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Can we get an MMO graveyard thread going?

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Thread replies: 523
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Can we get an MMO graveyard thread going?
damn I played exteel

game was rough but fun af, ctf was great
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whens crowfall
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farewell city of heroes/villains
nothing will ever bring me joy quite like you did
>tfw this shitty game was the last game my bro played before he died
Did he drop any phat loot?
Tabula Rasa
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Came here to post this, including your spoiler. Killed for Aeon ;_;
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Reminder that JTL was exactly the same all through NGE, in fact it was even improved, severely if you ask me.
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Too soon Anon, still too soon
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god mxo, swg, ffxi days were so much fun
>no loot drops
>use a coin to roll again
>get gold
When the NGE attacked, everything changed.
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There were plenty of times where I was tired of getting gimp killed but at the same time there was always a sense of satisfaction at doing that to others and the roster was fucking great.
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Fixed that for you.
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>capeshit dominates movies
>hardly any games focus on super heroes
Fucking why? And fuck you I've spent enough time as Spider-Man and Batman.

Also I'd lose a leg if it meant CoH was back.
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Guild wars.
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>almost 7k hours spent
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because normalfags don't play mmos or read comics, they watch movies and play phone games
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>spent hours on Guild wars
>game is fun as heck
>even though eotn is not pretty good, its still pretty fun
>heard gw2 announced
>hyped as fuck
>it turned out shit
>this kills the childhood
looks like maplestory but worse
I don't know why people just spend more time shamelessly ripping off old games that did well and updating them with modern presentation. Not like GW or CoX dropped because they couldn't get players or anything. If I made games I'd have no original ideas, I'd just pick up and remarket all the games that did well on market but suffered for their publishers.
does destiny count?
Last Chaos, Shaya, anyone?
>tfw you're young and don't realize your game is shit
isnt guild wars still playable?
dude i fucking loved this game
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This game was pretty fucking comfy, too bad cash shop ruined it
I miss shadowbane so much
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I miss Aion.
I miss that game. Ork choppin around was so fun.
Did they literally copy paste Maplestory assets? Wow.
>too bad cash shop ruined it
That's every mmo anon.
God I miss Flyff so much.

>You will never Penya Strike the shit out of people at Saint's rez point ever again
And it hurts
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Aion is still around innit? Did they break the game or what? I played that shit for like a month.
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why did MMOs systematically die out anyway?

did people just all of a sudden lose interest in games where you're always around others?
They basically made the game a cashshop race.
You need a lot of cashshop items to upgrade your stuff and be able to beat anyone in PVP
Also the NA servers are full of BRs who refuse to learn English.
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The same reason why mobile is forever shit. Whaling
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I just want to play it one more time.
I miss it :(
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The other huge problem of Aion is that they made the grind for better gears longer and longer with each updates.
>You can run this special dungeons that give you the gear you need 3 time a week
>BUT you can do it 5 times a week if you pay for the atonement 15usd per month!
>BUUUUT you can also run it more if you buy 1 scroll on the cashshop that let you run 1 more time! 1 scroll = 1 run! PLEASE BUY

I really loved Aion, but holy fuck if the game doesn't try to suck your money out of your ass.
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Fuck I loved this game (honestly its still up but its dead as fuck or I don't know when to play when all the euros are playing)

Played this for years and years on and off until alaplaya killed it with cash shops and hackers invaded like the migrants in europe. I think Aeria games hosts it now?
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Requiem a Bloody Mare season 1 was a very fun MMO with gore and a cool horror aesthetic. Season 2 came along, killed the game and the complexity and now its a Brazilian graveyard.
The BGM was pretty good.
Melee only for life.
Honestly I hated melee only. Station 2 touchdown or really any touchdown map was my shit DM was ok too. Reaper I had alot of fun with
I will be surprised if anyone here remembers or played this one.
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This used to be my shit

game was built from the ground up to be a money suck. Trying to do miragents title quest when the cap was 50 was absurd. I left my computer on over night making platinum? nails for the HQ weapon portion and wasn't done 8 hours later. all because they charged by the hour in korea.
Forgot pic
I actually never played the reaper mode, when I played S4L (Beta until 3 or 4 months after the release) there was only DM, Touchdown and melee only.
It was pretty fun though not as good as Gu- >>358192707 well shit.

>Dash behind you
>Bash your ass up
>"Heh, nothing personnel, kid."
>Butterfly out
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only found out about it after it died
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Why did the servers have to be so shit :(
member Ragnarok?

member Meiple sutori?

member dee eff ouu??

yeah I member

member shitquest?

yeah I member

member le stars conflict galaxies?

member anarchy online?

matrix online? the sims online?
Played it in pre-release beta, it was shit, there's a reason you never heard about it until after the fact.
God yes, I was an Alchemist too and made all my pots, crafting was simply a huge pain in the ass, though the most bullshit was the weapon and armor craft.
>You want this cool gold craft weapon?
>Okay, but you need to critical this craft!
>And the next one!
>And the next one!
>And the next one!
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Don't know if I've ever seen this one posted here before.
Oh fuck I loved Exteel
You are lucky, as >>358192934 has said. Like him, I played it during beta and it was fucking atrocious.
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this game had the best lolis
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I had way too much fun with Metin 2 and Rappelz too.

thats not how u spell it when its pronounced
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God I got really sad when they closed this game here.

Had so much fun with the small community it had when it went f2p back in 2014.
RIP Planetside
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>Wurm online and SWG are the only world building MMO's ive experienced
>Modern MMO's avoid it like the plague
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RIP Rebirth RO.
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For as P2W Flyff was, it was my first F2P KMMO and I miss it immensely.

Also pay your respects:

>ToS shot themselves in the foot twice in a row now
Class 8 can't save this zombie of a game.
Because it's HARD AS FUCK to program for.

USed to be, you could make a good MMO with only a few tens of thousands of concurrent players.

Now every MMO has to account for the possibility of millions of players, and ain't nobody got the server space for that
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I miss this one so fucking much.
Cosmic Break beta
Old MMOs had way more nuance, but the balancing was pretty awful across the board.

I really want to play a game like FFXI or RO where most classes are actually useful.
Yes it is retard
What do you mean by balancing?
Because the one thing that MMOs were known for got subsumed into literally every other genre. It's no longer a novelty to be online with other players at all times, it's damn near a requirement, regardless of genre.
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I am ready for its return
yep, it's a good single player rpg with an entire custimizeable team of npc's

you probably need luck/organization to be able to do anything with other people
Except most modern servers already account for this

What, you think WoW shoves all 5-6 million remaining players into 1 server? Even Life is Feudal/Chronicles of Elyria have/plan on 10k max per server

Came here to post these. City of Heroes / Villains was the greatest creation of all fucking existence. Everquest was the fucking bomb up 'til Gates of Discord. It's still fun on the old legacy servers (shoutout to fish-fuck-name server), but it's outdated now.

Special shoutouts to Hellgate: London and Fallen Earth. You died too early and had so much goddamn potential.



Holy shit, someone else who played Shaya?

Dark Elves best girls.
I still mad they let the game die like it did. They went +4 years or something without a real content update

druids and paladins in vanilla wow

straight garbage compared to actual tanks and healers
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Does Maid Marian games count?

>tfw /v/ will never play moon base again
Main complaint after playing RO private servers of the past couple years is that you're still pretty much required to make a Hunter or Wiz first for farming purposes.

A lot of classes are pretty shit without gear and some don't have the ability to farm stuff at all.
>Vanilla WoW

Anon... I guess you never heard of seal of the crusader...

Maybe it wasn't making them money? Which is weird cause I dumped maybe $300 into that game. It was such a P2W grindfest but it was also so charming.

actually anon, i did

and i still stand by my statement
>350+ ping to moscow
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What is OBJECTIVELY the best mmo out right now, that is not WoW?
What do I play now guys?
Path of Exile is kinda fun, but I'm wondering if there's something more out there? New and under the radar still?
so much grinding, yet... i miss it
is this stockholm syndrome?
I'm pretty sure they stopped updates before they stopped making money. The final job was such a incomplete mess of only 2-3 skills like it is for maplestory
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>Guild was getting a starport about the time NGE was coming...

