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Deus Ex is a timeless masterpiece.

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Deus Ex is a timeless masterpiece.
It really is the greatest game ever made.
oh yes it is
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old men
Looks like shit, plays like shit. It's so outdated it hurts. And before you say "It was amazing back then", using that logic Space Invaders is the best game ever made, with amazing graphics and gameplay. Deus Ex Human Revolution is simply just superior.
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this. there is not a single way to counter any of that. It was outdated and garbage the second it release looking at the actual good games of that time (half life)
But half life is shit
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Deus Ex has so much social commentary, it really is the game of our generation.
>samefag bait
Here is your reply :^)
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wrong pic sorry
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Whatever helps you sleep at night.
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Please post more funnies

I love this fucking game
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Was Deus Ex Revision good?
i never played it before but i got goty edition on steam recently
is this version okay or should i pirate normal one?
are there any essential mods/unofficial patches i should get?
Care to elaborate?

it's fine

mods are good but I don't think you should have them in your first playthrough
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Kentie launcher is a necessity. Nothing else required.
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Why don't you try getting some taste?
Not really but I personally like New Vision for better textures and Deus Ex launcher can be handy sometimes. Don't install anything that changes gameplay the first time.
Looks worse, sounds worse, preforms worse and they the changes they did to the map and enemy placements are just retarded at times, some areas are very cluttered.
its funny, back in the day, the one complaint was the shooting.was shit and it is, but everything else makes up for it.

sorry you can't appreciate a good game, faggot
we have top ten best games lists for a reason
this does and it was 16 years ago...
we all thought this shit would start happening in like 2025 or 2030, but then fucking 9/11 happened and sped all that shit up 25-30 to start in 2001
i play this theme when i walk about my work
i work for a gov't facility, so you can figure why i play it.
haha yeah :)
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Yes indeed
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When due process fails us, we really do live in a world of terror.
Better than kings...gods!
Finally finished Invisible War after so long and now I'm excited to hop in on Human Revolution. Thing is, there's a gamebreaking bug at the very fucking beginning in the game that causes Pritchard to just look at you like a smug asshole and not fix your eyeballs. I've been scouring reddit and PS forums but there's no mention of this anywhere. And the Square Enix forums are down for some reason. Please help.
I guess the reason I don't like is not having played it back when it came out. Without nostalgia goggles, it sucks. It just doesn't play very well, the narrative is jarring, everything is outdated and not very good.

There are games that out way before and play much better nowadays.

you just have shit taste bro. I didn't play it when it came out and I love it to death
I played it after i played HR and i liked it better in pretty much every way
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Desperate. Your turn.
Whatever (you) say man.
I finished it for the first time a week ago and it aged like fine wine:
>story is still relevant to this day.
>skill and aug system that truly makes you feel unique and build the way you want.
>multiple choices and different dialogs you get depending on what you do (even for something stupid like entering the women's bathroom) impressive even by today standards.
>top notch music.

The only thing I could give you is AI being retarded sometimes, some characters voice acting and the gamebreaking Dragontooth.

Other than that it's easily a 10/10 game.
Can someone give me a tl;dp of this game?
Chances are you like it because you are a degenerate.

Point out objective facts why it is good, or even better than modern games.
>skiltrees and story trees

So you can't saying anything good about the gameplay. Literally all you mentioned can be done better in a VN.
it's a bomb
there's absolutely nothing wrong with globalism
It has actual level design
>shooter with optional stealth
>shooting and stealth mechanics are atrocious
The good thing about this game was level design.
>reposts of the same 5 images
>wow game is the greates game evarr <3
>this game isn't actually perfect but im overexaggerating just how bad it is
>recite shitty quotes the same exact ones every single thread
>soon to be bumped off
why are these still being made, its pretty clear you fags have absolutely nothing to talk about
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Unplayable garbage that teenagers who want to appear classy and edgy claim to play for internet cred. Everything it tries to do is hopelessly outclassed by other RPG's.
The pistols and heavy weapons are pretty good.
As a FPS it's still significantly inferior to any decent game of it's time or even any 90's FPS. Running around with flamer was fun though.
Basically the game takes place in a future that's a bit more believable than the new Deus Ex game where you played an Augmented officer who discovers that there is more to the Terrorist groups claims of conspiracy
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Geez, so many butt-devastated anons that couldn't get past the first level on this thread.
No one? Guess I'll have to get a new copy or something, shit.
What version?
The main focus of the game is RPG stuff and stealth so I don't mind the gunplay not being Serious Sam.
If Deus Ex posting is /v/ equivalent of Baneposting

What is the equivalent of Hotheads?
>90's were a time of relative prosperity
>Original deus ex is set in an awful world where shadow powers try to gain the control of the ashes
>2010's are pretty bad
>Deus Ex reboot is set in a golden age where shadow powers try to control the direction humanity is evolving in

I like how the mood of the settings are almost reversed. There's about 20 years between the event of HR and Deus Ex too right ?

