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Melee will never die

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I will never stop fighting for Melee to be considered a fighting game.

I don't think the naysayers understand how much more skill and technical prowess is required for Melee. Just look at this video:

Instead of needing 4-6 buttons for different punch and kick inputs plus the stick for most fighting games, Melee has a button for a smash attack, a button for a special attack, a C-stick for tilts (4 buttons), a jump button, a grab button, and a shield button. Not to mention the precise timing needed to wavedash and L-Cancel and all the other tech. Let's not forget the mindgames involved. Since most fighting games rely on an HP-based system and force you to fight in a small box, Melee has more freedom. The tables can turn at any point of you edgeguard strong enough and if you make the right predicts, not to mention how fast Melee is meaning you have to think really fast.

People often harp on us for clinging on to a 15-year-old game, but that just means Melee has more longevity instead of you fightingfags having to cash out every time a new shiny game is released. Melee has perfected it's craft while you guys have to relearn and relearn whenever a new game is released.

Face it, even if we don't get approval as a fighting game, we will still be more technical and overall BETTER than any fighting game that exists.

We aren't just Melee players, we are technical Gods.
so you're autistic
Why do they look like K-On! characters?
I'm not autistic, it's just that through the years, Smashplayers have been bullied by fightingfags because we're not "real fighting games". Don't expect us not to fight back after all these years.

Watch out.

Uhh no. They're styled like anime characters, not just K-On.
All smash games are fighting games already you autist, FGCggots will never stop crying they aren't, so who cares. Smash will ALWAYS be at EVO, APEX, etc, and there is nothing they can do about it
So because starcraft has more APM and you fight against each other it should be considered the most technical fighting game ever?
They look more like K-On! characters, like all that guy's drawings.
>always be at evo

Your top players are doing everything they can to make sure that won't happen. Or have you not been keeping up with that?
Starcraft is an RTS.
>People often harp on us for clinging on to a 15-year-old game, but that just means Melee has more longevity

More like your communities refusal to play other games because you can't abuse glitches
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>all this autism for a 15-year-old party game
melee is fun. who fucking cares what genre people want to call the game? It's at the major events like EVO, right? what do you stand to gain from arguing semantics?
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Smash Bros. isn't a fighting game and those "athletes" you admire so much only still play it because they make money off idiots like you.
What's with this making them look like moe anime characters

They're not even that cute irl

No wonder people think Meleefags are autistic
You also have to have a character that is tuned to do all these things. It's mostly just the same characters and it's going to stay that way. If your character isn't as fast as the others, then what's the point?
Lol if this isn't pasta well done. I would leave off the bit about being gods at the end, really the only tell.
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Is this the birth of an epic new pasta?
Yeah, next time I post this I'll leave that out. My intention was that "we are technical Gods" because it could have been a WE WUZ KANGZ worthy meme, but I guess not. I was also fishing for more (You)s with that last line.
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Someone gets it.
Melee is a fighting game. You are literally getting trolled by people who say it isn't and you are falling for the bait. I play traditional 2D fighters and I personally respect the amount of skill, execution, and longevity your scene has and it is still growing. The reason why most of the rest of the FGC don't like any of you can be summed up in your post. You are all elitist, you all smell like shit, a good majority of you are autistic or have aspergers and don't know how to function in public and are worse behind the internet. You will never get the respect you all deserve if you keep putting other fighting games down and raising your own up through bias. Don't give us your opinion on why you think Melee is "better" then other FGs cuz you will just alienate people who would give your scene a chance. Give respect and you will get it in return.
Melee isnt a fighting game in the traditional sense, but i must give the players credit because it requires the most skill to play imo.

Matches arent restricted to the ground and movement is very quick. The game is literally Improv: The Game.
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why does it matter whether or not melee is a fighting game
0/10 bait.

Next time don't take a shit in the pool.
Because they "want the respect" of fighting game players, but then they turn around and diss the fighting games the fighting game players generally play by saying things like how Melee is better and more technical

Even if OP is bait, this is an actual serious POV held by a lot of faggot Meleefags
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>Watch out.

I can't take you seriously with all that autism in one post
You could say the same thing about Hisoutensoku but you don't see people claiming it's the greatest fighting game ever
So when is EVO?
Because it's objectively inferior due to not being developed by Nintendo, who puts the most love and care into their games.
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>all traditional fighting games are shit!
>please please please consider Smash to be a fighting game
As someone who plays and loves both, I've never understood this.

By the way, you can put all the time and energy that you put into shitting on trad fighters/Smash toward getting good at it instead. After all, both are good and enjoyable in their own ways, and you will spend your time being having fun instead of being angry.
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>Face it, even if we don't get approval as a fighting game, we will still be more technical and overall BETTER than any fighting game that exists.
This right here is why I hate melee faggots.
You fucking autists don't play anything outside your own shitty game, let alone traditional fighting games, yet proclaim dumb shit like this. Even Sm4sh are more bearable than you cunts.

I can't wait until tournament organizers get sick of you and drop you, the sooner the better.
All fighters are cool. It's a genre where you don't have to worry about your shitty teammates letting you down.
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daily reminder
>I can't wait until tournament organizers get sick of you and drop you, the sooner the better.
Don't worry, EVO will be so stinky from all the competitors in those games that they will be forced to drop them next year
Melee is difficult as fuck, technical, and really fun and competitive but is not a fighting game, at least not the same kind of fighting games that Capcom releases and milks. They don´t appeal to the same people and don´t share a lot of rules and properties, or even the way to play them, so there is no reason to put them on the same bag of marshmallows.

But they should divide the genre on sub-genres in this case, just like Marvel and X-Men games are called Hyper Fighting games, others like KoF and SF be called traditional fighting games, and Melee, RoA, Brawlhalla, Sm4sh and others could be called "Platform fighting games"

The problem with the community is how they literally stink the fun out of other fighting games in the events, not any terminology bullshit.
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holy shit they do? what a bunch of immature dorks!
Also I hated how nintendo tried to bury Project M. How is that going? People can organize PM on tourneys or what?
You've heard it all before and still pretend it's a good game, do we really need to go through this again
I hope one of you meleefags does something retarded at EVO and gets your stupid game banned for good.

Wii U Smash can stay since it's fanbase isn't a bunch of poolshitting autismos.
You're gonna play smash 4 and you're gonna like it
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It's a children's game for kids
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lol did a melee player rape you or something?
So it's basically being a mulatto huh
Which game?
These threads are the reason I stopped coming to /v/.

Haven't been here in a year

Come back to another one. BYE
Fuck off, you are a joke.
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Westballz is going to shine the disbelievers.

Melee is




>We aren't just Melee players, we are technical Gods.

Not bait. That is the truth.
It's not a serious fighting game
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>It's flashier and has 300hits combos that you can't escape, it must be better!
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Tired of these fgc cucks. They don't know their place. They should be bowing down to the greatest game of all time.
Marvel vs Capcom is dial-in-a-combo the game. Its so fucking boring to watch because there is no awesome survival DI or DI mixups. It also have slower APM than melee has.
>False-flagging this hard
>it's a bait thread gets 500 replies episode
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Keep crying, autismos
It not dial in at all. It was a very free flow combo system.

APM is also very high due to plink dashing

>creator terms it a competitive action game
>thinking you have the authority to say otherwise
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>I will never stop fighting for Melee to be considered a fighting game
autism everyone
>I will never stop fighting for Melee to be considered a fighting game
the thing about Melee, and basically everything Smash, is that they aren't niche 1v1 exclusive action games (i.e. fighting games) while nearly everything other fightan' is exactly that.

this is exactly why i want more people to stick with the term, Sakurai recently coined, "Character Action Game" for unique and popular action games like Smash than than the petty "Fighting Games".

