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Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Thread

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Thread replies: 526
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Continuation of the previous thread. Discuss napalming gooks and stories of sending G.I.s home.
fist for this game needs more fucking maps and bug fixes ASAP or it'll die
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War is hell
3rd for no fucking west coast players
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>flamethrower sets me on fire
>for some reason i put my fucking gun away
for what reason
Refunded Rising Storm 2 and bought Squad instead. It's 20 bucks on Humble Bumble, and worth every penny.

RS 2 is cool for about 15-40 minutes, but it gets repetitive really fast, and the lack of maps doesn't help. Also, the engine is the same as Red Orchestra 2... and we're in freaking 2017!

Just get Squad instead, you won't regret it.
how do I unlock the trench gun for the americans in rd1?
reminder to ignore squad posters
I already have Project Reality for free and it has choppers and fighter jets, does Squad have those?

I think different maps have different sets of weapons.

I know some maps the pointman can have a trenchgun.
Japanese in RS
>passionate voice-actors
>dramatic lines

Vietnamese in RS2
>no emotions
>barely hearable
>no banzai
>screams are literally stock RS screams
Unlock? You just have to pick it before anyone else does. I think there can be 4 shotgun classes on one team.
Fuck off, idiot.
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no, I meant Rising Storm 1, I dont have Vietnam
So like, why the fuck are there no muzzle flashes in this game?
Why is Squad spam allowed? If this faggot is trying to make me hate Squad, he's doing a good job.
I mean it already has less players than ancient shit like L4D2 and Skyrim

Its only a matter of time til it reaches Titanfall 2 on PC numbers
There are.
>niche low-budget pvp only shooter has small but healthy playerbase
lol it doesn't have as any players as normie touchstones, it's doa.
If you're moving through a rat tunnel as a GI, can you still stab commies with your bayonet? Or would that be considered "using your primary weapon"?
>find team mate with trench gun
>shoot him in the head then say "shit sorry" in chat
>free trench gun
I swear Squad shilling is basically a meme now. It's the KROGAN COCK of RS2 threads.
Some guns are bugged. I believe it's a known issue they've addressed.
Yeah you can stab, killed a couple of gooks like that during tunnel ventures.
That would mean having your primary out. It automatically puts it away when you enter the tunnel.
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>Sever is full
>Server is full
>Server is full
>Server is full
You can totally stab people in tunnels.
pull it back out you dummy. i clear tunnels with bayonet all the time
>we haff teken ekko
>Finally get into a server
>Loads in
>"You have lost connection to the host"
It's such a pain in the ass just trying to get into a game
play skirmish for a bit, pretty fun
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>finally get into a full server
>match ends, everybody leaves
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How do I get good? I run for 5 seconds and someone head shots me.
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I'm gonna need a quick rundown about the feud between Squad and RS 2

ive been debating buying this for 3 days now
>50/64 players
>Team finally pulls of a coordinated push on a tough objective
>Capping it, only a couple enemies left in the zone
>Commander calls in arty on it and blows everybody up
>Enemies walk back in
>Commander bitches at everybody for being near the marker
Read your fucking map
>Totally Not Full Server - Players: 63/64 Ping: 55
>This Server is Definitely Not Hosted in Vietnam - Players: 23/64 Ping: 436

>defending B on An Lao
>we literally only have A and B
>there are very few enemies on B
>commander arties B and gets nothing but tks
>everyone is like wtf
>"It's the only mark I had so I went for it"
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>tfw you are a noob trying to git gud
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>play skirmish for a bit, pretty fun

There's been a ridiculous number of packed servers in Aus since launch, but not a single Skirmish one.

Shit is frustrating as fuck.
Keep at it. Learn the maps. Say sorry when you team kill and forgive people when they say sorry back. You'll get there eventualy
Youre running. Stop running. Think like youre ACTUALLY in fucking Nam. Move around the jungle slowly, flanking the enemy. If you're GI, you can find a tunnel and mow down a squad of gooks easily.
Follow a pointman until they throw smoke. Ask people to throw smoke.


If they do something retarded and say sorry I just type "it's ok" :^)
Don't be a dick. NP is for people who say sorry no matter how stupid whatever they did is. We need to encourage good behavior, not discourage it.
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>make way mode
>map is long, twisting and turning past through hills and swamps, or even in a river, and multiple paths, one team has to drive or sail vehicles from one side to the other, if they manage to bring enough of the vehicles through they win, other team must stop them by ambushing them in any point of their chosing, their scouts can place machinegun nests and other traps

>air assault
>American infantry only spawns next to helicopters, must be moved to the objective exclusively by helicopters, objective is very easy to attack so Americans are constantly being overrun as soon as they get the upper hand

>air evac
>American infantry spawns deep in the Vietnamese side of the map in an LZ with one stash of supplies, pilots must constantly fly to get them out, once they disembark at the base they de-spawn and spawn in a different LZ again, the trick is that they don't resupply when they respawn and need to cling on to an ever depleting stash, Americans win if they take out sufficient numbers of GIs or still have tickets by the time the round ends, Vietnamese win if they kill enough of them to prevent it or they blow up the LZ's stash

>Find the weapons stash/SAM site(viet commander can place it like a tunnel)
>Capture the downed pilot(like CTF with a bot)
>demolish the tunnel network(Americans have to crawl in a massive maze filled with traps and ambushes and blow up key spots simultaneously), only small weapons allowed

p-please respond
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>you and an enemy both fire at each other the same time
>you get headshotted and the game acts like you didn't fire


>new players shooting you when you are clearly a friendly

Thanks fellars, that's good there's a practical and useful situation for bayonets.
Make Way sounds pretty neato
>suppressing a building
>teammate walks up to you
>pulls out his pistol
>aims at you for like 5 seconds
>shoots you

>We need to

Get the fuck off me you subhuman collectivist. I'll play on my private computer, with my private copy of RS2, however I damn please. If the server doesn't like it they can vote kick me.
>you and an enemy both fire at each other the same time
>you get headshotted and the game acts like you didn't fire
This is fucking BULLSHIT

Peeker's advantage has never been so bad before, like goddamn, what shit ass netcode are they even using
First game mode sounds fucking awesome

They're cool ideas and everything anon, but I can't see most of them working in a game context.

>make way mode

Boats would never, ever make it, not even once. Their path is predictable, they're exposed from multiple sides, it's a cool scenario, but in a game where people are playing and perfecting the same scenario hundreds, if not thousands of times there is no element of surprise, catching the enemy off guard etc

>air assault

Helicopters would just get endlessly raped at the landing, never even make it back to pick up the next wave of troops, people would just sit at spawn waiting forever/getting killed instantly before they even fired a shot.

>air evac

Has potential, but it would honestly work better as a horde style mode against AI, rather than any kind of pvp mode.

>Other stuff

Would make neat additions/random objectives on existing maps.
>that one guy who pulls out the rpg and kills everyone with the backfire
>Helicopters would just get endlessly raped at the landing

this already happens
LMao, are you that fucking sperg that had SL role in my squad and started sperging out about when I asked you to do your goddamn job and put down a tunnel? I'm glad the server collectively kicked your pussy ass.

