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Who else is hype for Yooka-Laylee? Gonna be great having a new

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Who else is hype for Yooka-Laylee? Gonna be great having a new Banjo-Kazooie game after all these years.
What the fuck, guys, when I open rge image the blue background turns black holy shit doea moot know?
Looks more like an emptier Banjo Tooie than a Banjo Kazooie.
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It looks good and will eventually pick it up. I literally give no fucks about all this Jontron controversy frankly
It's the long awaited Banjo-Threeie.
Probably will pirate it.
No need for me to give money to a bunch of virtue signaling douchebags.
God damnit larry im working /v/ this weekend, fuck off back to trying to sell shamwows.

any developer that bows down to the SJWs at NEOGAF don't deserve my money, that's for damn sure
Yeah, I'm pirating it though.
>NEOGAF can't shut the fuck up about how they done fucked up
I guess you gotta give them $40, ech?
No more voice acting from a white supremacist, so I'm all in.
I feel ostracised, /v/...looks like reddit isn't for me... :(
I find it weird that a small forum like Neogaf is seen as some sort of gaming Illuminati responsible for all the bad things happening in video games. What makes you think they're so powerful?
I would have bought it if it was still coming to Wii U.

To call the Wii U the "lead platform" for the game, then not only scrap it unceremoniously but also deny Nintendo fans a physical version on the Switch, is just way too big of a betrayal for me as a consumer. I can't trust Playtonic anymore.
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Thats it, you left me no choice but to call my allies
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I don't get why people keep hiring blue haired CM's with superiority complex's.

Half the time all they do is alienate people, it's the complete fucking opposite of their job.
what about the banning of people asking for refunds?
All another shill thread.
They get backing from Sony
Where'd that 40% come from?
It really is a strange choice for a CM. They're obviously not gamers, they don't have any interpersonal skills... what exactly is the purpose of giving them this position?
Pretty shitty behavior. I don't give a fuck about Jontron but goddamn getting sick of companies doing intentionally bad PR.

I do have a Banjo-Kazooie shaped hole in my heart so I want to play this. I'll compromise with myself and wait til it's on sale for $10 or something.
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Who cares lol
Just pirate it.

>Gonna be great having a new Banjo-Kazooie game after all these years.

Why is it going to be great?

Why does it feel like Yooka-Laylee was built entirely on nostalgia goggles?
They banned people shitposting in the game's Steam forums. Not asking for refunds.
Because it is

But that shouldn't matter if it's a good game or not

I want to play it because I like 3D platformers, not because I want to go back to 98
Don't blame everything on nostalgia just because you haven't played the game, you petulant little shit. Banjo-Kazooie still holds up today.
yeah probably gonna pirate it

I'm not a fan of jontron but at this point anyone accused of being a bigot is just automatically A-OK in my eyes and I immediately side with them
Thats shit, but its more of a community issue than an issue with the game
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Not me.
Whoa, Don Cheadle is Dunkey? That explains so much.
A classic.
>mods on the steam page died
>yooka laylee steam forums literally became shitpost general


How much worse can it get?
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i dont touch games poisoned by politics, right or left
We should ses if we can get this trending
Post it on twitter and #yookalaylee?
Even on the Yooka-Laylee forums, people still manage to get butthurt about Roadhog. It's impressive.
You don't want to add him as a friend, /v/?

haha we are legion!
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here we go
I'll be the first to say it. Mighty No. 9 wasn't even a bad game. People were just sour after all the delays and stupidity from the PR lady. Certainly, it could have and should have been a better game considering the time and money that went into it, but it scratched the Mega Man itch. Its only crime is that it's "just another Mega Man" instead of "Mega Man's glorious return."
How the fuck does it look good?
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>they literally abandoned ship
You first. How the fuck does it not look good?
they just had to kick a hornet nest, they could have left it alone and ignored it, but noooo, what could ever go wrong?!
>unity lighting
>sfx and gfx have no impact on anything. Picking up items has no flare
>big emply levels
>minecarting is slow and easy
>a fucking double jump
>NPCs are all just standing around in the open making the "world" look like a garry's mod project
What the fuck is wrong with a double jump?
Instead of giving you one big momentum based jump, like Mario, you get two tiny, stiff jumps that can't actually get you anywhere alone. It also makes platforming a non-issue since you can save yourself from any botched jump with the second one. You'll also be mashing it, since a single jump will be too tiny to actually get anywhere. You also already have a fucking glide, so the second jump isn't needed.

There's a reason Mario has never used it
Oh boy I sure do love arbitrarily having to hit jump twice to actually get anywhere!
>tfw afraid this shitstorm is going to influence platonic in a negative way

I just wanted a good game, but fucking millenial politics have to worm their way into everything I enjoy.
wasn't interested before but might buy this now that they removed the shitty e-celeb
Super Smash Bros
I had no interest in it but might buy it to spite the crazies.
>I just wanted a good game, but fucking millenial politics
fucking this
There is no reason this should be happening right now, but playtonic instead of staying out of it and staying silent or saying "we've gone gold, sorry" they fucking decide to get political and silence donors who want a refund for it
Well you can either blame Neogaf or the PR department for making a problem out of nothing. Take your pick.
im hype too
it looks really old school and comfy
something to enjoy on a rainy day
Took only 4 posts for pol to shit up this thread.
Dunkey already posted the shit. It's a meme, you dip
What is this then.
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Fucking /pol/ is such cancer.
not a pure platformer. Double jumps are good for actual action games because it helps you have more control over your character. It's also why the platforming in Smash and Bayo and stuff is pure garbage
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developers have fired the only Iranian man involved with the game, who is a son of an immigrant, for his views on immigration, because pedophiles from NeoGaf told them that said Iranian son of an immigrant is a white supremacist. the Far-left are worse then the far-right at this point. moving the goalline over the whole damn field every 10seconds
No, they started out by banning people asking for refunds. But with any controversy lasting longer than a day, people try to spin it like the PR department didn't create their own problem because they weren't here for it actually happening in real time.
I didn't like Banjo-Kazooie and I won't buy not even pirate this game. It has always been and it is a full platformer for people who believe there is anything better than Mario 64. Same with Crash Bandicoot.
I thought this was going to be the one game I was going to feel bad about not backing, but they had to go fuck it up at the last minute.

Oh well, $40 saved.
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>hes still spamming this same shit 5 hours later
do you have any life at all?
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For the love of christ please tell me there aren't still newfags shilling personal army requests here.
Damn they really fucked up.
Come on now. It may not be the worst game ever, but it was far from being a good game too. It was too flawed and the expectations were too damn high, so there was basically zero chance of Inafune delivering something that would make people happy with the kind of strategy that he had in the first place.
>/pol/ want gatershit back
really makes u think
Niggas gotta eat, anon, and you don't get paid in this society to NOT shill, now do we?
more likely /qa/ false flagging like crazy considering its been spammed in every one of these threads for 10 hours to focus conversation away from the devs beings shitty or the game at all.

Also 8fags absolutely hate us, especially /pol/
What refund? its crowdfunded game
Plus they've already made it now
I'm buying A Hat in Time day 1 and I'll follow Yooka-Laylee until release to decide. Hatgirl is a lot of fun while Yook hasn't even shown a lot of gameplay.
>pirating is now alt-right folks!

le triggered.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
/qa/ has maybe two fucking posters. No one from /qa/ is doing shit.
Not that anon, but what?
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>No one from /qa/ is doing shit
go be assblasted about /pol/ never getting deleted somewhere else /qa/
"leftypol" is not /pol/
Never thought I'd see the day when gamers complain about a double jump.
You realize Banjo-Kazooie has a double jump too, right? Oh right, you don't, because you haven't played it.
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Holy shit steam is literally /pol/ now.
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>the goiym don't know yet
>sad panda sharing thread
>divided GOP and obamacare: posted by Ben Garrison
>Alex jones is the best
>he will not divide us

this....is madness
Why would they give people back their money when they already used it to develop their game?
>You realize Banjo-Kazooie has a double jump too

A hover isn't a double jump, retard

This is why you do not get involved in politics if you own a business.
>Never thought I'd see the day when gamers complain about a double jump.

Get over yourself. Dedicated platformers have NEVER had double jumps, you fucking moron
I don't really care about ecelebs. This is why I won't be buying it. Btw If you want to trigger a NeoFag link to this http://imgur.com/a/eBPYm. Tyler "Grab Em By The Pussy" Malka is the admin.
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I wouldn't call it a great game or anything, but I would still call it a good game. Frankly I like it more than the NES Megamans because the controls in those are too stiff and dated at this point. I was always more of an MMX fella with the dashes and wall jumps.

