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Thread replies: 513
Thread images: 157

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I know it's not smart to hype myself up for a game that's scheduled to release a couple years from now but I backed this game already

this game's growing nicely (that fucking indian war music or whatever the fuck holy shit)

>next MN9!
looks like it's not going to happen you little drama whore
Lab Zero has started the campaign with a sick prototype demo in the beginning
and they have kept us updated with development (no more twitch streams because of spoilers)
they also have a pretty good track record with the Skullgirls indiegogo

so, if you've played it, let's talk about the FREE prototype demo we have right now instead of all the dumb politics shit that has happened in past threads

the combat is pretty damn close to a fighting game
I don't know how I feel about that right now because alot of RPG and casuals won't like it
but it'll be fun for me because it's nice when cool stuff is challenging to do
did you anyone else have trouble with the combat?
I didn't know alot of things the first time I lpayed until I accidentally found them

the platforming is kinda bad until you find the secret stuff

with all those character reveals it's a shame there wasn't 5th character so there would a little bit of party building which is going to be big in this game

the secrets are hidden TOO well but apparently it's a metroid thing
I had to look them up. You'll probably have to too.

were you guys able to climb out of the boss pit?
how many tries?
how did you do with the secret boss fight go?
wow that looks like fucking garbage
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oops I fucked up the first link
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mean't for
I gotta say, I appreciate that Lab Zero is keep us updated and has a clear schedule. It helps that they have done this before
The designs are fucking garbage. I wouldn't have believed they were made from the Skullgirls staff if they told me before.
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That's what you get with a Jew in charge of the team.
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yeah they kind of shat out those designs as fast as they can so they had something to advertise their game

too fast though because some of them looked pretty bad at the start (manlet ball man)

MikeZ isn't much of a jew
He put himself in debt when making Skullgirls because he loves making fighting games

Looked like shit during the kickstart drive and it looks like shit now.

I probably won't even bother pirating it, that how little my interest in it is.
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here's mine

why does it look like shit?

might have a couple of those guys you're talking about in here
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Are we ever going to get Valkyrie Profile 3, /v/
the team that did Valkyrie Profile is doing something like that for mobile phones
So is this Valkyrie Profile? That seems pretty cool
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yeah but it's pretty different

VP is turnbased while this is ATB based
the fuck

whats the point of your post to sound like a shill

go fuck yourself what kind of responses are you even expecting
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>secret of mana composer
how did they get him?
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>Xenogears combat system
Ooh baby sign me up
probably by asking because its not like secret of manas music is a fucking masterpiece
wayforward connections I think
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it's pretty critically acclaimed

I don't know much about music since but it sounds it looks like alot of people love it

Can you not fucking see the videos you are posting?

Jesus fucking christ.
>why does it look like shit?

>why does a half-assed Valkyrie Profile ripoff with godawful combat, inconsistent art direction, and terrible character design look like shit?

I don't know. Just one of those unsolvable mysteries, I guess.
sounds like every super nintendo jrpg ever
superdash, parries and combos are cool though

you can't get past the wip animations or something?

>I don't know
>I guess
are you sure? can you explain please?
>I have no reason other than I'm shit posting
>inconsistent art direction
they're going all around the world

of course there's going to be some variety

I already did, friend. Perhaps you should learn how to read. Or maybe that's out of your skill range? It probably is, given that you're the kind of person that likes Indivisible.

A shit brain to go with your shit taste, as it were.
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explain again why the combat is bad

Certainly! Here you go.


Damning evidence right there. Awful, just awful.
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Very good explanation, but I'm going to counter it by showing you this.

>>343674295 (OP)
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nice copout I guess

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art seems cool but combat looks awfull god damn
Actual goobers never gave a shit.
It's the whiny anti-SJWs who think every game that isn't softcore porn is censored trash is whats the fucking cancer of /v/
>that fucking climb
I don't ever want them to do something like that in the main game, that shit was legitamately bad in the demo. The other platforming was ok and the bosses were fun.
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remember it's not the final product

here's some footage of the newer stuff
@ around 24:10
>It's bad because it's bad
The shitters aren't even putting effort into it anymore.
>turn based battles
Fucking why
Aw sweet.
Also don't push too hard, there are some Nevur Evur boys here who will just doomsay everything.
demo spoilers: it sucks

why would i want platforming interupted by jrpg battles. dumbest design decision ever
>He doesn't grasp the concept of active time battles
how's the 80's dipshit?
>turn based battles
Try standing still in the demo and see if the enemies "wait their turn" dumbshit.
The movement died by 2016, all that's left are the hardcore whiners nobody likes
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You're retarded, anon.
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based off Valkyrie Profile

yeah it's pretty niche

calm down

kinda being too mean

you can dodge some fights if you're really good at platforming
That's all it ever was.
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Post a download link to the demo and I will.
replying at multiple posts at a time is confusing
must be nice knowing half your sales come from a fanbase with a weird obsession with your artist
I didn't back it, partially out of bad timing and partially because I've felt burned by too many Kickstarters lately. If it's good, then I'll pick it up when it comes out.

I'm not sure if there's anything new to talk about, so I'm not sure if there is a point to the thread.

>only have a short demo to tide you over
>look up all the secrets hidden in the demo
Nice job spoiling everything for yourself.
Might as well, try the steam version.
Well, it actually looks like Valkyrie Profile.
optimism +1
AX just happened and LZ had a booth, they did talk a bit more about the game.
Did they have a new demo version though. All I can remember are the update streams.
nobody gives a shit about indivisible mike z. fuck off you kike.

pick your favorite
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google indiegogo indivisible

it's also free on steam

you can still back it
>look up all the secrets hidden in the demo
did you find them without looking them up?
Action turn-based has to be the worst kind of combat that exist.
>Action turn based
You mean active time.
And you clearly haven't played any of the really shitty turn based RPGs that go from too easy to ass-blastingly bullshit.
all the flashiness of action games, without the interaction involved!
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it's pretty fun if you're good at meter management
The time of Hrist SHALL come.
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If the combat is gonna be that fast then it has a change of being good. Environments still look like garbage though.

