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Post our Gamestop, EB, Software Etc horror stories. The

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Post our Gamestop, EB, Software Etc horror stories. The more the merrier!
I went to gamestop once.
effing game stop.


>go to Gamestop to purchase a copy of Southpark: Stick of Truth
>Gamestop employee attempts to upsell me on special edition with little Cartman figurine included
>politely decline
>do, however, renew Game Informer subscription and spend the extra buck insuring the game
>go home
greentext the story in several paragraphs please.
the stupid fuckin videos they have play for us during closing.

power to the players!!
although nothing special i have some OC:

went to a gamestop for a PSP game and found a copy of Prinny 2 listed as "new" for $15.

i ask if they still have a shrink wrapped copy since the display was in BAD shape with a ton of filth on it and even had the bottom crushed with a good 2-3 inch chunk of plastic missing off the bottom.

they didn't and tried to sell me the fucked copy for which i refused since they wanted to charge me the "new" price insisting the game itself is new even though the case looks like a dumpster find.

i suggested the used game price (likely would of been $6.99 like prinny 1) due to the poor condition which they refused so i left.
>Order online
>Every game that I purchased as new is opened
>Email them
>They never respond
Why are consumer rights so void in America? What they are doing is fraud.
there's only a 10% difference

they should have just given you another case and exchanged the cover art, there's usually a bunch in the back.
the cover and manual was ratty so a case swap wouldn't of helped.
>and spend the extra buck insuring the game

Did you break the game? Have you ever broken a game? If you're breaking less than 1 out of every 50 games you're better off keeping the dollar and buying new games yourself when you break them
>Go to EB Games
>Tell the girl behind the counter that I'd like to buy a Switch with Neon joy-cons
>She comes back, says they only have grey here but offers to check local inventory
>Double checks out back, finds a sealed box of them after all
>Immediately picks me for wanting Zelda, MK8D and a screen protector
>Makes pleasant idle talk about BotW while the transaction goes through since she's already 100%'d it
>Thank her and leave with my purchases
Fucking EB.
>literally copied the OP from the screenshot in the other thread up
>>376582404 jesus christ how horrifying
>Why are consumer rights so void in America? What they are doing is fraud.

So you called up your credit card and did a chargeback, right? You know how to protect yourself, and you don't need your Mom to do it for you, right?
>Go to gamestop for the first time since entering college (2008)
>Looking for used NES/SNES/N64/DC/GC games
>Absolutely nothing
>It's all gone

The world I once knew is dead

>There's an XBOX One

... and has gone to hell.
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>Go to Gamestop
>Stop at the front door
>Remember Gamestop closed all their stores in my area a year ago
>I'm standing in front of a Starbucks
>tfw no gamestop
I went to this store to buy buy some Pop figures I really wanted. All the ones I wanted were soldout, Gamestop's selection of Pops is shit
Not me but a fedorafag i know
>Went to german Gamestop to get some recent Pokemon event password
>Girl and turkish guy on counter
>"You'll get the code when you can dance your own name"
>Fedorafag storms off assmad and complains in the whatsapp-group I'm in.
I should probably cut all ties to that whatsapp-group since it's fille with fujos, fedoras and legit autists, but I don't want to miss out on all the spaghetti of these people
arn't funko pops a sign of a dying store? most stores i see with them end up going bankrupt.
Why do you buy this garbage. Even Amiibo are better for the same price.
>no greentext
>huge space between lines
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>Go into gamestop reluctantly because they're the only store in the area with what I needed and I needed it that day
>Employee asks me if I want to buy a PowerUp Rewards membership
>Decline ("I never come in here anyways", I say)
>Employee proceeds to ask me where I buy my games from
>"I don't know Amazon"
>Employee berates me about how I should be supporting stores like Gamestop that actually care about gamers.
>Haven't walked into a Gamestop since.
Eh, most reposters wait days at most, this one at least had the decency to wait a decade.
Dont do this it creates mayonaise gas
Amiibo look terrible, and I've accidentally flushed both of the ones I bought down the toilet. They're just too small like that. When I drop Pops there I just have to pick them up and rinse them off
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>go to Gamestop for Switch restock
>so far only two people have dibs on one
>just have to wait for the UPS guy
>chill out with everyone there
>UPS guy shows up with packages and strolls to the back with the employee
>employee comes back
>turns out there's no Switches, they were never shipped
>he does offer to hold them for us on Friday, if his manager allows it
>everyone writes their name and number on a paper
>Thursday I get a call from Gamestop while I'm still asleep
>I answer but I can't hear anything or respond
>they hang up
>my headphones were still plugged into my phone
>I call back
>the manager says they will hold it until 5 pm on Friday
>walked out with my Switch the next day
That's not even funny. Why would anybody bother doing that?
The power of Atheistic Autism.

