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Metroid e3 confirmed

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Post yfw you see this come up on Nintendo's E3 direct
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Metroid is my favorite video game character
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>mfw I see it and then realize after the trailer that I still haven't finished Corruption
I have never completed a metroid game
y cant metroid crawl guy got help from people on miiverse and actually finished the game and enjoyed it

the system served its intended purpose
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I miss miiverse. They redesigned it and ruined it
I'd be pissed because I want Metroid Dread, and not more of these midquel things
>yfw its a fucking 3ds game
If it's a 2.5D sequel to Metroid Fusion, I don't see this being a problem.
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It's never gonna happen, isn't it?
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Aaaaand it's fucking nothing.

Get back to me when this franchise is a metroidvania again.
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Even if Metroid comes back whether on Switch or 3DS you fags won't buy it. You swear up and down you want a new Metroid game, but when one does come out, it fails to break 20K worldwide. Same goes with F-Zero and Star Fox, you don't care about these franchises enough to see them through success.

When Nintendo does give you what you want, all you do is bitch and scream and the cycle repeats.

/v/ never loved Metroid. They love the idea of Samus.
The series is best left dead don't you think?
fusion sucked lmao
>it fails to break 20K worldwide.
name three (3) games

If it's 2.5D and a sequel to Fusion, I'm buying the shit out of that.
You suck
>We'll never get the perfect Metroidvania FPS hybrid
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>company finally release a game from a dormant franchise
>turns out it's shit
>people don't buy it because it's fucking shit
>"Well golly gee! I guess nobody want anymore game of this franchise!"
The ol' Capcom strat
japan strat*
Referring to the latest one on 3DS. Nintendo was obviously testing their foot in the water to see whether or not Metroid is still viably profitable and worth being invested in.

Seems not, especially on a platform with nearly 70M users.
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Coming right up.
Still doesn't excuse the multitude of faggots who cried out for the series to come back. They begged and pleaded with Nintendo, and it didn't even sell 20K.

What does that tell Nintendo and the future of this series you all pine for so much? They won't put up the money for a franchise that sells like shit. I doubt we'll being seeing Samus for a long time.
It was really good, but combat wasn't exactly what I wanted, I want something more fast paced.
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>I want something more fast paced.
Coming right up.
More like something that killed the franchise.
>pulling numbers out of your ass
That was Prime 2 though as that game absolutely tanked in sales.
Other M is more like the nail in the coffin of an already dying franchise due to poor critical reception as well as sales, at least the other games had good critical reception.
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>Nintendo releases a Metroid game
>No one buys it
>People wonder why Metroid is on ice
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>0.10m = 100000 ≠ 10000
Your point being? It still just is a terrible game who sold poorly, but you are being hyperbolical.
>over 1 million
>tanked in sales

While it probably wasn't much of a failure, Other M had quite the budget.

Blame D-Rockets for that.
What would Nintendo have to do to get you to buy Metroid again?
>Nintendo releases a Metroid game
>It's terrible and no one wants to buy it
>Shit i guess metroid is fuckin dead guys!!1!1!
God, you are retarded.
Nah, it's alright. The rail-roading and unskippable cutscenes/dialogue are stupid as hell, but it has easily the best bosses of the 2D games and is very well designed besides.
>>Nintendo releases a Metroid game
I've noticed a foundational flaw in your premise.
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can we let this be a civil metroid thread without any shitposting, please

thank you
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That is a good and correct image.
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>Pixel hunting
God, i hated that shit
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>new Metroid announced
>it's still not a sequel to Fusion
Fusion's plot was terrible and the sooner we all forget it happened, the better.
Besides linearity there was literally nothing wrong with Fusion.
Confirmed where?
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>hurrr durrr da federation is ebul AGAIN
No thank you. You just know it'd be 30% Zero Suit "stealth" sections. Much rather have another interquel that can explore the interesting aspects of the setting rather than just being shitty Metal Gear In Space.
>nintendo was obviously testing their foot in the water to see whether or not a low-risk, low-effort spin-off game nobody asked for would become a smash success, instead of investing in making a good game like the other games people liked
It's like if they stopped making Mario after the SMB2, then came back with Mario & Wario 9 years later.
>B-but ay havu been wokin on dis since too sousan an EEEEEEEEEEET!!
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>mfw we get a new DK game and Metroid fans are cucked again