Time hasn't done that game any favours, other than storywise, there is no longer reason to play it.
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Game of the year, every year
whatever meme floats your boat

was a 7.5/10 game when it was released

a lot of games share the same freedom and have disfunctional and unpolished original mechanics like it but are not considered masterpieces

>a lot of games share the same freedom
That's because it's LITERALLY impossible without cheats
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PS3. I just installed it last night and ended up having to do it three times because it kept freezing. The tutorial level worked but as soon as I got to the HQ characters would just stop talking specifically Pritchard. I've deleted saves, restarted, and even reinstalled it.
Thats because Deus Ex is Cyberpunk and Human Revolution is Pisspunk.
name 5
How so? I mean, I understand that when you start guns have shit aim, but you can just go and baton guards easily.
Funny enough, most of the games that are considered masterpieces around here are dysfunctional and flawed as fuck. But they're enjoyed because they provide a gameplay that is truly unique and has deep mechanics.
Dwarf Fort is a prime example.
You can literally walk up to the objective, avoid every guard, not get seen once and not attack anyone. It's relatively easy to do that even for a beginner, just do it slowly.
What? I got killed two times going guns blazing and decided to go stealth instead and it worked. The stealth made it EZ even.
>no in game purchases to make the game easier
Game is shit
Its stealth and rpg stuff is also inferior to more specialized games.
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Ok you can stop now.
ayyyy lmao
This is shitposting. No one is that retarded
I know, I meant how that anon could find the fist part impossible.
Full stealth runs are fun. I'm doing a completely pacifist one now.
Deus Ex: The Conspiracy
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Epic Mickey
That was his point.
DF is great because you've got so much agency over your people and the epic stories that spawn from it. Nearly half of the time, it's a nightmare to navigate. [spoilers] but that's only because I didn't grow up on these kinds of games [/spoilers]
5 already has name, anon
>neo-/v/ dislikes an absolute classic

I'm not even surprised anymore.
>stealth is primitive
>has lighting mechanics that HR doesn't have
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game aged like milk and has too much artificial difficulty
also reading the story from newspapers was boring. i don't want to read it, give some more cut scenes.
it's archaic as fuck and not even fun to play. I beat it back when it was released, and yeah, at the time it was impressive. But trying to go back to it now is suffering.
Don't you have an overwatch thread to make?
>But trying to go back to it now is suffering
speak for yourself, casual
Sounds like something a person from when this game came out would say
I never read newspapers when I played it.
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>STILL in pauls apartment looking for that silencer
should i play the game again? it was really fun
No you didn't, stop lying.
why cant you faggots just get it. /v/ is more than 1 person, yet here you are trying to curve opinion like you do every single thread
t. Schlomo Goldstein
Stick with the prod.
Ywah' that's why I said neo-vee you dumb newfag
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I want to give Alex D the D
Yes. It makes the game much harder.
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Have you deleted any patch data? Something like that could be causing it.
I just got back to NY again to destroy the ship in the marine base. How far into the game am I?

I'm really loving it. It's fun to explore the areas, and the graphics and voice acting make it even more charming. I can't believe this is from 2000. Awesome game
Yes. You won't regret it anon.

Still remember Paul's code 4321
Or maybe... wait for it...
>Play it for the first time
>Finally get into it
>Sticking with the prod
>Get to hong kong
>Buy myself a new computer
>Saves aren't uploaded to steam
mother fuck

Fuck that guy prices tho. Couldn't even gift you some shit even when you saved his ass.
Why would you expect it would? Does Steam have a save system now?
most games i play on steam upload the saves. IIRC duke3d did. As did Doom.
Cloud saving works on some games.
I missed some augmentations. Am I fucked for the rest of the game?
The only ones that matter are speed enhancement, regen and ballistic protection.
the only augmentation you need is bullets and stealth
I missed the bullets one. Fuck me
Cloak is also useful but you can get through the game without any enhancements.
Steam cloud.
Are you sure?
A lot of augs show up several times.

Nah, iirc most augs appear two or three times.
I got the high jumping/fast running the second time they appear, missed them on the NSF base.
I'm already done with Hong Kong. Maybe I should reload some older save and find the ones I missed?
Thought I saw someone. A guy in a coat.
Is it worth doing a pacifist play through or should I just do a hacking stealth play through instead?
Nah, you'll get more chances to get them.
Guy is miles away by now
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I try to play as a pacifist, but after some time I get impatient and fuck it up

>dont kill anyone
>game treats you like a crazed serial killer
>game doesnt actually check if you killed anybody, just which path you took
Testing that right now.
It needs to be more cinematic for them. Put a lesbian waifu and some cutscenes and then they'll like it.

