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Fire Emblem Heroes

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Thread replies: 552
Thread images: 118

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Whos gonna win?
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How's your Defense going senpai?
is it possible to go through the main game on all difficulties using only your OC donut steel? with one random i guess
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Lol only first day, but its good
Other than being in tier 15, exactly the same.

I might change up my leader after the gauntlet's done, right now I don't want to mess up anybody on my friend's list who needs a green.
post roy build?
yeah, they can inherit and stay relevant
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He amazing at green units but any color blue he's fucked
So who are the proven useless units I can send home without worrying? I wanna get a few extra feathers and got a lot of Azama, Est and Raigh, but at least Raigh can pass Rally Attack.
I remember when getting a defense win was easy.
T17 is suffering. Didn't even get one last week
nah save them if your f2p, you never know when you'll need their skills. You can slowly get feather through arena and just using your heroes, so don't send them home i don't think its worth sending anyone
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Happy i can I can switch back to my main team now.
I'm pretty sure t17 is where all the p2w players are. i was in tier 15 for one minute before getting knocked out and i saw a ryoma+10. Fuck that shit
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Do I really need so many Est?
does it still count as P2W if you didn't get anything from the money you spent? During golden week, I got wasted and dropped $30 on that banner, best things I got were a 4 star Jagen and Gunter
4* your 3*s and make a +7
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Hopefully I never have to have Roy the retard on my team again.
lol you just unlucky, i guess?

hahaha, yeah you right just get rid of them lol
Tharja, surprising nobody. The 3x mechanic doesn't matter the longer the match is/higher the higher the score goes, because 60k nukes matter far more at 10 Million than 10 Billion.
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I'm trying to get feathers, not waste them.
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Lads, darting blow 3 or death blow 3 for this Lucina?
Nigga how can you not like Young lion? sure he gets the shit kicked out of him by blues but he destroys greens
I'm 100% F2P and T17 anon.
Darting Blow
Why the fuck do degenerates give Lucina a fucking penis? Just because she's flat?
Darting for 41 Spd initations.
Deathblow, he already faster than most of the cast

what team you use on f2p budget?
I know it's basically a meme at this point, but Fury would probably be better on him. Damage off of it's discharge will get him to escape route % easier, and has Falcion can still heal him if you need to stahl.

between the two blows though, I'd say darting. the things marth is gong to hit are fast as heck
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Yeah, soon the x3 bonus for Robin won't be enough to overtake Tharja's score (if we're not already there).
Fuck me, boys. Who out of these 3 should i 5* next?

Alphonse - Hes the last donut and also a bonus unit this week and probably the next. I already have a lot of reds tho and getting him to 40 would suck

fCorrin (neutral) - I REALLY want a 5* of her but i already have the blue dancing dragon

fRobin - The only other 5* green i have is Anna and Robins a mage at that but shes only ok
>lol you just unlucky, i guess?
alright, well considering how people feel on that matter, this is me >>377150607 and I hadn't spent money outside of that, except on my previous account which I rerolled over for this back at launch.
Yeah i got a feeling she would win, but i gotta go for robin and try to nuke her
Any red that you slap TA on can kill greens (except maybe Henry). It's not impressive. He's not even in the top 10 for red sword infantry in Heroes. He's also a fag in his own game and has a shit fanbase.
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All my 5*
Lol that teams fine, but sucked that you got nothing from that last banner
FRobin is a straight up bad unit, even just stat wise. there's no reason to use her outside of waifu purposes.

Alphonse makes the most sense, and unless you have a Xander or got lucky in the banner, you will need a bonus unit or this week (Roy's shit in this game so doesn't count)

Sounds like you actually like FCorrin as a character, so that's also a fine option to go for, and if you have her SI fodder, she can be pretty good from what I'm seeing in these threads.

overall, I would just save feathers and not upgrade any, but if you need too there you go.
Actually darting blow is better lol, everyone is at a solid 34 -35 spd
Al isn't great, but as you said will be in arena bonus rotation. I just made him a support/axesalyer and he works fine.

frobin is pretty bad, like worse than alphonse without heavy skill inheritance. If you want a good green mage, try to get a ninos. She's pretty common.

fcorrin is a decent unit. I don't know if I would run her with ninian, but using your favourites in kinda what this game is about.
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That's the spirit!
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Got one on the first day so I'm stress free. Unequipped the weapons on my team so bros can get free wins in the arena
I lucked out and got an off-banner Ryoma and Linde a good while ago, and I've been using my starting 5* Fae since Day 1. 4th slot is always a bonus unit.
no worries anon, It's a good lesson on gambling. also if I never did that I wouldn't have leveled up that Nino and learn how much death and carry she can bring.
Honestly, just do Alfonse and get that shit over with. Having a guaranteed bonus unit every week gives a nice peace of mind and from now on you'll be free to spend feathers based on who you truly want and not have to worry about bonus units.
>runs being destroyed by whales
>spent 15 crest to finally get my 7/7
>still no defense
at least 12 or so people got theirs
tier and team?
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>wasting crests at the beginning of the week

Nigga what are you doing?
T16 - Roy, Azura, Nino, Tharja
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Hows everyone feeling on this?
Almost certainly 16 or 17, those tiers are bloodbaths, 17 especially.
I'm T16 and got my deathless run in one try with no whales and only like 3 dancer teams. Was one of the easiest deathless runs I've ever gotten.

Luck of the draw means more than tier.
I hope Robin gets that 3x bonus.

So I can use my flags when Tharja gets hers.
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What monstrosities have you guys found in gauntlet/ Arena today?
What's your score? Because if you want to crack 4,800 it gets a lot harder.
talk about a mage killer
>no defense wins for a month
>jumped from tier 14 to 16
>first win a few hours in season.

I would've wasted the extra feathers anyway, but I'm happy thinking the curse got broken.
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x3 bonus fucking when? I saved 2,500 flags for this round.
Wait for the last hour and nuke her
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Any good build for Xander?
seeing as how we can only hop up 1 tier at a time now in 17+, and just by having the beat the top 50%, you guys think it'll be easy to keep on moving or do you think that it'll be a cut throat difference of less than 10 points between 49% and 61%?

