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Ctrl + F, no Webm? Webm thread.

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 506
Thread images: 174

File: cup.webm (3MB, 720x405px) Image search: [Google]
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Ctrl + F, no Webm?
Webm thread.
>System Shock style game done by Arkane where you can turn into a coffee cup

Someone please confirm I'm not the only one looking forward to this game because to me it sounds very promising, yet everywhere I look all people seem to be saying about it is something along the lines of THIS IS NOT PREY 2 WHERE IS MUH SPACE BOUNTY HUNTER
The game looks neat from a gameplay standpoint.
But how it shapes up overall will have to be seen, like how the narrative is done and how enemies ramp up and what not.

I am still buttbusted over using the Prey name when there is no real reason to use the Prey name and all it really does is make people angry about Prey 2 again.
But in the end it's just a name.
What game is this
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you have to admit it is kind of lame they used the title instead of letting Arkane do its thing. It looks fun though, we can always use more Shock-likes.
Looks cool, hate they use the Prey name and I dont want to give Bethesda money. Im conflicted
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Ok, but in the real game it will be really obvious you need to do this and won't leave the player to find it out. Thanks modern gamers
>I can do this, I can do this
literally impossible to do those moves with one finger.
It looks like fucking shit. Shooting glue at fucking black blobs. That will literally never be fun. Space bounty hunter sounds and looked 50 times more interesting and enjoyable.
It's on automatic.
Thats the joke
Prey 2 was just a cover popamole shooter with a blade runner skin
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Zenyatta Push Ups.webm
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?????????? never heard of that.
>pulls off different moves without moving the stick
>grab move is on different button

People know this is fake, right?
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The new Prey game I think. They're actually saying it wont come out til 2020.
why does this get posted so much.
what game?
sequence was pretty cool until it takes 10 bullets to kill the dude
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You press stuff and combos happen
I love the mimic option but I think its stupid that only size matters. If you mimic a mug you shouldn't be able to move.

They should have saved the idea for a non horror game so you had like copy a guards lunch and have him pick you up and take you to other rooms.
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>with a blade runner skin
This was supposed to make it sound bad? Kill yourself retard.
But what if the guard eats you?
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>this breaks the immersion
>tiny girl pulls gun out of grown man's hands
i fucking doubt it
You really think it was cool that she somehow managed to snatch an assault rifle from a soldier by pulling on it?
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Have you never had your fingers slammed in a door m8?
she slammed the dudes arm in the door, are you blind or something
His fingers weren't slammed in the door, the barrel of the gun was.
Then you die. The level should also have a set schedule for everything. The guard will only take his lunch when hes on his lunch break. So part of the puzzle is figuring out what everyone is doing and adapting to it. Would make for a great spy game.

>Copy/take control of the bomb detector
>Go off when some one goes through
>Everyone is distracted
>Fuck that guy has the key card
>Hop in the water heater and wait until someone takes a shower

Sounds fucking awesome the more I think of it. It will never get made though since it would have to be low action for it to work. You only kill as a last resort.
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>developed by Arkane
>co-written by Chris Avellone

I am reasonably hyped.
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I mean it counts right?
Damn, Prey looks like THAT?!
Yeah but will be terrible optimized

Why would it be? Arkane's track record for optimisations is fine.
Im always worried. I only have 2GB of vram ;_;
Arkane's last game, Dishonored, worked perfectly fine on several years' old hardware. I wouldn't worry too much unless your GPU is slow as shit ontop of having only 2gb ram.
gtx 770
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Just two gens behind the new one. Doubt it'll be too demanding for a 770 though you'll obviously have to play at lower settings.
Pay attention, his hand gets slammed as she pulls the gun and pushes the door.
his hand wasnt slammed till after the gun was ripped out of his hands.
This is worse than Bamham games
>Arkane's track record for optimisations

hehe, did you start with Dishonored? Their optimization for Dark Messiah and Arx Fatalis was shit.
Usually FPS games aren't demanding, but 60FPS is a must with them. Can't afford a new card. Maybe will try to get a 480 or something, idk if they are fixed power issue wise
I still think Pete decided to call it Prey just to be a dick to HHS, it's something that idiot asshole would do.
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Stop posting this autistic shit every thread

It's a videogame, m8.
>Attack on Square
Look at this fucking tryhard, rebinding the controls.
good job moving the goalposts you fucking loser
>more generic white males
Remember when the majority of the enemies in Tomb Raider games were either animals or supernatural shit? Who wants to find hordes of generic mercenaries?
what game is that famalam?
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racist tbqh
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GTAV Motion Blur.webm
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>4chan still does not support vp9
>Pete 'Fuck the Lore' Hines
That's fine. You'll probably just have to turn the texture down to high or medium.
from the time when Bungie was doing good games
Why not, seems like a nice gun

I was going to try to make it seem logical, but I couldn't find a good reason to. I could indulge if you want a bit of a back and forth before the ultimate "it's just a videogame" conclusion.

