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Nintendo E3 2017

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Thread replies: 368
Thread images: 91

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Is your body ready?
No, I can't handle any more disappointment and viral marketing after realizing how boring breath of the wild is.
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Asking again.

Do you guys think ARMS releasing so close to E3 is good or bad? It could ride the post-E3 hype, but it could also get buried by the post-E3 discussion and shit
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Nintendo will win like they always do. Why would anyone be surprised at this point? They've won every year since 2013.
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Launching a game around E3 is smart because other people can play it and try it out for themselves.
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Not after owning a Wii U.
Bad. Nobody's going to be paying attention to this when everything else at E3 will be happening. Doesn't help that it's a new IP so there's no existing fanbase that will buy it based on a brand.
GTA V is a video game. GTA Online is the multiplayer mode.

Is Mario Kart 8's Battle Mode a video game?

Well it's going to be fresh in people's minds and if they like what they see then I don't see why they won't jump on it. Especially if the throw it up on the eShop at the end of their Live show

It comes out on the 16th. That's 3 days after E3
this game is going to be censored in Murrika because it may be offensive to Mexicans, while Mexicans don't really care.
Just like Speedy
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>gematsu link
>could have just posted this image

Shit thread
does Nintendo not realize 2017 is already half way over? Unless they have like 10 games coming out this year for the switch (no indies or ports) then I really don't think they will do well this year.
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>when your game is so irredeemably shit your only way out is to argue it doesn't count as a game and technically doesn't even exist
But uh, yeah guys, Rockstar is GOAT, zelda sux lol
How will they inevitably ruin it?
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If Nintendo actually does come out with a Smash-type Kirby game like they've been suggesting, would you play it?
>Retro working on a game since Tropical Freeze was finished
>Alexander Brandon who has done a lot of sci-fi games like Unreal Tournament and the original Deux-Es said he's working with retro
remove the Geno cameo
Why play that when I can just play Smash instead?
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>haha every game made by Rockstar destroys your precious little zelda!
>no no no wait fuck GTA Online doesn't count, delete this now
Doesn't matter, it'll flop either way.
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>continuing your internet argument from another thread
He's right you know.
Can you buy GTA Online stand alone in stores? Serious question because I didn't follow what happened with GTA5 after I was done with it. If you can I'll concede, if not then you're a retard.
I've always wanted a Kirby JRPG honestly
You retarded?
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Looking forward to all sorts of egg puns they'll come up for Monster Eggs
I don't think it'll flop, but it's incredibly doubtful that it'll be the next Splatoon. I'd be surprised if it broke 1 million sales.
>if you can't buy it standalone then it's not a game
sure buddy
BOTW is better than single player GTA 5 anyway so i don't know what your point is. it's literally just
>drive car here
>shoot this guy
>drive car there
>ebin trevor so funny xd
>shoot that guy
>drive car here
and so on with repetitive side quests over and over, recycled mechanics from earlier games, boring static world where you can barely enter any buildings, etc.
If it's a good complete game, yes. If it's just some lame, downloadable mini-game on handheld that's exactly like the current fighters mini-game then no
I'd main the fuck out of any of the Squeak Squad characters or Drawcia
It's ready

Ready to be disappointed
>I'd be surprised if it broke 1 million sales.

lolwut? ARMS is gonna break 2 million easy
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Notice how the "Nintendo Spotlight" doesn't mention 3DS

It'll definitely be there but Nintendo wants you to look forward to Switch reveals more
It was confirmed to be a full physical release
the delusion is real.

>add tutorials in the Dream Team style
>Starlow is shoehorned in
>remove the Geno cameo

oh it can be fucked up.

People will get to play the game

As well as there being an Arms tournament

So it will get a healthy focus

Also your implying Nintendo won't advertise it outside E3
*upside-down exclamation*Hola!
>Pedro fainted
Lo Siento...

The market ignorance is real
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>*upside-down exclamation*
¡Hola, r/Mario!

Can you guys stop?

This is Alpha Dream, they are trustworthy

Especially with all the things that Paper Jam Atleast did right

>SS DX somehow is going to add in the tutorial fairy

I am suddenly worried.
Who the fuck said that?

It's the first shot at a Nintenbabby shooter with a fun scenario - that gets it at least 2 million.
The ARMS tournament is going to help immensely. I really didn't care about the game until I tubed into the Jap tournament and now I'm sold on it. Hopefully it'll change more people minds because people need to support new Nintendo IPs so we aren't playing the same rehashed games/ideas until the end of time.
>It's the first shot at a Nintenbabby fighting game with a fun scenario

See? 2 million confirmed
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Literally everyone on /v/ who shitposted in the splatoon threads before launch, it was said so often it was ridiculous.
I don't know if you're a shill or if that's your honest opinion but watching the jap ARMS tournament bored me out of my mind and if anything turned me off. If you think it looks good that's fine but I don't know how much of a difference another tournament will make.
>72~80 Metacritic prediction
>gets 1 (one) point higher than that
>LOL BTFO!!!!!!

TOOBEEFAIRE I find watching other people playing fighting games on any level besides Smash immensely boring.
Well this is a tournament that people in the west will actually know about, I'm sure Nintendo will post about it on Facebook and mention it after arms gameplay in the direct.

I can see why you got turned off, the people playing were so bad it was cringeworthy the majority of the time but if I look past the that the game looks fine to me.
>300K sales prediction
>sells 5M
ARMS doesn't have Splatoon's depth or charm.

1 million, to account for all the Nintendo Loyalists, which are a segment of the Core.
Maybe Nintendo should make new IPs that aren't gimmick garbage.

