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Final Fantasy XV

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Thread replies: 644
Thread images: 146

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Luna is dead. perubro lied to us.
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I guess I'm a shill for Hill now
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luna confirmed ded
Preorder canceled
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We told you Luna dies. The story in this game is fucking terrible.
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>Anti-kun, Versusfags, and Conanfags all on suicide watch after being BTFO by based perubro
She joins them in heaven.
Luna is with Stella now
>inb4 day one patch updates her model to Trump
Daily reminder
dissidia is fighting shit
dissidia 2 is garbage fighting shit
11 is mmo shit
12 is shit
13 is shit
13-2 is shit
13-3 is shit
14 is mmo shit
15 is MEGA shit
16 will be shit
x-3 will be shit
type zero is playable

Remember kids shitty games deserve death. This is not up to debate consumer cucks.
What the fuck. Now I'm never going to see her wearing the wedding dress.
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>game is garbage
>shitposters sticking it to the boogeyman about it
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He was already shown in the art. So I can see this happening.
thank god she died maybe this game will actually be good now
pick one.
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why should I care about Luna? Where is Stella?
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Keep trying Sucide watch niggggaa
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Post yfw perubro delivered
So it's still a 7/10 after all, any amount of setpieces won't change that
They're both together now.

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He said it so we could feel the misery even though we were spoiled.
Quit pushing your 7/10 meme nigger, also where the fuck is perudude at?
Well at least Tabata improved from making mediocre games to average I guess
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is set piece just a fancy word for scripted events with QTE?
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That looks like shit
>everything is a meme
What amkes it so great then?
Just how fucking sheltered is that guy?
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Probably the one who actually appeared in the game.
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Mostly, in this one you can't even die
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you know what i take it back this fag keeps posting the same responses you guys must have really triggered him
So let's recap here. In addition to
>shit combat
>no difficulty
>boy band faggotry
we now know that
>first half of the game has nothing happen story wise, just a bunch of fetch quests in an empty open world
>most of the time you are auto pilot driving, doing nothing but changing music
>altissia and lestallum are tiny as fuck, smaller than witcher 3 villages
>all 'boss' fights are press X to win
>luna dies
>after she dies the game goes 100% linear and the story finally starts progressing
>it makes no sense, it's rushed, and poorly done
>then the game ends abruptly

glad I cancelled my pre-order.
Kinda. Tabata&co should shill down with all these Qte and Set pieces, honest. They spam too many into it.
did people already beat the game? is there really a timeskip?

Is this the first noteworthy thing to happen in the game or what?
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set piece =/= scripted events
The 2013 version looks better

Noctis literally killed her in the Omen trailer.
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>smaller than witcher 3 villages
seriously? lol
Anti-Kun calm down

____NOTHING____ > luna dies > linear shit > end
Dude take some meds calm down man no need to lie.
didnt they already confirm no permanent female party members like years ago?
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this one is an amazing moment
sad how it ended
That's literally running on a high-spec PC. Not a shitty PS4.
So is Perubro crying in a corner or something? Post more
So sad when anime characters with no personality die. Makes me cry every time.
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Honestly, it doesn't look that amazing, the artstyle is just way more consistent and if they kept the character poly count from back then they could've easiyl pulled it off on PS4
>perubro is literally a tabata cuck linking crisis core music
all opinions discarded
No, they actually confirmed that Luna does join the party.
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So, is she really dead? I thought you said she joins the party? Don't do this to me, perubro. Please tell me she's OK.
We got our Aeris dies moment of this generation. Based Tabata.
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>That's literally running on a high-spec PC
from fucking 2012, aka something weaker than a ps4.

they just fucked up everything in this game. it looks worse than mgsv which runs at 60fps.
Wait, what if el peruANO is actually Nomura?
Haven't followed the game at all, including other media for it.

Does the story actually make you care about Luna or do I have to attach myself through other stuff?
why didn't they just use a phoenix down?
yeah she becomes a DLC skin for the regalia
Stay mad, anti-cuck
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>2012 PC
>weaker than a ps4.
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heh it was just to fit the moment
tabata does it again
and Ignis is now blind
you can see a scar
Except this time I actually care about the character dying.
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But about the Kingdom hearts 2 secret knight boss that's supposed to be in XV
>Does the story actually make you care about Luna
Fuck no. The movie has her in it being utterly useless and annoying and the game has her in very literally random scenes and flashbacks with zero context.

Then she dies.

They did not even try with this plot. They didn't try at all.
So she's dead????

Are there other towns after this that you get to explore?
PS4 was released in 2013 you dumb nigger. No way was it never stronger than a PC.
why tho
I dunno, Luna's character is kinda lack of impact in term of personality.
>world in the distance is just not there
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>Ignis is now blind

What'd they do to my nigga, Iggy?
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Can you show us the map of the area you are in now? Pleasssseeee???
Remember when Luna was supposed to be a strong womyn? KEK
>Leviathan scene and fight is pathetic
>bland yuna clone dies
>basically confirming leaks are true
We already knew that Ignis went blind.
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They upgraded him
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10 years for this
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Can anyone actually confirm this?

I'd love to fight Aqua or Terra in their armor.
Yeah this is bad writing. They fridged the lead female wtf
>ignis is blind
How the fuck did that happen?
>PS4 is stronger than a 2012 PC
You're just pretending, I hope.
That's a lot of forced drama again, kinda expcted from Tabata
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>/v/ convinced this game will be shit
>it'll still be leagues better than XIII
>xv-kun is still sperging over this
>dat pompadour

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Even Wii U games look better than this
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w ut
Why should I care about Luna aside from the fact that Noctis loves her?
>listening to an abo shitposter
Your own fault
Atiakute is a nigger loving faggot.
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>goodbye noctis
>she bleed
>a fucking cutscene
what you think?
pic related
everyone got damaged in the levi war
If LW had his KH2 moveset he'd be unbeatable. I don't want an unbalanced LW fight with bad movests and no stagger
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i'm reading spoilers and still looking forward to playing

10 days lads
the game is out and its worse though
No just heard word while in Kingdom hearts general
Would like updates on it Anti-Kun
>goodbye noctis
>she bleed