I didn't back it because I disliked the demo heavily and it's still looking like something that I wouldn't like but I can see the improvements and people who backed it will probably be happy.
which one?
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>mobile phone games
it hurts
Who is this cute fairy?
how do people transplant these gay fucking personalities into characters they dont even know
The current environments are CG placeholders.
Demo streams show some interesting changes already with the new weapons.
Think the combat is already at a good pace but ok.
Thanks for a genuine opinion even if it's negative.
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LZ reincarnated Carol as an artist.
The only one that's decent at drawing, that is also the only one with an asian female body
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>this thread

I hate everything. Are you all impressed? Everything's shit and you're shit for liking things I don't like. Don't ask questions, you're shit you shitter. Shit shit shit. Fucking faggot autists. Look how cool and aloof I am. I'm better than you all.
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she's an autist that uses magic indian art sand

there's a bit of info of each incarnation in some site I forgot
If it's anything the real game environments would look like >>343679796
Carol who?
Do people dislike the game because the protagonist is a brown cutie? I really don't see anything wrong with it, the demo was fun.
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painwheel from skullgirls
Indivisible threads have had at least 1-3 of these guys on them since day 1. You learn to laugh at how hard they grasp at the straws.
someone catch me up to why people hate this game. I'm curious especially since it's made by the skull girls team
I think he meant thinking Razmi was a moeblob when she's more of a Tomoko.
wow guy sorry for not having the same opinion as you i guess we all should learn to eat shit! btw, i get the reference, shadow the hedgeghog more like shadow the edge hog amirite?
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non-white, female protagonists trigger /pol/
/pol/fags got really fucking mad and naturally tried to "subtley" redpill this place with some shitty crossposts. I still remember how many shitty ajna recolors there were, it was like sonic but for edgy alt-righters.
People hate the game because characters look like some unholy mixed breed of tumblr and steven universe.
I hated it because I thought it was going to violate the sacred remains of Valkyrie Profile, but looking at the demo seems that devs actually liked it, so who knows, maybe it won't suck that much.
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>Transgender characters
>Gay characters
>Ambiguous gender characters
>Islamic story, backgrounds and characters

I'm staying away from this shit. You people can enjoy your SJW games, but I'm not going to be part of it. Just as a side question, are all of you neo liberal gay people or are you hard working patriotic type? I'm the latter but this game and its support makes me question if you are all new to this site or if I had you people pegged wrongly years and years ago.
>If I'm not spoonfed Samurai/Knight saves the princess for the millionth time it's garbage
Literally who? The SJW boogieman gets weaker every thread.
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>Creator of Skullgirls

>hired Zone

>pic related

Also, what part of
>don't talk about dumb politics shit
did you not understand
/pol/ please stop generalizing everything you hate on to something.
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I want to drink from thorani.
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kind of ironic seeing how the image you used has a character from a game that has all of those
Patriotism is literally retarded. You should have no love for your country and you should be inherently distrustful of your government.
Anyone got that picture of Yan trying to eat a hot dog?
>don't talk about dumb politics shit
>did you not understand

It just FEELS like propaganda. There's too much shit in the water and I'm doubting if someone is trying to pull a fast one on me. You fuckers gave Undertale more bull for the shit it pulled but I seriously think y'all are trying to ruse me when we choose to ignore the elephant in the room that this game has.

I'm literally seeing a fuccboi man, a girlman and a queer RIGHT THERE. It's like I'm taking crazy pills.
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nope sorry
>Transgender characters
>Gay characters
>Ambiguous gender characters
>Islamic story, backgrounds and characters
How's street fighter than dipshit?
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ziggurats .jpg
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Ajna is going to travel the world

of course there's going to be some variety of characters and archetypes
>Transgender characters

Poison is a female, that was just the one incident that was lost in translation that fans have run away with. Capcom has officially said they are female for decades.

>Gay characters

I don't remember any in SFighter, point them out to me cause Capcom has done a swell job at keeping that hidden from me.

>Ambiguous gender characters

The female fighters have muscles, and they don't hide their gender with long garbs, masks and acts.
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Nice try Achmed. You are getting bombed and you will like it.
>diversity is always bad!
the boss is fucking bullshit
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>Designing unique looking characters with no modern politics behind them is propagandist
Faggot they aren't marching down the temples shouting BLM.
Is guilty gear an SJW game now?
Fucking Zarya in OW is more SJW looking than anyone in Indivis and people dropped that shitposting on launch.
Some faggots just can't see the world unless it's under their bullshit political conspiracy.
yeah what they showed at the panel was sick

>cross counter
>fucking suplex any enemy
>new weapons
>actual lighting in-engine

and what I appreciate the most
>initiative in battles so you can go fast

count me the fuck in

Yeah, this is what I would expect a retard with no defense to say, and you're the first one to pull out the race card in this entire thread, which I haven't even mentioned once.

At least you are showing your cowards colors early you piece of shit.
Holy fuck that looks good.
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why is there so much hate
I'd expect a retard to honestly say diversity is always bad. Because your only argument is that being different or not being generic as shit makes you the liberal agenda. Fuck off back to /pol/
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the world is cruel
>play demo
>expecting Valkyrie Profile
>it isn't Valkyrie Profile

Nah, I'm good. Thanks.
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just some concept eric showed off on stream for literally 2 seconds

they say it's still work in progress but I'd be plenty satisfied with the final game looking like that, especially these environments
It's a game about traveling the world and /pol/ pretends their crossposts on /v/ are believable.
>Fucking Zarya in OW is more SJW looking than anyone in Indivis

But that is objectively wrong. Look at the roster, and tell me with a straight face that isn't SJW to the extreme. Zarja is only one character and to my knowledge, there aren't any others in O.Watch that appear to be gay, transgender or more. In this image alone >>343675879
, I can point out 7 at a glance that appear to mentally ill over their genders.
Oh look, another shill, I'm off /v/, go fuck yourself.
Eagle was pretty goddamn gay.
See ya, you are probably still on /v/ anyway :3.
The begging was strong enough to actually turn me off.
this company has a great art style but consistently god awful character designs

You are full on mad and not even on topic. My argument was that the SJW element in this game is strong. Point out in my posts that I said racial diversity was bad?

I'm probably more diverse than you, you huevo.
Looks like absolute trash. I remember it only barely met its funding goal.

I suspect everyone who would want to buy a copy backed it.
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that's not how you use commas

see ya anon
You sound like somebody's dissaproving, redneck father.
>I can make up new backstories for 7 character designs I don't like to further my political agenda
fuck demo

There's only one blatantly gay character, and he's no more offensive than anything you see in an average JRPG.
Implications of your comment:
>Diversity = SJW element
>SJW = Bad
>Therefore Diversity = Bad
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they got cocky with their skullgirls indiegogo

they thought all they needed was a decent prototype demo to carry their campaign but nope

they didn't really have a plan after that so they went crazy

remember, Lab Zero would've disbanded if it failed
Except it's not, there are no modern politics in this game. But because it's made right now you have to inject them into it.
By that logic pretty much every fightan and RPG right now is SJW.
Shoo shoo shill.

