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Post a physical copy of a game you own right the fuck now

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 518
Thread images: 251

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Post a physical copy of a game you own right the fuck now
>physical copy
Lmao grandpa
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k. My Sega/Sony bookshelf is adjacent to it.
I have none, I'm not a manchild.
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This was the closest game I had on hand
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>"No sir, I am a truly enlightened meta-human who transcends the wants of physical mediums and materialistic needs" *tips spiritual fedora*
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I lost them all when I lost my old house
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My ex-wife kicked me out.
more like divorce
how are her kids
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My wife's son wasn't comfortable with my obsession and started a bonfire with my collection
Why did Gamecube games have that hole at the bottom of the case anyway?
She's my kid too motherfucker
You can fit in a memory card. PS2 had this too
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Micro Racers had some pretty good music.
Also, Fighters Anthology had a REALLY cool wirebound manual.
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>this faggot literally doesn't want to own the games he pays for
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Recent purchase. I mean BGM sounds good.
What's the Wii U game that's facing inwards
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No, this part.
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thats the shit that makes the case click closed, dumbass
A lock could be put through it to make them harder to steal
>Your proprietary hardware will not be made ever again
>You will not be able to play it
>They've shut down the servers
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what the hell was that for?
I could never figure that out
Oh. I don't know, looks like extra plastic to make the case more robust, I don't know if it has any use.

I'm jelly
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Clocked a good six or seven thousand hours in this bad boy. Not all in this version of the game, mostly on PSO:BB after my gamecube got stolen.
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I haven't made any progress in this game.
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Alright, sure.
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>SSF2 for SNES
Is your copy a Japanese version in a U.S. shell? Because that's how my copy is.
what beer is that? all i see is the word fag
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me game.jpg
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don't laugh
Your wife was also your daughter?
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first thing I found
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my physical collection.jpg
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Did I do good, anon?
Nope, just a standard U.S. copy. I bought it recently at a local game shop, been rebuilding my SNES library since my uncle sold my original everything for drug money years ago. What's the difference between the U.S. and JP versions aside from the Shadaloo character names being switched around? I know the JP arcade version of Super Turbo had an easier ladder but the only console release of Super Turbo was on 3DO anyway.
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Meme tier incoming
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I have no fear, for God is my shield.
>What's the difference between the U.S. and JP versions aside from the Shadaloo character names being switched around?
Other than that, the options menu being in Japanese, and the lack of "Capcom U.S.A." on the copyright screen, I believe they're the same.
i think its the same kind of locks they used to use at block buster to make it harder for the thieves
you put a long plastic thing on the botom, that has this metal cilinders in certain points, you have to use a magnetized this go get them off, but has to be in a certain order
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>Not even cracked open and beaten 5 times already.
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>PAL version
Maybe he does what I do with Ubisoft PC games buy them and then download pirate copies to avoid uplay
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>tfw have pirated hundreds/thousands of games
>not a single original game
top kek
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I bought the digital version as well.

I'd go mein negro but I only eat it for a lack of JIF nowadays. Now dat some peanut butter.
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I own these, I think they're cool.
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muh rares.jpg
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A masterpiece and a game I'm not sure why is $200 on ebay
How the fuck are you sitting on your arm like that
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mischief time.png
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shake shake
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hotel dusk.jpg
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this beauty
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>tfw sessler, big dick mike, and cuck james rolfe signed my cart

