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Console-tan Tuesday

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Thread replies: 539
Thread images: 251

/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
"""GAMER""" Edition
Booru: http://consoletan.booru.org/
Folder Downloads: http://pastebin.com/Hyip1iYF

Everyone get comf and post/discuss/draw your favorite tans.
ghost ass
tu madre
literal autism. mods please permanently move this to /trash/
PC is the master race.
Have you bullied your ouya lately?
love snes
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How do you do, my fellow gamers
Never ever buy an Ouya! NEVER EVER!
>your Ouya
Are you implying I bought that piece of shit?
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Why does GBC have a big butt? How can Genesis even compete
My OUYA is standing behind the TV.

My SEGA MasterSystem is in front.
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What video games have you anons been playing lately? Are you having fun?

>select until none are left
Genesis has a great ass, but I think everyone can agree that GBC is the booty queen. Even if it means Genesis has to swallow her pride and admit defeat. Breast/ass envy porn when?
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Good genes.
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gameboy west.png
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Nothing on western gameboy
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Dark Souls 3 and D44M
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We need more Mobile-tan.
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>he doesn't know about the booty the GBC carried around
Pokemon Sun.

I was going to buy DOOM during the Steam sale, but I already have it on PS4 so I held back.
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you guys pick a switch tan yet?
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delet this
dankest dungeon
battle brothers

I'm only here for drawing
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Goodnight /ctt/

Wake me up next Tuesday
yeah, we've decided on K
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Of course
I think people decided on the retard one because there was a drawfag who did cute drawings of it
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Requesting a Mario Hoops 3-on-3 style drawing of Xbone, 360, and Scorpio vs PS3, PS4, and PS4-Slim.
R u o k?
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>tumblr memes counting

>K cute art gets ignored
Yes, we accept all drawings that are Switch-tan like Twins.
K isn't.
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I love retron!
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ouya is happy now.
Accepting doesn't mean liking.
its never /CTT/ without this gif
Nigger give a link to that flockdraw.
I want to witness all the dick drawing in real time.
R u retarded?
That's right, get the hint that your kind isn't allowed anymore.
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i want to put my games inside her
The winning Switch design.

People are just upset that drawfag didn't draw twins doing the same trenchcoat gag again.
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I want to stick her four dicks into me!
the true happiness.
ouya is complete now.
You fucking suck, draw twins that matter.
She's so cute in this.
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I want to impregnate Retron!
Bitter manchild, get a grip.
Get fucked, twinshitter.
You're only being posted thanks to a circlejerking faggot forcing the fuck out of it.
I want to marry Retron for four years!
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just because it didnt get the replies it did last thread? Most the people here probally came from that thread and already saw it
I want to have 4 kids with retron!
Draw the trenchcoat again, it's fanneh xD
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Can I be a console-tan?
K had the worst jokes out of the 4
Kill yourselves, seriously.
Can't you see people dislike you tremendously and posting K is the sign for shitposting?

End your fucking lives, you won't be missed.
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I want to get divorced with Retron and pay alimony!
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I want Retron to serve four years in prison!
>My imaginary console personality is better than your imaginary console personality!

Why can't we just post boobs and butts.
>merely pretending tumblr memes
>twins one gag man
>switch is s bitch
>E had to be explained
Wow tough competition.
Good thing K got a thing called variety in which flew over several people's heads.
But hey, force that one design you like one more time, it should work now, right...?
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>post any other switch design
>"hurr durr tumblr shit this isnt k porn wtf"
>post k
>civilized responses all around

/ctt/ is full of unbiased individuals who are not shitposting
Right back at you, your same recycled jokes can only be considered shitposting at this point.
What other content can you shit out aside from your pedobait being fucked by the dog and the same joke?