Every one loved and adored Skullgirls. Old /v/ did everything they could to get a healthy online community going. I was there and part of it.

Then this shit fling comes along and no one likes it, except neo-/v/. I'm not here to diss Indivisible or say that it's shit, I enjoyed the demo. I'm just here to understand what caused /v/ to change so much that heavy handed SJW manipulation has become acceptable.
i deleted it like 5 mins in. it's garbage in my opinion. that side scrolling crap turns me off to most games with exception of Mario for the nes.
Except you did nothing to prove SJW sentiment other than the fact the game isn't all japan or europe like every other video game.
Your only argument was literally the diverse roster with no story or character involved you retard.
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this dog is straight up Killua from HxH
Neo-/v/ hates this game, aren't you looking at this fucking thread?
It's literally just "LZ is SJW now because reasons so trash" just like you.

I wanna lick her clean.
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yeah it's a niche genre
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You are desperately confused with what constitutes a SJW and what doesn't. Race, doesn't. Religion, doesn't. A SJW is someone that defends a person's right to gender identity and sexual degeneracy.

That is what I'm seeing with this game, and as a proud straight male, I simply cannot comprehend the board's acceptance to this taboo subject. My qualm mostly rests with you people, not accepting anything remotely like this 4 years ago, then suddenly being cool with it. I'm still here, I haven't changed.

It's you /v/.

You have changed.
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Ajna is a top qt.
because /v/ is full of shit posters.
>cute brown grill
>exposed feet
Might buy. Looks kinda fun.
hopefully the big bad won't get censored

Brown girl best girl.
>people shitting on a prototype
>when it looked so fucking good

At least they actually had a really decent prototype ready for the indiegogo, instead of most devs when they just say: Pay money for my idea and I have nothing to show you.
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she's great

I want her to absorb me
You're on the board that used to have fucking daily trap threads.
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I want to bite her brown buns.
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>I'm not the weird one for forcing and SJW agenda with the only arguement being "IT JUST IS WAKE UP SHEEPLE" It's you, you're wrong. This video game literally wants me to go out and marry a male dog can't you see it?
Fuck /pol/ the "wake up" arguement doesn't work if that's all you say.
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>I give a shit about what other people do in the privacy of their bedrooms
I wish shills would shill a game that was actually good. This plays worse than Shantae and doesn't even have a fun gimmick, at least the transformations in Shantae are fun because of all the new stuff you can do with them. This has nothing going for it except furfag designs and pandering.
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>At least they actually had a really decent prototype ready

It was decent, but it still failed to meet basic funding and the dev studio took out a loan plus they extended the funding dead line. I don't know whom they are making Indivis for, but it's certainly not for fighting game lovers, or straight men between the ages of 16-30.

If you associate with gay people then you might be gay as well. Indivis just reeks of SJW stench.
>this prototype plays worse than this full game
absolute madman
Sad thing is actually having a demo was so marginal for them that they admit that they should have just advertised and gloated like everyone else did.
This thread just continues to show that a company can literally put the GAME first and neo-/v/ and /pol/ will still try to kill it because muh SJW boogeymans conspiracy everywhere.

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>main character isn't white
>so the game must be sjw propaganda
Never change /v/
Usually, the most homophobic are closeted.

Got any fessing up?
>Being gay or knowing gays makes you SJW
/pol/ with the subtlety of a fucking machine gun in the maternity ward.
>I give a shit about what other people do in the privacy of their bedrooms

Morals and standards have to be upheld. If everyone is a lazy degenerate piece of shit, then you have what happened to the EU become common place. Weak people can't defend their way of life, strong people can.

It's /pol/ retards. /v/ loves brown girls.
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Would you a kunoichi (male)?
>prototype made in 2015(16?) plays worse than a fucking GBC game from over a decade ago because the vast majority of effort was put into making purdy furfag pandering instead of a fun game
No wonder they had to extend funding and hire people to push the game on /v/.
>MY morals and standards have to be upheld

ftfy ;)
What is this game even about all I see is retarded /pol/lacks whining about SJWs and funding
>vast majority of effort was put into making purdy furfag pandering instead of a fun game
Nigga what the literal flying fuck.
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>what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms determines how hard a worker they are
shit nigger what are you doing ignore the threads and go play the free prototype
It's a subpar platformer that seems like it belongs on the Ouya coupled with a mildly interesting combat mechanic that was made by skullgirls devs so it's being shilled on /v/.
Try this demo and form your own genuine opinion.>>343682018
>Got any fessing up?

Yes pastor.

This isn't the place or fan base to discuss Indivisible. The game and its fans belong on Reddit. I'm just one person but it is clear this game gets shit on all the time on this board. Should just take the hint and make like a tree.

nah, fuck off dweeb
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>talking about a game is shilling
this is probably the worst meme that happened to /v/
Look at the character designs - are you telling me that those character designs suck? Because you're absolutely fucking retarded if you think so. The character design is the only thing this excuse of a prototype has going for it. Platforming sucks ass and fucking 2retro5u pixelshit on Steam plays better than it. Combat needs to be fleshed out because right now it's incredibly shallow, but it has potential. All in all, it never should have been funded, and the only reason it was is because of the pandering character design. If the characters were all human, it wouldn't have made the extension. If you present a prototype for your potential game and the gameplay portion of the prototype has nothing going for it, who exactly are you trying to get to fund your game? Guess what, it's not people that play video games.
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I swear these Indivisible threads bring out the most obvious fucking /pol/ redpills in the entirety of /v/.
Like do these guys genuinely think this is how /v/ sees the world and would just go "yeah, shit on anything brown or queer, it's the liberal agenda making you an SJW"
anon you're wasting your time shitposting on /v/ about gays you are plenty degenerate
Ok I'll try the demo myself I guess.
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so about that prototype demo, where can I go vote for Hillary in it?

does she turn into one punch man or is that just the unfinished animation
>science backs up my statements
>which is why i'll rely anecdotal evidence instead
I'm pretty sure the faggots who spend all day at the gym and nightclubs could take your NEET keyboard warrior ass and pound it raw any day.
then they rape you for the laugh
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>anon you're wasting your time shitposting on /v/ about gays you are plenty degenerate

Degenerate about god country and family, which I'll viciously defend with zeal. Thank you very much.

Want to see my collection of war incidents?
7/10 shitpost
Joke was lazy AF but you posted ajna boobs.
I was interested until this webm here. I no longer have any interest in this game thanks to this webm. I hate platformers and they are easily my worst genre.

