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Thread replies: 357
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never trust a ubisoft trailer
Blizzcon can't come soon enough.
they wuz kangz n shiet
Anthem is giving me some serious The Division vibes.
The Bethesda I once knew is gone and it's never coming back.
No one likes games
/pol/ needs to be properly contained
Bannerlord is cancelled
Ubisoft has a ton of shills
Orcs will save E3
Hitler was right and your infierors are always plotting against you?
Video games are dead.
/pol/ is ridiculously easy to trigger
Fuck adoland drumft
That this will probably be the last year I'm spending on /v/ or any of the major boards.

I have finally reached the point where I feel out of touch with the young majority here that came in during 2014.

It's been a good 11 years lads, but all good times come to an end.
microsoft still has no exclusives and the rest isn't even worth talking about, I hope sony and nintendo save this shit show with some kind of miracle.
>new wolfenstien looks good
skull and bones is bad blackwatch knockoff
>ASSassins creed has a special edition for 800 USD
Beyond Good and Evil 2 isn't even a fucking sequel, it's a prequel.
>Rayman is dead

Nah, man release date is 3017 according to wikipedia
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putting up with this shit for god knows how long is gonna be even worse than it already is unless everyone on /pol/ commits mass suicide or something
Definitely this
Get the fuck out of my rbtv chat you fucking autists. Can't have some comfy chat without some sperg shitting on every game presented.
Im killin it
this is it
fuck it
it is what it is
Good luck on the outside!
Sony always wins, baby
This but unironically
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I wish I could leave. Every year is worse than the one before, but it really, REALLY went to shit fast these past three years.
"every video game character has to be a white male with a gun or western society is being eroded"
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Ubisoft markets on /v/
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Japan is the only hope for videogames even their bad games make me more happy than the big AAA western games

waiting for sony and nintendo to save the day again

That nintenfaggots will defend anything, even if it has rabbids in it
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It's worse now than usual. With summer starting and E3, /v/ has more traffic than ever.

Give it a few weeks and hopefully the normies will have fucked off by then.
/v/ mods have been compromised since 2014.
Why does having a black person in a game trigger you so much? It's not like ALL games are blacks only. Why does a handful of games having prominent black characters make you and the rest of /pol/ feel so threatened?
niggers everywhere

I am not hyped for any western games.
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That v-pol shall be bootyblasted for the next decade
dude white genocide lmao
I hate video games
/v/ was never yours and never will be yours
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The only games I'm looking forward to are the two I was looking forward to all year

The issue is not about having a black character. The issue is when they just stick them in for a diversity quota. Just like the recent Star Wars films. They got women and black lead actors not because they would be best for the part, but because a committee tried to think of the best way to hit all the demographics. This is also why Samuel L Jackson was in the prequels.
Gaming is dead throw away your console and gaming pc. Improve life immediately
white people are evil!
>/pol/ is one person
>Thinking it'll go away
Love this meme
>most games revealed have no significant black characters
>if a developer ever shows even one /pol/ will lose its mind
Ubisoft somehow made a better XCOM than Firaxis with a Mario and Rabbids crossover paint job.
Never watch E3 streams unless you need to cringe a lot

All companies are awful and keep making cringy things at E3
Why do you assume there's an inherent role best played by blacks?
Bioware is dumb
Super Mario XCOM looks to be GOTY so far m8.
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i know (( who )) destroy this industry.
kangz n shiet
lol pol tard BTFO
Based Mods
Xbox one X is a stupid name
BattlEAfront 2 looks better than the first game, that isn't saying a whole lot though.
VR Doom should've been my ultimate dream but it turns out meh
Bethesda are fucking jews, no doubt
People haven't played the Wolfenstein games
Ubisoft fucks everything up
Except Rabbids for some reason
Japanese games is the only choice
How to spell Hiroshima.
>Newfag forgets what a containment board is

Microsoft are back
Never look forward to anything because you will get a shitty prequel with chav monkeys
Enjoy your ban, bigot.
Ubi marketers are here and shill rabbids
/pol/ is always right. #MAGA
Reddit is an excellent place to discuss videogames.
/v/ is my trashcan.
10 more will take his place, it will never end
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How is it that BGAE2 has a monkey in it yet v-pol is the one having a full on chimp-out?
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Games always wins
>blizzcon 201
>new hearthstone expansion
>some overwatch mini expansion

thats literally all they would announce. wow still has like 2 more patches to go through before they have another year long hiatus of nothing

starcraft/diablo is dead

no new ip
It seems like people say this whenever any black actor is cast to play any role that isn't a stereotype.
if you criticize anything about a game you're accused of being /pol/
unironically this

That's not what I said at all. But since you brought it up, there are some roles where a black person would make no sense. From a story standpoint, there's no way to justify making The Phantom from Phantom of the Opera black, given the story and time period of late 1800s France. But they did it anyway to try and look culturally diverse.
BGE2 made me want to play the first one. What kind of game is it?

