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Japan and Intellectual freedom

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Thread replies: 500
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Is Japan the only country who makes games that are not severely censored or politically correct? Are they the last bastion of hope to stop the SJW pandering?
They don't giveu a fukku, they just make what they want to make
They dont have sjw crap but they have some games where west is the conquerors thirsty for land and more power and Japan is the peaceful beautiful land of nature who dindu nuffin. Thats it I guess
Japanese games deal with heavy censorship when it comes to gore, tho.
No one east of bongland makes political games.
If you think so, you only play AAA consoletrash and don't belong on this board.
Atleast consoles have games and don't have to wait for shitty PC ports that make games unplayable.
I dont know why you'd want to play AAA trash in the first place. Are you mentally ill?
Reminder that it's Japanese companies themselves censoring their games when bringing them over to the west.
Best quality. Stop being a disgusting hipster and playing those indie shit games. If you think rare games make you have good taste then you're the mentally unstable person here.
This is true. A recent example is Resident Evil 7 where the jap version got censored but burger version didn't.
You have no idea what "censorship" or "political correctness" meas do you.
>it's either AAA or indie platformers
In Japan, most games developers consider games art and not a product made to sell as much as possible, of course they care more about Intellectual Freedom than the West.

This a changing little by little though...
I do. Here, just incase you don't. http://www.dictionary.com/
What do you play then? Go ahead, amuse me.
Explain Square Enix
Right now Endless Space 2 and Serious Sam Fusion.

I'm having fun with genocide in one and no female characters whatsoever in the other.

The west is slowly shifting back to normality when it comes to extreme PC. As stupid as the past 5 years have been, people are starting to calm their zealotry on both sides.
>Intellectual Freedom
You mean complete lack of thought.

Pls die
>complete lack of thought

You post in a nutshell.
Nigga Araki had to change a female character to male because of an editor despite his manga being a smash hit.

Japan has tons of censorship and corporate medling, you just seem to look past it with you weeb-tinted glasses.
Yes but sadly Disney is moving in to change that, they are already heading a massive deal with Square enix and you better believe they will shove PC propoganda into them.

Their both not platformers though, and you asked him to list something that is not a AAA game or an indie platformer.

>moving the goalposts
First one is owned and published by Sega.
The second one is indie only if you consider being foreverially signed under Devolver to be indie.
if they have freedom why they all make weeb pandering waifus?
*puts a top on bare breasts*

Japan really doesn't give a fukku!
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There are different things that they censor. They are extremely hard on anything portraying drug use and things that portray gore. Even depicting things like underage drinking is fairly taboo.

I'm not going to bring up that they censor porn since that's the fault of the occupying burgers after the second world war.
Based on what?
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>Best quality
Fucking lol
Do you only watch Hollywood blockbusters because BEST QUALITY? Mushbrained degenerate.

There is far less censorship and corporate meddling than the west though. Companies in the west have their execs fingers in literally everything, while in Japan creators are asked to change some aspect, but the whole is relatively unchanged. There is far more freedom in Japan than the west.
Based on all of their games being mechanically unoriginal rehashes of old concepts, over and over. Their industry is 90% Eastern Cowaduties 9% Porn 1% Good Indie Shit
Phoenix Wright and Persona 5
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>softcore porn games
>intellectual freedom

Millennials, please kill yourselves. I think it's best we just skip your generation.
Maybe because their video games are most than interactive movies.

Sometimes it's like the SEGA CD era never stopped, they just went 3D and with better graphics.
Yes anon, everyone should be subscribing to the Patreons of indie early access games on PC! These truly are the only games worth playing!
But glorious Nippon had strong female characters in their vidyas for decades.
There really isn't it just depends on who you work for.
>Companies in the west have their execs fingers in literally everything, while in Japan creators are asked to change some aspect, but the whole is relatively unchanged.

You sound like an expect in Japanese industry. Tell me, how is Silent Hills coming along?
Dank reddit screenshot, my dude. Upvoted.
>I don't read a thread before responding
>Comparing movies to videogames.
Holly mother of god. You're getting cringier by the moment.
The entire JRPG genre is just interactive movies

It's dead Jim
So is the rest of the world. You mean the west makes original games? Bitch please. It's all FPS and shit RPGs.
lol 75% of Persona 5 is watching people talk, and /v/ loves that shit
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I'm fine with female protagonists as long as they actually look like fucking females.
They censor their games you fuck. Especially gore.
Go decompose somewhere else you old reddit faggot.
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How do you feel about games that allow you to have a love-sex relationship with your blood-related loli sister?

Also why didn't you learn Japanese to enjoy them?
Blockbusters and mainstream games both have to appeal to the lowest common denominator in order to succeed. The larger a game's budget is the more money it has to make. The more money it has to make the more people it has to appeal to. Larger budgets lead directly to watered down games for dimwits.
The entire premise of this visual novel was fun.
whats she so fucking smug about

I'm already doing that fampai. I plan on using that as practice in a year or so.
Nah the West is mostly shit too but at the very least you have the occasional AAA IDEA GUY trying to make something grand and new. Japan is dogmatic to the core.
I don't think it's the case of Japan being open with their ideas, but the competition being total faggots instead
>more budget=less quality
????????? What kickstarter fucked you up the ass?
This is retarded. Every major fucking japanese game company considers their games both art and a product just like the west get off the "jap is the best" meme

She's just smiling anon. There's nothing smug about her face. Are you traumatized or just autistic?
Nobody does that you weebshit
Read the post. Having to please more people means you need to aim lower when it comes to depth.
never post again
He's right tho mein triggered senpaitachi
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0% Smug. She just likes to smile.
Japan made Dark Souls, your argument is invalid.
You don't have to samefag. Just call us retards so we can tell you to go back to >>>/reddit/ again.
That's where you fucked up. Indie and AAA games who aim to "please people" will be shit regardless of their budget. A devs goal should be to make a good game, not to whore for sales.
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This is a JRPG.
Not a bad idea. Remember that suffix けむ marks past tense conjecture in old Japanese. It comes up in one sentence in the game and it's likely you wouldn't have studied it by yourself when you play it.
There's literally zero truth to that post. Gaming is a mainstream hobby everyone does and only the most delusional fucks think everyone breaks their controlers. The whole post is also cringy dramatic.
>reddit screenshot
dude FUCK old Japanese.
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>Intellectual freedom

>Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back - A death animation in which Crash is squashed into a stunned head and feet was altered for the Japanese version of the game due to its resemblance to the severed head and shoes left by a serial killer loose in Japan at the time.

