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New York Times confirms Switch is fastest selling console launch,

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New York Times confirms Switch is fastest selling console launch, Zelda fastest selling game launch
this kills the shitposter
>In Nintendo History

i.e. It didn't beat the Xbone or PS4 launches


NY times provided a source.
this is just fake news
this is just fake new
this is just fake news
this is just fake news
FAKEn ews
Fake news central.
"Any system in nintendo history in America"

Literally nothing
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Can't wait for all the scalped units to return.
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>in fucking March

I wonder if Sony tears will freeze into snowflakes come the Christmas sales rush
Why would you trust the New York Times? I heard they were supported by the Daily Stormer, they must be nazis.
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>Zelda for Switch is the best selling standalone launch title
Oh shit, that's amazing
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>best selling launch title
Goddamn, but not surprising given how great botw is. I'm just doing side-quests and having a blast. Finally bought the stealth armor to sneak up on motherfuckers in the dark.
Super Mario 64 was the only game available for the N64. And Breath of the Wild topped it.

> Switch is the fastest selling console at launch, selling 80,000 units on launch day.
> This greatly eclipses the previous record set by the PS4, which only sold 10k units on launch day.
> Only followers of Emmanuel Goldmann think the PS4 sold 1 million units at launch.
> We are at war with Oceania. We have always been at war with Oceania. We have never been at war with Oceania.
>shitposting about uk sales
>s-sales don't matter!
>some unrelated burger news outlet says something they like
No, it had Pilotwings too.
>/v/ is one person
>fake news

Retards. I'll be here playing Bomberman.
>In Nintendo history
You mean the company that has never sold more than 60 million consoles outside of the Wii? My sides.
He said game
1-2 Switch is number 4.
That doesn't even sound plausible. I guess they didn't understock the switch like the wii, so it's a larger launch in numbers, but the interest has already faded. It was faded before launch, I don't see anyone talking about the switch anymore, just zelda.
>you will never get paid for shitposting

>Muh "Ethics in journalism"
>Caling NYT "Fake news"

Gamergate was a mistake.
>in Nintendo history
what tears? sony is already ahead of the game.
unless you somehow think the switch is going to surpass the overall ps4 sales during christmas.
then you must be really fucking delusional.
Anyone can write a fake email, silly.

>I'm a faggot. Signed, you.
See how easy it is?
that's an alternative fact
>in nintendo history
>first 2 days
>won't be a massive drop off after that due to shortages, lack of games, high price, and defective units
The New York Times: the place where they nominate everything you see on the supermarket shelf to be a best seller. The Nobel prize is handed out for anything these days, the NYT endorsement doesn't seem too different either.
I wasn't even calling them fake news, I was just saying they were nazis, but as >>369621838 pointed out that makes them more trustworthy than I was trying to imply.
All I care about is killing the shitposters
"Fastest Selling" is a dangerous metric to rely on
uff, i wish
>hating Pilotwings 64

It's like you hate fun, and launching people from cannons.
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>in nintendo history
Why would people talk about the unit itself once it has games? That's the part that actually matters.

Well, the switch has GAME, singular, but that's enough. I remember when everyone called the original Xbox "the halo box"
>Nintendo history
Means fuck all, stop shilling your shitty system.
>in Nintendo history

It's nothing
PS4 usually wins holiday sales.
Beautiful after this day of UK sales threads
t. New York Times intern

Go back to finding Pepe threads on /pol/ to report on as hate symbols
VERY fake news
good for them. dumb consumers make the economy work. some people are too stupid to be allowed to hold onto money.
>Zelda fastest selling game
It's the only game on the damn tablet, so I wouldn't be surprised
>in nintendo history
Considering that includes the wii this is great news for ninty

Why was this deleted?

It's not even console wars, it's the chasing of the Wii sales.
>"In NINTENDO history".

>OP states fastest selling console launch.

Hmmm really makes you think.
He could be lying, you know.

