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>be pannenkoek2012 >understand Mario 64 better than an

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>be pannenkoek2012
>understand Mario 64 better than any other being in history
>invent a new technique to save time when speedrunning the masterpiece of the human race
>lesser beings in charge of competitions ban it for no reason
>they begin giving out challenges and taking in entries to determine who is good enough to compete in man's greatest sport
>decide to send in entries where you fulfill every requirement in the most obtuse, roundabout, technically correct way imaginable just to fuck with them
>they ban you

What was the point in him going into a 120 star save, going into the water, dying, then deleting the save?

What type of tactic is that?
it's shitposting in competition entry form.
because the rules didn't say he couldn't
TFW your competition is so good you have to ban them so you can feel "Good" about winning shit like this
Ok this is pretty fucking funny
is this GDQ that banned him?
Why is the speed running community such cancer?
It's like pannen sees a video of someone speedrunning with downwarps and just says "you are like a little baby, watch this"
Pannenkoek is a fucking god
>that ending

kino ending
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>You may not press the A button.
>his face when
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>throws bombs
>they disappear
>does fantastic flip
>it summons all the bombs

Like art
What were the speedrun requirements? It looks like he's just doing a bunch of random goofy shit.
Literally because most people involved have autism, anxiety, self-esteem issues, or some other defect with their ability to socialize.
That ending was absolutely beautiful
OP is a retard and linked you half a minute into the video. Go back to the beginning. It lists the requirements.
I see that now, thank you! Fuckin stupid OP
>that part where he just crawls through the entire stage

I think you're on to something
why was he banned?
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Reminder that Pannen avoids A presses to create a challenge, his real power level shall never be show

Why did they ban him? I mean he's obviously the most dedicated person on earth to this game.
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>the hazy maze one
pannen is a god among men
They were jelly
thats exactly why
no one can beat him

skimming the comments on the video whoever ran the competition put in some rule against HOLPs and he entered and made these just to fuck with them.
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>1:05 and onward
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>being so autistic that other autistic people ban you from their events
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How does a single man attain this much power?
I don't get it. What's so special about him doing these speed runs? Sure, he pulls off cool techniques but he's just wasting time.
>the fucking ending
doing a bunch of shit you never thought to do when you played it as a kid

is probably the appeal.
So do they just disqualify him for taking so long?
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>no harmless fun allowed
>muh autism
This is exactly what I expected to be the reason.
when is he gonna upload more commentated stuff
never, probably
He says he doesn't want to because he was in a bad spot when he made his last commentated video, and doing the commentary reminds him of that.
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>that last one
As expected from the master
These autists just banned him because they got blown the fuck out by based pannen. These challenges were childs play for him.
Probably for not following the spirit of the competition. He did complete the tasks, but obviously not the ways the contest makers wanted him to.
I sometimes make love to my Yoshi doll
Why does that call for a ban?
Why did they take it as an insult like a bunch of salty cunts?
There needs to be a Pannenkoek2012 anime

It's a battle shonen-style thing that involves him developing all his various techniques

The climax is the OP vid

TJ Henry is the Enemy turned rival against final autism bosses

Im so glad Pannen is actually doing well in life, I heard hes getting a big degree in something. thank god his talent is def not going to get wasted in some mothers basement
speedrunning is the most degenerate act man has ever come up with
god I hate the "speedrunning community" so fucking much
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>50 minutes later
Someone post "Red Coins on the Floating Ship... Without the Ship" if it hasn't been posted yet.
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Ayo fampai lemme get a star for getting all the red coins on the ship with out the ship

say no more
Been posted.
Now this is next level bingbingwahoo
his parents are the antagonist
>the effort the winners put in
>they had to ban pannekoek to even have a chance at winning
lmaoing at your life
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>That ending
That's the most elaborate middle finger I've ever seen
Fucking brilliant
I didn't realize Mario was the precursor to Metal Gear Rising
Jesus thats legit one of his best videos I have ever seen.
More specifically, doing the commentary video took a crazy amount of work and he could only have the time when he was in that shitty place

the guy actually has a relatively together life, apparently.
There's always that scene in cheesy over-the-top shonens when the main villain or hero reveals he's been wearing weighted clothes, or operating at 1/10th of his full power, then cuts loose and destroys any semblance of competition.

