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Say what you will about the game, but you can't deny that

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Thread replies: 448
Thread images: 72

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Say what you will about the game, but you can't deny that this dude looks fucking awesome.
Yes I can because I'm not a teenager.
Yeah hes epic as fuck xDD
Get real, I'm probably at least twice your age. Once you grow up you'll probably get some good taste in character designs like mine.
Yes I can.
I've been living in Southern California my whole life and can confirm people seriously dress like this

including me
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>y u no meme patch
>anarchy lol
>hood/goggles always on

He's a bigger manchild than half the autists and weebs on this board.
He looks fuckable, any porn yet?
No, he's fucking retarded but that alone makes him one of the more likeable characters
>Excessive spikes
>Shitty tattoos
>Meme patch on vest

Awesome no but silly yes
i think they were going for the "so fucking ridiculous and over-the-top that he's memorable"
He looks dumb, but he's actually the one fun character in the whole game.

And the visors are actually a very cute gimmick. Shame the rest of his design is so edgy for some reason.
Yeah if you're 14. Less is more.
>waaah this character in a video game is overdesigned

So it's okay when Japan does it but it's not okay when Canadians do it? Talk about a double standard...
>He's a bigger manchild than half the autists and weebs on this board.
That's fucking stretching it by a mile anon. Remember the anon that had the Asian living in a gate umder his bed? Or the tile lover? Or the fatass that eats butter straight from the tap? You can't beat this boards premium home-grown autism.
>ahaha wow lets like take a bwosnish person and dress him up in like punk attire LOL
>ok now give him silly HAXXOR goggles , dude I love dead mau5!
>ok now give him a bunch of retarded tattoos that look like a bunch of bored teenagers have been doodling on him!
>oh OH and we need MEMES
>don't forget that he is supposed to be
>DO NOT forget those fingerguns fingerguns
Looks no more ridiculous that most otaku bait weeb shit characters.

I like it.
I bet those "tattoos" are actually drawn on with a sharpie.
Jesus anon calm the fuck down it's just a drawing.

>So it's okay when Japan does it?

Because Japan Overoverdesigns their characters.
They practically make a parody of themselves
The mask is interesting, but literally everything else about his design fucking sucks.
>>anarchy lol
What exactly is the problem with anarchy? Enlighten me, since you're such a genius you're apparently seeing something I'm not.
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>Looks no more ridiculous that most otaku bait weeb shit characters.
>So it's okay when Japan does it


It's not okay when anybody does it.

It looks like a 13 year old girl designed it.
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>tattoo password has only 5 characters
You aren't seriously going to tell me this isn't on the same level as a Japanese character.
this is b8
>What is the problem with anarchy?
Do you live in Venezuela?
idk, looks like he's a product of the Tetsuya Nomura School of Design.
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>not liking things involving 13 year old girls

You clearly do not belong here.
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>What exactly is the problem with anarchy? Enlighten me, since you're such a genius you're apparently seeing something I'm not.

I had to greentext the whole thing because there's literally nothing about that post that wasn't funny!
Venezuela is socialist not anarchistic

Anarchy means without rulers

Socialism is giving power to the state.

It's the opposite of Anarchy
At least we're self-aware.
He's a pretty interesting and upbeat character. I've grown to like the main cast as individuals. Just wish Wrench his face never got revealed, it ruins the mystery behind his character.
>I'm a hacker so I got hacker tattoos. Here's my trojan horse tattoo because I like trojan viruses because I'm a hacker. I like wifi. I do logins so I got this login tattoo.

Come the fuck ON, Ubisoft. Have you ever fucking heard of subtlety?
There would be no roads
>haha dude you don't like the silly doodles of x
>you must not subscribe to hebephilia bruh

>Super secret haxor group
>Print t-shirts with their own name on 'em

This will never not be retarded.
Do you have any idea what the fuck anarchy is? It's not a way of living, it's a fucking state of disorder where the citizens are rebelling because the government is powerless and worthless. It doesn't work, 100% of the time.
If I pulled that off, would he die?
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>TOW missle etc etc
cringeworthy as fuck especially with the meme patch on the jacket.
No one dresses like this fag in socal . North california may be a different story. t.socal fag
Animu poster that unsurprisingly doesn't know about the spanish civil war communes that stood to a professional army, or the kurdish existance in general
how utterly typical
same goes 4u
It would be extremely painful
No, he looks like an edgester. You know who looked and was fucking awesome in the first game? This guy.
Its like a human version of Coldsteel the Hegehag
the people praising this shit is just one guy... one shill who works for ubisoft.
>Bruhhh I just got here from Shenmue what's up
Are you 52 years old?
That is the noun

The political ideology is "absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual"

I am not making the argument for anarchy I am simply pointing out that Venezuela is a shithole due to leftist authoritarianism not Anarchy
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I dig the LED goggles, everything else is terrible.
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a shill.