I think the company as a whole wasn't doing well for a long time. They also had to keep that weird golfing MMO they had going.
>Sony Online Entertainment

I still miss EQ even though going back to it is impossible
the grind for AAs was pretty unreal
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Did anyone ever play PristonTale?
Life is Feudal if you want a sandbox medieval world (Wurm online but slightly better)
Rift if you can stomach the new content

Apparently XIV is decent now
Lord of the Rings Online
Probably FFXIV

Shows how far the genre has fallen desu

I'm still subbed to it and so are all of you
this and exteel man... ncsoft are assholes

nice trips btw
>Trying to find some old Flyff videos
>All these Kloseup Flyff music videos I loved watching back then
God my Nostalgia is off the chart.
>Metin 2
Shit nigga, I remember getting a lot of free shit by pretending to be a woman in that game
Fuck is up with her ear???
To be honest they should have focused more on making classes be their own thing instead of DD/heal/tank. I know people disagree with this but I wouldn't care doing less DPS if it meant my class was really needed one way or the other. I thing in the end when everything is super duper equal it leads to homogenization and stagnation so I would move toward giving unique aspects to each spec rather than making everybody do everything (which is what balancing ultimately leads to).
Oh I used to play it a lot, but then I dunno what the fuck happened in my life and had to drop it for a while.

How long it went ?
hell yea bro. I got up to level 71 before it went subscription based for a very short period. I had way too much time in high school
That's a normal human ear, Anon.
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It hurts so much. Fuck Anet. Fuck necromancer nerfs and minion cap. I just want to lead my army of bones again.
SOMEONE IS MAKING private server?
What is wrong with you?
I only ever got to 50ish as a Pikeman. Shit was fun back in the day.
But Moon Base Alpha came along and was infinitely better with text to speech perfection, then Space Engineers came along and turned it into an actual fun game.

There is no longer reason to mourn for this lost soul my child, it has been rebirthed in beautiful forms.
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The grind for anything in L2 was so bad, yet it helped facilitate conversations with all the downtime and wait for mana to regen. Strange how it worked out
m80 I was part of that group when it was first made.

And then banned from it because one of the mods is a jew
Could only enjoy L2 on private servers that focused completely on pvp.
Is return of reckoning still going?
>Remember getting excited about an upcoming private server for Fly For Fun called Fly For Hero
>End up not enjoying it because private servers are never accurate to how the game actually was (any and all WoW servers are a testament to this, especially that meme one with the Horde and Alliance logos combined)

I don't know what it was about MMOs but they make me the most nostalgic for my wasted middle/high school years
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>one of the mods is a jew
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My first FoW run was before the minion cap with a couple of necromancers and fast-cast mesmers who repeatedly killed themselves until we had a shit ton of minions that another monk and I kept up through the whole thing. Blew my mind that it actually worked.
I wish I could go back and play the original game again, before any expansions had hit.
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>the golden age of shitty f2p anime mmos is over forever
!Thank you!
Literally the perfect little bitch, just make a female one and get "friendly" with a Knight for free easy exp/loots/money
I got banned from everything related to that group because I "was not adding anything to the conversation and posting in the wrong channel." When all I did was ask some cheeky questions in the tech support room. And posted some picture of spiders when me and some other m8's were talking about them.

Pic related. not the same mod that banned me, but just about as austistic
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I honestly believe being forced to sit around and chat while you wait for something for a bit should be forced in one area of an MMO.

>Trips to Orbis in Maplestory
>Have to ride thirty minutes on it
>Forced in close quarters with strangers on the same path as you
>Balrogs attack the outside
>Forced to hide in a dimly lip airship cabin with other adventurers

Unless you can no life a game its not ideal though, because it requires time to be dedicated. But some of my best memories on Maplestory were on that ship.

>Log in now
>Everyone gets a personal airplane or Stork that lets you move up and down
>You can see other fake players but cant talk to them
>It only takes five mintues so they might as well replaced it with a teleport system
I'm to lazy to get an image so I will just say it.

Wildstar. Might of worked out if it wasn't attached to NiggerCSoft
It's so sad.
Back then, even the shitiest mmo was fun.
Now everything has to have the same content has wow and easy to get.
aeria is probably still pumping out garbage
Had some of my favorite mmo music. Shame its full of sub human turks.
Aww fuck man Fame was such a nice breath of fresh air. I was there from the very beginning until the very end.
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I loved you but you just didn't have any content ;(


>spend shitloads of currency getting a Helot Minigun expecting it to the same DPS
>it actually doesn't do the same DPS as the miniguns the Helots use

Never felt more ripped off
I fucking loved exteel damnit.
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It felt so good sustaining 100+ minions with only Verata's Sacrifice and Taste of Death. Prophecies was the end all, be all of the Guild Wars experience.
This game was fucking great

Literally all they had to do was update it every now and then but the dumb fucks at hi rez couldn't even do that
I struggled to remember this MMO for the longest time. This thread triggered that memory.
SO what are you guys playing/waiting for right now?
Keeping an eye on a couple of indie ones, blossom and decay in particular. SOme of the beta eastern ones look alright, but doubt we'll see them/they'll be good.
this game was amazing. sitting in a corner aoeing entire floors with monsterbait was pure bliss
No clue what's coming out anymore since mmohut stopped doing their weekly recap. I can't believe peria chronicles is actually still alive when they had dropped no info for so long
>Hi-rez in charge of maintaining a product

Kek its always the same story, they drop a good idea but they always fail to keep it up.
i've given up on mmo's
As much as I want Project Genome to not die before infancy, mmos are dead
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Does Flyff belong in this thread if it's still up? Apparently an international version is around and they just opened up another server
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>Gunz 2
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You will be missed. The 3 million dollar bus was too good for this world. If only it could have been salvaged from R5 and Kern.
The PvE focus killed that game. The alliance vs alliance stuff fighting for territory was so good. I really wish they kept it like it was on release with the point system too. the gunner class got pretty broken when they could use everything full power.

It's a FUCKING SHAME Global Agenda 2 was re-purposed into paladins. I really really wanted GA2.
It's dead.
I played during V6/V7 until V9, the game is dead, it's simply not the same game at all.

Not the same game doesn't mean it's "dead" in the classical sense of the word.

Lunia is dead, DFO is dead, Trickster is dead. Because you can no longer play these games at an official capacity since the parent companies shut them down.
But dfo is out and being run by the devs not nexon NA.
wew lad haven't seen that in a while. I was a fucking god at tank ball and sherwood.
FFXIV sadly.
WoW and FFXIV, tons of battlerite recently since a12s was a joke and my group cleared it on the 2nd lockout with only 8 hours raid week. 7/7m in wow, will prob get 3/3m next week since I was benched from progression because my main is rogue. NEETlyfe
MMOs are more or less dead to me. The issue is that by having a persistent world with lots of players, the content will get repetitive no matter what you do.

shit endgame content.
all these mmos put gorillions of dollars into quests, graphics, and voice acting, when end game content just isnt there

once, and if ever, devs realize that raids with fun mechanics are necessary then mmos can be fun again

also endgame pvp.
Key phrase in this post
Ask a guy who works for a company that owns at least one of the games listed here anything, except my name and for proof.

I'm drunk and fuck you
Why did you allow GW2 to happen?
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>mfw boonprot healing as a Mo/N with Offering of Blood for the easiest, most efficient e-management in the game
Prophecies was fucking amazing.

Here I was thinking the PvP focus was the problem. PvE was some of the most enjoyable parts of the game even though PvP was great, but we didn't get any new content. People who did raids/fought in dungeons were doing the same content over and over and there were basically no quests. By the time they expanded the main quest line it was too little too late and didn't address the main problem of there being too few raids. PvP was fine as it was but being an MMORPG most people only play PvP as a fun thing to pass the time, their real goal is to grind PvE content.
How incompetent are the employees
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GW2 started out as a completely different game and was changed early on in development to try to cash in on an existing franchise


depends. engineering (where I am) is fucking great, marketing's retarded, QA is questionable

you didn't love the game enough

you should've bought more flair items goy :^)
>shit ton of MMOs to play back then
>internet and/or pc to shitty

>internet and pc not shitty anymore
>MMOs are dead except generic military fps games and mobas
Shithole for underage retards.
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>This was my first MMO

>I didn't even know what a furry was at the time
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they say it gets better but I miss it more with each passing day

>Rappelz, Regnum, Shaya

I almost forgot about these
>austistic mod is running a game
OH FUCK. Why can't I just be happy?
Maybe you're right, PlanetSide 1 is dead long ago
nigger ncsoft shut COH down because it made no fucking money
you idiots complain about your favorite game disappearing but you won't spend any damn money on it to keep it alive

that's why cash shop games are still going and thriving while your favorite games gets tanken down
Thing is the main dev has not been seen for over 3-4 months. And then I found out that this same mod has demoted the lead dev in the discord server. So yeah by the looks of it planetside may never see the light of day again.

