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Kaldaien- One of the biggest fighter on the side of Denuvo has

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Thread replies: 466
Thread images: 65

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Pic related was his last moments. Even until the end he was fighting for Denuvo. But the pirate mods of steam banned him.
He even called out the pirate mods by on their bullshit, I quote
> You never asked my permission to pin the thread in the first place. You just assumed ownership of it from day one. It's not yours to do as you please with, I've asked you kindly to delete it. The least you could do is show me the same level of respect that you show the pirates harassing me. In effect, by hijacking that thread as your own, you are yourself a pirate. Please think about this for a while.
How do we stop these goddamn pirates /v/?
>you wouldn't pirate a forum thread
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lol get a load of this goy
I dont game on PC so dont care and you should stop calling yourself a fighter. Your just a faggot on a keyboard like the rest of us.
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> mfw pirates are winning even on buyfag headquarters
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>Making a thread in favor of Denuvo on /v/
why are you guys so pathetic to talk up and spread drama? Dont you guys have anything better to do like play video games?
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Where is proofs for that quote?
Either way BTFO
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you know, he and his followers or whatever you want to call them are stupid, but some of the people le epik trolling them aren't much better.

I understand it's only a few people on both sides, but they both look like idiots.
gonna need a run down here fellas
still haven't played a denuvo game
my ssd still hasn't died yet
i rest my case
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>Kaldaien- One of the biggest fighter on the side of Denuvo
literally who?
also why would he fight in steam forums lmao. no one gives a shit about those anymore except when google leads them because they have problems with a game.
He was banned because one of his mods deletes the host's files if it detects the game is the pirated version. He admitted this and thought it was ok. It's not, it's malicious software.
>Durante did these things just as a service to improving the games
>then you got shitheads like this doing it for attention
>people crack nier
>port is still shit
>modder is on denuvo cock
>decides to add a simple drm mechanic to ebin troll pirates
>acts like a cunt on forums
>they just recompile without it
>he gets banned after insulting good goy pirates
>his friends are on full damage control
>long live steam forums
This does seem to be the cause. I mean, the guy is autistic, but that's not enough of a reason to ban him
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>Dont you guys have anything better to do like play video games?
>he doesn't know
A user of Kaldaien's FAR mod accused him of injecting Malware in other user's PC. His mods deleted crack files of your other pirated games. Let's say you have pirated RE7, then bought nier and installed his FAR mod. His mod will delete your RE7 crack file. Also he has admitted to using steam's api to identify users. And he bans those users who pirate games even if the user uses his mod in a legally purchased game. He got in a fight with this against steam mods and as this was against steam's rule he got banned
Spreading malicious software is not enough of a reason?
Read my post again
You need reading comprehension dude.
All right, I misunderstood.

You're saying it's OK to modify host's files.
played several denuvo titles across a long period of time on ssd, no issues

how about you stop buying shit hardware
>the le denuvo kills SSDs meme

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>actively fix games for free
>get banned
The second vid should have been this.
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what a dunce, do people still use this mod?
This is the guy that released the Automata fix right? I don't know how you could get into a position where you, as a consumer, give a shit if people pirate a game or not.

He's saying that being autistic, as in the posts in OP's image, wouldn't be enough for the ban but if he was deleting people's files with his fix then that's definitely the reason for the ban.
How can he possibly BE that asshurt? Either he has a large stock in Denuvo or he's Mr. Denuvo himself.
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H-Heh... he'll get unbanned soon... I'll make sure of it.
Piratism never dies
Say it with me:

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>I don't know how you could get into a position where you, as a consumer, give a shit if people pirate a game or not.
You want publisher to earn more and release more games on the platform on your choice?
>taking fat shits on a guy that made a bad port playable

PC fats wonder why they never get anything good
Is this from here?


I can't seem to find those lines in the latest version.
That's still not your/consumer's concern.
The port was perfectly playable on my machine since day 1. I also had no resolution issues people claimed to have.
I don't hate him for doing that, I dislike his utter autism
>it is a butthurt piratefag episode
Why do pirates think they are entitled?
The mod is probably a pirate.
This is a hilarious own goal for steam though, this is genuinely stupid.
Have fun guys


>That's not accurate. I have never downloaded or streamed unlicensed content. I had a run in with the FBI for computer crimes in the early 90's (not piracy related). I've been amenable to license terms since the Internet started gaining traction. No reason to steal something when I can afford it.

>I had a run in with the FBI for computer crimes in the early 90's (not piracy related)

google cache cause steam post looks to be deleted
I'm the one who gets to choose what is my concern and what isn't.
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I'm sure some people are who don't know any better, but the mod itself was open-source. Other modders just came along and removed the shitty bits.
Literally who gives a fuck?
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>tfw people steal your shit
>tfw mods ban you after fixing their shitty port
>tfw have every website make fun of you
>tfw the only defense force is your autistic friends
I know you're trolling, but he absolutely deserves all the criticism he's been getting. It's completely unethical to create a mod that deletes the user's files without their consent. Period. That's called malware. Kaldaien was caught spreading malware on Steam Forums, and in response Kaldaien was extremely rude to other forum members, and thus justly banned.
Holy crap. THIS is how pathetic buyfags are. So glad I am not one. Pirates are always jolly and helpful. Go read comments on piratebay and you will see people helping each other out when it comes to problems. Buyfags are just butthurt losers.

>suddenly go into autistic screeching mode and start sneaking malicious code into it

Gee I wonder why people are shitting on him.
Then you end up like him.
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>I had a run in with the FBI for computer crimes in the early 90's (not piracy related)
>It's completely unethical
You mean just like piracy?
>pirating games

I want the third world ESL trash to leave.
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>computer crimes
>not piracy related
Fucking pedo confirmed
>you can pirate threads now
We need to go deeper
I honestly don't understand why he went off the deep end. Dude was talented and did some great work on stuff that had been abandoned by the developers. Hell, I even remember him complaining about the shitty proprietary DRM Tales of Symphonia originally shipped with.

Why the fuck would he champion Denuvo and go after pirates so maliciously? Why does he even fucking care? It boggles my mind.
I would think spreading malware would be more likely to get you in legal trouble than piracy.
That code is perfectly fine and has nothing to do with the meme picture you got there.

I'm answering a simple question posted in >>376491774, about what reasoning people use when they care about piracy. No need to make this about me personally.
Pretty amateurish code desu
I bet the loser thinks he's a real hotshot for writing that.

he's already on FBI's radar.
admitting to this shit just means the story will get better.
Some people just like drama and politics.
You're answering the question with your personal views and yet you don't want to make it about you? That's some serious mental gymnastics right there, olympics tier.
I really don't want to defend the autist, but you're a retard if you honestly think you can judge quality of code from that tiny snippet that does literally nothing.

Those are not my personal views. I am neutral about pirating.
Attention. Right before pirates "cracked" his fix, there were multiple threads of him and his friends laughing at them. Safe to say he's not laughing anymore.
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>admitting to this shit just means the story will get better.