Also hype for Anthem. It's like A team took the best of B team with jetpack action and showed people that they were able to properly animate faces.
>People haven't played wolfenstein games
Not sure i understand what you mean by this one.
The reason Rabbids looks good is a simple reason. They couldn't figure out how to make the entirety of a Mario game to be some kind of political statement.
So they had to actually make something that had substance in the gameplay.
Weird how that works out when you stop trying to hamfist in your political ideas you can actually make a good game.
Looks like Black Flags without the Ass
>much boogeyman
See also >>380128559

To be honest it looks like no good video games are coming out that appeal to me in the slightest. Back to /tg/ and my plastic crack figurines.

E3 has been shitty for quite a while now, the cinematic trailers and all the "gameplay" footage really show how low the industry has stooped and how many MBA and marketing faggots have flocked to it and ruined it thoroughly.

>Why do you assume there's an inherent role best played by blacks?
He's not. Hollywood and video games do.

Saying a game series about killing nazis now having a new game killing nazis is bad is not criticism.
Put black people in my game so I can call critics racist.
Does it have a fresh story? The trailer I saw (wasn't there for the conference) makes it look like a team based Pirate Ship arena thing.

/v/ is blacked

People were becoming ass mad over Wolfenstein because it featured nazis as the bad guys... when the entire series has had nazis as the bad guys.
Games died a long time ago and all that's left is their shambling corpse
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I don't see how it's a boogeyman when the front page is literally flooded with /pol/ memes.
Nah, it's only really brought up when a writer or developer pushes it as a "diversity ticket". Games already had diversity with strong female leads, and still can without using it as an agenda. It hurts minorities and women more if it's shown as a political lever rather than just a character for a game.
They blatantly ask for controversy.
that's what the shills want, so they can shill freely in future
Nintenbros would by hyped for and buy a turd if you put a Mario hat on it.
Western games all use the same market research firms.
Well you miss the point. You talk about an adaptation. Why can't they put black people in new games? How would you know its story would be better enacted by a white character? Okay sur they so it for diversity but why not? Aren't you tired of old white tough heroes?
PC gaming show should disband
Then those people are just idiots. I think nazi's are a cool piece of history but because winners write history they'll always be the bad guys.
I enjoyed the first game quite a lot, i'm a bit excited for the next one even if the gameplay will be more or less the same i'm sure.
I really just don't like how black people look. They are so fucking gross. I don't hate them though, I have a lot of gross white friends as well but when I'm playing vidya I want to see attractive characters.
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Twitch is better at e3 than the actual developers/publishers.
wew, im pretty sure that warrants a timeout
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Liking something or having fun is forbidden as always, because it's mostly something 'they' don't like, therefor it's confirmed to be shit.

never change, /v/.
Big afros and sassy black women are in style this year
Honestly I want to believe that's the case but its hard to believe seeing the reactions to other games this E3. For example people started shitposting about the dark skinned people in Assassin's creed even though it made perfect sense since Semitic and African people existed in Ancient Egypt in far greater numbers than white people did. There was even people saying that the Ancient Egyptians were actually white which seems to be a common thought in white supremacist groups since they can't believe that "shitskins" actually accomplished anything of worth at any point in history. It's hard to tell if its shitposting or if there are people who actually believe that historical revisionism.
I'm really happy that the whole multiculture thing is here. I just love when shits hit the fan. /v/ and twitch chat would be much more boring if devs wouldn't force this so much.
video game companies have to go bankrupt to save video games
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litterally fucking kill yourself for giving this much of a fuck
white people are bad and /pol/ is anally butthurt that nobody likes them

anyone who disagrees is a virgin
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I've learned that /v/ hopeless and how grateful I am to be looking forward to games without seeing any political agenda or anything because I'm a normal person who just wants to play vidya.
ya its hilarious that they're destroying the medium with their toxic shit and crapping up the entire idea of creativity with their divisive, politicized, stupid, hateful ideology

so entertaining
Devolver digital likes to shitpost
This, but unironically

>Why can't they put black people in new games?
They can. But they keep adding in black characters who are typecasted hard. They hardly can be the bad guy. They always have to have some kind of superior role to a white guy. Etc.