I'm cool with all of that but the fact that all these character and the writing are anime-tier did not sit well with me. I mean c'mon this was supposed to be a come back, man.
I'd sure fucking hope so with the amount of time and money that went into this.
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>anyone who likes KH is XV-kun
>implying me and another anon are the same person
Some retards think doing mmo quests is better than running in a straight line. Frankly they are both just as shit as the other.
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Is Ignis kakyoin?
Well, Luna really didn't do much and then just died, i expected a lot more screentime

aww and here i hoped ardyn would be the antihero, but i am okay with mainvillain too
They are making that co-op dlc so.... they technically didn't lie.
Why do these combat webms always have jumpcuts?
>Luna dies
>Graphics are shit
>Boring leaks are true

Canceling my deluxe preorder and getting this when it hits $20. I feel bad for anyone who got the UCE.
>it's out

>it's worse than XIII
how do you do worse than 100% hallway and stagger mechanic? Frankly I dont believe you
still trying how are those cuck tears anti.
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>>Luna joins the party
>Sike, she died

You're fucking retarded. This is a JRPG, what did you expect?
who the fuck is that?
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>yfw you realize this game is literally FF13 in reverse

This is the true meaning of VERSUS 13.

13 you go in a linear path then there is an optional big area to waste time in.
15 you start in the optional time wasting area then go in a linear path.
The only thing worse about this outcome is now the terrible Iris-fags will think they've won
No one cares, anti-kun.
on-rails driving for 6 hours, a twist everyone saw with no build up, then 100% hallways.
[Spoiler] Ignis [/Spoiler]
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So Tabata went full Bandai and Luna is irrelevant like pic related?
Fucking wew
Funny, don't give a shit about FF or Luna, don't feel bad. Spoiled for P5, still not perturbed. I think it's mostly due to this day and age where it is unavoidable, and also shit like Mass Effect 3, where you should expect ultimate disappointment from AAA companies. Yes even Square Enix, it isn't SquareSoft after all and we've been clear on that for years.
I guess only Agnis Philosophy will save us now
>literally FF13 in reverse
That's a good sign.
I'm not him though.

I expect a decent writing and a decent game.
Map of new area please?
>I expect a decent writing and a decent game from Nomura and Tabata
Namco or at the very least Bamco
Game in real life.
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Based perubro telling us the game is great i no longer live in fear
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>mfw i feel absoultely nothing seeing the spoilers
Am i dead inside?
Someone unironically told me that the roadtrip was the best plot design ever.

Fucking Christ. What a waste.
neofags actually canceling their UCE over Luna dying, totally the biggest faggots
Ha, so is she at least relevant for a good part of the story or does she die at the beginning and not matter at all?
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Because they deliver a decent game before, goddamn it.
I'm guessing that's all we'll get from perubro for now. Doesn't seem like he's finished chapter 10.
No they didn't
>on-rails driving for 6 hours
this doesnt sound true

>a twist everyone saw with no build up
maybe it's just me but
>caring about the story in an FF game

>then 100% hallways
really? Link me to an archived thread or something
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so any gameplay questions?
i think i show you the plot ones until chapter 9/chapter 10
I wish I was anti-kun. I was actually really looking forward to this game. I had 2 deluxe editions preordered. One from Amazon for the bonuses and one from a mom and pop game store that I know breaks street date just in case they got it early.
We just need a map of this new area. I'm begging you lol
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Not really, because you know something like pulling it off in FFVII is impossible now since their is no room for rumours anymore.
>no one cares
>respond anyway
You sure showed him
>cancelling order for a shit game makes them big fags
Who else joins your party?
so.. this is the power of the ps4.. huh
She was already suicidal in Kingsglaive, it was just a matter of time
Versus was originally more linear though.

Watch gameplay vids and read the previews, there are lots on youtube.
You're supposed to be over 18 to post here anon, at least act like it rather than spouting the kind of shit even 12 year olds would ridicule you for.
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>second choice
hell no

Can you show us the map of the train area?
no thanks
>Ugh, FF13 is so linear and dumb!
>It's okay, anon, it really opens up later on!

>FF15 starts off open! I hope that continues through the whole game!
one question only, where was gentiana through all that ?
this game just looks all around terrible. They should have ditched their in-house engine and moved to UE4.
Every image, every single screenshot, trailer or from a build, looks like complete shit. The president of SE should publicly hang himself over this game.
How much does Cidney and Aranea actually show up?
Why did you lie about Luna? Was it was to you?
How would you rate the story so far out of 10? 1 being the worst, 10 being great.
When does Iris join as a guest party member.

How would you rank the game with the other FFs so far?
how on earth can a blind man drive a car??
She's on a tier of "forced" quite similar to other characters in different games that I can't think of at the moment.

It doesn't force her down your throat, but it clearly wants you to care about her and never actually gives a reason to.

So she just ends up appearing and dying with some over the top sad scene.
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Why'd you lie about Luna joining our party? ;-;
>That Filename
Lucky girl
Who are you quoting?
I hope you bought this turd at a store that lets you return it within 7 days Peru guy. You got ripped off
NeoFAGs please leave.
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well the car is set to automatic
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Share more plot spoilers.
Sword of omens give me sight beyond sight!...oh my i see...15 is shit! well i didn't need the sword to tell me that.
Wait, the one that you spoiled is already chapter10? Well, shit.
They did it with Dissidia, Final Fantasy VII REMAKE, WOFF, Kingdom Hearts III and Kindgom Hearts 2.8. Looks like Luminous Engine is a failure.
this was funny in your head?
Cancelling because their waifu dies is a pretty shit reason
Iris won. lunafags btfo
This 1000 times this.
Chapter 9
So does the linear part start at Altissia? That's pretty early, so there's just Leide, Duscae and that small forest area?
Do you not remember, or were you not here when FF13 came out?