>this already happens

Which is why it'd be a terrible idea to make an entire team reliant on it.
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Not the guy you're responding to but
>playing as squad leader
>build my tunnel
>guy starts complaining in team chat instead of squad chat that I need to build a tunnel
>explain that I already have and that he shouldn't be using team chat to complain
>he proceeds to REEEEE about it
>start a votekick on him for griefing, it passes

is there a good way to learn the basics of the game like a beginner server or something? ive never played a realistic fps and i have no idea how anything works. i dont want to fuck everything up and get yelled at
>Team chat instead of squad chat
For the guy I described, I was begging him in squad chat both in text and combs to put down a tunnel. It wasn't until the team leader said something along the lines of
>Don't forget to put down your tunnels and give me mark SLs
When I called the faggot out on team chat. I'll give the benefit of the doubt for a lot of shit, but half the match just ignoring people begging you for a tunnel? Nah, you're just being a nigger.
Just play grunt/guerilla and get on the cap.
>he's indoors

I'd say it depends, if the US side has a smart commander who immediately suppresses air defenses and smokes the LZ, or attack pilots who are not idiots and know where to hit, and the transports are aware they have to wait it could be done.

The whole team needing to count on them might force them to work it out, if only because doing an apocalypse now assault is too cool to pass on, but it might be something that would only happen with organized clans. The point is always to make Americans feel overrun and isolated.
Cheapest place to get it?

>i dont want to fuck everything up and get yelled at

That's not going to happen anon, all that's going to happen is you're going to die, over and over and over.

And the game has tutorial videos/shooting range/helicopter pilot training level.

Just jump in, follow others around, shoot in the same direction your team is shooting.
Before you start walling a house because you saw something inside or before you throw a grenade ANYWHERE, press M and see if there are friendlies there. New players TK people way too much.

Also the gooks carry every weapon but the SKS in one hand when they sprint. And Americans carry them with both hands.
>The whole team needing to count on them might force them to work it out

This statement makes me wonder if you've played an online video game before.
Kinguin has it for 12 bucks American.
TKs don't drop weapons
>Smokes the LZ
I don't think anybody knows how to do this. I've never seen commander smoke once.
Squad is cool, but honestly why wouldn't you just download BF2 and PR mod?
>This statement makes me wonder if you've played an online video game before.

it's the RO series, it's entirely based on the players "working it out".

Have you ever played a game without a commander calling arty, or anyone spotting and smoking, or holding the objectives? the players learn very quickly that the game is unplayable if they don't follow the rules. And then they bitch a lot.
>that fucking feel when you get shot in the head and the screen immediately goes black white your headphones fly off from the sound
>Relying on the US team

Currently they function as just VC without squad tunnels and a more accurate assault rifle.

Shit the squad leaders are too fucking stupid to even be spawn beacons.

Cant even talk about helicopter pilots. Even the good ones are still flying a coffin.

There's a reason why new players should be told to never spawn in a heli. It makes things infinitely less frustrating.
Didn't know that. Smart move, really.
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really not feeling this game pham. cant put my finger on it but i just cant get into it. going back to RS1

No, I play in Miami servers mostly and keep to myself as pointman. Always put down smokes for the team. But if you throw a grenade where I am when the enemy is the other direction and you have a map to check, I'm not NPing your retarded ass.
>Join US Army
>An Lao Valley
>Join a squad
>Squadmates consist of Forrest Gump, Bubba, and Animal Mother (who coincidentally is also the machine gunner)
>Losing B hard
>Bubba dies
>Forrest flips the fuck out over the mic
>LT Dan is the commander and calls napalm on B
>Animal mother, Forrest and myself run away
>Forrest continues to flip out, says "I'M COMING BUBBA!"
>Forrest dies, probably got shot in the buttocks
>Cobra comes in for a gun run while spamming Ride of the Valkyries over the mic
>Forces move back in to cap B
>Somehow win the game
>Text chat consists of
PR is standalone these days.
should i get this? i have $30 in my steam wallet

only concerning thing that in 3 months itll be down to 100 players at any one time
These achievement names are killing me.

>The Gang Solves the North Vietnam Problem
Damn I'm getting old
$12 on kinguin and its going to be dead like ro2 is right?
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Embrace the PTSD and do what it tells you to do
Seemingly every transport pilot in this game is too dumb to live, I swear
>but the SKS in one hand

What? So how the hell do you differentiate the VC SKS equippers?
game sense? after you play enough you know where gooks should and shouldnt be
I have both. And I don't understand why, but I get around 25 FPS in PR2. It's really weird, and it looks like it happens for some people even if they have a good rig. Actually, I got a few FPS more when I INCREASED the settings and AA...

In Squad--which uses the Unreal Engine 4--I'm getting above 60 FPS on good settings. So it's easier to play and more fluid.

I have a GTX 970, i7 4790k, 16gb ram. I really wish that PR2 would run normally on my rig.
Would you want it any other way?

Is that a legit key site, or is it shady like G2A?
There's no such thing as a legit key site
The seller selling the cheap RS2 keys has over 1 million sales, you dont have to buy their scam insurance.

Guess I'll wait for the Steam winter sale, then. $10 or bust.
Just buy from vendors with thousands of sales/reviews. You'll be fine.
I bought the deluxe version on G2A for 9.95 britbongs. Not sure what that is in burgers? Probably around 13 dorra.
>Fire M79 at VC sniper hiding in the treeline ~75 meters away
>Injures him but he survives
>He turns and starts running away into the jungle
>Pull out my 1911 and pop one round off vaguely towards his direction and start walking away
>Killfeed pops up a second later saying I killed him at 80 meters
Feels good
wtf lol
>that glorious TINK sound when you pop someone in their helmet
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Real weapons don't have muzzle flashes unless you're firing blanks.

t. military.
Yes but this is a video game and needs to be balanced. Defenders have a huge advantage right now, no muzzle flashes being just one of them.
>Yes but this is a video game and needs to be balanced.

Do you play with the game muted? You figure out where they are shooting at like in real life. With your fucking ears.
l>laying down suppressing fire
>retard on my team walks in front of me and other MG
>doesn't forgive the tk
>comes back and shoots me
And how am I supposed to distinguish individual gunshots when there are 63 other players on the server trying to kill each other?

>hear tink sound
>check the killfeed
>don't see anything
>pop my head back out to see where I was shooting
>Respawn in 10
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>its another chopper gun down everybody on his own team while they are capping episode

Fuck choppers
If its near you it will be louder than the rest. Are you some kind of retard or something?

>That infuriating TINK sound that doesnt lead to a kill.