So yeah, like you said, they inflated expectations way too high and an overall decent game was seen as complete trash because people were led to believe it would be the second coming of Christ.
>but I would still call it a good game

You have no standards
please fuck off with your eceleb shit.
>facts are racist now
i can't wait for this world to crumble sometimes
Does A Hat in Time even have a date yet? I feel like I've been waiting for that game for a million years. So I keep forgetting it even exists. It looks like it will be glorious, though.
I still can't believe people think deleting /pol/ is somehow going to fix the shitposting.
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>Frankly I like it more than the NES Megamans
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The only reason they're being banned is because they're acting like retards about it.
They were reasonable at the start, you idiot. Playtonic did this.
They are literally making threads posting sad pandas in them.
Sure >>371800169
I don't feel the need to respond to someone who typed up his response in under 30 seconds.
>too stiff
You're an idiot.
I don't give a fuck about sjw developers, but the game looks like a worse Banjo Tooie. I'm getting it anyway because I'm an idiot but it'll probably be a shit game
>I still can't believe people think deleting /pol/ is somehow going to fix the shitposting.
>waa i disagree with it therefore it shouldn't exist
Standard neo-liberal logic friendo.
well they are mostly redditors and newfags who weren't here the last several times /new/ and /pol/ got fucked with.
Has never ended well, and now with /pol/ like double its size before /pol/harbor it would be a fucking shitshow
>which would actually be hilarious to watch
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This is probably the most pathetic and petty "controversy" in recent history.
>Game goes gold
>haha come on guys forget about the developers being sjws and just buy their game like me
this is the result, not the start. or are you merely pretending to be retarded?

Even worse then Fembusters?
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You don't understand. If you think this is shitposting right now, you have no idea what's going to happen when the containment board is no longer containing.
>Dedicated platformers have NEVER had double jumps

What fucking Bizarro universe do you live in?
Okay, the level of discourse is getting pretty low at this point. If these are the people calling MN9 a shit game then that really explains a lot.
Phew, thank god for Chargebacks
I'm pretty sure the mod got yelled at for bad PR and they're just going to let this ride out. shame they dont realize autism is self powering
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The great debate.
>game goes gold
>lmao we're patching out content day one
>uhh fuck this please give me a refund, you're bad at your jobs
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>yfw you realize Playtonic is how British people pronounce the word platonic
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>Game's rep is ruined because of some retarded E-celeb
Who's the retard now huh?
Hey guys i'm starting a website called kickutter
You donate to people who will then bang you for free. Courts will completely honor this as it's not a transaction.
British people are dumb lol
And if their company fails, they could always start a softdrink company
>post traps are not gay
>3 replies within 1 minute
I completely forgot about this game until all this drama.

Did they do this just to be relevant again?
All this is are people trying to force and push something to be bigger than it actually is.
Can't wait for next week when people forget about this and move onto something new to hate.
Oh I know, I was saying the sjw tears on /qa/ is just from people all asshurt because they disagree with someone on the internet and basically begging for a safe space specially designed for their delicate assholes, where people can no longer hurt their precious little fweelings. Reality is a non-issue to these faggots
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>if they had just told neogaf to fuck off none of this would even be an issue
Anons told me that this is bullshit.
No we don't retard
glides/hovers are not double jumps
I'm probably gonna pirate it.

But not because I'm one of the droves of butthurt babbies waaahh-ing over playtronic dropping jon, because I'm a frugal piece of shit.
That's what you get when you help crowdfunding, the final product not living up to your expectations is a risk you're taking. Even then, wanting a refund because your favorite e-celeb got ditched is hardly a good reason to start with.

I'm personally waiting for the game's reception when it comes out before I even invest a dollar.
They did it just to stay relevant.
They saw Jontron getting shitted on so they wanted to appear as being progressive by canning him
Jon said it was cool, and he understood
But a lot of people don't agree with politics being shoved in every faucet of their life so they're pulling out, meanwhile Team17 (their community team) is shitting on steam users and kickstarter backers for simply asking for refunds.
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>Game and company's rep is ruined because of some retarded e-celeb
>People actually hoping for the game to fail and for the company to not be successful
Maybe. There's always the possibility they didn't even think it would blow up like this.
I'm not even going to pirate this crap.
So is this Dina all over again
>wanting neogaf's pet to be successful
they lied
yea p much
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>these steam forums
10/10 quality control
The problem is that /pol/ is constantly leaking.
It's a shitty containment board when you're actually allowed to use /pol/ style shitposting on other boards.
>Any better than Neogaf
>Especially after all of this shit
>traps are gay
>traps are not gay
the eternal debate rages on
Good thing uk law requires refunds even on products perfectly as advertised. Also chargebacks if they keep spinelesy ignoring. Then lawsuits will follow if people are really irked and they will win too because a donation for a good/service is still a transaction. That's why pimps can't accept donations to have prostitutes bang people for "free."
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>almost every thread reads exactly like a /v/ shitpost
>people still believe this is a widespread controversy when it's just shitposters thinking they're more important than they actually are in another attempt to force a tortanic

At least watching the chaos is fun.
i hate the guy, but Playtonic should have just let it be and not chosen to pick a side

i consider myself a neutral person, and i dont want anything to do with people thats far-left or far-right, especially in my vidya
Sort of related, the former Pandemic CEO actually runs a candy company now. I don't know how that kind of thing even happens, but whatever works, I guess.
I have nothing against the devs.

I really dislike the community manager tit and hope they see fit to fire his ass for bringing this shitstorm down on them and that they learn a valuable lesson about virtue signalling.

I should think the game's success should depend on whether it's good or not. I hope it does as well as it deserves regardless of the people behind it.
No no it's gotten much worse than that now. I'm pretty sure mods are dead.
So if YL bombs is this it for Playtonic? Will they even be able to make another game? Did Gaf really kill a company?
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>Every company is a spineless slave to the SJWs unless they strictly adhere to MY opinions instead of their own
As a fan of anime, fuck you
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Which one of you fuckers did this?
I'm 99% sure he fucked up banning the refund people and Team 17 benched him. since his face is all over the internet he stopped posting and moderating
Yeah, I couldn't care less about the drama but I'm not paying $40 for a singleplayer game. Especially one that's already made all its money through Kickstarter.
They probably all got fired or promoted because the company is going down. One or the other. Expect apology PR statement or an out of business statement soon.
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>when you're actually allowed to use /pol/ style shitposting on other boards
>people shouldn't be allowed to crosspost

are you this buttblasted? also /pol/, /tv/, and /v/ have so much crossposting theres no point even trying to stop it anymore
You see just as many /v/ threads on /pol/ as you do /pol/ threads on /tv/ and /v/. Its all the same faggots
>/pol/ dindu nuffin i swear!
both gaf and /pol/ killed the company
How many people here still believe Jon said something racist but never actually watched the video of his debate with Destiny?
hopefully other companies will take note of this failure. Sad.
Then go back there, Neocunt
It's ruined because NeoGAF had to be meddling cunts, and Playtonic decided to listen to them without doing any research.

NeoGAF could have easily stuck to the circlejerk in their forums about how bad it is JonTron got to do some HERPDADERP sound effect for the game and how big a nazi he is for saying shit that is 1% /pol/ and 99% spaghetti due to being shit at debates, but instead they had to literally contact the developers and DEMAND his removal. Playtonic could have ignored them or released a generic PR statement about how the game isn't about politics, but instead they threw their hat into the ring of this debate and are now part of the shitstorm they could have very easily avoided.
Except it used to be common for companies to just say "individual views don't reflect the company" and then move on without doing anything. All over some gibberish voice acting too.
nice edit
All this /pol/ shitposting can really, truly, actually, literally, and honestly be avoided if game devs stop bringing politics into every fucking thing they do. Is that seriously so fucking hard to comprehend?
Kickstarter isn't the same as GoFundMe though. It is more about investing than donating.
I will admit I have no knowledge of UK laws, but if you can freely demand back money invested in projects even if they are following the contract you signed then the UK has a shitty system.
I don't even see how its really virtue singling. Jontron made himself appear like a racist. Even his anti-SJW friends think he was leaning more alt-right. I think people would have ignored him when he came out as an anti-sjw trump supporter.

Its Jon's fault for doing that debate so terribly and fucking over his own public relations.
you think Monday? I don't know but then again they had 8k to 4k in preorders over this
We need crossboard cooldowns.