Ok, he's pushing the door and holding his gun. One could argue that threw him off and she managed to wrestle the gun from him.

Another take, she's strong. I know this bothers people but fit women (like Lara) are not as weak as people make them sound just because men are stronger by nature. The other guy, despite being bigger than her, probably hasn't much strength training and is just a goon with a gun.

You're telling me you can suspend your disbelief for any MC being able to take 1000 bullets and heal in time or by wrapping some bandages on the wound but not for a woman wrestling a gun from a man?

I'm curious of why does that detail bothers you.
His status as a PR man makes his lack of knowledge understandable, but his retarded tweets even more cringe-worthy.
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viral v.jpg
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>viraling shitty meme games that arent even released yet

nice scripted scene.
He had a week hold on the rifle because it was stuck in the door and she pulled it straight down and cranked it out of his hands. Leverage m80.
Because even in a videogame you can only go so far in unrealistic silly shit
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Is that Oni?
>I'm curious of why does that detail bothers you.
the part where you were proven wrong and then you backed up into a corner and said "it's just a videogame" because you can't admit you were wrong.

nice viral marketing and shilling for the goty release. nice of them to still use footage of the version that we didnt get.
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it is
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halo 4 finish the ham sandwhich.jpg
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yeah newfag it is.

if you were a real gamer you would have played it and known. instead your a bungie le gaylo fan and saw a pic or 2 of it in articles about bungie.
So GTA V looks great and all, but I simply can't get over how much they butchered the game in regards to AI and environments.

There's a reason Halo is more successful, kiddo.

It's not unrealistic. Look at how he's pushing the door open, he's pushing forward with his rifle. She grabbed the barrel, and yanked it sideways from him.
And again, just because she's weaker because she's a woman doesn't mean she's weak at all. A woman like Lara, with combat/physical training is probably stronger than your average dude. Maybe not, but if she's weaker, the difference wouldn't be that harsh for it to be unrealistic.


Read what I wrote after that. I don't want to guess, but does it bother you because she's a girl? Male MC's wrestle and outpower taller, bulkier men all the time during gameplay and cutscenes. Do you point those out, notice them, or let those cases bother you like this one?
literally fucking kill yourself. i bet your more of a self described steampunker "classy gent", i take it?
lara pulls the dudes gun at the same time as she slams him arm in the door, his arm gets pulled into it because shes got ahold of his gun. its improbable for something to happen that smoothly but shes a video game treasure hunter. you wouldnt take a second glance at nathan drake doing the same thing even though the shit he pulls is equally improbable.
You mean because they only made one Oni game and they put more effort into halo? I'm not sure what your point is
>Male MC's wrestle and outpower taller, bulkier men all the time during gameplay and cutscenes.
Not unless there's an explanation for their strength.
far left a best
File: Witchtits.webm (3MB, 666x676px) Image search: [Google]
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third from right for me
File: Super Mario Bros 1-1.webm (3MB, 1196x786px) Image search: [Google]
Super Mario Bros 1-1.webm
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thanks edios or ubisoft or whoever has the license
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>mfw people shitposted this game to death for not looking like the cancelled game

what the fuck mane this looks sick
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source please
is that watch dogs?
Now you're being ridiculous. Plenty not-supernatural or sci-fi main characters outpower bulkier men all the time. Nathan Drake, the dude from The Last of Us, Batman (to a point, he's still a normal human in a superhero setting) just to name some.
what game
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This doesn't look like Watchdogs. What is it? GTA Mod?
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It is watch dogs
god i love cellulite so much
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Fiore special.webm
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the graphic mods make me want to give it a shot but i remember its ubishit and the story and gameplay are probably garbage

Wow the psychics are bad... watchdog 2?
Too b ad the game is shit.

what game is this?
Like what?

they didnt use any of that footage in the webm for the GOTY announcement.
Women are just inferior
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>das it mane
I like it so far, what was your problem with it?
Severance Blade of Darkness.
severance - blade of darkness
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There's nothing wrong with the physics

please what game is this?
sauce pls
Can you please stop shilling your videos here?
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Just fucking buy it dude

no you're right - i can see that now.. what game is it?
pls do not bull Zeta
>implying white males aren't supernatural animals that run the world

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Watch dogs m8
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That's unsettling as fuck.
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>the graphic mods make me want to give it a shot
>The graphics
>Not the gameplay
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titanfall 2 beta teamwork.webm
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But it doesn't, even on hard. Just hit them with headshots.

