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Why does /v/ love this guy

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Why does /v/ love this guy
Since when?
Is there a video of this guy flapping his arms? I want a gif so I can post it along with
we don't, there's one dickhead that keeps posting about him and it's probably you.

ecelebs need to be permanent ban from /v/
the only eceleb i watch is draqu cuz he's one of those cold personality no nonsense white yurops and plays games I like
*punches chest to restart heart*
he's a big guy
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If dubs, Drumpf will break into Boogies house and stab him to death with the pen he used to kill the AHCA
for you
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>dubs on /v/

Back to redd*t
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why doesn't he just stop eating?
How do you even get so digustingly fat?
shitty fans
Lowtiergod is legitimately mentally ill
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Explain? I know nothing about this fat sack of shit and would like to know the correlation between his fans and his massive weight.
because if they don't he'll eat them.
we've been over this, it's his thyroid that causes him to gain weight
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Booger is disgusting
>he got to lazy to go to the toilet and diapers in his size were too expensive in the long run so he just shat himself wherever he sat
>wife begged him to stop but he didn´t care
>wife forced him to get a colostomy bag installed so she didn´t have to scoop up his runny, greenish shits every 20 minutes
>he didn´t empty it himself, said it was "too depressing" for him
>went to a con a day after he filmed one of his "lol I eat lots of food" clips
>colostomy bag imploded, shit ran down his leg, terrible smell everywhere
>he tried to play it off by acting like Francis and quickly waddled away
>his wife had to clean him up in the con bathroom while he was crying and shouting insults
>was seen and hour later, laughing and wolfing down a 50-piece nugget meal

We love him and hope that he gets well soon
from what I understand he eats because he hates himself and is trying to eat himself to death.
the irony of his fans encouraging and enabling his awful lifestyle is that they're slowly killing him
not today, feels

He eats because he likes the feeling when he puts food in his mouth. He's a child with no self control.
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damn, and I thought 4chan was fr*cked up!
>shits himself
>makes wife clean it up
>eats a small meal afterwards

based Boogie
He has a feeder. It's very difficult to get past 350 lbs on your own.
"Fans" of fat people are basically enablers, saying shit like "don't let people look down on your lifestlye" or "looking sexy today".
This is repulsive.

I weigh barely 190lbs and already feel disgusting.
I'm 130 lbs no matter what I eat. Oh what do I do with myself???
You should feel disgusting for measuring your weight using cats and dogs.
>Booger is disgusting
>>he got to lazy to go to the toilet and diapers in his size were too expensive in the long run so he just shat himself wherever he sat
>>wife begged him to stop but he didn´t care
>>wife forced him to get a colostomy bag installed so she didn´t have to scoop up his runny, greenish shits every 20 minutes
>>he didn´t empty it himself, said it was "too depressing" for him
>>went to a con a day after he filmed one of his "lol I eat lots of food" clips
>>colostomy bag imploded, shit ran down his leg, terrible smell everywhere
>>he tried to play it off by acting like Francis and quickly waddled away
>>his wife had to clean him up in the con bathroom while he was crying and shouting insults
>>was seen and hour later, laughing and wolfing down a 50-piece nugget meal
>We love him and hope that he gets well soon

I'd love to see a photo as proof of this.
"Originally I just wanted a waterbed, but then I met him and he told me he's rich, so it's basically like getting a waterbed that pays the bills." ~Boogie's wife
back the fuck off!?!

I just wanna see him fall down and struggle to get back up
I need a source for this story, because i wanba believe it's true
how does this man have a wife?
And how is she still with him?

Hell, my wife left me because I had a heart attack and my penis stops working.
Left me for a druggie redneck.

>tfw I lost 90lbs, and got buff
>still no working penis
fat fetish is a thing
I think he's almost as wide as I am tall.
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Because he's fat
i don't watch ecelebs or any of that shit, but he isn't bad to watch and is right about a lot of things. he is a super fat fuck but can be funny to me. also i want his keyblades
See >>376025396
How is his hearth able to support that much abuse? It's pretty amazing, desu.
>muh thyroid
>implying you can gain weight without eating
>somehow creating matter out of thin air
so basically: infecting somalian niggers with thyroid blockers would stop them from starving
Damn man. What a horrible thing to happen.
Do you read a lot of books now? I imagine if I had lost my dick in an accident I'd be readng a whole lot more.
At this point he'd really benefit from DNP.
Do not feed the animals.
Gluttony is a sin which belongs to the filth. He will die soon no doubt.
educate yourself
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>buy eggs
>buy greens
>buy baby carrots
>buy roast chicken
>buy salad dressing that tastes good but isn't loaded with calories or artificial shit
>eat this several times a week instead of (INSERT BURGER HERE)

It all starts by just replacing ONE of your shitty meals and then it gets better. Problem is people try to do everything at once. You can't do that. They make our food addictive and you actually turn into a fucking heroin addict unless you take it slow and be calm about it. Be patient. Shit.

Also, get off your ass. Even if its just for 10 min a day.
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or just take poison. problem solved
No, thyroid will only make your metabolism be fast or slow, wich directly interefere in your weight, his problem is beyond that, he have a eating disorder that he assumes he can't control. He will eat as much as he wants wathever he wants and for him to be cured he needs to fucking lock himself and eat only 1200 calories a day.
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it should be illegal for him to own a dog. He's feeding him pizza and shit and not walking him ever
Fun fact: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHkegiXRbiY

Boogie is in reality a Neo nazi!
I donate 10% of all my paychecks to Boogie so he can afford to pay his bills, healthcare and burgers
I have hypothyroidism and yes, it made weight loss a bit difficult before it being treated. Still, I was 30kg overweight, not a metric ton.
It literally looks like a mattress with a head glued on top.
Smart advice, the problem too is that it always sucks the most at the start even if, ironically, it's the easiest. So doubling down right at the start is a recipe for disaster!
t. fattie with a "thyroid problem"
you are even shilling this fat fuck in /pol/
jesus christ
Everyone I've heard say that eats like a bird and thinks it's alot.

You need to start eating with friends and order the same sized portions they do.
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What's gonna happen to him with no Obamacare?

>eats like a bird

you have literally no idea what you're talking about
Just fucking die already you fat piece of shit
he is a god's joke
Just lose some weight dude
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He has a girlfriend and he has sex with her
And You Not /v/irgin
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still dont understand why got the content creator award last year "he's inspiring"

I'm like this. I eat whatever, but because I eat so little I barely gain any weight. I've only just gone past 130 like a month ago when before hand I was at 125 for little over a year. My physique is similar to Jack Skellington.
A man this large probably burns hundreds of calories just trying to shower
fresh from r/the_donald
i'd rather get high and masturbate. i've had sex, it aint dat gr8
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but it took him 40 years
He's still alive while your "champion" died like a retard.
This is gold

Is he demolishing a ginger bread town in that last image? Not even just a single house?
Depends on what you count as sex.
They may lay in a bed and touch each other's bodies, but there is absolutely no way his penis gets anywhere near her vagina unless he's hung like an elephant.
oh shut up lol
It's a common saying where I'm from.

