.
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>my friend is getting married a few days after AC4 is released
>he just messaged on Facebook that he wants the collector's edition as a wedding gift
Oh I'm not bashing Star Citizen. I'm just saying, theres a lot of people with deep pockets that'll purchase anything no matter how absurd the concept might be
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>stupidest thing you could possibly do.
>borrowing money off of credit companies and banks
Hahahaha yeah your also 6'4" and jacked right ?
No, only poor people like OP spend money they don't really have.
I don't get it. This looks like any other collector's edition. Where is the $800 going?
does that get me the new xbox wanx?
Wow that sucks, I didn't know about this when I preordered. Does anyone know how GameStop handles preoder cancellations?
comes with a slave
gold or god's at the most, what everyone should get is base game if they get it.
>doesn't know that some car retailers offer 0% interest credits
This is how I can tell you are an underage faggot who tries to sound smart.
Yeah, your mom
why are you planning on not keeping the car lmao?
Well at least there is a big Figure in it. This is the Limited edition from Warhammer 40k

Please Chris Roberts go away
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>Where is the $800 going?
>nigger """""banter"""""
you're a fucking idiot
>Wow that sucks, I didn't know about this when I preordered.

Every game has collection editions...Just get the standard game and stop cucking yourselves by getting collectors.
The statue is 73 cm tall but yea it's still a rip off
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Pleasse tell me you can get just the steelbook, its all I want, i dont care about the statue and crap
Who is this for? Are there collectors for this or something?
You know...

I see that there's a steel book included, but

Where's the game?
>I see that there's a steel book included, but

Apparently theres 2. And the worst part is the one that matches the Black flag/syndicate ones is in the fucking $800 one. Fucking jewbisoft
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Really obessive fans or collectors. I'm still doubting the quality of any collector's edition statue ever since that Max Payne.
I find it odd they included 2 steelbooks in this of all things.

And I don't see anything out of the ordinary that warrants this $800 price tag
How is this different from the AC3 and AC4 collector's editions? That huge price tag is not justified
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You could buy a real Ancient Egyptian statue for only slightly more
>one car payment
You are bad with your money aren't you anon.
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>anywhere near worth $800
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>Literally just want the "A" Steelbook and nothing else
>Ubisoft expects me to pay $800 for it

Fuck that, I'll wait untill they re-release like syndicate.
>Buy car in full
>Buy house in full
>Monthly expenses sans food are ~$400
>The rest is purely mine to do with as I please, and mostly makes me more money.

Yeah, sure is stupid.
>biggest pack does not have all items
what the fuck
>Niggers built the pyramids

As slave labor.
if I was stupid rich I would buy it because it looks pretty fucking sweet.
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what's going on here...
>if I was stupid I would buy it because


Isn't it like 7?
>shitposting at 200mph
I found it pretty funny that the reveal trailer literally starts with WE
and rich
That's only semi true. The Amulet is in it but in better quality and the two other categories are just smaller statues.
>someone will actually buy this
>developers will notice and start pushing "luxury" editions

i for one am awaiting the next gaming crash
>developers will notice and start pushing "luxury" editions

no they don't have to notice anything. they know that every streamer will want this because of the fucking statue. streamers love to decorate their rooms
100% this
Dumbass, the pyramids were built by workers. Not slaves. Read a book sometime.
>costs $50 to produce
>mark it up to $800

Oh ubisoft
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Why is the season pass not in the god's edition here?
I've read the only book I've ever need to, the Holy Bible and it states the Pyramids were built by slaves not workers.
No gay sex with hats in the tab? FUCK YOU
You get the game later as paid DLC
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I feel better now, thanks anon
Sure thing schlomo
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The CE of Wolfenstein 2 looks nice
>built by workers
These are synonyms nigga
because it's for the atheist edition
It's Ubisoft. They'll have 10 different collectors edition.
All overpriced.
I get what they're doing but that face is still not good enough for the price.
Underage or stupid.

Many places will give you very low or 0% APR, this combined with inflation means you'll end up paying less overall.
Ubisoft needs to fucking die with these editions.
>Dawn of the Creed Legenday Edition
>Doesn't include everything
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Now THIS I can get into.
I think that's intentional,considering that alot of toys back then weren't so accurate.
you see that's what I was thinking too, but that's also pretty convenient on their part isn't it. Not like a better model would convince me anyways, I'm not big on collectors editions.
the version below it is normal CE priced and the only real difference is the statue is 10 inches smaller
>Schockhammer X

>buy house in full
Not him, but if you end up getting an inhereitence, or some giant sum of 30k+ from family, you might as well pay off your abode in full if you dont plan on going anywhere.
>if youre well endowed or rich
that goes without saying
>if you suddenly get lots of money you should pay things off
where did you see someone argue against this
literally where
I want to ask but I won't
>Gundam Bookmark

>Dawn of the greed
Why is it so cheap? I'd have thought it would be worth millions.
put on the hat.
I'd pay more 10€ for the steelbook.But these fucks have to be greedy as always
I got some unpleasant AC3 vibes from the trailer. Big empty maps with sand instead of snow, some animals you can kill for no real reason, and that's that then.
People laughed at Automata when it pitched out the Black Box edition for 200 dollarydoos.
Has Ubi gone mad?
Bought only one collector's edition in my life, it was for diablo 3, i learned the lesson the hard way, collector's editions are a scam and the people who still buy them are manchildren
I got Halo 2 steel book edition cause dad screwed up the one I wanted as a kid, Halo Wars special edition won from a tournament, Batman Arkham city special edition, and Fallout New Vegas special edition.

I mostly only go for special editions if they have special in game content for them or neat/useful real life items. The poker cards and chips from new vegas was awesome and I think I got 2 movies/most to all suits and a statue for batman.
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