Thank you savior of the white race. Your constant shitposting on /v/ has counteracted the white genocide and made you into a legendary hero and not a complete fucking loser who latches on to retarded /pol/ memes because he has nothing else to live for.
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pic related is probably in this thread right now
>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
what does this have to do with indivisible
Just play Valkyrie Profile, faggot.

Indivisible is single-handedly causing the downfall of white civilization and declining white birth rates because the main character is a brown girl.
Nothing, you have to get used to /pol/ thinking it can make /v/ great again while we actually try to discuss the game and encourage people to play the demo and offer genuine criticism.

>that slight boob jiggle when she releases the arrow
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when's pic related going to be in the game?
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It's been proven time and again. This is backed with graph, math and real world examples. SJW and their ilk work less hours, easier jobs, and can't hold down a family.

I know not all of them are like this, but the bulk. I'll take hard working mexicans over whiny SJW any day of the week. Even Slavs know better.
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probably already is

they stopped streaming game development because of spoilers
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Spot on.

indivisible girl is cuter though, like some sort of nausicaa mixed with mononoke
>supporting immigration

Fuck off.

any updates on the playable beta?
>work less hours, easier jobs
>literally arguing that a higher quality of life is a bad thing

This is why /pol/cucks shouldn't be allowed to vote.
You joke, but I'd play the shit out of it
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Most Skull Girls desings were nice enough, but after looking at all the characters for these game they must be the most boring bunch around, i only liked 3 and that's including a cameo character.
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I don't get why /v/ shits on this game so much, it looks miles better than mighty no.9 and it's being made by the skullgirls guys, what is wrong here? Is this bizzarro world.

The Incredible Shrub and Rainbow One Piece are top tier.
did you reply to the wrong post?
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you are homophobic, racist, close minded, and wrong. you don't even know their back stories yet or have played them don't judge not all gays kk
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>military tough guy fighting the big bad vidya SJWs is still here
Your posts get funnier each time. Got any other badass webms from your legit wardog days?
Why didn't they just make most of the characters cute and white? That way the game would have sold a lot because of waifu pandering.
Not him, but I agree with him: I, too, would rather take a Mexican who won't cry because there's no wifi on the job than a SJW who will cry when he gets a splinter.

They can't hold a family because they work at Starbucks anon.
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they said at the end of this year for backers only (maybe)
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>I was interested until this webm here.
>for backers only
doubt it, LZ doesn't do that stuff
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This picture is missing the DLC character, Wo-manman. Not even a complete roster.
>This is how /pol/ sees the world of vidya outside of CoD
It all makes so much sense know, god FF and GGXrd must look like some kind of pansexual super orgy to you people.
you don't have to do that to finish the prototype demo

yeah it's pretty hard
No, it's a totally not /pol/ raiding us episode.
don't worry anon that's optional stuff for those that have gotten good

for the retards they implemented the right d-pad button so you can get a nice big and flashy "YOU WIN" text
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>Your posts get funnier each time. Got any other badass webms from your legit wardog days?

I've never been in a war, oniichan. I just own heat and pretend like I do once a season, if even.
If it's any consolation that's just to get to the bonus area. The actual demo has pretty reasonable platforming.
OR they just choose not to play a game that has a cheesy mechanic in it that serves no purpose to the core game itself. If I wanted to do platforming puzzles, I'd go play Quake.

FFS I had a game idea that was 90% similar to this thing
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>first enemy you encounter tries to lick you
Looks great. Would buy if she stops turning into paper draw when animated.
That's the early animation. It'll eventually look like the normal stuff. SG characters had the same thing. Try the steam demo.
I recommend you jump out of the window then, best platforming you'll ever have
I don't really like how it suddenly transitions from level navigation into battles. Plus the battles themselves look like some combo-driven beat-em-up shit. I don't need that in my RPGs. It lacks substance.
Wow, Mike, it was just a joke. He must have really hurt your feelings in order for you to pull both the /pol/ AND the CoD cards
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Don't worry White Anons, I made a White NPC for you, he will appear with George. At first he was with that afro man with a scythe but I changed him for two reasons.
they always do it like that so it's playable and tweakable as soon as possible

they'll fix it

holy shit it's like a matrix platformer, dem moves
fuccbois and manwomen are Japanese things just as much as western ones and we think the Japs are redpilled. You're just being triggered.
So did a company
in 1999
they've been pretty forward about it being very heavily Valkyrie Profile inspired
Because it's not mostly white despite taking place in an ancient Silk Road setting.
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>told by ESRB to give the protagonist at least some spandex for WIP videos because the unfinished sprite ran around naked

top kuk
dat ass tho
MikeZ is a hardcore
>sex is bad u guise!!!!!
self hating male

Artist is friends with Brian Wu

Zone's last two animations were short and shit

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inner realm.png
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>taking place in an ancient Silk Road setting.
she's going all around the whole world
The character doesn't mesh with the background at all.
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>The guy who made fucking SKULLGIRLS is anti-sex
uh huh, do go on
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>sex is bad u guise!!!!!
yeah totally

guy is a legend
The whoosh screen into battles is one of the wost aspects of old JRPGs. Complete waste of time.
Not really.
SoM had a pretty unique soundtrack.

Generic OSTs usually don't stick around in your mind for this long, if at all.
>drawing one art before the game bombed is BFFs
>Downplaying how LZ's artists draw mountains of lewd and porn
The fucking reach
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MikeZ only says that stuff because he has a wife now

Mariel wants to fuck Brian

Zone has done more than that
he had a big hand in animating the protototype demo boss and pic related I think
Ignoring those Facebook posts huh?
I do that to get out of my house quite often. Its faster than going around.
Yes anon, I know you ignore the posts. That's why you have to spout bullshit and hope everyone listens and believes you.
I don't know about these people sjws but if they make more of these sex characters I feel like I won't mind at all.
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Facebook is for normie fags, why would you pay attention to anything anyone posts there
What I pay attention to is the scantily clad ladies with jiggling tits that are everywhere in Skullgirls and the fact that he hired a fucking pornographer to work on his game

buttmad sonygger
Yeah fag I browse mechafetus instead.

