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Post dead video games, whether it be from shut down servers and

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Post dead video games, whether it be from shut down servers and the like.
I'll start with one killed so hard you can't even buy the useless DLC anymore.
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Dead multiplayer. RIP.
I'm silent hoping that if PS3 emulation becomes viable in 10 years, someone will revive the servers with a community effort, kinda like people did for the RE Outbreak games, MGS3 and MGS4.
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Resistance Trilogy is Dead.
I miss MAG.
Those were were honestly painfully generic gameplay wise.
The graphics were pretty shit too and dudeayylmao invasion is a concept done to death.
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me too man.
I was a dirty SVER.
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The Ghostbusters game that was more or less movie 3 I thought was really good.
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Im still mad.
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>tfw never got to play the mp
>still mad to this day
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I totally disagree. Other than the norm in multiplayer being one hit kill assault rifle lobbies, I found the gameplay to be familiar yet unique simply because of all the crazy mechanics.

I remember buying a PS3 specifically for this game and Oblivion, seeing the explanation of individuals spikes shooting from the spike grenade and pinning enemies to walls.

Chimeras were interesting and diverse, small swarming enemies and bulkier ranged enemies that would overheat when near death, causing them to rush you.

So many hours in that game its not even funny, but it was absolutely fun.
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LBP 1 and 2.
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Sony doesn't know how to make an online game that lasts even if their lives depended on it.
I feel you my dude, nothing like spike nades, or tagging some fucko with the r2 of the bullseye and jamming the finger on the trigger until they died.
O fuck, the multiplayer of Killzone 3 was really good, the only thing that sucked was choosing maps
Are the servers offline or is there just no one playing
don't get why people didn't like it 2bh.

coop was fun and the mp was the same, people getting itch trigger fingers before pick up was the best.

was able to get some games in with a friend before he stopped playing pc games and before the mp died.
Those are some nasty little tubby nubbers.
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The world's first and last ZOMBA. RIP in piece, my nigga.
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Servers are kill, my friend. You can't even buy the DLC anymore, the discs are useless.

Also, red dead redemption was never on PC, so goodbye all those mounts you worked hard to get.
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yea the PS3 version.

Gang Wars was the shit.
the maps were amazing and really fun to run, roll, jump, and shoot through.

I absolutely dominated with a bud. Not too many people played and the game kinda died out 2 months after release. I went back to it a year ago and it was just full of Brazilians.

I didn't play much of it, but what I did play was some of the best times in multiplayer.

I played the open beta for this, was some of the best multiplayer gameplay at the time. I was too poor to buy it though.
You got that wrong. It was 2 that was really good. 3 was only okay. The maps for 3 were almost all awful and seriously unbalanced. 2 lasted at least a few good years before the multiplayer became mostly abandoned.
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dead dog
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R&C3 Multiplayer was my fucking childhood. I came home every day from school and played that shit for goddamn hours.

I'm pretty sure the collection for PS3 still has it, or did that get it shut down? I played that for a few days when I got it for a trip down memory lane.

Sorry, anon, you missed some good fucking stuff.
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Oh my fuck the Bullseye was so fun to rampage with once you got the tagging delay down. Just fucking the large melee characters and any fucker unlucky enough to be in your way in lobbies.RIP Resistance.
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oh man

this shit was great

>get downed by cop
>bro revives me
>later he gets downed by cop
>make sure no ones looking
>finish him off
>grab an extinguisher and throw it at other guy
take the money bags and try to hold out solo
>in the end get killed by cops and lose everything
>next match its the same guys
>they immediately put caps in my ass as soon as the mission starts

that multiplayer and GTA's Cops and Robbers was the fucking shit
This was fun until America got the game.
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I liked 2 because it was intentionally heavy. So fucking immersive and nothing like a COD game or any other popular shooter.
Was addicted to this for 2 years.

Was just so simple, easy to play, control, and maps were great.

Gunplay, the negative boosters, gamemodes were all tight and worked well.