I'd say this is more in nu-/v/'s ballpark.
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After the UC? Well if you missed cloak, legs or bionic heart/recilculator then maybe, but you can find them later or even finish the game without them. No big deal honestly.
imagine being such a dull normalfag that you think reddit isn't normalfag central
Put on a trenchcoat,
And fight some conspiracies,
Get experience,
And level up abilities
Will you pick rifles,
Or computers?
Don't pick swimming, because
It's fairly useless,

It's a shooter,
And a role-playing game,
The levels are ugly,
And everyone looks the same,
We're not the same Ion Storm,
That made Daikatana,
Our games are good,
And they,
Stay on schedule

We made a sequel,
That no-one liked,
'Cos we dumbed it down too much,
'Cos we're thick,
>tfw yahtzee will never make funny videos again
I can't speak for command, but I'm gonna clean the place out.
Or 4chan being some kinda underground hacker central
they're plain files so you can move them on the new pc without any problems
Number one: That's terror.
The stealth aged like fucking garbage.
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>underground hacking network
>he doesnt hack the planet
what a shame, would make for a cool cyberpunk game tho

it's better than most of the contemporaries
Basically only Thief and Tenchu compare
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Space invaders could easily make it into the top ten or twenty of any anon, even today. Like tetris, it's an excellent game at what it does.

If Space Invaders were released for the first time on the current gen, as a small indie title, it would go viral and sell 20 million copies no problem because it's vastly superior to 90% of current titles.
I've deleted the patch that only adds two new achievements and all my saves and option settings. I even started a new game, to be sure. I've tried starting up a dialogue with Faridah and she only looks at me and speaks at random intervals, also tried Pritchard again, but nothing, he just doesn't speak. I'm out of solutions, anon, help.

I've also logged out of my PSN just to be sure.
Finally got to cap some rebels, 'eh Denton?
two words: new york city
I played it through and I'd say it's shit. The map enhancements don't blend in with the existing maps and the soundtrack is bad.
He should've kept it simple and consistent with what the original devs had in mind, not scatter a bunch of unnecessary scenery in random places. He didn't enhance anything, he cluttered the maps up with things that shouldn't be there. It's sort of like the Fakefactory Cinematic Mod for Half-Life 2.
It's all in the numbers
Number One: That's terror
Number Two: That's terror
Even by the standards of the time, the voice acting and dialogue was just so fucking bad. I mean, we had Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver by the time Deus Ex released.
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post deus ex memes
Even by the standards of the current times, you should still be ashamed of tripfagging.
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Will Eidos ever do a remaster of the first one?

God almighty I hope not.
is the deus ex intro /v/'s equivalent to baneposting for /tv/?
Was Invisible War that bad?
It wasn't that bad
It isn't good either
Hopefully never.
It suffers from consoliation, a lot.
Small as fuck levels, watered down RPG and stealth, terrible inventory system and loading times every 30 seconds.
Posting in a Due Sex thread.

no. i'm positive the vast majority that complain have never fucking touched the game for a second. story is completely fine, and sure the levels are a little smaller, but you should pull through anyways for the writing and dialogue

same goes for The Fall on pc, especially if you've read the book
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Yes, this and the Arthas/Uther conversation are usually regarded as the baneposting of /v/
It checks for at least the first level, IIRC.
Jesus why does this faggot play video games at all? If the first level was that hard to stealth for him, maybe he should try something on his level, like, I don't know, hide and seek with some 5 year olds?
not really, baneposting became a meme because the scene it originated from was fucking terrible.
>watered down stealth

Literally false. You make different noise levels depending on the surface you're walking on and the AI is a lot less forgiving. They actually investigate noise and don't just turn their head then go back to their patrol after a couple seconds. Also, you can mantle onto ledges like in Thief.

Maybe the RPG system can be considered watered down because of the removal of skills, but the resulting system is actually a lot more balanced than DX. The augs still force you to specialize, the choices between augs are tougher, and the weapon mods are a lot more balanced than shit like the laser sight from DX giving you 100% accuracy which lets you ignore the weapon skill system.
I really enjoyed it
The Nameless Mod is objectively the best Deus Ex mod though
>The controls feel terrible, in a way I can't quite explain.
I bet I can. He's mad you can't press X to awesome.
Why contain it?
*To a handful of nostalgic faggots.
This is on sale on Steam.
Never played it, is it worth trying out for the first time?
it costs practically nothing, you might as well
Yes. Get the Kentie launcher if the steam version has problems starting.
I have the GoG one and had to use it.

