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19 days
I just have this weird feeling like it's going to be incredible average.
Do we know what the amiibos do?
woah skeleton so spooky can't even hit you if you stand still

I can't be excited for that shit.
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RIP comfy thread

Actual spoiler of a spooky boss. It doesn't really show an obvious weak point here, maybe you have to parry back it's arm cannon blasts.
>that filter
>that fov
Anyone know if DLC is comming or not?
I wouldn't assume it, Just curious.
I don't like that it's got the same kind of design of the guardians you see in gameplay. Like Zelda for its variation in bosses.
spawn in items
there is gif of chest fallin from sky with fish surround after amiibo touch
I don´t think theres going to be a DLC for something other than aesthetic things.
Yeah it looks like a guardian boss, has the Sheikah eye right on it. I'd expect a few of those but we've seen monster bosses too like that giant sand fish.
BotW feels like a subversion of what we know a Zelda game to be. Like it's a deconstruction of the series from the gameplay, to the music, to the setting.


It's the most self aware Nintendo has been with a game
Haven't kept up with anything since the Switch presentation. Have we learned anything new lore wise?
Are there more videos of people encountering Guardians? I don't know why but it's something about them fucking your shit up that makes it so interesting to watch, coupled with that intense music and how the player chooses to react.
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Fuck that's neat.

>muh silent overworld
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>open world
>simplified combat
>empty world
>one color graphics

This is either going to be one of the most disappointing games of my life, or one of the best. I hate getting cautiously optimistic about video games in 2017, especially Zelda considering how awful SS was and how mediocre TP was.
If lightning that close isn't deafeningly loud I'm fucking refunding it.

No but in all seriousness my hype knows no bounds
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So I watched the Super Bowl with my friends, a pretty large group of people since I have a lot of friends, ranging from half-normie to normie. And I just wanna say that the Nintendo™ Switch commercial got just about every single person excited. People saw the part where it docks and they were like, "whoa, that's BADASS!!" and "It's be so cool to play Zelda™ on the go!"

So at least for my sampling of normies, they were pretty excited. That was probably the first time they saw the Switch in action. Nintendo's marketing team is SO on the point.
Check out some of the related videos in >>367168343

There's a guardian encounter at the end of this one but the playstyle of the person playing is disappointing.

I love the horse animations.
the graphics are bad and the gameplay looks like a worse clone of Oblivion tb h. If I wanted to play Elder Scrolls, I would play Daggerfall or Morrowind. Any game from that series would probably be better than this, really. (though, that is not saying much, really).
nice original comment
Thanks, anon. Yeah, the horse animations are cool.
It's neat because it feels like there's so many things familiar in BOTW, but the game mechanics have never been as developed as they are here. It felt like they got so wrapped up in trying to create new gimmicks that they forgot the essence of the series.
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I don't want to believe.
Who else here will climb the towers first? Clearing up the map first really improves the gameplay later on. It's my go-to mexhanic in open world games like Far Cry as well.
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Finally I have a reason to boot up my Wii U.

Not even joking.
>the game mechanics have never been as developed as they are here.
>new gimmicks
Literally nothing new, it's all rehashes that run at 23fps in 720p with crap AI.
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>Open world
That's what Zelda has always been, don't like it never was.
I know what you mean by eating food but all that does is give bonuses, it's not really for "survival"
again it looks like it's just the cooking but I could be wrong
Zelda has always had that
Zelda has always had that and that's not even a flaw what the fuck
>Simplified combat
Looks to be the most complex in the series so far
>Empty world
It's not
>One colour graphics
It's not

Stop making always the same post
why should he as long as it gets replies
So, does the switch version really have better frame rate?
I'm not planning on getting a Switch any soon. And I bought the Wii U just for Zelda.
>it was always shit
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>tfw missed preorder
well it wasn't shit before and if you're implying those things that have always (for the most part) been in zelda will make it shit now then I don't know what to say to you.
You ain't getting your tortanic today, autist.
You'll give OoT a pass for that though.
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>tfw you didn't pre-order a Switch U
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>got my pre-order in for the Wii U version
Feels good

Some analysis on the theoretical background of the music.
Switch U? What's that?
>19 days
Cemu better be burning the midnight oil.
Do we have any idea how big the map is?
The music of BOTW is definitely impressionistic. Sounds like Debussy.
Great Plateau is 1% of the map or something.
Anyone who even studied musical theory should know that
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>19 days until release
>only a few weeks until some dumbfuck starts leaking the game early and you have to shut your computer off until March 3rd
when do rewievs come out?
Hey aren't you a bit too young to be here?
this. how do i avoid it? i can stop browsing /v/ for a bit, but because of miitomo i follow some /v/irgins on twitter and i'm afraid i'll get something spoiled.
It's the follow up to the switch
that's the video i post yesterday anon
Jokes on you my computer keeps BSODing every 5 minutes so I won't have the opportunity to be spoiled by the leaks.

what do you think the problem is? recent build?
I promised myself I wouldn't look at the gameinformer stuff at all but I didn't last a day. How the fuck am I going to stop myself in that last week?
Those are the Zelda anniversary amiibo, not the BotW amiibo. We still don't know what they do.
>Being this butthurt
Yeah fuck the right off faggot. This place will be so much better with you obnoxious faggots gone.
Day of release.
>a few weeks
Try a few days anon. 19 days is only two and a half weeks.

Leaks are in bound, better be safe and go off the grid now.
Game Informer said that they shot arrows at it until it fell out of the sky, then they rushed in and slashed at it. However, they didn't know that's what the boss would be so they ran out of arrows, and unlike other Zelda games there was nowhere to pick up new ones. They ended up having to improvise by throwing weapons and timing their bonus correctly.
because it s gonna be shit
Do you have a link for that? I'd like to read it

Just Google Game Informer Zelda. I'm sure you'll find it.
how many days left till the shills go away?
I have no idea. I've gotten all manner of errors on the blue screen, first it was related to atikmdag.sys. There was some expand fix that was supposed to work but it kept happening. After that it was all memory-related, but I tried prime95 to stress my memory and that never seems to trigger the BSODs.

Sometimes it takes 3-4 tries just to boot into Windows (8.1 Pro), because I keep getting shit like CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED, WINLOGIN_FATAL_ERROR, memory_corruption, and more.

I updated every driver to latest using Device Manager and I don't think I have any extra additional drivers for anything installed.

It's not a recent build, I've had this same setup for maybe 3 years now, Z87X D3H mobo, 4770k, 7990, everything is stock no overclock. I tried reinstalling Windows and still get BSODs on both Win 7 and Win 8.