It's the hottest thing to happen in news since Trump got in office.
The fastest selling NINTENDO console.
>In nintendo history

actually it's not impressive, it just means that the wii had a larger artificial shortages when it launched compared to the switch
Well he's not wrong. The Wii held the record previously.
Yeah but it wasn't released on the SNES too unlike BotW which released for the Switch and WiiU on the same day
the failing nyt? fake fucking news

>in nintendo history

fake news indeed
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Were you not born yet when the Wii launched and people camped outside of gamestop weeks later for that thing
You mean like Bloodborne?
/v/ is always, always wrong.
action plan

lying about the hardware didn't work, people still bought it
whats our next plan? cmon something has to work!
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Switch shouldn't fail

We actually need more competition and options

It's actually good news that Nintendo Switch is fine

Personally, i think it's pretty stupid to buy one at launch but this are good news for gamers.

Having said that, keep it up with your falseflaggin and shitposting,
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I dont get it, why do people buy recently released councils, it has no fucking games.
>in nintendo history


>in nintendo history


>in nintendo history


>in nintendo history


>in nintendo history


>in nintendo history


>in nintendo history

Fake news
What are you blabbing about it sold over 600,000 copies in its first week in north america alone
I didn't even get that far. I just got to Kakariko Village after conquering the entire rainforest area, which was brutal as fuck because I was severely unprepared and there was a thunderstorm on top of that.
Didn't people camp for the Wii/PS3/360 though? If I'm not mistaken someone was shot on launch for a PS3
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is this what being a /pol/-tard when trump won felt like?

go nintendo
This doesn't actually tell us anything
Fastest selling means nothing
Nah this is like Trump winning his first primary. General election levels of winning are still far off for the Switch.
No that was because Tyrones buy PS3s and Nintendo fans aren't old enough to have money for guns
>won't be a massive drop off after that due to shortages, lack of games, high price, and defective units

None of that has stopped any successful console from selling before.
What about the gameboy,ds,Wii and nes.
7. By far the highest selling Nintendo console with "itch" in its name already in only its first week of launch.


>posting fake news
Why the fuck does this guy sound like he works for Nintendo?

Jesus, THIS is the reason nobody gives a fuck about 'the mediuh' anymore, not drumpf.
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>selling out
Yes just look at all those empty shelves... Oh wait
Nobody gives a shit about the piece of shit switch, we heard the EXACT SAME bullshit about record numbers with the Wii U and look how that turned out.
Screencap this, in 2-3 months Switch sales will have fallen off a cliff and Nintendo along with Nintendo fanboys will be in full panic mode.
I hope you realise what a big player the UK was when it come to the Wii, if the UK doesn't want the Switch they've lost lost a MASSIVE chunk of the sold Wii numbers, they will never re-create that fluke again.
>pravda claims this
>you should listen, goyim
Fake news. Sad!
It's going outsell NES? Oh boy!
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kek, sonybros in full damage control mode

>reggie tells nyt his dick is the biggest in the history of the world
>nyt reports it, OP takes it as confirmed truth
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>from a interview with Reggie

>new york times

Because he's talking about 2-day sales as if anyones given half a fuck about that before.
It beat the Wii, and we know how the Wii sold.
cropped porn?
>not providing context for the photo
>not providing a source or date when it was taken

Nice shitpost. Made me reply.
so lets see how it will do in a month when the scalpers are done
>Animal Crossing: Country Living
>Metroid Prime 4: Vortex
>Pokemon Stars
>Mario Odyssey
>Pikmin 4
>Mother 3 Mastered

Yeah, the switch is gonna do fine in holiday 2017
Fair is fair, anon. Anti-Nintendo shitposters have been spamming twitter screencaps nonstop.
>Nintendo representative announces that everything is okay

To be fair the only reason sale numbers were low is because they didn't make anymore console before launch. I'd bet my left nut if they mass produced consoles, the numbers would be higher.

Scalpers are cancer.
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No, just a smug daisy, someone else cropped it

I just fucking love these two in these dresses though

I'd rail them harder than a backwards joycon strap
Hahah fastest selling. That doesn't mean shit.
Tomagotchis sold fast,so did cabbage patch kids and beanie babies.
So desperate for game you're literally making of games now. Fucking pathetic.
>implying those were ever in short supply
You graspin' at straws, anon?
It's from Portland Oregon only a few hours ago
So that huge stock has been sitting there all weekend and nobody gives a shit.
You realize all of those things you mentioned were multi-billion dollar successes, right?
2006's market is not the 2017 market

Xbone and PS4 destroyed the Wii's launch week, partially because Nintendo was ultra-retarded and shorted supply really hard.

