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Lets have a civil discussion about Nintendo's engineering

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Lets have a civil discussion about Nintendo's engineering prowess and how they will dominate the console market for years to come.
it's a retarded idea for a portable device but this seems like an overreaction for a third party mixer
"third party mixer"
Are you implying that there is going to be a better "official" solution?
It's okay because Nintendo is doing it.

You put you phone in your one pocket and you connector device in the other then you game and fap like you don't give a crap.
I'm not trying to imply anything
Why post then?
why not?
I was just sharing my opinion, it doesn't have to have a second meaning.
Just imagine how much of a hassle this thing is gonna be for gaming on the couch. Your Switch is all the way over by your TV, your phone is next to you on the couch. This device can't reach that far, so you're basically fucked.
couldn't you just plug the headset straight into the switch? or has it been confirmed that you won't be able to do that? I guess I'm just hoping that this is just for playing with online on-the-go since the switch has no 4G.
>"john why are you not talking?"
john forgot to charge his phone
For only audio yes, for voice chat and matchmaking you need the phone.
>discord and switch into the same headset
seems like a good idea to me
Yeah, fuck playing against strangers on the internet, who even does that? I always have 10 friends online to play everyday to any game i want.
but why? as far as I know the Switch's headphone port does support mics as well as a combined jack.
>but why?

Ask Nintendo.

>"we want to reinforce the capability to take your experience with you on the go.... The ability to do matchmaking, voice chat through your phone, it's a hell of a lot more convenient than having a gamer headset stuck into your backpack trying to do that. That's why we're doing it the way we are. We see the convenience, we see the ease of delivery. We think it's going to lead to a better experience."

Which basically translates to:

>we want to make it easier for you by removing the capability from the console itself and forcing you to use another device for a basic feature in modern consoles, you are welcome
it's not removing the capability from the console itself if it never had the capability to begin with, I hope they get low numbers for their online service so that they make this part of the console as I'm baffled by it - not even mad, just really confused over why the app isn't built into the switch?
Playing against and talking to random strangers was a huge part of what makes online gaming interesting, and it's always been that way. Remember how, back in the 6th gen, Microsoft used to advertise XBOX Live by saying how you can talk to random people all over the world? They included a mic to encourage online conversations.

Nintendo doesn't adopt that same strategy because they want to remain "family friendly". They don't wanna expose kids to other people swearing online, so they didn't have voice chat to strangers in any Wii U games made by them (MK8, Sm4sh, Splatoon). This mentality of needing to stay "family friendly" is probably the most toxic thing in their entire company, and I don't see any signs of that changing. I wouldn't be surprised if Switch voice chat can only be done with friends, because Nintendo is too afraid of ruining their retarded image.
I get the point you're trying to make, but:
>so they didn't have voice chat to strangers in any Wii U games made by them (MK8, Sm4sh, Splatoon).
MK8 and Sm4sh actually did have voice-chat, just only in lobbies - this was apparently due to firmware limitations, despite many speculating it was due to the 'family friendly' image.
>MK8 and Sm4sh actually did have voice-chat, just only in lobbies
And only when playing with friends, never with online strangers. This leads me to believe they won't let Switch users talk to random strangers either, even if the hardware allows it.
And don't forget, you will have to pay for online.
to be honest not talking to strangers is a good thing, it makes sense to only voicechat with people you've friended, I don't want to hear some random retard screaming in my ear unless I allowed him to by adding them.
>civil discussion
You mean we sit here quietly while you try and sell us snake oil
I disagree, I think it's fun to talk to random people with similar interests. It's also fun to bully people from time to time.