THanks man.. great videos man fucking made me laugh :D
What game?
stop posting this
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But you can fap to the witch, that's good enough to be GOTY
He's clearly talking about the webm itself
what game

also that truck is moving wayyy to slow to have that impact

I don't know what to feel about the game
It's Dishonored in space
Come the fuck on there is no way anyone playtested this and said "yeah this is fine"
could be slomo, fampai. and check filename

>horns on the truck cab just magically detach
Gee sorry for not recognising a game that I only ever saw in a magazine.
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grid 2

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Stop posting this trash it's not even good by reddit standards.
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Save them, they're all yours my friend :)
What is the name of the game?
Will it come to PC?
Thanks m80, I've been craving a good racing game lately, this looks fun.
There's even a demo on Steam.
You know that this already exists in some capacity right? Geist.
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Boku no Pico Five - Cabin in the Woods and yes

holy fuck that is incredible
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>automatic mode
>any positive opinion means you are a shill
>/pol/ shit as posted image

You are fucking retarded m8, stop posting any time.
What game?
How can the first guy take 12 headshots but the second guy goes down after 1 or 2.

Must have loaded bb's for the first 10 rounds I guess.
>the exact same shitty PCuck and anime cancer garbage webm keep being spammed over and over every webm thread
listen>>349102961, >>349102451, >>349102192, >>349101474, >>349101116, >>349100574, >>349100520, >>349096178, >>349095753, and >>349095701, please fuck off from webm threads forever, you clog thread with with the same garbage over and over and over again, fuck off already holy shit nothing new or good gets posted anymore because you swarm to spam the same shit webms for literally the 30th time (even more if you check the archives)
Beam.ng drive or some shit like that
Mind posting me the last time my webm got posted on /v/? This one >>349100520
Is it gud?
This reminds me of skullgirls, and it scares me because i really like skullgirls
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Are you blind or new?
It uses the same engine, but it's a DCMA/Cease and Desist Brony game so technically against the rules to post outside /mlp/
It's STILL in development for years since Mike Z gave the engine and is still a garbage unfinished mess, ignore it.
it uses Z-Engine

What is there to be afraid of, anon? :^)
autism overload
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Thanks for spoonfeed. I can sleep in peace.
here's your (you)
dont know. probably one of the combo mads
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shoo shoo shimada and friends.webm
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how can a guy that creates bad pr continue to be a pr guy?
Damn that's a pretty nice ass for an obese woman.
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Joke's on (You). I've seen 90% of those webms already and reposted mine at least 10 times over the different threads but you didn't quote them.
>playing on easy
>automatic mode
Literally eat shit.
automatic mode is just
>Buy all combos
>watch the game do the work for you
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>shitty non-game filled with reddit memes

how old are you
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doom shield wall.webm
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Fucking beautiful
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How to people play these shitty jrpg "games"
The dumbest part is that he decided to walk through the doors after she takes his rifle.

What did he think was going to happen?
obviously slowmo, look at the after impact
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You only need one hand.
Is this by the same guy who made the bear simulator?
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mighty boot.webm
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Do you have that wemb with the kid pulling out an RPG?
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it feels so good to be a scumbag
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The crowdfunding was on October 2015, stop talking shit
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does she still have her glasses on?
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What graphics mod is this?
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No Disassemble!.webm
3MB, 1056x696px
>5 million views

This video doesn't need shilling anon
He's the same age as the people who liked sausage party
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>reddit memes
look in a mirror son
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question it all comrade.jpg
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what game?
Graphics mod for Vice City
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1MB, 1920x1080px
Anyone have some Destiny webms? I can't find any of mine.
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Hatred gets a politically charged AO rating, but this is fine.
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its obviously based off a Beretta 92
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There is no way an ability like this will end up in the final game unless it's scripted and very controlled, it would break soo much shit.
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>no u
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Thanks anon.
Zeno Clash 2
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>That vibrating hook
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>Objective: Kill & execute innocent people
>You can shoot innocent people but it's not encouraged
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tell me why Postal 2 is so controversial then if you can go through the game without killing any Innocent
>4choon's /vee/ board is my safe place
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>all that combo
>does 8% damage