:tips bonfire:
>why would i want platforming interupted by jrpg battles

who said you need to want it, you are like SJWs that scream WHY WOULD I WANT TO PLAY AS A MALE HURRDURR, well guess fucking what maybe some people do and maybe it's not for you, so fuck off.
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>mfw every indivisible thread turns to liquid shit because of babby's first /pol/ argument based on knowing next to nothing about Lab Zero
Wanting Skullgirls 2 is truly the deepest of suffering.
>why would i want platforming interupted by jrpg battles. dumbest design decision ever
because it's an RPG first and foremost, and a platformer second

you know, just like valkyrie profile did
Careful, you'll cause a wild fire that way.
Every time this game comes up, I keep seeing people talk about "I didn't back it" as if it was over. It's still open for funding even now. I don't know why Lab Zero never advertises this. If they had been, they probably could have reached their next stretch goal.

Maybe that says a thing or two about Valkyrie Profile's quality. Or its lack of thereof. Or the lack of it in Tri-Ace games in general.
Battles in JRPGs were always "interrupted" with running around bits. More platforming to those running around bits is fine unless you're an autist.
I would like to talk about updates and stuff. But /pol/ won't ever get over this game being funded or looking good.
Skullgirls 2 will only happen if autumn can pull it's shit together. Thankfully Konami isn't capable of fucking with LZ anymore.
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they pretty much confirmed SG2 at AX today though

also, why are you surprised? or still care about shitposters? these threads have been shit 3 days into the campaign

just sit back, watch the game turn out to be great and see the shitposters eat their words yet again
Fuck off valkyrie profile is great
or maybe it just says a thing or two about your vidya taste quality
Yeah, it has a late backer program for stretch goals. Really wanna hit that full VA. I need that Zahra singing in this game.
No, it's a mobille spinoff. The game will have canon story and possibly fund more SG in the future. But hold breath on that.
Yeah, it does.

1. Mine's great.
2. Yours blows.
shitposters ruin my hype to be completely honest

it's like I don't want to hear about indivisble if it comes with all this crying attached to it every time
Go to the general then
Don't bother, no one is going to listen to you. But do know that I share your opinion. VP is overrated shit.
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>yo Ahad let's keep this PG-13 so we're not scaring away the Ameriprudes
>implying I don't have friends whose politics I disagree with
>complete nonargument against how "problematic" Zone is
Great post to show the level of intellect of the contrarians
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>Thankfully Konami isn't capable of fucking with LZ anymore.
inb4 L0 loses all proprietary rights to SG in a lawsuit from Konami after they find a corporate loophole
inb4 cerebella in her bunny suit becomes a pachinko machine mascot and we never see the rest of the cast ever again
yeah but they explicitly said that - given they have the financial means - they'll use those new SG mobile characters as a base for new characters in a full Skullgirls 2

letting others dictate what you like and dislike is 50 times worse than brainless shitposting
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that Skullgirls mobile phone game is a "fuck you" to Konami isn't it?
>go to the general
>waifuposting and talking about this thread
>otherwise it's dead as fuck
Imma exercise some self control with this game and avoid news/update/demos.
Its seems like the kinda game that is more enjoyable in bulk.

Sorry if that doesnt add much to your thread, I just felt like sharing.
Who gave a fuck about Skullgirls in the first place? That game's community is so small and irrelevant you'd have a hard time finding any people to play it with in the first place. A bunch of my friends either bought and/or got gifted the game a couple of years ago and no one ever got the incentive to play it for more than like 3 sessions. Hell, nobody even bothered watching tourneys for the game or anything. It's a fucking joke.
>why would I want my JRPG battles to be interrupted by dungeon walks
>why would I want my JRPG battles to be interrupted by overworld walks
>why would I want my JRPG battles to be interrupted by cinematics
Shhh. Shhh.
No need to mention he who destroys the franchises little ones. They can't hurt us anymore.
>LZ is a company that went indie to fuck over konami and neo-/v/ hates them
Are there any more pictures of the MC? Cute girl.
I still like the game, I just don't want to talk about it anymore because it's too bothersome
I get it

they showed a new move at the AX panel that I kind of wish I had witnessed for myself whenever the game's out
nobody's forcing you to talk about it you know?

you chose to click on this thread yourself

sure enough there are
Just let the gems shine out from the chaff.
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Skullgirls tourney scene is doing alright

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Cute pairing.
>SG tourneys are growing
> this years CB tourney was the biggest
> le unimportant dead game
Not like =\= unimportant
yeah here she is
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online is pretty alive due to based GGPO netcode and the steam sale
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"I only watch EVO and don't actually play fighting games competitively" the post
Good luck finding any IRL friends to git gud with, though.
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how'd you know that I don't have any irl friends...
>any IRL friends to git gud with
no decent player EVER needed IRL friends to get good with
I don't think I want to be friends with you.
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shill thread, but I liked it.

and I hated skullgirls so the demo surprised me.

artstyle was really more my style than skullgirls/ like those old animes from the 80's/.

the combat was tricky getting used to , since the buttons change depending on where you are looking in battle. liked the platforming elements too, but there should be more regular fighting along with the rpg battles.

still have the demo loaded, since its pretty fun.
>since the buttons change depending on where you are looking in battle
there's an option you can toggle so that they don't do that anymore
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>white people getting this triggered about pocs

how can an ethnicity be so fucking pathetic
Then how the hell do you have any incentive to play and master the game in the first place? Even an autismus maximus like M2K had friends that he would go out and practice with back in the day. FGs in general are a couch multiplayer community - one which I never grew up with because all my friends played shooters and racing games then switched to strategy games and MOBAs.
>white people are an ethnicity
let me guess you don't play fighting games
>people of color
A phrase conducive to the "us and them" mentality.
Not anymore, I don't. I used to a while back in college, but none of my friends care about them anymore and I don't either. I just watch the occasional tourney here and there. Most multiplayer games are like that - if there's no peer pressure, nobody plays them.
You can toggle the buttons to not do that.
But very interesting opinion anon. Check out the AX update that shit looks great.
SG still has great Leeds though right?
Nice false flag /pol/. Nobody cares
This game looks like shit imo
I want to fugg Peter
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>AX update

>SG still has great Leeds

I literally have no idea what any of these mean. I wasn't big on SG. if you mean tidday animation? then sure.
Hi there zone-shit go back and draw my porn
Those aren't zigguarts. That location = is a combination of the Aztec captial of Tenochtitlan with SE asian pyramid designs instead of mesoamerican ones.