>The Last of Us - The Japanese version is also censored, as dismemberment is not possible. A scene where Ellie is imprisoned and witnesses a man cutting a corpse was also censored, specifically the camera's position doesn't show the corpse.

>Resistance: Fall of Man - Blood is removed from the game when played on Japanese consoles. Players can work around this by using an altered save file or copying save data from a North American console.

>Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - Blood is removed from the game when played on a Japanese region PS3.

>No More Heroes - In the versions released in PAL territories and Japan, blood spatter is removed. Decapitation scenes are implied, but not shown. Scenes of missing body parts after having been cut off, are replaced with the same scene, but showing the body parts fully intact.

>No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle - Like No More Heroes, the Japanese version is toned down violence scenes.

>Fallout 3 - The side-quest "The Power of the Atom" was changed in the Japanese version to relieve concerns about depictions of atomic detonation in inhabited areas. In other versions, players are given the option of either defusing, ignoring, or detonating the dormant atomic bomb in the town of Megaton. In the Japanese version, the character Mr. Burke has been taken out of this side quest, making it impossible to detonate the bomb. Also in the Japanese release, the "Fat Man" nuclear catapult weapon was renamed "Nuka Launcher", as the original name was a reference to the bomb used on Nagasaki.

>The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Violence and gore was reduced, and nudity was cut from the game's release in both Japan and the Middle East.
No, it's the other way around 75% of the game is combat.
Unless you have some learning disability and can only read one letter at a time there's no way that game is more than 30% scenes at best.

>lock on
>stamina bar
>not turn based

get the fuck out you stupid motherfucker
Uh.. Dark Souls is a competent ARPG with weird lore? In what way is it new?
Nah, fag, it's great.
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In the US pic related would never be a thing that would be allowed by SJWs.
its old though
Role Playing Game made in Japan.
Stick to ME Andromeda to get your cinematic fill.
I bet it took you three days to clear each palace, and visited Mementos more than once per arc.
It's more quite a lot of western developers have entrenched themselves in the SJW camp, and don't want to make anything that pisses off their friends, rather, they want to makes something that ticks off all their friend's tick boxes. It's not censorship by any organisation, its self censorship.

Plus don't forget that despite being the biggest perverts on this planet there a deep vein of prudishness in english speaking countries, so, for whatever fucked up reason, having sexy characters or protagonists is something that isn't "done" anything that does, is considered unsellable.
>Dark Souls is a competent ARPG
>competent ARPG

It's not an American Role Playing Game you fucking troglodyte.
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>The last of Us
>The Witcher
>Remove blood from foreign games
>Keep blood in native games like Grind Simulator Freedom Ultimate XXX
You don't understand the adult world. Games are a business. When people invest millions into your product they don't give a fuck about your artistic aspirations. The more money is on the line the less risks you can take. Innovation is innately risky. Games with a niche appeal are innately risky.
Yes, exploring mementos for rare gear was fun.
Also playing on hard because normal was the new easy.
>nips don't censor
They censor gore, they censor their fucking porn
>but those don't count

Fucking we-abbos i swear.
It's an ARPG at best, but it really is an Action Adventure game
>Is Japan the only country who makes games that are not severely censored
How to show you don't know shit about Japan in one single paragraph.
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That's because people in western countries are not their main focus. They focus on the target demographic that they have in their country first and then worry about localization later.

>gets called out
>"I-It was made in Japan therefore it's a JRPG!"
>"G-go back to Mass Effect..."

yeah whatever nerd
Not Japans fault that porn is censored. Blame the post World War II occupation by the US.
Great argument
My statements were correct.
Playing on Hard one rainy day was enough to provide all the "rare armor" I needed. Maybe you just suck at video games.
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>Dark Souls
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The reason Persona 5 has a fucking warning at the start about real life events is commentary on Japan's heavy censorship of real life appearances, fucko.

You don't know shit about Japan. Get your head out of the /v/ mentality for a second.
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How many times has Japan saved video games now? 3 or 4?
Yeah, eff those old adults.

Japan has had ever chance to end the needless censorship and they have chosen not to. In fact they're thinking about increasing it.

But no, it's definitely the fault of an occupation that ended 60 years ago.
No. It looks like a wrpg so therefore it is.
Not surprised weebs don't know what an ARPG is seeing how they're all newfags from /r/the_donald and /a/
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>''Japanese games are so shit fuck anime''
>BUT i like Dark Souls and Mario and Zelda and Platinum titles and MGS and Pokemon and Street Fighter and those are pretty much all western games!!!''

Reddit in a nutshell
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>Its another Ameriniggers think Hollywood realistically depicts violence episode.

Let me guess, you think heads get blown up by 9mm rounds?

sure they were perma virgin
Oh big boy with his big boy pants.
whom are you quoting?
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>Let me guess, you think heads get blown up by 9mm rounds?

But they do...? You ever see what happened to Kurt Cobain?
I didn't need it, I was just curious on and grinding mementos once a week or so (ingame) while listening to a podcast was comfy.

Doing a new run on merciless now, the limited XP is great, I no longer overlevel everything.
Said enough.
>fucking westacucks!
>N-n-no I have never played those games, but they must be SJW shit!
>fucking cinematic games! Play a real game like Persona5, GOTY!

>those games
What games?
9mm rounds don't blow your fucking brains out

I'm guessing you don't follow murder/suicide cases or browsed liveleak
The only good western game in the last 5 years has been Doom4.
That's kinda sad.
>I listen to podcasts while playing video games.

Name 10 good western games released in the last 5 years

Before you start. Witcher 3 is not western. It's from Poland which is slav territory.