I think my computer is just cursed.
Sounds fun, resorting to just throwing your sword at it and it actually works. Do we know if it's even possible to parry reflect all beam attacks? I've only seen video of it done on the small knee high guardians. It seems like it would be a good strategy for early fights against the big octorok overworld guardians since people can't seem to do much damage to them.
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>I can't belive that people are posting about a video game they're excited for! On a video game imageboard forum, no less!
>source: my ass

>muh-muh shill!
>how dare people talk about a videogame?
>thinking LoZ needs shills

You're thinking of unproven, no name AAA titles like Horizon.
its coming to pc too, right? I mean they never ever said it wastn coming out on other platforms. That means its coming to PC
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>tfw I still turn off my speakers whenever I see this fucking thing
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I've never seen this thing do anything so I don't get how bad it is. Got any video or something to see what it is like?

No /v/ or any other boards, no forums, no social media. My blackout is planned for Feb 22nd because a Wii U copy of the game will leak that week.
Just watch a screamer video, then imagine what it would be if, instead of it being a predictable video, the screamer happened at completely random intervals, and forced your volume to max.
Poster of the image here. I've never seen it do that.
Well what kind of image and sound was it? I hate screamers but the best way to desensitize yourself is to research and get used to them.

But if there is no evidence of the donut screamer I feel like it's just that - a meme. Not real.

You'd think such a clever screamer hidden in an image would have some record of it working. But no. Nothing. Just a few anons swearing it "used to work with old loopholes".
I think the real discussion point of this image is who would eat a watermelon donut?
You nailed it. It's just a meme.
Great Plateau is "1% of the world's size"
Here's a rough estimate of how big the whole map is
They're mostly replying to the image pretending it's real so other anons who don't know any better will get worked up and tense, thinking the screamer will happen at any moment.

I used to fall for it, and would run a scan on my computer every time I saw the image.
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Seems to be the source of a lot of greentext shitposts, but their overall impression is positive. Of course whether that means anything coming from professional game reviewers is debatable.
Apparently this guy shoots spikes at you from that gun. I wonder if you can use Stasis on the Spikes and then apply kinetic force to them with your arrows. I want to impale this guy with his own attack.
>pre-ordered both
>can't find a way to pre-order the switch

>instead of making an argument I'm just gonna use meme arrows and say he's butthurt
LMAOing @ ur life
I don't know if it looks fast enough to be usable on enemy projectiles. Stasis is gonna be a lot of fun to experiment with.
>for a fucking zelda game
You'll have to use the latest gadget you found to solve a puzzle, every boss will have one specific way to beat it, most likely with the latest gadget you found, rupees will be useless, you beat ganon, zelda is happy.

The End

you know im right
>beat it with the latest gadget you found
>in an open world game
You're not, because this is the Zelda game that's defying every convention.
Dungeons aren't based around items, bosses aren't based around items, rupees can't be found in grass so they have much more value, Zelda is crying.
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This game will be ruined the same way every other post-MM zelda game has been ruined: SHIT COMBAT

here guys I'm going to spoil the game for you:
>there won't be a single enemy that has the same basic abilities to strafe around link, block his attacks with a shield and dodge or roll
>every enemy will be le cartoony bokoblins who spend 2 seconds telegraphing swipes into the air while moving at 1/4 of your speed and just serving as almost entirely harmless damage sponges
does anyone even know what the BotW amiibo even do yet
Yep, just like almost every other zelda.

And you fucks keep begging for more L M A O
>You'll have to use the latest gadget you found to solve a puzzle

Not this time

>every boss will have one specific way to beat it

Already debunked

>rupees will be useless
Not any more, Rupees will be used to purchase better weapons then you can just find in the beginning of the game, as well as other things like meat that you can use to cook and make things with.
>there won't be a single enemy that has the same basic abilities to strafe around link, block his attacks with a shield and dodge or roll
We've already seen enemies much more capable than Bokoblins.
>every enemy will be le cartoony bokoblins who spend 2 seconds telegraphing swipes into the air while moving at 1/4 of your speed and just serving as almost entirely harmless damage sponges
Your braindead shitposting aside, I will actually be impressed if they manage this formula in a game where you can tackle shit in any order.
Nope, we only know what the 30th aniversary ones do. I am really curious about what The Guardiand and The Bokoblin ones do, I am thinking of preordering the first even if it´s more expensive than most amiibos.
Twilight Princess amiibo spawns wolf Link.

Classic Zelda amiibos just spawn random meats and shit.

But no, we don't know what the BotW amiibos do.
>I've seen 0.5 seconds of an enemy swinging a sword therefore I can pretend it will be challenging

and don't say "lizalfos" or "moblins" because they were slow as fuck too, literally the only difference between them and the shitty WW style combat was that they did more hearts in damage (when link was unarmored- it will probably be heavily reduced in real gameplay)
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>I've seen 0.5 seconds of fighting a regular bokoblin therefore I can pretend it won't be challenging
A Lizalfos did 7 hearts to an armored Link not counting the damage he took from rolling.
is it confirmed master sword can break? thats super shitty if so
I want to use that sword, so badly. I can't wait for this game man.

Probably the same as the regular Zelda amibos.

>when link was unarmored
You need to go back and look at the treehouse gameplay again, because that was 7 hearts through FIVE armor.
"It's a secret"
Maybe it breaks in a sense that you still have the sword, but it does zero damage and you have to go repair it, dunno how.
unarmored link lol

enemies who take 2 full seconds to telegraph a single easily dodgeable attack and the only reason people die is because they're intentionally playing brainlessly just to show off the damage
nobody would ever get hit by that after playing the game for 20 minutes

wheres the enemies who move as fast as link? attack as fast as link, block just like link and can jump slash like link?
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That picture
Cherry picking, depending on the player being recorded the same fight in OoT could look a lot worse and in SS a lot better. Stalfos have definitely been downgraded but if the bottom had been against Darknuts in TP or WW the fights would be more comparable.
I'm betting that it will shatter and then reform sometime later. This will keep your other weapons relevant, as you won't want to constantly wait for your sword to come back, but it also means that after a certain point in the game, you don't have to worry about not having a weapon on hand and resorting to using your runes as your weapons.
>7 hearts through armor
>quotes me
>unarmored Link lol

Stopped reading right there.
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look at the movement speed and how they move in the two clips
>same speed as link, strafes around him and changes directions nonstop
>moves at the geriatric pace of a 92 year old widower and only moves in a straight line towards link
>also takes 5 seconds to perform 1 attack
Even that cold protection gear offered 2 points of armor

>wheres the enemies who move as fast as link?
Guardians move faster then Link.

