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How often do you take breaks when playing vidya?

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How often do you take breaks when playing vidya?
"LONG" stream today, boys.

Honestly, I barely know why I watch him anymore. Are there any other fun semi-popular streamers who play cancer music and stream at good EU hours?
depends on what game, but usually if im playing a match based game i play about 3-4 before taking a walk around my house or playing with my cats on my days off
I go to the gym 5 days a week anon I'm fine
Looks like a peaceful way to go. I should really begin taking fewer breaks.
usually every hour or so, I cant fucking sit down for long, I have to move around the house for a bit or do something else for a few minutes at least.

But I do binge play sometimes 3-6 hours straight.
what a shitty way to go

i usually take a break every three hours or less
If I'm playing some shit that absorbs you into doing nothing for hours like civ or mount and blade or building settlements in Fallout 4 then I'll start around 6 and won't realize that 8 hours have passed.

If I'm doing some competitive game like a fps then I take breaks when I get mad. I only play video games for maybe 48 hours a month though.
At least every 5 hours to get a drink, go to the bathroom, tend to my pets, and/or just stretch my legs.
I drink a lot of water so I have to get up to pee every now and then. Also, a man's gotta eat so every 3-4 hours I take a longer break to make some food. So 4 hours is the absolute maximum.
>swedish man

he knows he's doomed anyways.
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This is what happens when you don't sleep. Your brain and heart go kapoot.

How many hours of sleep do you get per night /v/? The recommended amount is 8 hours for a healthy adult.
Usually 2-3 weeks of break in between games.
Last break I took was 6 months though.
I slept 14 hours last night, but I had a couple nights where I got like 5 hours of sleep due to stress. Usually I sleep 8-9 hours but depression medicine makes me sleep for like 10. Less than that and I feel tired the whole day.
neet life is ruff
>A man escapes modern Sweden by gaming
Doesnt sound so bad.
Doesn't your body at some point begin screaming, "this is getting fucked and you should stop for at least a little bit"? Like how could you have such little self awareness for what the fuck is happening to yourself.
Every friday from 6 pm to midnight 2 am without a pause (maybe toilet)
Saturday and sunday like 14hours each (also with 3 meals that take like 10 minutes each inbetween). Normal behaviour since I was 16 years old. Doing this for nearly 12 years now.
Jeez these numbers, 10, 12, 14, 16 this comes off as a joke but it isn't.
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>Forsen is dead

Might as well be considering how far he has fallen from grace on Twitch
no fucking wonder, if i lived there i'd want to kill myself too
I searched his name and he's still alive.
What a fucking casual
I can barely stand to play anything for more than a few minutes.
it does
People dont care
So do these guys just never get up to pee, get a glass of water or a snack? I don't know how you could possibly do that for a whole day.
this is what happens when you don't eat drink, move every so often, and sleep.

that said i've done 2 and 1/2 day runs before and im not dead. probably because I pause to eat drink etc now and then like a sane human being.
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I generally get anywhere between 4-6 hours of sleep a night.
Whenever i have to study, eat, work, or go out with people

Or when i feel like playing an instrument
What happened?
>went from SC2 to fucking Hearthstone
he's alive wtf
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>played video games for 3 hours yesterday
that was a really long session. What was I thinking?
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8-12 hours if insomnia does not fuck me over which happens rarely

Most of the time 4 to 6 hours
6-9 hours and 7-12 on the weekends.
Occasionally sleep for 13 but that shit gives me a headache.
Pulmonary embolisms are a bitch!
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No breaks besides when I go to the bathroom or to get food or walk my dog.
But I work out 5 times a week and I'm outside all day at work, so it evens out.
I hope.
>Fake af
OP is a fag
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>dude haha let's do a 72 hour stream for CHARITY!

why are people so fucking retarded?
I did too, what a coincidence!
Except I was fapping instead.
Its a joke you cunt
At least loli is legal unlike murica.
So what *specifically* killed him? I read about all these deaths from gaming and I just can't figure out what is killing these people
>Dying over Hearthstone
Now that's just shameful.
8 1/2 hours, just about.
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You seem to have mixed up the countries.
>stand up
>leave your room
>ride bike to get some food
Jim Fixx ran every day of his life. Died prematurely.
The gym was basically Zyzz home. Died prematurely.
Keith Richards, one of the greatest guitarist ever, had more sex than there are women in Sweden, any given day he was alive was 10 times more interesting than your entire life. Did every drug known to man, had every STD you can think of, and drank the moment he woke up until he passed out at night, never set a foot in a gym let alone exercised., Lived to 73.