>How to spot a faggot in one easy post
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>literally aren't allowed to show humans being cut in Japanese video games
>tfw Platinum made MGR
>had to remove human soldiers from the game to avoid censorship issues in Japan

>b-b-but muh intellectual freedom in japan
Nier Automata
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You got to hit the exploder point in the skull. Of course, people with shit aim will always miss that, and therefore think it doesn't exist.
I have 2 screens on my desk, if there's no story related dialogue why not?
I did the same while grinding out 100 hours in BB's chalice dungeons.
>still censors their porn
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you have no idea what you're talking about you actually retarded weeb. figures you'd post Yoko Taro
Check mate.
Name 1 good western game that came out in 2017.
>calls others weebs
>while posting a gif of a japanese man

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that screencap is based and true

this angers the lefturd hillary voter
Prey and Dishonored 2 were both attacked as SJW shit.
game would be viewed in an undertale light on this board if it were western
>you have no idea what you're talking about
Watch out guys, we have an intelectual here.

>T/N: it wasn't actually checkmate
Dark Souls 3
They censor gore, also very few western countries actually censor "important stuff" in vidya, most of the time it's onlt lewd stuff like Japan and extreme gore.
/v/ attacks anything that doesn't explicitly pander to /pol/ as SJW shit
Heads up, souls games are Japanese.
you have such little idea of what you're talking about you are incapable of understanding that you don't even know what you're talking about.
It's already viewed in an undertale light. Enter any Nier thread.
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> intelectual
This idea needs to die. Not just "Japan is the last bastion of free speech" trash, but SJW pandering because a game has a female lead or a black person in it. AAA games are costly, and so they make the cast of characters as broad as possible to make connections with as wide an audience as possible so as to get as many people as can be to spend money on their expensive game. If you're getting triggered at the idea of the main characters in your game looking like the BK Kids Club, maybe that's just your problem.
B-but muh lewd!
I mean in the fact that we wouldn't even allow it to be posted here for how cancerous it is.
Can you stop repeating yourself? You've said the same thing three times in the same sentence.
>Plays like a western rpg
Sorry breh, It's ours now.
>AAA games are costly, and so they make the cast of characters as broad as possible to make connections with as wide an audience as possible

yeah rly worked for battleborn xDDD

when did you retards forget the adage "if you make art for everyone, you make art for no one"?

fucking mongoloid westerner scum
>Sold in United States
>it's """"JAPANESE"""""

/pol/ are the true snowflakes
Nice reddit spacing
>aren't severely censored
You can't show nudity (even though there censorship is so minor on this that it may as well not be there), you can't show underage people drinking alcohol or smoking and I don't think your allowed to show people using illicit drugs at all.
I played the PAL version ov NMH and blood splatter and Decapitation was there.
>Posts an pro-open borders cuck
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>muh POL!!

>reddit spacing CTR meme

hi shareblue!

mad we're eternally winning the culture war?

stay cucked you shrimp dicked little faggot
It's sold all arround the world you fucking degenerate. Fromsoftware, the dev, is Japanese.
Having a black and asian character in a cast of 5 people isnt SJW pandering

Nobody ever said that.
Shit like Mass Effect Andromeda is SJW pandering because everyone keeps spouting tumblrshit all day.
Or Horizon Zero Dawn with every male character there being a dumb idiot and matriarchy being the ruling system

Western games are the best games.
Deal with it.
>call out /pol/ but at the same time try to fit in as best as possible so they see you're not from reddit
You gotta do better than calling out reddit spacing which automatically outs you as redditor...
Why is it available in English then? So much for being from a Japanese dev.
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>/pol/tard uses reddit spacing
really makes me think
The only cuck is you that can't even spell a simple word like intellectual
Nice ellipsis reddit
reminder /v/ would literally rather be friend with reddit over left wing ctr turds like you, cuck
learn what censored means
Well you're either trolling or have severe brain damage. This is your last (You), enjoy it.
>video games
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Unchecked weebism is ruining this board. Yoko Taro is a cancer. what went wrong /v/
>actual reddit screenshots
You have to go back
Invisible, Inc.
NEO Scavenger
Battle Brothers
Total Warhammer
Shovel Knight
Nuclear Throne
Rainbow Six Siege
Dishonored 2
Alien Isolation
Crypt of the Necrodancer
Hallow Knight
Forza Horizon 2 and 3
Rain World
Killer Instinct
Titanfall 2
Europa Universalis IV
Ori and the Blind Forest
Rayman Origins and Legends
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But only /pol/niggers complain about reddit spacing
>Friends with reddit.
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Why is reddit speaking for /v/?
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Neck yourself, westacuck.
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Too bad their games are most of the time graphically outdated but i take that instead of the sjw pandering that western developers deal with, more freedom to the devs!
If Japan is the last bastion of creativity, why do they shit out paedestrian paenty quaests?

>website founded on unchecked weeaboo
>will be destroyed by unchecked weeaboo

it's the circle of life anon. all things must end.

yes we would rather be friends with reddit over left wingers like you

kill yourself

because i've been here for 13 years and i have friends from here long time and we all agree reddit is better than you lefty shills

kill yourself
Singleplayer GOTY 2017
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kill yourself ironic weeb, you've been here a year at the most
try reading the post dumb redditor shareblue cuckold

Pretty sure SomethingAwful put moot in check regularly
Oh Im sorry I'm triggering you. But you better go back to tumblr you fucking shill.
I wish.
Jesus christ fuck off already with your reddit shit.
>been here for 13 years
>have friends
Choose one

which is why he left and made 4chan
The west doesnt have good game designers anymore.
Back in the days you had people like Molyneux or Will Wright who pushed their own ideas.
And later they got fucked over by corporate decisions which pushed both out of the industry - Molyneux into mobile shit and Will Wright into antfarming.
And all those RTS designers who used to make games like Age of Empires or Rise of Nations or Alpha Centauri now either teach chinese or make facebook games.

The west does not allow creativity anymore.
Japan still clinge to their designers because they fear that fans will abandon them. And that fear is justified looking at Konami and how the Kojima fiasco turned out.