'Beating' the Wii's launch means next to nothing.
Yes they were.
Atleast cabbage patch kids and beanie babies were.
I thought they were short on shipments and didn't some Switch shipments get stolen? This doesn't add up at all.
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Places like Forbes and various other sites are reporting that places like Amazon, Gamestop, Walmart, and other retailers got a new stock or will be getting a new stock soon.

Who's to say this isn't a new stock?
>In Nintendo history
What did he mean by this?
Only serious collectors felt the strain of that, anon. I don't know any serious collectors regarding those anymore.
If i were 14 this might have sway on my opinion



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doesnt matter unless its the uk
>Yes just look at all those empty shelves... Oh wait
Or maybe it has something to do with selling a game console at a fucking bookstore.
And yet the Switch already outsold the Wii


>let me ask reggie what he thinks about the nintendo switch release
>its good!

Oh you don't say
>selling faster than the Wii

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Holy shit

They did it. The absolute madmen. They delivered both the fastest selling Nintendo console


and they also put the best video game


on it as a launch title.

Is this it? Is it finally over for Sony?
Look at this thread.

/v/ is so desperate for another TORtanic

/v/ declares every major new release the blunder of whatever.
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Blatantly untrue. When those came out it was fucking impossible to find them.
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...Amazon has an actual store?
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We gotta do something about this
I will get Reggie!
Nintendo is back on the throne baby

How many units did the Wii sell during its first week?
Now lets see sales numbers for EU and Japan, Japan might not be so bad but EU will most likely be shit, BOTW was outsold by Horizon in the UK last week.
yeah, go ahead and delete this. /v/ is shitposting only, so fuck. off.
None of this matters in a supply constrained environment. Launch numbers mean nothing. Let's see how it looks 6-8 months out.
The Wii was the most successful console they ever had at 101m

The Switch is already outselling it right now.
That's not to say it'll do more lifetime sales, but it's really good.
about 600,000 in north america
No try 425k in its first month.
DS sold more than 150 millions, retard.
I know, but how did it sell at first?

The 3DS didn't sell very well at all at first but now it has over 60m sold. Was the Wii the same?
You could not even buy a Wii for like 2 months after launch. It's sales rate was pretty much as fast as Nintendo could build them.
I don't know, but surely saying that the Switch outdid all other nintendo launches in history must mean it can't all be shit
Oh shit what do we do sony-nigger bros? Why can't Nintendo just let us eat shit in peace?
Sony in bankruptcy, when?
fuck off
SONY and SJWS btfo
I know this thread (and board) is for 16 year old console warriors, but shitposting aside: if they beat out the Wii in early sales than Nintendo is on the right track.

The system has potential but isn't quite there yet imo. They need to keep the momentum up by getting a solid lineup, plus it needs some basic features like video streaming services.

>he thinks commercial success is dictated by a 2-3 day window
>he thinks wii u wasnt a failure because it sold a lot
>he thinks XBONE the now cancelled console isn't a failure because it sold a lot
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>New York Times
>No try 425k in its first month.
> According to NPD data, the original Wii sold approximately 475,000 units in the US during its first eight days on the market.
neither of those sold very well though
So where do we go from here, Sonybros?
I think that's it, it's over.
>New York Times
>in Nintendo history

Still almost none of these retards notice it.

As I chortle heartily.

It's like being crowned the fastest kid with Downs.
The so called "failing" New York Times that have more subscribers than ever.
you realize the wii was the best console launch of all time, or are you underaged and born after it was released
Yeah, because as we all know, the Wii was a complete failure and sold like ass, so selling more than the Wii is a complete non-accomplishment.
I'd like to see the numbers myself
>And yet the Switch already outsold the Wii

shipped doesnt = sold kiddo
>New York Times
Why are people saying it's sonys lose? Chances are, the people the are willing to buy a switch also bought a PS4 before. Switch isn't marketed as a stand alone console, but as a secondary device to whatever you already have.
This is not true.