how much is this worth? lol
Yo, let me get that copy of SMT:SJ
>he bought N64 game cases
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not to scale
i'm at work but i own a physical copy of tloz-ce
fucking nice. Was thinking about picking up F/SN from a doujin store if I go back to Tokyo
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Got them in today
Nothing you fag
Consider me jelly.
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300 dollars worth of pussy and ass
probably a little to someone who's a fan of those things, but not for long. most of those personalities don't have lasting appeal like, say, miyamoto or someone would have.
about 50 cib
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Controls still hold up.
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Nice. I've never been able to find IS.
Probably worth less than a clean cartridge that some fags didn't write on
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Come at me.
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How much that bad boy run you, my buddy got his copy for like 60 a while back but ive heard of them going for 200
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Rate em
>Metroid Other M shoved to the side
That game goes for a surprising amount. I was in a store Monday and they had it for $80.
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Me too, anon. I'm still mad.
>Never been able to find IS.
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The Wonderful 101 vingo.jpg
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I'm too lazy to take a new picture, so I'll just post this one from a while back.
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Yeah, the art book and case are really well made. I almost bought f/sn 6 years ago for 100$ but pussied out. Now I csnt find it fucking anywhere.
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My nigga
It's a shame the soundtrack isn't THE soundtrack. It's fine, but the classic songs are more iconic.
What the fuck is this
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My C64 still works by the way.
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My personal favorite of my collection.
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Right now in my desk
It's Scrimmy Bingus and the Crungy Spingus by Crogus.
Tell me your experiences. I've never had one of those before.. What was each game like? I'm curious.
This was a real thing??? i thought it was just a meme holy fuck

i wonder how many people bought this
yeah i've got that one too, probably won't stop hurting
the real question is, why do you still have it?
Some GITS stuff is pretty expensive/rare. The original print of the volume 1 book went for a lot as well.
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>doing that with your discs
The thumbnail looks like Planet of the Apes
This game sucks.
Oh fuck, this actually good?
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Might No. 9 was a gag gift from a friend, you can see on the next pic it's still factory sealed.
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I see it in tora no ana and sometimes book off's in the adult / game sections. 2 years ago
Such a crazy game. I bet those load times are unbearable.
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What in tarnation
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>Tfw I unironically can't find my copy of Pokemon: Gale of Darkness
I was going to try to meme with it, but not I can't find it and now it'll bug me for the rest of the week until I find it ;_;
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>initial D
my niggas
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Years ago I played it on a modded PS2 and it was fun as fuck for what it was. Not perfect since it's a pretty simple beat em up but considering the story was custom made for the game it made it ten times more enjoyable.
It's the best Alien vs Predator game.
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Otherwise I'd be impressed.
I haven't used it in a while, but it's no big deal. You just enter commands to do some stuff like with a Spectrum. The games play the same as any game at that time, everything was more arcade.
I also have the original joystick that came with it and some more stuff I've forgot about.
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What's wrong? It's still like 30 bucks without package on ebay.
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Still need to get a copy of EP
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idk i have this pic i took a hwile ago
You're all fags except for this guy
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I just wanted to post my cat
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I'm >>379539193
Now we can be jelly about each other. Jap version too.


Fuck, I haven't had a good deal in a while.
Looks like your cat didn't want to be posted.
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I forgot i owned this till the other anon mentioned it
>not impregnating your father's wife's son's daughter
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My favorite game and my favorite vidya movie.
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Your a god amongst men anon.
Hell yeah, thanks anon.
PAL suffered dark ages during the 16-bit era due to input delay and framerates being cut in half.
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Retro games cost a fuck ton now, it's a big market. Every time I see this image I have a stroke.
You need to stop posting, Anon.
>$5 Little Samson
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It's Fagerhult. It's a cheap beer but good
It's my leg
Do you keep it to remind yourself of the painful regret? Or the fact that if you traded it in your more likely for them to have you pay them to take it from you.
Are you legit retarded?
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What's good?
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Oh boy, here come those (you)'s!
People who never played it say this
Little of both, really.
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back to rebbit you go
Oh boy here come the memes instead of legitimate discussion of the game
Pfft nothing you posted
Custom Robo was my favorite Gamecube game
>Deadly Creatures
My niggra.
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Favorite game and rarest game I own.
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But I didn't know these things as an 8 year old.
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redpill me on the xbox version of red dead revolver. I only had the PS2 one
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Never played the PS2 version, so I cannot offer a quick rundown
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picked out something at random
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This and FF4 are the only snes games I took with me after moving from my parents.
Still mad. Will continue to be mad.
That's an empty case.
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6 is an amazing game and I think gets overlooked way too much.
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what gamecube cases actually had that?
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>doesn't have the whole Holy Trinity
Come on now.
Is it? I often hear it mentioned in "Best FF" conversations.
I do agree it's an amazing game. After all those years, it's still my favorite.
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Bought this cause it was way cheaper than the USA version.
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Finally! My Time to shine.
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Even managed to dig out the old R&C1 Playstation Underground demo disc from way back when. It's seen better days though.
Your wife is your kid?
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Hold on, gotta knife it open. It's been sealed since 1991.
Mental illness, the picture.
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Rate my holy trinity.
Look at "Top Final Fantasy" lists and usually 6 gets overlooked compared to 7 which is the meme all time favorite.
still better than most steam games
I had this and miss it so much.