When did it happen before?
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Close, what actually happened was:
>Nintendo was testing the water to see if the Metroid series could sustain spinoffs like Mario, Zelda, Kirby and their other heavy hitters
>fans quickly proved the Metroid franchise could never be anything more than an occasional niche title like Star Fox or F Zero
That's retroactively the case thanks entirely to Other M.
haha xD
t. supercuck
I'd love it, Tropical Freeze is Retro's best game by a mile and the Metroid fan base is one of the most autistic alongside Sonic so the ensuing meltdown would be glorious.
Other M and Fusion.
I'm sorry anon, but your post seems to be blank. Can you try again?
Maybe if the spinoffs were good
Do not reply to my posts ever again.
When people say Prime do they just mean another 3D game, or do they actually want another game in the Prime series? I mean, Prime had a pretty solid conclusion. It would just be a big asspull if Phazon were to come back.
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Nintendo's Halo
The Prime moniker has no canonical bearing anymore and now just means first person Metroid game.
The entire fanbase shat themselves and screamed like children long before the game came out. Whether the spinoffs were good or not didn't matter in the least, it wasn't exactly what they wanted so engage the autistic shrieking.

Since you've never played Fed Force and don't realize it's good, you're clearly among the autistic shriekers.
>mfw DK and Metroid are my favorite Nintendo franchises

Literally the only way I can lose is if Retro makes their own IP.
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Kill urself
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I'd love to see a back-to-basics traditional Metriud.

Thing is, I don't trust modern Nintendo to make one.
Different anon, but I played Fed Force and it was, in fact, trash.
>don't realize it's good

Please, please kys
Prime Pinball came out when they were still making real games. It was also an okay game. It did okay.
Weird how that works.
I know for a fact neither of you have played it.
I did and it was fucking garbage.

What are the options in the options menu of Federation Force?
I want Fromtroid to be honest
What a bunch of pretendos, amirite?
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I'd probably actually cry a bit.
What actually happened:
Fanbase saw that the game looked like it was going to be shit and have only the most tangential of relations to the Metroid franchise, complained about this, and complained about Nintendo's mishandling of the franchise.
Then it released, was confirmed shit by most sources, and few people bought it.
Only people I'd trust with the IP are the AM2R guys

I like the Metroid games but the fanbase got so fucking obnoxious after Federation Force. I really wouldn't care if we stopped getting Metroid for a while just to spite those idiots.
Trick question. There is no Options menu, but one for controls and one for customise.
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But that wasn't a Metroid game, you shitty troll. you know damn well what kind of Metroid game everyone wants.
kill yourself please
>Metroid Prime: Federation Force is not only the best FPS on the 3DS, but perhaps one of my favorite FPS games ever.
Most reviews look very positive to me, try playing the game.
Why do you set yourself up for disappointment? Nintendo doesn't care about Metroid. I mean sure it pisses me the fuck off but it's just the way things are.
Do you mean the controls menu?

He pussed out instead of continuing to update it, unfortunately. He was only legally obligated to remove the game from his site, there would be no problem putting out update files.
>Tangential of relations to the Metroid Franchise

Yeah, no. The GF have been a part of Metroid lore since the very beginning. Expanding the universe more should have been welcomed by fans.

Metroid fans really do seem to be under the delusion that Metroid has to be about Samus.
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>Nintendo stuff might leak due to this stupid hacking crisis
I still don't understand what the difference is between DMC fans shitting on the Ninja Theory game and Metroid fans shitting on Fed Force and Other M.

When DmC came out it was rightly acknowledged that anyone crying entitlement was a bona fide shill. What happened?
No, they make good 3rd person games with good cameras and the level design is about right. I sure as fuck don't trust Nintendo to do it.

What in the fucking fuck would make you connect those two things.
Camera and level design
Gameplay would need to be different, I'm not asking for "Dark Souls Metroid"

It's the Nintendo Effect.
Expanding the universe was welcomed by fans. What Nintendo did wasn't that though.

We wanted a Samurai Jack style continuation of the series and what they gave us was more like the new Powerpuff Girls
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>new Powerpuff Girls
What went wrong?
I want Rocksteady to make a Metroid game.