How would you know its story would be better enacted by a white character?
I never said a white person specifically would be better.

>Okay sur they so it for diversity but why not? Aren't you tired of old white tough heroes?
Yes I am. And I actually would like more diversity. But its not true diversity when its one race all the time. Where's all the asians and hispanics? What about pacific islanders? What about Native Americans? You might see one example from all these groups for every 100 black people.
damn son, you fucking guzzled that kool-aid
fuck anon i want cool-aid
We've seen tons of asians and hispanics in these games, you're just so fucking tuned to bitching about blacks that you only notice when they're present
yeah the producers of these games didn't guzzle koolaid or anything

it was me

you're really rational and inteligent
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Literally nothing hateful was at any point shown off. You're so used to arguing with crazy people online, that you automatically assume that anything with a diverse cast is done because the creator has an anti-white bias. Egalitarianism is still the base moral foundation of western society, bro. Promoting multi-culturalism is not actually evil on its own.
Like the other guy said there's already Asian and spic. As for the others, well you got a point. I don't really see the problem honestly. There isn't a lot of black character but you're right about the fact there is little to no black antagonist except Nadine and maybe Balrog in SF.
lol why would I watch E3?
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This. Games were and always will be just a form of entertainment for people. If you're just gonna' sit here and use it as a soapbox for your agendas or making up shit off the top of your head to rile up trouble you'd be better off dead, you douche canoe.
What is affirmative action, crime rates, degradation of culture, BLM riots, every murderous piece of human trash being a saint, reimplementation of segregation upon themselves, general IQ level, race baiters and grifters invading high political positions, etc. It's not like it takes a whole lot for people to notice these things without ever having visited /pol/.
Rabbids are a fucking plague unto the land.
Calm down you might trip on one of those buzz words.
This. Why couldn't they make a Rayman vs Mario cross over ffs.
breed with black women
breed with black women
breed with black women

I don't know why so many black women but I bet the jews are behind it.
People will keep falling for Ubisoft every year, declaring them the victors of E3 until the games come out and are garbage.
Capcom is fucking dead.
I'm so afraid you're right. I was hype for For Honor at the past e3 and I played it for 15 hours before dropping it.
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Retards can't defend any of the shit western devs push out but will still buy it because it triggers muh /pol/
... that /v/ is full of triggered faggots that act tough until something goes against their personal beliefs and they have to spam the board to let everyone know.
fuck you. niggers of all varieties should be killed
Sort of shows how badly you're undermining your own cause, huh?
>most of it is boring shit
>Bethesda has not learned AT ALL from past mistakes
>Age of Empires DE for fucking windows store
>Bannerlord STILL without release date despite teaser

WHAT did you just say about my tiger, Paul, you little shit?
I still have an erection for anything Dragon Ball related.
Ubisoft won
/pol/ IS one person you fucking retard
are you not doing the exact same thing?
I wonder who cold be behind this post
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that the videogame industry does not have an agenda
Shows how easily manipulated neoliberals are and why corporations pander to them desu
that I better start learning some moonrunes.
>Promoting multi-culturalism is not actually evil on its own.
That's like saying promoting race-war isn't actually evil because you're not actually *doing* anything
That doesn't even make sense. If people are doing something to spite you, that makes you the problem. Everybody hates you, and you do nothing but continue to stoke those fires.
No, it's like saying there's nothing inherently wrong with wanting to live among a variety of different cultures.
Leftists hate people, and SJWs on /v/ want a safespace
/pol/ was right.
>he thinks corporations have actual convictions and genuinely agree with him

This is an 18+ website
yeah sure in a utopia

but what happens when those people don't want to assimilate into the host nation's culture and instead impose their own culture? and their culture is violent and barbaric?
I'm not talking about corporations, friend. I'm saying that ever individual person who does something to spite you, hates you, and you increase their numbers everyday. I was apathetic not that long ago. Congrats.
Was this not already well known?
>all words i dont like are now buzzwords.
Thank god we've ended war, racism, and tribalism amongst humanity and are well on our way to that utopia huh?
>ow the edge
Yeah, that's bad. But it's not inherent to a multicultural society. We can live among each other without enforcing our ideals. We can make different media that appeals to us, without bitching and moaning every time someone else does the same.
I need a real hobby
>if it's not perfect it's not valid
You know this is one of the most basic logical fallacies
If I put a brown person in my video game I can extract delicious tears from dickless basement dwellers.

