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>a small studio in japan creates a potential goty >a large

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>a small studio in japan creates a potential goty
>a large canadian studio creates a travesty of a game

what happened lads?
The small studio in Japan actually wanted to make a great game instead of following a cookie cutter style of development.
Bioware needs to add more pantsu.
what do you think
Everyone with talent left Bioware years ago.
gameplay gets in the way of the fun for canadians
the thread can be closed already.
2b more like 2 cute feet (。>﹏<。)
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>If you kill your consumer base, they win.
>t. Prime cuck of Canadistan

Good, fuck them.
The sky and oceans turned blue and OP was a fag
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North America is sick at the moment, due to liberalism and communism.
stop sexualizing a robot without feet
Netorare is super popular in Japan though
They never had any to begin with. They made bland generic fantasy rpgs for 20 years, then EA bought the farm with the idea of milking their IPs until they are dead. After that, they moved from making bland games to concocting gigantic piles of steaming shit. End of story.
Yes, but as a fetish, not a way of life.
You'd be surprised how accurate this is. Diversity hiring and female quotas do big damage, add on top balding middle aged cucks in management that specifically try to hire as many women and trannies as possible, and you got a disaster.

Meritocracy is dead in north America, at least for industries like videogames.
I didn't like Automata at all, but this is because talent and vision is something that money can't essentially buy I guess.

A lot of money won't make your game magically better. You'll get shiny graphics and a boatload of content, but it wont change the core gameplay working the way it does and it wont change the writing.
nu-weebs are killing drakengard/nier. glad this bitch dies in the game. i doubt any of you drooling retards ever got that far anyway. just bought it because "le asssssssssssssss >U<"
>glad this bitch dies in the game
>he didn't get the true ending

You really need to get a hold of how many people are there.
>team of squatting slavs create the best wrpg in years
Unironically this, 2B was the weakest of all Taro protagonists and brought the worst types of people to the fanbase. At least a good chunk of them were deterred once they realized that 9S was the real protagonist
>best wrpg
that's like winning the special olympics
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A smaller team and budget is almost essential for creating better games. Everyone can remain on the same page in terms of the game's direction and the director has almost a free hand to pursue his passion without overbearing management stepping in and changing the game in order to appeal to the lowest common denominator for a return on their investment. What's more is that even the Platinum B team is competent and they wanted to work with Taro because they enjoyed his games and respected him as a director.

It's really no surprise that one is far better than the other.
If this shit game ends up being GOTY then congratulations on another shit year in gaming.

The only thin the small Japanese studio managed to create that's worthy of note is exquisite fapbait
>just bought it because "le asssssssssssssss >U<"

Guilty, still enjoyed the game though. Clutch your pearls more please.

>a small studio in japan creates a potential goty

Nintendo isn't a small studio.
>small studio in japan makes game
>single artist in room designs a slut anime character
>leads to thousands, possibly millions of shitposts online

>the dlc has a revealing outfit
spotted the Shitran Cockura buyer
Fuck you waifufag, 2B is shit and she's 9S's executioner. Also gets killed by A2, because she gets infected with a virus at the start of Route C
We're sorry, okay?
Thats because 2B is barely even a character.
9S and A2 aren't much better at all. The whole cast felt pretty bland and when I was expected to care about the """romance""" between 9S and 2B I just sat there thinking how? Why?
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Don't spend it all in one place.
Eh, I did enjoy the rest of the cast for what they were. I really do not like 2B though, there's no real reason for 9S to get attached to her either. Most of their dialogue could be surmized with 9S saying some exposition or his thoughts on a subject, and 2B just responding with "yeah" or "not my problem". I felt that 21O had much more chemistry with 9S in their little exchanges.
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>there's no real reason for 9S to get attached to her either.
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Reminder that 2b and 9s love is eternal

lololol this stormfag just said the US was both capitalist and communist

sums up the cognitive dissonance of /pol/
>c a n a d a

50 japs > 10,000 leafs
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I don't think you understand how big of a travesty the game is.
Commander has a much better body though. Given how popular 9S was, he could've tapped any android on the bunker.
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Is this supposed to be footfag art? Because as a footfag not only can I not tell, but those are some low quality feet.
neoliberal policies certainly have dominated the west for decades
and there are also a lot of retarded neo-marxists in academia
there is no incompatibility between the idea that your society can suffer from the confluence of different ideologies
but this is not the board for these topics
>Most of their dialogue could be surmized with 9S saying some exposition or his thoughts on a subject, and 2B just responding with "yeah" or "not my problem"
Honestly this yeah.
I seriously don't understand it when people say that the game has a great story. It explores some themes in philosophy and conveys a small message to the player, but the story itself is really barebones. It expects an emotional connection to a character that barely even has written dialogue and the dialogue that she does have is very mild and very short.