But at least there is the offline training pack that lets you play a beta offline training mode.
And the test server we had up.
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>You missed out on FFXI

>Years of looking through the glass
>Watching the Auction House feed on the website
>The Adventures of Finsternis and Prufrock
>Hundreds of youtube videos
>Finally have a PC that can play it and can afford a monthly sub
>It's dead
There's a new WoW expansion?
Hell yeah.
it was making a modest profit, actually
You sound like one of those fags who post goy in a ton of threads and then flipout when someone tells you to fuck off for belittling an entire religion. Sir kindly FUCK OFF back to /pol/.

Thank you.
not him but same, anon

I went in completely innocent, with almost no idea of what roleplaying was either, and ended up roped into the personal story of some runaway slave chick with a dagger that stole souls and her family- we'd just log in every day and play out more of the story. She didn't even care that my name was just my real name portmanteau'd with a Pokémon.

We'd hop from dream to dream and keep it going in every setting, followed by her captors each time until after many months we finally had the showdown with a slave owner named Evals Renwo.

Hours of misspelled combat and mouseclicking at inhuman speeds to run impossibly fast later, we won with little fanfare, and suddenly Nomed Evals Renwo logged in to keep fighting us.

It was a simpler time.
>main dev has not been seen for over 3-4 months
>same mod has demoted the lead dev in the discord server.

GOD. thanks for the info.
that's not just austistic, something is really wrong.

People have been belittling religion as a whole for the past several centuries. It wasn't even that long ago that the church was considered the first estate, above aristocracy and law. And look at it now.

You are literally retarded.

>ncsoft shut COH down because it made no fucking money

A blatant lie, actually. It became owned by the same company as GW2 and they didn't want GW2 to lose money to CoX, so they cut it. Internally, there also was drama with one of the chiefs that didn't really see much the light of day. Maybe only two Anons know the full scoop on here.

In fact, the free to play brought in an ample amount and everyone all around enjoyed the new model. They had a whole patch and new cosmetics planned out and everything.

Do your homework instead of trying to fit in with the "REE POPULAR GAME SUCKS" pseudo-hivemind.
Nothing in that pic was related to me anon.
Only thing I did was take the screenshot and laugh
at it.

Yeah it is something. Guess the one way to fix it is to just wait and see how things play out also heading to bed it's 2:30 am here and I need to sleep
>People have been belittling religion as a whole for the past several centuries.

Listen kid, and trust me I know you're a kid for thinking this is oooohhh soooooo funny. Just because some idiot from 13405 AD thought it was funny doesn't mean it's ok today. It's 2016 you fucking moron you can't just make fun of a group of people who had literally over 10,000,000 of their own killed in WW2 and get away with it. NOW FUCK OFF!
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>you will live long enough to see MMOs make a glorious return in the form of star citizen
>13405 AD
tell me more of the future time traveller man

okay, let me set this up for you cuz you a dumbass

even if shit is making a modest profit relative to its cost, it's not worth keeping shit up if it's not going anywhere. they had other games and shit they wanted to focus on, and those servers could be used for something that could make much more money - especially if its projected that another product will make much more moeny, like gw2

projections for coh into the future were shit. there was no growth potential - just maintaining
gw2 used projections from the previous gw, which were a mistake in the end, but that's what happened
to summarize:

CoH - makes money but no future
GW2 - had a future but made no money

any investory would take the latter any day

welcome to game business
I think if we got an MMO that focused on the journey and not just end game+ having things to do besides raid. Bars with virtual darts(not kidding) and other shit to dick off with

> you can't just make fun of a group of people who had literally over 10,000,000 of their own killed in WW2 and get away with it

Why can't I make fun of the Russians?
ok? We can still be sad/angry it was shut down
My experience with it was actually pretty short. I remember just chatting with some randoms near the beginner gate for a bit, explored some, and then ending after a day or 2.

'Dreams' didn't make much sense to me, and I guess the rules of the room were a bit intimidating back in the day since my only previous roleplaying experience was in a DBZ MSN Groups chatroom that was pretty free form.

Then I found a webcomic of RO from somewhere, and that basically became my life for the next 4 years.

Is it just me or is RPing dead? Or possibly only kept alive by amateur authors that need help making their next book? I don't count ERP....
So......Second Life?
Also, I would suggest checking out the discord server for what uses it has.

On there search for deathkill or spoilers. And tell them that john smith sent you. And have them fill you in on the story.
Sorry senpai but real life currency trading and fetishes isn't quite what I was implying.
I still miss Rusty Hearts to this day. Why is there no MMO like it today? DFO doesn't count.

Not really journey but leveling in gw2 I found fun. When you're running around the map not doing elite boss trains
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>this whole thread

I got a lump in my throat

I actually got to play gunz with an asian guy in one of my classes 3 years ago. I was in school, I befriended this asian guy, we were talking about games and we both found out we were huge gunz the duel fags.

The asian guy brought the game in and him and I 1v1'd constantly, shit was 50/50 and we were both K-styling faggots. that shit was fun on lan.
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>be level 35
>rogs attack ship
>everyone inside
>go out
>come back
>'hey guys, rogs are gone'
>see 6 people run out
>2 people return
Is it just me or is RPing dead?

It's you; the problem is just that you got older, and there's no magic or mystery to it anymore.

I actually stuck with Furcadia a few years even after finding out what furries were, and was spared from the degeneracy just by hanging out with weebs there instead.
I remember there was a time where there was a hugely-advertised ripoff of the Dark Tournament from Yuu Yuu Hakusho that all the servers knew about and made teams with typical edgy teenage names to fight in, among other tales.

Most of them were dreams designed to copy the ideas of videogames though, like one that was GTA with driveable cars. The patch system was ahead of its time, really, so it's a shame you didn't get to fully experience it, but it doesn't surprise me that it'd be dead now.
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It didn't have to end the way it did.

>it's not worth keeping shit up if it's not going anywhere

Except, like I just said, they had patches and additional content already planned and ready to roll out. City of Heroes was solely shut down to remove competition from GW2 when NCSoft changed hands. There were no new servers, no new nothing - it was purely an exchange of ownership.

There was no financial projection or study. It was a, "We don't like X, shut it down."

It was so sudden, in fact, that employees didn't even have two weeks notice; it was an immediate termination.

There was, in fact, a planned future.

Welcome to actually knowing what the fuck you're talking about, you twat.

MMO's one selling point, constantly playing with people online, is now ubiqtious.

Why would I play some faggot shit like Guild Wars when I could just host a skye call and play basically any game with my bros?
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>up to gates of discord
lol EQ sucked the moment luclin came out, tedious as fuck shit like the 10 ultra rare shards for the vex thal key that 60+ guild members need if you want a snowball's chance in killing aten ha ra, AA's giving a near endless grind, the bazaar ruining player trading forever, retarded shit like item level restrictions and spell buff minimum level requirements for your TARGET were added, then PoP came out and made druid and wizard porting worthless, plane of knowledge casualized the fuck out of traveling and added newbie gear quests that made a MASSIVE amount of items in the game worthless because you could just do very simple quests for better gear.

t. <Triton> member on Povar from launch day until we killed Quarm in Planes of Power, then I quit.
Why is it so hard for them to get the updates over here in a decent amount of time. Even with the shitty events I would have maybe stuck with the game if we weren't forever stuck 6-7 months behind the Korean version. There's nothing worse than knowing you have nothing but garbage content coming up for the next half a year.
People used to compare this to Gunz, which holds a special place in my heart. Was it actually similar?
yeah, because huge multi-million dollar interneational companies do things because "we don't like x"

fuck you, idiot

you've got a bunch of rumors and no actual knowledge. you know nothing of business and are prety fucking dumb, which is probably why you played the shit game int eh first place. i had fun decommissioning those servers

fucking idiot

Feel free to not bother reading what I said or employ any form of actual logic.

