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>the camera zooms out

Are you fucking kidding me
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>it fucking zooms in

Fuck you One
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It's the final boss anon

Did you want it to be easy?
Seriously tho, check the part youre dying and count how many circles are coming out and start taking note, that really helps specially during one's part, keep doing that and you'll get it done after a shitton of attempts.
or alternatively, sync it with a youtube vid and get it done.
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>Relying on your eyes instead of the sound

Everytime I watch this webm I feel like replaying it.
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>1 fail means restart
>every attempt has a 40 second unskippable part at the start

Thats where I lost it.
If I could re-attempt instantly I'd have beaten it fair, but not with this, just synced the youtube vid.

Playing the DLC now, no regrets in killing all this trash.
Literally PTSD inducing. After about 30 tries, I pussied out and used a YouTube video to cheat my way through. That took another 5 tries, but I was drunk.

OP, do it yourself if it gets you off so you can brag on /v/. If you value your time and sanity, just use one of the YouTube videos and sync it up.
Is the DLC really worth the pricetag? Isn't it practically more than the game itself just for the story DLCs?
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8th try now lads, One fucked me up twice now

How many of you guys didn't use YouTube? If I can't get it by 30 then I give up

Easier money, sister backstory, decent bantz (holy shit Four)

Unless you're in it for the gold, just get the tl;dr from youtube or the wiki.


If you aren't rhythmically challenged, closing your eyes actually works better.
Took me 3 days trying like 3~4hrs/day, just stop if you start raging and get back to it later

Probably not, I pirated it so its easy for me.
Should've been the part of the original.
I'm one of those who gets mad at people saying "lol just watch Nier on youtube" but...just watch this on youtube.
Not worth it, its only like 3 maps 2 bosses each and theyre all the same shit as maingame. Watch youtube for the DLC story. If you really want to buy it, get 2 and zero's DLC the rest is w/e


I'd rather learn it like this than just do the boss on the regular.

Atleast this can be restarted fast and has all the prompts.
Ok just tried it, got up to One and then lost

I fucking hate this bitch
What's the difference in using Youtube? Wouldn't it be like watching a video to memorize the rhythms or something?

It really isn't that complicated except for the last note.
>mfw I am rhythmically challenged
I still have my copy of this game and I am scared to death of what will happen when I reach this part.
youtube is for tone deaf people like me who knows fuck all about rythym or music. The guide videos generally give you animated visual cues that are masked by the game's camera like a standard DDR setup. Then again I think the very end fucks even the music fags up.

syncing the youtube vid is a bit of a challenge in itself but I'm glad i got it over with.
>still have

The game's not that long anon
There's a sound input for it tho

Is this the definition of artificial difficulty?

Just finish it and sync with youtube.
Theres 0 value in completing this legit.
>Theres 0 value in completing this legit.

Yea except for losing your honor, integrity, and self respect. You know, the things that modern society lacks and instead engages in things such as degeneracy and whining.
No it's the definition of fuck you
It's basic 4/4 time, people. Elementary school tier rhythm. Git Ears.

I'm not losing shit just because its a badly designed boss fight.
You can stake your ideals onto shitty game design if you want - but maybe you should apply it somewhere where it actually matters if you want to feel that good about yourself.
What the fuck does that even mean?
I did this legit w/o all the: muh 8/16/69, err mah gud do you even rhthym REEEEEEE
The only bullshit part of this boss is that last note. To be fair I've never played the game myself, but if you have a basic understanding in music and rhythm its easy as fuck. Basic patterns, you can do it with your eyes closed, it would probably even be easier.
You can a big relief if you beat the last boss, because it was actually challenging and you worked hard through it.

If Drakengard 3 had a typical last boss it would have been a snorefest and you would have taken it for granted.


Its one thing for something to be challanging, its another it to be DESIGNED LIKE SHIT

I would have the patience to get the rhythm right, I don't have the patience to wait a minute for every attempt.

I love Drakengard 3 but its a dogshit game as far as design goes all around, same applies to its last boss, a neat idea (if a reused one) but the execution ruins it.

Theres a million other games I can feel good about beating a challange where it is not a pain just to attempt it.
YouTube it is. This stuff should have been in the game, considering how awful it is the play.
If they added things like checkpoints it would have just devalued the fight.
That final note at a black screen is just a final "Fuck you"

Considering your smashed your stupid head against a wall for hours probably to beat it, obviously nothing I say will have meaning to you because you are literally too proud to get it.

Just not making me watch an entire minute cutscene (+ super slow load/menu times) for EVERY attempt would've made the entire thing a lot more bearable.
I found a lot of value in beating it. It was a lingering fear of mine for a few years, since I wanted to play the game but I knew this part existed (I couldn't play because my PS3 was dead). When I finally beat it I felt an intense relief and optimism, like I had overcome myself after all this time.

The boss itself was also amazing. The reason why it's happening, the music, the overall presentation. It's so tragically beautiful. It's not only my favourite part of the game, it's also my favourite boss fight ever.