20 years later and I still don't know who stole my shit.
meme puking retard
>usually 6 gets overlooked compared to 7 which is the meme all time favorite.
That doesn't mean it's overlooked. An overlooked Final Fantasy would be something like FF2 or FF5. 6 is one of the most popular games in the series.
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>buys games because The Angry Video Game Cuck screams about
Okay, you know you have to be at least 18 to post here right anon?
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Still too lazy to clean off the sticker residue present on the corner.


Nice. Probably one of my favorite Genesis games. Still have my boxed copy from childhood. I always wanted to order the t-shirt as a kid.
Says the frogposter.
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It was $40 still in plastic wrapping, I had to.
My favorite game in both English & Jap (Paper Mario) and also my rarest game (Bubble Bobble Part 2 for NES) in the highest quality using my Wii U gamepad since I have no other camera.
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Photo on 6-8-17 at 8.32 PM #2.jpg
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Had to get these bad boys in a bundle in order to get a Switch on release day. I ain't even mad... Anymore.
>hair legs
>unkempt toe nails
>that filthy pose
Defiantly a trans or "male"
some turbo weeb shit he is ashamed off
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>Giving it the attention it craves
You should know better.
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9/10 I'm genuinely jealous, but you need Pac-Man 2600.
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Not GH SH2. So you're missing all the extra content.
You have no fucking idea how much i want that game, i already decided i'm buying a ps4 solely for that, i hope tecmo actually delivers and they bring us a special edition or something.

>inb4 they pussy out and decide not to localize it after all
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The sign of victory!
Its a beautiful women you insensitive fuck. If you say otherwise i'm ready to throw the fuck down.
Oh really? Then date her
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playing this right now
>Implying that's ever worked
Wow there's more than 1 dragon quest game? I only got the one for the DS with the blue cover.
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Nadia is cute! CUTE!
I would happily date her because shes beautiful
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2015-09-19 12.02.22.jpg
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Why doesn't Sony do the whole "Greatest Hits" thing anymore?
Have a reply
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So go ahead what's stopping you let her kiss you sweet and take you in the ass
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I loved this game, I did everything.
All drops, stole all enemies, map percentage.

I think I am gonna play this after SOTN.
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What's in my desk right now in arms reach.
They still do.
You have to become more open minded.
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Remember physical PC games?
The PS3 had Greatest Hits games, so presumably the PS4 just hasn't been out long enough for them to consider it.
From the thumbnail this looked like an unwiped asshole, then I saw that it's actually something far more disgusting
You are the one trying to front you think a trans women is beautiful but won't date her me personally I would fuck the shit out of serina valintina and o don't care if that makes me gay I would still
It was up to the publisher if they wanted to reprint games under the "Greatest Hits" label, assuming they met the requirement of selling enough copies and having been on the market for a specific amount of time. Of course Sony did this for all their first party games that qualified.