Start with something small like 5 minutes. Crank it higher gradually until it stops being a problem.
>I don't understand how Kickstarters work
You saw something you liked and you invested in it. You're not getting a refund after the game is fucking finished just because the publisher, who isn't even the fucking developer and does not share the opinions of the developers, made a mistake and overreacted.
And now the backers are shitting back on them 10 fold to the point where they can't even control it anymore. All the normalfags getting caught in the crossfire is just platinum icing to the golden cake.
justice for jontron
It's not that I hate Jon for saying something racist, it's that I hate that he brought politics into video games with all of the fucking shit he's been doing lately to bandwagon on the presidential election dribble, and because of that, now Yooka-Laylee is associated with that same fucking shit for completely opposite reasons.

And then /pol/ ruined it because they started posting it here non-fucking-stop for the last few days and won't shut the fuck up about it and blowing it out to be way bigger than it actually is.

Fuck the "You're either with us or against us" mentality, both sides ruined it for their own personal gain, and now we're stuck in this godawful endless shitposting loop.

I'm sick of it.
Or better yet Playtonic could have just not have said anything at all.

Oh and Gaf is looking at other ecelebs too they literally will not stop until they've ruined everyone's career. They are literally saying these people should be caged.
We really need a log in system and do away with anonymous users. Implement a log in system and allow users to vote on content pertinent to the discussion. This drowns out /pol/ shitposting at lets people discuss video games.
>this faggot
you ruined /tv/ to the ground
Yo want to finish this place too?
Are you retarded or pretending?
>he brought politics into video games
He never fucking did that. He discussed it on his personal twitter, and discussed it on a stream UNRELATED to his youtube video game channel
I'll refer you to
I expect Monday. I assume at least some people working there want to save the ship from sinking.
>waahhh muh safe spaces
go back to rreddit senpai, you clearly don't understand this place.
If NeoGaf could convince them I'm sure they would.
>That nigger who uses meme arrows outside of 4chan
>if you just walk on eggshells forever the faggots who can't stop injecting politics into everything will leave you alone I swear

No, this never works.
Game developers will get flak whether they choose to deal or not deal with people associated with their game making controversial statements. They're fucked either way.
It's not unusual for /v/ to go on witch hunts for employees they find too liberal and demanding them to be fired.
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>/pol/ ruined /tv/
nah, reddit and /mu/ ruined /tv/ along with a couple of /gif/ blacked posters
That's not the right equivalence of whats going on.
I imagine it will be an apology to Jontron fans and then a modification to the patch that will let you remove him in settings or something dumb like that to try and keep neofags happy
Tip top kek
> pls be satire

its really neogaf's fault
jon didn't tell his fans to do anything he obviously loved this game

when injustice happens the people's wraith is heard, neogaf didnt understand this cause they sit in a ivory tower of faggotry

> Playtonic celebrates diversity!
> starts banning everyone on steam to death
You literally had to go out of your way to figure out jontron was being anything political before the yookie-laylee shit and even before then it was a completely separate thing not related to video game at fucking all, now stop being a retard and shutup and lurk more you massive faggot..
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Step 1. Research everyone involved in Yooka-Laylee development, especially outside voice actors, modelers, animators or whatever.

Step 2. Full internet background search. Everything from twitter profiles to tumblr pages to forum posts from 2007

Step 3. Analyze anything that can possibly be twisted into sounding "problematic" or "against diversity"

Step 4. Compile it all into a master post, tweet/email it to Playtonic and demand his/her removal from the game in a patch and that they replace all that patched out content

Step 5. Watch Playtonic squirm
It's really sad that it's hard to tell it's satire nowadays.
If this site actually changed to have such a system, how would you react? Just curious.
Inb4 someone says blacks commit 52% of crime
Pure autism.
say it with me



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this is truly patrician b8
When SJWs go low, we go high. Never stoop to their level anon.
>>discussed it on a stream UNRELATED to his youtube video game channel
Guess what, when you're an e-celeb, every bit of you that you post about is the same and totally related. You don't have "off days", because you choose when you work. Posting shit on twitter is working for these people, and Jon doesn't exactly make videos or content everyday. Jon's political stuff IS content, whether you agree or disagree.

>>You literally had to go out of your way to figure out jontron was being anything political before the yookie-laylee shit
You're a stupid motherfucker if you actually think that. The only thing Jon's been doing as of late is posting about politics and getting into debates and shit. Not to mention /v/ posts about it fucking everywhere screaming /OURGUY/.
Sounds like fun.
>Being apolitical isn't that hard.

You don't have to say anything explicitly political to be targeted by ideologues.

You can be targeted for NOT saying or doing the right things even if nobody ever tells you what those things are.

There is no foolproof method of keeping politics out of your life. Don't pretend otherwise.
Everyone would just go to 8 chan or reddit. there would be no point in 4chan
>we go high
you're completely delusional if you actually think this
you faggots are no better than sjws
He's literally describing reddit. It's not that hard to tell.
pretty good idea

well they do for homicides and robberies but who cares?
>haha I'm above both sides
>Both sides are just as bad
>horseshoe effect!
It would be its death blow, 4chan got popular because of its anonymous imageboard format. It would literally die and at least a thirs of the traffic would migrate to 8ch other imageboards.
>and robberies
fudging the truth here and there I see
>why do these things i keep obsessively looking at and searching for trigger me
If you won't take friendly advice to lurk maybe its time to end your life instead m80?
if you don't think both sides are just as bad then you're fucked in the head
>small forum like Neogaf
You're underestimating just how big and cancerous that community is.
Green texting doesn't make the statement wrong.
We really are saving videogames
This is about ethics after all #2017 #weback
To be fair, I never see them actually costing people their jobs. Sure, they've tried, but the sjws have a better success rate at that.
hub bub hub
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Not on your life, kiddo
>>why do these things i keep obsessively looking at and searching for trigger me
There's literally been dozens and dozens of these fucking threads day after day. You don't have to look very fucking hard.
I am, the only people that refund a game because of some piece of shit YouTuber made some shitty politics opinion that he barely knows shit about is delirious.

I never gave a fuck about john tron and neither do my 30 over friends that are getting it as well.

I'm glad they took off john tron fuck that guy, I could care less.

Didn't care he was in the game before and don't care if he's not in the game now, this is not even censorship.

Just bad rep, fuck all that.

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quick everyone leave your mark in steam forums before it gets wiped

the blue haired cuck gave up
>where are the blue haired twink mods?
i kek'd
>Look everyone, we can act likes the millennials we are!
Plain texting doesn't make it right
How come Trump supporters don't start curbstomping or fighting back antifa raids?
How come /pol/ doesn't dox individuals for disagreeing with people?
How come /pol/ doesn't attack people's advertisers?

Left organizes raids, riots, attacks, doxing, going after people's livelihoods

Right makes memes and steals a washed up actor's flag 3 times
Tons of game related news sites and communities have posted about jontrons political views to death. If you're even the slightest bit of interested in games you would have heard about it by now.
Jontron made a controversial opinion in public, and when you're an e-celeb then people will pay attention to it and it will spread.
I'm buying 10 copies and giving them to people because of this.

Me. No amount of drama will get in the way of that.
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Brapposters deserve to be executed.

They factually are not, because fucking /pol/ of all places does not have any political power. They couldn't even get Manveer fired.
well actually its 56.4% with robberies but i figured you didn't need me to tell you if it was higher
>I spend money out of spite
Equally as silly.
Name the last person fired for being antiwhite or too liberal
>/pol/ is proud to be like /b/
really makes u think
Look at the damage GG did anons
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Can someone spoonfeed me the video where JonTron said all the things that caused his voice to get removed from the game?
Fuck you those guys are fucking hilarious. I still laugh my ass off every time
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>There will never not be butthurt jontron fans and /pol/ crossposters brainlessly shitting on this game after it drops.
>There will also never not be people blatantly over-exaggerating its quality to counteract this stupidity.
>The discussion of the game itself will fizzle because it wont be as interactive as these two groups of shitheads going at each others throats. Threads wont be "fun"
>Discussion of this game will almost certainly fizzle within the first week because of this
>Regardless of how good or bad the game is trying to discuss it here will be a fucking nightmare.

I don't know who to blame, playtronic for making a stupid PR move that spawned the butthurt, or the people who are massively butthurt over it that will inevitably shit up the threads about it.
You're as dumb as the people refunding. Even dumber because you're losing money actually.
Both sides are insufferable and equally retarded and delusional. If you're too incompetent to understand this you shouldn't talk about anything political.
Real talk, I would completely welcome that. The reason this site has gone to shit is because its userbase has gotten to big. If something drastic happened to cut the userbase like that, it would only be an improvement.
Hey if you stupid fucking inbred pol 15 year olds and 60 year old men like to shitpost all day then I'll do the same right back at you.

