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lets talk ps1 games lads, what have you been replaying?

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lets talk ps1 games lads, what have you been replaying?
muh nigga
i think i took tha tpic while ago
Moh 1 and 2 was pretty fun
Rayman, Mega Man 8, Mega Man X 4-6, Silent Hill.

Im open for suggestions.
Never got into megaman shit. Whats the best one on the system?
wanted to check out Nightmare creatures
Dino Crisis 2 for fun rooty tooty with satisfying combo mechanic and weapon upgrades

Nah, just going through the ones I missed. Like this one https://youtu.be/Zp0ET3cqkIA?t=74

>those fucking cutscenes
Game itself isn't bad but those are by far the best thing about it
I would say MMX4.

MM8 is good but without that near perfect gameplay from the NES titles. I would say also MM7 on the SNES is better.
MMX5 is good, but with all the different branches/outcomes, there is a "time" limit, to prevent an outcome, its not really time but how often you try one stage. Its a bit confusing.

MMX6 is just a strange clusterfuck. They were trying to hard to go for something different.

MMX4 is my favorite X one after X1 I think. Definitely check that out. Also my fav Sigma fight.
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is it good?
breath of fire 3 and 4
Looks like Parasite eve
Parasite Eve 1.
Its awesome.
Blood Omen. Just found a talking fountain.
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Just replayed this last week.

>(...Barfing is always so refreshing.)
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>mfw playing King's Field
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Parasite Eve. Mix of old Survival-Horror à la Resident evil with JRPG. It has it's charm. The story is ... well you've seen the previous picture.
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Klonoa. Most underrated platformer ever.
How do you shake the feeling of wasting time on a barely playable weebshit game that isn't even that good?
>not psx
Hey! The OP isn't a complete autist!
How about that?
git gud
Doing my yearly playthrough of Breath of Fire 3. Might play Wild Arms after.
I picked up Front Mission 3 a while ago, been meaning to play it but I keep forgetting I even have it.

Last PS1 game I played was D because I heard it was some brilliant piece of twisted adventure gaming and I foolishly listened to the advice that I shouldn't check out an LP first because it would "spoil it". If I had looked at an LP I would have discovered it's a very short interactive movie with few puzzles and a stupid story. A waste of 2 hours.
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The PSX was great.
FM3 has retarded levels of depth and detail for a game from its time. I wish I had the tennacity to dive into it.
Playing through this again last night, will continue tonight.

I remember everything. I remembered the code for the locker in the lounge, all the DDK locks.
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Assuming you meant to post Dino Crisis 1.
I recommend emulating dreamcast version since it looks gorgeous as fuck and audio quality is way better than on ps1 and pc.
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I liked PE2 more.

I guess im the only one.
Definitely not the only one.

The only good thing about PE2 is it has a shower scene.
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Thanks for explaining us how it was back in the day.

The psx box was released 2003.
The ps1 was called psx since its release.

Picture extremely related
Played some Bushido Blade last night, forgot how clunky and slow it is but still had good fun
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Well i'm actually in the middle of downloading emulators and games.

What emulator is best for dreamcast?
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You kinda are cause it was worse in nearly every way. It's the difference between Classic Resident Evil and New Age R3.
It was a good Resident Evil game

Nah, it's actually one of the worst "RE clones" I've played.

It's just really dull.



>playing as the mutt in multiplayer
Silent Bomber, for the fourth time this year.
Huh, i never thought anyone would ask, i'm actually playing through crash 3 and megaman x4
I'm going in a hardcore nostalgia trip and 100%-ing every game I can remember from my childhood.

105% Crash 3, also done 1 and 2 and CTR
Completed Toy Story 2 and the 2 HP games
Pac-Man World is almost complete. Currently ending Rayman 2 and next on the list is Barbie Explorer and Rugrats Studio Tour
>nobody else wants to talk about spyro

I thought everyone replayed all 3 of them regularly
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Man, I'd kill for a good Tenchu game. I'm kinda surprised ninjas faded away so quickly from video games.
still have to get into them. It was always a "le gf game" but since I like 3D platformers and everbody likes it, I will check it out.
X4 was my first megaman game and my favourite after X1. Great taste, friendo.