Melee shouldn't be considered as part of a dying medium only a sensitive group of hood niggers like Low Tier God prefer.
>Fox, Peach, Marth, Shiek, Jiggs: the game
That's 5 viable characters
In KOF almost every character is viable
Do something more productive with your time you faggot.
t. FGCucks
ICs are viable
Because its a lot harder to make a game then altered given code. Talentless hacks
>Someone actually draws art of competitive Smash players
Can you get anymore autistic than that? Oh wait, you can. https://youtu.be/KhsOW-_TwfU
To be fair, this "FGC" has no right to call out anyone on anything, since "FGC" usually just means a group of people that suck Capcom's dick, so no other fighting game can thrive and get a good long lifespan because of it. They're harming any actual communities from being formed or from existing for way longer.

FGC= Capcom fighters

And that's garbage. They have no right to say shit about any game, because any game that isn't a Capcom fighter just isn't worth their time, apparently.
>Caring about character variety more than playstyle variety

Fgc cucks everyone. Character variety appeals to low IQ viewers. It's all about watching multiple playstyles succeed for the patrician viewer.
Do you even know what you're talking about?
I don't understand the appeal of obtuse button input barriers for the sake of artificially raising the skill level... There are so many better ways of going about making your game take more skill to play without making you have to break your fucking fingers and get carpel tunnel to master it. (Think I'm lying about the carpel tunnel? It was actually an issue for top melee players, especially M2K)

Smash 4 is better tbqhfamilia
find me a Melee/competitive Smash player that 20x worse than fucking .webm related.

protip: you can't.
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>we were told when to boo
>we were told to chant in the middle of a medal ceremony
This is better how?
totally crying about a game that gets 200 entrants at evo rofl
Thanks for my (you)
Eh once you've seen one top-level spacie you've seen them all.
is that LTG?
>b-but it's at EVO/[insert major here] so it's a fighting game
So is Madden. You guys take your sumo simulator too seriously.
Actually FGC stands for Fighting Game Community. Smash can join that when it becomes a fighting game. But it's not like it matters. It's welcome to tournaments all the same anyways.
And Tekken, GG, KI, and KoF aren't Capcom fighters so go eat a dick, gigacuck.
It has 816 you retard but here's your (you)
Smash was banned from major tournaments for years because of the autismal behaviour of the majority of smash players including but not limited to ruining hotels, stealing equipment, and destroying the venue. Jebaily brought Smash back and you autismos go and bite the hand that fed you.
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>Smash 4 is better tbqhfamilia
it's not my cup of tea

i'll stick with something sharp
And melee got over 2300 and is growing more every single year.
I came here to say this, this guy beat me to it
>Smash can join that when it becomes a niche 1v1 fighter
except he said the opposite
>muh APM
kek, every time
nice false-flagging too
Sorry my mistake, its 770. But its not 200. And just because Melee is growing doesn't mean Marvel is any worse.
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Gonna need some sauce on that, falseflagger.
He plays Smash? I'm surprised he can handle complaining about even more bullshit than he already is.
he said character action game, not competitive

however, this doesn't mean smash can't be competitive.
>technically shit
completely untrue
No. That was when LTG went up against Viscant in a grudge match and got bodied and backpedaled so hard he went back in time.
games that are designed or redesigned from the ground up to be competitive end up boring like rivals of aether or sf5

But Smash is the game that takes time and exposure away from lesser communitis like GG, KoF, and KI. It just adds insult to injury that it's not even a real fighting game. And also that it's players literally stink up the venue and act like autists.
Sakurai said Melee is highly competitive, which it is, but he termed Smash 4 a competitive action game after he announced Bayonetta.
Melee is more technical and has greater capacity for more complex execution, but Smash 4 is generally more balanced across its roster and has a more significant character counterpicking game.
I love Smash, and agree you may be insanely good in terms of tech, but there's one problem. Smash's balance is out of fucking whack. Dont act like any smash game is balanced, because it's not. No competitive fighting game should be that unbalanced.
that's like your opinion man
Nigga, Marvel's big hitstun scaling and wallbounce and groundbounce rules, assuming you aren't playing someone like Nova who can just ignore them, are way too much of a thing to really call Marvel a game with a "free form" combo system.

At the very beginning of the combo, you can basically do whatever usually, but at the combo goes on, things what would work with base hitstun stop working, and therefore if you want to continue your combo, you have to be railroaded along the diminishing list of moves that will still work.

Also, shit like what you posted only works if you can get a TAC off, which can be TAC countered, and only because the initial air state after coming in from a TAC gives you unlimited unscaled hitstun, and the game can be tricked into letting you stay in that state, leading to TAC infinites.

I'm more of a traditional fighting game guy, myself, but Melee is marginally more free-form than most fighters, simply by virtue of how the game handles movement and hitstun.

This thread is was blatantly made just to induce console-wars tier flamewar bullshit. Fuck you, OP
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I don't really care what others think. I've been playing for 4 years now and enjoy it a lot still, for that reason alone I could give two shits what others say. All I will say is the only reason the fgc have a anti melee circlejerk is that it's the one thing that brings them together. Nothing brings people together like hate, just look where we are. Also honestly people here make the community sound way worse then it is, I've never had that bad of a experience with other melee players ever.
>but he termed Smash 4 a competitive action game
refer to here please >>344335417
>No competitive fighting game should be that unbalanced.
Melee was born during a time when every single fighting game was an unbalanced mess. It's just the only one that's still being played on a large scale today.
I got top 32 at a national and quit melee, the community is so self absorbed and condescending towards everyone and everything it's impossible for me to be happy investing time into it.
why is character balance important for the competitive scene? there's diversity in playstyle and skill level. chess has been competitive for over 1000 years.
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and Sm4sh has more entrants than memee
but let me guess, numbers don't matter this time because they don't prove your point
"I believe these are record highs for a competitive action game." - Masahiro Sakurai
Sakurai doesn't have a fucking opinion of his own, he just parrots his fans. He's an idea guy, like Kojima. When Melee first came out he said it was a party game when people asked him about it being competitive, now he back peddles to it's competitive now, because "I" made it.

If your already a smelly autist you won't notice the smell or strange behavior.
Melee is actually extremly balanced for the time it was made. Sure it got alot of trash character but it got like 8-10 characters who can take a national. Not many fighting games got that on them.
But we were talking about melee vs marvel, kid. And so what if sm4sh has a hundred ekstra?
Yeah but melee has decent balance, don't act like games like third strike or fucking MVC2 has any balance.
You're using a balanced game to an analogy to an unbalanced one. If you think chess is unbalanced you're a fucking mouth breathing mongoloid who can't play chess. That's why chess has been around for over a thousand years.
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Smash players will always be scrubs because they honestly believe execution is a premiere skill. It's literally everything else that gives a game depth.

When I watch Smash it's just blind guess after blind guess. The commentators are too stupid to even notice. For example, I was watching that japanese yoshi, who apparently is the best yoshi play. He was constantly whiffing up smash head bash thingamabobsie. Then he finally lands one and the commentators EXPLODE saying he has amazing reads. Fucking landing one out of six up smashes is just flat fucking guessing. Fuck that game and the people who like it.

inb4 fuccbois who'll say every game is guessing. No, not to the degree of Smash.
More matchup variety and more relevant counterpicking game.
Also it's more interesting to watch.
>implying a game that favors white 60% is good balanced.
3 of your five gods didn't show up because how fucking low the pots were for CEO. Melee won't die, just pro melee is going back to the basement.
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>smashbabbies shit in pools
>smashbabbies smell bad
>smashbabbies have to hire stink busters for their tournaments
>smashbabbies boo other games at tournaments but still take seats
why are they allowed in the fighting game community
They fit right in.
>no mention of Guilty Gear
found the shitter
Shut the fuck up nerd street fighter 5 might aswell be called rock paper scissor fighter 5.
c stick isnt tilts you fuck
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and don't forget, some of them want to skip pools.
melee fans booed at them announcing melee was delayed and the jebailey was hyping melee after GG gfs and that's why the chanting happened.