You being a retard for seeing a shill in everything aside, what did you dislike about skullgirls? personally, it's the most flawless game i've ever played. (Not the best game, but the one with the least flaws).
>Lewds was autocorrected
I meant that, and also the updates past demo
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>Facebook meme smiley
> le white people so racist amirite
Can't wait for the /pol/ack who posted this to screencap is as proofs of the big bad SJW boogeyman
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you called?
ah yes, another mash attack to win game, to be excited about
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>some shitty irrelevant game that only exists so i can masturbate to porn of it
>redditors and /pol/tards arguing each other
this board is garbage
>thinks you can mash.
I'd love to see you whine about running out of meter in like 3 seconds or string any kind of high damage combo
>seeing a shill in everything
no, just these threads. no one ever talks about this game unfortunately. if you aren't a shill, conglaturations. but thread feels like a survey.

I just couldn't get into it. felt like a me too fighter instead of its own thing. and it felt like an anime fighter instead of traditional sf or mk.
its a big reason I hated marvel 3. that felty like an anime fighter too. though I admit, SG was a bit more complex than typical anime fighters. just didn't keep my attention.
Oh don't like anime fighters. That makes sense then.
Welcome to /v/ where saying something good about any game that isn't OW, Souls, Witcher, or Doom nonstop makes you a shill.
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>look at my le epic digits
>I'm so high and mighty!
>I masturbate to cartoons
you're garbage too
I firmly agree with those last 2
mean't for
But razmi is sexy. Mariel confirmed it
lol OW threads had a bunch of people calling OP's shills.

eventually they realized it was actual players once the game released and people were still talking about it.

battleborn threads though, those were shills. or trolls. or trolly shills.
Faggot this place is like owg now. It's like we can't go a day without OW waifu threads on the catalogue
OW and souls are way too over posted here though. It's like they don't even need a general because there's always 2-4 threads up at once for them
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those secrets were hidden nicely

I like it
lol so true.

no homo
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razmi is best girl motherfucker
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I have 6 of these. Should I keep posting the rest?
Ikr, I like them but you literally can only talk about them here. You might as well go to /vg/ with all the shitposter a here
go ahead

the kind of discussion that stuff would cause is better than the politics stuff I'm tired of
They I don't know why, they're pretty embarrassingly bad.
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urumis are kind of retarded in real life but it is a cool concept imo

vid related
Dude are you even reading it? It's basically /pol/ tries to roast this game but put 0 effort in
yeah but the roasting is not /pol/ related
How is it /pol/? How is it 0 effort? Prove any of the criticisms outlined in any of the images wrong. The only people who get bootyblasted about these images are Indivisishill fanboys with no sense of humor (or taste in vidya given that they're fans of this game... er, non-game, since it doesn't even exist yet.)
Somehow I don't think all those Battleborn threads shitting on the game and the "Bored of Overwatch yet :^)" ironic shitposting was done by shills.
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Arms are important part of the ballet form, are they not? How retarded.
it's funny that the tungar one proves itself wrong in the same image within two paragraphs or whatever
>he doesn't know that the urumi is an actual weapon
No they definitely aren't. They have the best reach of any concealable weapon. And in the hands of s master only a shield can repel attacks. It actually combines most of the best qualities of whips and swords
>The female fighters have muscles, and they don't hide their gender with long garbs, masks and acts.
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Nanananana Nagaman!
>they also have a pretty good track record with the Skullgirls indiegogo

I mean they did ship something but skullgirls was a crap game.
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Best for last.
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3 dollars.webm
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>skullgirls was crap
it was a good fighting game if you're into those
All that fucking green text.
It's like looking at an alt-right 14 year olds blogspot.
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looks good
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I know this is a bait image, but "Naga Rider" is obviously a shoutout to Kamen Rider, not SJWs. Shit I mad.
why doesn't that girl have pants
When you're done read this
because the dick
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lab zero is a sjw company that doesn't like pants
>dur reading is hard :(
Prove any of the points wrong.
Maximum autism, maximum triggered.

Also the purple hair is directly from a Greek myth where someone got their hair dyed purple for some reason.
I haven't been keeping up with it but that looks cool. Glad I backed it.
They are doing it, especially because you will still be able to back it when the beta is playable.
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Just how damn long and ranting those greentexts got says a hell of a lot more about how much this OP desperately wants people to hate this game than any real criticism of it.
It's so full of neo-/v/ buzzwords and "lel so clever" one sided comebacks, feels like some 14 year old on /pol/ did it in like 2 minutes.
You're demanding that we be as triggered as the creator of those clearly is?
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thanks! when this game comes out, I'm going to get so many (you)s with these
>act like colossal faggots online, getting triggered about irrelevant shit
The irony is absolutely staggering.
I'll get it when it comes out
being able to do balet without arms would impress people I'm sure
Sorry but there's a lot of shit the creator had to point out, doesn't mean it's bad just because you get triggered by /pol/. Not that it even is /pol/, just because you disagree with the ideas stated.
me too

if the demo update is backer only I might just do a dollar if they let you do that
There's too much desperate digging and autistic nitpicking for these not to be an elaborate troll.
Damn, you got me. I want to keep Mariel as healthy as possible and that involves paying for her shitty game so that she can eat.
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>Anime hair colors is now SJW
>Kubrik stare is now SJW
>Honestly says this plagarazes DBZ
>Wearing a metal bikini is now SJW because he thinks she's ugly
>"stretch marks" are actually battlescars retard
>Obese character has abs and biceps
>5 points are "It's SOOO SJW IN MEAN COME ON PEOPLE" repeated ad-naseum in the most focred way to sound so clever and funny
>A snarky fat quip lel
>Complaining about essentaily DS greatbows
>Assumes the husband is lebin cuck maymay with no proof
>Every parent who has to leave a kid out of their custody is a bad parent
I fucking lost so many brain cells having to call your dumb shit. Holy fuck it was worse than I skimmed.
>desperate digging
>autistic nitpicking
So this is what fanboys call valid criticism of anything they like, I see. I assure you I'm not trolling, at least I don't intend to. I believe the creator of these images raised a lot of valid concerns about the art direction of the game. If you'd like to refute any of them with me please feel free to open up that dialog but otherwise kindly be quiet.
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i cant belive how hard they tried with these pictures

I am into fighting games. It wasn't a good one.
I never say I was gonna pay for it though
I ain't triggered son, this shit is laughably bad. Like he could have put some effort in but he chickened out and just typed what he thought would make neo-/v/ agree with him. It's not like /pol/'s "redpilling" is new to this place.
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Except LZ already streams and has a forum to shill their game.
Why would they come to this shithole?
It's supposed to be a little funny, too, as well as offering legit criticism, I think. I'm glad you got the joke. Unlike this guy
>call out my shit
Calls out your shit
>lel you so Triggered son haha
different hair colors might be biological in that world