You really must not have any friends.
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>wear merch
>for his own terrorist group
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He looks fucking unbelievably lame. Anyone who has been on the internet since before 2009 has a duty to be repulsed by this.
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Kazuma wants his costume back
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Anarcho-Capitalism is not the same as Anarchy
the game isnt bad, but the story is kinda cringy
do you like having internet and power lines?
How do you maintain an absence of government?
true, its even more of an unsustainable meme
Did a road kill your parents or something?

>Spanish communes
Doesn't scale

Not by choice
You could say he is a cyber...punk! XD
By killing people that attempt to lord over you I would assume.

>How do you do, fellow haxxz0rs?
either megacorps if your a lolbertarian or syndicates and unions if you're a commie
I would play the fuck out of an ancap strategy game.
What if everyone around you decides that they want to form a commune council. Do you kill them?
I wish the others characters designs were as over the top as this one.

But they mostly look like SanFran Hipsters. It's like as if Watch Dogs 2 wanted to be silly fun and then some executive stepped in and said "WHAT? THIS IS TOO CORNY!" DELET!"
but they were functional nevertheless, without the pressence of an actual goverment which was the point I was trying to make, not even attacking or defending them, just pointing out such forms of organization did exist
Stfu about politics faggorinos
>just pointing out such forms of organization did exist
Yeah but they're dumb as hell and would get curb stomped by any modern army. Besides I like roads, electricity, clean water, the internet, and not having to take up arms every 30 days.
Then I suppose you no longer live in an anarchist society

>Do you kill them?
Again, I am not actually arguing for anarchy so I don't see the point in trying to get me to argue the position of someone that wants to live in perpetual anarchy but ok.

Murdering everyone around you attempting to turn your habitation zone into some sort of nation is a possibility

Moving is also an option
Shut up nigger
Its a way better topic than whatever gay shit the OP was about so gtfo
That just screams over-design. More accessories than a hot topic, and about as many studs.
The bait, and I fell for it. He looks like shite man
>Again, I am not actually arguing for anarchy
Your exact words were

>What exactly is the problem with anarchy?

Sounds like you're strongly arguing for it since you're not just saying it exists but challenging people to find a problem with it, of which there are many.
Sounds like a fucking memer and acts like it

His mask is cool tho
Those studs on studs on studs bring this around from bad design to hilarious.
Especially that mask.
Make me. Go ahead and try. But if you do you'll have to deal with this little governmental entity called THE POLICE!
Well I did say only half the board, not all of it.

Just go ask any central-African "country" how well a lack of stable government works out.

Also fashion-wise the A-sign itself is an outdated decal only newly-edged teens would wear.
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Who excused Japan? Pic related.
>butter from the tap
that's the only one i haven't heard of, please post this
Fuck the police, I prefer stings solo work

>Your exact words were

>>What exactly is the problem with anarchy?

That was not me lad

Those were my only posts relating to anarchy.
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damn... that is actually..... pretty cool

you just don't see characters that look this cool nowadays... he reminds me of myself a bit

intelligent.. nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
>any modern army
ayy what are current guerrillas
or fucking ISIS and the ME clusterfuck for that matter
You seen how fuck ugly he is under the mask?
But it's true. Tell me this shit ain't straight from 2009. Its a period piece
For what other reason would you wear a mask, dipshit?
if you're such an anarchistic fuck, go live in the god damn forest and battle the system, man.

hell you could even not go to your local supermarket and stop buying your favorite chips, if you're so badass
ISIS and the ME clusterfuck isn't anarchy, in fact it's dictatorial theocracy.

Anarchy can't stand against non-anarchistic combatants because of the lack of order and organization, and if they do have that order they cease to be anarchist for at the very least the time that they're fighting.
Are you twelve?
Those belts can't seriously be part of the original artwork, right?
What game is this? Google gives me nothing.
Totes agrizzle with you, my fellow 4Channer.
Ah ha yeeeee
Should've been the protagonist of the game
Bloodborne DLC
>Implying the modern militaries haven't irreparably fucked the Middle East in the ass
>Implying guerillas have a fucking chance against the U.S's adaptations and counters to guerilla warfare
Get the fuck out of here man.
>lack of order and organization
yet those precisely are the qualities that allow facing a professional army when you're just a bunch of farmers from bumfuck nowhere, as it allows far greater mobility and grants the informal combatatnts the capacity to blend in with the local civie populace.
This form of resistance doesn't allow for a chain of command organization outside of mere titles and some casual recognition of figureheads, and most of the combat is done via small, effectively anarchic, cells
>Google gives me nothing.