Are you shitting me
>be at work
>browsing internet
>checking the latest xbox news
>Larry Hyrb posts on twitter about Gamestop having a D44M special
>all physical brand new copies are 19.99
>told myself when D44M got that cheap, I'd look into picking it up
>so, I drive out to gamestop after work
>park up outside the store
>it's fucking barren wasteland, in what is otherwise the busiest side of town
>go inside
>looks really dated, despite being current gen
>lots of figurines and other dumb shit
>approach counter, buy my copy of D44M
>he tries to sell me on the Power Plus whatever the fuck program
>politely decline
>go home and play shitty game for a few hours before I decide it is complete trash
>reverse the cover of the game, 'cause fan voted for that feature
>put it back on shelf with other games
>never play it again

Oh well, at least Doom 3 was really good, and it's backward compatible now, but seriously, if you're not digital purchasing your games in 2017, you're pretty dumb.
It's nice that the Switch shortages are finally finishing. They've been up and readily available on Amazon.ca for the last 4-5 hours with today's restock.
Not him but I let my nieces and nephews play and borrow my games all the time. They're usually pretty good with not scratching them but for that 1in50 chance, I'd rather spend the extra buck to cover 20-60 bucks if anything does happen.

>Letting kids use your games

I'm not autistic enough to want to keep everything to myself in mint condition.
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>going to local GS to pick up my MHX copy i preordered
>local brony with fedora is in store looking at 3ds game
>I just had to be wearing my normie friendly mario hat (see pic)
>dribbling horse tickler sees hat
>almost screams "HEY MARIO I LOVE MARIO"
>I kind of make a slight uh huh noise and keep going towards the counter
>manchild feverishly catches up to me and looks at my shirt
>simple black t-shirt with Jurassic World Logo
>as he said "loooooooooved" he squealed the word with an autistic tinge you would have to hear to believe
>quickly slink up to the counter and mumble my name and the preorder im picking up

Im terrified everytime I go into that gamestop, I never want to see that fuck in there. Especially since almost all my casual attire is movie or subtle vidya stuff, would just give him another excuse to talk to me.
>Go to gamestop
>Kevin Pereira on the TV doing interviews
>Craig Skistimas on the next segment doing top 10 countdown
>Let's plays on the next segment
>Trailers in between

You're alright Gamestop TV
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>Went to GS
>Checking out the PS4 version
>Saw Akiba Strip, well received game among /v/
>Grab it and go to the register
>qt girl
>Crack a joke
>She doesn't laugh
>She makes a weird facial expression when sees the game
>Say nervously that it's for a friend
>She doesn't seem to believe me
>Go ahead and ask her for her phone number
>Tells me she's not allowed to hang out with costumers after hours, GS policy.

Almost felt bad but it's GS and their stupid policies.
Hey fuck you, I was just trying to be friendly and get some more people on my 3DS and Switch friendlist and you seemed like you need friends.
Gamestop is dying isn't it? Last time I went into one it seemed to be selling mostly t shirts and toys for twice as much as it would cost to buy them on the internet. It was like a hot topic for people who were even more retarded than your average hot topic customer.
lol I go to some of the mom and pop game stores around here, and there's almost ALWAYS some super autistic brony looking at DS games.

I don't get it.

>go to mom and pop game store
>clerk is this annoying black guy
>he's like the nerdy anime type of black dude
>is blaring metal, I think I recognized it as Killswitch Engage
>singing and dancing behind counter
>keeps saying "sweet action"

not a bad guy, just kind of awkward.
Physical sales for games are declining slowly.
That on top on People buying their games on Amazon now.

They're covering their asses.
>go to local gamestop
>girl behind counter is somewhat qt3.14
>ask if they have any copies of bloodborne
>she starts smiling at me
>ask her if everything's ok
>she just says "i love that game"
>say "oh, cool. yeah, it seems fun so I'm buying it"
>she asks for my psn so she can help me
>give it to her
>ask her what she's doing after work
>"hopefully playing bloodborne with you"
>ask if she wants to hang out instead
>we hang out and grab drinks
>we fuck in my car in the bar parking lot
>I never accepted her friend request on psn
>I never went back to that gamestop location

it's a fun game, but I'm glad I got her employee discount since I would've regretted paying full price.