However once we hit the PS3/360 gen publishers instead opted for GOTY Editions that had all the DLC and other bonuses at the same reduced price
Let me become your boyfriend I love you for yourself and I think you're very beautiful.
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Help Me
Super jelly. Nice one.
>he actually bought the browser
I would 100% date her tho
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Is this good enough?
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>friend that worked at vidya store in 2004
>skipped on so much rare vidya when younger, thinking I'd just buy it later
>looking at prices now

Fucking why.
So go ahead stop harrasong me and fucking do it
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66KB, 540x720px
oldest one I have
>he didn't want to surf the web on his ds from the comfort of his bed
granted, it was a shit browser, but still
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2MB, 4032x3024px
Just made this mess as well.
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What I have out at the moment.
I just looked through all of my GC games and I can't find a single one that doesn't have it.
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And 11 years later you can do the same thing with a smartphone
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Take that!

The cartridge is pointing at the manual, and the manual is pointing at the cartridge.

I was given a copy years ago and it's completely glitched the fuck out, making it unplayable once you load one of the saves (that you can't even erase). I read some post on another forum years back with the same issue but can't remember if there was a fix or if it's just fubar.
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Nice OP
You guys act like you couldn't surf the web on a cellphone in the early 2000s.
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Now all I need is the art book and the soundtrack.
We better be getting the Perfect Edition
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3MB, 5312x2988px
>all that genesis

My nigga.
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3MB, 1000x1897px
this is my nearest shelf.
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There's nothing pointing to the cartridge
Ya if you call text only mode surfing
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I, too, am a sucker for special editions.

A pity Spacemarine didn't match how sick the box+trinkets were.
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stop following me anon.
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First thing I grabbed oddly.
Best fucking game
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Still need to play this game. I was gonna wait for the finished English patch but I guess I'll settle for playing the Beta version (even though it's still missing some things).

Good tastes my man. I have the Saturn version of that game, it's great.
What's wrong with this?
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7KB, 225x169px
You're missing something.
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Oh gosh.
Rows and rows of shovelware, impressive.
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You just bought whatever was cheap for your Wii, didn't you?
>No Bayonetta 2
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>tfw your PS1 games are forever lost
I had Legends 2 back in the day.
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>most of those Wii, 360, and PS3 games
what the fuck dude
have some standards
>at my flop house for work
>only have kusoge like ps4 and switch
>all my good shit is at my home where my heart is
should I still post a videogame even if it aint shit?
Almost like I've had the consoles for a long time
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Clementine will remember this.png
623KB, 968x1069px
>Loved Ruby/Emerald (as in, owned both for some reason) when younger
>Loved Platinum just as much
>Loved Black quite a lot
>Wasn't quite into it enough to get B/W2 (although have heard since that it's better, might get it 2nd hand at some point)
>Get X/Y
>Oddly small camera FOV combined with strange movement with skates/bike put me off
>Just not bothered to try Sun/Moon yet
I think I'm out of the series for now.
Shit I just bought Fire Emblem from goodwill for $3.
considering you're missing a shitload of games from all three libraries i fucking doubt it
I'm tempted to pick up a copy of the first game. My PS2 is modded, but seeing as to how I own copies of the other 4, I figure I should complete the set.
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My best games from childhood.
yeah right
bet all you have is like two NES games for Wii VC and more shovelware on your 360's hard drive
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>tfw I want to recreate this image for you but I don't have Duke Nukem.
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this is the only ds game i own
>Adventures of Batman and Robin
>that Oni merch
Good shit.

I'm too lazy to take one off the shelf
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2MB, 3264x2448px
Here's my Wii collection.
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223KB, 605x807px

Oops, forgot pic
Are you fisting yourself?
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2MB, 2500x1244px
Picked up a few bits since the photo was taken. No SNES (prices are retarded) No legacy collection (for obvious reasons)
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>Doesn't own No More Heroes
Come on, Anon...
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i have japanese games for some reason.
Any other recommendations I should look into?
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>Excite Truck
>but no Excitebots
Shit, dude. You're missing out.
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Whats in that madoka LE anon?
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My dreamcast collection.
how much that earthbound run you my man
Here's what I have minus Mario Kart. Swore I had a few more titles. My biggest regret was not getting Warioland Shake It.
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here's a completely random assortment of games from my much bigger collection of physical games