What happened to U3 and U4?
I enjoyed the U3 first beta but the complete game was just so boring.
Not that anon but the last time I tried playing online on the collection the servers were still up, it's just no one was on ever. Tried multiple times a day every day for a week, never saw anyone. Gave up after that.
The sounds of the guns were fucking perfect.
I remember back in the day I would use the heavy boost glitch to glitch through walls on the maps, get out of bounds, behind the enemy base in the vertical map with the gulch, and shoot them as they spawned in with that revolver that 2 shots them. Had the whole squad down behind the base with me as they spawned on me.
Motherfucking Chromehounds. I'm still mad as fuck because it would be alive on PC.
makes me yearn for it again, tried joining a community group in hopes of getting others to play with but they never panned out.
That is a horrible shame, I have really fond memories of it. Especially lobbies where everyone just dicked around and found glitches in the maps - There was one snowy map with bases on either side that you could clip behind one of the bases and fall underneath, and if you followed the right path you could walk around under the map.

Great stuff.
What do you mean? I'm frankly surprised they kept the servers alive for as long as they did considering the game didn't do so well. Which just portrays the folly of making your JRPG so multiplayer content-focused. It wasn't as bad as Grand Knights History because WKC and its sequel at least had decent SPs, but still.
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>First race I ever had
>Punched some fucker off his bike and down a cliff, his body bouncing off the rock faces and to certain death at the start of a race
Pacific rift was also great.
PS3 emulator is on its way.
Goddamn killzone 2 had some of the best console multilayer that has yet to be matched
>that one gamemode that combined all the others
UC2 had the best MP.
The grenades were OP as shit tho.
Don't be, it was never a game. It was just a bunch of renders for portfolio bait so we could land a gig

t. """dev"""
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for added hilarity mercenary mp is still alive
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Don't you remember me anon?
You bought some of my DLC too.
Im not dead yet.
You should play me...Just one last time.
is it ded finally?

still have the game somewhere, but never really liked it when it wasn't custom games on h3 or local games.

had a friend who played that so much, kept talking about his rank but never really paid much attention.
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Oh my god, a PS3 nostalgia thread. This has me feeling ways, I was 11 years old at launch... Psn was always an amazing time

The MP in Killzone 2 was amazing. It is my most player shooter on any platform for sure.
Probably kept talking about his rank because it took so damn long to level up.
I was at the point where It took a month of playing to level up once.
And I was no-where near the end of progression. Maybe a little over half way.
>dat feel when PS3 was actually the underdog at the time and it took it good half of the lifespan to actually get games

It was the winner in the end, but it was a hard road to that point.
I remember this game ever so fondly. There's a guy making a clone of it, but I haven't really looked into it yet.


I never understood this game. I fucking love mechs and the combat in this game was such aids I have no idea how anyone not-Brazilian could have enjoyed it.
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>tfw hacking away at metal beams with your hammer to see how fucked you could make the building before it would collapse.
>Chunk through building and smash some dude on the other side.
Killzone 2 mp was really really good. That was some crazy action going on.

Honestly the graphics still hold up today.
Seriously the best. I wish a game like Battlefield would implement it. It was so cool how they used the propaganda speakers as an immersive means of showing who was winning. Loved the tactician class.
I was 10
>Tfw this is actually dead on EVERYTHING.
Pc included.

This. The multiplayer was good. It boggles my mind that EA did not relocate new servers.

I guess it was a question of money and they deemed it to be too expensive.
they were very powerful. but you are able to dodge them depending on how it lands. Just not on maps like The Village where people threw them across spawns at the beginning, unless you wait around or such.

if it hits a wall and drops straight to the ground that's pretty much instant explosion.

Too bad Naughty Dog was so shitty at applying patches.

1.04 was amazing. 1.05 everyones health was basically halved and it took until 1.09 to fix it. and that was about 5 months later. Grenades in 1.02 is where the blast radius was so large you would be in the grey if a nade exploded anywhere 10feet from you.

Last of Us also had a great multiplayer.
They nerfed the hunting rifle and revolver a bit too much in their first major patch for some reason though. Revolver sure I understand, but the hunting rifle still took a lot of skill to aim with. Now aim punch was ridiculous when you used the rifle.
Those speakers gave me chills, hearing Visari screaming and trying to downplay the 'ISA dogs' while you mowed down enemies was the best.

