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>mfw no dawn of war 3 beta key

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>mfw no dawn of war 3 beta key
What? there was already an invite wave?
Apparently. I didn't even know there was a sign up. Game will still be shit though so it's no big loss
game looks like shit. literally more excited for halo wars
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>literally more excited for halo wars

You know people only take you seriously if you don't shit into your mouth?
You're saying that in a pretty lonely thread about DoW3's closed beta whereas Halo Wars 2 has already been released.

So you catched this news about a game you do not care about but you're not even aware the one you are excited about already came out a few weeks ago.
>catched this
caught these*
it's not out on torrents yet
>wanting to play Dawn of Moba
where were you when my thread was up you fags, beta is on and there was a huge leak
also, it indeed looks like a MOBA in the idea according to the videos: the main objective in a game is to destroy the enemy "core" (which definitely looks like LoL's one, just more technological), you can't attack it unless you have destroyed at least one turret (big laser-firing ones, but still turrets), and you can't destroy a turret until you have destroy a shield generator. So you'll definitely win the game in a "lane" like in MOBAs.
Most of the ressource points seem to be in "the jungle" though, so you'll fight there too.
>the main objective in a game is to destroy the enemy "core"

Is there a normal CoH style contrl point based mode as well? Regular skirmish?
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we don't know yet, there has 2 just been 2 videos leaked, in the game mode I just described
that's a shame. i mean, we knew it was coming but there was always the hope that relic might not be as clueless as they appeared. what were they thinking?
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xbox hueg ui vs minimalist ui We all know DoW is xbox hueg too but i'll take a screenshot from that too
Eh, they get bonus point from me for making a separate UI for each faction instead of going the lazy way and making a unified one like in DoW2.
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>caught these newses
neck yourself
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What the fuck is going on
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post models
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They get Starcraft points for that
Haven't played a game on my pc for almost a year now, this is the only thing I'm even remotely interested in.
Why do all games have to be bland grey pieces of shit these days? At least DoW3 looks like it might be fun to play with decent action.
i disagree
(guy you're answering to here)
well, I might be playing the devil's advocate here but the 1v1 game seemed quite fun, even with the MOBA elements. I'd prefer a classic "destroy HQ" mode, but as the "core" is just right next to your base, I feel like it will be close enough as is
2v2 seemed a bit less entertaining weirdly, but maybe it was because the guy playing didn't know what he was doing (not the case in the 1v1)

have you watched the videos provided? >>369357689
retards who know nothing about 40K are making the game
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>Blizzard games in a warhammer topic
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>that quality
The guys is obviously not running it on decent settings, I've seen a few gameplay vids over the last few days that looked 10x better
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that's a copy of a leaked video, so yeah, the quality isn't that good on the 1v1. 2v2 looks better in terms of graphics, but a bit worse in term of gameplay imo (don't know why)
wtf chaos is in the game?
That's what happens when you don't say thanks to the Hungry Skeleton
literally everybody is wondering the same thing

not having chaos in a 40k game is like not having nazis in a ww2 game
nice to see someone correct my shitty images

It's not, it's a skin for an Imperial Knight. Apparently House Varlock(?) (the faction the Knight belongs to) has a symbol with an 8-pointed star - which I find a bit retarded.
Maybe it's to cover their bases for the Chaos expansion, where we'll discover Solaria was a Chaos cultist or something?

or having French as a paid DLC months after the release in a WW1 game
dow2 didn't have chaos in vanilla either sadly. i just thought that knight was chaos for a second, but looking at it more it seems to have standard imperium markings
DoW2 still looks so fucking good
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>They get Starcraft points for that

Dawn of War 1 did it as well, anon-kun.
Starcraft is also a fun game, are you going to lynch developers for making fun games in the future?
It's impressive how bad they missed the mark here.

just make Dark crusade with updated craphics

>sometimes I think you want to fail
Pre-order not cancelled
it ran like shit and had terrible net code. also tey were a bit overzealous with unit preservation as the loss of a single tac squad likely costed you the game
So is individual unit customization confirmed, or will only the vehicles have skins similar to CoH2?
I like how it looks at least, and the ork theme is dope. I want to believe the gameplay is going to be good but i'm afraid to be disappointed. I mean, it's not like hero units are always alien and cancer to rts games, right? Am I missing any other MOBA elements aside from that and >>369357431?
dow1's problem is it felt like nothing you did mattered

>should I upgrade their weapons to better ones?
if you want lol doesnt matter anyway because they have the lifespan of flies

>should I build another 3 tanks or 50 squads of expendable infantry?
who cares! just build shit and throw it in there!

not to mention the pathfinding was total ass and the sync kills made some units fucking impossible to kill due to cheesing animations

DOW1 had many problems
>Am I missing any other MOBA elements.

You can have 3 of these, MOBAs are autistic about never making more than one.
They can be a squad of powerful units, not only a "hero".
They can also be super units.
They don't level up.
They don't gather resources (creep farming was a thing in W3).
They don't have any inventory.

They're literally super units, imited powerful units (think Terminators/Obliterators in the origo DoW) and commanders from just about any RTS camapign ever put into multiplayer.
They're miles apart from their W3 counterparts, let alone the Diablo-esque stuff in ASSFAGGOTS.
army painter is confirmed but no word on it yet.
You can see pink Orks in one of the videos though so maybe it is in the beta already?

>Am I missing any other MOBA elements
Apparently the devs were discussing the idea of including a "draft" mechanic for elite unit selection (there are a lot of elite units you can chose, but only 3 you can take in game)
people are calling it a moba because all they know how to do is shitpost and use buzzwords. hero units with abilities is not exclusive to moba's, but /v/ wouldn't know that since /v/ doesn't play video games
It just riles me up because I can see where the people are coming from and that the game has issues going forward.

But autistic screeching like that only really serves to make sure no one is ever going to even think about taking in any community feedback again.
Of coursch
Beta player here

how big is your dick
>I unironically enjoyed and still play soulstorm
All the talk about cartoonish graphix for visual clarity, but i cant understan two shits about what's going on in the videos. Everything is broated with shiny projectiles and samey units
about 6'', maybe 6.5''
5.4" confirmed.
what did your dick think of the game? didn't you sign an NDA?
are you for real or are am I being trolled?
draft for elite units?
army painter?
is the game fun?
What about it do you hate or get frustrated over
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I guess this basicly confirms no 4th race.
Fucking hate those highlights in rts games.
Which highlights? If you mean the selection "halo", it has been confirmed it is now an option (even if it is still there by default)

We knew there was no 4th race since the announcement trailer. It was always going to be Orks, SM and Eldar.

Were you really holding out all this time for them to reveal an entire additional faction? Based on what?
FACT: 4 races are required to make the perfect 40k single player campaign
>spehs marines defend imperial space from orks
>the fucking eldar show up to do underhanded garbage
>it's revealed elder know about some even greater threat that's approaching
>cue chaos/nids/necron
i can't imagine what kind of game they'll have on their hands with just 4 races
I am for real.

Elite units are shit

Army painter is nice and various

The game is not fun

I hate everything about that MOBA trash
just 3 races i mean
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You can turn them off in the options.
And I've only seen them in Red Alert 3 before and they were great there.
>Dow 2 release

>Dow3 announced

Dow4 willl make you like Dow3?
The ones they add on as DLC and have next to no involvement, if any at all, in the campaign.

Just multiplayer fodder.
Elite units are shit
Ok but is there a kind of draft before the game or do you just chose 3 and never see what your opponents have until you encounter it? (Can you even chose your elite units in the beta now that I think of it?)
You choose 3, and you see what your opponents have.

It's that simple.
what a fucking ridiculous strawman. have you no shame? who the fuck is criticizing 3 for having big armies? go fuck yourself you disingenious memelord
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Thats kind of how things are going really.