>attack as fast
We haven't seen standard slashes yet, though the Shiekha Warrior seemed to attack rather fast on that overhead slash

>block like Link
Bokoblins have already been shown blocking, if other enemies have a shield, they will be able to block too

>jump slash
Why doesn't the Lizalfos count in this? They were shown twice doing this, once from camouflage.

Lizalfos shown were more agile and lethal than link.
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BotW 7 hearts damage.gif
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Bring those goalposts back here mister.
>every enemy will be entirely harmless damage sponges
>a-actually, he's not armored, so it'll be fine once you know how to play!
Here's your armor, PLUS buffs, plus agile enemy.
Nigga lizalfos have next to no windup. They fling themselves in the air and whip their tails rapidly, the only thing they telegraph is their longrange spitting attack.
There's four giant Guardians that are basically dungeons because you need to go inside them to uncorrupt them and each have a boss fight at the end. The boss of the bird dungeon is called Wind Blight Ganon and has an arm canon. It's theorized that throughout each dungeon, you'll be helped/guided by one of the four characters we've seen with blue scarves in the Switch trailer (the Gerudo, Zora, Rito and Goron) who may or may not be this game's sages and subsequently take control of the four great Guardians after you purge their corruption.
thats shit armor for that stage of the game
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why would anyone be hyped about skyrim with a zelda skin?
>further shifting

Also proof for the weak armor? Oh right, you don't have any
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When I said the player could have made it look better I meant if the SS player wasn't moving as if the Stalfos were as dangerous as in OoT it wouldn't look so awful, but I'm not defending SS here, it felt like they felt the need to rush out a wiimote Zelda game after the wiimotion plus came out and it was finally viable.

If the bottom fight had been against TP Darknuts it would be comparable.
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its not even armor lmao
link is shown wearing ARMOR in one of the trailers, actual metal armor
instead in that gif he's wearing some flimsy cloth and oh look i take big damage from a telegraphed hit by standing still :DDD

if you have to play like a retard and go half naked into lategame areas just to make the game look like its even remotely difficult the game must be even easier than wind waker
kiss a girl nerd
>its not even armor lmao
>some flimsy cloth
So you're pulling assumptions out of your ass, nice.
That's mid level leather armor, they said in the stream it's one of the better armors. Plate armor isn't the best armor, it's weak to electricity and attracts lightning.
Sure you could possibly know that, not to even mention the unprecedented 7 hearts of damage from a standard enemy.
>lategame areas
there's lizalfos like five minutes from the plateau

have you even played the game yet? there are people on this internet who have, and nobody has said anything about the combat being slow or mindless or repetitive not on fucking person and these aren't just game review polygons, these is sony boys, youtubers, passive observers

bitch boy sometimes you just have to man up and say "i'm skeptical. i think it will suck but i do not have proof it will suck."
>for that stage of the game
>open world game
go back and watch TP darknut footage and compare it to OOT stalfos


darknuts in TP were almost entirely immobile, moved at like 1/10th the speed of link. In phase 2 he just has random RNG chance to block attacks without a shield, and the retarded combat lets you hitstun him 3 times in a row with no risk of trading hits until he just combo breaks you with an instant knockdown that deals no damage, because the whole games set up to be cinematic instead of mechanical
>who may or may not be this game's sages and subsequently take control of the four great Guardians after you purge their corruption.
Neat theory. How cool would it be if the other heroes took control of the giant Guardians and came to help Link against Ganon at the end of the game? Imagine if Majora's Mask let you stop the moon regardless of whether you awakened all four giants, but with more and more catastrophic effects on Termina the fewer giants you awakened. In BotW, you can defeat Ganon without tackling the four dungeons, but maybe if you do so they don't get uncorrupted and keep causing mayhem in the ending, things like that.
you're embarrassing yourself
Damn that fight looks good. Sure Stalfos were faster but if your argument is that they were more difficult that's nonsense. All it takes to beat an OoT Stalfos is to wait for it to swing and then use a stab attack, which is always faster than their swing.
it's open world m8, you can go anywhere you want from the beginning, there is no traditional late game
OOT stalfos:
>you have to wait for them to swing and then counterattack them while dodging or blocking their attacks

TP darknuts:
>just keep performing special moves and you chainstun them down from 100 to 0 with no risk involved

yeah sure is "difficult"
just keep spamming helm splitter and back slice
You're trying too hard, they already said it's mid-level armor, and the place is less than 7 minutes away from the plateau

There is no "end game area" in the game, since it is open world
Wait you can helm splitter them? I can't even pull off a shield stun
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Neither one is difficult, either wait around for a Stalfos swing and then stab before it connects, requiring no dodge or block, or wear down a Darknut's armor gradually with special moves leading to a faster paced second stage of battle. I prefer the latter.

We've seen 4 bosses so far and they're all different.

OoT was released in 1998, they had 20 years to do something about this. So not an argument.
Wait let me count
>Sand Crocodile
>Rock Golem
>Wind Blight Ganon
>Calamity Ganon

I count 5, guess you left out Calamity Ganon?
How do you miss a preorder when the game isn't released yet?

I just preordered mine for the Wii U, I have no plans to get a Switch anytime soon.

Why would I include Calamaty Ganon? We haven't seen what his boss fight would look like yet.
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Enough pandering to nega-shills. What direction do you plan on heading in first? I'm thinking either the likeliest fire area in hopes of finding the knight armor or one of the rivers or lakes to sail around on one of those log rafts.
>reactive combat based on needing to react to enemy attacks and not get hit by his
>damage sponge that just sits there motionless while you perform your 'combos' on its limp body

this is why japanese have low birth rates lmao
nobody can enjoy TP's pseudomasturbatory cinematic combat where the AI doesn't put up a fight
fuck off paid shill
I guess you are right, but he has to be a boss, right?

