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ITT: Game plot twist no one saw coming. It's too obvious

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ITT: Game plot twist no one saw coming.

It's too obvious to true.
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>the quiz question shortly before he joins your team about bird and crow eyes
>"Crows are often though of as evil because of their black eyes"
>Morgana: Crows are scary let me tell ya!
>Akechi: I think my codename should be Crow

Like everything else in P5 it's hammered in to you because the game simply does not respect your intelligence.
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>he still think Goro being a traitor is a twist of any kind
What the fuck is this?

What the fuck is this?
That's why it's unpredictable you dumbfuck.
Haru should have been the traitor. Her persona was even saying betray or some shit.
How fucking dense are all of you
The twist isn't that he's the traitor, the twist is that you knew the whole fucking time

Holy fuck.
It's unpredictable because it's blatantly obvious? It's also pretty strange that a guy who spends the entire game telling everyone he either doesn't believe the Phantom Thieves are Just or that they even exist is now trying to strike a deal with them and join their side. Who is also now defending them in the media.

God P5 is so shitty.
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The last time japs surprised me with a twist in vidya
Wrong. The twist he's the traitor all along. If you think outside the box you would think the real traitor wouldn't be him because it was too obvious.
Haru should have been the traitor 2bh

Wrong again, the twist is that you thought you were playing a good game.
This, the game builds up to this moment where Akechi kills Joker only for it to reveal that all your mates thought Akechi was a goddam retard who couldn't fool the broadside if a barn and immediately came up with a plan to trick his stupid ads.
What the fuck is this?
Star Wars reference
What the fuck is this?
This was gold
Biosock. Would you kindly
>the twist is that you knew the whole fucking time

Which was painfully obvious with those blurred scenes.

Even when Futaba grabbed Akechi's phone, did anyone actually think she was doing anything but hacking? It was too in your face
What the fuck is this?
What the fuck is this?
What the fuck is this?
Joker go to the dagobah system
honestly japanese over do it with the twists
you are always expecting it
Why didn't Akechi recognized Morgana's voice and realized he fucked up? I know he isn't really a detective but he should be at least smart enough to realize that. Morgana's voice is distinct after all
What if it was Goro actually only betrayed you because he disagreed with the PT's ideology, was actually pretty normal and Yaldy was the one behind the shutdowns?
I'm actually curious, when does this happen? After not sending the calling card on time?

I assume it's if you got to the shrine and pray to improve your relation with someone and in this case they did so with Goro
No id assume it happens if you visit the shrine after his death
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It's an edit.
maybe its less distinct in japanese
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No, it's pure love.
Goro being the traitor was never a twist. It was heavily foreshadowed. The twist was Igor being Yaldabaoth in disguise.
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How hard is the futaba trophy? I'm near the final boss and it still doesnt show up. I don't want to play a third ng+. Only trophy left to plat.
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I almost coughed my drink up.
Do you never switch party members? Do you avoid fights? Futaba has way more lines than Rise, so getting her trophy is much easier. What are you doing?
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So not obvious by the third time he randomly bumps with the group
got it on my first playthrough
I always switch up party members. I also grind lines by inflicting them some status effects like hunger etc. Still no trophy.
Same here.
If you know the outcome, how is it a twist?
'cause you've been drugged so much that you forgot it until after the plan went through
Not you as in the actual player holding the controller, but the characters in game.
I didn't play Persona 4 until years after it came out. Naturally I knew all about Adachi by then because he was spammed all over /v/, but because of that I found it difficult to judge how obvious they made his villain status.
This is the stupidest explanation I've ever heard
It sounds like you haven't actually played the game. It makes more sense in context.
Adachi wasn't obvious. his social link doesn't even rank up automatically like Akechi. You actually have to rank him up to 10 to get the true ending.
>it's foreshadowed heavily that he's the traitor
>main party seems completely ignorant of that
>you're supposed to be annoyed that it's so obvious and that they don't seem to realise
>the twist is that they do actually know and have been forming their own plan to counter his
>spoiling P5 as a thread
Sasuga, OP
;_; tia
Maybe you should play the game.
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>caring about spoilers for a game that came out over a month ago
well it wasn't a twist that he already knew about the metaverse so early in the game, but it was a really nice twist in how much fucked up his "justice" was this whole time
The true twist is that we were lead to believe our party of friends were stupid enough to fall for Akechi's tricks when in reality it was really obvious.

Luckily they didn't let it happen.
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I-I was only pretending to be a spaz!
Why hasn't anyone ever slipped up and responded to Morgana at any other point in the story?
You're talking about The Golden, right? Adachi didn't have a social link in the PS2 version from what I can remember. I never got around to playing The Golden.
>he eats the "special" takoyaki at the school festival
Dude can't even fake having a casual encounter right. What a dumbass.