DoW1 peeps didnt like DoW2 and ended up going away.

DoW2 peeps, so far, are ending up disliking DoW3 .

Honestly the big units of DoW3 don't feel like DoW1 so far, and doesn't help with all the super shit players who been doing the example gameplay. It does have that cartoony feeling thats been pervading various mobas, mobile games, and so on and been showing signs of shit quality on asthetics in almost all videos shown thus far.

But that's my take. Seems like everyone is arguing the most inane shit like how consoles wars have been since the beginning of gaymin time. It just all looks really bad.
> who the fuck is criticizing 3 for having big armies?
not who you're quoting but quite a lot of people actually, saying "lol it's just blob vs blob" for every gameplay video. Mostly DoW2 and/or CoH fans I think
where? i've never seen it here, so i assumed you were talking about youtube so i just went through a few videos and nobody was saying that.
almost every thread about DoW3 I've seen on /v/ for a start - most of which degenerated in "DoW1 vs DoW2" pretty quickly
I've seen the complaint quite a lot on the official forums too
I loved DoW 1, loved DoW 2, so I'm gonna get DoW 3. I can't be the only one, right?
>most of which degenerated in "DoW1 vs DoW2"
now that's different from his original claim. most of the threads i see go like this
>looks shitty and cartoony like a moba
>what were you expecting dow went to shit with dow 2
>thread devolves into shitflinging between dow1 and dow 2 fans

i have literally never seen anyone holding bigger army size against this game or dow1 for that matter. most of the people who like dow 2 just say it's just different
No, I'm the same as you.
In all that necron teasing?
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>I can't be the only one, right?
The Emprah's faithful are never alone!
how much is sega paying you to say this?

The only thing that might have been a tease is the black monuments with glyphs in some of the marketing material.

And there still might be Necrons, they'll just make a Winter Assault type appearance - a few squads of warriors and a monolith or two.

People who were hoping for a 4th faction were fooling themselves.
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Just to be clear: you see your opponent's choice just before the match starts right?

Did you check the elite units? Is there any indication of their role, their stats, etc. and if so, what's the vocabulary employed? (I'll probably cringe if they use terms like "carry")
Also thanks anon-kun

You're not alone (even though I can still wait the get the game if they make something fishy, like a day-one DLC)

I'm pretty sure I've seen the word "blobfest" used a lot by the DoW2-side. Oh well, maybe there weren't that much
Considering there's been a wave of TWW shilling, a lot.
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Fuck yeah.
Yeah, I can wait too. I'm not a day one buyer since we don't know how well it's gonna run, etc.
why would they delete every topic on the official forums, then pay people to do exactly the same thing on /v/ though
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>He didn't see all the Guardsman in the trailer
I'd love to be payed for saying something I was already gonna say
You can see the elite units (I presume you mean the heroes), from the very beginning in the lobby, and it also has a perk system like CoH2's bulletins, or similar.

They use terms like "Tank" or "nuker" or "assassin"
is that papa roach?

And there were guardsmen units in DoW 1 as well.

And when did we get Imperial Guard? In the first expansion.

You're a bit of an idiot.
Straight from She Loves Me Not bro
Guardsmen are most certainly gonna be behind a paywall.

I can guarantee it
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>she loves me not came out 15 years ago
Pls respond
I just have low standard which make me appreciate game other would dislike.
The only 40k game I truly disliked were Eternal Crusade, Storm of Vengeance and Deathwatch.
Deathwing was good.
Legacy of Dorn was decent if a little overpriced.
Both Space Hulk game were good.
BFG:A was good.
Sanctus Reach was good.
As for DoW1 vs DoW2:
DoW1 multi>>>>>DoW2 multi
But I liked the story of DoW2 more.
Both games had fantastics VAs.
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>Guardsmen in DoW1 weren't a faction because they weren't a playable faction
i'm too poor for tabletop, don't know about the rest of these nerds
>both games had fantastic VA
Ha-ha, no good voice acting in DoW3, just for you.
>Both Space Hulk game were good.
is that supposed to be an unpopular opinion? i loved them too. are they considered shit games?
Dunno about Ascension but the first SH was treated like shit.
A shame the devs went under after making Ascension.
Will dawn of war 3 be more like 1 or 2?
It's pretends to be more like 1 but it's just blobfest with no unit preservation.

>the discussion is about why someone would think there's a 4th playable faction in DoW 3
>I even mention the necron cameo in Wnter Assault

Next time you jump into the middle of a conversation, try and pay attention.

Now stop being retarded.
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yeah I was talking about the heroes (I think it's the official term is elite units because of the squads but whatever), thank you for the answer

they will probably be one of the first DLCs I think
I hope

I'm in England at the moment so I don't have my minis near me. On the bright side I managed to get those for much less

More like one, with some elements of 2

HA, you see? That happens! >>369365871
VA sounds like shit compare to dow1 and even dow2.
Multiplayer in leaked videos looked like mobile game. Could be because playes were shit and it was special moba mode but I dont have hopes higher after seeing them.
Campaign probably looks better but I kinda doubt it now.

Makes me wonder if Relic specifically chose to fall rather then deliver a solid RTS.
Any word on mod support? Pretty sure Relic promised steam workshop back at announcement.
Nothing in the beta so far about mod support bro, but I assume army painter shit will be workshop stuff
Not mentioned once, nice try kiddo

>shitposting for (You)'s

Alright you got me. Good work.
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The beta folder has a mods folder in it, so I would assume you can mod it. To what extent though is another question. Also when you're in the main menu on the bottom right you start out with 200 "Relic Coins" which you will probably be able to buy when the game comes out for skins and other stuff like that.

Also checked.
First things firt: nice dubs+trips combo
>Multiplayer in leaked videos looked like mobile game
What do you mean by this? If you mean graphics, I think you're overexagerating a bit, and if you mean gameplay, I entirely disagree with you unless mobile strategy games became much better than I think they are, but I wouldn't know as the only shit I play on my phone are puzzle games and other shit like this

Is only one game mode playable?
How long is/was the test again?
How are you supposed to give Relic feedback?
Is all the VA shit?

>moving the goalposts this hard
No (You) for you
VAs are unironically shit. Fucking hell Relic it's DoW what the fuck.
Only multplayer is available.

The test lasts for three days, until monday.

There is a beta feedback forum on the relic forums

The only VA that's good is the ork VA. Let that sink in.
>Also when you're in the main menu on the bottom right you start out with 200 "Relic Coins" which you will probably be able to buy when the game comes out for skins and other stuff like that.
Probably to buy elite units too, I fear

>Only multplayer is available
Yes but I meant, only "destroy the core" mode or are there other game modes, like "destroy the HQ" or "king of the hill" or something?

Also: how many maps?

Thanks for the answers btw
Only destroy the core mode

Three maps. One 1v1, one 2v2 and one 3v3. They're all basically the same flavour maps.
>army painter shit will be workshop stuff
Doubt it.
Army Painter seems to be good way for them to get easy money from fans of specific armies.
>other stuff like that.
Probably for elite units I bet.
Actually I am kinda okay with graphics. It is not great but certainly not that bad as people paint it.
It looked a bit like it. Sterile and dullish with no weight behind player action.
Back than dark crusade was about to be released I remember Relic showed VOD with Tau vs Necrons taken from some test game so it was not really staged. All that players were doing there had meaning behind it and was entertaining to watch. I am not really seeing any of that from those two videos. Could be because it is "core mode".
Redpill me on DoW II, why do you hate it so much?