As someone who is not a massive Zelda fan, and found both OoT and TP lackluster, I can say that both of those look fucking shit.
The only difference is that I can see on the top the skeleton strafing. Big fucking deal.
>there is a skull lake

Is that even a question? I bet there is a boss or a dungeon or a shrine there
They get plenty reactionary in their second stage. Plenty of people enjoy TP's combat but I've lost sight of what this has to do with BotW, let's at least wait until the game is released to go to war. What about people being hopeful about an unreleased game bothers you so much?
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>hyped for a new console zelda
>this shit gets announced
>exploring a hueg open sandbox
>epic voice acting
>no dungeons
>no puzzles
>no heartpieces

I'm sorry, but this just isn't a Zelda game.
i wanted to be hyped but since it's open world i'm not even gonna buy it day one
Truly, the pinnacle of anime shitposts
Straight to the Deku Tree, to get the master sword quest started.
That bigass lake with a bunch of islands straight after snooping around Hyrule Castle for a bit.
crafting what? combining ingredients for food?
>>epic voice acting
apparently only in cutscenes
>>no dungeons
at least 4 confirmed and if those are only the giant mechs around the map there will likely be more
>>no puzzles
over 120 confirmed
>>no heartpieces
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>They get plenty reactionary in their second stage
except they dont
you beat them by just spamming back slice nonstop
backslice makes them stagger, then you hitstun with 3-5 hits until they interrupt your combos at random, repeat

theres no challenge in fighting damage sponges that just wait you to kill them, which is everything we're seeing in botw footage
don't respond, it's a shill, or just one of those guys who can't stand a franchise trying new things, just wants to play the same game every couple of years
>no dungeons

Did you wake up from cryosleep or something?

botw just seems unrecognizable,it's doesn't look like zelda for me

with all of the voice acting and the more serious story this feels more like final fantasy than an actual zelda

i kind of hope that this fails so we will be back getting our comfy zelda games
After expending some time in the start area I want to go to the death mountain, but that weird perfect circle at the left of the map also calls me, I want to discover what it is that thing.
You have 1 minute to explain why we shouldn't have had voice acting as early as Twilight Princess.
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>that framerate
Do we have lewd moments confirmation on the game?

like handholding
It's so far away though. The island in the bottom right could be interesting, and it's a relatively short trip to the river south of the big lake next to the plateau that leads to the coast.
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BotW hype thread. Neo-/v/ everyone.
some hard nostalgiagasming over thet OOT feel
It's Nu-/v/ now.
You've never played a Zelda before, have you?
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>want to make thread discussing how excited you are
>immediately flooded with nintendo fans shitposting and falseflagging as sony fans false flagging as nintendo fans or just genuine sony fans shitposting

Based on what Aonuma-san said...

I think you only get to use the Master Sword either at the end of the game in a final battle (where it will not break and it gets put back in the pedestal afterwards) or in playable memory sequences (again where it will not break).

So over the course of the game you're collecting Link's memories to somehow refuel the Master Sword. He gets about 99/100 of his memories back and the last memory he gets back suddenly when Ganon comes to kick his ass in the final battle, which makes the Master Sword complete again, blah blah blah.

If you go to fight the final battle without gaining all of Link's memories you can still do it but maybe the Master Sword is not as powerful or something.

Just my idea.
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Convince me to buy a Switch and BOTW.

or not...
>i-it's just like the first zelda game, i swear

You fucking idiots are the worst.
When will you realize that the first Zelda game was barren and without a narrative because of technical limitations of the NES and because they were still figuring out how game design on home consoles works.

ALTTP perfected the formula. It was the first game in the Zelda series that can be considered 'good'.
>the same identical tree copypasted countless times
>they didn't even bother rotating the fucking tree to give the impression it's not the same

So fucking lazy.
Not yet but it's pretty obvious they already have history together
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Not what he said. You're an idiot for typing all of this out, when he's clearly talking about the plot comment. The plot is pretty standard shit at this point in the series, it's just voice acted.
i hope these lightings have extremely loud and realistic sounds
You will never be locked between her thighs.

Why live.
What are you doing to me /v/?

I'm flushed and sweating, I need to touch it...

I need to feel my wallet.
I-I'm putting my fingers inside.

I can feel $400, it feels so good...

Looks like an indie game.
You can hear it here
You guys do realise Breath of the Wild's story beats are pretty much going to be in-line with Princess Mononoke right?
the plot is exactly the same as all the others m8 (from what we know) but even if it wasn't, that wouldn't be a bad thing

and the gameplay looks very similar to previous Zelda's, just adapted to suit an open world environment

I swear you fags exaggerate everything or you don't play Zelda
What the fuck are you even talking about. Take it for what it is at face value. It's Nintendo trying to get people that want more adult smart games.

You were probably one of those people that was hype for No Mans Sky.
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I need this game TODAY
Link me to an indie games that looks as good, in both gameplay, exploration and aesthetics, in 3D and is open-world
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I really don't see it
My main worries about the game is that they didn't show many traditional items.
I hope we'll get a grappling hook late game so we can more easily travel across the world.

Also I hope every puzzle isn't physics based, that would get old pretty quick
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pro controller master race
Fire Rod is shown to be found in a chest, does that count?

Also, Gameinformer said there are also switch (the red and green crystal) puzzles, so not all of them are puzzle-based
>tfw i have money but i never want to spend any of it
>my friend had to convince me to pay $10 for a book yesterday
>i'm going to live off rice dishes for the rest of my life
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Is this another concern troll?

We have shieldboarding, paragliding, horseriding and teleportation.
No, it's a legit question. None of what you mentioned have much to do with puzzles, but as I said above, there are the standard switch puzzles, so not all of them are physics based
The only nintendo game ive ever played was pokemon.
Convince me to get this shit
good goy
>1998 was 19 years go
>people born in 1999 are now 18
I can't, you have terminal shit taste

If you see serious, just watch a bunch of gameplay videos and the Gameinformer impressions to get a picture of the game. No point asking here
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>The only nintendo game ive ever played was pokemon.
Game Informer said the dungeon they played involved a lot of puzzles where you manipulated dungeon space to open up new routes and paths. Think Water Temple without the Water or the rotated rooms in Forest Temple.
He said it "looks like an indie game", not "it looks like and has the gameplay mechamics of an indie game" so i think youre parameters are a little unfair brah
Well no, I'm serious.
What I like the most in Zelda games is finding new cool items in dungeons, use them to solve puzzles and unlock new areas in the world.