Did I shoot his fucking helmet off or something? Or do helmets just sometimes work?
Does the game have mod support?
How good do you think this game's audio system is?
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is this kino?


for maps and weapons at least
You get the same sound if you shoot dead bodies. If you get the tink on someone who appears to be alive but get no kill it means someone else's bullet for there a split second before yours.
Don't cover up your own bad play. Keep your volume up, 5 foot muzzle flashes aren't realistic or needed.
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How do I switch ammo when I'm using the m79?
How the fuck do I git gud at hitting helicopters and douchebags at long distances? I keep getting sniped at 80m+ with the AK but I can't hit shit when I fire back at the shooter.
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>TK someone by accident
>Apologize for it
>They don't forgive
>2 minutes later
>They run up to you, look at you, then TK you


I've "Headshot" people before, only for them to immediately kill me because I assumed they were dead.
Just get it. You can pick it up at cdkeys.com for 9.99.
Press C you noob.
Same button you use to fix bayonets or collapse stocks with other weapons (C by default), of course you have to have other rounds equipped first
Well at least that is something. I was hoping that someone could do a texture pack and improve the sounds as well.
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>capture point
>close to capturing
>get teamkilled
>fine, np
>this happens several times
>my face when
What good is your apology when you refuse to learn?
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If someone chucks a grenade over a wall he KNOWS had gooks over it but blows me up, i'll NP.
But when that fucking dipshit with a flamethrower kills me and two my squadmates because he can't keep his shit underwraps, you know for a fact im gonna get pissed.
Do you always keep your bayonet on or is the aim penalty too harsh?

black and white filter please
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r8 my skill
It doesn't have that kind of mod support. Yes it technically has mod support but the server has to be running it, meaning a simple sound replacement has to be run on the server. Meaning nobody bothers making mods because the playerbase is so small that nobody makes servers for them. At least this is how it is in Red Orchestra 2 that's averaged 1000 players for years, I expect RS2 will be the same when the hype dies down.
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>Put on woodstock experience in video
8/10 for using the SKS. Pretty standard kills otherwise, burgers didn't even know you were there.
the positional audio is garbage in this game though
ctrl is bound to crouch for me.

>bullet drop
Is there a way to enable tracers on the firing range? That would be a nice feature. My aim is marginally better than it was a few days ago, but still pretty shit.

Pressing C doesn't seem to do anything. I ask because a tooltip popped up telling me I could fire smokes, but I don't seem to have any smoke rounds.
If he keeps accidentally TKing you he's probably a retard still learning to tell the difference between teams.

In my case, I was clearing C on Cu Chi and saw a friendly get his face blown off by a shotgun, so I leaned out and put a 5-round burst into the room.
Enemy was already dead, and I accidentally killed a friendly machinegunner.
then why do they have flash suppressors
ty the sks is just too good the 30rnd of the akm are nice but it's not worth it

When you're in role selection you can pick your weapon type, variant type, and ammo loadout.

Only a few weapons have alternate ammos

The grenade launcher has 2 smokes

The viet shotguns get slugs and the american shotguns get birdshot.
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To ensure the weapons don't have muzzle flashes.

Fucking retards I swear.
Ah neat, I didn't realize that. I always just start ASAP if I manage to get MG or grenadier because I always get stuck as a grunt if I don't smash that muthafuckin start button.
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what did he mean by this
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Same shit with project reality and arma 2. It's 2 fucking shitters comparing 2 completely different games for the sake of causing as much butthurt as possible.
Why are there so many Americans on European servers?
>real guns absolutely do not have muzzle flashes unless you're firing blanks
>that's why they put flash hiders on them
please try again in english
The flash suppressor doesn't eliminate muzzle flash, it redirects it so that it doesn't blind the shooter while they're firing at night.
It reduces it by some amount, but not a lot. You can definitely still see a muzzle flash, especially in low-light conditions.
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>especially in low-light conditions.
Which map is set in low light?
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Not him but there are plenty of low light conditions in the maps like shaded wooded areas and buildings.
Well then don't try to join 61-63 servers then retards. Everyone else will see that and try to join, you have better luck trying to join the 64/64 servers as people leave occasionally and you can join in before the list refreshes and shows the slot open.

can confirm
That isn't low light, thats the fucking shade. There are plenty of weapons that create muzzle flashes.

Look at this wemb
>That isn't low light, thats the fucking shade
Good job ignoring the wemb.

Continue being bad and blaming it on the game.
they're rather discrete i see the smoke more often than the flash itself
>That isn't low light, thats the fucking shade.

Definition of shade

1.a : comparative darkness or obscurity owing to interception of the rays of light
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Reminder that if you are afraid of bullets do not be a pilot. I am fucking sick of getting dropped off on the far edges of the map 400m from the nearest cap or at the default spawn because the faggot flying didn't want to get too close to the Vietnamese.
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war is hell lads
That is smoke, try playing ro2 and the entire area around the shooter is lit up when they shoot
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>comparative darkness
>this means low light to my 75 IQ brain.

>Those blank dead eyes.

Jesus christ, they need to fix that.
You are dumb.

Where are you most likely to see a muzzle flash.. In a shaded area or out in the daylight?

There are whole sections of shaded wooded areas. There are shaded buildings, tunnels, bunkers, trenches and other nooks and cranies.
>Boonie hat

He probably got team killed.
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>This is smoke
I never spawn in choppers anymore, because whenever I do I'm lucky if the pilot even tries to drop us off.
9 times out of 10 he just banks into the trees like a retard and kills everybody when we're not even under fire or anything.
Do people really not even practice on the range before jumping into a game and going pilot?
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>near point
>spawn on squad leader in chopper
>pilot just flies around for minutes
>we have to beg him to drop us off
Anon, stop posting.

Answer this, is there less light in the shade?
You really do need to be retarded to wear the boonie on either team. The green helmet wearing Vietnamese are equally stupid.
>make customization options
>chances of getting teamkilled rise or fall, depending on your choice
Deep game.
Do you need to turn on a flash light or use NVGs in the shade? No. But you do want to use them in low light situations. You all vastly underestimate how much light a muzzle flash gives off, especially one fired in daylight and form a small caliber weapon.

Only time ive ever seen a muzzle flash was at night when everyone was firing blanks. And they were about as bright as a cigarette lighter.
That is a small fireball created when the gun goes off, there is no actual light coming from it.
dumb pig don't shoot when I wearing green helmet
If you lit a match during the day time would it illuminate anything? Are people here this retarded?
A fucking match, are you the retard? How is a lit match similar in any way to a fucking 7.62 fireball? You obviously haven't played Red Orchestra 2 so I don't even know why I'm still replying. What we want is the muzzle flashes from RO2.
Nguyen know you fuck his wife. This perfect chance to put you in ground. Just tell CO "Oh he look like GI! Look at what he wearing!".

>If you lit a match during the day time would it illuminate anything?

Yes, that's how light works.
>What we want is the muzzle flashes from RO2.

This isn't RO or the RO devs. You can keep your hollywood effects. You also seem to forget many of the weapons use flash suppressors, WW2 weapons hardly used them.

I think An Lao is just a shitty map for choppers. The only two places to really land are the clearing by B and on the rice paddies by D. Song Be is at least big enough that you have a lot of options
top kek
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Based on your logic his entire body, the table, and the grass in front of him should be illuminated by that muzzle flash.

>/v/ having any understanding of firearms at all
Kek thanks
Dont run
In fact never move unless theres cover that breaks the line of sight between you and where the enemy probably is. prediction is everything in these games.

>Based on your logic his entire body, the table, and the grass in front of him should be illuminated by that muzzle flash.

They literally are.

Do your eyes not work or something?
Tbh I try to make my VC/NVA characters look as close to GIs as possible. I may get tked occasionally, but it sometimes fools enemies if I make myself look enough like one of them.
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That's the sun doing all that illumination anon. This is a muzzle flash in low light conditions.