I'd like to give it a try while I wait for a new TT Warhams expansion and DoW III
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>Redpill me on DoW II, why do you hate it so much?
The teaser and cinematic trailer were fantastic. Everything since then is a disappointment, even the VA.
There's nothing wrong with DoW 2.
Especially the VA.
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Let's be fair, DoW set an impossibly high standard. Even better than Blizzard and C&C.
you're thinking DoW III here mate, not II

basically it doesn't play the same as DoW1 at all. The scale is smaller, the game have much, much more emphasis on unit preservation (like, loosing one model is huge for some armies), and added some cool mechanics (directional, "realistic" cover) and some less interesting ones (retreat mechanic, in short: a panic button that makes your squad run to your base with a huge speed bonus). The campaign was great too, with a lot of RPG elements to customize your dudes.
Only my opinion here though
They were supposed to keep that standard. Fucking leafs I swear they can ruin everything.
>even the VA
Imperial Guard and Chaos were LITERALLY perfect. Nothing can top them. At all. Period.
>you're thinking DoW III here mate, not II
Guilty as charged.
No Last Stand no Buy
>Eliphas in Dark Crusade
All of my boners. Paul Dobson is god.
How the fuck do I sign up for any future betas, please help.
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A good sequel to Last Stand and a decent campaign is the only thing DoW3 has to deliver for it to be a worthy sequel in my eyes.
Man, I really liked the Adepta Sororitas. I loved how crazy they were, even if they were more average than the SPEHSS MEREENS.
>Dark Crusade
I meant the VA in 2, of course. :^)
The banter was amazing.

>tfw love rts and dow games, and like this game, but there are so many things wrong with it that it makes me fucking angry
I really fucking hate when they take an established franchise and turn it on its head for no real reason.
>no coop campaign (best part about dow 2)
>no actual cover, only bubble shit
>no destructible terrain
>no squad leaders, barely any upgrades
>barely any unit upgrades either, only fucking tactical marines get anything it seems like
>prob no last stand
yeah it was my thread, along with this one >>369350184 which has even more info in it
he quickly disappeared in the limbo like every single one of my threads
shit, not the thread I wanted to link
oh well, doesn't really matter

All the banters where amazing. I love this one for instance:

>It looked a bit like it. Sterile and dullish with no weight behind player action.
Well I quite like what I saw into the 1v1, but I agree the 2v2 we saw was indeed a bit dull. I guess it's the game mode, added to the low level of the player in the 2v2
I've been playing the beta since yesterday and can already say it's on a good way to be shit. They indeed have rehashed some things from 1 and 2, but at the same time wrapped them in the most bland, uninteresting way they could.

Covers are just camping bubbles rather than a meaningful way to spice up the dynamics of the battlefield, like in DoW1, where there were more of them, didn't require time to set up and slowed down units as a trade off.
Some heroes seem okay, seem are 1 man armies. This can be fixed with patches.

Maps, holy fuck the maps. Someone who designed them really took it to heart, to attract the ASSFAGGOTS crowd. Even the 3v3 map has only one smallish open field. Everything else is just corridors ridden with more corridors. Because of that there is not really much space to micro and the game sooner or later comes down to throwing blobs at each other. As for the nexus system from fucking assfaggots, it is spitting into faces of fans of earlier games.

Aesthetic wise this game is like DoW2 (which in that case was actually a good progression), but without any impact. There are no intense bolter sounds, no loud tanks (Baneblade from dow1? anyone?), no loudly screaming orks, music itself serves rather as a background noise than the driving force. Graphics are okay I guess, but everything is so shiny and small that most units look all the same after a while, especially when armies start to shoot each other.

The only redeeming quality is not that bad balance, which is surprising for relic.

I get it, it's an early beta, but my issues are deeply rooted in the game design and chances that they'd change that are very small.
>early beta
Release is in April.
oh, also, half the units sound like shit (the deathwatch squad sounds like it was made by some dude on youtube making his first voiceover)
and the sounds are shit for the most part. they don't pack any sort of punch or anything at all, no meaty sound effects whatsoever. Particles look bad as well for some things, like the ork trukk shooting.
>early beta
release is confirmed for 4/27, so its not that far. this is basically just a stress test, followed by a stress test/hype building open beta.
whelp, then it's another series gone shit
I take it you've played dawn of war 3?

no? stop talking out of your ass then
>Because of that there is not really much space to micro and the game sooner or later comes down to throwing blobs at each other.

yet thats exactly what DOW1 was but people love it for some reason because muh nostalgia
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>Soviets - Blood Ravens
>Wermacht - Bad Moon

Shouldn't this be the other way around?
Reminds me of Valkyria skins
If anything, the Blood Raven should be finn because of their tendencies to steal stuff.
>Everything else is just corridors ridden with more corridors. Because of that there is not really much space to micro and the game sooner or later comes down to throwing blobs at each other.
sounds like this is basically what they're going for, because of the whole 'escalation' deal that even gives a percent of costs for units back when they die. Throwing waves of shit at enemies while microing a couple of squads.
if you played mostly into the breach or kasyr luthien qs no rush, then yeah. Most maps were nice and open. Maybe next maps will bigger and spacier maps, but that's really not a good start
How fucking bad are you that you lose a tac squad ever?
will be bigger and spacier*
>no actual cover, only bubble shit
DoW2's cover system couldn't work at that scale, it has been debated on any DoW thread I've seen for the past few months
I guess they could have done something similar to DoW1, but decided to make the cover more visible, more "powerful" (in the sense that this is not simply damage reduction, the units are just fucking invulnerable until you destroy the bubble), and to give a better role to melee units (it is to my understanding that melee units can enter the bubble)

>prob no last stand
Relic actually said there will be no Last Stand at release, but they were thinking of a co-op mode in the same vein. I guess they'll do like they did with DoW2 and add it later as a patch - or maybe a DLC since this is SEGA we're talking about...

The rest of the criticism is valid in my opinion.

>this is basically just a stress test
I wasn't under the impression there was that many people invited but maybe that's because me and my pals weren't

are you criticizing DoW1 for being blob vs blob (in which case, *ding ding* >>369363287
>>369363808 ), or are you saying there was not much space to micro in DoW1?

What's the escalation deal?
>Into the breach
It was DoW2 experience if you drop qs and try to rush.
nigga did you even 1v1 automatch?

which big guy unit is canonically the strongest one?
how many maps could you play? there might just be a bunch that aren't in the beta
yea I know dow 2's cover couldn't really work, thats not what I mean. they could have went for cover like dow 1, which could actually fit the terrain and look good. It just looks really jarring and gross now. And for escalation, it seems like every 10(?) minutes, a new tier comes into play (dunno if it only goes up to tier 3, only watched the two leaked footages) and for the orks at least, you would get a bit of resource reclaim when units died, building health increased, resource rate increased as well. You also get a ton of resources and some elite points for killing off turrets/generators in that one mode. It sounds cool, but obviously is just going to promote lots of unit spam. though honestly I'm alright with how it is, I don't really mind spamming units and microing a couple, but they coulda put more effort into it
yes, tons of voice acting as usual, like dow 2, but some of them sound pretty garbage. Some sound great, though.
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So is it possible for Anons to give out more codes for other people to play? I know some companies have been doing that for tests like these.

I just want to play around with glorious virgin Farseer.
people only get one beta code, but they're going to be sending out more soon, probably past the 6th
I didn't sign up for the keys, I didn't even realize it. Not sure how to get the Newsletter, every time I try signing up it still just shows the Sign Up button.

I am not a bright man.
might have been glitched after they took the site down last night to remove the leaks, so maybe poke them on twitter. I didn't get a code and I signed up last year, so rip me anyways.
The interface is trying to be simplistic yet it's extremely disorienting and noisy
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>tfw I missed all the leaks

So there was a release date leak and what else?
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Depend on the class of knight we're talking of, but in general in terms of fluff Eldar Wraithknight > Imperial Knight > Morkanaut, which is the order of their agility

I personally think capturable buildings would have looked much better than bubbles, but I still reserve my judgement for until after I tested it.
Hu, so you gain some ressources every X minutes automatically and your building become more resistant? Interesting mechanic. This means the longer the game lasts, the longer it can last actually, because even if you were on the brink of defeating an enemy, he may use this boost of ressource and in defense correctly and counter you.