Todd Howard knows how despised he is. He is probably telling his wife's son to not be suprised if someone gunnes him down in the street these days.
Inducing more flaws doesn't make it more valid.
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>I'm going to give more money to this billion dollar corporation to spite Drumpftards, that'll show 'em. Fuck capitalism btw

You do you, man
That no matter how much we shitpost about Sony for 364 days of the year, we always end up turning to them to pull E3 out of the shitter.
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I learned that voting is our duty as shitposters
Who is winning
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>If I put a brown person in my video game I can extract delicious dollars from gullible hipsters and women and the 5 black people who don't steal videogames
Yeah, it's stupid. I ain't even going to do that, I just strongly sympathize with everyone who does, because you are just that obnoxious.
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Japan is the only place where they make video games instead of white guilt simulators
>But it's not inherent to a multicultural society

im afraid it is as long as a certain group of people exist and are imported into our countries en-masse

you know what group im talking about. or should i say ideology

actually i could be talking about two groups of people there
Watch as the /pol/ creature performs incredible feats of mental gymnastics to rationalize why putting a person of X race in a game is somehow unethical.
Ban phone-posters.
Holy shit. Why are spongebob memes such a goldmine !
>If people are doing something to spite you, that makes you the problem.
I thought you people hated victim blaming
No one's saying marketing to the lowest common denominator is unethical.
Then why complain about the scary brown people?

Most people just do not care. Like myself, I do not buy games based on how brown or pink it is. I buy them if they are interesting or good.
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Bethesda is dead
Ubisoft should burn to the ground
Japan is our only hope
/pol/ is always right
Why do you anti white SJWs worship non whites?

Nicalis should die.

I want that 90s arcade racer.
Where is Devolver?
If it has niggers shoehorned in then that's a pretty good sign that it isn't interesting or good
That's the thing though. Both of you types are fucking idiots.
I'll spell it out plainly.

Idiot : There's not enough white people in this game.

Idiot: There's not enough brown people in this game.

Intelligent Person: Wow, cool game. I like the part with the fun gameplay.
>I like the part with the fun gameplay.
Too bad half of the games with black characters showed very little or no gameplay.
>fun gameplay

where tho?
What gameplay?
I hate the pc garbage too but who the hell takes the time to put this shit together. Like do you have nothing else to do with your life? Maybe if you spent this time getting into politics you could actually change something instead of bitching and making bitch pictures online.
See, you're still stuck on the race thing for literally no reason.
If a bad game is bad, it's because it's bad, not because it has blacks.
If a good game is good, it's because it's fun, not because it has the races that make you comfortable.

You're just fucking obsessed with race and you're letting it affect your tastes. You know, like an idiot.
Don't be hyped for game with no gameplay shown.
Where do you think you are?
it's a few images copypasted over top of each other in ms paint
how much time do you think that takes lmao
Chances of this happening are about as high as impeachment.
Neogaf and tumblr need to leave.
I was just making an observation.
If you do not realize why non-gameplay trailers and identity politics are separate issues, I cannot help you or your broken brain.
/v/ isn't my home any more
I don't even know if i want to bother watching Sony's conference, E3's just been getting progressively worse. I'll just watch the inevitable cringe compliation.
See you tomorrow.
A completely pointless observation that only causes people to get riled up and bring the discussion down to a neanderthal level, yes. I agree.
Pro tip: no one actually does. They just say so to virtue signal, on an anonymous imageboard of all places for God knows why.
Creators are deluded into thinking they're better people for doing so, not because they want to create unique characters.
apart from /pol/ being triggered hard the past few days in SJW tier memery? honestly the fact that Xbox probably had the best conference so far sums up E3 right now.
you fags are just as bad
The black people in the game isn't what bothers me, it's them feeling the need to broadcast how progressive they are. We get it, you're pandering to liberals, you don't need to tell us.
Its no surprise corporations are shilling for leftism

Ive been seeling a lot of companies like Exxon Mobile and BP have really progressive commercials about how women can be engineers too

And i guess to cucks that means its ok they shit up the environment.. because feminism! they're progressive!

its no different from all the conservative pandering family values ads of the 90's and shit, except instead of being an arguably healthy thing for society, its pure meaningless cancerous AIDS virtue signalling that demoralizes the very people who contribute the most to society and cements the idea that we still owe something to everyone else just because we outperform them, but gives us social credit if only we suck it up like a cuck and accept and promote it
I want to as well, but I don't know where to go.