This isnt a realistic game, play it however you want

>That's the sun doing all that illumination anon.

No it's not you mongoloid, look at the light sources, there's the sun, bounce lighting, rim lighting and oh look, light from the muzzle flash.

fyi, being retarded and pretending to be retarded is the exact same thing, so fuck off already.
Story time.

>French dude and American dude go into bar in Asia town
>French dude starts shit with local Vietnamese guy in Asia town.
>American dude gives him pointers on how to fight and cheers him on.
>Vietnamese guy fucked French dude up
>Fight lasts for 7 hours
>French dude leaves, licking his wounds
>American bro calls Vietnamese dude a commiefaggot
>Vietnamese dude flicks him the finger
>American bro acts as if Vietnamese dude threw the first punch
>American bro uses his physical prowess to beat the shit out of Vietnamese guy
>Vietnamese dude has to use unconventional fighting styles
>American dude starts fighting dirty as well
>American dude sometimes mistakes Laotian dude and Cambodian dude for Vietnamese dude
>Claims they are helping Vietnamese dude
>Fight lasts almost 20 whole hours
>Vietnamese dude just keeps getting up
>American dude's marefriend comes in looking for where the hell her man is
>Sees him fighting some random Vietnamese
>Calls her man to get his ass back home
>Before leaving the bar in ruins, he flicks everyone the finger. Vietnamese guy still standing.
>On their way home American bro is high on adrenaline.
>Keeps repeating how he beat up Vietnamese guy and that he won the fight
>His bros at home call him a baby killer for performing weak lifts
>He calls them hippie faggots and probably communist as well
>He reminds himself every morning that he won that fight.
>Tells his children about the epic fight won had against 1 Vietnamese faggot
Dumb question but how do you save servers to your favorites list?

lol nah Read the below:
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Enemy arr runnah outta tahm
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here you go anon
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That is exactly who I picture when he says that. And only that line.
how are you that shit, jesus
ehh, he's getting 10 kills a match which is average. dude just needs to hang back and not die so much.
>10 kills a match is average
That seems too low
Yeah there was one match where I was acting like a retard the whole match, trying to rush into objectives without the cover of smoke. That probably contributed to many of my deaths.
maybe it's just me, but i've noticed on a lot of different servers there are people only getting single digit kills then a few in the 20s and maybe one or two in the 30s
I keep getting this thing where I can't type letters in chat

Numbers work fine, just none of the letters

What do?
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>that feel when a chopper lands right in front of you and you're in the perfect position to nail every yankee who's about to vacate it

Is there a better Rising Storm 2 feel?
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When a retard GI steps into your creverry prantet traps
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To the anon who suggested to play MG : Thank you, game is 101% more fun now
Some tips from someone with a KD of over 1.00
>don't sprint everywhere you go
>stay out of open areas unless there's smoke
>always try to use iron sights even at closer ranges
>learn the map and know enemy hotspots
>use semi-auto at med-long ranges for more accuracy and less recoil when using rifles

Generally just try to play more carefully and you'll get better with experience, or you could play sniper and cheese your KD up
Figured it out by myself

Apparently pressing alt and shift changes the language, you just need to press alt shift again

MG tips? I've been going grunt/rifleman the entire time and I'd like to get my Animal Mother on.
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>these but with campaign mode
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GI walk to point and put down GUN YES!

Fire! Always fire! Same spot yes! Never change!

Always on low ground, never high! Never in buildings or chokepoints! Always in areas with 360 ENTRY!

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Just now got the achievement for stepping on a trap. Can't believe it took me so long to step on one. Are people forgetting to set them or something?
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5 things that will make your machine gun the best machine gun.

Always place it down in the area with the best bottleneck, where you can be shot at from a small entry point but have access to a larger area of fire. 360 degrees (ie, both flanks, front and back open) will always end up with you dead before you can get a kill.

Try to position yourself with leverage in mind. The higher the better, but don't sacrifice invisibility for leverage.

After mowing down 2-3 people, always re position if ever so slightly. By muscle memory they'll lob nades or try to mow you down. If you move but have the same spot technically, you can attack that group because they have revealed themselves.

It's never worth it to throw yourself down on the front lines because of your speed and ability to fight. Always stick back and suppression is your priority over kills.

It's always best to be solo as a machine gunner because then you have a smaller priority as a target. Travel as a lonewolf and lift like one. Play it safe, and play it like a pussy.

Bonus tip: Always scream over mic or say stupid shit when firing to add to the hilarity and community of the game. Nobody likes boring people.
>Bonus tip: Always scream over mic or say stupid shit when firing to add to the hilarity and community of the game. Nobody likes boring people.
They really need to add Local Voice. Both for what you just said, but also to make it possible for me to blast 60s rock music through my microphone when I'm flying a Huey.
I think a lot of people don't know they exist.

It's like the banzai in Rising Storm 1. It's another ability that isn't utilized at all, damn shame.
>It's like the banzai in Rising Storm 1
I did fuckall in Rising Storm 1 but banzaii people.

Funnily enough, my main way of playing VC is grabbing the Sapper class and putting those tiny bombs all along the paths between the enemy objectives.
It really would enhance both the balance of the game and the hilarity. Imagine hearing the enemy 12 year olds go "GI GO HOME! ALULULULU!" as they run out from the bushes and you get wiped.
Nah, people know of them. Just difficult to put them down. Punji traps take too long. Tripwires take thought and coordination and you don't have that a lot of times. Sapper mines are easy as fuck to put down them. I litter them all over.

maximum kek
requesting that diagram of Vietnam tunnels please, all google gives me is cut up images of it
Can you walk across friendly tripwire traps without blowing up?
>that guy who spins around and deletes GI with backblast
>that guy is me



Thanks friend, I'm going to give all of those a go now
>Offensive back blast
Someone stop this mad man.
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>When you shoot down a bird with a beautiful bolt action
Best feel
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What's the best gun and why is it the m16?

The m16 feels amazing, the m60 too

the Type 56 feels like shit, the RPD is also shit

That's about average in my experience. You'll see really good players in the 20's but I have never seen anyone other than a commander over 30.
who else here get's a little quiet from time to time after playing some rs2?
Shot down my first helicopter with an AK earlier today. Watching it suddenly stall and slowly crash with 5 people on board ground after I hit the pilot was one of the most satisfying gaming moments I've had in a while.
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>tfw sniping a full huey at 300m with the rpg

Jesus christ, I didn't think the M60 would feel so good. It's not quite an M16 but it's surprising how easy it is to use.

That said, I found it hard to get myself out of rifleman mode and only deployed it once or twice, but it was fun.
>see shirtless man with a helmet on a contested point from 70m on the side the GI were last seen
>lol it's one of yours
shirtless was a mistake
Pretty sure 90% of my team kills are on shirtless characters.
You only run if you're crouched, cleared the front area you're going to run to, and haul ass

and even then you're probably going to die.

