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Will OoT ever be topped?

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In all seriousness, there's been a thousand games better than OOT.
The game just doesn't hold up to today's games. There are so many other games that have better gameplay, graphics, story, etc.
When people say OOT is the best game ever made, that's the nolstalgia talking.
It already was, 2 months ago
Probably not.
never ever. and all the people who say "it doesn't hold up today anymore" are just youngfags who are butthurt that they missed playing the best game in history on release. they just can not swallow that. just ignore them. oot blew minds and freaking shaped the industry.
99 metacritic, and that 99 was back in the day when gaming journalism was fucking respectable and not a bunch of payed retards who are clueless. until we see a 99 meta score we can talk, and the talk will be that oot is still better because a 99 from 90s journalism has a ton more weight than a 99 nowadays.
You're using the past tense a lot. Are you saying it has aged like milk?
Has already been beaten. In fact, it had been beaten by the time it launched.

A link to the past, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess all were better than OOT
You're talking through nolatalgia.
Explain how OOT is better than modern games because it DOESNT hold up today. There are way better games with better gameplay, graphics, sound, music, controls, story, characters, etc.
just because it was a good game back when technology wasn't as good doesn't mean it's a good game today.

By the way, the only one who's butt hurt are old fags like you who act like babies when they're told the two decades old game they think is the best game ever isn't.
>20 fps
I've seen PowerPoint presentations that run better than OoT,
All things considered, OoT may not be the best game ever made. But it is perhaps one of the most revolutionary games of all time. A "Hall of Fame" type game, if you will.
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Nah, he's saying games after OOT have aged like milk and by using past tense he's directly accentuating the point OoT blew minds and shaped the industry unlike them, which are all derivative of OoT.
Yeah, it got topped when Majora's mask was released.
Because graphics capabilities make games great and are more important than gameplay and everything else? With that logic I'll bet you think each new Transformers movie is the best movie ever made, too.
>Explain how OOT is better than modern games

Well, here's the thing, kiddo. Saying that one thing is "better" than another thing is purely a statement of opinion.

>There are way better games with better gameplay, graphics, sound, music, controls, story, characters, etc.

Graphics in newer games are objectively better, but graphics don't matter. The rest is opinion.

>By the way, the only one who's butt hurt are old fags like you who act like babies when they're told the two decades old game they think is the best game ever isn't.

Nobody over the age of 12 actually gets mad about someone else simply not liking a video game. If anyone gets mad at you in this thread, it's probably because you don't understand the difference between opinions and facts, which indicates that you're underage and should not be here.
Framerate affects gameplay more than it affects graphics. You do know that, right?
Nobody is under any obligation to say OoT is their favorite game. Anyone is allowed to dislike it. Personally, it's not even in my top 10 favorite games but I still love it.
However, I'd say it is indeed the greatest game of all time. It has aged well, despite what anyone in this thread has to say about it, and it contributed a lot to the game industry.
The people who don't like Ocarina of Time never made it out of Kokiri Forest.

>Well, here's the thing, kiddo. Saying that one thing is "better" than another thing is purely a statement of opinion
Anyway, so you're admitting that OOT being the best game ever is just your opinion, got it.

>Graphics in newer games are objectively better, but graphics don't matter. The rest is opinion.
No, it's a fact that everything else is better. MIDI music is objectively worse than say, an MP4 sound file, much broader and more fun gameplay with more depth to them, etc.

>Nobody over the age of 12 actually gets mad about someone else simply not liking a video game. If anyone gets mad at you in this thread, it's probably because you don't understand the difference between opinions and facts, which indicates that you're underage and should not be here
So you're also admitting you're underage? Mods, ban this kid please.
TP was better
>Anyway, so you're admitting that OOT being the best game ever is just your opinion, got it.

Who else's opinion would it be?

That OOT is not the greatest game ever is just YOUR opinion. See how opinions work?
>People who don't think OOT is the best game ever obviously never played the game
Neck yourself. That is the worst logic ever.
>So you're also admitting you're underage?

Poor reading comprehension.

What a waste of trips.
Majora's Mask was equally good to me, neither better nor worse.
can you name one?
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I bet I know what he's going to say.

>someone states an opinion while explaining that it's an opinion

How is this an argument?
World of Warcraft.

Before you say what I think you'll say, no I'm not saying wow is the greatest game ever made, I'm just listing one game that is better than OOT.
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>implying OoT is better than MGS
one is about a sword swinging autistic cuck kid, and the other is about a legendary hero who delves into an epic sneaking mission to save the world. why are ninetendards so mad about being irrelevant?

and from a completely different genre too. are harley davidson bikes bad because there's yachts??
Majora's mask was better and came out within two years. Wind Waker was better. Link to the past was better.