>level design


Souls lack the most crucial element of Metroid level design: the way your powerups allow you to overcome obstacles you couldn't before. Just having backtracking and shortcuts doesn't cut it
You want a new game that spends the entire thing developing a boring love interest for Samus instead of a game about adventure?
Stop putting us 2D fans in the same league as the Primefags, If Retro isn't working on another Prime I will laugh my ass off, we really don't need another one. What we need is a 2.5D Metroid game from EPD7 produced by Yoshio Sakamoto.
They never really antagonized or insulted fans directly with either Metroid game, or even putting up as SHAKESPERIAN (actually don't quote me on the Other M part, I'm sure Sakamoto said something equally as fucking stupid.).

Wish DmC, Tameem took every opportunity he could to shit on fans, shit on the original games, and even shit on competitors. With either Metroid game, they just exist. Both mediocre, but not elevated to something bigger than it actually is, like what Tameem was doing with DmC.
It's a nice start. I didn't say they're good Metroid games already, because they're not Metroid games, they haven't designed one. I just think they have the stuff to do it decently. It's closer than Nintendo, or Platinum, or any other meme company has gotten without even trying to do it.
Almost as worse as Mega Man fags, I swear.
It would be a step up from the last two Metroid games for sure
What hacking crisis?
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Shit I can't finish Echoes. I can do Prime, Corruption, Super, Fusion multiple times but I just get so bored in Echoes.

I actually just replayed Fusion a few days ago and damn that game is easier than I remember.
Yeah, no. It amazes me how in denial fanboys are when it comes to what Federation Force did to expand Metroid's universe.

Simply put, it gave us the chance to look at the Metroid universe through another pair of eyes and see what goes on in the Galactic Federation and how they conduct their operations.

This, for a fan that knows that there's more going on in Metroid's universe than just Samus's adventures, is interesting.
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>Star Fox

What the fuck does /v/ see in these shitty franchises? None of them has had a good game in over a decade.
>Expanding the universe
This shit has got to stop, the series needs a continuation not more fucking side stories. This is the shit that is hurting Halo. Like Halo needs to stay focused on the Master Chief, Metroid needs to stay focused on Samus and finally continue her fucking story with a 2.5D sequel.
Because a decade ago they had good games.

Except Star Fox. I've never liked that mediocrity.
DK fags were even worse during the Gamecube era, but I never thought they didn't deserve not to get good games just for being unsatisfied and vocal about it. I'm glad they got the Retro games. Nintendo is not my friend from school who makes me presents, they're a cold heartless machine that makes products for you to demand, buy, and do what you wish. Fucking corporate drones.

Execution matters though. Just because something is a good idea doesn't mean every possible iteration of that thing should be well received. Expanding the universe and having a spinoff game through someone else's eyes was a good pitch, and then they turned it into Metroid Fisher Price Edition
This. Star Fox needs to be something like Ace Combat in space to ever hope to be relevant again. Miyamoto should be dragged as far away from the next game as possible, if there ever will be a new SF to begin with.
And there's only one question after they try it. Did it work? Was it interesting? Was it gripping?
The answer is no. Prime Hunters did it alright, if the Federation was fucking weird like in the NES manual it might have worked. But we got everything we needed from the modern Federation in Fusion and Prime 2 and 3. Federation Force was boring and pointless.
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Too bad that it didn't work, because the Ace Combat team made Assault.

Just fucking play something like Space Harrier or After Burner, you're going to find more consistently good games out of those than Star Fox.
>had good games.

These properties were never good. Take off your nostalgia glasses grandpa, we're not in the 90's anymore.

Nintendo in general hasn't had a good game in over a decade. The Big N is dead. Bury it.
wouldn't give a shit, prime is trash
I know this is bait, but holy fuck son
>three games since 2007, Corruption was the worst Prime game and still great, Other M was outsourced, and FF was Metroid in name only
>literally NO GAMES in the last ten years, what the fuck, I don't even like racing games and I'd buy a fucking game about bounty hunters in sick hovercars going at the speed of sound, fuck yeah
>Star Fox
>Got me there boss, who would have fucking guessed N64 era gameplay wouldn't age well into the current year, despite what nostalgiafags say
>Kirby Air Ride was over a decade ago
Fuck, what happened?
>le Nintendoomed maymay
Fucking geez kill yourself.
Assault's issues were bad ground controls and jarring 30fps in the open stages, comapred to the on-rail ones which were 60fps.
Bunch of Hospitals/Business got hit with Ransomware (Pay to not have your details locked/fucked with)
Oh that stuff. I doubt anything will come of it.
Funny considering Star Fox 64 3DS came out in 2011, yet no one complained about the N64 era game play. I know Star Fox Zero takes some really dumb liberties with its controls, but its still the same fucking game.