It's hilarious how stupid it is.
The game is effectively dead on /v/. Good riddance
blame neogaf for starting the whole affair
Of the top of my head, Alison Rapp for being too liberal.
I know it's a typo but this would be a great name for a Yooka-Laylee villain.
You're not supposed to be talking about politics on /v/ to begin with.
Nope just fucking all you shitposters over. Gonna buy 15 now and tell some friends to buy extra too.

Gonna give them to close friends
I'm not /pol/, I'm just calling you out on your silliness. You should use your brain from time to time, it would be healthy for your wallet.
Playtonic is a company, and has their rights. I blame the fucking retarded children for being massively butthurt over this shit.

>>Good riddance
Kill yourself.

And blame /pol/ for making it worse.
Except in this case it would be about fairness, wouldn't it? If they removed someone because it triggered some people, then wouldn't they have to remove everyone that triggers any people? Or are NeoGAF special in that only things that bother them should be removed?
What's wrong about blaming jontron for being unable to keep his political views to him self, if you're about tracing the blame as far back as possible.
most of the discussion on yooka-laylee before now consisted of "looks like a shitty lifeless banjo clone lmao" or "tfw you didn't fall for the kickstarter meme"

/v/ was always going to be a shitty place to discuss the game, now it's just solidified
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Too bad for you I'll pirate it 15 times
Destiny debates Jontron YT it
They never should of bent the knee to neogaf, all that did was piss of autists on 4chan an reddit
I dont know, the world looks rather empty and rather uninspired for a platform game. Also a bit of a nitpick, but Yooka's design desperately needs an article of clothing. A Hawaiian shirt, anything really
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>someone suggests we don't stoop to their level
>you faggots are no better than sjws
I think it's a mix. there's an overwatch thread there too right now
How is that fucking anybody over except yourself?
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you may reply to this post only if you have never fallen for the kickstarter meme
>Left organizes raids, riots, attacks, doxing, going after people's livelihoods
>Right makes memes and steals a washed up actor's flag 3 times
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>Just now
>Just now
>Just now
>Just now
>Just now
>Just now
Pirating won't do anything lmao.

If I buy 15 switch copies that makes it different.

John tron doesn't know shit about politics and neither do you high school kids, like sheep yapping all day without a fucking clue.
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And you guys wonder why you were getting banned.
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never have
never will
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Thanks for funding my entertainment 15 times over!
the blue hair fagget is commiting suicide right now

holy mother of fuck, these jon tron autists are going full force today
lets go back further and blame the neoliberal progressive movement for creating a culture that makes varying political viewpoints unacceptable, fireable offenses
>those two people trying to damage control
>getting almost completely drowned out by the shitposting
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There are other Image boards you can try. Although almost all more right wing then here.
Just because I can't refund it doesn't mean I have to be hyped for it.
With pleasure.
allowing people to comment in the forums who don't have the game was a mistake
man fuck neogaf for ruining discussion of this game!

if they hadn't forced playtonic to get rid of jontron i wouldn't have to shitpost about this game constantly!!

neogaf is physically controlling my hands and making my type this post!!! i just wanted to talk about glitterglaze glacier but i literally cant now because of neogaf!!! fucking neogaf!!!!!!!!
>Game is announced or shown off
>/v/ immediately hates whatever it is
>Literally for no reason most of the time
>They just want SOMETHING to hate on
>Any problems, no matter how minor, get exaggerated to the nth degree
>Game comes out and gets shitposted about
>Either by people yelling "I TOLD YOU SO", or trying to kill any enjoyment people have of it
>Rinse, repeat
/v/ needs to stop trying to make every fucking game into the next TORtanic.
>Grant will never stick up for Jon because it would be career suicide, even though he's Jon's hero

Feels bad man
Super Ghouls n' Ghost has the double jump as one of the core features of its level design and platforming.
Has he said anything about the matter? If i recall, he and Jon were friends
To be fair not stooping to the level of SJWs would mean supporting a product/service based on its merits and not the beliefs of the people who made it.
well hold on there my shitlord friend we can't forget the racism that made those neoliberals who they are
/qa/ is all animeposting
>Jon says some dumb political things on Twitter
>Gets into a debate and looks like an idiot
>But he had an view you supported
>/v/ needs to stop trying to make every fucking game into the next TORtanic.
We don't have any part if a game fails or not. If it's a legitimately good game then it will succeed, regardless of what angry virgins say online
>buy 15 copies, then immediately return them as defective.

whew lad. also nice to see whites commit 3 times as much crime as blacks
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That tweet is all he said on the matter

Wise is silent because the motherfucker never uses twitter unless he retweets something

And meanwhile Krystal's daddy is trying to make light of the situation
>what is reading comprehension

Dumb shitposter
He's not going to post about it publicly on twitter because that would be retarded. Jon's not doing any of that either. My guess is that they chatted outside of social media, you know the way we're supposed to
And the game was slow and clunky as fuck as a result
People representing your company getting fired because they say or do stuff publicly has always been the case.
Removing john tron doesn't make them defective.

Ha, yooka layleee 2 will happen.
Doesn't mean that discussion of a video game isn't damaged.
/pol/posting only has power if you reply to it.

Yes, I am implying it's your fault there's so much shitposting from /pol/. Because it is. You take the bait literally ever time no matter how obvious it is. Why would a fisherman switch spots when he's having so much success with so little effort where he is?
Oh but you do lmfao. Go on, head to /pol/, try to "school" them.
>ask for refund nicely
>get mass banned
>everyone else gets pissed
>shitpost so hard that one mod can't do it and commits suicide
sounds about right
>Blame /pol/ for actually doing something about it.
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fuck off neogaf
>/pol/ are the new furfags
No, those are trannies
you seem awfully upset. Is it that hard to tune out stuff that won't even affect the game, like the presence, or lack of, JonTron?

Like sheesh, I've ignored this fake controversy up until now, and I mean right now, because the amount of whining shown on those Steam screenshots is worth commenting on.

I look at it this way. It's called PR. You get bad PR, you get booted. JonTron, whatever he did, clearly was dumb enough to cause a stink publicly and failed to realize that some platforms are not appropriate for full-on retard rants specifically designed to attract attention. You might notice that e-celebs have a hard time not drawing attention to themselves. So the devs saw the bad PR and said "sorry man, but you can't make us look bad." It's all business. It has nothing to do with "bringing politics into the game WHAT THE FUCK!"
>Pretending /pol/ are heroes of any kind
I agree with the sentiment but you people undermine your own stance by screaming /pol/ at pretty much any opinion you disagree with.
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I don't even know what the fuck that is lmao
>school them
You can't school bigots that reply shit statistics that have no backstory or the consequences that were dealt many years beforehand that led to the controversy.

Schooling pol is like trying to talk to a monkey and then it throws a fucking banana at you.

They are the true niggers.
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/qa/ has been trying to delete /pol/ forever
its a board of almost entirely redditors
If you want an echo-chamber of positivity about games and ignoring any and all criticism then this website is probably not the best for that sort of thing.
Take Dota 2 for example, it will always get shit on here. So I'll go to r/dota2 to discuss it instead.

A game's success depends on if the game is good or not, it's not effected by comments on this site.
>Ironically thinking /pol/ isn't helping to save the world right now
I shiggy diggy
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Oh look it's you again
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Feels good.
Does anime trigger you that much?
>Except in this case it would be about fairness, wouldn't it?
No, it would be about bullying and autism, which are things the insecure teenagers of this website have in spades.
Never supported
Never will
God I love voting with my wallet
You can get a refund by calling your credit card company and asking them to return the money you gave them.
Actually, a game's success depends on how well it sells. A game can be really good, but get piss poor sales, and still be considered a failure.
>blacks are 13% of the population
>whites are 67%

three times as much means niggers are still nigging way too much, do the math hommie
>How come Trump supporters don't start curbstomping or fighting back antifa raids?
To be fair, they did just that in Sacramento (a dozen Antifa got stabbed), Berkeley 2: Electric Boogaloo (lots of scuffles and Captain Texas beating Antifa with a stick), and just yesterday in Huntington Beach (brawling with an ultimately outnumbered Antifa). Though, I can't fault them for fighting back against Antifa retards who show up to a peaceful gathering and start pushing people around thinking there won't be consequences.
God I am so tired of all this bitching about /pol/. Every time something happens it's /pol/ this /pol/ that. It's somehow gotten way more annoying than people bitching about reddit or another console fanbase.
It hurts your credit score to do this.
A good game will sell well, but that does not necessarily mean all games that sell well are good.
nice strawman bro really showed that cuck haha :)
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kys cuck senpai baka
good since god forbid if that containment board goes away, they will just end up shitting everything up with their dumb pseudo intellectual bullshit so glad /pol/ is there to stay since it makes a great fucking containment board for those type of circle jerking faggots.
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no, i love anime
but /qa/ are a bunch of fags
>It's okay for /v/ not to talk about video games, go somewhere else if you want to actually talk about them
So buy something and pay for it it, then it goes back up.
I'd love for /pol/ to be deleted if it meant people would stop crying about /pol/ and actually have to make an effort when they post.
>They violated the first amendment.
Do people really think this? I went through my credit card to get my money back from this thing, but I NEVER thought it was a violation of the first amendment, any more than I would think it would be a violation of the first amendment if someone got fired for answering a phone with, "Niggers can all die in a fire, how can I help you?" at Wal-mart.