>Add tutorials in the dream team style

SSS already does that, if anything they will probably add the Paper Jam skip

>shove starlow

They won't

>remove the Geno cameo

That's up to Square Enix


They won't, not even Nintendo other remakes changes dialogue they just add new ones unless our specifically talking about a million year old game like Fire Emblem
Eat the dicks anon.
>people buy shit
>CoD continues to sell a billion copies

more news at 11
>ARMS doesn't have Splatoon's depth

ARMS probably has more

>or charm.

ARMS has the best art direction of the decade though. Are you seriously comparing a bunch of generic looking inklings to the fucking awesome character designs in ARMS?
>nipples and areolae poking through under top

Splatoon is gimmicky but it's a fresh new concept that worked

You guys just want something to shit on
Why are you shilling this hard?

I get there is hardly anything to play on the Switch but you should expect better anon
I've always wanted a giant Nintendo crossover JRPG. The things we want but can never have.
Got your bag, anon? It's time to eat.
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Ready to fuck you're waifu
>bad game sells
>so every game that sells is bad
More retard posts at 11:10
Why does the game make you so butthurt?

Oh no, a single game you didn't like is the indication of the entire companies line up of games

That's like saying your don't want to Sony anymore because of how garbage Knack and Killzone 4 were

If you don't like BOTW that's fine, but don't act like it automatically means everything else is bad
>sells 5 million

That option select tho
The reason it got a low score was mostly because it felt barebones at the start. Most reviewers at the end of the year couldn't stop talking about Splatoon and how happy how Nintendo kept adding more and more content to the game. Hell some felt they wish they could rereview it to give it a higher score.
If it does have more depth, that's a shame since all the mass market is going to see is idiots waving around wands. And they're correct.

You are off your fucking rocker. This shit is straight out of the '50's, especially the main 2 fighters they're highlighting - Colgate Man and Boring Masked Barbie.

Nah, this sucker is dead.
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I do too. Wish they just dropped the Paper Mario games and just do one big Smash like JRPG.
>After the second game they will start adding third party characters
Shit would be insane.
Considering that a lot of the content was already done at release (hell some of it was on the disk), I think it's fair to give it worse scores for it even if they patch it in later. It discourages companies releasing half-baked games.
I'm always ready to laugh. Nintendos shows are always great for that even if it is unintended most of the time.
>that's a shame since all the mass market is going to see is idiots waving around wands.

Not really
"We're EGGcited for the newest entry in the Monster Hunter series"
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Yeah I mean, it can't compare with idiots pressing buttons
Now that's entertaining
I didn't really care personally since it was free and not paid lock out. Plus I honestly love how Nintendo handled it. Slowly making the game bigger and bigger than just doing one giant thing. Since it lets more and more players feel more willing to try out everything when it gets released.
I just hope the game has 8 actual worlds and not only the 4 we saw.
By the time it was over they ended up adding like three times as much content for free, and 2/3rds of it was developed post launch. Say what you will about whether or not the drip feed practice was good or not, but they did hand out a ton of free shit in the end.
Can only be good, the tournament will give the game some attention.
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>Focus on games coming out in 2017
So no Smash, Metroid or anything major that we don't already know about.

I guarantee there'll be a Kirby mainline game on Switch or 3DS (Hopefully both, if not just the Switch) because Anniversary

Virtual Console being available after this presentation

More Joycon colors, new amiibo for ARMS or amiibo compatibility (the risk worked well for splatoon and I want a jerry beans man amiibo)

Plenty of indie games and final coverage for stuff that isn't out yet like Pikmin and Ever Oasis.
How's Days Gone looking?

Oh right, we haven't seen it since the shitty demo last year
>I guarantee there'll be a Kirby mainline game on Switch or 3DS (Hopefully both, if not just the Switch) because Anniversary

It's already been confirmed that Kirby Smash is coming to 3DS this holiday
Well considering the release schedule right now

May: Street Fighter II, Disgaea 5
June: Arms
Jujly: Splatoon 2
September-December: Fire Emblem Warriors, Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2

Plus Kimishima said they have unannounced titles, things are looking pretty good for the Switch.
Depends on how it's done, if the switch does well at E3 then that will boost the game's sales when people go to buy one in preparation.

Alternatively if the game is good despite a bad E3 for nintendo then it might bring in some cash to soften the blow.
I could try to list all the new IP Nintendo made just for the 3DS alone but there's no point. "Nintendo only has (insert 3 games) and doesn't do anything new!" has been a meme forever and while a bit funny it's also a bit annoying too.
You know I'd completely forgotten about that. I know the games actually do use the 3D well at times but I'd love a Robobot and Triple Deluxe combo on Switch, the games already look good but imagine them on something higher than a 240p screen.
I have no interest at all in ARMS so hopefully they show me some games that would actually get me to buy the console. I'm not buying a system just for Splatoon 2 and Mario Odyssey, and I have close to 300 hours in Splatoon 1.
Persona 5 when?
>virtual console available after presentation
Hopefully at least some news on it but that would be really cool
well thats two ports right there
I wish some of their new IPs had staying power or didn't just fall off the face of the earth.

>Codename Steam HD never ever
>No interest at all
This is why they need a demo. I couldn't give less of a shit about it before the preview events. Game's fun and I can easily see where the potential depth comes from, even when I was using the motion controls.
They did it for the Wii U virtual console's Wii games one year, so it's not unprecedented.
I don't think a demo would change my mind, honestly. I just don't like "punching" games like ARMS.
Give Tanabe full uncreative control
Disgaea 5 to be sure, but SFII does add tech grabbing, a feature not seen in previous SFII installments.

Disgaea 5 also includes all the DLC out of the box unlike the PS4 version.

Fate Extella is the same as Disgaea 5 in that regard plus an exclusive costume.