If the grim reaper got your name, you're going to fold no matter what.
Get rekt, retard.
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>Legal Loli
I've got some bad news for you. Why don't you have a seat over there?
Probation is not the same as getting put on the sex offender registry.
5 hours do to me having internet addict, I thunk I might have brain damage from my years of sleep deprivation.
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>he thinks any europeans have freedom of expression
i go to bed at midnight and wake up shortly before 10am. i don't deviate from this by more than 15 minutes in either direction except in extreme circumstances.
however i don't always fall asleep right away and sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep
as a result i usually get at least 8.5 unless i'm having sleep trouble.
There's always some fatass that makes a point to write this same shit in response to anyone who has confidence in exercise.
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>Average 20-30k viewers on Hearthstone
>Strong fanbase creating content for him that gets played on plugDJ
>Actually playing well
>Slowly starts hating Hearthstone, gets salty and plays like shit
>PlugDJ dies, nobody bothers making OC and just spams gachi
>Starts fucking around on stream more and more instead of playing, chatting with girls and playing fotm streamerbait games
>Finally gets a girl to live with him
>Viewerbase shrinks to average 5k

I don't blame him for hating Hearthstone, but he had a good thing going and he fucked up.
Keith Richards is still alive
Freedom of express is an illusion. When my cousins tried to express their anger over America by bombing the Boston marathon they were arrested.
>ruling does not mean similar images are allowed
yeh he sure got rekt
>the gym was Zyzz home

Yeah totally had nothing to do with the horse steroids.
Pretty sure that's the reason you have such a colossal Muslim problem.
And it's always americans
I wish I'd die playing videogames
True enough. But at least in the US you usually get away with it as long as you're not killing people in the process.
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>Keith Richards
>Died at 73

....but he's still very much alive
I'm sure he's much happier being a variety streamer with 5k viewers than he was being Hearthstone only with 20k

5k is still a fuckton of viewers and he's easily making 6 figures.

He died of despair.
Not because video games
3 hours, at most 5
I know I'll die young
The point wasn't the you shouldn't take care of your body dumbass, it's that people fucking die no matter what. There are NO GUARANTEES IN LIFE even if you're a health nut living inside a plastic bubble.
I don't understand
Fixx didn't start running until his 30s
>very much alive

That's being a bit generous.
lol, that guy was only allowed to own those because he's an "expert on japanese culture"
This is bro science at it's worst.

If you force yourself awake long enough your body forces you to sleep. It gets too a point where there's nothing you can do to stop the sleep from happening.

What these people are dying from is blood clots forming in their legs and moving to their hearts.
ok he's still showing signs of life then
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>i don't understand how biology or statistics work: the post
living a healthy lifestyle is going to increase your chances of living to an old age, it's also going to increase your quality of life for the duration
living an unhealthy or dangerous lifestyle is going to dramatically increase your chances of dying at a much younger age and if you're living an unhealthy lifestyle it will make you feel miserable for the duration
yes, some people are going to do everything right and still die young, but that happens much less frequently than for people who don't exercise a bit of common sense
hey /v/, how do i know if i have a blood clot?
what if you're treading water in a pool? Surely it's physically impossible to fall asleep then no matter how tired you are
Attempt diet and exercise perhaps.
10 to 12 hours per night.
Feels good
you don't
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Now it's only missing the "dead or sleeping" edit
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That's the first time I've ever seen the words "Swedish man" and "straight" in the same headline.
what kind of fucking counter is this? In your autistic world of treading water for days you'd get so exhausted you'd drown long before you needed to sleep.
Bringing in statistics into an argument is a fancy way of saying you're talking about of your own ass. Now excuse me while I fucking smoke a pack of cigarette just to spite you, you fucking little smug weasel.
How even?