You know, people that eat their peas one at a time or just take forever to finish their meal.
He's a wide guy.
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What a disgusting blob. How do people like this even get out of bed without breaking their arms and legs trying to lift this amount of weight
the human body is a wonderful thing.
He is in his forties and has a wife in her twenties. If only he could fuck her.
Imagine the person that has to make his clothing.

how are his fans not sick of him yet?
>im gonna lose weight! video
>fans cheer him on
>ugh...I got bullied...its not fair being fat
>fans cheer him on
>does another francis video where he eats shit
>people start remembering and act up
>ugh i got bullied again

its the same shit over and over
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That actually makes a lot of sense. I'm gonna use that now.
>has sex with her
He must have a giant fucking dick then

not when you go past the limit and don't train. That's why he uses a scooter and has purple legs
so if i get fat i can burn lots of calories just moving around a bit? get fat to get fit, i like it, ill start now.
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>What are two zeroes
No anon, you are the one who needs the fuck off out of here.

Stephen Hawkins had three wives after his entire body stopped working.
>It's a common saying where I'm from.

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It's the same Chinese factory workers that make Pokemon sex inflatables. Their spirits are beyond broken.
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damn...this guy really hates Boogie
I can't stand anyone like this.
I watched some video about comment etiquette my friend showed me and it was just this guy and some jesus looking guy talking about feminism or some social issue bullshit and it was so cringe. They were just commenting on videos and typing the most lol randumb comments they could think of WHILST being all preachy and pretentious.

Then I looked to find out who boogie is and my god his content is dull and shit. The other guy was shit too.

Why do people buy into this garbage?
where can i get a pokemon sex inflatable? preferably togepi

>I'm married to the smartest man in the world! :^)

Women care more about social status and money than love or dick.
I hope boogie dies a slow painful death, fucking fat bitch
>eats an entire jar of mayo for views
>drinks 2 liters of mountain dew and eats entire bags of chips daily
>I-it's his thyroid I swear

Christ, /v/.
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>start off by replacing HFCS cola to ones with sugar cane.
>put non fat cream on coffees
>use soy-based mayo like kewpie instead of egg-based mayo

the best way to start dieting is substituting the high calories in the foods with other substitues. then you can start weening off from the food.

lost 30 lbs. over the course of the year, but at least its consistent and im not having withdrawals and urge to eat a lot
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Because she is the moon to this hamplanet
>This fat fuck eats for a living
>He has all of his hair
>His skin isn't completely awful
>He has a companion
>He clearly gets to eat every day
I don't want to be on this planet any more.
I blows my mind that someone can stay this fat.

Do you know the sheer amount of calories you have to consume to stay at 600 lbs? Do you understand that he burns more calories by just fucking existing than you would by running a marathon?

He has to be constantly, CONSTANTLY, eating, and it has to all be absolutely horrible for him. Even if he just had the slightest self control and stuffed his face with any foods that weren't caloric atom bombs, he'd at least just be really fat instead of a fucking inhuman blob monster.
It was a common saying when I was a kid back in the 80's/90's. I was from NY.
>thyroid affects a tiny % of metabolism efficacy that is still completely overshadowed by physical activity and eating habits
fat apologists need to go
>and he has sex with her

about that...

it's not his fault
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>eats an entire jar of mayo for views
*gagging noises*
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>drinking cola
>using cream with coffee

yeah. Pretty much

if you hate soy based mayo, either just cut out mayo entirely or switch to mustard or Olive oil egg mayo.

Personally I can't stand Soy based mayo. It sucks.
Woah, is that recent? She´s gotten gigantic
i'm fine

boogie literally cannot
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He already is living a painful life. He's basically falling apart.
Why won't you pay for his healthcare America?
maybe some of his fat rubbed off on her
can someone please tell me he didn't get high off that paint...what the fuck man...just go smoke some weed if you want to get high so badly
any mayo is good. none of that matters, just go low carb.
Not him but yes that's a thing here
I hope he suffers on every level, I hope when his body finally stops working his soul is left to be tormented for all eternity as the gods plaything.
gotta admit, he's a smart man when it comes to getting attention
yes, basically what I did was transition soda out. it was hard but I havent drank soda in 5-6 years now.
Soda>Sugary fruit juices>normal fruit juices>milk>water only
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>heart attack
>dick stops working

how does this happen. the thought of it happening to me triggers me
do you have any idea what it's like?
Huffing paint out of a sock is way better than weed though and like there's not health risks either and legal
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>limit portions
>eat more vegtables and generally more healthy
>limit red meat consumption
>stop drinking soft drinks, just coffee, water and a bit of 100% fruit juice, some alcohol on the weekend
>exercise more
>still eat like shit once or twice a week
I lose about 2-3 pounds a week
See >>376027213
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>no health risks to huffing paint

At least stoners admit smoke isn't all that great for you when they talk up health benefits of weed, anon. Stop lying. Stop baiting. Stop posting.
Heart attacks weaken your heart.
Your heart is what pumps REAL FUCKING HARD.
I am going to guess that OP's heart had a complication and now it's not strong enough to pump that much blood into his little pecker to keep it going long enough to do any substantial pussy damage
The Japanese eat high carb diets and are as thin as fuck. They basically only eat bread and rice.

well shit I really need to treat my heart better.

I'm not fat but I eat like shit and lately my chest has felt heavy on the left side. Is this shit reversible?
I also grew up in an abusive household. And yeah, that shit messes you up forever.

But you gotta just accept your brain is fucked and do your best. Languishing over that shit forever and attributing all your problems to it just means you let the abuser ruin your entire life.

You gotta choose to fight hard just to have a normal life, and no that's not fair, but the alternative is not having a real life.
You don't even know what you're talking about, my family's been huffing paint for generations now and we're literally fine
of course it is: just stop gobbeling up these mcnuggets and start running, your heart will be a powerhouse in no time
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>Hell, my wife left me because I had a heart attack and my penis stops working.
fucking savage man.
I remember him doing it on stream back when that meme started.
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no, they actually aren't. asian people can be very fat. their lifestyle however is completely different from most places.

carbohydrates act as a shield before burning fat. if you have no carbohydrates, then burning fat becomes instant. a low carb diet is the smartest and most successful diet there is, and you'll lose massive amounts of weight in no time while also being extremely healthy.

what's wrong with milk?
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since never
Unless you've actually arrested, then your heart probably as strong as it should be. But yes, high cholesterol and bad diet/life style can fucking kill you.
My Dad quit smoking at 20 when he had his first kid, lived a normal healthy life and died last year at 69 of 3 consecutive heart attacks.

Then you get people like boogie that somehow live past that age.
The key is to try and be as healthy as you can in a world where sugar, fat and additives are prevalent and just hope you won the genetic lottery whilst enjoying your life to the fullest.
>my wife left me because I had a heart attack and my penis stops working
Heartless sow


It's more like I eat a shit ton of salty soup because its the main thing I know how to make. Also burgers.