A2 is a huge missed opportunity as well since shes just a blank wall for 9S to shout at. I couldn't name a single thing about what makes A2 interesting besides her 3 minute history sequence with Anenome, which sadly and amazingly is more character development we see for A2 in 3 minutes than we see for 2B in 15 hours.
50 Japs > 10,000 women's study graduates with pink hair.
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>there's no real reason for 9s to get attached
Not to be rude, but you either didn't play the game or weren't paying attention. 9s mentions that S models are built for recon and that he is alone all the time and he loves the company. That aside, he's spent a lot of time with 2b because she is ordered to off him when he gets too close to learning the truth. It's not specified how long they've known eachother, but it's implied it's been a while.
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It's just because the game has a relatively weak narrative, especially in terms of characterisation. What's strange is that the characterisation is there, but most of it has to be applied retroactively. I played through the game twice and the first time I wasn't emotionally invested in the main characters at all and was left underwhelmed but the second time I was and everything that didn't work the first time suddenly did.

It's really a shame, as if the game could hit as emotionally hard as it does thematically the first time it would have been amazing.
I figured it was playing more towards the ass crowd.
>what happened lads?

You realize it's canada vs x right?
brain disease called weebness happened

to you
westcucks never learn
I respectfully disagree with you and thoroughly enjoyed the game, my only problem really was with 2B. I think that it's more of overexposure from obnoxious waifufags that makes me dislike her, but I'm not sure at this point though. I get attached to characters fairly easily, but I didn't really feel anything when she died, and I ended up tearing up at Ending C and D. I can see why you felt let down though.
Maybe >>375966991 is more to your liking
tell us about which games you have played this year and think are good
they're actually v cute feet pls delet this post
I expected better from the thumbnail.
>Complain about Bioware quality
>Praise Platinum 'empty rooms with flat textures filled with ps2 characters lmao fuck scale' games

Cmon now weebs.
>The small studio in Japan actually wanted to make a great game
They should have done that instead of making a terrible one like Automata.
Atlus isn't that small.
Japan studio made a game to make a game.

Canadian studio made a game to make money.

This is why I see video games as a form of art.
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>Platinum games history
>Not making games for money

Cmon now weeb
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The thing that amazes me about Automata in comparison with Andromeda is a quality of animations relaying character emotions in cutscenes. 2B's barely suppressed smile when she finds 9S after her duel with Adam, 9S tenderly touching her cheek in route C or visibly losing his last marbles in 2E army battle, full of sexual tension strangulation scene, etc.
In comparison to this Andromeda looks like something animated by a team of complete amateurs.
Every time I see a cutscene from Andromeda I feel like it should be on Rooster Teeth or something.
>expecting Canada to do anything right
That's your first mistake.

>b-but Ed, Edd n Eddy

That was the fucking 90's anon. We're currently in the late (20)10's. It's obvious that all the talent that were in Canada either left or died off.
I only played one platinum game.

I guess what I'm saying is that the team in the studio that made the game, made it for pure enjoyment instead of profit.
I want to sniff 2B's feet!
>not her ass
fucking plebian
Given the option to sniff her butt or her feet, which one would you choose?
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>play 40 hours on first play through
>already on my second play through

even if it's not goty it's still worth $60
on the contrary my dear sir, it is feet sniffing that is the patricians choice
>Special rank DLC bosses have a shitton of health
This is all I wanted from the base game.
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butt obviously