Like I'm 30 and have done many shitty things from fast food to drugs to long gay men, and I'm alive while thing young swede is dead.
eventually you'll begin to experience microsleep, wherein you'll fall asleep for a fraction of a second until your face touches the water and your reflexes knock you back awake
after long enough one of your systems is going to fail, whether it be your muscles, your brain, your cns, or something else. and then you die
Isn't Forsen Norwegian?
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i am so beyond confused by this
I've fallen asleep in a pool. Lifeguard thought I drowned, but I was just lying there floating on my back snoring away. Shit was funny yo.

that was clearly not the intent of the post
This. He might not have as many concurrent viewers but he still gets a shit ton of donations and subscriptions

did you drop out of school or something?
Any schlong streamers on these twitch sites?
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You still sit on a bike.
its like they do it on purpose
approximately every two hours, which is usually when i start to want to do something else unless i'm having a really, really good time
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>when you sleep 8 hours but still feel exhausted due to a shitty bed
Zyzz died because he was doped up on steroids and had the great idea of sitting in a sauna.

>for days straight

I'm surprised Swedes can keep anything straight anymore
I want to deprive myself of sleep long enough to hove those sick ass hallucinations
How do you play Hearthstone days straight? I get bored after 30 minutes.
It feels like the more sleep you get, the more tired you feel after waking up. Probably due to getting a lot of deep sleep. Whereas I'll sleep for 6 hours and feel awake and energetic, only to crash a bit later.
I've had an experience with microsleep.

We were coming back from europe and we had been up for nearly 24 hours and I was the one who then had to drive us an hour back home from the airport at 2am.

It was terrifying. My body was forcing microsleep and for moments I'd black out then come back. The only way I made it was knowing if I feel asleep everyone in the car died. I was literally fighting for everyone's lives in the driver seat for an hour straight while my body did everything to shut me down and make me sleep.

When we finally got home everyone said thanks for driving but they had no idea how fucking pissed I was that I just had to go through that. I swear only the tiny bursts of adrenaline I got when I realized I just microslept is what kept everyone living.
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>tfw Forsen is the only streamer you've ever donated to
>mfw scratching my leg
Sleep deprived faps are the best shit ever.
Sometimes I miss shift work.
I can't only game for 2-3 hours at a time max. I'm fidgety the entire time anyway
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>donating to Twitch streamers
Get checked for Sleep Apnea. Contrary to popular belief it doesn't just occur with obese people.
you are insanely stupid
why didn't you just pull over into a parking lot or something and finish driving in the morning?
>Not donating so you can play cancerous songs over the stream
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5-6 during the week, 11-12 on the weekend. I don't know if it's healthy or not.
You need to be 18+ to post here, son
there are much safer ways to induce hallucinations, sleep deprivation is super bad for you
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>tfw getting so tired everything feels like soft cotton you really shouldn't have entered but you did anyways so might as well make the best of it
But do you still feel rested when you get out of bed?
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>24-year-old man
>tfw you're 26 and it still feels odd to be reminded you're technically an adult
Just pull over what the fuck
if i actually sleep the whole time i do
if i wake up in the middle of the night, i usually feel worse
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Anybody feel like catching up on sleep is detrimental to your productivity especially when you're going on a streak?

I feel like when I have time, and I do catch up on sleep, I wake up feeling like I hit a hard reset on everything - my motivations, my thoughts and ideas the past couple days, and of course my fears and anxieties too.
I just kind of lull around, eating, walking, drinking coffee while leisurely browsing 4chan. It's really hard to get into that hardwired state again.

I don't really like it, and yet they say you need 8 hours of sleep to function.

Between 6-8. More then 8 and im groggy for hours.
When I need to piss/shit or microwave a hot pocket. I'm a neet so I pretty much game from the moment I wake up till I go to sleep.
Been doing it for a decade
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>tfw feels like I was in highschool just yesterday
>tfw it's been already been 12 years since I left
>catching up on sleep is detrimental to your productivity especially when you're going on a streak?
please hit puberty
I'm 24. Like most people on this board.
They need to do something somewhat novel to bring in viewers. They're attentionwhores at best.
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I feel that way but when I masturbate.
>tfw any store or restaurant is a 15 minute drive away

I envy city fags being in walking or biking distance of anything they could want
of course it is, mudslimes love their kids!
you're probably inconsistent with your sleep schedule
if you keep things consistent, your brain will grow accustomed to it and it'll feel a lot more natural
Was gonna mention this too but I forgot - I am the same. It's why I hesitate to beat the meat.
Yup. Most ill conceived and planned part of the trip. You forget how exhausting long travel is. Everyone was asleep in the car while I drove so I couldn't even play loud music. I drove in silence. It was legit one of the stupidest and hardest things I've ever done.
>Go to school
>Get off a 12 hour shift
>Awake for 20+ hours at that point, finally get home
>Came the hardest I have in years, then slept for 8 hours

It was amazing.
When I feel bored, I stop for a few hours and just read posts or draw. I try to play as minimalist as possible, doing just what I want to do in a game unless it's brand new, in which I'll binge until I get tired and stop playing for the day.