Forgot to mention that that also comes out in July.

There's also Payday 2 (surprisingly) which doesn't have a set release date yet.
Sadly that's tend to be how things work for Nintendo. Luckily they know how to budget their games. So they can spend money on different projects and if only a tiny handful works they make back what they spend. I hope HAL does something more with Box Boy personally.
That's fair enough, if you don't like fighters then you won't enjoy it, but I think it's a pretty easy sell for people once they play it, particularly in multiplayer.

I'm sounding like a shill here, but the game's pretty fun.

HAL's talents almost feel wasted on those games, even if they are fantastic. I'm hoping for at least a port of Rhythm Heaven 3DS
I havent been interested in a Mayro game since 64, i am cautiously optimistic about Odyssey.
calling it right now,Superstar Saga DX will be one of those "it's available right now on the eshop" deals. also a surprise Rune Factory 5 announcement
has there ever been a more memetic videogame character than this guy?
>HAL's talents almost feel wasted on those games
Feel HAL has the freedom to do almost whatever they want and I feel Nintendo tends to fund them well enough to do whatever they feel like. More so with Iwata at the helm. So I personally don't really feel they are being wasted. I would love to see bigger things by them sure but as long as the people at HAL are happy and are willing to put out amazing things I'm happy to buy them. They really are that weird company that knows how to make everything fun.
Be fair with me here anon, GTA V still sell every month, you think a Switch port would sell too?
And Starlow will be there.
>and so on with repetitive side quests over and over, recycled mechanics from earlier games, boring static world where you can barely enter any buildings, etc.

You perfectly described Zelda BoTW
>and so on with repetitive side quests over and over,
>recycled mechanics from earlier games,
>boring static world
>where you can barely enter any buildings, etc.
>portable GTA V
It would sell millions easily
Nice counterargument
>with a focus on games launching in 2017.

You heard it, GAMES
Who cares? They've been showing Zelda walking simulator since 2012 yet delusional fanboys get hyped. I only care about Atlus this year everything else is just dickteasing garbage.
there aren't repetitive side quests
recycled mechanics are few and it adds a ton of new ones
the world is the opposite of static
pretty much every building can be entered

you're wrong in every way, kek
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If Nintendo manage to sell 57K units each week during the next 3 week, they will match 3DS 1M sales time frame in Japan

If they keep at 43K per week, they will trail 1 week behind

still its monthS ahead of what it too WiiU, PS4 and Vita

Switch will become the defacto weeb machine + Nintendo Exclusives. that alone will ensure the a pseudo monopoly in Japan

wasnt San Andreas portable too, how did it fared?
Rumor going around Persona 5 Crimson might be on Switch
>Rumor going around Persona 5 Crimson might be on Switch
unlikely to happen, but would be fun if it does just to see /v/ meltdown

>there aren't repetitive side quests

Wut? Most of them are the same and they feel like a chore

>recycled mechanics are few and it adds a ton of new ones

What tons new ones?

>the world is the opposite of static

Not really

>pretty much every building can be entered

There are barely any buildings in BoTW, just a few towns with few houses

>you're wrong in every way, kek

Lol you're such a fanboi. BotW is decent but 50% id an empty void. A pretty looking void, but a void still. There's no need to have grasslands and minor forrests with nothing in them but deer and birds and shit.
Come on Nintendo, TEASE Metroid!!, Switch is the perfect ground to attempt to revive the franchise, just like 3DS was for Fire Emblem
>. There's no need to have grasslands and minor forrests with nothing in them but deer and birds and shit.
Tell that to God
Oh wait he's not real :^)
I'm actually hoping for news about aegis rim and a Wii U version of SMT HD project.
Fucking Atlus and their rehashes.
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>a Wii U version of SMT HD project
that's a little disappointing
all the recent kirby games have been amazing but if they're doing a fighter I'd want it to be on consoles
Rumour from who?
>People thinking the new pokemon will be called Star
>Not Eclipse, when the Sun and the Moon overlap into 1
screenshot this
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As much as I love FE and Pokemon, Nintendo is gonna have to pull a fucking rabbit out of a hat to get me hyped for what anything the Switch has.

Sneer and cry entitlement all you want, but a genuine Metroid game might just motivate me to buy a Switch.
>As much as I love the two laziest turds in the industry...

Please don't buy a Switch. We don't want you
>focus on 2017 shit

so like one new game announced at best?
better be a goodn
it would be neat to be a jap and appreciate mexican culture. Actually dealing with them on a daily basis really ruins any thoughts about them.
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These will never not be funny.
Stay mad gay gringo
>3 metaknight clones
>animal friends and gooey lumped into two slots

shit roster
>we are going to talk about 3ds and switch games

what fucking else would there be?
where can i buy a switch that isn't over 250$? i thought they were making more of them
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Immigration creates racism. Same here in europe. Seperation is the only cure to this this problem.
Switch costs 300$
>waahhh stop being critical of muh favorite franchise
Fuck off Reddit, developers aren't infallible gods.
Just gimme a new DK announcement and port DKCR 1 and 2 to Switch and I'll be satisfied