Here's your (You).
please don't remind me. the CU was dumb, but the NGE was fucking retarded.
>tfw my MMO experience was something like this;
>to WoW
>to Age of Conan
>to WoW
>to Aion
>to WoW
>to Guild Wars 2
>to WoW
>to Rift
>to Archeage
>to Black Desert

I feel deprived. I missed out on a lot of the MMOs /v/ loved the most. I pop in now and then to Black Desert to fuck around, but I've otherwise completely given up on any hope for the MMO genre ever reaching what I'd hope it would become.
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Well don't feel bad. While CoX and FFXI were big, they weren't as well known or heavily advertised as WoW or even AoC.
But anon
We all feel deprived.
Cause we can't find what we once had.
i read it, it was rumor mill bullsshit

literally no logic

the logic dictates that game studios aren't fucking petty teenagers whos hut things that make money down because they have a grudge. there are reasons for everything, projections, blag, andm bringing down a product quickly and for seemingly no reason doessn't mean that's hwat's happend.

i said it above
coh: made money but no future (fucking new patches and shit aren't a future you dumbfuck, they needed huge influxes of players and successes in order to warrant keepting the game going)
gw2: had future but ended up not making money

you're a fucking retard
go fucking die
how do people like you live
it's why you're sad about shit games
because you're a fucking retard
fucking useless idiot
retard fuck

gotta remember not to respond to idiots

here's your fucking (you0 fag

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you are really mad about people being mad at NCSoft
You are legitimately so angry about someone defending city of heroes, holy shit I am sorry for you.
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No one ever talks about this, it's like I'm the only one that played it.
holy shit someone else played this game?
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>MMOs were where you made the bulk of your friends in your earlier years
>Most of those friends either became normies or fell off the face of the planet
>MMOs are dying and what's left of the community doesn't like to talk much outside of their already created circle
>Friends list is rather small these days now

Where do I go from here? It's hard to meet new people in a small redneck town with no real places to hang out.
>didn't play everquest, ultima online, or asheron's call

this should honestly be a permabannable offense if you haven't played one of the 3 greatest MMORPG's of all fucking time
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Ah, well I was a mere casual player who didn't raid. I think the highest I got was 54. AA's were a bit silly too imho, I agree.

>made druid and wizard porting worthless

This is easily one of my biggest gripes with PoP as well. Christ, that shit made me so angry.
Correct. Luclin was the monkeys paw. Planes of power was the coffin.
>People beg for steam release
>NA gets it on steam
>People continue to beg for European release as well
>No answer
I can't understand why the hell they didn't release it on Steam.
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That music though

The fact you somehow avoided Ultima Online, Asheron's Call, Everquest or City of Heroes is astounding. Also, I really fucking feel you for Archeage; had so much goddamn fun with that up until Auroria. Everything went down the drain from there. Christ, that launch was such a fucking disaster.
Forgot about that. The beta was actually a lot of fun as a FOTM. I assume the released game dropped the ball hard because it disappeared completely.

Savanah, Georgia here. I know the feeleroni.

>tfw all of your childhood friends are still on your friend's list but you don't talk to them anymore
>tfw don't know where to pick up from, last you talked they all lived successful lives
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Hey motherfuckers. If TEAM METAMORPHOSIS gets approved, i'll try and push for the direction towards a Planetside successor.

EQ's music truly was something magical.

I remember when it went from the MIDI to the trumpets, holy fucking shit. My mind exploded.
why is that name so familiar, wasn't that a shitty tripfag?
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If someone with no programming experience wanted to make an MMO, where would they start?
So Koreans ripped off Custom Robo?
i truly miss the original through velious era of EQ. the ACTUAL original era, not the project 1999 shit full of neckbeard poopsockers who already know everything about the game. the music, the fear and trepidation of exploring an unknown area, making new friends, losing tons of xp on death, everything was so great.

this music makes me wish for better times, before WoW ruined the entire MMO genre. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKj36GJj_i8
probably with hiring someone with programming experience
I want to go back

To before the first graphics update
Definitely to before that stupid fucking starting area they added
To before polearms
To before subpaths became permanently entrenched circlejerks
I liked the MIDI version better. It was comfy. The full orchestrated stuff is cool, but got kind of corny awhile.

>never get to hang around west freeport docks and just chill to this again
I ment as a project.
He was a guy framed so that Evolve would be slammed for DLC.
I used to know him, He was a pretty cool dude before the result of the game drove him insane.
I'd start with literally anything but an MMO
start by choosing a different project

>Dying in LGuk for the first time
>Not being or having a Necro or coffins

huh, i wonder who i am thinking of.

evolve was a massive pile of trash though, i feel bad for that SArais guy.
im mad because theres a shitton of rumors going around about why coh got shut down as if it was some huge evil plot by some evil corporate jews to take away fun.

the truth is that it was a shit game that had no future
and people jsut refuse to accept thtat even if its the fucking trusth

i want to set the record fucking straight: companies dont fucking just take away shit you enjoy because they want to fuck with you. your favorite mmos probably barely made enough money to keep the lights on, with a few exception s ehre and there

this whole thread fucking pisses me off, its some jack-off nostalgia fest about games you never spent money on and now youre confused as to why they got shut down

spoiler: its you
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I too want to go back
I was happy then
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>>Friends list is rather small these days now
More like empty for me.
I don't think I've had any real friends for like five years now, maybe longer. I even play lots of multiplayer games and have yet to really make any.
just roll a level 1 halfling rogue and sneak/hide to drag everything, nothing in lguk sees invis.

You wipe down in Chardok doing the royals though, that's several thousand plat just for coffins for your guild right there

>Beautiful sea theme
>Waiting forever for a boat, chatting with strangers at BB
>We all hop on a boat, go into the ocean and collide into another boat as both clip into one another
>We all drown and lose our bodies and spend time with DMs as they fish our corpses out the ocean
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By learning to program.

Find yourself a tutorial for Java or something and get to it.
Not him, but stop taking out your pent up frustration. I can't imagine anyone projecting any harder. It makes sense the new owners would cut CoH if it interfered with their original golden calf.
>games you never spent money on
>most of the games were subscription-based for most of their life
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Probably the same guy you're thinking of that wanders about with some xeno shtick.
He always seemed so distant and paranoid; then again I would be too if I was a degenerate fatfur, hated myself for it and didn't want to spew that in people's face.
That isn't his Deviantart, he doesn't even use his.
whoa look some sort of interview with a designer, like as if information came from the horse's mouth. not like you'll watch it though since you're obviously infallibly correct.
Here's mine:
>To WoW
>To GW
>To WoW
>To GW2
>To WoW
>To WoW

I did a brief stint in Aion and Rift, but it wasn't long enough to mention.
the worst fate on boats was when sharks could clip the bottom and attack
>corpse would then the boat and fall at the edge of the zone line and was a pain in the ass to find
I learned never to wonder to the cargo hold again.
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>ctrlf auto assault
>not a single fucking post
c'mon nerds step it up, twisted metal the mmo was fucking dank


I'm sorry.
>All this talk about City of Heroes

Hey look, check out Valiance Online.


It's like Project Titan and Paragon Chat but actually getting shit done.
I think only Tabula Rasa was more short-lived than Auto Assault
I remember playing it in beta. Was alright. Pretty fun.

Then returned years later after launch and it was REAL fun but had that empty F2P Asian feel.
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Anyone play Endless Online?
I cant fucking level up in this game. 77 for 4 months. No quests without needing help from people. Shitty dungeon bosses. No good weapons. I give up.
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How would you feel if Evolve was restructured to be a Planetside Spiritual Successor?
>spiritual successor
initial impression is not good, since spiritual successors are usually fucking garbage (see: bioshock/system shock)
>tfw Statesman died


F. ;_;7
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i did
That would be awesome
that game was P2W garbage and made pvp impossible
The music was incredible.
>elf theme
>camp theme
Fucking hell I gotta go download that shit.
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Why did Guild Wars have such a high population of middle aged people playing it?

My uncle was the one who introduced me to it back in 05, and when I played it there were tons of adults playing it. I didn't mind, but I've never seen that many 40+ adults gravitate to any game since
God damn. I miss walking to Draynor.
Because an underage shitter wouldn't succeed at that game. You seriously think a 12 year old came up with 55ing?
I was 12 when I played it and I was definitely a shitter but I still beat the campaign

I never got good enough for elite areas though. I was decent at RA and played a ton of alliance battles and fort aspenwood
Middle age people play guild wars and conquer online. I don't know why.
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Let's get the feel train starting


i'm depressed as fuck now
Don't forget WoW
Several of my teachers in middleschool back in 2008 played WoW
Do you know the song where you fish in an area and it sounds like a dwarf song? It had like bells and whistles.
>tfw no more low budget but charming anime weeb MMOs from Taiwan

X-Legend pls, stop re-releasing the exact same game and make something actually new
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Okay, hear me out.
What if we dug into the older versions, recycled trashed content (like scorpid, scorpidv2, rocky, host, grounder, cocoons) And implemented something like what the older design documents implied; being able to make your own monsters based off of what abilities you took; and similar with the hunters.