This is Pannen reminding mortals that he's just playing on their level to be polite
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I was wondering what he was doing just crawling around, I was expecting some zany trickery, but he's just fulfilling the shitty baby-mode challenge requirement in the slowest possible way as an insult.

This smug fucking bastard.
>the fucking ending

holy shit how

by 2019 this guy is gonna be like "yeah I wrote a multitasking OS core with networking stack ith Super Mario 64. Without jumping."
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Is the glitching just a side effect of the speed run tools or is the game engine that poorly coded?
You could do everything in these if you had tas levels of perfection.
Are you new to pannekokekekekokek? He knows every glitch and oddity in sm64 better than I know how to take a shit
most old games were hobbled together and full of bugs and glitches, but for the most part you dont have the speed or precision to exploit alot of these pixel perfect bugs.
The tools let you abuse them
I have no doubts a lot of third party games were cobbled together with second hand usenet slopcode, but this is Nintendo we are talking about. They have been stringent assholes about play and bug testing up to Wii. Seeing a first party title get torn apart by the seems this way is something special.
nintendo games usually do have a good amount of polish, but there's still plenty of glitches and shit in them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0KR9n8ZPjo
I don't think you understand, Mario64 is a cartridge game. Cartridges have virtually no space on them, you HAVE to cut corners or the game doesn't get made. Even ps1 games where they had disks still cut crazy amount of corners because that was the norm. You make the game as small as possible because you have so little to work with.
wtf is a HOLP
Early 3d engines relied on a lot of rough physics approximations to save on processing and memory overhead. Nintendo did a pretty good job of polishing to the point that it usually didn't matter during normal gameplay, but if you know where and how to exploit those physics quirks you can break it really really hard.
Games in general are kind of cobbled together out of whatever works. It's just Mario 64 and OoT in particular have been broken down and analyzed to the last pixel.
Held Object's Last Position
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I enjoy that a fellow with a username that is just a type of pancake creates such interesting videos.
you need to remember this is THE FIRST Nintendo 64 game and the first full polygonal engine Nintendo ever built

It was a fucking cadillac compared to a lot of other 3D games of the era
99.9% of the shit pannen does won't be seen by the average player until they watch his videos online, that's great for an early ambitious 3d game
>pannenkoek playing 4D billiards
The way that Mario 64 handles collisions and pathfinding of some of the objects is really weird.

Also his Floats video helped me understand how floats work.
Case in point, the game checks Mario's speed and intended direction to see if he'll go out of bounds. It checks 4 distances per frame. This is why Pan does QPU travel - when he builds up ludicrous speed, it must be enough speed to travel across THREE LARGE EMPTY AREAS OF NOTHING and hop FOUR MAP DISTANCES in one frame.
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Did he just All-Out Attack Jolly Roger Bay?
Give them some slack this was basically their first 3D game in a new console. It works amazingly well under normal conditions, its just that there are a bunch of edge cases that let you pull hilarious shit caused by the way Mario's position is updated basically. For example if I remember correctly, when mario is tries to move into a floor the game is programmed to push him upwards, and if he tries to move into a ceiling it stops him from moving or something, so if you have both close to each other you get stuck in place for a while until eventually you shoot off really fast because your speed kept building up while the ceiling and floor kept you still.
Does anyone have this with youtubedoubler set to FUCK YOU I WON'T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME?
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The N64 was a piece of shit, I don't blame the developers.
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>this isn't that long and obtuse, they look pretty fast
>mfw task 5
>Be wantching related videos
>something about luring the spider in the maze
>something about to gain super speed
>Suddenly parallel universes
WTF seriously how much time does this guy invest in mario??
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You watch your fucking language about my baby.
this is some next level autism
we should weaponize that
Don't worry I love the thing but it was a piece of shit.
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So this is what happens if he uses A presses
I suppose he refrains out of mercy
Kind of odd to say that went it was designed by SGI in their hardware prime. Wonder what went on them between them and Nintendo. Big N did cut the system ram in half to save costs.
Pannen is not of this world. Who knew there was such fine line between autism and legend?
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God himself might want to think twice about facing pannen in his domain
>beginning of task 5
What the fuck, what video is that from

Remember to mute the second video
>50 minutes later

If I were this autistic I'd rule the world.
ironic isn't it, what with them setting up whole events to try to stop cancer.
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>if you guys really want to cure cancer, you should just stand outside the hotel until one of their shuttles comes by and hits you
Reminder that there is no such thing as a "half A press". You either press the button or you don't.
Fuck off TJ
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Fuck off TJ
The PlayStation 2 had half button presses. They were used in racing games and shit. Not sure about other consoles though.
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thanks anon
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>he's just now finding out about parallel universes
Apparently he is some great software engineer and loves the code of Mario 64 and uses it to further is understanding of coding.