Halfway if im not mistaken

I played it for the first time a few years ago, it's still fantastic.

fuck your nostalgia argument
In a globalist world, where peace wll be finally achieved and everyone will be the same brownish--grey multiracial human, no more wars between countries will be waged, instead People's Army of Adidas will firebomb the areas controlled by Nike's Liberation Army

People need identity, you can't unite "water drinkers" or "humans" the same way you could unite people under one flag and ideas
>maybe he should try something on his level, like, I don't know, hide and seek with some 5 year olds?
That's even more difficult :^)

Nah, it's more like /co/ posting IMPRESSIVE and OUT AM I from Raimi Spider-Man
No leaning.
Silencers don't work.
Case closed.
What are the essential mods for first time playing? I feel like I've heard about so much different shit like the nameless mod, gmdx, revision etc. and I don't really know where to start.
No mods first playthrough.
Then start trying out shit.
I know this is bait, but it gives me the foot to say that DX is indeed a game that has aged greatly.
I played it for the first time just before HR came out, and I'm a faggot when it comes to playing old games I haven't already played, but it's just so good that this is not a problem.
>trying to play Mankind Divided
>aug apartheid theme feels hamfisted as fuck
>checkpoints everywhere with cops and everyone badmouthing adam
>get down from my apartment, there's a supposed bum with augmentation on his arm that looks 50 years more advanced than what Gunther has
>all "bums" have very slick shit on them, which looks expensive as fuck
>more aug apartheid shit, entire dialogue of NPCs in town is about augs augs augs
>nobody in the world question how aug companies might have some responsibility over the aug incident that killed thousands worldwide
>progressive shit left and right, from the "western society is racist", Jensen saying muslims can't have anything to do with terror attacks, to your boss having gay pictures in his apartment and with kids
>the underground journal says they want to fight the police state, while clearly saying here and there they sympathize with communism, oh the irony
>stealth/takedown and MD's level design just feel stale as fuck, giving a bad Human Revolution 1.5 impression
>exploration of Prague is just shitty, you climb around and hack into computers in small rooms
>shitloads of doors now have a computer lock that needs to be hacked, as if the shit filler minigame wasn't bad enough

Holy shit what an underwhelming fucking game. Not bad, but it's extremely average/okay.
no mods route,
then even after you finish the game, just get mods that are a totally different story mode, don't get any of the enhanced crap, it alter way too much the graphic and gameplay
Much worse than the original.
Story is definitely better than HR/MD, far more intriguing. Gameplay is very hit or miss, they implemented climbing over obstacles in IW, but it doesn't work in every place, but it has a melee system than the newer games lack, and the augmentation has more choice to it, while newer games allow you to be pretty much maxed out.

I say give IW a pirate
Silencers do work you retard. If you want to look around corners, listen to sound cues to know when a person or bot is walking away, or better yet just get the aug that lets you see through walls. You are too casual for a dumbed down console game apparently.
>I played it for the first time just before HR came out

i pretty much played DE after HR's release to understand the hype behind the leak,
holy fucking shit i don't regret playing the game, once you understand how it works the game is excellent
the funny part is how some of those criticism totally apply to HR/MD yet they're hailed as amazing games
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>i don't want to read it, give some more cut scenes
>make the game less interactive so you can forcefeed me the optional shit

Get off of my planet.
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>using @

How new are you faggot?
The gep gun really took up too much space for an explosion maker though, rifle grenades and lam's were a better choice unless you REALLY REALLY needed to launch a homing missile from across the map.
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Will they take out the gayness out of GMDX? I hated how they added a limit to how much food you can eat in it, unless you spend skill points in some bullshit perk. Fuck off retards, allowing JC to recover 2 health by eating all the time was fine. Faggots.
Better double check your systems: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRkWYofrsxE
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>mfw people say Deus Ex hasn't aged well
How does it feel to be underaged?
>Uses aug that lets you see through walls.
>Calls others casuals

close, Fallout 2 is actually the greatest.
Such as?
>muh cheesy cyberpunk conspiracy shlockfest
You truly have to be a 90's kid to appreciate this
Except if you had any historical knowledge you'd know cultures do not homogeneously mix. And those foreign cultures were also products of globalisation.
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>And those foreign cultures were also products of globalisation.
Or isolation or migration wich isn't the same as globalization.
There's something very wrong with globalism: it ends the possibility of getting asylum in other place.

Say you have a problem in your current country, assuming you're living in a place with some liberty, you can leave your country and seek asylum in another.