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Rise of the tomb raider
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That's not how automatic works at all.
what gaem plz
Because of the things it allows you to do to innocent people. But the fact that you don't HAVE to kill innocent people is the reason it didn't get AO. Hatred could've done the same thing.
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>a real gamer
Anyone who refers to themselves as a "real gamer" is the purest form of cancer
>not GOTCHA BITCH.webm
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cute as fuck
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What the fuck
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wow the new AC game looks good
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>those two players who just stand completely still
>no sound
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948KB, 1136x640px
There's a Looking Glass reference in its gameplay showcase. I trust Arkane.
File: GINGIRAGIN.webm (3MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 640x360px
Where are the engines? Seriously, they don't magically compress on impact.
I posted a new webm about a non-anime videogame that nobody has posted or talked before here on /v/

Shut the fuck up
File: parents for decency.webm (3MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
parents for decency.webm
3MB, 854x480px
File: BladeArc Combo 2.webm (3MB, 800x500px) Image search: [Google]
BladeArc Combo 2.webm
3MB, 800x500px
>actual real life picture of hillary clinton
Is there any way to buy this game legally anymore outside of getting an old boxed copy?
Is this EX Troopers?
File: BladeArc Combo 3.webm (2MB, 800x500px) Image search: [Google]
BladeArc Combo 3.webm
2MB, 800x500px
thats why I fucking hate this shit game, this heart attack bullshit should even exist, the beta was much better without it
>everything about this webm

what the fuck are bethesda even doing
demon's souls
AND a Calvino reference all in one line? Based Arkane.
Japanese """""humor"""""
Game is Final Fantasy 14
File: Godsend Clip.webm (1MB, 800x450px) Image search: [Google]
Godsend Clip.webm
1MB, 800x450px
>teaming with Swadia
you deserved this
wow demon souls looked really shitty
the new call of duty looks pretty mediocre
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3MB, 960x540px
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53KB, 256x360px
Man I remember that game. I still have the big shiny box and everything.
I need a fun spoopy game to play /v/ what do
Nah it used to be on GOG but they took it off for whatever reason ,so just get it off an abandonware site or torrent it. If the publisher doesn't put forth the effort to make the game buyable then fuck them they don't deserve any money.
File: DMC Vergil.webm (3MB, 800x500px) Image search: [Google]
DMC Vergil.webm
3MB, 800x500px
>turn rates are a bad mechanic

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735KB, 844x633px
>all of that stupid smiling
Is she okay?
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195KB, 375x375px
It's actually Inspired by American cartoons, but China and Japan use it in actual movies.

Watch Kung Fu Hustle for more.
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game piracy.jpg
993KB, 1024x2300px
okay, what fucking game is this?

Which Armored Core is this?
It's buggy as shit and hard as fuck to play because the controls feel like gravel but some people are really good.

I have the GOG version the game is just buggy as shit.
For Answer.
fourth from the left

dick status: muh
File: dorillu boost knackeru.webm (1MB, 640x447px) Image search: [Google]
dorillu boost knackeru.webm
1MB, 640x447px
Its toxic behaviour like yours that make people think "real gamers" are angsty little shits
File: serene mind.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
serene mind.webm
1MB, 1280x720px
File: tag me in domon.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
tag me in domon.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
It's not a game
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true gamer.jpg
159KB, 945x642px


whoever edits these needs to be shot
File: semi.webm (3MB, 1000x422px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1000x422px
The cab is pushed into the engine block. You can see it sticking out in the post you replied to.
what game is this?
>whoever edits these needs to be shot
>im mad i cant afford video editing software and that im also too lazy too make dank meme videos with cool effects
deal with it nerd, i know you saved my webms
File: AWPsolute domination.webm (3MB, 1024x576px) Image search: [Google]
AWPsolute domination.webm
3MB, 1024x576px
nice frags
its in filename, its called "Cup"
File: RIDDEN KICK.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
That's fantastic.

Source please.

no, seriously.

you stupid fuck.