I thought the main complaint with Star Fox Zero was that it was 90 minutes long.

I didn't play it myself because >buying modern Nintendo consoles
Even during development that game had bad tidings.

No one liked the chibi artstyle in the promo screenshots, yet they went forward with it. I remember reading the developers even lashed out in response once to defend it, but that might have been BS.

Then they decided it would be a great idea to somehow have the space pirates kidnap Samus and just have her roll around shitting out bombs.

How is it suprising in any way that the game tanked.
Why would someone complain about N64 era gameplay in a N64 graphical port?
>metriod prime trilogy rerelease for the switch
>Direct port of Wii version
>Another Other M sequel announced
Zero's real issue wasn't its controls, it's that they promised it was a brand new game when it's actually Star Fox VII: TFA

It's also very shallow and can be 100% in like 10 hours
The controls are great when you get accustomed and really showcase how goddamn good dogfights are, but considering the game is just around 2 hours long, you're all fucking done with it by the game by the time the controls sink in.

No multiplayer was a mistake too, since like I said, the dogfight are great.
>yfw it's Metroid Another M
It clearly wasn't the gameplay that aged like milk because it reviewed well and sold decently. So why when transferred to WiiU, people suddenly hate it for being dated?
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mfw remember we'll never get another 2D Metroid
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Because Zero was marketed as not a 64 port.
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Holy fuck, this right here is why you'll never get another 2D Metroid.
The old games that were good were REALLY good.
Is this hard to understand?
Games like Super Metroid, Metroid Prime, F-Zero GX, and Star Fox 64 are still at the peak of their respective genres, barely surpassed by anything at all released in all the time since then.

>Star Fox needs to be something like Ace Combat in space to ever hope to be relevant again
The series probably would have gone that direction if they'd just released the already finished Star Fox 2 way back when.

Assault wasn't an attempt to make a Star Fox that played anything like Ace Combat though. It was an attempt to expand on 64's multiplayer. There's every indication that the multiplayer was the main thing worked on, and that the single player was cobbled together at the last minute.

>Other M was outsourced
That's got exactly nothing to do with why it was bad.
And you could almost say the Prime games were outsourced, being developed by a subsidiary on the other side of the planet.

Also of note, F-Zero GX was developed by a Sega subsidiary. No one complaining about outsourcing there, shockingly.
Another boring western fps with shoehorned platforming. Snooze you wonder way metro is died
I wouldn't worry too much about that, there's probably a 2.5D one in development, I just hope Nintendo shows it at this E3 and don't wait until next year. Knowing Nintendo, they'll wait. :/
What was pixel hunting?
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This will literally make me buy a switch. Been a huge fanboy of Nintendo back in the N64 days and was Gamecube 100% on launch day. Played the Metroid Prime demo at Circuit City any chance I could get. Here I am in 8th grade unwrapping Metroid Prime. Disapointed how Nintendo has gone casual with gimmicks constantly with motion controls, little tykes tablet, and finally mobile. As long as I can play Metroid 2018 on a tv, with a true controller, I will be in. Here is a video I just uploaded on a side YT acc with footage in 2002 shortly after getting Metroid prime for Xmas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MSEYok5akI&feature=youtu.be
Literally all Metroid fans just want is another Metroid game, which is why AM2R was such a greatly recived game.

I like prime, it was my first metroid, and it was the gateway for me to explore all other metroid games. Fucking loved Super and Zero mission. It's not a great leap to say that Other M and especially Federation Farce were not what metroid fans wanted.
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Metroid is dead son, nobody buys the series anymore. You all are just deviantART hipsters that pretend to like these games for no reason.
I like them because they're fun and the format rewards exploration. Metroid is what all these open-world meme games wish they could be.
post yfw nintendo's E3 presence will be as disappointing as it always is
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>That Chozo Ruins music absolutely blasting
Looking for green blood on green grass after doing a 180 as you're first Looking at a dead body.
Looking at a hookpoint after going by that same area before and saying there's nothing interesting about it.
Looking at a random hatch in a place that's covered in hatches.
I only like the GBA Metroid games