Do you have any particular examples of good and/or bad voices in mind?

I actually laughed when I saw the site was broken. They didn't know what else to do
read the thread, there's a link in the first few posts to a dead thread with all the screencaps
>no Chaos and IG at launch

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Green is best.
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that was basically it, outside of the preorder skins and the specs required. And prices for the standard, deluxe, and collectors, but no info about any of them.
yep, I like the escalation bit, though its probably going to be spinned by haters of the game to be some noob friendly thing or whatever. Personally, I think the gretchins and deathwatch don't sound that great, same with the wraithlord (mainly because the dow 2 wraithlord sounded amazing in comparison) but I liked the morkanaut, the boyz, and the imperial knight. For the ork voices, those are just from the ork gameplay from gamespot, you can hear gretchins basically right away.
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Where is the Chaos?
Well damn, anywhere to find them? Need to figure out if my shitty laptop can run it. They still going with AMD?
64-bit Windows 7
3GHz i3 or equivalent
1GB nVidia GeForce 460 or AMD 6950 or equivalent DirectX 11 video card
64-bit Windows 10
3GHz i5 or equivalent
2GB nVidia GeForce 770 or AMD 7970 or equivalent DirectX 11 video card
screencapper here, unfortunately I screwed up when copying this part and erased the info. I wasn't able to find it after that (they shot down the site after a while)
I remember being surprised by the minimum quite low minimum requirement (at least on the graphic card side, can't remember for the proc unfortunately)
I wonder that they put in Collector`s Edition for 130$ price tag.
Probably a statue of Solaria or Taldeer.
wow, thank you anon

>3GHz i3 or equivalent
Hu, computer-illiterate here, if I have a 2.6GHz i7 on my laptop will it be enough to run the game or is the "3GHz" part more important than the "i3" part?
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Daily reminder that a single fucking mod for DOW 1 still contain more content and quality than DOW 2+3 combined.

mfw no UA for DOW 2
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>guy on the heavy bolter is having the time of his life
my models are terrible painted, go back to /wip/ so you can wank over your drybrushing there
>More corpses.
An older i7 is a lot better than even new i3's so I wouldn't be worried
because dow 2 has shit mod tools. I can hope that dow 3 will be better with modding but im really not gonna get my hopes up.
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Beta player here. Everything fine with this game except it's not fun. Especially orcs race.
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Gotta say, team games are still fun as fuck.
Alright, I got an AMD A8-7410 quad core APU with AMD Radeon R5. It supposedly has 2.20 GHz, though sort of like >>369381643 I'm not sure what it's like equal to an i3.

I have no idea what 90% of that actually means, any Anons who know their shit here?

>Everything fine with this game except it's not fun
so nothing's fine then
Why is it not fun?

How can Orks not be fun?
Can you show army painter?
Why do they hate fucking chaos so much? They are a dlc in DoW II, they are a DLC in TTW (and a shitty rushed one), they will be a DLC in DoW III.

They are supposed to be something like the main antagonists of the setting and also my favourite faction ;_;
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They fucked this game up.

Whoever did the art direction of this game should join the heretics at the execution line.
how many elites are there per faction?
because diverse races, mostly. chaos is basically just space marines but spiked, especially since chaos daemons could be their own faction now.
shiiit, what are all these icons for?
Kills, I guess, then elite kills, and I guess the last three are the ressources (req, energy, elite points), but what about the rest? And what are those 3 unit icons (not the elite ones, the "line units"'s ones)?

the art direction is fine, memer
Maybe for compstomping.
Elite mod for DoW2 at least fixed the obvious shit and made all races more playlable instead of vomiting units at meta.
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personally I think its fine
outside of the fucking space marine legs in the cinematics. I hate how they chose this weird 'alien' direction for the cinematics where the space marines just look like they're malnourished.
but why
>tfw feel the urge to play DoW II but don't have money right now on the card
>can't find a grand master collection to crack
>Why do they hate fucking chaos so much?

Relic writers are complete shit tier, and they have no idea how to properly portray the different factions of Chaos.

>9 traitor legions with their own background, methods of warfare, and differing levels of devotion to the dark gods
>throw in the Chaos daemons and you have even more variation
>and then throw in the non-CSM/daemon forces who also follow Chaos (renegade Inquisitors, traitor IG regiments, rogue psykers and sorcerers) for even more stuff

But with how they've portrayed Chaos in the past games, tertiary fans like >>369382939 don't know any better, so there's less of a demand for Chaos. Which leads to them not getting proper treatment when they are added, which leads to less of a demand, etc.
how do you even sign up for this beta? cant find it on the site
Its not like the other factions are portrayed more diversely or better
I found their treatment in DoW2 to be better than in DoW1. Marks, more daemons, huge emphasis on cultists, etc.
Thing is, they can't make 10 different Chaos armies, just like they can't make 10 different Space Marines armies.

You can't.
First because it's too late, and secondly because there was never a sign up form - they sent mail to the people who subscribed to the newsletter
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BetaBros how does this game run? I'm on a toaster (i5, GTX 670)




Cosmetic shop confirmed. It'll be the same as the CoH 2 shop, fuck that
Can someone give me the rundown of this guy?
Can someon explain me how DoW II works with the fucking expansions? Are they standalone content? If I have all the expansions can I play them in a single game or do I always have to switch? I just don't get it

Right, cause Relic writers are complete shit.

But it's less noticeable because the Blood Ravens are their original creation so they can do whatever the fuck they want.


I liked how they operated as an army, but I thought they were complete ass as the villain in the campaign. The writers didn't know whether they wanted them to be Khornate or Tzeentchian, but then the final boss was a Great Unclean One anyways.

Shit was dumb.
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>Why is it not fun?
There is no tactic here. Just spam units and that's it. When you have more than 4 squads the game escalates into clusterfuck where you can't see shit. Also units are dying pretty fast so you can't respond that much and YOU CAN'T SEE SHIT.
>How can Orks not be fun?
They have scrap mechanic. Basically you need to pixelhunt trashcans every 10 sec to construct new units and upgrade old ones.
You have to switch.
Retribution is standalone
Chaos Rising is an expansion pack for the original DoW 2

All 3 have their own campaigns
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>OP reminds me that beta exists.
>Check my email and I was selected.
>How can Orks not be fun?

Have you ever played the tabletop, mate?

Orks are the opposite of a fun army. They just SEEM fun on paper.
neck yourself ya grot

orkies are the best
Chaos Rising needs vanilla DoW 2.
Retribution is its own thing.
Just get Retribution, if you want multi. 2 and chaos rising were originally GFWL so they don't interact with Retribution in any way.
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>that boring as fuck map

wow looking good Relic!

DoW 3's maps should be as good as CoH 2's
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They're fucking shit.

Worst shooting, worst melee, worst vehicles, worst books.

Orks have almost never been good in the TT, which is a damn shame.
New question;

Is Solaria cool?
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I have 1070 and i5 3470. This is maximum settings without any AA.
The big thing about video games Orks is that you can get to all the fun without the shit mechanics.

Well that and voice acting.

>They have scrap mechanic. Basically you need to pixelhunt trashcans every 10 sec to construct new units and upgrade old ones.
This does sound terrible.
Bogdanoff or Roboute Guilliman?

see >>369381179

you mean you're selected, you could have played since friday, and you didn't even DL the game? How many cocks do you suck on a daily basis?