In a One World Government kind of situation, Globalism's goal, who will you seek refuge with? Aliens? A global government will be a dictatorship.
They actually gave him his own fucking death grunt.
I thought HR DC was harder than the original Deus Ex at least in the beginning of the game when you have no aug advantages.

Apparently Nexxus the devs of the PC version improved the AI, if one guy saw Adam's leg hwen using the cover all the guards in the room start chasing and shooting at you.

Later in the game I learned how to exploit the AI stupidity though, also later levels give you more room to hide and using the cloak aug
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Bought it 2 days ago and love it. Just got the Dragon Tooth, Is this going to be taken from me eventually?
nope, don't misplace it, level your low tech skills a little and you can basically cloak, run up to people, and stealthkill them in one swing to the head.
I guess I would also be a casual for using an aug that regenerates health and makes me borderline immune to bullets, and for using a weapon attachment that nullifies the cone of fire system.

All conspiracies people believe are partially true, the world has been controlled by different shadow governments like the Knights Templar, Illuminati, ect. through the centuries they are just rich assholes that have so much power they can play God with humanity, there aren't any crazy conspiracy stuff like the government being reptilians or aliens using illusion projected form Saturn, ayylmaos in Area 51 are transgenic animals used in experiments for example so the plot feels grounded in reality.
is this post bait?
No, and always keep it. Level up low tech weapons and use cloak + silent running and you'll be vengeful spectre.
That sounds broken as fuck
I love it
There's literally no reason to use silent running when using crouch + speed enhancement is just as noiseless but lets you move faster.
>Just got the Dragon Tooth, Is this going to be taken from me eventually?

It's the weapon that makes melee combat viable and kinda easy, you can kill all organic combatants with one attack if you have low tech at least in trained
Well, the cloak is a power hungry aug so watch your batteries eh?
I levelled low tech, speed, regen and I think strength and I was Dragon 1HitKO every door and enemy.
yeah you could KINDA do it with the ordinary sword but you get that relatively close to the dragonstooth anyways (first obtainable on the roof of versalife I think?) until then the melee approach is more 'stealth and stab the cunt in the back of the head from behind'

>>Deus Ex reboot is set in a golden age

>Detroit is going to shit again. full of bums
>Chinese people have to sleep on capsule hotels or in the streets even if they have jobs
>Random blood and crips-like gangbangers control whole parts of American and Chinese cities and have access to the aug technology and military grade weapons,
>the Chinese-Nigerians kidnaps civilians to steal their augs and the private military police doesn't care.
>Even random punks carry weapons

>golden age

In Deus Ex the UN has considerably more power than it does in real life and governments in general seem to have more control over people. Human Revolution is set in more of an ancap/libertarian dystopian setting where the Illuminati is corporate-based and the governments seem largely inactive/ineffectual.

I think they intentionally set themselves up for the events in HR to set the pendulum swinging in the other direction, which we can kind of see in MD.
it STARTS in the golden age, it shows said golden age beginning to go to shit.
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>one small line of bait
>this many (You)s
>>Detroit is going to shit again. full of bums

The Detroit of HR is a lot nicer, more prosperous, and richer than real life Detroit. A big part of the lore is that Sarif spent a bunch of time turning the city back into a manufacturing center.
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Dragon tooth is broken. I think devs put it there so you can breeze through the other half of the game and make it feel less tiresome.

This is the best ending. Haven't played IW yet, but I know that JC failed to merge
It's wabi-sabi. There's a certain charm around imperfect and flawed games that gives us the sense that it was made with love by people that aren't the best but are working hard. It's human, in a way. That's why a lot of modern games are so unsettling; there's no humanity to their execution. It's polished to the point where it's almost robotic.

The Christmas judging by the cover video was great.
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Should I force myself to finish IW I think I hate the game, I dropped it on the part you have to choose a pilot, I think that decides what factions you're part of.

I think the part that annoys me the most is how unbelivably awful it runs on PC
I'm on my first run, and I was loving it up until the FEMA Naval Base in NYC. It lost its shine a bit. Hopefully Paris makes up for it, because I was thinking this could be my top game ever if it kept up the pacing from Hell's Kitchen and Hong Kong.
are the future

And you're probably not going to play IW, it's a lackluster game, and a poor port, utter slog really.

All the early console compromises are very very painfully obvious.
The pilot you choose doesn't affect your allegiance, it determines the place where you start the next mission.
t. didn't even get past liberty island

>tfw sneaking around a heavily guarded secret base while this plays
>trying this hard to get more (you)s than than the Dude Sex pasta
here you go anon
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>want to participate in deus ex threads
>cant because havent finished the game yet
>have a difficult time with it because I'm a casual fuck
>slowly edging my way through the game

This game is kicking my ass. Now to close this thread again because I somehow haven't been spoiled yet.