I thought running was actually bad for you though? Or was that a meme? Read something that said running=bad but swimming/cycling/walking=good
wow, I didn't know a thyroid malfunction means your own body produces calories and then absorbs them! that's amazing!

it's totally not because his diet is absolute dogshit or anything like that, no, it's because he has a magic thyroid!
Whoever told you this is a fucking retard, you might put a little wear on your legs but that's what they're for, just don't fucking sprint like a retard, jog and walk. Cut down on salt, drink more water. I eat burgers too but if I do it's the only thing I pretty much eat that day other than the odd small snack.

video games
Just exercise in general. Keep active. Burn those calories.

Problem is, burning calories means jack shit if you eat a fuck ton of shit food and snacks and basically fight your fitness.
Learn proper form and don't run on even surface.
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why do some people sperg out over based boogs?

Aight, thanks anons. Ik its off topic but I woke up this morning feeling like my left side of my chest was weighed down with a small boulder and saw those posts...got worried
you can 10 chocolate pies a day if you were a very dedicated weight lifter.
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not video games

Not even barely related to video game discussion
Don't stress too much about it though, just change your diet a little and do some exercise, if you stress you're gonna fuck yourself harder.
It was actually vanilla pudding.
>I thought running was actually bad for you though?

what kind of shit is this?
unless you're obese to the point where your feet start to necrose on their own, running is good
>"m- muh you shouldn't run because it put a strain on your legs and hear-"
of course, at the start you'll be dead tired, you'll run like 50 meters then you'll be screaming for breath, just slow down a little bit and increase the pace again.

running is literally the best thing anyone can do to their health
He has his wife feed him entire pizzas while he sits in bed and drinks two liters of mountain dew blended with huge bags of doritos for "funny videos". But yeah it's totally a thyroid problem.
>don't run on even surface.

i need to get a treadmill so i can play games while running
The only way he's "based" is if his fat has absorbed all his body's acids.
Your mom can 10 chocolate creampies a day because she was a dedicated whore
Isn't swimming also a good excersize though? Of course doing other shit is a good workout, like shoveling.
Shoveling will get you fucking ripped.
She has been going up since they got married.

She was never skinny though.

He avoides showing her on cam unless its an approved myspace angle, but you can see her in okchief's retropalooza vids as well as his acceptance speech vid for trending gamer.

Well I just saw some stupid bullshit article that made the claims and saw others spreading it, and that's why I asked about it.

I appreciate the input, and I'll start running a bit.
It's a fucking meme. But he's getting at the fact that uneven terrain gives more resistance and difficulty. Thus burn more calories.

I agree, running isn't great for losing weight but running is still an amazing work out for the body. It's good for your mind and body.
There's just so much to love
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I'm so sick of always having to filter out this bullshit as well as twitter threads from literally who indy fucks
Swimming is great cardio exercise. It's also great since it has low impact on your joints.
swimming is great because it has the best efficiency time / effort / results
all while not putting too much strain on your back and joints which is great for not having scoliosis

but to run you just need shoes, swimming require either a pool, or living next to the sea
You should be disgusted if you're under 6', otherwise you're fine
you mad?
are you filled with anger?
why do people keep shilling him here in /v/?
I wonder how powerful the odor is when he removes his pants after a long day of walking 50 feet.

It must be like some kind of stench shockwave.
do you feel rage?
Because he's the same size as most of /v/
Heart failure in Thailand due to steroids and other drugs isn't the best way to go
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What's up! Ladies and gentlemen of Youtube, Boogie2988 comin' at ya live once again, though the power of the internet!

>*slurps chemically concentrated transfat*
>*punches chest to restart heart*


*obliterates asscrack on chair cylinder*
*lisping* Hoy gjaoys it's me Francis annd ay hav somethin I want off my chest, THOUSE REPOBLICANS ARENT PAYIN' MY HEALTHCARE 'R DEY STOPID OR SOMETHING?

*Gets 10000 likes*

I don't usually make these kinda videos but today is an exception, so if you're new, maybe you just clicked the thumbnail, you've never been to my channel before, I don't usually go political or anything like that, I like talking about pokemons, or about my favorite youtubers, *desperately tries to inhale air through football shaped nostrils* but today is different, because this affects me so so much, and hope you guys will understand my view of the issue, those DAMN REPUBLICANS ARENT PAYING MY HEALTHCARE!

*smears mayonnaise on upperbody*
*skin obsorbs mayonnaise*

Don't forget to subscribe. I love you guys!
>discuss stuff like this with friends
>"You wouldn't understand you weren't abused"
I hate when friends make this argument, fuck you I know you weren't abused I've known you since kindergarten

Do you ever get some faggots coming up to you saying "Oh it's not your fault" or some shit?
yes but do you "know" me
t. fat ass nigga
I don't tell anybody besides my therapist, pretty much specifically for that reason. People try to empathize instead of sympathize, try to speak on your behalf and protect you.

I don't want people to see me as "that abuse victim." We've all got problems, even if mine are pretty big ones. All that matters is that you overcome them so they don't ruin the content of your character.
how can you be this fat and look at yourself and say "this is fine."?
If you don't mind answering something, I will say I've fucked up a few times and continue to to this day. My thought right now is that I don't deserve to have a good future because of this, but other than that I'm living day by day normally. Not even my parents know what happened/happens, and I do try to control myself, it's just remembering whatever happened and some other moments that makes me think I don't deserve anything good. Whether or not that's true I don't know, but what's your opinion?
>Not even my parents know what happened/happens

do tell
zyzz had a lot of impact, he inspired a shitload of hungry skeletons and fat fucks to get their shit together. boogie winning awards for being an inspiring personality is disgusting.
Anyone can be fat but it doesn't change the fact that the Japanese have high carb diets and most are extremely thin. I have a high carb diet and am thin as well. Blaming it on carbs is just silly.
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He has a weekly bariatric meeting for the rest of his life, basically a "you are fat and how can we change this" meeting, and last time I heard he was going in for bariatric surgery in July.
The way I see it, you've got one life, man. You're not going to have a round 2 where you can do things right this time.
"Deserving" has nothing to do with it. This is your one and only chance at this shit, so you gotta be happy with it, whatever that means for you personally.

You gotta accept what's happened and be happy in spite of it.
>*blocks ur path*
How the fuck does this guy have a wife? Is he that loaded?
Estimates are around 8k calories for maitnence at his weight. 15+ big macs a day to stay that fat.
She's plus size too.
Just put simply sexual abuse at 8 years old. Honestly I thought it was normal, but once I got older I realized my view on all of it was entirely wrong, and it was/is still hard to break certain habits
What about what the other people think? It wasn't just me involved, but no one today seems to think anything of it and that just keeps driving me nuts, should I just forget about all that and continue on? Like you said, I don't get a second shot, but I'm still stuck on how I should be or should've been, what's correct and all that, not morally, but how I should be socially
since the foundation of /v/eddit.
someone post the greentext of him shitting himself
I don't see how people can view McDonald's as good, it's one of the dullest fast food franchises in the history of fast food franchises. the assortment of "meats" laid to you from the menu is indistinguishable from one another. Aside from the bland tastes, the restaurant's only consistency is the lack of excitement in its dishes, making food seem corporate more than a replenishing meal.