I just want this place circa 2010.
You know what, as a bleeding man vagina liberal myself, I actually have no problem with your comment. It's honest. You know what you like and have an actual simple reason for it.

What exasperates me is when people who share your opinion try to make it a political thing like if we let too many of X type of thing in the game, society will fall into ruin, SO IT MUST BE STOPPED! RACE WAR! HUUURRR

It's so dishonest.
Daily reminder that anyone who >>>/pol/posts is just a filthy lebbit newfag.
I am sick of these normalfags invading this shithole, and pushing their PC multicultural political agenda into fucking everything, and unironically thinking that there is a /pol/ boogeyman.
Newsflash faggots, /pol/ has been around a lot longer that any of you .
AAA Companies can sometimes redeem themselves. Except EA, they can go fuck themselves
You can thank the gamergate faggotry for that. Bunch of retards flocked here.
I'm sick of it. For a bunch of faggots to complain about /pol/, they sure do love to inject politics into everything
lmao you libcucks are fucking hilarious

>dude its cool you admit niggers are all ugly i agree lmao that doesnt make us racist

>but saying they tend to be more violent sometimes and have an impact on society in general OMG U MUST BE STOPPED

what in the absolute fuck is wrong with you retards
Are you seriously saying that it's not /pol/ crossboarders injecting the politics shit everywhere?
dont worry half of these kids will end up blacked out on heroin in a puddle of a street curb and then end up full gas the kikes race war in 5 years tops
This board is beyond saving
I learned that this place is really racist. Seriously, you had your time white people. Please leave. You've been the majority too long. The world would be better without you.
That the majority of /v/ are underage retards who haven't bought a console before this or last gen, people thought the new Xbone would be around $600-800 a few months ago and now everyone's losing their minds at a pricetag of $500.

I'm still not buying one, but that's not as expensive as everyone's making it out to be.
>Fun Gameplay
Just realized where you fucked up mate

It's really just fucking reddit and tumblr most of the time false flagging.
Videogames go to shit, /v/ goes to shit. Such is the cycle.
This, other 4chan boards were never racist or sexist before /pol/
That's bullshit.
What is /b/?
Maybe it was at one point, but it sure as fuck isn't now.

There's a difference between racist/sexist jokes for fun and rabid shitposting over identity politics in every single thread.
He's being sarcastic you dense motherfuckers
I honestly see more people bitching about pol than polposting. It really is a boogeyman to you people.
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hello newfriend
Not really. It shows that Ubisoft is just pandering to the one side of the identity politics shit you are talking about. That's a sign that this game will be a soulless cash grab.
>There's a difference between racist/sexist jokes for fun and rabid shitposting over identity politics in every single thread.
And you neofags bitch about th jokes just as much as the shitposting
What fucking jokes
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>/pol/ has been around a lot longer that any of you
/pol/ is a very new board, newfag
Is not funny. It's just pavlovian memeing.

You see a thing, you respond with the required statement, everyone moves on.
Western civilization is completely over
Inb4 someone tries to say that /new/ existed, conveniently forgetting (or just not knowing) that it was very different.
Shitty jokes are still jokes m8. Just because you don't find them funny doesn't mean everyone doesn't.

You liberals always talk about the alt-right being ignorant when you yourselves are completely ignorant of the concept of differing opinions.
Maybe you just belong on a more creative website like neoGAF or reddit, then.
>VR Doom should've been my ultimate dream but it turns out meh
Oh you played it at E3?

Why didn't you like it?

>very new

/pol/ has been around for over six years and its predecessor /new/ was around a few years prior.

That's like making the claim /vg/ is 'very new' despite being 5 years old or /co/ being 'very new' despite being 9 years old.

>We've seen tons of asians and hispanics in these games,
Tons? Come on dude, you know that's wrong. And they certainly aren't main characters most of the time.