Steam Moderator and apparent pirate Zefar has assumed ownership of the
Steam support thread against the author's express written wishes;
although unafilliated with the project, he now holds Intellectual
Property ransom that does not belong to him.
Eh, you can see his FAR code on github. The anti piracy measure he used was an if block.
>Why the fuck would he champion Denuvo and go after pirates so maliciously? Why does he even fucking care? It boggles my mind.
Logical conclusion is he works for either Denuvo or a Third Part Firm hired to attack pirates.
Quality damage control. You should work for kaldaien.
Yeah, from a neutral perspective he did nothing wrong when it came to making pirates unable to use his software but he really went full retarded when it came to actually deleting files off people's computers and chimping out over muhdenuvo
If you publish your source code on github, there's no really better approach.

I'm not defending his behavior. Only code.
some people are just cunts
>biggest fighter
He shouldn't make that mod on the first place. Let hell break loose on SE/PG
For being a programmer he's pretty fucking retarded.
You just get banned from the forum of that game. Doesn't even have to be permanent.
If he really was that committed to stopping piracy, he wouldn't have uploaded the code on github. It's obvious that all of this shit was attention whoring.
Like I said I don't defend nor care about his behavior, only code.
yea but he fixed a $60 game for legit buyers
none of this would've happened has devs done their job
Don't you just love how pirates think they are entitled to pirate games like they have a legal right to do it?
Nobody's saying that, they're saying that the guy deserved to get shit on for releasing a program that altered files on the end users' computers without the consent of those users, regardless of how they got those files. He overstepped.
Buyfag here. This guy's a cunt. I'm rooting for you, piratebros.
Not an argument
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>fix someone else's game and try to fuck people over
>the people you unfucked the game for end up fucking you
how about you deal with it?
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nice lies
Information wants to be free, hack the planet!
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Nice spicy meme, my dude
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>can pirate a thread
but can I pirate (you)'s?
>but if he was deleting people's files with his fix then that's definitely the reason for the ban.
it isn't. Calling pirates morons was.
you can look at the code on github and see that it does that.

>the know
is there an archive.is for videos?
is this the same guy that fixed the original Dark Souls on PC?
dailymotion or puush or mixtape
No mention of hosts files in latest revision. I went through history a bit and couldn't find anything related either.

Nah. That's Durante.
>the mentally challenged brigade
H-he's on to us, /v/!
It deleted cracks, you have no legal right do download and use cracks. You pirated a game and used cracks, you have no defense.

Legit owners were not affected, only pirates who have no rights in the first place.

Deal with it.

It is like stealing something from a shop and then someone stealing it from you.

You have no rights, you are just buttmad.
So wait, Steam is more inclined to ban someone for calling others "morons" than for a thread on their official forums that advertises a malicious software?
Go to bed Kaldaien
Peter "Durante" Thoman listed as one of authors in the source code, in the third position.
Not an argument
No, I can't, I decided that I'm a fucking faggot and a sissyboi for asking for this. Please call me gay, thx
You don't understand the law at all. Having some files is not a crime. Maliciously deleting files with a program IS.
>software deletes content off of user's devices without their consent
>but its ok because it is only deleting a certain type of content without the user's consent

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>Then shop owner got buttmad
Sounds about right
>It deleted cracks, you have no legal right do download and use cracks

No legal right to modify files either
EULAs are not recognized as legal in countries outside the US.
Nah, that was Durante, who now won't fix anything anymore for free I think.
>It is like stealing something from a shop and then someone stealing it from you.
You do have rights in that situation, and you definitely can sue for that and win.
No, people do absolutely have the right to be informed of what a program will do before they download it. This is unjustifiable behavior done by a guy who's got a bloated ego. And what about if his release has any false positives? If that happens, he dicks on legitimate customers.

>You have no rights, you are just buttmad

I bought Nier Automata on release and completed it. You're retarded.
>jews release a horrible port to double sales by doing zero additional work
>retard defends this
>fixes the game for them for free
>gets butthurt when people don't agree that devs should get free money for shitty job
>gets banned
>you have no legal right do download and use cracks.
Actually, using cracks is completely within the law. They alone are not illegal, only spreading the actual game is.
You can sue the creator of the crack for damages, but nothing about it is illegal.
No it isn't, you have no legal rights. You stole a game and used a crack to play it, you lost all legal rights when you did this.
Yeah, but he isn't the one going full sperg. Most likley the autist just borrowed a piece of his code.
Can you cite your sources, sir, or are you just an armchair lawyer?
>It is like stealing something from a shop and then someone stealing it from you.

You're a complete retard. Both of them would still be trialled.
>In effect, by hijacking that thread as your own, you are yourself a pirate.
You don't lose rights even when you commit an actual crime.
I can't believe buyfags are actually defending this right now. Look, you pay for free things, and you have no right to admonish us for being smarter than you are. Deal with it.
I can't even imagine caring about Steam forums drama.
>when you pirate a software you stop being a citizen or even a human being
Is this what buycucks believe?
This is how you pirate (You)'s.
>two wrongs make a right
>if I shoot a murderer then it's not murder!
All these buttmad pirates.

I think he took a stance against lazy developers shitting out awful ports so the community can fix it them.
> You stole a game and used a crack to play it, you lost all legal rights when you did this.

Pirates were allowed to be included in the class action suit against Microsoft for the Windows 10 nonsense.
I don't see the problem if his program actually functioned as a malware against pirates. If anything that's a good things. Pirates deserve it.
No, when you pirate something you do not have any rights.
>get BTFO like a bitch
>b-buttmad pirates am I right?
>when you pirate a software you stop being a citizen or even a human being
Is this what buycucks believe?
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>Why the hell do you care how Denuvo works?

Why does he care that others care?
> being this buttmad because pirates are smarter than you are
2017 is the year that keeps on giving.
the problem is creating and distributing malware is still a fucking crime whether pirates download it or not
Enjoying those deleted files anon?
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>talked about modder got buttmad
>instantly assumed everyone was a piratefag
holy fuck, anon. What are you doing ?
Source for the quote?
Fun fact, by reading this thread you have consumed pirated content.
Who gives a shit. Distributing malware to pirates is a good thing. He did nothing wrong. You can bitch and cry, but it won't change the fact I feel no sympathy toward you or any other pirate getting raped by his mini-malware.
I just want quality videogames, fucking companies should spend more time creating great games so people will feel like buying them instead of trying to fuck over pirates which never works.
>It is like stealing something from a shop and then someone stealing it from you.

It's like stealing something from a shop and then somebody breaking into your house and stealing it from you.

Which, you know, is still a crime.
Yes you do. It's called jail/probation/fines. You're losing your right to freedom and money.
let me guess, denuvo is a malware now ?
damn sonnnnnnnnnnnnnn
I love this thread. So many people mad and it's not even 200 posts.
>Distributing malware to pirates is a good thing

What happens if pirates unknowingly transfer malware to legit buyers?

