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What's this fanbase's obsession with the word

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What's this fanbase's obsession with the word "toxic"
It all stems from that Britney Spears song
They don't have one. It's just a term that gained popularity, particularly with Multiplayer gamers. It's not an Overwatch thing; it's an online gamer thing. Now, it's spread to common speech and many people who aren't into games use it to describe an asshole.
They are most tumblr'd fanbase out there.
pussies who take every insult from neckbeards online personally
Toxicity is incredibly relevant in Overwatch because it's a team based 6v6 game. If somebody's acting like a dick in Call of Duty, you mute them and just play for yourself; if somebody is toxic and being a dick in Overwatch, that's basically one less player on your team, which makes everybody else angrier.
Nu-Blizzard games are all toxic, nothing new here
I dont understand how if you call someone on their shitty teamplay by going only heroes they want not that we need is considered bullshit
but doing that shit isn't.

they would call toxic the one trying to get the team together not the one throwing hte game.
What does that even mean?
Pretty much every mode in CoD is team based, except for free for all but that's hardly played
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because in overwatch you cant avoid people you dont want to play with.
Overwatch absorbed a lot of the retards from League. The latter game became more bearable as a result.
not an overwatch thing papa. It seems to have gained popularity in recent years by pussies who can't handle banter
are you fucking retarded? TDM is the most played mode and there is absolutely no other objective than just kill people. its basically a single player game with other players around you.
They all used to play League.
That's the exact same shit in COD outside of one game mode it's team based.

Kids have thicker skin than """adults""" playing overwatch
All part of the slow degradation of the "boys club" mentality that gamergate introduced.
> Say every mode in CoD is team based
> You say that the most played mode is team based
I'm glad we agree, dumbfuck.
Drink bleach
Its a shit term that gained popularity through League of Legends full of the biggest babies in gaming. Who report over any little thing.

Then everything became toxic
My mfw when there are literally games in 2017 with fan bases the majority of which don't even play the game
Everyone posting in this thread is toxic.
It's a League of Legends playerbase thing.
Former LoL players switched to OW or play both.
League of Legends and Riots baby protecting
no u
SJW buzzword
Reminder there is no reason to be an absolute dick to your teammates unless you want to sabotage your game.

There's a difference between constructive criticism and being a dick
Just stating this for the people in this thread who don't get it:

There's a difference between banter and being toxic. There's a difference between criticism and being toxic.

>Banter: They outplayed the fuck out of you. You need to switch to this player to counter that. You're playing that character wrong.

>Toxic: Fucking nigger. I hope your dad rapes you at night. You need to fucking uninstall and kill yourself.
What did he literally mean by this?
>implying you need to work as a team in TDM
TDM is just a DM where there are friendlies too, you aren't working for an objective together.

Shit BF conquest is more of a team game, but still overwatch requires more teamwork to win
You're just a weenie mate
Not that guy, but there is a huge difference between the two games.
CoD, while you can play on a team, doesn't really require teamwork to be successful.
Overwatch games rely much more heavily on teamwork and the game is based around teamfights and chokepoints where it's defending team vs attacking team.
If you win as the attacker, you get to take the objective (or get closer to it), or you move on to the next chokepoint and the next team fight.

Being down 5 vs 6 is pretty significant.
If you ever have watched a game of overwatch where one team is grouped up and the other team just has people dying and running in one by one to instantly get gunned down, that's a result of horrible teamwork.
Whereas in CoD you can usually make running and gunning on your own work. Because you can kill someone with just a single shot to the head or perhaps two. People don't really have health bars.

So yes, while CoD has team modes. It isn't so reliant on team play.
The Toxicity of our ciittyyyyy of our citttttyyyyyy
Toxic is a word used exclusively by manchildren such as yourself.
Everyone who uses it should get a permanent ban, they are one of the biggest scum in Overwatch.
Overwatch became the new competitive flavor, taking away a chunk of consistent shitty league players to becoming consistent shitty overwatch players. League is still shit, but it's evened out the amount of shit in both pools.
You can easily carry your team to victory in CoD if you’re good. It’s a lot more difficult in OW.
Fuck this cuckold. Faggot played COD so much and just now he's coming into contact with all this "toxicity" fucking faggot. Just riding the toxic hype train for those views.
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The toxic people are usually the ones who suck the most at the game and project their shit teamwork or whatever else it may be on to others.
These people then start throwing or leaving the game which guarantees a loss for the rest of the team.