That's only using the same series - there are plenty of games better than OoT but it was still very revolutionary.

I'm not him, but what IS your "best game ever"? That's what I'd like to know.

Do you agree with >>376912850 that only a modern game can be the best?
When did all these retards who can't spell invade /v/?
only if you are a console fag and never played a pc game before at the time

as a pc player, there is a reason we laughed at console games back then, and the fact that OoT is considered the best game at that time is just kekworthy
Nice changing the goalpost, Faggot.

Personally, imo the best game ever made would be my favorite game, right? Because that's how opinions work?

Dragon quest 8
>Snake is not autistic
Holy shit play the game retard
>Dragonquest 8
Not a bad choice for your favorite game. I figured you'd say call of duty or bloodbourne.

whats is wrong with COD or BB?
>tfw hardly anyone has mentioned Breath of the Wild
Bloodbourne being good is a /v/ meme because /v/ thinks the only good game is an artificially difficult one and call of duty being good isn't wrong, but casual games like cod, ass creed, games that get yearly releases, etc being someone's favorite is weird since they're so casual and there's a new one every year.
It was by the 3d remake. Too bad there never was a "console" release with the new textures and character models.

Nintendo just doesn' t want money.
20 FPS is just so sufficient to play a 3D game, but definitely not less. Besides they can make OoT run at 60 FPS on PC so this argument is a wash.

>point out technical flaws in a PC game
>b-b-b-but we have mods and graphics patches, and firmware updates once hardware is commoditized! You can't slight us on that. It's hitting below the belt!

>history runs its course while graphics, the most fickle and unimportant aspect of design, get better.

That's why only PC gamers can take their drivel seriously.
>youngfags who are butthurt
This is basically every thread on /v/ which is why it's hard to discuss most Sega and Nintendo games.
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>thinks OoT is anything special
Where the fuck have you been?

>difficult, artificial or otherwise

lmao, maybe if you've never played Dark Souls
>Death in 3 hits no matter what your health or armor is
>Have to restart whole level if you die
>Could spend hours just trying to clear a single level
OoT is the Citizen Kane of video games.
Look inside your hearts, you know this is true.
that video was so poorly done, it's kind of embarrassing that someone would bring it up in an argument. Even Arin admitted the video wasn't his best
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Dark Souls topped it
I grew up on this game. This particular version of Hyrule, and Termina by artstyle/engine association, feel like real places to me.

When I play Ocarina of Time now, I don't interpret the game through a fresh perspective at all. A version of me with a much more active imagination laid that groundwork years ago. It goes beyond simple nostalgia; this game unlocks the engrossing capabilities of my imagination beyond the natural limit by tapping into an old interpretation of the game.

You could make the argument that this would have worked for any game, but I played plenty of video games as a kid and I think this effect at least speaks to Zelda games being kind of special. There's something about these games that invites a kid to think about the game world as a collection of facts worth knowing. Like, if you become familiar with the river network you'll know how to get from Gerudo Valley to Lake Hylia really quickly. For the most part, NPCs each have a unique function that you'll become familiar with over time. There's an exceptionally high number of secrets that, once found, feel like special knowledge.

This shit piggybacks on a time in your development when you're supposed to be making sense of your surroundings, and it wedges information about a fake world in amongst information about the real world. I just can't stress enough what a good job Ocarina of Time did at tricking me into memorizing everything about it as though it was important to know.
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Egoraptor exposed himself with that video and his subsequent let's play of said game.
>implying OoT didn't influence PC games
Bloodborne is great for reason many other reasons. The game was so well received that it ascended to meme status. So there is nothing wrong with having it as a personal favorite

COD as a series is kind of bland but there are some games that shine over the others. Again nothing wrong with having that as a fave if you are into competitive fps on console.

Popular game ≠ Bad game
I used to think it was terrific until I saw that video. Arin really put things into perspective.

I'm embarrassed now thinking back.

I don't care if this is bait, but there is nothing wrong with the opening chest cinematic. I enjoyed it as a kid and don't mind it as an adult
it's shit so it is easily topped with almost anything
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Don Anonymous, nobody can cook the pasta like you. I salute you.

Christ, this video's garbage. He has to be trying hard as fuck to prove some point unless he sucks THAT BAD.
The camera movement was a tool to guide you, since the 3D perspective can turn you around and make things confusing. After opening a door, everything stops, the camera shows you the path opened, then goes back to you.