The PS1 version of X3 was pretty good too desu.
FM3 is still crazy impressive. I mean, how many games have their own fictional internet you can use and isn't just fluff?

>dat feel when you knew it would be something special from the way main menu materializes
Syphon Filter games were sadly always massively underrated and overshadowed by MGS.
mark of the ninja was good ninjas. something like tenchu again would be cool though, not even a faggot weeaboo

but mgs is a game about listening to conversations
Is Vagrant Story good?
>what have you been replaying?

In Cold Blood. Basically, an adventure game except they also gave you a gun to solve your problems with. Based on a novel and really overlooked for some reason.
We assassin's creed now and those fucks made the best setting (china) into a fucking braindead sidescroller.
Yeah nigga but it helps if you're really into deep inventory management. Like 80% of the game is spent finding enemy weaknesses, switching to the correct weapon, figuring out which weapons you want to level for which particular weaknesses.

The rest is a cool rpg with a unique combat system, good exploration, great story and extremely high quality cinematics.
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Pretty damn great, but it suffers from lack of gear shortcuts and really just plain different climate at the time. Vagrant Story was NOT something your average Squaresoft fan expected at the time.
>squaresoft fans being retarded

I'll let you in on something I learned recently, You don't really want to level weapons for creature affinity, you want to go for elemental affinity.

Basically each monster is of a certain type, has different elemental resistances and different weapon type resistances.

Elemental is the most important, then weapon type, then a distant third place is creature type.

You'll get a scan spell that will let you check each creatures resistances (for each limb as well)

I just made the game like 10 times easier for you.
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BallisticNG has renewed my interest.
Fucking hurry up with the ship imports VonSnake, you faggot.
Why can't indies make graphics like this instead of pixelshit over and over again?
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Wrong pic
Too much effort and actually requires some kind of talent
Best end boss in video game history.
That came from a studio of professionals. Indies can't do that kind of shit in any reasonable timeframe, or ever.
Play the second one, it's much more responsive.

Less weapons and no leg-breaking, but more characters and maps.
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It was pretty damn advanced for its time. Yeah sure, textures and models are primitive by today's standards, but keep in mind it was doing shit like actual quality layered textures and lip-sync before VA. Take couple of steps away from the monitor and look at this.
Notably, I think it's one of the best games to turn the 'smoothing' option on if you're playing it on PS3.
I wish I wasn't lazy to take some pics with the new emulator that has poly depth correction so its no longer looking like its underwater.
My older brother gave me the resident evil trilogy a couple of years back and I finally got around to playing them.

Claire A/Leon B > 4th Survivor > Resident Evil 3 > Chris Arranged > Jill Arranged > Jill > Chris > Leon A/Claire B
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The best Breath of Fire. Pic related.


Suikoden II
Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter
Azure Sky
Ergheiz Dungeon Crawler Mode
Final Fantasy Tactics


Is this based off that true cime novel by Truman Capote? do you brutally murder an entire family?
>tfw still no driver 2 patch that increase the fps
What the fuck bros
Been emulating a bunch of stuff on my PSP. Recommend me some vidya where the L2 and R2 sparingly. Here's what I have so far:
>Diablo 1
>Tomb Raider 2
>GTA London
>King's Field 1 USA (Is the second one worth playing?)
It was at a time that was asking if it wanted to be a resident evil game or back to its source. I liked it as it pretty much was a good time killer for road trips on my vita. Other than that they dumbed down powers and lowered the amount of weapons and added some whacky ones to it. It also led to its demise with 3rd birthday. As did Brave Fencer Musashiden...samurai legend does not exist.
>Ridge Racer 4
>GT 2
>McRae Rally 2
What are some other good racing games?
what was the "i really would prefer if you would be quite" game? is it any good?
Not underrated, it's overlooked. It seems to be pretty damn popular in Japan, which makes me happy, since no one here has heard of it, and there's that "Klonoa is a cute furry shota femboy" meme that makes it impossible to discuss, and drives possible fans away from ever touching it.