These fucking people....
too bad every other archer does the same job but way better
4,762. I've got full SI, but almost all of my decent units are average to subpar BST, so it still drags their score down to sub-4.8k. I don't really care though because 4.8k is just pissing contest range. Mid 4.7 gets you the max feathers, orbs and almost guarantees a promotion.
Is there one for Merric of these?
So this...is the power...of waifuism...wow...
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am I just not loyal enough to the units I like, or are these people just crazy?
I can only spend 200 at once. I feel like a lot of these are gonna go to waste.
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>Tharja has a 1 billion point advantage

Pretty sure there is, but idk who made these. He posted it a while ago
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Just a reminder, don't be that guy who saves all his flags for the last hour and then realizes he can only battle twice and spend a maximum of 400 flags.
you can do at least twice a session so wait for the right moment

Looks like fRobin is out.
Its still a pretty hard toss up between Corrin and Al but ill probably end up going for Al in the end.
Ill report back once ive made my decision
Do you have a couple hundred buck to spare per month? Then go for it.
>or do you think that it'll be a cut throat difference of less than 10 points between 49% and 61%?
This. For the record, last season I was in T15, and I improved my score from 4,806 to 4,812 and jumped up over 500 rank. Also good to keep in mind that there's only ~4.5k available spots for promotion, and realistically at least 3k of those are good to be filled by people who spent money. Us F2Pers are at best fighting over that 40-50% bracket. At worst, we're fighting to even stay in T17.
>passing the red blade tome when Tharja is the only unit with the proper stat spread for it
>Lilina is literally just a worse Sanaki

Oh waifuwhales.
Never saw it posted and want one
i feel like 10 points difference. i think it goes back to luck of the draw

if I used all of my highest rating units, i'm not gonna win at all.

all my damage dealer are around 165 as they're just there for damage and speed aside from Fury 3 Nino
no, the issue is even if I had that I wouldn't want to do it.
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On the last 5 hours we strike
Leader Score / 10 for the allowable Score difference before 3x procs, stupid frogposter. Score updates on the hour, but for now MRobin would need to be about 1.3 Billion points behind Tharja.
Right, thanks

Quick Riposte 2
How many points did MRobin jump after the most recent 3x bonus? It will eventually get to a point where the bonus won't do much.
Can't say, I was asleep for a good while so I don't know when the last 3x was.
>It will eventually get to a point where the bonus won't do much.
We're already at that point.
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How close is it
The 3x bonus is pretty artificial. It mostly masks the size difference of both teams by keeping them within a 10% difference.
I think it was around 7 or 7:30 this morning central burger time. I don't remember a drastic jump in Robin's score.
Tharja's about a billion points ahead
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I'm set but fuck I don't have any bonus units at 5*
>Tharja at 13.663 Billion
>MRobin at 12.387 Billion
>tfw .03% off of 3x
Whoops, didn't mean to reply.
you just going to run 4* Xander, or you have some sort of plan? He's got pretty high BST as far as I know, but it'll be a struggle without his 5* Weapon
whens next update? Should I wait or just risk the 30 min cooldown?
updates on the hour, go for it
Any Melee cav has less than the standard BST for an melee infantry or flier. Its not too much lower but its lower.
I got 4* Alfonse is that better?
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Posting this here because I need to brag somewhere.
If you're worried about your Defense, any bonus unit will do, as long as your core 3 aren't garbage you'll pick off a shitter and the bonus unit will get you the points you need. You can even cheese by using a level 1 bonus unit.
>- speed + def
I meant for offense score since I already have the max defenses
I hope yours has a better stat spread than mine does.
+Speed/-Attack why
There's always reddit but they're slow an full of shitty jokes.
Fuck you I spent $20 for her and got fucked by a 5* Caeda
I got a -spd +res Linde so I just gave her threaten speed and made sure it procs before she gets into a fight. It's not a prefect solution, but it does help.
Xander will potentially net you a smaller score, but probably nothing significant. He's easier to use at 4*, but Alfonse should really be a priority for you to 5* after getting a good core 3. The trio are always on the bonus list and you can build a team with them in mind or vice versa.
Is Ursula any good
>every thread
Yes. Give her a blade tome. Now stfu
Yeah, but you need to invest heavily into her.
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>tfw juliafag
At least it wasn't the brutal ass stomp I was expecting it to be.
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man, at least that's a meta unit and makes sense. they probably dropped a large chunk of money on that last golden week banner.
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Working on them decided to do Alfonse last because he was the shitiest of donut steels
We tried, mate. Awakeningfags were too numerous.
>Account name: m4rth
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She put up a decent struggle at at least.
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Is a +atk -spd Eirika worth it?
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Who needs a fourth unit when the main trio just pulverizes everyone? Glad I tried Xander before promoting Alphonse, at least his Reposition is incredibly useful.

And this rank is with only 3 fights. At least staying in T16 will be easy.
Noice. Use Xander for this week imo. Then use Alfonse in the future unless you have a better red on bonus list.
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>Whos gonna win?

Being up against Robin is already Tharja's win.
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Just now realizing the x3 Bonus isn't there isn't to potentially overturn matches, or make them closer in score, but to actually get people who pick a losing side to go online in the game more frequently and try to play. If' you're getting curb stomped by 10x the score, most people won't see a real reason to get online. If it's at Same. or Losing x3 Bonus, they'll see a reason to try and play. It still doesn't make a difference in reality, but it's the thought that it looks like it'll make a difference.
>STILL can't break 50 Attack
>breaker skill
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Tharja is fucking disgusting
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>Implying Tharja isn't on Team Robin
This entire final round is a mistake

Why do people like Robin?
Why do the Tharja memes have to continue?
Everyone else has had only 3 fights as well. It'll get harder by the end of the week when all the autists are done their perfect runs.
you're stupid
Still has breath of life, for whatever reason

Weapon change to Silver+ and A skill change would solve that.

>inb4 +10 a -atk Caeda.
t. virgin
>Why do people like Robin?