I think this was a great innovation, and one I wish more games of the era implemented.
>Moving goalposts THIS hard
Fuck dude kill yourself
>World of Warcraft.
gameplay is shit though
It's time for you to sit the fuck down and read this carefully. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the best game ever made. No this is not baiting, shilling, marketing or whatever you wanna call it. You need to understand that humans evolve through time. Art evolve, music evolve, movies evolve, humans evolve and so games do. No, you Ocarina Of Time is not better than Horizon: Zero Dawn. No, your Deus Ex is not better than Persona 5. Still no, your The Vampire Masquerade: Bloodlines is not better than Skyrim. Things change, they evolve. A game released 15-20 years ago it's not better than a modern game. You think that but it's just nostalgia and emotions. I too used to believe that The Legend Of Dragoon was the best game ever but at some point I had to face this thing: modern games are better. I love The Legend Of Dragoon and will always have a special place in my heart but cannot compete with the likes of, lets say, The Last Of Us. I understand that and I accept that and so should you. The "old games" are better is just a meme being reinforced by nostalgia and by the fact that you just can't let it go. I know that, deep inside you, you know all this already. But you have your position to maintain. That feeling of being different than the others. Dislike these games or not, you have to accept that TLOU, TW3, P5, HZD and BOTW are the pinnacle of gaming history. It is time, anon. Time to let the past go. Just keep all those memories and feelings in your heart and move forward or you will never be able to enjoy new games. Remember that old is obsolete. New is the future. We can only go forward.
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It was topped. Majora's Mask was far more interesting.
Oh Nintendo wants money. It's just that their love of it has blinded them to common sense. They think that if they release OoT it will cannibalize sales of their new games and hurt their brand by fueling the stigma that they were better in the past. Same reason they will not add online to Melee or Double Dash when they finally put them on the Switch. They will want us to but their new Smash Bros/Mario Kart.
You seems serious at first, then it now clear to all of us that you were just baiting at best, clinically retarded at worst.
>It's time for you to sit the fu-

Stopped reading there. If you didn't write like a 10 yr old who just learned how to swear maybe, just maybe, I might give you the time of day.
Just proving the point of what is written there
Shame you cannot say you love Majora's Mask now that it is popular without people thinking you jumped on the bandwagon.
Guaranteed (you)'s; Even I get mad everytime someone brought it up.
Zelda series took influence from Ultima series.
I dont like it but it has the best 3D dungeons.

MM and onward casualized the fuck out of dungeons and it sucks.

Still decent games just not nearly the same design philosophy as past games.
Ocarina apologists, a rare species closing in on extinction.
"Apologist" implies that I acknowledge and excuse major flaws. I do not acknowledge any major flaws.

I can not give a shit about what other people think or do.
Already was by Majora's Mask.
You're saying you're a full-on Nintenbro then?
Majora's Mask was interesting, yes, but would it have really been as interesting if OoT didn't exist? Also yes. But the point is OoT is still better because MM was linear and doesn't have the whimsical fantasy backbone behind the characters. I don't care if they are shallower and if you only see most of the sages once in OoT. I like how random and player-driven OoT is. It's fun to talk to the villagers while MM is a little too focused on investing me in the story. Many of the townfolk in OoT will say things only once, so it feels like you're adding to the story even when doing something mundane. In MM they just tell you stuff that has to do with the game in some way.
were those tall trees?
Adults talk like that all the time. You're just in that phase of your life where you're a pretentious fag (18-21yo).
I'm just saying Ocarina is a rock solid game, dude.
Adults who lack self-awareness talk like that. You open with "sit the fuck down" and you immediately signal that you're about to spout some shitty, unexplained opinions as though they're sobering revelations.

botw was a disaster

oot isnt even as good as LA anyways
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Yep, two years later.
>But the point is OoT is still better because MM was linear
By that logic than Legend of Zelda on NES and Breath of the Wild are objectively better than OoT.
>Personally, imo the best game ever made would be my favorite game, right? Because that's how opinions work?

... yes?

Is /v/ really so underage that we need to announce that our opinions are indeed opinions in order to avoid causing confusion?
I played OoT countless hours and never experienced any poor gameplay due to frame rate.
>*the first half of Dark Souls

oot was bested before it came out
Not even the same guy but lowering the argument to hurr open mean only these can be dah best is actually retarded.

I agree with him, OoT is better than MM on repeat playthroughs.

Nothing can be done differently in MM meanwhile in OoT entire dungeons can be done in entirely new ways on later playthroughs.
The same problems exist in every 3d other zelda including BotW boy-o
Yup, OoTtoddlers were a mistake just like 64toddlers.
>entire dungeons can be done in entirely new ways
No they can't, every dungeon in OoT is linear unlike the ones in ALttP where dungeons are actually designed so that you have freedom with where you spend your keys. Overtime you do the Fire Temple it is exactly the same and every time you do the Shadow Temple it is exactly the same.
I don't count those games as more nonlinear because being able to go to most places in the overworld doesn't necessarily mean you can do much there. And if we're bringing sidequests into then MM wins by a mile. All of them lack the core gameplay that makes OoT the GOAT. Not that Zelda 1 is comparable but you get what I mean.
Only this game gave me trouble on a minimal run. The ice dungeons boss was just too fucking awful to learn the patterns on the first few tries so I had to go to dungeon 6 instead to trying the boss didnt take 5+ minutes of running around every time. Gotta love how you can just say this is too had and find an item to help elsewhere.