I don't risk stupid shit like the guy in OP. He died doing what he loved; I survived to continue doing what I love.
>Depression medicine

I don't understand you people, do these pills actually work? Aren't you still depressed?
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>when children talking to their mothers as you walk past refer to you as that "big man"
>I've never worked over-night shifts or had anything moderately stressful to deal with: the post
If everyone is sleeping then that's even more reason to pull over
>tfw literally can't be arsed to get hands on hallucinogens again
what do I need my health for anyways
not sleeping really tends to do that to people.
>>tfw literally can't be arsed to get hands on hallucinogens again
try sensory deprivation
there are places you can go with sensory dep tanks and that can induce hallucinations
I actually get this bored/tired feeling after playing games for an hour or two. That's not to say I dont like the games I'm playing but taking a break to let your mind rest is good.
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>tfw kids call you "sir"
I don't even look old man what the fuck. Is it the beard?
Have done both amigo. But keep >implying to make yourself feel better.
i should add it's the same kind of hallucination you get with sleeping, too. your brain's more or less doing the same thing, but it's way less harmful to your health and obviously you don't feel tired as a result.
I can function just fine on 5-8 hours of sleep...
>I can't read
In this case "similar images" apply to the "realistic image" itself. Lolis pictures are not "realistics". GET FUCKED.
Sleeping inconsistently decreases your quality of sleep and therefore increases your need for it.
If you stay in a regular rhythm you'll literally get more done in less time even while sleeping.
with sleep deprivation, rather
>not tucking your thumb in your belt and replying with "For you"
come on now, anon.
nice meme
only time i ever call someone sir is if they look 60+ or if they're being a piece of shit to me on the phone (i work in a call center)
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Microsleep is fucking awful.
I had it so bad at one point it would affect me while taking exams, having conversations, or in the middle of typing up notes during lectures.
To this day I'm surprised I didn't collapse from exhaustion more often through college.
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As little as possible because my dreams are always happy and I'm tired of waking up feeling miserable after spending a good 8 hours in bliss
>kids calling you sir
i wish ,i can only imagine the horror when Americans come to UK Scotland in particular and the best curtsy you can expect from the youth is they call you cunt
Ok. Think its better if I just call it quits every night at a set time.

Push ups
Bicep curls
Planks, front and side
Dumbbell rows
i have a little thing that shoots off a reminder 15 minutes in advance
it's amazing how often the time gets away from me and i don't notice how late it is
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>an Hearthstone
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>Start keeping a dream journal so I can remember my dreams better
>Wake up crying twice in a week
>Stop updating journal
They are happy pills so yea obviously.
Hey you

Stop pretending to be retarded

It's not any better than actually being retarded, despite what you may think
Work in average 3 hours/day
Sleep in average 6 hours/day
Walk dog, clean house, cook for wife 2 hours/day
The rest of my time goes into gaming, only taking a break because my dog needs me. So that's like 12 hours of gaming every day, Longest without break 6 hours~ish
The reaper just tearing me from this earth in an instant would be a blessing.
As long as your aware your reducing your lifespan. Their is a very small percentage of the population that can function just fine like that though.
>dying will you play some shitty ((virtual)) cuck card game

His mother is probably getting banged by muhamed just to get over her cuckold loser son.
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How many days did this guy play for before succumbing? Those asians have set some high records.
I play video games all day but I sleep well enough and I do alternating star jumps and jogging on the spot for about 10 minutes a day (working on doing it for longer). Am I gonna be ok, /v/?
>So that's like 12 hours of gaming every day
you need to be over 18 to post here
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The longest gaming session i had was 18 hours, i only took breaks to eat or piss or shit
You're a dumb asshole and I hope your "friends" know how close you were to murdering them for literally NO REASON.
I sleep usually 6.5-7 hrs a night. Sometimes 8 at a push, depending on how tired I am. Can't really sleep any more or less to be honest, regardless of it being a day off or not.
>died playing hearthstone

now that's the tragic part
8 is the average. Some sleep longer, some shorter.