Its just the anime baby fighting game fans who are oversensitive and probably arnt used to such large crowds.
That's fucking great, I'm gonna have to watch that then. Thanks for the info, anon.
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What Melee fags were saying during GG Top 8 at CEO
autism kills, op is a fag.
the fact that anyone finds melee entertaining is beyond me
That is twitch chat, not a representation of the melee community at all.
>the melee community is autistic sperges
You guys realize the entire point of this genre is autism right?
>steam monsters
>counting for anything

I could get uppity about people chanting WHENS MAHVEL in twitch chat when I am watching my niche weeaboo games, but I don't on the grounds that twitch chat in general is retarded.
>watch out
are you going to steal more equipment and shit in more pools?
>for 15 years the fgc shit on melee calling it for autist and how it's not a real fighter.
>melee becomes one of the biggest fighting game communities and money is to be made in the scene
>the fgc now "respects" melee

I wonder why melee elitist hold a grudge. It definitely couldn't be from 10+ years of negligance
>People in the Melee community don't represent the Melee community
Did you read what i wrote? They are stream monsters.
Melee shat on themselves. WHAT MONEY. Evo melee #1 is fucking 20k compared to 50k for SFV first place. I don't see the money unless you are talking about TO door money?
Maybe Nintendo should develop another game that plays like melee.
A lot of players went to project M but due to its constantly changing meta and it being a mod it didn't quite have the appeal and reach that a 1st party title would normally have.
If smash 4 had wavedashing and l canceling and dashdancing I guarantee you that no one would still be playing melee right now.
>stream monsters
Nintendo doesn't give a shit about e-sports. Capcom invested 1 million for the pro tour.
It's not favoring one character over the rest of the cast, but it's still pretty unbalanced. Not only with characters, but also RNG. Peach pulls, game and watch hammers, villager turnips, all that
Oooh wow you have more buttons. Congratulations. Your overall inputs is way easier. You're not better. You're not even the fastest. Your APM doesn't mean dick. Get over your victim complex.
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Typical Melee player:
>I care about what the FGC says about my game
>I never shut up about how "technical" Melee is
>I always trash talk the latest Smash game and contrast it to Melee
>I always bring up Twitch views to prove a point
>I cannot let go of the obsession with having Melee "approved" as a fighting game
>Maybe Nintendo should develop another game that plays like melee.
they aren't said they will never replace Melee
True melee fans are actually creating a fighting game that plays just like melee now, without the shackles of it being a kiddy nintendo game.

Here is the first character.

>decent balance
Your standard of "decent balance" means that the entire cast of Smash 4 is viable.
>They go against my argument so they don't count
Smash players aren't exactly renown for their intellect.
Kek at that picture
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>If smash 4 had wavedashing and l canceling and dashdancing I guarantee you that no one would still be playing melee right now.
daily reminder
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wow looks like shit, female version of lucian from lol
i was okay with mellee being its own thing tagging onto the fgc but then it got prime time at evo and it annoyed me a bit
Also the FGC has been playing Super Turbo for longer than some of you have been born.
>Kek at that picture

? its awesome.
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Because chess doesn't offer us over 20 different factions to use. There's just white and black, and both sides are equal outside of which one gets to go first (which I know is a big difference, but you get what I mean).

If you're going to make a game with multiple characters and make that a focal point of the game, you better be ready for criticism when over 75% of them are not viable.
if you're 14 years old then yeah
I know this is bait but people seem to forget that melee was made in 8 months and was unfinished and glitchy because Nintendo needed a launch title really badly
If Smash 4 had those mechanics then most of the cast would be invalidated by Sheik and Fox again.
Pretty sure it was 18 months but still a relevant point.
By way of contrast Smash 4 was made in somewhere between 3 and 4 years.
Honest question
Who are some people who started in smash but then became successful in other fighting games?
And its amazing how much better melee is than sm4sh.
About 8-12 of 25 characters are considered viable. That means 32% to 48% (nearly half the roster) are viable. Every fighting game has tiers, some are worse then others. I don't see how melee is more imbalanced then any other fighting game.
if melee is a fighting game how come nobody who plays it is worth a shit in any other fighting game

shouldn't any other fighting game be considered easy after mastering melee
No one. There are smash players that play other comp games. But smash skills do not transfer to other fighting games. You don't have a Sonicfox type who can get #1 at his game and then get top 32 at another game.
why would they change

smash is where the money and sponsors are, and the twitch revenue and youtube revenue, and the twitter followers
Hbox has a chem engineering degree and most players Who compete in melee go to a university? Quit stereotyping it makes you look bad unless you have facts to back it up.

Can someone post the video of the fat kid waddling off stage and having trouble getting down in the street fighter tournament?
just play fox senpai

at worst you'll have a balanced game
>stream monsters
Yeah, and like 50 out of 58 are viable in Smash 4 by those standards. Only really shit ones I can think of are Jigglypuff and Mii Swordsman.
It's a party game. Why are you trying to force smash into an already well-defined category? It's its own thing, and you should celebrate that rather than shoehorn it into a distinct genre of games just because you can't handle being ignored.
Yes, ignored
By gamers that play real fighting games
Not party games
Which is what smash is
A party game.
>fat kid

lmao marn had grade XXX cancer and still came to tournaments
your argument is shit
dude there are like 8 sponsored melee players are you serious
Smash has been played competitively for 10+ years
Only in the last couple of years has it been even remotely profitable. Thats more than enough time for someone to decide that maybe they should pick up another game.
Reminder that crapcom is putting in 50000 so spergs Will buy more street fighter

Melee is for the most parts grassroots with having to provide everything themselves
It's so obvious you just didn't understand what was going on its hilarious. I'm pretty sure I even know what match you're minging about.
Competitive action game* >>344336254
What the hell is apex? Some tournament t set up by a butthurt smash player so they can say smash still gets invited to big events?
A BS in engineering isn't that difficult or special - they're so common that employers don't use them to differentiate candidates.
4sheik was long top-tier without l-cancel tho
Smash is a party game for children.
Even the creator thinks you morons are deluding yourselves.
I think ChrisG used to play smash, but he only went to Marvel and that's long dead
There are really very few cases of smash fans actively interested in other fighters
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Sponsors like that dudes controler company and an esports team. While SFV has Coors Light, RedBull, Sony, Capcom, Madcatz, and the finals are going to be on national tv. That sweet melee money.
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Smash 64 takes more mind power though.

Melee is like checkers but you have to move your piece as soon as its your turn.

64 is like chess.
Yeah, and 4 Sheik without l-cancelling was beatable by DK because DK could reasonably get grabs.
With Melee mechanics 4 Sheik would trash 4 DK.
Regardless, 4 Sheik is probably the 6th or 8th-best character now due to all the nerfs.
>Smash is a *character action game
Sakurai says otherwise. >>344336254
>creator says it's not a fighting game
Nah what does he know
>creator mentions the word "competitive"
It doesn't have to be a fighting game to be competitive.
>nerfing good characters

Thank fucking god that melees balance was untouched by sakurais autism. He would probably nerf fox and make for en utterly boring meta. The big thing i notice about melee players are that they dont whine and bitch about nerfs instead of adapting like sm4sh and FGC players do.
64 wasn't made to be super-advance like Chess
Melee was
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The gif is too big to post and this is the best I could find.