Had a hog player try to go on a "sick flank" and get some 1-shot kills. He missed his hook every time. Enemy team turns around and murders him instantly. So now we're down a player, and he's feeding their ultimates for free.
He starts shouting into our ears about how shit we are. He sits in spawn for the rest of the game.
> Pick Phara
> Spam rockets at groups of enemies
> Carry well into plat
Wow so hard
These are the kind of oversensitive manchildren who unironically use the word "toxic".
Everyone who uses it must be completely disregarded, and bullied, too.
I agree "Toxic" people are not the problem it's profags who aspire to be good at this game.
No, it's the manchildren who get an existential crisis when they get told they suck at videogames.
fpbp and nobody noticed
the word "toxic" gets used way too much nowadays. Same thing with "culture".
don't forget community
Huge spillover from LoL. Playing on my smurf with my diamond friend made me realize that there really is a ton of toxic people in this game who will freak the fuck out if you don't run 100% meta comps. They'll just sit in spawn or bitch in allchat and say gg.
Isn't this any online multiplayer game tho?
Works well in match-making.
Duo-queue with a mercy main who will ride your dick and pharmacy.
Works even past plat because people don't know how to play as a team in a team game.

My advice is to just disregard rank, be friendly, have fun, play your best, hope for good games. I've played from bronze to diamond and the problem doesn't go away in any of those. And from what I can tell watching streamers, masters and GM are the same as well.
Meanwhile, the best games I've had and the ones that make me come back are the ones where everyone is chill as hell, win or lose.
>b..bu..but as a kid i was always the best at videogames in my circle of normie friends!

>i wasted my whole freetime on videogames that means i must automatically be good at this competitive game without practicing said game!

>i...i..i deserve this, it must be my shitty teammates, i sure am not a gold player!

This is the logic that protects their fragile egos
Go complain about muh toxic elsewhere, Tumblrina.
Recently the toxic bubble is growing. Over watch has so many people playing now from many cancerous games like lol or cod.

But this is a blizzard game. And blizzard wants every game care bear friendly. Bans are flying out to get rid of this behavior unlike other games.
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If you complain about """toxic culture""" in a game, you're admitting that you're getting trolled.

It's a multiplayer game, people talk shit. Get over it.
Are you some meme retard from 2012 or something.

Trolling? Does anyone care about that word unless you are a moron? It's not even "trolling" just sexualy frustrated man children.
>only overwatch was/is tocic
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Whether anyone "cares" about the word or not, that's basically what's happening. Someone is trying to make you mad, and you're actually dumb enough to get mad.
When someone annoys me, I just type
>and reported

All the times I've done it, they've left out of fear of actually being reported. People know when they're being little shits.
I once tilted an entire enemy team by telling them that they smell at the beginning of the match.
Ooh no I got trolled lol XD. I'm such a newfag. Lol I am anonymous I am legion!!

Such epic win trolling, I lost the game XD
Dude get off the site or back to /b/.
>complain about """toxic""" people
>blizzard encourages it by adding paid hats that make fun of the people complaining

I see no issue here
any modern team-based game with a ladder where players are expected to play set roles will have this
>playing any game where multiple people get microphones so they can drool in your ear like the underage cunts they are
>Trolling? Does anyone care about that word unless you are a moron?
"troll" has reached peak normie after trump, even old (50+) people say it now
There are a large number of people who confuse sperging out like a faggot with banter.
Redditor posts and nobody noticed.
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>someones being a shitter
>call them a term used to describe sewage waste rather than call them an asshole

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>hey man can you switch to someone else, they have a clear counter against you and all I ever see you doing is dying on the killfeed

my mic breaking was the best thing to happen to me desu
It's a League term invented by Riot's Social "Scientist" Jeffry Lin at a GDC talk.