Literally start typing the filename into google and it's the first suggestion, idiot. I'm usually not against helping people but how fucking stupid can you be?
he really puts the PUNK in DAFT PUNK

a hella sick dude you could smoke a joint and cruise the pacific coast highway with
>combatatnts the capacity to blend in with the local civie populace.
They'll just kill everyone unless they're cucks or something.
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Finally a character in a video game I can relate to.
He looks like Rob Halford took a shit on the entire decade of the 90s.
>Implying the School of the Americas didn't result in a geopolitical clusterfuck that further separated the US from its own sphere of influence
>Implying the US handle of the ME hasn't been a disorganized expensive clusterfuck that had to force fucking Obama to rein in your cowboy generals that didn't had a clue about proper management
>CIA meddling in absolutely everything surrounding the US foreign relations
The might of the US's armed forces doesn't really amount to that much when most of your high command is filled with legit autists
Fuck off with that. That's just lazy character design.
Negative. Japan is even worse.
All of the western armies are filled with cucks then
no surprises there
What does he look like under the mask?

I hope he's cute.
>Look at me I'm so cool and edgy for hating Japanese games on an anime website!

Bitch, please.
Like a burn victim.
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It's actually fun how no one of /v/-neckbeards didn't catch the referece.
Ebic reddit memeface on his jacket XD
How exactly is that "lazy"? Nomura is an award-winning artist.
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I just want to know two things

1. Is the game fun?

2. Is the game's tone enjoyably stupid like pic related with it's XTREME HACKING, or is it too full of libshit?
Anime hasn't been good since the 90's. Why do people still watch the modern uninspired trash?
Hot damn you're sensitive.
>1. Is the game fun?
It's GTA with hacking

>2. Is the game's tone enjoyably stupid like pic related with it's XTREME HACKING, or is it too full of libshit?
Very full of libshit but may still be enjoyable
This can't not be from a Ubisoft game. He just has that look to it.
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Would you?
Modern weeaboos disregard standards if it has enough tiddies, tsundere-ness and klutzes.
>mfw /v/ is mostly underage/teen
it's time to let it go
Wait is he an old guy or just a weathered guy?
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Kill each other and pretend you're living in a utopia
>I'm le epic old-school anime guy why can't everything be like Dragon Ball Z the only anime I have ever watched MANIME right

Why the FUCK are you on 4chan?
>butter is bad
Butter is good faggot
this isn't on the same level as a Japanese character.
Someone was calling him ugly? What the heck, he's actually pretty cute.
Dragon Ball sucks though
You're right, but what exactly is an "Ubisoft look"? Are you going to tell me Assassin's Creed has the same look? And let's not forget Ubisoft does stuff like Rayman.
Is the twist that "he" is actually a woman?
Is it me or are viral marketeers just getting lazier?
I can't believe you have the audacity to call someone a weeaboo after using that word.
No retard see >>357925460
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Anonymous does it
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a viral marketer.

You really must not have any friends.
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All my friends are viral marketers so I stopped talking to them
I unironically want to cosplay as this guy.
I unironically want to murder everyone you love
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>Are you going to tell me Assassin's Creed has the same look?

That might be it. He wouldn't look out of place in Division, either.
He's a big guy
Maybe they have the same 3D modelers?
Did you just assume that night's gender? Smfh
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>What exactly is the problem with anarchy? Enlighten me, since you're such a genius you're apparently seeing something I'm not.
left-anarchism isn't anarchy
Yes it is. It's literally in the name.
you can call it anarchy, but it isn't anarchism
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holy fuck, I hope your parents are dead so they don't have to deal with your utter stupidity.
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He looks like he is about to teleport behind me and tell me that, "heh, its nothing personal kid."
>remove studs, tattoos and memes
>Suddenly character looks decent
I was actually considering watch dogs after watching some gameplay but all the characters look like they are in a midlife crisis at the age of 25
the game actually is nice to look at

you think gta V should upgrade to current gen?
Am I the only one who dislikes "punk" character designs?
I don't know why, but I really don't like it.
I think if they scaled back the studs they could have incorporated it a little bit, but instead of adding flair, it just overwhelms the whole concept they're going for.

The tattoos could have been fine if they weren't shit.

The memes are unforgivable, but if the character is annoying I could at least see the reasoning
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I might be in the minority on /v/ but I really dig the urban style. I'm really tired of plain looking western characters.
>the character are young twenties/teenagers wanting to fight the system by hacking it
>villain is a young twenties dude with a topknot who is a better hacker
>xp is gaining followers
>3d print guns
>every character is an insufferable asshole but they all have chemistry

Everything about the games story is perfect to me, insufferable dickhead teenagers thinking the world owes them something is just so dumb I love it. Shame the gameplay is bog standard open world stuff.

norcal is considerably less homosex than socal if you don't include San Francisco
Are you seriously telling me there's people that thinks that shit looks cool? He looks like a 13 year old emo's donut steel.
>>3d print guns
Is this possible, by the way?
All the 2008 reddit and 9GAG tier memes make me cringe.