I usually slowly move up, usually far left or far right, never center. If someone shoots at you, don't prone, keep running. I love it if I'm playing recon, miss a shot and the person goes prone. Because of distance and bullet drop, it's hard to hit a moving target, but once that person goes prone it's easy pickings.
MG is love
the worst one
>1 min left
>we make advances, a squad or 2 make it in
>commander bombards the point we're advancing to, stopping all advances towards the point
>we lose

I swear some commanders are working for vietcongs

10 kills a round should be average/slightly above average, considering 30 players and about 500 reinforcements.

Note that a 'match' is actually 2 rounds.
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How good am I lads?
That first part of the map is my favorite.
>slowly inch up to objective, taking out vietcongs peeking over the wall
>gets tked

How the fuck does anyone mistaken me for vietcong when I'm facing towards the enemy, slowly moving up, and shooting down enemies.
Use the steam server browser.
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>prone on point
>oblivious gi runs over me
>lodge an sks round in his lungs, immediately goes to bandage
>walk over, crouch on top of him, fire an rpg into the air incinerating him with the backblast
bullying fresh gi feels so good
>Defending Echo on Hue City
>Push up against the wall and lean my AK on a ledge to make sure the room is clear
>Some faggot with an SKS puts his entire mag into me
>Sorry I thought you were enemy!
Buncha FNGs
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>Hill 937
>be US soldier
>some retard squad leader stands next to me
>people spawn on me and got glitched into the ground
>I get teleported back to the same position every time when I stop walking
>run and gun up the hill
>gooks can't see me because I'm glitched
>kill them all
>my player body is still at the same position where I got glitched
>got team killed by some tryhard autist at my glitched position
>You're season banned from the server

This game is a glitching mess, but somehow fun and opens a new opportunity for griefing.
5 maps is so insultingly shit I have no idea how anyone actually defends this.
use the steam server browser my dude
We couldn't, that's why we lost the war.
>there are people who want full-auto M14
Is the Mosin a 1 shot kill anywhere?
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>Hamburgler Hill
>Viet-fucking-shit sapper
>laying down AP Mines all the fuck over C
>see a full squad of GoHomos
>spray full fucking auto with PPsh-41
>+5 Defensive Kill
>+5 Defensive Kill
>+5 Defensive Kill
>+5 Defensive Kill
>join the stacked team every match
>have a great time
no, I think past 150m its no longer 1hk
>never use MG before
>hide under a bridge as charlie, us army mg runs in front of me looking forward
>i bayonet him, take his mg and start mowing down other pigs rushing towards the point passing the bridge

Shits satisfying
I mean it was only $22
>unlimited sprint
>magical gook traps and tunnels
>no more unavoidable bleedout leading to unavoidable trades and incredibly long deaths

I'm glad they made the game just a bit less realistic, it feels a lot better to play. Left a positive review earlier today.
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Remember, for great thrills and multi-kills, always collapse the grease gun stock.
not really bestfeel. Shooting down flying burgercarriers feels very meh and unrewarding in this game, not much achievements, neither much score really (you just get +5 for kills, for shooting down a fucking chopper)
>tfw you finally lose your virginity but it's meh because you don't even get an achievement

8, actually. Some of them (firebase, compound, jungle camp) are just off the normal map rotation and have to be manually added by the server owner.

Granted, I think one of them is broken and doesn't work, but there aren't just five maps.
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I was a bit miffed when I saw that. I nailed a Loach with an RPG and expected an achievement, but I got nothing.
how to collapse the gun stock
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>stock out
>can't see

>stock in
>can't aim

Even sawing off the rear aperture and replacing it with a toothpick would be an improvement.
>AP Mines

My fucking god, playing against a team that doesn't have pointman clearing mines is the best ever

The Asymmetrical nature of the NLF is the best and makes Supremacy actually fun to play
I killed 4 choppers in one game yesterday on the hill, and 2 of them with small arms fire and got nothing.

If I was actually on the front fighting in the objectives I'd get much more score points and so on. It should be much mroe rewarding but the devs are probably muribiased burgers considering the contrast of achievements for burgers and vietnamese achievemens (same witth rising storm 1).
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i dont even know.webm
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The black guy must have thought I was a hero or something
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Favorite things go

>RPG Class
Looks like he was trying to give you ammo

Combat Engineer

You can guess what my favorite kind of kill is.
It's actually really easy to aim with the stock folded, just takes a little getting used to, I can easily nail moving targets out to 80m with it.

The grease gun also has close to zero recoil shooting unsupported so you can just keep hosing your target until they drop.
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>song be
>gi fags do their classic overused of landing a squad in a helicopter near A and try to take it from the rear
>plant my two tripwires in the two entrances they usually take
>lay down in the bushes surrounding the entrance to the village
>two GIs die in traps
>open fire with my shotgun and finish off the rest while they crawl around searching for me
I've been taking on SL role lately because a lot of maps TLs are getting marks. But fucking hell, they need to give SLs smoke again. This is ridiculous that I can't really push up my squad because I wanted to use the m16 instead of being forced to use shotgun. SLs need to be able to see each other's marks too. I don't know why this isn't a thing any more.
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oh yeah didn't think about that, he never did though
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Pretty good but get on the objectives!
>tfw tking black soldiers more than fighting the gooks

who /doingtheirduty/ here?
>DP28 as a quasi DMR/assault rifle
>type-56S on semi/unfolded for plinking and folded for streetsweeping operations
>toepopper mines on the first US capzone in supremacy mode
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I play as the blackest American available just for shits, no regrets
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>run over to G at the start of the match
>make tunnel in some obscure corner of the beach
>squad spends all game bullying the GI on G and E so they can't focus
>rig G into a minefield so spawning joes get blasted before they even leave base
you can reach 30 pretty fast shooting down hueys with a full load of guys
>RPG backblast "accidentally" turns a brownie to mush

whoops :´)
I think we can agree the experience would be marginally better if you did though.
>played 30 hours so far
>only been TK'd a few times
>join french server
>get TK'd 12 fucking times in 1 round
It was common on both teams apparently because the server had public VOIP enabled and someone on the other team started going on in Public about the TKs
it always feels like they have negative melee range when you're hugging the gi yet apparently the pigsticker just whiffs him
>coordinating stick traps and mines with a friend

Literally topping the scoreboard with minimal effort
Semi related, I think it's kind of ridiculous that public alltalk is off by default. I liked trading jabs and chatting with the other team in RO2.
the public channel is still there, just unbound isn't it?
truly the worst, always refuse to talk english and have the push-to-talk button glued down
I've noticed that I get TK'd a lot more when I play without a shirt on my character on US/NV
Some servers are set so that you can just toggle public VOIP. All servers you can choose to bind public to a key. I'm not sure if it works on all servers though. I've spoken on servers in public chat that didn't have it "enabled" and never got any response from the enemy team.
There's a key you press to cycle between channels. I think it's O?

On most servers, pressing it just cycles you between squad and team, but on some servers you cycle between squad, team, and public.
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>you can't be a gorgeous gay catboi fighting for the people's revolution

War is hell.
yeah, but even on servers without that if you manually bind public chat to something you can still use it without cycling to it
I've talked to someone on the other team about a spooky blowing our ears out, granted he was in text chat but he responded
could have just been the server though
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I just played on a French server and had a pretty good experience, the commander was speaking French but he called out artillery in English
>not speaking the language of the crusades
I get 30-60 usually every match. How shit are you guys?
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>niggas want to brag about something they supposed to do
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>get the thumper impact achievement in beta
>progress wiped
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Why do so few players engage in melee kills?