Stop dressing like a faggot man child then
Yeah sure its because of GS policy, LOL.
My horror story is that they kept trying to sell me 'brand new' games without cellophane. How am I suppose to know it's not used? They even put an obnoxious sticker on the case that's impossible to remove.

I'm pretty sure they were trying to sell used games as brand new.
Its a good hat though!
Never go to GS, Best Buy is superior in every what if you have that GCU, $30 for 2 years and get 20% off every new vidya, I went halfies with a friend and my half almost paid itself when copped P5.
Nice imagination.

>Writing fan fiction about game stop

Wow m8 that's pretty sad

literally yesterday

>went into gamestop
>looking for Etrian Mystery Dungeon sadly it is loose so I said fuck it and bought MGS3 3D instead (I know >buying 3DS games HURR JUST PIRATE XD)
>have a ten minute conversation about E3
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This post reminded me I wanted to buy D44M, so I checked on Steam, and it's fucking $79.95 USD. For a year old game. Which does not include the $39.99 Season Pass.

What the fuck, Bethesda.
I was exchanged money for products and/or services at a gamestop. Fucking Gamestop!

>He doesn't know about Amazon's Superior video game deal

Lol pleb
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>dress like an autist
>surprised when autists are drawn to you
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>true story btw
>went to a gamestop
>wanted to purchase bayonetta for the ps3
>some fat dude is lying on the carpet infront of the games reading a comic oder a walkthroughbook hella i know what it was
>pizzaface employee stutters he has to go
>dude refuses, still reading
>i pay the game and leave

these establishments are really creepy man

>walk into Best Buy
>nope just the same first party shit that is always on the shelves and BB doesn't sell much used stuff since no one knows or bothers trading in stuff to Best Buy
>buy Devil Survivor Overclocked and Otomidius Excellent from the local Gamestop

BB is only good for buying new shit a little cheaper when it comes out.
They're new. Usually the last copy on hand is the display one. They remove the disk from the case, slap a sticker on it, and put it up for display.

From my experience, only autistic people care about it being sealed in plastic.
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>almost all my casual attire is movie or subtle vidya stuff
You brought this on yourself. You dress like a sperg, you'll attract spergs. Not to mention you unironically use the term "normie"
Buy games from eBay. Don't support Amazon.

>Only autistic people care about it being in plastic

Where exactly do you think you are right now?
>I'm not autistic enough to want to keep everything to myself in mint condition.

But you are autistic enough to feel the need to replace a game you were done with and loaned out. Do you actually care to play it again?