I average 7 hours of sleep.
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My problem is I don't look 26 so it's hard for me to even perceive myself as an "adult"
and nothing of value was lost
Usually one of them works but it's different for most people which one.
6-7 hours
Enough for me
Not even once.
I run 3-4 km every other day, and take breaks to eat or drink a cup of coffee 2-3 times a day.
Yeah it sucks, and I'm more of a night person too but life won't allow it.
Lack of sleep. Plain and simple. The brain and heart repair during our sleep.
Exhaustion is a real thing that can and will kill you, even if you're not explicitly working hard.
We sleep every day for a reason.
Any slavic country that isn't Belaruse doesn't care if you pirate, look at loli or just about anything else though. Unless by Europe you mean West.
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How do you even get a clot? Do they literally not MOVE at all. Like peeing? Getting a drink? Never tap their legs or anything?

They must be fat fucks desu.
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There's an Indian, chip shop, cafe and TWO normal every day shops under one minute from me.

City lyfe
Do you yawn? Do you have any bags under your eyes? Do you not feel tired? I'm sure an active vs sedimentary lifestyle plays into that too.
also a chinese take away
i prefer to be a night person as well but my job is 11am to 8pm, so i have to be up during the day
it could be worse but i'd still rather be active during the night hours. but then the bank's only open during the day and most stores are too, so it'd be inconvenient in its own ways i guess.
Diet and quality of food affects it. You don't necessarily have to get fat.
I only ever watched Forsen highlight vids on YT, did he play WoW as a kid and moved to HS? or did he just play HS?
>Keith Richards
>Dead at 73
Made me check. Looking at the guy, I'm surprised he still manages to go up on stage. I guess his name got lost in the reaper's list.
lol ägd
The convenience is not worth all the people. People are shit and having to live in an area where millions of people are condensed is fucking awful.
Ummm so how can you die from just sitting hahaha asking for a friend
>You can die at any given time without any forewarning
>It's going to be painful and scary
5-7 hours. On a good night. Which almost never happens. I've had insomnia since infancy.
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I sleep 13-17hrs a day.
Wait, did that cancerous fuck actually die?
>>376623719 Any medics in here who can explain why this happens? Did he forget to eat drink or sleep? Even if he did surely you can survive at least a week like that. Its fucming scary how a body can just pack in that for no reason
It's only going to be painful once, and you don't have to deal with the aftereffects of it anyway.
But I felt like my brain stopped evolving past 12
Honest question, are you 12 years old?
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chickenlegsen OMEGALUL
What's your job anon?

> play it cool

Heh, because his body is literally cold and dead.
>go early to bed
>6 hours later i need to pee
>cant sleep again
I hate this shit
On average? About 7-13.

I once did about 35 hours once
>tfw I used to experience microsleep for 45-60 minutes almost everyday when driving home from work, in traffic
I'd get around 4-7 hours of sleep a day. This was 3 years ago. I'm trying to get at least 7 hours of sleep now though
>using a picture of a man's corpse where it lay
Internet journalism sure is classy
need a gif of Nani doing the tongue flicking thing
He just sits there and spouts the same stale memes because his chat goes so fast he can't interact.

"You know what I'm saiyan, super saiyan?"
Every hour or two depending on the game.
Depends when I go to sleep which is fucking weird
>5pm-7pm wake up around 1am
>8pm-9pm wake up around 5am
>Anything past 10pm
>12 or more hours of sleep
>tfw you cant even tell if OP is true or fake news
It was fine when he was just I don't know kev'ing every few minutes, but now it actually seems like he has some kind of severe autism and can only interact with the world through in-jokes only he understands.

Even when he's out in public or with his GF, he'll just start spouting memes. You'd think she'd tell him to cut that shit out and behave like an adult, but I guess the money is too good.
I don't play more than a 2-3 hours at a time. I could much longer when I was younger but that was due to the games being much more interesting.
Anywhere between 6-10 hours
It's really wonky in the spring/summer because my internal alarm clock always gets me up around 6:30-7.
I don't know about those are fags, but Zyzz died early because he was a steroid abuser. Nigger was bound to die imminently.
Reminder to at least take a 1/2-1 hour walk everyday if you want to get high quality sleep every night. If you always need to sleep more than 9 hours, it likely means your sleep is low quality. Light physical activity in the day time will reduce the amount of time you need to sleep, while helping you wake up feeling refreshed.
zyzz did cocaine and other stimulants


Fucking hell how obsessed with a country do you have to be to randomly namedrop it out of the blue in a /v/ thread. Put your obsession and thoughts into a job or hobby, not landmasses
Fap napping is the best
Oh I take plenty of breaks. I'll play for an hour or two, shitpost for another hour or two, fap for an hour, play for another hour or two, then eat and shower and poopy and peepee, then fap for an hour then shitpost, etc. I take constant breaks.
How the FUCK do you play games for days straight?