I think that was around the time that Marn had whatever shit is in pic related.
>He would probably nerf fox and make for en utterly boring meta.
PAL version, m8.
>tfw really enjoy fighting games but cant watch mvc because it gives me motion sickness
kill me
Yet just like melee, he accidentally made it so.
Take your kiddie games somewhere else.
Dosent matter if thats what it was made to be, thats what its become.
>He would probably nerf fox and make for en utterly boring meta.
not really

Iwata once talked about porting Melee to the Wii with online and nothing else changed if Sakurai didn't come to handle Brawl.
Holy shit my b
>character action game
That term gets used for DMC style games already, alongside "spectacle fighter" and curayzee, as well as a subgenre of hack and slash. I don't think sakurai coined it.
Honestly, nonbait question: what's wrong with "party game"? Or "party fighting game"?
So why are only sheiks, zero suit samuses, marios, and clouds winning tournaments? Tiers exist is smash 4 too, get over it.
honestly, when melee is played in 1v1 no items format, what aspect of it resembles a party game?
Can't people just let it FUCKING DIE jesus christ Melee is so old Animal Crossing wasn't even out on the Gamecube back then
My mother termed me a good human being and a prodigy of success.
Plenty of people including me would say otherwise.
Except nerfing Sheik IMMEDIATELY diversified tournament results, and Sheik is still more than capable of winning tournaments.
She was too good at closing out stocks with her d-throw combos. Now that she can't close them out as easily, she's fair. She might even still have the best neutral game of any character. She's just much more skill intensive to get results with (ZeRo has all but dropped Sheik post-nerf).
If I remember right he caught a flesh eating bacteria while in Vietnam on top of having a shit diet and not exercising. He's gotten better over the years but he was banned from events for a while because of that.

It's telling that organizers describe the Smash community as a whole as smelling like Marn's dead leg.
nice source, apologist.
>Want smash to be recognized as a fighting game but call people who play fighting games "fightingfags"
Go back to playing smash, partyfag.
Why is a PC exploding? Smash 64 was for the Nintendo 64.
But sheik got removed kill options straight out. How fucking boring.
Jesus christ, I had heard about this but didn't think it'd be this horrifying.
What are you even on about? nothing in that quote says he intentionally did anything to make it more competitive than 64.
>Can't people just let it FUCKING DIE
>every single sheik game is her grinding her opponent to over 200% and killing them with a fair.

Wow how exciting.
Because Mewtwo, Rosalina, Diddy, Fox, and Pikachu are also winning tournaments, with every character being a serious contender for Top 8?
After less than 2 years, 9 characters at the very least have emerged as good enough to win a national by doing so.
When was the last time you watched a Smash 4 tourney?






Do people seriously believe that autistic people are more dangerous than the niggers that play SF?
Really, good luck with that high school diploma smart guy! XD
because the very best players use them, but in top 16s almost every player plays a different character.
you need glasses, and i'm referring to this >344340063

>"Melee is the sharpest game in the series," he wrote. "It's pretty speedy all around and asks a lot of your coordination skills. Fans of the first Smash Bros. got into it quickly, and it just felt really good to play."
>we must do whatever the creator of the game says
>playing the way you like is bad

Fuck outta here with that shit. I don't care if Mattel puts out a game called 'Barbie's Fun Adventure' somehow containing the best competitive gaming mechanics ever, and the developers say 'only 8 year old girls should play this game', I would still play the game that has the best gameplay mechanics, regardless of what the developers play
Better than Sheik 2-stocking everyone because she can kill as early as Mario's u-smash out of a fucking grab despite being significantly more mobile.
And since she's light, grinding someone to 200% rage is terrifying if they have any decent killing moves. It's a serious test for Sheik mains and it's why a lot of people dropped her.
Found the shitter that won't be making six figures for a long time.
Yes, because the niggers that play SF have been going to events for longer than Smash as a franchise has existed and the worst thing that ever happened was Sanford Kelly and LTG.

Meanwhile the second they let Melee into Evo tables started being stolen, monitors and televisions were stolen, games were stolen, kids have gotten mugged, etc.
Watch this:>>344336254
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>>we must do whatever the creator of the game says
how PM2 doing for you?
Dude make sure to watch the vid with the pre and especially post-fight trash talk in it, basically the longest one on youtube. Shit is gold.
what is this?
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The same shit can be said of smash 64 if you ever bothered to play it the way tacos, boom, or kero do. In fact it can be argued that melee casualized lots of shit including less hitstun, and laggier aerials, only two jump heights...
>decent balance
>best character in the game has no bad match-ups
>2 neutral and the rest so advantageous he'd have to completely fuck up to lose.
>1 of them is the mirror match


>3S best character who isn't amazing until she has super


>unstoppable zoners that require a point meter builder and needs to tag in, usually by super

As much as people criticize 3S and MvC2 imbalance, Melee wishes WISHES it was as balanced. You want decent balance? Point to something like usf4. That's far better than the other examples, and it's still not a very good example either.
one of the failed attempts of bringing PM to Sm4sh
More like niggers found the perfect opportunity to blame someone else. :^)
>twitch chat in general is retarded
So... people that like smash and marvel are retarded?
I think we agree.
OP have you ever played VS?
Yeah but even at top level of play fox isn't invincible. Awhile ago a shitty player took a set off armada, probably the best player in the world, with a garbage character like ganon.
Come on guys, give the little tards what they want. Think of all the clean pools you'd be saving.
Yes, they waited 20 years just for Smash to be put in tournaments so they could start stealing at Evo.

In fact they got together with the FGC illuminati and pitched the idea of smash bros to Nintendo in the first place, then organized a decade long stigmatization of Smash, all in order to start stealing at Evo.

Just according to keikaku.
So why aren't regular fighting game players tards?
>melee shat on themselves
Explains the smell.
>shat in the pool too
You really don't think they are?
LTG, the mascot of FGC, isn't one?
they were stigmatized because of the mature games for mature gamers such as ourselves crowd.

Can't have chun-waifu anywhere near jigglypuff.
>hood nigs
>no street fighter locals near me
>but theres fucking smash bros
kill me
Because Smash fans are the only ones that throw a hissy fit when people talk shit about their game.

It must be the Nintendo influence.
Alright, here's the reasoning. Fighting games are different from esports in that the emphasis is on in-person, offline play. The minute amounts of micro-lag that don't really affect a game of Dota or Starcraft completely ruin fighting games. To really be playing the game at a high level, you gotta be offline.

So there's tons of fighting game meetups in most metropolitan areas. Most of the guys are in their mid-20s and older by now, because the newer generations of gamers aren't as interested. Games like Street Fighter, Marvel, Guilty Gear, King of Fighters, etc where many mechanics are shared and being very good at one of them often means you're at least decent at the others. Good enough to enter your local tournament and not get shitstomped immediately.

Then came Smash bros. The gameplay itself has little in common with the games I mentioned previously, so the player base has little overlap. If you play Street Fighter seriously, you probably know the ropes of Marvel. If you play Smash, odds are you just play Smash. There's also the elephant in the room: it's a Nintendo franchise. There's more kids and teenagers involved. Lots of them.

Tournament organizers realized that because of the lack of overlap, if you have both traditional fighting games AND Smash at your event, you basically double your attendance and ticket sales. So now you have two very different communities being pushed under the same roof, with one of them being much newer and typically younger players on average, leading to lots of misbehavior and weird antics. For example a side tournament for (I believe) CvS2 at Evo last year had its signs torn down and their room was invaded by a bunch of kids who decided they felt like playing Smash in there.

i hope your mom dies of cancer soon.
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There's also the issue of setup incompatibility. FGC players need low response-time HD monitors. Melee fans need CRTs and gamecubes. The latter takes up a ton of room and makes the whole place a hundred degrees. Also, because of the aforementioned Nintendo autism demographic, smashfans stereotypically have poor hygiene. Multiple posts on their subreddit get made about this:



They also have a habit of rushing to venues while other events are going on so they can have good seats for when Smash comes on, leaving the fans of the current game outside and making the twitch stream sound oddly silent. Pic related.