A combination of no job at the time/broken or bugged WiiU/life prevented me from playing Tropical Freeze and now that the Switch is out, I'd much rather just play it on that than look into getting my WiiU fixed/figuring out why my WiiU doesn't like my house to play it on WiiU
The NINTENDOMINATION will be irreversible if we see Monster Hunter, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon on the Switch in the near future. No one would be able to compete with that.
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>Calls FE and Pokemon lazy
>Happily gobble up Zelda and Mario
>Cannibalizing your own fanbase
>where can i buy a switch that isn't over 250$?
in a a back alley from a nigger that stole it, cause the standard price is 300$
dr. kirby 10/10 list
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alright. then where can i get it for 300$?
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Holy shit Tales is Coming to the Sw-
>It's actually drum master
Is nintendo going to win E3 with a single trailer again? Man that would be pathetic for the competition.
>alright. then where can i get it for 300$?
same alley, same nigger cause is out of stock
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It's both.
Try reading it again. Taiko AND Tales.
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>games for 2017

i.e. it's going to be literally nothing but tons of mario odyssey, two or three pieces of casual filler trash, and a xenoblade 2 delay announcement

stop getting your hopes up
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>no Pac-Man World 4
>no Idolmaster or Raibus
>no Dark Souls
>no Sky Kid II or Mappy Championship Edition
>no Tekken
>no Digimon
>no Smash 4 third and fourth versions for Switch and NEW 3DS
>DBZ but no Wan Piss or Naruto UNS4
>no Jump SuperStars 3 or Jump Victory Vs. 2
Not him but Zelda and Mario are leagues above Pokemon in terms of having unique installments. Haven't played any FE game though.

>cannibalizing your own fanbase
Lol, are you fucking serious? Who gives a shit?
Everywhere in Europe. Even at Walmart. But it's 330€ for some reason.
Does this seem like a paradox to anyone else?

>If console is received poorly out of the gate, or all the publishers will abandon it, which is what actually kills it
>If console is immediately received well, all the publishers jump on board, guaranteeing its success
So the key to a successful product is having a really good first month
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>>no Idolmaster or Raibus
Don't remind me
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It's common sense
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Just a pity everyone loves it except salty faggots on /v/. Cry some more for me.
>Derzeit night auf Lager
It's so arbitrary. The future of the platform is decided by news headlines and tiny differences in opening numbers.
>tfw nintendo is going to win E3 again

you ready sonybros?
When you strip away Mario and Zelda's gimmicks they're pretty much the same game they've always been, like Pokemon. Not that that's a bad thing mind you, they're all great in their own right but if you're going to shit on one it's pretty hypocritcal

>Who gives a shit
i cant find a switch for 300$ in the usa. when will they be in stock again? i thought they doubled production?
Nintendo better not be pulling the same shit they pulled last year because if they are, I'm done with them for good.
>i thought they doubled production?
2 week production 1 month shipping
Naruto UNS4 is garbage, was hoping the new game they're releasing this year would come to Switch though
>win E3 again
how, Sony have such big weapons as, TloU 2, TloU biker edition, TloU Kratos!!!
can we even face that with mario alone?
Ich war vorhin bei Walmart und die hatten welche. Real hatte letze woche auch noch welche.
2015 and 2016 were trash for Nintendo at E3.
You would have a point if you said this about Zelda a year ago, but BotW is a really different kind of game compared to the rest of the 3D Zeldas. Mario platformers have also changed design philosophies a few times. I don't think 3D World is the same kind of game as Mario 64 or Sunshine.
>Oh no, a single game you didn't like is the indication of the entire companies line up of games
it WAS the entire companies line up of games
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>no Im@s game switch exclusive
>no enhanced port of the mobile, vita and arcade games except with an open-world where you can explore and be the idol and dress up like style savvy, even practice or hang out with friends and such
>can't relive the anime plot and save the school like a trueborn hero
>no gallery to unlock love live promo images and see the old 2010 art style to remind me of the good ol' days of calm fun and love
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Shit, i meant Love Live. I was thinking of im@s earlier.
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>Pac-Man World 4

What's worse is that nobody remembers these games, and they were among the greatest of platformers. The racing game was the greatest of all racing games alonside MK8 and CTR.
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I thought I was keeping my expectations low by only hoping for brief gameplay footage of Fire Emblem, SMT V, and Xenoblade 2. Maybe next year.
>no amiibo costumes
>can't dress Umi as Lucina
>can't dress Kotori as Peach
I would have a reason to start buying Amiibo. Guess Nintendo doesn't want my money
Not Sony faggot but if Mario Odyssey is all Nintendo's show with some other Switch games slated for 2017 then they ain't winning shit. Their only hope is the Treehouse event. I'm finding it hard to believe that Microsoft's E3 press Conference seems to be the only event I'm interested in this year. This is fucking sad.
I've always played the second one. It is one of my favorite platformers.
It's a good game but the red ghost boss fight is super fucking hard.
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They've already said this is a big E3 so I doubt that. It's the first year for the Switch and they want to keep the hype going until next year at least.
What's Microsoft got lined up for this year?

Legitimately wondering

Halo 6

Multiplats, exclusives don't sell anyway.
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It really isn't though, dress it up all you want but BotW is still Zelda at it's core.

Being open doesn't change that.

Same goes for Mario, no matter they put in it's still going to be Mario jumping on things and climbing.
A lot, Treehouse better have something, Nintendo can't afford another fuck up at E3.
So basically, you hate it when a game is the same genre as its sequel? This is some kind of advanced autism.
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Yes! pay-a for the-a online-a pass! bing! bing!.
Literally what is the fucking point. Just give us those characters in the base game.
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What the fuck is that aliasing. This shit better look good at E3
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>switch game
>look good
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When did I say I hated it? Is your victim complex this unstable?