Something lost to most future games in the series entirely. For instacne you literally can't even beat dungeons 7 without the ice ro thats just in a random cave. I love that kind of stuff.

Havent done the nes games like that yet.
A great thing about OoT was that some of the temples were difficult to figure out/navigate. This was in a time before there were a million internet guides and YouTube videos for every game like there is now. Could get a players guide if your parents bought it for you, but otherwise talk to friends about it, find skulltulas the hard way, etc. everything is much easier now.
>Nothing can be done differently...The same problems exist in every 3d other zelda including BotW




System Shock 1 and 2
Majoras Mask
Deus Ex
Persona 1-2ep
The Legend of Zelda
SMT 1-3
Half Life 1 trilogy
MGS 1 and 2
Quake 1-3
Doom 1 and 64
Jet Set Radio/Jet Set Radio Future
EarthBound Zero, EarthBound
Soul Sacrifice
Deadly Premonition
Vib Ribbon
Tribes 2
Grand Theft Auto 3
Except the long shot makes the fire dungeon miles easier, and the hammer trivializes the water temple mid boss.

Oh and btw, you can do the fire temple before the forest temple. The bow isnt needed aside from one chest thats not necessary to continue.
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You can play every temple in OoT out of order except Shadow. And even that you can get into early with a little physics exploration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uNJMUqrnVY

I know this must be your mind right now, so I won't rag you further for never exploring past keys in ALttP or dungeon order in OoT. It's a common mistake. Many of us made it growing up including me.
>hurr muh acrobatics

You can do all of those as soon as you leave the plateau. Theres no replayability to me because you are never limited like the past games where a certain dungeon item could help you immensely in a place you might be stuck.

Its a fantastic game and on of my top 3d zeldas but its more about completion and learning how to do anything you want with the systems than replaying dungeons in new ways.
>You can play every temple in OoT out of order except Shadow
Unless you're talking about glitches, I don't know what you mean. You can't access the fire temple without the bow or the water temple without the hammer.
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>when gaming journalism was fucking respectable and not a bunch of payed retards who are clueless
Anon, please...Magazines back then were mouth pieces more than anything else because immediacy wasn't as crucial for the spread of information.
It was bested in 2 years when Majora's mask came out
>You can play every temple in OoT out of order except Shadow.
Nice reading comprehension OoTtoddler, the person dungeons can be done in radically different ways nothing about the order of them and even then OoT doesn't even come close to the first game's.

>Dungeons 1, 2, and 3, can be completed in any order.
>Dungeon 4, requires you to get the Raft which is gotten from 3
>Dungeon 5 requires the ladder gotten from 4
>Dungeon 6 requires the bow and ladder to complete.
>Dungeon 7 requires the flute 5
>Dungeon 8 requires the candle which can be bought

OoT doesn't even come close to that amount of freedom.
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>You can't access the fire temple without the bow or the water temple without the hammer.
u wot m9?
I almost always did water before fire for the longshit. Hammer is a gimmick items so fire was always the last I did
You need the bow for the Water Temple, you can only choose between the Forest and Fire temple and the game nudges you to the Forest temple anyways.
Hm, thanks. I didn't realize this.
Most people (myself included) aren't going to know about these glitches or exploits the first time through, and shield jumps and bomb jumps are very easy to get the hang of. I'm having a blast replying shrines now just because of the acrobatics, but I guess that's not for everyone.
>says OoT has more freedom than other 3d games
>b-b-but its not NES zelda so its bad

Whats the point of this post exactly? We all know zelda 1 is the most freedom followed by alttp. For the 3D games OoT is the ONLY one to have varying dungeon orders.
I was already doing those kind of things about halfway through thanks to the internet.

Will still be cool to go back and try and break puzzles again but you get the picture.
>For the 3D games OoT is the ONLY one to have varying dungeon orders.
And it's fucking garbage, the fact that at no point can you choose between three dungeons makes it might as well be non existent.
I never said you could do water without the bow?

You can do spirit early too though if you memorize the poe path and get longshit. Something thats pretty easy on repeat plays.
Probably not. To this day, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Chrono Trigger are the only games that I can replay as much as I want without getting bored at all.