But EA and Co. never cared. They only want cheap mexican students to make their games as fast as possible and as cheap as possible. Cut down for the lowest common dominator.
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why do you even try it here any more

you lost the election

you lost the culture war with gamergate

you have nothing, zero, zilch to gain here, redditor

you dont know how to make friends, wow! lefturds are socially brain damaged i guess
There's are difference between liking all that shit and wanting a place to post about it, but it's another to suck nippin penis and yearn for it up your dirty asshole.
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>redditor mad that he gets called out on being a redditor

I have a friend who browses 4chin who might be reading this now. Go the fuck to sleep Jon
If the US had to censor things. I really wish the US would censor gore over ero too.
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I too am glad that we have eight more years of laughing at Drumpfy
Holy shit you're gonna make me puke. >>>>/reddit/
I don't think shotguns and revolvers used 9mm rounds.
Specter of Torment if that counts
They don't you idiot.
Remember to report reddit posters. Mods wont do anything if you dont report the shitposting.
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>US censors degeneracy like pedophilia and allows gore and nudity
>Japan censors gore and nudity and allows degeneracy like pedophilia
>this anon prefers degeneracy

Weebcucks are a mistake.
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>Implying im liberal
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>Serious Sam is indie
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Tears of laughter maybe
>/pol/ literally got tricked by the jew
Gore is degenerate.
Nudity is natural.

Americans are so backwards.
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wrong fucking post, was meant for this cunt >>376793914
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You faggots weebs are so laughable
>severely censored or politically correct?

This doesn't exist you fucking basket case
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Important red pill infograph about black people crime rates
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Not an argument.
Tell me about all those great western games that came out this year.
Have you bought all your season passes?
Kill yourself, pedo.
>Censorship doesn't exist.
I think we live in different dimensions. My bad.
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Because Souls takes away the RNG out of the DnD formula doesn't mean it's not a RPG
That a really well made Pepe on that cake.
The lad has talent.
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The delusion of the left is hilarious.
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Listen todd, I know you're upset that Prey flopped but you can't take it out on people that enjoy good games.
Congratulations. You killed another thread. Just to take your fight to /pol/ for crying out loud.
is that a sans mask??!!?
This thread isn't about politics, fuck off to /pol/. You can jerk and hit eachother there with your political right vs left shit.
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it does seem that gamergate and trump is the chemo for them though

they're dying so fast

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We can continue this but one of us will run out of images at one point and there's a sea of near infinite SJW libtards out there and you only have the same dozen of "Trumptards" that I've seen posted for months.
Just say American you retard
Pretty perceptive of you, young undertaler
I find it hilarious when someone points out shit like this.
The right aren't the ones that say people shouldn't fat shame.
The right aren't the ones that constantly dye their hair stupid colors.
The right aren't the ones that hate on people who work out.
The right aren't the ones that say effeminate traits are great in males and masculine in females
The right aren't the ones that say you can be whatever gender you want to be.

Saying that people who are conservative are uglier than liberals is a joke.
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/v/ is just /pol/'s dumping ground and ocasional console wars, if you want video game discussion see /vg/
>it's another "weebs think nips can do no wrong" episode
Their culture is different so they censor different things and have to be politically correct on different subjects. You're a weeb so you don't really notice or care.
thats one hell goal post
yeah im getting tired of threads turning into this shit
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see >>376796394
fuck of with that shit. all /vg/ is waifu posting and shitposting about waifu posting
Yeah, the strawmen in your head say all those things you dumb nigger. Stop getting your anus annihilated by your own mind.
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Please stop #triggering me with your #hatefacts, shitlord.
You didn't even counter my point.
The average leftist defends everything I pointed out. The fact that they defend all these traits that make a person ugly as sin just shows they're uglier.

There have also been studies that show stronger men tend to be more conservative.
weebs will never learn
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Fuck off. Maybe if I wanted to discuss my waifu and try to get the early posts in the thread dedicated to her.

xth for stinky!!!1
cant you see your posts dont work?

/v/ is 99.9% right wing at this point

you fail
Bullshit. Shut your mouth you don't know anything
>it's in my head
So was Bill Nye saying there are 9545746 genders in my head?

nice ironic weeb image
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Reminder that /pol/ are the most easily triggered snowflakes on the internet and will flock to any thread to defend their precious Cheeto-in-Chief
>Lmao heres a screenshot of stupid [insert political spectrum]! If I post more then I'll win hahaha!
Why on /v/? Why can't you faggots take your political shitflinging to the political board(s)?
If /pol/ is the one triggered, then why are you image dumping randomly on /v/?
Seems like you're the one triggered here, snowflake.
No that's what you want. I have never see anyone post this until now. Typical Redditard propaganda.
Waifus or not I see lightyears more more lore discussions on games like DS and Persona than the garbage "DS1 > DS2 > DS3 >>>>>>>>>> CANCER >>>> BB" hourly threads on /v/.

England devs aren't SJW.
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why is that pic implying he chose one aristocrat over the other, there were more than 2 candidates to pick from, some of which actually do understand his struggle I think
Then google it cuckboi I don't have to spoonfeed your twink ass.
But that's wrong sweetie.
Tons of people on /pol/ are disillusioned with him, though. You're thinking of The_Donald.
The only person that would remotely understand his struggle is the constitution party.
They're honestly my favorite of the top 10 US political parties, but voting for them would be a complete waste. More of a waste than even voting libertarian.
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>4 instant replies of "w-w-w-we're not triggered"
Except /ptg/ most of /pol/ is indifferent to him, barely likes him, or slightly dislikes him now.
It's just that there's a unified hate for leftists and liberals on /pol/, for good reason. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, for now.
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Britbongs are some of the most cucked SJW's on the planet, I say this as a Bongistani myself.
Nice ironic weeb response.
>all these redditards
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Leftists are honestly the most easily triggered people on the planet. I'm considering that all liberals, communists, and socialists are stuck with a mental age of about 12.
at 5% they get fund for their next campaign though
Is Yoko Taro the flag for retarded weebs right now?
>weeb gets BTFO
>immediately goes to "b-b-but niggers"