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there's absolutely nothing wrong in calling you a faggot
Literally everything he mentioned is tied to the gameplay, but you just took it at face value as if all you do is go through menus the entire game which is a possibility if you take diplomatic routes and rush through hostile zones..

You might be talking about globalisation. Globalism is a different story.
>Fallout 2 is actually the greatest.
Deus ex is the best game ever made, nothing else can come close to this level of emergent gameplay
I miss snacklish so much
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I agree that Deus Ex is a great game, but not sure what you mean by "emergent" gameplay
> I'm not big into borders
Should've bought Nvidia.
DTS is fun but trivialises the game too much.
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IW really makes an effort for all 3 endings to work, I thought it wasn't bad in that department at all, try pirating it and playing with John P textures mod
I really like the conversation theme that begins at 3:52

Deus Ex was really a great combination of gameplay, music and story
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deus ex is a documentary
Those textures just make the whole issue with loading times worse, I'd rather play without them
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I didn't have trouble with loading times and my PC is half toaster, AMD Phenom CPU and a memecard
Yes, as you must've heard, (you)s are back.
>tfw now you all know what it's like to meet a meme-spouting "real alt-right conservative" person IRL but he just fucking browses the_donald
reply to this and >>362528993 calling me a samefag and see how easy it is to edit it out.
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>On reddit since 14
>14 years old
The loading times aren't bad, but you run into them a lot and increasing them by just a few seconds (which the texture pack does, at least on my PC) makes them that much more annoying to deal with.
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I heard the loading screens of IW were way worse when it was released, not sure if patches fixed or whatever
Why do people need nationalised identity?

Yeah, I was pretty underwhelmed too.

HR just felt more complete, even though it was very, very similar. The dialogue is worse.

There's nothing BAD about the game, but a whole lot that just isn't very great either.

It also seems really easy. I'm playing through on normal difficulty and am almost done with the game and haven't actually killed a single person. Takedowns with the new battery system are entirely too overpowered. I can just walk through rooms of enemies and knock them all out without even being detected with near zero effort.

And even though HR was also guilty of it, it's irritating how they go through the motions of making every door hackable, but also having every fucking door have a vent that leads right behind it too.
I'm still playing on Give me Deus Ex and it's quite easy, the whole stealth gameplay is fucked up. It's too easy to trick enemies to go into corners and corner takedown everyone. The third person camera makes it too easy to become aware of everything while behind the safety of cover, and the takedown gameplay is already stale at this point. What was the first game that popularized this takedown craze for stealth, wasn't it Arkham Asylum?

This shit is old and really feels worse than the original. I replayed DX with GMDX last year and it was fucking great, I like how I gotta use pepper spray or a fire extinguisher to stun 2 guards, then whoop them with the baton. In HR/MD you just press Q behind 2 guards to put them to sleep, or you use the aug that knocks 2-4 guards from range. Shit is too simplistic and boring at this point.

Yeah I dislike the "there's a vent" level design. DX didn't have that many vents every fucking where, DX maps had more verticality than MD's. Outside of Golem City everything feels like a one floor deal, also the bank.
I still don't understand why people can call this game a good modernization. You could slap a fucking Final Fantasy subtitle on this game, and not only would it be more accurate, it probably would've gotten better sales and reception.
>And before you say "It was amazing back then",
It really wasnt.
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>I still don't understand why people can call this game a good modernization.You could slap a fucking Final Fantasy subtitle on this game, and not only would it be more accurate, it probably would've gotten better sales and reception.

What does he mean by this?
Fun fact, DXHR predicts that in 2027 justin trudeau will be Canada's pm and britain will have left the eu

It did give context to the original game at least. HR wasn't bad, MD is pretty underwhelming though, but that's almost always the case with the second game in a trilogy. Here's to hoping Adam Jensen's third game will be better.

I assume he'll be the first real functional nanoaug or die or both in the third.
it is going to be a quadrilogy if you count HR, since SE said they want 2 more Jensen games
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This guy slaps your gf ass? what do?
>It did give context to the original game at least
What the fuck are you talking about?!
stick with the prod