One of the few positive things anyone could say about it was how it opened up in the later half, and didn't feel as linear (Even if it was)

When liniarity is the main complaint, a game that starts open and becomes super linear is NOT an improvement.
Yeah. Luminous was a bust. We're never getting Agni.
well that explains everything
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How far is he into the game at this point? It seems Iike nothing of importance in the story transpired before this.
Got any old Noct pictures?
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At least kingdom hearts 3 looks and is better 15 by far. I would buy that over 15 every time but then again it could be shit.
I'd actually consider at least trying FFXV if you could keep Iris in your party. But a cliche pop culture story and mediocre gameplay without good tits to compensate, it's just not happening.
70% supposedly
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Luna dying is stellar news.
>tfw I ordered this game off ebay and I can't cancel my order
>tfw i will probably get it early and I don't even care anymore
If I'm being honest with myself, I always saw this game as a roadblock that was preventing Nomura from making KH3. Even in 2006 I thought,"This game looks neat but I can't wait until it's out so he can start making kh3". Now I just don't care.
Tell us what Final fantasies are better
tell us which are worse than this
Why is it not an improvement?
Yes and we've known this for months. The leaks were all right.

weak, fuck off
So what the fuck even happens up until Altissia? And what's the goal after that and is Altissia just erased from earth now, how the fuck did they get out of there
What the fuck. This seems like MGSV tier story pacing.
How do the summons work and how many do you get before the fight with Leviathan?
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I've seen your shitty joke on NeoGaf, Carlos
Idk desu. 2.8 is supposed to be a demo of KH3
>this screenshot came out within the last 5 days
Nah it feels like the end of disc 1 for most FF games.
It's worse.

Do you just not read previews?
Why the fuck would you be on Neogaf, faggot. GTFO.
No it didn't.
The newest build of 2.8 is fucking stunning. The models are incredibly beautiful in motion.
>Neofags literally cancelling their pre-orders because Luna dies

Holy shit, at least /v/irgins don't want to play it for legitimate reasons.
Fair enough i give it 50/50 we will see.
he's talking about gameplay obviously but at least that game has some art direction, xv is a blunder in the art.
So on a scale of 1 to 10, how pissed is Neogaf about Luna?
Because reading shit like
>Someone reminds me when Luna gets revived. If not then preorder remains ...cancelled
is hilarious.
>Why do you browse in places I don't like? Get out normie, REEEEEEEE

Fuck off.
pre-order cancelled out of 10
i had a blast playing 1.5/2.5 HD so i think hearts is going to blast 15 out of the water.
Hey Perubro is it true that Luna revives into a Chocobo and Noctis has to fuck it so it lays an egg so Luna can be reborn as a winged human (angel) and defeat the bad guy?
AlexFlame116 is a smelly homo lol
Wow that guy pressed circle really good.
I only even started looking into the game after Judgement Disc
>preorder remains ...cancelled
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Really well, anon.
I think they all know about the 'leak'?

For me, 5/10 she's pretty but her character and role is too bland to feel anything.
Oh noes it looks like Alex Flamer is going to go cry
>Neo/v/ unironically defending neogaf
That's... actually so ironic.
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Where were you when imouto won?
He IS Anti-Kun.
Fair enough.
No, this game doesn't do anything really well.
Iris , Cor and Aranea but only guest members
sure but wait
she guided you , she is like a spirit and not show as a npc
battle and dungeon with Aranea
Her battle is amazing , very DBZ
gonna be honest with you , 6.5 so far.
Duscae ----> before going to Altissia
but she is useless and only heals , her parry attack is bad
My ranking so far is FF6>FF9>FF4>FFXV>FF10>FF7>>>>WoFF>XIII
Still i want to see how it ends
didn't know not one knew spanish
if makes you feel better i am also pissed
2 so far
Ramuh when you heard the summon song , press L2 and he shows up. Its random
Still can't figure the Titan one
10 YEARS/10
Because nobody likes blatant linearity.

ESPECIALLY when the game starts off by giving you the illusion of an open world, and then takes it away.

That was literally the one thing this game had in all the pre-release hype. "Look! This game's got an overworld! It's got towns! It's got an airship! It's all the things FF13 wasn't!"
If it starts off that way and then takes it all away in what is, at best, a horribly misguided misdirection and at worst everything but the bar legal definition of false advertising, I'm sure you can imagine why someone might be upset
Much like your grasp on grammar.
perubro abandoned us. The game was too shitty. Luna's death was the last straw.
Please I just really need to know how the game is structured after Altissia. Is this new region Terraverde? Is it separated into Accordo, Solheim, Niflheim, and Tenebrae? A map of the area would be perfect man!
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This is the last (You) I will give out
So, I guess you like the gameplay but kinda meh with the story, huh?
so,.....uh, can we sue SE for false advertising?
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good shit
>It's got towns!
said no one ever

this game literally has no towns, they're tiny as fuck.
Wow sick burn bro I r8 8/8 can't h8 appreci8
Did you like the characters?
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She looks cute i think

Thank you! Sorry for haggling you about the map, I've just been waiting months for this hahaha.
And on the story side, I heard the story doesnt even remotely pick up until after the Train part starts. Hopefully it gets much better.
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I know, thank you. Stay in school.
Is she with the party for long? Sorry I haven't been following.
Probably went to sleep. It's 2:30 a.m. here in Peru
why does neogaf care so much about Luna? does /v/ even give a shit?
>but she is useless and only heals , her parry attack is bad
Worst girl confirmed
he says "dbz" and "epic". the gameplay is shit bro, the demo is the extent of it.

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Wasn't this guy the big bad? im out of the loop desu.
But the demo is good
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this is coming from a shill too
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>worse girl lives
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Great attention to detail, it's cool how they didn't put assets into her model but moreso in their "kingdom shader"
Next pic related will show you what I mean
his arm got destroyed
got a new mechanic one
he is just a general that steal one king weapon , your father sword.

Tell me in details how many Royal Arms you have aquired and how each of them works please.

Also, does the Armiger get better with each new royal arm? Is it anywher close to E3 2013 level of awesomeness?

Also, Iris bros, we fucking won!
Does she get her own tent when camping?
>Mega burn
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>does /v/ even give a shit?
>he says "dbz" and "epic".
He's from South America, be doesn't know better.
If you honestly expected a good story from Tabata it's your fault. He just tries to cover up everything with melodrama in all his games.
>that ff ranking order

opinion discarded
>2 0 1 6
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>Iris bros, we fucking won!
Quite frankly, the story seems to be as rich as FF1. Crystals, four heroes, and one magical asshole who's the final boss. Luna gets fridged but she's Ubisoft iconic. The shallowest move Tabata could do. Sephiroth wannabe moment lol.