>you're just so fucking tuned to bitching about blacks that you only notice when they're present
Or you're just so desensitized to the PC junk that you don't notice the hypocrisy of it.
The problem with this is that you guys treat every board like its /pol/.
/pol/ is the new /b/ and instead of stupid forced memes, legion, and get threads we get butthurt, thread derailing, and beta women haters club.
/pol/ is literally the board for conservative redditors to upboat each other and circle jerk while screaming how woke they are.
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First see >>380145630
>six years
That's not even half of 4chan's existence. I bet you don't even know that so many of us came here because we 10bux.
Because we didn't have 10bux
let's be honest though, /pol/ is at the same point as /b/ right after chanology, past its peak and showing signs of internal decline. I give it two years before this shit finally drifts off
>much boogeyman
back to r/the donald

you posted this an hour and a half ago, but you fags are so pathetic with your anti-sjw crying i know you're still here
>implying they wont be replaced twice as fast by newer r/thedonald'ers
Do you not remember the days where /b/ scattered all across the other boards?
That was utter shit for months.
It took years for /b/tards to realize that their shitty board wasnt welcome and integrate to the other boards.
that is literally the point we are at now. it was also, like I've seen increasing on /pol/, the point when posters realized that the board was turning to shit. We've still got I think at least a year or 2 of general /pol/ cancer spread site wide, but I think the bubble has burst and is very slowly deflating
marketing and buzzwords
zero good games
/pol/ changed around 2014.
so you're going to hang out on reddit then?
Excellent bait.
Apparently even having Nazi's be the enemy triggers people. Next thing you know people will be crying about Mario stomping on goombas
Oh here we go with the

Or maybe for the people that have stepped out of there attic in the last couple of weeks would realize that blacks, and Black culture are cool now. So cool that more blacks in the last 20 years are getting more positions in Games/Movies/music lately that there unstoppable now. More black directors, more black actors, meaning more black game designers or white game designers that have actually met black people who were cool, so artist now have enough influence to make there projects, and most of them that have diverse friends happen to be liberal. But they never put there politics in fantasy.
I don't care what she said I care what the developer said. And what you imagined wasn't it.

So instead of just claiming that this one thing is just some LIBERAL PROPAGANDA how about think about the rest of my message when you're hate fapping to INTERACIAL porn anon.
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>if you make a character white the SJWs get triggered
>if you make a character black /pol/ gets triggered
That I stopped caring about E3 fucking years ago when I realised it's populated by people that think hyping a game is more important than making it good.
It's almost like both sides are made up of over sensitive retards
You /pol/lacks are sperging out because a black person was on screen for like 15 seconds, and you're saying people calling you retards are the SJWs.
I voted Trump and will be doing so again in 2020 by the way.
quick rundown on whatever is causing people to cry SJW? Haven't seen a sniff of E3. Working.
that the only game worth looking forward to is Cyberpunk 2077.

Since 2014 or whenever it was announced I had no game causing emotions in me similar to that reveal, the wait is fucking painful.
I also waited for Ubisoft to announce their naval combat game but I never thought it possible that they would make it a pure ship combat game as in NO SWORD FIGHTS. WHO THE FUCK THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA?

real shit right here
Wolfenstein is still about killing Nazis. Shocking I know

>Or maybe for the people that have stepped out of there attic in the last couple of weeks would realize that blacks, and Black culture are cool now.
Black culture has been 'cool' since the 1930s. Do you not even know about Jazz, Rock n Roll and Rap music?

And I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but more black people are getting hired in media because those media outlets ARE trying to fill a diversity quota. There are entire companies for writers or actors who only allow black people to submit content to them. With the sole purpose of trying to get those people hired. While you don't have any such groups for white people (or asians). The sad thing is, the answer for certain groups to end 'white' segregation is to SEGREGATE WHITE PEOPLE. How are you not seeing this?

The post you just responded to was specifically that social justice is a sham. Why would he be using SJWs as a source?

>So instead of just claiming that this one thing is just some LIBERAL PROPAGANDA how about think about the rest of my message when you're hate fapping to INTERACIAL porn anon.
What the hell? You just went ful retard and killed any point you were trying to make.
Wolfenstein has you killing nazis

Beyond Good and Evil has a non white female character
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Fuck, I'll join you.
I'm going to turn 21 in a couple of months and I'm already tired of this shit. My 4th anniversary is right around the corner.
multiple black people are being depicted in upcoming video games, it's implicit call for the genocide of all whites obviously

Weird. As a nazi, I rather liked the 2009 Wolfenstein. It was a very fluid shooter, with some great mechanics and imagination behind it.


Isn't Jade a chink anyway?

You want to watch a bunch of staged Starcraft 2 matches and hear about WoW expansion #72?
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Gamergate really and truly fucked this board. Just look at how pathetic and gay this shit is. Look at it. This was the reaction of these faggots when Moot told them to knock their shit off.