I got within the top 1% of players in the MP one week for the plat trophy, and I played exclusively as the Helghast. They just look so freaking cool.
>Tfw shooting marksman rifle r2
>tfw orb floats over to a location and starts zapping the fuck out of some loser.
>Use Auger and blast fools through walls as they camped.
Goddamn those guns were fun as fuck.
Holy shit this game is literally the reason I bought my ps3. Played it for god knows how many hours
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Tfw PShome was comfy, and also allowed me to shop for vidya at the same time.
>that R-Type game exclusive to the Japanese PShome
fuck i remember when i bought mag, i thought it was going to be shit. i loved it. i enjoyed the shit out of this game. mfw there will never be MAG 2
fucking RIP
MAG was great until they nerfed all of RAVEN's weapons to make it fair for the whiney SVER and Americans.
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>Sneaking away from some motherfucker in a crowd.
>He starts glowing like crazy.
>Starts sprinting towards me
>Someone else claps his head from behind before he can kill me
>Both run off

>Witch doctor best skin
>Every fucker picks courtesan for some reason
if thats really you please, christ, trim your disgusting fingernails
It was but sadly they will never give us a truly good follow up to it.
Is that still worth playing for the singleplayer content?
Didn't they nerf LMG's into the ground after everyone on SVER basically ran around with one because of its both insane damage output, and accuracy, allowing them an auto win when trying to defend?

Also med-guns were OP as hell too.
>tfw no new Resistance game for the PS4
Fuck Sony for neglecting their good IP's while giving garbage like Knack another sequel
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>check halo on pc's servers for the heck of it
>tons of people still playing
wat, you think it'd be dead but its alive and kicking
Helghast has the best looks of any video game group
>tfw Ill never ever be able to play a full online lobby of Sneeker only TDM on the ditch.
I mean, the story resolved and I don't think Insomniac cares to do anything more with it. Maybe this is just the creators not wanting to make another one.
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>Tfw playing custom maps like "HELL" or "Towers"
>See some of the most creative shit and well made maps
>Dicked around in editor for hours.
Shit was awesome.
No. It's a glorified paperweight without servers.
I suppose, but they could probably frame a new story with it (a spinoff).
I just want to play its multiplayer again.
Sony is actually VERY strange when it comes the treatment of their IPs in terms of generation transitions. PSP to Vita was a very evident example of that where a lot of good IPs simply ended up forgotten.
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It's a shame LBP3 wasn't well received, this franchise is a lot of fun.
Goddamn I fucking love Warhawk. I bought all the DLC, it was the only console game I really got into with for online multiplayer. Fucking awesome game.

Too bad starhawk was a massive disappointment, it looked awesome, but the tiny maps held it back.

Literally the best shooter ever created. It still hurts.

>you will never play The Mixer or Enowapi again
>you'll never camp like a little bitch with thr Jackhammer again
>you'll never rage at laggers with idubs again
>you'll never plant PMN mines near the hostages again
>you'll never ninja jump or claympre jump again
>you'll never try to beat the campaign on the hardest difficulty to get the SAS grill
>you'll never do rank^ servers again
>you'll never do glitch rooms in E-Seals again
>you'll never compete in SOCOMbattles again
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Did anyone play this shit?
Maybe with the powers of Emulators bro.
Maybe one day.
I'm still pissed as fuck that Rockstar completely neglected the servers for RDR to the point of letting them become unplayable (even when it became backwards compatible on the xbone).
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Holy shit man I totally spaced the "Fuck your cover" gun it was like heroin.
>tfw playing Halo 2 on xbox live during that last week of it being up in early 2010
Can't believe it's been 7 years since Microsoft killed OG xbox live
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This game turns 10 years old this year.
>Buy Resistance FOM
>Clunky controls
>Barely no (local) multiplayer maps
>Hear there's a patch that fixes these
>It could only be downloaded from multiplayer servers
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>Got this game for free when psn got hacked and everyone got psn+
>Breddy gud for a free game
At least you can play against bots in that game, I forgot how fun it was.
>tfw didn't get a remaster of it for Rare Replay
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>tfw Russian
>Open this thread and see all of those games
>Look up gameplay on YouTube and the games seem amazing to me
>I will never play them
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Not gonna lie, this use to be my "poor man's Battlefield" back in the day. Game wasn't that good but it had it's own charm to me.