>Amazon refused to hire me so they are evil

Literally you

>supporting ebay after they implemented the higher surcharges

just support your local retro shop(if they aren't jews trying to charge 40 dollars for a Mario 64) or find some collectorfags online
If you see a "pop swap at gamestop" thing coming this saturday, know they they made us pay for anything at that event with our own money. Im dead fucking serious DO NOT GO TO GAMESTOP THIS SATURDAY. THEY TOLD US TO BASICALLY THROW A GRAND COLLECTIBLE RE OPENING WITH OUR OWN MONEY. FUCK YOU GAMESTOP CORPORATE.
>going through my tri-annual Demon's Souls playthrough
>dog tells me he needs to go pick up his Switch
>tell him to pick it up himself
>wait no I just had the Crown Vic waxed
>don't want him to ruin it again
>Flamelurker kills me while I'm distracted
>we drive down to Gamestop
>have to go to the far one because the nearby one is being fumigated or something
>don't think I had anything to do with it this time
>anyway, go inside store
>dog trots on over to pick up his Switch
>I look through the PS3 games in the meantime
>games haven't changed at all
>most of the cases still have my spit from last time
>look down
>dog managed to pick up his order without incident
>well that's a fucking first
>notice there's no displays in the store
>steal a bunch of shirts on the way out instead
>they were all smalls
>stop at a McDonalds and stuff them down the toilet
>buy a dozen McChickens
>play Snipperclips when we get back
It's mostly true. I had to pay her for the sex.
You know they can't legally do that, right?
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>go to Gamestop
>always cute girls working there
>act normal around them
>they think I'm gay at first because I don't come onto them
>they call me their 'kid brother' every time I come into the store even though I'm at least 8 years older than them
>end up hanging out with them on weekends either online or at Dave & Busters playing arcade games and getting drunk
>they use me to keep the other guys away from them
>neither in a relationship and just want to have fun and play video games
>never see them hanging out with guys at all and are constantly texting me to hang out with them after work
I'm not from America and even I know it's not as good. It costs more, doesn't last as long, and Amazon doesn't have any brick & mortar locations to deal with issues.
They can't force you but they can certainly let you quit if you don't like it.
If you work at a game store, chances are you need the money.
So pathetic I actually believe it. Except for the part about the girls being cute.
If they fire you for not participating you have a ridiculously easy lawsuit on your hands.
Just wanted you to know I appreciate you .
Never seen an ugly girl working at Gamestop.
>call GameStop to see if they have a switch (mk8 deluxe release date, mind you)
>No we don't have anything
>Call another
>"My manager sez no GameStop haz any"
>They aren't even checking
> They're just giving out the same bullshit statements
>Walk into Walmart
>They have eight
>"We keep getting them in but we've only been getting one or two each time, this time we got eight"
And from that day on I believe the whole scarcity thing is a lie perpetrated by GameStop so they can sell their bullshit bundles.
Local Gamestop dude is fucking deaf from headphones, he talks louder than anybody I've ever heard, not sure if he even knows it.
>Go to Gamestop
>What used to be shelves of video games have now become Hot Topic clothes
>Only one shelf has video games
>walk towards gamestop
>see qt grill working there
>head home and pirate something instead
Gamestop will straight up deny you the sell of a game on the day of release if you didn't preorder, doesn't matter if they have more copies than preorders just so you preorder next time.
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>in Gamestop
>a kid comes in with his mom
>he picks out Black for PS2
>good choice kiddo
>when they go to the register his mom asks the clerk if you kill people in this game
>clerk says yeah
>mom looks at the kid, ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS
>kid can't think of anything to say, just looks back at her wide-eyed
>She leaves the game on the counter and drags him out of the store without a word
Good try, kid
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thanks for that, i needed it
>some random popular video game release night
>midnight on the spot
>drive by Gamestop
>line out the door, parking lot full, traffic jam at intersection leading in
>keep driving by
>go to walmart a few more blocks down
>no line
>empty parking lot
>park right up front
>go to electronics department
>buy brand new release game
>no upsell speech
>drive back by gamestop
>line still out the door
>they're struggling to organize the chaos
>get home and play game
>go to GameStop
>they have no PC games at all
>turn 360 degrees and leave
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>walk in to FUCKING GAMESTOP to pick up the new mlb
>cute girl at the register, 8/10 would bang
>she ring up the game
>"so, you come here aften?" she asks
>"y-yeah, I havent seen you here before"
>"I'm new here! my first day on the job!"
>"oh, h-haha"
>she senses my spaghetti
>"you know, you're really shy fpr someone so cute."
>"t-thanks, how much do I owe you for the game?"
>sweating uncontrollably at this point
>"That'll be 3.50$ sir!"
>it was at about this time that I notice that this gamestop employee is about 8 stories tall and was a crustacean from the paleozoic era
>that god damn loch ness monster had tricked me again
I'm surprised no retailer has ever come out with an ad campaign/slogan basically saying "our employees will leave you the FUCK alone unless you ask them for help." I feel like that'd probably attract a decent amount of customers.
If you keep turning that many degrees, you're going to get stuck in that store forever
>sometimes show up to chit chat about latest news they dont know (they dont care for half but anything that affects sales they do)
>eventually go in late one night
>only girl employee is there this time
>spit the shit for a bit bout the switch issues
>old girl employee showed up out of nowhere to get binding of isaac for switch
>move my ass to the demo ps4 and see whats new because i am not here to make a transaction be delayed for talking
>they somehow manage to stray onto the topic of gaymer guuuurls
>just get cold sweats and try not to jump in yet
>they go on about how some girls will come into the shop and get pissy when they talk to their boyfriend at the register
>or how theyll think they know what theyre on about and start arguing with the female employees
>still havent jumped in yet
>hear "i fucking hate those twitch sluts"
>couldnt control it and say "the ones where the game is in a small corner of the stream right?"
>they both shout yes and ask me to share my complaints
>stay for an hour and we just bash everything we can about these sluts on twitch news sites and shit
never did i ever think that 2 women who worked there would invite me to bitch about women that dont play games or use it for profit
was a good day
i told them how i knew someone who donated over 10k to some cunt in a year

fuck this gay earth i want my video games
i lol'd
>Paleozoic Era

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fuck you
>Call GameStop to see if they have Nintendo Switch in stock.
>Takes like 5 mins to check, something that they should fucking now right now.
>Employee tells me they don't have any, just the bundles which start at $450, but they are online only, but, I gotta go to the store to order them, I can't order them from my computer.