Is that why you're still overstaying it?
Does that circlejerking faggot like bestiality or something?
It's quite clear who won by this point and you should just accept it instead of shitposting.
You're so blinded in rage you can't even enjoy things as it is, specially quality OC like that.
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I want Retron to chop my dick off in 4 pieces!
I bet you couldn't last 4 minutes with Retron.
it didn't fly over people's heads, it flew out your ass onto every thread
Your design ONLY got popular because of JADF drawing YOUR pornbait getting fucked by the dog himself.
Twins got far more content aside from hurr Durr look at mi character posing lewdly, so hawt muh pedobait
>b-baaaw they didn't draw what I like
You're part of the problem.
not blinded by rage, it's just difficult to see any value in it beyond your autistic ramblings of "it has potential" without ever specifically describing how
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I want Retron to eat four cakes! Four!
Why the fuck should I spoonfeed you when you aren't even interested in the first place, you self-centered prick?
You're the one that should research it before going around running your mouth like a retard because you dislike something that much.
No, you're for trying to act smug by playing neutral.
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Been playing Marathon, pretty damn fun even if the ambushes get irritating or stressful at times. Being locked in a corner with hunter majors in my face is not very fun.
It'd be neat to see PC dressed as the cyborg protagonist though.
I want Retron to destroy four buildings!
I want Retron to gain 400lbs!
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Every day I thank god that my life is not so worthless that I consider drawfag politics rage-worthy
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Me too
I want retron to snap my sneck four times!
because we can't be arsed to see your shitty -tan and that glorified potential you claim so much for her to have.
you're all shitposters that can't stop doing this repeatedly and bully away anyone that dislikes it
why should i even care
>posts a trump pepe
>thinks he's better than us
What the fuck?
How does telling someone out of their hipocrisy is acting smug?
I want Retron to have four fingers!
I'd be fine with this
See now I know your opinion is biased as shit because of falseflaggers shitposting, you're really blinded by rage to the point of going on a tirade over how much it sucks without not doing any work.
It's like looking at a cake and proclaiming it's shit without tasting it.
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Why dont you go back to saving those shitty porn drawings, surely they will be useful someday kiddo
you're the hypocrite for acting holier than thou.
Do you want Retron to put four fingers into your asshole?
Why should I fucking care?
Twins are better in every single way already.
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Yes! And put four dicks in my mouth! And cum four times!
What variety? Also love how defensive k-klan gets.
Chill the fuck out
Thats how people vote though. You dont vote for somthing you dont like.
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leapfrog/leaptv tan I found on the booru randomly
Not the same joke every single time, several gags can be played out with it, although not entirely necessary.
Dynamism in interacting with the loli and milf as both behaves differently.
>K Klan
This is getting ridiculous.
t. avatarfag
I always knew you had that bias in you...
Whats a retron?
Yes, let's have a bunch of talking heads decide what DRAWFAGS SHOULD BE FUCKING DRAWING WIPWHOORAY
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I want Retron to cut me into four pieces!
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I wanna eat a Four for Four (at Wendy's) with Retron!
How high are you right now?
Do you see an avatar?
Fuck off.
That's really detailed and weird! But thats ok its not real!
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What's with all this Retron Art?
Is this like that explosion of 360 art that happened a while ago?
No way, she'd make me cum in 4 seconds!!
The milf never has aby personallity and constantly gets drawn as a mindless mech and the only joke that K had was "It's a loli in a milf! Get it?!"
The only time ive chuckled at K was the strip that ripped off spongebob
Also k-klan was a joke you shrew
Then why are you getting so assravaged if there are multiple tan designs?
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Retron is cute!! cute!!

Some of this stuff is technically a bit old
So what did razer do with all the ouyas anyways?
What is a retron?????
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360 got put on the map because of a boom in art from drawfags one week, we should do the same with PS3, PS2, or PSP so they steadily get more art as well.
And to add it up;
>personality in which she got plenty of by being a smug shit with the milfbot whereas she becomes more insecure without it, milfbot was seen mostly as smug and even more bitchy than her
>design became adaptation of not one but several other designs which had great ideas and weren't left to die instead (I really need to make that pic of references already)
>it fits perfectly as the predecessor of WiiU as her gimmick evolves entirely instead of being yet another controller
>design isn't hard to draw aside from drawfags being worried about stepping out of their comfort zone to explore the loli coming out of the milfbot, drawfags can pick out their preferences even to spice things up
i was trying to make the point that shitposters shit up the threads until some faggot appeases them with k art but anything else legitimately good gets treated with maximum salt
praise your drawfags overlords.
>"It's a loli in a milf! Get it?!"
Atleast that can be played out differently each time instead of dying off over how it's played out.
Tbqh senpai, really obvious you just dislike it for the sake of shitposting away.
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Stop arguing and start posting cute console tans.
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dont you fuking dare.png
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the only thing k is good for is porn. thats what it was marketed for and thats what kfags really want from it
The forced meme, we get it...
Everytime ive seen the loli, in or out of the milfbot, shes been smug as fuck. Do you have any examples of the being nonsmug?
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>it's only one joke
>people are this hell-bent on disproving it because they dislike it
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Legit curious
Im in no means to start a flamewar but why did K bloom as the most popular out of all the switch-tans?
more porn potential
How? How is her one gimmick better than the others one gimmick?
>waah shitposter!
Every fucking time. Try defending your cause instead.