You can always pinpoint the LoLfags by their use of it.
Are you missing the fucking point or something?

You yes you are one of those 50+ morons that call everything they don't want to hear trolling. When it's actually just another opinion that you don't agree with and call it trolling.

Trolling lost its meaning moron. Only retards use the word to ignore criticism.
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But the community is toxic
Reminder that this is your average overwatch player
shut the fuck up you dumb troll
By the logic used on what is considered a redditor post, hard not to notice every post ever made.
the average overwatch player is pretty cute t b h
This, I'd let the average Overwatch player stick his dick in me.
Who cares, post best girls
Because ow players are the same casual shitters who play lego legends, which is where that buzzword comes from.
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It's true. Some fat whale eating unhealthy food post a picture. Some proceeds to tell them they should try to eat more healthy.

I recently started playing this and am only level 12 but i really havent seen anything toxic in this game. I had someone call me out for doing something dumb which i was since im bad/new but comparing ow to like any other popular team game its not at all "toxic". Id say the game is too fast paced for it. The longest you really have to type is the 8 seconds of respawn time which isnt that long.
Maybe in ranked i guess its a thing but yeah.
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It makes me happy to know that all three are friends in real life. Plus symmetra va
I play hanzo only this season to gather the salt.
Its more fun than tryharding comp 2bh
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and all of them are hot
>"inclusive" characters designs
>Gold star for everything in-game
>no scoreboard
>no mechanical skill needed to do well
It's a casual game for normies made by committee, of course everything they don't like is "le toxic".

Pick Faggot Character X instead of Y?
Tell people to play character Y because you have too many of Class X?
Tell people to shut the fuck up when they QQ
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dog shit
shit stain

if you say any of these words in an online game, i automatically assume you're an idiot
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I like the original one better
why is mercy so perfect?
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who was in the wrong here?
everyone I don't like is toxic
thats been a term since before you were even born
hey friend. i updated that image, as you can see here:

Do you realize how common these words are in general speech? Stop being ridiculous.
He can't anon, he is clearly autistic
Was playing 3v3 and I am somewhat experienced. Noticed they are low level and grouped together.

I asked them if they are new to the game as a general question and was going to ask if they are enjoying it.

They both say nothing to me. And then they both die and I need to kill the other teams d.va, 76, and roadhog.

When they die they say STFU.and I just message 3 question marks.

I then kill the 76 and d.VA solo and only roadhog left. I need to go on the point next to the roadhog as zen which is suicide. I actually managed to get the roadhog down to 10% before I die.

Right away they post LOL YOU NEW?!

I then said after losing I was only asking a question because of your low level nothing more. They don't say anything back to me and the game ends.

Wtf is wrong with these people.
"toxic" is now just a useless buzzword. it used to have meaning, but now it's used by anyone who got their feelings hurt and wants to be consoled. when told to just mute people if it bothers them so much, you get "it's literally impossible to win without communication in one game and why do i have to take responsibility of my personal health???" it doesn't help that overwatch has a large amount of tumblr retards and sjws as fans. people love complaining and attention-whoring and nothing's going to change that.

if you want some cancer go to the overwatch subreddit, daily threads of "guise someone was mean to me on the internet i have war scars" and "literally worship mercy mains and don't be mean to them." once there was a girl who was complaining about someone being mean to her and how that's sexist and her whiteknight boyfriend called the trolls "her rapists." can't fucking make this shit up.

also fpbp
He's stupid and pretentious. I'm autistic. I don't want to be lumped together with someone who thinks saying "like" means you're an idiot.
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I dont know you seem to be severely lacking reading comprehension skills since i did not complain about toxcity at all and more or less agreed with your post.
Why is Mercer so unpopular? Just seems like such an obvious matchup to me.
Casuals sticking their noses where they don't belong.
If multiplayer vs is too intense for you, simply stick to single player games or vs bots.
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