Fuck Prime
HAHAHAHA yeah I also got a 5.1 surround sound system that Xmas so I was blasting it, and my 10 year old sister got a video camera as you can see that expert working the camera. All the family was visiting from different states that is why there were so many people.
Don't forget the tiny ass Federation logo when you have no clue what you're looking for on the damn ship.
No one buys Prime

This hurts, I had so much hope that Microsoft and Nintendo would blow it away, but from the looks of it they both are about to fuck up big. No Halo 6 at E3 and a possibility that there may not be Metroid 5 at E3, what the fuck were they thinking?
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>Metroid E3 confirmed
>Post yfw it happens
Fuck your clickbait thread OP, got me excited
>No Halo 6 at E3

are you actually looking forward to Halo 6 anon?
>GBA metroid
Anon, Fusion will always hold a place in my heart but those games were piss easy.
The hardest parts involved running from the SA-X.
>It's still the same fucking game
Exactly, a little too much too.
It's only major difference are the garbage controls.
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Looks like it's up to Sony to win E3 again...
all I want is a 2D hand drawn super metroid sequel. Fucking aussies could do it with Hollow Knight, Nintendo should be able to.
Mongoloid. No one wins anything. Its just a big advertisement for video games. Dev teams from Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft all get along.
>Master Chief focused
>split screen
>simple story
>no Brian Reed
>Tom French as the new multiplayer lead

Yes I was looking forward to it.
Are the Elites playable in multiplayer again?
Yeah they will and that sucks.
I think Microsoft might surprise us with Scorpio. I dunno, I just have a feeling. Same goes with Metroid showing up at E3.
Who knows but knowing 343 they probably won't. I would be surprised if they were.
I hope but I think they will just talk about 4K and show third party games, Nintendo will probably just focus on Mario, ARMS, and Splatoon 2. I hope both can impress at E3 this year but I don't know.
why did they end miiverse? i love it ;_;
Fusion had a couple of legitimate flaws-- it's also the scariest game in the series with the most horrifying premise and before Other M retroactively ruined everything this game did it was the first game to put significant story in a Metroid game without ruining it.

It was a good game. I feel the urge to play it from time to time more than any other Metroid game except Prime 1.
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Agreed, I will buy a scorpio day 1. I love what they
are doing with backwards compatibility. There are
games I have owned since 2005 that can be played on my XB1 for free. Been playing dead space 2, Oblivion, Rainbow Six Vegas, and Bad Company 2. It is so nice they allow it unlike PS4.
What I'd like to see happen and would make me buy a Switch:
>Ridley announced for the Smash 5 roster.
>Looks like he was pulled from the Melee intro.
>Meta Ridley final smash with actual robotics and shit, not a glow.
>Metroid first person or 2/2.5D announced right after.

What will happen:
>It's fucking nothing.
Halo 6
Gears 5
Conker's Other Bad Day
Banjo: Threeie
Blinx 3

Probably only one or two will ever see the light of day, but we can still dream right?
except nintendo does shit like this with good games and it still turns out to sell poorly
tropical freeze
i hope they bring back miiverse on the switch
metroid threads are always shitposting
all you sad fucks do is complain, go play the million of indie metroidvanias out there or something
tloz, franchise way bigger than metroid, went back to basic. what is stopping le modern nintendo boogeyman from making a good metroid? then again what you are looking for is Super Metroid Virtual Console, so go buy that.
idk. metroid used to be a decent franchise but it should stay dead, especially after that prime garbage. f-zero was also a great franchise and didn't have a bad game, but even nintendo doesnt know where to take the series next. star fox was just always bad, its just a worse sin and punishment with furries.
The absolute state of you idiots clamoring like Metroid is on the same level as Mario ffs. It has always been a niche franchise. This is like saying Sony is going to lose E3 for not showing a fucking Knack sequel, nobody actually cares whether we get it or not.
Yup. :/
The controls are a novel concept, but in my experience they never feel totally natural no matter how good you get, and in the rail shooting segments it adds absolutely nothing of value since everything of note is on the main screen right in front of you.