This is why "pirates deserve it" will never hold ground.
But distributing malware is not legally defensible
Jokes on you - I am a programmer and I scanned his code before compiling it. As a matter of fact, his nier fix doesn't have anything to delete files.
You, however, are a dum-dum because you pay for free stuff.
I'm not getting raped by anything. I didn't even download the mod, and if I did and it deleted some cracks that'd be a minor annoyance at worst. I'm saying that a file that secretly deletes people's files is malware, and distributing that is a crime.
That is not what happened anon.

Go tell the police that this guys mod deleted the cracks you were using to play the games you stole without permission.
>Yes you do. It's called jail/probation/fines. You're losing your right to freedom and money.

kek this fucking logic
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getting smart by not using that mod.
phone poster read only when
Do you live in Saudia Arabia or something? Even as a criminal in jail you have rights.
I don't actually like Denuvo though and I find the modder's defense of Denuvo to be stupid. However him fucking over with pirates make me smile.
Yes and? I don't give a shit if what he did was legal or not. He did the right thing in the end.
Says the retarded pirate who got buttraped by a mod.
Cry more piratecuck.
>implying the game even work at all without the mod
Please explain how making a post from my phone is any different from making one from my PC?
didn't read
That's how the real world works. You commit a crime then you go to jail.

Oh, so the "people" in jail are there of their own free will? They can leave anytime they want? No. They've committed a crime and lost their rights to freedom.
This is a quality game that was half ass rushed by it's own developers after the developers said specific that they put the work in and it was obvious they didn't. So some modder fixed it, however good games shouldn't be pirated so he made a way to fuck pirates.

Fuck your feelings over drm and anti tamper, you pirate a good game you're just a piece of shit.
The muh denuvo act fell through with this game. Pirates a literal scum.
>literally nothing happened to pirates
>moralfags claiming victory even though they lost someone who fixes games they PAY for

>That's how the real world works. You commit a crime then you go to jail.
moving the goal posts. you originally said rights were lost. now you changed it to jailtime.
>deleting cracks
>using steam api to identify users
Not funny
>bans those users who pirate games even if the user uses his mod in a legally purchased game
Complete cunt

Should have kept it to deleting cracks and everyone could just have a laugh about it.
They have lost their right to free movement, but they still have legal rights.
I will always pirate games. Even if I become a billionaire, I will never spend a single penny on video games. If the devs don't like it, they should get a proper job.
Tell me, did the mod fix the whitescreen ?
This, and even if it's supposed to only delete "evil pirate files", false positives are always possible. From the point of view of a legit buyer, the last thing you want to see happen when you install a mod is to get some random vital file deleted because the retard who coded it thought it would be a good idea to fight pirates with his secret justice code.
If it needs a third party fix to be properly paid it's not a good game.


Even simple charges like a DUI restricts your rights.
>the devs don't like it, they should get a proper job.
How is being a games developer not a proper job? Are you 12 years old?
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Check this shit out, /v/

>I had a run in with the FBI for computer crimes in the early 90's

This website has criminal his record, but won't let me access it unless I pay. Does anybody have membership here/or doesn't mind wasting $20 to see it?

That guy wasn't banned for anything of that sort, he was banned because he was sperging out on anti-Denuvo fags. The anti-Denuvo fags I'm talking about also got banned.
>How do we stop these goddamn pirates /v/?
With Denuvo

>literally nothing happens to pirates
>pirates get the guy who fixes the game banned
Guess no more updates is nothing happening, as well the modder who does probably more work than actual developers on PC ports swearing off doing single game mods anymore.

Good job faggots, you just ran someone out that did more good than harm, because of your fucking egos and dindu attitude for games.
You know, except the FBI since spreading malware is a federal crime.
>bans those users who pirate games even if the user uses his mod in a legally purchased game
it doesn't though. The blacklist intentionally doesn't target pirates.

Just think about it. What sense would it make to use the Steam API for that reason? God, people are retarded.
he did it to himself

fuck yourself drone
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>introducing even more topics in effort to move goal posts

also lel dui = piracy
jesus christ duis kill people piracy doesn't
He was an idiot for getting over zealous, however pirates are in the wrong entirely here.
>pirating good games
Fuck your feelings, enjoy 900p.
>guy acts like complete cunt
>gets banned
I hope at least nobody tips the FBI about him creating and distributing malware since he's already got a criminal record for cyber crimes :^)
Do you really think think the FBI will give a shit about a mod that deletes cracks used to play stolen copies of games?

You are aware that piracy is a crime?
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>Actually thinks those sites are legit
The screen is much smaller, leading to larger and more thought out posts being a chore to read, and instantly suspect as copypasta.

The input methods for phones are also tedious to use for any long well thought out post, leading to lower overall post quality and simple quips that at barely more than the average tweet in length, since thats all you, the iphone generation, can manage.
>Guess no more updates is nothing happening

The older versions of FAR still work.
Commit a crime=lost rights.

Apparently simple concepts are too hard for poorly educated pirates to understand.
Nigger, it's literally his exact location as posted on his Github. How do you explain that
>I have never downloaded or streamed unlicensed content.
Odds are that if you've used a site like YouTube, dailymotion or anything like that for more than a minute, this is untrue.
I bought it on release and have already played it

like I said, fuck yourself drone
If by doing good you mean rewarding lazy developers then sure.

When the developers releases a game that actually works I will consider it good.
Civilians aren't allowed to take justice in their own hands. Distributing software that deletes files without user permission is a crime, regardless of the intentions.
Do you honestly think they keep criminal records from that long ago? I really doubt it.
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>decided to argue with pirates and got buttmad
You cannot win all the times, you know. Just back off for a while
Doesn't matter. Committing a crime to punish a criminal is vigilante justice and it's very muck illegal.
You do know his code as already been forked and works on cracked copies now, right?
Everything you just said is retarded and has no relevance.
Holy fuck I'm tempted to pay the twenty bucks just to see if he got caught with CP or not. But I have a feeling the website would just show something generic like "crime - misdemeanor" or something. But if it exposes his exact crime, that'd be fucking godly. It'd probably make Kaldaien go from his current state or salty and butthurt to complete anal annihilation.
>When the developers releases a game that actually works I will consider it good.

You do understand the next yoko taro game simply just bricks your hard drive upon completion right? Ending Y.
>Commit a crime=lost rights.

Being found guilty of a crime = lost rights.
>piracy is a crime

piracy =/= copyright infringement
Damn it feels good to watch Tarotards melt down. Dumbass kids.
wat, pirate only need to take out that countermeasure and can be used as usual.
Having some files on your computer isn't a crime unless the 1s and 0s of those files happens to come together to form an image of an underage girl's naked body in an image viewer. The files themselves aren't illegal, and what you do with them is only a violation of copyright, not a federal offense.
Creating and surreptitiously distributing code that deletes peoples' files without their knowledge or consent is however a very clear cut federal offense and a textbook example of what the FBI cybercrime division prosecutes.
Go and call the FBI and tell them that this guys mod deleted your cracks that you were using to play the games you stole.

Please record the phone call so we can all laugh at you.
The key world being A FEW rights, not all rights.
>Do you honestly think they keep criminal records from that long ago? I really doubt it.