Hand-to-hand rookie (10 melee kills) and Up Close and Personal (five bayonet kills) are among my rarest achievements now, with 0.29% and 0.56%

It's a lot of fun to stab an American, more fun than shooting them in the melon imo
Because melee is broken. It doesn't fucking work.

Even if you hit the guy, it's not a guaranteed kill. I'm pretty sure that applies even if you have a bayonet.
Melee is difficult as fuck, sometimes broken. Though it is satisfying. Shot two GI with my double barrel and slapped one in the back of the head as he ran into my position and ignored me.
Getting a kill with the pickaxe was one of the most satisfying and funniest moments I've had in this game
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>See GI's across the fields with my binocs in An Lao.
>They all duck into a house
>VC shoots his RPG at the wall and kills 4 people
GI Sent Home
Finally a game where I can use my knowledge of random Vietnamese words/phrases/swears.

I can't wait to tell people to go fuck their grandfather.
tao lao
I fucking love that the HEAT penetration effects are modeled with the RPG-7

Now, why don't GIs get their fucking LAW?
Why do most people still refuse to push the objective? We have 60 seconds to take the thing or we lose and we've got almost 200 extra tickets. If you're not a squad leader why aren't you throwing your fucking bodies at the point
so how's your fashion game so far? GI are boring, but dressing up my pavn in camo jammies and nlf in that /fa/ as fuck blue and tan is great
now I just need to work towards the rice fields hat and the flak jacket for the us army
>skirmish maps
you know these don't count
iirc Firebase and Compound have Territories variants.
>no muzzle flash
You never realize how important this was in RO2 until it's gone. The game is shit without it.
HEAT is modeled? So if you shoot a small building will the inside be turned into goo?
Kinda, you can and will penetrate most walls
I literally did not notice at all

ergo it's shit and good they removed it
>absolutely no way to tell where you're getting shot from
It's shit.

There are muzzle flashes.

Most guns just have flash hiders so you can't see them in 1st person
Neat. So wait, if that's the case, does that mean that some caliber weapons can penetrate concrete? I've been shot through the concrete walls on Hue city and it's infuriating.

get better headphones you fucking poorfag
How does a crack from 300m away tell me where the enemy is?

Stop defending obvious flaws it just makes you look like a retarded shill.
There literally is muzzle flash though

Maybe you should actually play the game
I agree, never even gave it a thought in RO2 because its like expected to be there
When your whole body is coated in napalm, I don't think you could really fight back
It's not his headphones. You can't really determine where you're getting shot from. You also cannot place which direction the bullets are coming from. That's why they have that indicator that pops up on the screen. I wish they would work on it. My headphones allow me to pin point a gook behind the rock in the river as he's trying to sneak up on me, but I can't figure out where shots are coming from to literally save my life.
>get RO2 for free from Humble Bundle
>finally try it today
>first server I join is full of spics

Well at least I managed to get a few kills before I left.
The game was free, of course the BRs seized the chance to get it.
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Sure, bud.
Huh? I see enemy muzzle flashes all the time. Are we playing the same game or are you just shit posting?
> the plane that shoots bullets gets called in
oh boy fantastic now for the next few minutes I wont be able to hear anything
I really dont understand why/how this bug exists.
He's probably not noticing them. They're definitely toned down.
>tfw mulching americans with the RPG
it's so mean
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm how come muzzle flash is visible in these webms?

Muzzle flashes literally disappear about 40m away. It's retarded.

See above, faggots. The game has serious flaws, stop pretending it doesn't. Mostly in the literally dozen gamebreaking and common bugs it has.
that's not what we are talking about, yes that's technically a muzzle flash but it doesn't light up like in Red Orchestra 2

I consider myself pretty decent at this type of game and I have 2 k/d in both RO2 and RS2 and I'm dying a shit ton in RS2 because I have absolutely no clue where I'm getting shot from, this almost never happens in RO2 because of muzzle flashes being visible from across the map and also the directional sound is much better
>See above, faggots
Calm the fuck down nigger. I've seen that muzzle flashes are a lot more subtle when a gook is shooting at me from the brushes.
what on earth was that
>every shot counts
>if you miss, your enemy will immediately know where you are

>go to far flank with sniper
>just fucking unload dude who cares if you miss nobody knows where the fuck you are anyways lmao
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oc from the general
>Play M60 for the first time
>Thoroughly unimpressed
>Check for shiggles if it gets a bayonet
>Become destroyer of worlds and run circles around charlie all day

Fuck me this shit is stupid as fuck looking in a RO game but goddamn is it fun.
What are you talking about? The amount of times I've seen snipers and machine gunners from 100m+ away because of the muzzle flash.
exactly, such a small thing has a huge effect on the game.
>works on my machine :v)
Nice meme response you fucking retard.

because I wanna play the game but there's hardly and fucking servers to begin with and on top of that the few servers that are there are full all the time.
Show me webms of muzzle flashes past 100m.

I literally have not seen a single one. Which is probably why they added that gay as fuck CoD shot indicator.
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Get on my level, you filthy american pig. Bet you prefer the M16 over the AK.
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>play game
>commander calling in artillery and whatnot
>angry man goes on mic "shut the fuck up all game you talking shut up"
>commander asks him if he's retarded
It sounds too me like you just want to complain because you hate video games.
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*mows u down with machine gun*
Pssh nothin personnel gook
Nice meme response you fucking retard.
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>mfw people don't realize combat pilot is secret OP
How do you deal with the barrel over heating? Its never seems to cool down so you aim is always fucked because of the heat waves.
Dumb question, how do you acquire this rifle?
>Try to prone on any surface that isn't terra firma
>Have a seizure, jisming all over rocks and waving your gun about until the enemy sees you and puts you out of your misery
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definitely it is
easiest way to clear out enemy tunnels, which cripples the entire gook team
>tfw playing gunner and all enemy tunnels were wiped on one pass of the cobra after being marked by the loach
gooks tl needs to have anti air running as soon as possible at all times with combat pilots above, theres just no other good ways to keep them from fucking everything up
be gook sniper
It's annoying but I try to only shoot when I see an enemy or know where he is, and I fire in short 3-5 round bursts. They really really need to tone down the barrel overheating in this game, it's ridiculous that if you put the same number of rounds through a machine gun as an assault rifle the MG explodes while nothing happens to the assault rifle.
Can't they cancel arty anyway? Even if it's already started? Also:
>Pick gook squad leader
>Don't put a tunnel down
so the loach just automatically marks shit when you fly over it, no extra buttons or anything? loach with a commander in it is some good shit from what I've seen and I want to take a crack at it
yeah its automatic
just fly around a bit and then check tac view or the map
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>no melee weapon
What is the vietnamese pick axe you retard.
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>He doesn't know
In certain threads on /gif/, the first reply is always a webm of femshep getting gangbanged by krogan and yelling KROGAN COCK and shit.
>sit in point
>watching doorway
>friend comes in
>aims at me
>un aims at me
>aims at me
>shoots me
>call him a retard
had the same situation today in hill
>we both aim at eachother
>guns down
>he aims again and shoots me and runs away
Am i the only one who hates the sight on the m16?
it's just banter
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>SL uses signal smoke as smoke grenade
SL's should be able to choose between a sidearm or a smoke
but they haven't added the aussie faction yet
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>intentionally disguise myself as indescirnable as possible
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rate me
by the way, i've downed multiple helicopters, but because i only kill the pilots with the DSHk it doesn't count
More like the language of the insane Soviet Union lovers
>Sidearm or smoke
Hmm. I'm assuming SLs currently don't have smoke on every class because it would make classes with three items already too heavy or cluttered to scroll through weapons. Maybe that would be a good trade off to have smoke on every class?
>mfw gook players don't change from the default khaki helmet