Honestly my favorite platformer, and though it didn't hurt me emotionally, that ending is fucked up.
Tomba 2. I've only played the first one so I have no idea if it's good.
It's also way too easy.
Demul. NullDC is garbage.
Since it's in active development if some games work like shit on newest versions - try older ones.
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I want numales from reddit to leave
Make sure to use pgxp.
Left: authentic PS1 rendering
Right: numale shit.
Suikoden 1+2 only use the shoulder buttons as secondary yes and no buttons
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>decide to replay Vagrant Story after 15 years
>it's not as good as I remembered
>I'm thinking about dropping it after 4 hours actually


THe combat is really stale. It's just menus.

The game tries to reform jrpg battle systems, and gets it ALMOST right. Almost. But not quite close.
>yfw nu-males have been the Übermensch all along
woah.... now I'm redpilled from /pol/..... I see the truth at last...............
oh wow this brings back memories
only FPS I completed along with half life 1 and 2

currently playing breath of fire III
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Not sure yet. I have Fear Effect, Galerians, TRAG, Parasite Eve/2, and Legend of Dragoon on the mind. I put Digimon World 2 and Monster Rancher 2 on my PSP. I also have Megaman Legends and Shadow Tower on my Vita.

Not quite sure which one I want to pry into first. I played a bit of TRAG and had a blast, so I might just try to finish that first since I never beat it growing up. Same with Galerians. So I might do that one next.

I just picked up Shinobido 2 for the Vita and I think it might be a stealth ninja game, not totally sure.

Says the guy keen on showing his facebook friends how much of a true gaymur he is but who is afraid of normal PS1 graphics.
Shadow Tower is a really good version of the King's Field type game.

do fags actually think back in the day, the developers wanted things to look as bad as they did
Why does everyone shit on Tenchu Z so much? I'm playing it for the first time and the stealth mechanics are pretty fucking excellent. Kinda does remind me of Phantom Pain though, good gameplay but repetitive locations and boring story so I can see why /v/ hates it.
Replaying? Dawg there's years of video games I've never even heard of on the PS1. I try not to replay stuff but instead move around trying new stuff and finding new favorites or turds.
I know it also was on other platforms, but Shadowman was the shit.
>it's not how the devs intended it's limitations

Guess what fucklechuck? Those coincide. No Dev or Programmer didn't know the limitations. None of them made something that looked better than it technically could and had to cripple to fit on a PS1 disc.

Every mistake, every ugly thing you don't like and believe wasn't intentional or couldn't have been wanted was all a part of the beautiful compromise of retro gaming. It was working within boundaries and cleverly utilizing your concessions that you had to make for the machine.

If you think that experienced professionals didn't see these games as polygons and shifting textures then your dum.
do you think if you asked them if making it look better would be bad somehow, they'd say yes?
That doesn't really matter.
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Fear effect was seriously impressive.

Also, daily reminder: people born after 9/11 are entering high school tomorrow.
we're talking about emulation here. you have the opion of making it look better, and then a load of faggots come along talking about the developer's 'artistic vision' or something, which is retarded. you just admitted that it's all a compromise anyway
Irrelevant to every non-american on this galaxy.
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Help a guy out if you could.
Trying to set this up but having the hardest time.
I've placed the plugin files in the plugin folder, and enable in settings, but crashes every time I start an iso.
Can't find any tutorials goddamn anywhere.
personally i prefer the 1st one the whole 3D as fuck of the second is pretty off putting as the graphics just looks ugly, compared to the faux 3d of tomba and dem sprites. also the quests were more interesting imo.
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Sony doesn't know their best games.
>hurr durr I'm not only an autist, I'm also a retard and a millenial
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is the perfect PSP game
Been playing c 12 final resistance and alien resurrection. They are gemss
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