Perhaps the die was cast when McDonald's decided to cast aside anything resembling quality ingredients in their dishes; the restaurant would never sell anything resembling food in favor of maximizing profits. McDonald's maybe be anti-health (it's not), but it's certainly the anti-Wendy's in its refusal of flavor and meaningful choices on the menu. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>B-but the McChicken samdwich and Big Mac are good

The McChicken is terrible; the Big Mac is dreadful. As I ate, I noticed a distinct lack of flavor in the items I purchased.

I began marking the back of the wrapper each time I took a bite and noticed any lack of real flavor. I stopped after I noticed I had marked the wrapper several dozen times. I was incredulous. McDonald's mind is so fixated on maximizing profits they forget to add any real substance. I was reading a health report from the US government, and I noticed at the end of it, "when the kids who ate welfare food grow up, they will love to eat McDonald's". They aren't wrong. When you eat welfare food, you seen in fact trained to eat McDonald's
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Harsh man.
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cut legumes, squash, few bits of pork and last, coconut milk.

sautee the pork, then add the squash, when the squash is going so, add the legumes and the coconut milk. make it boil for 3 minutes. done.

add eggplants to the recipe if you want.
risk of getting flat footed, which is also a risk being too top heavy
Boogie inspires me.

Inspires me to walk more and eat better, because I would never ever want to get to his level of fat that I could barely move.

4XL fat is pretty disgraceful as is. I have been 2XL/3XL fat most of my childhood and it never really went away. Not even being 6'3 compensates that much for it that much. Yeah, I hate being this level of fat. I've had enough of it and I'm going to retune the diet, my sleep cycle, and get more active.

I walked a few miles today. Now that the weather is nice Ill try to walk a few more miles every other day and stand up more at work since standing is always better than sitting, and a desk job is always a job that will eventually kill you if it doesnt drive you to suicide first if you let it.

Its hard. Keeping the weight gain at bay, and honestly if I was not quite so self-concious about the sort of food I eat, I could see how one could slip and gain weight rapidly.

Yeah, sounds weird but my problem has always been eating too much good food as well as the odd snack or two. Had large portions as a kid. I also love to cook. Not just unhealthy eating overall but I will admit I dont burn it off. Im lazy.

In my work I almost scream when I see people fatter and greasier than me waddle up with the shitty foods they buy. Like literally all they eat is shitty foods. I cant understand it.

Not like, oh I eat this big pile of fruits and veg and meat but eat pack of cookies now and then, no, these people its like gourment a la slimer from ghostbusters.
Cream cakes, fried chicken, tubs of sweets and several big packs of cookies. And trolleys of soda.

One of these people was so fat, they rolled around on a scooter. The fuckers keep coming to me to be served as if I am a kinsman.
I honestly want to just educate them about the literal shit they eat and then tell them to fuck off, but I guess that would make me a 'hipocrite'. Or maybe even a 'Hippocrite'.
>Just put simply sexual abuse at 8 years old.

details plx
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A wild snorlax has appeared
Honestly the only things I like from McDonalds are the double cheese burger and sweet chilli chicken wrap.

Soda and fries are empty filler.
You have to weigh social values against your personal values. The easy/retard answer is "just forget it and b urself fuck what people think ;)", but of course that's not true. There are social consequences for your actions, and you have to decide if those consequences will make your more miserable than it's worth.

You'll never be able to forget it, so you've got to self-reflect and come to a conclusion that you can live with. If the answer is that you were wrong, you fucked up, you are a bad person and that drives you crazy, then at least you have a path forward. Become better and make sure you never do anything like that again. If the answer is that you don't really feel guilty, but you just feel judged by everyone, then you either have to reach a place personally where that judgment doesn't impede your happiness, or you have to get out of your social situation and into a new one.

My point is, the key is to keep growing. Trauma stunts you. It turns you into a fat blob monster that has to eat because he never learned to deal with his emotions in another way. The only way to move past it is to reflect on it, learn from it, and force yourself to grow, no matter how painful that is.
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>80% of americans are overweight
literally how?
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>lose 120lbs
>still a 25 year old KHV shut in NEET loser
w e w
I hope he dies under the new healthcare shit trump did
If he didn't fix it in the past 30 years he will never fix it
He was that big for his whole life. Jesus christ how
retarded can someone be?
Even if you don't look fat, you can be overweight. Check how they categorize overweight. Just some point above what they define as normal weight and you're already overweight by their standard.
Why doesn't he just water fast and take multivitamins for like a month? That's an easy 50 pounds lost right there. Eat at maintainence for a few weeks, do another water fast, etc.
Oh it's easy all you have to do is stop being gullible fucks
I mean international standard of how they define overweight/normal weight.
>"Next on My 600lb Life"
bro, I'm 65 kg and I'm trying to get to 12% bf, I calculate my bf in 18%.

I do feel like a pig.

how do you even get to overweight status less alone look like a balloon?

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>it's euro shitposting time
Because he doesn't want to. He's a fat shit who wants to stay parked in front of his computer screen, while staying neutral in every conflict he sees.
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>water fast

Are you pretending to be retarded or do you actually think that's a real thing?
Do you realize losing water weight only works until you stop being dehydrated?
Stop saying shit you know nothing about. It makes us good trolls look bad you stupid piece of shit Cunt twat marvel cuck shit twat.

the only thing worse than eceleb threads are the whining fucknuggets
who would win in a fight, Boogie or Steven Assanti?
>how do you even get to overweight status less alone look like a balloon?
Stress eating, sedentary lifestyle, bad food.
>hating on stephen fry
nigger what are you trying to achieve

Not that anon, but without knowing the details, for me I had to make the decision that I was right to be pissed off about my own abuse. I ended up kicking some people straight up out of my life. I'll never talk to them again if I can help it. Less important than "am I right or wrong" was making a the decision at all, I found, because being decisive is healthy and powerful and you will waste less of your energy ruminating. Energy that you deserve to spend on yourself.

It takes time and for me I'm still looking for better habits to add to my life that enable me to think and see things clearly. The usual stuff like exercise and consistent sleep.
All of his fans are fat/broken
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Anon, you need to lose 120lbs by the end of this post, otherwise we cannot do the surgery
You must he underage. That or you're a retard
This gif still makes me laugh to this day. You can build so many stories around this gif. You can clearly see that his instinct of a predator awakened when he heard his mother opening the oven door to pull out the tendies.
just a lil eggroll
>Do you realize losing water weight only works until you stop being dehydrated?
That's not what a water fast is, it's just drinking lots of water to satiate hunger while fasting. Usually for about a week but you can do it for about a month without many adverse health effects, just slight loss of muscle mass.

Obviously if you don't change your diet immediately after ending your fast you'll just pile the weight back on as quick as you lost it but it's quite a good confidence booster and it's a good way to kickstart people into changing their lifestyle.
He says the same stories all the time on stream. He emotionally manipulates his fans so he can get money out of them. Other people must see it but no one goes after him because he'll probably end up having a heart attack or a mental breakdown
Literally never seen anyone on /v/ say they love him. He is always refered to as "that fat autist".