That shit is so obvious against the green of grass and bushes, I've seen so many camouflaged enemies just because of that stupid helmet
>smoke on every class
>64 fucking smokes at all times
>literally never see the map
>all firefights are just using the tac map to find objectives and randomly firing towards them
>whoever crashes last wins
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Can't wait for the ANZAC forces desu
>F1 submachineguns
>SASR FALs with drastically cutdown barrels and grenade launchers ("The Bitch")
>64 fucking smokes
You bastard, you know I meant smoke on every class for the SL. That sounds fun though
>there are people that either go hatless or go with the hats that share a model but are just retextured for both sides
Iran-Iraq war mod WHEN
Insurgency. If you want abrams and shit (right?) you're looking for completely different games.
hey, the boonie looks cool on the marines
at least it's not shirtless
t. retard
the fuck is your problem

you're 20 years off and got the wrong war you silly billy
Oh. I see. Excuse me.
>The conflict has been compared to World War I in terms of the tactics used, including large-scale trench warfare with barbed wire stretched across trenches, manned machine gun posts, bayonet charges, "human wave attacks", and extensive use of chemical weapons by Iraq, and later deliberate attacks on civilian targets.
How is this game compared with insurgency?
That's the only multiplayer fps i've played for more than 15 hours.
You die just as fast and the maps are bigger. There is a little bit more teamplay involved however.
I like em both

RS2 goes harder on the realism aspect, meaning your automatic weapons will jerk across the screen a lot when you fire and your vision gets blurry when shit explodes, things shake a lot etc
Maps are generally larger and there's an aspect with squad leaders that mark targets and operate as spawn points and a commander who calls in air strikes
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Would you join my squad?
i like rs2 more cause it has projectile weapons
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>all these teams with SLs and Commanders who aren't doing shit

Alright lads, here's the idiot's guide for what to know in these roles. Try to give your teammates some direction and guidance over voice; it does help if you're competent enough.

>US Squad Leaders
Play to stay alive so your squad can spawn on you. Mark artillery targets often for your commander that aren't 5 feet from your team. Look at your maps during recon flyovers.

>VC Squad Leaders
Try to always keep a tunnel up that's hidden from the US and close enough to the objective you're pushing. Mark artillery targets for your commander as needed. Look at your maps during recon flyovers.

>US Commander
If you're lucky enough to have a competent Loach pilot, ride with him and mark your own targets, you'll be incredibly effective this way since you have 3 different artillery commands. Try to react to your team getting fucked with your instant spawns as needed, but give them a few seconds after dying to select a spawn point. Get your Squad Leaders to look at the map and request artillery during recon flyovers.

>VC Commander
Move around the map and hang around forward areas with a radioman, if you have one; if not, use the radios scattered around points. Doing this in combination with surprise attack gives you some good ways to get troops near you. Use Ho Chi Minh Trail often, especially when your team mounts an offensive, and use anti-air often to counter American aircraft.

I'm sure I could list more about the other differences and things you should be doing as US vs VC on the ground, but don't go out of your way to pick SL or Commander if you're not going to play the role.
cant you use ambush without a radio?
if you get 7 people with the mattock your character sings High Ho.
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>grunt is actually fun
Maybe, and I'm sure there are good strategies here and there, but I like to give my team a little bit of breathing room before getting dropped in. Me and my radioman buddy usually sit a little bit outside enemy points in cover when we play a commander duo.
its actually decent camo on hill because of the clay
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Are bayonets useful at all in this game?
I always put them on before going into the tunnels as GI, but is it even worth it?
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the flamethrower su-
Bayonet kills in 1 hit while no bayonet takes 2 hits. Attaching one makes your weapon sway more apparently.

I always attach mine because muh RS banzai charge nostalgia.
I don't know what word you're trying to meme.
he trying to say
flamethrower sugoi
What's the best shotgun and ammo combo for the US? I can't decide. The two top ones seem identical in gameplay except the black one is tilted to the side for some reason when aiming
whats the range on the bayonet?
If you get caught by surprise at close quarters it will always one-hit an enemy. So if you're charging a position, fix bayonets.
Speaking as someone who plays scout/pointman whenever I can they're actually really hard to use. Getting one in a non useless position is annoying.
stakeout with the biggest pellets
git gud at hip shooting and git gud at the sights for it
>tfw already played with a Forrest Gump and Animal Mother

It's a small world tbqgfamalam
>Alright lads, here's the idiot's guide for what to know in these roles. Try to give your teammates some direction and guidance over voice; it does help if you're competent enough.

i can't speak for shit since i don't have a decent mike, my voice sounds like cows fucking and i am not even a native speaker, but i do

>stay as close to the front line as safely possible, make sure i'm spawning guys out of any line of fire
>mark rally points where the next cap point or tactically useful place is
>throw smokes as close to the enemy's face as possible
>mark arty points slightly behind the current objectives wherever i see enemy reinforcements
>spam messages until someone listens
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>white pigs clustered in a choke point right behind a small wall
>run up with my RL out
>say "outta the way"
>get 2 kills
>both from teammates who died to the backblast

I don't even know where the second guy came from.
That's a pretty good way of playing squad leader - squad text channel is usually respected by the rest of the squad unless you get some real deal shitters.

It's much harder to play Commander to it's full potential without voice chat though - it is possible if you play very far forward with a radioman or front line radios, though.
>type 56
youre doing it wrong
>Cows fucking
Nobody cares about your voice sound. As long as you communicate you are an asset.
If GI gets Aussies then Vietnamese should get emu as a counter
Does this game get better than being a gook in the trees on Song Be supremacy? It's just traps and ambush after ambush, it's the best.
I've seen a bit of backlash when a kid says something over the microphone, but thats about it.
Okay, yeah. Kids are fucking annoying in mature games.
>he doesn't play as a shirtless marine and snipe gooks with the based M40 on Hue City
The bolt actions are so satisfying to use, especially with everyone having automatics this time around.
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It took longer than I expected
does the weapons have levels like they did in RS1?
No, you get everything from the get go

You have a profile level and unlock items of clothing though
No. that was removed in favor of skins. Nobody likes the weapon leveling. Everything is unlocked from base.
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>Nobody likes the weapon leveling
says you
Sorry nobody. I told them you liked it.
I found a secret spot on Hue and racked up about 20 pig kills, plus a few more with toe poppers.