How amine has brainwashed you
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They average less than .5% per election. It's a shame, they're really the only party left that respects the US constitution.
>says this when Trump literally couldn't handle the bantz and skipped out on the Correspondents' Dinner to get his dick sucked
What are you going to do about it, kafir? :^)
No. Persona 5 is.
>50 threads have to be up at the same thread and each thread has to be dedicated to a different "waifu"
>90% VN 10% jrpg
>Any discussion of the actual game will get you laughed at
so people don't vote for them because people don't vote for them? what a cruel world, this party needs some internet memes as a catalyst to get more votes
>letting your political beliefs be so easily swayed by emotions
are you a woman?
>b-b-but trump!
there's legitimate story and gameplay discussion in those threads, the op post is usually waifu shit though.
So, a JRPG is when the game has RNG bullshit, but it's action adventure when it's got actual skill-based mechanics, even with RPG mechanics like leveling up? What the fuck
Except that they are
Gore for example
Genitals are also evil for no fucking reason
>says this when /pol/s only defense of Trump has ever been "b-b-b-b-b-b--b-b-b-b-b--b-b-but Hillary!"
Do you?
I must be entering the wrong persona threads then.
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The correspondents dinner has been a liberal circlejerk since Clinton.
They used to roast on whoever the president was regardless of affiliation. Then they started being more gentle with Clinton, went super hard on Bush jr, and were more gentle with Obama. They completely defeated the point of the dinner itself.

Not really emotions as much as I realize that the only way we can live in peace is to kill all commies.
The part about liberals / democrats is regarding the fact that they associate libertarians as republicans, so I'm essentially forced to defend republicans while I attack their beliefs.
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>looks down on niggers
>wants to act like a nigger
>says this when /pol/s only defense of Trump
I'm pretty sure the general defense is that he's the president of the united states, as elected by the american democracy. :^)
Wow how asshurt do you have to be to make this image lol
stop lying you pathetic weebshit
those threads are animu shitposting only
Its one of those things where... any political who proposes removing it is committing political suicide because most of the voting base are grouchy old people.
>short for japanese role playing game
>Bloodborne is a role playing game
>it's japanese
>not a JRPG
yeah makes total sense
There is literally nothing wrong with killing communists when they advocate for forcing their political beliefs that always lead to mass starvation on you.
True but the last time genitals were shown in a western game was Dante's Inferno and Japs are still okay with scantily clad women where the west demands they be covered up
The Japanese censorship law is from the Meiji era, idiot.
half the games on that image aren't even japanese
/pol/ is literally worse than horsefuckers since at least those degenerates stay in their containment
So you're fine with liberals on /v/ but you're not fine with conservatives on /v/?
uhhhhh, listen here shitlord. JRPG is a genre defined by Its turnbased mechanic. If It's an action rpg, It's a wrpg. It doesn't matter where it was made. If It's a turn based rpg made by the west but It's good, It's a wrpg as well.
And I can find countless threads full of civil discussion about Final Fantasy of all things on /v/ because I know where to look. Anyone with half a brain cell can gauge the direction a Dark Souls thread will take by the OP.
That's the point you mong
liberals don't spam all boards with half the intensity and fervour of pol faggots
>if you want video game discussion see /vg/
How to spot a newfag in one (1) easy step.
/pol/ =/= conservatives
why does it have a geographical term in its name if it has nothing to do with the place its made in
Nobody gives a shit who is on /v/, just keep it on topic or go back to /pol/ if you want to express your irrelevant political views.
Because the Japanese are very nationalistic people.
This. Discussion about anything on 4chan is best done on boards that don't really specialize in whatever you are discussing.

I've had better vidya conversations on /fit/ than I ever have had on /v/
Females come in all forms and shapes, you talk about sex symbols.
Who gives a shit faggot.
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Factually incorrect.

Out of 49, only 13 are western.
Yes they fucking do.
Half the threads created here that turn into /pol/ threads are anti Trump, which devolves into a shitstorm of course.
The other half is when someone is merely complaining about pandering in a game and then a liberal jumps in and calls them a racist / sexist / bigot etc.

Tumblr has been a HUGE problem since GG on /v/. Tumblr needs to fucking go back.

/pol/ is pretty evenly split between libertarians (and sects such as ancap / minarchy / libertarian capitalist) and fascists (national socialists / far right fascism / national paleocons etc.). The unifying belief however is a conservative belief in individual freedom when it comes to the market. /pol/ is absolutely conservative economically.
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Daily reminder that Trump is just another Zionist shill.
stupid ironic weeb
Which are the only females worth talking about. What are you, gay?
stupid weeb in denial
Why are you so angry anon? Did a bird shit in your morning cereals?
This anti-semite meme needs to stop.
Cat puked on rug.
Okay, has nothing to do with video games though.
And /vg/ has none of those threads, so it wins by default.
Everyone who actually wanted slower longform discussions on /v/ left and only the shitposters, toddlers and console warriors are left here.
I'll vote for a non zionist when we get one, but until that day I will take a conservative zionist over a liberal zionist any day.
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Shekel for your thoughts.
You should puke all over it to mark your territory and show her whos boss.
Take it to a vet.
anyone remember when /v/ wasn't full of underage faggots trying to stir up shit about 'muh sjws' every ten seconds?
I don't hate Arabs though?
Weeb spotted
You can discuss you Chinese cartoons on /r/anime
Square Enix is the OG in censorship, studio control, and targeting demographics that don't actually play video games.
I missed the meme arrow >

They do in fact blow your brains out at the right spot
/v/ didn't complain about anti-SJWs until tumblr invaded post GG.
Oldfag here. /v/ has been complaining about SJWs since 2001.
Every fucking indie dev is commie loving sjw. YOU are part of the problem, hipsterfaggot.

The only ones that left were the tripfags. /vg/ did what years of attempts otherwise did not and got them all off /v/. Anyone that wants circlejerks between small groups of retards that all know each other by name because they all give out a name can go to /vg/. It is the board with the Katawa Shoujo general, after all.
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Who could have possibly posted such a thing?
You're the problem you disgusting phoneposter.
I regularly visit DS and persona generals and there's no tripfags.