>Oh but its ironic.

Then i'll just ironically not buy the game
Not getting put on an FBI watchlist just because you're an idiot.
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Silly, uncultured anon. Don't you know grunge is hip with the young adults these days?

emo is so 2006.
>le watchlist mayme
Yes, you can 3d print guns you fucking retard
I just like the techno-goggles.
How would you make it "unique"? You can pretty much level up your skills to make it fit your playstyle. Only played non-lethal though. I don't know yet how the guns or other weaponds play.
He looks like a jabroni
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You're outnumbered by those of us who are buying it ironically.
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>when he wears that thong on that desert party get together mission

He looks cute!
Nobody bump this fucking shill thread holy crap
>you can 3d print molten steel
You'd be better off buying shit to make a gun from Lowe's retard.
Can't. It's a cutscene. Consoles don't let you record those.
you can pan the camera outside of the cutscene though when he is cheering on the fight and see it there

I don't own the game though so I can't take a pic
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Even made it all the way in game. Mind you, it was probably done with the idea that with low quality PS2 textures it'll just end up looking like busy surface detail without being clear enough to tell it's fucking belts.
I already beat that part so I can't do it either
Wait, really? Doesn't the ps4 automatically record your play?
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a shill.

You really must not have any friends.
Does he comes back?
Isnt there an actual autist in this game?
There are special plastics that you can use to make single use firearms, more of a last resort weapon than a true gun. All the attempts at true guns so far have been failures that break after 10 or so shots. And in any case you need to buy a barrel for anything larger than .22 anyway, and even the .22 are just single use.
>Mind you, it was probably done with the idea that with low quality PS2 textures it'll just end up looking like busy surface detail without being clear enough to tell it's fucking belts.

I doubt that. Nomura has always been a big fan of belts.

And I mean, in theory, there's nothing wrong with wearing a lot of belts. Bodybuilders tie ropes around their arms to strengthen their muscles, same concept.
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suffix-based anarchy is spookie horseshit
it's too much
the goggles and hood wouldn't have been too much
just one(1) article of clothing with all the spikes wouldn't have been too much
the shitty tattoos wouldn't have been too much
combining all these elements is too much

and that's not considering the meme patch or the barbed wire bracelet, which are just stupid no matter the rest
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How many levels of self interest are you on my man?
They disable it during cutscenes to prevent spoilers
Its pretty dumb
Holy fuck, that is lazy.
I like the character design, but educate me on where a person would wear this? is this his everyday outfit? is he robbing banks? is he chillin' at home, watching tv in this?

if he's going around town causing chaos, I'll give it a 10/10. but if this is his everyday outfit, I fail to see the point.
if you were given the task to replace the belts to improve the look of her dress, what would you replace it with?
Because under anarchy there is no state monopoly on legal violence.
Without this monopoly violence would either run rampant or get monetized and a defacto monopoly would end up in the hands of whichever corporation has the biggest private army.
Unlike governments in stable nations, corporations answer to no one but their own self interest, which in itself is indeed a deterrent to going completely overboard, but nowhere near as effective as regular elections.
He looks like he reeks of cigarettes.
HotTopic tier

Infact all of Watch Dog 2's tone and art design is HotTopic tier
The mask is pretty cool. Seems like it would fit in Mad Max. Everything else is terrible.
Borderline personality disorder - The Cast
he might look awesome if you're 19 year old antifa member
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the angle doesn't properly show off his fucking giant jew nose
So you cannot print a 3d gun.
Why do they think all people are exploding van hipsters that w34r l34+h3r 4n[) +4L|< L1|<3 +h15?
>200+ people fell for this obvious bait
This >>357923138

Aside from the fact that he looks like an edgy tryhard, he suffers from the same probably Clara did in Watch Dogs 1. They're both supposed to be part of this super secret hacker organization DedSec, but they go around completely decked out and looking like extras from Hackers. They both wear DedSec shirts, and this guy's literally says "I AM DEDSEC". It's so fucking stupid. It'd be like if people who were members of Anonymous ran around wearing Guy Fawkes masks and capes everywhere they went.
This was my biggest issue with the gun printer. It made no sense. I'm pretty sure that plastic isn't cheap either. So they'd actually probably save more money by just buying normal guns than they would cranking out guns that break within a few uses.

I can't imagine any canadian, mexican, or american finding this appealing.