what does it say about me /v/?
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Aww shit bros i dun forgot i brought some cartridges to dump on my toploader. Check it out nig nogs! Boktai ffta mario tennis and mother 3 patched english for on hardware emulation.>>379545176
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3MB, 4032x3024px
Forgot pic.
I see we have the same Dreamcast collection.
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A figma of Madoka in her school outfit, a blu-ray (with videos, interviews, the game soundtrack and some other things), handkerchief, a clear card, and a Kyubey shaped PSP pouch. Fun stuff.
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There are more games under it
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Fuck you OP I was playing
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I forgot I bought this on release. What am I in for?
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Don't mind the Goku
Button spam.
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fug how did you manage to find that anon
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What is this exactly? A empty cart with a sticker or is it a rom hack compilation that copies the real Ultimate NES Remix?
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flame me

2nd option. It's amazing, though.
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>verdict day
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I really liked wrestling for a time
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haha you cut it off so it says cock haha
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2014-04-04 21.05.11.jpg
2MB, 2448x3264px
Old picture of the old setup. I have a bunch of other systems with this-- sorry for the potato quality.
My sister found it at Goodwill back in the early/mid 2000s.
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Haha, you got it :) So cool rite? Don't forget to like and subscribe.
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2014-03-01 13.32.08.jpg
2MB, 2448x2448px
update - cleaner picture but still old
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dead game is dead
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Out of all the games there, you point out Verdict Day?
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1MB, 2656x1494px
A lot of Wii collections in here tonight.
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H-here I go!
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Fuck off faggot
No fucking way.
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capri sun.jpg
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oh shit those cd books bring back nostalgia. I remember having those for ps2 games.
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i think i have the oldest game here
what do i win
i realize this after over 15 years

but his whip makes a 2
same game actually but it's at my mom's house
NO do it so all the labels say weiner synonyms
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>not buying a nice CD case for all your games and leaving the cases on display
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Here's a few of mine. Old pic though
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Not just one, but THREE ( 3 ) samples of this masterpiece =)
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2013-07-07 16-39-08.948.jpg
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can't you at least post something more interesting than that? here for example are switch cards 1 through 6 for a magnovox odyssey 1. 1972

there you didn't post the oldest, surely you have something more interesting than asteroids.
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I dunno hau.
What have you cooked with it anon?
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God damn it.
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It was the first game on top of the stack.
Why is no one saying anything about how those Xbox games are standing up in an empty row?
where the fuck's dkc2 you pleb
>I lost my old house
How'd you manage to misplace a house? Like, did you roll over and lose it in one of your fat rolls or something?
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1MB, 2335x2332px
To lazy to dig out one.
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crap, you got me
that cart was the oldest thing i have
i dont have a whole VCS yet
here's a fuckin sick game thats 20 years old tho
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28KB, 320x240px
He lost it during the move.
Sealed. Madman.
>SEGA CD Earthworm Jim
I played this for the first time a couple days ago. It's got a much nicer soundtrack than the GBA game I'm used to.
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3MB, 4160x2340px
Haven't touched this since I got it.
>Jurassic Park
>Not Rampage Edition
You poor thing.
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83KB, 260x246px
>drunkenly order Japanese version of PS3 NMH at release
>one day roomie tells me package arrived
>open it infront of him
>all those lewd cards
That's not the Sega CD verison, that's the Windows 95 version.
Basically the same thing.
Japanese box art was superior too, wasn't it? That black and yellow.
>no Pinball
How does the PS3 version play? I don't really feel like playing it on the Wii.
Oh. Well, the point still stands, I guess. Didn't know it had a PC version.
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I got the Evangelion game (and I swapped the back so I can play it on my American N64).
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Some nice dishes and desserts, like tomato + egg, lentejas, curry rice, brownies, empanadas, chow mein and some nice spaghetti xp
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2013-02-04 16-37-28.484.jpg
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much better, don't just post a $0.50 game just because it's old. and with that... (pic related)
Earthworm Jim has two different PC versions, the Windows 95 version that was ported and published by Activision, and the bug-riddled DOS port by Rainbow Arts, which is unfortunately the one available from Steam and GOG.
Das coo
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958KB, 2688x1520px
i miss big box PC games
fuck digital!
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>two copies of Hexen
Muh Nigga
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2MB, 4032x3024px
Please rate
In the other stack because I ran out of room.
Mr. Bones? Holy shit!