Clerks offices stop maintaining records after a set period of time. People still gather that information for background checks though
>buying steam games for anything higher than 20 dollars
lol, I'm pirating any game that does not go on sale within 6 months of release.
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Piracy is a crime.

You seem to be confused. Normally you dumb pirates scream that piracy isn't stealing, but you went full retard and tried to deny it's a crime.
You do realise that having cracks on your pc is not a crime, right? I can just say that I downloaded those files for a small project and the mod removed them.
Yeah? Criminal records are forever. And it's just text, so that shit is easily digitally stored.
>deletes peoples' files
They are not your files, you do not legally own them. They are cracks used to play stolen games.

You don't legally own the game or the cracks. You have no legal rights, kill yourself.
Mainly it's record sites that make money off this kind of shit that maintain the records themselves under the moral that "it's better for everyone to know" the reality is the people that run these sites usually run the removal sites for photos and record removal as well dozens of affiliate sites all under the same business.

Crime record sites are literally criminal in of themselves.
Go call the FBI and record your call for us then.
>cuckshed.com telling me piracy is illegal must be true
>omitting source
>civil crime = criminal crime
You need to calm down, m8
I understand that you are mad since you paid for free software, but lashing out at people who smarter than you isn't gonna solve your problems.
Now look at who's moving goal posts.
>modifying users hard drives to delete things is not illegal

No they aren't. If I had a criminal record, it would be erased from records available to the public in 10 years. Maybe USA keeps them forever, but I really doubt it.
I don't even live in united sharts. Not like I would waste my time on some buttmad buyfag anyway.

Still no legit argument.
why the fuck does platinum/squenix not put all the stuff FAR does into the game natively, its literally just basic QoL fixes.
Removing any files on other persons computer via malware is a crime. If you shoot a shoplifter you are still a murderer. Nice bait though.
What kind of place are you from that nobody can know you're a murderer if it's been longer than 10 years ago? Shit doesn't make any sense
FAR was a mistake
Go call your local law enforcement then. And make sure to record the call and post it for us.
Because the literally don't give a single fuck about you. If there are retards like this guy who will buy and defend any shit from developer, why would they ever care?

Fine I will.

>FBI investigation
>"left" his job in the same period
>mad as fuck against lecheers, while being a neet playing and shitposting 24/24

The dude has issues
In a place where criminals can get a job and reintegrate into society if they manage to be released from prison instead of being forced back into crime.
I don't legally own the files to steam either does that mean I pirated it?
The age old law of "fuck you got mine"
>muh criminal's jobs
Holy shit, I bet you're from one of the scandinavian countries.
To be fair I doubt you would speak his local language.
I'm only refuting the fucking idiotic statement of "you don't lose rights even when you commit an actual crime." This is factually incorrect and reeks of ignorance.

because Platinum doesn't give a fuck. they just put nier on PC in the hopes of generating additional money since Sqeenix bleeds money. FF15 a flop, FF14 having to give all purchasers a free year as they extended beta testing to fix what a shit MMO it was, Thi4f was horrible ass and they cancelled Dood Sex 3 after Mankind Divided flopped and probably most of their profit had to go to paying the Denuvo licensing fee...Sqeenix is being run into the ground by management.
>getting banned from steam forums because you actively fucked with steam users

I'm OK with this.
>I'd rather have my criminals continue to be a bane of society and continue to make society worse by murdering old ladies for pocket money rather than integrate and become contributing citizens
Are you a Muslim that wants to stone everything he sees or something?
Yea, well if you enjoy paying for criminals who committed a crime so minor that they can get released in 10 years, then keep it up. I rather spend my money on video games while said criminal feeds himself.

>commit a crime
>serve your sentence, repay your debt to society
>return to a normal life afterwards

I'm American and there's nothing wrong with that ideal.

Recidivism rates are pretty high in this country, it would be nice to make it drop.
>"how is posting from my phone bad?"
>well written argumentation about why
>"duh that's retarded and irelevant"
>you don't lose rights even when you commit an actual crime

You don't lose rights when you commit a crime you idiot.
You have to be found guilty.
Your entire argument is built around fundamentals that are not true.

Jesus Christ are you 5?
>I want to make troubled people more fucked up and less likely to reintegrate in to society and cost taxpayers much more money out of spite
Scandinavian countries focus on rehabilitation because it works and in the long run is cheaper than creating basically a population class of violent crazy people that spend their entire miserable lives in prison at very high cost to everyone else.
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>by hijacking that thread as your own, you are yourself a pirate. Please think about this for a while.

I bought the game, but goddamn buyfags are useful idiot cocksleeves. Happy this cocksucker got banned, a modder has absolutely no business trying to block pirates.

>mfw the autismo got banned
You can lose your rights without even having a trial. You can bitch and moan that it's against the law and shouldn't happen, but guess what? It does. And that makes me right and you wrong.
I'm not saying the information should be broadcast everywhere he goes and make his life constantly miserable. But if a dude has killed, raped before, I should be able to find out. Fuck his privacy
FFXV made its money back in a single day and FFXIV has been profitable for a long time, to the point where the new expansion pack has been allowed a huge budget.

It's definitely true that FFXIV 1.0 bled money and was a huge cash and skill drain on S-E that affected other projects though.
I make the same lenght posts as I do on my phone as I do on my PC. There is literally no difference from posting on my PC compared to my phone.

You are a literal retard using ebic memes to try and fit in.
You're a third worlder, aren't you?
I'm american, yes.
>You are a literal retard using ebic memes to try and fit in.
You aren't really disproving his theory you know.
Information is broadcasted everywhere, by vigilante systems in place called crime record sites, however these sites are absolute abhorrent reason as to why humans are literal scum of the earth as the people that run them charge through the nose, if you're one of the people who had a petty misdemeanor and want your photos removed from the site, you're paying multiple affiliate sites all operated by the same guy.

Privacy is important.
Criminal database is important.

Both get completely fucked by crime record sites, because your local government is a piece of shit.
Sometimes exceptions are made for crimes of that caliber, I know at least some countries have a sexual predator registry that is separate and permanent, but you're still essentially destroying that persons ability to reintegrate into society no matter what the circumstances. Almost nobody would hire them.
No more fixes for you, faggot pCucks. Enjoy your broken ports.
>But if a dude has killed, raped before, I should be able to find out

You make it sound simple, but it certainly isn't. Where do we draw the line at what crimes do and do not justify release of information?

If somebody in your neighborhood was arrested and convicted of burglary, but never hurt anyone, should you know that? After all, he might break into your home again. What if your neighbor was convicted of possessing an unregistered firearm, even if he never used it? Do you consider it important to know that this person might be armed with an untraceable weapon?
but without the poor, the rich will become the poor. do you even economics?
>You can lose your rights without even having a trial

Technically, you don't. In the case of a country that has a judicial system which guarantees a fair trial, but does not give you one, you never lost that right - those rights were in fact violated.