>Why do the Tharja memes have to continue?
Horny boys.
Awakening. Seriously, that's it.
Tanks are getting pretty popular it seems so Breath of Life can still work.
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I need to unfriend this guy.
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Had this for a while, I think I found in the arena
fuck, you think they make non-cringe tactician cloak hoodies?
Not with the average HP being ~35+ in a meta still largely geared towards ORKO's.
I don't think there's any way to pull off that style without looking like a goof.
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>that fucking hector
at least he's level 40 with some SI, even if it's just poorly thought out. I feel like an ass purging through my friends list, but I'd rather add the cool teams I'm seeing in these higher tiers
The color scheme is black with purple highlights and eyes on the sleeves. Even if it somehow didn't look edgy, it'd still be cringe from weebness.
>Why do people like a self insert character with no personality at all?

Yeah, what a strange question. Bet your favorite video game character is Link or Gordon Freeman.
even just a loose black hoodie with those purple lines would be fine for me, you're probably right still.
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I bet you suck dick
How will Caedafags ever recover?
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I'm sure Marth will do alright.
Is Ursula any good?
Holy shit tier 17 is hell, I only see +6 or more units. A certain +8 Reinhardt + dancer ruined my day.

>rising thunder
>harsh command

It's like you don't even play the game.
We've entered an endless recursion of time.
Is she though?
What's a good b skill for Lyn
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Concerning Genny, what's the best way to utilize Wrathful Staff? Is it better to just keep Assault on her, move her up to Gravity, or have her inherit Panic?

And for the record, my Ginny is +Spd. I forgot her negative stat but I know it isn't Atk.
Paizuri 2. Vantage + LaD, though some still stand by DA + BA.
Vantage if you want to meme. Swordbreaker if you want to fight Lucina and friends. Probably other good choices too.
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I think we have enough dumb shit in these threads to make one of these for FEH
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He said B Skill, not D Skill.
Would Ursula + Olwen (Dire thunder) work as meme emblem damage dealers with Xander and Titania for support or do I really need to pull a Nino for Cecilia?

For inheritance, elise is the best user.
I don't know, I feel like we're getting there. We still get tons of basic questions about SI and shit, for example.

Brash Assault, goes perfectly with her built in Desperation.
we need to get on this immediately.

You guys think "What we should really be talking about is: Hector"
Is Spring Chrom any good?
Hector! Don't make me angry!
Usable, not top tier.
>Hey guys, I just started, these are first rolls, how fucked am I?

>fury 3
>-spd +res
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oh yeah, I thought he was asking what goes in her B-Slot
Oh great /feg/ is leaking again
>trying to revive old busted content

That's fine, tho cecilia is perfectly viable with her default tome + triadept.
If you're truly going meme team, everyone needs a -Blade tome.
Neutral catria or +hp/-def Clair? Catria is 3* and Clair is 4* rn so I'll waste less feathers with her.

Or should I wair for another fucking pull because my luck is fucking horrible?
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Went with Alphonse. Got it over with

Will she ever forgive me?
Anon, that's all fine and good, but reading fucking BIG IRON BIG IRON still makes me laugh. There's a lot of potential to make a good one
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Haven't rolled an Elise yet. I do have 2 Clarines though. How is she compared to Elise? Also, what other healers would be able to take advantage of WS?
Help me build this monster. I got +Atk -Res one.
What kind of savage would ever draw walls in front of doors and paint stairs?
Dire thunder Olwen gets up to 42 speed, that's on quad levels
The kind of retard that paints under doors, that's what.
But it was a brutal ass stomp. The 3x bonus mech just gives the illusion that these battle aren't.
Elise 45 attack Vs clarine's 35 with assault. Clarine won't kill much
Robin's got 3x finally.
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>not promoting best girl
You're already dead to her, buddy
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It begins.
It's the first day retard, of course your incomplete streak ranks already.
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I haven't seen that Elise lewd and I'm usually on top of this sort of thing, who's the artist?
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Don't even start it, faggot
>tfw 7k out of the roughly 9k people in T17 have completed their runs
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>get zero (0) defensive wins with my team of Nowi, Ryoma, Kagero and Anna last week
>replace Anna with pic related today as a 0lace holder while I train up Xander
>the defensive wins start rolling in

This fucking ojisan...
You know as well as I do that there's no fucking reason to paint under doors.
I think seeing his dumb face triggers some unreasonable rage inside hoarders that they ragequit on the spot
Don't underestimate this old man, man. Rehabilitate+LtS is legit.
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X3 score is up, boys.
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You troglodite.
Any weapon with a (+) can be inherited
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Sluts always win.
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my scales are tipping
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I'm on it
>go to gautlet at the hour
>see no x3, just do a match and leave
>see thread
>go to the gautlet again
>now can only use the x3 once this hour
Do you reckon we'll get another x3 before the gauntlet's over? Or do you think we'll just rot in """""""""same"""""""" purgatory for the rest of the match?
Are they tipping on their own?
get fucked
>those shitters that choose the team unit for thier slot
I feel like it'll be tough to close the gap in only 1 hour. Tharja prolly got this.
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Why is this mobage trash gambling simulator so popular? Fucking hell remember when /v/ had basic standards? I'm sure you don't because this thread is surely filled with newfags. As a long time Fire Emblem fan it makes me fucking disgusted.
>Roy's shit in this game
Roy's shit in his game as well
Same. Except I saved Alphonse for last because I already have like 10+ Red 5 stars.

Still need a colorless 5 star eventually.

>desperation on Hector

but why though?
Thanks for the heads up. It's still weird to me that Jaffar's weapon is unique but Wo Dao isn't. I'll keep the + thing in mind. Are there any other weapons that seem unique but can actually be inherited?

How is Lucius in Heroes anyway? I have a gold one that I've been slowly working on, and I can't decide if he's really good or really situational.
I didn't know I wanted this

People misunderstand and think it's actually like brash assault.


lodse RES
When are we getting my nigga Pent ?
What would an offensive Elise look like? Obviously C-Skill is Wrathful Staff, but A and B are what?
Robin lost this for a long time already, he can't maintain above her because of the different in group size. It's more so about whether she's gonna get that 10% lead before the event ends again.
I love how IS has basically made the gauntlet about intentionally trying to lose to get the most feathers.

He does seem to be made of RES and HITPOINTS. I'm just trying to figure out how to capitalize on that.
There's the 500 feathers you get for winning too. Stuck with Robin and got top 1000 first round without too much of a grind.