You wot mate? Orks are one of the most fun faction to collect and convert, you can kitbash anything and play it on the table
Unless you consider you can't have fun if you lose, because Orks are indeed quite shit-tier in terms of balance (along with the Nids)
any way you can post pics of the army painter/elite screen please?
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Also the game eats around 6-7gb of ram.
>Right, cause Relic writers are complete shit.
They made OG Homeworld so they can be decent.
>the art direction is fine, memer
SO. MUCH. FUCKING. BLOOM. You can't fucking see anything.
Does it run decently on hdd or is ssd as necessary as in total war warhams? Also, how much does it occupy?
>Orks are one of the most fun faction to collect and convert

Yeah, some of the best conversions I've ever seen are with ork models and bits. But collecting and painting is only half of the hobby.

>Unless you consider you can't have fun if you lose

But that's being disingenuous - it's alright to lose if you have a fun game. But getting completely fucking steamrolled is NEVER fun, and that's what happens to orks.

If I table someone on turn 3, he's not gonna say "Oh well it's just a friendly game, I had fun!" He's gonna say "Man this army is kind of shit, isn't it?" It's unsatisfying to lose and knowing there really wasn't anything you can do about it.
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A lot of colors and models to preview, as usual you can rotate and zoom the camera.

You can filter the type of color, scroll to the right, click on the pallet below. No sign of being able to use custom insignias so far.

5 for each race so far.

To be frank, I didn't scroll over all of them to see the tooltip.
The first 3 are - kills, elite deaths or kills, losses and the last 3 are resources(duh).
The unit icons are the elites and on the right are the perks, apparently it shows only yours at the end of the game.
At the bottom under Team Totals, the 7 icons represent the 3 power generators, 3 turrets and 1 power core. Currently in the only game mode in the beta, you have to make your way through a power generator, turret and destroy the core.

In-game it says that skulls will be used to unlock Elites and Perks.
Why do Eldars and the Empire even fight? They both seem like the "good guys" that want to survive against hordes of chaos, orks, necrons, tyranids and shit
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I don't know. All my games are on ssd.
>Also, how much does it occupy?
would you want to be allies with a bunch of old cunts who think that you're literal garbage and would sacrifice a million humans to save one eldar?
which has nothing to do with art direction
I agree there seems to be too much flashy shits on the screenshots, but this didn't seem so bad to me on the 2 videos provided - except when they use apocalyptic abilities, but then it is supposed to look flashy

>and on the right are the perks
the what now? What are thoses perks you're talking about?
Thanks for the screens and the info btw
Short version is the Imperium has an anti xeno policy due to pretty much every alien species trying to kill them in some way.

Eldar on the other hand used to own the galaxy and see themselves above every other species so see humans as apes barely worth interacting with and when people are on their former planets they'll exterminate them without batting an eye.
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Because Glam metal is the scourge that infests and dims the greatness that is heavy metal.
Shit man, have you never played Brutal Legend?

This is elementary 80s stuff.
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Eldar want to survive at any cost, which means they'll sacrifice Imperial worlds with absolutely no qualms. They also attack the Imperium when they settle on worlds claimed by the Eldar (even if they're not actively living there).

The Imperium just fucking hates xenos.

If anybody should be allies, it should be Eldar and Necrons. I can think of zero legitimate reason for them to dislike each other as much as they do.
First autistic things first
no, it's the Imperium. it is indeed and empire, but there are many empires in the 40k-verse
Secondly, there are no good guys in 40k. The humans are xenophobic to the extreme, and its partially BECAUSE of shitters like the Eldar, who are on the brink of extinction and never hesitate to manipulate the other races to save one of theirs - even if it means the destruction of tens of human planets and all their population.
They sometimes ally though, but it never lasts
>If anybody should be allies, it should be Eldar and Necrons. I can think of zero legitimate reason for them to dislike each other as much as they do.

Well they are rivals, Eldar were made to fight crons.
These models look even worse than in DoW1
Hu, Eldar were basically created by the Old Ones to fight Necrons. They're the most ancient ennemies of the setting
Eldars were made to fight Necrons.

They are a psychic race, which goes against everything the Necrons want in the galaxy.

The Necrons are even more advanced than they are, and thusly even more smug.

And their logic both amount to get off my lawn. Except the Necrons are older, and their claim has more weight.
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>I can think of zero legitimate reason for them to dislike each other as much as they do

Skynet is bad, terminators need to be exterminated before they exterminate you.

That was their old reason and the rewritten space Tomb Kings never addressed the issue.
So for all intents and purposes, Eldar are fighting them because they're Skynet even if they aren't any more.
You heard me right, perks.

And some have a significant impact too, SM for example:
- Being able to reinforce near points with a listening post.
- Normal marines gaining charge when engaging in melee.
- Predators gaining shields.
And so on.

You get used to it in-game. Still everything is a clusterfuck lategame, even though they said they went for this art style to make everything clear to see.
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>Eldar were made to fight crons

Yeah but that was so long ago, wasn't it? Even by Eldar standards that has to be beyond ancient history. Or are you saying they don't have a choice, and they are genetically predisposed to hate Necrons? Cause that would be fucked up and also kind of cool.


>They are a psychic race, which goes against everything the Necrons want in the galaxy.

Right, but they've toned down the anti-psyker aspect of the Necrons by a lot in recent years (which I dislike).
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t. someone who hasn't actually played dow 1 in a while
desu though, they don't look much better compared to dow 2 models, but thats probably because a metric ton of people who play rts play on shit computers still, so they didn't want to go crazy with the graphics like they did with dow 2 and make it run like shit for years.
how expensive are they? do they last forever? pretty lame that they'd make you buy stuff outside of the game that directly affects it.
>even though they said they went for this art style to make everything clear to see

It may have went over the autistic heads of most people but they were clearly just making an excuse.
You can't say "I'm an art director and you're just a shitty band of autists who know shit about this so let me do my job."
No, these are legitimate autists you're dealing with.
Feelings do not exist for autists, only pure reason. So they made up a bogus rationale behind it: "It is made this way to support clarity."
And autists were silenced once again.
I see. And how do you chose those perks? Just like the elite units?

>that was so long ago, wasn't it?
Hu, for the Eldar maybe, yes, but the Necrons didn't forget about the Eldar. They may have been sleeping for millenias but to them, it's not that long ago.
>Right, but they've toned down the anti-psyker aspect of the Necrons by a lot in recent years (which I dislike)
They have a psychic resonance now?
Eldars are slow to change because of Slaanesh. New and exciting things are not their style.

And many dynasties bow to the C'tans. Making them the enemy of all living things. The Silent King may not want complete genocide of every race, but not all Necrons will follow him
>Nobody commenting on that utter orgasm of paint schemes

I mean Jesus.
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does this game run like absolute shit? i might buy it if i can run it at a decent frame rate on medium

im poor
>They may have been sleeping for millenias but to them, it's not that long ago

A good point. It just seems like many of the Necron characters (Trazyn, Szeras, Zahndrekh) don't have a hatred for Eldar in particular.

>They have a psychic resonance now

If you mean they have psykers, no.

But they no longer have Pariahs (although Szeras is working on that) and the "C'tan are the antithesis to the Chaos gods" is no longer a thing.

They still have the technology to banish daemons and dispel warp storms, but their work to cut the materium off from the immaterium is no longer one of their main goals.
all depends on if you can modify the schemes of elite units like angelos and shit. It'll be all for nothing if your army looks cool as fuck but you still have blood ravens angelos leading it.
>And many dynasties bow to the C'tans

No they don't. C'tan shards are considered the lowest of the low among the military forces of the dynasties.
Lowest of the low does not mean they don't still exist. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it is still very possible to fluff your army in the fashion of the Oldcrons.
Because Humans hate all xeno scum, and the Emperor explains really well why they should hate xeno scum.