Guess some communities are just better and the VN crap you're talking about.
Name 77 games which make fun of the emperor and haven't been banned.
Clueless Weebs: The Thread
real oldfag here 4chan didn't exist in 2001, before /v/ probably was the neo-geo forums, SA, gamefaqs, and other anonymous forums.
And I regularly visit threads on /v/ without shitposting, toddlers and console wars going on. I guess we shouldn't be so quick to resort to extreme generalisations after all.
they always like to depict themselves like this in their fiction, to the point where it's ridiculous
4chan used to go after people for being racist you autist
you stormfag retards flooded the site after 4chan became 'muh edgy anti-sjw club'
Not true op
If you were a real oldfag you'd know that nobody ever gets the year right.
They're really strict with gore, and nudity guarantees their equivalent of an AO rating. They are not free.
I see that shit on the first 5 pages constantly along with Twitter cap threads and /pol/+anti-/pol/ retards, you really need to dig around here to even find something decent.
It's not comparable.
>conservative zionist over a liberal zionist

In all honesty, why? "Liberals" may do some stupid shit, but "conservatives" are already fucking everything up. See Ajit Pai for instance.
4chan birthdays are a thing
Yeah no shit the second largest board is going to have bigger problems with quality control, especially when the janitors are inconsistent and the mods don't give a damn about the board and think their silence is somehow beneficial. But I can still easily find good threads on /v/ without digging around because I actually know what I'm doing.
All these people who use the word "weeb" need to put a bullet in their head. Japanese games are what have been the majority of good games on the market for years, if get triggered so much by a fucking nation you seriously need to change website and eat your own shit elsewhere.
they do it because their American consultants tell them it's necessary to make money.
Liberals can't stop their gun grabbing fantasies, want to progress towards a ban on hate speech, and have draconian marxist economic policies that make us dependent on the government for way too long. Social security has been the biggest shitshow in history, and the left wants to expand it. Marxist policies never work long term.
I've been on 4chan since 1996 and no they're not.
Being a weeb isn't about enjoying Japanese things. It's being delusional about the perceived qualities of Japanese culture. Like thinking they're exceptionally free to express themselves artistically.
Oh, and to add to this, taxation with representation is outright theft. The fact that the left wants taxes on some Americans to go up to 60% is a fucking joke.
Third largest, /v/ hasn't been even close to second for ages.
Back you /r/anime you weebshit degenerate
>I've been here since 1876
>I've never noticed the birthday hats
>Japanese games are what have been the majority of good games on the market for years

this is for delusional fags like you the word "weeb" was invented

now back to sniffing your pansus
Too bad the assblasted western elitist retards that scream "WEEB!!1!" in every single thread don't know that and just call shit whatever game comes from there, regardless of it being good or not.
the US is a pretty weird place.
As far as the law is concerned, it has the strongest freedom of speech in the world.
But in practice, a lot of material is censored, because that allows to make more money as the uneducated masses who get offended at anything controversial are a sizeable part of the market.
Said the weabo
it's melodramatic but technically wrong. People that are really into videogames are known to be the most autistic people on the planet. And we know what can happen if you weaponize autism.
I love how you called others triggered after telling people to kill themselves over a word. The amount of butthurt is off the levels
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Truth hurts.
He's right though.
It's not weebiness, the Japanese have been making good games while the western game industry became just like Hollywood, uninspired sequels and remakes.
We're basically in the 2nd era of FMV games when it comes to western AAA crap.
Tell what are your favourite 5 games of all time
>the western game industry became just like Hollywood, uninspired sequels and remakes.
Name three popular Japanese game franchises that aren't plagued with mediocre or bad sequels and spin-offs.
>but they do it too!!!
Literally a 12yo mind set
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i just like vidya gaems, why yall have to be mad?????
Absolute bullshit, stop lying
I keep forgetting how big /pol/ has become.
No they don't, they're just exploiting a different market.
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No one is mad, it's just internet warriors using video games to try and justify their flame war.
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>doesn't own a PS4, a Switch, watch Animu and frequents /pol/ on a daily basis
/pol/ is almost x2 of what /v/ is, a 400+ post thread there happens in 1-3 hours while I see 400-500 post threads hang around for up to 8 hours on /v/.

Why would I own a system with zero games?
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Sorry, I own a Vita, a Wii U, pirate all my games, read japanese comics, and don't frequent /pol/. Am I close enough?
>Best quality.
What not-Ranma is this?
You can't even understand them because you're all just a bunch of filthy EOPs.
4chan was created in 2003.
Explain Tales of game then
because thats the only kinds of games that you look for
Listen here you fucking retards, genres aren't set in stone and nobody gives a fuck.
If you actually knew about Japanese games you'd know that they'd invent their own genre from scratch.
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That's Ahiru from Princess Tutu.
They always had the chance to scrap the law
But they chose not to
Nips are simply faggots

Are you serious?
Q-quints confirm...?
He's being facetious but conveyed it poorly. WRPG fags used to be rather vocal in their disdain for JRPGs, but when Dark Souls came out and they enjoyed it they had to figure out some way to keep shitting on all JRPGs. The solution was to declare that Dark Souls isn't a JRPG.
dark souls was never a jrpg you retard.

JRPG once referred to RPGs from Japan which tended to be stylistically different from western RPGs at the time. The phrase was originally literal since there were very few exceptions, but eventually the cultures played enough of each others games that you have stuff like Dragon's Dogma (which, while Japanese, plays exactly like western RPGs and nothing like japanese RPGs). The terms evolved to refer to specific kinds of games.

The entire point of genres is to classify games that are similar to one another. Pokemon and Dragon Quest have similar gameplay. If you think Dark Souls has similar gameplay to Pokemon, you have brain problems. Having RPG elements doesn't make a game an RPG. just because you level up in Castlevania SotN doesn't make it a JRPG when it plays almost exactly like metroid.

Also fuck the guy who said WRPG = action RPG, that's just retarded.
futa is a different thing.
And they aren't even futa here.
For the same reason you call something for Irish cuisine despite cooking it at home.
>Half the threads created here that turn into /pol/ threads are anti Trump, which devolves into a shitstorm of course.
Give me 1 (one) example from the archives when this happen.
the anime aesthetic, tropes, archetypes, infect their games like a disease.
that is stupid.
JRPGs started off as copies of WRPGs of the tile, most notably Wizardry.

What distinguishes JRPGs from WRPGs are the depth of the plot and the complexity of their game systems.
Japanese games, as a whole, have more sophisticated stories and more complex systems, while western games have simple systems in sandboxes.
Japan censor a lot of gore heavy games though.

