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>wealth of single player content >fully-fledged online

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Thread replies: 146
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>wealth of single player content
>fully-fledged online
>slick, easy-to-navigate menus
>beautiful, almost Popeye-like artstyle
>godlike soundtrack
Will ARMS be the best fighting game of 2017?
This is hands down the most retarded and uniteresting game I've ever scene, it's seriously the most autistic man child core game to ever come out and i can't wait for it to flop
You forgot
>buzzword buzzword buzzword
Do we know what the single player is like or are you pulling it out of your ass?
>tekken ball mode
>come on and slam mode

Cant wait
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The new Direct showed off a bunch of stuff; check it out my dude
Come on tho this is gonna sell 100k copies and you'll never see a sequal, have fun being disappointed
>god like soundtrack
Huh is it?
Also would shill anon kindly link me to nice looking gameplay. The snippets of footage in trailers never seemed impressive to me
The new direct showed a bunch of stuff
Party game of 2017* maybe
Music sounds hype to me
There's some gameplay

I've played this game at the Switch preview event down in DC, and trust me, it surprised me. I expected it to literally be a shitty Wii boxing game, but it's actually really REALLY fun and the controls work great. inb4 I get called a shill, but I did not expect to be this hype for it
Lol splatoon is also some autistic man child shit
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>10 characters
Ninten.drone delusion is the best.
>i can't wait for it to flop
I cant stop watching the gameplay clips of the testpunch help
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And yet it didn't flop.
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Why does /v/ hate video games?
If you're looking forward to something, you're instantly a shill, and if you like something, you have shit taste

Does anyone on the video game board even LIKE video games
ARMS is hype, it looks insanely fun
Yeah if it's anything like MK8's online I can't wait for COMMUNICATION ERROR HAS OCCURED
>10 characters
hey look everyone this guy just spent hours drawing his little picture, missed the updates, and now his shitposting is already outdated
It'll be the best autist attractor of 2017
>10 characters
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Looks neat to pick up maybe one day when the switch and the game go on a good sale

Sadly that almost never happens
If a fighting game doesn't release with at least 20 characters in the roster it's a joke and a flop. Discarded.
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yeah to arms against arms fellow antinintendo force members!
15 minutes in my phone
nice try fag your autistic ass probably been at it since an hour before the direct
>guys this mummy character is actually based off of this thing called a mummy
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>not a picture of solid snake

Missed opportunity
>ARMS looks amazing
>but it's on the Switch

Why did you have to release this game while you were going downhill Nintendo?
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it's ironic my dude
>literally my mom's mummy
god could they have had a lazier design
Needs some work, but you've got the makings of a decent image there. Keep at it, anon; after all, you got me to respond.
Fucking un-creative Nintendo garbage, I knew it, video games are trash, everything is ruined.
Turns out Nintendo console buyers are in fact autistic manchildren with no taste
The Switch isn't going on sale because it's only about 3 months old famalam, just wait a bit
I get that you love Bayonetta and the hair memes. But Twintelle is far more like Karin than Ribbon Girl in just about all ways possible.
I love video games
I am not hyped for this game

Then again, I also do not have a Switch.
I also bought a Wii U.
You see my dilemma, yes? Nintendo treated the Wii U like their deported brother-in-law.
This is the year that Marvel vs Capcom Infinite comes out, plus Rev2 and even Injustice for the casual crowd, so no chance nintendoddler
This surely is false flagging satire. Sony fans shouldn't ever call out plagiarism because that's all Sony ever does

>b-but sony always does it better!
still plagiarism faggo
Just take the (you)s and begone.
There's nothing wrong with disliking a video game. You can dislike something without calling it autistic and insulting its fanbase. I don't like Injustice 2, but that doesn't mean anyone who does like Injustice 2 is an autist

see what I mean
Cheers my dude
>dis masage was bhoug to u by sonifan lul

Why are there so many people falling for the most obvious falseflag of the year?
>Rev 2 doing ANYTHING at all
>implying Injustice will live longer than a year
>implying Capcom won't find some way to completely fuck MVCI, which sucks because I love MVC but Capcom is just retarded
ha, this is pretty good, especially love how d.va is there over tron bonne. got some good trigger potential.
>Nothing is allowed to succeed but ARMS!!!!!!!