I still get in games my dude
>Boot up Burnout Paradise from that psn fuckup
>Songs play
Muh dick
GTA IV multilayer was my shit, I remember trying to break world records in Hangman's Noose and doing
gangster shit in a guy Richie style crew in freemode
Is IV's multiplayer still active?
I'm tempted to give it a whirl on my 360
>Tfw doing the super swing glitch on that one weird ass swingset by parking a car into it
>Get slingshotted a mile away into the sky
Top keks were had.
Lost Planet 2 was the best. 3 was a fucking crime, as it stole any hope of this becoming a stable IP.
Haze the Halo killer? I wish I never did.
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Multiplayer was fun and innovative as shit.
>tfw first time I played guitar hero was cool as heck.
>Tfw my fingers hurt like fuck afterwards
Worth it
IDK, I played on 360 only back then so it wouldn't feel right on PC and I'm not going to play it on 360 ever again (not even well if I would)

V isn't bad but for me IV's multiplayer scene on 360 just game at the right place and time
That sucks man, you missed a pretty gud era of gaming.
gonna redownload it on pc.
I remember right after launch you used to be able to turn blips off in death match and freemode, we used to play hostage infiltration like R6 seige and loads of other RP shit like drug deals

I memorized all of the unique vehicle spawns like the Burritos and rust bucket Vigeros for these
I enjoyed the medal of honor before that one as well, even though a lot of shit was broken in, it like spawn points.
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Crazy Bob's Cops n Robbers in SAMP

Taxing all players' income and then giving donaters a tax break wad sort of brilliant along with their pre-GTA V stock markets, multiplayer property ownership, and actual police mechanics
I just wish 2 didn't make you feel so inhuman and pointless

I picked it up again this passed weekend
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>Get shot in the leg
>have to crawl everywhere
Matrix Online
Warhammer Online
Warcraft 2
Team Fortress Classic
Unreal Tourney
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>Playing sports games
>have to buy it again next year to even play online
Same problem as Natural Selection 2, really - it's a team FPS that requires actual effort and cooperation.
Farcry 2 multiplayer was awesome. I remember playing a custom map that was a recreation of Shadow Moses .Good times.
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"Esports" they said.
>tfw remembering how much of a nightmare that game was to try and get running on my laptop
Rockstar did such a shit job of porting IV over man
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What really did Evolve in was the pre-release DLC blitz and general lack of content.
Had a solid aus server with about 30-40 regulars for a good long while there. I miss you guys.
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And FUCK these guys too, for letting a fucking MOBA and f2p p2win scheme fuck us.
How the fuck did they not see that coming?

By the way, is the BF2142 servers still up?
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>Alien vs Predator
>Halo 3 custom games in XBL
>Magic DoTP (the first one)
>Transformers the game
>MGS4 Online
>Scott Pilgrim game
>They're all gone now like dust in the wind

wtf when did ps3 killzone servers get shut down???
Oh shit, I liked this game too.

very fun indeed
why dont you just play older tribes

theyre free
Elite Dangerous
even if they weren't shut down they would be empty as fuck.
I think KZ2 servers are down.
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Almost forgot but

>Lost Planet colonies and Lost Planet 2
>Anarchy Reigns

someone take me back
I thought you could still buy a code for Scott Pilgrim on Best Buy, but it looks like they finally ran out.

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This thread is making me miss the Resistance 2 coop days. With 8 players it was such a blast. I remember playing the medic was super fun.
What guns did the medics use again?
I just played Spec ops, I had to get that marksman r2. Also never wanted to run out of ammo either.
wait shit, i missed some dlc?
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Not related to the thread but pic related is a Lost Planet spin off if your interested
the servers are still open
does it have a super fun multiplayer that lets me zip around a city like AoT?