I swear, people have no fucking clue what the Constitution is actually about.
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Seems like you just want to pick on the deadest board and use it as a scapegoat
Psychonauts sold like ass, despite being a really good game that got rave reviews.
If they didn't make a tweet about it, it probably would have been fine. I didn't even know Jon was voice acting in the game before that tweet.
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forever PURE
Never forget
Trump won the presidency fair and square
And Mister President is the best worst game I've ever played.
>/pol/ damage control
Anime is garbage and fuck anyone who even has a single image of it saved on their computer
Surprisingly accurate.
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>liberals in charge of education

That explains the crime rate in the inner cities.
You should read what I wrote instead of putting words in my mouth.
I said if you want to discuss video games but not want to hear any criticism about the game then /v/ is likely not your place.
You shouldn't except an echo-chamber here on a site where voting doesn't exist and users are generally anonymous.
Wtf is this post? Do these newfags even know about Gamergate? 4chan was always like that.
no, theres just been plenty of screencapped evidence of /qa/ trying to get /pol/ shut down over the past couple of years
Even this past year they were still kicking that dead horse, go cry somewhere else /qa/
>delete /pol/
Just let /pol/ be /pol/ but stop them for bringing political garbage into other boards.
Last time we let /pol/ stay here without consequences GG happen.
It humors me that people don't see the inherent irony in these.
> calls them bigots
> then calls them true niggers
Sure you're well politically versed?
He's actually right. /pol/ jumped the shark when Trump actually won. I'm not saying they are irrelevant, but /pol/ went from Manafort status (a shadow on the internet that had significant influence in real life) to having a spot light on it. /pol/ isn't what it was a year and a half ago.
They don't give a shit about /pol/, stop spewing old bullshit.
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I have high hopes for YL but it does look flawed.

See, the thing about BKs levels and what made them so great is that they were mostly centralized. They each had a memorable landmark, and then some areas around it.
Except Bubblegloop Swamp and Gobis Desert which is everyones least favorite levels.

YL has Banjo-Tooie style levels. Theyre too big and scattered.
>Calling anyone else a newfag
No, /b/ was like that, and people just thought the rest of 4chan was the same way. Then the newfags (Like you) came along and pretended to be edgy for the sake of being edgy because "that's what 4chan is".
that post was made BEFORE gamergate you fucking idiot
I'd prefer mods banning off-topic garbage myself.

Did you know there was a time where /tv/ mods handed out bans for baneposting non-stop? It was crazy, it was almost like people stopped doing it when they kept on getting 3-day bans.
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>threads about how much yl devs fucked up all over the other day
>"who hype for yooka-laylee?"
is this what it's like to find a shill?
Out of all people, you sure sound like a hypocrite defending a community that's been saying worse things.
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sadame ja
>Blames /pol/
>On /v/
Start owning up to your own shit lad.
Alternative Facts
>Hey guy! Political correctness isn't the problem. It's the people who say needlessly offensive shit who are the problem. Hate speech has no place here.
Find a better place for yourself.
>still unironically thinking people are shilling on 4chan
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Worst part is no Rareware waifus
Laylee is fucking shit

TROWZAH is a fucking bro though
You are the fucking problem right here you cuck shedder, you know why GamerGate happened? Because someone found out the truth. You know why this shit is happening now? Because some fuckwad decided to get rid of someone for an issue unrelated to their game and completely related to politics. This is why /pol/ comes around, because fuckboy SJWs do NOT learn to ignore irrelevant things.
>GG was /pol/
it really wasn't. The mgtow /r9k/ losers had more to do with it
>events relevant to the video game industry as a whole
>one guy lost a minuscule voice acting role in one game
>several shitposting threads at all times on /v/

If you're implying this would have happened if the guy is question wasn't dropped because he spouted /pol/ memes mindlessly then you're delusional.
Not him, but I've been around since 2007. 4chan as a whole used to be a bastion of free speech, so longer as it stayed on topic with the board. That is no longer the case.

If you don't believe me, try typing the word "nigger," in /co/, while keeping your post completely relevant to the topic at hand. See what happens.
It is you fucking idiot.
He is.

He's saying pol is shit.
But /pol/ also hate women because they don't have sex with them
don't blame /r9k/ for that shit there weren't even threads about gg there
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>replies to me in less than a minute when I say the magic word
Self contradictory
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you guys are all just conservative snowflakes
>the truth

Like some retarded Charles Manson cult but less cool and more retarded.

You don't know the fucking truth, you people are so brainwashed.
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you're right that reply was the only one in the entire thread that was made very quickly after the initial post
>when only /v/ and neogaf are still talking about it
Is that mod that get triggered about nigger gone?
oh yes the truth , Zoe Quinn life , how many icks she suck etc. You did absolute great. Spin entire original GG idea into another hate women/raid group.
i understand that you're paid by the (You), so out of generosity enjoy my last one
As far as I know, GG happened because of /v/. It was transferred over to /pol/ because either moot or the mods didn't want it shitting up /v/, despite it starting here.

Then, when it was STILL gaining momentum, and having success, moot decided it would be hilarious to kill the cooldown timer on posting, while putting trigger warnings and an introduciton to cucking on loop.

To be fair, it WAS funny. But, to also be fair, moot didn't really do it to be funny, but because he was pussy whipped by an SJW girlfriend and going to events that Anita was talking at.
I love how people have made the left so upset about the word snowflakes that they're trying to take over the word themselves.
>Political correctness isn't the problem.
It's a problem, but it's far less a problem then you probably think it is.

I guess some people need to find meaning in their lives by having some great oppositional thing that motivates them, or some group to scapegoat their problems on to. Bitchy college dykes and faggot forum-posters probably can only affect at most, 0.036% of your life, if you let them.

like dude who gives a fuck, lol. What a bastion of a free speech. Just type nigger on the 20+ other boards. It amazes me that people get hung up on shit like this.
I don't mind if the dude buys the game, any more than I mind if you do. They still aren't getting my money. It's going towards the Nier Automata soundtrack instead.
>/qa/ is just a scapegoat
/qa/-power user i see
No friend, 4chan is shit.
>Some girl fucks five guys to have her shit game given all 10s on a game journalism website
>It's blatantly apparent that most to all mainstream, western games that have and are coming out support some sort of political, social justice serving agenda.
>Anyone who says anything against the hivemind that is a liberal SJW is silenced, threatened, banned, ridiculed, and shamed until they conform to their way of thinking.
But do go on about how /pol/ users are the brainwashed ones
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How can we meme the tags, lads?
It literally isn't. How the hell is it a jump? It has no vertical movement
YOU can put whatever retarded shit you want in there
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gonna pirate

dont want to support some sjw shills lol

such a shame, playtronics looked like they had some potential
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Unrelated, but is that a 2hu getting nine gates with a 15 tile hand?
>like dude who gives a fuck, lol. What a bastion of a free speech. Just type nigger on the 20+ other boards. It amazes me that people get hung up on shit like this.
It's like you don't realize what free speech actually is. I'm not saying the mods are right or wrong to do what they do, but you can't ban someone for using a word you don't like, even if the post as a whole is relevant to the topic at hand, and then claim that its a bastion of free speech. 4chan, as a whole, once WAS a bastion of free speech. 4chan, as a whole, no longer is.

Pointing out a change isn't bitching about it. I'm just pointing out how you were wrong about what you were claiming (that only /b/ was ever like that).
>le personal army
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Better pic.

There should be a cuck tag.
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come again?
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well 4chan is a right wing website so we can put alot in there haha
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>no one knows what Chirno is doing
>anyone who says anything against the hive mind is threatened banned and ridiculed and shamed until they conform to their way of thinking.

Pol is the biggest hypocrite of all fucking time.