Basically, "not a fighting game" isn't just about gameplay. It's a completely different community that doesn't get along with the FGC and has no overlap with it, but is often featured at the same events.
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>TFW based Jebailey kicks Meleefags out from CEO permanently
>TFW this causes a ripple effect and Meleefags have to take their CRTs and diaper fetishes back to their own events
He kind of is though. If you lose to anything as fox you basically just gave away the match. Armada was a Peach main, but even he learned fox. Your best player admitted he had to learn fox.
i hope your fucking entire neighborhood gets shot
i like diapers but play anime fighting
I think the twitch chat for damn near any event is almost always a fucking cesspool.

From personal experience at locals, the few melee guys around my nowhere town are pretty chill and other than one massive stick slamming sperglord, the Marvel players are alright too.

The greater Melee community DOES seem to have an issue with top player dick-sucking shit that they need to cut the fuck out.
t. Dallas Cop
I nearly wrote a long response why smash is not a fighting game and about FGC stuff, but that last line makes it too clear it's simply bait.

If only your technical expertise would also include how to take a shower. I wish the smash people smell thing was just a stereotype, but I have smelled them in person.
at least you aren't taking a shit in swimming pools like autistic smash manchildren are.
Oh come on,
>competitive action game
describes tiddlywinks for christ's sakes. At least fighting game involves two guys fighting. Shooting games involve shooting. Tabletop games are generally played sitting around a table, and party games are played at children's parties for fun.
You can play competitive tiddlywinks, you can organise tiddlywinks tournaments and bet money on the winner, but that doesn't make it a real sport, or a real fighting game, or worthy of respect.
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>Because Smash fans are the only ones that throw a hissy fit when people talk shit about their game.
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its shit like this that ruined smash for me.

i cant think of the series without thinking of cringe esports garbage now
The side tourney was for Dead or Alive
>smash is where the money and sponsors are

oh i am laughing
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This thread sucks ass.

Post your shrek super slam main. Where my gingybros at?
Stop saying that all over the thread, it's a meaningless phrase that describes any game you care to pick.
Smash is too autistic and floaty for me to give a fuck about it. Every iteration feels like you're playing underwater.
diapers would probably have contained the shit
you have the autistic rosterfag discussion at least
t. Salty guilty gear fag that no one cares about his game
>when everyone stops arguing to share their disgust over filthy marn's rank disease
>deflecting this hard
Like it or not, Smash is a technical and competitive game that requires practice and skill. You don't see people just luck their way through tournaments.
Whether you respect it or not is irrelevant. It's clear as day and even the creator recognized it.
Why to Smash players always go after Guilty Gear? What the fuck did GG do to you faggots?
Nothing, just funny no one cares about it.
Least I don't pretend my game has money and sponsors behind it in a obvious bid to pretend like my game is still relevant. You should write Chinese history books. You'd fit right in with all the history revision you do.
>I don't care about it that means no one does
Even the fast-fallers? Outside of Brawl they have some weight.
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Jontron already confirmed Smash bros isn't a fighting game a long time ago.

triggered, FGCuck?

Smash is a competitive and popular character action game

Fighting games are the opposite sans competitive
>1v1 exclusive
>a dying medium composed with filthy hood niggers like LTG

>b-but muh 2 poo in looers that play Smash bros >:(
Age. FGC been around longer, today's top players are adults, not children.
P:M took fucking years to even release in a stable state. This is with autismo coding gods like Dan Salvato too. No way a bunch of script kiddies can release a decent mod in significantly less time.

>Weeb Starting video
Fucking dropped.
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>The second dimension is one thing, but you kids wouldn't last in the Ferd!
>le screaming AVGN wannabe man
Why should I put any stock into this idea?
GGfags co-op with Diaz to help pass TPP in Japan
i hope you meet me in person soon so you can find out what your funeral will be like
it's the recent game to hate as it was the game streaming during melee's original time-slot at ceo due to the delays. If they attacked that game in the past then I don't have an answer.
Guily Gear fans are Trump supporters
Most Smash players are about the same age average as the FGC.
18-24 years old males.(suprise ,suprise, the same demographic that most people who play console/PC games are.)
Hahaha, holy shit. This post sounds like it was written by someone who only recently watched the documentary. Enjoy your first tournament.
Um yeah, don't you know the world centers around me?
See me in TE, nigga, I'll show u my Dr. Pinocchio
Top Smash 4 players are early 20s, top Melee players are mid-late 20s.
They're adults.
Is that why you guys get banned for poopin everywhere?
>respect is irrelevant
Not when smash players like OP (granted, probably was b8) are desperate for validation from the erstwhile FGC. This whole thread is about getting fg players to respect smash.
I agree that it's technical, and as I said you can make anything competitive, but that doesn't mean it's going to get respect from an established community because it bears some similarities with fighting games.
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Daily Reminder that SFV is universally panned yet FGC plays it because they suck so much capcom dick.

Daily Reminder Melee is one of the greatest games ever created competitively and casually ,and people play it to this day because it's a testament to complete and healthy game design, while SFV is an easy cash in that capcom doesn't care about it, yet the FGC refuses to learn.
You think the OP is serious? It's either a falseflag or shitpost.
>MvC2 was unbalanced too!
Around the time of Melee, Super Turbo, Third Strike, CvS2, Soul Calibur 2 and Tekken Tag were around competitively and while those games had tier lists, they had universal mechanics, counters and bullshit that would even out the individual characters to being viable.
Undertale will never EVER be competitve
Smash 64 is more dial a combo than fucking Marvel. Fuck outta here. The game is fun but gets boring when you realize you can zero to death people even as a scrub.
The top 8 of Genesis 3 was garbage save Isai since he didn't play like a bitch in the neutral.
The rest of G3 top 8 smash 64 was everyone going to time on dreamland since one hit in the neutral = you're dead.
>because it's a testament to complete and healthy game design

half the reasons it's popular were completely unintentional and left out of later installments
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What's unintentional, anon?
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Pic relevant enough
>Always put Westballz in fantasy team
>Get more points from my $50 and $30 selections

At least he showed up this last time
The general consensus as of right now is that Street Fighter V sucks, stop trying to strawman for your shitty party game. Melee movement has nothing on Tekken movement if you want to be that fucking autistic.
>betting on the master of SDs
Stop with the "le beautiful accident" meme. Whether or not Sakurai chooses to acknowledge it, a lot of those design choices were clearly intentional to make the game faster.
>Comparing 3D plane movement to 2D

Apples and Oranges, anon.
>implying Akuma wouldn't be honored to join Smash Bros someday
I disagree. L canceling was definitely intentional and just playing Melee with it shows that the developers knew about it to balance it somewat.(Some aerials are still unsafe on shield if l canceled if not spaced properly, Sheik having a god awful shorthop, Falco's 5 frame jump squat,etc.)

Hell they even nerfed Fox,Falco,Sheik,Marth, and fucking Ganon of all characters in the PAL version.
Not triggered, it's just a silly term to use. Competitive action game? Saku described smash as that because Japanese guys tend to use generalised terms to describe things. Watch an interview with, say hideo kojima describing metal gear, or I don't know, a prominent Japanese dev describing their game. Especially while it's still in development I think they do this.