Just because someone punches you in the face doesn't mean you lost your right to not be attacked for no reason.
There will be someone to replace Kaldaien.
However he was probably one of the few that extended his reach to games he probably didn't have an interest in to begin with just to fix them, that alone makes him pretty fucking based.
Him getting over zealous on the issue though was over reaching as a modder, despite how much he has done for the overall condition of PC ports.
Though I doubt there will be anyone as based as Kaldaien in the way he fixed so many games to step up for a long time.
So I'm late to the party

Don't have Nier so I don't have experience with his FAR mod (I do have his Zestiria and Berseria mods) but I heard the mod is open source and he got banned because he was insulting others.

So what exactly are the problems here?
Nothing really. Just buyfags being angry and piratefags being angry in return for buyfags being angry.
He tried to become a vigilante
>but you're still essentially destroying that persons ability to reintegrate into society no matter what the circumstances. Almost nobody would hire them.
No, I didn't. He himself ruined his life permanently when decides to commit something he can't later take back.

Yes, he might forever regret his one and only fuck up, but his privacy should matter less than actual law-abiding citizens' safety around him.
>There will be someone to replace Kaldaien.

Fixing shit ports of great games is literal way to make a name for yourself.
Nothing just means you can't get the latest update of FAR directly from the forum page it's on.
If you already have the special K download for those games you already have access to FAR.
Any updates to FAR or it's related mods around Special K will still happen from the client install of it.
Only thing that happened of relevance to the normal person is they will get a fixed version of FAR from the forum page, it will update if you want it to once downloaded through Special K.
Or you could even visit the github if you wanted the latest version or his steam group. However I doubt he will keep it updated past a certain point and he has now sworn off single game fixes like FAR after this shitshow.
Apparently he can stop people that payed the game from playing it because they called him a mean poopoo head
Its the guy who fixed the problems with tales of berseria,final fantasy x, final fantasy x2, arkham knight and dragons dogma.
In order for that to happen you would have to go pretty out of your way to really communicate with Kaldaien and communicate like a stump clapper at that.
>good goy pirates
Problem is Kaldaien had a reach over so many games and even did fixes for shit he had no interest in. Someone like that showing up is not often and not in such consistency. Kaldaien had a real passion as a modder.
Dragon's Dogma didn't need any fixing.
>two decades
>bachelor's in 2012
>33 years old

>He himself ruined his life permanently when decides to commit something he can't later take back

I can understand this attitude but that's kind of why recidivism is an issue - if we don't accept that a person can make a mistake, be punished, and move on, then we are damning them to repeat those mistakes over and over. And people other than the initial offender get hurt.

Wanting to punish criminals is good - wanting them to be pariahs is bad. The harder we make it for convicted criminals to reintegrate, the more likely they are to become a repeat offender. And you're lying to yourself if you think law abiding citizens won't be the ones to pay that price for that.
My two minute Google search didn't turn up any DoJ records or anything like >>376493956 was trying to find, though.

not a registered sex offender i take it

You should be aware that you can be convicted of a sex crime, be exonerated by new evidence, and still be unable to remove yourself from the sex offender registry.

I'm not saying to get rid of it, but systems such as these are hardly infallible and we shouldn't support them blindly.
You're gay, anon. Let's gay fuck.
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>Race White, Not Hispanic
oh you americans are something else.
>be exonerated by new evidence, and still be unable to remove yourself from the sex offender registry
I didn't know that. That's wrong as fuck obviously, but I was talking about actual criminals. That wasn't directed at people who were wrongly convicted.
Yeah, that's my guess, if he has a criminal record at all. A "run in with the FBI" could be as benign as they knocked on his door and asked him some questions about the sick memes he was posting on IRC or something.
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>putting GPA on your public linkedin page
Couldn't handle the attention, what a fucking sourpuss fuccboi
I wouldn't put it on my linkedin, but employers do care about GPA for undergraduate degrees, generally speaking.

I'm not 100% convinced it's his page, since it doesn't really line up with his tough talk in the screencapped Steam forum post, but I figure it's at least as likely that he's making shit up rather than him having a son with his exact name, and he also doesn't exist anywhere on the internet but Github.
games with denuvo don't even deserve your time or money

literally Witcher 3 is more successful than most and it is completely DRM free, because Cd Projekt knows full well DRM is a waste of time and bad for the customer.


What the fuck is this website? I live in florida too but I'm not there, how does it work?
What's wrong with this code? _Single_ OR inside IF is ok.
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maybe you're an illegal
Public voter records. I verified the data on him through the myflorida.com page, which as far as I can tell is an official state site. If you haven't voted in the state of Florida, you might not show up. Also, it might be an incomplete scrape of the voter records.

No, just read it, green can holder so I have no voters registration. Fuck, when I get my passport I wont register to vote either, that shit is draconian.
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Shit like this is why I'm not registered to vote.

Imagine if there was some fucking wacko serial killer out there who decided his next victim by a random search in databases like these.
>get in an argument on a forum about a particular topic (not a flamewar)
>get banned
Not much of a forum now is it?

Maybe it's not for 'im!
I don't know why they're so easily accessible, but maybe the reason they're publicly available is to have some sort of transparency in the government, to prevent fraud or something.

Your comment made me double-check the site, though, and I didn't notice it because of my extensions, but there's a map showing his reported residence, too. It's an all-in-one tool for your budding murderer.
Woah. So this is... the power... of green... squares...
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>Fixed Tales of Berseria, Symphonia, Zestiria and Nier for free
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Oh what a lovely thread.
>spend your life helping the poor
>kill and eat one, just for kicks, because he looked at you the wrong way
>go to jail

Everyone's saying he made it into malware, but what did it delete? Your save or the game itself?
delts ur syswow64
>he takes the moral high ground by shitting on pirates
>he loses it just as swiftly by spreading malware
>he gets banned and beyond asshurt after all the boasting he did
>he comes to shitpost on /v/
>he does it all for free

If this man truly hates piracy he'll give me back my sides.
I never payed much attention to all the shilling for Asscheeks the Android because I'm not a weaboo virgin but now I want to try it on principle.
Dragon Age inquisition has Denuvo? I pirated that shit like day one
>Still no Warhammer
Fucking hell
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Kaldaien's code searches for "CPY.ini", and if found, deletes it. It's essentially deleting someone's crack to make their pirated game unplayable. However, I'm unsure of whether this rumor has been substantiated, but three facts are certain:

1. Kaldaien was insulting multiple users on Steam forums, and got banned for it.
2. Kaldaien's FAR mod was programed to check Steam User ID and ban the two people he disliked from using the mod.
3. Kaldaien's FAR mod was programmed to disable itself if cracks were detected.

Also, if anyone's new to this whole kerfuffle and and wants a fairly unbiased overview, pic related is excellent.
Gonna start off by saying I don't actually know, because I wrote this whole shitty post and realized I wasn't actually responding to you, just ranting. It sounds like it just deletes the crack files, though.

I get what you're saying, anon, but in a way it doesn't matter: the program still deletes files the user might want to retain without informing the user. I personally wouldn't call Lose/Lose [1] malware (although apparently the "malware Wikia" thinks it's a trojan). If he warned users he was going to delete files, it would be a different story. That's the "lmao ethics in computing" stance.