Switch is being marketed as the console to get. Console companies don't pitch their products as secondary to others.
Who the fuck uses twitter like that?

Who the fuck uses twitter?
Good thing this is about sold and not shipped, then, friendo

>muh breitbart
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This is the interesting part.
>Reggie said
>2-day sales
>Nintendo history
>standalone launch title

So many conditions, no wonder you can eventually make it come out on top. What it means is that it got destroyed by Sony and MS.
don't forget he said "any system" so this likely includes other barnburners such as the game boy or the DS
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>new york times
>yew tork nimes
>le fake news failing new york times is reporting lies, pls stick to infowars and breitbart to get the TRUE news

Is there a place sadder than /pol/ on this planet?
I don't think so.
>new york times
haha lol amirite my fellow trump red hat wearers?

Yes they're always expanding.
They drove all the other retail bookstores out of business with their website, and they've easily bought up all the bankrupt storefronts at low cost. Now they're expanding those stores into selling electronics and such and are moving into adding groceries and food products to them soon. They're aiming to best Walmart and every other store imaginable, it's evil monopoly 101.
>tew nork yimes
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>'in nintendo history'
>jew york times

Maybe they should spend all that money on making sure Amazon Prime actually does as advertised with the 2 day stuff. Even so, they're so hilariously terrible with their timing that there's a 50/50 chance that you actually get paid for using prime in total just because they offer so much recompensation each time they miss a delivery.
You suck speedboat! Sink!
Fake news lmao
Because it sold more than any in history and Nintendo is a very successful videogame company with a long history of incredible success? You don't have to like the company or its games to find it worth noting.

That said the game's pretty fucking incredible so far, and it's been quite awhile since a mainline Zelda title, so I can see why.
This is only including Switch version though is it not?

Says Zelda for Switch.
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>New York Times
maybe you didn't catch the polling numbers, but lies presented as news started taking off well before the election
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we're losing, /v/ ;_;
Fake news
>people actually are too young to know how the Wii launch was
I'm getting too old for /v/
>you are now aware that the people shitting on the switch were barely out of kindergarten when the Wii launched
Truth be told B&N had shitty prices in their stores and most people only went for the cafe
Yeah. Later in it's Gen.
It sold fast because there was shortages..
Becuase it's basically bundled with the Switch?
Like what the fuck else were people gonna play?
Bomberman and 1 2 Switch?
Don't worry shill! You'll get that hate you want.
What's so bad about new york times?

I'm not american
It wrote something positive about the Switch
>is this what being a /pol/-tard when trump won felt like?
You mean the competition shooting itself in the foot like Hillary/the DNC did, while you just slid into the win?

That would be Sony winning PS4s gen.
Yeah, and they made a shit fucking ton of money.
Yeah, actually. This has been true with most Nintendo consoles, one good game and a bunch of filler.
Nintendo's doing good by getting Mario out at Christmas and Splatoon 2 in July. They need to pad out time between those releases and past that with some great games that were on WiiU that no one fucking played because they were on WiiU. Sm4sh is an obvious choice.
Considering the Mario Kart 8 re-release, Smash Wii U seems like a forgone conclusion. It's just going to take them more time assuming they're adding some characters.
>Had a WiiU
>Never bought Sm4sh for it
>Switch comes out
>New version of Sm4sh inevitable
>New characters + all DLC probably included
>Not paying twice for the same game because I never bought it in the first place

This is some high quality shit right here.
It will never in a million years outsell the WII. It is an impossibility.
But it would ony need to sell 101 units a year to do that anon. I'm pretty sure the Virtual Boy still sells more than that.
What makes you say that?
>food york times
>In NINTENDO history
>New York Times
HAHAHAHA we are living in the best timeline, this shit is gold.
>I'm pretty sure the Virtual Boy still sells more than that

You'd be wrong.

>posting fake news source
Well not from Nintendo fucking obviously retard.
Then why would that be relevant?
Nintendo is omitting the fact that the Wii U outsold the Wii during its launch
>(you) york times
Because if Nintendo was still selling the Virtual Boy and continued selling it for 1 million years it would in all likelyhood outsell the Wii.
But they aren't still selling the Virtual Boy, just like Nintendo won't be selling the Switch for a million years.
>New York Times
The failing New York Times

also it's dead in the water

All they have are multiplats and first party games.