Personally, I think it's too fucking early for ANY switch-tan. We know fuck all about it to create a tan that perfectly personafies the device.
ello mate
because it makes sense. talking about how that shit works.

for example the twins are the damn controller. not the console. just like the dog or other designs.

the damn milfbot is the actual dock.

retard is getting more more and more votes silently
Running out of battery could be a gag any of them could do, that is not a K specific joke. Thats not even a Switch specific joke. Thats anything that runs on batteries.
Got to play it safe and pick the most boring choice out of all of them. People with autism don't like too much change.
Because it's not ONE gimmick?
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The best!
I want Retron to lick my dick four times!
Me too!!
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Here's the problem, you post anything non K, you get this.

You don't reply to a K image enough
<see> >>359138639
They play victim.
Fucking pieces of shit that have ruined /ctt/

K is a bundle of two different types of common fetishes; jailbait/loli and thicc/milf. It's really no surprise that it's considered the most popular.

that said, K is just fetish pandering and anyone who says otherwise is delusional
actually I'm wworking on a part when K switch has some problems /issues with the other tans in a non smug way...
i want retron to touch my dick four times!!
tumblr memes
How is that insecure though?
Is milfbot ran on salty tears, I wonder?
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Like all tan's arent fetish pandering except toasty
Tans are : fetish pandering, desigh with sense for the console and joke potential
>tumblr memes

>How is that insecure though?
it's not it was just one random thing I did tho
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I want retron to do paizuri on my dick four times!
I want her to sqeeze me with 4 times her strength!
Thats good to hear. Sick of seeing all the art making her the best thing since sliced bread. Need some variety
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being cute
People can act very differently in lewd scenarios. I wouldn't count that
why dont any of the flockmod drawfags draw switches
I want Retron to choke me and step on my dick 4 times!
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But what about other switchs
I'm glad you brought this up, friend.

What you said holds true to most current designs, I agree, although I would argue that charm is the fourth factor. That said, K only has fetish pandering on the list. There's no charm with the design besides the smug faces JADF drew once and never returned to again, humor is a chuckle at best, and the design is similar to just about every other design (black/grey with joycons on hair, red hair, etc.).

So yes, you are correct, console tans do consist of those traits, but K is missing 3 of them, which is why I dislike it.
>one joke
Several jokes.
This is what I was talking about when I said dynamic.
You people are so far up in shitposting you don't even bother to see it.
Good luck, k purests will destroy anything other than k drawings
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Too much switches, yo!
Because they are too busy drawing dicks
P S 3
But the others have also had multiple jokes drawn for them? Why do you choose to ignore that? You are as bad as them?
Are YOU shitposting?
These are all from a drawfag that re-draws anime as Steven Universe art.

K-friends, never
any other switch art ever again.
This is still "loli in a milf!" Joke though?
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I need more Lynx.
You're trying reaaally hard to nitpick.
A free (You)
Just for (You)

Thanks I guess. Have some truth.
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I want to kiss retrons 4 tongues!
I want Retron to rape me 4 times! In four holes!
PlanetofJunk draws Homosuck and you don't see people complaining about it, do you?
always knew K was a tumblr tan
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Personal opinion for me I have a liking for K design's. Mostly because it did get the most obvious factors you could get out of a switch design (joycons as twintails etc). It's no fault that people would borrow the best features and try to improve them during the design brainstorm
K can gain charm through the humor but thats the only problem I see, K can bring humor but it's the problem that very few people havent done that I would if I knew something about jokes but I just limited myself to draw something "neat" looking for her , and I've felt that it had more possibilities for them than other design which I will not namedrop

Also what made K gain popularity was pic related, JADF just motivated the porn
most of the drawfags have other places where they upload anon
including me
No im not. Im trying to show you that they all have a "concept joke" what iswhat all following jokes will revolve around
and to think that "muh tumblr" guy is one of k's main shills
I want to squeeze Retron's tits 4 times!
PoJ also doesn't go around talkin' shit about other switch designs.
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PSP is cute!
Does she have a small head under a big head cause the console isnt as powerful as nintendrones claim it is?
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The Switch is a dog.
Wheres the full image to this? i dont see it on the booru
who is this tan
who is this artist
I have no clue, anon
K is technically the only design that didn't come from a Tumblr artist, so there's that.
The -tan is ded Alienware.
The artist is a flockmod drawfag, either Shadowbug or Digger if I had to guess.
> right arm
> not just playing the milfbot
This is the worst one
Good artstlye though
who gives a shit
what is the song?