I hope there will still be areas in the open world you can't access if you don't have a certain item.
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Not him but he's right, what indie game provides the same gameplay and 3D openworld?
Hey i cant help it if my parents bought me a sega and then a ps1 as a kid, entirely skipping the n64
Seriously though is there anything good about nintendo games other that nostalgia? Coz i really dont see anything in zelda games that other games dont do better
Also Tbh i exaggerated a bit, i did play a little bit of super smash bros at my cousins house when i was a kid
Plenty of indie games (especially those on PCs) look better in terms of raw graphics like resolution and AA, but few pull off such an artstyle as well
What do you mean? I do get a Ghibli vibe from the gameplay videos though. Something about the glider having free control in any direction and not just constantly forward especially.
That still has nothing to do with looks though, i mean i get your point but its still completely unrelated to what the dude said
People like this actually post on /v/.
Jesus fucking christ.
I only had a Mega Drive as a kid, then got a PS1 and a PS2, that doesn't excuse you as an adult.
Zelda has some of the best designed dungeon crawling, with puzzles and combat. Hardly any game focuses on good dungeon crawling these days

Most of the times, Nintendo games excel at level design, and are usually quite polished (free of bugs)

But seriously go watch the gameplay videos and read impressions to figure out for yourself
You still havent told me why i would want to play them
Bokoblins looks so funny and goofy, I almost don´t want to kill them.
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I don't want you to play them
Just emulate, lmao

Where are these people coming from

I think this is the first fucking game that gets galloping noises right without having to mod it.
I watched my old flatmate play through ocarina of time and the one where the moon falls down (is that majoras mask idk) and desu it didnt look that great, he just loved the nostalgia coz they were his faves as a kid
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>after 100 years of peace and no Ganon Link comes along and slaughters them
>the rag tag of untrained Bokoblins continually try to employ tactics they only ever heard about
Time for the Great Bokoblin purge
Im on phone m8 and i aint typing literature here
I just get that feeling from Link's design in comparison to Akitasha, Calamity Ganon, Zelda in the forest and the music.
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>it didnt look that great
leave /v/

His parents bought him a SEGA and a PS1. He clearly has had a terribly upbringing.
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Hey there Horizon-Kun
What stage? 30 hearts is endgame

There aren't really games like Zelda games. There's action adventure, sure, but very few if any are balanced around items and gadgets and collection rather than typical RPG elements. They also have more interesting premises then other games. I don't remember the last time a Groundhog Loop inspired game wasn't just some visual novel and how many give you fantasy rave transformations on top of that?
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>it didn't look that great

Maybe try actually playing it. I only played OOT for the first time last week, it still holds up pretty well
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>You will never have a Goron Sworn Brother
Why does this hurt so much?
They are polished works and put gameplay first, always.

Zelda games in particular are difficult to define gameplay-wise. They don't go too deep in any direction but the balance and variety they offer is rarely matched by other franchises.

For example, there is not much to master in what regards to combat, but it doesn't feel shallow in the context of the game, and having DMC depth levels would feel out of place. Same with storytelling, exploration and puzzles.
The best entries keep you distracted enough so you don't ever think "huh, I wish they went further with this thing".

Plus the level of polish and attention to detail they reach is ridiculous.
Leave them alone, don´t be a bully.
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Time to wipe Bokoblins off the face of Hyrule
buy a wiiu for 100 bucks and pirate botw
Have you ever played a zelda besisdes 4swords that wasnt open world?
They're innocent, don't be mean. You don't want to be hilter, do you?

Whatever happened to the fat original style moblins anyway? I bet Ganondorf would've won if he just replaced all his minions with those OOT moblins.
If anything there's more anti zelda shilling than anything...

Case in point, read the thread
If you only knew
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>Sean Maelstrom on suicide watch

>have differents elements in the game
I-I-I-It's not Z-Z-Z-ZELDA!!!!

>have traditional elements
There's no way this game can live up to the hype.

I still remember buying TP on day 1. It didn't live up to the hype but it was still a pretty solid game.
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>fat original style moblins anyway
This is a StalMoblin, for BotW

They showed off a living one in the Game Awards footage
Just enjoy the ride
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Zelda fans in a nutshell
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This >>367185881
His spear looks sick, I'm totally using it until it breaks
Holy shit do you live in the Sahara desert mate?
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>27 attack
Man that things a beast
You fucking idiot MIYAMOTO was in charge of Zelda at the time. You know... the guy behind Color Splash remember? Or the guy that scraped all story elements about the Imprisoning War from the AlltP remaster for GBA. Zelda 1 even if it were made today it would have no Story elements, so fuck off.
Heres your (You).
iirc, every time you hit a guardian it has to recalibrate it's positioning. So hitting it consistently will prevent it from shooting lasers at you. Easier with a stationary guardian stuck in the ground though.
I will buy a switch and get this game if it has romance and feels.
Huh? Tanabe was behind colour splash, not Miyamoto

All Miyamoto said is "don't rehash the games" and they took it as "revamp the whole thing"

Colour splash ain't that bad anyways
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>if it has romance and feels
Sorry, Mifu is my waifu

If there's one thing I hate about these gameplay segment they show us is how they don't pick up things or break open boxes/chests and how they waste items in limited supply just to show them off

I've seen maybe 3 gameplays where Nintendo employees were just showing off doing cool things and I think we need more of that and less of this avoid all battles, drops and die in the most idiotic fashion
Aonuma said "you will cry" so feels are in, I guess

Hope it's not ham fisted
Mifa, damn it.
new gameplay footage
I'm taking a gamble here and letting you have her, in the hopes that there is a bird girl I can claim as my waifu.
Nips pick horrible voice actors often.
good good

let the feels flow
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Watching now, but whenever they say Breasu ov za worldo I keep imagining abusing the stasis rune
If Skyrim had Zelda's gameplay, it'd be a great game.

why is every gameplay so bad?
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can you white boys handle this ass, or will us black guys need to take care of Zelda?
>releasing this alongside mass effect andromeda
its like nintendo wants it to fail
I just hacked my Wii U.
What game can I play until Zelda comes out? I've already played Xenoblade X.
Considering how we've already seen Zelda cry and be more emotional than in any other game, I'd say there are big chances the game will have plenty of feels.

Can't wait.

Camera won't pan right. People will still complain. Gets censored
How dense is Faron woods? Open worlds seem to typically have pathetic forests.
much more people are looking forward to this than sjw effect androgyna
not the different elements,it's just that the game fells way too serious
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Why is the Wii U box art so shitty? Since when is it okay to just slap some concept art on there?

Wii U is zero effort I'm surprised it's not download only or limited print run and then anyone else wanting it has got to download it
>buying the wii u version
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Do it for Chiko! Leave no one alive!
I'm seeing this as the Wii U cover, at least in NA.
Lmao anon you know this is bullshit
So since this takes place after Ocarina of Time, do you think it would take place after Majora's Mask as well?
This is the image amazon shows me
fuck off Etika you dumb nigger
Rust looks better.
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>buy our new console goy!!! You need that epic 900p!
>that retarded whoa-ing
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Amazon has not updated yet
My Amazon shows the one I posted >>367187335
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can you hold your sword up in the air and charge it?
I'm not buying a fucking console just for a game.