This would have to start with simple weapon/gear swapping/dropping/etc, but I think it could work.

Not saying that it will be possible; but assuming the 'team metamorphosis' comes to fruitition, it will be a side-project whilst we work on tweaking the main evolve game.

Everything goes to plan; we just plug Evolve into MetaMorphOsis and there you go.

Making evolve into an mmofps would also solve the "Running around for 20 mins looking for the monster".

Stage 2 did not fix this; it potentially made it worse by making the maps even bigger and less visually interesting.

Conceptually; it would be split into 2 teams, not 3, and it would consist of Hunters (fixed loadouts, general abilities, have some drawbacks but they're the ones doing most of the fighting + Colonists (trading, inventory, fully customizable) vs Monster Horde (which all are technically on the same team but are encouraged to kill each-other for dominance and strategic reasons.)

This is mostly spit-balling for the future. Cannot guarantee.
well, that does sound fun, but whether it's actually fun in practice is something to be seen.
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>Try out Discord servers
>Circle jerks
>Try out IRC channels
>Forever idle
>Go back to old forums you used to visit
>Dead or a former husk of itself
>Join facebook groups
>One sentence replies with no real conversation
>Try out Second Life

What. Happened.
So, here the crazy thing.
A French guy made a MMO out of RPG-Maker.
And it was fairly popular, in its high days you could get around 1k to 2k players online.

Nowadays though, it seems they have hardly 5 players online at the same time and they are thinking on closing down for good.

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Does anyone know the name of this probably 10 year old f2p MMO thing?
It's a top-down game where you do instanced missions with a group, they're generally "Get to the end" but there were also some "protect this area" ones also iirc.
You played as these little robots, throughout missions you might get drops of equipment that change the way you looked. I remember thinking the artstyle was fucking sick.
Never got too far though. The areas I remember were very generic as far as MMOs go; Jungle, robot warehouse, cyber docklands, airship.
If I had to say it looked like anything, think the robots from Virtual-On, but much more chibi. I seem to remember my robot having thrusters instead of legs.
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Just realised I described almost every MMO ever
It was almost like a beat 'em up right ? the floating guy had weird blade arms, there was a tank guy who punched, and a guy with a big arm ?
i think you mean Acclaim B.O.T.S or something like that
>Savanahfag complaining about these trivial things

Dude, become the pirate king you've always wanted to be. You have the perfect environment.
>they will never admit they made shitty choices and bring it back
fucking hell, they couldn't even keep the "replacement" alive
i still dream about going back to the first 3 months of age of wushu

god what a time to play video games
oh i didnt even see someone posted it, yeah that
Shoulda read the thread, but that's it!! Been looking for that for ages. Killer game.
It's kinda crazy when you think about it, the guy made the thing himself, payed the servers himself, never asked for donation, never put any advertisements and that since fucking 2003 to 2016.
That's some love right there.
I used to play this shit with three Asian kids who lived down the road from me. I miss those kids.
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That is true; What was fun to us may not necessarily be fun to anybody else.

I think our first proof-of-concept that this is possible or viable would be Re-implementing Host. She's a scary cunt; and the trs team didn't want to put her in because AI reasons; but the ai in-game has improved significantly; so i wouldn't worry as much.

She was basically a summoner of sorts. I think that if the AI really does become a problem; a solution can already be lined up; Use the ideas presented by Overlord, of codemasters/triumph fame.
Shame the company got shit down. Some other comp bought it but its never been updated.
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Further dEvolve thoughts:
Expand Evacuation; this was part of the main draw to the game. Evac is now split into standard evac (not many differences from main game) and FULL SCALE EVACUATION/EVAC 2.0

Evac 2.0 would take place in the open world mode; taking place over 5 irl days in a week. Battles in the open world; and in the territorial radius, will contribute to that territory's control; and this will eventually lock to the team who wins it on that day. Each day comes with its own rewards, much like the daily login we have now. At the end of day 5, the winning side will receive a major peice of content (new character/adaptation/etc); and on every other day a minor peice of content. (ae; skins, keys, free unlocks, etc.)

On the weekends; we would remove restrictions on cosmetics; meaning you can indeed be Gangster-Goliath on the weekend; but not during the campaign.

Cosmetic items are something I'd really play around with; I would much rather they be things that affect gameplay, so maybe introduce them as cosmetics and see what should be put on them.

The community would also be a considerable factor for development, they'd be voting a good deal for what they get; but we'd still be picking things we want to toss in, we'd just also be going to the community and saying "Hey, we dug through all this stuff you made, we've narrowed it down, vote on who gets in this time"

I do mean this in a crowd-sourcing way. People make new hunters and monsters, we pick the best, put them in, and maybe even hire them/train them so they can get their feet wet in game development, like we would be.
Any good MMOs similar to haven and hearth out there?
Here's my opinion.

No, ideally it is similar (third person shooter with a balanced selection of melee combat that offers flashy combat) but when it really comes down to how the games are finally seen as the two games went in a totally different directions.

GunZ actually encourages flashy game play in terms of style points being added to the score but the fucking butterfly style really killed off any sort of variety in the game. Is it THE only style in the game? No. But in terms of being broken it was the all purpose tool to fight. So in the later ranks you just see literally nothing but high level people doing the same trick over again and again.

S4 on the other hand didn't encouraged flashy game play like GunZ's style system but the mobility options you have in that game was just plenty enough to make the gameplay entertaining. Another point I really loved about S4 league, before the cashshop, was since no weapon nor any loadout combination was broken you can see people coming up with odd and varied loadouts and make it work perfectly.
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Fallen Earth was very underrated. Post apocalyptic shooter style MMO with in depth crafting and resource gathering.

Unfortunately it suffered from the same horribly laggy servers that SWG had.

Chosen was fun as fuck with a good guild, game's shit balance be damned.
Exteel was so damn good. What happened to it?
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Guild Wars 2 is slowly but surely dying too.
>living in cuckland
please stay out of the real world
seems strange, they're sending another content update tuesday, another map added. They seem to be getting their act together on this one. Although I wonder what the future would bring.
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The addition of raids and gear treadmilling did more harm than good. They built their core playerbase on disenfranchised WoW players who wanted something new. It bought longevity as the cost of total regular users.

But it doesn't matter because they finally put cat ears up and made more than they've ever made before, so who cares.
>They seem to be getting their act together
Nope many players left because HoT fucked up the balance completely.
i have this controller

shit was fucking nice
>Ultra rare
I did shards in a couple days while AAing and drinking with guildies. You can do VT in 4 hours with 40 people easily, it's loot pinata as fuck if your pullers and enchanters are awake.
The only really valid complaint there that's not just fixing incredibly inconvenient design choices is that newbie gear was way too strong relative to other options for a long time level wise.
>I did shards in a couple days while AAing and drinking with guildies
you lucky mother fucker it took me over a month just to get the maiden's eye shard. FIVE AND A HALF MOTHER FUCKING WEEKS. Ssra shard took a long ass time too but maiden's was the worst. Fuck you and your lucky drop rates
Did grey, FG, deep, and scarlet desert in 2 hours duo with rogue/shaman.
Maiden's eye was the longest, spent 4-5 hours getting it with a group of 4 (2 already had the shard).
Had a guild group AEing ssra basement for shards/metal so that was easy.
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>Lunia is dead

I just came to this thread to post this.

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Shaiya's loading screens use to give me boners when I was a kid
i liked the humor of that game
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man, i miss everquest. project 1999 doesnt cut it because the mystery is gone and everyone knows what's good and what isn't, i am disgusted that almost the entire server refuses to group with wizards unless they personally know the wizard, because of the prevalence of twinked melees everywhere. hell, my buddy said like a month ago that the entire rogue epic was down to a measly 20k platinum on p99, it had gotten so bad that rogues werent getting groups either unless they had their epic at level 10.

why can't we just get another everquest? p99 has shown that emulating it doesnt work because the metagaming poopsocking neckbeards ruin everything.
Honestly phinigel is pretty chill. Groups everywhere for any class, no pressure on endgame shit. Lot of older players around too.
It's not really classic, but I find it a lot more fun to play than p99.
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Dransik motherfuckers!
They are turning them more and more into singleplayer games, or multiplayer games with the least possible human interaction necessary.
Instant gratification
A lot more people being bad compared to before because of the high influx from social media internet 2.0 cancer who aren't trying to improve. They react allergic to tips on how to improve. Also, who wants to genuinely talk with people met in a dungeon match function who are from different servers? Chances are high you will never ever see them again, whereas you would run into the same people more often when you had to search them manually. Also, time is not freely available for a lot anymore since even those who were still students(school, university) in 200x to 2010 have jobs now and therefore in a forced schedule with far lower freetime.