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As you all saw it's just
>no humor
A+ shitposting.
Oh wow, I saw Alien herself but I never saw the cute little emotions on the right
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Post Jaguar!
pretty much just one guy
If this is a reason you dont like the others then you literally dont give a shit about tans
I wanna squish her cheeks
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Too bad that she's dead, like some other computer-based -tans.
I don't care about switch-tan in general, just pointing out that calling just K the tumblr tan is silly
I use it as a bookend for my manga.
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in my comic
I consider the milf bot to have it's on A.I that usually follow K komands is that ok?
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ps1 design.png
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I need more.
I wasn't calling K the tumblr tan, I was pointing out that calling the other switchs >tumblr is hypocritical.

Artists using tumblr is fine, it was made for artists to host their art and shit and then ruined by fags.
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Follow your ideas and explore them.

I swear to god all these samefaces...
>is that ok?
Whatever you want, mate. No one is going to round you up and put a bullet in your head

do it better youreself
do I have to be a chef to say food is bad?
What about
Loli switch with her tits pressed against Vita as the milfbot presses hers against PS4's?
same face is not a meaning of bad.

and you cant't point out things in the right way if youre not a chef.
>Sleeveless sweater and panties
I still thought that initial design was way hotter, seeing it now I can see Impact wanted to reuse the scrapped idea behind the hair.
>mecha milk
Got a chuckle out of me.
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haha lol
What is it now?
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I personally prefer the gray Kurisu we got.
is disck swap a form of NTR?
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Did everyone have a nice Thanksgiving?
Can't find that one on the booru.
I like that booty.
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just a good idea is all
Because of a petty circlejerker doesn't like K so they gang up on it.
Likely a drawfag.
her fanbase. look at any recent /ctt/ thread and it becomes painfully obvious
discord/flockmod group of drawfags / old ctt group
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Such a shame too.

Strange, even when I click the ps1 tag I can't see it.
Is this new? Or a rare old pic?
newish I would say
Some of the tag aliases have been fucking up lately, namely the SNES aliases. Might be why.
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Few weeks old, I think.
As an observer I can see both sides are to blame for shitflinging out of eachother, calling out on one another is pure hipocrisy as you're doing pretty much the same from the other side, I suggest a truce so this stops once and for all.
Chameleon is HOT
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>"Ahh this is not Magical Drop..."


but seriously Magical Drop is awesome
Shitposter-kun go to bed.
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>every console-tan has to be a cute girl
>nobody but PC and Android are allowed to be cool dudes
Why couldn't Switch-tan be a Kamen Rider Fourze inspired super hero with the interchangeable controllers?
Please stop.
>forgetting Toaster
>forgetting Shield
>forgetting the male Gameboys
>forgetting fucking Gamesphere
Then stop calling her K and call her just Switch-Tan instead
>red head
lel bet you comfy jag fags copied red hair because of switch-tan
>male Gameboys
They're shit
I just want more comics with Android-tan in them.
Cute girls > cute boys
Besides, you can't fuck boys! ...
Shitposter-kun, go the fuck back to bed.
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Go to bed shitposter-kun
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I wanna pet jag!
Which one of you thought this was a good idea
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Holy shit.
An agreable dude but that's it
>Male gameboys
A fatass.
Were they fused into mobile-tan? I wasn't here for this lore.
>2 with little no fanart
>one who fills the tumblr fetishes
>the other who is okay
Male gameBOYS are better, taking them over little fit midget