He's actually a piece of shit and has no intention of losing weight. He'll post a video complaining about how hard it is for him to lose weight then a few hours later he'll do a "satire" video of him acting like a fat autistic cunt eating chips and downing full bottles of Mountain Dew. Being a fat autist is his schtick, he would be nothing without that and he knows it.
Why blame yourself for someone else's deeds? Don't deny yourself happiness because you can't forgive, the longer you harbour ill feelings towards people you feel have wronged you the more entrenched your thinking becomes.

The world is bigger than you, me, anyone, and people have reasons for their actions, which may not ever be clear to you.
Oooh, gotcha.

That's actually legitimate, then.
Die, hopefully.
>slight loss of muscle mass.

fuck that, anything buy my gains bro
Is that Bam Margera's dad?
>Just put simply sexual abuse at 8 years old.
How old were you? That's the magic question.

If you were like 10, than fucking calm down, dude. It was probably just you not knowing any better. Let me describe to you some shit I did when I was seven.

My aunt's dog had a lot of puppies me and my brother used to play with, we fucking loved those puppies. One day we had to go on a trip for the day, and we hugged all the puppies goodbye, squeezed the shit out of them until they made noise and said "goodbye" back. The puppies became all fucking timid around us ever since and never played with us again. I think we really hurt them. After a while they all disappeared, I'm pretty she gave them away in a hurry knowing that we did something bad. Hell, they might have died? I don't know.

Fast forward to nowadays. Am I thinking that I'm a psychopath that wanted to abuse those animals? No, I was just a kid. Deep down a probably knew I was hurting the dogs, but because I already accidentally hurt one of them and we weren't emotionally prepared to deal with that, so we just plowed through. I was just underdeveloped and didn't fucking think.

Don't hold yourself accountable for lacking the moral fortitude of a grown fucking adult over a time you were not a grown fucking adult. Accept that what you did was wrong but stop beating yourself up over it, there's no reason at all to do so.

Lots of people did shit they're not proud of when their minds were underdeveloped.

wow, he is a big guy!
That is stupid, just eat protein and veggies for nearly the same effect, my lunch today was under 300 calories and i ate 33g of protein and 3 servings of veggies.
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it's not that bad for you but there's still quite a bit of sugar it, that's why it's so low on the list
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For dew
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People are very lazy anon
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How come Boogie and other eceleb threads stay up for hours, but white(wow) and black(ltg) DSP threads get delete in 15 minutes?
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They voted to pass a bill to replace Obamacare yesterday... what does this mean for boogie?
It's unlikely that you're going to be having a heart attack.

Most likely you have issues with stress; this causes the muscles in your chest to tense up over time and feel really funny. You might end up having a panic attack or some shit over time (This happened to me.), but you should know that a panic attack that isn't made-up tumblr bullshit feels pretty much exactly like what you'd expect a heart attack to feel like, but that you should remain calm unless you are seriously dying.

I had a panic attack and I nearly went to the hospital over it. All the muscles in my chest were tight as fuck, my heart was beating so fucking fast it hurt, and my body dumped all of my adrenaline which made me super paranoid about what was going on and made me think I was going to die. But it wasn't a heart attack.
Timing, mods usually don't show up until later on.
if 0-9 you're retarded.

if trips I'll vote trump next election
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What do you expect from current youtube? I agree, but giving an award to someone who inspired people to actually change themselves for the better instead of pandering to muh feels and body "positivity" would be "problematic"
Good, he should die.
inhales KIRBY
c h u c k l e
Honestly, this is some of the best advice I've gotten on anything ,and just what I'd expect from you guys. Thanks a lot, I'll take all of this as advice to go by. Never would have gotten this by talking with a friend or some shit, I really appreciate it
name of the video please? i cannot remember the name of the video

>muh pills

Not a true natty god.
I hate that youtube throws a bunch of boogie or pewdiepie shit on my feed, but never tells me when my subs like Scoob or Blaha made another fitness video.
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Why can't you be as brave as Boogie?
>i-i-it's my thyroid, it has nothing to do with the fact that i consume more per year than most African countries
I wonder how boggie got a good looking girlfiend/wife in the first place
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But he didn't.
>the fact that i consume more per year than most African countries

has anyone told him to check his food privilege, he is literally killing african kids by eating as much as he does
>what does this mean for boogie?

Honestly I imagine he'll create a gofundme or Patreon if he doesn't already have one so he can pay the bills and continue being fat.

I don't think he realizes that doctors can and will deny you surgery and transplants if you're over 300 pounds. That's just how the healthcare system works.

Happened to my cousin
>on oxygen 24/7 due to being some 500 pounds
>couldn't workout because she was on oxygen going through several tanks per day
>went to the doctor to talk about a lung transplant
>they essentially told her lose 300 pounds and come back
>but I'll die if I don't get this transplant
>that's our healthcare system, we'll give it to someone who actually needs it and isn't morbidly obese

Boogie just makes excuses like
my cousin was on oxygen 24/7 and lost the weight just by laying on a raft in the pool and kicking her feet. There's no excuse he just refuses to change his lifestyle.
He truly is such a fatuous fathead.
He's so full of shit. MUH THYROID is another thing exaggerated when it comes to health in america. It does have an effect on weight gain and loss and it isn't that big of one, it does not stop you from losing weight, nor does it make it all that much harder.

Boogie claimed he's done keto diet and even intermittent fasting, he's so full of shit. If he stuck to it for just a month, he would have significant improvements. I guarantee he was consuming 4,000+ calories a day on his "diets" and cheating constantly. He also chugs 2 litre bottles of soda daily.
What's with this meme that disabled people want to be treated equally? Have no legs, be mentally challenged or some other kind of shit? Swallow your shitty pride and accept my help and my pity, fucking subhuman.
He already has a patroen.

>I don't think he realizes that doctors can and will deny you surgery and transplants if you're over 300 pounds. That's just how the healthcare system works.

Do you not do any fucking research when you talk shit? He's already got an operation lined up.
Holy fuck I had a good kek over this one. Thanks anon
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Based nog
Half an hour fasts
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>it's my thyroid! check your thin privilege!
Probably lying about the operation. Either that or he's getting it done outside the U.S. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3937915/
If his patreon, youtube, card collection, or twitch career won't pay the bills his wife will go back to work and he'll probably go back on disability.
>In many countries around the world, including Iran
Kek Americans are hilarious
No he's paying for it. He's already paid the deposit. He can't lie about it
His thyroid is forcefeeding him bottles of mountain dew and packets of doritos?