There is also the fact that the devs try to cater to everyone now instead of focusing on one group, so instead of having multiple niche MMORPGs we get those which try to be as big as possible regarding their playerbase for the revenue.

That and growing tired of how things change.
my only issue is that it costs money, and i don't really want to pay daybreak to play on content that's about 15 years old when i already gave hundreds of dollars to verant/SOE when said content was new
i want to play NGE SWG!
my buddys uncle was a dev on this game. fucker game me free founders packs and vehicles. shit was cash.
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>Ragnarok Online
>various MMOs where nothing last more than 2 weeks
>couple weeks at Dungeons&Dragons Online
>various MMO tries again including TERA beta
>waiting for something to replace Ragnarok Online
>so hyped for GW2 that I start Guild Wars 1
>Guild Wars 2
>back to waiting for something to replace Ragnarok Online
>Tree of Savior doesn't save anyone
>Black Desert Online lasts a month
>do I even want to play MMOs
>ESO free weekend and I'm barely playing it
Were you born retarded or was it just the result of an accident?
Would you play an extremely realistic medival mmo where the wildest class is probably a Mage?
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Where my 9d bros at

Rip heavenlytaiping
Money. Watering down all the game mechanics and player interaction to accommodate the lowest common denominator has proved to be too profitable. No one is interested in making a hard core MMO that caters to a niche audience like earlier MMOs did, especially since those games have such a negative stereotype attached to them.
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Literally the most grindy game I've ever played, but fuck if I didn't love it.
They died out the same way platformers died out

They all became mario and other games took the niche.
What are some good MMOs out there to play right now which are not widely known (e.g. WoW, FF14 and so on). Maybe some 2D MMOs?
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Haven and Hearth
Nice bait but this expansion is pretty great

You don't need to have rl friends or "pretend online friends" to enjoy it either

At least I don't, seems like nobody could give a fuck abiut anyone else in this game

Back in vanilla and tbc I knew a couple guys who were good and we did groups together.

I don't think a game has changed as much as wow has ever
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You think NA had it bad? Try playing in the EU servers, don't forget to buy a monthly Gold Pack if you actually want to play the game, either by buying it from Jewforge or farming over 60 millions a month to get one from somebody ingame, if you are lucky to find one for cheap.

I miss Aion as well, the servers are probably still up, but I haven't played it in years now (last I remember, we got Gunners and Bards months after NA got them). Mained a Chanter for years, fell in love with this class.

>tfw lost all my screenshots

This one hurts a lot as well.
>ganked by russians simulator
No thanks
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I came here to post this.
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After all those years

WoW is still one and only proper MMO game.
>Not EQ
>Not EVE
fuck off scrub
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Yeah I always heard that EU servers were fucked over by jewforge, I actually played the OB their first before going to NA.

>Mained a Chanter for years, fell in love with this class.
Mah nigga, Chanters were my second favorite class just behind Gladiator, I fucking loved this class the support power was insane.
Russian gankers aren't much of a problem these days since any crime you commit pretty much sentences your character to death by nidbanes

I bet you also like Farm Simulator 17.

Most of the games in this thread were better than WoW could ever be. It's not the only "proper" MMO game, it just perpetuates its own existence off brand name alone. Sort of like how everyone hates Jewtube yet there's no real alternative achieving mainstream success.
>Most of the games in this thread were better than WoW could ever be

Yeah, """nah""""

Vanilla WoW was MAGNUM OPUS of MMO genre.

No one could ever come close to that level.

These are not mmos..
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What ever happened to the concept of a quest in an RPG, especially MMORPGs

Like, I don't know what happened, but when I first started playing the game would give you a task and it was up to you to figure out how to achieve that goal, you could explore, ask for help, or read a guide, but now the quests seem to just play themselves out in front of you, you have no input or thought into the quests anymore, you just grind them repetitively until you reach a goal now.

Makes me want to go back to runescape, but fagex will just ban my account again because they like to do that randomly these days.
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Its so sad because
>never released outside of japan
>CC2 shuts down servers after a little over a year
>team of dedicated fans dust it off
>translate important parts
>update the UI
>make it connect to user created servers
>game is silky smooth and plays great
>even put together easy setup process
But no one plays it online...like...at all. I saw 2 people in the last weeks. Its kind of depressing that they did all that work and no one even plays it. Good thing there's a fantastic offline mode that works great.

not even WoW addicts believe that nonsense lmao
I guarantee you didn't get banned for no reason, you botting faggot. I don't care how boring the grind in that game was, if you want to play the game then actually play it or fuck off.
Was great but it suffered a lot when they change shit around as it went f2p. They killed nearly all the differences between the factions, also removed the ability to craft everything from gathering and required you to buy shit from npcs to craft. Haven't played since just after it went f2p though so maybe the fixed some of it again.
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Nope. I never played CoH but it wasn't because the game wasn't making money. Somewhere in the company someone came up with a chart that said something along the lines of:

>If we shut down CoH, the players will go to other games
>if x% of those players go to any of our other games, which have larger monetization, then we will make more money
>we will also save money by shutting down CoH so we don't have to pay for operation, increasing our profits even more
>Great idea Chung Chao Yungyafatchobojungi!

I mean, you can't argue with good business, but holy shit it was cold blooded. Just like that time NCsoft mailed billions of gold to all of the players of Aion, then perma-banned anyone who took it, and JUST SO HAPPENED to have a sale going on for new copies of the game that overlapped with the massive ban, WHILE players were complaining that the latest patch content was taking too long and that people were leaving because they were bored.

NCsoft is fucked. If I see their logo on a game, I immediately lose all interest because I know they are going to completely destroy it.
No, I legitimately played RS3 for a few months to try it out.

I didn't bot once, but I still got my account banned, and there is 0 way to repeal the ban.

I have no desire to play an MMO where i'll get randomly banned for no reason.
>YFW People don't even realize AC2 was brought back and is currently live right now for like 10 or 20 bucks.
What game?
>Just like that time NCsoft mailed billions of gold to all of the players of Aion, then perma-banned anyone who took it
Wait what?
When did this happen?
Looks like fragment
Post ideas that would benefit the mmo game
>mobs hunt players and level up from kills
Persistant world bosses
More world events and extended questlines
More player built economies and settlements

Really, I wish the world was more persistant in MMOs in general, everything seems to be more focused on minigames and level grinds then persistant open worlds full of players.
even Runescape had better quests.
More world changing events with long as fuck questlines that required a server to co-ordinate to get shit done.

Like the AQ opening in WOW or the crystal dragon in EQ1

Abandoning the concept of dividing the game between leveling and endgame.

Fucked in a head?
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This game was too ambitious, and too far ahead of it's time.

Fun while it lasted though.
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I miss it.
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serious question, did we all just grow up?

I felt it was a meme for so long but I can't imagine ever falling in love with an MMO like I did a decade ago.

all i do these days is play modded call of pripyat and drink heavily. i want to be a KID AGAIN
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GW2 had potential, it's a shame they completely squandered it
Anyone play this piece of shit?

I just found out that it shut down while looking for this picture.
Can't say I'm surprised, it was proof that tits alone aren't enough to sell a game.
Fiesta Online is pretty much abandoned
Press X to pay respects.

Deadest of MMOs.

You don't.

There is a reason why the vast majority of MMO's die within a month of release, because they're really hard to make and really hard to maintain, especially for a person with no experience.

Just make an RPG like everyone else starting out.
>Being 13
>Have a shitty PC in the attic that would reboot at random
>Get salty that my friends progress faster than me

Damn, good times
I want to play Exteel again.
I really do.
Woops, didn't meant to leave tripcode on.
loved this game, too bad it wasn't very optimized, I remember on my pc of the day it ran like ass.
MMOs fail because of a vicious cycle of reasons.

>Develop a game that has to have seemingly endless gameplay
>To do this, you add grind
>Game now has to have passable 3d graphics
>Graphic fidelity now limits your art direction
>Every area tends to look the same
>Game is online only, needs a steady, large player base to attract players
>Need massive amounts of advertising funds
>Which lowers the funding toward game design, art, etc
>Game is lacking one of the previously mentioned components
>People either never play, or quit playing because of those reasons
>Less people means more people quit because the game doesn't have enough players to support it
>Don't have the money from subscriptions or purchases to increase the amount of gameplay or improve graphics/art design or advertise more
>Even more players leave because of dropping numbers and lack of new content
>Game then dies

It's a flawed game design to begin with, to expect a game to maintain a large number of players at all times of all days, for a months on end. You can only do this if the game is immediately successful, then continues to make money enough to fund more content additions.