Nintendo hates AA for whatever reason.
>pokefag that tries to latch on to Jojo

Get the fuck off of /v/. You and your people need to burn
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>believing they'll follow the description of a Direct

They ALWAYS talk about other shit. The last one was supposed to focus on ARMS and Splatoon 2 but they spent 20 minutes talking about and giving release dates for a bunch of other Switch and 3DS games.
>Nintendo hates Afro American
And rightfully so.
Pls another new waifu protagonist like Velvet but less edgy
Well I used "hate" rather liberally. But the point is that just because a game shares the same genre, that doesn't mean they are the same. Zelda 1 and Zelda 2 are both in the same genre, but the play very differently. The Galaxy games and 3D World take an entirely different approach to level design, controls, music, progression, multiplayer, etc. At that point you can't really call them just the same.
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But I don't even watch Jojo
I mean, whenever they say "Focus" it just means that it should be the bulk or an extended segment. Nintendo just needs another E3 like 2013.

They still won't beat the Megaman reveal for me.
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>it WAS the entire companies line up of games
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>uses 9 points of range
>still is wrong
>See? B-BTFO!
My little anon can't be this pathetic.
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>LAWL Nintendo isn't going to be at E3 because 2015 and 16 SUUUUUCKED!
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I really want to raep that gookslut on the left senpai
>Mario makes a giant new game with tons of MASSIVE sandboxes to jump around
>Zelda literally reinvents itself and puts hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of secrets to find in a massive open world
>FE recycles 90% of assets and shoves 50 generic characters into smash
>Pokemon is still making Red remakes instead of a single new game

You need to fuck off asap. Also don't use Sam for your shitposting you fucking cunt
2016 was good, albeit safe. They knew they didn't have much to go off of, so they worked on their strong point, Zelda.

2015 actually upset me.
>When you strip away Mario and Zelda's gimmicks they're pretty much the same game they've always been

But you can on a purely base level. They might play slightly different on the surface but at the end of the day you're still doing what what you've always been. Galaxy might not play exactly like 3D world, but at the end of the day it really doesn't matter, you run and jump and get on higher ledges than before, that hasn't changed and it never will.

No matter what you do, Mario and Zelda won't be anything other than Mario and Zelda. And there's nothing wrong with that. But again it's hypocritical to call out other franchises for doing essentially the same thing.
Typical pokefag uses jokes he doesn't understand
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>Please don't make fun or point out thing in my preferred franchise please
God you're such a biased little faggot.
>I didn't like it so the excitement for it was viral marketing
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On a purely base level, all games involve looking at a screen and pressing buttons. So now all games are the same. Except, that's not how it works, and you know it too. Sonic, Crash, and Bubsy are all about running around and jumping, but they are all wildly different. Are you really going to tell me that Mario and Bubsy are the same?
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>resorting to the ol' ad homs.
Well maybe stop being butthurt about the truth?
>LAWL Nintendo isn't going to be at E3 because everything after the Twilight Princesse reveal trailer in 2004 SUUUUUCKED shitdick!

Que tal
Your logic is still ass backwards, retard. They're confirmed to be at E3.
2015 E3 Nintendo got rightly shat on and you know it
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Wait, I thought Nintendo wasn't doing anything for E3. Didn't they say there'd be no conference? Or is there still a Direct?
They will likely remind everyone that it exists and that its releasing soon during e3 so I think it will be a good thing

I hope so, I wanted to play some of the titles on the vita but the memory card thing turned me completely off, especially since by the time I wanted one it was almost dead
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You're misconstruing my agreement, I'm not even calling of these games bad
>S-Stop point out how retarded I am!

Thank god FE is going back to being dead and niche
>Say while doing exactly the same thing
>ad hominem
I would rather wait till they have something sustainable to show us.
It was a cool tech demo for what the game's trying to do, but it looked underwhelming.
your mother's saggy tits are confirmed to be at E3 too
He never insulted you. But I will.

You're a stupid weeaboo fuckface.
asi asi

gracias <3
Reminder that this E3 is focusing on games coming out this year. So their E3 show will most likely be:

>Mario Odyssey
>Splatoon 2
>Fire Emblem
>Superstar Saga remake and other 3DS stuff
>ports, indie games, and other filler
>one curveball announcement for a dead franchise that'll make everyone go WOAAAAAHHHHHHH (meanwhile their other dead franchises will stay ignored)
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Like most of the Switch's success, it depends on the general public liking it, NOT the main gamer audience.

Normies don't know about E3. Nintendo makes or breaks on marketing right to average Joes with TV spots and the like.

So E3 isn't really relevant to ARMS
Your wife, her kids and her bull are confirmed to be at E3 as well
They don't hate AA, they just prefer 60fps for most games and their hardware usually can't handle both.
Also, the bigger issue in my opinion is that the game was running at 720p in the trailer. If it ran at native 1080p it would look a lot better even without AA, but we don't know if they'll manage to optimize the game to run well above 720p.
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>No conversations, this should only be a circle jerk about how we love Nintendo and they can do no wrong, except when they do franchises I don't like
>Zero variety is good
>Stop liking things! WHY WON'T YOU STOP LIKING THEM!?
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It's going to have an open invitational. We'll probably see a launch trailer during their spotlight too.
>n-no u
His point was made. Mario and Zelda are doing new types of opened-up adventures, while Pokemon is still the same game.
Mario and Zelda isn't doing the same things that Pokemon is doing in regards to new content, it's completely changing how the game works. New physics and additions that totally change the game. I'm just saying you're being a sour faggot for denying facts.
Things like the hat-throwing shit totally changes how the game works.
Kind of funny how your pic represents your post
But Mario and Zelda have variety.

Pokemon and Faggot Emblem don't. Poketrash will never die but at least we got rid of FE
>>one curveball announcement for a dead franchise that'll make everyone go WOAAAAAHHHHHHH (meanwhile their other dead franchises will stay ignored)
I can always expect overly-entitled fans at E3 and here we have one that hasn't even seen an announcement yet.
>(meanwhile their other dead franchises will stay ignored)
Does anyone even want anything from them anyway? Besides f-zero.
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Because creating platforms has never been a thing Mario has done in it's lifetime. Ever
what is that cloud on the right smiling about?
What is he looking at?
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They have the same variety you dense fuck, just in different ways to fit their respective franchises.