>Skullgirls crowdfund
Wow this kid is legit a fucking retard

no it's a flash game. want me to put it on /f/ ?
Hatred was a shit game all over that deliberately tried to stir up controversy.

>developers next game is some turret shooter where shoot invading ISIS

They have no idea how to make good gameplay so they just try to make edgy shit for free advertising.
Oh wow I forgot /f/ existed.

Yes please anon, that'd be great.
its literally the first post
Probably has something to do with ya know CONTEXT
>all these mad as fuck cancers butthurt they got called out for being the cancerous shits they are
Kill yourselves newfaggots.
File: d44m.webm (2MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 854x480px
Is dat some Robat Alchemic Drive?
Cry more, they look fine.
File: Payne Patrol.webm (3MB, 900x740px) Image search: [Google]
Payne Patrol.webm
3MB, 900x740px
That was a pretty good movie.

git gud scrub

File: DO A BARREL ROLL.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1280x720px
don't heart attacks put you on death's door instead of killing you now
Since when is Hitman Max Payne?
since Max Payne 3?
File: halo.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1280x720px
shit, didn't mean to post that.
I loved this game so much. I tried to do a run where I concentrated on speed and dual wielded two swords but about halfway through I just couldn't beat enemies because their missles locked on like crazy and I couldn't get close enough to them to strike them with my swords, even though at that point my swords were so strong that I could kill an enemy in 2 or 3 hits.
File: 2000px-Gmodlogo.svg.png (93KB, 2000x2000px) Image search: [Google]
93KB, 2000x2000px
Gameplay mechanics inspired by Gmod prophunt mode
you are a brick wall and a fool
does anyone have the jurassic park version?
Holy shit that's bad, how the mighty have fallen.
"AWP DOMINATION" don't make me laugh. Play with the scout rifle like a real man and headshot everyone instead of 1-hit killing everyone with that overpowered piece of shit AWP
those "effects" were headache inducing
File: war never changes.webm (3MB, 683x384px) Image search: [Google]
war never changes.webm
3MB, 683x384px
File: uncharted.webm (3MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 960x540px
It's something that's been in all the Halo games m8.
File: UNBREAKABLE.webm (3MB, 1024x576px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1024x576px
sorry kiddo, cnt here u from the bottom of the board B^)
God I forgot how gorgeous this game was.

And runs so smooth too.
Muh /pol/ boogeyman
File: woo.jpg (21KB, 309x377px) Image search: [Google]
21KB, 309x377px
god damn those animations
What game
What is this like a low res version of CS:GO?
File: Fulgore.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
Who's enjoying Titanfall 2? It's a mixed bag for me so far, but I do love the deathbeam.
>git gud at RNG
File: GET NOSCOPED.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
It's cs 1.6 they updated it recently.
Do you remember when the thems fighting herds crowdfund was? retard
Naughty Dog does not fuck around when it comes to animations.
it is not, have you not had a bullet go under someone's armpit or a rocket go between their legs?
>Throws enemy
>Doesn't go over ledge
That's stupid.
File: fps on consoles.webm (3MB, 920x518px) Image search: [Google]
fps on consoles.webm
3MB, 920x518px
Look up bullet magnetism. Halo series is rife with it.
This is literally playing bad on purpose
Wrong. It's a Polygon reviewer, playing very purposely.
You'll find that most people don't give a shit and just like getting caught up in the marketing.
Think again.
it's literally not. this is a professional video game reviewer
File: hitbox.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1280x720px
File: advanced AI.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
advanced AI.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
It was from an IGN stream before the game came out, and they got super butthurt when people called them out on the streamer playing like garbage, so I have a crushing fear that this person was actually trying. Scary isn't it?

damn i'd forgotten about that movie.
Not our fault you're a subhuman with brain damage.
A good player knows how to prepare himself for the worst case scenario and should always expect the RNG to be against him
File: console aiming.webm (3MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
console aiming.webm
3MB, 640x360px
Or Polygon, whatever.
Exanima, one of the few early access games worth buying.
File: welp.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
There isn't even any editing in the flip one, kill yourself retard
piss off
your sub 30 fps constant speedup/slowdown "slow motion" effects are cancer and you fucking suck
if you think it looks good you're subhuman
Thanks love
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18KB, 498x520px
>review videogames for a living
>isn't even good at them
fucking tell em my dudes
fuck the anime posters, i'm sick of this shit too
you're the retard, all the videos are like 20 fps
They're not mine but you're still subhuman if they give you headache. Blame no one but your mother for dropping you on the head. Cunt.
File: SHURVIVE.webm (3MB, 750x422px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 750x422px
Quit bitching you fucking mongoloid.
There's nothing wrong with being mediocre or maybe a little bad but Polygon took it to a whole new fucking level.
What does that have to do with editing you stupid piece of shit?
lol alright samefag