Mage tanking.
Super Res, low enough Def that anyone can fuck her ass.
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>tfw spent my 4* Odin to get Moonbow on Hector
All healers are bad, but that might change soon
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Baka-ass motherfucker
I thinks it's genious. Everybody comes out of it thinking they "won". The waifu/husbando-fags get to feel good for supporting thier character to victory, and the feather-fags get to feel good for getting the most feathers out of the event they can.
At least get that Wrys skill on him. If you stay outside of physical range, you only really have to fear archers and shurikens.
No pallas?
It's alright bro, she's wearing that frilly dress.
I think picking the person who comes in second might legitimately yield the most amount of feathers. Unless the final match is really close and you don't get to spend enough flags during a x3 phase.
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daily reminder
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He's okay in 6, he has better growth rates than Eliwood even, and he has an equally late start. The issue is that FE6 is just a harder game with more bullshit
I hope that every single colossal faggot that puts Draw Back on their high nuke mages dies a horrible death for being such a colossal faggot holy shit
I think the difference isn't that big that there's a conflict of dominant strategy is all I'm saying.
I'll keep that in mind, thanks anon.
Literally a free unit you sperg.
>People misunderstand and think it's actually like brash assault.

Which is still funny, since BA is a garbage waste of a B slot on anyone not named Lyn.
He becomes useless in mid-game due his late promotion, which only last like three chapters
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>tfw I put Draw Back on pretty much everything

It's a good skill
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Draw back is literally the best thing you can use unless you're a heavy armor unit.
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>can't fucking attack julia because faggot ass holes dancer keeps blocking way in these shitty as fuck maps with chokepoints everywhere
>Julia keeps fucking drawing back like a massive faggot

kill yourself
It really is, and it's easily acquired from my useless Ninos as well.
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What's the matter, anon? Are you upset that I'm forcing you to get within my range of attack??
Is this game actually any good or is it just your average mobage where people get super invested because waifus? From what i've been reading in these threads it gets somewhat deep but from what i've played it's just Fire Emblem with random characters and 90% less mechanics
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why can't blue mages use green tomes
I prefer Reposition but Draw Back is good too.
his mouth kinda looks like a baby's
because they cant read green, duuuuhh.
I've always used reposition. Why would you use draw back instead?
But Nino can't read at all
>Draw Back on every mage/archer/ninja
>Reposition on every cav/flier
>swap and/or pivot on every armor

Feels good.
Reposition is better on tankier units.
he looks like a trenchcoat wearing sperglord who just woke up drunk behind a Denny's and is verbally abusing the first pedestrian he sees.
>From what i've been reading in these threads it gets somewhat deep but from what i've played it's just Fire Emblem with random characters and 90% less mechanics
Bit of both columns. For a mobage there's a surprising amount of depth, which is actually aided by the absence of combat RNG in this game. Mechanically it doesn't stand up to mainline though.
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>drag back on a ranged unit ensures that you have a melee and ranged unit's ranges overlap.

Well shit. That sounds lovely
As a Tharjafag, I'll be getting 10200 feathers this gauntlet total if my rank holds up.
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>A few days ago
>Sniping doesn't wor-
I had a LOT of extra Sullys that weren't ever gonna be used.
You mean the one that heals him for as much as he heals the party member? Because I think his staff has that built in already, and Nintendo wouldn't let that stack, would they?

.... Would they?
fucking kek, that's perfect
>Sniping doesn't wor-
only jews say that
I like to use it to counter draw back units when the AI tries to camp me out. I reposition a heavy hitter so he can get close enough to kill the mage. The dancer will be strong to kill my guy so she gets killed right after.
usg ishimura according to gelbooru
Same for Eliwood, and Hector for Hector mode. I never finished 6 though, so why the hell am I even talking
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The enemy AI does this ALL the time. You're just now noticing this?
No, that's Live to Serve that anon's talking about. With Wrathful Staff available now though, it's clearly the superior option.
What's wrong with your Marth, anon?
He's all shaggy and unkempt.
Who are best cav units
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was getting good rank on Tharja actually not that hard?

I knew that ranged directly behind melee was scary shit, but I never made the connection that draw back was a way to force that position. So, yes.
It'd be easier to list the shit ones. Meme team buffs are a hell of a drug, especially coupled with SI.
Then who's shit. I'll have to know which of the ones I got I should promote
Reindhart for blue
Eliwood/Eldigan/Xander for red
Green is Cecillia or a fully Ci-ed Freddy
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I got a -atk Kagero and +atk Jakob, can I make either of them decent?
Reinhart and Cecilia are an absolute must IMO they rest in w/e you can get to fill the gap.
It starts out pretty shitty, just mash through maps with whoever, you don't need to think about anything and just power through.
Arena is where the game shines though, navigating no-death runs in that feels like playing a regular FE to me, and requires as much thought too.
Also, rolling, building, and planning out units/teams is fun if you like that type of thing.
Fred kind of sucks though doesn't he

He always gets one-shot by ANY mage
you don't need to read to see color, but the various mages are color blind. for melee units it's the same thing, except they can't see the weapons at all.
No one uses Stahl or Jagen.
Jagen's stats are low even for a cav unit aside from Res, and Stahl is useless when we can get Xander for free, or Eldigan if you have him.
-Blade Olwen
-Blade Ursula if you don't have a +Atk Olwen
-Blade or TriAdept Cecilia
-Frederick or Titania for Green Axe (Atk vs. bulk), with Gunter's cav buff passed to them
-Eldigan or Eliwood or Xander for Red Sword
-Wrathful Staff Elise now if you really want a healer in your cav meme team
-Blade Ursula is strongest blue tome
Abel is probably the best lance
Cecilia best green tome
Titania probably best axe
Xander is best sword
Leo is the only red tome, right?
lightly season with cav buffs and enjoy your rapesquad
Peri, I guess? Even Cecilia has her use even though she's got iffy stats. Peri's just constantly overshadowed by the broken units in Blue that you'll run if you have a brain. The Green melee cavs aren't great either I guess, but you can get away with running them.
>-Blade Ursula is strongest blue tome

Blade Olwen is.
>rolling $60 on new banner
>nothing but saizo, gaius, setsuna, and virion
why to whites have the worst skills? nothing of worth to inherit
only if she is +ATK and not -SPD, and even then she's losing a little bulk. unless you roll a perfect IV one Ursula is better, and free.
Don't roll neutral
Give Cecilia TA and she nukes any Blue/colorless, give her -Blade tome and she nukes any green/blue/colorless, maybe even reds as well
You have to whale big time to have that though. I recommend LtS because everybody has dozens of wrys already.
Yup, but with a brave axe + and Bonfire he's a monster.