Taro censored Drakengard 3
and a lot of AAA are infected with that awful realistic aesthetic and overly liberal and feminist tropes
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but muh dick
JRPG tells NOTHING about the gameplay. And why in the fuck would it. It literally refers to the origin of said game.
Is it from Japan and it's a RPG? Then it's a fucking JRPG.

After that, you can specify WHAT kind of JRPG it is. Is it ARPG like Dark Souls? Turn based RPG like Final Fantasy 3? SRPG like Disgaea? DRPG like Dungeon Travelers 2? See what I mean?

This same thing applies to WRPGs. You got your TPS's, ARPG's, dungeon crawlers and so on.
If you really want to talk about the GAMEPLAY aspect of a genre, just don't use WRPG/JRPG. use something else.
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Come on, does this not get your duck hard? The brutality?

This game was censored and toned down in Japan
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Fuck you.
They only produce shit with over the top character design, stupid weapons, moeshit artstyle, retarded anime plot, 2006 tier graphics, and without any innovative gameplay mechanics whatsoever.
Fanservice is annoying as fuck, it serves no purpose whatsoever, except to attract horny virgins.
That's funny when JRPGs offer the most variety of different combat systems.
>it's very important for me to specify that this particular RPG is Japanese rather than just saying RPG
why the fuck would ANYONE use "JRPG" at ALL except to refer to gameplay?
People have ALWAYS used "JRPG" to refer to the gameplay differences. These gameplay differences initally corresponded with the country of origin, but no longer do.

Literally the only people who have any problem with this are the people who get confused that not all JRPGs are japanese, and not all japanese RPGs are "JRPGs", a term which refers to the gameplay of pokemon, dragon quest, phantasy star, wild arms, etc.

You can grow a tomato in your back yard but if you make a pizza with it you're making an Italian dish. No part of the pizza is Italian, but the recipe is.

Food analogies.
>Intellectual freedom
>We have boobies!
Pffft, weebs are a joke.
His fans are pretty obnoxious.
Far more censorship than most of the world
Gore and nudity are heavily censored
Been there done that.
It's either hack'n'slash either final fantasy style turn-based mechanics from 1987.
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What about all games that are clearly JRPGs but don't have turn based combat systems?

Is Tales of series NOT a JRPG? What about stuff like FF7:Crisis Core? Kingdom Hearts? Final Fantasy Type-0?`Star Ocean? Ar Tonelico 3 and maybe even 2? What are these games if not JRPGs?
is that a description of modern american games? sure sounds like one
the fundamental distinction is that the Japanese have different sensibilities, and that you can feel in their work their soul and dedication.
>clearly JRPGs
Literally all the games you listed are action RPGs, except old entries of star ocean which are JRPGs
literally JRPG refers to gameplay and is (and always has been) basically synonymous with turn based RPG
American pizza is nothing like Italian pizza.
that's a definition you invented, JRPGs was used to refer to storytelling, not turn-based or other mechanics.
This is a list of games that people consider JRPGs. They are also divided to the "main type of genre" they belong to.

I can give more examples of collective agreement to what is considered a JRPG or not and they all include the series I have listed. I'm willing to change my view if you provide me evidence that people don't consider these to be JRPGs.
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>tales isn't a JRPG

I guess raidou games aren't too
>You can grow a tomato in your back yard but if you make a pizza with it you're making an Italian dish. No part of the pizza is Italian, but the recipe is.
Then every JRPG would be a WRPG since they all derive from Garriot's games.
They care about style far more than practicality and realism in most cases, but that has always been the case with Japan vs US.
>JRPGs have more sophisticated stories

Is this nigger serious?
>Best quality
>Watch Dogs is a better game than Factorio
Wew lad.
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there is no single thing that JRPG ever referred to. JRPGs in the 90's were so samey that JRPG was a blanket term for 50 little things rather than any big thing. Shit like stats, HP, level up's, story progression, the mechanics of overworlds and towns and talking, cutscenes. Same with WRPG, although the WRPG blanket obviously refers to different tropes.

That's why people always say "with RPG elements" when a game has, say, level ups, or stats, or a level up system.

Literally just about every single game is an RPG, because you're always taking on a role. Is Mario a JRPG because it's Japanese and you take on the role of Mario? That kind of defeats the purpose of even having a genre when it refers to literally all video games.
... Which is why JRPG and WRPG refer to gameplay.

JRPG is a subgenre of RPG in the same way that SRPG and action RPG are. That is a list of Japanese Role Playing Games in the literal sense, not a list of JRPGs.
>pic related
There used to be exceptions towards that, until those said games got anime'd up in their later releases
google "famous JRPGs" or the like and look at the results and you'll realize it's used as a genre for a very particular type of game.
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That's the least you could expect from a country that got nuked twice and heavily reformed by a foreign superpower. There's a reason it's one of the two countries where people play baseball.
Shame that all of Russian games scene was reduced to just Ice-pick Lodge, they don't have SJW problem.
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>are not severely censored
gore and sex there are so heavily censored there you think it was Christian manga the country.
I'll take 3% of the country having a triggered meltdown that I watch porn then live in a country where censored bits and black bars over genitalia is on everything.
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Unironically I'd play Watch dogs rather than indie shit
>ITT weebs (who should be shot, hanged and burned) talk out of their asses about shit they know nothing about
Fake News
Name one jap games that redpills on jew/black/Asian invasion on white lands.
Well, steam is selling literal hentai games and Hatred came out uncensored, so no.
we japanese are a bunch of autists.
we forbid naked women with no black bar, but as long as you have a super slight bar on the clit, you are free to show it.
a rule is a rule, but we don't give a fuck about morals behind it.
>robot with no reproductive organs made by an organization who lost practically all knowledge of serial reproduction
>She's a sex symbol!!!!