The fact that Nintendo is making over 100 dollars on each console sale shows the shoddy craftsmanship which is reflected in the fact that 35% of the Switch units are defective

These "Sales" figures are accounted for initial shipment to the distributors not confirmed sales

The Switch is going to have a 2 year life span.
Do you just not understand hypotheticals? I'm pretty sure that is a symptom of autism.
>Sonybros keep quoting this as if it diminishes it's significance

It's like people completely forgot how much the Wii sold. Granted, lifetime sales are a completely different ballgame and may or may not end well for Ninty, but in the context of opening sales, that's quite and accomplishment. The only reason I don't have a Switch right now myself is because I missed the preorder window, and now I can't find it anywhere. Even mom and pop shops in my area sold out of it. And now I have t9 wait for the stores to restock them. Juat an anecdote, but something I think may be common for those that missed the preorder.
>people crying fake news
I only thought Trump's twitter bots did this holy shit this is surreal
Wii was cheap and had Wii Sports which was easy Normie B8.

It's not 'fake,' it's just that that numbers overall mean jack-shit for the long-term success of the system. I mean shit the Wii and Wii U were within 30,000 units of each other in the first three weeks of sales in Japan, and we know how that shit turned out
Fastest selling Nintendo console. The PS4 is still the fastest selling console of all time
Why would "fastest selling" be a meaningful metric from a company that shorts supply at launch?
That's better than the Wii.
Which had a phenomenal launch.

That's cool. Unfortunately the Switch has none of the factors that caused the Wii to become a cultural phenomenon, so I highly doubt it's gonna hold this steam get anywhere near it overall
That hardly makes it a bad launch.
people here are desperately trying to spin this as the end of Nintendo. Like, were they here in late 2012 when the WiiU was a thing? (probably not) Nintendo isn't going anywhere
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But will it ever top the Playstation 2's sales 10 years from now?

This shitposter says "no". Screencap this and reply to this exactly 10 years from now with the statistics.

I'll be waiting.



Oh my sweet summer child
>dirt cheap normie console with DVD player
Yet it couldn't be Horizon Zero Dawn kek
JP got 500k units.
for a March launch, that's pretty decent
If the Ps4 could do it with no games then the switch still has a pretty good chance
This is still not verified.
It hasn't even been a week
long enough for nintendo to declare bankruptcy
Yes, once again the fucking Nitendrone is also a /pol/tard. It's like you cretins go out of your way to show everyone how cancerous you are.
Literally anyone can write for Forbes. It's not a source.
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>muh sales

You don't have to justify your terrible purchase to anyone, retard. It's your money.

Nah, just kidding. Kill yourself kid.
You need to be banned for a whole year for shilling this faggot in every Fucking thread.
No console will ever outsell the PS2 ever. Not even the monster that was the DS did.

> zelda fastest selling game launch

I call horse shit on that one. no way it out sold gta v launch.
>new york times
Probably fastest selling jewtendo game, which means nothing.
Can neither of you read? "Standalone launch title" doesn't mean GTA V, and honestly Zelda does seem like the best launch title in recent memory
switch has portable skyrim and fifa with no need for extra controllers for local multiplayer
Almost all Nintendo consoles have good initial sales. Sustaining it is a different matter. I couldn't care less if this flops or is a success but that is basically a PR piece when any console will have "awesome" initial sales compared to the Wii U.

Wait until later this year and then gloat or cry all you want.
It means 'game that launched with a console', you inbred retards.
this mentality is retarded

>go watch movie in cinema
>get scammed and never do it again
>everyone else does the same because of the trailer
>rakes in the money from the scam ass movie
>makes sequel because the first made so much money

This is how the movie industry became a shell of itself and consoles are goin down the same path

>pre order the tablet device
>get scammed and stop buying products from this company
>everyone else does the same because of the trailer
>rakes in the money from faulted ass device
>makes upgraded memory version of device because it made so much money

and im referencing the wii u not switch, it just so happens that its the same pattern

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Still mad as fuck I see :^)
Really made me think.
None of the games you mentioned other than mario are even confirmed to exist, you retard
It's also getting portable Minecraft.
It's not fair pcbros
The NYT is staffed by pedophiles. You're not a pedophile, are you, anon?
I am not your bro.
That's because it's the ONLY FUCKING GAME that launched with the console.