That was a special edition IIRC. I just got a standard. It had the nice full color instructions that were styled like a comic book though.


It plays alright. I actually liked the use of wagglan on the Wii version since it was just for for finishers or wrestling moves. I had a few instances of slow-down on PS3 though. Dunno if it was patched or not. I think it had a boss fight mode with NMH2 bosses as well but it has been a bit.
>I think it had a boss fight mode with NMH2 bosses as well
It did. Only a handful, and you played them in "Travis' Dreams" and it was always inside a steel cage arena or something, so nowhere near the same amount of fun as in NMH2 proper.
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2MB, 3264x1836px
These and some gameboy games are the closest without having to get up
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saturn (2).jpg
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This is fairly old but here ya go
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>dat Daggerfall box
>tfw my parents threw away my Daggerfall box back in the day because they found my weed stash in it.
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No bully, please.
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thats close to like 3k in games jesus

My Saturn collection is so mediocre. I need so many of these titles. A lot of these are in rotation at a small local vidya shop but I keep hesitating to pull the trigger.
its actually the PC and Mac versions, Quake is a mac version too
What kind of goofball money is that, because it's clearly not worth that much.
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Some south american country.
https://www.hyperkin.com/retro/retron-5-gaming-console-black-hyperkin.html OH YEAH?
What ever happened to the Trauma Center series? The Wii first Wii one was unironically the best Wii game.
My mother fucking nigger I am jelly. I used to fucking rage as a kid at the clancer games.
Why look at that post? This is a thread for posting a single physical copy of a game. The collection in that picture isn't even that impressive.
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You guys are such fags.png
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>ITT: people who can't read the OP post
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video games.jpg
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The remake came out on steam earlier

I played it all day today. Masterpiece.
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The music in the remake is so fucking good.
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Is this one good enough?
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>Missed the physical Risk of Rain and Skullgirls

At least Taito got my neetbux
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Picture 15.jpg
2MB, 5168x2907px
My latest purchase, I guess.
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Chibi Robo.jpg
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but you don't own physical games either
>tfw EOP
Nice one senpai
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confused yet thirsty loli.jpg
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Am I being rused?
$200, don't regret it a bit.
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2MB, 1932x2576px
Have you never heard of repo carts?
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1MB, 2576x1932px
I'm a different poster but I felt like contributing
>gravure for you
more offensive than cory in the house
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I fucking love this game

why did you buy the shitty US LE?
>basically asking for your games to get scratched
This was one of my biggest regrets/disappointments
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Ha got that in okinawa years ago. Having the homu towel is nice
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>no DOOM 2016

It's like you hate fun
Pack it up boys we already have a winner
The ''ending" was so fucking bad.
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527KB, 1613x1210px
What I've unpacked so far since I'm a lazy fuck. Thankfully had a vidya store job long before YT collectors and prices going full retard. I can't even imagine trying to collect nowadays.
can you rip the second disc?
What's the game below JJBA:ASB?
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3MB, 4032x3024px
it's my "recent" pile
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This angers both parties.
Jade Empire released in chink land? That manual with Death's Hand looks good as fuck.
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post ya old pogeymanz
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2 of my faves.png
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THE OG's.jpg
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The OG pokemon vidya. Fuck leafgreen nigga.
you have an xbone *and* battleborn. that's pretty sad my man.
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Only thing I'm angry about is the Wii u version over the switch version
it looks and runs moderately better. capped at 60fps instead of 30 iirc.
Even as a PS4 owner I'm angry at you for that Horizon garbage.
Sara a cute.
Way to make me look like shit

Nice collection anon.
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great fucking thread
Let me guess, you're going to reword your fucking post a third time.
A whole bunch of you fuckers are goddamn illiterate.