SM is nowhere near the same game as XY was, because they revamped it and made it run cleaner and better, while not changing what makes Pokemon, Pokemon
The cloud shit was limited to certain levels and was a simple static platform. The new hat allows for extended platforming in all areas and more flexibility.
It can probably do more than platform as well looking at all the promo art and the eyes on the hat. The hat shop is an obvious tease, too. There's so much emphasis on his hat that there has to be more shit than "platforming". That's way more unique than a cloud power-up that allows for new possibilities.
>They have the same variety

Multiple people have explained why this is retarded.

>SM is nowhere near the same game as XY was

This is bait
It's a more refined version of the same mechanic, don't act like using the hat as a platforms makes leaps and bounds in how platforms are played and revolutionizes everything. This isn't Super Mario 64, it's not going to reshape the video game landscape as we know it, it's just going to be another predictable but good Mario game.
They're smiling because they're citizens of the mushroom kingdom helping Mario turn them back into mushroom people. That's the backstory behind Mario, Bowser is also a powerful sorcerer and turns the people of the Mushroom kingdom into blocks, bushes, clouds, etc. It's actually written in the official Nintendo guide for Super Mario Bros.
because they just announced a shitload of 3DS junk recently dude AND a new model
>because they revamped it by making the exact same game

Don't you have a $60 Sun/Moon update to be begging for?
I'm willing to bet you've never even touched a Pokemon game that wasn't in a smartphone
Bowser hasnt been a sorcerer since Galaxy and Dream Team
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fucking hell i know you're right and that hurts a lot
>pick poorly designed Charmander/Squirtle/Bulbasaur ripoff
>fight 8 gyms and an elite 4 that are so easy that they can't be considered real gameplay
>B-But it's different because I need to pay a monthly fee to use the pokedex!!

Pokefags can't be considered human
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>$60 Sun/Moon update
it'd have to be in regards to MK8D since Battle maps are essentially the sole addition besides more junk in the roster and double items (which isn't fun since the items are all garbage or shells, unlike Double Dash)
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>it's just going to be another predictable but good Mario game.
Bowser was always a sorcerer. He shoots magic fireballs, that's actually his main attack.
or hell just play Robobot with the Smash Amiibo lol
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>I'm willing to bet that you've never played the most accessible video game franchise to ever exist
>It takes quite literally less then 5 minutes to get pokemon on any electronic device for free but surely you've never played it
Nigger he's a dragon turtle, that comes naturally
Me too anon. Once I get a release date on any of those, it's time to go buy a Switch.
Retro is making a new IP, they have been trying to get it greenlit at Nintendo for literally years and are finally getting serious work done on it. It's not a new DK or Metroid, it's a new IP, don't get your hopes up
You literally pay full price for an update that adds less content then your average TF2 patch.

Why do you choose to be so retarded?
Then explain why none of his children can shoot fireballs.
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>Literally having no idea what you're talking about

What are you implying here?
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>Animal Crossing
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>DLC for MK8 Deluxe
>Kirby Air ride 2
>Gamecube support with games available right after presentation
>New Metroid
If any of these are correct the Switch will be saved
>Saying (You) to something that's completely true


>Ignoring any of the non-mainline Pokémon games
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>It's a more refined version of the same mechanic
Eh, not really. Cap abilities have always been a thing in super mario since 1985. Being able to use them all-around instead as one fixed ability is totally new.
>don't act like using the hat as a platforms makes leaps and bounds in how platforms are played and revolutionizes everything.
Except it's a feature that makes for a flexible platformer. It's more than just a neat add-on since it's the game's focus.
>T-They gave the gyms new names and also the E4 consists of mostly recycled characters!
>Ha! Sun/Moon was too lazy to make actual E4 characters so that makes it unique!!

It's literally just a step by step red remake. There's no such thing as a pokemon sequel because they're all the same game
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>Bowsers kids
Also Junior has breathed fire before
I didn't realized I was forced to pay for DLC, and Nintendo was holding my games ransom.
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>What are you implying here?
SMO is easily the most exciting Mario title since SM64 and people call it predictable. That's bullshit.
>Giving them new names makes them not gyms somehow
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actual leaker here..... nintendo are making blind-packed 'mini amiibo' for odyssey, sort of like the old pokemon NFC figures for pokemon rumble on the wii u.

don't believe me? heh....... you think i'd lie on the internet? pfffff....... kid.... just wait and see...........
>Bowser doesn't teach his less important children the art of sorcery
>his most important child, his child with Peach, his protege, is taught the art of sorcery and learns to use his father's fireball attack
Makes sense to me.
>Being this retarded
You're just embarrassing yourself at this point
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>another soulless pre-recorded video going over old games and announcing their release dates with amiibos sandwiched in between each announcement

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>It's optional so it's okay for it to be lazy!

That explains the pokemon franchise
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okay now you are trolling fuck off

even if BOTW had mindblowing gameplay which it doesnt, you can't argue that a game with no plot or story at all is better than a fully fleshed out game with story and characters and variety

once youve fone the four identical divine beast's puzzles you're done the meat of the game and can go right to the end, that takes a few hours total.

all sidequests and everything else is in the service of giving you more health and stamina which are pretty much useless after a certain point (health is irrelevant with Grace + fairies, stamina is irrelevant since you can just eat cricket potions and get as much stamina as you want)

of all 120 shrines in the game maybe a small handful challenge you in any meaningful way, the rest can either be cheaped out/skipped, are robot fights, or are braindead and require zero effort (glide along 3 wind trails and you win!! here's your orb!!)
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I can't wait until leakers start posting shit.