says the mongoloid shit at video editing
But Kojima was the one overspending the games budget and made TPP such a disaster.
they're garbage videos, whoever made them sucks and has a shitty comp, edited, unedited, who cares? I was just calling his vids shit you dumb twat
File: Warhammer.webm (3MB, 1024x576px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1024x576px
I didn't make those webm's, quit your fucking crying already.
Literally kill yourself you fucking summer redditor. You faggots are insufferable.

cripple chan has better /v/ discussions go there
You were specifically complaining about editing. You're a shit for brains moron.
File: KillingYoungOnes.webm (3MB, 800x600px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 800x600px
Oh hello there Reddit. hehe haha
File: whirl.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
Ghost Trick 2?

>the throw animation just barely isn't high enough to clear the railing
>the angle was just slightly wrong to clear the railing fully

Is there anything more frustrating than this?

Granted if it was too easy (magnetizing to the edge) than it wouldn't be (as) satisfying but it's still annoying when it's just slightly off from working.
File: 1471451182743.webm (3MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 960x540px
>old nuke
Had so much fun on that map
>edgy kid spewing buzzwords and getting mad/defending FUCKING WATCH_DOGS
is this kid serious? you're using watch_dogs unironically with babby's first after effects preset edit, you're the biggest joke here.
your videos suck

follow the thread retard
no one needed your idiotic interjection

lol so mad
File: R. triple.webm (3MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
R. triple.webm
3MB, 720x404px
IT like a korean snl skit
Just think, if one of those people was carrying this disaster never would have happened.
This is Severance, right?

I keep bailing on that game while trying to get it comfortably rebound because the default controls are ridiculous.
File: CS psyche out.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
CS psyche out.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
Why are you so butthurt about someone posting webm's in a webm thread?
>feline armor
You can really increase the bitrate on this, also lower the res a bit
File: 1471455893216.webm (3MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 960x540px
>more autism
Keep it up
this one is 10x worse without the audio

File: puppers2.webm (3MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 640x360px
pretty clear they only called it Prey to keep the rights to the IP and bury the old game as hard as they could.

I mean, in what way is this a 're-imagining' of the first game? Is turning into a cup their version of injun spirit powers?

they're bad webms getting praise by retards
File: companion AI.webm (1MB, 608x360px) Image search: [Google]
companion AI.webm
1MB, 608x360px
I didn't make it, just saved it from a previous thread.
That story line had me actually laughing out loud.
I need to learn how to parry properly.
File: FEAR.webm (3MB, 750x422px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 750x422px
No one's really praising the webm's themselves, just the game content because it doesn't look much like Watchdogs anymore. Calm down autismo.
Let's see your amazing webms hotshot
kill yourself
File: Rise of the Tomb Raider wind.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Rise of the Tomb Raider wind.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
Does Zeno Clash 2 have co-op?
that's not an argument
File: Devil's Rejects.webm (3MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
Devil's Rejects.webm
3MB, 854x480px
You ok buddy?

I got a video
File: grand canyon.webm (3MB, 768x432px) Image search: [Google]
grand canyon.webm
3MB, 768x432px
the fist fighting in gtaV is better
>had a Taiwanese roomate
>dude was cool as fuck
>we'd do shit like this all the time

good times
>after effects preset edit
What does that even mean? It's just regular gameplay footage.
>season veteran that's killed over 1000s of people
>generic security team
>new laura
File: novosibirsk siberia.webm (3MB, 768x432px) Image search: [Google]
novosibirsk siberia.webm
3MB, 768x432px
>>season veteran that's killed over 1000s of people

>still acts like a vulnerable little girl and constantly goes "oh shit oh shit oh my god oh my god"
RNG is RNG. you cant git gud
What the fuck is this, this isn't urf
>le awp is overpowered!!!
how fucknig old are you? not that hard to over power an awping faggot.
>punch someone once
>they instantly die
sure it is
What is this?
She's probably killed more people than the people she were fighting.
You don't have to like what you do to do what you have to do.
It looks like fun but they can go fuck themselves if they are expecting any money from me
i thought auto just changed if you had to mash the fuck out of shoot or not
but who even uses guns anyway
Latest Star Ocean, got a slutty witch in a body suit in it.
Isnt this the thing where the person who has the controller connected is sitting in the back actually doing shit
File: TRreact.jpg (445KB, 1010x1600px) Image search: [Google]
445KB, 1010x1600px
dmc4 does have a one-button mode.
im gonna save this and start posting it too, anon.
we must infect every thread.
What is that?
no way that's vergil.
Have they announced a new DMC and i didn't know?
Reminder that Zenimax used underhanded, borderline illegal tactics to strongarm the IP out of HHS' hands and killed the real Prey 2 because of it.