prod with the prod
Thank him for finding me a girlfriend.
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What was the deal with this guy? he helps you and tells you he is part of a secret anti-iluminati society or something and disapears
The EU has been around since the 70s m8
I always wondered if his face opens like a hatch.
>making every door hackable, but also having every fucking door have a vent that leads right behind it too.
that's what game designers think "freedom of choice" means now
Worse yet, all these vents glow fucking orange, and you still get experience for climbing through them, like you earned something.
I play a lot of retro. Last time I tried to play this it was so bland the dialogue was lifeless and graphics very doll the I'm sure the story deepens after the 3rd level but no matter how many chances I give the game it bores the fuck out if me. hardly God tier imho. system shock 2/half life kill and rainbow six are all games that made me leave this game on the shelves.
This game is shit. Actually not that much but.. I really cant regret myself for having spent my time back in on something else damn. Where is the cyborpunker even? This blazer nig dark glassed..? Spoopy.. There is one redpill reason you could meet this thing on the interweb, the missing towers in the WTC complex. And that was due because a darn goofey design error... well nice save.
Still can't hate this shit! One of my tinfoils. Gona try this garbage before death.
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This. Deus Ex is easily the most overrated game that's loved by /v/. I played it at launch to and even back then I didn't understand the cult following it had.

thread is killed

mods please delete
He's supposed to make the game seem more "mysterious" by adding spy thriller BS.

Even though Deus Ex didn't actually have anybody acting in "LOLSOKEIKAKU" mannerisms.
He was with Bob Page's growing sub division of the Illuminati, which would later become Majestic 12. You can piece this together easily from how he talks about an invisible war going on and how you hear him speaking to Bob Page at the of the DLC.

The game never specifies who he works for.

Also, stop pretending that Human Revolution is connected to Deus Ex.
Go fuck yourself. I'm right.
How do you turn off (you)s?
this is shooped
Can you tell by the pixels?
I don't think so. It's possible to do that with custom CSS. I want to know if it's possible to disable native (you)s so that I can implement my own personal (you)s.
>Read JC's comment
>Notice his name
My sides
Not sure why it has to be native, 4chan x can do it.
>swastika plates
y thou?
Wait, you can get into Maggie whatsherfaces apartment by just talking your way in?

Every playthrough I just get onto the roof and break in.
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I don't think you follow. I want the (you) that 4chan automatically creates gone, so that I can bask solely in my (Shiggy diggy)s
Oh, right. I read that wrong.

Anyways, (You)'s can be disabled with 4chan X, which you should probably be using for convenience sake anyways.
Yes, she will have some sob story and send you to find proof in police HQ, the proof is actually against her but she counts on you being caught and fucked by chinese cops.
itt shitters who couldn't get past liberty island

Where can I get 4chan X?
You've already typed more letters than a google search would have taken you.
I played it for the first time in 2016 and it became my favorite game. What now fag? This game aged like fine wine
Your anecdote is worthless.

kill yourself underage
At least anecdotal evidence adresses the game, you are just poisoning the well.
Fuck off.
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I tried, but this isn't making any sense to me.
You're already way too deep. Main page, scroll down.
I see. Thanks.
No that would be VTMB. That "game" is the biggest piece of shit I've ever had the misfortune to experience. I can not believe /v/ praises trash like that to high heavens, why it gets free passes for humongous flaws where most other games would get lynched for is beyond me.
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>actually claiming that not only is Deus Ex bad, but fucking Space Invaders is bad
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Slap his gf ass.
>I can not believe /v/ praises trash like that to high heavens
It's not, it's just circlejerked about by a small devoted fanbase who belong on /vg/ or /tg/ who like to act like it's way more popular and better than it really is
>get into versalife and do a tour or whatever
>on that glass bridge part
>I bet I could smash the glass and fall all the way down
>try it, doesn't work
I'm still upset.
I mostly play multiplayer games with friends and don't enjoy single player experiences. As a form of storytelling I find video games to be the least intriguing. When someone acts like older games hold any sort of sacred qualities or prestigious value it's laughable.
Prod him from behind right above his waist, goes down like nothing. Alternatively Dragontooth.
rly tickel m nogin
Is Mankind Divided worth it? It's $19.79 in the sale right now.

I'm playing it right now, close to the end and really enjoying it. Performance wise it's a bit all over the place, and there's some weird design decisions I don't like (items you find in game that need an iPhone app to turn into praxis? Immersion breaking as fuck) but it's definitely worth a shot.

It does check, although in a stupid way. If anyone dies in a situation, even if you were not directly responsible, it is still considered your fault. This makes sense for the subway situation, but doesn't make any sense for the Castle Clinton situation. Basically you can't half-ass your peacefulness, you have to save everyone.
You never watched American Beauty?
Because people's minds work a certain way by nature. You way as well ask why little kids are afraid of the dark.
's cool.