My God! Thyroids are such bastards!
>europoors in charge of reading

You realize it talks about the United States and the United Kingdom as well, right? or did you just read the first 5 words and decide to shitpost?
>tfw fat and you walk by girls that start giggling
who is this dyel-tier basketball american?
>i want free healthcare for being a lazy fat fuck
discount Usher desu
Stop shit shit posting. He pays for his own
Whats your favorite thing to do? Smashing up tables?
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>tfw fatty
>tfw need to lose a lot of weight
>tfw always get REAL hungry at night
Why the fuck is this
I keep seeing this pasta everywhere. Is it a true story?
>he clearly says salad dodger
>everyone who quotes him says salad dodging
/v/ is fucking deaf
Space your meals so that you can eat something near bed time, retard. If you eat your entire allowed meal in the morning you will just suffer for the rest of the day.
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>tfw European
>tfw have free healthcare
Because you're a fat cunt. Go suffer through the hunger for a while and your stomach will shrink.
It's considered not-the-best cardio exercise because of the high joint impact, eroding cartilage. Cycling ans swimming are considered better from a holistic standpoint because they avoid that.
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Where is my gf then?:_:
He pays for health insurance but that doesn't mean he pays the full cost of his healthcare.
>tfw European
>tfw have free muslims
>free healthcare+mudroach infestation
It's not free. We are paying heavy taxes for that.
He pays $800 month and is paying for his operation
>tfw German
>tfw pay 50% of my salary to the stay
>tfw """""""""free"""""""" healthcare
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>eastern european
>only few mudshits in bigger cities
>tfw everyone hates them just like feminists
How are those kidneys?
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This is the only doctor he has a chance of getting his fucking mouth bypass surgery off I'm afraid. Let's face facts he's gonna just suffer a cardiac one day and that's the end of his channel, he's NEVER going to lose weight.
Its fake he doesnt waddle he rides
>implying that NEET pays taxes
At least Americans have it good. They get fat latina asses in return and can live in a nice climate
>legally required to pay for insurance
>legally required to pay even more in penalty of not having insurance

why was this ever a thing? I never even went to the doctor the entire time Obama was in office, but I get fined for not having insurance and not taking medication regularly?
Do you really think the full cost of his healthcare is only $800 a month? If that were so he wouldn't be crying about losing his insurance.
Cause hes nice, friendly and kinda funny. I just wish he would play more games on his Twitch channel.
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Wait v loves this sjw shit?
The dems are socialists. That's why it was a thing.
No if he lossed his insurance THEN he would have to pay loads more
Why you laying on the carpet man?
It's on my wall actually, i'm poorfag from Russia.

>the dems are socialists

Stop this meme, they're fucking turbocapitalists just like the conservatives. The only difference is that they have rainbow coloured hair instead.

There hasn't been a real leftist presence in the us since the early 20th century. Even Bernie Sanders barely qualifies as a leftist.
He's nice and friendly some of the time. Even when he does play games he just plays the same shit all of the other twitchers play. You can tell he doesn't actually enjoy gaming, magic, or pokemon. They are just a ploy to get money. He's dead inside and you can see it in his beady, dead, soulless eyes.
>The guy who called Hugo Chavez a "role model" barely qualifies as a leftist

Are you joking?
Yo anon are you sure it's not your meds? Have you talked to doc about it?

Bernie is a Succdem, the most discount leftists that exist. His personal heroes are irrelevant if his stances and policies don't align with them.

Also Chavez was based, fuck you
Due to the pre-existing condition state waiver he could be denied medical coverage all together.
I know 2 people who claimed to have a thyroid problem.
One was a fat guy who lost a ton of weight and admitted he was just making excuses after he lost the weight, the other one was girl worked out and ate properly and maintained a good figure to counter her inefficent thyroid.
I´d wager Boogie could have a normal weight, but he is just too lazy and whiny to actually do something about it.
Why do Americans hate helping other people so much? It sounds so depressing to just care about yourself all the time. American culture is so fucked up.
/v/ mentality doesn't represent the real world, fucktard.
Americans just don't want to pay for things they don't use. Health insurance isn't charity but Obama believes it should be federally mandated charity for the boogies of the world.
>mother used to be fat (not 400 lbs kind of fat, but still)
>knew about her terrible eating habits, so wasn't surprised
>eventually, she started complaining about it a lot
>point out her terrible diet and fix it
>nevertheless, starts following my advice
>went down from 84 kg to 62 kg literally by just eating properly, without any other changes to lifestyle
>even problems with high blood pressure are gone

Thyroid is a meme. It's pretty much always possible to get your fat percentage to "acceptable" levels. That is, unless you have already let it out of control like boogie shitter. Godspeed you then, because it does become a mental disorder.
Huh? All Obama did was force you to use private, for profit insurance or pay a penalty. All the other first world countries have single-payer.
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And this disgusting slob wants other people to pay for his healthcare while he spends he last few years being an amorphous blob that collects and plays with toys.
People paying for other people is the entire point of insurance.
>thread is still up
fucks sake mods you fucking suck
Thyroid problems can make it harder but they do not make it impossible, if someone cannot lose weight at all they are lying about trying. Literally everyone i know who has thyroid problems has eventually started losing weight and admitted that they were just making up excuses or just weren't trying hard enough.
Has he gotten an appropriate backlash for this? Has he acknowledge it?
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If you are healthy and in your twenties you don't really need insurance but Obama needs to force such people into the system to pay for all of the sickly lardasses sucking up the bulk of the healthcare insurance dollars.
There is no backlash.

The reserved understanding type that voted for trump are a silent majority to the loud mouth social justice warriors that want handouts for everything and are quick to call arms when it comes to defending something on twitter.

If anything that post got retweeted with a bunch of #LETISISIN AND #BANTHEWALL #FUCKTRUMP posts
Plenty of people have called him out on being a lying piece of shit but he dismisses all criticism as "da mean trollz :(".

I don't know what's wrose, his bullshitting or the people who believe his bullshit.
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>I literally have to not open a thread
Jesus you're a fucking austismo pro edition child.
Do you get mad about being forced to pay car insurance, too?
How fucking much does he weigh? He looks fat even for a fatass.
He'll just say he is already doing all the right stuff. Not sure if it is true. He says at his worst he drank a 2liter soda over two days. I do that and have never hit 200. Supposedly he only drinks water now except for a can of diet soft drink a day.
Go get some magnesium supplements.
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>still no working penis
That sounds like a bold faced lie to me.
I sure as hell don't. He's a manipulative piece of shit who relies on people's pity to keep him views and as a line of defense from criticism.
Here's the thing. Once you're fat, doing what seems like mildly bad shit will keep you fat.
he has to be well over 550lbs at this point. The fact he's still growing and staying that size is fucking insane
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Yes and it is isn't the only scam the government is playing. They are increasingly identifying homes as being in floodplains to force them into flood insurance because if you have a mortgage you don't have a choice. This way there is more money to pay for when Mississippi bursts its banks or there is another Katrina and the government doesn't need to pony up.
In first world nations everyone pays for everyone's health care.
I don't understand it. I took shit care of myself, working hard at reversing it now, and never got fucking close to that. How can you eat that goddamn much?
m-muh thyroids. Nevermind the 5k+ calories he's eating to actually stay that large
If he is actually getting bigger then he is undeniably lying, it is physically impossible to continue gaining weight like that if you are dieting, calories do not work like that. He has to be eating more calories than he's burning off.
>tfw 130 lbs but never gain any weight
Hell I work nights at fucking Burger King so I just make shit all the time. I never gain any weight.
I've been trying not to drink so much soda either since I don't want fucking diabetes or some shit, but it's hard to find calorie-rich foods that aren't terrible for you.
>be a slav

Like Cuba and China.
I have bigger arms than you and I haven't even peaked
Now that youtube demonitization is kicking into overdrive and sucking out his income is he finally going to lose weight?
At a certain point in his life all he would do is snack while playing vidya. He'd keep redi-whip or chips by the computer.
He'd probably say some bullshit about muscle growth and whatever. Except even though muscle IS heavier, you still lose inches of fat.
His twitch audience will continue to keep him well fed. He is quite popular on twitch.
eastern europe literally has muslim-run concentration camps now
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It's a load of shit Boogie doesn't walk at conventions.
I still believe he is honest though all evidence proves otherwise.
Unlikely. It's not impossible, but insulin resistance is generally caused by excess body fat. If it doesn't run in your family then you're at an even lesser risk.
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She got some big gums
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>Just eating redi-whip by itself

them teeth are on par with cosmo
Boogie is so big he actually fred flinstone's his rascal.

