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this game is utter shite shit under every aspect weapons ene

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this game is utter shite
shit under every aspect
weapons enemies gameplay level design enemy design
its all a gigantic pile of shite

i hope the fucking developer that was shilling the game in here and got me into preordering dies of brain cancer along with all of his family and his pets

if you want a review that actually speaks the truth here it is

>got me into preordering
your fault
We know its shit, but shill your crappy channel elsewhere.
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Go shill your crappy channel that was paid to redo the Prey review in a positive light elsewhere.

The updates have made it better.

Also, "shilling" haha, faggot you were being manipulated and trolled like the gullible faggot that you are.
get brain tumor
its a shame cause i was kinda hype about this. i totally fell for the marketing. i didnt buy the game though lol
It looks like a really shitty version of killing floor
no, it's just average with some shitty bugs
anyone with half a brain should have been able to see this as soon as they showed any gameplay,
you also have no one but yourself to blame for kickstarting/pre-ordering/buying it you stupid faggot
>one weapon the entire game

it boggles the mind why they thought this was a good idea
>he fell for the shilling
>shills arent real
this site was on fucking cnn, it has thousands of unique ips posting every minute.
I thought it looked trash from day one. Procedural generation sucks
I literally pirated this and I still feel ripped off.

How the fuck did they manage to pull that off?

>One weapon the entire game
>Weapons feel weak as fuck and unsatisfying
>If you pick the shotgun which is the least unsatisfying you actually are fucking yourself in the ass since you're putting yourself in harm's way
>instead of currency/scrap/ammo/pickups/whatever being dropped from all enemies, drops are randomized, minimizing the drive to hunt after every last enemy and making it more of "each enemy I kill is a roll to get shit, but I may get fuckall for my trouble", which is double shit for a game with tight ammunition
>almost no health or armor drops means that you're better off just hoarding enemies through corridors or taking potshots at them from a distance using the shittiest rail gun in the world
>game should be called BACKPEDAL since you do absolutely no strafing, just run backwards and count your shots, like the worst parts of CoD married to Serious Sam's horde enemies

I can keep going, seriously I can write much more. I hate this game with a burning passion I almost considered buying it just to write a negative review on Steam to warn others.

>guns are unsatisfying and sound like shit
So it's like Quake or DOOM.
Lol this guy
I actually got so frustrated with STRAFE that I looked up Darkplaces and played Quake for the first time in my life (always was more of a Doom/DN3D guy for singleplayer FPS, and UT for MP), and good god Quake is a masterpiece, that's the one good thing that came out of STRAFE, it made me finally play Quake and realize how fucking good old shooters were.

You couldn't be more wrong.

You're not gonna hear otherwise from /v/. It's pretty fucking underwhelming

>Plays Quake for the first time in 2017

Well, fuck. Enjoy the rabbit hole of oldschool FPS anon, see you 10 years from now
speaking of changing the opinion of people and reality social alteration projects
I fucking know, this spiraled from Quake to Hexen and now I am playing Blood.

Quake is still my favorite, even more than Doom and DN3D, is there any REAL sequel to it? (Quake 2 is too different)
Quake guns are just loud, they all sound like sound farts.
>got me into preordering
You do realise your kind of people are the sole reason this shit keeps happening? Not that it conserns me, I'm not stupid enough to throw my money to mere promises.
>Quake is still my favorite, even more than Doom and DN3D, is there any REAL sequel to it? (Quake 2 is too different)

On the Q1 "vibe", only the mission packs (Scourge of Armagon & Dissolution of Eternity), though these aren't made by id, but a third party contractor. Quality is less uniform than Q1's, but there's good stuff in them

As for non-id, there's an upcoming FPS called Dusk which is going for a Quake 1 aesthetic, though it also reminds me a lot of Blood
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