This isn't an achievement, and it speaks worlds about a world of idiots that would drop 300 bucks for a multiplatform game.

A fool and his money.
I own a gaming pc though haha cuck
Any word on the physical Wii U sales of BotW? I stood in line at launch to get my copy since I had time to kill before work, and the store only had 5 Wii U copies. They had 1 left when I bought mine, and haven't gotten in any more save when they pulled a few more out from stock to encourage return shoppers. Neither has any other store in my area.
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hope you guys are ready for another nintendomination like the wii era
I dunno about anyone else, but I bought a Switch to be able to play the new Zelda game on my lunch break at work. It's been pretty amazing in that regard, so far.
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Sounds familiar.
Considering the Switch isn't being targeted at geriatrics in nursing homes who want to play Wii Sports to stay active, I doubt that'll happen.
It's getting portable Minecraft and it isn't a Sony handheld.
If you didn't buy a wii u it's still a decent purchase, you'll get mariokart, splatoon 2, xenoblade, fe warriors and other wii u ports down the line. Many japanese devs seem to have interest in the console too so you can expect more and more games on it
guess thats innovation for a Nitendcuck
>this thread
Do you guys really give a shit what video game console people buy or do you legitimately have autism?
>New York Times
Fake news
>in nintendo history

Wow! Its nothing!
And I own a real PC built by hand.
You are below us.
It's boredom, anon. Most of us want to play games, but life has to start for us too soon to have time to turn one on.
it's being targeted to literally everyone
dudebros? take your portable multiplayer fifa
weebs? it's a more powerful vita
actual gamers? take zelda, mario odyssey, no more heroes, bayonetta 3, etc
millenials? make a drinking game with 1-2 switch, or families can play it like wii sports
About as much innovation as Sony's Fifa machine.


Vita only had Minecraft and weebshit. Sony never bothered to support the damn thing.
your right sony is a joke infact consoles are a joke and so are you for defending shady business practices and limited tech
But I built one too
Do you guys just the Wii never existed?
I'm not defending those things, however I am going to defend Nintendo for releasing a console that I actually like the look of and wanted to see exist prior to its announcement.
You scraped together the silicon, designed and manufactured the chips and boards, molded the plastic and screws, smithed the metals, and wrote the programming to building your own PC by hand?

I suppose it's no small wonder you start your sentences with a conjunction and act like you're a Borg from Star Trek.
I did buy a Wii-U, and Nintendo broke it when I downloaded a software update one day. I'm not going to fall for that again.
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>Hype up something
>Sell it
>People buy it up
>Its actually piece of shit
>The "big cats" start posting about how well it sold
>"That means its good"
Of course.

We may do whatever we please. We are above simple common PC users.
so you like tablets? because thats what your throwing $300 away for... a tablet, looks like one, behaves like one and breaks like one and its not like Nintendo hasn't fucked over people before with their gimmick tech
>so you like tablets?
Way to oversimplify retard. Also I'm not fucking paying $300 for one. You just assumed that.

I, like many others, am waiting for the price to drop and more games to come out.
Nintenbros have to use the failing New York Times as a source now, feeding everyone fake news. Sad!
>with big games coming
Like fucking what? Splatoon 2 isn't going to be until summer and after that Mario isn't until holidays. There's fuckall coming out for the Switch, Nintendo is doing the same shit that they did with the Wii U. If you don't want to play Splatoon or you don't want to pay for Nintendo's online service, you've got NOTHING to look forward to until the end of the year.