It's fucking over then.
do they? I'm only learning about this shitpile the last few days, if /v/ is fans of him they can fuck right off
Nah he's sort of right, in that running can be bad on your knees if you do it on a hard surface.

So if you run just try to find a treadmill/track/dirt road to do it on rather than running on pavement as that can wear on your legs over time.
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Well that's reassuring.
So is he gonna survive the bariatric surgery? What's the end outcome?
Treadmills are pretty bad too, man. It's why everyone uses those silly elliptical machines now, or however it's spelled.
Oh shit really? I thought they were alright. Nevermind then.
this nigger is all right
>a lardass like that doesn't have any stretch marks
Meanwhile I'm not even overweight but I have them.
>Bariatric surgery

I doubt they'd risk putting him under if he really is like 600 pounds.
It will rip from his overeating and he dies.
I do that sometimes but the key word there is sometimes, it's more of a look in the cupboard, see it, fill my mouth and put it back type of thing, i wouldn't just buy cans of it to eat.
Guys... i lost 2000 subs on youtube because of algorithm. Ad revenue is down. My patreon dropped $10. Not sure how my insurance will be after trumpcare.

But we'll be okay. Im not telling you this because i want donations.
*boogiebitch donated $10 "stay strong boogie, we with u"*
*suck boogie cum donated $20 "u dah man boogs"*

Guys stop, i wasnt asking for donations.

*diesel donated $100 "if you need anything, let me know"*
*thwacky donated $1000 "lets fuck on stream"*
*lootcrate donated $3000 "thanks for being a good shill"*
Shit, really? That's actually really impressive. How's she doing now?
Thats the thing, he's already qualified for it. It's happening

Same here man. Hips mainly. Shit sucks
He is over 500 not 600 but I think they are going to do it or this was all a ruse cruise.
Same pretty much. I don't try to hide it, but the only time I bring up that I was raped as a child is when I need some dumb tumblerina to shut the fuck up. You wouldn't believe how angry it makes them, to think that someone like me, tall, in shape, straight white male, basically the devil to them, has just as much or probably more claim to victimhood than them and yet doesn't try to cash in on it.

Rape is no big fuckin deal, it's just violence. Anyone bitching about rape like it's the worst thing in the world has probably never had the shit kicked out of them because after going through both, I'd rather get my asshole fondled than beaten inside out. Not that it's not a fucked up thing to do, but it's gotten so blown out of proportion because people have no fucking perspective anymore. We need to go back to a time where kids at school could fucking throw fists when they needed to. Nowadays the slightest hint of violence will fuck you over for life. Dude at my school got pissed and kicked a trashcan once. Got expelled. Yeah good job teach, I'm sure that kid is way better with no education, no outlet and no idea how to deal with his problems. No wonder kids are shooting up schools. If throwing a punch gets you expelled you might as well make that shit worth it.
I thought if you overeat after the surgery, you get the worst case of the shits you could possibly imagine.
I don't think they bother because anyone who dislikes him can already see that and anyone who does fall for this shit will never change their mind no matter how much evidence you bring cause boogie is just so down to earth and chill leave him alone man he's trying to lose weight this time!
How do I know you don't lift?
This isn't a fat fetish
Its a feeder fetish
Far, far worse
I made a thread about video games that just mentioned ****** and was banned.

This thread is about him. And him only. And it's going over 500
Because he's kirby.
God his wife is so fucking gross and his redditor and YouTube fans think she's super hot
post her
>One of these people was so fat, they rolled around on a scooter.

o anon you DO go on
just put yourself out there, man
They realize if they don't allow this containment thread it will spawn into five to ten boogie threads. They can't fight city hall.
She used to be qt, then she became the second moon in that household.
standard weight is 100lbs, always has been.
Boogie is one of those people where you can still see the skinny person trapped in all the fat.

Its really creepy once you start to notice it.

She only approves of pics of her that are at very specific angles to try and fool boogies nu-male fans
>They just make theor oesphagus bigger

Then what's the point? Why do they act like bariatric surgery is a life saver when it doesn't actually stop fat fucks from being fat fucks?
boogie and feeders were a mistake. I wonder how much their weekly shopping comes to.
how is that complaining about 4chan policies? if i made a porn thread right now on /v/ and somebody claimed it wasn't videogame related and that i should be banned will they get a ban too?
>be german
>over 60% of my income is taxed
>pay taxes on gasoline
>pay taxes on EVERYTHING
>pretty much 70% of my income is paying for taxes
>get "free" healthcare that doesnt cover shit because so many muslims and refugees crashed the system with all their diseases and birth defects and shit and getting their entire extended family from their home countries to use the "free" healthcare
>3 of my relatives died due to overworked hospital doctors

Wow, what a nice system we have in place.
Yes comrade
It's just power hungry mods as usual
>Also, get off your ass. Even if its just for 10 min a day.

Boogie had DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE come to his house and help him with a tailor made physical routine he could do from home.

Look at the kind of work DDP has done:

Yet Boogie quit after a short while, got even bigger, and is now having surgery to fix him.
murica pays more to charity than vast majority of elsewhere
I really can't wrap my head around people eating that much. I can barely finish a single burger without heaving.
>Muh metabolism
Yeah no shit. I get scientifically why people are more vulnerable to stuffing their faces but picturing someone eating that much shit just seems like it shouldn't work.
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>brother used to weigh a ton when he was a kid/teenager
>all of his life dealt with people calling him fatass, fatty, etc
>wanted to be on the football team with his friends in high school
>coach pulled our mom aside and said "he's too fat"
>brother was in tears the whole day
>decided that it was the last straw and started losing weight
>lost 150lbs and now weighs like 200lbs

From all the shit Boogie says about his bad past. I would think he would have reached that point where he's tired of being treated badly and loses the weight. My brother did. Boogie just never did for some reason?
It also doesn't help that he eventually became an e-celeb, and every one now cheers him on and tells him he's fine the way he is. So he just doesn't even care anymore.
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Where are these from?
Not him but i actually can't, i hate being around people. It's not shyness/autism or anything, every conversation just devolves into mundane bullshit. I wouldn't call myself a genius, but i always feel like i'm surrounded by unintellient shitlords regardless of where i am.