Well, actually I'll have to buy a wii u just for 1 game, but a Wii U will probably be cheaper than a Switch off.
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>tfw no mechanic to temporarily make peace with them by taking off all of your armor and wielding a club
>tfw they won't be confused and following you around for a little bit during that peaceful period unless you attack them or re-equip your armor/weapons
>tfw they won't eventually become permanently peaceful, occasionally gathering (sometimes rare) supplies that you can use
Wait, you haven't played Bayonetta 2 yet?
Anon, go get a used or refurbished Wii U right now and hack it so you can get all the exclusives and VC games for free.
Wii U hacking is easy as fuck. I did mine in a couple of hours and I know nothing about computers. You can even hack the vWii and play Wii and GC ISOs. Can even add emulators if you want. A softmodded Wii U is definitely a better investment than a Switch, at least until the latter gets more games.
I'll kill myself. I'll kill myself before I play Horizon Zero Dawn.
man it looks like such a comfy game, could play it for hours
But can you play legal games after you hack it? So if I hack it can I still play the new Zelda?

Zelda is one of the few games i actually buy.
nigga that's one of the easiest things you can do when composing music
>all those ebin maymays and anime girl avatars
>actually advertising that you reside on this shithole
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Better quality.
>But can you play legal games after you hack it?
Yes. The brazillian method grabs them from Nintendo's serves, so they're basically legit copies. You can even play online and get DLC.
All games on the eShop are available with this method, so I assume BOTW will be too.
Wait, do the wild horses have shoes? Are we technically stealing a horse someone else left in the open pasture?
>he doesn't know
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>Coz i really dont see anything in zelda games that other games dont do better
Fucking kek. Underage fags are hilarious. Everybody stole from SM64 and OoT. They defined 3D gaming as it is right now and the funny thing is they still can't beat OoT.
I don't think so, that one is saddled up and everything. You can register your horses at stables so you can call them, perhaps they look like that after registered, or those are upgrades.
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These plebs don't even know how useful a Wii U becomes once you softmod it.
You'll look like a delusional fanboy to faggots, but you're actually completely correct. Even action/adventure shooting games like GTA and Uncharted pull from Zelda. When you aim your weapon, the controls change to strafing and walking backwards, very similar to how z-targeting changed the control scheme. If I'm not mistaken, no one really thought of that before. I imagine the concept would sound downright retarded if Ocarina of Time never proved it worked.
>pirating the game of the century
You people are fucking stupid.
>buying games on a literally dead console
Cry about it some more faggot
how much are they paying (You)?
>not buying a sexy new console with the best game ever to impress your female friends
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No. None of your meme survival games or open world games like Elder Scrolls have gameplay this fluid.
>But can you play legal games after you hack it?
As in, physical discs and shit? Yeah, you can. I still play Smash online all the time.
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>to impress your female friends
There's literally nothing you can't do
and Wii U hacking is just getting started
bitches love Zelda, one wants to come over and play it on my Switch because I'm the only person she knows to get my pre-order in

I am going to fuck her
I'd argue more like Nausicaa/Laputa considering the state of things is the result of magitech gone amuck
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Sure you will kiddo.
just think, you could also lose your virginity if you buy a Nintendo Switch, just give it some consideration
>It's Nintendo trying to get people that want more adult smart games.
not really
Am i supposed to be impressed by this?

It looks like another Zelda game and god, those shit graphics
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>those screams when they throw the barrel

kek what is it with the japs going crazy over stuff like that, i've seen it happen a bunch.
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>It's be so cool to play Zelda™ on the go!

gameboy's have been out there for ever though
Someone buy me a Wii-U so i can play this shit, and also get to play Bayo 1 and 2.
You can get them for like $150 on ebay
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>another Zelda game

Good. The takeaway is that most other open world games are clunky or bare bones when it comes to control. Skyrim wouldn't get as much shit as it did if it actually felt good to play.
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Zelda needs hugs.webm
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You'll do it for her, right?

wow, thats some of the best lightining ive ever seen in a game.
I'm not trolling here but how come it takes Nintendo like 6 years to make this game when Ubisoft can put out an open world game in 1 year?
But Zelda looks barebones and empty as fuck

And this Zelda will never ever surpass Skyrim sales
ashitaka you dumb fuck
They didn't have a template they could stamp assets on to.
Problems with the engine and delaying it for Switch considering that Wii U was a failure
his name is sean malstrom and you clearly don't know him because he's excited for the switch and this game
Ubisoft has like 200 men on one game.

Nintendo has probably 50 tops on BOTW.

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>covered in mud
>on the floor
did she get raped?

BotW was 300 at its peak team size. Ubisoft has way more.


Shit's thirty fucking minutes long.
nobody excepts it to sell like Skyrim lel

I think Nintendo wants it to sell about 4 million, anything more is a bonus
A few factors. Engine used, engine tools, team size, and experience. Last one is a big factor. Blizzard took a long time to complete Overwatch, even accounting for the canceled Project Titan, because it was their first FPS.
because ubisoft shits games out using shortcuts, nintendo hand crafted this masterpiece
but Nintendo has been making Zelda games since the beginning of time, they have plenty of experience
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I wish I could get paid to shitpost on /v/
Kill yourself.
that's not how it works
Not an open world game. I'm sure they did the dungeons quickly, but everything else? Animal AI, physics? It's still recognizably Zelda but it's not anything like OoT.
someone post the clip of zelda blushing like a slut
>Not an open world game
they have done open world many times before, most recently with xcx and their team is helping with botw
>I think Nintendo wants it to sell about 4 million, anything more is a bonus

Squidward Sword sold over 6 million, I'm definitely expecting for them to sold more than 6 million considering it's launching for two consoles
It's their first open world game with a physics-centric engine. They've said in interviews that the engine gave them lots of trouble and it's one of the reasons they had to delay the game so much.
>this isnt zelda

which is good
>using sales as an argument for a Bethesda game being good

Bethesda games are the definition of jank and bare bones. You can say it looks bare bones but just compare how both games handle horses. There's an entire system of raising horses and improving their stats. Did Skyrim do that with their horses? Not outside of mods, no. And let's not even get into Skyrim dungeons.
This one?
Because they just copy and paste everything. There's a reason why all AC games play exactly the same.
Nintendo didn't made Xeno X. Some of the staff that made that game did help with the world building of BotW (because Nintendo had no idea about where to start), but that's it.
looks like a gamecube game?
what the fuck is this stupid cunt blushing at