Eldar consider Humans total niggers and the number one reason Chaos forces are so strong right now.

Not to mention that few Humans distinguish between Commorrites and Craftworlders, as they shouldn't since Commorrites and Craftworlders still get along "fairly" well.
>Lowest of the low does not mean they don't still exist

Right, but the dynasties certainly don't bow down to them.

>Correct me if I'm wrong, but it is still very possible to fluff your army in the fashion of the Oldcrons.

Kind of? There are no more fully powered C'tan (or if there are, they're in hiding or something, I'm not sure what the state of the Void Dragon is). Even a transcendent C'tan shard is barely a shadow of a fragment of its full power.

So you could fluff your army out to be in the service of a C'tan shard, but if they were, wouldn't it just command them to release it so that it is no longer imprisoned?
Perks aren't sold, nor unlockable yet.

They took the CoH perks and decided that they should do more than give 3% bonus range or damage.

Did they ever explain how Angelos can jump 3 times in a roll (yes, he holds 3 charges) with a terminator armor, doing loop the loops?

Yeah, same as elite units.

Lots of colors and most, if not all have metalic, brushed, etc. versions.
The locked chapters on the right are listed as "historic" to prevent deletion.

I'm with a 970, only turned off unit occlusion and physics, everything else is maxed.
"Still in beta meme and no official drivers." Wait for demo or pirate to test things out.
here, make your own opinion based on different facts

>It just seems like many of the Necron characters (Trazyn, Szeras, Zahndrekh) don't have a hatred for Eldar in particular.
They don't have a hatred for anyone in particular, but they don't particulary care either. Not that they don't feel anything - it's more than every other race feel like insects to them.
>their work to cut the materium off from the immaterium is no longer one of their main goals
Now I get what you meant

Well, they're shards. Which means they've been broken into pieces.
I think some C'tan may have survived and taken control of some Necrons, but it is clearly not the majority of them
hopefully there isnt bullshit locked behind a paywall
any chance of seeing the elite screen though?
>they are genetically predisposed to hate Necrons? Cause that would be fucked up and also kind of cool.

I think they kind of are, and correct me if I'm wrong, but even Dark Eldar who have nothing to gain from fighting Necrons still do it anyway. It's either just normal hate as Dark Eldar are prideful as fuck and might've not liked losing the first time around or genetic hate.
Looks like shit, I don't want to remember DoW this way.
Well as a shard, they may not have the power to come out of the maze fully.

And anyway, so long as mindless Necrons exist and others are higher on the totem pole, I see no fluff contradiction for a Phareon to still worship the C'tan. Transhumanism is a thing, after all.

And back to ther original point, the Eldars have told horror stories of the Necrons for 60 millions years. They are not likely to change their minds so fast, not when their death is imminent. Better be rid of the enemy than ally with the stuff of nightmares.

As for the Necrons, they went to sleep seeing the Eldars as servants of the Old ones. A roadblock on their way to reclaim the galaxy.

So, no real reason for them to ally, fluffwise.
can you change anything behind colors in the army painter? The helmets on those Devastators for instance, are they always the same? I want those on ALL my Templars
>Did they ever explain how Angelos can jump 3 times in a roll (yes, he holds 3 charges) with a terminator armor, doing loop the loops?

>Explaining anything.

Dude, you're really kocked in the head if you think anything in the universe has anything close to a rational exlanation that doesn't end up being "Becasue it's cool" or "Because the thing they ripped off/parodied does it".
They've just released a tidbit about Guillman mopping the floor with Chaos One Punch Man style.
Quoting things like solid titanium pillars that the Chaos Marines were punched through with such a force they only flew threw with a silhouette hole remaining in said pillar.

Jumping terminators happened in the lore and they're about as retarded as the rest of the setting, case closed.
there was a plan for something like warhammer moba but i they quit dunno what hapen there
Pretty sure it came out and died because noone played it and it was shit.
Dark Nexus. It was actually playable for a few months, in early access on Steam
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>I think they kind of are

Fuck that would suck so bad.

>your race is on the verge of extinction
>you have to pick and choose your battles carefully or else you'll end up killing off your race
>suddenly your ancient nemesis appears
>you'd rather just fuck off in your giant spaceship and let them fight the humans but something inside you tells you to pick up your shuriken catapult and go to war, no matter how much of a bad idea it is

Such is the life of a space elf.
what about the white rectangle there? What did you censor?
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>So, no real reason for them to ally, fluffwise.

Right, I get it now.

So let's hold out for a Necron and Tau alliance of convenience.

>mfw drones with tesla cannons
Fuck, DoW 1 looks better than this.
wtf dude why you play orks for dakka the captin can have like 5000 hp and summon orcs there is no point playing for dakka
>Got my invite.
>Shit at RTS games.
>Multiplayer only, no AI.
>No servers open.

I should have just posted my key here.
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Check image, elites + doctrines (perks)

Only colors, they might sell whole custom armies like they did with DoW2 or stick to elites skins.
>Deathwing was a disappointment
>DoW3 looks like shit
Hu, this could probably work well until the Tau go all "hey, why don't you just join our Empire? It's great, you'll just have to obey our etherals" and get rekt

No it doesn't, remove the pink-tainted glasses and see >>369387498

wow, thanks for the images mate
>Deathwing was a disappointment
why ? i like the gameplay
>this could probably work well until the Tau

No, until Trazyn goes full weeb and gets the idea for a really neat 1:1 Gunpla (or Taupla?) collection.
wait, do you seriously have to unlock UNITS?

is this a joke? is this some C&C4 shit?
>wait, do you seriously have to unlock UNITS?

Special units.
damn, thanks. shame you have to level elites to get different doctrines, but its not too bad.
that's still fucking awful. what a load of shit

i can't wait to unlock all the most OP shit and then stomp people, though
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>unlocked elites

....come again?
you really think they wouldn't sell elites when they did the exact same thing in company of heroes 2? at least here you can get them for ingame currency right from the getgo.
how the fuck are you going to balance a game where not everybody even has the same units available to them???

fucking retarded as hell
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pic related

Wait, you actually have to level elite units individually?
That's pretty shit if it's true actually

by making said units sidegrades I suppose
what are the other things you unlock when leveling up the elite units?
I was really hoping that elite units cost resources in multiplayer and are only cooldown based in campaign. Jesus fucking christ i hate this so much.
Dark Nexus wasn't a moba, it was a top-down shooter.
Every single reveal about DoW3 erodes my interest in it.
>Cost Resources

They do. Elites have a specific resource that you need in order to call them down, on top of a death cooldown.
Why though? The most OP units cost the most elite points, so there is a sense of balance, and from the 2 vids it seems like you can't have all your elite units from the get-go, can't replace them instantly and can only call them in near your buildings, so I fail to see a problem here
Extra skulls, paints, doctrines, master skin, might be missing something.

They cost purple resource initially. After dying, you can spawn them on a long cooldown.
Do you actually spend those points? Or is is it like command points in CoH. You got 4 points. now here, have a gorgutz and you keep those 4 points? If you actually spend them then im allright with it.
Next problem i have is: If it has no classic anihilation and critical location/victory point gamemodes to play im not gonna buy this.
So after they die they cost no more points? That is shite.
Spend them. Think it works like >>369394812 said, they cost an initial count and after they die you have to wait a long time but then they're free afterwards. May not be the case though, the Ork video has some proof though. Each one likely has a different countdown.
>tfw skins will probably only be for elite units and nothing else, a step down from dow 2
im expecting it, and its lame. Also, no elite points every time they summon just means everyone will put out their elites asap just so they won't have to pay more points for them, thats shit.
you don't. you get people to pay money for them. like in coh 2.
If they work the way I think they do (That is, it takes a long time to get a single point and may take away from other resource generation) then rushing Elite resources may put you at a disadvantage, especially with how easy Elites can go down.
Dont think it takes away, just slow as fuck. Thees usually a point that has a puple node to boost income, but its in the center, where the big fights happen.
Ah, I figured it might work along the lines of

>Select resource to boost production of
>Can boost any resource, but locks out boosts for other resources
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>the bait always gets posted
>suckers always bite it
He's right you know.