GBA-san is better
I sure fucking hope not. Android-tan is the best tan. And why couldn't iPhone be Android's arch nemesis or something? Of course it has to be another generic woman, this time with a coat of grey paint.
Can we get a 'Mistakes into Miracles' with Pregnant Wii U with Vita with a soft overlay of every fucking Salty asshole who has to 'pick a design' then just letting people draw what they like?
Fuck me man, I was willing to throw so much momey at that guy before he was found to be a scam artist.
s-stop having opinions that differ from mine! there can only be porn of fetish-tan loli milf. go back to r-r-reddit!
Shitposter-kun I said go back to bed.
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>unironically hating women
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Android-tan and iPhone-tan represent their respective phone variants, while Mobile-tan represents the mobile gaming market as a whole. Three different characters, two for specific phones and one for the general idea of mobile phone gaming.
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Requesting Jaguar and Lynx replacing Trevor an Cutter in this picture.
There's just an over saturation of literally that exact same body type.
>Tfw want to make comics
>cant into paneling
>Not that great at drawing either
fuck man, how do people do it?
SNES thighs.
quality pc-tan/toasty/cd-i bonding
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Pi-tan bandaging up a sprained SNES knee
This if it ain't complicated?
Mario Hoops >>359138884
PS1 with lab googles examining a Sega CD.

Do we even have a Sega CD-tan?
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miss U dressed in this getup and pose
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You draw that? If you did I just wanted to say I love your art.
More Lewd SNESxGenesis with futa
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nothing at all.jpg
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This with loli switch and Vita or a -tan of your choice.
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This shit used to be creative and fun.

CD-i explaining the advantages of CDs over cartridges to old console-tans in her own retarded way
PS Vita and Wii U arguing over who needs to go pick up the latest indie port. Vita ends up having to get it and he complains U never does that chore anymore
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Is it too late to start drawing for /ctt/?
We need more of these.
PS4 arm wrestling PC and losing
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>Is it too late to start drawing for /ctt/?
It's been a thing for three years now, it's never too late to start drawing.
Never too late.
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That's also a fetish.
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Have you cleaned your systems recently, anons?

How small is Toaster?

Or is NES 8 Feet?
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super famicom?
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I desperately need more xhueg
PC just has an unfair FPS advantage.
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not really no
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Check THIS
You know, since they're twins, they could be considered doubles.
Nice two mofo
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The best switch isn't used for shitposting.
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I feel you man.
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ps4 activates the power of friendship
listen bitch, this gorrila dick daddy is hungry and if you don't show me that hole in about 10 seconds

i might kill you
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かわいい as fuck yo
As amazing as this is, it could've been perfect if PS1 were there too.
>flowers of evil
>not the animu

(still put it in my watch later playlist)
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_ ____ __ ____ ____ ___.jpg
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>PS3 wearing a suit
PS4 doesn't deserve her sweet sisters.

thanks. i couldnt think of any remastered ps1 games though
Isn't Crash being remade for PS4?
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an idea of 4 dicks

couldnt remember if that was a rumor or not. i guess theres also that upscaled ffvii, but eh
that's actually pretty funny
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is this loss


maybe not but ps3 cant afford not to be associated with tans that have games
crash OG trilogy is confirmed for PS4
think it's due march or april
>Xbox, unlike Xbone, is literally a cyclops.
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I'm still neutral on that aspect.
>>359151557 depicts her with two eyes (even if they are closed and hard to see)
I'd need some damn good art either way to truly be convinced.
>the retard isn't used for shitposting
but that's wrong tho it has multiple times...
For what little X-box art i've seen using the hueg design, she doesn't have eyes, just the X shaped strap and a green circle in the middle.

I think it fits, because she's a giant.
Shadowbug literally just decided Xbox was a cyclops and started drawing her like that.
That's it.
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Hobo club
All I'm getting are gel like bananas senpai.
Well in the pre-/ctt/ comic and in impact's PS2 ref she did have eyes.
Most designs are based on that old comic and may have omitted the eyes because it would be difficult to add without looking silly or just plain missing them on the original and assuming there were none. A simple mistake can can influence a character's design, much like how >>359155584 has PS3 in a suit instead of a bodysuit, likely because a recent picture had her acting as a bartender.
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>it's already 12 and I didn't finish my comic...
shit maybe next...
next week...
drank a bunch since i last drew a thing, so i'll take 1 short nonlewd request before i tucker out

just do it as fast as u can instead of sadding and putting it off
accurate af
We need more creepy retron.

With eyes the straps look kind of stupid, mainly because the green circle in between.
Rule of cool.
It depends on the thickness of the straps and size of the circle.
CD-i dressed as the goblin king or ziggy stardust when?

nevermind, i rescind my offer. already have something in mind
I really like fumafu's tans
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shit fuck dammit
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Lewd PS4 is my favorite.
Can I get PS2 standing near some sort of representation of PS2's entire backlog, shouting "The Empress is me, PS2! And Nobody will change that!"