See: WoW, a fucking horrible game but it was popular immediately and makes enough money to steadily add more content, which keeps the retards playing and suckling that gear progression teet.
You forgot about me didn't you, /v/.
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>join game
>some dozens of players in two or three teams
>go grey
>singlehandedly wreck more people than any single team combined
>people join grey out of salt
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It was a pretty shitty game but jumping around the city while listening to Radio Free Zion was comfy as fuck. More MMO's need their own internet radio show.
>No one is interested in making a hard core MMO that caters to a niche audience like earlier MMOs did, especially since those games have such a negative stereotype attached to them.

Wildstar did, it died. "Muh hardcore players" is a meme, it's the casuals that contribute the most to a game's livelihood. Wildstar had 0 casual content at endgame when it launched.
/v/ had a lot of threads for that when it first came out because muh tiddy mmo
RO will always have been a better MMO than WoW has or will ever be
It truly was deliciously shameless.
Shame I never got to play it.
Wildstar was "too hardcore" for the casuals and not hardcore enough for the actual hardcore players
Fuck you for digging up that wound OP
MMOs follow a pretty standard pattern nowadays in order to get initial player numbers.

Archetype 1:"Be like WoW!"
A laundry list of quests that hand hold you through the world, the exp gained from killing enemies is basically negligible so you just do this laundry list until you hit max level.

At max level, the gameplay is just running the same few party-based instances over and over to get gear drops. Maybe there's PVP tacked on, but it won't be in any way balanced.

Archetype 2: "Sandbox! YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!"
Game may or may not have laundry lists of quests, but will have a dozen jobs/proffessions to choose from. Crafting and gathering materials is usually the main part of these games, that focus on economy.

They tend to be incredibly grindy, and the economy is usually controlled by bots/auction house scripts/literal hackers.

Example being, Archeage, Black Desert, etc.

Archetype 3: "We're not WoW look!"

Typically an "Action MMO", doesn't have tab targeting combat, and that's its main selling point. They're marketed as "skill based", and "you have to be good to get good" kind of games.

This could be good, except in every one of these games your gear dictates how well you can do. You will get completely destroyed by somebody with gear even a level above yours, and the game still focuses entirely on getting "top gear", but now with action game combat.

Follow one of those archetypes and you'll make an MMO that is initially popular and then dies really quickly or is only played by asians and brazilians. (See: Tera, Vindictus)
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SMT: Imagine
I actually really enjoyed this game, it was fucking all grind but I still had fun
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FFXI, my love of MMOs died with it.
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Oh, and let's not forget "Free to play" and "Freemium".

These games are designed AROUND their cash shops. Every single gameplay choice is made in mind of what they can put onto the cash shop that players will buy to make the game less tedious and become a "Top player". The biggest criminals in this case are PVP focused games like Archeage, where if you don't pay money on cash shop items (Either using them, or selling them to get gold to use) you stand no chance against a player that did spend money.

Or, a less offensive option but still a game killer, is the "Freemium" games. Sure, you can play, and you can play as much as you want! Except at a 50% experience penalty, no trading or auction house access, can't create parties, can't enter dungeons, etc. But for the low low price of $20, you can play the game how it was meant to be played (For one whole month!).

That's not enough for you? For just $5 each you can get a 6 hour experience boost!
I miss playing FF11 back before wings of the goddess.

I never even hit max level on a class in hundreds of hours and I still loved my entire time in that game.

Even the time I got invited to a party where two Elvaan were roleplaying a brother/sister incest ERP in the middle of chain killing mobs, in party chat.
ah god is that exsteel? rip
This game was like if not better than MapleStory, I miss WonderKing
The only good thing about RO is WoE.

Everything else is dumb gook shit.
Fuck I've been trying to remember the name of that game for a while. Fun times.
No Mabinogi?
Looks like a good read, thanks.
I thought that it was still around
They are, x-legends games are pretty much clones of their own games.

The most recent being twin saga, but it's already dying and it hasn't been more than few months since it's release. There's even a private server that might have more players than the official one.
I was waiting for Revelation, but tried the beta and I wasn't impressed.

Like it has a fuckton of content, way more than the average f2p crap, it's actually a AAA mmo in production standards, but it's still chineese and some things just don't feel right, but I made some friends so might pick it up on release again.

The pvp is pretty ok tho, there's 30v30 50v50 and 180v180, I watched streams of it and it got interesting.
>Progression Server
Issue with those is every time, eventually, it'll go to shit.
I wonder what 2016 would have looked like if most of these games didnt have retarded publishers I want GW back please
Kritika, C9, Soul Worker
>no muslim would actually use Allah's name like that
By Allah, that guy is retarded
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Wurm, maybe?
try this


Atavism MMO Creator
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i miss this game so much...

the new version is so different what the fuck happened...
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This piece of shit game. It was complete garbage, P2W ruled the entire game and the devs made sure you get the least out of your money on top of it (I didn't spend a penny). The battles were also pure RNG and I'm sure they made something so the RNG is never in your favour for some battles. Hell, even upgrading equipment was RNG.

However, I started it with a friend and got to know some other people. Aside from the cancerous filipinos the community was really nice, so I played it for almost 2 years and had fun so it wasn't all bad.
good stay away cyka
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Good fucking lord. I still remember buying parts to make myself look cool, and getting called a coiner by people using beginner equipment when I got the top of the leaderboards. SMG and sword best.
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this desu
Lol look guyse! we made this mmo with no gear progression! end game is cosmetics only! oh yeah but of course cosmetics are $9.99 on the cash shop! lol

What you don't like our game because only thing to do is to drop gems in costumes and costume battle? here's some vertical progression because we don't give a shit about our manifesto!
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I met someone in RO that got me to play this. I introduced some IRL friends to it because there was some video game racing dream I liked where you could win trophies of sprites.

Now I masturbate to furry porn. ixTornPrincexi, fuck you.
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Pic related will end like Dragonica, at least for French serv
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Market saturation, development costs vs profit, "Y Online" hype trains vs reality, failure is not an option (well, it never is, but it sure hurts in this genre since you are planning to keep the game alive for more than a year) so devs/publishers will always prefer to play safe by investing on "it's like X but with twist!" projects, creating this ocean of clones that people prefer to avoid rather than carefully search for the game they might want to play (making the "pre-release" marketing campaign even more important, and more expensive).

The audience also changed a lot. Old MMO players don't have enough free time to spend hours grinding and make friends that will probably forget about them after they quit the game, most potential new/younger players are looking for "arcade"-like experiences with their friends (jump in and play, as little wait time as possible, no social interaction required since you already have your buddies with you).
Nothing can save this genre, and I'm sure it will only get worse, especially now with the crazy popularity of these online RPGs on mobile devices.
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This was my first ever MMO and one of the few games that would run on my old ass pentium. It felt so magical.

Yeah had a level 60 or 70 (looong time ago) Fighter, game was VERY grindy, and a Fighter was a very boring class (always was jelous of high level Mechanicans/Magicians or something)

Game was F2P from 1-39 or something when I played.
I still remember the music (Ricarten or something)

Hopy's, summon crystals, King Hopy's, those big slicers things in the desert/etc etc

That fucking Furry game.
There's literally no fremium game that costs $20 per month they go from $5 to $15 tops.

And it's the best model, you idiot thinking games should cost nothing and have nothing but cosmetics live in a dream world. The beneffit is you can stop paying and still come back to check out a new patch or something and don't be fucked by not having a sub. I just did that a few months ago in a f2p game, I stopped playing for months, came back and spent 3 weeks farming a very expensive item, after I was done with that I activated my sub again to keep grinding levels on my alts, because I wanted, because I had fun, not because the game was forcing me to pay or anything like p2p games. Plus a lot of them already have the token systems for you to grind money and get premium by grinding money.