The more practical stance is I'm not sure how he's finding and deleting the files, but presumably he's doing it through filename or some sort of hash; both are fallible methods (hashes are a finite space, so there is always a extremely slim, but non-zero chance of collision; intentional md5 hash collisions were demonstrated a month or two ago) and filenames are unlikely, but I've named files stupid meme shit, too.

The point is, fuck off with deleting people's files. Just blacklist them with an obtuse error if you want to be a moralfag.

[1] I can't find a source that isn't shit, but it was a shmup for Mac that delete a file for each enemy killed. The starting screen explained this clearly.

it launched with an already cracked version of Denuvo, I think

>i'm a white hat programmer
>that's why i distro'd malware that deletes PC files without user's consent :)

what a dumb faggot. I dunno what it was deleting, the crackgen.exe for your pirate games or deleting sys32, but either way writing code that acts maliciously virusy is sort of a crime.
So let me see. Pirates just made the only guy who bothered to fix the game make it bad? I thought pirates were the good guys?

>Blacklisting people from using your mod because you don't like them

Now that's just petty
pirates who buy the game maybe?
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>all the butthurt tarotards and denuvofags replies ITT

damn feels good to be not be a good goy, yarr
Your post doesn't make much sense, but the way I see it: Pirates exposed a modder for implementing malacious code without the user's knowledge. This is undeniably an ethical move on the pirate's end, especially considering Kaldaien's penchant for underhanded tactics and petty insults beckoned him a swift banhammer.
>pirates chase off, witch hunt and doxx some guy who actually made a fix for Nier Automata just because he's a bit of a dick

Thanks faggots.
This is completely wrong and blatant trolling. Please see >>376497340 for a proper overview.

I did not need a shitty mod to finish nier, the only people that are complaining it doesn't work always have fucking toasters.
I bought the game on PS4 and this whole thread is lol
The malicious code was implemented because of the pirates. Just saying. All parties are acting like morons when piracy is concerned. Everyone. PC mustard race my ass.
Do you remember that thing they teach kids, you know, the "two wrongs don't make a right" lesson? This is where that comes into play.
>spread his malware to thousands of pcs
>bit of a dick
he could've not been a dick and just released a mod because who gives a shit and no one would care.
(You)'re welcome, Kaldaien.
>mod gets cracked anyway because hes a fucking idiot
>NieR Automata-FITGIRL Repack
here we come
Don't be a fucking moron
Indeed my friend, the Fitgirl repack is already available, only 9gb from 48gb which is quite impressive. The traffic actually crashed her site yesterday. Now if only she'd change her awful overplayed installation music...
Im downloading 20+ GB repack
This is true, you can lose your rights without even having a trial. You know, in say North Korea.
This! American Eulas/TOS are retarded. I sued a developer of an online cardgame after I was banned for criticizing the state of the game. Got my money back and they pulled their office to another country because other people did the same. They tried the "You don't own anything" Eula bullshit and failed massively.
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What an idiot he just puts his full name out there? Asking to get doxxed
the guy is mentally ill
he probably thought if he sucked enough denuvo cock, they would magically give him a job
He's probably a failed developer with a CP crime record that struggles to find a job in a respectable company. His only achievement is "fixing" abandoned shovelware for internet karma. Without his friends sucking his cock, he'd probably an hero.
Is this his picutre?
>Fitgirl repack
>Installation time approx 3.5h

> start installation
> go to sleep
> wake up
> play
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If you have excellent internet, then definitely skip the repack and get the normal version, I completely agree with you there. But with my internet, 5hrs total with Fitgirl (including download and installation) is miles ahead of 12hrs with original release.
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Nier wasn't even on my radar before this but I might pirate it and use this guys mod with the malicious code taken out just to piss him off more
Post a screenshot of your crack download on his steampage.
>I've asked you kindly to delete it.
It takes hours to install a bitcoin miner, apparently.
Nice Meme bro. xD
Sentence is not a repay of debt, it's a punishment for what you've done. Whatever you do in prison is self-sustaining yourself at prison, because taxpayers pay for your confinement.

In order to be in normal life you need to prove that you're capable of normal life after your prison experience. In an ideal situation the government should give excons a simple job that you have to visit. This, however, does not usually happen.

It only works because of HDI and the culture of Scandinavia, so it works only in Scandinavia. In most other cases the possible punishment is a bigger deterrent than the "rehab" process. This shit won't work in almost every other country. It doesn't matter that you went through rehab if you return to your home and it's still in the shit state, there are gangs on the streets and you have ties with people who did crime in the past. What you gonna do, say fuck you to your previous "comrades" that sustained you all your life? They ain't going to like it and most people can't just leave their home. Most criminals become criminals not because of a thrill of breaking the law, we are not talking about serial killers here, but gang related violence, thugs, burglars.
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Same I wasn't even interested in Nier but the fallout this guy is getting is just so good. pic related
It's not though but w/e, ain't my problem.
Go to bed Kaldaien. The only ones who don't think you're getting jailtime are your leagues of drones. I hope the FBI knocks on your door soon
>good goy pirates
/v/ I swear
Reading comprehension, I swear.
>people who carry the water of DRM and asshole publishers on internet forums for free

Man, as much as I hate myself at least I'm not one of those guys
>Sentence is not a repay of debt, it's a punishment for what you've done

Those two things are not mutually exclusive.
Piracy != theft

This shit is for third worlders with datacaps and DSL speeds. Takes like 3 hours to unpack, I can download the game 14 times in that timespan. The issue is, sometimes the only populated torrent is a repack because of these people.
And I'm not comparing them, I'm just saying that at the core "the repay of debt" is wrong and only beneficial to those with higher social status than the most. In some high profile cases it literally is a repayment of monetary debt. You just need to accept the fact that most of the issues with recidivism comes from social and economical background of the excon and sentence stacking against specific social/political/racial groups of people. Most people commit the crime not because they want it, but because they are forced into it, a prison does not give people a blank slate. If a prison and the government stops caring about excons after their release then the rehab is absolutely useless.
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This thread is gold. We need to save it in the archives
It's not scalable code. It's literally the same case as that "meme image". If he wants to blacklist more people, he'll have to rewrite the code every time to add another ID inside the if check. It's fucking trash.
Writing a more complex system to scale before scaling is required is wasting your time. It is right to write non-scalable systems for things that don't require scaling.
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I don't want you to ban me from legit games Kaldaien. Nice try though
I have never heard of kaldaien man, what's the context here?
>biggest fighter on the side of Denuvo
>some rando on steamforums
>probably OP

The word "debt" does not refer solely to owing money. Many people believe that the punishments handed out by our judicial system (whether that takes the form of a prison sentence or capital punishment) are a form of repayment, even if it only serves to give the victim, or family of the victim, a sense of closure.