Is it a 3rd person isometric shooter still?

can I toss a grenade and shoot it midair for style points?

I also really fucking miss MHTri
Golden Eye
Portal 2
Hellgate : London
Age of Empires
Pirates of the Caribbean Online
O shit
Is anyone still playing?
>Tfw you will never play 64 player 32 vs 32 Resistance 2 online ever again.
>buying sports games

Only the most casual shitters even buy sports games.
there are few ppl but I have to say its almost dead...
Last time I played both games which was maybe in 2015 now finding games with a decent room is next to impossible. KZ2 had less than 200 people playing it. Only really one room would fill up and it was a bunch of Mexicans playing. Don't even bother.
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fuck you NCsoft I will never not be mad

I can't believe you killed this game for Wildstar you stupid fucks
rip. ded.
Mainly the partner system. The game couples you up with another player on your team and you can share ammo and heal each other.
Worked pretty well.

RFoM's campaign was interesting but was visually uninspired. I spent countless hours playing the MP because it was fun. The gameplay was well designed. I don't think any game replicates that same flow today.

Insomniac ruined their franchise due to focus groups.
They ruined 2's singleplayer by chasing the cawadooty audience but 3's was arguably better than 1's.

Not gonna go into the MP tho because the first was dead long before I got it and I only played a smattering of 2/3.
This game was THE underrated gem of the PS3/360/Wii era.

Absolutely top tier simple online fun. It's a shame it was released so early in the generation - later and it may have been more noticed and may have actually had a worthy sequel (starhawk was not a good game)
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>Halo Custom Edition
>Roblox 2008 - 2011
>Stick Arena

I want to go back.
Starhawk fucked it all up.
If there is a game to be remastered it should be this.
Warhawk and Demon's souls need remasters.
Its a shame really as on paper it does sound good, but in gameplay the building element added very little and the whole flow of the game became wonky

Doesn't help either that the majority of the maps were shit and lost the charm of the original - plus the meaningless singleplayer they added was such a waste of time.
>They ruined 2's singleplayer by chasing the cawadooty audience but 3's was arguably better than 1's.

It just goes to show much control corporate management has taken over the industry. They don't have the confidence to stand out on their own.
>Got Demon's Souls on fucking release day
>been playing it off and on since then
>it was not until Halloween 2016 that I found my first Pure Bladestone

I am completely burnt out on Souls games due to looking for that shit.
What fucking version? Asian version?
US. I have terrible fucking luck with RNG.
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>tfw valor grand cross in 2
Fuk. Back to searching.
>tfw all these games are actually dead.
Feels weird, man.
i'll get shit on for saying this, but i enjoy battleborn over overwatch, pitty its ghost town now.
They all get taken away from you eventually bro. Learned that the hard way, don't get too attached.
gta 4 pc fag here, started a free mode game and now i'm playing at the buggy swing with a ruskie.
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I miss this game's multiplayer so much.
It had vehicles, classes, great maps, and had the hilarity of being a medic, killing your friend then reviving them and repeating. I fucking loved being a total shithead in this game
>Witch doctor
>Not barber
Also tfw you get a perfect poison kill

Oh man i'll never forger SOCOM I & II, i've never had an online experience like it since, awesome games and made so many friendships and a couple of the guys I still play with today. Matchmaking in games ruined all that, it's nearly impossible to form a broship now.
The game is alive and well on the PS3. I did all of the MP trophies last year and I had never any trouble finding games.
I played this for a good bit after it slowed to less players, was still not too difficult to find matches but the knowledge that a balance patch was a pipe dream was suffering because boy those handheld shotties were broken.
U3's multiplayer was poorly balanced and had poor netcode, however I personally found it to top U2's MP when it was working fine, which was fairly often. Also the lab playlist they had for the last dregs of the game's life was crazy fun, especially the lab maps.
U4's MP is better in a bunch of ways, and recently both severely improved and hampered the game's economy. Don't know how long that'll stick though.
Fucking hell, if you try to install it now it will download 15 patches and it will inevitably fail one thus reverting back to 1.0, yes even if you download one at time. I wish there was a service to download from a pc to the console
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>ywn avenge DB Kuroe
>tfw discovered Singularity a year after it released
>by then the MP was near dead but i was allowed a taste of what it was
>and it was neato
I have a bad habit of missing active periods in multiplayers, it sucks.
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battlefield heroes
F.E.A.R online
city of villains and heroes