Honorable mention to Paper Mario 64, almost there. Flower Fields can fuck off.
>I never said you could do water without the bow?
My bad I didn't see you were talking about the Fire Temple, the only thing you need to bow for in that one is the dungeon map right?
You actually don't need to memorize the Poe path, you'd just have to go get the Lens of Truth out of the Bottom of the Well and then detour to the Spirit Temple. Although it is possible to reach and beat both without the Lens, I've only done it once.
I should replay OoT soon, its been years and years.

Dont you need to do the first three dungeons to activate the well? I never figured out the wells triggers completely and was always too lazy to look things up in this game since its all in front of you already. Just do it you know
>can you choose between three dungeons

Yeah you can. Hence why I said ALL the temples except Shadow. This just isn't your day! How about you actually play OoT before talking shit about a game you don't know?
>Dont you need to do the first three dungeons to activate the well?
Yes, you can divide the game into three sections by dungeons: Deku - Dodongo - Jabu-Jabu, Forest - Fire - Water and Shadow - Spirit - Ganondorf's Castle.
You don't need to see the Nocturne of Shadow scene to explore the well since it's in the past. You just need to beat Forest to move Sheik out of the way.

you tried.
>Yeah you can.
Nope because you need the bow to do to the water temple, fuck off OoTtoddler.
huh, I always tied those two scenes together in my mind.

So does that mean you can do spirit before fire? All you need is a longshit and lens right
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But you are missing context. No shit a game from this week looks better than a game from 20 years ago, what is important is context.

For example: i don't think a single game has had a character model that surpassed Heather Mason pound for pound.

SURE games look better now anyway, but show me an example of a game, that was working with the weakest hardware possible, and streched its power limit to the extent that Team Silent did with Heather on the PS2. Show me any other gen that did THIS leap better.

Bare in mind, this wasn't just cutscenes, she looked like this in real time gameplay too.
>its just nostalgia lalalala
No it isn't. I replayed the game 2016 after not having played it since it came out and it was still good enough to keep me playing it all the way to the end. It's a solid game.
What? Fucking no. OOT csn be topped but not by those games LMAO
Frame rate isn't graphics. It's not fickle. It's not superficial
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Fuck them, why do they matter. I like what i want.
I like Resident Evil 0
I like Life Is Strange
I like Tekken more than SF
I think the souls games are overrated

What are they gonna do? Call me a foggot on the internet some more? OH NO.
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>you need the bow to do to the water temple
How many times can one person be wrong?

>So does that mean you can do spirit before fire?
Yes. But you can't do Shadow even if you could get to it because you need the Hammer for two puzzles.
Yes. I love watching it. Everytime is as thrilling as the last
Majora's Mask by virtue of having an expanded moveset and exciting and interesting abilities. MM Link runs circles around his prequel counterpart through base gameplay alone.
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tfw no more spooky enemies in Zelda
>I like Resident Evil 0
Me too, anon.
>I like Life Is Strange
Me too, anon.
>I like Tekken more than SF
ew, anon.
>I think the souls games are overrated
Me too, anon.

Can we still be friends if I think your tastes in fighters are shit?
Yeah I agree. But it's not the best game of all time. I always have to be in a really specific mood to play it
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This. And Heather does look crazy good
>But you can't do Shadow even if you could get to it because you need the Hammer for two puzzles.
You don't need the Hammer for the Shadow Temple at all, you need it in the Spirit Temple for the Colossus Room. Try playing the game sweetie.
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Yeah it really sucks.
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For me she is the most beautifully conceptualized video game girl ever. There are more aesthetically atractive girls sure, but Heather bought something real with her messy hair, freckled skin, thicker eyebrows and sad eyes.

She is beautiful, but grumpy and downplayed and unlike all the forever virgin mary sue girls she is short tempered and prone to agressive outbusts. She strikes me as the kind of girl chads bully, but despretly they all want to fuck her so bad because they know she is more beautiful and cool than their buffy cheerleader girlsfriends they are expected to fuck.
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I giss.
It doesn't matter because the game's framerate is consistent, you're not playing at 60 and then it suddenly drops, 25 fps (or whatever it is) is how it was developed
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>MM Link runs circles around his prequel counterpart
MM Link has a locked jump-set if you try to leap from places where you could sequence-break. That's what the fancy flips actually mean.

MM fan, if you want the title of being the best then I'll gladly let you have it, but right now there's people I need to correct!

>You don't need the Hammer for the Shadow Temple
>you need it in the Spirit Temple
>Try playing the game sweetie.
Oh, I'm playing it. But unlike you, I doubt I'll have to try.
This picture drove me wild as a kid. Funny how we tolerated shit like that when the examples were much more scarce.
The sad part is that no one has topped a 1998 game. Graphics got better, but devs got lazier.
Strange if true because the Kokiri forest is damn great as a game intro
>Its another "OoT isn't linear you guys" thread.
>Even though the game heavily pushes you into a certain path and dungeon difficulty just happens to correlate to said pattern.