The french or frogophile traitor canucks may be a different story. Is this what all the angry muslims in the siege circle around paris dress like?
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He almost looks like Bo Burnham.
>It'd be like if people who were members of Anonymous ran around wearing Guy Fawkes masks and capes everywhere they went.
Yeah man, totally unrealistic.
he is actually one of the more likable characters
he had a decent dialog about who would win in a fight between aliens and predators
him and josh are the only good characters though
Maybe if I was twelve I'd agree.
Buying guns means you have the risk of getting identified.
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>Selling their shitty game on /v/
Then they should've made their guns, but not with the plastic. Shitty gunsmiths in third world countries hand crafted guns, so why shouldn't they be able to?
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How the hell should I know?
It was probably only done because the devs thought it would be a funny thing to do

To be fair, I'd wear a mask anytime I went within five miles of a scientology center period.

Nevermind a protest. Those creepy fuckers probably watch and catalogue everyone they can catch sight of.
funny enough scientology is a plot point in the game
The differences is this these people don't know any thing and just put on mask
To program your own code to get into some one else program you have to know a fare amount of stuff and got to think differently to lean you won't find many /pol/ hackers that make there own software and if there kiddie then any one can do it not just them
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His emoticon sunglasses are pretty kawaii desu senpai. Would have preferred if he was the main character instead of the basketball American.
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>unironically wears leather studded jacket
>gun hand gesture
>two x's for lol xd so hardcore image
ye looking "so awesome"
I bought gold
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I have to admit i never once even noticed those belts while playing FF10 until now. The chest must have been way too distracting to my teenage self.
>the Asian living in a gate umber his bed?

funny enough he isnt the worst character in the game
in terms of dialog he is pretty good actually
Those are at specific events.. I'm talking about wearing the mask and gear everywhere you go. Like the faggot in the OP. Plus, as much as we like to post cringepics of people wearing Anonymous stuff, when's the last time you saw somebody wearing a "We do not forgive, we do not forget" shirt or something?
How does she move with those?
wow, nobody can actually be this autistic
You're barely able to tie your own shoes, and that with the help of youtube tutorials, you're the last one to talk about anything, dumb shit.
Bunny hop.
But then they would shake everytime.
... okay? Wtf are you even talking about?
Because 3D printing guns is more hip and culturally relevant
>Wtf are you even talking about?

He's calling you stupid in a very elaborate way.
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has there even been a good black hacker ?
y u no is fucking 6+ years old, jesus christ
They lack the opposable thumbs for that.
You exist.
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Serious answer? She actually hovers slightly above the ground to get around. She's a sorceress so it works.
it's cool if you're 11
Have you never heard of a fucking Derringer? It may not be a gun in the sense you're used to, but it is a fucking gun. I swear you kids are so spoiled.
Plastic for 3D printing is actually a LOT cheaper than you might expect.
Oh the belts. Right.
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the gun that is made by them can only take one shot maybe 2 if made properly
the point of the 3d printed gun is you use it then destroy it for no evidence your not meant to keep the fucking weapon
Many people are this autistic or worse.
>down with that sort of thing
what a great, impactful sign. at least you can use it on any occasion i guess
if you're 13, maybe.
I love his mask.
>shit writing aside the game is pretty good
>you have to play as the nig instead of this based white man

look at these little contrarians.

I bet you use the word "edgy" to describe designs like OP character.
He's not even a bad character. You literally only hate him because he's black.
So does this game have the forced in your face gay/trans characters that ubisoft love to put in their games now?
Am i the only one that thinks that this dude is only one that actually cares about not getting caught?

He seems to be the only one to never reveal his face and voice and to stay extra paranoid.

Mudslime and dindu show off their face and speak openly and when things will go south they will be recognisable while wrench can just put on a suit and wash off his marker tats.
He looks like one of those EDM DJs that first heard of Deadmau5 and Daft Punk 3 years ago.
The trans character is the villain. You'd love it, you fucking bigot.
>Google European People's Art
>It's literally all paintings of niggers

I'm sad, but not surprised
bullshit. i have my entire bloodborne playthrough on my ps4. including the cutscenes
>Edgy anarchist punk looks like an edgy anarchist punk
>This is somehow bad design
Am I the only one who caught the fact that Watch Dogs 2 is a jokey, satirical game? It's not serious like the first one, you aren't meant to take this dude seriously.
How much are you being paid for this?
well now you need to post the asian gate under bed one, thats the only one of those i hadnt seen/heard of.
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> you fucking bigot
Why are sjw's so sensitive? What did i say to give you that impression?

Go back to tumblr if you want a safe space you crybaby
Dude, I WISH I could get payed to complain on a image board.

I'm just kinda tired of /v/ looking for reasons to be upset. Shit's incredibly hypocritical.
If you removed the rulers society would 100% evolve into an ancap nightmare.
It's not a reference to that, also next to no one played Rouge Trip.
>SOCIAL! JUSTICE! WARRIOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you try and pretend you're not the overly sensitive one.

you cant be more wrong.
That is unfortunately something that's never going to change. People in general are inclined to post negative opinions more often than positive ones, and on an anonymous board like /v/ where there's no consequence to holding a negative opinion, they're never gonna let up.