And I promise the majority will eat this up. The game doesn't need grandiose storytelling. Quite frankly it was billed as a journey and that's what we're getting. By the way the game is structured a simple story is probably the way to go.
It was all over the press, four, five years ago, when it was still Versus 13. It was supposed to be a huge, sprawling world with towns, and the whole "Roadtrip" motif was supposed to be a more modern framing device for a more traditional "Party goes on a globe-hopping adventure" type story.

If it's not strictly that, and if it does funnel down into a super-linear setpiece tech demo, that's going to be the letdown of the fucking century.
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This game is fucking embarrassing. 10 years for this piece of shit. Way to turn people off Jrpgs even more Square Enix you incompetent fucks
Nomura just uses that same trick or Disney characters.

LMAO XV-Kun! I was right! The game is trash! Get ready to eat your words!
thats just neogaf
given they blatantly say open world game, and put a dead female character upfront in everything about this game, this is even worse than NMS

They were upset about the replacement of Stella for Luna.

They all assumed that she'll just be a cliched damsel in distress.

Then this happens.
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> Iris bros, we fucking won!
What's the ending? Does Noctis live?
Why the fuck is this game trying to be FF7? They're fucking remaking it. The cutscene is a literal throwback to Aerith's death. BE ORIGINAL.
Lunfagas were as delusional as Sakurafags when it was obvious Hinata would win
are you that guy with the kpop icon on neogaf? or just copy and pasting his replies?
I never said he would've done it any better, at least it works in KH because it doesn't try too be too serious overall
>ITT: Edgelords thinking FF games have good narratives.

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>this,was fixed with coloring that effects every environment
>unlike XV'S characters polygons
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>when it was obvious Hinata would win
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Does Noct like bliny too?
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Is it as the f@cking epic as Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution?
Is there any pics of Luna dead??
Some people won't accept the fact without the evidence
Yeah thats right, just saying if thats pointing to anything, Nomura´s versus XIII wouldn´t have been that different story wise.
You did it, you ruined his mind
He will still deny it though
>cutscene ends
>ignis:luna is ded
>noctis: "no"
>comparing Sakurafags to Lunafags

At least Luna and Noct loved each other. Sakura didn't love Naruto romantically at all and Naruto's crush on her was completely fabricated.
How woudl you order them
Necrophilia is a shit tier fetish.
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Alot of people jumping to conclusions based on a game they haven't played themselves and already trying to form opinions on a story that they are spoiling themselves through pictures. This thread depresses me.
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2013 version is much better
man you actually exist? I thought XV-kun was just insane.

I love this though.

>last thread
>this thread
>6.5 this game is shit what the fuck
>samefagging xv-kun is gone, probably crying

Why would you people even care about this before playing the game?
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This must be ironic
At least try to pretend that you're not from neofag
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Your bring generous. 2.8 Modern final fantasy makes me sick. It amazing the so call final fantasy fans eat this shit up like a hamburger to a hobo. Gotta say pretty desperate...final fantasy is in name only. The fact you faggots support such a company shows your all morons who know nothing about the series and really should fuck off and not be allowed to play or buy anything square related.

But enix likes suckers and there is plenty of them so they get the un deserved money they didn't earn and modernfags play watered down trash final fantasy games.
People are just have fun shitposting, anon. You know, it's 4chan.
I'm glad FFXV exists. At the very least I may get some decent porn out of it.
Wait did the scene between her and Ravus in Tenebrae happen already at this point? The one form the Judgment Disc trailer? That and the map of the train region and im good haha, thanks again.
Is there a dream in the iris skirt?
this post is epic. xv-kun can't recover.
Go back to neofag, this place is not for discussion.
/v is for pure shitposting, something everyone forgets
I meant 9.5 sorry
It wasn't actual gameplay, it was a concept video. They've said this many times.
>when where you when luna dies
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Oh boy, nigga's probably planning to bring her back to life now
2013 version isn't real.
apology for poor english

when were you when lune floorrat dies

i was sat at home drinking crystal fluid when iginis ring

'lune is die'


and you???????????
Why do reddit and neogaf always come here if they hate this cesspool so much?
>all of the samefagging suddenly stops
XV-kun on suicide watch.
Better not be pulling my chain again.

Now you're just taking the piss.
Because 4chan is the scary gateway to all the newest memes and insider scoops.
>waaah m-muh nostalgia
Get over yourself, fag
FF was always catering to normies and never was an exceptional series, at least nothing better than what FFXV is.

I bet you're among the ones that the piece of cringy trash that X was is the last good game in the series.

Probably everything spoiled so far been a turn off for me. Idk if its the PC or something but the game looks horrible with Fallout 4 on console textures. Story is whatever, especially since there's an anime and a movie beforehand and I couldn't give two shits as to why a game that's 10 years in development couldn't encompass those story elements already without trying to jew money to cover up their mismanaged dev cycle with shitty dlc.

At most FFXV will be decent but that's the most it will be. The Duke Nukem of JP.


KH has almost entirely subsisted on fanservice as a major driving force behind the series. Nomura is an incompetent hack. Without his gameplay designers and his wild reusage of Disney/FF characters, he would have nothing.
Just human nature, plus I'm sure quite a few of /v/ frequents those places as well. Maybe not post, but definitely lurk/read threads.
Which makes it impossible to recreate? You probably think the gameplay in the 2013 was just fake too even though they had it running less than a year later
Sausage fest
You are evil perubro
>no tripcode

nice try
>To easy
(you) earned it champ. Try hard next time modernfag. But trolls only get 1.
Wouldn't be surprised if this was the Romeo and Juliet element desu. He dies at the end to bring her back or something. Or some crazy time travel crystal magic shit.
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I missed the last threads can someone do a recap?
Could we get menu options / the armiger and ring skill tree info? Also could you describe the armiger weapon's move sets (the greatsword that looks like a chainsaw, the shield thing etc.)?
I'd accept Ravus as some sort of Seymour like recurring boss. Stick him as a giant jelly man with magic in the final dungeon, and I'll be ok with him.
Man what SE did to make his employee soo mad that posted the entire plot here.
After what i played i believe all that
>I have no arguements, I shall spout memes

On the other hand I'm glad you're so upset.
It was a fun ride, lads. Wake me up when the ending gets posted. Thanks, Perubro.
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Why did this turn into desu? I typed T B H as in "to be honest."
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So are cutscenes actually ather sparse until Chapter 9, i hate to bring up MGSV again, but it does sound a lot like it.
Rather steril open world that is too open for it's own good, with mostly just the same shit to do over and over again and a cutscene every now and then back to open world as if nothing happend, than suddenly chapter two/linear part more cutscnenes, missions are more focused shit gets fucked up
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Map of new region and I'll love you forever.
What? He's not even trying.