Maybe a bit too polarized but still. Dow2 was nothing of that which made dow1 great.
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i used to do the same shit. Frankenstein the fuck out of my models.

Had a Necron army that was basically tomb king style, incorporating their shit, and the lord was riding a carnosaur from the lizard men army.

I had an Imperial guard legion that was Nazi inspired too...
so it looks to me that dow 3 is in general
>boring artstyle
>elites are so-so
>well balanced, but most units are boring because of it
>boring as fuck maps
>no last stand
>no coop campaign
>will get shit on at release regardless of how good it is because of salty dow 2 fanboys
I can just hope that relic doesn't abandon it and actually fucking supports it with content updates, new maps (community made would be nice), mod/mapping tools, free dlc (giving races for free would be nice), last stand, and other shit.
>Did they ever explain how Angelos can jump 3 times in a roll (yes, he holds 3 charges) with a terminator armor, doing loop the loops?
Someone said that Relic stole Goto's idea that Godsplitter was made from the rests of an Avatar of Khaine.
As far /tg/ is concerned, the Blood Ravens stole Harlequin stuff and put it in Angelos' Termie.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to early to talk about game balance
this bait is to weak please at least try a little
nothing nearly as overpowering as previous games balance, though.
>no last stand
Atleast that's 1 good thing about DoW3
And DoW1 has nothing that made DoW2 great
Put some effort into your bait
Oh the bait image again
And it surprises you that some people don't like that?
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>dow 2
>muh maximum 6 squad high APM micro skills

fuck off
They said there will be a co-op mode in a expansion.

Great shame maybe
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DOW 2 got the graphics right and everything else, wrong.

Promises of future content mean nothing.
Oh the samefag again
The irony is DoW1 requires much more micro than DoW2
Not quite, losing a single squad doesn't have the same devastating effect it has in DOW 2.
well thats always good, but I really hope expansions are add-ons like dow 2>cr, not standalone games that invalidate previous progress.I also hope that they actually bring out races this time, more than fucking 2 like they did with dow 2, I want a full fucking roster this time, or at least close to it. I'd love to see IG, tau, chaos, nids, and sisters of battle.
Um, yes it does.
the only people who really hate dow2 are compstomping / 30 minute no rush shitters

it's a good game
pls play tower defense instead of pretending to play RTS
Both games are good on their own ways, but what you expected from the 40K fanbase, in /v/ no less?
I never said DoW 1 was bad.

But DoW 2 is definitely good, and the people who always rail about how bad it is absolutely fall into the two categories I described.
The irony here is staggering
I just dislike RTT games personally. Don't like coh either. I grew up with traditional rts games, so I love big armies, and most of all macromanagement (which you get none of in dow 2 at all), which is why aoe 2 is probably my most favorite rts of all. dow 2 does have its merits, though.

No DoW2 is just a shit game that has been dumbed down for casuals.

Any time you want to 1v1 on DoW1 let me know
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DoW2 is an RTS, its just a dumbed down RTS for a "wider audience"
its not an rts, its an rtt. they're close, but rts is about strategy (which is long term, more based around macromanagement) while tactics refers to all the cover based fighting and movement, which is the entirety of dow 2.
Its literally an RTS, im holding the games box in my hand it is LITERALLY and RTS
okay. thats nice for you.
dow 2 isn't a full on RTT, because it has resources involved, and you create units, but it has the rest of that shit. It's also called an RTT in some reviews and spotlights of it. https://chillopedia.com/gaming/15-best-real-time-tactics-games-of-all-time/2/
>Those thin arms, legs and body overall
Jesus fucking Christ Relic what are you doing?!
Maybe the publicity guys did not had any idea of which was which, so they put RTS for recognition, when RTT was a better description.
>I'z seen panzees moar bulky than dose humies!
To be fair, that's a cinematic trailer outsourced to an animation company. Every faction in that trailer looks weird. It's way stylized.
But DoW2 has an economy not limited to just "deploy points" like other RTT and still has teching and production time.
Its borderline but it's still a RTS.
Not dumbed down, like memers trying to push it.
its also going to be the source of cinematics and cutscenes for the whole campaign, so theres gonna be a lot of those skinny, alien marines.
Is it though? Sounds like something you pulled out of your ass.
DoW2 is an RTS, no amount of samefagging is going to change that

>Were you really holding out all this time for them to reveal an entire additional faction? Based on what?

Relic hid the Tyranids until close to release in DoW2.
DoW2 most certainly is dumbed down, they even tried to sell the game that way.

Sorry my bad "wider appeal for a broader audience"
>Relic hid the Tyranids until close to release in DoW2.
This is completely false
just watch the fucking trailers about the campaign
you can see the same style in there, formatted to be parts of the campaign cutscenes, like how dow 2 had some artwork in theirs, as well as some cinematics.
nah, the bonus part of the trailer with nids came out a few months after the main trailer did, not a year after.
You are too dumbed down to get it

Play Sim Ants to jack off to "massive number of troops"
>you can see the same style in there
Not in the slightest. Go watch the reveal trailer again. It looks like nothing like the in game cinematics.

You're just making shit up now.
>Gets BTFO
>Starts shitposting
Classic DoW2 casual shitter.

Still waiting for that 1v1 game.
Only person that got BTFO was your mom after I dumbed her down with massive load of features into her skill celling
I liked both DoW 1 and 2, but 3 looks like shit.
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are you trying to bait me? this is from the cinematic campaign trailer I posted above, >>369358231
is from the reveal trailer. same company, same dudes making it, same style.
This is your typical DoW2 baby, ladies and gentlemen
I think there are interesting ideas but the execution is lacking, and it will be a failure. Thus dies the DoW IP.

>I liked both DoW 1 and 2
DoW2 was utter shit, i dont trust relic after that abomination.
Nah, it was pretty good. It just wasn't DoW 1. Multiplayer was kinda shit, though, I think.
how long do you think the torrent of it will come out?
wrong thread my b
Multiplayer was the best part If you played 1vs1 only

I also loved 1 and 2, but i don't know about 3, nothing i've seen about the game has made me feel anything other than disappointment. I don't know how to put it into words but it just looks unappealing to me.
>tfw game will get negative spammed by down 2 fanboys
>tfw game will get crushed with bad press and they probably wont support it
>tfw dow 3 will die a lonely death as the rts genre further collapses into nothingness and dow 2 lovers will never get a dow 4 that plays like dow 2 because of them only caring about the short term bitching
>>tfw game will get negative spammed by down 2 fanboys
Space Marines have no business fielding massive armies and building bases. With that said, I still hold a little hope, even when some mechanics are unappealing to me. And I liked both DoW 1 and 2
>>tfw game will get crushed with bad press and they probably wont support it
It will probably get a 7/10 its okay, that's not bad press,just in line with what it should be for once.
>>tfw dow 3 will die a lonely death as the rts genre further collapses into nothingness and dow 2 lovers will never get a dow 4 that plays like dow 2 because of them only caring about the short term bitching
I wanted a blend of both games and will get neither because of faggots complaining endlessly about "muh RTS" and "muh basebuilding" when it is barely justified for some factions and not at all for others
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Every time a DOW3 thread comes I'm more and more disappointed.