I don't really like the controls even on a conceptual level though.
Movement and aiming being decoupled, and each getting their own controls and their own screen, forces multitasking and adds tons of unnecessary complication to controls in a previously dead simple to pick up and play arcadey action series.
Aiming and movement being separate also removes a simple dynamic that was part of what made Star Fox enjoyable to play, imo. When movement IS aiming, as it was in the previous games, you have to consider how movement will affect aiming and vice versa. That interplay makes even the simplest shit vaguely interesting.
For example, if a boss fires a missile at you, you could take a second to move your aim slightly toward the missile, potentially destroy it quickly, and return to shooting the boss, or you could wait and dodge the missile, totally throwing off your aim and positioning and taking longer to return to shooting the boss.
With separate aiming and movement on the other hand, you just constantly shoot at the boss and dodge the missile. There is no decision or trade off to be made here, just do the task.
Aiming and movement are individually much simpler in Zero because of this. Instead of managing one interrelated task with simple controls, you're managing two simpler tasks and switching attention between them constantly.

The real problem with Zero though is that the controls WERE the game. Zero was made to showcase two screen gameplay first and foremost. The Star Fox shit is all there just to prop up the hardware gimmicks, which is why the Star Fox stuff feels so phoned in, what with being a reboot again and recycling so much content.
When you're focusing on shit you already announced before then yes you fucking lost E3.
banjo threeie would be bad just like tooie
halo 6 would be bad just like halo 4 and 5
gears 5 would be ok but we just got gears 4, they should wait a while
conker shouldnt get a sequel you fucks why the hell does everyone on this board need a sequel to everything
blinx is dead and nobody remembers that furfag generic platformer garbage
>not playing hard mode
>mixing the point of trying to beat the game 100% as quickly as possible
Why do i feel like the only kid that hit all the buttons to see whtat they do before i play
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>all you sad fucks do is complain
Well yeah, there's literally nothing to be positive about. What the fuck do you expect?

>go play the million of indie metroidvanias out there or something
I do, but that doesn't change anything about Metroid.
If anything, it's sad to see indie studios running with a formula Nintendo both established and set the standards for almost single-handedly and find success, while Nintendo is too scared or conservative to do anything similar with the series the genre is named after.

>star fox was just always bad, its just a worse sin and punishment with furries.
Don't agree even though Sin and Punishment is my favorite video game, but on that note, why didn't they have Treasure develop a Star Fox game?
I wish Microsoft would pull a Ubisoft and take back the character Blinx. Kinda like how Ubisoft pulled Rayman out of the Rabbid shit that was going on for all of the mid 2000's. M$ needs to revive their character and make it a new.
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It'll probably be more poorly realized motion controls. Even if they're done right I don't want motion controls, I don't even want touch screens. I just want a normal game with good control mechanics on a normal controller and I know Nintendo won't deliver that whether 2D or prime so I dont give a fuck.
They probably will since they are building new game studios, but that probably won't happen until next year.
>why the hell does everyone on this board need a sequel to everything
What else is there to talk about?
>boy, I sure hope they unveil a great looking new game I know nothing about
That's boring, and also goes without saying. You can't have a discussion about that.

Also, why is Blinx a "furfag" game but Banjo and Conker aren't?
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Yeah except they released a fucking shitty spinoff on 3DS, that played like crap, that no one asked for or wanted. And yknow for a fact you fucking faggot, that if we bought that it'd only reinforce in their minds that we want another one when we never even wanted the first. Modern Nintendo's mindset is literally backwards

I'd rather have the series Die forever, than fucking see Nintendo butcher it for quick money from casuals like they do with nearly every other IP they own. Eat a dick damage controller.
One million sales is tanking? Hmm.

It did pretty well for a game Nintendo demanded get rushed to production in a year and then moved into halo 2's release window to try and compete with it. Before Other M, Metroid only did poorly because Nintendo is fucking dogshit at marketing.
>quote from highest rating review for aggregate 6/10 game represents all reviews
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If we get 2D Metroid right along with it I'd be alright with it.
I played Super Metroid for the first time this year and I got stuck in the beginning too. You needed to trigger something to activate the aliens in the room where the camera lens follows you. The game doesn't hold your hand at all which is a good thing of course.
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>People want the series to die because fans have been treated like shit

I don't get this at all. The fandom is pretty vocal yeah, but it's entirely justified. I'd certainly be pissed off if Kirby got no games except for a 06-tier mess and a shitty spin-off.

This is just a lose-lose for everyone. You have to suffer though more complaining and they don't get a game series they love.