tfw there will never be another legacy of kain game
Shame how they milked it out the ass with exponentially worsening titles until its inevitable death 6 years later. The first two were fun as hell.
Whatever happened to that Marvel/DC??? create a character video game
Looking back at my childhood I wish I had gotten into skateboarding. I feel like I missed out.

Definitely not gonna do it now that I'm in my 20s.
To force the poorer customer base to buy the new one. Poor people buy sports games all the time. But they wouldn't buy a new one if they could keep playing the old one.

So to force them to buy the new one, they shut down the servers.
I remember playing the shit out of the beta on the ps3 with other people. Let me see if I can redownload it
>tfw so much tony hawk and i couldn't into skating even though i tried
better to have tried than not at all i suppose
Yeah, I was legitimately too scared to try it. So I just road my bike everywhere and tried to go as fast as I could because for some reason zipping through the street and nearly getting run over every day didn't scare me.

And then that old bitch ran me over in front of that foot doctor place by my neighborhood.
It wasn't "intentionally heavy". The game had fucking massive amounts of input lag because it's weird rendering solutions. The game looked fucking amazing though, one of the best if not the best looking ps3 games ever, it looked way better than killzone 3 for example.

And the game was great. But there was no "heavyness". It was input lag.
The multiplayer was great
I remember just playing as the yellow dude and sitting in spawn shooting everyones necks until it was everyone just spawnkilling eachother
gave it a shot in my garage and then got rid of the board.

lost my nerve to bike on the street after a close call too, i'm useless now.
god damn, you guys got me excited for some Killzone 2 and 3. Gonna dig them up and maybe I will even try to play the third one with this useless piece of shit right here to remind myself how bad this was.
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Now this is a game that seriously needs a PS4 or PS3 port. I played the online back then ur it had a small dedicated community.
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Being able to climb any building in the map and zipline anywhere was fucking fun. I don't understand why the fuck DICE never added these features to the latest battlefields.
I'm sure if they did they'll hand it off to some shit studio and tell them just to do the bare minimum to get it working and do nothing else. So glitches galore.
is it dead?
Vietnam was awesome while it lasted.
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anyone ever played the MP of this?
The ps3 port was absolutely horrible and nearly unplayable but I remember liking the multiplayer because it was asymmetrical with one team being all third person sneaki beaki like and the other team playing in first person hunting the others.
that was made by dice canada, they got shut down quickly after

the EU aquisition that happened shortly after the release of bf2 was really bad for the company

they immediately fired all desert company staff, and seemed to change the whole company culture and goals and we all know what happened to the series afterwards
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Shit man PS2 online back in the day was where I hung out.

It didn't have as much people as Xbox Live but they were my people. I spent a lot of time on Timesplitters: Future Perfect online. I really liked that you could create and download each others maps, on fucking PS2. You don't even have modern games that support that.

Pic really holds a special place in my heart. I was like the last person to get broadband so I had to play for a few weeks at my friends house only. I remember kicking my birthday back a couple years on signup so I could hit the 18 year old cutoff. And of course having the code cheatsheet with all 4 difficulty level solutions included so I wouldn't slow anyone down.

Really unique game, haven't play anything like it before or sense. It had a lot of problems to be sure, and thats probably why it has the shitty reputation it has, but I was able to see past it.
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Yes! I always was top of the game with the marksman. God I miss that.
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That's what I did when I got the collection too. Played the multiplayer for the nostalgias.
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Instant good feels
>spontaneously getting 10 random strangers into my bus and doing crazy drive by's throughout the city
>freemode rocket launcher battles with a m8
>when you actually survive a rocket blast and get launched
i remember one time he fell off the tall-ass building and took no damage
I want more of these fucking games. They're just so much fucking fun
halo CE isn't dead, that I can assure you
it is'nt on PC. you can even play the vietnam maps without buying the dlc. A bug I guess

Came here to post this. Nothing ever came out like it.
>Halo Custom Edition
>Custom Edition

What the fuck?
>just a rythmatter game
>guitar and rock theme somehow make it fun
>how does everyone love these game
Good ass game
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RIP metal grenades online
Team Sneaking was such a good game mode. Nothing replaces it.
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>tfw you will never be 15 and playing Halo 3 with your dumb buddies you met in matchmaking ever again

It was pretty neat, though it had a bit lag.