If they add a way to mute people (or, even better, a, option to instantly mute everyone in the lobby except your friends, like in BO2) we can both have our way.
then people should be muted by default, or at least have the option to do that.
This was the same exact reasoning that was said when Splatoon came out. I still disagree. If you don't want voice chat then that's fine; lobby wide muting is a common and easy implementation. Straight up denial of the feature is lazy.
Add in the charger you might need for your phone for gaming in the evening and it's like a fucking hentai.
it's not denial of the feature if you can still voicechat with friends, also this is completely irrelevant to Splatoon as Splatoon has no voicechat whatsoever, which is not what I'm asking for.
I don't understand why Nintendo is even doing this through an app. For fucks sack the 3DS had voice chat built in to certain games.
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>portable gaming console

also don't forget about the charger cable of your phone, nintenbros. :^)
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why not just use skype with your friends on your fucking phone?

not like you'll need to exchange words with random strangers about splatoon or mh strategies, and also you're all to autistic to talk to random strangers...

not worth the hassle at fucking all...
>not like you'll need to exchange words with random strangers

Nintendo literally isn't going to let you talk to strangers anyway. Voice chat is friends only.
It has nothing to do with Splatoon specifically, all I'm saying is that some people were using the exact same reasoning back then. And yes, it is denial of a feature. What if the PS4 didn't have voice chat? How would that be acceptable? I know to each their own but it just seems like such a basic and simple inclusion and I see no good excuse to leave it out.

then why would anyone buy this if they can just use skype or discord?
Why on earth did they think an awkward peripheral as an anchor for a pointless phone app was a good idea?
I get the feeling now that you actually can't fucking read. I never once said I don't want voice chat, I said that I do want it but only if if with people I whitelisted (i.e. added as a friend); like, seriously, did you not read my post at all or are you genuinely this dense?
Iunno. I suppose you can still add people from games and it's more of a hassle to add them to some third party app too.
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>just really confused over why the app isn't built into the switch?

I'd imagine they don't to run into scenarios where you have your headset hard wired into the Switch and then you decide to dock it. So they implemented it so that it'll be constantly be connected phone independent of what configuration you're using for the Switch (docked, handheld, tablet, etc.)

It's not particularly elegant, but I suppose this is one of the prices we pay for the Switch's flexibility.
You'd think that selling an overpriced wireless headset would be something Nintendo would do though.
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>imagining fat /v/irgins walking around down town with a headset and wires hanging all over them like they're some kind of autistic cyborg while looking down at their kiddy tablet playing splatoon with 10 year olds online
>resorts to violence and name calling
Nice. Good job. What if I don't have friends who play Splatoon or Mario Kart or Smash? Should I just not get these games, which have online multiplayer as a major component? You seem to be defending not being able to chat with random people online, which makes no sense when the competition has been doing it easily for the past decade. I gave Nintendo a pass before since their online network was at least free but there's no room for excuses anymore.
It's not my problem if you fail to fucking read a simple post.
>You seem to be defending not being able to chat with random people online
I wasn't even doing that, I only said that I prefer only having voice with people I add since that's my preference. It's pretty clear that you're one of those jaded faggots that things everything is about platform wars when I was only stating my opinion and nothing more (an opinion that you managed to misinterpret in more than 1 way).
>not talking to strangers is a good thing
I don't see how this can be interpreted as anything other than "It's ok when Nintendo does it." This sentiment is not shared on any other platform by a wide margin, except in the case of MMORPGs which is also unfortunate. Why anyone would directly accept and defend this is beyond me. Go ahead and enjoy the Swith and it's games but don't lie and say that Nintendo's decision here is for the better.
>gamer headset
the fuck
I use fucking earbuds with a built in mic on the cable for console vc. Sounds like its shit, but it isn't, they are pretty good relative for what they are. Having a "headset" doesn't have to make you look like an autist in public
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For those who don't speak moonrunes
Reminder that they think Splatoon can tap into the eSports market.