Guys please.

It's not even bait it's so low.
It's far worse than MGSV.

"How the fuck...?" Sums it up.
Instead of spoiling the story for yourself, play it yourself and form your own opinion outside the site. I don't foresee you spoiling yourself with text and pictures from people who are forming and skewing their opinions on the story (both positively or negatively) as a good thing.
FFXV has it's own manga?
No because in Naruto, best girl won and got to live.
So the story sucks?
what happened to noctis' eye in this picture?
xv-kun snapped.

this is his new persona.
perubro what happens to Ravus after luna dies? Please don't tell me he goes full on "F-fuck you Noctis it's your fault she died!".
> with mostly just the same shit to do over and over again and a cutscene every now and then back to open world as if nothing happend
so Resonance of Fate?
Dude Neogaf is here. They are reading our posts and copying them over there. After that they claim that we are copying them. Also I got called out over there. I'm famous now!
>Day 1 7 gigs
>10 years
Wow SE i never thought you stoop so low. How can you call yourselves a company? i mean really that's preeeeeety lazy you had 10 years to fit that on a disc and somehow...10 years wasn't enough to copy and paste it on. Are you using a pc from the 90s or something?

I...i can't stop laughing LOL
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Post FFXV-kun's face right now
I will leave after he posts the map of the continent the train is on. I just want to see the rest of the world and then im out till release.
I feel nothing anymore when i see spoilers especially deaths. Are games just too predictable or am i too old for videogames?
But this is a spoiler thread, get your shit org ether, PsycoBro.
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Are you actually asking this?
What chapter is the scene where Luna confronts Ravus in Tenebrae? Can you post pics?
No one is streaming or uploading vids of the full game yet?
I don't understand how is it that people can be so easy and quick to judge the character of someone let alone an entire game with so little information, not to to mention that all this is being filtered by an actual player and not us directly , i raped my sister.
I will after beating hearts 3. And when it's 20 i don't buy full priced trash anymore.
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I'm sure perubro had mistaken 6 for 9.
>implying bazztek actually showed up yet
He would deny any screenshots and would only mention the thing that perubro liked
This game is shit and neogaf are fucken faggots.
Why would anyone care that a bland shit character like Luna dies? From what I've seen you don't even meet her. Just see some flashbacks with Noctis.
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You might want to get that checked. Your having head trama.
Not really, it's mediocre. Btw, the leak is spot on so if you wanna know the rest of the story you can read it.
>died off screen
>no corpse
There is honestly nothing to see. Just more of the same boring shit we have seen.

He's a goner. He got blown the fuck out by niethof.

Can you push a car in that location?
Yeah. When did that scene happen? Before she met up with Noctis?
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mediocre = Hot garbage fire
I'm just having a little fun.

I swear I'm not XV-kun.
Wow, the story is pretty bad.

The party sucks (like washed out Jpop/kpop male group lol wtf).

Game looks nice graphically and technically though, so there's that. But Square always used powerful game engines.
>10 years
>car pushing
>in the dessert
>out of gas
>72 hours
>back street is back
Sounds like a bad music video had been shoot for 60 bucks.
Why do you even care? It's pathetic how faggot ass fans of this stupid game got so fucking emotional and attacked to Stella/Luna when you know nothing about the shitty characters. Surprise, the bitch has no personality and is a terrible Yuna clone.
>Mediocre = 5-6/10
>Garbage = 1-4/10
wtf i hate FFXV now
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>Game looks nice graphically
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The most important thing i want to know is

is Gentiana really Noctis's mommy?

Thank you for your contribution, Nick Bates.
If it's not a 10 it's not worth it.


I guess all the good writers at Square left, to work on XIV. Why did Luna have to die? I was hoping for some nice interaction between them.
>mediocre = swim trunks that's been sitting in the sun for a couple of months.
Always funny how everyone comes crawling back to this shithole for info and leaks.

Reddit, NeoGAF, and Gamefaqs all monitoring this thread.
Did they even have any clear vision or goal with this game? It feels like every few chapters are a diffrent game and story
Heavensward MSQ was the best FF game since 10. I'll get Stormblood for the MSQ, hopefully the rest of the game doesn't shit the bed like HW did.
it's about story though
Miss me yet?
our lord ans savior
Why don't you f@ck off????
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you gave me a platinum kek
I really should get around to buying this.
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FUGGGGGGGGGG I fucking hope so
Pretty much, give it a few more days and they'll insult as /v/ the shithole that it is again. They all seem to have their share of problems though. Honestly i really like /v7at least everyone can speak their fucking mind. Gamefags is stuck in 2008 and just calls each others trolls, neogaf is full of cucks and sjws that ban everyone in sight and i only visited reddit once so i can't say much about them
Thank you for the contribution Alex
wtf this place is such a shit hole
RIP Luna.
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Jayzzus Chroist.
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>spent literal years shitting up Xenoblade X threads
>for this

I'm ashamed of myself
>Literally 10 years
>SE said they want it to sell A BIRRION UNITS
>Literally every impression given and event since the demo's has been very negative to mediocre at best

Serves them fucking right for abandoning the fanbase for a decade with the 13 series and its nobody cares sequels.
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poor xv-kun. But that's what he gets for shittig up threads for almost 6 years
I think the highest profile backlash it will receive will come from Western media commenting on the game's (piss poor) gender politics.
Maybe because your blind and refuse to see the truth. You are suppressing the truth.