>footfags think they have good taste
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The one in Japan understand the appeal of fat asses. Canadians are homosexuals.
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Savour it anon I'm at 67 hours and still mopping up the last few quests and upgrades
I've played nothing but this game for like 3 weeks and I'm still not tired of it.
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funny because the canada game actually sold and doesnt look like shit ps3 game
You would know a lot about the Special Olympics
h-how soft do you think 2b's feet are?
nier sold over 1mil, andromeda sold 870k or something
No, Japanese games are made by fatasses, female fatasses. Which shows.
>reminder that canada made Diablo 2
what happened eh?
Android skin is extremely soft and warm according to Taro.
>You'll never rub your face against those cheeks
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japs are superior to wh*tes
Blizzard North isn't in Canada lad.
>nier sold less than nobudget literalwho indie and early access games
>andromeda: source my ass
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>potential goty

in what universe you delusional ramen eater?
>she will never shit soft and warm diarrhea all over my face
>"I play the game for the graphics"

I personally think the game looks fine.

The character models are what make it good. Bioware's models look like shit.
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>i, t. weebshill, think the game looks fine
It all depends on the budget, look at MGSV.
If you're going to use graphics as an example at least pick a good game and not one that will never live up to it's former predecessors. :^)
>It all depends on the budget
not when 3 man indie devs make better looking games
>look at MGSV
which also looks like a PS3 game

i will pick a good game when the thread will be also about a good game kek

Nier was made by a grim-focused studio with a passion for producing games that made even the casual player get invested in their stories, both of the main plot and the substories.

Bioware lost that a while ago, and honestly, MA:2 had the best characters out of the whole series. 1 set the ground for improvement and while it was fun, it didn't have anything I personally felt too intrigued by.

Also because Legion was the most interesting to me, and his role as a martyr for his whole race was something I expected, by desperately wanted to keep from him dying even if it would save thousands upon thousands.

So it's less of a "x-studio is better because gameplay" and more of a "x-studio gives me better characters I wanna know more about" kind of deal.
Emil a bro. Never forget supermart Emil
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>no western dev will ever manage to do a love story as powerful and instrumental to the story as feelings between 2B and 9S
this, desu
The nuances of their love are too subtle for western devs to even grasp and try to match.
Can someone explain why everyone is sexualizing a robot? Is her exterior even organic? I know she looks hot but why fuck a robot of all things?
they have skin layer, they have digestion system, they have blood, hearts, can breathe, optionally can have genitals and even simulate pregnancy
>digestion system
why would a robot need that?
Just because it wasn't forced romance like in most other games doesn't mean it is the greatest love story ever told
But I agree, I can't think of a single western game that tops it
why do you need it
nier isnt a good game
gameplay is sub par and generic, like all recent platinum game
everyone tries to sideline the game with waifu shit, and muh story

as a game it fucking sucks, all you plebs just worship the waifu/ story

yall probably the samefags who sat there spamming me2 threads for a year straight because muh waifu and the most generic gameplay possible
I am not a machine
they also need water to survive
aren't you just a self-building, self-repairing machine
and you eat things for energy and raw materials to rebuild yourself out of and to acquire more raw materials
It's a pretty fucking strong contester to one of the best love stories in vidya in general.
Especially alongside side materials like Memory Thorn novel
Because diversity being a strength is a meme, and a united group of people who understand each other has more cohesion and unity.
is it really ok for 2B to sit on my face?
if nier automata had the gameplay of mass effect andromeda and vice versa you would still say nier automata was better. you just care about how it looks.
All I care about is the music desu
I hope Taro keeps reusing song of the ancients
>killing Drakengard
There's nothing to kill. DoD3 was a mediocre game at best and the original is horrible.
1 was better than 3 though.
I wanna FUCK 2b
>there's no real reason for 9S to get attached to her either
It's canonically established by memory cage that he can read right through her cold kuudere persona and understands her true feelings. And behind that kuudere mask there's just a genuinely kind and loving girl in crazy never-ending depression.
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>sacrificing framerate for graphics
She canonically weighs 300lbs.
Possessed by a desease wss legit too, anon.
It was worse in every way. 3 looked and played better, had better characters, a better story, and better music. And it was still barely mediocre.
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I don't like mass effect either but you have to be pretty fucking underaged to not appreciate baldur's gate.
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p-post more feet pls
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