When I was a kid I used to go to LAN parties and sometimes stayed up 24+ hours, but every time I just passed out at my desk. Even as an adult I haven't made it past 48 hours.
I had to check
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From midnight to 11 A.M. then i take a nap from 1P.M. to 4P.M. so roughly i sleep 14 hours per day.
That bitch has got some F-I-I-I-I-I-NE dick sucking lips.

Usually there will be swelling and all that shit, unless you have it running in your family it's very unlikely to get them randomly.

When you read about deaths like that, it's usually long 12hours+ sessions, cold air, not eating, maybe some previous existing diseases.
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Who was in the wrong here?
Sweden is just really a horrible, horrible country. Possibly the worst in europe. Greece is better.
Left guy looks like he's insane, so I guess he's wrong.
Darwin here.

its cause forsen is from Sweden
5-6 weekdays
8-10 weekends
Run 4-6 miles on a daily basis, except for Sundays every now and then.

Besides, I can't stand to play more than 3-4 hours consecutively.
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>tfw you smoke too much weed for your dreams to be coherent
What did i say that was dumb?
>donating to e-bums
low class
it's because you don't have the willpower, anon
Quit that shit.
1 AM - 9 AM every day for the past 6 months
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>The gym was basically Zyzz home. Died prematurely.

It totally had absolutely nothing to with him probably having an enlarged heart due to insane steroid abuse at a very young age.
thats easy, people use coffee, even at lan party that was common but they are not retarded and have to make money and stay up for days lol
To be fair, Sweden is for the most part a pretty nice country to live in. The problems caused by immigrants are contained to the ghettos they live in and the immediate vicinity of those areas.
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>Lived to 73
You wrote that as if he died.
Constantly. I only play single player and I have other hobbies so after a few hours I'm usually ready for something else.
Forsen's more likely to die to liver failure than playing too much vidya.
Sometimes 3-7 hours depending on how freaked out I am
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I still go to plug.dj
Fucking dead m8...I miss everyone
This, also doesn't seem to overspend it on stupid shit like other streamers.

I still watch from time to time for gachi
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>so roughly i sleep 14 hours per day.
what the fuck mang
Zyzz had a known heart defect and chose to ignore it and popped steroids and many stimulants. He did legitimately everything you're not supposed to do with a heart condition.
usually around 6 hours, sometimes less. Longer on the weekend, but not always.
Works for me.
Russia is less safe than Zimbabwe and Mexico

Fucking jej my dudes.
Every 7 hours, depending on the game. if its a boring game, ill just do 2 hours of it and then break.
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Russia has some extremely shitty places

East europe is degenerate as fuck
i hate people like you, grow a pair of balls and tell everyone they are sleeping in the fucking car for the night. risking peoples lives just because you are a straight up pussy and can't tell your friends you are not driving is pathetic.

i hope to god when I get in an accident with someone like you that I am not disabled past the point where I could immediately get out of my mangled car and beat you to death while you sit there trying to wonder "why did I drive?"

when you get on the road the people in the other lane are relying on you not being a fucking child, so when you do something like drive when you shouldn't, you deserve a slow death or a long, disabled, life.
I think driving a hummer is like a type of idiot insurance. If some stupid mother fucker screws up or refuses to quit driving because of a condition like that, they're fucked and i'll be fine.
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I slept 14 hours last night because I tried to wake up 2 hours earlier the day before to stabilize my rhythm. I'll never understand sleep debt.
sounds like if somebody wiped you out in a car accident nothing of value would be lost