Why can't people get games they like? It's goddamn petty.
it won't.

metroid is dead, and the federation force sales numbers basically confirmed to nintendo it's not worth ever making another one

>Prime somehow decides the entire series not just the Prime series dying
Sure thing
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Good, I hope they fucking suffer. They're just as autsitic as Mega Man fans were back in the day. I say fuck the lot of 'em.

Metroid is dead so just move on.
Show me an example how a modern Super Metroid 2 would look like.
>game has massive backlash from fans from initial reveal to gameplay trailers to release
>release the game anyways instead of scrapping it
>game sells abysmally and nobody plays it
>why did the game not sell I thought metroid had fans!
>toss the series into the back of a closet never to be seen again
Nintendo is a fucking trash company that never listens to what their fans want because the senile old fucks at the top know better than their customer base
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Well, have fun having to sit though more complaining because you're such an asshole that you want an entire series to die because the /v/ Metroid community (which let's be entirely fair every community on here, even mine and yours is insufferable to a degree) is totally justified for being angry.

Do you have to be an idiot to be a shithead too?
Why do you know this? Was it you?
It's about as likely as a real sequel to TTYD
which might happen, considering they somewhat give a shit about non-casuals
So long as Metroid is a Nintendo franchise it's doomed to underexposure at best and absolute mediocrity at worst. Nintendo will always miss the point of Metroid being an isolationist puzzle adventure and the point of Samus being more than a nice ass in spandex. The series is dead.
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>they somewhat give a shit about non-casuals
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They're corporate drone apologists, anon. The biggest autists and shitposters of them all. You think Cody is the only one?
>Release game that has almost no similarity with it's predecessors
>Game sells like shit
This is more common than you think
This STILL triggers me.
>>Release game that has almost no similarity with it's predecessors
>>Game sells like bread
What's her name /v/?
I have no face, because it's not gonna happen
Have some info about ARMs, Splatoon, Mario, Amiibo stuff, and indies.
and still no announcement on virtual console.
>game follows a 7 year drought after the worst game in the series except an admittedly fun minigame for a glorified 60 dollar tech demo on console nobody bought

Dude federation force be fucking amazing and it would still have bombed. Don't pretend like games previous titles and mainstream attention don't play huge roles in game sales. federation force was doomed from the start. Not even if it was everything you ever wanted in a metroid.
>no metroid prime 4
>no silent hills
>no megaman legends 3
>hitman series is probably ded
>everything because retard japanese don't know how 2 business
stupid honor bastards need to sudoku themselves
>there are trolls and memers ITT who unironically think other M and FF was good and them tanking for being absolute shit is why metroid deserves to get melted
>these are probably FGCfags who back the cancer that is crapcom
fuck all of you and the absolute cancerous shitholes you spawned from.
>no metroid prime 4
This is a problem why?
because it would be great you inbred goat fucker
It would be better if they had Metroid Dread you fuck bag.
how about metroid dread by retro you shit eating cock sucker?
How about Retro work on something other than Metroid so we can get a fucking Fusion sequel from Sakamoto and EPD7 you shit eating monkey.
How about never letting Shittimoto touch the series again you dogfucking mongoloid?
After Sakamoto did such a grand job of fucking up Other M. I'd rather not give that guy another chance as director. Who was the team behind Zero Mission? EPD7?
>Stopped getting Metroid for awhile
But we haven't gotten any for almost a decade now?
Not until Tanabe stop shitting on the series you cat kissing butt licker.
Yeah back when they were known as R&D1, unfortunately they're not as big as they use to be so they would probably have to work with a third party on the game.
After Federation Farce we probably don't need to worry about that you bleach-swilling slut dumpster.
I know you sewage drinking toilet.
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>yfw Arzest develops the next Metroid game
I would probably kill someone at that last part
Hyper Metroid
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A slow baby side scrolling Metroid game by Arzest? I wonder if it'd be better than Federation Force.
It looked like shit, and turned out to be shit. The artstyle, the over-all graphics, the gameplay, and worst of all, the fucking blast ball they tried to sell the game with. The 3DS is not made for a good Metroid-game. A Metroid on the Switch, however, is what people really want.
Controls were complete cock as well, no one asked for this, and lo, no one buys it
Not him a 2.5D Metroid can work on the 3DS and Switch.
Probably not. So far no 2D Metroid game has been better than a Prime game.
Not him every 2D Metroid game is better than a Prime game. I'm pretty sure I just told your ass off in another Metroid thread going on right now.
Sure, it can work, but people don't want a 2.5D Metroid-game on the 3DS. They want something grand after the Primes (and the drought)
Not really and Prime sells have been poor after Prime 1, plus they literally have no one who can make it. AM2R showed that fans are craving a 2D Metroid game more.
A game like ALBW would not have sold as much as BOTW on the Switch
Prime 2 was a rehash and Prime 3 was a non-traditional Prime game on the Wii
You think? Chances are it would have, the main selling point was that it was a sequel to A Link to the Past, so it would have sold very well.
Exactly, that's why their sells were far lower than the first game's.
People will be disappointed because they think a 2D game requires much less work than a 3D game (though it really doesn't). There would not be as much backlash against Federation Force had it been released in Hunters' place, since Metroid-games were coming out steadily then.
My point. A brand-spanking new 3D Metroid game could do excellent, especially because Switch-owners are hungry as fuck
Primefags will be angry, Metroid fans will be satisfied that they finally got a sequel to Metroid Fusion whether it releases on 3DS or Switch. Prime needs to go back on hiatus, Metroid needs a continuation not to be stuck between Metroid 1 and 2 forever.
Doesn't have to be a Prime-game at all. Call it Dread, and Prime-fags will be happy, too.