Just come up with something that describes it better. Competitive action game? Like 99% of other games, including non-fightan. Character action game? Lots of action games have characters. Fight- wait. Do you want it to be called a fighting game or not? Where's this competitive action whatever coming from if the whole point of this thread is to get people to start calling it a fighting game?
RayRay and Noel Brown wereSmash, but they also suck
at other games so whatever.
Competitive is the important term. Fighting doesn't matter.
>healthy game design
So that's why everyone only plays one character, 2 stages and vehemently ignores major components of the game in order to be "competitive"! It's healthy~!
Mang0, the best fox and falco in the game, decided to change to Marth during a matchup against his long time rival, Armada (of sweden) who mains peach. Armada changed from fox because Leffen ( Sweden ) and Mang0 ate his fox's booty like groceries. That's four characters played by the top three.
Basically this. There's no real cross over to the other genres. Shit, I started off in Tekken and managed to pick up Soul Calibur in like a day, and2d fighters feel similarly in terms of footsies and whiff punishing. Smash to a fighting game is like comparing Dark Souls PvP to Soul Calibur.
>four characters played by the top 3
And what, 5 by anyone who takes tournaments of note?
Top players no doubt, but I'm sure it's only recently with twitch that the comp scene of smash has taken off, and I 'suspect' that children and/or young teens make up the bulk of that fanbase. FGC audiences are made up of people that grew up sticking quartets in arcade machines for one more round against akuma back in the day, the comp scene has been around since those arcades whereas smash was small groups of people playing in their living rooms in twos and threes and never forming much of a lasting scene until twitch blew up and the kids didn't have to grow out of the game to find something competitive. If that makes sense. Just a hypothesis.
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So. You are saying your game is really fast, huh?
that would be Ice
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>yfw 3vo happens
Well yes, Hungrybox, who many consider to be number one, plays Jigglypuff.
>Not triggered, it's just a silly term to use.
so a term i don't like.


>Do you want it to be called a fighting game or not?
how about no? Melee is fine without FGCucks, same for the rest of Smash.

now only if we had more successful Smash /Outfoxies-likes and more cons dedicated to that.

>Where's this competitive action whatever coming from if the whole point of this thread is to get people to start calling it a fighting game?
see >>344336254
Only a melee fag would read two stages and think "he's talking about the characters"!
Actually everyone loves SFV. It's just the package we all hate. 80$ for shit netcode and nothing else, and now we're being jewed out of more cash.

But what do I care, I switched to Tekken. Based Harada standing up to SJWs, Akuma, 2016 graphics and a game that isn't entirely based on RPS.
3vo cant happen. If he wins evo it will be more like half assed 3vo, it just wont have the same impact as if he had 3 times in a row.
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Pic related.
It was a typo
>either falseflag or shitpost
Words to live by on /v/
No I don't, but it starts a hundred serious arguments in the replies anyway, and besides, just because the op is being disingenuous doesn't mean a lot of people won't agree with what he's saying.
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>Having convoluted inputs for basic actions makes it hardcore guys!
>Being fast makes it hardcore guys!
>Real fighting games have combos, we have combos, that makes it hardcore, guys!
>Mindgames only exist in smash, that makes it hardcore, guys!
>Being able to move really fast makes it hardcore, guys! Who likes footsies and spacing anyways?

Yeah, no.
Melee has its place, but that place is not even at the foot of the tables in Valhalla. Make room for the real warriors, child.
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He'll just have to get the 6vo then.
Then (a) why do smashies keep trying to get FGC to respect them, and (b) why are they desperate to get smash played at FGC tournaments?
Side steps in Tekken aren't the same as side steps in Virtua Fighter or Soul Calibur. Backwards and forwards movement is the essence of footsies while side steps are more reads based, so yeah, in a sense you can compare Tekken movement. Besides, the point was that movement in Tekken takes a greater level of execution just based off of how easy it is to fuck up and get punished.
Well, yeah. I've seen people as crazy as the OP at tourneys.
People so crazy that they think Melee is the only good game period.
Just another facet of life that has been tarnished by radicalization.
because they want sempai to notice them
Honestly its old school Smash players who want the FGCniggers to notice them. Most new school Melee players don't give a fuck and actually put their energy into getting good at the game.
This is the most autistic thin I read in a while.
Even the image checks out. Good job.
Kinda is when Modern vidya a shit.
I rather play melee with some homies than play the new shitty esports titles everyone is releasing desu famalam.
Mango's Marth is fucking ugly, I don't think this will benefit him in the long run. He should have just played Falco better
Daily Dose.


>Mang0's falco is fucking ugly.

t. Swede
He got the best Marth in the business without even practicing him much.
you dont see street fighter players making shit like this
There's not one fighting game you enjoy?
Not even SoulCalibur or SF or Tekken?
Lol faggot who's never been to a major spotted.


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>go to website with autistic content
>waaaaw why are the people autistic?
no, you just hate fun
you'll have fun with this

>link gets deleted
>reposting it
anon, it's longest fanfiction and literature ever made in history.
I have that site blocked in my hosts file.
His Marth is trash, everything he does is retarded from the constant double jumping to all the randy smash attacks and DAirs. People have been unable to get the punishes they need on him because they're giving him too much respect. There's no way that Marth would be worth a shit against HBox and Armada/M2K are just waiting for Leffen to expose it so that they can imitate
>what is a wrong reply
are you obsessed with me?
For some reason I doubt this.
marvel vs capcom is not street fighter
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That K.Brad entrance was for USFIV. You would know this if you actually cared about the things you talked about.
And he still wins all the time with him against other gods on FD.

Are you some kinda upset PPMD fan? Or M2K fan maybe?

Also who fucking cares about if his marth does well against hungrybox, he will just destroy him with his fox.
>he will just destroy him with his fox.
He hasn't been doing this lately either
Leffen don't you have some muslim dick to suck, or Street Fighter to Rage Quit?
>/vg/ Persona image
>trying to argue through greentext
>claiming Melee doesn't have better footsies than your favorite fighting game
pure cancer
Smashbabbys are super racist too despite their best players not being white
I disagree, Smash has the most tolerant community by far.
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Mango is a white Hispanic.
source for both of those statements
Still Hispanic.
What a fucking retard, Sakurai never wanted it to a competitive game
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>watch out
see >>344336254
>being this buttblasted about FGC not giving a fuck about your kiddie party game
I'm hype for jigglypuff vs fox GF at evo this year.
t. FGCuck
Yeah cant wait for some bad melee.
*character action game
How old is that? Could be talking about one of the canadian tournies, I hear their crowds are fucking awful.
>I will never stop fighting for a lost cause I will never win.

And in another 15 years you'll still be howling where none cares.
Nobody has ever argued that only smash has mindgames. Footsies and Spacing are a fucking huge deal in smash.
>There's no combos or memorization, just skill!
>It's way harder than all other fighting games because you have to L cancel and stuff and you only have like 6 frames to do it!!
>It's OBJECTIVELY better than other fighting games!
>Inputs are artifical difficulty, but none of the techinical inputs in smash are!

Every melee player i've met is like this. They don't even understand the game they claim to love so much and they won't even try to play anything that isn't smash, yet they feel obligated to explain at length literally everywhere why they're surperior
>and they won't even try to play anything that isn't smash
but fighting games suck, bruh.

character action games > niche 1v1 action """"fighting"""" games
i really want this to be true
most of the good traditional fighting games are dead

it really isnt a stretch to say melee is more difficult and better than garbage like sfv and xrd
>There's no combos or memorization
that's not what smash players say
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Ur dumb
haha holy shit, fatass mr wizard didnt even know how his tournament worked
People have been complaining about this random block ever since brackets were out and he just now noticed
Thats a cute girl.
>>It's OBJECTIVELY better than other fighting games!
So, you're talking specifically to retards then? Why? Talk to the decent players
>Trying to create memes
ur gay
>Special moves require more execution
>More depth in neutral game
>More balanced
>Less glitchy
>Actually has resource management

>The same thing, but with higher execution, and roman cancels

Melee isn't even on the level of Mortal Kombat X.
OP whips out one of the oldest, most overused bait of the board and /v/ gives it 350+ replies. Good job.
>More depth in neutral game
Lol that's cute, read one of PPMD's blog posts some day
he wanted (You)s from FGCucks anyways

OP is hungry af
Nah, Abates gotten top 8 before hasn't he? I'm not quite that good lol
OP here, don't forget to cut out the last part of the OP post about Gods if you're going to use this as pasta, but I'm sure that, as shown by the amount of replies, you wouldn't have trouble fishing (You)s either way.
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I think Ganondorf would be the only person in Smash to actually give Akuma a challenge. Finally, someone he won't be bored of fighting against.
Oh boy I cant wait to watch fox vs falco on battlefield again
Me too, when do you think Falcos will start placing again?
after they win another national
The only real thing that was unintentional was wavedashing. And it was something that was intentionally programmed into the game, they just didn't expect people to use it as a movement option.