Sounds like a lame fucking excuse.
>there will never be an animated series about Pannenkoek manipulating the fabric of the universe while a pessimistic henry tells him that what he is doing is impossible.

Its a great duo.
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>There is a scene kinda like in DBZ were they removed weights off their body except with Pannen pressing A once
If i recall, he was out of a job and fighting with his family or some shit.
He pretty much confined himself to his room and made it.
It's called pressure sensitivity.
Controller buttons are usually binary. 1 and 0, so I can see where the "no half press" is coming from.
The PS2 had pressure sensitive face buttons, so you could press the triangle button half way and it would count as 0.5
MGS3 and Ace Combat used this, and it was really useful.
They sound like un-fun faggots and could have put it in a much better way but they're right. They're trying to hold a serious competition and Pannen submits a collection of jokes, pretty much any place trying to hold a serious competition would do the same.

That one where Pannen crawls through Shifting Sand Land was pretty unfunny as well, it was the only one in his collection I skipped over because it just wasn't interesting or fun to watch. Also the things like skips and 50 minutes later wouldn't have been things they could have skipped over watching it. They get a TAS file and watch the entire thing repeated input for input on an emulator.
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>He's been using A presses the whole time...
>Its impossible to only use a half of one...
>He couldnt have restricted his power in such a way...
>Henry's face when
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I hope he's doing better. I know that feeling.
We're talking about a man so autistic he named every one of his mechanical pencils and gave them personalities to match. There comes a point with autism that strong that "reason" stops being a limiting factor.
These guys remind me of this bullshit sport.
>named every one of his mechanical pencils and gave them personalities to match.
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Poor guy.
The analog buttons in MGS3 were fucking awesome. Slowly squeezing the button to fire a single shot from a gun felt great in a way that actual triggers on later controllers never did.
ahah he's so fucking autistic but I love him. a fight with his parents and self imposed exile is supposedly some torturous experience.

he's still a fucked up genius though even if it is a melodramatic one
To be fair though, the very first entry Pannen did actually was trying to be legit but it was rejected because he used a HOLP even thought the rules didn't say he couldn't use it. So, he made the rest of the entries trying to find a loop hole in the rules to show how silly and specific some of these rules were.

Shitposting in video form
It was endlessly inferior to the playstation no matter how you look at it
>Fight with his parents

>"Pannen honey, can you do the dishes?"
>"'Kay mom!"
>50 minutes later
>Pannen is working on reducing the a presses in Mario 64
>Mother walks in, irritated
>"Pannen, the dishes aren't done."
>"They're half-done mom!"
>"Doing the dishes means doing the dishes. You can't say they're only half-done! Stop playing Mario and do them!"
>slams the door, locks it and starts working on Rolling Rocks
>its tas stuff

Oh. Well this stuff isn't as impressive. It's still insane, but it's tas.
because he could do it and still come in first

Why didn't they bring that shit back with the PS3 and 4?
It opens up so many more input methods for additional game mechanics
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Why the fuck did they ban HOLPs?
It seems to me at least that in speedrunning, a competitive scene based on exploiting literally anything and everything to win, that it would be counterproductive to ban one of those exploits.

Is there any competitive community capable of having fun?
Does this community only accept runs with normal gameplay done as fast as possible though? I don't frequent the SR community but I hear that is a type of speedrun.
>task 3
>completely obscures vision but you can hear he did it through the sound
what a masterful asshole
If you watched the video, one of the entries had to ban BLJs, which is one of the most common techniques for speedrunning this game. But they banned it to test more skill in other areas.

The speedrunning community is THAT stuck up.
Prometheus stole fire from the gods to aid his fellow man, and his fellow man punished him for it.
Got a link to the post where they banned him? Want to see it
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>one of the entries had to ban BLJs, which is one of the most common techniques for speedrunning this game
Read that as BJs at first
>mfw cheating has a meta-game

That's what this is right? Cheating in a video game, has rules.
guys, i think i've lost it...
haha epic
What is BLJ?
Backwards Long Jump
Considering how many tranny speedruners there are I'm sure BJs are one of the most common techniques in the speedrunning community
>that one sperg who is mad at pannen for "tarnishing TASes"

Also Pencil harem
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Goddamn that ending.
I get chills every time I watch this.
Benis Length Judger
The objective was to enter the ice world, collect 4 red coins, then get the star. It didn't say you had to do it without dying or all on the same save file. He was being a goof.
To be completely and totally fair here though.