Golden added one and added on ending where you join up with him. It's just him calling you a retard and telling you he'll be watching you for life and kill you if you try anything.
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Goro's just obvious enough to be obvious while not obvious enough for you to think it's a red herring, though I think that was intentional.

This fucker being the holder of the Black Chronicle was actually so blatant that I refused to believe it was actually him. The moment I first saw him I said to myself that there was no way he was actually going to be a villain because he looked way too cartoonishly evil. I was wrong.
In the original game he was the only major character in the game that did not have an S. Link, and was not already proven to not be the killer, which made him a lot more obvious.
>It's too obvious to true.
Here's a tip, spend like an hour in Mementos with Goro and keep switching partners out
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>be Masayoshi Shido
>furiously beating off inside office to relieve the stress of making japan great again
>fuck I really could use a blowjob
>hear knock on the door
>its Goro Akechi
>oh fuck
>"Oh Shido-san a-a-are you busy?"
>you open the door
>"Aren't you a little young to be an ace detective?!"
>Goro looks confused and says to you"I just turned 18 last week S-S-Shido-san"
>you grab him and tell him to get in
>you push him down to his knees and he looks frightened
>"W-W-Wwhat are you doing Shido-san!?!"
>you start unzipping your pants and shout out at him "SHUT THE FUCK UP! Suck on this daddy dick for awhile!"
>"S-S-Shido-san I'm not like that!"
>you slap him across the face push his down on your throbbing wonton roll
>"Neither am I!"
Your team mates knowing the twist coming and devising a plan to save your fucking ass.
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>daddy dick
Oh boy, like mother like son.
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The phantom thieves not being total morons was a shocking twist considering the genre.
Awesome, so we're just posting blatant spoilers now? I love this board.
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>finish making Goro Akechi realize the piece of meat he is
>throw him out of your office half naked and spit on him
>"Get lost you degenerate!"
>half in tears and struggling to hold his pants up Goro whimpers "P-p-please S-s-shido-san may I have my detective notes back..."
>you throw the book at him with half the pages flying out as you do
>"By the way! If you say anything to the ignorant masses.."
>you make slicing gesture at your throat and then slam the door
its like you have a huge billboard that says: I AM NEW PLEASE POINT AT ME AND LAUGH

>Coming in story based threads and whining about spoilers.

Here, I'll take the heat off you by admitting I don't own the game and am just watching an LP as I post as I like the story concepts but I'm not into JRPG's.
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Igor is the final boss.
Should've waited until you finished the game before coming onto /v/ browse Persona threads
>turning Goro into Makoto
Snape kills Dumbeldore
Why didn't Morgana realize sooner that he had already visited the Metaverse?
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>posed with MC in promo artwork as if he is hot shit vs the thieves
>worst rival in all of Megaten who relies on popularity and his persona
I was in denial honestly before I got spoiled.
Sht was too obvious to be true until we saw him shoot Joker in september.
Then game comes out in West and they weren't trying to hide it at all for some "the twist was that you knew it was a twist".
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your only getting what you deserve

>be Masayoshi Shido
>you've followed Goro and his cute ass to some abandoned building
>you find him beat his little clit while looking at a picture of some black hair guy that you vaguely remember
>he gasps as he see you "Oh S-s-shido-san...I didn't notice you there!"
>you laugh at him and tell him you should be noticing a real man's cock
>he looks shocked as you unzip your pants and let hang out your huge wanton roll
>you shout at him as you come at him "GET ON YOUR FUCKING HANDS AND KNEES DEGENERATE!"
>Goro meekly resists as you push him to the ground and grab the back of his pants
>"N-n-no S-S-shido-san!"
>you smack his ass as you pull his pants down all the way
>"your gonna take all of this you filthy degenerate!"
>you spit on him one more time before you give him all of your wonton roll
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The op doesn't spoil anything besides there being a twist. If you're scrolling past, you're stupid if you think you won't be spoiled by opening the thread.
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>Akechi makes it clear that he knows your secret prior to helping you
>You've been sold out
>Gee I fucking wonder by who
I thought it was obvious seeing how he isn't in the intro or the steelbook interior

The twist wasn't that he was the traitor, the twist is that your party knew he would fuck you over and so prepared a countermeasure without telling you. The real twist played around how obvious another one was.
Who was the English voice actor for Akechi? They did a really good job. Especially when he finally snaps.
Why do people ask easily googleable information? That aside, yeah, he really hit it out of the park. The dub gets ragged on a lot but it was really quite good. Really liked Ryuji's dub VA too. His delivery on the lines showing what a dumbass Ryuji is was A+.
Robbie Daymond, same VA as Prompto in Final Fantasy 15
Basically if you hadn't figured it out by Rise's dungeon you were considered officially retarted
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