Final note is bullshit though.

>1:40's drop
>3:00's drop
>a neat idea (if a reused one)


I had no idea at the time.
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Forgot image. That is such an unbelievably beautiful song though
>skipping the final boss fight in a video game makes you a degenerate and a whiner

would you take any challenge no matter how redundant it is? Like hey I dare you to eat your own shit 100 times in one go. You're not going to back down from a challenge are you?

Video games are just mere contracts that if they sound stupid at some point you should just opt out. There isn't some god judging your reasonable choices. If the game is fair and reasonable enough and hits you with difficulty that makes sense, then it feels like you really achieved something and grown from it. There are several hard games I did not feel satisfied after beating. There's just no point if you didn't enjoy actually doing it.
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that tongue

Well that is a very personal thing, most people are not afraid of video games.

I love the fight, but if I had spent hours re-attempting though its extremely slow process, it would've just ruined my enjoyment of the story and the finale of it.
I've done like 15 attempts, and then my patience has ran out watching the same shit again and again, waiting for my turn to actually get to try.

I'm not mad that it was hard, I'm mad that it was BEYOND INCONVENIENT.

And btw this is not nearly the only thing in Drakengard3 that is like this.

Accord missions?
Gives you a time limit, gives you very small space to work in (fog), you can do your best and clear out all enemies ASAP - but what the fuck do you do when the enemy that holds the item you need DOESNT SPAWN / DOESN'T APPROACH YOU FROM THE FOG(where if you kill him you won't see the item)?

Nothing, just sit and hate.
Some tasks are not worth doing.
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>it starts doing shit to put you off
Nice job
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>Well that is a very personal thing

Exactly my point. A lot of people hate it and I totally understand why, but I thought it was great, the game woudln't have been as good without it for me.

And I didn't mean it as literal fear, more like unfinished business that I knew I would struggle a lot and probably wouldn't capable of completing. That's part of the reason why I found so much value in it.

It's true that after 15 attempts, all that impact and beautiness is gone, but if it was easier it would perhaps feel kind of pointless. The only part I think it was a mistake was the last note. Everything else was okay the way it was, even the camera movements.

Yoko Taro has witnessed you
checked and keked
N...nani sore...?
>Everything else was okay the way it was, even the camera movements.

Except the first minute it takes until the battle starts.
The very fact that the cutscenes are included in the fight is the problem.
If its JUST the fight you are re-attempting it doesn't ruin the story elements through repetition.

But they did include it, and they did ruin the fight with it. What emotional impact can those parting words have on me while I'm extremely fucking mad about sitting there for hours and then getting ruined by the final note?
Drakengard3 is a wonderful game, ruined by its execution in all aspects. You hyping yourself up for the battle over years and thus getting a bigger sense of achievement out of it is hardly an actual counterpoint.
I am never going to beat this game.
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Good luck hitting that last note that doesn't have a sound cue.
How do you even know to do it
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I don't get it

It feels easy and doable but why do I keep fucking up
It starts fucking with you real hard around 3

I'm a bitch and used a youtube video because I'm not rhythmically inclined or have the patience

Expand get, let's celebrate with EXPAND songs.
But you can skip the cutscene part.
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I can consistently get up to the last parts of One and then everything goes downhill from there

I'm so used to getting back up to that part now I can shitpost while doing it
You can't skip the first part where zero comes out of the flower. That part is around 20-40 seconds
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Coming from someone who beat Drakengard 1 and has no inherent sense of rhythm?

Drakengard 3's final boss was bullshit.
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>intro cutscene plays every time you fail
That's the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

If it was just an insta-restart every time I might have kept trying to power through it, but I felt like I couldn't be bothered.
Here's a (You), because fuck this dumb thread anyway
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At least the song is nice
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>playing Drakengard 1 after finishing Nier
>Gameplay isn't THAT awful, just tedious
>"Oh, so what's the big de-"
>Ending E needs all 64 other hidden weapons
Fuck me.
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>the requirements for finding each weapon are so random and obscure that it'd be borderline impossible without a guide
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>he didn't played the mobile game which gives you hints about the weapon locations
Just close your fucking eyes and listen to the audio cues.

I beat it my second try easily.
It IS impossible without a guide.
Not only are some of them on the far corners of the map, but some need you to speed clear levels with or without magic.
>no regrets in killing all this trash.
One and Two didn't do anything wrong.
ignoring this time consuming bullshit, I assume Branch D is the canon ending?
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You know Taro's wife is the artist for those games, right?
>it'll be dead in a week
the switch or nier? I know he's not often confident in his products
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Kind of?

Drakengard 3's endings all seem to have a resulting element that affect Drakengard 1, so it's assumed they culminate in some way due to wonky time-anomaly nonsense that revolved around Zero.

But I think the conclusion of being beaten by Mikhail in Ending D is what's most canon to her actual fate.
Actually,the ending that actually leads to Drakengard 1 is Ending E,which is only in the side novel
>Ending E
I know it's the only other ending besides Ending A that actually acknowledges that Brother One was a thing.