Gooking is just too fun.
reminder to always check your mag/reload when you're in CQC
I got the second guy later
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What would the achievement be called and how much would it be worth?
>that run away
I've done that too many times
did they have many suppressed weapons in vietnam?
i liked using the suppressed revolver in ro2
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>Flying Huey on Song Be
>Doing well, done a few drops nothing bad happened
>Go in to land north of D
>Gooks in the trees
>Take an RPG to the tail, gone
>Ascend to the heavens, try futility to see if possible to control landing
>Fly circles around the map while rotating at mach speed
>Nearly hit the Loach
>Decide fuck it put it down and die
get better headphones or speakers, it's perfect for me with headphones on
>the reaction time on the second guy

Jesus Christ, I wish I played with retards like that.
Weapon fire is not perfect with either headphones or speakers. You get shot and you have no idea where it came from.
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nigger just filter full and empty and sort them by players there are always plenty of servers with above sixty people playing
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What do you call this expression?
The thousand yard stare.
>tfw no realistic day-night cycle
The point is how fucking empty most of the servers are.
Is this your first video game?
kill yourself my man
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wow I see now that war... truly is hell... wow
I hope for the rare night map like in Rising Storm. I liked that map a lot
is this an army of darkness mod?
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Fix the damn spooky sound bug already
why is weeaboo talking?
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>commander calls in spooky
>people make ghost noises in chat



this game is ripe for good micspamming
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>Scout doesn't get the PPsH
nope he gets a death cannon
That French SMG is pretty bad. They're lucky they get the hunting shotgun of infinite range
Its still better than the grease gun, GIs need more fun guns, their shotguns and smgs just feel like a handicap.
>America: Nonstop racism
>VC: Nonstop broken engrish

And I wouldn't have it any other way.
he is dead you know.
>their shotguns and SMGs just feel like a handicap
Yeah. VC get a couple of great weapons. Americans get the M16 and then bad weapons.
somehow joined a private server which had 3 level 60s on it, how the fuck do they grind so fast

does the sapper's mines remain after death? can he place a stupid amount of mines if he goes back to the ammo box to replenish or is there a limit to how many can be deployed?
>tfw you get a kill in the loach
It's such a goddamn pain in the ass, because you'd better be going 3.1 megasanics to avoid getting wasted by small arms fire or someone really good with RPGs and you'd better be lined up perfectly because the loach doesn't really understand the concept of "yaw"
Plus, you can sometimes be perfectly on target and not hit with the strafing because of the minigun timing
There really needs to be more of a push to use the loach in conjunction with the commander on board because otherwise the commander just sits on the ground with his dick in his hand in front of the radio all match and the loach pilots fly around confused as to their role and/or constantly crashing because most people who pick pilot roles are ultimate shitters
Yeah they remain after death, but they can only have 5 out at a time
Placing new ones deletes the oldest one placed
They disappear when the sapper dies
Like all the other traps they remain after death, but you can only have 5 up at a time

This man is just trying to keep more people away from being a cunt and placing mines.

The gook mine dream will never end my friend.


this isn't call of duty 4 nigger :^D
>Typical FNG's, getting themselves killed
probably the worst voice line in the game, sounds like a shitty duke nukem impersonator.
abloo bloo people wanna talk about games on the video game boards. this hurts my feefees so much
kek watching a loach go full speed into a full huey. I need to start recording in this.
Who knows. It should have tripwire. It's mostly useless.
>It should have tripwire. It's mostly useless
no it shouldn't, retard
>It should have tripwire
I'm really disappointed in the voice acting


i like the gook announcer
They should have had a political officer/commissar class that can wave around a flag. Being near the flag while waved makes the commie gooks charge faster and harder.
To those who role play as gooks and scream go home white devul. I salute you. You add a lot to the game. I highly reccomend going through the wikipedia of ethnic slurs to really immerse yourself.
Heres a few examples
Honestly I don't think it matters if the slur is Vietnamese specifically. Feel free to throw some slurs aimed at any other asians.
>anti arse defenses are ative
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It's confusing that the slur for VC is "Charlie" but there is also point C on the map with the C being Charlie

>We are taking Charlie
You're looking for Rising Storm 1

That mechanic would be fucking retarded in VIetnam.
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>Play as commander
>FINALLY get radiomen that aren't braindead retards, and actually have mics
>tfw sitting just outside the points as you call in Arty, napalms and spooky's
>tfw splatting gooks with the M14 in between calling in support strikes
>radiomen acting as personal bodyguards, taking bullets for you and killing any gooks getting too close as you call in strikes
Still not sure why the Commander and Radiomen aren't in their own squad. Antimatter is fucking retarded.
>butt of your weapon
there are plenty
Really? I think the MAT-49 is great, I use it a ton. My only complaints are the obtrusive sights and small amount of reserve ammo (2 mags)


The grease gun is great, you just need to git gud.

>it doesn't have tripwire because of realistic reasons
>it doesn't have the real range killing zone of 150m because of gameplay reasons

>selective realism
It's pretty pointless so far. Maybe (hopefully) we'll get maps in the future where the US defends. Then, claymores can shine.
it does tho
Gameplay reasons also speak against tripwire you fucking IDIOT
Are they recreating those famous Vietnam photos ? Haha
Looks at the bottom right of your HUD. It will display x/5, x being the amount of mines you have down (max of 5). No trap will despawn if you die.
well shit i didn't know about that one. i wouldn't have thought to try.
Why the fuck would you ever use the claymore?

Your primary rifle has better range, is faster to use and far more applicable and even ideal in every situation.

The claymore is literally useless.
How did you not know? It was an achievement within RO2 to melee someone with binos, an achievement that sadly did not carry over to RS2.
>he can't get kills with the claymer
shitter detected

Some gook went behind a wall so I burned off an M60 mag firing at the wall in A on Cuchi. Killed him.

also panic emptied a shotgun past a wall/wooden barrier in hue city and killed a gook too
The effective range of a claymore is well under 100 meters anon
I hope you fuckers are filling trenches around objectives with your traps.

Gook punji pits are massively underused.
i haven't played an RO game since RO1.
Reading comprehension you knuckle dragging retard.

I said it's pointless to use Clay when you have better options. Not that you can't get kills with it. Go back to 5th grade.

It's useful if you're camping one area but that's about it.
>Gun down the enemy cobra so much with the dshka the enemy tries to kick me for cheating.

No, at most it has 30m, think that the claymore should have range from the B point of hill to the C point easily and it doesn't


Nah, it's the same selective bullshit realism of 18 rounds in the m16 magazine but not being able to change barrells in the m60


Claymore are incredible in real life, they have long range, a insane arc, and a lot of pellets (like 600 pellets or so), they are unmodeled in the game because of bullshit reasons
You are such a retarded fucking nigger

>let's give both sides the same trap so nobody ever knows if they are going to trigger an enemy trap or just run through it
WOW great job you moron
Not really, if they ever add some more themed maps like the Tet offensive, commie charges with flags involved would be fun.
it's ok the stick will have a different grenade on it :^)

>let's take the clothes to both sides so nobody will ever know if they are shooting friendlies or not

i can give retarded examples too
US at least needs M14s, gook mine game is too strong.
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