>Emily rogers
>that tranny
>liam something something
>ad hominem

the mark of someone who has lost :)
You're the only one

If games like BOTW is driving players like you away from Switch then I say bring on the good times
>SM is nowhere near the same game as XY
Bullshit. Trials are not much different from Gyms. Fighting one powered up Pokemon with helpers and fighting a gym leader with a full team of fodder is hardly a massive game changer. Gameplay wise they added Z moves which are basically just fancy Gems that already existed in Gen 5.
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the Koopalings arent Bowser's kids
and Junior is the same species as Bowser, so breathing fire comes naturally

are you going to say Bowser growing huge is due to sorcery when really its because of the special cells in his ass gland?
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>so butthurt he responds to a 3 hour post with a multi-paragraph list of non-arguments
>no defense of how shitty GTA5 is, just complete deflection
rockstar drones are pathetic
Yeah but bro! This time the evil team rocket leader final boss has jelly tentacles instead of robot tentacles! It's SO DIFFERENT!!!

Also this time the furfag fire starter is a cat instead of a dog! SO DIFFERENT!!
Ludwig shot fireballs in SMW.
just stop
this is just sad
>Eh, not really. Cap abilities have always been a thing in super mario since 1985
Are you calling fucking powerups new? How fucking old are you? And this isn't even the first time a "powerup" has been with you the entire game, or does Sunshine not count?

>Except it's a feature that makes for a flexible platformer. It's more than just a neat add-on since it's the game's focus.
It just means you can create more platforms for yourself, how does that change anything for platformers as a whole?

Please indulge me on how SMO is so radically different from every Mario game ever.
Fuck off beaner
>Also this time the furfag fire starter is a cat instead of a dog! SO DIFFERENT!!
Redundant, every pokemon is furfag trash
i've never played GTA5, despite owning 2 copies somehow. i got to the part where you fly a plane for the first time, got bored. sold both copies.

but i HAVE played BOTW all the way through so I feel more comfortable confirming that it is wide as an ocean and deep as a puddle
you forgot that there's still likely to be announcements for games coming in later years.

Just because they're *focussing* on 2017 doesn't mean it's gonna be exclusively about this year.

It's standard practice for Nintendo.
I don't care because Sony will win like always.
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>you can't argue that a game with no plot or story at all is better than a fully fleshed out game with story and characters and variety
The former is GTA 5, the latter is BotW.
>SMO is so radically different from every Mario game ever.
It's a return to SM64 which haven't been done in like 2 decades now. I'd say that's radically different from 3D World or the fucking Galaxy games.
How mad is /v/ going to be when they confirm the Mario/Rabbids crossover game?
They were his kids until it was retconned later when they were brought back as characters for new games, so it's really irrelevant to state that when talking about their original appearance.

>Junior is the same species as Bowser, so breathing fire comes naturally
They're all the same species, they're Koopas. So are all the Koopa Troopas and the Koopa Paratroopas. Bowser is just the king of the Koopa tribe. Koopas can't inherently breathe fireballs, rather Bowser knows how to because he's a powerful sorcerer. It can be assumed that Bowser Jr. learned from his father.
Oh and wandering bosses and changing up the order of dungeons makes Zelda so revolutionary huh?

It's not Ganon, it's "Calamity Ganon". Sooooooooooo different
Oh ok so you didn't play Sun or Moon

I know it's easy to think that if you're working on cynical, second-hand descriptions but it doesn't make you right

Also you never addressed my second point
Was just about to post bait on this topic, but thought better of it.

The answer is extremely mad.

Ludwig shoots fireballs at you during his boss fight in Super Mario World.
>It's a return to SM64
Then it's not fucking different now is it? Nobody is going to debate SMO being a good game, but it's not going to be anything that special in the grand scheme of things.

The Galaxy games were the most different core Mario has ever been, and even then they didn't change much other than make it more befitting for it's console.
literally nobody wants a mario/rabbids game
nobody wants rabbids games in general
>You lost because I say you did
Don't you have a school to be in now?
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Yes, and Ludwig is clearly a sorcerer, given that he's holding a fucking magic rod. You're just confirming my argument here. It doesn't matter if the fire is being breathed or not, it's still a function of sorcery. Koopas can't inherently breathe fire.
No, GTA5 has stuff to do, Zelda has one thing to do, which is shitty shrines no one actually thinks are good, the bitching about lack of dungeons is practically universal, there are maybe fifteen 40-second cutscenes in the game and besides being badly dubbed, nothing happens in any except the last few.

GTA5 has a pretty stupid plot but it is miles ahead if only because it actually HAS a story, even if the writing were ten times worse, just having an actual fucking plot is more than BOTW could manage because it took Nintendo a decade to even attempt an open world that would shrivel up next to Just Cause or Witcher games. suck all the empty space and copypasted enemy treehouses away from BOTW and you have the content of a last-last-gen zelda game stretched out over hundreds of miles

but really i think even if you hate both, the sales numbers speak for themselves. GTA5 sold more copies last year than almost every major release combined
>but it's not going to be anything that special in the grand scheme of things
If it's anything like or superior to SM64 then it will be one of the best games of all time. How is that not special? Seriously, I don't get what the fuck you're talking about.
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>because it actually HAS a story
GTA 5 doesn't have much of a story at all, so no. I mean, when BotW has a better story, better gameplay, superior music, better characters, does open world better than Rockstar when that's basically been the only thing Rockstar has done except for Bully or Manhunt games, then you know Nintendo BTFO Rockstar Games all the way back to wherever the fuck they came from. GTA 5 is just like Skyrim, it was popular because it was first and it appeals to kids, ironically.
I didn't realize this was 1996 and all everybody had until this point were 2D platformers
Man, I fucking loved that power up.