You people act as if $10 was an arm robbery, when real p2win mmos require hundreds and even thousands of dollars to be competitive end game. Best thing about freemium is you can invite more people, they try the game, and is they like it they can sub or not, otherwise you would need to convince them to pay a box price, to pay a sub fee, or they get scared the moment they see some sort of upgrade hammer in the cash shop that costs $50.
>RF online
>MU online
That's why the most successful game in the world (League, raking in billions a year) is pretty much only cosmetics. Yes paying cash upfront reduces your grind but in terms of actual gameplay there are 0 advantages you get over anyone else.
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>no one mentions Dark Age of Camelot

At least ESO somewhat gives me what RvR was in its heyday..
Can't fucking believe I put 8k hours into Shit Wars 2. Kind of glad I'm done with it.
>before poleams
No way. That made being a rogue so much more fun.
homie theres literally an official 2007 server wtf
I wish I could just play alone, do group content by myself. Shit's fun enough as a single player game, I deal with enough people's bullshit IRL as it is.

inb4 "muh momurpoge"
Legit question, why do you guys hate circlejerks? Is it not better to join a group of people so you can play together or do you prefer to go solo?
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I miss the endless expanse of terrible anime-styled MMORPGs of the late 90s/early 00s. If you got bored of one you could just pick another at random and have mad fun.

Tree of Savior wasn't great but playing it at least gave me that feeling again which I can appreciate.
It's not that circlejerks are bad, but it's that being out of the circlejerk is awful.

You always get this tight group of hardcore assholes who know everything and do everything perfectly and are at the peak of progression in both the guild and the server. They don't invite new people to their clique runs unless someone is sick, working or sleeping.

They know they're the shit, so they'll have high standards about who can or can't join, obviously their GF or any bangable mmo chick gets invited to their private groups because they're usually betas that drool over any pussy over voice chat, even if they're never ever going to put thei hands near their fat butts and stinky cunts.

They have conversations no one understands, and alienate new players, eventually when people start getting bored and leave the circle jerk, they realize how fragile their group was, and start begging for new members.

This happens with literally any /vg/ guild I been, Tera, Ragnarok, Tree of Savior, you name it, they always have an elite clique that ignores everyone, I only managed to join a clique on Age of Wushu and it was awesome while it lasted.
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>stupid shit like Warhams AoR get revived
>no one tries to revive this and CoH
>Tree of Savior
Which guild were you in?
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This would have counted as a dead game but apparently its getting a re-release this year.
5 cents has been deposited into your account.
>died out
Could have fooled me with countless copy paste platformers coming out every year

>No one tried to revive CoH

People have tried. NCSOFT are just being huge fucking jews.

Hell If anyone wanted to try and start a revival I would be the first person to jump in and volunteer to help with coding.
why is CoX so impossible to emulate?
why won't NCsoft sell the rights to the Titan group?
why won't NCsoft revive CoX to ride the wave of the capeshit era?
why does my soul ache when I reflect on the worry-free days of playing City of Heroes as a teenager?
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it aint dead yet
DAOC was more popular on the EU side
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>Hey guys, what if we take an MMO completely based on the idea of hitting level cap and then prestiging your character and add a bunch of expansions that completely invalidate every single dungeon we've released in the last 7 years

I'm fucking glad Turbine is now a mobile game developer forced to make Justice League MOBAs
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played hundreds of hours, maybe over 1k.
even played competitively at europe-level and shit
I was ok even with the cash shop until they removed the fumbi. That was THE shit.

7/10 for nostalgia, fun gameplay but ruined with BR and latino laggers.
would play again
>even played competitively
I'm so sorry for you anon.
You had to deal with some Macro/Aimbot users
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style points are the most important thing in any mmo.
all of them
>It's a FUCKING SHAME Global Agenda 2 was re-purposed into paladins
Don't believe their lies
anyone know the name of an anime fighting game where you could design and download various skins for your character? It was discussed a bit here a long ass time ago but i forgot the name
with 40k players
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>Grind of Savior
fuck that game
You know as a curiosity I would love to try some of these dead MMOs out in a closed offline setting. Just to see how the systems work what the worlds looked like, how it'd run on a modern system that kind of shit.

It's a shame literally no one releases server code when these games die. They just flip a switch and all that time you spent playing that game just disappears and you can never go back. They just go away forever. Can't ever play them again, can't learn from their success and failures, can't experience the hard work of dozens of people over the course of years it all just evaporates immediately never to be seen again.

Really it's a damn fucking shame. I think there should be a fucking law or something, when an MMO dies and the company stops supporting they have to release server code. Fuck.
the video is more about why RO is good, I think only like 2 minutes out of the whole video are about Tree of Savior, so the title is kind of shitty.
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Some people come to mind but don't want to say names. The leader of a rather successful guild in EU got himself and some other people banned because of hacks. Good fucking riddance. Joke's on them though because even with hacks they couldn't beat us.
Rivalry at high levels made it all worth it.
shit gameplay, only selling point was the multiplayer and thats everygame now
WoW poisoned the well making every future MMO try to be like it while online games like minecraft and ASSFAGGOTS took potential new people away.
The MMO genre wasn't even mean to have WoW numbers, WoW just was on the right place at the right time.
Rest in pepperonis Hellgate : London.
Every romanian played/still plays this shit
unless you are on member worlds its like 95% bots

kind of depressing really

>Back in vanilla and tbc I knew a couple guys who were good and we did groups together.
> "pretend online friends"
lolok nice logic
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forever missed
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>tfw you know even when its easy as fuck that game you liked wont turn back because the publisher went jew as fuck
Why the fuck they would pander bots of all things?
Just tell me you weren't one of those "K-styling" faggots. the enjoyable aspects of gunz was running around and shooting at people.
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shotgun+lance masterrace
>tfw you have been using the wings just because they cool as fuck
what the fuck, really?


>played EQ for my entire childhood
>FFXI comes out
>try it, expecting it to be some shitty fanbait full of clouds and sephiroths
>its literally just a better looking, bigger EQ that's somehow even more masochistic

spent the entirety of highschool on that game, nearly failed because of it

i don't regret a goddamn thing
P2W and facebook.

Also brazilians and russians.
Didnt this game came back recently?
Wasn't this that cartoon network MMO?
I was insanely hyped for this as a kid and followed the development cycle and was in the beta and I thought it was shit

still kind of sad though
i did
>Blade & Soul

This pretty much spans from 2003 to now
They ruined Lotro too so they really deserve it.
Wow. This sounds fucking tight. Wish I knew about this earlier. Car combat as a genre needs to be touched more.
Literally the best class-based shooter I've ever played
>sniper is actually projectile and debuff-based instead of being mlg instakill across the map
>engineer has shitloads of turrets, drones and utility items
>classes are heavily customizable in general
How did they fuck it up so bad?
Even the earlier PvE was pretty good. Only the open world stuff was shit.
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I'm also really curious about this kind of stuff. I loved to play around with Phantasy Star Online's database (creating crazy weapons, finding unreleased equipment and other fancy items) and explore the maps from above with the map viewer. It is a different way to enjoy
Too bad these kind of tools are so rare (since it is mostly reverse engineering done by the fanbase). Spiral Knights server emulation/tools when?

Also, RIP thread.
>tfw played pretty much everything
>except WoW

Probably this happens when you drag the game a bit too long...
I cannot bitch, though. Just recently I got membership despite playing it for years.
You're an idiot
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I'd say that MMOs were never a big thing to begin with. WoW was big and there's 2-3 others that have a more niche playerbase doing well on the side.

WoW was the first MMORPG for most people that got into it and the only one they will ever touch because once you've played one you've played them all.

Only counting the western market here. God knows why Asians love grindy pay2win trash.
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Thread bouts to die so no one will probably see my post. But pic related is mine. I just found out there's a Dan recreation of it just like toontowb. I can relive my favorite mmos.
Randomized Raids.
With Randomized mods and quantities.
No limitations, literally any mob and boss.

Also a cruel PVP system with harsh Death penalties, losing all your stuff on death.
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I can accept it being in the thread, but as the first post and that hidden thumbnail.
Help me out guys, i'm trying to remember the name of a game.
It was 2d with a isometric view kinda like ragnarok and trickster, it had a lot of characters and the important selling point was that it had a big focus on story, i think each character had it's own set of main quests or something. I think it had "tale" on the name, i'm not sure, i would bet i'm wrong about it but who knows.

>those holiday events
>that Christmas event

Maximum comfy.
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Wonderland Online?
>sniper is actually projectile and debuff-based
Gonna steal this for my game
if I ever make one
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This one was fucking crazy
The fucking grind
And weird meta, I never fully understood this game
No. I'm trying to think about something else that could be a hint but it's been a long time.
>SS build
Fuck yeah
>With Randomized mobs and quantities.
Thought the same.
Add some unpredictability to the game.
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And right after i post that >>358231126
i find the game.
It's still alive in Asia apparently.
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>that one MMO you played but no one else did
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