But what else did it entail that was different from Ending D?
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I listen to this song in my car all the time
Never even played the game
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>canon ending isn't even in the game
>not the one with the bullshit rhythm boss no
>it's in a fucking novel

I fucking hate this piece of shit series fuck you /v/ I never should've listened to you

Automata will be relevant to this game right, please say yes I mean there's even an android in it
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I think Drakengard 1 has more basis of a connection with Nier Automata, if they go into more of the backstory of the world and what became of Angelus and Caim.

But I've seen a lot of people predicting that Accord will show up in some fashion.
I actually haven't read it myself due to there not being a finished translation,but from what I heard,it's a combination of B and A where One summons something and poisons them,Zero invents pacts and Bro One kills them both.
Might be wrong,though.
Nier had it's canon ending in a novel as well.
Automata probably will have it's canon ending in the game since for the both of them,the reason it wasn't in the game was budget problems.
I couldn't do it even with the YouTube sync.

I always fuck up at the last long one with a pause (******_*)

I've been thinking of trying again...
Should be in top 10 hardest final bosses of all time
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I haven't played Drakengard 3 yet, but what's so difficult about this boss? Is it just that final note? The rest of it seems not all that difficult.
>I need visual aid in a battle based entirely around audio
Anyone with a basic sense of rhythm could do this shit with their eyes closed
More like "thanks for not dropping this you stupid motherfucker"
Timing the exact rhythm on notes that you can't physically see with several changing tempos and a one-hit-kill standard that allows for zero mistakes.

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I played shitty action games growing up, not the drums.
did you not have to take at least one music class in elementary/middle school?

Play some other rhythm game for a bit, project diva is fun if you like the electric weebshit.
Once synced I only needed one attempt.
don't forget that fucking """"puzzle"""" with the paintings
Not that anon but that didn't stop me from being shit at music
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Sure, but it wasn't about understanding and retaining the concept of rhythm. It was about poorly singing the same collection of kids' songs over and over again.
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Best couple!
sounds like you had a shit teacher then m8
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Friendly remind that some random streamer did this entire section live without audio.
MONACA always makes my brain melt into a blob of pleasure.
Eh, he seemed passionate about music. But I don't think he really liked the idea of working with younger kids.

Technically Nier has its canon ending in game, Ending D, thanks to Automata.
"Ending E" is just a fan term, but it basically just continues from Ending D.


For Accord ts a popular and pretty good theory that Accord will be created in or due to the events of Automata
We'll probably fuck shit up so fucking bad its it'll be time to go time-cop on our own asses
How would he get the last blind note?

Nah, I mean maybe some autistic who did it so much he can now just remember the rhythm in his head, more sad than impressive if you ask me.
Pure consentrated autism
aka a ton of retries

Pretty sure that is the most common music class experience, definitely mine too.
Its public school, they don't give a shit
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It's actually very easy once you know that you just have to press right after Mikhail says his line. Without audio you just use the subtitles as reference.
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>that Accord will be created in or due to the events of Automata

I guess it could fit with the idea of her being a time traveling inter-dimensional android
But I kind of hope the time-traveling magic tomfoolery is downplayed in Automata.

Drakengard 3's story was pretty convoluted in trying to find any consistency between the branching timelines because of it.
Yes, the game expects you to learn how to handle this. It teaches you how every segment plays first and then denies you the access to visual cues. If you knew shit about musical theory you'd understand that there's a set pattern that is being followed. And you know the best thing? You don't have to beat this encounter. It's just one of the multiple endings.

I'm sure it won't be a massive part of the main plot.
Honestly I'm 100% sure Taro will make both the theme and story of Automata one and whole, even if he connects it back all over the place to the earlier games.

The only two real connections is that he confirmed Accord as appearing in some form, and Nier Tokyo/Cathedral City being way too similar and out there.
Wouldn't be the first time we banished something into other dimensions.
>And you know the best thing? You don't have to beat this encounter. It's just one of the multiple endings.

The best thing is that I can choose to not finish the game?
Thanks bro.

Who would've thought people with some musical knowledge would all happen to be gigantic douchebags.
You've finished the game already, multiple times, if you got that far. "Finishing" the game and 100%ing it are two different things.
>You don't have to beat this encounter. It's just one of the multiple endings.
that's not how the game works
you dont choose one optional ending
you have to get them all to get the full story

So people who did 1 playthrough of Nier are only looked down upon because....

I love how /v/ always takes the contrary stance...
I'm not /v/. And I never looked down on anyone who finished Nier only once.

If you lack the means to beat it, there's always the internet. Why do people have such a hard time admitting defeat?

Can you fuck off from this site forever?
No way, fag.
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>this scene lasted a solid 30 seconds

>hey son do you wa....
>son why are you watching a dragon piss?
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at this point maybe
if they go on sales or something
>Drakengard 3 is only on PS3
port when?
Michael / Mikhail phase 3 looked way too small in-game compared to the prerendered intro movie.
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