Galaxy 2 was GOAT.
>let me just say something that is factually wrong and then write a bunch of crap based on the initial wrong statement that supports nothing because i have stated no facts
Jesus Christ you silly motherfucker.

He doesn't have a rod in the exact fight I mentioned. He opens his mouth, and fire comes out.
There. Proof. What next, did he accidentally swallow his rod beforehand or some shit?
You don't understand. Yes, he's breathing fire. But it's still sorcery that allows him to do that. Same with Bowser. Koopas can't inherently breathe fire, that's my point. The thing about the rod is just further evidence that Ludwig uses magic like Bowser does.
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This is some "is Ryu a wizard because he shoots fireballs" type shit right here.
>We can now proudly announce we'll raise the price of PS+ once more!
>But don't feel down, it'll come with the privilege of allowing you to play used games! (you will no longer be able to play used games without an active PS+ subscription)
>But hey, at the very least we aren't Microsoft, right?

>Now take a look at some trailers of future first on Playstation multiplat games that you won't see for many years
>Live gameplay you said? Bah. No one cares about live gameplay. Look! We have a live orchestra instead!
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>Are you calling fucking powerups new?
No, but it's obviously a core game focus as compared to earlier Mario games.
Don't you get it with the eyes on Mario's cap, or the fact that there's a hat shop that Mario walks into? Or maybe the flying hat ship wasn't enough for you. Or the fact Bowser has it, too. Nah, all those characters wearing hats isn't enough. It won't matter, it's just a simple power-up. I'm fucking retarded. Maybe i'm basing this fucking autistic shit on the fact it's more prevalent than ever. Sorry, pal.
What story does GTA 5 have then? It's just mini-games and excuses to shoot people or chase people in cars. GTA has always been like that. GTA 5 might be big but it's lazy as fuck when it comes to design/gameplay.
>lol blow up the facebook guy
>lmao do yoga
>chase your son on the highway
The Switch just got a One Piece title
>Switch will become the defacto weeb machine + Nintendo Exclusives. that alone will ensure the a pseudo monopoly in Japan

And the U.S. At least amongst new hardware. The Pro isn't selling and the Scorpio won't. And a huge chunk of the PS4 market is the weeb market anyway. If the Switch becomes the defacto weeb machine, and it will, Sony is ded.
More people need to point out how moronic this is
jesus why would you want so many bad games
>Not Sony faggot but if Mario Odyssey is all Nintendo's show with some other Switch games slated for 2017 then they ain't winning shit.
They've already confirmed that they have a lot more than Mario. That said.
What you said sounds eerily familiar.

Oh now I remember.
It was a huge success for them the last time they did it.
Give me some good games that should be on the switch. Seriously, I want to know.
It's amazing how you nerds continue to allow Nintendo to disappoint you.

>t-this year will be different!
anything but more old games and anime garbage like you want
I can't decide if it's an inspiring amount of tenacity or a disturbing lack of pattern recognition.
nice non-answer
>disliking pac-man world
Maybe you should stop being a shit monger.
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Like what, o wise anon? Breath of the Wild was perfect, MK8D is great, Arms looks fun, then Splatoon 2, XC2, and SMO. Why wouldn't E3 be great?
>Y-Y-You didn't play them

not an argument
that's what happens when you answer a question with another question you dickbag
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Why the fuck should anyone with common sense care? Oh wow more rehashes and Wii U ports for another console with no games (the only 3 games that are out are trash even by nintendo standards) that's selling like fucking garbage.
Okay. What games do you consider good?
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>Why the fuck should anyone with common sense care?
So you're looking forward to it then?
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>Nintendo Spotlight
Why do they call it something different every year?
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Sony always wins baby!
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Nintendo is going to announce the handheld only Switch, which will be the 3DS successor.

>people think Nintendo will still support the 3DS
>people think Nintendo will release a brand new handheld to eat Switch sales
Holy shit man, >>376638869 just took a giant shit on you. I mean he just made you look like a galloping jackass
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>nintendo's e3 presentation will focus on games launching in 2017

dead company
This is the correct answer, but you're a year or two early. Nintendo absolutely wants to unify their "handheld" and "console" platforms so they all play the same games. But the 3DS will be allowed to fizzle out over the course of the next ~two years, while the Switch gains momentum. The Switch Mini or whatever they call it will come when there's no more money left in the 3DS.
>presentation will offer more details about Super Mario Odyssey and other Nintendo Switch games, with a focus on games launching in 2017.
Full disclosure on the final versions of ARMS and Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey gameplay footage, Fire Emblem Warrriors cinematic trailer, Xenoblade 2 release date, and several unannounced games coming in Q4 2017/Q1 2018. Third parties will have some games to announce, especially Square Enix.

Sounds alright.
>Xenoblade 2 release date
pushed back to 2018
you must be delusional if you think it will release this year.
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What's the issue with focusing on games launching in 2017?
Oh right. I forgot.
Downsizing NoE was a huge mistake.
Fuck NoA. Who cares if the American market is larger than the European one. They should have just let NoE localize games for America.
it's equally unreasonable to assume that it will be delayed
There's a difference between an open world Zelda and this, I'm glad that they said a "focus" instead of games "just" releasing in 2017 or I would be worried. Zelda looked like a goty contender, I don't know about Mario Odyssey until it's shown off.
XCX was delayed
so was Zelda
big open games like these get delayed
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Music is basically the last thing games work on. And they've been working on the music. XC2 is basically done.
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You say that like it's a bad thing
A bag of dicks and crows, anon
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