>I'm just saying that at the core "the repay of debt" is wrong

You can say it's wrong however much you like - it doesn't change how people feel.
>people on /v/ are defending denuvo
can you fucking idiots go back to where you came from? you are not welcome here, no matter how many of you circlejerk together.
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Holy shit this thread was a good laugh. Provided some good entertainment. I hope this Kaldaien guy gets what's coming to him. Pic related it's Kaldaien
>It's not scalable code.
>If he wants to blacklist more people, he'll have to rewrite the code every time to add another ID inside the if check.
I hate you people so much. There's no need in scaling here. Literally. You NEED to think about scaling, but you also NEED to think do you REALLY gonna need scaling at all.

You want him to what, use separate file for this, so he don't have to rewrite his code? Or you want him to use motherfucking database just for this two special snowflakes? It's perfectly fine as it is.
You don't need EVERYTHING scalable. You don't need scalable "hello world" just because writing "hello fag" would require to rewrite the code.
>he browses AND ACTUALLY CARES about Steam forums
Holy shit you need to kys so bad
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This Kaldaien reminds me of barneyfag
The dedication to a cause, amount of time spent defending your autism, trying to make yourself a victim (even wording is the same: "waah they're harassing me")
Denuvo still exists and hasn't been banned
pirates are legitimate scum anyway so who cares

if it were up to me id curse every single one of you god-damn "not-thieves" with elder god-tier diarrhea every single morning, preceded by either a painful or nauseatingly uncomfortable stomach ache lasting anywhere between fourty-five seconds and seven minutes

lad's doing god's work
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what's wrong white boi?
It's like children with a toy showing off to other kids: "You can not play it haha".

As this anon said >>376492468 I think he is not laughing anymore.
would it be okay if the mod didnt work on pirated copies only

no meme malware crap
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It's open source. If people can crack multi million dollar drms they can partially compile a code too
howcome that mass effect patch isnt cracked then?

>In effect, by hijacking that thread as your own, you are yourself a pirate.

Literally what did he mean by this?
If poorfag pirates focused all of their time protesting shitty video game practices made by greedy publishers they'd actually be worth buying.
I was never going to download the game but I am now and use the cracked version of the mod JUST because of his behaviour.

Shit man, it's like people don't understand that their bullshit behaviour has repercussions.
>I'm going to use the cracked version of his free mod which he doesn't make money from

he's going to be so upset :(
Wait a minute isn't Kaldaien the guy who made the Tales of symphonia mod?
It is lol
what the fuck happened to him, he was such a nice guy back then
you are so retarded its literally dangerous to be near you
Idk he grew somekind of moral fart on his ass
>"There's now a stigma when software has multiple codepaths?"

Did someone finally call out his bullshit with FAR?

The guy is retarded for making a game specific wrapper that has like 18 dependencies and another dependency on an entire program. It's like 14 mb of trash that has to be injected every time, instead of 10 kb.
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ITT butthurt piratefags.
Isn't piracy still legally regarded as high seas crime? Really we're talking copyright infringement.
Why would piratefags be butthurt? They got a free game, a mod and a moralfag banned
Denuvo is pretty alright, once pirates get through and pirate the game, they remove Denuvo for everybody.

Locks are only there to discourage and slow thiefs, not to stop them. The lock is useless if there is a giant hole in the house.
They got a malware that delete their files. It really makes me happy. I hope the next mod works like those trojans that encrypts your whole HDD but with no mean of getting back your stuff.
that's why death penalties and jail for life exist,
Guy deserves to be banned, look at this shit.

This thread is purely for shitposting and I don't give a fuck about pirate drama, but Kaldaien is an asshole and I am honestly glad he's banned

At one point he said he wouldn't make a 60fps mod for Symphonia PC because, in his words, "the gameplay wouldn't benefit from it at all"

Plus the newest version of his mod for that game makes it stutter MORE than the latest version of vanilla Symphonia
We know you will be Kaldaien
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>pirated nier automata
>installed FAR mod
>outgoing connections to various tracker sites
>INCOMING connections from china and brazil
thanks botnet and thanks kaldaien
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Kaldaien defense force in full swing
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They got malware from a recompiled FAR mod that took out all his bullshit?
according to your pic piracy is illegal only if you share so if i download some game and play it i'm completely in the clean no matter how much you kick and scream
> actively defend a multi millionaire company
> actively abuse steam API / his power

Fuck him.

Life sentences and capital punishment are usually reserved for particularly heinous crimes, or when the courts have a very good reason to believe that the accused will re-offend.

We can't really expect to start putting people to death for anything less than murder.
It's literally on github, the pinned forum version is still there, special K still exist.

So how the fuck did you get malware?
>I deserve muh free shit!
Get a fucking job, and buy your shit like everyone else, you pirate scumbag.
So he downloaded a copy that could have had anything inserted into it, because it's open source.

What a douche.
Piratefags should be gased.
It's not entirely open source, Special K has dependencies that are closed source.

It also puts people on a list that start FAR without owning the game on steam and blacklists their IP and steamid on a server.
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>jesus died for our spins
> implying

I have tons of shit but he has no fucking right to check my shit. Every year I purchase countless of games, but always try not to buy Denuvo titles. Supporting cancer will just kill the industry further.

And this fuck?
This fuck needs a bitch slap ASAP
Yeah, but the point of the matter here is, the anon that has pings out to fuck knows where basically got something else tagged in his version.
However every instance of legit gains of this mod is free, easily accessible by actual means that have been pinned and archived correctly without going through people who fling shit.
reminds me of the guy in the vita scene who's homebrew would delete everything on your memory card if he had your PSN name in a list of people he doesn't like
It's not something else tagged to his version, that's how it is. It connects to a server and idenpendently makes decisions based on that. It might be open source, but it's not something you can modify on your own to bypass those checks, because it's dependant on SpecialK and that's closed when it comes to the backend. Like this thing consists of 98% functionality that has nothing to do with Nier.
I own GTA V and lost internet for the summer
I own Nier A again no internet
I own Hitman again no internet.
So I guess I'm just fucked if I wanna play my games huh?
Fuck denuvo seriously I own there's games why is there a damn "entitlement verification" fuck these days defending denuvo literally how can you with this one thing at least back in the day you only needed the CD to play
what did they cut?
based steam forums
what's so good about his mod that people jizz all over it?
>steam mod that locked the thread: you're gonna have to show actual proof if you make such claims
>op literally quotes and links the proof
Steam forums... what a cess pit
Also, kek at the comment saying its just a witch hunt by reddit.
But worst of all
>people unironically defending the fag
I miss the /v/ that shat at anyone, not matter the side. When all that counted was to keep the fire burning and you, me and everyone was a complete faggot.
>We can't really expect to start putting people to death for anything less than murder.
of course not, first offense is "ok" but after that you've shown you can't be trusted with your own freedom and it's necessary to take it away
removed framerate cap
if you live in a place where internet can go down for a whole fucking summer i guess you have bigger problems than getting vidya to work

also gtaV can be run offline unless you want to play the hugbox multiplayer
> use gog
> use torrent and search for gog
> use torrent and just grab whatever you want