U mad LOL
How anyone could think FF15 would be better is beyond me. Story wise maybe, but gameplay was obviously shit. I mean come on, the stupid ass car in FF15 is a glorified loading screen, while the "car" in XCX can go anywhere and you fly and fight in it.
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Here# some Aranea art for you guys, to make up for the story
>does literally nothing in Kingsglaive
>dies having done nothing in the game
Bravo, Tabata, I love kicking the puppy cliche, very well done
Pretty much this. It's end times for final fantasy makes me drink...
>game so successful they make a movie off of it
>make movie before game comes out and game ends up being shit

chickens before they hatch
So perubro is already gone? Oh well, I'll just wait for the story leaks about the ending tomorrow.
WTF, I love Tabata now.
If anything i want Square to notice that it was a dumb idea to make a guy that only made 3 bad to mediocre handheld games a mainline ff director. All the interviews and the marketing and he development was a disaster since 2014. He listened more to fan feedback than to his own fucking dev team
Absolutely this. I never had a problem with FFXV having an all male cast, but they're going to get bashed about fridging the female lead. They could possibly get away with one or the other, but both is going to cause some trouble in the media. I have an issue with it because it's poor writing. It comes off as the writers not knowing how to write women which is a stupid problem to have as a professional.

Don't make me sad man, he promised us that map of Terraverde!
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EVERY POST in this thread is pure hype
> It comes off as the writers not knowing how to write women
I don't know why that should surprise you, coming from a series that gave us Rinoa, "The Wind is Nice" Yuna and Lightning
Lol, except Perubro is enjoying his time with the game and it's actually fun to play.
Well, all this just makes me sad that we'll never get to play the game Nomura had in mind.
Instead we receive another generic FF title the goal of which is to sell birrion units.

At least KH III and FFVIIR are a thing but Osaka team and CC2 will fuck that up
I look forward to seeing the 7 remake. I hope they split it in 3 parts for 60 each i will die laughing if they pull that shit. Square is so bad they can't even make a full game anymore.

This is how you make money when a main and popular game. Up the graphics leave the rest don't change shit. Maybe add new place items bosses but that's it. Really how hard is that?

I need some landscape shots of Terraverde and Tenebrae
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Y-you'll buy their game instead, right /v/? This was pushed back along with other games to make way for FFXV.
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If you are visiting from our far-left neighbour of NeoGAF could you please leave.

The average 4chan user may have different opinions than yourself and as this is against NeoGAF rules it may be difficult for you to read these posts.
Because it's braindead. Who knows how fun the 100th hunt will be
I haven't been on /v/ for a couple hours. What's happening? Did FFXV finally leak?
I'm buying it on PC. If the music is as good as the first game it will be worth it.
It doesn't surprise me at all unfortunately. Just disappointing. I wish this game released back on the PS3 when I was a teenager and could stomach shitty writing. Do you think the shit storm around this game is partially from the audience outgrowing the genre? Among other problems with the game obviously.
I'm way more excited for Gravity Rush 2 and Nier than FFXV
Yea he said hold on to me a while ago, so I assume that a map exists, I just really wan't to see what that part of the world looks like in topography.
>excited for Gravity Rush 2
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>Mfw thinking of all those games that actually were intimidated by this
I've never played GR since I don't have a Vita, but it looks way better than this fucking joke FF15.
Boy is it easy to pick out the Neofags in this thread.
Doesn't look like it for now. Osaka got their shit together, all they have to do is give bosses good movesets. It's not always just the team, by that logic XV would've had no problem creating the greatst combat system ever, but it'S quite underwheliming and lacks waytoo much polish

Honestly though, how is it shitty writing? He barely gave any context to how it happened, nor as to how things got to the way they were, or how they ended up after. We know shit if you ask me. Chill out and play the game yourself.
>Not being excited for Gravity Waifu 2
How does the 72 hour long boss fight work
is it like 3 different modes that take 5 minutes each that just repeat for 3 fucking days of gameplay in a row? because that would be boring as ass
Post FF girls that aren't shit
>implying kpop boy band needs a girl

I'm glad you can read
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Thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5LMP2NaZSg

Final Fantasy is dead, but there is still one last glimmer of hope.
Don't know what's going on, haven't been following the threads on /v/ much
Is this game going to be shit? What's everyone freaking out about?
Hello neogaf. its anon. say hi anon
Did perubro already left?
The damage control already starts
>this random guys opinion counts when it's good! no it was 9.5 not 6.5!
This is a jrpg, were you not expecting a teeny faggot with spiky hair? lol
Of course. This, Nioh, Horizon and KH2.8 are actually going to be good.
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>the average pro-XV poster's first game was X
It explains a lot.

Sakaguchi lied, he's not returning from Mobile.
The leaks from over a year ago were right thanks to recent revelations from our BR community.
Seems pretty mediocre with the story, but the gameplay depends on you I guess.

I despise the combat, but others love it. Hard to tell what actual side content there is since perubro hasn't detailed any of it.
>If the music is as good as the first game
I already like this as much or even better than some the original's tracks.
Feeling 50/50 that Luna gets revived in the end.
Always felt that the father/son theme would be rounded out in an epilogue with Noctis holding his and Luna's son like Regis held him in the Dawn trailer.
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>lack of women
Oh fuck off NeoFAGs.
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>screen fades to black
>The words "To Be Continued in Final Fantasy XV-2" appear on-screen
perubro says the CGI cutscene ends then it goes back to train scene where Noct says that Luna isn't dead and they didn't show her corpse. so yes, i can see Tabata pulling another fucking type-0 level of shit.
Nioh is an uninspired souls clone with no MP and Horizon is a TR2013 wannabe with more SJW crap imbued into it.
She is so sexy. Sucks that she is just a guest member, but that's still better than what they did with Jihl.
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>MGSV actual problem was the lack of women
So I guess these people were really just dumb faggots who don't know what a tripcode is.

I don't mind you cross website guys lurking, but please don't post.
Why are neofags so triggered by lack of women? If they want a female focused ff it's already been done. They should play x-2 or lightning returns if they like it so much.
SE once again proven to be clueless as fuck

haven't they learned from tales of situation?
honestly i won't be surprised when tabata eventually got a death threat to his family from the angry fans
Nope, just waiting for Nier Automata. None of those you mentioned are of any interest to me.
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That is it.