Its a shame the studio behind it will not get a second chance due its publisher.
Shotguns and snipers on sver were boss anyway, they rotated weapon stats to balance teams anyway.

Pull the trigger, kill a guy, easy peasey.
Haha fuck, I was 20.
>be 15

i was 27
I did this with pic related it was fun while it lasted

>tfw got most of the rarest items for soma incl. dual miser rings.

Good times
What multiplayer games in PS3 are actually active?
I just started it on ps3 and immediately found a match, fucking amazing.
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How is it that valve have a pretty solid game just sitting there and they aren't even trying to make money off it or use it as a guinea pig for new steam features or anything? It doesn't even have workshop support.
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I got this along with my 360 while visiting family in Montana for Christmas, I think I was 13 at the time, so many memories of playing it with my brothers. It fucking hits me hard thinking of how shit everything became for me and how its all my fault for being unmotivated and unsure. I just want to play shitty CoD3 again split screen with my brothers in a cozy basement next to a mini-christmas tree and have bantz while drinking hot cocoa as the snow falls outside and my sisters and nieces could be heard upstairs cooking and watching movies and laughing. When they'd go out or do something else I'd go online and find out all the glitches you could pull off in multiplayer and later we'd do ladder glitches to get to sniping spots behind walls, glitch under the environment and shoot through the ground, one of us would become a spy and switch teams to continually kill and revive the top player on the team effectively stun locking him for eternity until he quit. I miss those days more than anything.
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nice blog faggot
Despite your rude comment I bet you're a nice person in reality, I hope you have a good day. S-sorry for blogposting.
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>tfw you will never have 13 years again and spend the day playing online games with your friends.
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Snapmap is fucking dead.
>can't join games in progress
>9/10 times when you join someone's lobby the host quits immediately
>the bug that makes any maps with decals crash on load is still a thing after a month
>same the bug that makes the map crash if you have a weapon spawn not set to bob & rotate
>the one time you get into a game quickly the other guy uses a hack to get infinite BFG and just spams it

Shit is driving me up the wall. I wanna enjoy a nice wave survival mission/have people playing my map but the place is a fucking ghost town, and even when you manage to even get two other people in a lobby, the game crashes.

Uncharted 3 and TLOU from what I've played in the Å•ecent times.

The former seems to be buggy on my side and the latter seems to be populated by hackers and people who pay to win.
Classic ace of spades and transformice with /vl

Demons souls

Space cowboy/flysis/air rivals
Free version of Halo CE with multiplayer and mods only, no campaign
Skating Games haven't been the same since Tony Hawk: Ride came out. Yeah Skate 2 and 3 are good but Skating Games are Dead in general and Pro Skater 5 was the final nail in the coffin.
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bruh go play stella bellum or SWGEMU ffs

it was great in the good old glory days
>Classic AoS
Anon please don't bring back memories of a better time.
I played the demo
it seemed cool.
Best multiplayer game I ever played. When I first got it, there was like a 6 month period where that disc didn't leave my PS3.
Highly underrated multiplayer.
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Still the best DBZ game for last gen
Why wasn't this split screen??
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i remember playing on a server named HEAVY WEAPON WHORES WELCOME with rpg's only

Was there anything more polarizing than sniping the paratroopers? So fun doing it but so fucking infuriating when it happened to you
Man this was fun.