My team is absurdly offensive with Brave sword +Attack Eldigan, Brave Axe + Atk fred and + atk Reind + Dancer. Basically delete 1 or 2 then reposition/dance away
Olwen can also be merged much higher than Ursula right now.
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I got lucky and got in a couple of times when Tharja had the x3 advantage, when the scores were low enough. That helped bump me up to the second rank reward (plus 500 army win reward). Without that bonus, it's pretty damn hard to rank up.

If you can't take advantage of that period of time WAY early in the morning, you might be better off with one of the losers? I dunno.
but Ginny.
I want to fuck shaggy marth
yeah if you're a fucking whale
and if you are then fuck off no matter what your team is
>losing a little bulk

Things that don't matter.
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How do you setup your cav buffs, 2x hone, 1 goad, and 1 of either ward or fort?
I dunno what's wrong with him, but he hits really fuckin' hard, so I'm fine with it.
>Roll for Celica
>Get her
>It's +ATK -SPD

so.... should I focus on making her speed good again or ignore her speed and go for def/res stuff

I think she may be quite tanky
Xander > Eliwood = Eldigan > Leo
Blade Olwen > Ursala.
Reinhardt and a Blade Tome blue cover each other.
Titania if you want speed, Fred if you want bulk, but if you pick Xander pick Titania.
Elise for Mounted healer if you really want.
I bait people into my Ursula all the time to activate Desperation, its secondary but not useless.
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Fuck you game.
2 Hone, 1 Fort, 1 Goad is the patrician Offense setup.
2 Hone, 1 Fort, 1 Ward because I don't have Goad. Works for my Fortified Leo though.
Right now I'm considering 2 hones, one fortify and 1 goad
why are you rolling so much colorless? You asked for this.
They probably bought into the full roll meme.
>Klein AND Gordin
Fuck, all I ever get are Setsunae. I've got literally 6 of the fuckers and I just want to run brave bow memes.
did you fall for the Wrathful Staff meme anon
He prolly wants Genny.
Either that or a Gennyfag
Using most of the spur cav skills on my defense team since AI is too retarded to stick next to each other.
BB+ Quadsuna falls apart against any form of +Spd or Fury enemies, especially together.
>not watching the time and miss one of the x3 chances
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>Mechanically it doesn't stand up to mainline though

I mean, I agree of course, but still

>No fucking crits
>Never waste 1hr of my life because someone I couldn't prevent from attacking me got off a 1% chance
>Never have to see 15 damage become 45 damage and one shot a tanky unit

Feels good man
I'd probably wait to get her, odds are she'll drop in * rating after the banner.

That's fine. I have other units to deal with those sorts of things.

Also I'd imagine really high defense units would counter her harder than +spd. Something like Lucina should get killed by two attacks without even needing the four, whereas someone with crazy defense should only take like, 12 damage total.

disclaimer: I haven't looked at any calcs, it's just my intuition on this.
Ez win.
At the very least you have a lot of great skill inheiritance fodder. I'd kill for Renewal or Death Blow
Who do you even run renewal on?
>leo instead of ursula


>Just cashed in those second 200 flags with literal seconds to spare.
Fucking stressful shit.
>second rank
you mean the 5,000-10,000 rank range?

>If you can't take advantage of that period of time WAY early in the morning
honestly, if you can access the gauntlet when it first starts you have an advantage. That's where most the 3x action is. Shame that over here on the east coast that's fucking 3 in the morning.
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I checked the calcs out of curiosity. This happened before I even started to set Xander up.
>>No fucking crits
>>Never waste 1hr of my life because someone I couldn't prevent from attacking me got off a 1% chance
>>Never have to see 15 damage become 45 damage and one shot a tanky unit
This. I am actually really going to miss Heroes's way of doing things.
I mean, I would absolutely love them to try making a fully fledged mainline Fire Emblem like this. No random criticals. No random misses. Criticals tied to number of actions. Etc.
Just make it larger, grander, and more involved than Heroes and I'd be super into it.

I love regular Fire Emblem too. But everything I do in Heroes feels more rewarding since it's a direct consequence of my actions, and not some element of chance. Whereas no matter your plan in regular Fire Emblem, the likely can end up not happening and the unlikely can end up happening. Neither of which is particularly rewarding, yet it's completely outside of your control.
When you win in Heroes you know that you did something right. When you lose you know that you've messed up.
if tharja doesn't get the x3 bonus we're fucked.

shit, we were 600 million off fuck us. Next x3 will probably hit tomorrow or something done because now Tharja has to slowly crawl back


Yeah that sounds about right. Setsuna would be used to snipe infantry units with sub-optimal defenses but respectable speed. She should be able to wipe out just about any mage as well, but armored units and the like are not what she's designed for.

I'm honestly just planning to use her as an alternative to Kagero because I don't have a +atk or +spd one.
we're 1billion ahead now. gonna take some times til we can tip again
>TFW the scales tipped on you.
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>honestly, if you can access the gauntlet when it first starts you have an advantage. That's where most the 3x action is. Shame that over here on the east coast that's fucking 3 in the morning.