Fucking GameStop, I wasn't gonna order your shitty bundle, but you niggers even try to get people to go to your store even for online purchases.
>Bought original DS at launch
>Get a no-questions-asked return
>Any time I wanted a new DS, i would just go get one
>only had to pay the $10 for a new return
>even worked when the DS lite came out. Just had to pay the difference in price.
>My friend, the Gamestop
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>Work for Gamestop
>Decent discount, can check out games, and get games for free from time to time
>MFW female manager has to double check with me that Mario games are not available on any other console families besides Nintendo
>MFW manager harasses the fuck out of customers if they say no to reservations or the rewards program
>MFW The few Switch consoles we actually get in the store MUST be sold as a bundle even though Nintendo did not intend for it to be set as a bundle

And then there are the supremely autistic customers

>Customers talk to me as if I am single handedly the reason they can't get a switch despite showing up 10 min before close on a saturday
>Customers demanding to know what stores have them in stock and having their minds blown when we say no other Gamestops in the area
>MFW they demand that I check to see if Walmart or Best Buy have any in stock and get doubly annoyed that I don't have any special means of knowing if any other store besides a Gamestop has switches in stock
>MFW customers openly and accusingly share their conspiracy stories about how we're really just hiding Switch consoles in the back so we can mark up the price later as if I'm going to suddenly go 'Oh shit, you caught me! Here's your Switch sir, please don't tell anyone else.'

Fuck Gamestop, and fuck the autists who shop there. Atleast we have mostly decent employees and a few good customers who aren't spergs
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The Gametstop in my country is still selling Wii games for 49 euros.

I scream every time.

Second hand wii games to add.
Spread the gospel of emulation outside the GameStop.
I have. Fat too. But she actually knew her shit, so I suppose she wasn't a bad hire.
Just "rent" them and rip them to a hard drive to play on Dolphin or a hacked Wii.
This, but at my Gamestop the fucking employees always give me shit for returning anything. Fucking faggots.

>Would you like to buy a disc warranty for a year?
>go to gamestop 2 years ago
>witcher 3 release day
>place is empty
>super qt behind the counter
>flirty and funny
>we talk about the marines, i was leaving for bootcamp soon and her brother was in years ago
>keep going back to this gamestop for a while just to see her and talk
>always touching me, asks for my number
>kiss once when I take her to park
>she mentions her bf finally one day
>never go back, delete her number

>be few months ago
>reservist now, go to petco to grab something
>she works there now
>looks like she did drugs, no more qt
>avoid looking at her, leave soon as possible

Gamestop used to be the best when I was young. Its all shirts and toys now.
>Missing the chance of being the bull

Fucking cuck.
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>Buying two ports from last gen hardware

Top kek m8
>go into gamestop
>grab game I'm interested
>pay for game
>have preorder for two (2 [deux]) bayonetta amiibos at my location
>moving out of the city soon
I wanna die. I'll never get to hotglue one of my cheap plastic figurines at this rate.
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Not a particularly interesting story but
>go to Gamestop
>get JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle on PS3 for €50 thinking it's a fair price
>a few days later
>get what I think is a character DLC pack on PSN for €12
>it's actually the full fucking game digitally
>bring physical copy to CEX for cash
>they only give me €5 for it

I feel like this was a learning experience for me.

in an age of smart phones you shouldn't get swindled like that.
You're a massive fag
Do you fucking eat your figures?
How do they even make it to the bathroom let alone the toilet?
New doesn't mean sealed.
New means it hasn't been played.
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>All the best games this generation, Persona 5, GTA 5, MK8D, and BoTW could all run on last gen hardware
>it's been like, 4 years since this gen came out.
Game retailers are dying in general because people are finding it easier and cheaper just to get it from places like Amazon.
Pretty much any game made for this gen of consoles could have been done on last gen hardware. This whole "power" thing is a scam.
I like to buy games, fart in the cases and then return them to female employees.
Did you destroy the receipt or does your country have shit laws.
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>go to gamestop
>ask for senran kagura 2
>didn't know there was a special edition
>wasn't paying attention when he rang me up
>sold me the special edition
>didn't realize until I got home
>now I have 2 weeb cds that I never bothered opening

Not him but if I remember right CeX doesn't offer returns just like that
There has to be something wrong with the game and they try and repair the game. If all else fails then you get your refund.