So fucking gay. Really never truly the same after this garbage.
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Yeah well apparently killing Nazis in a video game is considered offensive now. Christ what a world
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Appeal to the masses? Throw niggers in the game.
But I thought what we had was special...
>Ubisoft somehow made a better XCOM than Firaxis

The shadow of GG, m8. Everyone with any integrity in it left after the Zoe Quinn shit, and the gamerproboards crap, and settled at the escapist.

Those who stayed are bigger whining shitbags than the SJWs they oppose.


They try this every decade or so. It doesn't work. Nobody buys games based on the main character or the representation. They just publicise it more. And with the immense amount already spent on publication, it's a drop in the bucket and makes no difference.
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>And I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but more black people are getting hired in media because those media outlets ARE trying to fill a diversity quota. There are entire companies for writers or actors who only allow black people to submit content to them. With the sole purpose of trying to get those people hired.

Ok so i typed into Google "Game Companies that only hire black people" and i got nothing. Theres nothing anywhere that says this or means this. You only believe this from a bunch of Twitter tweets from 2-3 retards.

>SEGREGATE WHITE PEOPLE. How are you not seeing this?
How do you see something that doesn't exist? Every company that has used Diversity as a method still have somewhat less Diversity. They just fill the Job with White women and few minorities. so no i don't see your point. anon are you ok?
/v/ acts like children and proves once again why the gaming industry never takes them seriously.

Bruh, calm down. If your logic is correct, this is happening. But if your logic is correct, it will ALSO lead to disaster, with dev teams full of lazy, stupid niggers smoking crack at their desks and five years time Ubisoft will be making games in TWINE.

Unless you think that niggers are competent and successful? If so, why would they NOT be hired?
I learned that this board is either filled with progressive lefty Ubishills or tumblr has actually taken over
This site has nothing to offer anybody. There is no quality content here you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere. This is an addiction which reduces your productivity, attention span, and free time. You are becoming more bitter, narrow minded, haughty, and old. Leave now and block this site. There is nothing here but slow, lonely suicide.

People do not have arguments here. Posters do not engage one another on key points, they nitpick with greentext and mock each other. Nobody is interested in the truth; people are battling for fleeting moments of superiority. Active commenters are loud jackasses who tumble into one internet fight after another, anxiously keeping ten tabs open to ensure they keep the last word in all of them. An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.

This place is not making you happy. You are not having fun. You are not gathering stories to tell, learning, or growing as a person. Instead you chuckle every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to masturbation by libidinal posts or pictures. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interaction. This place is slowly poisoning you with misogyny, narcissism, a false dichotomy surrounding normalfags, and insecurity.

I'm not telling you to b urself. I'm not telling you to go outside. I'm not even telling you to make friends. Just leave 4chan. Do anything else.

It's a failing journo starting these threads, m80. IN about an hour, they'll harvest one or two inflammatory posts and write an article with a title like "THIS PROVES GAMING HAS SUCH A LONG WAY TO GO!"
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I only come here once a year for e3 but this copypasta is right.
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literally all the threads derailed into stormfront-like posting. It was literally the reason moot deleted it in the first place

>Ok so i typed into Google "Game Companies that only hire black people" and i got nothing.
You're an idiot. That's like me searching 'Crazy white people who are cannibals' and surprised that it doesn't come up. Because they're not going to fucking advertise it.

>Every company that has used Diversity as a method still have somewhat less Diversity. They just fill the Job with White women and few minorities.
You just...killed your own point. I think you're the one who isn't okay.
every game needs a sassy black lady sidekick

>shh, we got piggies

never got this meme there were actual Egyptian kings and Egyptians are black so how is this funny???

>Egyptians are black

wew lad
Who cares if you even have even started the game, as long as you announce that you'll eventually start it you win E3!
but this isnt phantom of opera and youre still complaining
white boys just cant get over themselves i guess
Liberalism is a mental illness.
I learned that Ubisoft has become insufferable over the past few months.
>hip protagonist is literally a monkey

based ubisoft
>shit, when he puts it like that we actually look like massively hypocritical assholes
>better deflect and call him out for being a fag for caring
>I'm not a fag when I go on a six paragraph rant about white genocide tho, lol
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>Egyptians are black
wew lad

>but this isnt phantom of opera
What is "this" in your example? All of gaming? Because there are clearly some examples similar to Phantom of the Opera in the video game market. Changing a canon character of one nationality and just making them something else to aim at a demographic has happened in video games.
>AC game set in ancient Egypt
>Flat deserts
>no tall buildings