Fuck pol.
mods are way more lenient now than they used to be so i'm not sure what the fuck you're talking about

Goddamn it's so fucking obvious that you're from reddit or neofag
Can someone explain this drama to me?

Jontron said dumb shit, okay.
Playtonic said they disagreed with him, and Jontron's views doesn't represent the company.Okay
They remove him from the game due to a vocal minority from Neogaf pressuring and harrassing the devs on twitter. Understandable
Jontron understands the situation and is okay with it. I get it

Supporters of jontron are pulling their investments and refunding on steam
People who disagree with politics being shoehorned in every avenue of their life are pulling their investments.
Backers who disagree with having content they paid for removed are pulling out.

Team17 who represents Playtonic is shitting on people for posting about refunds
More people pull out
Playtonic double downs
Shitposters raid steam forums

It sounds straight forward, where is this drama coming from? Why are people attacking backers for pulling out? Why is this the only topic on /v/

Someone explain??
>buttblasted redditors
Memes and write in Nazism

Why are you here? go back to tumblr
Don't you just love it when the people who are a certain thing try to lamely turn it back on others to distract from the fact that they are that thing?

Like the daft idiots who go "Well, I think it's really the fascist drumpfkins who are really the triggered ones haha".

If that were the case, isn't it your job, as someone who gives a shit about these things, to provide me with a safe space and campaign for my rights?
>being this new too the internet
wew lad
weird because i'm not from either
>They remove him from the game due to a vocal minority from Neogaf pressuring and harrassing the devs on twitter. Understandable

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>old bullshit
i see the /qa/ plebbit defense force is out tonight
And it's still getting a sequel so that just goes to show you. Sales basically don't mean shit.
does /pol/ even force people to toe the line?
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Yeah, a quick google search showed me some random 2hu Mahjong gallery.
>They violated the first amendment, and must be made of an example of that sjw meddling is no longer tolerated.

holy shit cringe
>mods are way more lenient now than they used to be so i'm not sure what the fuck you're talking about

Not in comparison to a decade ago. It went from, "as long as its on topic, pretty much anything goes," to the banhammer being used liberally, and then to somewhere in between.

I've been banned for saying I didn't like Dark Souls on this board before, and I typed up 3 paragraphs as to why I didn't like it, and it all had to do with the game. Wanna say that was back in 2013.
When you're being harassed and pressured by an angry crowd for something so minor, it's better to just cave and move on
>/pol/ is one person
Only hypocrites I see on that board are the ones who claim that only whites can be racist. Also, you can't get banned from /pol/ just for voicing an opinion, something that a lot of assblasted libs on here are trying to do.
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What a surprise, another anime avatar. You must think you're so sugoi, Canaan.
Literally a screencap from last year. O l d b u l l s h i t.

/qa/ has defended /pol/ whilst using anime images, you're working with outdated info.
>encouraging people to fuck up their credit score
You deserve the ban
Yeah. It's only been 12 years since the release of the last game. Don't act like it would have taken more than a decade for a sequel had it sold well.
>it's better to just cave and move on

And look how it turned out
>Posted by: Phil Collins
Never meet your heroes.
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what is this
Because there is only one truth. Only one true, final logical conclusion.
>that screencap from under 4 months ago is SO OLD and totally not relevant even though /qa/s been doing this shit for 3 years

nigga plz, they were the ones who got HWNDU and RWSS threads shut down. They are no fun allowed: the board
>/qa/ has defended /pol/
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not him, but lol dude, if you post outside the circle-jerk mindset your only responses are "shill" "cuck" or "nigger" something.

It is the most mob-mentality board on this site, completely overrun with contrarian faggots or stormniggers.

It's not banning but it's pretty clear what type of discussion is "allowed" on /pol/.

>Only hypocrites I see on that board are the ones who claim that only whites can be racist.

Haha, come on man, there's more hypocrisy than that. There's enough mental gymnastics on the board to win a whole Special Olympics set.
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wow /v/ looks excited for yooka-laylee
Unfunny shitpost probably copied from wikipedia.
Why are posting it here?
i saw that too kek
You couldn't be more wrong. If you capitulate to outrage mongers that only seeds their behaviour even further. The best thing you can do is let them know how few and unimportant they are and maybe they'll eventually stop.
>your only responses are "shill" "cuck" or "nigger" something.
so all that happens is that you're replied to with insults. i'm literally shaking in my boots right now
Like I said, talking to a monkey that throws a banana at you.

When someone speaks correctly against your personal beliefs you can't say anything but the usual Tumblr or ll r e edit garbage.
Fuck off dude.
/qa/ is now an anime board an no matter how butthurt you are about it or how many raids you call. It'll never change.
tldr faggot
If an angry mob came to my house and threaten to burn my house, kill my cat and shit on my lawn for eating a BLT, I'd stop eating my BLT.
>They are no fun allowed: the board
Oh the irony.
Should be pretty obvious considering theres a nearly 50/50 split between natsoc and lolbertarians.
The only people who are pretty much shouted down are leftypol commies, but even that will be a 300 post debate every fucking time
people like this have never been to /pol/
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How do we feel about Grant Kirkhope? Is he ruined now?
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haha this is rad im so glad were doing this

what else can we add /v/?

I think we hit most the bases so far
You think those are mental gymnastics? You should see all the refugee sympathizers who get blown the fuck out and just double down
r-reee pnot your p-personal army!
how so? or are you just classically misusing irony in typical amerishart fasion?
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>a cute little banjo game was turned into this

>they could have left it alone and ignored it
Until 2 days later when Jon tweets about blacks being genetically predisposed to crime again
Why don't you visit the fucking board you retard.
True greatness takes time. Rather they take 12 years on an amazing game that's true to the creator's vision instead of shitting out yearly sequels just because they can.
kek this is fucking epic who's going to post it on r/thedonald?
virtue signalings a hell of a drug
No one posted ding dong bannu?
That guy in London who ran over all those people and stabbed a bunch more is my favorite so far.

He attacked at least 2 people with a knife before that, and went to jail for it both times, but it was "racism" that led to him doing what he did.

Considering that racism is institutional, it's a fucking wonder that ALL Arabs aren't stabbing people on the street and running over others with vehicles.
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Let's use our meme magic power on the tags.
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>burn my house, kill my cat and shit on my lawn
Supposing they did hold the power to do these things, you're caving in, besides making you a snivelling coward, would probably lead to them making further and further demands, until you're living life as a prisoner of their demands. See how this works?
he didn't do anything though?
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you wanna talk numbers? because hes right

Because /v/ is focusing intensely on this whole Jontron thing because that's the "in" topic of discussion right now
Day 1 pirate tbhh
that doesn't explain your point
>le personal army
Aside from working for Playtonic?

He's friends with Jontron though, which is why I want to know where he stands.
>pol pride world wide
Holy shit this is cringe.
Good job adding all these meme tags making it clear the tags are just manipulated by shitposters and not valid criticism though.
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Oh, what it would be like to be 13 again.

when did reddit raid v?

I dint expected this game getting so REKT
>True greatness can take time.
It hasn't been in development that entire time. Besides, Drakengard 2 exists. Just because there is a sequel doesn't mean that the first game was good (whatever your opinions of Drakengard 1's story, the game itself was awful and its sales reflected as much).
We do not forgive! We do not forget! We are anonymous! add Guy Fawkes haha
well, hes not exactly wrong
I doubt he was involved in the decision. He hasn't said anything about it, to my knowledge.
I don't begrudge him still working on the game.
>complains about politics and SJW shit being forced into their vidya
>is now forcing politics and SJW shit onto a vidya that doesn't have any of it

come on guys
my home and my cat are more important than my blt, if not wanting to lose my house or best friend makes me a coward then I guess I'm a coward
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Refer to >>371805809
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>what its like to be 13 again
>"g-got him"

Politics game to Jon way before he finally came out of his she'll and gave his opinions. He was being harassed to give his opinions for years. from people that believe you-are-either-with-us-or-against-us.
>Jontron just wouldn't shut up and stop throwing his hat into the political ring
>NeoGAF just wouldn't stop complaining to Playtonic
>Playtonic just wouldn't ignore NeoGAF
>/v/ just won't drop it
It's the fast-paced digital world we live in.
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This game is a shit show.

The developer's made it /pol/itacal.
Then they wonder why every1 get mad.

It's fag's like you who got.
>Tory majority.

Check it out if you keep ham fisting your shit agenda people are gonna get mad.

See me again in 2020 when i vote Trump again just to piss you off.

This game could have been great.
But again you have to put your foot in your mouth.