I don't remember if they still do that though.
It doesn't matter what shitty policies the company has, in most first world countries you are entitled to a refund as long as it is not damaged.
depends on the store and the game. When Ni-Oh came out, we had no extra copies. 6 copies showed up, all 6 were reserved. Prey, on the other hand we had a shitload of extras, so we offloaded a good chunk of them on launch day
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>Never had a problem with my local Gamestops or their employees
>Actually have had pleasant gaming conversations with all of them from time to time
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I'm actually mildly upset that I don't have any Gamestop horror stories.
I keep plastic toys in the bathroom and play with them while taking a shit. What do you do to kill that time, play with your smartphone? If you drop that it won't rinse off
>If you drop that it won't rinse off
Unlike you my hands don't constantly secret a thick grease and I don't hang my belonging over the damn toilet so things don't drop into it.
>go to Bic Camera Shibuya to purchase a PS4
>it's late at night, I spent the day walking and I went to a concert. I'm tired
>pick up the PS4
>the girl in the counter doesn't know if she should sell me the console because the "expert" isn't there
>"expert" arrives
>tries to convince me that the PS4 is only 110v
>tries to convince me that the PS4 isn't region free
>suddenly I have 3 guys arround me with a fucking first aid kit
>i have a drop of blood coming out of one of my fingers
>i'm about to lose my shit
>i tell them that i just want to pay for the PS4 and go home

Fucking Bic Camera, that's why I prefer Yodobashi.
only reason to go to gamestop is gamestop tv
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>go to fallout 4 midnight release at eb games
>they ran out of pip boys and didn't reserve the one i pre ordered
>see some normie asian fuckboys walking away with 10 pip boys in a shopping cart (probably planning to resell)
>lose my shit and punch a mario cardboard display and literally REEEEEE in front of hundreds of people
>never go to that store again
Like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cmexEZGQbs
7/10 made me laugh
I don't hang things on the toilet. It just when your done taking a shit you set down whatever you were wasting time with, then wipe your ass, flush the toilet and wash your hands.
The most convenient place to set something down momentarily is on the ledge by the sink. So when I go to wash my hands sometimes I bump whatever I've set down. I've had near misses with electronics, so the easy answer is don't bring electronics into the shitter. Plastic toys are fucking fine
Who the fuck says XD anymore?
It's Kek you cuck.
I went in there once and asked for the MGS collection on vita. Without missing a beat (or checking the inventory) the guy behind the counter told me it was non existent. The manager heard this, came over, and just looked it up on the computer, told him it did exist, and told me they were out of stock.
Ill take things that never happened for 200, alex
>thinking its ok to force people to dance to recieve an event code
How is this ok in your mind?
Well the really easy answer is to not be retarded but I can see that that's not an option for everyone.
>go into Gamestop to purchase Toukiden 2
>about to ring it up
>ask if I want game insurance
>tell him no
>are you sure, it sounds pretty loose in there
>proceeds to shake the game case

Told him I'm never going to come back and walked over to Best Buy. Who in their fucking right mind buys a CD/BluRay after its been shaken right in front of them?
Jesus Christ. Loose discs are unsellable factory defects. What fucking shithole doesn't send that stuff back to the distributor? Gamestop obviously...
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I did that for modern warfare. I can still see the salty faces as I flung the extra copy I bought into the crowd, disc flying out and everything.
>using retard logic to defend a huge corporation that could just stop opening their fucking games like every other retailer has done ever.
How long can it possibly take you to shit that you need toys to play with in the bathroom? Eat some fucking vegetables
>his bathroom doesn't have a shelf
>instead of putting things on the floor he decides to put it on the ledge of the sink which puts his belongings in danger of dropping off into the toilet
I think you might be the most retarded person on /v/.
>How long can it possibly take you to shit that you need toys to play with in the bathroom?