>need to wait for 6 months just to get a tooth pulled

EU healthcare is a joke.
>West cornwall resident
Anon I...
Boogie has a overeating/ emotional eating issue. The thing is when he gets his stomach cut he is still going to have that comfort eating issue. So he might kill himself because of the surgery.
every1 here talking about him having a thyroid issue, or just not caring about overeating is a fucking idiot.
He has an eating disorder.
>free healthcare

sure, as long as you give around a fucking 60% of your income
Yeah well tell that to the millions of strongwilled people who have overcome such disorders, often having to work real jobs with a fraction of the support that boogie has had.
Ya boogie needs to go to overeaters anonymous or other similar groups. They will at least give him the tools so when he does get the surgery he has a better chance. If he is going good for him, because in those programs you really don't come out and say that you are in it.
>He has an eating disorder.

In other words. He lacks the discipline to be a man and is a fucking girl. He LITERALLY has breasts. Not just of fat, but ACTUAL BREASTS.
because he is fatter than anyone on /v/, while /v/ is usually the fattest person in their town/city/state.
It's a vocal minority. People might agree with them as far as rape being bad but those who are still onboard when they are screaming for white genocide are nowhere near how loud they sound. Same with
>kicked a trashcan got expelled
Weird outlying examples will always exist. I'm confident that isn't the norm. I've seen public schools that aren't in shitty areas where violence is considered the norm and kids beating the shit out of each other just get pulled a side and lectured at worst.
I felt kind of full after eating a triple bacon cheeseburger and a fried chicken sandwich with fries and frosty the other day. I'm in the 140's.
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Is this a pasta? Seen this shit posted word for word several times.
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Holy fuck I died
Only one of these will lead somewhere. That's where you should go.
You're not trying hard enough. You can always find people that share your interests. If you genuinely hate everyone, yes, you are autistic.
Not really, disorders are because of a whole lot of issues not just lacking of discipline. When you get stressed out you shitpost on /v/ and take a walk. When he stresses out he eats. Both coping, but one is harmful the other isn't.
The fact that he has a fanbase that will support him no matter what is really really bad. When someone in the comments tells him to stop making excuses and lose weight he gets the entire boogie army telling him "its not easy for him :(((" "he has to deal with a lot :(" "he had a bad childhood :(", at some point you have to stop and take responsability
A major factor in why your cousin was told to lose weight is because it's dangerous to perform surgery on balloon-people.
Feeding that ego when you have a disorder like that is more harm than good. People think being nice all the time is the default way you should deal with people you like or love.
Everyone rationalizes it differently. His solution was just to dig deeper. He's just so far in that his only way of handling the situation is to eat more. It's not that he doesn't think about eating less, he's just built his entire psyche on eating so he can't act out any of it
>Implying shitposting isn't hazardous to your health
i hate 4chan now
If it extends to everyone, it is a disorder.
not that person but i genuinely don't know how to meet people when you're out of school and out of a job. you can't just walk up to random fuckers going about their day
my nigga
fat doesnt count senpai
It's almost like near all of the internet is a giant hugbox.
I don't need to do steroids like him to be inspired, fuck off
Being a misanthrope is not the same as being a snob. He is merely the latter.
Pretty much this. Eating is his outlet and way to deal with things, so you get unhealthy blob person. All you can do is wish him the best and hopefully he will have that moment where he sort of wakes up and wants to learn to deal with stress in a healthy manner.
Also the thing is being on the internet and being a personality on the internet, people never know how fucking bad you are mentally till that one day you get arrested or get a 5150.
Find shit online that's going down in your area. I'm serious. Plenty of people either don't have a workplace to socialize like you or just don't like anyone there. People doing shit relevant to your interests exist everywhere. If you put out your interests and aren't some Nosferatu looking autist, others will flock to it.
Strike up a conversation with randos at your local comic book store, use facebook to find people with similar interests, and there are sites dedicated to meeting up with others of similar interests.

How often does he browse here?
I had to deal with the same shit but from my parents, I was 280 pounds at 12 and I hit my highest at 17 at 350 pounds. Since then I've lost about 150 through dieting. Point being even though it was my parents fault that I got that bad since they just let me eat whatever I want (it started getting about when I was around 8), YOU have to take control since no one else will. If he keeps listening to his """""""fans""""""" he will die soon.
He browses /fit/ for sure because he calls them beta cucks, but since he got married and popular he basically has the typical reddit perspective on 4chan, ie. le darkest part of the internet
He is over 40. He lived a good life.
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I'm not sure I can respect this guy anymore.
wait who, the erik guy or boogie? boogie doesnt seem like the kind to call people beta cucks
Sounds like Jim Cornette
>browsing /fit/
Boogie. He was such a smug asshole the day he qualified for surgery
Longer than most.

That's not his first time mentioning us. He's admitted to browsing /v/ for years. He was a genuine /v/irgin before he got popular.
I'm usually not one for inspirational videos, but fuck this one got me.
>YT channel about leaving comments/posts places.

Nevermind fatty, Shouldn't Erik be on here all the time?
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also you can tell exactly where his fat rolls under his chin start pressing against his shirt cause the beard hair is thinner
He's too busy trolling YouNow.
Which is weird cuz it's mostly like 13 - 17 year olds.
I would probably die before reaching that weight, in a way it's impressive.
what does sachiko have in that box?
Concessions made to make insurance companies and republicans happy.

It should have been national healthcare like canada/uk/etc/etc.
boogie actually does browse /fit/, in fact he mentions /fit/ directly if i recall. /fit/ is full of fat people actually, who all fall there because they derive inspiration to do better and good advice. boogie was probably there to write the permabulk meme
This is me the past few months.. Seeing a doc on Monday though
Fatguys are hilarious bro
>boogie actually does browse /fit/
why? he's not even trying to lose anymore last I heard
It strange the human body doesn't just like, stop functioning from the sheer amount of work it needs to do for someone with that much mass.
He is, he's going to have surgery (soon).
The problem is insurance is paying for other people shit.

You pay $100 a month so when/if you need it, you have it.

That $100 pays for the healthcare of everyone else that used insurance that month.

People will say "well, i dont want to pay for healthcare for poor people that dont have insurance". But you already are. Someone breaks a bone/has a heart attack/ is in a car accident, they get treated. Turns out they dont have insurance. Hospital bills them 100k. Theyre poor. They dont pay. The hospital doesnt eat that cost, they raise the price on everything else. The hospital charges insurance companies more. Insurance companies charge you more.
he probably googled his name and wound up in a fat hate thread
He's having the surgery because he isn't trying m8.
Yeah, no.

Accidents happen. Trip and break a leg and see how you wished you had insurance when you get massive bills for setting the fracture.
Only if you have American genetics.

Didnt know the government ran insurance companies.
Yeah... his doctor says he can have a can of diet a day...

Watch his stream sometime. He likes to drink this walmart brand coconut water shit. Peep the ingredients on that stuff. Same as diet soda. He'll down a liter bottle of that stuff during a 2 hour stream. He probably drinks it all day.
A little over a week ago I ate a double patty bacanator with five chicken nuggets and fries and I felt absolutely full the other day. I ended up having a fruit and cheese platter rather than a proper dinner after that(long story short, was at a hotel, small bites menu). I know they say your stomach can grow but goddamn I do not understand how people eat like Boogie does.
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