Perubro left because of Reddit, NeoGAF and GameFAQs are all here.
fucking kek
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>it's all gg's fault
How fucking batshit insane do you have to be?

This is in their 'spying on 4chan thread'
Sorry guys need to sleep, i'll try to make another thread tomorrow after work, ill post the map too.

That rape scene at the end of the chapter felt really out of place.
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>mfw they fell for my joke post
fuck off
FFXV so great guys 8/10 easy
>They will believe this
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>Horizon: Zero Fun
Is Okabe underrated? Aside from Nier i never really see praise for him even though his Tekken OSTs are amazing and even YuukuYuunas OST was pretty good
Fuck you not the same guy
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>no trip code

I already tried that shit, you ain't fooling no one.
>Tfw i only recently realized that wasn't Char daddy

Fuck off back to l/eddit, GameFAGS or NeoFAG or where ever.
Waiting to see how good the soundtrack is.

Also how the framerate is on PS4 and if it's optimized for PC
Neogaf and Gamefag are so disconnected from the rest of the internet it's not even funny
i am just tired
played all the godamm day
it wwas worth the wait , but i hope the story gets better
So far feels like FF1-2-3 story tier

About why the game is that high , its really good , have a lot of variety with the sub quest
amazing music but the story is what it drags down the game.
Other than graphics, is there a SINGLE good thing about this walking simulator?
oops excuse me, 'car pushing' simulator

>bad plot
>bad combat
>bad set pieces
>world of invisible walls
Thank you so much Perubro, take a deserved rest, and when you fill like filling us in on more we'd really appreciate it.
I really hope him and Uematsu makes a console jrpg again. I love Lost Odyssey
The OST has some pretty good tracks, but it's by far not Shimomura's best work
Go and sleep, you fucker
We'll be expecting you tomorrow with more impressions and leaks.
>but the story is what it drags down the game.
Sleep tight perubro
You're the hero of the month
Can you at least tell us the chapter where Luna and Ravus scene in Tenebrae scene happens? Also, are you planning to finish the game later?
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>he still believes the fake rumours
>is there a SINGLE good thing about this walking simulator?
aranea not being completely wasted nor killed off early?
>not available in your country

I don't really see people talk about him, but I've seen people's reaction to Automata OST so far and the praise is usually directed towards Platinum Games instead of him and MONACA.
Thank you, based perubro

Good night.
Thanks for all the info. If not a map post, can you tell us does it look large or somewhat open?
oh yeah I forgot to mention
garbage edgy waifus
The difference between tourists and actual posters
Thank you, perubro. Looking forward to more leaks soon.
>these fuckers dicklicking the shitposting BR who took 15 hours to do something he could have done in 5
I mean the terraverde map
I'm waiting for Nioh too.

Going for a Bushido run. i.e. No running back to a better location/area when you aggro an enemy, no turning back or showing my back to any enemy.
>garbage edgy waifus
that's forgiven because she is voiced by sawashiro

Come back when you aren't playing the outdated version without the REAL good stuff patched in you huehue fuck.
Its more than you've ever done for us lmao
story is why I play jrpgs nowadays.

I ain't got time to mess around like when I was younger
As a normal functioning human being instead of weeaboo, I have no comprehension of how anyone could play a 'game' purely for attraction to completely unrealistic pseudoanime girls.
This just looks like half walking simulator half shitty real time jrpg
>laughing whores.jpg
I fell out of my chair for that one thanks.
So why do you think the story's bad? Is it for a legitimate reason like not much happening? Or is it for a bullshit reason like muh Luna?
Nah I told you the game was shit months ago and spoiled the entire story. Not my fault you didn't listen.
Like Sqex/FF team cares about JP voice for NA release lol.
Play FF1-3 and you'll know the reason.
Say something nice to kagari, she is reading the thread
If he's saying it's like FF1-3 it probably means it's primitive and sparse with some bullshit fantasy twist at the end.
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>mfw xv-kun showed off his FF1 vs FF15 comparison image for months
>the roots!
>it's one of it's biggest flaws

Despite your big nose, I still think you're cute, Kagari.

Would you go on a date with me?
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>NeoFAGS no longer care about the contents of the thread and are instead declaring war over each other due to GG
>someone will be banned for this
I love these retards.
but the NES games didn't have a story
Literally everything he said s wrong and he's been shitting up /v/ for years with his nonsense.
That blue flower is always present in most of the scenes where she gets her appearance. Gentiana's probably with her wherever she goes.
>game start
>first zone
>blocked boat/Noctis discover the invasion
>Cor tells u to gather the king weapons
>Duscae--> To Iris city
>Noctis want to save his love
>Niflheim captures your car
>Nilheim bases appear
>Travel with Iris
>Go to underwater dungeon
>Go to altissia
>what you know so far
>As a normal functioning human being
then fuck off, and stop wasting your time complaining about games you don't like and that you haven't even played in 4chan.
you haven't played it either
and we both know its shit
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Yeah, he's clearly planning to bring her back to life. I also think she could still be alive in some other kind of dimension.
I don't know that, I still have to confirm it by myself. Now fuck off.
take your meds jimmy
No body, no death
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I must say it's been a nice ride guys. Something will be missing from my daily routine of checking /v/ once the game has been out for a while. I'm suprised i endured xv-kun that long
Have you seen the scene between Ravus and Luna in Tenebrae yet? People keep mentioning it but I haven't seen any screenshots or official proof of it yet. Thanks for sharing all this stuff!
You haven't encountered the scene where Ravus and Luna are talking in Tenebrae? Does it mean it happens after the Chapter 9/10 (chapter which u last played)?
You know it in your heart of hearts
You lie to yourself and claim this game will somehow be different even though we all know exactly how this ends
Wait...this is already 70%(9/15) of the story? That's bland, Now I can see why you complain about it.
Yes you do deep down...you just refuse to admit it.
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>there are people who think there is a chance for the story to be actually decent
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>Tabata patches out Hillary
>NeoGAF burns down
Why lie to us? You lie to yourself already. Don't deny what you know is true
still don't know what scene are you talking about
The only moment i found Ravus was in the first Nilheim bases and he hits Gladio
And him talking with Ardyn
Yep, this. Classic writer's ploy. I'd be okay with this trope.
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Whew, he dodged a ban.