Gonna be sum good gameplay on this, I can tell.
Ori brings me joy, I had the biggest smile on my face seeing him walk out of the shadow
fuck berglumpadumph and fuck white """"people""""
Only Sony and Nintendo can save us

You'll be climbing stuff like Obelisks, temples and the pyramids. It's also supposedly in 1st century BC so it's not really that outrageous to think they might have moderately sized cities and some 2 story dwellings. Remember that in AC 1 and 2, they made the houses look 2-3 stories tall, but they were actually shorter than they were in reality. So having actual sized buildings from ancient Egypt might be decent for climbing.
Fuck off and masturbate over Life is Strange 2, you flannel-wearing faggot.
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Stronk black women are the new white generic males of vidya
Black people continue to exist in videogames, sometimes in a very forced manner, others in a perfectly inoffensive manner. Far more important is that paid mods are back.

It's a bit odd, to me. I really liked the historical accuracy in BF, Unity and Syndicate, where they seemed to model the cities and towns as wonderful facsimiles by the end. Syndicate is a, however shitty a game, a startlingly accurate representation of Victorian London.

Weird to see them through that away, I guess. AC1 took a few liberties, but...2-3 storey buildings were very common in the time and place of AC2. Especially with dem water levels.

I've liked the black MCs i've played as, and i'm a raging nazi bastard.

>paid mods

for what? Not on PC, surely? That'd never work.
what was the deal with everyone applauding the beyond good and evil people? They just showed a CGI trailer lmao
In the next Star Wars movie, Admaril Thrawn is going to be played by a black guy with blue face paint. We have gone so far down the PC rabbit hole, we've arrived back in the year 1860.
>Egyptians are black

Say it with me.

Yup. For PC.
>caring about star wars after 1983

oh boy


Good luck, beth. If I pirated your game in the first place, i'll get mods for free too :^)

>AC1 took a few liberties, but...2-3 storey buildings were very common in the time and place of AC2. Especially with dem water levels.
The locations of buildings in AC2 and Brotherhood were accurate, but the scale of the buildings was smaller than the actual buildings. This was done so it didn't take so long to climb up to the roof (which is half the game). Then ACIII made the buildings to the real scale they should be, and you found out how monotonous that is.

KOTOR was okay. But yeah, everything else after that was just beating a dead horse.
What was announced at the PC conference?
I see noone talking about it, so it was shit I guess
Jews have truly ruined the west.

Bannerlord coming the day after you stop masturbating, lad.
If this were true than you would not be this aware if it. And if you were you would have left a long time ago. Stop projecting your shit around here you pleb. There might be cancer around here but it is still a million times better then plebbit.
Yeah, but they said the words multi-cultural and multi-ethnic. It's a literal programmed response at this point.

>"Trigger word"
>*Seal clapping*
Sony promotes Jew interracial propaganda.
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>skips switch
Defendos got cucked again.
It's because literally all games with a pro-multicultural/liberal agenda suck ass. Absolutely no exceptions. And it's been infecting western gaming for the last few years.
Wrong. Nomatter what they do it does not make all the bullshit they pulled in the past magically dissappear.

Have some self respect kid.

> You are not gathering stories to tell, learning, or growing as a person. Instead you chuckle every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to masturbation by libidinal posts or pictures. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interaction. This place is slowly poisoning you with misogyny, narcissism, a false dichotomy surrounding normalfags, and insecurity.

Specific enough to be projection, and if it is, it's sad as fuck. But this is stale pasta anyway.

Though, I spend a few hours a week on the 4chinz, and spent an hour of that yesterday on /adv/ talking someone out of suicide.
I just want you to know I read this wall of text and agree 100%
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How do you spell Pearl Harbor?


This site only exists because of them
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>eqyptians were black

There is though:
Thief. Drug dealer. Rapist. They fill all of these roles perfectly.
there were black african rulers in ancient egypt at certain points just like there were white greek conquerers and rulers. it was a *gasp* diverse society with different leadership at different points in it's history.
but yeah shitty asscreed is SJW and should have made all the characters lighter skinned and we should bitch and moan about it until the end of time.

Nubian rule of Egypt was fairly insignificant. The way niggers cling to the small period of ancient history when they weren't slaves is kind of sad.

>hoop earrings

yeah its totally too hard to predict what type of personality she will have
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