No one gives a fuck about Arms or Mario Kart ports, don't even bring that shit up.
hell I build them every day
"That means it's good"

Big cats don't care if it's good or not. Selling well is literally the only thing they're worried about that. Sales is their endgame, and everything else is secondary. Quality is a nice way to get there, but not the only way or even the most effective
I like consoles with games that interest me. Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey, SMT, Fire Emblem. These are all things I want to play
No but Nintenbros will use that to defend this shit console
>It sold well
>Means it is good

And the big cats will continue to ignore everything wrong with the console
it really isn't, touch screen tablet with a better processor chip and its simplified because thats all it is

>am waiting for the price to drop and more games to come out

i remember the wii u fanboys saying the exact same thing
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so will the jews at nintendo use this money to make more stable switch units?

when will they come out with a switch bundle?

what are the chances of them coming out with a splatoon/switch bundle? Surely these good sales will prompt them in to doing this right?
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>n-no! t-this can't be happening! q-quick guys, let's keep giving them 0s, w-we will SHOW THEM!!
>It really isn't
Isn't what? I don't actually care if it is a glorified tablet. I never denied that. I am buying it because it is a handheld console with games coming out that I want.

I bought a fucking Commodore 64 recently.
>I bought a fucking Commodore 64 recently.
For what game?
thats ok but think of it this way, those games could of came out for the wii u instead but they wanted you to buy this instead

its kinda shameful to take advantage of the fan base THAT much, your being milked but ot to say the games wont be good its just that this so called console never needed to exist to begin with to play them

this comment applies to you too
Monty on the Run and Nemesis the Warlock.
>thats ok but think of it this way, those games could of came out for the wii u instead but they wanted you to buy this instead
This could be said for literally any new console ever made. Or GPU for that matter.
your right it could and should and i will say it does
You're right those games could have come out on the Wii U, and i wouldn't have bought them because the Wii u isn't a handheld. The fact this is a handheld is the primary reason I am getting it for these games.

I didn't like the Wii U, they never even released the one game i would have bought a Wii U for. I didn't like the Wii U's feel, its design or its purpose and I like the Switch. What now?
So would you prefer the industry just stagnate and stick with Magnavox Odyssey overlays?
/pol/ is worse than tumblr and reddit combined.

I was friggin happy when I got the actual Sheik mask to go with th Stealth outfit.
Shitposters are immortal.
It doesn't matter. They're all boiled shit.
Sense when have facts stopped shitposters.

Use your head anon.
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>post this 4 hours ago
>get off work
>make dinner
>/v/ is still fucking going
its controller technically was a handheld just couldn't leave the house with it also preference on looks over quality is why they'l find new ways to fuck you over no matter what also when it came out no one complained on how it looked infact everyone praised its design saying its innovative just like this console

i would prefer they didnt abuse the trust of consumers to make a quick buck so yes i would rather have the industry die it wouldn't be the first time, infact because of the first gaming market crashed it forced the businesses to get the're shit together and to be honest is whats needed now as well.
>its controller technically was a handheld just couldn't leave the house with it also preference on looks over quality
It wasn't technically a handheld, it was a controller with a screen. It was also bulkier than the Switch and as you say, you couldn't leave the fucking house with it making it not a handheld.
/v/ infiltrated /pol/
If you consider technological progress abuse, then you have bigger problems to worry about.
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>you couldn't leave the fucking house with it
no i consider false advertising, faulted design flaws thats considered not a defect while asking $300 to play the same 4 or 5 games abuse, abuse of trust and your consumer rights, if Americans even have them.

well this is awkward-->>369646040
Damn, guess my 6 foot MAME cabinet is portable too. All I need is a trolley to wheel it around.
>false advertising, faulted design flaws
What do you mean by these?
>if Americans even have them.
That's an odd thing to say to an Irishman.
the dead pixels and these problems

well if Ireland have them and given that your in the EU im gonna assume you do

still you could take it around the house also the emulator only needs the handheld controller to run the games, i hear the home brew software for it is awesome
But it's still not a handheld console because it needs to be plugged into a wall to be played. I actually go places other than my house.
funny, considering the people who want the switch are just barely entering kindergarten
true thus why i said technically

its still a con i just don't want to see people get fucked over again from this so called new and improved 'bait n switch' console
/pol/ is 4chan. And 4chan is /pol/
>Sony niggers are trump supporters
really makes you think
Alright. I can recognize defective units, but what do you mean by false advertising?

except for the wii U, unless you really think NSMBU was quality.
Wow such a noble and chivalrous mission anon. Surely you are better than us all.