Melee being the way that it is was very intentional. HAL and Sakurai knew what they were doing. The reason they took out so much stuff in Brawl to make it "less competitive" was because the target market for the Wii was entirely different than the gamecube. Sakurai has talked about this in detail before. I mean, seriously, go look at any commercial from back in the day for the GCN or an E3 conference from back then. They were very intentionally targeting the "hardcore gamer" crowd. That all changed with the Wii, and so Sakurai made changes in Brawl to reflect that change.
>number one

>Melee has a button for a smash attack
you mean for normal attacks
>a C-stick for tilts (4 buttons)
you mean for smash attacks.
>precise timing needed to wavedash
you mean press them at nearly the same time? its not all that precise if you understand WHAT a wavedash is

okay you fucking lost me if you're legitimately trying to win people over with this argument considering half of this shit is actually wrong or inaccurate, as a melee player. your point about it having longevity is spot on but you do ass at explaining why it's so complex
The melee scene as it stands wouldn't be anywhere if it weren't for Evo. Shit was on life support before then. Learn some respect.
I always knew the FGC was full of fucking idiots.
You mean the documentary. Melee can hold its own majors just fine.
does anyone have that Melee Hell vs Street Fighter Purgatory pic?
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it literally says ultimate marvel vs. capcom 3 top 8 winners semifinal at the bottom you retard
Marvel is good
Then why the fuck do you guys need to be at EVO?
Who said it NEEDS to be there? Evo is a big event, Smash has a big scene, so Melee and Smash 4 are there and have the 2nd and 3rd most entrants there. Why are you so obsessed with hating people for playing a different game?
Apparently Smash players did if they didn't then they wouldn't have fucking raised money to get it. And why do you think I hate people for playing a different game, projecting much?
Bruh that was like 4 years ago WTF are you talking about?
>And why do you think I hate people for playing a different game, projecting much?
You came into a Melee thread to complain about Melee
>Melee is more popular than Tekken, MKX, and every other Street Fighter besides 5

>character action games is more popular than niche 1v1 action games
Lol at Gootecks in the background
I hope Melee isn't at CEO next year. I hope nobody goes.

I want to watch the numbers plummet and the cuck TOs come crawling back begging for Melee. They'll HAVE to meet our demands, because we run bigger and better tournaments without them.

No more being cucked.
I love Smash, but I always have a hard time calling it a fighting game. It's probably because I also play other fighters like Street Fighter and Tekken.

Honestly, I'm just happy it's a Evo, but there's always going to be some form of hate towards the Smash community. It doesn't help that Smash fans don't interact well with other fighting game community's or even try out their games. It's even worse that Smash fans hate each in the community. Melee fans and Smash 4 fans are so divided. It sucks to see that. I actually like both a lot. I mostly play Smash 4, but Melee is still legit imo[/spoiler
I came into the thread because I don't think Melee is a fighting game. I don't hate people who play it like you claimed I do.
>Bruh that was like 4 years ago WTF are you talking about?
What I'm talking about is Melee players raised money to get into EVO, they thought their game needed to be in EVO so they raised money to get it in. How many years it was ago doesn't matter.
>or even try out their games.
Smash players just want to play Smash, what is wrong with that? Theres no interest in other games, thats fine. Its not "their" tournament and "their" games. It's just a tournament, with different games for different people. Noone has to give a fuck about other communities or games.
The respect thing needs to change though I'll at least give you that, people need to chill.
>character action game
How is Melee a character action game? I thought character action was like DMC, Bayonetta, GoW and stuff like that? Melee players just love to call their game every genre in the book.
Then make your case for why you think something that clearly is a fighting game isn't one.
>falseflagging FGCuck who has been spamming that bait for the whole thread is a Melee player
There's nothing wrong with just wanting to try out Smash, but don't treat other communities like shit.You don't have to give a fuck, but don't act like the event is all about Smash. Be respectful. I'm also trying to say that it'd be nice if they played other fighting games. They'd probably have some fun with games like Street Fighter or KoF.
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>TFW I'd rather have smash be its own community and "break away" from the FGC, It could start some new shit like Platform Action Community or something
>Why do you need to be at EVO?
>bring up past event
Melee players wanted their game at EVO because its fucking EVO, its huge. It was a big stage and helped the scene. And now Melee is huge, and is just regularly getting a deserving spot at EVO without any other help.
Also doesnt make sense why you'd ask that if you were talking about the past anyway. The documentary came after Melee coming back to EVO
All of the shit that supposedly happened at CEO was already debunked, kid. Stop being so obsessive.
That is what Sakurai called it in an interview or nintendo direct or something, so now thats what people call it
character action games aren't always hack 'n slashes
hahaha lomao
That's hilarious because I wasn't referring to CEO.
good luck convincing the 12 million competitive smashers to do that.

just saying
>Smash players just want to play Smash, what is wrong with that?
>we want to be acknowledged in the big picture too
>we're not going to talk to you or participate in your events other than to cause shit, but we want to be acknowledged

Why be part of the FGC if you aren't going to participate in the FGC?
I know, right? They're so like "YOU need US" and yet, they're the ones trying to whine for positions and timeslots at EVO. Go make your own big EVOlike event for Smash if you're so much bigger than everything at EVO, otherwise you're biting the hand that feeds you and stinking up the place, figuratively and literally. Pool shitters, figuratively and literally.
Want to give me other examples? For years I've always seen games like that referred to as character action and now all of a sudden Melee gets bundled in there?
Smash is going to be at EVO and its own majors, deal with it or keep crying.
Then quit crying about timeslots given to your games, and money. You got enough of both. Otherwise we have more fit people in the fgc than you fatasses do in your games.
Just reading this thread makes me wonder why melee wants to be part of the FGC so much when it has so many cancerous fucks.
They participate in events with their game in it, simple as that. EVO has Smash, so smash players are going. They're not going to circlejerk with the FGC or whatever shit you think they want. Noone has ever said anything about being "acknowledged" or being """"apart"""" of the fighting game "community"
Getting along is just fine, its literally impossible for it to be apart of the FGC because its not the same type of game.

>complains about us vs them
>immedietally puts up an us vs them front
Tell me what is wrong with complaining about the second biggest game at EVO having the rulesets fucked up and getting a shitty timeslot
Good argument
>Then quit crying about timeslots given to your games, and money.
Nah. Stay salty, FGCuck. Your games are bad and your tournies are so inadequate that Leffen had to BTFO Jebailey.
Top FGCucks like Justin Wong suck up to the Smash community too. We don't need to "participate" with their faggotry, they come to us.
7th place at evo making less than at a local is not cool, that is actually legit criticism.
Oh but people who actually think critically and offer advice/criticism to TOs arent apart of the FGC circlejerk, so it only counts as "crying" and "begging".
Stay mad you fucking monkey.
Then Jebailey turned around and BTFO the entire Melee community. Don't expect to get special treatment when other games don't ask/get nearly as much shit as you do.
>taking a game where only 3 characters are competitively viable seriously
Melee is a wreak. Melee is a big mistake.
>literal who
>BTFO an entire community

So delusional.
If melee is a fighting game then Dota is an RTS.