I don't need to. I just want to. There's nothing wrong with enjoying myself, it's not like I'm spending my time jacking off to pictures of traps
>There's nothing wrong with enjoying myself
Except for the fact that you're doing it in a place people defecate in and have a tendency to drop it.
Also have some consideration for other people, it seems like you spend forever in the toilet doing nothing but be a manchild.
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>go to amazon
>search for the game I want
>add to card and purchase
>watch as my prime membership pays for itself with 20% off my game purchase as well as free shipping
>receive game on the day its released or in 2 days
>play my game while I think about how painless the experience was and how sorry I feel for gamestop cucks
>go to gamestop
>buy game
>clerk tells me to have fun
>tell him fun is a meme and not an argument

_______ ________
Amazon started collecting sales tax in my state so I had to stop shopping there and buy all my shit on ebay now.
the closest thing i have is some chick being a bitch because i refused to buy game informer so i did the survey on the receipt and got her fired
Is it still possible to get the achievement where you get the killing blow on a global nemesis?
>Except for the fact that you're doing it in a place people defecate in and have a tendency to drop it.
Oh no. My valuable plastic toys, how will I ever resell them

>Also have some consideration for other people, it seems like you spend forever in the toilet doing nothing but be a manchild.
Get your own bathroom and nobody cares if you spend 10 minutes on the shitter
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Not horror, just really annoying and kinda cringey

>In GameStop
>the guy at the counter talking vidya with me
>obviously defeated and single mom comes walking in with her fat kid
>kid looks like a tard
>ever seen bad Santa?
>yea that kid
>same kid in Shameless (later season)
>pic related
>immediately runs all over the store while hitch pitch shouting at the top of his lungs
>approaches the discount basket
>you know the one
>its like auschwitz for used games
>grabs Halo:CE (the original)
>Moms expressions never changed
>that look of crushed dreams
>that look of lost hop
>failed marriage
>stressful job
>had I hit the kid she would have fucked me
>probably could have gotten the GameStop clerk in on it to

Why are kids so fucking obnoxious? Is it the parenting?
Maybe He is too fat to Pick the Figures Up once He Put them on the floor
Ohohoho I see you also are fellow speaking or English!
I have a bunch of old 360 I was gonna try yo trade at GameStop

Am I better off throwing them out the window?
i cringe more at stupid shit women say while selling anything and if im at gamestop i just go through merch, buy what i want and get out, im not there to make friends im there to get games
Parents that are willing to take their children to gamestop have already lost the battle, anon.

Just pray that they have not lost the war.
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>knock the fuck out of the kid
>you and the clerk have sex with the mom atop the unconscious fat tard

This is really funny in my head honestly I'm chuckling like a madman.
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>get two copies of persona 5 on launch
>decide to sell the second one back to gamestop the next day
>offer $30 when I just paid $80 for it

and those fuckers will resell it at $70
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>be me
>go to gamestop to look for a used copy of yo-kai watch
>there's a little kid (probably 6 or 7) browsing through games
>find yo-kai watch, pick it up
>kid sees me
>his mother walks up to me
"where did you find that? my son has been looking for it everywhere!"
>little kid walks up with puppy dog eyes
>sigh internally
>put on a smile
"just in the clearance bin."
>hand the game over to the kid
>he squeals with joy
>never seen a happier kid
>get an actual, warmer smile on my face
>tfw i probably made that moms day
>tfw i probably made that kids childhood with a video game

I think I want kids so I can experience their happiness such as little moments like that.
Well yeah. They're a business, they make money. You could just return the game to wherever you bought it for $80. Or sell it on Craigslist for $70?
I bought it from them and they'll only take back a new game if it's unopened.
why did you buy 2 copies anyway? and dont they sell them pre-opened?
>go into gamestop
>they sell games
who fucking pays for games
You just handed the kid one of the worst monster collecting games this generation.
You sick freak.

Also do people really not just ask over the counter for things where you live?
Don't bother, just keep being nice to random well behaved kids instead, much cheaper.
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Holy Shit

>jurrasic world
That movie was shit, and the fact that you purchased something advertising it means you deserve anything you get and worse.
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>go to gamestop
>buy arkham knight for ps4 pre owned
>never played after a week or 2 cause work
>put the disc in
>fucking cant be read!
>tfw i didnt buy their shitty insurance
>tfw i returning period is already over
>took all my old games and sell it to gamestop along with the broken arkham knight
>they bought it back
>1 month later black friday
>arkham knight on sale
>buy a "new" copy on a different gamestop
>tfw it works now
P.S. TFW the day one code on the broken arkham knight works
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>doesn't know the 360 meme
>calls others newfag
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