I was up at reset, now I'm sitting Rank 21. Saving my last 1000 feathers for possible 3x over the next day
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Nice comeback guys.
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ass so good nintendo of america can't even handle it
Next time to tip will come tomorrow, and is probably going to be the last time to tip. Every single Robinfag is going to have to tip it real good to have a score large enough to keep Tharja at bay till the end of the match.
lets just try to keep this consistent, i only have 600 left
What skills do I give Tharja
Tharjafag here with like 1.6k flag, are we getting the bonus or should I just drop it all?
I'm currently 10,892 in my army with 2315 flags left to spend. That should be enough to get me into 5-6k at least right?
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don't do it, just let us win. You know you have advantage just be on the right side
we still got a day left, just do x1 till robinfags cranks the gap too far
Drop it. Tharja clearly has the popular vote, so they'll be able to climb back up and won't hit the 3x ever again.
Darting Blow, Desperation, and whichever best supports your team.
You won't get into a losing situation again. Tharja's score rises faster than Robins outside of x3. Your only hope was way early on when the x3 bonus shift would be enough to trigger the bonus on the other hero.
Darting Blow and Desperation is really all you need. Maybe Hone Spd/Atk if you want to pair it up and go double mage.
This, Robin can't get a lead without the 3x.
Is Robin or Setsuna more relevant in terms of things to counter in the arena?
Robin. Setsuna requires tons of investment whereas Robin just requires a spare 4* Roy to pass Triangle Adept
So, how does /v/ builds its Titanias?
Setsuna probably. Most of the popular mages are glass cannon.
Robin. He's a bitch to kill and a nuisance to reds, especially with TA, which makes him a threat. He gets countered by virtually every green though.
What can the cav meme team do against Hector, though
Robin by far. TA + B. Tomebreaker give him far more coverage far easier than anything Setsuna can get.
Should I start dropping flags to increase the difference and open a 3x opportunity? I've got almost 3k flags and I'll never spend them at this rate
I had a -HP so I just gave it HP+5 and Luna. Emerald Axe+ does most of the damage and bait for Linde and Thundercock.
Hold the line. We need Tharja to gain up again for another 3x close to the final hours or to blow everything at the last hours. Count your flags and account for that.
Come on Tharjafags, I need 1 more "Weak" for MRobin for my cumulative score.
Might as well start dropping them, you need at least 15 matches to burn through 3k flags, which is 7 1/2 hours of straight playing. If you're a Tharjafag, you're probably not getting 3x opportunities anyways.
Didn't mean to have that quote in there.
First rank range is 1-1000, second is 1001-5000, third is 5001-10,000.

First two rounds I made it to 1001-5000, this time I'm shooting for one below because there are so many more peeps voting now and I missed out on the early morning x3.

My cumulative rank is around 20K now which nets me another 1800 feathers though.

I'm actually outranking this guy in cumulative rank!
3am PST
Bonfire or Ignis for Hector?
Every thread. Bonfire.
comeon give me 3x
I don't have a full build on mine yet, but I kept her Emerald Axe, and her Reciprocal Aid. I gave her Glacies because her Res stat is solid, and mine had +HP/-Atk, so I gave her Fury. She's a hardcore mage killer, that can tank just about anything outside of red units. So basically, just use her to devastate any mages, and if she ever needs heals, RA with someone you have sitting back. Once she's done, she can just screw around with HP swapping if need be.
hopefully the results will show which characters required 3x to be competitive
My cumulative rank is 1,428 right now with flags left. Estimate I'll have earned at least 10,400 feathers overall when the event is over.

Imagine if we pull out a late day win tomorrow
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She's a good half dragon.
I wish i was awake when this thing started I bet a ton of robins got 3x's a bunch in the begining. I have 800 more flags, what is the Odds that I can snag 2 more 3xs'. with the inflation I'm thinking probably just 1 more at this rate.
No, it's fine. A billion is not that much with Tharja's numbers. We want her to regain the lead close enough to the final hours to pull another like this one.
It's the only way we can pull it off, I believe.
Who is better; Xander 4* no SI or Alphonse 4* No SI?

Or should I just bite the bullet and 5* Alphonse?
You guys don't understand how this x3 shit works
5* Alfonse.
Fury + Desperation. Nuke on a target that you can one shot or one that cant fight back. Use Desperation to go Brave-mode after going under full HP. Get a Reciprocal aid ally for second nuke deployment.

Get a Lilina or Sanaki if you're not gonna use her for her tome.
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Gave mine deathblow and renewal. work pretty well with someone with reposition or dance
Is Ursula any good
on a Cav meme team yes
with blarblade weapon on a cav team she's one of the best units in the game and will hit for 70x2
without that, she's pretty useless.
who needs ursula when you got thundercock
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Azura, stop posting.
i would need ursula because i don't have thundercock

I have Titania with her at all times buffing her, she can take out most units.

Then titania finishes the rest with triangle advantage.
on a cav team, Ursula will hit MUCH harder than babyhands will. Desperation makes her attacks work the same as his special tome, so he ends up completely outclassed
Best boon for Blade Cecilia? +Spd or +Atk?
Except that he doesn't need to be at half health, and can take a hit if need be, making your completely outclassed statement retarded.
I thought of that too. Damage calc didn't favor a desperation Celica but I can fix that with some speed buffing team mates and wreck shit.
The only with Hone Speed is my -Def +Res Soren so I'll pair them up. Just in case it doesn't go too well, I taught her LaD2 and Renewal 2 for +9 Atk/Spd on full HP.

Fuck man, I still didn't level my Mae to 40 and FCorrin still needs Armored Blow 3 and I'm all out of stamina
>mfw so far i've oneshot every Reinhardt I've met in arena
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Ursula activates Desperation exactly from 1 Ardent Sacrifice which is extremely easy to do. He has trouble 'taking a hit' because literally everything in the game doubles him. and finally, Ursula will score kills on a lot more characters than babyhands, overwhelming even Julias and Ninos that would hardcounter him.
>be asleep
>wake up
>"Oh right, the Voting Guantlet! Let's get that done quickly!"
>accidentally hit "Surrender" instead of "Auto Battle"
>still hit confirm
No! It was not meant to be like this!
I am going back to sleep.
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>this exists
>have to use my flags up now since I won't get a chance to wait till 3x cause i'll be at work
Faye's sweeper bow.
Should I sacrifice a +spd/-at Hector to give Distant Counter to Zeph?
Mr. steal your girl
Shit, so did i with my own reindhart.