What part of "post a physical copy of a game you own" do you retards not understand?
cool disc art
Here's a (You) so you don't have an aneurysm.
i looked at a lot of porn with that bad boy. slow, low resolution porn.
I ordered Pokemon Black 2 on amazon and this is what they shipped instead. They later sent me B2 and asked me to mail them CSI but I didn't.
import the pic in an image editor like gimp and export it to fix the rotation.
SEGA Aladdin is the patrician choice, anon. Breddy gud
That's a very rare game. Keep good care for it.
thats a butthole

>Other M barely in the shot

Top Kek and all but where the fuck is Metty 2 or Zero Mission?


You shitbiscuit. Trade you a a CIB Gotcha Force for it.
what's wrong with the PS3 games besides sonic '06?

Wasn't trying to but thanks anon. Mother 3 and EB are definitely some of my favorite games. Take care of that EB, have fun and pray that the battery doesn't die.

Mine did and I've yet to replace it. Really worried about my CT saves going as well since some are my friend's that moved off long ago. I'm a sentimental fuck.

Path of Radiance averages at like 100 or so nowadays. Gamecube shit is downwinding because of the fear of VC support on Switch. Yes I know Nvidia Shield can barely handle GC emulation but shhhhh
Jesus why did we always lose the battery doors as kids?

I just got a sealed copy of SJ from a retro shop for 30. Of course I just hotaired the sticker off like an idiot.
>Sunset Riders

Such a fun game. The loose cart price today is absurd.
First thing I grabbed was my GBA which I've been fucking with, like replacing the shell and swapping out the screen. The game in that was Advanced Wars.

>bought it in 2009
>jackass roommate sold my ps2 for booze which also had Haunting Ground, the entire dot hack saga among other others
>got everything back including fucking Quarantine EXCEPT Rule of Rose

fuck you Jake
Wii U version is fine to be honest
You could always replace them, I know it sucks to do but better then a dead cart. I'm sentimental about saves too, I have a bad habit of never deleting my first save of all my games. Typically it never matters but in games with one or two save slots it has led to annoying situations.
holy fuck
isn't this that reprint they made with the wfc logo on it after wfc was already shutdown

>Shiren The Wanderer

two Mystery Dungeon games elude me. The wii version of green text related and a CIB copy of Izuna 2. Yes I have Dark Spire. No you can't see it.
Man, Gun was a great game.
i didn't know wipeout smegma collection was already out
Physical is cheaper and you can resell it.
Why would you buy a switch just for zelda if you already have a wii u
I've changed gameboy color batteries 2 times already without losing saves.
It may sound risky but if you are careful there is nothing to fear.
Just open the cart and stick it on the console (I did in on a GBA, is easier) and then carefully replace the battery with the console on and game running, the console will feed the cart so the save will remain while you remove the battery and replace it.

I know about battery replacement. I've just been slow to get around to it since I have a few other things that need work and have to get the tools. I'm the exact same on first saves as well. I'll always keep 'em.

>lot of wii collections
>no Dokapon Kingdom

I bet you faggots didn't even know there were two different print runs.

is this a Parodius? 360 had an unusual amount of SHMUPS for some reason.
Talking down cod like you're so above it is like talking shit on transformers. They're just blockbusters with a lot of action, no one is claiming they're good
It's cave shmup number 4982739
It's fun and has his own mechanics like always but that's it.
>we reached image limit

someone start a new thread already
>muh popcorn movies
shit is shit any way you cut it

Looking up the price for Dokapon and I'm shocked. I used to see copies here and there and never took it for rare.
>someone start a new thread already
Make it yourself you fucking nigger
Why can't you make it yourself, you spineless faggot?
Max replies and image posts. Successful thread.
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