No one would ever have a chance of beating this guy in a competition if he had full reign of his abilities.

It's kinda like how scarflard in brawl/smash 4, there for a while, there was no point in even watching the finals of any tournament he was there for because you knew for a fact he would win.

It seriously undermines the whole competition when a savant rolls in and completely dominates.

I'm not defending him being banned by the way.
It's a TAS competition, not a speedrunning competition. It's testing knowledge of lesser-known glitches. There's nothing "stuck up" about it, it's just a different way to experience the game.
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They banned that? That's the most used technique, how the fuck can they ban the one move that's basically just a Level 2 Long Jump?
to create a more specific challenge? idk dawg
Basically this.
I'd be like watching Schwarzenegger beat up a bunch of toddlers.
But that'd be entertaining at least once.
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>tfw no amber gf
Fastplaying should be about beating the game as fast as possible and not winning pedantic competitions or gaining meaningless WRs from shitty websites.
No one can take the former away from you.
This guy, like Uliliililia, has the best form of autism.
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He's also a Yuru Yuri fan.
it was a challenge dude its pretty simple shit. Pannen just adds a bit of flair and comedy to an otherwise soulless format so they banned him. Humourless fucks
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Man was not built for such a height
I love this man
Do people even like Uliliililia? Dude is a loser.
The most interesting gods are the fallible ones.
What would happen if we moved Pannen, Ulilililia, CWC and some other autists, (get a good variance of cool autists and fucked up autists) and moved them into a house together?

It would be a reality show i would actually watch.

Someone call TLC!
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>Eventually I could have gotten rid of my bad mood
How fucking good do you have to be to literally exploit life to make such a thing possible? To just GET RID of your bad mood at will?
Fuck you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wlZd9YSuDg
>still no humanized Amber art
You take that back you fucker. Uli is a harmless autist with terrible OCD that brings a tiny spark into this world
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An A press is an A press, you can't say it is only half.
Its actually possible to have such amount of self control but it can fuck you up pretty badly
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>comparing Uli and Pannen to Christian Weston Chandler

Now you're just being disrespectful.
Pannen's videos make Uli's look incredibly dumb. What did Uli ever even accomplish? Desync the parallax background? Level to 99 in the first zone? Pannen fucking commands space and time.
Nice try, Anon """""""""""""Y""""""""""""" Mous.
>tfw finally bothered listening to The Cover Up
>End up liking it more than either Act
Well, shit
I said we get a variance good autist and bad autists.

I want to see how the constructive ones interact with the fucked up ones.

Maybe they can create some form functional colony. Pannen would clearly be an elite.
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>he's losing his hair
Life is an unforgiving journey...
make a book, show off bubsy 3d secrets, master grinder at MMOs, show off how tall the mountain was in sonic 3 and knux by using pixels
Have you seen the insane parallax backgrounds he's making on Platform Masters? He's accomplished plenty more than you have, bub.
CWC is not smart.
DS3 controllers had analog buttons, but Sony apparently took them out of DS4 controllers because of the extra latency and the lack of usage to make-up for it
Has he finished platform masters?

I fucking love those backgrounds he made. They are so fucking aesthetic.
Bubsy was definitely peak Uil.
Is there an Isekai anime where the MC gets stuck in some vidya world then proceeds to break or exploit the shit out of it?
>you need to remember this is THE FIRST Nintendo 64 game and the first full polygonal engine Nintendo ever built
Are we ignoring Star Fox 2?
he will never finish it
I don't think it's finished and most likely we're never going to get to play it. At least we can watch the videos of the crazy micro shit he's put into it though!
That's a shame.