You truly have a low IQ, do you? You really are unable to understand circumstances. Pathetic
27 def 40 hp is enough to tank reds in most situation, easily if you got a ward.
If you have other Hectors, sure.
Hector is immune to bad IV's, but if it's your second one go for it.
i would say no because there are like 3 distant counter red swords and you should give distant counter to a spear.
in that case, you're running a +HP babyhands, and I'm sorry for your loss. enjoy tanking the color you have an advantage over anyway.
Hector is one of those units that will win you GHBs and the sort, if you have a second one Id say yes.
Levelling Alfonse is suffering. Can't wait for Arena.
Is a Minerva still better than a +2 Camilla?

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Pulled this gremlin. Who should I give Renewal 3?
Minerva is better than a +10 Camilla, Camilla's fucking terrible.
Works on my end :^)
+3 hp seal

I'm running + atk-speed, mongoloidobro
She could be +5 and Minerva would still be better, she's a goddamn monster, not even swords are safe from her.
Camilla is good for giving Brave Axe+s.
Tanky Fury 3 units.
Fury units are nearly universally better off with Vantage or Desperation.
ATK seal would be a much better investment. and all my points stand, Ursula kills people he never can, and nobody cares if Rein can take a hit from weaker reds.
I'm planning on giving it to my Spring Chrom for the "healthiest" joke build.

Real answer: Anyone who can tank and has Fury 3 (Eldigan) or doing a psuedo-healer build (Lucina with Ardent Sac.)
>Is a mage killer better than a glass canon?

Depends on your team, don't be that simpleminded fag who only uses meme units because he can't see past "Green flier" "Red sword" "Blue lance" etc.
Yeah, but it's still a decent option in case neither of those work for you
>when you can't roll a Klein to give Reinhardt Deathblow 3
Is 2 good enough?
Blade wants attack
I was planning on 5* Anna, would it be good on her as she already get Fury in 5*
>not spending the full 20 orbs each time no matter the colours
It's like you don't even want to get maximum value out of your rolls.
Not for the Thundercock. Hope he's +Atk while you're at it.
The 2 single people that Reind can't kill are +res hector and julias. He does kill both if he got luna up. kill yourself, dumb cunt
>literally 95% of Colorless is useless
Good goy.
If you're gonna do that might as well give him Fury.

Don't look at me like that, you know damn well Tinyhandsman can't take a hit straight up, some HP loss might be worth it in the long run
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>Want to pull Klein to just use him because he's a boss
>Too scared to waste orbs on colorless pulls
Just five star your hawkeye anon. Just do it.
Atk +3 would be better than Fury, and LaD and Swift Sparrow would be better than those as well.
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What B is good for Defense wins?
Just horde them until he shows up on a banner or another colorless unit you want gets a banner.
He is. I just don't want to rank up an Effie, Ursula or Hawkeye just to hit 3 for him
Your phone' storage capacity is at its limit. Delete some heavy files.
Only good rolls I had were 5*Rebecca and a 4* Kagero and Serra, my main healer
Wings of Mercy

Drag Back/Lunge
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Holy shit, no. No nononono.

Her weapon is what makes her Anna. You stick with innate Vantage or Desperation. Anna has a go big or go home playstyle that allows her to do clever shit with Escape Route 2.
>maximum value
Kek, you're probably one of these fucks who unironicaly whales for the most expensive paid currency package in gatchas just cause you get 5 extra orbs/gems/crystals/etc.

Congratulations in being a sucker easily parted with his valuables (in this case, your orbs) being fair, if you don't have Klein, Taco, or Kagero then it might be worth it, but you also might as well wait for them to appear in a banner so you're not wasting your orbs on a 4* wrys
Sorry, but even against NEUTRAL enemies he has 2 losses and 9 draws.
Ursula has 0 losses and 2 draws.
Run a calculator and see, she's objectively better on a cav team
>have spare effie holding onto deathblow for my reinhardt
>have to wait weeks just to get 20k feathers because this game is retarded
Why did they have to give us Virion as a shitty starter archer and not another new character?
>last arena update
>not many defenses, sometimes till near the last day

>this one
>bonus defenses straight away

I wonder if this puts people without full SI against my full SI team when they hit advanced.

The last defense I got was from a guy who's Azura was only lvl 35.
inb4 muh calculators don't represent real combat scenarios
Thats a good idea. I'm not interested in the Celica banner and we have a Lloyd one coming soon so heres hoping

And make an alternate account for the time being.
For as long as you don't get a healer, colorless are fine.
But really. Each pull increases your odds of getting a 5*, and getting all 5 for 20 orbs is what gives you the most value orb wise.

By the end of the day doing 5 for 20 orbs each time is what gives you the most 5*s for the least amount of orbs. And the most skills and characters for inheritance and stuff.
"Snipe" 5 times and you essentially lost 5 characters in addition to a huge star rank multiplier.

Sniping is only for the most desperate. But even then it's not worth it.
In the future when you're wondering why you don't have the skill you want or the character you'd like to promote, you've only got yourself to blame.
>inb4 the truth that makes me so asshurt I can't even let someone else say it first
you're funny, say some more dumb things
>getting the maximum value out of your roll
>when you have no good units of a specific color and the game refuses to have more than a single orb of that color when you summon
>just dont roll a healer bro xd


If it's all you have yeah, you'd be better off wasting 20k feathers to 5* someone for level 3 though.

>tfw dropped 20k to 5* an effie just to feed the thunderweenie
Why assume I have spent even a single cent on the game just because I don't waste my precious orbs?
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How much untill we get that bonus Tharjafags?
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How does this make you feel?
I want reddit to leave
>want to 5* the Zeph
>But i dont want to kill my second Hector for distant counter
what would you guys do?
>For as long as you don't get a healer, colorless are fine.
Opinion disregarded. Don't forget that the only good Dagger unit is Senran Kagero either, or that most Bows are mediocre at absolute best even with SI.
what magical scenario are you imagining where the combat numbers somehow break their minimum and maximum possible values and transcend the calculator? it can take into account any skill or modifier you want.
>implying this isn't literally what a sizable chunk of Tharja voters secretly hoped for
>implying they weren't all fujos waiting to get Robin to dom them
Because virion is a good character
>I don't waste my precious orbs?
>Rolling colorless
We'll need a level 40 narcian for these new GHB revisit quests won't we?
It's rolling. Because it's gacha.
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>Each pull increases your odds of getting a 5*
Not if the banner ends before you get a 5*, then it would be useless
>when you have nothing else to say but you want to save face in a mongoloian meme board


Nothing because you probably pay2win five stars.
Makes me feel like you have nothing to spend feathers on
Kill your second Hector. There's really no reason for having two Hectors.
Why does the spanish version have no dots
You are totally mixing the idea of having more units with the idea of having useful units.
>but muh skill inheritance
For what, a chance at Death Blow and Close Counter? Not worth another 4* Felicia, thanks.
What do you mean?
How far does a side have to be behind before 3x?
I can run the numbers and come up with a mathematically optimal build that complements every single character, run it through both defenses and attacks, and it still isn't going to articulate the actual gameplay.