People with shitty hardware (AMD cards) had some issue that the mod fixed, it removed the framerate cap, and the game also had a "quad buffer", like a triple-buffer and more...basically what can cause input lag. Guess the developer wanted to give you a smooth picture, but then there is the PC community. Okay, it should not be so hard to add it as an option/toggle.
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Why would I when I can get it for free?
Denuvo is a massive failure.
I tired running it online but it will not work at all. And yeah it's the summer and I'm out of college.
But that isn't the point denuvo is really screwinge me over
I did doesn't mean denuvo still isn't fucking me over
> buying denuvo titles
Yeah, there is your problem bro.
I do buy games, but never denuvo ones. Fuck that. Only pirate.
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>+// Steam Moderator and apparent pirate Zefar has assumed ownership of the
>+// Steam support thread against the author's express written wishes;
>+// although unafilliated with the project, he now holds Intellectual
>+// Property ransom that does not belong to him.
I really wanted Neir brag. Thought it would be a year before a crack so I got it
I did pirate DOOM and Dude Sex BLM divided
>open source
>property ransom
>posted on the steam forums
The 9GB fitgirl repack includes the FAR patch without the shit though. So this guy will fade into obscurity within the coming days
After so many games got cracked, never assume it won't be cracked lol.
Also I don't know, I know /v/ had some sponsored posts about it, but the game does not look all that promising.
> omg u can look at the butt of the character omg!!!11


> only 1/5 ~ 1/4th of a normal title's playerbase
> even user reviews are shit or mixed.
> 60$ + 14$ DLC

Yeah, fuck no.

So many autistic sperglords, holy fuck.
Like a special e-daycare.
Nah I played it before I lost my internet and it was good but a lot of repetitive things also DLC isn't much so I wouldn't buy anyway
And I knew it would get a crack I just didn't want to wait
man, talking about buttblasted people...
Huh? What the fuck did he do?
Now people are defending assholes who post viruses in Steam forums, unbelievable.
Yeah, good job getting rid of one of the very few guys fixing shit console ports. Im sure this was worth it.
> altering files on your computer without your consent
> spreads malware in the name of a mod

> how sad he gets BTFOd

Good riddance.
Fuck this guy. If you change files on my PC without my consent i'm pressing charges. Not to mention this guys full name and probably his real address are all over this thread. I don't have any of the games he has fixes for but that shit is like a 12 year old who doesn't want to share.
>People actually let pirated copies freely access their network and reach the internet.
You are not that retarded right ?
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Imagine being such a worthless piece of shit you start arguing like this guy, truely a depressing thought
>I don't care if it's legal or not
This is what /v/ does to you, folks
All he alters (removes) are cracks. So if youre not some BR who pirates all his hot flavor of the month games youre fine. And even then, he literally puts his source code online, if you faglords wouldnt throw such a tantrum like that and just remove his antipiracy shit no one would get fucked. Hope you enjoy the next console port everyone is waiting for, because it will most likely be as halfassed as Nier Automata was. And this time around it wont get fixed by someone, because Kaldaien was pretty much the only competent and active modder. Cant wait for all the crying if Bloodborne or whatever gets a port thats unplayable.

And yeah, think about his massive pirate hate what you want, its his mod and he gives out the source, so someone else could just remove this bit and use the rest to fix the mess that Nier is.
>Havn't played Nier since last weekend
>Want to play this weekend coming up
>Have FAR installed

So what you guys are telling me is not to update
what if i stocked private shit in a file name cpy.ini and put it in that folder?
You know he can get his ass on jail by doing this shitty white knighting right? You know Valve can delete his account for breaking the ToS and put the company under a lawsuit because he wanted to fucking white knight a company that didn't wanted to fix a broken port right?
This shit isn't even about pirates anymore, is about how some retard decided to break the law and ToS by banning Steam IDs and deleting other users files without permission.
Go to bed Kaldaien. You've literally been up all night doing damage control. No one likes you but your drones
I'll go to bed and sleep better than you pirate scumbags
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Don't have a single pirated game on my PC buddy I will however pirate Nier and any other game you fixed and use your shitty fix with the bullshit taken out so thanks for beta testing for us :^)
>had to fix their game himself for free

>In exchange he slurps their cum off the floor

This guy is confused
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I sleep just fine in my california king bed with my copy of Nier: Automata that you debugged for me installed on my computer
Does it run at 60 FPS now with his mod? Because that's the only thing he could've fixed as far as I can tell
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what a reddit post
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>>+// Steam Moderator and apparent pirate Zefar has assumed ownership of the
>>pirate Zefar
can anyone please post a working crack for FAR I tried 2 "cracks" and it still crashes after 30 minutes
Consolefag reporting in. You mustards are funny.
>tfw Removed the Original Far mod as soon as the drama started happening
What's funny is that his Nier fix doesn't detect pirates and he's too lazy to implement that feature
Go to Pirate bay crack. In comments he posts a link to the fix to the crack that you can drag and drop into your folder

>Screen is smaller
Oh no. My screen is 7 inches instead of 27!!! That must mean I can't read more than two lines!
You're fucking retarded if you think that you can't make or read long posts on a phone.

>Input method
>A touch screen QWERTY keyboard is hard to use
Yep still retarded. It's not the input it's the person you dumb fuck.

>Lower overall post quality
That's due to all the sub 18 year old on the website not due to people phoneposting.

Blame Marvel and Hollywood for making quips the new epic meme

>Iphone generation
>You're dumb because you have new technology that makes things in your life easier
Sorry bro but the iphone generation is smarter than yours
>he thinks banning paying customers who share their opnions is a bad thing
He i will now have a pro-corporate faggotry rant while i mock you for attempting to raise a shitstorm on something actually worthy of consern, you are retarded.
Did it cross anyone's mind that he might actually be a Denuvo dev that's fixing shit in his spare time because his employer fucks over games?

He sounds like an autistic manchild that's good enough at his job that people are willing to put with his shit.
Whether he wants to mess with pirates like that is up to him. What I disagree with is the fact that he then gets on a soapbox and gets real self-righteous about the whole scenario , yet justifies himself as if he's trying to pretend he's not a dickhead.
b-but the pirate fag salt tastes so good!
Really makes me wonder how many of them are paid.
Not the Anon you're answering to but yeah, pretty much. That doesn't have literally anything to do with the matter in question though.
This. Devs nowadays like to care about Piracy even if that means fucking your customers right in the ass instead of just focusing on the people who's gonna buy your product, it's incredibly stupid, it is effort that the Dev could have used in some other actually worth-to-care-for task.
>Pedro: Hey Eduardo, I'm injecting malicious code into your PC against your will without you knowing it, it'll delete X kind of Files from your PC without your consent and I don't care what you say about it, even though it's your PC and not mine.
>(You): And you have no right to complain because I say so.
Lol e-celeb threads
>this game is such a terrible port that I was actually forced to grab already existing modifications and to create my own modifications with a launcher and everything
Moralfags BTFO
I'm a poorfag from a third world country and I haven't pirated anything in like a decade except on 3DS why is that even an issue?
This is some male "feminist" turns out to be a rapist/sex abuser level of shit.
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