Could you take a minute to reflect on how fucking biased you sounded right now?


how come nobody even remotely talented draws these anti-company X pictures?

every single time they look like shit
I'm not sounding biased, but Capcom has already announced 6 DLC characters for MVCI. MKX died after a year; Injustice 1 died in even less than that; that's not called bias, it's called facts.
GGR is a great game, but it's simply not big. I love it, but it really won't do well on the commercial scene

My favorite fighting game is Street Fighter V, and it's only now gotten to the point where I think it should be, but it's taken a year. I think Capcom will do something similar with MVCI. I'm not biased, but I don't see any of these issues with ARMS, and I think it's gonna be a breakout hit just like Splatoon was
hows it feel to literally be on sonic manchild level now
ARMS actually looks pretty cool but I am not buying a Switch for it.

indeed, having two overwatch characters really seals the deal

each of these picks are fairly strategic
>a few decent similarities
but then
>karen when she only looks vaguely similar at a glance
>jojo reference
>another nintendo ip
all for obvious trolling
and the punchline
isn't too random yet is just enough to catch you off guard
Thank you anon.

Whatever the gam ends up good or bad. This theme is hype as fuck.
>Glorified minigame

Lol, no.
I mean, given that getting a Switch is already something only a Core Nintendo fan would do, I imagine it'll sell as many copies as half the number of Switches are sold.
>Free DLC characters
they did it pretty well with Splatoon, I'll give them a chance
also make sure karin stays mispelled
I though Splatoon looked cool, and this game looks like a clunky snoozefest.
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Between ARMS and Splatoon /v/ is triggered as fuck by new Nintendo IPs despite spending years begging for new Nintendo IPs, it's quite amusing.
>impressions from sites that played it this weekend all talking up how great the motion controls are
There are a lot of people that legit just want nintendo to die.
Is that really surprising? Fags who grew up playing the Wii love wagglan.
no because guilty gear rev 2 but that game also won't do it because sfv made every one hype for tekken 7. good job capcom -_-
Well it's Nintendo so you garbage sucking kids will eat it up. You'd let Nintendo shit in your face if it came with a toy. Sorry, an "Amiibo".
this game legitimately looks bad and no one would care if it wasn't a nintendo game
Made an image, neogaf's initial impressions of the Switch to their current thoughts on the Switch after the ARMs direct. http://oi65.tinypic.com/mr7o85.jpg
Several of them literally say that they like it because it's not like the Wii and waggling is useless.
I don't get why though
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I just want to see the non-motion controls in action.
i liked codename steam the most out of the new ips they recently made
cant read shit captain

where are the full renders?
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>wealth of singleplayer content

THAT'S WHAT SPLATOON PROMISED. You're not fooling me a second time, conmen.
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Image quality was bad. Try this one Download it to see full quality.. https://ibb.co/fOkPGQ
splatoons campaign was great though
Ding ding ding!

This looks like some unremembered third party abortion from the PS2 era with modern graphics.
There are people whomare so blindly
loyal to the video game console manufacturer of their choice they want all their competition to cease to exisf. Mostly underage faggots who would've been laughed off this board years ago but now that Reddit has invaded this sort of tribalism is the norm.
The new IPs are one of the only reasons I find it hard to quit them. Adding stuff like paid online, Amiibos, season passes and other shit sucks, I hate it. I don't want to have to pick between playing whatever interesting games they make or not dealing with that bullshit.
Woah you punch in real life to punch in the game xD
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The basketball game looks comfy af. Is it confirmed that that mode is for 1v1 only? It looks like it would be chaotic fun 4v4
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I like everything about it except the gameplay. Show me how it isn't just glorified Wii Boxing.
>a bunch of stuff announced
>most discussion everywhere is just people acting horny over Twintelle
This disappoints me.
I'm only PC. I'm jealous of botw bloodborne, but not this.
>New Arms are unlocked through an RNG minigame.
>Which gives you repeated Arms which are even stronger.
So basically set-up for a local tournament is going to require a shitload of grinding beforehand just to make sure all the arms are unlocked and that all of them are the powered up versions.
That's pretty shitty.
Yeah, that's pretty shitty. It wouldn't be as bad if there wasn't powered up versions.
What kind of person hopes for a game to flop?

I hope you work everything out with your life anon.
I still like minmin more...
>What kind of person hopes for a game to flop?
Who do you think.
Because people with talent have better things to do than shitpost in bait threads
>a bunch of stuff announced
>Sports mini games
>Xtreme sports stage
>More gloves
>Multiplayer rundown
Yeah, it's all cool, but you're missing the fact that we all really like thick brown booty
Does it really have a lot of single player content? I thought it looked kind of shallow. I mean, I'm sure the online multiplayer will be intense but it's not really my scene.
(not him) A bitter and soulless denizen of /v/.
>You will never have your dick caught between Min Min's firm, fit butt and Twintelle's thick, bouncy booty
ARMS look fun. But yeah I don't see myself being particularly sad over missing it.
Really want BotW, Bloodborne, and Splatoon though.
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Who /takeabyteoutofcrime/ here?