4chan is a right wing conservative board

I didn't make it this way, leftards being insufferable faggots and cancer incarnate did
>4chan is a right wing conservative board
Actually it's an anonymous discussion forum. Keyword anonymous.
>PS2 version
>Best version
that flatlander woman really elevates my babymaker
JC Daniels
>slightly higher poly JC
>absolutely no lighting at all
Sure worth those extra polys

>old men

>Final Fantasy XXVII
I'll see this joke become a fact in my lifetime.
you were originally supposed to lose the dragon tooth sometime before leaving hong kong for good, i like to drop it in my playthroughs so the latter half of the game isn't ezmode as fuck
If they don't have the character on the poster in it, there'll be hell to pay
It's strange. It used to be very left-leaning in the past. Opposed to the regressive left, of course, but also opposed to the far right.

I guess with how divisive politics can be nowadays there's no room for a middle ground anymore.
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Honestly, it's a bit dated.

The story, gameplay and complexity of umm, choice and consequences, are awesome but the low res graphics make it hard to enjoy.

HR has great visuals, the rest of it was in the shade of the original. And of course the ending is ME3 tier, pic related.
We should have killed /pol/ before the stormniggers came. Now we're up to our necks in retardation.
>And you're probably not going to play IW, it's a lackluster game, and a poor port, utter slog really.
I liked IW, the graphical update helped, the story was adequate without being on the same level as the original.

nah senpai
I played it for the first time 2012 and it was fantastic.
Only thing that needs updating is the graphics.
And the aiming system
And the AI
And the balancing and utility of the skills and augs
They could have done some things better, but overall it's still one of my favourite games
Crossbow bolt at the wall behind him
Then give him the baton, you don't even the prod
>silhouette troops may act like retards and fight against them, dying in the process
Had to open a savestate and redo 10 minutes to kill him first.
well he's in hong kong now so he might not be close enough to his computer to move them
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NOOOOOOOBODY else caaaaared about my leetle kitteeeeees
How does it feel to be a living meme?
How much of a pleb do you have to be not to look past the graphics
>4chan is a right wing conservative board
lol fuck off
good and schedule don't rhyme
It doesn't have to rhyme.
They will. They acknowledge that it was a mistake. And they'll fix the ridiculous power use for flashlight too.
but they rhyme in the previous verse
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is Doom in the list? if not then you are a Glory hole fuckboy.
fits the song better
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that's one awful list
>TF2 on top 10
How old is this
> mother 3

love this meme
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Conversation teleport.webm
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>tfw I finished the game when it released
>want to play it again
>remember all the dialogues and endings
Should I still play it?
>No Metro

Shit list.
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Liberty Island Speedrun.webm
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Once a year
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Ok, how about this:

4chan is the right-wing Tumblr. You know it's true.
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*clears throat*
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/pol/ is, the rest... well, some boards more, some boards less. There's a bit too much of /pol/ in /v/ but you can, for example, have a political discussion on /co/ and actually get a bunch of reasonable opinions there. /tv/ is a lost cause but why would you ever go there anyway?
/pol/ maybe, and /pol/ likes to shit up other boards and has a bunch of edgy blow-ins looking to "claim" the site for themselves.
Deus ex is pretty much the best game ever

Let's compare Nocturne to what most people say is the best RPG ever made: Deus Ex.

Nocturne requires you to grind eternally so you can fuse the right demons to even stand a chance at specific bosses. Deus Ex requires no grinding, allowing you to play the game at your own pace.

Deus Ex gives you freedom of choice in every regard, ranging from story choices to how you navigate the levels. Nocturne gives you the former, but not the latter since you have to follow a predetermined path.

Expanding on this, Deus Ex also has multiple solutions to every problem, meaning that no two playthroughs are the same. Nocturne may allow for more freedom than most JRPGs (i.e talking to demons), but it still has the potential to be as linear as it's contemporaries.

Let's look at obtaining the pass from the collector in the sewers just before the Matador fight for example. In order to obtain the pass you need so the guard at the gate will let you through, you need to get it from the collector. He'll give you it if you help him find a 1 Yen bill. Obtaining this bill requires you to break into the back room of a bar and steal it.

The problem with this is that this is the only method to get past the gate. I'm the fucking Demi-Fiend, so why can't I just beat the shit out of the gate guard or collector so I can get what I want? Why can't I buy the one yen bill from the bar owner for a reasonable price? Why can't I find a fake bill to give the collector?

Deus Ex, and most other RPGs, would let you do these things because an RPG is about player expression. Nocturne's single approach however, is just this: linear, contrived bullshit.
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No true Scotsman.
>99. Fallout 3

And how many votes it got in total? One by Todd? Top 50 would make more sense.
How is that No True Scotsman
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>2. MOTHER 3
The teenagers of /pol/ have decided pretending that things are straw man arguments is uncool, so they've moved on to another fallacy.
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I figured it does and that there is some sort of direct machine interface behind it.

On a related note, HR and MD are rather reserved about showing augmentations non-military personal get outside of limb replacements, aren't they?
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>Mother 3 in second place
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