She probably told Link off and it turned out he had to rescue her anyway.
That's not the same team and developer. They do have a handful of Monolith helping out but the fact that they do is pretty much indicative of their inexperience.
Skyward Sword sold like 3 million
whos the dead guy?
Zelda's bull
How come Link only swings his sword with horizontal slices and never vertical?
It's a clip from a trailer that's played in reverse with slow motion added.
i think I already played this game on the gamecube
Because hes shorter than most enemies and would have to raise the sword above their height
Why does Link run like he has to pee?
Is this game for little children or what?
in real life you rarely do a vertical slash, too easy to counter when raise your weapon
Give Neokikeshitendo millions upon millions of extra $hekels.
it's true, the game sold like poo
dust magnets
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Is he the father?
this is so fucking unfair, Link is like 5'1, I could easy push over that stupid elf and make Zelda love me, I know I could do it
Looks like pic related here >>367179216 to me
>It's Nintendo trying to get people that want more adult smart games.
Stop projecting your deepest, secret wishes on a multi billion dollar company that has never given an ounce of a fuck about you, manchild.
He'd probably be taller than that at least in a more realistically proportioned art style.

Link crashed a flying island into Satan because he screwed Zelda, I wouldn't fuck with him.
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He's a manlet in this game
>sold out virtually everywhere at the moment
f-fucking shills n-nintendoomed!
>They defined 3D gaming as it is right now
True. But after that? Nothing. Giving them free passes on everything just because they did [x] 20+ years ago won't do anyone good.
>and the funny thing is they still can't beat OoT.
Yeah, not even Nintendo. Which is quite fucking sad. And honestly everything I've seen of BotW looks like more Skyward Sword trash to me.
It's just that Nintendo fans are so fucking desperate and starved because Nintendo hasn't done anything good since the Gamecube days that they hype themselves into overdrive that even literal shovelware dreck like ARMS is getting praised and shilled here, not to mention BotW and how it's going to be GOTYAY.
Oh yeah, it sold around 3.5-4million, I was under the impression that it sold better but considering that it was released by the end of Wii lifetime, the sales aren't that bad.
>Nintendo didn't made Xeno X
shut up please
What is shovelware about ARMS?
It's the exact opposite of SS. It was only made because of bitching about SS. Just as TP was made because of WW bitching.
She looks like she's from that one german loli VN.
he's a young adult
They still create the best games of all time, kiddo. You have literally no arguments.
How would you react if there was unironically a sex scene between Link and Zelda in this game
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But it's true. It's like saying Nintendo makes the Pokémon games.
Go on the web to see the inevitable shitstorm.
So since the Temple of Time is there, is the Plateau actually the Hyrule we know from OoT?
Yup. There's even the ruins of the castle town plaza fountain, and part of the ground around it is roads instead of ground and grass.

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>i can stop browsing /v/

wtf i cant

send hel
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Post your favorite Zelda 1 overworld remix theme.

Just preordered.

I guess I will let my nephews play it when they come, because I don't really see many games that could interest me on this system.
>he let's his wife's sons play his games
>nephew = son
>wife = sister
Is there something you want to share with us anon?
sisters son
wifes son
either way you're being cucked
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>if your sister has kids you're a cuck
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Anybody else worried this game is being rushed out to coincide with the switch release. I get the feeling the game might end up getting a bunch of patches after release.
>not looking glass
>nips in the chat spamming 8
idk if thats 8.8 or another nip meme
I think he is mentally challenged.

Which wouldn't be a surprise, considering he's probably inbred.
she is your blood, your flesh, you came from the same vagina

would you really be okay with her getting filled with nigger cum? Having a halfbreed nephew? Your sister being a single mother?

i see, you're just a pathetic idiot that blindly parrots everything 4chan says
I actually have a brother.

But hey, keep having fun kiddo.
I would be okay with her having a good responsible husband
but anon, the only man who's allowed to impregnate your sister should be you
>he lets other men touch his property

real men take their sister's virginity before marrying them off

Wait so there's a ruined castle on the Plateau AND a smoke monster'd castle on the ground? So either there's something off here or the plateau thing happened a long-ass time ago.
if that's the case you should arrange her husband

when women are left to choose their own partners they fuck niggers
Is she pregnant with Ganondorf?
nah my sister is dating a good guy who I approve of.
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>you're a cuck unless you fuck and impregnate your own sister
do you ever listen to them fuck
that's what confuses me of the theory. It seems to imply that the castle is actually one and in the right place, but the plateau was ripped and moved, up until the castle garden.
But at the same time the area around the castle doesn't seem to have been shacked badly, and I remember seeing screenshot of a city around the central castle.
only 1 second into the video and it's already predictable as hell
just think, that "good guy" is getting pussy whenever he wants, more specifically your sister's pussy, while you are a virgin browsing /v/, how does it feel?
Well, we know that the castle (the one with the smoke monster) is the one from Twilight Princess (same architecture, ruins with very similar layout to TP's castle town), and the ruins in the plateau are from Ocarina.
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My headcanon until proven wrong is that where OoT's castle should be was used as a palace or something like that. That would explain having the ruins of OoT's castle but TP's castle intact at the same time.
This video is amazing
>you must save her... my daughter... from the niggers
what did Nintendo mean by this?
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>tfw this image is now a reality thanks to BoTW


fuck off back to tumblr
that's me :$
so convergent timeline shit is the only way to explain this?
Or that the royal family erected a new castle (TP-like?) after something happened to the old one in the plateau?
I still find weird how the plateau seem to be risen by mean of man made constructions, and how the OoT castle would be out of the plateau if it was till there
the only anon to ever spoiler an image. you da real hero anon. but srsly why did we need to see this? seems like a mistake to release the image but maybe im just being a butthurt fanboy.
>this too, possibly

The spiked bombs in the cartoon were cool as fuck
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/v/ like 2 months agos ago: "Hurr he bought a wiiu fgt lololo btfo"

/v/ now: "Hurr imma get it for the wii u not the shitty switch i love the wiiu and always have durrr."

Why do you even need zelda anon you bought an xbox?
If only. I am planning to collect some explosive barrels, put them together with a bomb at the center and putting an a piece of iron on top, just to see how high I can fly.
is this the most hyped game in /v/'s history or has there been bigger ones?
It's the only word I could think of to convey that meaning. Sorry if I triggered you.