I think it'll be hard for fatties to cling onto a character that has abs and muscle arms
those thighs won't be enough

they're probably going to fix her thighs with muscles like how they made the ball man less of a manlet

phoebe did nothing wrong
You're dumb.
>why would marketers want to market in places they're not already marketing in?
It's completely desperate and not at all valid
>wahh "shamaness" isn't a word (false)
>I'mma be a selective moralfag to complain about how the asshole character treats spirits selfishly
>I'm not aware urumis are real and I'mma just literally make shit up about Tungar's dev process
>more moralfag whining about cowboy man, literal reverse-feminist whining about male stereotypes
>cripples trigger me, screw objective arguments, also whining about "exploitation", another SJW tactic
>ironically complaining about SJWs getting in stupid internet fights while doing exactly the same thing
>ignorant about the story about purple hair, more whining about SJWs, nothing objective
These are all absolutely embarrassing dude, only partly because of the effort put into them. The creator, which I believe to be you, should be embarrassed.
>Prove me wrong ------ Ha triggered!
is it
>tiny poorfag indie company has spare money for to pay for marketers

>skullgirls fans, the cause of the waifu wars of old

which one is more likely?
They were happy to tell the feminists to fuck off in SG's early days
>I'm glad you got the joke.
This is dictionary "merely pretending".
No, you would have to be some kind of idiot to take these images at face value and seriously believe the OP didn't have a sense of humor about him when they were created. >>343699784 literally cites Napa's armor and shit, which is clearly untrue. If you weren't so butthurt that someone else doesn't like something you do like maybe you would get that.
They still must be doing it given all the fanservice still in it.
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running out.jpg
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>prove it wrong, it's a VALID CRITICISM
>wow you took it that seriously. WAS JUST A JOKE BRO
you're hitting merely pretending levels that shouldn't exist anon.


>it's a legit concern
>it was just a prank bro
pics of thorani or the mc helping this character get into those tights please
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ritsu a shit.gif
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do I really sound like this

I guess I wouldn't be that great of a marketer

maybe I'm too old
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How about this I just found:
Better than all the fucking (you) lords /pol/ing up the place
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Rin for sure theres no other option
>talking about a game = cancer of /v/
I don't give a shit what you think about it, I just wanted to see posts. You don't have to try so hard in your shill though.
Say something nice about LZ and I'll post one of thorani.
What's that little girl bouncing on?
>literal copy of Kamen Rider
>based off SJWs, even though he's created by the Japanese who don't give a shit about them, in an age where they probably weren't even aware of them
You better hope these are trolling, the alternative is that you are droolingly retarded.
francesa is cute
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>"shamaness" isn't a word (false)
Pic related.

>>I'mma be a selective moralfag to complain about how the asshole character treats spirits selfishly
>hur dur i don't recognize humor when I see it

>>more moralfag whining about cowboy man, literal reverse-feminist whining about male stereotypes
>whining about whining
Your whining proves nothing and doesn't refute anything. Explain to me why it is necessary for that character to store ammo on his fucking hat. And why is said hat so pointy?

>screw objective arguments,
Lol what objective arguments? Is this bait? This has gotta be bait at this point.

>getting in stupid internet fights while doing exactly the same thing
What? It's a picture. It's an inanimate object. What are you even talking about?

>>ignorant about the story about purple hair,
Protip son it doesn't matter what excuse they provide SJW hair is SJW hair, deal with it.
unsubtle / 10

You tried.
Maybe that's the point

So many games these days make them hard to pick out of the background
I have one dude who will play it.

SG is undeniably has a sort of Arcana Heart but more explicitly lewd thing going on. The waifu fighter aspects turn people off which is one of the reasons I think the game didn't take off as much as it could have, besides the game's REALLY iffy state at launch.

For SG, finding local players is hard, but thankfully the netcode is actually pretty damn good and right now there are actually people playing online right now so it isn't that big of a deal like it is for some other games like GGXXAC+R, which I fucking love but can't play since no one I know locally wants to play it and the netcode is fucking abysmal.
Wow, that looks like hot garbage.
The former because shills don't cost much. The devs themselves could be doing it for free, even. It doesn't take much to shill a product.
>>hur dur i don't recognize humor when I see it
Just stop.
Stop responding to the obvious troll, you idiots.
>>it was just a prank bro
Strawman. Probably unintentional. Learn to read idiot.

As a whole of your comment I would point out that you seem to lack an understanding that something can attempt to be humorous while also being critical. These two conditions are not mutually exclusive you fucking idiot.
>Not refuting the arguements and just insulting the people who posted them
>STOP WHINING ABOUT MY WHINING that's an arguement.
The height of /pol/ arguementation ladies and gentlemen.
are you a paid indivisible antishill?

did yanderedev/exavaphone or whatever the fuck pay you
are you the shit dev autist himself?
get a belt
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Oh I wish it were some dev or marketer getting paid to shill these threads. In reality it's 2 idiots from neogaf who come here to shill another person's game which you can't even buy yet for free.
Troll or no, someone is assravaged enough about this game to put that much effort in, which is great. I went from not caring about this game to actually sort of liking it based on the retarded behaviour of the butthurt brigade.
>my tastes are so refined I see the real brilliance of these posts and you arguments are just WHINING
Or elastic on your waistband.

Or pants that have more than a 1" zipper.

And for that matter, when you're wearing slut shorts, it doesn't really matter if your ass is hanging out, everyone can see the exact contours of your anatomy anyway.
I'm glad I'll be able to enjoy one of their games because I just can't stand Skullgirls, it's too marvel for me
She doesn't need a belt, she's complaining about having an extremely low waist to thigh circumference ratio. She's saying she has fat thighs.
It's not trolling just because you don't like it. I tried, and succeeded overwhelmingly, in blowing the person I was replying to, the fuck out.