Whatever fuck you.
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You forgot your daily insulin dose, fatties.
not part of their dev team, he's just listed as a contributor. Though I don't know why that would matter because the dev team isn't banning people or doing any steam forum nonsense like that publisher cuck is.

since jon and grant are silent, they probably have reached some sort of understanding. why post all of that on social media when that's what got jon into this mess in the first place?
Sure, please bring the numbers and their sources that support that rich black people commit more crimes than poor whites.
Homicides is not a valid indicator for all crimes.

my sides
Sweet, a WWII adventure game. Sounds dope.
this has nothing to do with the quality of the game though idiot
> Endlessly shit on somebody
> Suddenly he says niggers aren't human
Fuck every single one of you you stupid little tools. I don't even like that word but that's literally what you fags are. Just ask Anita, Zoe Quinn and Briana Wu.
ha that's your problem, not mine! It just means that trying to actually have a conversation or exchange of ideas is pretty pointless, especially for a board that likes to think of itself as "not rejecting any ideas or speech."

Like I said, it's pretty clear what you are "allowed" to talk about on /pol/. It just makes their ego all the more funny to laugh at, especially since it bruises so easily (and if that passive-aggressive remark of yours is any indication!).

No, I stopped browsing when it became clear that the only thing that the posters cared about was BTFO lefties, which is defined as "anyone the hivemind doesn't like"

Which is funny because /pol/ exposed me to all those great lolbertarian thinkers/economists but dropped those arguments at the drop of the hat when they discovered they got a bigger rise out of people if they just indulged in casual racism 24/7. I then realized that the board was nothing but the mental equivalent of a bunch of socially-stunted 14-year-olds so I stopped wasting my time there.
You wouldn't lose them.
>you hate trump??
>well I hate you so I'm voting trump!
cut off your nose to spite the face
He's not wrong. All you can hope to accomplish with that is a bunch of back patting all around until some games journalist runs a piece on it, and a bunch of white knights buy the game just to spite you.
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why do they wear the masks?
>vague tweet that could mean anything is referring to this controversy
at least some devs were pro brexit though. We know that grant is
There's a perfectly good explanation for Drakengard 2 but I am not the one who knows it.
>stuttering greentext
>got him

There are better places than /v/ for you to try to fit in.
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>removes jontron from game literally based on his non politically correct personal opinion
>people freak out
>"w-what the hell! Y-you guys are such hypocrites you brought politics into this!"
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>endlessly shit on JonTron

When did this happen
>You hate Hillary?
It goes both ways, my dude.
I met JonTron and Egoraptor at a con a while ago, I went with my girlfriend. When we approached them JonTron looked at me then at my girlfriend and said "The you doing with this stupid ? Get with this or get you .", I was completely shocked and didn't know if he was joking so I stood in silence just not sure of what to say. Then a voice was heard from behind him "Oh JonTron you found another goofball?", "Yeah Egoraptor, this one looks like a complete head, his girlfriend is pretty banging though, I'd her ", "Oh yeah, maybe we should fill his girlfriend with goofballs so she'd know how much of a goofball he is". Right at that moment JonTron jumped on my girlfriend and pulled her pants down, I tried to stop him but Egoraptor jumped on me and held me down he started whispering in my ear "She's going to get the goofballs and you aint going to do nothing about it!", I watched on in horror as my girlfriend stared at me in the eyes as JonTron undressed her and rammed his fingers up her , she was trying to scream but JonTron just kept pushing her head down. JonTron looked at me and mouthed the word "Goofball", It was like a silent movie, I watched as JonTron then proceeded to pull out his testicles and forcibly push them into her with his hands. Egoraptor who was still holding me down started to squeal into my ear "She's getting the goofballs", he started to twist my nipple as far as it could go, and I could feel blood trickling from it onto my shirt, I felt what I can assume was Egoraptor's boner pushing into my back... I blacked out.
You should check out The Saboteur then.
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It's funny because all I can think of about this is if I ever design I have (HAVE) to somehow concoct some kind of controversy that appears legit but is staged behind the scenes. Not something massive that will fuck my game over like the shit show of no man's sky, but just something that will cause this massive influx of discussion because my game has this controversy.

No such thing as bad publicity
Unless it's really bad

Basically I have to harness the power of internet hate and bitching.
> He somehow missed all the FUCK E-CELEBS threads
every game grumps thread
Dumb shrek meme.
The election is over, you can't use her as a excuse anymore
Ok. Drakengard 2 STILL wasn't a good game, and NieR got the greenlight (which WAS a good game, but had shit sales, yet somehow got Drakengard 3, which was a BAD game, but someone twisted Square's arm to greenlight NieR Automata, which is a GREAT game, but still isn't getting the attention it deserves from most gamers).
dude, not him, but chill. I bet this stuff keeps you up at night.

like fucking lol, there are enough problems in your life that you shouldn't get upset over this pointless SJW shit.
he made another tweet about how sad things are now. Just as vague but whatever.

As a note, it is funny how all of jon's friends (including his new ones) are basically silent along the matter along with jon and the entire dev team. The only one I could find who posted about it was spazkid who said that he is still interested in the game and understands their decision but things the steam forum management is fucking stupid. Weird how nobody is talking about it
literally who gives a fuck

just pirate the game
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>it's pointless to have a discussion because I can't get past people will just reply to my posts with shitposts in the usual 4chan fashion
really nigga
>It just makes their ego all the more funny to laugh at, especially since it bruises so easily (and if that passive-aggressive remark of yours is any indication!).
wow my ego is so tarnished because I don't really find it so scary and outlandish that people will just insult you on /pol/ as opposed to somehow forcing you to think a certain way
In other words, they're doing the right thing and not fanning the flames.
You can't really hide behind "I-it's just my personal opinion" when you're posting it on twitter for everyone to see.
His twitter handle is jontronshow, it's clearly tied to his online persona.
something that people on twitter, neogaf, and /v/ don't seem capable of
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yeah, you have never been to /pol/
You can't have a "hivemind" when the base is split 50/50 between two ideologies that have almost nothing in common that they debate about constantly
thats the exact opposite
because he was not as retarded as arin, huh
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>You can't really hide behind "I-it's just my personal opinion" when you're posting it on twitter for everyone to see.

Do you not understand what a personal opinion is? Hint: it's not necessarily a private one.
Every time you hear about anonymous these days their always fighting for some lefty social justice cause.
Do you guys think Playtonic is gonna make a statement on Monday?

Surely they gotta say SOMETHING
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what's the best xmen game?
>Gives me the "you hate trump?" argument
>Refuted with "you hate hillary?" argument
>Th-that's no excuse!
Fucking spare me the shit, also
>Hillary's gonna run in 2020 guys!
>Trump's gonna be impeached guys!
>Wh-Why isn't he being impeached?
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>all we can accomplish is a bunch of back patting all around
>ignoring the fact that the company getting butthurt at the negative reaction is causing them to drive away people who backed the game and were interested in buy the game
>ignoring the fact that sales will reflect
wew laddy boi
you would think so. They can't just ignore it for 2 weeks when it's getting worse
you can't be serious? Ever since people started posting his videos here
4CHAN never 4get xDD
"the" shitty e celeb? The game is full of eceleb voice work.
>We know that grant is
You got a source on that?
didn't jontron just scream and make sounds during the entirety of game grumps? at least arin spoke words
fuck off neofag
>being THIS retarded
>having nothing to say back so ill just make fun of his greentext

rich stuff here
I still think the bat looks butt-ugly.
jontron also had a mind to actually try to play the video game on top of making funny noises. arin would instead skip everything in games that teaches the player on how to play then fall on his facing screeching about not knowing how to play the games
>entire thread full of people on both sides giving a fuck
>"who gives a fuck"
Arcade's Revenge for the SNES.
Heck no, considering their current track record on public statements, they'd very likely make everything a lot worse. If they keep their traps shut, it'll eventually go away. The damage has already been down, no point trying to fix it now and just throwing oil on the fire.
You are missing the point.
You are free to have whatever opinion you want.
The second you start broadcasting it then you can be hold accountable for it.
Free speech means you can't be punished for saying stupid shit, it doesn't mean people still have to keep their ties with you.
>If they keep their traps shut, it'll eventually go away

Yeah their studio, maybe.
Last game this was tried on was Gone Home. In response, the game sold extraordinarily well, got ported to a bunch of systems, and was nominated for awards.
the first jak and daxter has a double jump, don't know about the 2nd or 3rd one tho
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>get called on being /pol/fag
gas /pol/ when?
Don't you realize that you can force someone to think a certain way if you actively shut down all other types of discussion?

lol, it's pretty myopic to think that the only way to "control speech" is through overt, top-down banning/moderation from the moderation team.