Has Uliliililia vanished? I just only now noticed his channel is gone.
There can only be one true God.
Unreleased, doesn't count
i don't understand the ending
He had to move out with his sister and things got weird from there. He also stopped liking games so he's just a normal autist.
he left youtube after youtube fucked around with stuff and unlike other people who said they'll leave forever, he's actually sticked to his word. Also he's kinda a normie now Unless you could that vacation thing
I want to suck his dick while he shows me his collection

What the fuck? Is this a sign of the apocalypse?
>those nudes of his sister that people found
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>He had to move out with his sister and things got weird from there.
W-what kind of weird?
Nothing lewd, even though nudes of his sister are out there somewhere. He just kinda' turned into a normal sperg because of his paranoia and whatnot.
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How weird?
Abby that slut
>oh no we are trapped in this dungeon
>MC begins vibrating against a wall and teleports them to the boss
>in the finale he will reveal his true power a press
If I were a drawfag I'd anthropomorphize all these pencils. What color scarf would Amber wear?
He said first built, not first released.
Apparently some of the programming elements for Star Fox 2 were reused and modified for use in Super Mario 64, like the camera system, so Star Fox 2 is especially notable here.
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>Eventually I could have gotten rid of my bad mood, but I deliberately prevented it from subsiding because it was helping me get the video done.
>that second part
total lies based on another old lie that mario 64 started out on snes. You can play a almost gold copy of star fox 2 right now
I would watch this.
Anybody got that pic of ullillia being a total sperg while living with some guys airbnb thing as told by the host?
Reminder that movie with uli in it will never be released
then don't ban him then just make him a hall of famer or something

well he has a job now
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my face reading that
What does he do? Whatever it is I'm sure he's already figured out how to make the company billions more dollars.


don't get any sort of excited, it's just Walmart
Stop being such a lazy fuckhead who needs everything spoonfed to them. A simple google search of his username + "mechanical pencils" or even just pencils brings up the post.
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>You will never love a single game enough to devote as much of your life to as Pannen does to SM64

Feels bad man.
It's according to Dylan Cuthbert who worked on the game, not whatever you're talking about.
And Nintendo reused engines and shit a lot back then.
>inb4 somebody else spoonfeeds that guy just to spite you
Post article
It's already been posted in this thread.
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>those 8 twins on the right side with different colours
where are the drawfags?
here >>378929025
you go friend :)
>i don't understand the ending
He set the HOLP (Held Object's Last Position) variable to a specific spot then used a hat-in-hand glitch to make it so that picking up an object wouldn't change the HOLP, then threw 5 bomb-ombs in specific directions. But the bomb-ombs are too high above the star once they're at the HOLP so they despawn.

However, when mario backflips in front of the star he gets just close enough to re-activate them all again, causing them to cascade down and explode in a neat line. It's a damn clever trick and getting their angles just right would have been incredibly tedious but he somehow managed.

>those were for Charity, Henry
It would just be a bunch of co-ordinates though since its TAS right? Or am I underestimating how time consuming that would be
it was TAS so he could keep trying till he got it
The source is apparently a documentary video on the Super FX chip that's not up anymore.
Here's the non-working link: http://gamevideos.1up.com/video/id/16333

So I dunno, take it with a grain of salt I guess.
no, that's task 7, I mean task 10
Knowing him he has some sort of map editing software he can use to scout out the perfect HOLP he needs, and probably also memory hacking software that shows mario's relative angle, because doing all that by sheer trial and error would be stupidly tedious.

Source: I used to be in one of those TAS competitions years ago before everyone actually got good at it.
yeah for sure
>keep trying till he got it
is just the absolute most basic way of doing it
>I mean task 10
It's a custom mario64 map someone made using toad's tool 64. Pannen didn't really do anything special for that one.

I guess it's one of the perks of fitting inside a wide range in the spectrum of autism, it comes at a great cost but yeah you can be in any mood you want at any time, the bad thing is that it completely messes with your head to the point that you no longer have a way of feeling emotions naturally, everything comes off as weird to everyone else and people start avoiding you because they don't understand you at all.
Guru Larry Covered that in a Fact Hunt Video

Nintendo fucked Argonaut games many times

Because he's too good. That's literally it. If they allowed him in, no one would be able to beat him. He would just completely shut down everything.
this guy is better at Mario 64 than Michael Jordan at basketball
pretty much No Game No Life
in each fight they bend the rules and loopholes to defeat whatever otherwordly and inhuman being they face
oh and they become a king and queen of humanity halfway through the show
holy shit
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>50 minutes later
What was he doing with the wood blocks in the pirahna video?
Filling all of the item slots in main memory. When he threw the last block off then grabbed the star, the last block getting thrown off would overrun the item slot memory space and cause a hard-lock.
What a bunch of butthurt faggots
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