Why can't OoT fags even take the tiniest bit of criticism. Nearly everyone does it Forest, Fire, Water, Shadow, Spirit. They basically just repeat the temple order that you did as a kid, put shadow temple trigger in a place where you can't really avoid the event, then put spirit in the last place on the map you never really went to as a kid.

And please don't say you can go to the forest temple get the bow and leave. I swear to god.
At what point do you need the Hammer for it?
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Same. Rebecca's actress was literally wetdream worthy to me as a kid
>Nearly everyone does it Forest, Fire, Water, Shadow, Spirit
Thats a personal problem, not a game problem. Anyone who has played the game know you can break the sequence and not all of us are carrot chasing faggots like you sound like.
It is the best intro in all of Zelda games. They are 20 minutes of kino. I wish Miyamoto directed all Zelda game intros obligatory.

In a recent video he basically says he hated Skyward Sword's because it drags on. It was obvious he was not involved with that game because he always emphasizes that if a game doesn't grab a player from the start it doesn't matter how good it is.
>Even though the game heavily pushes you into a certain path and dungeon difficulty just happens to correlate to said pattern.
>hurr alttp has numbered dungeons so it has to be that path

I mean if your a faggot that only plays games to follow markers
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>And please don't say you can go to the forest temple get the bow and leave. I swear to god.
most jej
If you think about it, OOT is a great FPS and RTS too
I agree, but my first exposure to OoT was playing my friends copy when he had already gotten Epona and got to explore the map some, like the Lake and Lon Lon Ranch. That stuff blew me away, so when I borrowed it finally, I wanted to breeze through the opening and it kind of began to feel more nascence than anything else.
>not a game problem.
It is though since the game nudges you in a certain direction at every turn, unlike Zelda NES or ALttP.
>leave the temple of time
>all five places are flashing on the map instead of just one

you were a dumbass kid then
so you are saying it revolutionized console games

this review nails it imo
I think Witcher 3 is its serious competition for most overrated game of all time
The Rain of Spikes room. The small key chest that drops on the opposite side of the cells in the corner. There's another part later, but it's Master Quest only.
>It is though since the game nudges you in a certain direction at every turn, unlike ALttP.

u fucking wot m8?
alttp literally has giant numbers on the map, its tells you where to go moere than OoT
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You mean the switch I can just step on?
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It depends on what you mean by topped.
Will there be a better game than it at some point? Absolutely. I'd argue that there have already been plenty of better games, including Breath of the Wild. That's better in the "if you gave it to a kid who had never played a video game they would have more fun with it" way, though, which doesn't account for things like originality or influence.
Accounting for those, though, I doubt that there will be a better game than Ocarina. We're talking about a game that defined a genre and/or a generation, that proved Zelda was still relevant in the 3D era, and that brought a suite of world-class designers and programmers into the spotlight. There's a reason that it's the highest-rated game of all time (by most accounts, IIRC one website placed Super Mario Galaxy 2 as a hundredth of a point higher based on a weighted scale), and that's because, when it released, there was no question as to its absolute domination of the field.
stop posting
your "i am very silly" antics doesn't add anything to discussion.
Breath of the Wild is a low common denominator Zelda. It has nothing the past good Zelda games had and has everything all bad games in existence has: no content, breakable weapons with no ways to repair, no story, nothing. Absolutely nothing.
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Not him but i wouldve said demon souls. Bloodborne is a fantastic game with fun and varied combat and a story that is optional but good if you bother to pay attention to it. Demon Souls has much better atmosphere and music i felt overall.
>be 12
>be at games shop with cousin
>see some dude playing Ocarina of Time
>see Kokiri Forest for the first time
>be absolutely mesmerized and charmed by the magic of the visuals, sounds and music
>tfw too poor to buy an N64
>cousin isn't slightly interested, and want to see Wining Eleven on psx.
>1 year later
>be at friend's
>he has OOT
>ask to play it
>friend is like: "what a dumb gay game, you can't jump and there's nothing for you to kill"
>piratically implore for him to let me play it, humiliating shit
>he puts it on
>I watch the intro with tears in my eyes
>hands are shaking as I move Link outside the house
>other friends arrive and ask to play Fifa 96

Brazil sucks...
>There's a reason that it's the highest-rated game of all time
Yeah because it was reviewed by 22 people.
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>tfw i think botw and horizon are both top of the class games this gen