>wake up at 4:30 AM
>work factory shift till 2:00 PM
>vidya till 1:00 AM

git gud faggots never felt better, full of money and playing games for hours, when not playing I go out and pretend I'm a normie, being 20 years old allows you to have this kind of lifestyle
>i hope to god when I get in an accident with someone like you that I am not disabled past the point where I could immediately get out of my mangled car and beat you to death while you sit there
that is one deep dark depression you got there, anon

at least we don't have data caps you lardass lmeo
you actually have that the wrong way around
loli is protected by the US constitution, you'll get beheaded in sweden for even thinking about loli
6 figures with a leech gf and having to save for his retirement already since it could be over in a few years. Doesn't sound that great to me
>randomly namedrop it out of the blue in a /v/ thread

go read the fucking op again you moronic shitposting faggot
op why are you posting fake news?

he's very much alive
Rolling Stones and Aerosmith are still kicking, anon. I mean they shouldn't considering everything they shot into their system, but they are.
No it's a sleep disorder. I know what's wrong with me I just can't afford the meds.
>/v/ is this dumb
For now. They have way more kids then swedes and the immigration isn't stopping either
You should read the fucking case. The Supreme Court ruled that one of the manga images was child pornography.
should have drunk some caffeine, always helps
>tfw I'm short even for an Asian and look like a 14
It's a complicated feel. I'm used to everyone towering over me, and it hasn't changed since I was a kid.
just depends on the mood. i played kh1 the other day from the moment i woke up to the moment it was my time to hit the hay
Have you sucked Ahmed's cock yet?
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>children bully you, because they are taller than you
I get up every 2 hours for a few minutes. My friends always give me shit for it and tell me it gets in the way of the grinding but then they're always the first to go to bed or die of heartburn. That feeling when you hit max level before everyone else despite "taking stupid breaks" muhahaha
1 second breaks every minute

Keeps me focused
Depends on the game. Some RPGS or action games I can play for hours. I once played through Ratchet and Clank 2 both ng and ng+ in a single day.
For faster games that I try to be competitive in I take breaks every 30 mins to hour-and-a-half, otherwise my performance suffers.
>half-asian genes
how small are you anon

such cases
where are you living that children are taller than you
unless you include teenagers as children
Usually take a half hour break every two hours where I stretch and walk around
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I stand up and walk around a bit every 20 minutes or so.

>have a bit of a bad back from years of sitting crooked in front of my computer
>"taking a walking is excellent for your back"
>go on a walk
>back hurts so much I can barely sleep that night
>that moment where you realized a lot of the celebs are getting to be younger than you
Man. It is a weird feeling. There was always that thing at the back of my mind where almost everyone I see who wasn't an obvious child was older than me.
>tfw soon it's probably gonna start to get creepy for me to find younger women attractive
>tfw I missed my opportunity to find young love and now the only women available have been around the block more times than a veteran postman
Why does the fear of death have to be such a strong emotion? I just want to die already but every time I've started seriously considering it I start freaking out. This shit sucks.
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2-3 times a week
>Why does the fear of death have to be such a strong emotion?
So you don't kill yourself?
same here, fuck it. Get money and screw the world.
>>have a bit of a bad back from years of sitting crooked in front of my computer

Shit sucks man. I used to sit cross legged and hunched over just because it was the most comfortable for me. Thankfully my legs are okay but my back is fucked up.
To be fair if I was ambitions and alpha enough to get money I wouldn't have that problem in the first place.
Well yeah, it was meant to be a rhetorical question. I'm just tired of life and want to whine about it I guess.
I legit think my spine has sort of "formed" a crooked position. Like sitting hunched over is the best way to make my back ache disappear, and when I go on longer walks I tend to straighten out my back and it just makes it hurt more.

Or it's my shoes that fucks things up.
ah, understandable. Making money/having a lot of it is fun though, maybe more so then family/relationships.
I ain't disagreeing. Getting the money can be quite the challenge though. Especially as a worthless NEET with no skills, education or experience.
>I legit think my spine has sort of "formed" a crooked position.

Same here. It's not really proof but if I bend forward I can feel my spine at the top of my back but not at the bottom which seems abnormal.

I definitely need to go to a doctor though, I haven't been in about 5 years and hopefully they'll help me out rather than just doping me up. I'm also looking into buying a new chair which should help because I think a big part of me hunching forward is my chair is trash.
>swedish man

OP posted the wrong picture. I doubt that man is middle-eastern.
Chair is important. My old chair broke and it's then my back problems became a noticeable thing.
I take breaks by playing a game for 12 hours straight and then not playing for 3 months
>died playing hearthstone
Holy shit one of the most pathetic deaths in history! Sad!
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im on to you....
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