Nintendo is seriously delusional
>I don't see how this can be interpreted as anything other than "It's ok when Nintendo does it."
that's because you're so obsessed by consolewar shitposting that you didn't consider someone may just have an opinion without it being a 'defense' or 'attack' of any kind.
Its gonna be the return to the Turtle Beach/Xbox 360 days with cords
Fuck that
I bet this shit will cost an arm and a leg, too, just like all the other accessories.
Jesus Christ, wtf Nintendo.
Doesn't matter, its only fucked because its using the only method of voice chat that Nintendo is letting them use and Nintendo isn't going to do any better either.
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I own a Switch, this is a major flaw. I can voice chat with my Vita with no add-ons, but I can't with my Switch...?
I like the idea of being able to individually change the chat volume and game volume in-game via the headphones.
Nintendo is finished
My reaction to the idea of:
>not talking to strangers is a good thing
Has nothing to do with preference. It is fear of the industry moving backwards and of consumers accepting a lesser product. The fact that you are ok with this is what scares me. Did you know that the Xbox One did not allow users to send text messages to others that weren't in their friends list? It was later allowed in an update but this seems to be the future this industry is going towards. In the future, games might no longer be used for social interaction. Instead, users will need to use other mediums to talk to each other, friends or not, despise the fact that it used to be so easy to do so. That's what I want to avoid but it depends on the consumer and on public acceptance and rejection.
Who the fuck honestly still buys iphones? Kill yourself if you own one.
How are you supposed to make friends if you can't talk to strangers online? I have maybe 100 friends on PSN of which I know only about 7 IRL.
neither of you got what I initially meant, apparently. I just meant that I prefer if you have to whitelist someone first before talking to them, not that you have to know them irl and certainly not that the entire industry needs to work this way just because it's my preference. Holy hell sometimes I forget how fickle /v/ actually is.
>Phone are getting rid of headphone jacks
>You will have to buy yet ANOTHER peripheral for voice chat
>This will add yet ANOTHER cable
>If you need to charge the Switch or you phone, that's ANOTHER CABLE
>You can voice chat with the the game docked

What the fuck? Who thought this was a good idea? If you play online in public places, you're going to be covered in cables too.


Nice try, I own a Switch.
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>Nintendo builds VC around phones, utilizing headphone jack
>Smartphone market starts phasing out headphone jacks before they even release their VC app/service
Some android phones are following suit with Apple. The S8 almost didn't have one too
And the S7 almost took down airplanes, big deal.
I'm glad Nintendo's doing this. Now I have no reason to pay for another online service. The idiots shot themselves in the foot. It's a shame too because I liked Splatoon and ARMS seems cool but fuck it; online with no open voice chat and this dongle bullshit is too retarded for me. I'll get a Switch when it's cheap ass fuck so I can play BotW and Mario Odyssey.
Reminder vita of 2012 had built in voice chat
If multiple people aren't "getting what you mean" then it sounds like you have the problem.
Vita didn't have much support but at least Sony built the hardware to be fully functional. It's crazy how the opposite is happening with the Switch. I swear, there's no justice in this world.
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I'm glad I use my PS4 for online play and not my Switch. This is a legitimate disaster when it comes to design. Is this just greed or did someone honestly think this was a great idea?

I don't think Nintendo's online service will be successful at all.
>The Switch isn't getting games like Overwatch, GTA, Call of Duty etc, some if people own multiple consoles, most would probably pay for PS+/XBL instead of Nintendo's service
>Voice chat and the social aspects of games are important to many gamers, Nintendo doesn't get this
>The "free" games in PS+ and XBL probably will appeal to more people than old games that
>japan has shit taste in smartphones
to be expected of a country that still uses fax machines and windows XP
no, /v/ just can't read
>Reading some posts on a site I go on
>Guy works in Japan
>His company has stopped the use of emails because they're afraid of "being hacked" and losing sensitive information to other companies
>Now only fax and postage can be used
>In 2017
wonder how much money someone could make in japan setting up linux terminals disguised to look like windows as "hackproof" computers

Nobody cares about your monetary spending faggot. You were never going to buy one in the first place, so why complain about it nigger?
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