Like I said, I decided it wasn't worth my time to come up with arguments when the only responses are shitposts and circlejerks. You clearly have a tolerance for circle-jerking. More power to you, my man. I guess you get used to the smell after a while, ha.

all /pol/ users share their intense fear and obsession with refugee/mexican/black cock. It's the one thing that unites the entire board. Another reason to go somewhere else, because unlike you, I don't spend my day getting upset about brown dicks!
>get called on being a neofag/redditor
>/pol/ bogeyman
two way street, lad
>the first jak and daxter has a double jump

Not a dedicated platformer. It was one of those Ratchet and Clank "Has abit of everything but everything is kinda shallow" type ps2 era games
>it's only epic when /V/ meddles in shit
That's fine. Playtonic's statement however basically implicated that JonTron and everyone who held conservative views was a racist. They basically did in the worst possible way by flipping off approximately half the political spectrum.
2 and 3 control EXACTLY the same with guns
literally never heard of any drama from that game, implying whatever happened there was anything like this

nice try tho my boi
cry more /qa/ nigger
I'm interested too, and digging through tweets.
But I just found that he's an honorary murrican now, huh.
Playtonic never advertised JonTron's voice in their game.

I give zero fucks about this "controversy" and will be buying the game at launch. It looks good.
>wants /pol/ censored

the first sign of a neofag
I've always been wary of kickstarters, and after they showed that empty as fuck casino stage I just jumped off this shit.
>tfw Jak pulled a Shadow the Hedgehog way before Shadow
>video game playing autist filing a lawsuit
be real here
I have no idea how you never heard about any drama involving Gone Home.
As someone who recently 100% Jak 1, go back and play the fucking game. It's definitely got enough platforming to be called a platformer.
What's going on here?
You don't have to try so hard, this site is anonymous.
>Playtonic never advertised JonTron's voice in their game.

personally inviting him on fucking twitter counts as advertising.
it's because he came after gamergate
this isn't /pol/ faggot and asking for off topic shit to go back to its own containment board isn't censoring.
if jak and daxter isnt a dedicated platformer neither is Banjo Kazooie and by extension Yooka Laylee
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>Don't you realize that you can force someone to think a certain way if you actively shut down all other types of discussion?
it sure does work on you I bet because you're ranting and raving about gassing kikes and niggers right now, huh?
>lol, it's pretty myopic to think that the only way to "control speech" is through overt, top-down banning/moderation from the moderation team.
I never said you had to do this to control speech, you faggot, I said that them insulting you isn't preventing you from thinking how you want to think and neither does moderation
>Like I said, I decided it wasn't worth my time to come up with arguments when the only responses are shitposts and circlejerks.
so you're really just backing down on defending your opinion because you cannot take that some will just shitpost
>You clearly have a tolerance for circle-jerking. More power to you, my man. I guess you get used to the smell after a while, ha.
witty remarks my friend, you're gonna go far
I played the game, watched the game be played, and was hyped about it before.

literally never heard anything
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Hey /v/.
Were are people supposed to go when developers make a game /pol/itical?
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>all /pol/ users share their intense fear and obsession with refugee/mexican/black cock. It's the one thing that unites the entire board. Another reason to go somewhere else, because unlike you, I don't spend my day getting upset about brown dicks!

>ive been found out!
>time to start pretending to be retarded

you people are such cancer
Have you watched his debate with Destiny.
Jon is a complete poltard, he isn't just a guy with conservative views.
I didn't see anything in Playtonic's statement that implied every conservative person was unwanted.
Lad, you can't say that /pol/ only thinks a certain way because that's the only information it gets, there's hundreds of information sources going around in every thread about huge happenings. Just because it doesn't agree with your hivemind or your sjw way of thinking, doesn't mean it's fake news or misinformation.
You don't have to do much research to realize that JonTron is an ignorant racist. For one, he claimed that rich blacks commit more crime than poor whites, which is false.

Literally no sympathy for him. The game looks good and I will be buying it on release. Might even buy two copies one for me on PC and one for my kid's Switch.
New thread for when this one dies:

It's an action adventure game. It's not heavily focused on platforming. YL is
that took you longer than last time, you can try again in another 7 minuets its okay ill wait

>wait 7 minuets cant think of reply
>lel dont try so hard bro

wew lad
>devs made it political
how? they removed a potentially political aspect of the game, they didn't replace jontron with fucking obama. Call the devs faggots all you want but the GAME isn't made into anything political, it's still colorful platformer for nostalgiafags.
If you were hyped about Gone Home, then you weren't here during its release.
Pretty sure Jon made it political


Gone Home's drama came about from the journalism and not anything about the game itself. /v/'s response was FROM the sales and awards surrounding it. /v/ didn't cause it to sell "extraordinarily well," what the fuck.
Looking at that casino stage, YL seems to be mainly a walking simulator with platform segments every now and then.
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>implying this entire website isnt made up of /pol/ocks
>denying this

pol is just the cradle baby, 4chan is pol
Literally every board has conflicting opinions, nobody has ever implied otherwise.
But /pol/ is mainly filled with national socialists, that's not even worth debating. Same with /qa/ or /co/ being mainly being filled with liberals.
can we agree that /v/ caused anita to become successful by negatively discussing her all the time?
Banjo wasn't that focused on platforming either
>pol is just the cradle
I think everyone already knows this
Must be cozy in that little box of yours
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>4chan is pol
no faggot, 4chan is for anime and shit posting you redditfags think because r-donald got btfo, this is your new home.
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C'mon man it's not the game"in-in of it's self".
Its the developers who made it very clear.
They are kicking jon out because of his views.

Dont twist my fucking words dude.
Removing him wasn't political. Stating their reasoning for removing him in an official release, saying that they didn't want their game to be "tainted" with people who hold controversial opinions was a political gesture to anyone who agreed with what Jon said, or anyone who didn't think he said anything wrong.

There are supporters who either mirror Jon's beliefs, or who believed he didn't say anything wrong. If they are serious about not wanting their game tainted by people who hold those opinions, and are rejecting the final product of work from the people who hold those opinions (in Jon's case, Voice Acting, in other people's case, money), then they shouldn't want a bigot's money to contribute to the final product, either.
is he literally referring too gamergate?

i still have no idea wtf hes talking about so its pretty clear whatever it was is little to not similar in the least to this
Considering /pol/ wasn't even a thing until later I dont think so
JonTron is an atrocious debater who dropped his spaghetti extremely hard but anything that could be considered "racist" he tried to back up with facts. Whether or not those facts are accurate is a different story. Doesn't help that a lot of leftists tolerances for when something can be considered "racist" is low as fuck.
Are you really going to insult someone else's intelligence when you can't spell 'minutes' correctly, don't know how to write contractions, and don't understand basic punctuation? You are beyond retarded.
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Who else hopes this controversy harms their profits significantly?

I want them to feel it. I want them to feel their mistake.
>my based as fuck /v/
>for anime
Fuck off weeb. The majority of us /v/ bros hate your kind.
Nah, it was the devs. Him being a guest on a streamed debate that took place completely separate from the fact that he had lent his vocal chords to a game, is not making it political.
The devs deciding to take a stand in opposition to the things he said on said stream by scrubbing his work from the game can only be seen as a political move.
If they'd had done it for purely business reason, they'd have already retracted the decision based on the avalanche of negative feedback.
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you are allowed to be here its okay
I sometimes wonder how many impressionable shut-in teens and 20-somethings "discover" their inherent natsoc from all the /pol/ shitposting, actually.

>I never said you had to do this to control speech, you faggot, I said that them insulting you isn't preventing you from thinking how you want to think and neither does moderation

The irony here is that /pol/ will claim that the mere presence of "SJW" influenced media prevents other people from having contrary thoughts. Sesame Street characters aren't preventing anyone from being crypto-nazis, but not the way /pol/ tells it, ha!

>so you're really just backing down on defending your opinion because you cannot take that some will just shitpost
hey now, I've defended them plenty in this thread!

lol you are so triggered. I bet you've saved a few infographics about declining birth-rates!
I doubt it will harm their profits that significantly. That said, I got my money back all the same. They don't want people that hold beliefs similar to Jon's to taint the game, so I respected that and withdrew my contribution. You would think they would have made it easy, but I wound up having to call up my credit card company, as they seem fine with a "bigot's money." That said, if Jon's a bigot, then so am I, and I shouldn't be tied to the game in any way whatsoever.
Because you don't agree with the political views of the devs, does not mean the game they developed is also political. REMOVING someone who went out of their way to say political shit is the opposite of making their game political, they're keeping politics out of the game itself.
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