My favorite game of all time is Super Ghouls n Ghosts or Demons Crest. Capcom was amazing back then
Breath of the Wild is an incredibly good framework and nothing else. That's why fucking around in the overworld is the most fun thing you can do in that game. I really hope the expansions are better in this aspect.
I'm not going to get in a serious argument about this right now, but let it be known that, outside of the shithole known as /v/, the vast majority disagrees.
>inb4 so you admit it's for the lowest common denominator
That's not what I'm saying. Internet communities like /v/ just have a habit of echoing the same opinions back and forth until only the most inflammatory ones stick around. People get bored of liking things and talking about them quickly, but we never get enough of telling other people that they are a fucking idiot for liking something.
That's because they're barely any games out this gen. We've gotten less games and lazier games as time has went on.
>My favorite game of all time is Super Ghouls n Ghosts
Good taste, shame /v/ is too casual for that game now a days.
Yeah, I forgot they changed it in MQ. So you could complete it before Fire if you could reach the temple.
>Brazil sucks...
I should say so if you were still excited about Fifa '96 in 1999.
>like anyone should take the opinion of someone posting celebrities as a reaction image seriously
That's because the "vast majority" of people who bought a switch (which is only 2 m), and those who bought the wii u copy, wouldn't know a good game if it hit them. Meanwhile me and others around have voiced their concern of the game's weaknesses. We thought Skyward Sword was the end to bad Zeldas, then this game happened. Just because they removed the wagglan combat didnt mean the game got better. They just added a bunch of filler shit that does nothing.

Since this gen is ran mostly by open world, minecraft kids, it makes sense that they think it's perfect. They don't play adventure games.
40 and that's all the more reason for it not to be the highest rated. Of those 40 bastions of gaming's integrity, none of them decided to be a special snowflake and slander OoT to make a name for themselves like the joke reviewers you see these days.
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I'd love to see a new Demon's Crest with tight gameplay and mechanics
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>hasn't played the game
>feels justified in saying it's shit
I've played the shitty game. But no one has to play a video game in order to know they won't like it. That's the problem with this cucked generation of consumers. You believe you have to play a game just to be "justified" of your opinions. Fuck that. Trailers, ads, game art, and one time demos showed whether you would like a game or not, not this pussy ass "you have to buy the game and play it for 10 hours before you can say whether you like it or not". You guys are the most cucked and stupidest generation of gamers I've ever seen and I have no qualms watching you all drown in the sea of mediocrity and DLC.
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BotW is lovely. But i dunno, as impressive as it is there was something, somehow, more unique about OoT that nor it or MM managed to make me feel again

I dunno, maybe it's just infatuation for it being my first Zelda, but it's kinda like watching old movies like Nosferatu or Metropolis: obviously the medium has evolved since then, you can acknowledge the various limitations or possible improvements, but as they are they're still excellent products of their time that still have something to say whatever number of years later
I mean we're talking about a nation which had the fucking Sega Master System on life support until the early 2000s.
>Since this gen is ran mostly by open world, minecraft kids, it makes sense that they think it's perfect. They don't play adventure games.

Thats funny because me and all my firends who have been playing games since nes/snes, many of which have never touched minecraft, think its fantastic. Open world isnt the meme. You are.
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No. There just won't ever be a leap more exciting and heartbreaking in gaming bigger than when 2D went to 3D. Every major franchise you would hope made it to 3D unscathed but many died.

This game had normies talking about it. Everyone was talking about it. Everyone playing it was loving it. There weren't many "nostalgia fags" in '98 and plants were just dropping GOAT praises on it from the get go.

Newfags, if you were born after or during the transition, you will NEVER understand. When addressing oldfags though you need to understand it's not a nostalgia thing -- personally OoT isn't my favorite game or anything like that -- but I would still refer to it as one of the greatest games ever made and one that deserves to be in the GOAT discussion because of just how big of an impact it made when it was released.

The older you get, the more you begin to value historical significance and influence.

So when I say "No" it's because there just won't be an opposrunity to really blow gamers away like there was in the 90's. Generations are now minor incremental shifts. SD to HD was big, but not 2D to 3D. VR is a meme, and losing money. Motion was a fad, but we found out we like gyro.

And because I haven't mentioned it yet, it's a very solid game. I didn't actually play it in the 90's because SEGA, but I did in 2011 and I was wowed. The game has pitch perfect pacing and atmosphere. I'm impressed with what they managed to squeeze out of the N64.
Thats how I am with alttp. ooT was just the same stuff only 3d graphics which I had seen on PC already so it wasnt as awe inspiring as it is for many others.
It just means you're manchildren with a low IQ and no standards. You likely have my little pony or steven universe somewhere on your browsing history.

tell me about it, anon
ALttP is also actually good, OoT is a classic example of Nintendo ruining a series that worked great in 2D by putting it in 3D.
I love the Zelda games but OOT 64 bit game out around 20 years ago there are actual thousands of games that are now better.