Give him a round of applause.
NSMBU was ok.
>we promise it wont be a wii u
bes another buggier wii u

also advertises that its an all in one device and it cant even play its own games half the time people turn it on

the fanboys are so fuckin shameful i see why everyone thinks /v/ is complete cancer with childish behavior like that
Yeah, they're the problem.
>People in the BotW thread discussing the game
The people ruining this board were always you.

>fast rmx
>mk8 deluxe
>skyrim remastered
>super mario odysessy
>tons of indies
yep because i say HAHAHA in every thread i go to for no fuckin reason, i try to discuss why its a fuckin scam and i get tared with the troll cunt brush for pointing out how blind most of the console consumers are to the're preferred product
lol you wish /pol/nigger
i explained politlely why I was buying the console and you wouldn't shut the fuck up about how I was an idiot for doing so. You fucking deserve to be tarred and feathered you elitist cunt.

I bet you're just an impoverished "masterrace" faggot that advocates PC being the only platform so he can download everything for free anyway.

Like absolute trash? The Wii launched on November 19, 2006. By December 31, 2006, it shipped (not sold) 1.25 million units to North America. For comparison, the PS4 sold (not shipped) 1 million units in NA on its first day.
>i explained politlely
>you elitist cunt
>impoverished "masterrace" faggot

wow and this is the reason people here make fun of you
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Literally fake unsourced claims and convenient definitions (the wii u beat the wii sales btw)

But fuck being reasonable, let's hype up lies and inevitably disappoint ourselves once the true facts are confirmed

Trump is literally a nigger.
The Wii didnt do amazing at launch but it picked up amazingly during it's lifetime.
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>he still reads fake news
its the new york times
they lost all credibility with the rampant shitpost articles and liberal wank fests

nothing valid or worthy will ever come from that publication again
Fake news. SAD
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Keep in mind that the Wii's sales at the end of 2006 were less than 200K more than the Wii U at the end of 2012
Launch sales mean shit for the console's future
The ps4 lauched on holidays.
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>The Wii didnt do amazing at launch
None of these figures matter on either side. It's super fucking easy to cherry pick.

The PS4 only has one exclusive with more than 2.5 million sales while the 3DS has scores.
>Good news happens for Nintendo
There is no reason to do this unless it upsets you that Nintendo is doing well.

I'm still waiting until the holiday season.

Screen cap this: Mario Odyssey is going to be the killer app of this generation.
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>Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim has become the largest shareholder of New York Times Co (NYT.N) after exercising warrants to double his stake in the publisher to 16.8 percent.

Entities affiliated with Slim exercised the warrants he bought in 2009 when he loaned the company $250 million during the height of the financial crisis.
>New York Times, controlled by the Ochs-Sulzberger family through Class B shares, paid back the loan in 2011.
>Slim's total stake is valued at $341.4 million, based on the stock's Wednesday closing price of $12.28.
>He follows other billionaires who have put their faith in the media business. Amazon.com Inc (AMZN.O) founder Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post in 2013 while Warren Buffett has invested in several newspapers.
>Slim acquired nearly 15.9 million shares of Class A common stock at $6.36 per share. He earlier held an 8 percent stake.
>New York Times intends to use cash proceeds of about $101.1 million to buy back Class A shares.
>"..This one-off repurchase program should not be viewed as a change of position about our capital allocation plans," Chief Executive Mark Thompson said.
>New York Times, which has been under pressure to replace an evaporating pool of print advertising dollars with digital ads and money from subscriptions, projected in November a further decline in advertising sales for the current quarter.

PS4 launched on November 15th
Wii launched on November 19th
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Why are people so shocked about this? America loves Nintendo. The NYT is just confirming what isn't actually a shocking fact.
Yeah, when its only competition so far has been the Wii U and Xbone.
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Nintendrumpfs are literally delusional there are about 5 switch s sitting on the shelf of my local gamestop right now. Ps4 was completely sold out for about 6 months. In 2 days mediacrate stats will be out and nitendys will be eternally btfo.

Did the NES really sell that little per year?

When i was a kid it feelt like everyone had one.
And the switch surprasssed the wii and wiiu that had more than 600k on march with only one game.
is selling fine.
are there even AAA anounced for holidasy?
i feel like normie shit is been absent this year.
this shits the killposter
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