>so convergent timeline shit is the only way to explain this?
Considering there are Gerudo, Koroks, Rito AND Zora in the same game, yeah I believe some weird shit is going on in this game's timeline.
>Or that the royal family erected a new castle (TP-like?) after something happened to the old one in the plateau?
I don't think so. We see Guardians in the ruins of the OoT castle, so it was attacked by Ganon, and we know that Zelda (or someone else) trapped him inside Hyrule Castle immediately after his attack, so there wasn't physical time to build a new one. I say TP's castle was there from the start, and OoT's castle was already in ruins when Ganon attacked, or maybe it just was used as something else (think Versailles in France)

Blame Gameinformer, they got tons of info they'll be dumping in these weeks. It's almost time to go radio silence.
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Eight point eight.
He didnt even use a clip from the game hes talking about to articulate his point. gj anon. stay neet retard.
Did you draw that? Bretty gud
whoever is playing isn't pressing forward on the joystick?
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No. Artist is artsophone.

Nice artstyle, I know.
Link didn't stand still though?
Honestly have no idea, I can see myself spending time just exploring some forests and getting a horse before doing anything major. If the game is as open ended as it looks I might check out some of the snowy areas although that skull lake looks baller.
DA:O got more hype.
Do you there'll be normal stalfos knights anywhere in the game?
>you can parry
Nice. Haven't seen that before. Do we know how it works? Is it just like a shield bash in TP/SS where you press the shield button and forward on the controll stick?
don't be a retard. A console zelda
You press a button, not sure of which one, but do it in the precise moment and you'll break the oponent's guard and enter slow-mode where you can throw a bunch of free attacks
Wolf Link amiibo spawns a wolf that runs alongside Link and fights for him

You should mention that we will probably get other dog companions in the game though.
yeah and this time they decided to break the formula.

Because they decided to make a complete new engine for the physics. Hence why it was delayed. I remember reading that the game was near completion back in 2015 but the play-testers had strong feelings on how it could be improved and what could be done better instead. iirc that's how voice acting came to be in the game.
Botw looks like it has the potential to set a new standard for Zelda games (maybe even open-world games, but we will see).
I just wonder if you can play the older Zeldas after Botw and have fun. Maybe they'll feel really constrained and badly aged.

The other problem may become the development of new Zelda games.
If Botw becomes the standard to build upon, how long will it take for the next Zelda game to come out? Zeldas may become a "one-game-per-generation" franchise.
If BotW is supposed to "overcome" OoT and set the new standard for the series, I hope we get a Majora's Mask made in the same engine a couple years from now.
>almost got up to Mt. Hylia

God damn, the suspense is killing me.
At least now I know where I'm going before leaving the Plateau.
>maybe even open-world games, but we will see

Doubtful. Nintendo spent a boatload of time and money perfecting gameplay and content. Other publisher spend more, but most of it goes into asset development. I don't think making a fully interactive open world is going to increase sales enough to justify spending all that extra money.

They used OoT as the vanilla base for 11 years of Zelda games, hopefully this will become the new base that they can efficiently develop from.
Say what you will about the fps and resolution, but the AI is fantastic in this game. The enemies are aggressive, yet careful. Remember when Link catches a club on fire and throws it then an enemy runs up to it to set his own weapon on fire? Remember how the big forest guys avoid your remote bombs? Of course not, you never watched any videos since you're just a shitposter. 2/10 you can do better see me after class etc
I saw a WebM the other day where Link climbed a tower with a Bokoblin archer on it and just stood there. The Bokoblin proceeded to fire an arrow in the complete OPPOSITE direction of Link and then sway motionlessly back and forth for 10 seconds until Link put it out of its misery.

I was not impressed.
I wonder what's up with that.
Some enemies are apparently retarded as fuck and others will behave like shadow links.
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They probably will. This engine and all this work won't go to waste, we'll probably get 2 Zelda games on Switch.
and maybe, just maybe, not a zelda game, its an engine after all.
So how long until it leaks?
5 hours
March 3rd.
I kinda miss 5 HOURS threads.
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I'll laugh my ass off when CEMUfags will be on suicide watch when they won't get play it thanks to broken sound and graphical glitches up the wazoo
wii u review copy iso leak when
>can't emulate most games without major stutter (if you're lucky)
>they think they can emulate BOTW day one with no hitch
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Soon I hope
I want to post spoiler screenshots to taunt moralfags
Next episode: Pirates try to figure out why people hate them.
Cry more
Kill yourself.
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Not my fault you're too stupid to hack your Wii U
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What is this weird circle at the left, it looks pretty big and perfectly rounded.
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I hope you can combine your rune powers. Like using stasis on your bombs, giving you projectile explosions.
I'm also really curious how many rune powers we'll get, and the various potential combos you can pull off with them.
What's MPV got that CCCP with MPC-HC does not?
It's not about not playing the game for free. It's about "I'm going to spoil people on purpose". The fun from that wore off when I graduated high school.

Also, the fact that you say the only reason I'd be upset is because you get to play it for free, right after you said that you're purposefully going to spoil people, is why I made fun of you for not understanding why people hate you.

Why the fuck people think we want to see their ugly mugs while they are talking? fuck why would you even take half the screen to show your face, we care about the game you dumb fucks.
holy shit. I can't wait to do stupid shit in this game, it's my favourite thing

Dormant volcano with water filling the crater?
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>there are reviewers who are playing Breath of the Wild in its entirety RIGHT NOW
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>that lake to the East that's the size of the Great Plateau
There's going to be a giant fucking overworld boss in there, and I don't like it.
If anything, it was delayed to actually coincide with the Switch release. Which makes me feel confident, actually.
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Guess who's back?

2 days after release the fucker had a god damn gold crown because he killed SO MUCH people.
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Please, God, no! I fucking hated that thing!
I don´t know, it just looks too perfect and circular to be natural.
I thought he was a dead giant robot climbable. How wrong I was.
Who thought this was a good idea?
Get a new motherboard
>not wanting to cause mass Bokoblin genocide
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I hope it's something like this
>No chance to get a switch Launch Day

I'm not about to tent it, I have work and shit.
Why didn't you pre-order it?
Everybody thought that.
This would be great.
What about the gameplay from 2014 that looks worse than the 2016 gameplay?

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I hope Calamity Ganon isn't as much of a pushover as Robbie Rotten was in OoT. His net attack could be parried with an empty bottle and his crippling weakness to fruits and vegetables made him simple to defeat. I hope the music is as good though.
What is that?
I'm guess mount doom crater as well.

Maybe repurposed as an airship hangar, explaining the rounder than plausible.
>yfw it's an entrance to an underworld that spans the entirety of Hyrule
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