Melee takes a ton of technical skill but that doesn't make it a fighting game by typical definitions.
What is wrong with wanting a decent timeslot for one of the biggest games at EVO?
What is wrong with wanting fair payouts?
How is this asking for special treatment? I get that the FGC is used to being an unprofessional bunch of losers who get fucked by shit TOs but Smashers standards arent to the floor.
>Jebailey BTFOing anyone
>Then Jebailey turned around and BTFO the entire Melee community
Melee takes an hour more than other games. That's stupid.
Why do all Melee players love the smell of their own farts? They always go on about how Melee is the most deep and most technical game out there and get upset when someone disagrees
>fair payouts
Maybe you guys should ask Nintendo to put some money into the pot. :^)
Not really, it's the oldest and most proven fighting game so it deserves the longest runtime. I would be offended if it ran the same length as CapcomCuckV
Just one hour isnt a big deal, and even then, that is total BS you pulled out of nowhere. Just gonna have to deal with it anyway, thats what the people want.

I'm talking about payout percentages based retard
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Also I'm talking about Smash 4, Melee already got a decent sunday timeslot
Maybe the top players should aim to get first if they want more money. Hugs has no reason to complain if he doesn't even place top 8
... who cares about tr4sh
>one hour isn't a big deal
It might not be a big deal to a viewer but for a TO that's a fucking nightmare
Street fighter headlines and gets the most views. That would be like the opening band playing longer than the headliner.

No it isn't look at recent evos. Melee goes an hour longer than other games and it tends to run over with shit like "hand warmers". GG 2 hours, MK 2 hours, smash 3 hours, MVC3 2.5 hours, SF4 is unlisted because it's last.
More people than every game at EVO minus SFV
A lot of people do. Smash 4 gets more entrants than Melee
then just put more of the shitty unpopular games on saturday
fighting game cucks cucked again
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still going?
im a nigger ask me anything
Because SF and its c ommunity is cucked, Capcom has to pull publicity stunts like Lupe Fiasco vs Daigo.
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p-poo in pool
hi rugga

have you finally grown a bigger dick yet after all the paid shitposting in 4chan and 8ch's /v/ and /a/?
was never even confirmed who it was. everyone was in the pool during CEO. hell it was even less likely to be a smasher since melee GFs were going on during the poop in pool thing
FGCucks truly are pathetic
they play the latest game for the jew shekels
if they had an ounce of respect they would be repping third strike like smash community reps melee
Capcom did that so people would talk about the game, which is more than what Nintendo will do for Melee.
People need to get over this shitty party game already.
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>smell like shit
>trash up bathrooms
>take shits in pools
>get catfished
>best player is an autist
>have to bring their spongebob crts everywhere they go.
>third strike
Alot of people don't like third strike.
t. FGCuck
>Cucked by the shittiest game dev in the industry
Are you a redditor? Because the only place that said it was a smasher was r/kappa
the eternal FGCuck is still going lmao
why are fgcucks so dedicated to the newest game?

are they literally just capcom's cucks?
Are you a redditor?
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Today I will remind them.
His tournaments are shit anyways. Good luck getting a decent melee turnout next year with that kind of attitude.
The pool skipping shit is pathetic. Even the off chance of drowning in pools should exist.
>this is supposed to be a bad thing
We trash your venues because we aren't beta cucks who suck up to corporations for big prize pools. Grassroots baby, solid gameplay and hype is all we need.
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remove FGKebab
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And I will keep reminding them.
LOL this shit was so cringey
Most people stoppedasking for floating a long ime ago, a little late to the punch

Noone "needs" a private station, but it has proven to help and its nice to have. Top players appreciate it so if they have the extra room and setups sometimes TOs will have it

The people who "cry" about bad payout percentages are top plays like Zero, Anti, Dabuz, and Leffen
Leffen is based as fuck, he's the least cucked player in the history of esports. If a TO fucks up he will call them out publicly.
Oh yeah and this was right after his big fuckup during GG, what an idiot
I bet he could care less if Melee came back next year. It would be great for him and everyone else going. It's not like Melee was saving CEO from utter destruction.
how many whites chicks have you fucked?. and do you like anime?, if you do which one is your favorite
my nigga
leffen also ragequit in sfv lmao

He ragequit because of how shit the game is, just like its predecessor.
Did you watch CEO? It was amazing.
>He ragequit because of how shit he is at the game, just like its predecessor.
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>These are based smash players

Leffen sucks at SF despite using Karin. He'd get bodied in an instant.
>legit criticism
no it's not

it's just american fatfuck petulant whinery at it's finest
Leffen,Zero,Anti, Dabuz and other top players bitch about payouts because it's bullshit that getting top 8 in a major nets me 100 bucks...
Like why the fuck would I want to spend the effort,time, and energy to travel and practice if im never gonna make even if I get top 8?
Hugs is right calling the FGCucks backwards as fuck.
Being a mid level player in Smash or the FGC is suffering.
new thread
CEO doesn't need Melee. Just because you pay no mind to all the other games at the event doesn't mean it can't run without one game with a bunch of entitled manchildren
>Being a mid level player in Smash or the FGC is suffering
git gud
>implying a Melee God would want to waste his time in tourney with Capcom trash
Keep trying SFcucks. Even Xrd is more respectable.
Well apparently he thought he did because he played both SF4 and 5. And being a "Melee God" doesn't mean jack shit. And I thought Leffen was the "god slayer"?
Justin wong got fucked up in 64 lmao

Fgc cucks
that's not the fgc's fault nor nintendo's

companies are just generous when they offer higher pot bonuses, it's not their onus to make sure you get paid to have fun sitting around playing against other people instead of going to work
This entire post doesnt make any sense, try harder
J wong is great at many games. Leffen is good at like one.
Justin was playing for fun and didn't care if he lost. Leffen was legitimately trying and got mad when he lost.
J. Wong gets shrekted in melee too.
Smash is too different from traditional fighters honestly. The only thing that even slightly translates is the footsies.
He got to winner sides of pools. He beat some scrubs.
And Jwong excels in multiple games unlike smashers who can only play one game
All of the games JWong is good at combined don't have as much depth as Melee, so your point is invalid.
jwong is also good at more than one game, can't say the same for cuckken lmao
To be honest, playing melee takes a lot of effort and time where you can't spend it getting good at other games.
How? These are the biggest tournaments for their respective games and the players who get 7th place can make more money winning a local.
How is that not bullshit?
last I knew of mew2king was pretty solid in melee, brawl, and smash 4
Jwong was able to reaction block overheads thought unreactable. That's impressive as hell.
He's the only one autistic enough to pull it off.
>It's okay when ___ does it because doesn't take itself seriously
This is the first of my favourite memes
So? Whose responsibility do you think that is?
The problem is SF/Smash are near League,CS,Dota,etc. in terms of popularity. If there was more money involved the FGC would even be bigger than it is now.
Nintendo doesn't even throw pot bonuses for Smash 4, like what the fuck? Does Nintendo legit hate money?
>does it hate money
>does it hate money by the gesture of not throwing it away
Honestly Nintendo, I can understand them not putting pot bonuses towards Melee since it's an old as fuck game but why they don't throw a shit ton of cash towards Smash 4 still baffles me.

Even Crapcom and the Obscure Anime video game devs who make GG know to put some pot bonuses towards there game to make people interested.
Oh yeah its great. FGCucks will say that anyone in the FGC could enter any smash game and win. All you have to do is link that one set of jwong getting fucked up in 64 and the backpedalling is godamn hilarious
You don't have to be top 5 to be pretty good at a game. Wizzy and Zero are pretty good across all the games
Why is it so hard for these communities to get along? Surely compromise can be a thing.
it's not their responsibility and maybe they figure it's not going to help sell gams
A 10k/20k pot bonus is literally nothing for a multi million dollar company.
But imagine all the good press that the game would get if Smash 4 had a 20k pot bonus.
Fuck even Leffen who has repeatedly shit on the game would try to git gud to win some Nintendobux.

Pokken would probably be dead if the Pokemon Company didn't throw cash at it.
It's hard to get along because both communities are completely different. It's like having BLM supporters in the same room as a Klan meeting.
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