If you can find a friend to talk to who doesn't bitch about everything all the time, bully for you. But it won't be on /v/. It will be someone you talk to in private messages, where people have to fucking behave.
Nigga you literally just got upset because I called you an sjw

You also never answered my question how am I a bigot?
When I was 16 yeah.
it took me awhile to grow out of my edge phase
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>mfw a second thread full of butthurt
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>mfw my edgy as fuck metalhead 15 year old self had more class than that
Oh, that!
i like the glasses when they change based on his mood
Is this as bad as the first?
Is the driving model just as horrible?
Is it as bugged, unstable and poorly ported?

Or did You learn?
They learned a lot really. The driving isn't spectacular, but it's pretty adequate, not offensively bad like the first game. And the added gameplay features are pretty fun.'

Story is going to depend on your taste, but it's a lot more over the top and tongue in cheek, which I'd say is an improvement from the bland generic mess that was Aidan Pierce's story.
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>tfw edgy anarchist punk
>don't look like it at all
Well like, an over the top parody of one, admittedly. You'd be hard pressed to find someone who dresses quite so ridiculously IRL, but the fashion trends represented by the design are very much a thing.
I have seen it on an anime character. Tenzou Crossunite has a mood hat.

Basically, if you hate this guy, you hate anime, and if you hate anime, fuck you.
Sounds kinda like they pulled an Assassin's Creed with it. People were kinda "meh" about AC1 but then they really loved 2.

Wonder if it's gonna be like AC in that it's now going to be a yearly series.
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The character design doesn't even look over the top compared to its real life counterparts. The reason you don't find a lot of people dressing like that is because it's based on crust punk aesthetics. And crust punk is extremely niche even among the punk crowd.
Maybe if you are a teenager.
I thought it said I AM EDGE on his shirt.
Gintama already made fun of that trope: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-Dh-sXK-tc
>Get real.
>using cringe phrases
wew faggot
What's wrong with his skin, why is it brown?
Is he made of chocolate?
He looks about as awesome as Sombra. Which is to say, designed by a committee to be 'what the kids like'. Except people who like Sombra (and probably this dude) go around the internet putting 'edgy xD' under pictures of Reaper without any sense of irony.
Exactly. Too bad they won't ever get a chance to do something cool with him now
I hate him because he's black in a story that would be fitting to a white or Asian. He's arbitrarily black to fit an agenda.
He could still get it. Specially with that dark brooding thing he's got going without the mask.
Look for it on YouTube. These assholes don't get it
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Reminds me of this guy, but thrice the edge.
I wanted to know more about him/his backstory
>using word cringe

off to reddit with you
thanks for reminding me that the company behind sleeping dogs shut down and that we'll never have a sequel
I actually kinda like the main crew save for the brown chick.

Like, it feels like she's the only one that's in it for "the cause", and without her, it'll just be a bunch of childish cunts fucking around, which is way better than what we have now.

lol you're so upset
What is the name of the mission?
Yeah. That bothered me
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Lemme give you another (you) to add to your collection.

Post hurricane katrina there was a anarchist relief movement called Common Ground that sought to bring aid to New Orleans residents as well as start an anarchist movement in a destabilized region ripe for anarchy.

Here's what happened:

>Brandon Darby:
>Folks would take over the kitchen and decide because they were the kitchen now, and they wouldn't tell you this before they took over the kitchen responsibilities, but then once they took over the kitchen responsibilities, it became a vegan kitchen.

>That's like, well, A, we're relying on handouts here. Like we don't have money to buy food ourselves to feed people. And, B, the people we're serving don't want vegan food. They might not like ginger noodles every day. And like, well our kitchen has decided-- that we as the kitchen crew have decided through our process that we're not going to serve oppression.

There's your anarchy at work
Anarcho-capitalism is the fucking neopets economy
I like the goggles. That's it.
>all these replies saying "maybe if you're a teenager"
>implying that if someone doesn't like what you like, they must be a child
>linking age to anything
>thinking that adults are incapable of finding it awesome
>"no true adult likes this" -> no true scotsman

"Critics who treat adult as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up." - C.S. Lewis
Can we just post ancap memes now
Are you fucking retarded or something?
he just stole borderlands 2 pose.
whats the asian gate one?

He's actually pretty interesting so far.