Using the calculator as your primary argument is no better than saying

>yeah this person can get killed easily, but if you're so bad at the game that you still get attacked, might as well just uninstall

It makes you look stupid
You got it wrong buddy, the reddit one is pull

what the fuck how? Last time I checked it she was winning by like 2 mil.
Happy that you have self control, maybe a bit sad that you have jack shit to probably use them on. Might as well 5* the OC trio.
Anyone has the recommended skills for Zephiel?
what are you looking for?
I've just been playing since launch and only ever used feathers to 5* one unit. I did spend $40 of my monies, but it was wasted money on the Hero Fest banner
there's no decimal marks
Wary Fighter, Vantage if madman
Meme team buffs
I remember seeing a pic in one of those threads yesterday, It said something about giving him Atk +3 If you didnt had access to Distant counter and some other skills
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>spend 70 orbs trying to get Tharja, Ike or Ephraim
>all I get are Selenas, Stahls and Donnels
Is Soren a good Nino replacement? I know she's faster, but I can never get a good one while my Soren tanks any non-red mage for days and reds won't oneshot him either. Thinking of spending my last 20k feathers to give him Gronnblade+
>spend 200 orbs looking for a Linde
>have my own personal Sully Army but no Linde
He's literally a less minmaxed Nino that needs more SI investment. He works.
If you're going for an offensive build, then Atk+3 or Death Blow

Tanky build, give it Fortress Def

Bonfire for damage
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>he doesn't have a far fetched dream of making the armory come alive
I bet you'd say use Draug instead of second hector too
>blow 200 orbs for Celica as i hunger for more redheads
>get Boey

This was ment for
Ike banner is full of regret, mainly because I could have spent all those orbs in the hero fest one, which at least could give me some variety of units instead of all reds
>he doesn't have 4 Hectors
>spend 200 orbs for linde/tharja
4* eirika
Holy shit how did you get Kellam?
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>roll for Ike
>get -atk, +res Lucina
What's the best special skill for Alphonse, particularly for the arena?
Gimme your Eirika, i have a spare 4* Tharja.

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>thinks I'm going to blow my full load on my first hit
This is from an old thread. Dude's name was HECTOR HECTOR
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Anyone else here only roll on banners with new characters? I started saving up only for new units and I've been getting a steady income of decent 5* to make new teams with.
I'm considering stopping it though, so I can roll on GHB banners and shit for specific units from now on. Unless the next banner has Bride FCorrin
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Forgot my pic.
And Niles

Are all good colourless heroes. Which is still over a third of them. Which isn't that bad. The other colours have a lot of crap too.
Felicia might be worthwhile now too though provided how fortress tiles made glacies and ignis better.
I've been doing that, though I did roll a few orbs away on the Hero Fest banner
None of the non-new banners had people you liked enough to roll for?
It took me 425 orbs to get Ike. I now have more red units than I will ever need and not enough of anything else.
How well does MRobin fare in the metagame?

Does B-tome breaker help with Thundercock?

What are good B skills for the unit? I don't have access to vantage, but I have desperation, B tomebreaker, QR, Regenerator.

And I'm planning on TA for A skill slot, or fury 2
Good for what, skill fodder for better units?
If you don't care for high-pitched lolis, he can definitely do her job. Go for it.

She was like 2 mil above Robin just a little while ago. This is going to be a tight race until the last minute.
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now there is only one acc left
There were a few that I really considered rolling on, One of them being Zephiel's GHB banner, and recently the Female Mage banner. I held off and got a +Atk Celica so it paid off.
>How well does MRobin fare in the metagame?
Not well, but better than the average fuck.
>Does B-tome breaker help with Thundercock?
>What are good B skills for the unit? I don't have access to vantage, but I have desperation, B tomebreaker, QR, Regenerator.
QR, Vantage and B. Tomebreaker are all strong picks, mostly depending on team setup. Desperation is bad because of his mediocre at best Speed, and Renewal is just flatly outclassed in that slot.
>And I'm planning on TA for A skill slot, or fury 2
You seriously want TA 3.
Most of them. Yeah. But Kagero, Klein. Setsuna. And Takumi are good in their own right.
And well. Genny can make Elise and Priscilla into legitimately good heroes even if they're relatively worthless otherwise.

But skills are valuable. And those characters have good skills.
He's fallen out of favor along with Takumi, which was the reason why MRobin was highly regarded in the first place. While his use has been diminished some, he can still do work.
>B-Tomebreaker vs Reinhardt
Should be Julia/Nino's job but if you don't have the means, go for it anyway. Linde is rarer but can help overcome her high speed. Don't really know any other B-Skill I'd give him anyway.
>A Slot
Triangle Adept. Helps aforementioned Takumi, Kageros, and most reds.

By the end of the day, MRobin is a niche unit with the added bulk to tank certain Heroes.
He's alright with triangle adept

Not really, I don't remember his res being that good so tiny hands won't have a problem killing him on his player phase. So you're going to have to strike first if you want to kill him. If you want a rein counter look at green mages like Julia or Cecilia

Lance breaker is probably going to be your best bet
Is armor memeing the only way to get the top ranks?
you have to be really autistic to play this shit on two devices
Calling a unit good by their skills alone is a mistake. Should I remind you about our favorite Impotent Force, Odin, and his A+ skills/weapon?
I'm happy for that. Better than a landslide victory by Lucina/Camilla. This at least got interesting for both sides.
Was the other banned or something?
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