Also potential theme song:

So, there's no campaign? There's just different modes vs CPU/Player?
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>This honestly. I'm not convinced the wagglan won't be unresponsive as fuck and completely ruin the game. But I'll withhold judgement until the game is released and people have had plenty of hands on time with it.
Is that a TTGL reference?
Oh boy, they're gonna cut half of the game and re-add it the following august. Again. They have done this fucking before.
We aren't talking about new Sony or Microsoft IPs anon
>they did it pretty well with Splatoon
no they didn't
Alright but for real who are you maining?

>Add all these these elements together and you wind up with a slick motion controlled game which does not reward waggle - flailing your arms around will lead to failure.


>In fact, distancing Arms from Wii Sports Boxing seemed to be the entire point of the game's spring preview event. The company is proud of the game's motion controls but stresses that it's different from the simple waggle mechanic that defined the Wii's minigame showcase. In Arms, the boxers' telescopic limbs can be guided throughout the entire motion of a punch, allowing players to steer an attack as they extend toward the enemy. This means that to be effective, players need to follow through with their attacks, like in real life. It also allows the punches you throw to change direction halfway through their animation -- creating a more nuanced experience than Wii Sports boxing ever could have offered.

>Even so, Nintendo is finding the association with the Wii's motion controls hard to shake. "I see this a lot," Nintendo Product Marketing Manager JC Rodrigo told Engadget, mimicking the short wrist-flick motions that defined Wii Sports Boxing. "When it comes to flailing and kind of doing this, your arms take time to leave your body and travel across. If your opponent's moving, and you just flick and don't do anything, your hand will just go wherever." It's most players' first guess at how to play the game, but Rodrigo says it's a tactic that doesn't work. "You will lose. Fast."
>Will ARMS be the best fighting game of 2017?

Nope Gundam Vs. has that in the bag unless MvCI breaks capcoms shit streak.
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best characters
Fingers crossed. I'll be checking out the beta. Hope I don't like it too much. Stormblood is my priority in June.
Articles always say shit like this, We won't know for sure until the game is out. And for a game that's competitive in any capacity shit like this NEEDS to be tight.
>disconnected: the post.
>Does it really have a lot of single player content?
It doesn't.
It's basically got arcade mode, break the targets and 100 Man Melee.
That's it.
>Articles always say shit like this
Not Eurogamer. They've always had a slight anti-nintendo mentality.

I want a Byte villager in the next animal crossing.
Man I'm not gonna lie, I'm actually excited for the wagglan in this game. That first match in the video where the player on the left is excitedly waving his arms around--beating the shit out of that dude wearing fucking sunglasses indoors trying to look cool and not make a lot of movements--looks like he's having the time of his life.
>Articles always say shit like this
It's not just articles, there have been a bunch of people who have played the game at those public events Nintendo did a couple of months back and have said the same kinds of things. Even the FGC guys who have played it were positive about the controls.
(Tired meme)

Eat a dick.
You can download the global testpunch and see AI fight on the title screen to the music right now.
You mad faggot?
My nigger. Game was fun as fuck.
My lads. These two are great. Their choice of stage is a bit of an odd choice though, I don't tend to associate the beach-side with bobbies.
Gamesradar had a negative impression of the game.
I mean, it's okay...just kidding I'm fucking hype
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Nothing from august update was on-disc.
It wont do Splatoon numbers but it can do 2-3 million.
From what I can tell, their profile on the Japanese site says they work as beach patrollers, and if they win the Grand Prix, that might end. I think the joke is they're basically glorified lifeguards.

So are there already speculations on what arm combinations work and who counters who?

If so, can I have a quick run down?
Can you imagine saying that when Splatoon came out?

You'd be laughed off the board.

I agree it'll do at least that much, and maybe more, because it comes out at the beginning of the Switch.
Nope Tekken 7 is coming out soon sorry
What does Kid Cobra's say? Is that fucker even human?
Just basically what was in the direct, that he's a livestreaming skateboarder (snakeboarder?) who wants to increase his viewership, and that training his legs has allowed him to dash.
>Kid Cobra
>is that fucker even human
gee i dunno
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>parachute pants
So you're all going to play this when fighting as Cobra, right?

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>character is literally a not-skateboarder
>not listening to some motherfucking ska
I'm maining this guy simply because he reminds me of 90s skaters. The 'tude era.
hammer pants trump tony hawk ska

tho pops for that last video, I've loved that song for years
So Cobra's a snake-man under the helmet, right?
this guy is a fucking 90's love letter
With a torso like that I sure as hell hope so.

I can already see the heavy class being low tier as fuck
linking this here since its the closest thing to a gameplay-related thread, looking really good so far
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