>he's ugly
>very autistic
>has to wear a mask to make him look appealing
>lacks confidence without it

This game has more thought put into the characters then the first one.
t. edgy teenager

During the game do we find out more about wrench's backstory?
Post discarded.
I want to rape him
I'd give him a reacharound too
Have you played it, After a while his voice gets annoying, but I still want his mask
What's wrong with his voice?
Are you 12?
N-no you are
I want to fugg him. Can you do that in the game?
I'd love to try this game. Is it denuvo?

God, i miss concept of demo versions.
Yeah, it's surprisingly graphic, I mean, it doesn't explicitly show anything, but you fuck his cute ass, completely dominate him, after the cutscene he walks out with his clothes on and cum all over his mask with <3 on the visor.
The AI is very good
Unfortunately, yes, it does seem to be Denuvo.

You know, indie devs haven't forgotten about demos. It's only these AAA devs who lack confidence in their games that don't put 'em, I've noticed.
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His mask is cool but everything else he's wearing can fuck off.
Hnnngg fuck don't play with me
If this were true, I'd buy this shit right now.
He's your little twink cock slut
I especially like how quickly the cops react to civilians you frame. The physics are incredible too.
I want to make a rival hacking gang called ded niggers. I don't want to be computer hackers though. Just a bunch of guys with axes who kill niggers like franklin or whatever this nigger's name is.
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I didn't care that much that they niggerized the protagonist and gave him a group of marxist snowflake friends as long as the game looked fun.

The game did not look fun.

I'm sure it's another rushed-to-shelves broken Ubisoft bug demo with cookie cutter elements from all their other games. The character designs look fucking awful from OP's pic to that hideous fridgebody half-negro half-whatever the fuck girl. Plus, don't tell me for a second that if a black guy randomly walked up to a white person and punched them in San Francisco, that a bunch of other people especially whites would come over and start beating up on the black guy. You just know in San Francisco they would drop to their knees and thank the black guy for randomly hitting them and then apologize for their white privileges.
it's a Father Ted reference
You misspelled Jojo
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That guy is /fa/ as fuck though
Remove all of his tattoos, all of of those studs and that meme patch and he'll be passable. Bland and black is better than that garbage
He's lying.
Does he have a cringy personality?
all stripes of anarchy are a judaic substitute for europids who, at the very least, subconsciously feel betrayed in their own nations
it's compromising between having kosher, cucked beliefs and taking a legitimate stance against the standing world order and seeing how bad things really are
Wow. You're posting shit like this on /v/. Really makes me think
This makes him even hotter tbqh

I want him to hug Megaman.
Sorry, I already outgrew my puberty
considering that america is in a civil war for the last 20 years I'd wager to say that the US armed forces are pretty lackluster
you speak and quote exactly like me when I was 16
you'll come to terms when you're out of puberty
I'm 26 and you're probably 17.
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Which studs on the jacket should be kept and which should be removed? Or remove them all?
Nice job!
Maybe if you're an thrash-metal listening edgelord who's stuck in the 80's.
If you remove the studs he will literally just be Zero from the ZE series.
>How do you do, fellow millenials?
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OK, how is this good character design, exactly? The "haha so shit it's good again, right? RIGHT?" hobo tattoos? The gay club jacket, the meme pictures? The hoddie?
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If all the tattoos and spikes were removed, it would be just a rough looking normal guy and that wouldn't be too bad. He could even keep the emoticon glasses to show off how "hacker lol" he is. Not a fan of the whole mask thing but if he has a reason to hide his identity then it would be fine, just ditch the spikes.
>remove everything else except the mask
Remove all spikes, even the ones on the mask. Then its pretty much done.
>wearing a shirt with the name of your criminal organization on it
>tens of identifiable tattoos visible at all times
>mask hides identity

Lol liok at me Cyberspace hobo

Underage b&
So take off the tattoos like I said, then change the shirt. Wasn't that hard, guy.
Remove the tattoos, spikes, pins, and meme patch, and you might be able to make something decent out of him
> black
> looks cool

choose one
>the fatass that eats butter straight from the tap
I remember that thread.

We have some weird people on here.
I notice every single person who uses this term as an insult spells it wrong. Really undermines your "point", if you can call it that.
>remove the spikes from everywhere
>remove the tattoos
>get rid of the meme picture on the jacket
>remove the wire on the wrist
>remove the spiked wristband
>can keep the mask

Then maybe he'll look at least decent. The design is good enough with the mask, he didn't have to have all that other shit on him.
I choose looks cool.

You didn't think this meme through.
The emote mask is kinda endearing, everything else sucks.
It would be extremely painful
I think his point is that, be that his mask's purpose, Ubisoft's design theory is just stupid and hypocritical as usual.
Oh, absolutely, the actual design is fucking shit.
Honestly, the studded vest is the worst thing about his design.