How insecure can you be and ashamed of your unattractiveness can you be?
all women should be sex symbols.
>dude intellectual freedom lmao
>how dare you design a character that isn't based on a predefined template
At least try to hide your intellectual dishonesty
>skip your generation

You do realize that the current generation is Z and Millenial was before that? Either you are Z (and probably not old enough to post here) or an idiot Millenial who doesn't know what Millenials are
Wut? He merely stated a preference. The rest of your post was your own doing(or your own autism.)
Having a preference has nothing to do with intellectual freedom.
Grow up.
Half the people use it to refer to those born after 2000 and the rest use it for Gen Y after suddenly declaring than name a placeholder.
Stating all should be x is more than simply saying I prefer x.
sexier women make my dick happier.
I'm playing games for my happiness.
fuck the entire concept of intellectuality.
but I have a self-centered personality.
my preference should be the world's preference.
While its true that he puts a heavier emphasis on his preference than others. Its still different from intellectual freedom.
He can simply choose not to support the intellectual freedom of others.
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No, because neither do Brazil, China or Slavs.

They're the Fuckawesome Four.
Hmmm>>376809605 >>376809502
You can do whatever you want in the West if you don't give a shit. Its not like its against the law, just some landwhales will complain.
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Japan is starting to head towards libcuck ways with games like Persona 5 and devs such as Kojima who is bluepilled as fuck.
You can move there, cucklet
>le Japanese redpill
You do know that people like Kojima and Miyazaki are basically closet socialist right?
Which is probably the ONLY good thing I could point out from Japanese Culture.
Why would I want to move there?
I thought Kojima was just straight up anarchist
lol helping people in a warzon

what a cuck
What the fuck is "Reddit spacing" meme that has popped up? Is this the new way to declare in a thread that you're a retard?
Nice try Alla Akubar, but you can't fool anyone.


I wasn't sure about Kojima until after MGS3, because before his games were pretty moderate, but when it got to Peace Walker it was obvious he was a libcuck with his masturbation of Che throughout the game.

Also other games I want to mention went retard such as Valkyrie Chronicles and Akiba Trip. The first games were fine, but the second games went completely different.
I thought showing dismemberment was fine but they get touchy if it shows decapitation?
I see. You're an Assad fanboy.
>The world is only allowed to be black or white.
Go inhale a bottle of sarin, faggot. I know you're still hiding some under your bed.
How could Assad even have Sarin?
Didn't Obama's goons say that Assad didn't have any more chemical weapons and they destroyed the facilities to make them?
It'd take well over a year to remake that kind of facility...

Did Obama lie?
Why would he lie about destroying Assad's chemical weapon capability?

I think you're secretly trying to undermine Obama's legacy.
Gen Z is 1995 ~ 96 onwards.
I'm actually a White nationalist that subscribes to NatSoc. Should just wipe out every sandnigger and kike in the middle east and be taken over by Whites, but Trump isn't a White supremacy.(sadly)
Trump is literally bombing both sides in the Syria. It's pretty obvious what his endgame is.
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damn straight
Kek. His point about other cultures making their own games is so true. If you want a medieval Era game based on black people or Arabs why not make it?
I don't follow politics. What's his endgame?
Exactly what the previous poster proposed. US and Russia steamroll the Middle East and divide up the oil. They are already bombing every city out of existence.

>JRPG doesn't mean Japanese Role Playing Game

What timeline are we on again?
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>I have never played those games, but they must be SJW shit!
>You have waste your money to confirm weather a game is SJW westrash or not
Shhiieet. That's not good. I mean, if Russia wants to do it, fine by me it's their problem, but USA get involved YET AGAIN in ME? I thought Trump was supposed to be an isolationist.
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>SJW games get accused of being SJW games

No way, you don't say
Trump's proposed budget added $54 billion to defense spending. The military industrial complex always wins.
Ah, but I already expected that, he constantly said on his campaign that the army has old shit and needs to be rebuilt.
And Mexico was going to pay for it, right?

Japan is the only one who knows how to make games. Period.

You can feel there is genuine passion behind the project and instead of your average nu male san fran dev who just got into the industry to try to pull off the next succesful meme game for the sake of money only.

Besides, japanese devs actually know how to develop gameplay, whereas the western ones just keep making the same clunky garbage with wonky hitboxes, wonky movesets, no complexity whatsoever and only a shitty generic story as its major selling point. And don't forget graphics in a completely stale and non-interactive world in a game that is developed solely for the purpose of milking your wallet dry.

Another thing is that jap devs know that games are meant first and foremost to be entertaining, so they don't take themselves seriously. They have freedom to do cheesy joke stuff just for the sake of it being fun, i.e. the ufos in Silent Hill, stuff like that. Now when it comes to your average western dogshit developer, you can smell the pretentiousness from a fucking mile away. Take Naughty Dog for example, I simply can't help but roll my eyes everytime I see Neil Druckmann speaking as if he was the hottest shit in the world in a completely self-righteous auto-fellating way.

Jap devs aren't afraid to experiment, while western devs only go for that safe route to maximize sales by chasing an already established audience from another game and/or hollywood movies.
>You can feel there is genuine passion behind the project

Is this what you say to yourself when you give your 2B figurine the hot glue?
Nah, it's what I do when I'm watching some epic scripted event in Uncharted after performing a QTE.
A lot of people feel that way. That's why Uncharted is so popular.
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I like how you just ignore all the western RPG-developers and just pretend they don't exist or feel any passion for their projects.
>That's why Uncharted is so popular.

Would be strange otherwise, since it hits all the scores the lowest common denominator likes.


Oh you mean those who are long buried whose great games are stuff from the 90s and early 2000s at the very best, while nowadays the "great" wrpgs are soap opera cinematic movies like Witcher 3 where gameplay isn't even a factor they took in consideration and where you don't have any meaningful agency whatsoever over the story?
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name 10

What does this even mean? You're free to make whatever game you want, nobody is censoring you. Go play Hatred or Angry Goy you edgy teenager.
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>while western devs only go for that safe route to maximize sales by chasing an already established audience
Is this why most western doujins are always (((Ongoing))) but Japs always publish finished works?
CDProjekt, Obsidian, Harebrained Schemes, Larian, Overhype, Logic Artists, Stygian, Mimimi, Stoic and I dare say Arkane
Niche market isn't a dirty phrase over there
And their birthrate has crashed.

Really makes you think.
you think there's something wrong with a country being pro itself? are countries only allowed to hate themselves according to you?
Only Japan can be Japan
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