That first trailer is the highpoint of this game, looks like. They literally took everything that made 1 and 2 fun out..
Nothing made 2 fun, it was a horrible game.
At least it had sync kills.
Singleplayer was fun and it had great voice acting.
Who cares
if only a couple of things made the game fun for you, and taking them out made it completely unfun, your opinion barely matters
>voice acting
Notice the casual in its natural habitat, quite oblivious to the world around him.
>unironically playing lelic MP
My sides.
>They are litteraly trying to pull CoH2 shop once again

Ooooh boooy this is gonna flop
>Voice acting sucks
>Graphics look like shit
>Gameplay isn't fun, no satisfaction when you do something.
I'll just stick to 1 and 2
not really, because it actually lets you buy stuff with ingame currency now. the big issue with coh 2 is that for like the first year, you couldn't buy any doctrines or whatever with ingame currency, only money. after they changed that, it was all good.
It's still an artificial progression. Fuck that.
>it actually lets you buy stuff with ingame currency now
i just want to play and have fun, not unlock things
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>retards who know nothing about 40K are making the game
>know nothing about 40K

do you have brain damage mate?
is this actually real?

looks cool
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Post hours lads
but you can play and have fun, you just wont be able to access everything right off the bat, and relic will be able to easily support multiple expansions with the money that whales give off.
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Still need to snap them off the bases so I can base them properly,
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>you just wont be able to access everything right off the bat
Oh boy, well worth the 60 euros then!
>relic will be able to easily support multiple expansions
this is like some next level kickstarter, what's next? hidden content?
more like its been proven that game companies can't properly make expansions and shit like free dlc with just the base cost of the game. Not saying I care for nickle diming shit, especially not in singleplayer games, but I'd much rather have to grind for a few games (that I'd play regardless) for some elites, rather than pay up 30-40$ for an expansion addon for a race. Not saying that there will be free dlc or not (there might be and relic will just be money grubbing cunts) but it def works in the case of games like r6 siege and halo 5.
How did CPDR do that? Slav magicks?

Because other races need their turn in the spotlight, and since Eldar, Space Marines and Orks are the poster boys, that means the 4th race has to rotate.

In this case it's pretty obvious that the first DLC or expansion is going to be Necrons.
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Anons in the Beta, question;

Is Macha cute?

>They made OG Homeworld so they can be decent.

>implying anyone from back then is left
macha is cute but not that useful it looks like, her standard attack hits with the strength of moldy bread
Maybe someone is still there.
>maybe someone is still there
>maybe dow3 will be good

>Right, but they've toned down the anti-psyker aspect of the Necrons by a lot in recent years (which I dislike).

It's still there though, Trazyn almost closed the eye of terror in that last big 40k story that happened recently.
No, I expect nothing from modern relic too. They were great once though.
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Damn it.
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Holy shit someone saved my shitty drawing from years ago
that's literally bioware design tier
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at least the faces don't look terrible.
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Oh god, the models legit look worse than DoW 1 what the fuck is this.
are you literally blind, dude?
>DoW2, DLC
>DoW3, probably DLC
Literally almost everything involved with Warhammer business practices is pure kikery, why did I have to try to get into this series.

Are you? They technically are higher resolution, they have more polygons and better textures, but they look like garbage. Especially the helmets.

The one part that i really like about those devastators is their arms.
fucking (you) DOW1 was the very definition of a blobfest

and its pathfinding was mcfuckled in every way so nice try asshole
get the fuck out and stay the fuck out
So you don't like the helmet design. Does not make them worse than the DoW models.
>war bearers

what is that, word bearers lite?
What are those lock icons around some of the colors?
>literally just mad because tau didn't get into DOW3 or DOW2

communist faggot
so they're better in every way except you don't like the helmet design, alright.
locked, because you have to unlock them ingame, like what they did with doom 4 shit.
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Now hold it there, i do like the helmet design. It's the typical "totally not a knight" design that the black templars use, which is not as cool as some of their other helmets but still.

My problem in this specific case is that the textures, especially around the eyes and on their backpack look blurry and the detail on their guns looks extremely simplistic, same with all the textures actually, they are just flat colors with barely any detail in them, the reason i pointed out that i liked their arms is that by comparison their arms have a lot of detail, specifically talking about their forearms here.

Obviously most of these complaints, maybe all of them, do not apply to the elites like Solaria and Gabe who are filled with detail, but these space marines in specific look like garbage.

Compared to the DoW 1 marine, yes, by comparison the model is low poly and the textures are garbage, but there are scratches, dirt and lots of detail. Those DOW 3 devastators, their helmet in particular looks really fucked up, it looks all bloby. I'm not sure how to explain it, but it just looks wrong.

Couldn't find a better picture and i'm too lazy to boot up Dark Crusade to take a picture, but by comparison look how sharp the detail on the grey knights were in DoW 1.
Is this a MOBA?

I believe the screenshots were taken without AA, which might explain some of the blurriness.

Other than that, blame the artstyle. The models are technically better, but the artistic choices are not the best.

I think they look fairly close to tabletop models, which is not necessarily a good thing. Uncanny valley might be at play.
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>I think they look fairly close to tabletop models

I hate this shit, they should look like the artwork not the TT models.
says who
>Space Marines have no business fielding massive armies
tell that to GW, because you can field hundreds and hundreds of armies on the tabletop. Hell, in their ideal world
>building bases
agreed on that part, but they basically just construct landing pads AND they actually got an entire mechanic to call out multiple units by drop-pods like they should
>I wanted a blend of both games and will get neither
no faggot, you got one, it's not just the particular mix you wanted. I for one am pretty pleased by the ratio of DoW1 elements/DoW2 elements/new shit - but I'm apparently one of the few, because you all memers would rather play an idealized version of the game you already had in mind (ranging from "copy of DoW1" to "copy of DoW2" with little pmace for innovation mind you) rather than the actual game

>They literally took everything that made 1 and 2 fun out
If you were a "fan" of the DoW series only because of a few selected gimmicks that didn't made it out, then you're a shitter. Just like with the DoW1>>Dow2 transition, you gain features and you lose some, because the new features don't blend well with the old ones. And Relic IS one of the most innovative dev in the strategy genre, the relative stagnation there has been since CoH is the exception, not the rule.
Just cracked DoW II and holy shit. I can't play almost anything because of that, you need to be logged in for every single shit.
Also I wanted to play as Chaos but I noticed that it's Marines only limited. Fucking trash, I would have dropped some buck for it but at this point it's not even worth
I'll take this occasion to shit in the mouth of the people discussing semantics in these threads, again and again. WHO THE FUCK CARES if DoW2 is an RTS or an RTT, so long as you have fun? That's the only thing that matters in vidya for God's sake, if you can't see the appeal of a game because it doesn't fit in a case then you probably have mental health issues
>but DoW1/2 wasn't fun
no you shithead, it wasn't your kind of fun. Maybe you prefer macro and/or huge battles (in which case DoW1 is more your style), maybe you prefer tactics and micro supported by mechanics of the game (namely directional cover and retreat mostly), maybe even at a smaller scale, or you like RPG elements in your strategy (in which case DoW2 is more your speed). And you know what? There even exist some people who like BOTH games. Crazy, hu?

Maybe this game will fail to deliver, but that will NOT be because they didn't make it sufficiently close to your favorite game: it will be because they took risks (like every dev should instead of using the same formula over again and again), and you didn't like it. That, plus the fact that the strategy genre is on a bad state, like the vidya industry in general, and probably also because of marketing/monetization decisions from Sega (probable in-game shop and mass of DLCs I'm looking at you)

I'll see you all on the servers when the game is released fags

I do, because they look far better in artwork than in models.

>I can't play almost anything because of that, you need to be logged in for every single shit.

What does that even mean? If you pirated DoW 2 you have what you would normally have on any RTS game that you pirated, the campaign and skirmish against the AI.
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