Stealth kit katana loadout was my fav
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Multiplayer was so much better than in Chaos Theory.
My nigga
>Some people still using ps2 online
The absolute madmen.
There is FEAR Combat which people still us for multiplayer
>Everything Zipper is dead

Sony, why?
According to
SOCOM on the ps2 is still alive. Somehow.
Everyone uses Xlink now though.
What the fuck is an Xlink, and how tight is it's pussy?
i just started skating at age 28 after having given up at age 14. it's so much damn fun and the exercise and excuse to go outside is great
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>Tfw had an online car market before Forza
>even modded cars could be bought
>tfw will never cruise down LA with my road rash crew again
>They ruined 2's singleplayer by chasing the cawadooty audience but 3's was arguably better than 1's.
Is this a joke post? Part 2 was nothing like COD but part 3 was completely down to controls and two guns at a time.
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idk why twi completely abandoned the game. it's obvious by the reception of ro2 that people were unhappy and wanted to play ostfront instead
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Online was a lot of fun really, shame the player base was really low.
>Stick Arena

I miss that game so much, I still remember all the sound effects and musi
>Loc Lac was destroyed by a jhen mohran
Halo CE will never die
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this was my life from age 11-13 or thereabouts
The board room for this game
>So we need a premise for a Disney skating game
>How about Kingdom Hearts with skateboards?
Burst Limit 2 improved upon everything.
The first burst limit was severely lacking in roster; especially as one coming after Budokai 3.
That game is actually pretty great.
I wish more shooters had replayability like Mercenary does.
Big developers like Guerrilla really can't make mid-sized titles like it unfortunately
Not very tight

It's used to play LAN mode online
this game is actually still alive, in deathbed but still alive
Can we get a moment of silence for all the custom TF2 maps and game modes that you'll never get to play again?
Shout-out to wacky races
My nigga.
sorry m8 we're adults
They even held tryouts for kids to get to be in the game. The kids have no fucking clue how to skate and its fucking hilarious watching they try.
The thing is, the kids who would be good at skateboarding don't give a shit about being in a Disney skateboarding game.

There's that 10 or 11 year old who is pretty fucking good, but he has one of those hippy granola names like Ocean or Sky or some shit.
cp_blackmesa servers are all gone
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>you will never spend three hours in a grueling back-and-forth CP_blackmesa match

It was awful, but I will miss it greatly.
>Kid:I like skateboarding
>Mom: You have to try out for this Disney Skateboarding game and me me a shit-ton of money.
>Kid: No one cares about a stupid Disney Skateboarding game!
>Mom: Freedom Sky Life Eagle! You will do this or no Granola for you!!
That was such a blogpost but I get how you feel. Eder Dam and Mayenne were the absolute best maps, and I know cactus which glitch you're talking about too, between that little house and the rock and shit. So many dumb shit could be done in that game and I loved it. I stlll remember how stupid your character sounded when you called for a medic
Raging blast was better.
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This is Sky and Ocean when they were, like 5-7 and skateboarding.
Will we ever get a remaster on the ps4?
LBP1 & 2 were my fucking life for a while, I'd play every single day with my friends for like 2 years, engaged in forum communities, made friends, etc. No other game so far has topped the level of fun that I had with them.
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I am in the same boat.

Mag had its fun moments and I remember the chaos of those huge ass battles.
This entire thread just makes me think how shit last gen was. Anyone else?
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MAG was great, like a modern combat version of Planetside.

Valor represent
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Damn. So many good memories. Why are there no games like those anymore.
I remember there was a shit ton of full servers, then the next day everyone was gonne lol.
Then I found out that Gamespy shut down.
>mfw trying to play 007 with that thing
dunno how you even played that for an hour. Game had nothing to do except shitpost.
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Who thought adding a sniper that can see and shoot through walls was a good idea?

Anyone know if Burnout Paradise is still alive?
>platinum the game
>decide to try doing all the online challenges to get that diamond or platinum car skins
>log in one day and my data was just fucking gone, had to start fresh again
>never touch it again
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>Fat PS2 with no network adapter
>Never got to play ps2 multiplayer games online
>Played Size Matters on the PSP instead.
Shit was fun.
Pls someone set up a serv
I always liked regular sneaking mission.

Having a regular TDM with someone playing as Snake as an independent was a nice twist.
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