>Just stop.
Okay, since you have tapped out of the debate I will stop thrashing you. That must be what you meant since my response was clearly not trolling.
But a belt solves all the problems of the waistband being too big
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goddamn this looks undeniably fuckin good
Any game that triggers /pol/ so badly they have to make cringey greentexts and redpill comics all over the fucking place is worth my time.
Stay salt you crossposting fucks.
For what it's worth, I don't think you're a troll. I think you're a paid shill Lab Zero hired to make their haters like like teenage sperglords.
What are you, gay? Let Mariel show her buttcrack all she wants.
Brokern record reply: Go play the demo on steam bro
shills is a good meme
Why would they hire a shill to make the haters look the same as the fans?
They're not fat, she just has wide hips
I would have prefer it not having the Valkyrie Profile combat.
I felt VP's gameplay was mindless back then too

I love a good 2D sidescroller game though.
>I know you are but what am I
Yeah man, you're totally over 18.
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Neither, in the last thread they were exposed as neofaggots. Why not discuss your waifus and how much you'd like to blow Kike Z over there?
It looks to me like she does too much leg day and doesn't work her core enough.
poor mariel
I wonder how many fatties got triggered by this
>>I know you are but what am I
This sentiment perfectly captures the essence of the mentality of the average Indivisishill fan.
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Why is this woman so thicc down there?
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>"I know you are but what am I" stated differently
This is just too much fun
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not nuna.jpg
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There need to be more lewds of someone other than Ajna.
mariel is hot as fuck even though she is a fucking nerd
>stated differently
Do you really think that's what happened? Holy shit you're bad at reading.
hey paranoid anon

I hope you are eating healthy, enjoying life, and taking your pills

have a nice day
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>shilling on /v/? lol dat cud nevr hapn
>i so clever n smug heehee
And there's plenty more where this came from.
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So why do you keep making these threads? There is nothing to discuss. You are shilling a game that can't be bought for free. Every thread you spam the same pictures and beg people to download the prototype. Just why?
That honestly just looks like what most people post during summer/winter sales. That shit is going on right now for steam's sale, it's in the catalogue right now.
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say no more
Any evidence Lab Zero does this?
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ajna's razmi impression.png
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hey paranoid, samefagging anon, there was new indivisible stuff yesterday
>Just had an update = nothing to discuss
>implying /v/ talks about free games
Seriously what? Not him but are you genuinely retarded?
What new stuff? It's the same fucking thread from the other day.

You mean there's more Nuna porn? Because I'm always up for more Nuna porn, if you catch my drift.
>newfags can't comprehend or believe people like them can't just be fans of things that like talking about stuff they like

No, I've seen so many threads start with
>This is X dollars/X% off on {insert market here} anygood/opinions/lol
I've completely desensitized to it, people shill their favorite game during sales too.
my bad mean't to reply to >>343705417

I don't have any knowledge nuna pics sorry
See, you fucking retards, this:

>>This is X dollars/X% off on {insert market here} anygood/opinions/lol

is not this:
>just be fans of things that like talking about stuff they like

When you have recurring, daily (sometimes more than daily, ie multiple times per day) threads promoting not just a game but a sales event currently ongoing at some distribution platform, that's when the red flag should go up in your mind that the post you're reading and the person posting it are not genuine.
have you had any real friends suggest stuff to you before
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These threads are made by neogaf shitposters. Just look at previous indivisible threads. ctfl + f /pol/ in the threads
Pls go back to your containment website, or at a least to /vg/.
Yeah but they don't exclusively do it when there just so happens to be a sale about the thing, and they don't begin the conversation by informing me as to the exact price of the thing, and by linking me directly to the store where I can buy the thing.
read the thread and stop exaggerating

indivisible threads are rare
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Doesn't any team of 4 require Ajna?
Not in NG+.
well maybe you don't have autistic friends who don't know how to socialize well
He made the same fucking thread on thursday.
Game looks like shit.
If you want to play a real VP successor, a new one is getting localized in October.
Not the bonus dungeon, which we aren't getting.
>best design

what's so bad about /fit/ badass, blooddrummer guy?
Don't you dare send them there faggot. /pol/ shit getting banned is one of the few good things about /vg/
Glad to know your opinion is of no worth.
These threads are fueled and bumped by contrarian shitposters. You are the heart and soul of these threads.
>I-it's not shilling, h-haha, it's just autism! Everything is autism lol.
get out if you're talking about the mobile phone one
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I like Ajna but I'm sure it will be more fun to use everyone else.
People legit hating, rightfully so, on a despicable game does not equal contrarian shitposting.

That fast pace seems really off putting. What is the point of it being an RPG if you are just blitzing through encounters like that?
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yeah these based retards saved the thread from dying a couple times lmao
>trying this hard and making random assertions the whole time
shit image bro
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ctrl + f /pol/ 34 results
ctrl + f goober 3 results
I wonder who could be behind these threads
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Stop posting about Mariel. Leave her out of this you fucking virgins or else I will beat the shit out of you.
The game is extremely minor and deserves, at worst, to be ignored. You calling it "despicable" is hilariously hysterical and only proves my point that contrarianism is an additional motivation beyond simply not liking it.
Faggot if you think /v/ likes to sit here and listen to all those dank alt right redpill memes you can kindly fuck off back there
>where's muh turn based and five second flashing screen
JRPG fans are the worst. The slowness was one of the worst aspects of traditional JRPGs.
>calling out /pol/ makes you neogaf
Fuck off with your one extreme or the other bullshit. These threads get crossposted so hard it's asking to get called out.
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They are the people pushing this game on /v/ everytime. At a least wait until you have something new to post to shill your game.
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>IP count didn't go up
Same buttmad fag
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>IP count didn't go up
That combat looks so stupid in a platformer

Some of those encounters are seriously begun and ended in like two seconds. Seriously, what is the god damn point? Even shit like Earthbound and Wild Arms just lets you skip battles you out class that hard. But hey, you can mash out combos so that means its great, right?
Is this a Comix Zone ripoff?
>Even shit like Earthbound and Wild Arms just lets you skip battles you out class that hard
So does this though. That video is him choosing to enter those encounters.
Just play valkyrie profile lenneth.
Overleveled battles ended in a few seconds... after waiting a few seconds for the battle to begin and attacks to be selected. It was a terrible thing and this is a fix.
>Just play trash
>skip battles
You literally just jump over the monsters or otherwise avoid them, moron.
>Even shit like Earthbound and Wild Arms just lets you skip battles you out class that hard
>Even shit like Earthbound and Wild Arms just lets you skip battles you out class that hard
So does Indivisible, gee it's like the devs thought of everything!
At that point in the demo, you usually don't have all of the party members nor do they all have 3 turns to work with, and those enemies are particularly wimpy, health-wise, if I'm not mistaken.

And if a mob is weak enough, you can outright kill them without the encounter with non-encounter moves, based on the new footage we got today.
>buying a game made to please the entirety of tumblr and SJW's

Fuck off you are not welcome here
>poster count didn't rise
Thiat was literally my first time posting in this thread now please fuck off to where you came from
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new thread!
Nigga, start paying attention.
That combat system looks really fucking disgusting.
That would be here, so I can't exactly fuck off now can I?
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So go to where you belong which is definetly not here
Thread posts: 513
Thread images: 157

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