It's like fucking Communist China.
He really did shit up xv threads for years. even if in his mind he only wanted the best, he still fucked up every thread by being passive aggressive, always attacking every, chaning his "facts" every few weeks and by replying to hours and hours old posts.
He's the most inscure tunnelvision kid
What chapter you are at right now? does the areas become more fantasy?
>still don't know what scene are you talking about

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welp, there you go. Luna is still alive, guys.
What about the conversation between Luna and Ravus in a field of flowers where he's worried about her dying?
Hmm... I'm hoping whoever started the conversation about this scene didn't mistake it for the one from Kingsglaive. There was no body after the CGI cutscene right? Not convinced she's dead in that case. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking, I dunno.
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>10 years
we knew that was a flashback last week retarded cucks

it's a flashback nigger
BRUH, so wait you haven't seen the Ravus and Luna scene? Its in the Judgment trailer check it online! I mean it could very well be a flashback, but when did she ever return to Tenebrae? Also, do you have that map lol? Im sorry I've just been waiting unless you don't want to give it to us
He is the savior of this website and final fantasy.
I just realized she's wearing a different dress than her wedding and casual dress in this scene. Look at the design.
game is not out yet fuck off meme master
perubro said he hasn't seen any scene regarding Luna and Ravus confrontation. We also know Ravus w/ niff soldiers captured Luna in Altissia. It would make more sense if that flashback appeared when she's still alive.
Perubro don't be a faggot, don't reply to this autist.
It doesn't look good.
I don't follow other persons like some stupid sheep, I prefer to confirm stuff by myself. I'm not denying that the will likely be mediocre or bad though, but is my own experience and opinion that matters over yours in the end.
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>using buzz words
>source: my ass
Well, that escalated quickly
Oh for fucks sake, how fucking dumb and naive are you kids? It's clearly boring shit taking a page directly out of Ubisoft's book.
Oh just give the corpse pic of her to shut the f*kin mouth of the believers
epic meme give me more
holy shit these gamefaqs boards are still a thing?
Wrong it's shit.
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pic related. she's also wearing a different dress here.
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Compare this to pic related.

Look at her shoulders
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wow you tried
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Holy shit.

NeoFAG and GameFAGs are on meltdown.
One is having a GG civil war and the other is in complete denial.
Meh, gets real fucking tedious once you reach the big city.

Combat also sucks ass.
I expect a lot of nonsense in the story, people coming back to life talking to each other in weird random places, ghosts..etc

You know tons of weeb SE shit.
Can't really do it right from this point on anyway.
>she's dead
>death wasn't even that big of a shock moment

>she's brought back to life a few chapters later
>takes every every impact left from that scene that barely had impact to begin with
yeah and they talk more about games than your average day on /v/
No. Suck my pee-pee.
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She's wearing a different dress when she's with Ravus compared to her casual dress. It's not her wedding dress that we've seen like in pic-related either.
Escaping the GG shitstorm? You guys get so triggered so easily.
She's still probably alive. That's why Ravus is warning her that she might really die if she kept doing whatever she does.
>that cutscene
>her ring is now yours
>in the train basically people talk about her sacrifice
>ignis go to see the body
i would be ok if they pull a Locke girlfriend tho
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i don't see a body so i dont give a shit
If you like boring ubisoft games just say so kid.
>she might really die if she kept doing whatever she does.

Yeah fapping everyday isnt healthy
hi neogaf
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>/v/ of all places is currently the best place to talk about the game
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why are you trying so had to hate the game
Make new thread nigs Luna might still be alive after all
>>ignis go to see the body

>Trusting the blind man

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He liked it
lel luna is a stronk womyn who dont need no mang
Based Kat asking the right question. Still a horrible website
stronger than u lmao
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Which means she's a guest member in the final chapters?

Didn't her voice actress say she had an important role in the final chapters and that she enjoyed voicing them? I can't remember.
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A new wave of bans incomming?
Or that she's a ghost in the shadow realm guiding the party from the great beyond which is even worse but totally a Tabata thing
she turns into a gps for the car ? baka
she's still probably alive. they never showed her corpse and someone (gentiana?) probably entered the scene to save her. ravus original plan was to capture luna anyway that's why noctis is pissed at him. then we see a scene of ravus and luna talking at tenebrae.
>hands comeout from the darkness
>Luna you are not alone ^__^
LOL, speak for yourself, /v/tard.
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I don't try to hate bad games.
Yeah, she said they had a lot of action sequences towards the end. They also said in famitsu scans that Luna's participation as a guest party member is still unknown.
There's a full script as of nov, its just changing because it's a mess.
>opens 10 years in the future fighting ifrit
>real game starts, being sent off for wedding
>on the way hear city got invaded
>set out to collect weapons of dead kings to be powerful and take back crystal
>also have to catch up to luna who's waking up summons
>when you get to luna red haired guy kills her
>everybody is sad for a while
>red hair guy reveals he's 2000 years old
>Noctis has to sleep for 10 years to gather magic into kings ring to fight him
>Noctis gets out and the group fights him in main city
>Ifrit first, then normal red head, then monster version of him
>Noctis wins
that's it.
I mean, I can fight a heavyweight boxer 1v1 but chances are I'll lose. Just like Luna.
This is why you don't talk like you know shit until the game comes out. Luna ain't 1v1 shit. She got BTFO by Leviathan.
game is not out yet shitposter
>capping a neofag post
>posting that cap here
>replying to your cap here
Its still more than Stella ever did lmao



FFXV-2 anyone?
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well goodbye /v/
did my part
i am fucking busy tomorrow , so lets hope another peruvian spoils the entire ending
still worth the wait
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>inb4 ifrit is actually the final boss
>the "beat ifrit on normal" trophy was true
>inb4 it's a qte
10 times 0 is still 0
You barely leaked any plot details. I'm disappoint, son.
I havent been following the thread that closely. was the guy from peru playing on the pro or the normal ps4?
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