Amazing, CD-I-tan!
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Not lewd enough.
What's the lore on the Kinectless Xbox One?
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Still no MSX-tan huh?
That's just Xbone with her blindness and deafness cured.
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PicsArt_11_30_2016 00_27_27.jpg
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okay here's my last one for this week. this took me like 15 or 20 minutes because alcohol. there was gonna be more but i am assblasted out of my mind. THIS TOOK MORE THAN TEN MINUTES WHYYYYYYYYYYY

the only reason i even remembered the structure for it is because i planned it out at work hours ago. i didnt even really get the joke when i was working on the last panel so i had to reread it. anyway hope somebody likes it

anyway nighty nite
Any incest stuff between PC and Xbone?
She is now trapped in that loop forever. I hope you are happy anon.
But I want to know if she will be redrawn without the Kinect helmet
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She is too pure to be sexualized.
>not 'switch'
Berry good
All memeing aside I wonder what Microsoft is going to do now that it's apparent that they've completely lost touch with what people want in a video game console.
I'm getting mixed signals here.
They didn't lose touch, if anything they have more in touch than Sony right now. Backwards compat is a huge deal!
Focus on Windows

People have done it before, she has either green eyes or anime blind eyes (no pupils to represent fogged eyes) from what I remember.
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Maybe to you, but normies don't care.
Yeah, I do edit shit for /sug/ over on /co/ a lot. Drawfags do plenty of different shit.
I know Steven Universe is a bit faggy with all the crying, but I enjoy the autism of /sug/ same as I enjoy the autism of /ctt/.

Hey, I don't talk shit on the other switch designs either. I simply liked K the most of the ones that were in those original shitposting threads and decided to make art for her since no one else was.
And it was shitty art. I just wanted to show the potential she had for comics and shit.
Hell, I even tried to do shitty sketches to help with making Switch B better cause I loved the Magical Girl Switch idea. But it never really got a good drawfag to refine her enough to work.
Hey man, you do you, drawfags should do whatever they want. I am cool with that, I was just pointing out that K is just as tumblr as all these other tans, because a lot of times when retard or twins get posted its always followed by >tumblr and shit.
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It's time for some... After Dark posting...
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did that one writeanon ever deliver that fic based on this pic?
>over on /co/
Fucking hell, the horror
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The time has come and so have I.
Oh, yeah. That just happens with everything on the more shitpost-y boards.
Same shit happens on /co/ at least.
Don't see it happen as often on /a/.

Have you seen their Channel-Tan stuff?
They basically have Console-Tans, but done with different tv channels/programming blocks.
Like, the lead three are CN-tan (looks like something out of Adventure Time), Disney-tan (looks like something out of Gravity Falls), and Nick-tan (looks dorky).
/co/ is all about OC autism.
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sketch comic inked 1.png
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Fuck, I almost missed /ctt/ entirely
I just made these the other day since I liked the comics that one guy made
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sketch comic inked 3.png
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I skipped doing one of them
Needs more lewd
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GBC is the booty queen!
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Looks like ps4 sales must be dipping.
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Is anyone doing this request?
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Something is wrong with that face.
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anyone here ERP's?
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The puffier
Pineapple Head
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PS3 also spoke an overcomplicated language nobody really understood completely.

Fucking Cell CPU.
so who eventually won the switch-tan? I know retard is dead but she's my favorite
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So a drawfag got doxxed over this switch shit?
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Requesting soem devs asking PS3 to "draw grass" in various languages and PS3 absolutely not getting what they're trying to say.
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This looks new, neato.
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I wish we could get some Japanese devs to make games based off console-tans, sans the copyrighted terms obviously. Neptunia wouldn't even compare.