That alone makes it feel like he's trying too hard to have a matching, coherent costume. Taking that off and leaving everything there makes the whole ragged look more cohesive, because the only custom shit is his spiked emoji mask, and all the spiked bracelets, pins, etc are easily acquired accessories.
It's free real estate.
It's a game by game basis, the devs can pick what to block
The glasses are the only part of his design I like
I actually used to enjoy this board. More so chan as a whole.

It is just too hard to ignore how much it's been sold out.

Ads plastered everywhere. Blatantly shilling shit games and having the thread thrive.

Meanwhile if an actual person tries to discuss something that is less than 10 minutes old, instantly archived.
Should the shirt be plain,or should i add something?
I like his goggles. The rest not so much.
I bet he gets all the pussy with those wristbands
speaking of which where's the rule 34 for this fucker
Everyone acts like people would just nuke each other's backyard.

Truth is, just go outside, open your eyes, then go back inside and turn on the TV, and then it should hit you that our current world is fucking chaos already.

What would anarchy change? Your ability to fight back the degeneracy that's eating this world.
Only thing I thought was cool about him is the visor mimicking him blinking, until I thought about how fucking useless that is. Blinking is a physical need. Why would a visor need to blink?
For aesthetic purposes?
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>He's a white male

>His name is Wrench

>He's literally a tool by all accounts.

>The French will defend this.
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IS the smilily implying only asians and niggers have tried anarchism before?
Reddit is getting torn a new one today

What kind of moron over 12 thinks the punk look is still cool? And what are the brain dead redditors defending anarchism even doing here? Fucking kek

Nope, me too. It reminds me of the horrible punk trend in the early 2000s who wants to be edgy but not as edgy as goth.
You can always try other chans
>easily identifiable markers such as tattoos
>law enforcement doesn't know who these people are

Only in fiction.
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Done. I put an old meme on the shirt since the game loves old memes. But if you don´t like it, I´ll remove it.
Wrench a cute
I would of said this once. but then i found out /v/ exists.
The studs on the mask and bracelets were fine in my opinion, but that aside, 10/10.

GJ anon.
>editing out the top spot
>instead of leaving it in as I AM DESU or a continuous looping DESU DESU DESU.

You can do better.
Massive improvement. You should've designed these characters.
Do you want I am Desu or Looping Desu, or both?
If you want, i can make an edit where i put them back on
It's amazing how just removing the spikes and the meme made him so fucking much better
japanese characters do not look plausible in reality.

this character looks plausible in reality.

he just looks like a moron.
Striaght outta Hot Topic sale
Actual good design, Jun Takahashi's Undercover AW16 collection.

>is member of secret hacker group being hunted by feds for criminal activity
>openly wears stuff that cries "I'm a member!"
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>What exactly is the problem with anarchy?

teenager that just figured out what anarchocapitalism/anarchocommunism is detected
Hi dagda
I don't want to play this game to find out.
Wheres Aiden?
Surely they didn't write off Trenchcoat Batman
>character has literal spikes and fucking BARBED WIRE on his wrists

he is edgy as fuck
I kind of like his design purely because he looks like one of the guys from Daft Punk gone totally bonkers. It's so completely over the top in every way that I can't really bring myself to hate it.

This is far, far better though. Could do without the epic meme on the shirt though, it sticks out a lot more than the original's patch because its size and location draws the eye to it immediately.
for the love of god, pics
Aiden looked better.
Childish design
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So they literally ripped off Katawa Shoujo
would have been better without the tattoos
People who like anarchy love the idea of it, but in practice it's fundamentally broken. An anarchic society wouldn't work, because a society requires some semblance of order.
Is it cracked yet? I wanna try it, but don't wanna blow $60 on something I might hate.
>they actually gave him a maymay patch
Just fuck my game up senpai.
Looks like a healthy member of society.
Yeah and gave everyone cancer.
literally my moms edgy teenage son
wish he was the protagonist
Dont talk about your brother that way.
Nice b8 friend.
I like Wrench's eye thing.
That's it.
Here's a )You(
Take off the tattoos, maybe leave just one of the ..."good" ones, put him in some less spikey clothing, remove most of the meme shit, take the mask off but leave the eye piece or at least remove the spikes and keep the mask, take that fucking webcam off the top of the eye piece, keep the hood so he has to look at a person for them to see the mask shenanigans.

I'd say I made him significantly less BOYNEXTDOOR and Leather Clubs 2 blocks down jabroni outfit.
>Edgylord 2016 edition
the tattoos all look like shit, the mask should not have spikes on it, the studs on the jacket are more than enough, also the visor thing is absolutely retarded
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>Cool design
>speaks like an autistic memelord
>we will never have fashion hackerman as a companion character in a game
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Maybe it's ironic?
So why is this game getting good reviews again?
No matter how old you might be, that comment is purile retardation.

Is Bunnyhop right?
I just want you to die right now.
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