It's easy to make a 3D Metroid-game which doesn't smell like Prime. The Primes have been mostly outdoors, while 2D Metroids have been a lot underground. More underground/enclosed areas would go well with the dread-theme as well, and Fusion proved they can very successfully be spooky
You know Dread was never a Prime associated title, right? So why would calling it Dread make the Prime fans happy?
Oh, I just remembered seeing this in-game
oh my god
finally a HD-port of Metroid Prime w/ worse controls.

wait, this is shite. Fuck off.
That was a spectacular coincidence, but Dread was supposedly the working title for Metroid 5. Sakamoto talked about it a little.
don't forget that Kakamoto wasn't the only one.
Team Ninja fucked it up even further.

Although granted, what the fuck were Nintendo thinking giving those hacks the Metroid franchise. Can't blame them for kakamoto. They probably didn't know that he got mentally retarded after all those years.
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tfw i preordered the prime figma
It was reported back on /v/ in Metroid threads when a curious anon went and checked the guy's Miiverse account. Literally fucking lurk more, faggot.
My man!
>Release game that has almost no similarity with it's predecessors

game simply being designed for coop multiplayer is not the same as "almost no similarity".

It's basically Metroid designed for coop multiplayer. Has awesome controls, even better than Wiimote controls. Well designed levels. Tons of content and is really fun.

But sure
>be Metroid "fan"
>don't buy Metroid Fusion
>don't buy Metroid Zero Mission
>don't buy Metroid Prime 2
>don't buy Metroid Prime 3
>don't buy Metroid Prime Trilogy
>don't buy Metroid Other M
>muh Federation Force is not the exact same as the games that I already didn't buy

kys faggot
Who are you quoting?
I feel like we've had enough metroid games at this point and that there should be maybe just one more good 2d game to bottle up the plot.
a Metroid "fan"
I'm a Metroid fan.
I bought the following Metroid games:
>Metroid II Return of Samus
>Super Metroid
>Metroid Fusion (twice)
>Metroid Prime
>Metroid Prime 2 Echoes
>Metroid Prime 3 Corruption
>Metroid Zero Mission (twice)
>Metroid Prime Hunters First Hunt DEMO
>Metroid Prime Hunters
>Metroid Prime Pinball
>Metroid Prime Trilogy
>Metroid Other M
>Metroid Prime Federation Force

And Metroid Prime was my first Metroid, actually.

What's your fucking point? Fed Force is still a game nobody wanted! I only bought it because it felt obligatory to me at this point!
See this guy >>376889246>>376889673
Dread was associated with Sakamoto' 2D Metroid series so no calling Prime 4 Dread will not work.
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Nice "paint" job dude
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Is "he" here?
ACfag? Nah
Thank the lords he isn't

MS Paint
It's called a crop, not a paint job

I wait another ten years after the series dies again.
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>tfw first Metroid game was the NES one an Prime's my favorite regardless

Every single metroid thread is full of idiots denying how amazing Prime was. It's sad. You can't talk about Metroid on /v/.

I bought Zero Mission, the Prime Trilogy, Metroid 2 on 3DS Virtual Console, and Super Metroid on Wii Virtual Console
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