They're making it but also stuck on discussing which Switch design they should use.
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Where Vita
taking the photo
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I've seen someone ERPing as PS4-tan over at /trash/
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Goodnight, anon
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night ho
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>Someone likes one of my old obscure tans even after I've been inactive for so long
my dick
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I made that
War Thunder, TF2, and Warframe

I-I'm not poor, I mean I really like metal bawkes, space ninjas, and wacky characters.
Post the version where she has her panties on.
I don't have it anymore.
I have the bad habits of not conserving the shit I draw, cleaning my folder every once in a while. (fact is, the only piece of art in my folder right now is an /aco/ delivery.)
Maybe it's on the booru.
If memory serves me right, the pantsu is stripped.
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switch(es) tan walking together.jpg
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>didn't finish the comic
I have this to show instead I guess
Sound like a cool idea. Working on it
no switch makes a comfy thread
keep threads comfy by not posting anything related to switch please
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Can somebody post the male version of gameboy tan? I can't find a good reference anywhere.
there may be one on the booru
>>If memory serves me right, the pantsu is stripped.
>Can't even remember my own fucking drawings

T-thanks though.
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gonna have to ask that you tone down the ass
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No can do.

Have some tiddies, though.
make em flatter and we got a deal

i dont like cowtits, no matter how rad
I don't understand, you want me to edit the picture to make the ass smaller, or you want me to refrain on making big ass in the future?
Shit's old and the big ass was part of the request mang.
Fuck you pedo
Ignore him and draw more ass.
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my asian friend of 24 years old has A cup size tits and that's not a problem in the slightest

I draw the line at D. Anything bigger is nasty

im also pretty gay so tits are not something i want on a man
small ass in the future because im a tit man, not an ass man
its fine for shape, perspective, and essentially everything else - but i personally dont like ass

just keep doing you

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I legitimately think she's the best switch
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Hegemony Gold: Wars of Ancient Greece. Probably one of my favourite games ever, but with the caveat that it is sometimes so much to take in at once that I have to stop playing after like 30 minutes.

Also almost upgraded my dying laptop to a desktop I would have built myself for $700, but realised I already play too many video games and need to not be encouraged and ordered another toaster laptop to burn up for a few years.
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Hey, believe it or not we're on the same wave, I prefer my women to have small attribute.
Generous (read: not giant either) ass with nice hips with flatchest is god tier though don't you dare say otherwise.
I'll fite u

Another day man, it's the morning and I'm tired as shit, that's what I get for being Yurop.

Jesus please have mercy of my soul, I'm at work

A man can only get so aroused
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only 10 posts left
this tuesday wasn't all bad. sure there was some major shitposting hours but it wasn't all bad luckily
goodnight for another week, /ctt/
>those tits
to each their own
ideally vita is the image of a woman i look for but will never have

just the right body but enough of a shutin weeb to keep things interesting
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That last panel is horrifying and hilarious
i try to please my customers
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I have some concerns...
Seems to me like retard is the canon one at this point, regardless of shitposting.
The switch designs are awful. When they do the stage reveal all the drawfags on tumblr are gonna do some male-female tranny transform Tan instead of Matryoshka Switch BS yall are pushing.
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Who cares what they make
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good night everynyan
There's no such thing as canon, retard.
wake up videoart
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p-please let him sleep
no he has to draw me some pieces of shit
The 'canon' is draw whatever you like
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I love madcats
What the fuck is wrong with you?
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Go to bed, it's Wednesday.
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Madcatz is dumb and cute.
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Just ignore 'em
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Weird, I've seen this image tons of times but I never noticed PC, Toaster, or PS1 in the background.
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Vita trying to fit in and failing into the milfbot when?
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I tried the male/sentai/kamen raider/shonenshit switch thing...
In no way I'm a drawfag and since the thread is almost dead I post a proof of concept for some feedback.

His scarf is one part black with a white dot and the other white with a black dot.

His gimmick are his gloves that work as the controller. I see him around having different glove for different purpose, comical or not.
Who's the large one in the far right
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188KB, 531x491px
>tfw image limit reached
And last pic is shitty bait nonetheless.
Because blatant fapbait with no design is somehow more popular that other choices.
someone is still that butthurt
>gets proven wrong
>still upset
Why tho
A sage once said.
>Tits is the ass just with nipples.

Changed my life back then.
They're all blatant fapbait

No context, not part of discussion, just blatantly trying to push as many pics of her as possible.
Even the retard is fapbait.
Goodnight /ctt/
he's not wrong tho.
Who cares? They're either cute, cool, or funny looking. Pick your poison.
oh gosh i really want to lick K's feet amirite guise xD
i wonder how underaged children frets tastes like, for jokes! haha
>who cares Iif they're all blatant fapbait
>except that one because I don't like it
you have to be 18 to post here.
>getting this triggered on a dying thread
I guess the red triggering autists thing was right afterall.
Thread posts: 539
Thread images: 251

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