Do not buy """Prey"""
Do not play """Prey"""
Forget it even exists
Some ex-Human Head dev came out and said that Bethesda/Zenimax tried to pull some shit. They drained the company of money with some bullshit deadlines to acquire the Company and IP and it got to the point where they had to sell the IP, when it was to the point where they had to sell the company to finish they instead dropped the project. They did this to ID, MachineGames, and Arkane too apparently.

I'm not going to support this scummy fucking buisness along with the assrape they have given TES and Fallout with recent installments.
Can't they sue them?
The controller he is using looks like it is turned off, I may be wrong because I sold my PS4 two years ago but I remember the front light and I think there was some light behind the touchpad
Oh shit I had no idea this was going on, I thought you were gonna pull out some thing reasoning for pirating.

Any links by any chance, anon? This sounds really interesting.
Oh come on you're not even trying now. No (you) for you
>he actually did it
thx family
that thing looks sick as hell, you have more?
I don't see why they didn't

This shit has been covered up and hidden well, I've tried looking for it but to no avail. The only evidence this ever happened are screencaps of removed articles about the subject
thanks for the idea

REMINDER: Kojima did nothing wrong

Should rename this
>Modern MMOs.webm

Everyone just runs straight to the end, skipping secrets, powerups, side paths, anything interesting and then complains they're bored.
You got that one of KING LOUEN LEONCOEUR fucking over that crypt horror?
yeah. what a poser.

Took me a while to realize the reference

and it PAINT with all the colors of the wind you retard
None of that exists in modern MMOs. Can't skip what does not exist.
One's playing with a controller, the other one's playing with kb+m
Sure it's pretty but in terms of gameplay you might as well play a shitty mmo
touché, but that's partly why...why make content if they're just going to breeze past and ignore it?
What the fuck is going on with her clothing. It just fucking melts and clips through her. I've become so numb to improved graphics, the only thing that wows me anymore is the smaller stuff, which they still can't get right.
What is this?
It's not hard, both of them are bad.
Kojima pushes for a better game at the cost of time and money.
Konami pushes for better efficiency and milestones to be set.

If they both do their job, the game comes out good. But Kojima went overboard and Konami did fuck all until they got tired of waiting. So instead of managing Kojima throughout development they just kicked the game out the door at the deadline. Both are at fault and the new game Kojima game will hit the exact same problems if no one has the ability to reign him in and meet deadlines.
Final Fantasy 15 looks great
as a former truckdriver, literally the only thing not possible is for the engine to go into the cab, it shoots downward as a safety measure if there's an impact. The simulation aspect seems like a nice thing but cabs/driver safety are why the engines are so pronounced on semis in the first place; to put them further away from fragile things.

Fuck, I wish Armored Core would go back to this kind of stuff. V and Verdict Day were alright, but nothing like 4 and For Answer.
Sewer Shark EXTREME!!!
Any Dark Souls/Bloodborne webms?
Is Mad Max any good? I liked the movie.
Turning into a cup is cool but other than that it's just a SS ripoff which will always remind me of Prey 2 while playing, so fuck it. I'll pass.
We get two new System Shock games, and one Dishonored game, I don't really need a mix of those.
File: [teleports behind you].webm (619KB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
[teleports behind you].webm
619KB, 640x480px
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2MB, 920x518px
That's pre-downgrade, the game looks like shit most of the time thanks to consoles.
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96KB, 500x667px
This is seriously the most terrifying game I have ever played
File: glass_hall.webm (3MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 960x540px
Is this real

Star Ocean 5. No idea about PC.
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737KB, 1920x1080px
>when you get punched in the tit
I don't get it. What game is this?
Yeah, I'll make some more.
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615KB, 554x480px
Silent Hills
Thread posts: 506
Thread images: 174

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