For its era its the best game around though. If you haven't played this game yet get the 3DS version or emulate it on PC as its one of these games you should play at least once.
the zelda series only got better with the transition to 3d. They could have been lazy and kept everything on one z level but they went all the way and the dungeons were better for it. You guys are lying to yourselves.
>20 years ago there are actual thousands of games that are now better.
Actually, there hasnt been a 3d action adventure game that has topped Zelda since. We're not talking graphics here, but game design. I want to say Demon Souls and Dark Souls almost hits the mark, but they sacrifice story and puzzles for mere difficulty and action, so it misses out on a few key ingredients.
Except every 3D Zelda dungeon is entirely linear where the 2D ones aren't and actually allow for branching paths by not gating your progress behind a single key at any point.
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Is there any bigger shibboleth of a nigger of sony than hating on OOT?
What is your opinion on BotW's dungeons, then?
When the shulva DLC in das2 had switches to hit with arrows and spike traps I was so damn hopeful they were going to start making the games more interesting. Boy was I let down.

That said I would love a zelda with a small but fully fleshed out world like das1 first half that leads to dungeons in different areas.

Hyrule field is cool but something else would be nice
>Except you're wrong because the 2D games are just as linear as the 3D ones. They have the same dungeon design of allowing you to clear through one side or the other of the dungeon without a key and the dungeon opens more once you receive said key. It had the same fucking concept just in 3D, except now you can go up and down too. You're not fooling me.
This is a meme. It's not the first half. It's the first 70% and the last 30% is still phenomenal.
Once you get past the first 3 thats not the case in OoT at all.

Alttp has linear dungeons for the first 3/4 as well btw
Hyrule Castle is what 3D dungeons should strive to be, the Divine Beasts would've been cool if they were longer and a bit more involved. It's a step in the right direction that's for sure though like I said Hyrule Castle was great.
That's not true though

From 1989 to 2000, Electronic Gaming Monthly gave out four 10/10 reviews

Ocarina of Time, Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo 2 and Soul Calibur
OoT is brilliant.
Except Hyrule castle forgot to be a dungeon, so no it shouldnt be the model for what a dungeon is. In fact, a lot of games like Devil May Cry and Gods of War already did what Hyrule castle did. There's nothing special about it, and it still hasn't beat what a dungeon looks like from past Zelda games.
>Will OoT ever be topped?

twilight princess was better
>Once you get past the first 3 thats not the case in OoT at all.
The Shadow Temple is probably the most linear dungeon in the entire series and once again in every OoT dungeon (every 3D dungeon for that matter) your entire progress is always gated behind a single locked door which is not the case of 2D games.
TP sucked for various reasons

>that shit ass bloom
>that ugly brown filter
>the wolf sections that only slow you down and act as filler
>character design could have been better

Each area felt somewhat disconnected, too. Like, there wasn't any reason to get invested in a lot of the areas that introduced dungeons. In OoT, the Spirit Temple is the lore and prize for getting past the gerudos and crossing the desert. It's immersive and special because of that. In TP, there was no place that made me feel like going into it was a special event. Lake Hylia almost had that feel but something got lost in translation.
>your entire progress is always gated behind a single locked door which is not the case of 2D games.
You never played the 3D games making such a claim. You can branch out in the 3d dungeons, too.
You're right about the shadow temple but the water and forest have plenty of ways to solve them.

I'm not saying OoT is a comparison but to say every dungeon is awful for that reason is just wrong.

I completely agree with you on how every dungeons has become more a rollercoaster through preset experiences since theres only ever one door to use a key on at a time.

I also hate epona
>forest have plenty of ways to solve them.
No just because you can collect three keys in any order isn't comparable to 2D games because you get to actually choose where you spend them. The Forest Temple still gates your progress behind a linear string of locked doors.
As for the Water Temple you're right, that's actually a really well designed temple in that regard.

No you can't.

>Anyone who has played the game know you can break the sequence and not all of us are carrot chasing faggots like you sound like.

Given the fact that navi literally gives you heavy hints on where to go I would be surprised if a fair majority didn't.
>be 2D
>can only go in four directions
>be 3D
>can now go in a large amount of possible directions
>yet this retarded anon is still saying the 2d games are less linear

Shut up faggot.
The divine beasts should've been visually different. That was my main gripe with them. Not to mention they're pretty shitty dungeons for Zelda standards.
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It already has.
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>A games Linearity is directly connected to the amount of directions a character can physically move.
Dark souls has better world building and level design
Has this guy done Master Quest too or just regular OoT? I don't keep up with him because he's just a generic overviewer.
ITT: neckbeards swooning over a children's game
ITB: neckbeards swooning over a children's hobby
Yes. Xenoblade Chronicles.
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